#and i relate to the kid sm
Clover's personality (in-depth)
This thing turned out way longer than intended. As promised, I wrote my opinions in regards to Clover's mbti; I also wanted to include the enneagram but figured it would be too much, so I'll do that separaretly. For those who wanna get straight to the point, just scroll to the end of the post for a pic of the functions I think Clover has. But if you want more details, read the whole thing. Probably not many people will wanna do that, but I had fun, lol. Please excuse me for nerding out
Even before they got into the Underground, Clover thought to themselves "Ok, this is a dangerous mountain and I ain't coming back, I'm probably gonna die and therefore not live to see the rest of my life play out BUT I'm gonna follow my values anyway. They're worth the risk." To me, right off the bat, that's Fi over Ti (aka inner values and morals over inner facts and logic).
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I've done some research on this stuff and found out how "Fi knows the value of something not by analyzing it but by feeling it deep inside themselves that it is how it should be" Ti has to be as objective as possible, Fi doesn't. So I sat down and thought about how exactly Clover approached situations.
I feel like their main reasoning for being in the Underground were their inner values and beliefs of finding out what happened to the children. That's why I'd say they're an introvert rather than an extrovert (it's not because they're quiet and reserved, although they are, but because Clover's inner world affects their outer world). Now, both Ti and Fi look inward, and those inner thoughts and feelings affect how they interact with the external world. The real question is: is Clover objective enough to be considered a dominant Ti user?
We can see in the Vengeance route that Clover is stubborn with their beliefs and refuses to look at things from a more... logical POV: "Asgore killed five humans. Is it fair to wipe out every other monster in my way who gives me even the slightest reason to do it?" Martlet was the only exception because she was the only one who had tried to be nice and understanding. Clover's dark side is that they're tunnel-visioned and see morality as black and white (don't look deeper as to WHY the monsters do what they do), and blindly follow their own beliefs over what objectively makes sense. Just like Ceroba, who I'm positive is a feeler (she only considers how she felt about Chujin and not how skilled of an engineer he actually was, even when there's clear proof he wasn't the best at his job). 
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Objectively, it's not fair to kill so many monsters after only five humans were killed. If Clover wanted fair vengeance, they would have stopped after five monsters were killed. But no. According to Clover's own logic, everyone morally imperfect, everyone who's hurt them, who tried to hurt them, or messed up somehow, must die. So, Clover isn't thinking about what makes sense; they're thinking about what makes sense to THEM, and stubbornly hold onto that till the end (again, like Ceroba), even after Martlet's warnings. She says how the Royal Guard will be after them.
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The logical (T) thing to do would be to STOP before things become even messier, but once again, no. Clover doesn't care about the consequences, only fulfilling their mission that is driven by their own set of values. No matter which route you choose, you will be presented with Clover's own version of what "justice" means. It's not the objective truth, it's not what's the logical thing to do; they follow their own framework based on their (our) choices.
"If unhealthy INFPs are dealing with threatened values or viewpoints that oppose their own, they can go the other way and imagine that others are all corrupt, thinking badly of them, and deluded. They may see themselves as the only people who see “the truth”, or the only people who really care to make a difference in the world. They can become especially harsh and critical of others and take on a martyr role, gradually secluding themselves from other people". - this feels like geno Clover; they thought they were the hero but they were playing the villain all along
Now that I think about it, the logical thing to do, the one that makes the most sense, would be never to have entered Mt. Ebott in the first place. And if vengeance was what Clover wanted to do, it is fair and makes objective sense to kill only five monsters (since that's how many humans died). But as explained, Clover didn't follow that logical conclusion, but rather their own twisted sense of justice. The same goes for neutral. It's Clover who chooses who gets to live and who gets to die based on their own beliefs and feelings, which are not backed up by facts. Everything they do they do because they themselves feel like it should be done. They are the one who decide who gets to live and who doesn't based on their own opinion/how severe they think the misdeed of the final boss is. This counts for the regular monsters who attack them, too; again, THEIR own subjective decision.
For example, they might see Dalv's actions as acceptable/forgiveable and spare him, but not Starlo's and kill him. Objectively, both characters are messy in their own way, but Clover gets to be the "judge" and decide their fate, not objectively looking at the situation, but subjectively. In short, according to them, Dalv may deserve to live, but not Starlo. 
And even if they're a dominant Ti user, which I don't think they are, Clover is more past and future-oriented than present-oriented (N over S). As mentioned, they thought about how much they'd risk by going down Mt. Ebott (potentially dying, and definitely never seeing the surface ever again, or their family) but they followed their heart's desires; to them, morals and ethics (their own morals and ethics) were more important than what the more logical thing to do was (stay on the surface where it's safe).
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In other words, they could already "predict" what would happen in the future, while in the present moment (the beginning of the journey).
And right before sacrificing their soul in pacifist, they think about how their death would affect ALL the monsters in the future, whether they had directly met and befriended them or not, even though they wouldn't be there to see it.
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Clover seems to be able to easily move between the past, present and future, unlike sensors, who are mainly in the present moment (this is what I've heard somewhere at some point and remembered it, dunno how true it is). They can easily recall the past, and what they remember are things that moved them on the inside.
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I've heard some of my friends say that Clover's character arc was to become a kinder person (develop their Fe), which, honestly, I don't think is the case. They simply acted on their inner views of what justice truly means, without further analyzing whatever they believed justice to be.
In pacifist, they're naturally selfless and kind and forgiving: a bit of a prankster, but they're one of "the best souls" according to Martlet. Just look at the ACT options that they used to befriend monsters. Quietly listens to Decibat, offers Dalv a handshake (and friendship), easily forgives Martlet, Starlo, and even Ceroba (+ gives her a hug), endures so many hardships yet keeps their heart pure and selfless. 
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They were always driven by something bigger than themselves (like Chujin, who I also think is a N user).
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ISTPs are more adventurous and independent and flexible and focused on current problems in the present moment; Clover has been future-oriented from the start; they depended on Toriel to take care of them, and didn't try to immediately "adapt" to the monster world. Their 1st reaction was to stay safe and cozy. ESTJs (yeah, at some point I thought Clover could be one) are more "ruthless" in their pursuits, they "force" others to adopt their inner values. Clover doesn't do this in any route; they simply act upon their own beliefs, but aren't demanding that other monsters to have those same beliefs.
That's why I think they're an INFP.
Fi (dominant) – "If something goes against their moral code, they will not go through with it." It went against Clover’s moral code to spare monsters in genocide and abort the mission, so they didn’t, regardless of Martlet’s warnings.
"Fi dominants are inclined to speak up against beliefs or actions that go against their personal values or express disapproval of certain behaviors." I can't find the screenshot, but in the Mines, if you interact with the character who's in the same room as one of the puzzles, Clover will find out how that character pulled a prank on that guy who later got a promotion in the pacifist end credits (I need to reply the game to find the screenshot). But basically Clover was upset that their own morals weren't met and gave them a "disapproving look" or smth
"Ti dominants most often feel compelled to speak out when people are acting inconsistent (ie: contradicting themselves) or when people are being illogical from the Ti user’s perspective." I think Clover reacted to the above situation as a Fi user
"Unlike Fe users, Fi users are very blunt and direct. Fi and Te creates a person who is brutally honest about their opinions and feelings. If they don’t like a person, they will let that person know." Not a person in this case, but an example of this are the options we get for Martlet's questionnaire. Clover will have no problem honestly giving her the lowest scores for both questions; we also also get the chance to honestly tell Ceroba that we're not into Starlo's training. There are these cases where they're direct as well:
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...and blunt:
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they would have given at least a smile or a thumbs up, but no, their honest opinion is their honest opinion
"They appear cold and withdrawn, but tend to warm up as they get to know a person."
Ne (auxiliary) – "Ne views a situation from multiple angles and motivations" I feel like this is best seen in pacifist; this is exactly why Clover decided to give up their soul in the end; they saw all the motivations of the monsters, from many different angles. On the flip side, in the vengeance route, it’s the complete opposite situation: Clover only looks at things from their own pov, completely disregarding others. That’s the thing about the INFP dark side: INFPs become "disillusioned or stuck in their ways." This 100% describes Clover at their worst: stuck in their ways is already explained, while we can say they were disillusioned when even Martlet turned against them/gave up on them (in Genocide). That was enough of a reason for Clover not to feel bad about finishing her off. They never liked her, but they definitely liked her more than anyone else, so I’d say it counts.
"Creative, open-minded, and able to think outside the box" We can say Clover’s creative when they build Axis’ robot companion, solved the two puzzles in the Mines, they’re also most likely into role-playing just like Starlo, based on their clothes (and they seemed into the whole larping thing with him), and how they seem to be into drawing; open-minded, definitely (Clover with everyone; the pacifist route in a nutshell); able to think outside the box (this goes hand in hand with them being creative: I forgot to mention the many creative ways they found to befriend monsters)
"Ne lives in the present like Se does but makes connections to past and future." Imo, this is exactly what Clover does (their sacrifice in the future, and all the things other monsters had said to them in the past; however, they DO interact with the present world at the same time. This is what I meant when I mentioned how they "jump from and connect all 3")
Si (tertiary) – "happy in their comfort zone" Is this Clover? Yeah. Initially, this was their "default" reaction/behavior: with Toriel. They subconsciously became more independent thanks to good old Flowey. As I said, their values led them to take the risk and come into the Underground in the first place, not adventure/excitement (the way I see it). Were they also seeking the truth? Yeah again, they wanted to know the truth behind the whole situation, but I think it had more to do with how they had found the fact that no other humans bothered to look for the kids immoral.
"Si users may draw on their past experiences to guide their present actions and decisions" Example, how the detailed lines they remembered everyone said in true pacifist, influenced them to make the decision to die in the present moment. Or when they asked Ceroba if she would date Starlo, after hearing and remembering Crestina mention his crush on her beforehand, wanting to set them up.
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"Si users have a strong memory for past experiences and details" Yep, explained above. Also, dunno if this counts as noticing details, but we can make them beat the Shufflers’ game with ease.
"Si users are typically practical and realistic in their approach to solving problems" The Snowdin mini-quests come to mind (although they use past information here too to figure out what each character needs to be helped). Also, how they fixed the elevator by using a pickaxe (most practical & realistic choice). They’re also pretty rational while dealing with Guardener, and in general, while dealing with enemies.
Te (inferior) – I guess this is why I suspected they could be an ESTJ.
"seen as leaders" By everyone.
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"Come up with ideas quickly" Pretty much throughout the game. They’re more low-key about this than ESTJs though.
"Ruthlss and domineering" This is them in vengeance route
"Extraverted Thinkers recognize the emotional content, but then they set it aside to focus on the facts" I feel like this inferior function of theirs is mostly seen in flawed pacifist. They recognized Ceroba’s emotional situation, but chose to be fair and just instead.
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"Te users are logical" Recognizing the dangers of the Underground and deciding to stay with Toriel. We can also say it makes sense that Clover attacked those who attacked them first, and finished Ceroba off (Te is what is objective, but from the external world)
"Though they are generally free spirits, they like to have a certain order in their lives. They do enjoy structure, just as long as it does not intrude with their feelings/morals/ethics/etc. They like to be the ones to create the structure, not to have the structure to be created for them."  Vengeance route and Clover’s "mission" come to mind. Basically, the structure is that, whoever Clover sees as morally flawed, gets to die. And they stick to it
tl;dr this picture pretty much explains the way I see Clover's functions in a nutshell ↓
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blaithnne · 7 months
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Menaces when they team up. Need to find a dynamic name I can tag them with that doesn’t sound shippy. Does Kaisen work
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fatuismooches · 9 months
Hello, so I didn’t see anything in you rules about like pregnancy/parenting so just sharing my brain rot, but feel free to delete this ask if it makes you uncomfortable!!
But, Smooches, as a little guy obsessed with genetics and science (planning on getting a degree in biology and other human sciences!!!ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧ (my love for dottore has made me more and more of a deranged scientist…)) I’m just thinking about the Harbingers and how strong/dominant their genes might be…
We’ve only seen one of Childe’s siblings (Teucer) but I imagine in genes are STRONG cause his brother is almost the same as him 😭😭 Like you guys have a kid and they have the same blue eyes and ginger hair as Childe!
I also think it would be funny to have a kid with Dottore. I personally believe his genes are actually pretty recessive, but it’s funny to imagine having a kid with him and they look so similar to him everyone thinks it’s another one of his clones! It’s not until they get older or maybe call Dottore ‘father’ or something that it clicks in everyone’s mind that they’re not a clone!
Also, so many of the Fatui Harbingers have multi-colored hair (Arlecchino, Pantalone, Pierrio, Childe and Scaramouche all having a lighter or darker streak. I assume Columbina’s is dyed?) Just imagine their kid inheriting that!!
Oughh… i know all the harbingers would probably be terrible parents but I wanna be all domestic and lovey with them so bad 😭😭 [📺]
UGH YES THIS IS VERY CUTE,,, I TOO AM THINKING ABOUT THIS NOW! But yeah, I guess I never really thought about it but, you are right they look super alike 😭. (But honestly, I wouldn't be surprised when we meet the rest of Childe's family in Snezhnaya, they all look the same purely because that's what is easiest for HYV 😭)
Having a kid with Childe would be like having a mini him around and he absolutely adores it. It would be funny if you two kept trying to have a mini you, but instead all you got was mini Childes running around the place. 😭 AND DOTTORE 😭 I love that no one realizes it's his actual kid because 1. he's not going out of his way to explain the whole situation and 2. no one is questioning the existence of another blue-haired red-eye rascal. (Though when some people *cough those three particular annoying Harbingers* start to get too close to his kid, his irritation is noticeable.)
I imagine their kid does inherit the hairstreak, but in a different part of their hair 🥹 (Also, Pantalone's and Childe's hair streaks make me WDBAHDABWDW i love it sm. But then again the angst hcs of Pantalone getting the gray streak from using his Delusion make me🥲)
Okay but just hear me out on them being parents!! 😤 Well it's obvious Dottore is... Dottore. He struggles to even be a good husband sometimes, so being a parent is... territory none of us can fathom. But, you know I like to think at the very least, he'll remember how he was treated as a kid when he looks at his child,,, especially if his child looks similar to him. Honestly, he leaves a lot of the actual early parenting to you because well,,, he is Dottore, he does not know how to do these kinds of things, his hands are not meant to raise and love. A lot of the time you have to force him to, and well a lot of the time he spends with his kid is them sitting on his lap while he dumps a lot of scientific facts on his child (trying his best to avoid any unethical ones) Really,, he does love his kid, but the way he shows it well,, will need a lot of work (he has a lot of time to improve though because he'll expand the life span of them as well 😅)
Childe, most obviously, would be a very good father if you ask me. He is a family man, he's taken care of his siblings for a long time, he knows exactly what to do not just for his kid but for you too. Despite how his job may keep him away for periods of time, he spends every ounce of free time that he can give away with his kid!! Pantalone too I think would be good, a lot of it stems from how he struggled a lot as a child and he can never imagine his own child ever going through the same as him,, so i can see him as a pretty good parent :3
See, Pierro has the potential to be a very good parent, however, his job literally consumes all of his time,,, like of course he wants to spend time with his kid! He wants to tell them all about his old home and teach them the history and all! But the Fatui, the Celestia, all of it is far too important for him to spend extended amounts of time with his kid. 💔 And he refuses to let his kid mess up their sleep schedule to spend them with him at ungodly hours of the night... 😭 Capitano, another one who has potential! Unfortunately, as much as you taught him how to be more human and how to love, dealing with a kid is a whole other situation that he has no clue how to navigate,, by all means, he wants to learn, he wants to be a good dad, but it's,, a lot for him. Also scared of hurting his kid because of how tiny they are compared to him,, 😭 When the kid gets older though he starts to settle more in though!
Scaramouche, well, it's canon he's fond of kids! He'll be yelling and insulting everyone else but the minute his kid stumbles into his office all of a sudden he's calm! But with all of his trauma and other stuff going on, he doesn't become a better parent until he becomes Wanderer,, it's then when he really devotes more attention to raising his kid. Also is unconsciously overprotective of his kid because of how he lost the little boy centuries ago, so at least they'll never be in harm's way!
Arlecchino already has experience parenting, though she has work to do in like... the emotional and bonding section. Though she holds her children in the orphanage in a fond light, she still keeps them at arm's length because they are her soldiers... but she loves her kid very much!! Columbina is like, the fun parent, you're the one doing the discipline,, She is the one who loves to dress up your kid,, the one who probably lets them get away not eating their veggies 😭 But she is very very scary when she's mad so your kid knows not to get on her bad side!! Also good at putting the kid to sleep with her singing! Sandrone- well... kind of similar to Dottore. You and her child are the only two people she likes. But she also struggles a lot, and leaves a lot of parenting up to you,, though she and her robots keep a very watchful eye on the kid, she does not want them getting hurt with all the things around her lab! She ends up gaining more confidence when she finds out her kid likes to be in her lab during robot rides 🥹 Signora, I can also see being a pretty good parent! She just gives that vibe! I like to think she also has somewhat of a soft spot for kids! She loves taking care of her kid and watching them grow up :3
(Good luck with pursuing your degree btw! All of that sounds quite cool and I wish you all the best :3)
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holdfastperseus · 9 months
Percy being..well Himself
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doodlboy · 1 year
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Hello, Neighbor!
[Transcript Below]
"The tiniest neighbor in Welcome Home, Pallomine Playful has plenty to learn! They never grew out of their baby-face, nor the curious and excitable attitude that came with it. While they may not always be able to sing along with their neighbors, their trusty crayons are there to spell out the rest."
According to uncovered scripts, Pallomine seems to be an infrequent visitor to Home. Something akin to a special guest character, not much is known so far.
In the show, it seems Pallomine was introduced to cover more sensitive topics such as getting hurt or a fear of thunderstorms. It is also of note that they are often depicted having a sweet tooth.
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blu-ish · 7 months
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It was Eggman's most ingenious plan yet. And it didn't even require breaking the world apart! Everything was set into place. All under the watchful eye of his old colleague, Agent Stone.
Dr. Eggman was--to put it lightly, old. His creations, zany, more than usual. His mind... t h e r e.
But his plan would work, it HAD to work... because if it didn't, he knew he wouldn't have it in him to try again. "It's been too long..." Sage would whisper, "Please, rest."
Stone never told him to quit, Stone continued to encourage him. Stone... wanted him to succeed.
So where did it all go wrong?
This AU takes place in the somewhat distant future; around 20 years.
Sonic is now in his "prime times" as he likes to call them. After his last scrap with the egghead left him... well, without a leg. He really took a "step" back to revaluate his life choices. And figure out more leg puns to cope--
You see, Eggman was.. losing it, everyone noticed; and to the surprise of some, Sonic wanted to help him. To let him down easy, to offer him help to live the rest of his life honestly...
He didn't want--
He was so sure he would've never needed too... but--
He killed him.
It was an accident. He killed him. He killed someone. He didn't mean too, please, please, please.
The world cheered. He promised, he promised, he promised, HE PROMISED H E R.
Sonic was no tech wizz, but he faintly remembers Tails mentioning something about the whole egg network shutting down not soon after his defeat, DEATH. All the badniks he grew up scrapping shut down. Every single one. I'm so sorry Omega, Tails will think of something.
Eggman saw how the chaos emeralds teleported the Ark away from the Earth all those years ago. So he planned to do it again, this time, he would teleport the Earth itself, from the safety of his egg fleet, from the ARK. If any of the world leaders refused his rule, then the Earth would simply blip away.
It was insane.
Sonic should've known it was a trap.
But it was too late.
He was trapped. He was scared.
He couldn't let the chaos emeralds fall into his hands. his cold hands.
So Sonic shattered them.
And he fell. Along with the airship above him, along with the cannon, along with pieces of the ARK. Along with the feeling in his left leg. Everything was gone.
Shadow was there, holding Sonic after he fell from space, like if he let go Sonic would vanish. He'd never seen his rival so, s c a r e d. Asking why, how he could be so foolish.
There were a lot of things left unsaid that day.
He felt lost.
The chaos emeralds were destroyed, with no temples to revive them, they were drained of all their energy and thrown away like worthless pebbles by anyone who were too naive to know what they truly hold.
Agent Stone knew better though.
Like the doctor, he wasn't too good with... biological engineering.
Trust him when he says he's looked, endlessly for any other option.
But alas, the Gaia manuscripts... the Echidnas... Chaos...
All sing the same tune.
The emeralds needed a living vessel to survive.
How bothersome.
With the network shut down and no time to revive her it right now, he looked for a more suitable option.
Luckily G.U.N had some spare scientists he could, "borrow".
Dr. Sunniside was more than eager to assist, not like her life was on the line or anything. She found the project fascinating, as well as terrifying.
When word got out that she had collected a singular emerald that still contained whatever little chaos power was left. The last thing she thought was a well dressed "gentleman" kidnapping her and her team; forcing them to stay in their own forsaken lab in the middle of nowhere-- to create a biological creature that could potentially restore the other 6... wherever they were.
Why did he need them?
She wasn't getting paid to ask, not like she was getting paid at all. Besides getting to live she supposed.
G.U.N had disbanded prior to whatever mess the world had found itself in yet again, her skills and intellect were "going to waste" as her new boss said it. Was anyone looking for them? Too many questions, not enough answers. Too little time...
They had no idea where to start, she knew Mobians themselves had a somewhat natural pull towards chaos energy. So they would start from there. And hope for the best results.
Six failed attempts, and they were running out of supplies; out of whatever DNA they were given.
The semantics they were able to "borrow" from within what little worked of G.U.N's internal database, held familiar blueprints for a similar experiment.. ironically enough. Though old and unclear, it did hold a lot of research into something called chaos drives.
It took a couple years to perfect, but Dr. Sunniside and her team were able to mimic these drives to power whatever was left of the lab. And hopefully used on the project.
He was getting impatient.
She wasn't sure what to do with what she was given.
A broken, robot?
She remembered seeing the wreckage live, the colossal pieces of advanced technology falling to the ground.
Nothing should have survived that explosion, much less be minorly intact.
Yet here it was, a oddly mobian shaped robot with blue chipped paint. Complete with a missing left leg. Must've been whatever was left of Robotnik's tech. Of course by now she had already pieced together Agent Stones her boss is involvement, as well as the metal robot.
She just wanted to go home.
It was almost impossible to turn it on, the metal mobian seemed to run on a very specific network; one that was strictly turned off.
With whatever little power they were able to divert to force its databank to work, Dr.Sunniside and her team had finally found the answer to all their problems.
Encrypted Biodata.
There were two instances, from what they could tell, where this machine copied living creatures biodata. Mobian biodata. Complete with the biological overlay they could use to create a stable lifeform.
The amount of chaos energy the machine had previously been able to withstand with the biodata was incredible.
No DNA required, it would be a copy.
This was their key out of here.
The 7th experiment was a success.
It survived. When the infant was introduced to long exposure to the chaos emerald, it was able to handle the power extremely well; just like she predicted.
They deemed the lifeform, Selene. Regular updates were given to Stone as requested.
It took 5 years for Selene's development, the child was hedgehog in appearance, taking on the same green hue that the emerald gave off. The emerald used whatever was left of its energy to give its life to Selene.
The infant was given ring like bracelets that would work as cuffs in case of a emergency. They were magnetic in design, and when activated would stick its wearer to the metal walls that made up the lab. It was for her own good.
Next, she was handed her first sets of chaos drives.
She was told to absorb the chaos drives energy, and then redistribute it back. Selene had minor difficultly understanding, but adapted fast. As the years went on, she grew only more curious, asked more questions.. endless questions.
Where did she come from? Here, at home.
Why? Because she would do amazing things of course.
Like a superhero? Yes, exactly.
Dr. Sunniside didn't want to admit it, but she grew fond of the child. She missed her own. Her team grew tired, anxious, and Selene seemed to take notice. Dr. Sunniside knew the little one meant well, but the others didn't see her that way. They were trapped because of her.
It was the 8th year, that Stone finally requested a final update before he would come and arrange for everyone's release after he was handed the experiment. They silently cheered, they would not say a word, they wouldn't say a word.
Dr. Sunniside knew better.
Selene wanted to be just like the superhero's she watched on her tablet. The tablet she totally didn't take from the storage room and wasn't secretly using to watch videos of things outside her home. Her tablet was only able to show nature documentary's and the News for some reason, but she thought it was awesome!
Her favorite one was the blue hedgehog, like her! He was so cool. He would travel around the world meeting all sorts of people, he put a smile on everyone's faces!
She just wished she could do the same with her friends here. They didn't seem happy. They didn't like her. She wanted to be liked. It's not fair.
Every day was the same, chaos drive this and testing that. It was so.. repetitive. I mean, she thought she would always want to help the doctor, and she did! Doctor Sunniside said she was helping people, she wanted to help, like him!
She just wished she could go outside, it looked nice.
Her pretty bracelets itched constantly, but she couldn't take them off, because Doctor Sunniside said that would be naughty. Selene was a good girl, good girls listened. She knew that.
But she didn't always listen.. so she continued watching all these videos, learning all these cool things. Because what else could she do.
Each chaos drive gave Selene a boost of energy, just think what her reaction could be to restoring the chaos emeralds themselves?
Red chaos drives would improve her strength. It was given to her in moderation.
Yellow would improve her swimming ability. She didn't like to go too deep though..
Purple would increase her jump height, and distance.
Green was the most reactive, that would increase her speed. She was incredibly fast, she couldn't control it.
Each time she absorbed these drives, she wasn't always able to return the power, she struggled to restore them. She said it made her cuffs bracelets itch.
Her quills themselves would also react strangely to the chaos drives, they were naturally green because of the chaos emerald. But would momentarily change color given the specific chaos drive absorbed, fascinating.
It wouldn't be long now.
The fools.
Stone sneered, staring at the wreckage of the lab. When he asked those goons to destroy the evidence everyone included he SPECIFICALLY said AFTER he had collected the project.
Now look at this mess.
He just hoped they hadn't damaged a certain part of the lab too much. He would need it to track down his investment. It better be alive.
Whatever was left of the Metal Sonic would have to do, he should've never left him here with these animals. But, beggars can't be choosers he supposed... once his years of work restoring the network was completed, and retrieving his missing piece, everything would be set into Stone.
For the return of the empire.
Sonic wasn't expecting to find a kid out in the middle of the forest. But yet here we are.
She looked pretty rough, heck, it was like if the kid just escaped an explosion. He couldn't see any sign of one though..
The kid had stars in her eyes looking at him, nothing he wasn't already used to. The kiddos tended to be that way around him.
After a lot of head nods of yes's and no's.. Sonic put together that she was most definitely alone out here. Go figure.
No parents, no family, she seemed out of it. But whatever it was would have to wait, he wasn't just gonna leave a kid out here alone. He knew what that felt like all too well growing up.. man, she had to be around the same age Tails was all those years ago.
Sonic knew he and Shadow never talked about kids.. but its not like he was gonna keep her or anything. Yep nope totally not, he has never once gotten attached to a kid and raised them. Besides, Shads was out doing whatever, he hasn't seen his husband in a few months and it's not like they had a house.
They might've been legally married, but hell they weren't anything close to your average married couple. He loved it though, it worked for them both, with Shadow and Sonic out free to do whatever. He couldn't wait to see him again though.. he guessed he could always explain the random kid later. Oh well!
After taking the kid, who said her name was Selene, to Tails workshop. It took one explanation later for his lil brother genius to take a look at her, they needed to make sure she was alright after all.
Selene stayed relatively quiet for the most part, but slowly started asking all these questions, Tails happily giving her the answers.
The fox had labs almost everywhere around the globe, and traveled just as much as Sonic does.. it took some getting used to, but no matter how far away or tall the fox got, he would always be his kid. As he reminds him constantly for the hedgehogs own amusement.
After Eggman... vanished. His eggtech was left scattered wherever they were last placed or used, Tails had started a movement with some of his fellow "brainiacs" to reuse the badniks for helpful purposes and to reduce less waste. I mean they did see how self sufficient egg tech could be when freed from eggmans clutches.. like all those years ago on scrapnik island when they were kids. It took a while to earn public trust, but everything stayed smooth so far.
After a through check up, Tails said Selene suffered some minor cuts, bruises and burns but nothing serious. When asked again about what had happened.. Selene refused to answer, so they didn't pry. As long as the kids alright.
Tails had asked Sonic while Selene explored outside, what he planned to do. Sonic wasn't sure himself, it's not like the world was being constantly threated by some super evil weirdo anymore, besides the less super genius evil ones he's stopped now and again.
He guess it wouldn't hurt to take the lil one under his wing, until they found her a good home of course. It's not like he had no experience with taking care of a kid before. And he turned out pretty great in his professional opinion!
Tails agreed, while he didn't find anything wrong with Selene at first, he did have a funny feeling that there was more to her than she was letting on. Better to keep an eye just to be safe.
Shadow was not expecting his meet up with Sonic to include a child. Yet here we are.
He had quit working for G.U.N years ago, soon after they disbanded. A small force was still allowed to operate under certain conditions, but it seemed like a lost cause to the hybrid.
Rouge still worked for them, he couldn't figure out why, she always complained back when they were younger how annoying she found them. Not to mention the history..
It was none of his business he supposed.
He does favors here and there for her, its the least he could do for, who he considers.. family. It took him a long time to consider anyone that.
He guessed time did change him.
Sonic and him had tied the knot years ago, they honestly didn't feel like ever getting married. Not due to anything specifically, but Shadow felt like they would just be repeating what they had already felt for each other.. why did everyone have to see it?
But, alas.. they were convinced, Sonic thought it would be funny to get married. Their family was overjoyed to attend, and it wasn't like Shadow got super into it and planned everything; the seating, venue, food, pictures, and--
Okay whatever it was fun he guessed.
He loved that idiot, more than his younger self ever imagined he would've..
He didn't want to leave his side after that incident.. Sonic was bedridden for what seemed like years to the blue blur. Shadow was devastated to see his husband so.. helpless. He should've been there, he should've been faster, why...
The couple always had endless hours of catching up to do when they finally met up, little did he know that came with a kid.
Shadow gave Sonic a firm brow, and after a hasty explanation of the situation. The hybrid was, confused.
The child, Selene. Gave off a strange energy, he wasn't sure if Sonic had felt it too. But something seemed.. off.
After a few days of private discussion, after camping out with her. They decided it was for the best they kept her, for now of course.
Shadow would only stay for the next month or so, G.U.N was going crazy with some accident that happened. Wouldn't be the first time he supposed.. but it sounded bad. Real bad, and he couldn't shake that feeling that it was more, way more than he realized.
Selene couldn't believe it. She was outside, and it was even better than on the screen.
The grass was greener, the air was fresher, the ground was softer-- in some areas at least with.. what was it called? DIRT! Yeah! Dirt.
The next thing she couldn't believe was her luck, her role model had found her! He knew everything. He'd be able to help her! But...
she did something bad.. very bad, and now they were gone.. she hoped they were okay.. She tried to help, why couldn't she move, why was she stuck, who were those people...--
It wasn't very hero like...
His name was Sonic, and he was even cooler in person. She had already met all sorts of people, she couldn't wait to tell the doctor all about it when she finds her again.
Sonic had a super special partner too, named Shadow. She liked his stripes. They offered to take care of her for the time being, it was like she was dreaming.
But she needed to focus, she needed to find out what happened. She would need to tell them.. but, maybe not right now..
For now though, she wanted to see everything! Experience it all! She never felt more free, even more than when her bracelets fell off when she ran away from the rubble.
This was only the beginning.
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jameswilsonsupremacy · 6 months
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potential future tattoo??? (but without words just bc a lot of my planned future tattoos have words and apparently it’s Not Cool to have a bunch of words on your body instead of images)
House MD enjoyers, what are ur thoughts?
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leviiackrman · 3 months
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SIMS 4 OC LOOKBOOK: The Olalias - Mumma Gigi, Toya Todoroki Olalia (13), Keigo Takami Olalia (11) & Tenko Shimura Olalia (5)
Next up on the sims oc spam is my gal Gigi and her gorgeous adopted boys! I’ll be making their v messy apartment soon (and maybe rei, kazuki & miri) but for now enjoy their outfits! I’m obsessed with the hair for Tenko cus it’s so. perfect. Anyway lemme know which is your favourite! (Context: the boys are a crossover from mha - so if they look familiar, thats deliberate hehe. The trauma boys needed a happy childhood au)
Ackermans || Rikihisas || Enatsu || Kyutoku
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @bbrocklesnar @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @nokstella @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @alexxmason @fenharel @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @a-treides @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe
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twindenial · 6 days
unforch ive realized ive gone to the darkside when it comes to the topic of gatekeeping and being pretentious over a creative work
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magentagalaxies · 6 months
also idk why that last post reminded me of one of my favorite bellini fun facts which he shared in the podcast he co-hosted with scott back in like 2013 which is that he never played "rock, paper, scissors" until he was in his late 40s??? like he'd never learned how to and he was like "if i saw someone doing that i would leave a room. i don't need an extra thing to learn today" honestly king behaviour
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
I am but a measly 2:00:15 into the genre-defining "Riku is Gay" video, but like. Damn, Tennelle Flowers is a cinematic genius. I've remained so thoroughly enthralled by the tasteful spacing of audio commentary, clips from the games, and excerpts from the novels/writer interviews that I've hardly even noticed the time passing. What is this video laced with, man- I love video essays, but usually I have to rewind a gazillion times due to my attention slipping against my will.
That collage of comparison clips from KH2 Beast's arc and Riku's KH1-KH2 arc is killing me, man. Ever wish you could tattoo a part of a video to your forehead? Apparently, now I do.
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randomminty · 8 months
Thoughts on Grimsley from BW?
Love the lore they give him that never gets expanded on Yeah his rich family fell into ruin Yeah its resulted in a gambling addiction Whatever. Hes in alola now and he can surf
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mango-ribs · 2 years
Me: Btw I rolepla-
Every prey in a 50 mile radius:
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wtfjuliyn · 5 months
yughhh i did an art trade with @toxic-foolhalo-yuri xp
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figurativesin · 10 months
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havent drawn these two in a hot minute so i spent ~4hours remedying that. they turned out so cuuute 💕
OCs, any pronouns for raphael and he/she/they for bria
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tariah23 · 8 months
If look back is getting a movie fr, I swear I’m gonna start bawling rn
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