#and i was bummed bc I actually like bruce and think he puts on a good show lol
funtheysaid · 5 months
IWTV 2x01 Initial Thoughts (Stream Of Consciousness)
- That title card for Delainey felt very stage play to me (ahhh I adore the theatrical elements for this season)
- Ooh I love the idea that vamps can take on the emotions of whosever blood they’re drinking - it’s like the vampire equivalent of when werewolves can smell ppl’s emotions and fears through chemosignals (a la Teen Wolf iykyk)
- “Disregard” is the funniest shit ever 😂 Oldmaniel they could never make me hate you
- There’s a Real Rashid OMFG ??? Lol imagine he’s not actually Rashid and they pull one over on us again I’d fucking shit myself
- “Your love was in a box” OH MY GOD EAT HIM UP DANNY BOY
- “Quite fucked” 😏😏😏
- “mon amour” “mon cher” “love” IM GOING TO EXSANGUINATE MYSELF ISTG
- The singular finger on Louis’ chin 🥲 so delicate so soft so bad for my mental health
- I like Emilia
- “They are not used to seeing man with good looks” OKAY I know they’re just racists BUT she also wasn’t lying bc beautiful Louis is canon god bless you Jacob Anderson
- Lol Morgan a little fruity
- OOH memory is a monster! They be redoing scenes as Louis “fixes” his memories !!!! That’s gonna show up again for sure :))))
- “Stupid Halloween costume” Daniel Molloy the brat that you are (is okay, Armand likes brats) *cough cough*
- I’ve never seen someone *elegantly* close an iPad before. Armand, you have bewitched me.
- The fucking sexual tension between DM is stifling 🥵😶‍🌫️ Um if this is us “not getting Devil’s Minion” then I think imma be okay
- Claudia pushing the little racist boy 🤪🥹 we can’t help but to stan
- WTF AMC you can’t just jumpscare me with a Grace photograph :’)))
- so the makeup department really put their whole sfxussies into that decrepit ass abomination
- Louis: Alexa, play Mr. Steal Your Girl by Trey Songz
- Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S1: ☺️🍭👼 Claudia calling Louis Daddy in S2: 😖🤢😟
- I’m dubbing Louis “The Rat Prince”
- “If he can’t take you ballroom dancing and call you pretty” ICONIC.
- “the motherfucker” it’s on sight Bruce or Killer or whatever the fuck your name was 🤕🥊
- “her hand twitched like yours would” why was that line lowkey out of pocket. My mans has Parkinson’s Louis !!!!
- that wasn’t even acting that was some REAL shit. Get Jacob Anderson his Emmy or Oscar or Tony or whatever the fuck I just need him to be awarded for his talent
- Daniel’s soft compassionate side: rare but that much more meaningful when it makes an appearance
- LOUIS you did not just do Emilia dirty like that TF!?! She helped you dude.
- “Human affairs. Their problem.” Not you listening to Lestat now of all times
- “Catfish with teeth” Louis can really read a bitch to filth can’t he?
- Oh shit he’s a kid okay I’m sorry for calling you an abomination earlier. That was mean.
- Woman vampire, you standing precariously close to that fire 👀
- Delainey’s facial expressions are the perfect blend of innocent and slightly unsettling
- What the hell is a bacon triptych am I just stupid don’t answer that
- Armand you ain’t beating the iPad kid allegations
- “It’s his drug” He said that with such malice. Is this a “he needed me but he needed drugs more” plot line???
- So Dubai Loumand is chilly frigid tepid frosty glacial
- Free feet? Okay im sorry
- “We can have him saying what happened next in no time” okay wait hold up why you making it sound like YOU don’t know what happened next and you need him to tell you???
- oh danny boy whistling while the couple he’s counseling walks in… is this a comedy or ?
- Daniel: yeah? 🤓 Armand: yeah 🫦
- “the mother of New Orleans” oh he misses home
- LMFAO Daniel interrupting Armand before he can start soliloquizing
- Louis and Claudia in a truck full of art which they belong in bc they too are pieces of art to me
- hard words. soft words. 🥺
- “a shit life beats no life” god damn this monologue feels like Louis is speaking directly to my soul
- “as long as you walk the earth I’ll never taste the fire” If this is foreshadowing I- I- I don’t know what I’ll do but it’s going to involve a baseball bat and a waffle iron and my head
- “it would be enough” pan to Lestat 💀 you can’t be fucking serious right now you just cannot
- okay it’s over and the teaser for the season just started playing and I just have to shout out the score bc damn if those violins don’t get me every god damn time
(Stutter) That’s all, folks! 🐷👋
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kenandeliza · 6 months
Tumblr media
And even when i have enough backlog of ideas, It's either having no time or no motivation ;w;
Ideas that have not been made into comics so far.... (a reminder for KD to actually draw them instead of being a lazy bum)
Fawcett citizens think that marvel has bad eyesight because he squints a lot, Marvel is confused. When they put on glasses on him, his dot eyes opens. This confuses marvel and the citizens even more (explanation: he does his out of instinct from seeing his dad with squinty eyes) based on mutual's post
Guardian Angel
Billy in an electric chair
Bio dad bruce wayne
Silly caller
Freddy Freeman Meets Freddy Fazbear
A comic about Captain Marvel being oblivious about the women who's flirting with him, this caused Junior to talk out of his ass "He's still mourning you idiots!", this made people believe that the wife has passwed away and captain marvel hasn't moved on yet, this can lead to a misunderstanding with Black Canary with counseling marvel [Marvel is talking about his mom and how he misses her but BC thought he was talking about his wife]. Mary proceeds to slap Jr because of his impulsiveness
What If the suspendium didn't happen? :The Marvel Family grows up normally, starts with young child reading a book to a grandpa
Billy gets cancelled
Captain Marvel snoring like a dad and Billy snoring (honk mimimimi) based on this post
Mary teaching Billy about Table Manners before meeting her adoptive mother
Mary being invited on the Wayne Gala, Billy and Freddy shenanigans ensued (they thought the wayne kid is hitting on their sister)
Mary Blackmailing Marvel to wear a tiger onesie
Crack comic: Billy Boasting over Superman because he got to join the army as Captain Marvel once but Supes didnt just because of an eye exam failure
Kid Eternity's Birthday
[Needs polish] A scenario after Batman adopted Billy, Billy told Freddy and Mary about it, Freddy has a flashback where he got adopted by rich parents and the snobby high school experience back in Captain Marvel Jr , probably ends with Junior confronting Batman to not send Billy to a hoity toity rich private school
The Marvel Family and how they handle publicity
Freddy picking up Billy's swearing habits "Holey Moley" (continues where the publicity comic ends)
Billy and his Caprisun
Billy and Freddy had a fall out but everyone else interpreted it as Junior undergoing teenage rebellion and proceeded to give the captain parenting advices [Pre Teen Parent Billy]
Post suspendium Billy in the modern DC world shenanigans (1950s boy meets 2000s)
Fawcett Toon Headcanon
Celebrity AU : Billy would post a banger song by accident online (not with his real name of course) and would later monetize it
Movie billy meets Golden Age Comic Billy/Movie Freddy meets Golden Age comic Freddy
The many hairstyles of Freddy Freeman
Captain Marvel vs Big Red Cheese
What if Bruce Wayne is Captain Marvel
The crooks that the Marvel Family caught discuss about how they got caught
Big Brother Billy Batson
Courtney x Billy Batson scenario
A crack Georgia/Freddy fanfiction. Premise: Freddy would sometimes go undercover in his comics, what if the Sivanas had something planning going on? It was odd for their criminal activity to stop for nearly a year. It is now up to Freddy to "betray" his family and gather intel on the Sivanas, perhaps assuming a new identity to pretend to be their lackey. meanwhile Georgia Sivana has a new crush
Fawcett city newsboys
Billy adopts a baby
A supersons Oneshot Comic
Premise: Jon and Damian wanted to see the new Fredbear's pizzeria Movie but the clerk said they're too young to enter. With Jon being 10 and Damian not looking like his age (13).
many shenanigans ensued as they attempt to enter the movie theatre before a new villain who can bring horror movie characters to life appears!
Can the two save the theatre when they're facing against slashers, Chainsaw killers, and a Horror-knockoff of Superman?!
A livewire vs Captain Marvel Comic
Connor had a nightmare where Jon had a zoomer haircut when he grows up
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sorry i know this is late but happy birthday!! how was hadestown? i fell in love with the damon daunno/nabiyah be recording, but the broadway version has its own appeal 👀
AH thank you so much! <3
And as for Hadestown, you're actually early! We bought tickets for September and I am super pumped! We'll be seeing the tour and I can't wait! Before COVID my grandma had season tickets for our theatre. In 2018 I got to see Waitress, Anastasia, Fiddler on the Roof, and then Hamilton. (all shows I LOVE.) Since then I haven't been that excited for the shows that have come in but when I saw Hadestown I was like GOTTA DO IT.
I love the broadway recording but I also love the Daunno/Nabiyah as well <3
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originaljediinjeans · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame (Spoilers) Reaction
Things I didn’t like:
Tony being “stuck in space” just wasn’t a huge deal after all, thanks a lot
Just...five years of trying to “accept” what Thanos did? They literally can’t do anything? That is just so wrong. 
Also REALLY BRUCE? Sheesh so tacky
Tony comes right back from space, settles down w/ Pepper and refuses to talk to anybody
First thing when he comes back he’s all like “Steve UR a liar and I hate you” Like he doesn’t want to go after Thanos bc deep down he’s like “Bringing back half the universe means bringing back your precious Bucky but I don’t think so” (he’s actually just bitter about losing to Thanos but you know me, I’m autistic, it’s all about Bucky) gosh
Wait, so the cosmos depends on the Infinity Stones existing? So Steve just puts them back where they came from, nothing is changed, what happens now that Thanos is no longer around, where do they end up? 
Or did they get destroyed?
So Thanos isn’t really dead? Neither are his minions? Someone can bring them back? They’re really just in the soul realm?
Everything about that one death scene. Like they used the exact same footage and imagery from Gamora’s death in Infinity War. 
About 30% or more of the movie is montages, I needed more actual scenes with dialogue and characters connecting! 
Also Thor taking off with the Guardians 2b a space bum forever. That is like...the worst. Who wrote that?
Things I am on the Fence about:
“Resentment corrodes. BTW you can have your shield back. Dad made it for you.” okay, guys, that’s great but this is a three-hour-movie, surely you have time to sit down and have a real heart-to-heart apology session 
Captain Marvel as 80% CGI and 100% goddess
Really? It was that easy to get the Aether out of Jane without the Svarthaelfen coming for it? Also Rocket what did you do to her? 
Steve Rogers ending: I guess it’s what the fandom wanted. Judging by Hayley Atwell’s smug face she may have written the scene herself. But I was kind of getting used to the idea of Sharon (even them just being friends), and Steve actually moving on...
Also I get that it’s more politically correct to let Sam be Cap, and that “poor Bucky has suffered enough”
TBQH I get why he’s okay just saying goodbye to Bucky and leaving him in the present. They grew up together in Brooklyn, so they had those happy years together, and now Steve has freed him from Hydra and Bucky can go live his own life so it’s all good. Steve only knew Peggy for 1-2 years so he needs the time with her, if he wants it
Heil Hydra: I know that this is totally a reference to that one thing in the comics. But dude, did you want them to think you were Hydra? Or you were just telling them you were onto them? Well, either way it worked. 
Things I Did Like
The Ancient One meeting Bruce Banner and serving him the tea, also his astral form is still Bruce Banner and this pleases me a lot
Tony and his dad afjlfakjfdsajhladfhk j
Clint and Natasha being space pilots can I get more of this please?
Tony being a selfish jerk and hiding from the Avengers and ignoring that the rest of the world is suffering...but at the same time being a dad and a husband and living his best life and taking time for himself and not suffering
And then Tony getting off his high horse
Natasha refusing to not be vigilant or give up even though everyone else has
Scott Lang talking to Tony Stark like, what up, dude! We need to take a chance!
Ebony Maw is back and he is uglier than ever
*cackle of laughter* Justice. Sweet justice. 
Thor having the talk with his mom 
Thanos over the course of the film slowly becoming a better villain, and finally attacking with all of his powers and deciding that benevolently destroying half the universe isn’t enough
Thanos real desire: to satisfy his own ego
Thanos is not in Endgame as much but by the end of it he is a 50% better villain than he was in Infinity War
Like everyone who got snapped and then some come out of those portals armed and ready 2 fight like they’ve been itching for this for 5 years
okay so their “souls” still existed in the Soul realm, good, I was afraid they were all disembodied particles floating in random
Captain Marvel showing up to the boss fight and smacking Thanos but him being able to smack her back, finally she’s not invincible!
Also her shorter hair --ooooh hair envy!
Rocket talking to Thor on Asgard and telling him to get a grip, that was good
“I am inevitable.” “I am Iron Man.”
4-year-old Nathanial “Nate” Pietro Barton, Cooper and Lila, Laura--Clint’s family--yeah if Clint had died it would have been devastating
Clint and Wanda’s moment after the funeral, demonstrating how she and Nat were also part of Clint’s family
Just seeing Bucky again my heart afdskjfad;l
Just the epilogue and the funeral and seeing everyone together again as they should be, more or less
Steve and Tony going back to the 1970s--the whole segment is just great. Loved it. Steve’s undercover uniform is nice
I didn’t realize he could possibly run into Peggy until just before he realized he was in her office!
“Bucky is still alive.” Well, that’s one way to scare a body
Sam, Wanda, and Bucky at the funeral
New Asgard is a thing. This pleases me. 
Re-enacting Peter Quill entering the temple on Morag and then him getting hit over the head *points finger and laugh* like that was literally the only good thing about the time travel and revisiting the past
The GOTG staying for the funeral, that was nice of them. 
I have literally never been happier to see Spider-man in my life
Sebastian Stan’s face, that’s all
Steve and Bucky hugging goodbye, “Don’t do anything stupid until I get back.” “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” OKAY NOW I’M HAVING FEELS
Also it’s really nice of Hank Pym to go to Tony’s funeral--did he go to Howard and Maria’s?
Things that Should Have Happened: 
Where the heck is Loki? 
Steve and Bucky should have had a scene together during the battle, fighting side-by-side
Bucky should have been the first person that Steve saw
Bucky carrying the gauntlet during the big hustle would’ve been a nice bonus
Loki stealing the Tesserract and disappearing--all that does is set up his Disney+ TV show. Shouldn’t that have led to more problems?
Like they seriously set up everything that could possibly go wrong but only one or two things do--well the movie was only 3 hours long, if they’d had five they could have made it more complicated
They could have made Thor a weepy alcoholic without making him a gross bum. 
More of the main characters dying besides the two that did. 
Tony and Nebula needed 10 whole minutes of relationship time. 
Just more of the 06 Avengers and Rhodey spending more time with Nebula and Rocket and their personalities bouncing off of each other
We should have at least been shown Tony and Pepper having a private civil ceremony, also her telling him that she’s pregnant
If Natasha needed to die at all, it should have been her going down in a fight, getting stabbed or something. Like someone could have showed up at Vormir, like Thanos sent someone once he got the intel from Nebula, and Nat and Barton had a boss fight at the top, and then Nat gets stabbed and thrown off
I was still actually expecting Tony to literally adopt Nebula
They could have done something about the fact that the Red Skull is the freaking Guardian of the Soul Stone(TM). Wouldn’t Nat or Clint have recognized him? Like the fact of his identity isn’t even relevant to anything--gosh, him meeting Steve must have been interesting
So Nebula didn’t kill Thanos. Hmph. Was there a way it could have happened, though? Is there a way she still “beat” him? Maybe by killing the past self that was still loyal to him? 
You had three hours to tell a great story and make the things we didn’t like about Infinity War better, and all you give us is beer-belly Thor and a lot of time travel gimmicks? sheesh marvel
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manymessyfandoms · 6 years
Ummm I absolutely ADORE your fics ... can you do one where the avengers see tony and Peter have little bonding moments or something like that? Love your workkkk
Sorry if this is a little late, I worked today BUT I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THIS
I did four of the Avengers bc the “Keep reading” thing never works for me, and I didn’t want this getting obnoxiously long
ANYWAYS I hope you like it, m’dear!
Bruce Banner, like everyone else, knew that Tony Stark wasn’t a particularly warm and fuzzy person. He tended to diffuse emotionally charged situation with sarcasm and humor, and was basically allergic to showing his feelings. 
That’s why Peter Parker was such a pleasant surprise.
“Banner,” Tony said one day as he walked in with coffee in one hand and the teen following close behind. “Peter’s going to help us out today.”
Bruce nodded his head, accepting that. It wasn’t a rare occurrence for Peter to assist them in the lab, especially recently, but after taking a closer look at the kid’s face, Bruce realized something was wrong. He didn’t have the usual buzzing energy he had when he came to work.
“You alright, Peter?” Bruce asked when he sat down at one of the tables glumly.
“Peter’s pouting,” Tony answered. 
“Am not!”
“Are to. You’ve been bummed about something ever since you got home from school- yeah, I noticed- and you’re going to tell me about it right now.”
Peter’s eyes shifted down, and Bruce grew nervous. The kid looked fragile right now, and Tony didn’t do fragile. He was blunt and tough. 
“It’s nothing,” Peter mumbled. 
Tony gave Bruce a look that he read as can you believe this kid before he said, “Pete. Something’s up. Talk to me.” And his voice… was soft. It had Bruce frowning in confusion.
The tone seemed to be enough for Peter because he cracked. “I just… you can’t be mad at me, okay?” He waited for Tony to nod before continuing. “I sort of… I failed a bio test.” 
Bruce almost laughed, thinking the kid was joking. Who cares about one high school test? Everyone had their off days, and what’s one test to someone who’s pretty much helped save the world?”
It was when Peter continued that Bruce realized he wasn’t kidding. “That’s one of my subjects, you know? And- and I know you’re probably disappointed or something, because you always talk about how I need to take my studies seriously, and now I’m probably never going to get in a good college, and I should just drop out now because I’m never going to amount to anything.” At some point during Peter’s frantic rant, he realized just how young the boy was. He truly believed everything he was saying, and judging by how thick his voice had gotten towards the end, he was taking it hard.
Tony walked over to Peter, and Bruce braced himself for a slap on the back with a casual, “Toughen up,” or maybe, “It’s no big deal,” but Tony didn’t do either. Instead he slung an arm around Peter’s shoulder and told the kid to look at him. 
“I’m not mad or disappointed, Pete,” he said when they locked eyes. “Everyone fails a test here or there. It’s probably my fault for keeping you here so long.”
Peter started shaking his head. “No, no, Mr. Stark, it wasn’t-”
“Bottom line is that it’s okay. I guarantee you you’re still the smartest little bastard at that school, and colleges are going to be clamoring for you, even with one lousy test score.” Peter’s face was a little bit brighter but he still looked unconvinced. “I promise you that no one’s mad, no one thinks any less of you, and you’ll crush the next one. I won’t keep you here later than 10pm, and we’re going to take breaks. In fact, we’re not working today.”
Peter finally laughed a little. “Tony, it’s fine-”
“Nope. Go on upstairs and order that pizza you like. We’re watching a movie tonight and then you’re getting a full night’s rest. Okay?”
Peter was full on smiling when he said, “Okay,” and hopped off his chair. Tony ruffled his hair when he walked past him to go upstairs.
“I’ll be up in a minute!” Tony called after him and Peter gave him a thumbs up. 
Bruce was grinning widely at him when he turned to him. “I’ve never seen you like that.”
“Shut up,” Tony said with an eye roll. 
“No, it was very paternal. Would I get punched in the face if I said it was cute?”
“Yes, so can it, Banner.” Bruce laughed when Tony exited the lab to go upstairs where Peter was waiting for him. 
Natasha would be lying if she said she didn’t have a soft spot for Peter Parker. The bright eyed kid had the ability to turn their worst days around, and every one of them cared for him.
She hadn’t realized how much Tony in particular cared for him until one night when Peter’s suit went on the fritz and his vitals dropped out, only they didn’t know it was his spider suit that was malfunctioning. They thought they’d just witnessed Peter Parker die.
“FRIDAY,” Tony said thickly into the heavy silence, “pull up Peter’s coordinates.”
“No coordinates found.”
“FRIDAY!” he yelled. “Give me the damn coordinates!”
“No coordinates found, sir.” The AI’s voice sounded as sympathetic as a robot could sound.
“No, no, no, no,” Tony muttered, his breaths getting stuttered. “He was just patrolling. He was just patrolling.”
“Tony,” she said, trying to hold it together herself. “Tony, you’re not breathing.”
“No, he’s not breathing! He’s not breathing, Tasha!” Tony’s voice cracked on her name. “My kid’s not breathing.” He quickly turned and his fist collided with the wall.
“Tony! Stop!” She grabbed him by the shoulder, away from the wall, and he fought her for only a second before all the fight in him evaporated and he fell into her arms. 
“I can’t- he can’t-” he cried out, but before she could respond, FRIDAY spoke up.
“Peter Parker is entering the building.” Tony couldn’t have pulled away any quicker if he tried. He didn’t even reply, just ran over to where the elevator was opening and a sheepish Peter Parker entered the room.
“Hey, Mr. Stark, sorry about the suit but- Tony? Are you okay?”
Tony pulled him into a hug and Natasha felt relief rush throughout her own body. He was alive. He was okay. He was here. 
“You,” Tony started but his voice cracked again, so he cleared his throat before continuing. “You cannot do that to me again. Unless you want to be responsible for my poor old heart giving out way before my time, then you cannot do that, Pete.”
Peter looked slightly confused. “I- I don’t know what happened. My suit got electrocuted-”
“Excuse me?”
“-and it suddenly went offline. Oh wait.” His eyes widened as he put the pieces together. “My suit went offline.”
“Yeah, kid, we thought you just bit it.” The anguished tone in his voice had Natasha’s heart beating painfully, and she thought back to Tony’s, My kid’s not breathing. His kid. 
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark. I tried to get here as quick as possible, I really did.”
Tony hugged him again. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Just don’t- don’t do it again.”
“I won’t.”
Natasha walked over a rubbed the guys’ shoulders. “I’m glad you’re okay, Peter. Gave us a scare.”
“Must be weird being the one that’s scared for once instead of doing the scaring,” he said with a smirk.
She shoved him a little. “Yes. I don’t like it, so listen to Tony and don’t do it again.” 
Tasha heard Tony say, “Now tell me just exactly how you managed to electrocute yourself,” and Peter’s nervous chuckle as she walked away.
“What do you mean she said no?” Steve heard Tony say incredulously as he walked into the kitchen, where he sat with Peter.
“I mean, she said no,” Peter said, throwing his hands in the air. “I don’t know what to tell you!”
“Why would she say no?” Tony sounded so genuinely confused that Steve had no other choice but to insert himself in the conversation.
“What’s going on?” 
Peter turned to Tony and said, “Tony, don’t-”
“Michelle rejected him!”
“Dammit,” Peter scrunched his face. “You don’t tell Captain America about my love life, Mr. Stark! I even specifically said so! What did I say? I said, ‘Tony, if I tell you this, you can’t tell the others.’ And what did I say after that?” Tony just rolled his eyes. “I said, ‘Especially Captain America.’”
Tony waved him off. “You idolize him too much, kid.”
“So who’s Michelle?” Steve cut in with an amused smile, noticing how Peter was ready to scold Tony some more.
Peter cut off Tony. “She’s a girl from my school that I maybe have a little crush on. It’s no big deal.” Tony’s scoff indicated that it might not have been as small of a crush as Peter led on. “And I asked her to dinner and she said no.”
“Which is crazy, by the way,” Tony jumped back in. 
“Tell me about her,” Steve said before he went on to hear an almost thirty minute ramble about the perfect girl from Peter’s school that he tried to ask out. “Well,” he cut Peter off when he paused for a breath. “Do you want my totally objective opinion?”
Peter’s eyes widened. “Yes!”
“From the sound of it, she’s a pretty laid back girl and you asked her to one of the fanciest restaurants in New York. Just ask her to go for a burger or something. She’ll probably say yes.”
There was a brief pause before both Peter and Tony started talking at the same time.
“That’s what it is-”
“-makes sense, really.”
Steve laughed. “Try that out. If she says no again, then you ask her straight up if she’d rather do something else, and if she says no to that, I’m sorry to say it’s time you give up.”
Peter was bouncing excitedly. “No, it makes total sense! That’s why we were so confused, because she’d told me she wanted to go out, but when I actually did it, she said no.”
“I told you, Pete!” Tony said. “It’s not you.” Peter grinned at him as he rubbed his shoulder a little, and Steve’s heart warmed. He hadn’t seen Tony this happy in quite some time. It was nice. 
A few hours later when Steve got Tony alone, he teasingly said, “Helping Peter with girl troubles, huh?”
“You and I both know damn well I’d help that kid with just about any troubles he could ever have,” Tony said with a casual chuckle before walking away, leaving a slightly shocked Steve standing there. The shock wore off after a minute when he thought back to how Tony was around Peter, and then it wasn’t actually shocking after all, not with knowing how much Tony loved the kid.
When Clint met up with the rest of the Avengers after the war with Thanos, he was shocked to see that Tony had practically adopted the spider kid. It started off as a joke, really, that Peter was Tony’s son, but one day Clint walked into the living room when Tony frantically was startled from his nap, screaming, “No!”
“Whoa, Tony, you alright?” he quickly asked the man still panting on the couch. 
“I- I need-” He grabbed his phone from the table and started shakily dialing a number. He pressed the phone to his ear as Clint watched on, and after a minute, he let out the breath he was holding. “Peter,” he said, relieved, and Clint realized what had just happened. “No, everything’s alright. I just- yep. Yeah, it was a bad one.” A pause. “Can you just- can you tell me about your day?”
Clint stood still for the next fifteen minutes, watching as Tony’s tense body relaxed with each passing second as he listened to the kid on the other line. 
Eventually he said, “Thanks, Pete. No, it’s fine, you don’t-”
FRIDAY’s voice suddenly chirped up from around them. “Peter Parker is entering the building.” Tony shook his head, laughing a little. 
“You didn’t have to come over, kid.”
“Yes, I did.” Clint suddenly heard Peter’s voice when the elevator opened. “You’d do the same for me.” He glanced back at Clint. “Hey, Clint.”
“Hey, Parker,” he replied.
Peter just walked over to where Tony was laying and pulled out his bag. “I brought over some movies I figured we could watch. They’re mostly just fluff, but I did sneak Alien in there.” Tony laughed. “You want to watch with us, Clint?”
That’s how Clint found himself watching a movie with Peter and Tony when he probably should’ve been training. Although, watching a movie probably wasn’t accurate. He was mostly watching Tony, who was watching Peter. That kid meant more to Tony than Clint had even guessed.
When Peter crashed about halfway through the movie, he slumped against Tony, and Tony didn’t hesitated to wrap an arm around his shoulder. It was only minutes later that Tony started grumbling about the kid getting drool on his shirt. 
“You don’t mind,” Clint said knowingly. 
“No,” Tony agreed. “I don’t.”
If Clint took a picture after the movie ended of the two of them both peacefully asleep with the reassurance of the others’ heartbeat pounding next to them, then they’d just have to find out when they woke up and saw it in the Avengers group chat. 
And if Tony set it as his background, well, then the others wouldn’t have to know that particular detail at all. 
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bikerfaggot · 6 years
1+50 for the prompt mashup with ThorBruce?
historical & arranged marriage!!! sorry this took so long i wanted to actually write it out but i didn’t think i’d really be able to transition between the events tbh
so basically thor is a closeted transgender man from a family of wealthy farmers in rural norway and he gets arranged to be married to bruce, who’s the town doctors son and they’re both SUPER bummed about it when they meet bc bruce is a closeted gay man and thor is (internally) like “hhhhhhhh im not a fucking Girl”
anyways their marriage is set to be about three weeks away and loki decides to do some sleuthing on bruce for his big bro (he’s the only person that knows) And he meets up w tony outside of town and he’s like “i have serious information that i need you to pass to banner” and tony’s like “why should i trust you?” and loki’s like “because i’m about to give you information that could put all four of our lives at risk” and tony’s like “1. uhhhhhhhh and 2. all four of us?” but then loki tells him that thor was thinking abt running away and tonys like omg bruce was too
sooooo they cause a distraction on the day of the wedding so thor and bruce can run off into the countryside together uwu
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sqoiler · 7 years
my role reversal au:
damian is conceived when bruce is training with ra’s 
he’s delivered to bruce when damian is 10 and bruce has been batman for like 5ish years
bruce has no idea what to do with a child but he has a squishy little face and bruce’s eyes and bruce can’t??/ turn him down??
so he takes damian in, and damian being damian, wants to help bruce very!! badly!!
so he sneaks out a lot and eventually bruce is just like “whatever if you can’t beat em join em”
alfred is like “masTER BRUCE!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! HES A BABY!!!!!!”
and bruce is like “hes fine he was trained???? it’ll all b good”
and damian is named robin after a carving on the handle of his sword. also robins mean spring and bruce is hoping it’ll add to the light/dark theme
damian thinks robin is the WORST and a baby job but he toughs it out bc he wants to make his dad happy
damian’s been robin for like ??? 3 years?/ when damian starts doing teen titans stuff 
(read more bc this is getting Long)
bc robin is gone from gotham for so long, the criminals start to notice and like. take advantage of batman’s weakness without his partner? 
plus justice league stuff, cant forget that
so these street kids start to dress like robin and help protect gotham from the criminals and the “we are robin” movement is led by some random kid named duke
bruce tries to stop the movement but it grows too fast and eventually just gives up and decides to train them. he trains duke personally and lets duke take care of the others (bruce does help a little)
eventually duke’s parents are put in a coma and bruce decides to take duke in?
damian is super resentful but he can’t stay mad at duke for long
before long bruce is. actually adopting duke and then duke decides to be a new identity, the signal
the signal & batman & robin are a trio to be feared
when damian’s like...........16 & duke is like 18 lucius fox finds out that bruce is batman and his oldest daughter finds out also (bc she’s super smort)
tiff really wants to help the city!! but her dad won’t let her and she doesn’t know how without her dad’s help?? so she’s like “lol fine” and she makes a costume and decides it can’t be THAT hard if some privileged white guy managed to start from scratch
and thus; batgirl is born
after some fighting and trials bruce accepts tiff into the fold and tiff & duke become instant besties and damian begrudgingly accepts her presence
everything is gr9 until damian turns 18 and him and bruce’s paths in life seem to shift
tensions rise and it turns into a really messy fight between the two that ends with damian running off to college in bludhaven and signal & batgirl become more of a team then before
bruce is kinda mopey and depressed until some punk wrapped in a purple curtain starts running around and leaving clues everywhere and bruce isn’t sure if this kid is good or bad
the kid tells him to call her spoiler and that she was a professional and that she had everything covered
a week later stephanie brown was moving into wayne manor
steph & bruce argued a lil but bruce liked having a kid around the house again; plus she was so different from damian it was refreshing
before long bruce was offering robin to her, to be his partner, and she gladly accepted
her first night out as robin steph is attacked by some NERD in a dark costume and a hood calling himself nightwing; steph laughs in his face and separates his two fighting children
damian is angry but he can’t hold a grudge since steph is literally an angel and he can tell how good she is for his father and he accepts her as his sister
damian & steph get really really close and steph forces him to do kid stuff he never did as a kid and he shows her how to use a sword and everything is good
steph & tiff are great friends too and steph ADORES tiff as a role model 
steph also loves duke and crashes in his apartment like every other night
everything is great until black mask tells steph that crystal brown is still alive and that if she starts a war in gotham, he’ll let her see her mom again
she does & she doesn’t tell bruce so matches doesn’t show up so--
she dies.
steph dies and bruce is heartbroken and damian retreats to bludhaven without a word and duke soldiers on and tiff retires batgirl
just in time too, because black mask shoots tiff in the spine & she’s paralyzed for life
bruce gets more angry & reckless and little timmy d notices and he’s like “well something’s gotta change”
so he approaches damian and tim’s like “bruh u gotta b robin again” and damian’s like “lol no”
so tim goes to duke and duke’s like “kiddo. im not sure if there’s room for robin what with steph’s ghost so heavy around here” so tim’s like well eff that
and tim makes his own robin costume and he’s robin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bruce tells him no then he accepts him but damian. hates him for replacing steph. 
duke & tiff (tiffiany is now oracle) like tim okay and they all get along
then some kid starts following robin around and they’re like “noT AGAIN” and the girl’s like “wait here me out: let me be batgirl”
nell little is homeless and she ADORED the old robin & batgirl and she just wants to HELP and they’re like “ok fine” so tiff trains nell and viola: batgirl!
this is all good until some OTHER punk with a tire iron shows up and dares to try and jack the tires off the batmobile??? wtf kid??
so bruce, obviously, adopts him, because duke and damian and nell and sorta-tim aren’t enough kids, apparently, and jason for a while doesn’t really have a secret identity? he just trains w duke or tim and hangs out with tiff
then tim quits robin and jason’s like “now’s my Time” and he becomes robin
tim’s a little bummed but he gets over it because jason’s so happy and tim doesn’t want to deprive his brother friend from happiness!
jason’s barely robin for 2 months before there’s a run in with you-know-who and jason’s pretty sure he can take him, or at least hold him over until bruce gets there, but bruce is too late. 
jason is dead and its all bruce’s fault and everything is awful and--
--and someone calling themselves cluemaster is in town
bruce freaks out because the cluemaster person is a girl and who is she what’s going on--
then she reveals herself and stephanie is ALIVE and that’s his daughter and she’s angry but willing to listen and bruce asks how she could POSSIBLY call herself cluemaster
“i picked the name that hurt the most,” she answered, and bruce started to cry
steph doesn’t. come back. but she doesn’t NOT come back. she moves in with damian and takes on spoiler again and she tries to talk to bruce & all the new people in her family
including the new-new batgirl, who followed nell home one day and asked without words to train her. cass lives with tiff & she loves nell and tiff and steph and duke and tim and all her siblings and bruce adopts her and she cries
some random other robin shows up and everyones like !!!!!! until he shows up in wayne manor like “waddup everyone im here” and it’s JASON and everyone’s coming back to life and bruce is like, the Peak Happiest he’s ever been
...so to celebrate he takes the gang on down to the circus
he hears the opening act is quite famous
apparently the acrobats to a stunt without a net under them
bruce is sure this will be a real treat 
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cookinguptales · 8 years
So I ended up being so bummed out about the shorts that I neglected to do a write-up for The Lego Batman Movie, which I saw the same day. But TLBM came up like 5 times on my dash today bc bigoted critics are lambasting it for being “pro-gay” so I thought it’d be a good time to talk about how much I enjoyed it! I don’t think I liked it quite as much as the original Lego Movie, but it wasn’t really trying to be the same kind of movie as TLM. It wasn’t quite aiming for that meta angle, and I don’t think it necessarily needed to. It was just a super fun movie -- and one that was really gratifying in some ways to someone who got really burned out on the comics.
Full review and slight spoilers below the cut.
So the basic plot of the movie is what you’d gather from the trailers: Batman (aka Bruce Wayne) is a weird reclusive loner who lives in his giant mansion/bat cave with no one but the butler who raised him, and he has to learn to stop doing shit himself and being such a goddamn asshole. It was kind of nice because he was constantly called out on the stuff that he’s gotten away with doing in a lot of Bat media. Barbara Gordon talking about how he never created lasting institutional/structural solutions to problems, but instead fed his ego by punching poor people felt really good haha. (More on Babs later.) It’s your basic “dickhead has to learn how to use social skills” film, but with a lot of humor and heart that prevents it from getting sappy. And Batman seriously never gets away with his bullshit. He is constantly called on the way he hurts people, and instead of the somewhat shallow lip service that has always been paid to his antihero status, I felt like this film really interacted with those ideas on a hopeful and emotional level. He wasn’t treated like a villain because he was ~dark and brooding~. He was treated like a villain because he went off half-cocked because of his own issues, and because he didn’t care who he hurt in the process. It wasn’t just a story about Batman learning to make friends -- it’s a story about Batman learning to set aside his own ego so he can work together with public officials to create long-term stability and safety for the town he purports to care about. It’s a movie that calls for kindness, compassion, and accountability in crime-fighting -- and in a world torn with debates about increased militarization and police brutality, that’s a conversation that’s pretty damn important.
The audience is there for a comedy, though, and the movie is hilarious. I was cracking up before the movie even technically started, because Batman’s narration and criticism of all the production logos was great. And I basically kept laughing the entire time. The movie pokes loving fun at pretty much every kind of Batman media that exists, from the biggest blockbuster movie to the smallest limited run mini, and there are tons of sly little jokes that will make a comics fan laugh. (No spoilers, but one of the more overt and more hilarious comics jokes was basically the entire Nightwing segment. It is not to be missed.) The characters are all incredibly endearing, especially a shockingly adorable Robin, and I genuinely enjoyed watching them go on their batshit adventures. I won’t give away where the plot goes, but I will say that things just kept escalating until I was impressed (and cracking up) at how bizarre things got. Just really, thoroughly enjoyable. The slapstick humor and mile-a-minute jokes could have gotten old very quickly, but the warmth and heart really helped pull things together.
The interpretations of the characters were all pretty interesting. Robin’s childlike wonder and naivete was really emphasized, whereas Alfred’s RAF background came quickly to the fore. Barbara Gordon was perhaps the most interesting interpretation of them all. As a disabled ex-comics fan, I’ve always had pretty complicated feelings about Barbara and I was nervous going into this. I will say right now that as far as I could tell, there were no real allusions made to Oracle in this film. I am bummed about that. Babs made the transition to Oracle before I was even born, and her journey has been important to me. (But I guess that’s a rant for another day.) But the Barbara that was introduced in TLBM wasn’t really Batgirl, either, despite allusions being made to the moniker. She’s the new commissioner of Gotham City, and she’s strong, fierce, intelligent, and committed to making structural changes to Gotham’s criminal justice system in order to create a safer environment for both Gotham’s innocent citizens and its seedier ones. She refuses to just delegate her duties to Batman, and she believes that things can be so much better than they have been -- and she’ll work hard to accomplish that. Perhaps most striking of all, despite Batman’s obvious infatuation with her, she does not reciprocate his advances. She wants to be his ally and his friend, but she is her own woman. (”If you call me Batgirl, does that mean I can call you Batboy?”) She’s not the protagonist of this film (and after three lego franchise films, they really are due for a female protagonist) but she’s also no sidekick. She advocates for responsibility, but she’s not the ~boring nag~ that female characters are often reduced to. She’s the voice of hope and reason in a culture of toxic masculinity, and Batman has to realize that her ideas are just as important, if not more, than his. She wasn’t Oracle, but I found that I still ended up really loving this version of Barbara.
Finally, all that gay shit! As I said, Batman has an obvious crush on Barbara. But he definitely has an overtly homoerotic relationship with the Joker, too. Their foemance is constantly put in terms of a relationship, with the main thrust of the plot being inspired by the Joker wanting Batman to pay more attention to him and treasure him as his most important adversary -- frankly, the Joker wants to be Batman’s most important person. I was tickled to find after I got home that I was not the only person that half-expected a kiss in one of their final tension-laden scenes. If Batman had to grow to appreciate his family (re: Robin and Alfred) and his political allies (re: Barbara), he also had to grow to appreciate the Joker, and perhaps in a more heated and intimate way than any of the others. It really is a story about their relationship, strange as that sounds. It’s not a canon gay pairing. Batman has a thing for Barbara, and the Joker and Harley are a (remarkably healthy and cute) item. But damn if it’s not basically rolling around in all that subtext. It’s the kind of film a fanficcer would have a field day with, frankly. There’s a lot of room for exploration. (Basically, if you like Kate Beaton’s Nemesis comics, you’ll like the Batman/Joker relationship in this film.)
Hilariously, the other potential pairing in this film is Bruce Wayne/Batman. It’s never directly stated, but I’m pretty sure Robin thought they were a thing for much of the movie. He definitely thought he was being co-parented by the two of them. And he was psyched! Robin loved having two dads! He went from having no dads to two dads! (“It’s raining dads!”) Like there is zero judgment from anyone about the concept of Robin having two adoptive fathers, even though it was never explicitly stated that people thought his two fathers were dating. (Related -- I kind of want to write fic about the Bruce/Batman that people lowkey thought was going on.) Like both of his dads were shitty, but that was clearly portrayed as a Batman thing, not a gay parenting thing. The film actually had strong messages about the importance of adoption, both by exploring Batman’s relationship with his new son and by exploring Alfred’s relationship with Batman.
tl;dr, the fundies aren’t crazy. The movie is definitely homoerotic and pro-gay parenting. AND I LOVED THAT.
Anyway, overall I really enjoyed the movie. It wasn’t the deepest film in the world, but it was really, really fun. I liked the plot and the characters and the jokes were great. There’s a lot there for both the passing fan of Batman and the superfans who’ve read comics for years. And frankly, it’s the kind of modern film that the franchise has needed for a while. It dissects some of the messages that have been put forth in many of the movies and comics that have starred Batman (and that have made him popular amongst angry wannabe grimdark vigilante dudes for decades) and shows why they’re actually quite dangerous on both a personal and societal level. Really good film.
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5/12/17, 11:11pm - gettin cucked up
me and a particular group of my melee friends have been using the word cuck a lot still and I never really thought about where it came from. Like 4chan probably repopularized the use of the word because I saw that cuckold porn became a really big trend on there, but the way we use it isn’t like cuckoldry exactly, it’s more like getting fucked over, or stood up, or most specifically teased with a promise of a good time and then having someone back out at the last minute.
More on that later I guess. This week’s been so hectic. Wtf it’s only been like 5 days it feels like it’s been weeks already. I’ve restrategized my Get Your Shit Together (4.0) list, and the big three things are 1. pass the RPSGT, 2. get moved out of my apartment, 3. get some surgeries. 
Tony actually wrote my letter for real, so I put in my application to take the test this week! My cpr aed certification is outdated so I got an online one and I’m not allowed, so I have to do a course this weekend and fix that, but otherwise I’m all set. Gotta study hard, I’m pretty fucking pumped to get a raise. Glad I’m not dying for the money rn though, the $500 to take the test and get a new cpr cert would have me stresssssed the fuck out, dude.  No progress on getting someone to take my room just yet, my room’s a fucking mess, I need to do laundry, I’m kinda putting all this shit off for now tbh. We’ll wait until I’ve taken the exam I’ve got vacation this week anyway. And I talked to my dad, who gave me his blessing so to speak to get a vasectomy. I fudged a number that I told him, said that it’s 90% reversible (most numbers say 95% or greater w/in 3 years, about 50% at 10), but with the potential for in vitro fertilization even if the reversal fails I’m sure that’s about right. He told me that my mom had told him that she wasn’t trying to get pregnant for a year or so and then ‘was practically pregnant the next day.’ coupled with how mom was talking about being pregnant at their wedding I can see that lol. He basically told me that he loves all of us a lot, but yeah I would’ve definitely done that because it’s worth it to not have that kind of surprise when you can’t make money for a kid. I definitely can’t make money for a kid right now lol that would kill me. So I’ve already called the doc to get a referral and I’m gonna get a vasectomy. Gotta figure out how much my septum surgery will be too, but that’ll be a lot more -_- Me and dad were catching up for a bit and I helped him get in touch with Dr. Bruce to fix a hernia so he’s gonna be giving me some more money so that’ll help with that too though. Plus I’ll FINALLY be making sleep tech money. I’m so fucking pumped.
Plus basically the past 3 days I’ve Actually just been working. 3 patients a night for the first time this week was stressful as fuck. I mean not exactly. Just time consuming and pretty frustrating. As jimmy said “if you were still trying to get through Zelda you probably would be dying right now.” Made it through fine and that should sweeten up my paycheck just a smidgen.
Still haven’t eaten french fries, but definitely gave up on cigs. Practically like two days later. I was out drinking for Josh’s birthday and smoked a bunch. That shit was so fucking cash omg. I got blackout drunk for the first time in forevvver. Was hanging out with Jimmy, Josh, Ian, Jack, ran around with one of josh’s friends trying to pick up chicks at a bar after smashing beers into our head and shotgunning them. I have a video lol I’ll try to upload it once I have internet. Was trying to ‘flirt with all the ASA bitties’ but got too drunk and ended up boxing someone in Josh’s friend’s basement (w/ boxing gloves) lmfao. Reminded me of middle school boxing Cory Winters and having our little fight club ring lol. Drunk snapped a bunch of people, ian drove me home, it was a great fucking night. Oh and at Josh’s friend’s I ran into one of my asian friends who I could not remember for the life of me. I wasn’t sure if he was a league friend or one of brosciouss friends or a smash friend I was just so lost, but played it off really well (as always) and did jager shots with him. Fuck. Ing. Lit. First time I felt so happy and natural to be drinking in forever, too. Even got to see brett3 for a bit. Nice to be back in chapel hill. Especially when they’re good old drinking buddies like Jack. It’s so strange that I don’t really talk to anybody else from chapel hill, but then again it really isn’t. 
The date with Brianna went pretty meh. We met up and joked around a bunch and thrift shopped and I bought a whole fuckton of new pants to ease the process of spring cleaning and two new sweatshirts so I’m not wearing fuzzy shit all the time now that it’s getting warmer. Ate at Ms. Winner’s and it was some delicious ass cheap fried chicken, might be my new go to in gboro now. But she like barely wanted to kiss me at the end of the date idk what’s up with her, I’ve kinda bailed out since she’s all preoccupied with her family anyway.
Instead ive gone back to what I call my “harem strats” You see, by chatting up as many girls as possible (right now juggling 4-5) I divert my attention and stay aloof enough that I don’t seem like a crazy fuck. Instead I’m just an asshole who’s two timing girls, but yknow fuck you stop judging me.  This girl hit me up on snapchat saying I looked cute in my story and that we should smoke sometime. With the snapchat name Smokeahontas I could’ve sworn it was Kat, so I just go along with the convo. But then I see kat has a diff username and I was like wtfff who is this lol. I didn’t ask her though, just played along and eventually remembered when she asked for my insta that it was this girl I matched with on tinder months ago that I never followed up with (like most of them), probably because I got lazy lol.  Had a sort of date with Jamie, we got some food because she was getting off work, we smoked a bit, but she was like texting the whole time and fuckin bailed out after just an episode of south park to ‘go to the beach with her roommate.’ I still have been talking to her a bunch, but Idk what the fuck is up with that, kinda whack. Super cucked by how that went. Especially because when I walked her out to her car I didn’t even get a kiss goodnight it was this weird lasting embrace like she pressed her cheek into mine to make sure I didn’t try to kiss her I guess, but still held me tight for a really long time, I was like rubbing her lower back hoping she’d like loosen up and kiss me but hooooly shit it all felt super fucking awkward. I’m hoping she’s just really conservative about dudes since she’s such a cutie, but idk. it makes me actually not give a fuck about her. I have a date tomorrow night with the other textiles girl idr if I wrote about her, but she’s cute, going to ncsu. “allergic to smoke” lol I told her I quit. (I mean I had that day before but I lied and said I did two weeks ago hahah goddamn I’m kind of a twat maybe.) Also actually got cucked by smokeahontas. It was like a situation that was too good to be true though, to be fair. She didn’t have anything to do yesterday night and wanted to hang out; when I told her I was stuck at work and said she should just smoke with me in the morning she said she actually wanted to and would stay up all night to meet up with me when I got off. Ofc she fell asleep, and when she woke up she said she wanted to go back to bed, so I flippantly said “well you could always sleep over here.” and surprisingly enough she said she was actually game for that, so our smoke and horror movie date turned into a naptime date. But an hour passed while I was eating breakfast and in the shower so I was like ‘wtf is up’ and she said she got sick and threw up. Figured I was super cucked once more by another flaker, kind of a bummed out, but not as bummed as after the dates with Jaime and Bri both went so poorly lol. Just happily told her we can try again another time, and now she’s saying she wants to do the same plan for tomorrow morning. 
So There. Is. The potential for me to get laid twice tomorrow. Pretty exciting. I haven’t told anyone that I remade plans with her though. RIGHT after I told some friends about how the nap date got planned out she said she was sick. I FUCKING swear that every time I brag about one of my dates I have lined up it falls the fuck through the floor. So I’m gonna try to never do it again. 
Then there’s this other theatre major girl I started talking to yesterday. Talked about horoscopes and transitioned from talking feminism to her (woke as fuck teens smh) into asking if she ate ass (jokingly) into asking if she wanted to hang. Turns out she’s actually a really cool super geeky chick and I’m really excited to spend time with her since she wants to show me jurassic park for the first time and learn how to play melee. Kinda weird that she’s only 18 still though O.o oh you, tyler. 
SO yeah. That’s the sitch with that. Went from supppper fucking bummed a couple days ago about my dating situation into thinking that I’m the shit again. I think I want to establish that “i’m the best” mentality once again. Because I really am. I’m fucking amazing lmao. 
Ultimately though, I’m still getting cucked left and right and I have little to no faith that I’ll find anybody I actually care about ever again but we’ll see yknow. I think that’s the strats to how I fell in love last time anyway.
hmmm. what else is there... Work in burlington is still super shitty, my commute went from an hour to like an hour and forty minutes today bc people in NC can’t drive through a little bit of fucking drizzling. 
Idk that’s about all I’ve got. Next week’s lake week so gonna have to work again in a few days after some date shenanigans and hopefully I’ve got some more good stories and shit. 
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