#and i understand x's success vs ix's
littlestarxmilkyway · 11 months
So Ever Crisis now has a FFIX collab, and WotV is celebrating its fourth anniversary with a FFIX collab. Between these and everything else on the Nvidia leak coming true, I actually feel like the rumored remake will actually come to fruition.
I've been anxious over a potential remake though. I can't think of who at SQEX would even be right to lead that project anymore. Is anyone who was a creative lead on it even there anymore? At least Itahana is there for art and/or character design. Hopefully! If they let him!! (Not the same, but he's the last bit of IX will I can think of.) But besides that angle, what and who is there?
Even imagining Square making it a Playstation exclusive just makes me so sad, because it's something I can see them doing. (Praying it won't be PS5 exclusive at the very least! That certainly didn't help XVI!)
As much as I felt all that, I've been pleasantly surprised by SO2's remake, and I'm hoping the IX remake would be shown that same level of care and detail.
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psychic4901 · 7 months
Unveiling the Mysteries of Pet Psychics in Denver
Pet owners often share a unique bond with their furry friends, and sometimes, seeking a deeper understanding of their pets' thoughts and feelings becomes a quest. This has given rise to the intriguing world of pet psychics, individuals with the ability to communicate with animals on a profound level. In this article, we'll explore the fascinating realm of pet psychics in Denver, shedding light on their practices, benefits, and the growing interest in this unconventional field. psychic denver
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I. Introduction Pet psychic abilities may sound mystical, but at their core, they involve tapping into the energy and emotions of animals. What exactly is a pet psychic, and how do they perceive the unspoken language of our beloved pets?
II. Understanding Pet Communication Delving into the process, we'll uncover how pet psychics connect with animals and interpret their signals. From telepathy to energy readings, the methods employed in pet psychic sessions are as diverse as the pets themselves.
III. Benefits of Consulting a Pet Psychic Discover the emotional insights and behavioral understandings that pet psychics provide, fostering a deeper connection between pet owners and their furry companions.
IV. Finding a Reputable Pet Psychic in Denver For those curious about consulting a pet psychic, this section guides readers on researching credentials, checking client testimonials, and ensuring a positive and ethical experience.
V. Common Misconceptions about Pet Psychics Separating fact from fiction, we address prevalent myths surrounding pet psychics and unveil the truth behind their abilities.
VI. Real-Life Pet Psychic Stories Embark on a journey through heartwarming real-life experiences, where pet psychics have made a significant impact on the lives of pets and their owners.
VII. How to Prepare for a Pet Psychic Session Offering practical tips for pet owners, this section outlines the steps to make the most of a pet psychic reading, ensuring a meaningful and enriching experience.
VIII. The Growing Popularity of Pet Psychics in Denver Explore the shift in perspectives as more Denver residents turn to pet psychics, seeking a holistic approach to understanding and caring for their pets.
IX. Skepticism Surrounding Pet Psychics Addressing doubts head-on, we analyze the skepticism surrounding pet psychics, providing a balanced view for readers to make informed decisions.
X. Ethical Considerations in Pet Psychic Readings Highlighting the importance of respecting animals during psychic sessions, we delve into the ethical considerations that guide pet psychics in their practice.
XI. Case Studies: Successful Pet Psychic Sessions Examine real case studies showcasing the transformative impact of pet psychic readings on pets' behaviors and overall well-being.
XII. The Role of Intuition in Pet Psychic Readings Uncover the role of intuition in forging a strong connection with animals, as pet psychics navigate the uncharted waters of non-verbal communication.
XIII. Pet Psychic vs. Traditional Veterinary Care Drawing comparisons, we explore how pet psychics and traditional veterinary care can coexist harmoniously, offering complementary approaches to pet wellness.
XIV. Integrating Pet Psychic Sessions into Pet Wellness Plans As holistic pet care gains traction, we discuss the integration of pet psychic sessions into comprehensive pet wellness plans, promoting a balanced approach to pet health.
XV. Conclusion In the final section, we encourage readers to embrace the unseen bond between humans and animals, recognizing the potential for deeper connections through the unique practice of pet psychic readings.
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mamthew · 4 years
A Final Fantasy Ranking
Over the course of the quarantine, and because I had such a good time with the Final Fantasy VII Remake, I've ended up blazing through a ton of Final Fantasy games. Since April, I've played IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, and XIII. 6, 7, 9, and 10 I'd beaten before. 4, 12, and 13 I'd played to some capacity before. 5 and 8 were completely new experiences. I had no interest in going further back than IV, since it was the first one to really put any effort into character work, and I didn't play either MMO because MMOs don't really appeal to me (I'm planning to try XIV whenever this new update drops that makes the story mode more accessible, but it keeps getting pushed back so oh well). I also didn't replay XV because I've played XV three times and watched other people play it in its entirety twice, so I have a much better handle on it than any other game in the series.
Anyway, I didn't really have any plans for what I'd do with this, besides get a better understanding of the series as a whole, but I was kinda inspired to do my own Final Fantasy ranking. I'll probably be a bit more detailed than I should be because I tend to overanalyze my media and end up having too much to say. I’m actually not placing VII Remake in this ranking half because I regard it as a spinoff and half because it’s not yet a complete story, even though Part 1 is unquestionably a complete game. If I were to put it somewhere, it would probably be close to the top, possibly even in second place. Also worth noting that this is gonna have SPOILERS for every game I discuss here. I really just wanna use this as a place to nail down some of my thoughts on these games, so they’re pretty stream of consciousness and I didn’t bother avoiding any details from the plots.
10: Final Fantasy VIII.
I don’t think there’s another game in the series with a more obvious corporate hand in it than VIII. It’s kinda the Fant4stic of FF games; there are the bones of a substantive game in there somewhere, but every aspect of the game is such a bald attempt at checking off a 1999 list of “things gamers want” that the whole affair feels hollow and sickening. A major trend I’ve noticed throughout this series is the extent to which FFVII’s success pushed the architects of almost every subsequent game to try to recapture whatever it was that worked about VII, and VIII got the worst of it. It’s got the sullen guy with a special sword. It’s got the sci-fi. It’s got the terrorists with hearts of gold fighting against an oppressive state. It’s got the train scenes. It’s got the case(s) of amnesia that hides the true premise of the story. It’s got the ability to give any character any loadout.
Besides that, they kinda crammed in just a bunch of stuff popular with kids at the time. Jurassic Park? It’s in there. Beauty and the Beast? Here’s the ballroom scene. Hunchback of Notre Dame? Here’s that carnival. Alien? Now you’re alone on a spaceship running away from a horror monster. Saving Private Ryan? The party shares brains with war veterans and dreams of their experiences at war I guess. Half of anime? It’s all about a high school for mercenaries and the party is trying to get back in time for the school festival.  Fandom culture? Zines are a collectible item, and each one you find adds an update to Selphie's Geocities page. It also has astronauts, and transformers, and a haunted castle, and a prison break, and Rome, and Alpine Wakanda, and war crimes, and lion cubs that have attained enlightenment, and there’s almost no connective tissue from one idea to the next.
Also the junction system is convoluted and terrible, using magic makes your stats worse, all enemies level up every time you do, and I couldn’t tell you which character excelled in what stats. The characters were all very flat, and the first time I felt like I was seeing the characters interact in ways that helped me to understand them was in the cutscene that plays during the end credits.
Also the female lead’s role in the story changes entirely with no warning every five hours or so. She’s a terrorist, oh no she’s aristocracy in the country she’s terroristing against, oh no she’s jealous of the others because they grew up together and she didn’t, oh no she’s Sandra Bullock in Gravity, oh no she’s the villain and it’s too dangerous to let her out, oh no it’s actually fine and they were bad for locking her up.
It’s an absolute disaster of a game. However, the music and background art is absolutely beautiful. Maybe they never gave me a good enough reason to be in an evil time traveling haunted castle, but damn is it a gorgeous rendering of an evil time traveling haunted castle.
9: Final Fantasy XII.
I’ve known for years that FFXII had issues in development. The writers came up with a story for it, and execs got scared because there were no young characters and they’d convinced themselves that young protagonists are what makes games sell. So two more characters - Vaan and Penelo - were added, one was framed as the protagonist of the story, and the entire story was rewritten so it could feasibly be from his perspective.
While the two characters they added are egregiously tangential to the plot, XII honestly has no protagonist. The writers originally wanted Basch to be the protagonist, but his entire arc is really just following Ashe around and being sad about his evil twin. Ashe is probably the most important to the story, but doesn’t have much presence for a good chunk of the story, and makes her most character-defining choice offscreen before having it stolen from her by a side character. Balthier has the largest presence in the story, and is most closely related to most of the events of the story, but has pretty much no role in the ending.
Honestly, if I were writing FFXII and told it needed a young protagonist, I would have aged up and expanded the role of Larsa, the brother of the main villain, who shows up as a temporary party member from time to time. The entire game is about family ties, and a journey spotlighting Larsa could have involved his learning about Ashe, Basch, Balthier and Fran’s family situations and using their experiences to grapple with his own. Damn, now I’m sitting here thinking about how good that could have been.
As it is, the game feels disjointed and aimless, and the ending is so bad it’s farcical. When I reached the ending, I watched Basch and Ashe forgive Basch’s evil twin for his villainy rampage, harking back to the moment earlier in the game when Ashe turned down the chance to gain powers that would have allowed her to avenge her country because she realized that those powers could also drive her to hurt innocents in the crossfire. In this moment, I realized how Vaan fit in as the protagonist of the game. “Oh, he’s going to realize that violence begets violence, and that he must break the cycle by forgiving Vayne for the death of his brother. He’s going to let go of that hatred he’s been trying to push onto someone for so long, and it’ll finally allow him to heal.” I realized that even though the road to this point was rocky, the writers had managed to craft a satisfying ending from the seemingly disparate pieces of this uneven plot.
And then Vaan picked up a sword and screamed AAAAAAAAAAA and charged Vayne down and stabbed him, and Vayne turned into a shrapnel robot dragon and exploded all the star wars ships and I threw my controller aside and laughed uncontrollably while my characters beat him up and completed the game on their own without any further input from me.
Oh yeah, the battle system is also incredibly boring. Instead of battling, the player writes up an AI script for each character, then lets them act based on those scripts. I would straight up put the controller down and watch youtube videos whenever a group of enemies showed up. I was pretty excited about the job system, but then there didn’t really feel like much of a difference between jobs, and my characters all behaved pretty much the same as each other.
The hands-off battle system, unfocused story, lethargic voice acting, and tuneless music all left me pretty uninvested in the whole affair. The art style and locations are beautiful, though, and it did make me want to eventually check out some of the Tactics games, which take place in the same universe but are supposed to have excellent stories and gameplay.
8: Final Fantasy XIII.
I’m not sure I’ve ever had two such opposing opinions of a game’s story vs. its gameplay. This game is the only one that plays with a bunch of story elements from FFIX, which did a lot to endear it to me. It’s sort of a game in which the protagonists are Kuja, the villain of IX. Like Kuja, they are created as tools by an uncaring god for the purpose of fighting against one world on behalf of another world, and are subsequently forced to grapple with the horrors of having an artificially shortened lifespan.
The story actually has a lot of Leftist themes, too. The gods of that universe spread ideology among the populace, and the people unquestioningly believe these false stories, as the gods have provided for them for as long as there has been written history. Much of the character arcs center on the characters being forcibly removed from their places within those ideological frameworks and having to unlearn what they’d always believed to be objectively true about the world.
So the story actually is pretty good, but it’s held back by some really clumsy storytelling; it constantly uses undefined jargon, has almost no side characters with which it might flesh out the world, actively fights against players trying to glean information from environmental details, and maintains (at least for me) a weird disconnect between the characters in the gameplay and the characters in the cutscenes. I think this partly stems from Square’s original failed plan for FFXIII to be the first game in a much larger series of games sharing themes and major story details. Despite these issues, however, the characters are all likeable and (mostly) believable, and their interactions are grounded in real emotional weight even while their universe feels intangible.
This all got dragged down by the gameplay, which is total dogshit. It’s got the worst battle system I think I’ve seen in an RPG. The game only stops being doggedly, unflinchingly linear about thirty hours in, the whole game took me about fifty hours, and I spent the last fifteen hours beating my head against each individual battle, waiting until the system hiccuped long enough to accidentally slide me a win. That meant I had about a five hour window of euphoric play, convinced that I actually loved this game, thrilled with every new experience it gave me, and excited to see what would happen next. I guess those five hours are what pushed this game over XII in my ranking.
7: Final Fantasy V.
Until FFXV, this game was the last of the “Warriors of Light” games, in which the game follows a party of four set characters for its entirety. To this day, it’s the last of the “Warriors of Light” games to let the player customize which character holds which roles through the job system.
FFV’s job system is the reason to play the game. Its story is mediocre, and its characters are all fairly flat, but there’s something viscerally satisfying about building party members up in jobs that might enhance the role they ultimately will fill. For my mage character, I maxed out Black Mage, Blue Mage, Mystic Knight, Summoner, and Geomancer. Then at the end, I switched her to a Freelancer with Black Magic and Summoning, and she kept all the passive skills for those jobs and also the highest stats across those jobs.
It was super fun and kind of a shift of focus for me, since I tend to place story above anything else in games. Despite the story not being special, though, the game’s writing is actually a ton of fun. It’s definitely got the most comic relief in the series, and I came away loving Gilgamesh as much as everyone else does.
And while it’s nothing special graphically, it does have some really cool enemy designs, and the final boss design is one of the most memorable ones they’ve ever done. Which is impressive because I keep having to look up Exdeath’s name because the character himself is super forgettable.
6: Final Fantasy IV.
This wasn’t the first game in the series to feature actual characters with names and depth, but I have no interest in playing FFII, so it might as well be. I actually played the DS Remake for this game, so it definitely had some quality of life improvements, like full 3d characters and maps, voice acting, an updated script, the ability to actually see the ATB gauge, and the ability to switch to other characters whose turns are ready without using a turn.
Apparently one thing the remake didn’t do was rebalance the difficulty for more modern sensibilities. Instead, this remake is...harder? It requires more grinding than the original? Why??
Either way, though, the story is actually solid! The game opens on its protagonist, Cecil, committing a war crime on the orders of his king, who raised him as a child. The first ten hours of so of the game follows Cecil as he tries to understand why he was ordered to kill so many innocents, turns his back on his country, and works to redeem himself.
This arc is reinforced by the game mechanics, too, which is super clever. His redemption is marked by a change in job from a Dark Knight to a Paladin, which also resets his level. For a time, his life is considerably harder because he’s finding his footing as a new person, which is marked by battles which had been easy becoming much harder for the player for a time.
This game places storytelling over gameplay more than I think any other game in the series. Each character is locked into a job, which I much prefer in my RPGs to games where characters function pretty much interchangeably. I dunno if it’s because I cut my RPG teeth on Tales, but it really bugs me when I can give Tifa the exact same loadout as Barret. I want the lives of the characters to bleed into their functions as gameplay devices.
However, the developers clearly had a ton of different jobs they wanted to add to their game, but hadn’t figured out how to allow for the player to switch in and out party members in standby. To fix this, they increased the in-battle party to five characters rather than or four (or the later constantly frustrating three), rotated the roster a ton, and had a ton of characters who straight up leave permanently. One character dies and never comes back. Two characters die and only are revived after it’s too late to rejoin the party. Four characters end up too injured to continue traveling.
This let the developers make a ton of jobs, but it doesn’t let the player exploit these jobs to their fullest. Characters’ stats reflect their role in the story, as well. One character is quickly aging out of adventuring, so his magic stats increase on levels, but his attack and defense stats actually decrease, signifying his failing body. Another character has already achieved some form of enlightenment, so he gains no stats when he levels up at all. The purpose of IV is the story, over any other aspect of the game, which makes it even more mindboggling that the remake would have increased the difficulty.
Besides that, the biggest issue I had with this game was the overbearing constant drama of it. While there were a few more lighthearted parts, they were mostly relegated to NPC dialogue and sidequests. The characters in this game don’t become friends so much as they become companions who bonded over shared tragedies, and this makes for quite a few scenes of every character separately wallowing in their own immeasurable sadness. I played FFV directly after this game and the light story and jokey dialogue was a much-needed palette cleanser.
5: Final Fantasy VI.
Before the unexpected success of FFVII irreparably changed the franchise, Square constantly mixed up the story formula for the series. IV, V and VI all handled their stories really differently from each other, and what I remember of III also felt fairly different from the games that came after.
Every game from VII on had a very clear protagonist (except XII, whose botched protagonist was still clearly marketed as the protagonist). The concept of the Dissidia crossover series is built on the idea that every FF has a protagonist at the center of its story. FFVI’s Dissidia character is Terra, but Terra is not the protagonist of FFVI.
Apparently while developing FFVI, the directors decided they didn’t want the game to have a clear protagonist, so they asked the staff to staff to submit concepts for characters, and they’d use as many as they could. This game has fourteen characters, each with their own fun gameplay gimmick in battles. Three of the characters are secret, and one can permanently die halfway through if the player takes the wrong actions. Of these fourteen characters, the main story heavily revolves around 3-6 of them, while five more have substantial character arcs.
There’s kind of a schism in the fandom over whether this game or VII is the best one in the series, and I can see why; this game is absolutely fascinating. No other game in the series has done what this game did, which means it’s one of the two FF games I really want to see remade after they complete this VII remake.
The first half is very linear. It breaks the beginning party into three pieces, then sends each character to a different continent, where they meet more characters and build their own parties before everyone reunites. Once the story has taken the player everywhere in the world, the apocalypse hits. The villain’s evil plan succeeds and tears the entire world apart.
The second half of the game picks up a year later with one character finally getting a raft and escaping the island on which she’s been marooned. In this half, the player navigates the world, which has all the same locations, but in completely different parts of the map. The driving factor for much of the second half is to learn from incidental dialogue where each party member has gone in this new world, to track them down, and to try to fix some of the bad that’s been done to the world before finally stopping the villain who destroyed it.
It’s unique and clever and occasionally legitimately tugs at the heartstrings some, which is impressive for a poorly translated SNES game. The final dungeon is a masterpiece all on its own. It requires the player to make three parties of up to four characters, then send them in and switch between them as new roads open. This way, the game manages to feel like an ensemble piece up to the very end.
4: Final Fantasy VII.
As I previously mentioned, there’s kind of a schism in the fandom over whether FFVI or FFVII is the best game in the series. Neither is the best game in the series. FFVII is better than FFVI. Oops.
When I was first drafting up this list, it was before I’d reached my replays of VI or VII, and I tentatively placed them next to each other, with the strong assumption that I’d end up placing VI a bit higher than VII, since it has so many strongly differentiated characters with solid story arcs, beautiful artwork, great music, etc. etc. Then I reached FFVII and not even four hours in, I realized it would have to be higher on my list than VI.
VI has a better battle system, its characters are much more differentiated by their gameplay, its character sprites have aged much better than VII’s character models, and it has four party members in battles instead of three. But I couldn’t overlook VII’s gorgeous artwork, sharp character work, and character-driven story. In the end, I had to give it the edge.
VII is a strange beast. It simultaneously really holds up and has aged horribly. The story is excellent and I love the characters, but the actual line-to-line writing is pretty bad, making the whole experience of the game a bit like swimming upstream; you’re getting somewhere good, but the age of the game is still pushing you back the best it can. Similarly, the background artwork is fantastic and gives the game locations a sense of place incomparable to anything that had come before it, but the character models are so low-poly that the two are constantly at odds with each other.
Still, the game is more a good game than it is an old one. I think it’s managed to duck the absurd level of hype around it by actually being very different from what the most popular images of it make it out to be, if that makes sense. The super futuristic techno-dystopia city only makes up a very small portion of the larger game, and most newcomers to the game won’t have seen Junon, or Corel, or Cosmo Canyon. Heck, I didn’t know Cait Sith or Red XIII were characters before I played the game for the first time. One of the many reasons I’m excited for the rest of this remake is to see newcomers to the story learning just how much variety there is to the world, events, and characters of this game.
FFVII also began (and pulled off really well) a number of storytelling trends that continued in subsequent games in the series. Obviously, almost every game since this one has a clear protagonist with a cool sword for cosplayers to recreate, and an androgynous villain whose story is closely linked to the protagonist (or one villain who is linked to the protagonist and a second one whose purpose is to look like Sephiroth), but it’s started broader, more quality shifts, too.
FFVII is the first game in the series to try to give all its characters arcs based on a similar theme, for example, a trend that has helped give it and future games a sense of thematic unity, especially in IX, X, and XV. Heck, that trend was why I almost came around on XII before they nuked it. It was also the first game in the series to have a real ending, rather than closing out with essentially a curtain call featuring all the party members, like they did in IV through VI (and I assume earlier).
Another common feature of FF games that it didn’t start with VII but certainly was canonized with it was the mid-game plot twist tying the protagonist to both the villain and the larger story. FFIV had this as well, of course, but I feel like the orphanage twist in VIII, the Zanarkand dream twist in X, and the time skip twist in XV were all meant to recall VII’s twist of Cloud’s…very complex existence (IX’s two worlds twist actually is a clear homage to IV, but it’d be hard to argue that Zidane’s connection to Kuja - and the character of Kuja generally - weren’t more influenced by VII).
2: Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy XV.
Sorry, this one is a two-fer. I’m not gonna spend too much time on why I placed these two together in the #2 spot (I wrote a long thing on it here, if you’re interested). In summary, the games kinda mirror each other, in story and design. Each game can be seen in the negative space of what the other game leaves out, and at the end, the characters react to similar situations in completely opposite ways. For this reason, and that they’re of comparable quality, I think they’re best viewed as companion pieces.
FFX was the first mainline Final Fantasy game I ever completed, six years late. It was the first FF game with voice acting and many fully modeled locations. It also kinda marks the beginning of the series’ constant changes to the battle system.
That’s not to say the previous games’ battle systems didn’t also differ from each other, but they all had the same setup, with levels and an ATB gauge. This was the first game since III not to have any real-time element to its battle system, nor numbered levels gained through experience points. Since X, no two FF battle systems have been remotely comparable, which is cool and innovative and keeps things fresh, but also means I’ve been starved for just a regular ATB FF game for too long.
In many ways, FFX feels like a bridge between the PS1 games and the later games. It feels much more streamlined than VII, VIII, or IX, in terms of both storytelling and design. The game is very linear, pushing the player from one area to the next and not allowing much backtracking until the very end. It also loses the aging look of the PS1 games’ menus and UI, finally updating the classic font and the blue menus with white borders to fully modernized and sleek graphics.
However, movement still feels very similar to movement in VIII and IX, the music definitely evokes the PS1 games more than the later games, and most locations are portrayed with beautifully painted backgrounds, rather than modeled in (which I actually prefer, and I was glad to see that VII Remake has gone back to that in some places).
Voice acting in this game is phenomenal for 2001, and honestly on par with many contemporary games. I can’t think of a voice actor for the main cast who didn’t do a great job. Tidus’s narration, especially, is emotional and evocative in all the right ways. Grounding the plot in a very personal story about Tidus’s difficulty coming to terms with and proving himself to his abusive father keeps the story relatable and real.
Something interesting about my experience with X is that because it was my first Final Fantasy game, I thought for a very long time that the series was about organized religion, and the ways it is used to justify evil acts. This might be the only game of the ones I’ve played that is about organized religion, or even prominently features a religious doctrine, which really sets it apart from the rest of the series.
The game’s thematic unity is on point, even if there is a scene where they state the central themes a bit too plainly. Every character, and even the entire universe of the story, is held back by the past, and every subplot and the main plot revolves around finding ways to move forward and leave the past behind.
I love FFXV. It feels like a return to form after XII and XIII. It’s also probably the furthest any game in the series has strayed from the original formula. Battles are entirely real-time, and the game is a straightforward action game. There is very little time spent with menus, and even the leveling system has been stripped down to a few skill trees. It’s immediately obvious that the game was originally created to be a spinoff, not a main title.
FFXV is also probably too much a product of the current era of microtransactions and payment plans. The full story is spread out across *deep breath* a feature film, an anime series, an anime OVA, a standalone demo, two console games, four DLC story chapters, a multiplayer side game, a VR fishing game, four phone games (though really three phone games because A New Empire straight up isn't in that universe and also is terrible), an expansion including several entirely new dungeons, and finally a novel set to release sometime this year. That’s a whole lot of story. I’ve not played the phone games or the VR fishing game, or read the novel yet, but I’ve experienced all the rest.
But I also played FFXV when it first released, before any patches, before I knew there was a film, just the game all on its own. So you can believe me when I say that without any supplementary material, the game is still great.
It goes back to the FFI, II, III, V “Warriors of Light” system, where the party has four characters who do not change at all throughout the game. While this bugged me at first, I soon came to appreciate having a story where almost all character interactions involved these four characters. It meant I came to understand them well enough to feel like they were my friends, too. Most characterization in this game is understated, presented through small shared moments, dialogue, and body language as they travel the world together. Much like X, the overarching story might be expansive and far-reaching, but the real show is in the personal journeys the friends have.
Much of the first half of the game is spent exploring an open world, driving along the road and getting out of the car for pit stops or to explore the forests nearby. This is one of the very few games where I don’t mind just exploring an area without the promise of an upgrade or a new scene, just to see what’s around the corner, or to hear whatever banter the characters might engage in next.
The entire world of this game is gorgeous, and the orchestrated music is some of the best they’ve ever done. The main plot is beautiful, too. It’s bittersweet and emotional, with a charismatic villain and a twist that blew me away the first time I reached it.
The supplementary material is also mostly really quality. I’d recommend the Royal Edition over the original edition for sure, and to watch Kingsglaive as well. The anime series is quick and fairly fun, and Comrades expands on the universe in some great ways, but neither has as much bearing on the overall plot as the DLC chapters and Kingsglaive. I’m so in love with the DLC chapters, actually, that two years ago I wrote a piece just on how much Episode Ignis affected me (here if you care).
This is definitely getting long, so I guess I’ll move on after saying I’m upset that they patched Chapter 13 to make it easier, and I’m angry at everyone who complained that Chapter 13 was too hard. It was a brilliant piece of storytelling through game mechanics, and it’s mostly been stripped of all that, now.
1: Final Fantasy IX.
It’s IX. It was always IX. I actually did come into this with an open mind, wondering if one of the new games I’d experience (IV, V, VIII, XII, XIII) might end up hitting me harder than Final Fantasy IX, but as I replayed my favorite game in the series I quickly realized that wouldn’t be happening.
There are only a handful of games that make me cry. IX is one of two without voice acting. There are several songs from IX that make me tear up just when I hear them.
The story of the black mages gaining sentience, learning that they can die, and trying to force themselves back into being puppets just to lose that knowledge really moves me. The same goes for the story of Dagger no longer recognizing her mother, setting out to find a place to belong, learning that her birth family is long dead, then watching her mother return to her old self a moment before losing her forever. And Zidane’s story, where he has nowhere to call home, finally discovers the circumstances of his birth, and realizes that had he stayed in his birthplace, he would have become a much worse person than he ultimately did.
More than any other, though, Vivi’s story will always stick with me. He was found as a soulless husk by Quan, a creature with the intention of fattening him up and eating him, but each of them awoke something in the other, and Quan ended up raising Vivi as his grandson. When Quan passed, a rudderless Vivi went to the city to find a new home, and eventually learned he was created as a weapon. Other weapons had also gained sentience, but none had the worldliness that Vivi had gained from his loving relationship with Quan. When Vivi discovers that most weapons like him die after only a few months, he grapples with the possibility that he may die at any time, and eventually decides that he can only take control of what life he has by living each moment to the fullest. He ends up becoming an example for the other weapons to follow.
FFIX is a game about belonging: both yearning to have somewhere to belong and learning that the place where you think you belong is actually toxic and harmful to you. Even the menu theme is a tune called “A Place to Call Home.”
IX ran counter to the trends of the series in a number of ways. It was a return to high fantasy after the more sci-fi VII and VIII, and was also much more lighthearted than those games, while still being heartfelt and occasionally bittersweet. Gameplay-wise, it locked each of its characters into a single job, gave them designs based on their jobs, brought back four-character parties, and introduced a skill system in which characters learn skills from equipment. It also had a much softer, less realistic art style, and mostly avoided the attempts to recapture VII that have plagued most other subsequent titles (besides Kuja’s design, I guess).
The story is also structured so well. It regularly shifts perspective for the first thirty hours, allowing the player to spend ample time with each of the party members, and shaking up character combinations for fun new interactions. It introduced a system similar to the skits from Tales games, showing the player often humorous vignettes of what’s happening to other characters at the time. Once the characters have all come together in one party, the game has earned the sense that all of them (except for the criminally underexplored Amarant) have become a family.
The supporting cast are a blast as well. Zidane’s thief troupe (who double as a theater troupe) are likeable and fun. Kuja’s villain arc allows him to be sympathetic without losing his edge. The black mages are tragic without being overdone.
The development team for this game put so much more work into this game than they had to. The background artwork was all made in such high-definition resolutions that the act of downscaling them to fit in the game removed details. Uematsu traveled to Europe to make sure he’d get the feel of the soundtrack right, and has said it’s his favorite score he’s ever done. Sakaguchi, the creator of Final Fantasy, says IX is his favorite game in the series.
FFIX is one of the two games I would like them to remake after they finish the VII Remake, but I’m terrified they’ll mess it up in some way. Honestly, the game’s only flaws (which I do desperately want them to fix) are a lack of voice acting, the underdeveloped party member Amarant (and to a lesser extent Freya), the dissonance of Beatrix never getting punished in any way for her hand in a genocide, and the fact that very few of the sidequests are story-related because so many of the smaller story details that would normally be relegated to sidequests are covered in the main plot.
Despite the danger, though, I think revisiting IX is absolutely essential moving forward. It represents so much of what made older games like IV and VI great, and its story is much more grounded in real emotion than many current Square stories tend to be. Remaking VII will be good for getting VII out of Square’s system. Remaking IX would be good for putting IX back into Square’s system.
Here’s a IX song as a reward for getting this far. I’m gonna go listen to it and tear up again.
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christineamccalla · 5 years
Education and its contribution to society
Response to bloggers and blog:
Thanks to everyone who participated in my blog, themed “Education is a multi-tiered commodity...”, accessible Monday, April 8, 2019 - Wednesday, April 10, 2019 at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/christineamccalla. The blog was inspired conflict free and was initiated as a personal professional development and educational initiative. Furthermore, there were no financial attributes as a result of this educational product including revenues, incomes, or other appreciations and gains, as well as disbursements, encumbrances, and expenditures, and in all variants and variations as a result of the blog, Education is a multi-tiered commodity…
The blog’s participants were unknown to me, highly productive, and shared opinions on several facets of education including, (1) financial aid award letters and lack of clarity including full cost of college vs funding awarded; (2) Views on changing one’s self; (3) college malfeasance including admissions scandals, cheating scandals, bribery, student readiness, preparations, competitive dynamics, and organizational attributes; (4) there were appeals as well for federal funding for libraries which I am particularly vested in given the libraries’ interaction and participation in education through the no user costs product portfolio modeling offered, including high school diplomas / general education diplomas; vocational training for current or new skills within the workforce, professional development, and opportunities for informational readings, as well as opportunities for sustainable job creation initiatives. (4a) The issue of this appeal has been alleged to have been distasteful and unprofessional.
I disagree given the statutes and laws of the United States of America provide for said opinion(s) as decribed in the Vocational Education Policy (20 US § 2301) - Section 6 of Pub. L. 98–524 provided that: “It is the sense of the Congress that effective vocational education programs are essential to our future as a free and democratic society; that such programs are best administered by local communities, and community colleges school boards, where the primacy of parental control can be emphasized with a minimum of Federal interference; and that as a means to strengthening vocational education and training programs, nongovernmental alternatives promoting links between public school needs and private sector sources of support should be encouraged and implemented.” SAVEIMLS.ORG accomplished this purpose.
The overarching view (statute and law), 20 US § 2301. Purpose, where the purpose of this chapter is to develop more fully the academic and career and technical skills of secondary education students and postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs, by—
(1) building on the efforts of States and localities to develop challenging academic and technical standards and to assist students in meeting such standards, including preparation for high skill, high wage, or high demand occupations in current or emerging professions;
(2) promoting the development of services and activities that integrate rigorous and challenging academic and career and technical instruction, and that link secondary education and postsecondary education for participating career and technical education students;
(3) increasing State and local flexibility in providing services and activities designed to develop, implement, and improve career and technical education, including tech prep education;
(4) conducting and disseminating national research and disseminating information on best practices that improve career and technical education programs, services, and activities;
(5) providing technical assistance that—
(A) promotes leadership, initial preparation, and professional development at the State and local levels; and
(B) improves the quality of career and technical education teachers, faculty, administrators, and counselors;
(6) supporting partnerships among secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, baccalaureate degree granting institutions, area career and technical education schools, local workforce investment boards, business and industry, and intermediaries; and
(7) providing individuals with opportunities throughout their lifetimes to develop, in conjunction with other education and training programs, the knowledge and skills needed to keep the United States competitive.
Simultaneously, I also made several videos that interact with education at numerous junctures including (i) The visionary; (ii) Know the duties of the Marshall; (iii) the challenges of professional educated women in Grace - A Veroveraar: Conquering Hero; (iv) Treasuries consequences (George’s cash flow problems); (v) Government structuring; (vi) Environmental video in Understanding Radiation...; (vii) strategic planning utilizing free resources in Small Business Plan is no ambitious plan; (viii) Advanced Education storyboards; (IX) Traditional vs distance education online, (X) Prostitution (the younger generation often fall to these lures particularly being the first time away from home), and (XI) Human trafficking - for the sake of information and the value of the accolades to come - our precious degrees. These views and interactions created substantial dimensions regarding the personality of the blogger and views, myself - unassisted - none of which were contradictory.
The coup d'état was my video titled OWNERSHIP CONFERENCE - INFRINGEMENT, which provided advanced educational instructions at the graduate and doctoral level of research, synthesis, and scholarly writing. This included intellectual property creation and preservation; referencing and free research resources which governs writing styles extending to the distinction between APA, MLA, et al; defining infringements; ethics dilemmas including infringements and power of attorney; embelishments and conflicts; sustainability of efforts with caution as to due deligence and integrity; labeling and branding; abiding to scholarly standardization through writing styles; bribery / emoluments and its label / brand; infringement being a big issue; and advice on utilizing statutory protection the law provides in patents and copyrights; and, an overview on branding.
As everyone can see, I was filled with my passion for education which was communicated quite openly in the form of advocacy, administratively, and also as a character whose beliefs are varied enough to navigate sustainability derived from the fundraising effort of SAVEIMLS.ORG. I do hold Master of Business Administration and a Master of Science, Financial Management and Information Systems degrees. I also substantially completed a Doctor of Business Administration, Management of Engineering and Technology degree, with status - inactive. There are also resources free to me in my blogging process I would like to mention that were discovered in the research process of disclosing my personality without inflammation. This design and methodology was most effective and efficient in the application of video creation. The organizations were https://www.renderforest.com and https://tubearsenal.com/, through which I was able to communicate my opinions professionally and without sensalization.
In concluding, I feel the blog was a success due to, (1) the five guidelines to participation in my blog being adhered to, and so I felt the values of competence and professionalism were observed; (2) the tone was professionalism, no need for public and eternal shunning of my participants; (3) none of the participants were paid and I felt the opinions and views presented were genuine; (4) I was not cautioned or advised to clarify my conflicted states or states of conflict; and, (5) there is no indications of judicial administrations including law enforcement. Resultingly, the blog ended on a high note and was well received. The views were varying enough, and as a result I feel my blogging effort was a success.
This concludes our interactions. As for the next blog, time will tell what it will be in tone, theme, and perceptions… One thing is certain, we will carry forward our etiquette and integrity in the rules being, (1) be professional; (2) be respectful; (3) censorship is not allowed; (4) prior to sharing identities remember, an offense lasts a lifetime. A public offense on a blog such as this can result in public ostracisms (you may be shunned as unprofessional as this may be)...
Until next time, best wishes and share your opinions!!!!
Christine Ann
Education is a multi-tiered commodity due to its necessity in life; to make money, increase earnings, personal branding, marketability, identity, ego, and the list goes on... These are all subjective opinions and conflict management is essential. We will all agree to disagree and become/remain cordial. There will be future blogs and I do not wish to be a disciplinarian in such a fun and varied topic.
So feel free to drop by Monday, April 8, 2019 - Wednesday, April 10,2019 between the hours of 9:30 - 11:30 to share views and perspectives. The rules are, (1) be professional; (2) be respectful; (3) censorship is not allowed; (4) prior to sharing identities remember, an offense lasts a lifetime. A public offense on a blog such as this can result in public ostracisms (you may be shunned as unprofessional as this may be); and, (5) our forum will last only 3 consecutive days and 6 nonconsecutive hours and then it will be closed.
We will discuss education in all and any of facets. We will share the things that the Departments / Ministries of Education will cringe at because it is how we feel. Do be mindful. Law enforcement reviews these forums and we do not become criminal for our opinions, no matter our passion. So until then...
Best, Christine Ann
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topicprinter · 5 years
IntroI'm thinking of making a workbook for making an iOS or web app. I'd like to get some feedback and input. This is part 1 (of 19... potentially).​It will be written primarily for non-technical founders, and will work with you to go from your idea to a working product, while turning you into a product owner / get you on the road to being a CEO.​Through doing the tasks in the workbook, you will learn how to define a product, do wireframes, how to outsource, and how to save money on development. The focus is on releasing a product.​I will include information on outsourcing, including the exact briefs that I use at each point of development and how I decide on a developer/designer; alternatively, with the work you go through you will be a much better candidate for a technical co-founder to partner with.​We want to build important skills; staying open to feedback, understanding users, time boxing, setting objectives, focusing on what matters — but the main purpose of this book is to make something.​Alongside writing the book, I'll be going through the tasks myself to make 1 or 2 digital products and will share those examples. I think that's a big part of this, so that you can see what each stage actually looks like.​My goal for this first run through is to get some people who are interested, and perhaps start a slack channel. I want to get feedback from experienced and inexperienced people, to understand the challenges and pitfalls, and learn how to do this better.​For transparency: This would be completely free. In the future, I might try to turn this into a self-standing product and monetize it if that would produce a better experience and more successful users. My thought is that with access to the right processes and methodologies, people can make the tools/solutions they (and other people) need, and that would make the world a much better place than I can by hoarding this knowledge.---ContentsIdeaCompetition, Inspiration & Lookalike AppsUser Interviews & Survey Methods (V2)Idea Refinement (V2)Writing User/Job StoriesScreen by Screen RequirementsWireframesPrototype 1User TestingMockupsPrototype 2Pre-Launch MarketingBack EndFront EndLaunchTractionMonetizationGrowthAdditional topics / Appendix (machine learning, virality, optimizing for learning, web vs mobile, iOS vs android ) (as necessary)---1. IdeaHow to use thisCopy the tasks into whatever note app you use (I use bear - I like using hashtags to keep my ideas organized). Scroll down for short explanations of each task.Write the answers as you go along. Or, better yet -- print it out and use pen and paper, or use post it notes.Use a timer to keep yourself on track.If you have several ideas, choose the one that you are most passionate about. There are other things to think about here — feasibility, monetization, market size — but we aren’t going to worry about that for now.Our goal is just to make something.It would help to be familiar with the idea space, so that you understand your users and where to potentially find them; but that isn’t necessary.I will write more about app vs web at some point, but for now, if you don't have a good reason to make an app, go with web first. When I do my examples, I will go into more depth.The time suggestions are given to push you forward and prevent stalling; feel free to use 1.5 or 2x the allotted time for each section if necessary.---Day 1 Objectives- To narrow down your idea so that you can understand it, be confident in it, and sell it to others- To think about the needs of your immediate users, and how to help them do the job they are trying to do- To understand the growth of your product over time, and how the value proposition can change for your users as you grow---Tasksi. What is your product called? ( < 3 minutes )ii. How would you explain your idea, in 60 seconds or less? ( 4 minutes)iii. Why are you making this? (2 minutes)iv. What problem(s) does it solve? (4 minutes)v. Brainstorm potential first users and where to find them (4 minutes)vi. Narrow down your first users (2 minutes)vii. Map the User Journey for your first users (6 minutes)viii. Which features are required for that user journey to be possible? What features are not required for the first versions of the app? (4 minutes)ix. How does your app grow from 100 to 1000 to 10000 users? (6 minutes)x. How would you explain your MVP/MRP in 60 seconds or less? ( 4 minutes)---Task Explanations​i. What is your product called?Write up to 5 names down, and choose one to go with.Don't worry about picking the perfect name, and don't worry about availability right now. Use something easy to remember.A lot of this project will follow this format of not worrying about things that don't matter. We're going to really focus on the important parts, and we're especially not going to worry about things we can change later.An important thing to remember is that as we keep working on the project, we'll have more ideas. We don't want to get attached to a name, or idea, early on. Keeping an open mind and being open to listening to our users and learning is a skill we want to constantly work on.---​ii. How would you explain your idea, in 30 seconds or less?Being able to concisely relay your ideas is important, and it also helps you get down to the bare minimum of what your product is really for.---​iii. Why are you making this?The 'why' informs your long term vision, which should inform all of your decisions moving forward. This is your north star. This is what makes you keep moving when you're tired, unmotivated, want to do anything else in the world other than what you're doing now.Having a good answer will also help you craft a story around the project; this is important in motivating yourself, employees, partners, and selling your idea to cofounders, users, and investors.You may want to include your long term goal for the app here (18 months is a good horizon, in my experience). So : "In 18 months, _______________ will be _____________"---​iv. What problem(s) does it solve?It can be useful to use sticky notes for this.What jobs are your users trying to complete?Here you want to be thinking explicitly about all of the issues that your users are facing around your app idea. What are the main outcomes they are looking for? Try to think way more generally, and also specifically about the problems they are facing. (this section will be much better once there are examples)---​v. Brainstorm potential users and where to find themWho could your users be? Where do they currently exist, what do they talk about?Try to list as many different sources of where you might find your first users.i.e. These might be competing sites, social networks (i.e. what facebook groups are they on, what instagram hashtags do they use, what subreddits are they on). They could also be potential ideas for blog posts, or guest blog posts, or ideas for generating press.---​vi. Narrow down your first usersFrom your list above, try to narrow down your first set of users.This should be a group who has the same goals/problems they need to be solved, and should be easy to target. Who would be willing to try out your app? Who has a problem you have a solution to?---​vii. Map the User Journey for your first usersThink about your first group of users.Write “first users” on the left side of a sheet of paper.In the middle, write a square with “download app” or “visit website” (depending on which you are making).In between the user and the middle square, write all of the steps that have to happen or what causes them to take action. What makes them download your app?On the right side, write down the steps that they would possibly take once they are on the app/website. Each page they visit or screen they see / action they take should a separate box. What is the final outcome of the steps them have taken?---​viii. Which features are required for that user journey to be possible? What features are not required for the first versions of the app?Based on the group you chose above, what are the main features your app needs to have? What problems does it need to solve to be useful (and worth downloading) for that group of users?Another way to think about this is that you’ve just released your product for the first time, what is the first tweet you send out? If it’s a B2B product, what is your first cold email?We want to think about your product holistically, and grow it with your user base. These most important features for the first version of your app is commonly referred to as an MVP (minimum viable product). I would suggest instead thinking of it as a Minimum Lovable/Beneficial/Remarkable product, because you want to make sure it is something that actually benefits your first set of users.---​ix. Who are the second set of users of the app? What features do they need? What do you need the first users of the app to produce or do to attract more users?Ideally, our first set of users will create more value for our second set of users (i.e. they could provide User Generated Content, or form one side of a two sided marketplace). If the second set of users is different from the first set of users, we may want to think about which features are necessary for the first set of users to create value for future users, or if the initial app is enough on it’s own.---​x. How would you explain your MVP, in 30 seconds or less?By narrowing down your idea, we now have an MVP.Think about how this has changed from the start of the process.Next up, we’ll consider your competition and using user interviews and surveys to get a better idea of where to go from here, and then get into user stories and wireframing our first prototypes.---Questions for feedback:Am I wasting my time? Is this needed or does something similar already exist?Feedback on methodology, how it’s written, improvements, or suggestions for future sections would be great.What are the main problems you are facing and what would you like to learn more about?
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