#and i would die for olly. look at him.
iwantahockeyhimbo · 2 years
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they all kinda look like the dogs they’re with
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chaosandmarigolds · 6 months
Simon Riley! Who technically had the ring picked out as soon as he started babysitting Oliver
Simon Riley! Who nearly jumped out of his skin when you came in from getting the mail with the box from his grandmother, that contained said ring
Simon Riley! Who spent the last two and half years of dating perfectly planning the moment, even had plans B and C on backburner
Simon Riley! who told johnny about the plan and his buddy happily volunteered to take photos (he tried to talk him out of it he swears it)
Simon Riley! Who even asked your son if it would be okay to marry you (the answer was yes duh)
Simon Riley! Who knew knew it would all go perfectly, after all with all that planning-
"Olly said you want to be his dad."
The sound of your voice that would normally send peace and a sense of warmth through him caused his blood to run cold and he slowly turns from where he was currently working on building a dog house (a puppy is what you and he chose to get Olly for his fourth birthday), he looks up at you as you stood on the porch, a confused look upon your face and arms crossed. He had to play this cool, he could do this- "Whaaat?" Shit. "Now why would the lad-"
"Yes, mam."
You walk over to him where he stood in the backyard and you hum, "You get four seconds to tell me why my little boy is getting his hopes up about having a dad again, when you know full well-"
"I'm going to marry you."
To be honest, you were a little taken back, Simon had never seemed like the marrying type and you had spent the last two years trying to convince yourself you were alright with that. So you gulp down and look up at him, "You...what?"
"I have-Fuck- a plan, I have a plan and it was goin to be like tho' movies you make me watch tha' I hate- was gonna make it nice but-I'm goin to marry you an' I wan'a make sure Olly is alright with it."
There came the silence and you bite back the largest smile you swore you would ever have, "Y...you wanna marry me?"
"More than I want to breathe."
"Oh, then I guess I better say yes so you don't die, huh?" Your words were to distract yourself from crying and you pull him down for a brief kiss, "I still want the pretty proposal and the getting down on one knee."
Simon, who reasonably was a bit confused, blinked and then meets your gaze, his hands going to yours, "Are you sayin' Yes?" When he saw your nod he happily moved his hand to your waist and pulled you closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead, "You'll get your pretty proposal, the flowers, and the photos, and I'll make it perfect, love, I'll make it perfect."
Here's what Johnny's photos looked like BTW (he tried)
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incorrectbatfam · 6 months
Have you seen the tiktok going around that's a guy talking to his kids like "The more you sass me, the more I'm gonna flirt with your mother!" That but it's Bruce threatening to leave his comms on deliberately when he's around Selina if the baby bats don't start behaving themselves on patrol.
Bruce: The more you sass me, the more I'm gonna flirt with your parents.
Dick: Jokes on you, I'm an orphan.
Bruce: Alright then.
Bruce: *flirts with Commissioner Gordon*
Bruce: *flirts with Barry*
Bruce: *goes to space*
Bruce: *flirts with Luand'r*
Cass: *blinks*
Bruce: That's it. I've had it with your attitude.
Bruce: *goes out with Lady Shiva*
Bruce: *walks in with a bouquet of flowers*
Luke: Uh... what's all this for?
Bruce: Remember the other week when you called my prototype strobe light batarang stupid?
Luke: ...Because it is?
Bruce: Well, guess what?
Bruce: *gives the flowers to Lucius*
Jason: And what if I don't? What are you gonna do, let me die again?
Bruce: No.
Bruce: *opens Grindr*
Jason: You wouldn't.
Bruce: Oh yes I would.
Bruce: *slides into Ollie's DMs*
Tim: It's a good thing I never introduced you to Bernard's family.
Bruce: I could always look them up in the phone book.
Tim: What year are you living in?
Bruce: I'm just kidding. I'll be back in an hour. Hold down the fort for me, m'kay buddy?
Tim: Yeah, sure.
[an hour later]
Bruce: *walks in holding hands with Lex Luthor and Max Mercury*
Tim: What the...?
Bruce: I still know your best friends' parents.
Lex: This is what you handcuffed me for?
Bruce: Shush, I'm making a point.
Bruce: We go in on my signal.
Steph: This is my dad we're talking about. I'm not gonna sit around and risk him getting away.
Steph: *swings onto the scene*
Bruce: *follows her*
Steph: Stop right there, Cluemaster—BATMAN WHAT THE FUCK?!?
Bruce: *sweeps Arthur off his feet*
Bruce: *lecturing Damian*
Damian: Tt.
Bruce: One second.
Bruce: *pulls out his phone*
Bruce: Hey Talia, I was wondering if you had dinner plans tonight?....Yes, Damian is misbehaving again.....7:30? Perfect!
Duke: You've never met my friends' or girlfriend's parents and Jokerized people can't consent, so...
Bruce: *turns on the computer*
Bruce: *emails the immortal entity Gnomon*
Bruce: *gets a reply*
Bruce: Alfred, fetch my tux.
The voice in Bruce's head: *says mean things*
Bruce: Oh yeah? Well how do you like THIS?
Bruce: *proposes to Selina*
Holly: *flips him off*
Bruce: *proposes to Selina*
Selina: Again? That's the second time today.
Julia: You're nothing a bloody angst-addled egotistical baby twat!
Bruce: *looks at her*
Bruce: *looks at Alfred*
Bruce: This isn't gonna work.
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joekeeryswife · 9 months
Hi I wanted to request Felix and reader getting into a huge fight over rumors of him and India hooking up. Lots of angst that leads to fluff😭 thank youuuu
The party - f.c
hello honeys! first Felix imagine eeek. FELIX DOES NOT DIE AT THE PARTY IN THIS FIC! i’m too excited. i hope you like how i interpreted your request🫶🏼 anyways, i hope you enjoy this imagine! (lmk if i should make a taglist for Felix!)
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“Venetia, have you seen Felix? i cannot find him anywhere” you had been looking for Felix everywhere. you had left his side for two seconds to get a drink and when you came back he was no where to be found.
“i saw him with Ollie and i think her name is India? find Ollie, he will know where he is” Venetia said as she scanned the room to see if she could see her brother. you furrowed your brows, India was here? Felix hadn’t told you India was coming.
in the two summers you had grown incredibly close with Venetia, she was the sweetest girl and you were lucky that she was your boyfriends sister. “i’ll keep looking but if you see him, please tell him i’m looking for him” Venetia nodded “of course, don’t worry about India. i didn’t know she was coming either. but good luck okay?” she winked.
the house was huge, one of the biggest houses you’d ever seen and finding him would be nearly impossible without some sort of indication as to where Felix was. you went into the garden eyes darting in every direction seeing if you could see the tall boy anywhere but it was no use, it was like he completely vanished.
“y/n darling, are you okay?” you heard Elspeth say as you huffed, you turned to look at her and nodded slightly. “yeah i’m okay, i’m just looking for Felix is all” she smiled “he couldn’t of gone too far, don’t worry about him. i saw him with Ollie and some girl, maybe check the library? or the maze?” you nodded and thanked her as you started making your way toward the maze.
the maze was where you and Felix liked to go when you wanted some alone time. even though you both loved spending time with his family, sometimes the two of you just wanted to be alone and the maze was the perfect place for the.
as you started making your way through the maze you saw Oliver walking back out. “Ollie thank god, have you seen Felix? i’ve been looking for him everywhere” he jumped when he saw you “y/n, what are you doing here?” his thick accent filling the quiet maze.
“Elspeth told me you’d be in here and she said guy were with Felix. is he down here-” you started to walk down the maze but Oliver quickly stopped you. “y/n you don’t want to go down there” your heart started pounding.
“why?” you looked at him and by the look on your face you knew something was happening. “he invited India here. me and Felix had a fight and the two of them came in here. when i came here to apologise the two of them were hooking up. i’m so sorry”
you felt your eyes fill with tears and your heart dropped. Felix was cheating on you? you knew the two of them had some sort of history before you and Felix got together but that was two years ago. you felt your chin quiver and a few tears slip down your face. just as you were about to walk away Felix and India came round the corner.
Felix saw you and the smile on his face dropped when he saw your face. you had tears rolling down your cheeks, he quickly started making his way toward you but you just shook your head and started walking out of the maze.
“y/n sweetheart what’s the matter?” he called out but it was too late, you’d ran off. Felix was confused, Oliver had been told by his mum that he could invite anyone he wanted so he invited India and a few other girls from college.
he left India standing there to chase after you, he was still utterly confused as to why you were crying. he brushed past Oliver who felt like he had succeeded, he had tricked you into believing that Felix had cheated on you which would no doubt lead to the two of you breaking up which mean Oliver could have Felix all to himself.
he saw you running into the house, brushing past the hundreds of people which filled practically the whole house. Venetia saw you crying and was confused, what could have happened in that short amount of time.
Felix lost you in the crowds of people but spotted his sister and briskly walked toward her. “Venetia, have you seen y/n? she was crying and i need to make sure she’s okay” she frowned “i think she went to your bedroom but i’m not too sure, she went in that direction” by the time she had finished her sentence he was already gone, running off to his bedroom to find you.
he ran up the stairs to his bedroom and put his ear to the door, he could hear your small sobs and his heat broke. he knocked on the door and walked in, seeing you sat on his bed with your suitcase half packed with your belongings. “what’s the matter? why are you packing your stuff?” he frowned.
“i don’t know Felix, why don’t you tell me?” his frown deepened. “don’t act so innocent okay? i know everything. and it’s a shitty move that you brought her here. you have no idea how embarrassing this is” he could control the small smile that formed on his face as he saw your jealousy peak through. he thought maybe you were jealous that India was here, not that he was cheating on you with her.
“what? are you a little jealous?” he smirked “i can’t believe you’re making a joke about this right now. i’m going home” his face fell. he made his way over to you “what happened, i’m sorry for whatever i did” he pouted but you scoffed and rolled your eyes “yeah well i don’t think sorry is gonna cut it this time Felix”
“okay i seriously have no idea what you are on about. why are you so upset” he tried to sit next to you but you scooted away from him. a whole batch of fresh tears filled your eyes, your head fell into your hands as you tried to hide how hurt you were. “come on baby, talk to me” he placed his hand on your leg and stroked it gently.
“don’t call me that, not after what you did” you pushed his hand away from you as a few tears fell. “what did i do? you’re confusing me” you looked at him with bloodshot eyes “you slept with India.” he looked at you and burst out laughing “what?” you wiped your tear stained cheeks which probably had mascara all over them.
“Oliver told me that you invited India here and that you two slept together. this isn’t funny Felix, i’m serious. i’m going home tomorrow” you sniffled and he shook his head “Oliver told you that? and you believed him?” you shrugged “well, the two of you looked very friendly when you came walking around the corner so yeah i believed it”
“that is the silliest thing i’ve ever heard. i would never ever do that to you.” he placed his hand on your cheeks and placed a delicate kiss on your lips. “i’m too in love with you to cheat on you” he kissed you again.
“why did Oliver say that? he said that you invited India and that he went into the maze to find you to apologise because you two argued and then he said that you two were having sex” Felix frowned “what? having sex in the maze? no that’s not what happened at all” he shook his head.
“Oliver invited India and he got mad because she rejected him, we argued because i told him to not invite her and he did it anyway. i knew her being there would upset you. i was only being nice to her because her friends left her” he explained, his hands falling from your cheeks.
“i’m sorry i was so mean to you” he shook his head “im sorry that i laughed at you, i honestly thought it was just because you were jealous i didn’t realise Oliver told you that. ill speak to my parents, see if they can get rid of him early” he smiled.
“you know i love you, don’t you?” his eyes started into yours, he hated that you were hurting. you nodded “i love you too” he kissed you passionately.
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thevoidstaredback · 5 months
"Guys!" Nightwing shouted once he and Batman arrived in the main are of the Bat Cave, "I have some fantastic news!"
Bruce pulled his cowl off, his amusement no longer being hidden as he nearly failed to keep from laughing.
Everyone had gathered in the Cave to await the two who'd gone to the Watchtower, so everyone was already there to hear the exclamation. Even Alfred was with them all.
"Calm down, Big Bird," Jason said from his place on the meeting table, "What's going on?"
Dick was bouncing on the balls of his feet, "Can I tell 'em, B? Can I, can I?!"
Bruce chuckled, "I'm not stopping you."
He cheered before turning back to the rest of his family, "They think there's a total of three-" he held up three fingers on his left hand, "-of us operating within Gotham, myself excluded because I'm in Bludhaven."
"Wait," Stephanie called, "They think Batman only has three people helping to cover Gotham? They know we're human, right?"
Dick shook his head, his grin only getting bigger. "Nope! They think Batman only has two sidekicks covering Gotham with him."
This caused everyone to laugh, the humor breaking any seriousness anyone would've tried to control to keep on topic. It was nice, Bruce smiled, to be able to let loose with everyone like this. His family was altogether, spending time with one another, doing things that didn't include head hunts or injuries.
Alfred took his place beside Bruce. "This is nice, isn't it."
"It is."
"You can die a happy man now?"
A chuckle. "You killing me off so soon?"
"Of course not, Master Bruce," He's smirking, "I'm simply stating a fact."
"What're you guys talking about over there?" Tim called. Everyone had gathered at the meeting table to go over final details and slight changes for the set up tomorrow. "C'mon! We've gotta finish putting this all together."
Duke nodded from over his shoulder, "Yeah! New information allows room for some much more fun!"
Jason smirked. "Yeah, old man, Alfred! We want to see if we can get away with switching out with each other. It'll confuse the hell outta the Leaguers."
Bruce raised an eyebrow as he and Alfred joined the kids at the table. "How are you going to pull that off? Despite what you all may thing, the others are all a lot more observant than given credit for-"
"Except the Flash and Green Arrow." Cass cut in.
"Hey!" Dick said, "Don't dis Barry like that!"
"Yeah," Barbra agreed, "And Ollie's whole thing is spotting details. He prides himself on it!"
"If that were true, then we wouldn't be planning on how to mess with them, now would we?"
Tim nodded, "Damian's right."
"As you were saying?" Bruce prompted.
"Well," Jason continued, "You, Damian, and Dick have to be here as Batman, Nightwing, and Robin. They all probably know about me, so I'll stay out of the Cave, but you can bet your ass that I'll be in the Clocktower with Babs, listening in on everything." He looked to Tim and Babs. "Should we set up cameras?"
Tim thought for a second, "If we want to record this, then yeah. I can have them all set up by morning."
"I'll help you set it up before I head out tonight," Barbra agreed.
"Anyway," Stephanie interrupted, pulling the attention to herself, "Tim, Cass, and I could totally get away with running around and messing with their senses and shit. And if we can get Kate and Selina in on this-"
"You've already talked to them, haven't you." Bruce asked. The matching grins on everyone's faces was answer enough. He sighed.
"Having fun," Cass patted his arm, "Bonding."
He snorted. 'Bonding', yeah right. Maybe letting his coworkers be the target of his childrens' whims is a bad idea. Then again, their not hurting anyone. It's all fun in games.
Bruce sat at the head of the table. "Alright. We all know about Superman's ability to hear heartbeats and breathing patterns. He's able to memorize someone's vitals, especially his friends. It's safe to assume he's got mine down, as well as Robin's and Nightwing's."
Damian scoffed. "Changing my vitals will be no issue for me."
Bruce nodded, "Me, either."
Dick nodded along, "Soundseasy enough. But what's the plan?"
"Oracle will call you out for an emergency in Bludhaven. Red Hood will call me out for some information at the docks. We'll met up at the Clocktower and switch costumes." he explained.
Barbra had a manic look on her face. "We should have Steph and Cass stay away from the Cave at first, then have them come in separately, but sharing a costume." SHe turned her attention to the blonde. "You have a spare Spoiler costume, yeah?"
Stephanie matched her grin, "Naturally."
"What about me, Tim, and Damian?" Duke asked.
"How would you and Tim like to be actual bats?" the red head wondered, "Or maybe ghosts?"
"Do we get to mess with shit?" Tim asked.
"I'm in," the two responded.
"Damian will run distraction," Jason said," He'll be the only one who stays with the JL the whole time they're here. Alfred will have to keep cover upstairs. I'll bounce between the Manor, the Clocktower, and patrol."
"Are you quite sure?" Alfred asked, "That's quite a lot to be doing."
"Yeah, I'll be fine," he assured.
Brice cleared his throat. "If everyone's ready?" Looks around the table before nods of affirmation. "Good. Finish up any last minute changes and preparations. They've agreed to meet at the Watchtower at fifteen hundred New Jersey time so that I can bring them here. Damian, I want you to come with me."
"Of course, father."
"Ready? Break."
Part 3 Part 5
Tag List: @sebas-nights
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emma-d-klutz · 7 months
Clark telling someone on the Daily Planet who only knows him vaguely as a coworker that, sorry, he really cant take any of that Wayne Ent job off him. Why? Well he sure would like to be of help but journalistic integrity and all. Oh you don't know? Wayne is one of his best friends. No for real. No really! Like probably slot 5 of his top 5 favorite people in the world if he's ranking. (No, Lois isn't first. His mom is first. Which Lois knows but don't like say that I said that.) Right Wayne! No yeah for real love the idiot. You haven't seen him come around? Yeah and he always calls Clark the wrong name as a joke because we're friends. Dude I'm not lying to get out of this! Why would I lie? Ok yeah it is an annoying assignment...
Hang on.
Clark texts someone on his phone. Waits a beat. Gets a text back. Calls someone. It's ringing. It picks up.
"You're on speaker, B."
"Sorry just had to get somewhere quieter-" It is so loud in the background Wayne is nearly screaming into the phone. "Oh yeah Clark was with me all last week. Whatever you saw was someone else. In fact, he saved my life up there. I broke part of my spine on a fall and was partially paralyzed instantly, and he had to carry me over his shoulder. But then after five hours of carrying me, his adrenaline gave out, and so did his legs. So we're both on the ground in a pile right near the ledge, and we start sliding that direction, and I think to myself -I distinctly remember- I think to myself that if we're going to die, at least I get to die looking at intrepid reporter Clark Kent, who is waaay more ripped than he looks with a shirt on and has the most soulful blue eyes. And then we were saved or something because he's such a genius that he rewired his phone and rigged it to get a signal even in the middle of nowhere on the fly and called for a helicopter. Or something like that. I don't know. But yeah thats why Clark's been gone, and if you thought you saw him, you saw someone else. I mean that haircut is everywhere. Did you know he set that trend? Anyway I gotta go."
The line goes dead. Clark and the coworker look blankly at each other for a moment.
".....You were here all last week."
"Sorry. I didn't text him why I needed him to say he knows me, so I think he just.... tried to cover all the bases."
(Bruce is in several layers of method acting ofc but Jimmy, Hal, Ollie, Dinah, Kara, and several more all gleefully corroborate it immediately when given the opportunity and even yes-and onto it, and now Clark's journalistic integrity is going towards reminding his coworker that he was here last week I promise they're all doing bits )
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lizlovestofangirl · 3 months
ఌ︎ driver blurb featuring... oscar, daniel, charles, lando, ollie, arthur
ఌ︎ letter from liz... really loving the driver blurbs right now so request some more! if a driver isn't on my writing list you can always request them and i'll see if i can try and write for them <3
ఌ︎ warning... a little angst i guess but nothing serious and swearing
ᡣ𐭩 oscar piastri
oscar is a polite cat. this is a known fact. it is also a known fact that cats are selective about the people they trust. luckily for you, oscar has put all his trust in you. you knew he had a rough day. he had been gone before you woke up and was just now getting back after you had already eaten dinner. you could see the exhaustion dripping off of him, eye bags evident and shoulders hunched. he greeted you with a small smile and then wrapped his arms around you. you could feel him relax as you stood together, his arms around your shoulders and yours around his middle. he places the most gentle kiss on your temple and whispered how he had missed you. there's nothing that makes him happier than coming home to you.
ᡣ𐭩 daniel ricciardo
daniel is sunshine in human form and finds joy in making other people laugh and feel good. but sometimes, he can get tired just like everyone else. he had been quiet all day but said he was fine when you asked. by mid afternoon, it was apparent that something was really wrong. you walked from the kitchen to your shared room to find him on the bed answering emails, looking like he wanted to curl up and die. you gave him a look, your eyes screaming 'tell me what's wrong'. he gave you one right back that said, 'talk later, hold me now.' he shuffled so he was sitting at the edge of the bed and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he wrapped his around your waist. he pressed his head into your chest as you ran your fingers through his curls and he realized in that moment that you were exactly what needed. then and now, forever and always.
ᡣ𐭩 charles leclerc
charles isn't the biggest hugger. he'd rather wrap an arm around you and place a kiss on your cheek, so when he does cave and hug you, it's even more special. you hadn't seen him in two weeks because of work. you guys had talked on the phone and texted constantly, but it wasn't the same. when he picked you up at the airport, he grabbed you and lifted you off the ground, spinning you like how they do in movies. "i've missed you, mon amour," he says as he puts you down. he pulls away and smiles at you, and before you can smile back he pulls you back in for another hug. "what's this about, charlie?" you ask. "i don't know, i just really missed you."
ᡣ𐭩 lando norris
it doesn't matter if you're happy or sad, lando just wants to be close to you. you were in the paddock grabbing food with oscar's girlfriend, lily, in between free practice one and two when he snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing kisses to your exposed shoulder and neck. lily giggled, giving you knowing look that said 'he would do anything for you.' and it was true. he would. he would give you a million dollars or kisses if you asked, and give you a million hugs without you having to ask or think about it.
ᡣ𐭩 ollie bearman
ollie hugs are the best. staying true to his last name, he really does give a bear hug. he walked into hospitality after a great qualifying and his face lit up when he saw you. "hey bear," you said, your smile creeping into your words. he immediately pulled you into a tight hug. his thumb lightly tracing circles on your shoulder. he starts to rock you back and forth and you can feel his contentment as he rests his chin on the top of your head. his height makes hugs even better because he is able to envelop you like your own person blanket, or even better your own oversized teddy bear.
ᡣ𐭩 arthur leclerc
let's be honest, arthur is hot. like really hot. and he loves that you think he's attractive and sometimes get a little embarrassed about it. he had just finished working out and was walking through your shared bedroom to the bathroom so he could shower, but he felt your eyes on him. he looked up from his phone to find you staring, your lips slightly parted and your book completely forgotten on your lap. he smirked and said, "like what you see?" classic. but you couldn't help it! he looked so good. the arms. the waist. the layer of sweat that made him glisten. you looked away in embarrassment and he just laughed. that cocky motherfucker. he grabbed your hand and gently pulled you out of bed and into a hug. you hid your face in his neck and be gave you a squeeze. he pulled back to see your blush had worsened, quickly deciding to kiss your forehead and pull you back in so you could hide again. curse his hotness.
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eunoia-writes · 8 months
Knight In shining armour • Felix Catton x Reader
Warnings - 18+ Smut, Oral (M&F receiving, PinV, Oliver being a creep, Drugging
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When y/n awoke without Felix next to her it wasn’t out of the ordinary. Felix typically got up before her to go in hai morning
“Morning Darling.” Elspeth said as y/n approached at the table adorned In Felix’s jumper and her usual bed shorts
“Good morning.” She said with a smile while Duncan brought out her usual of scrambled eggs while she made her way to the breakfast bar grabbing her usual multiple spoons of fruit and few slices of toast.
“Felix and Oliver have headed out of the day so I thought you might like to accompany me and Venetia into town to get costumes for the party tomorrow.” Elspeth said taking a sip of her coffee her eyes not leaving y/n as she walked back to the table
“I’d love to.” Y/n said taking a sip of her orange juice “it’s been far too long since the three of us did anything without Felix.” She added while Venetia laughed
“It would be nice to see you without my brother attached to your hip for once.” Y/n blushed slightly, everyone adored how inseparable the couple were especially Elspeth, she loved seeing how smitten her son was, the way he doted on his girlfriend she just adorned how in love he was.
“Don’t listen to her you two are just darling together.” Elspeth said making y/n smile as she finished up her breakfast before rushing off to get ready for the day.
After hours of walking around the streets of London the three girls got back to saltburn. Y/n walked into Felix room to see him sat on the bed as she carried in multiple bags
“Oh Fi I got us the best costumes for tomorrow you’re going to love it honestly.” She began before she realised something was right
“Darling, what’s wrong?” Y/n put the bags down walking over to him as he looked up at her with tears in his eyes “oh my pretty boy, whatever’s the matter.” Felix took a deep breath as he pulled y/n into his lap
“Ollie lied… about everything.” Felix whispered as her hands came to his face wiping his tears away “I mean everything baby, the stuff with his parents… his dad is alive.” The last four words felt like a bullet In her chest.
“Oh.” Was all she said and Felix knew how hurt she was just from that. Y/n had bonded with Ollie over the loss after she lost her dad a few months prior. She didn’t want to believe that someone could be so cruel.
“I’m so sorry pretty girl.” Felix said as tears rolled down her cheeks
“Why are you sorry? You didn’t do anything wrong.” She asked her bottom lip quivering it was taking everything in her not to breakdown sobbing
“I brought him into our lives… I should have known.” Y/n shook her head before kissing him softly
“It’s not your fault.. how were you to know” She mumbled into the kiss before pulling away. She wiped the few stray tears that feel onto his cheeks away before standing back up and clearing her throat.
“Now back to those costumes.”
“God baby, you look so fucking hot.” Felix said as y/n came out of the bathroom in her costume. The same gold wings in his back adorned her. The bra, skirt and matching wings combo leaving very little to the imagination. the pair dressed as a Greek god and Goddess which Felix would argue she is regardless of the costume.
“You’re the sweetest.” Y/n leaned up to kiss Felix who’s hands instantly began to roam her body “Fi as much as I would love to stay in your room all night you mother will kiss us if we don’t show after all the effort she’s put into this.”
“Don’t really feel like celebrating.” Felix said his hands on her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck
“I know baby, I’ll make you a deal well go down there and show our faces for a while, have a few drinks and then I’ll finally let you show me round that maze yeah?” She suggested with an innocent smile on her face but the suggestion was far from innocent
“Get moving then pretty girl.” He said wasting no more time making sure to slap her arse as they walked out of his bedroom and down to where the party had already began
“Wow don’t you look hot.” Venetia said as y/n and Felix walked over to her hand in hand the music was already thumping as Elspeth walked over handing the pair a glass of champagne each making sure to tell them how cute there matching costumes are.
“Our dear cousin is out back with something to make this party a little more fun for us.” Venetia said watching the way Felix eyes lit up as he pressed a kiss to his girlfriend’s temple before hurrying off.
The pair had managed to avoid Ollie so far that evening while drinking their way through bottle after bottle of whatever they could get their hands on. Felix had hardly taken his hands off her the whole evening when she suggest a late night stroll, although he knew what she was really suggesting.
The couple made their way outside into the cool summers air, the alcohol in their veins doing more than enough to keep them warm.
“You know the way right baby?” Y/n asked as they neared the entrance of the entirely pitch black maze while Felix had stopped to plant sloppy kisses all over her neck mumbling for her not to worry as she ran her hands through his hair.
Felix took the lead their laughter echoing against the labyrinthine walls, stumbled forward, hand in hand. The scent of blooming flowers lingered in the air as they weaved through the twists and turns, their steps becoming a delightful dance of tipsy synchronicity. Every few steps, he paused, their laughter bubbling over into kisses that tasted of desperation mixed with booze.
“My feet hurt.” Y/n mumbled into the kiss as she kicked off her shoes making her even smaller than her boyfriend who always towered over her.
“Not much longer pretty.” Felix said interlocking there hands once again as they continued into the darkness. The maze, a playground for their intoxicated affection, led them to its heart, where, surrounded by the fragrant maze walls, they shared a final, lingering kiss.
“Wow s’lot bigger than I imagined.” Y/n joked looking up at the statue in the center that towered over the pair of them
“The only thing you should be sayings big is me.” He joked as she rolled her eyes in the moonlight cocking her head to the side as she pulled him closer by the buckle of his belt
“Pretty heard to say that when I’ve got my mouth full.” She teased as she dropped to her knees staring up at him while she fumbled with his belt
“God pretty girl you’re killing me.” And just as he was about to have his way with her a loud snap came from a few yard away
“What was that.” She stopped in place much to his dismay
“S’nothibg baby.” Felix’s hands made there way into her hair as she looked up at him pouting slightly but ultimately brushing it off as she continued undoing his belt and pulling his jeans and underwear down just enough to pull him out of his underwear
Y/n wrapped both of her hands around the bottle of his length her eyes never leaving his as she kitten licked the tip. Felix let out a shaky breath making him tremble in his spot gripping her hair tighter. Her tongue swirled around his tip before she took him into her mouth her head bobbing up and done and she took more for him each time.
“Fuck just like that.” Felix groaned as her throat tightened around him as she gagged slightly briefly coming up for air before wrapping her mouth around him again she moaned around him as he let our a rather loud moan
“Such a good girl.” He groaned which only encouraged her she kept up her exact pace feeling him tense in her throat.
“Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He said mere seconds before he finished in her mouth with a groan watching as she swallowed him and licked up any mess. Flashing an innocent smile just to top it off.
“God what are you doing to me y/n.” Felix waisted no time tucking himself back into his boxers as he scooped her up placing her on the base of the statue wasting no time attacking there lips as he stood between her thighs his lips trailed down to her neck she let out a soft wine as he found her sweet spot
“Up.” He mumbled into her neck telling her lift her ass up so he could pull her underwear down shoving them into his back pocket while he continued sucking marks on her neck.
He left a trail of open mouthed kisses down her chest to right were she needed him the most before pressing a kissed against her clothed heat “please.” she moaned he smirked looking up at her once more as if he was asking permission
“Fi.” She wined once more before he blew hot air over her swollen clit before diving in. his tongue traced her folds before he lapped at her clit. Y/n’s back arched, electricity bolting through her nerves. Her hands flew to tug at his hair as he lapped at her clit feverishly so Desperate to taste her. He caught her off guard slipping a digit into her, groaned into her when your legs locked around his head, securing him in place. Not that he needed it. He’d stay here forever if she’d let him.
“Please Fi .” She moaned his fingers pumped in and out of her while his tongue made work on her clit. her thighs tremble and eyes roll back into her head. One hand grip the Stone she was sat on her knuckles white, while the other tugged at his locks. The pressure in her abdomen built but so does something else, something deeper at the same time. Felix took note pulling away
“you taste just Devine pretty thing, but not so fast I’m not finished with you yet.” He said as she whimpered at the loss of contact.
She watched as he pulled himself out of his boxers leaning down it kiss her again before he lined himself up with her entrance before he sank into her both of them gasping at the feeling. 
“fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned. She was appreciative of his slow thrusts her constant wines were evident of that.
Y/n’s legs wrapping around his waist pulling him closer as his hips rocked back and forth
“Faster.” She groaned in his ear as she clenched around him. His free hand moving to wrap around her throat squeezing slightly as his hips moved faster.
Y/n opened her eyes for a few seconds spotting someone in the distance. She let out a gasp pushing Felix off her as she attempted to cover herself
“Ollie what the fuck!” She said as she realised who had been watching them. Felix fumbled to cover himself up before protectively standing in front of y/n.
“What the fuck is wrong with you Ollie.” He said while y/n grabbed into his arm
“We need to talk.” Ollie slurred as he made his was over to the couple. Y/n climbed down off the statue staying hid behind her boyfriend
“You’re a fucking liar Ollie.” Felix said as Ollie got closer and closer
“How could you Ollie, after I confided in you.” Y/n said snatching the bottle of champagne out of his hand chugging most of what was left
“I know I’m so sorry y/n… I really am.” He said but she just shook her head and walked away from the pair cradling the bottle as she wobbled while she listened to Felix and Ollie argue
“You need to leave Ollie.” Felix said his eyes flickering to y/n was was now slightly hunched over
“You’re still my friend? We’ll all still be friends right?” Felix didn’t give him an answer before he rushed over to y/n which Ollie took as his que to leave
“Felix.” She said as she started to go dizzy. Y/n reached out for him while he grabbed onto her
“I don’t feel good.” She whispered before her legs gave way. Alarmed, Felix scooped her up in his arms, concern etching his face.
“Stay with me, baby.” Y/n mumbled something drowsy, her eyes struggling to stay open. Felix, with a sense of urgency, began navigating the maze's twists and turns running as fast as he could carry her
“No baby keep your eyes open.” He said as he held her head up with one hand. As he neared the house he spotted Elspeth seeing a group of her friends off by there cars
“Mum!” He yelled out catching her attention, noticing the distress, she rushed over, her face turning from joyous to concerned.
“I don’t know what happened, no baby keep your eyes open for me.” Felix said once again noticing the way she was struggling to stay conscious “y/n, look at me.” He said as Elspeth rushed them towards the car calling out of Duncan.
Felix sat y/n in the back seat sliding in next to her while his mother told him she’d get the rest of the family before telling Duncan to drive to the hospital as fast as he possibly could while she climbed into the passenger seat.”
“M’tired.” Y/n mumbled incoherently as she fell limp into Felix said
“I know baby, I know but you’ve gotta Stay awake for me.” Felix’s heart was in his throat he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“Felix, what happen? Did she take something?” Elspeth asked Felix had never shook his head so quickly
“No mum, she would never. she was fine a few minutes ago.” He said the panic in his voice evident he head tears in his eyes as y/n kept mumbling nonsense to him.
“Love you Fi” He heard her say before she fell unconscious
“Drive fucking faster!” He yelled hitting the back of the seat as he tried to shake her awake but it wasn’t working
“Calm down Felix we’re almost there.” Elspeth said in reality she was also just as panicked. She loved y/n like her own she couldn’t bare the thought of something happening to her.
“I can’t fucking calm down!” He yelled and as soon as they turned into the hospital Felix wasted no time rushing her inside begging for help. Multiple doctors came rushing over taking him from her arms discussing things amongst themselves.
Felix stood frozen in the middle of the room, the weight of fear anchoring him to the spot. The harsh light overhead accentuated the pallor of his face as doctors fired questions about what happened with his collapsed girlfriend. His voice caught in his throat, and his limbs felt like lead, rendering him incapable of articulating the events that led to this moment. The fear consumed him, the uncertainty of y/n’s well-being tightening its grip. Just when the anxiety threatened to suffocate him, the hospital door opens and Elspeth entered, a comforting presence amidst the clinical sterility. Her eyes met Felix's, conveying a silent reassurance that he wasn't alone in this ordeal. In that shared gaze, a glimmer of strength returned to Felix, grounding him in the support of his mother amid the overwhelming uncertainties of the hospital room.
Elspeth took over the questioning answering every question she possibly could as a nurse took Felix into the waiting room where he sank into one of the chairs terrified for y/n’s life. A few minutes later Venetia, his dad and Farleigh came rushing into the room. No one said a word.
Venetia took a seat next to her brother taking his hand in hers trying to offer him some sort of comfort in the horrific moment. The reality of the situation had completely sobered him up the adrenaline of the alcohol wearing off.
“Felix, darling have some water.” Elspeth said handing Felix a plastic cup that she had filled with the water sat off to the side of them. His hands shook as he took a sip of the water finally speaking up for the first time since he’d let the doctors take y/n from his arm.
“I won’t be able to live if something happens to her.” It was almost a whisper but everyone heard it
“She’s going to be okay.” Farleigh not only told Felix but also himself and everyone in the room for that matter all of them having the same sinking feeling.
“But what if it’s not.”
In the hush of the hospital waiting room, Felix ensnared in a web of anxiety, perched on the edge of a hard plastic chair. His knees are caught in a restless rhythm, an involuntary dance fueled by the uncertainty of y/n’s condition. The minutes stretch like elastic as he nervously glances at the clock, each tick amplifying the echo of his worries.
Unable to contain the nervous energy, Felix succumbs to the urge to pace back and forth across the linoleum floor. His steps are uneven, a physical manifestation of the emotional turbulence swirling within. The harsh fluorescent lights cast shadows that play on his strained expression, the weight of concern etched across his face.
Meanwhile, His family huddles nearby, attempting to offer solace in whispered words and gentle touches. Their eyes mirror his apprehension, but they muster comforting smiles and attempts at casual conversation, striving to create a shield against the suffocating atmosphere of the waiting room.
The air is thick with anticipation, each passing second an agonizing reminder of the unknown. Felix, caught between the pull of hope and the gravity of fear, finds solace neither in the uncomfortable chair nor the sterile surroundings. All that matters is the impending news about y/n’s well-being, an answer that lingers just out of reach, teasing the frayed edges of his nerves. What felt like an eternity later a doctor came into the room everyone’s attention on them
“I’m Doctor Robinson I’m y/n’s doctor Today.” The woman started but before she could get another word out Felix croaked
“Is she okay?”
“Y/n is doing better than we could have hoped for her case, you did the right thing getting her here when you did. Her toxicology came back and it looks like she ingested a lethal amount of benzodiazepines which we believe after conversation with Elspeth to be as a result of spiking in something she will have drank at the party this evening.” The doctor explained everyone felt a weight lifted off there shoulders as they said she was doing better
“Can I see her?” Felix asked
“She’s not awake yet, however you are more than welcome to sit at her bedside until she does wake up.” Felix shoot up out of his seat almost instantly the others silently agreeing to let him go alone as he followed the doctor to her room.
Felix heart broke as soon as he walked into the room seeing y/n laying there with multiple IVs stuck in her arm. He chocked back his tears as he made his way to sit next to her taking his hand in hers.
At what felt like only moments later as if she was awoke by his presence she was finally conscious again. Felix kiss the back of her hand as he thanked god for keeping her safe
“Hey pretty.” He whispered softly as a few tears rolled down his cheeks she smiled softly at him squeezing his hand
“Hi.” She croaked out her eyes half open. Her entire body ached as she reached out to wipe his tears away “Don’t cry Fi, I’m okay.”
“You scared me so much baby.” He said as more tears rolled down his cheeks
“god if you had - but I didn’t and I’m okay.” She said knowing where his train of thought was going. She shuffled herself to one side of the bed making room for Felix next to her as she patted the spot which he waisted no time climbing into
“Did they tell you what happen?” She asked as she got comfortable on his chest as Felix petted her head. Felix let out a sigh not sure how to approach the topic.
“The doctors said you had a lot of benzodiazepines in your system.” Felix started and he felt her tense up
“What- I don’t do that kinda thing… I’d never.” She said as tears rolled down her cheeks
“I know baby I know, mum knows that too everyone knows you’re not like that.” He whispered y/n had always made it gleaming obvious she didn’t like the idea of every taking drugs while she never judged those who did she couldn’t bare the thought of losing herself to drugs the way her father did.
“Then how?” She asked knowing exactly how but she needed him to say it
“The doctors think something you drank was spiked.” Felix said and her heart sank. Saltburn was supposed to be a space space where she didn’t have to worry about stuff like that. A place where nothing bad could possible happen.
“You don’t think…” she started and Felix knew exactly what she was hinting at. Ollie. The only thing she had drank that she hadn’t opened the bottle or poured herself was the champagne she snatched from his hands.
“I… I Really fucking hope not.” Felix whispered just as Elspeth and everyone knocked at the door wanting to check in y/n themselves
“Oh darling, I’m so glad You’re okay. You had us all worried sick.” Elspeth said rushing over to y/n’s bedside who gave her a weak smile
“Is there anything we can do or get you?” James said standing next to his wife placing a comforting hand on her shoulder
“I would really just like to go home.” Y/n said and just as Venetia was about yo say she’d go speak to the doctor Felix spoke up
“No, you can’t go home yet.” He began looking down at her “you need to stay here and get better.”
“Fels, I’m okay I just need to rest.” y/n said just as her doctor walked into the room
“Ah y/n, glad to see you’re awake.” She began as she picked up her chart from the end of the bed “I’m sure Felix here told you, we found a lethal amount of benzodiazepines in your system which is what caused you to lose consciousness. If it wasn’t for your lovely family getting you here when they did we’d be looking at a very different outcome.” Y/n squeezed Felix’s hand softly nodding to what the doctor was telling her.
“For now I suggest you go home and rest up take it easy for a few day, which I’m sure everyone in this room will see too that you do and make sure you’re drinking plenty of fluids.” Y/n looked up at Felix while the doctor went to collect the discharge papers
“See baby, I told you I’m okay.” She said as he leaned down to kiss her softly
“I’m so glad you’re okay pretty.”
“Well Im lucky I have you, my knight in shining armour.”
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moviecritc · 4 months
ollie bearman x reader at graduation plss
pink bouquet ⋆ ollie bearman
pairing: ollie bearman x reader (fc: avantika)
summary: you thought your boyfriend couldn't make it to your graduation, but turns out he and your mum were plotting something
word count: 1K
warnings: mixed smau and writing
a/n: i made some things up about ollie's education for the sake of the plot
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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Y/N wasn't even sure how she had managed it, but she had graduated. Her time at secondary school had been rather confusing and tough, balancing classes with karting competitions and training sessions was no easy task, and even there were several times she thought she wouldn't make it.
But now secondary school was over and she could dedicate herself entirely to her career in motorsport. The future looked really bright for her, with several championships won, sponsors, and her pretty boyfriend who hadn't been able to make it to her graduation. Although the latter wasn't entirely bright.
Ollie and she had met at that same secondary school two years earlier. They had to do a project together and, eventually, they ended up meeting on the karting tracks, so what started as a simple friendship unfolded into a lovely relationship.
They spent a lot of time together, studying and attending each other's races. Ollie was much more advanced in the sport than she was, practically having his path to F2 carved out, and that also took a lot of his study time so usually, he performed worse in subjects than she did. So in mid-March of that year, he dropped out of school.
This made the relationship between Ollie and Y/N a bit complicated, but surprisingly they overcame the distance in a great way. He went to London whenever he could, and she accompanied him to races as they used to do before. They even managed to go to the prom together and have a lovely evening.
Y/N was aware of the fame her boyfriend had gained in a short time and he had thought it best to keep their relationship private from the media. Y/N didn't mind this part too much, but it was impossible not to think that Ollie hadn't come to see her at her graduation because there would be quite a few people taking photos.
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Y/N emerged from her room wearing the pink dress she and Ollie had picked out for graduation. He had himself told her it looked so good on her that he didn't know if he'd kill or die for that dress.
She descended the stairs, finding her mother and brother eagerly awaiting her exit. "Oh my goodness, Y/N," her mother said, heading towards her the moment she saw her. "You look beautiful." Her mother glanced at her brother sternly, encouraging him to say something.
"Yeah, you look alright," he spoke, lips pressed together.
YN rolled her eyes and hugged her mother. Her phone rang, and she hurried to see who it was, which left Y/N feeling quite puzzled, especially seeing her mother's wide smile.
"Let's take a picture," her mother nodded, under her brother's grimace.
The two posed with weak smiles because Y/N looked amazing, while her brother remained in his pyjamas. Although it was Y/N who had the weakest smile; she had been feeling her boyfriend's absence all morning.
Ollie had been there for many of her most special moments; when she won her first karting championship, when she got her driver's license, when she passed that subject that had been so difficult for her… His absence at her graduation felt wrong.
Someone rang the doorbell at that exact moment. Y/N frowned and looked at her mother and then her brother, wondering who was missing.
"Why don't you open it, darling?" her mother commented from the kitchen, hiding her excited smile.
YN knew something was about to happen because even her brother sat on the sofa, waiting for her to open the door.
Upon opening it, she was met with a bouquet of tulips larger than her upper body. She gasped, bringing her hands to her face. Then a little head peeked out from the top of the bouquet. "Hi,"
YN stifled a scream, which turned into a giggle, and went into the arms of her boyfriend, who lifted her slightly off the ground as he kissed her, not caring that his face got smeared with her red lipstick. YN took the bouquet, still speechless. They closed the door behind them, and she pointed at her mother instantly.
"You knew,"
"Well, of course," her mother said, with a proud smile.
YN let out a laugh of complete happiness; she was smiling so much that her cheeks started to hurt.
"It was Ollie's idea," her brother pointed out.
"You knew too?"
Everyone laughed, and then her mother and brother left them alone for a few moments so they could talk quietly. They kissed a couple more times until Ollie asked her, "You didn't know?"
YN smiled slightly. "I found out a couple of days ago; my mother isn't very discreet with her calls," Ollie laughed, resting his head on YN's shoulder. "But I'm thrilled you're here,"
"And I am too," he raised his gaze instantly. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."
YN pursed her lips slightly. "For a moment, I thought you wouldn't come. Because of all the photos and stuff,"
Ollie pulled away from her a bit, frowning.
"Why would I care about that?"
"You know, because of the private relationship thing," YN nervously bit her lip.
Ollie smiled softly, and kissed her gently on the nose. "I only told you that because at races, it's not cool to have cameras everywhere trying to take pictures of you. Some drivers told me it was a good idea,"
"Ollie, I don't care about that. I just want to show off my boyfriend at my graduation," she shrugged, cradling Ollie's face in her hands.
"I love that," Ollie pulled her back towards him, kissing her for a few seconds.
"Also, with all that fame you say you have, you could make me some promotion,"
"You cheeky…"
YN cut him off with a kiss. "I love you,"
"I love you more, baby,"
olliebearman just posted a story!
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[caption: the only driver out there with gcse's]
yourusername just posted!
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liked by olliebearman, yourbff and 1834 others
yourusername when the dress match the flowers>>>
tagged olliebearman
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yourbff face card never declines
user1 oh to be ollie
yourfriend ready for saltburn summerrr 🥵
yourusername i have to train 😔 yourfriend booo
user2 she's in motorsport too!!
user3 power couple
olliebearman stunning as always 🌷👑
yourusername you too babyy 💗💗 user4 they're so cute I CAN'TTT
user5 wait so if they're both in motorsports, who's the wag?
yourusername ollie obviously user6 she's so sweet it hurts
user7 i heard that they've dating for two years?? like how we didn't know??
user8 they gonna be highschool sweethearts.
320 notes · View notes
icantspellthings · 8 months
I'm honestly so fucking tired of these stupid "ollie lied/faked everything down to the clothes he wears and the books he read" takes. Bitch did we watch the same film? He's not some 10 steps ahead of you string pulling puppeter mastermind, he barely knew what the fuck he was doing. Everything he did was purely reactionary and a desperate attempt to gain any sort of control over the situation.
Why on earth would he lie about wearing glasses and reading 50 books over the summer like a friendless nerd. He's not a planner, but he is adaptable, he saw the situation he was in and decided to do something about it. Hell most of the shit he did was so poorly though out and improvised that Felix discovered his lies ON ACCIDENT!
He waited 15 fucking years for Sir james to DIE??? What if he didn't die first but elspeth did, what if elspeth wasn't at the cafe that day and has no interest in him ditching him like poor dear pamela. How did he convince elspeth to sign saltburn off to him? Everything he did was based on pure luck alone.
He's the narrator of the story telling this to us and even then he still looks like a dumb bitch. Yeah I know he's manipulative but I do not believe for a single second he planned any of this out at all, so many variables that relies on things being in this perfect condition.
Things just happens to him and he reacted to it in his own fucked up way. He just got extremely lucky that the cattons are idiots with cotton for brains, and he got rid of the ones that suspected him.
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loohs-world · 6 days
Ollie Bearman x girlfriend!sainz!reader
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liked by iamrebeccad,carlossainz55 and 1.235.225 people
ynsainz La vida es hermosa contigo 🤍
carlossainz55 Te estoy vigilando Bearman
olliebearman don't worry, I love your sister I would never hurt her
iamrebeccad You cuties, all the best to you 🤍
olliebearman I love you pretty girl❤️
ynsainz I love you too Ollie❤️🥹
ollieandynfanpage ❤️
user 😍😍
user They were made for each other
landonorris happy to see you happy ❤️
ynsainz 🥹🥹❤️
carlossainzoficial Mi dulce niña, es maravilloso verte feliz❤️
ynsainz Ay papi, gracias por tanto🥹❤️‍🩹
blancasainz95 🤍
user How cute! 🥹
user 😍
charles_leclerc We are all happy for you both, but we will always keep an eye on you 😑🫵🏽
user I love their dynamic, they treat them like they are a younger sister
yukitsunoda0511 It's more like a pet 😂
ynsainz very funny birthday souvenir 😂❤️
user That's what I'm talking about LOL
user Oh how beautiful love is 😍🥰
user my boyfriend and his girlfriend 😍
user How cute🥹
see all 2,101 comments
olliebearman ✓
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liked by iamrebeccad, carlossainz55 and 39.091 people
olliebearman we always my princess🤍
user 😍
user I knew there was something going on with them, Ollie always looked at Yn with puppy dog eyes, and I'm sure the song "Can't help falling in love" by Elvis Presley played in his mind
carlossainz55 I always suspected, he was like that whenever she passed by or talked to him 🧍🏻🧍🏻and not to mention the bright eyes
ynsainz Te amo Ollie, gracias por amarme🤍
olliebearman I have to thank you for accepting me as your boyfriend, I promise to always love you, you are the greatest love of my life 🤍
sebastianvetell Be happy children, love is beautiful and yours is even more beautiful!!
ynsainz Oh Seb, I love you so much 🥹
olliebearman Thank you Seb❤️
carlossainzoficiall take good care of my little girl boy
olliebearman I will go sir 🫡
carlossainzoficiall good 🫂
yourfriend WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN? 😭
landonorris You know, I'm single, you're single 🫣
yourfriend Do you know when we're leaving Norris?
landonorris I don't know my love, when sweetie?
yourfriend N-E-V-E-R
landonorris you love me i know 😮‍💨
user in life I'm Lando lol😂
user If you break up, I'll die, I swear
user Bearman, can you fight? Because I'm gonna steal your girlfriend
user I would love to be the couple's lunchbox LOL
user they know they are perfect 😮‍💨😮‍💨
user fan of your relationship 🫢
user I always rooted for this couple
user the couple that Disney doesn't have😍
user 😍😍
ynnews 😍
user Cute 😩🥹
see all 5.543 comments
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haveihitanerve · 2 months
Oliver Queen was quite certain he was going to die. He had been holding in a laugh for the past ten minutes, which was dangerous under any circumstances, and downright fatal if it was an explosive, loud and hearty laugh, which this one was. Especially considering that no one else seemed to be as tickled as he was, and if he did laugh, he would be laughing at the Batman. The thing was, that Batman had brought his own coffee mug and thermos to the Watchtower (because apparently their coffee wasn't good enough, or something, as batman hadn't exactly offered an explanation) and both had phrases on them that would be amusing belonging to anyone, and were downright hilarious due to the fact that they belonged to Batman. The thermos said “I’m not saying I’m Batman, I’m just saying you’ll never see me and Batman in the same room together” which, sadly, no one else seemed to have even looked twice at, and his mug, which had a large black bat on it, which said “We’re a Batty little family”. Both items were very much not helping Oliver to win his fight with his mirth, when Batman caught his eye. “Oh shit.” he muttered when the Bat began to move towards him. Well, he was bound to die anyway. “Nice mug.” Oliver greeted the second Batman got close. To his surprise, Batmans lips twitched upward. “Thank you. My children got it for me. I’m surprised you're the first to mention it.” Oliver looked at him in surprise. “Oh my freaking gods.” Batman, the Batman, wanted people to comment on his mug. He was proud of it. Oliver finally released his cackle, and Batmans smile grew marginally in delight. “Oh man that is priceless.” Oliver chuckled when he had finally gotten himself under control. “But hey, kids are like that. I mean, mine got me a shirt with two arrows pointing up, with a bow that was sideways beneath it to make a simile face.” Oliver sketched on his own shirt with his finger to display the image. Batman chuckled lightly. “Thats… quite funny.” “Yeah.” Oliver agreed, thinking back with a smile how often he wore it, and Roy’s delight every time. “My kids,” Batman added, drawing Oliver out of his thoughts. “Got me a tie that says, uh, “Worlds Best Dad In Gotham. Which… o-k i guess..” Oliver stared at him agape before absolutely losing it at the tone with which Batman had quoted his tie. “That is… brilliant.” Oliver wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. “Wow. Wow wow wow wow wow.” Oliver smiled with relish. “I love that.” Batman smiled back. “I do too.” “Uh, green arrow? Whats so funny?” Green Lantern called over. “Oh nothing, nothing.” Oliver called back. “Just some uh.. Dad jokes.” Hal made a noise of confusion, but Batman chuckled lightly. “Dad jokes?” Green Lantern asked, utterly befuddled. Batman and Green Arrow grinned at each other.  
Oliver Queen was quite certain he was going to die. He had a meeting in Gotham today, which was always long and boring, especially since he usually only dealt with the lower members of Wayne Enterprises. Not that he had anything against status, not really, it was only that they were always such a drag, and it was clear they wanted a higher lifestyle. But, to his surprise, when Oliver walked into the meeting room, the CEO of WE was actually present, sitting at the head of the table in deep discussion with a man Oliver vaguely remembered was named something Fox. Lucy? “Ah, Ollie, so good of you to meet with us!” Boomed a voice and Oliver turned in surprise to see Bruce Wayne. “Bruce? Hey man! I didn't know you’d be here!” Oliver grinned in surprised delight, offering the other man a quick hug. Bruce shrugged, sipping some coffee. “I’m just here as a chauffeur. I’m taking Timmy out after this, but I’ll be a part of the meeting if you want some decent conversation.” He winked and Oliver laughed. “Not that my son isn't a good conversationalist.” He added. Oliver waved a hand, moving to his seat and offering the kid a quick smile. Tim glanced over, offering a wave before returning to his heated debate. “Naw I know he is. Wasn't expecting you guys to be here. Glad you are though.” Oliver sighed in relief. Bruce hummed in acknowledgement, taking a seat next to him. “Well I’m glad to see you too Ollie, theres, actually something I want to tell you.” At that, his son finally looked over for more than a second, something gleaming in his eyes. “Oh?” Oliver asked intrigued, leaning forward. That was when he saw it. Tucked just barely beneath the lapel of Bruces suit jacket…. A tie. A tie that said “Worlds Best Dad in Gotham. Which… O-k I guess..” Oliver sat back like electrocuted. Bruce and Tim watched him carefully, and Fox gave a very good impression of looking out the window. “You- uh- you're.” Oliver cleared his throat and Bruce leaned in intently. “Yes?” “Your tie.” Oliver blurted. “Its… nice. My friend has one too.” Bruce raised an eyebrow. “Does he?” He lifted his mug, which had a large black bat on it, and sipped. Oliver swallowed. “W-why me? Why now?” Bruce shrugged, glancing over at his son who was now also doing a very good job of admiring the ceiling tiles. “Because I trust you. And because I need a good friend.” Oliver smiled weakly. “Well, you already had that in Brucie.” Bruce smiled softly. “I know. But friendship requires trust. And Batman needs all the friends he can get.” Oliver chuckle lightly. “So… Dad jokes was the way to go huh?” Bruce smiled, pleased, leaning back. “Yep. Dad jokes.” Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen grinned at each other. 
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chaosandmarigolds · 6 months
Dad!Simon who insisted you go on the vacation, because of course he can handle his baby girl and his six year old (almost six, but Ollie rounds up)
Simon who knew he had it in the bag....
for about two hours
Simon who made bagels for dinner; wassss this close 🤏to making Ollie eat dirt because WHAT DO YOU MEAN you don't like bagels now you were begging for them in the store!
Simon who made it about forty hours before he gave him and called Johnny
Simon who had no idea why Ollie was being so gosh darn annoying
Simon who had previously made a bet with Price that he wouldn't need help so therefore he would rather die than call Price even though Ollie idolizes his 'grandfather'
''s Johnny, missed ya but leave a message at the lil' beep."
"John MacTavish I swear to god if you don' call me back in ten minutes I will personally post thos' pictures of ya in Afgan."
two minutes later-
"ya know that's a real low blow-"
"I need you to take Oliver to th' park- Tessie isn't goin to sleep with him 'roun."
"Call the capn, he's closer to ya."
"I will not do that."
"Ugh, fine- lemme tell my girl then'll be there in twenty."
Simon who told Oliver to behave for his uncle and then happily sent them away- which finally he would be able to put the exhausted newborn to sleep
Simon was finally able to doze off on the sofa, the baby happily snoozing away on his chest and everything seemed perfect with the world
"MISTER RILEY UNCLE JOHNNY IS IS-HES-" The thundering slam of the door being swung open not only woke up Simon but the baby who aptly began to sob to the sudden change of pace, Oliver however did not care "UNCLE JOHNNY SUCKS."
Uncle Johnny told Ollie not to kick the ball into the river
Simon who is flabbergasted because even Johnny looked shook to his core, sure they had been at the park for about five hours but like-???
John MacTavish...brought down .... by Simon's six year old
Simon who, after ten minutes of the baby screaming for their mother and refusing to take their bottle with disgruntled wails of pain and Ollie so tired he can't think straight so he's also a sobbing and angry disaster and Johnny's just standing there by the door waiting for answers and everything is so loud-
"Oh! Hi, sweetheart," John's wife answered the landline and he could hear her voice call for her husband, "Hi, how are you and lil' ones?"
Simon looked at Ollie who was currently in time out for stealing his sisters binkie for the tenth time, "Not great."
"Simon." Price's voice cut in and it took about five seconds to get everything account for, "Ya already called Johnny right?"
"Did you try Kyle?"
"No sir, he's on his honeymoon."
'"Ah-that's right, that's right."
"Sir I would like your help."
"Ha! Knew it! Alrighty, missus and I'll be there in...i dunno- you boys hungry? She made that-honey whatcha make?" indistinct conversation, "Ma'am said it didn't matter, she'll bring it anyway. Forty minutes?"
Simon looked at Johnny, who was on 'keep ollie in said time out' picking up the kid whenever he would try and run off. "Can you make it twenty, sir?"
Simon and Johnny who, out of habit, stood at attention as soon at the captain let himself into the house
Simon who looked a bit worse for wear, even with his non existant sleep scheulde in the military he had never looked so fatigued
Simon who had the baby out of his arms by Price's wife within two minutes of them being there
Simon who loves his son, he loves him (internal mantra) but he is making him look bad to his captain so the little twerp better get his act together.
"How long is your block?"
"Two kilometers around."
"Two laps."
faltering silence through the house, Simon stared at the captain as he helped Ollie tie his sneakers by the door. The silence did mean Tessie had finally fallen asleep but he was- "I'm sorry?"
"Two laps, you, Johnny, and Oliver." Price looked to the kid, who looked more angry at the world than anything else, "Go. Dinner will be ready when you get back."
Simon was about to argue but Ollie beat him to it, "I don't want to run."
"You don't want to run?"
Oliver seemed a bit taken back, "No. So I'm not going to."
"Okay. You can clean the entire house- including your sisters nappy's, for a week, yeah?"
A pause.
"Fine, i'll go on the stupid run."
Simon who might as well be walking with the pace Oliver chose to keep
Johnny who took off sprinting because lord knew that man was starving and Mrs. Price's food was heaven on earth
Simon who sat down on the side of the road when the little guy was out of breath
Simon that mostly ran in silence until Ollie broke it
"Why did mom leave?"
"Mom she-she just...she left us, wh-"
"Whoa-whoa whoa, mum didn't leave-mum didn't leave us wh-whoa, Olls," he had collapsed to his knee when the boy started to speak just to look at him in the eyes and he tried to read the boys expression, "Mum would never leave you, she loves you so much."
"Then where did she go?? Why didn't she say goodbye?"
"She's with her friends, and her flight left 'fore you woke up, Olls. Laddie, she wouldn't leave you."
Simon who had called you, even though there was time difference as everyone was sitting down to eat dinner
"oh...wow the gang's back together," You grumble as you rub your eyes, having been dead asleep, only for the camera angle to change suddenly and it was just a close up angle of your son's face, "Hi baby."
"Mom guess what Uncle Johnny did."
"Hey mom?" The boy was easily distracted and then looked down at the phone again.
"Yeah baby?"
"Never go on away again, dad said so."
You stay silent for a moment, blinking, because in all three years you and Simon had been together Ollie had never referred to him as 'dad' or anything remotely close. "Your...right, yeah-I'm pretty bored here anyway."
Simon, who was fine with you going on little getaways just not anymore how dare you try and leave him alone
"You sure it's okay if I stay a few more days?"
With a short laugh he looks over the living room, where Johnny and Olls were fast asleep watching some cartoon he didn't know the name of while John and His wife had chosen to stay in the guest room for the night. It would hell if you stayed for a few more days.
"Of course, luv, I got the boys an' Tessie needs to learn who they are anyway."
"I guess. Okay, the ride is here. I love you."
"I love you more."
(annnnway that's it <333 any comments you wanna leave or anything like that makes my day!)
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magicspeedwagon7 · 9 months
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a lot of analysis of "Saltburn" that i see on the internet focus on the text/subtext and maybe the symbolism but i'd like to focus on how messages can be conveyed by the visual elements of the film.
after your first viewing of the film, you've probably asked yourself a lot of questions, including: did Ollie genuinely like Felix (and all his plans derailed dramatically) ? or was Felix a mean to an end from the beginning (and Ollie's mistaken his obsession with Felix, more precisely what he represents (i.e. coolness, wealth, injustice etc) for genuine affection) ?
first and foremost, let's talk about the ratio used all throughout the film which is 1.33:1. so not a perfect square - that would be 1:1 - but here's a screenshot of my computer while i was playing the film on my media player so you can see the biiiig black stripes to the left and right.
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such a square-ish ratio - especially compared to larger ratios, the hollywood standard being 1.85:1 - allows paying attention to the characters instead of the background in wide shots or floor shots and offers 'intimate' close-ups because little to no background is to be see as you get closer to the characters. the main drawback and that we cannot capture imposing backgrounds with it. it just doesn't fit.
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the scene where Felix shows Ollie around the house illustrates perfectly the paradoxes of the film. Saltburn is central to the film and yet just a background.
the camera never moves away from Felix, not even when Ollie looks left and right. to add insult to injury, the narrow frame prevents us from looking at anything else even if we wanted to.
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"some fucking hideous Rubens" said Felix. Rubens that...we will never see. same for the maze Felix will die in: we'll see it later.
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of course, the previous scene depicted Ollie as insignificant compared to the castle but i think this scene is here to establish Duncan as the gatekeeper of the castle in a very literal sense. as if the gates of the castle had taken on a human form in the form of Duncan.
but the moment Felix comes in, all eyes on him.
for me, the message is clear: before the death of Felix, we don't care about the castle . there's not even a single room of that castle that you could describe extensively. do you know what Ollie's and Felix's rooms look like? and the dressing room? etc. Ollie was genuinely obsessed with Felix and he had to improvise when he died that aspect of him is not part of any scheme. in contrary i think the moments when Ollie's sexually excited by Felix (cf bathtub scene, grave scene) are Ollie's rare moments of vulnerability when his real personality slips through. he cold-bloodedly killed all the members of the Catton family except Felix he genuinely cried for.
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that's why i do not subscribe to the view that every single thing Ollie does is part of a scheme from the get-go. sometimes, Ollie improvises and his obsession for Felix is not a mean to an end.
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santanasaintmendes · 2 months
new york, concrete jungle where dreams are made of
part3! to the cosmic girl records 
¡Cosmic Girl Records!
summary: graduation day! and having the grid in the city for the US GP makes the day 1000x better 
olliebearman x reader & platonic!grid x reader 
fc!: gorgeous girls and couples on pinterest all credits go to rightful owners of the photos used below 
a/n: thank you for everyone who’s shown love to part 1 and 2 of the cosmic girl records!
disclaimer!: there are sensitive jokes that are used in this smau that may be offensive to some people they are all purely used to make the story more humorous. if you have any problems with the jokes that are used please feel free to message me and i will do my best to make sure everyone is happy, thank you!
tg!: swearing, sensitive jokes, carlos and y/n bully lando, if there are any other ones let me know!
wordcount: 1.5k ?
enjoy and i hope it makes you smile/laugh!
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liked by olliebearman, bestie1, georgerussell64, lilymhe, alexandrasaintmleux and 4,583,483 others
unfortunatelyy/n: hey upper east siders, 2 days down, 3 to go and im thinkin’. . . more coffee ☕️
view 2,483,322 comments 
 bestie1: I BELIEVE IN US 💪
 unfortunatelyy/n: i wish i had the brain capacity to 😮‍💨
 user1: wait so now that she’s graduating does that mean no more aesthetic studying vlogs and pics 😨
 user2: hopefully instead we’ll have photos from inside one of the f1 motorhomes instead 🙏
 user3: hoping, manifesting and praying 🙏 
user12: the last pic hits hard 😭
 olliebearman: can’t wait to see you this weekend 🥰
 liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
 georgerussell64: get a room geez 🙄 
 unfortunatelyy/n: @carmenmmundt get your child off instagram 
georgerussell64: HEY
 user4: just when I thought y/n couldn’t get any  more relatable she goes and drops this on us 
 user12: real. 
user5: the fits go hard 💪
liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
 alexandrasaintmleux: more coffee and like 45+ hours of sleep, am i right?
 unfortunatelyy/n: FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT 
 user5: what’s she studying?
 user6: she’s been studying mechanical engineering for the last couple of years, she did karting as a kid and met lando when she lived in England that’s why she’s good friends with them all but she decided to stop karting and pursue mechanical engineering in school 
 user7: we love hot smart girls 😍
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 user8: any idea why lando hasn’t been very active on insta lately?
 user9: maybe he’s busy 
 liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 user11: not her liking the comment, she’s so real for that 
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liked by olliebearman, lilymhe, alex_albon, charles_leclerc, kimi.antonelli, arthur_leclerc and 5,583,483 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: i think. . . i’d step on a lego for you
tagged olliebearman 
 olliebearman: wow, i’m honoured 🥹
 unfortunatelyy/n: damn straight you are those things hurt like hell 
user2: y/n’s really out here living the life we only dream of 😣
 kimi.antonelli: good job Bearman, i told you it would work 
 olliebearman: ???? 
 user3: it’s not only me who’s looking at ollie’s arms in the last pic right?
 unfortunatelyy/n: nope 🤭 
 olliebearman: 🤨 
 arthur_leclerc: lego dates, i wish i would’ve thought of that first, if i do it now carla will say i’m copying you 😔
 olliebearman: sorry man 😔
 user5: guys, any ideas why the 2019 rookies are being less active in y/n’s insta comments 
 user6: it's not their job you know 
 user5: yeah i know but it’s still weird right??
lilymhe: STOP STEALING HER FROM ME 😡 @olliebearman
 alex_albon: I’m right here???
 unfortunatelyy/n: your point being?
 alex_albon: oh i hate you 
 unfortunatelyy/n: grab a ticket and get in line 
 user9: she cooked him 
 user10: ate and left no crumbs we stan a queen fr
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liked by olliebearman, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri, georgerussell64, alex_albon, lilymhe and 11,482,973 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: ya snooze ya lose. it’s called defeat, Norris. 
tagged landonorris
view 72,492 comments 
user13: welcome back miss relatable 
user14: im sorry but lando doesn’t stand A CHANCE against y/n 
liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
 user3: poor lando 😭
 user4: there are two types of people:
 user5: i did it. i manifested lando and HE’S BACK IN Y/N’s INSTA 
 user6: sum goofy ass future telling shit fr 
 landonorris: i let you win on purpose
 unfortunatelyy/n: OH so you WEREN’T crying and begging for mercy when i was going to win against you for the 5th time? 
 landonorris:  . . . yes.
 unfortunatelyy/n: hmmm 🤔
user11: don’t believe him he’s a liar y/n 🗣️🗣️
 carlossainz55: @unfortunatelyy/n how many times did you win against him
 unfortunatelyy/n: 8 times 😄
 user7: in conclusion: lando sucks at chess 
 carlossainz55: very good. i taught you well
 user15: they’re best friends your honour 
 carlossainz55: @landonorris i see you have not improved 
 user8: i just KNOW y/n and carlos love to roast lando together every weekend 
 landonorris: YOU GUYS SUCK 
 unfortunatelyy/n: and you good sir, suck at chess 
 user9: sorry lando but HAHAHAHA
 landonorris:@unfortunatelyy/n  i’m blocking you. 
user10: i bet y/n especially asks lando to play chess just to win against him
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
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liked by olliebearman, landonorris, bestie1, lilymhe, georgerussel64, alex_albon, charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, lewishamilton and 8,822,329 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: it all paid off in the end, how did I do it? That’s a secret I’ll never tell, XOXO gossip girl 
tagged bestie1
olliebearman: so proud of you ❤️
liked by unfortunatelyy/n 
user1: the gossip girl references my heart can’t take it, i’m so proud of her 🥹
 user11: SHES GORGEOUS 😍 Ollie better know how to fight 
 olliebearman: 😅
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
bestie1: no more 3am late nights studying?? 😦
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 landonorris: guess i’ll be seeing you next year alongside the ENEMIES 
 user2: LANDO WHAT
 unfortunatelyy/n: can’t keep a secret to save your life can you? 🙄
 mercedesamgf1: can’t wait to have you on the team next year y/n!
 user13: ARE U FOR REAL
 charles_leclerc: congratulations traitor!
 unfortunatelyy/n: thank you ferrari’s sacrificial lamb
 charles_leclerc: I-
 user6: bro’s speechless 
 charles_leclerc: why would you choose mercedes? we could’ve been world champions y/n 😔
 user14: HELP 
 unfortunatelyy/n: with your driving? i think not. 
 user7: oop 
 user8: dang that must’ve hurt 
 charles_leclerc: I take it back. SUFFER WITH MERCEDES 
 user9: i just know his PR team is going insane right now 
 unfortunatelyy/n: whatever you say baguette boy 
 user11: oh she went there 
 charles_leclerc: oh you’re a little shi-
 unfortunatelyy/n: OH I HATE YOU 
 mercedesamgf1: . . . note to self: don’t EVER get into a fight with Y/N 😅
user10: new thing to look forward to next season: charles and y/n beefing with one another 
 georgerussell64: you chose well, welcome to the dark side 😌
 unfortunatelyy/n: thanks. . .?
 lewishamilton: congratulations y/n!
 unfortunatelyy/n: thank you lewis! finally a normal comment 
landonorris: honestly and all jokes aside, i’m so proud of how far you’ve come from being that annoying little shit who followed me around all the time to a smart and somewhat kind girl, can’t wait to celebrate tonight 🥳
 unfortunatelyy/n: screenshotted, i’m going to hang this over your head for the rest of your life norris 
 landonorris: dang it. 
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liked by lilymhe, olliebearman, carmenmmundt, alexandrasaintmleux, arthur_leclerc and 23,383,938 others 
unfortunatelyy/n: thanks for the memories xx 
tagged olliebearman, georgerussell64, landonorris, carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 18 others 
 maxverstappen1: DELETE THAT RIGHT NOW 
 unfortunatelyy/n: no. 🫶
 carlossainz55: i look good, no? 
 unfortunatelyy/n: whatever floats your boat man 
 unfortunatelyy/n: someone tell him he looks like he’s on crack 
 carlossainz55: 😨
 unfortunatelyy/n: 🫢 
user1: i just know yuki and pierre were pouring their whole heart and soul into the song 
liked by unfortunatelyy/n
 georgerussell64: let me just say, alonso and i tore up that dancefloor 
 unfortunatelyy/n: alonso yes, you no. 
 georgerussell64: damn ok 😔
 unfortunatelyy/n: no backchat? are you feeling okay? 
user2: i think i’m going to cry, they all love her sm 
user3: is this why they were so absent on her recent posts, were they planning all of this 🥹
user4: DON’T TALK TO ME. i’m in my feels rn
 landonorris: “thank you lando for planning this, i will be your servant for the rest of your life” 
 user5: HELP WHAT
 landonorris: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT 
 landonorris: OKAY FINE U MANIAC
 unfortunatelyy/n: WHAT DID U JUST CALL ME 
 landonorris: . . .and for legal reasons that’s a joke 
 landonorris: @olliebearman help me man, i’ll let you past this weekend 🙏
 olliebearman: you want me to help you after you tried to kill me? 
 landonorris: well if you say it like that it sounds bad
 landonorris: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT
 olliebearman: “iT wAs aN acCiDeNt” 
user6: ollie and y/n truly belong together, look at them bullying lando. i feel like a proud mother
 charles_leclerc: i’m sorry for my past actions y/n please never embarrass me on your instagram 🙏
 unfortunatelyy/m: apology NOT accepted 
 charles_leclerc: PLEASE 
 unfortunatelyy/n: no. 
user7: charles leclerc’s worst enemy: ferrari ❌ y/n ✅
a/n: thank you for reading! Have an awesome day lovely 🫶🏻
192 notes · View notes
celaenaeiln · 4 months
What do you think of Nightwing/Robins relationship with each of the Titans through the years? Specifically Roy, Donna, and Wally.
With Donna and Wally it’s so fluffy! With Roy however I feel like they are either partners in crime or hitting each other where it hurts
You're so right anon. With Donna and Wally things are pretty much perfect but with Roy, Dick's relationship is back and forth but it's not because they don't like each other. It's because they like each other too much.
Donna is EVERYTHING to Dick Grayson. She's his sister, best friend, other half. Hardcore ride or die. He literally walked her down the aisle the day of her wedding.
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Tales of the Teen Titans Issue #50
She also said she would follow him all the way down to hell and she damn sure means it.
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Justice League of America (2006) Issue #50
These two aren't going anywhere but to each other.
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World's Finest: Teen Titans Issue #5
Wally just loves Dick a lot. Like if he could Wally would just live with Dick forever and the two of them would just be happy for that.
You've probably read my other posts about Wally already but I'll collate them here just because it's a long time and it's a nice refresher.
Dick and Wally's friendship post
Dick as Wally's lightning rod post
How Dick and Wally in a relationship would go post
Like I said. It's not a problem but Roy's relationship with Dick is based on the fact that he loves Dick too much. He thinks Dick is the best thing in the world to ever exist. All the Titans think that but Roy wants to BE Dick. If you look at it, Roy's relationship with Dick is a parallel to Jason's relationship with Dick and Donna, Wally, and Garth's relationship with Dick matches exactly with Tim's relationship with Dick.
Jason thinks the world of Dick Grayson and tried his best to live up to him. He tried to fill in Dick's shoes which is exactly what Roy does.
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Teen Titans (1996) Issue #13
He loves Dick to an extreme that he wants to emulate but finds himself struggling because he doesn't believe he achieves that. So, he acts out in order to recieve attention from Dick and Ollie and so on. He gets aggressive with the people he loves because he wants them to look at him. He wants to keep them looking at him. Which is the reason for the back and forth between best friend and angry friend moods he has going on with Dick. It's born out of respect and love and need for acknowledgement from the person who he considers is the greatest to have ever existed.
The reason I bring up Jason and Tim is because it's the clearest way to explain Dick's relationships with the Titans. The Titans and Dick's brothers hold him in the highest esteem - they just react to him differently. Wally,Donna, Garth, and Tim love Dick and think of him as the peak of perfection. So, Wally and Tim especially celebrate it by using him as an inspiration to be greater. In similar ways, Jason and Roy love Dick and think he's the peak of perfection and want to be him. They use him as inspiration but at the same time they feel the need to compete with him to prove their worth. Where Wally and Tim have just accepted that Dick is the best and can't be achieved by anyone, Jason and Roy actually do try to be like him. However you know what they say about Icarus - don't fly too close to the sun. Meaning, don't be too overly ambitious and greedy. I don't think there's anything wrong with what Jason and Roy do but the impact of what they're trying to achieve has negative consequences on their mental health.
They love him, want to be him, but personally feel they're falling short of him which brings in the mood swings. The rest of the Titans and Tim have a fluffier relationship because they don't even bother. They've just accepted that Dick is the best and go about on their day. So in summary, Roy's relationship with Dick is fraught with tension because of insecurities as a result of hero-worship. But truth be told, Roy loves Dick just as equally as Wally, Donna, and Garth. He simply shows his love a different way to him than they do because they're all their own individual people.
In terms of Dick viewing Roy, Dick is Roy's hardcore friend. He's a real one. When Roy was struggling with drugs, Dick single handedly dragged him into Rehab because he was there for him. Because for Dick, it makes him happy seeing Roy happy and successful.
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The New Titans (1988) Issue #101
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Titans (2008) Issue #23
And Roy literally holds down Dick when he freaks out and chases after Kori after she gets possessed at their wedding. The friendship they have is not the smoothest friendship but it's a real one. They need each other because when they're each at their worst the other other one comes in slaps the other around, gives a twisted love confession in the form of threats, and then they get better.
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New Titans (1988) Issue #101
Dick is stubborn as hell but Roy is willing to put in the dirty work to pull him out. Same goes for Dick with Roy.
Outsiders is probably the best explanation of their dynamic. Roy put together the Outsiders because he didn't want Dick constantly depressed WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT WALLY DID WHEN HE PUT TOGETHER THE TITANS IN TITANS (1999). But it comes off differently because Roy is more aggressive in the way he shows love. If Roy needs anything, Dick's there for him immediately.
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Action Comics (1938) Issue #631
THIS. This scene is them.
They're a flipping hot mess that love each other. In other words, Roy and Dick's friendship is what you get when you put two egoists in a room together and tell them that they're going to die only for them to start beating each other up because they're each screaming that they love the other more and neither refuses to let the other one go first. Kinda like the song Style. They fall apart and then they fall back together for an eternity.
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