#and i’m hungry :)
theloveinc · 3 months
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lion hybrid!bakugo x reader - stream of consciousness
(warnings: child loss, child abuse, hybrids, a/b/o terms + dynamics, etc.)
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You mated and bonded with lion hybrid!Bakugo when you were young. It was everything you could’ve wanted at the time: he was handsome, he was strong, he had a pride to keep you safe in when times got tough and other hybrids started sniffing around the territory looking to cause trouble.
And he loved you. Every night between you was spent cuddled between the soft silks and furs of his bedsheets, your mouths always touching, your hands always roaming.
It was no wonder you got pregnant with your first litter almost immediately.
Bakugo was ecstatic, of course, as the leader of the pack, he’d always strived to set an example for the rest of his family. He was beyond ready to be a father, leading every hunt after your announcement with ferocity and vigor, eager to come home and split the yield with you; hands still bloodied but always gentle when he touched your belly and purred loud enough to have your baby kicking in tandem.
You gave birth to a single daughter who didn’t survive. A tiny cub who spent her first-and only-hours struggling to breathe. Your midwife, a hyena, said it was nothing anyone could’ve predicted or prevented. No one’s fault but the universe’s.
Your relationship with Bakugo didn’t last much longer after that. His strength, always just and admirable when used against others, became hideous and fearful, used to scare and boast rather than keep safe. He started surrounding himself with only the toughest, most driven lions in your pack, and doing more than just hunting to feed your pride, instead clearing the tundra of everyone who tried standing in his way, or even just defending their own packs. But worst of all, he started lashing out at the other cubs in your pride, as if the grief within him turned to jealousy, and that jealousy made him more animal than man.
You couldn’t stay. Couldn’t watch the man you once loved be eaten away and turned evil by the thought of what was meant to be but wasn’t. Couldn’t handle the thought of bearing no children or many children to a man so cruel he wouldn’t teach them kindness and loyalty, but instead, the skills needed not to just survive, but dominate.
You slipped out, ran as fast and as far as your feet could take you during one of the pride’s night stalks… and despite the withdrawals of being so far from your mate, never looked back, praying for Bakugo to find healing and serenity, and eventually start over.
It’s years later when the alpha of your new pride is bested by a man in another territory and you’re forced to merge with their colony. The journey to their enclave is long, but not difficult, as the women in your new family giggle about what sort of cats and hybrids they’ll meet under new reign and you find joy in their hopefulness.
(You never managed to settle on another mate, had no new babies after the passing of your daughter. No matter how hard you tried, no one seemed to live up to the lion you fell in love with so many years ago, or were willing to take on a woman who already had a mating mark.)
As you reach your new place of resting, however, your skin begins to break out in hives. Your hair seems to stand up on end, sweat pooling in the crevices of your skin despite the cool temperature, and the air begins to reek of something sickening, a scene that only gets worse the longer the day carries on, of an alpha so desperate and angry all the girls begin finding themselves feeling faint—worst of all, you.
It’s when you finally collapse from the oppressive conditions that they leave you with the first woman who pokes her head out wondering about the newest members of their pack, the first new face you’ve seen all day, promising to check in on you once all is settled with your new alpha.
The woman lies you down in her bed, welcoming and kind, her young cubs running back and forth to fetch you water, tea, and blankets as she strokes your head and tells you of what will be your new home. Her daughters are sweet girls, wondering of where you came from and what it was like under your old alpha, though the oldest, nearly ten years old, has a bruise on her cheek which you caress when she goes to lay a cool cloth on your forehead.
“Who did that to you,” you ask, to which everyone in the house is going stiff… and the woman whispers to you that everyone in this pride is suffering under the rule of an alpha who never managed to move on from his mate that ran away years earlier.
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kairithemang0 · 5 months
I don’t need to wake up early tomorrow so yknow what I’m gonna do?
a. Sleep like a normal person
b. Do something productive
c. Think about curtwen
if you said think about curtwen
YOURE CORRECT! I’m in fact a predictable bitch who has one braincell and it belongs to the gay spies
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ninety-two-bees · 4 months
sat on a plane for 10 hours and had a guy mansplain the environmental science job market to me (i am an environmemtal scientist) but at least someone else complimented my camp half-blood shirt
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araredish · 6 months
Person who loves to cook is tired after work but still has to make dinner. 30 dead 45 injured.
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beefcakeash · 27 days
good morning little gay ppl in my phone i didn’t sleep last night
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spineless-lobster · 2 months
i’m gonna fucking kill you with my sword
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manwithoutaspleen · 7 months
God I feel fucking awful
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abc-felixx · 10 months
I caught my stove on fire that wasn’t a joke, I imagined my house burning and melting before my eyes as I began to realize what was happening. I said “Marissa hey Marissa” and and then a little more frantic “Marissa urgent come here it’s urgent” and then as they made their way I said “the stove is one fire”. We started to stumble around, Marissa said I’m calling my dad. I looked up what to do and in effect poured baking soda on it, but it didn’t go away. I then remembered my oven was on too, and 2 other burners, I turn everything off. The house begins to get smokey, I turn on all the fans and call 911. Then the fire was gone, but I was still scared to open up the oven or move forward. We open the windows, I grab a cigarette, and Marissa goes to the car for warmth as we wait outside for the firetruck. It was nothing super crazy. Pulling up in massive suits and grabbing like 3 heavy duty extinguishers, they see that stove is no longer on fire as I told the operator, and loosen up. One sighs, and heads back to the truck to take care of the equipment. They took my name and birthday, told me I need to clean the grease n shit from under my burners so that doesn’t happen. I’m like smokey the bear, except for not forest fires but o specifically oven fires and I actually only know one thing from what a firefighter told me once. Clean your burners and underneath them, especially if they’re old or pre-used. We talked a bit, then they left in their big car machine and flew away. They somehow managed to break our screen door with their industrialized suits of great volume as well. I then took the burnt pot upon a different burner plate and finished dinner. Overdone, I ate in disappointment and exhaustion, and returned back to my horrid predisposition. Everything is as though it’s in flames now, that’s all I can see now. I see it in everything now. I imagined much worse than what happened.
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shutupdevvie · 1 year
today sucks so bad
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thebearchives · 2 years
i’ve been studying all day my brain hurts
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mydarlingdahlia · 1 year
🧁Baking with Itto HCs! 🥐
Y’all are probably sick of me posting about my self ship but whatever it’s my free version of therapy
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❀ Whenever I decide to start baking, I usually do so without telling him, but he always finds out one way or another
❀ He always finds out I’m baking by the sweet smell, or if he’s just bored he’ll wander into the kitchen and find me there
❀ It’s absolute chaos, but it’s adorable.
❀ His favorite thing to bake with me is beignets (I love baking these irl), and he always goes a little overboard on the powdered sugar.
❀ I physically cannot keep him from eating some of the batter, mf just takes a finger and gathers as much of it as he can. (Then pretends he didn’t do it)
❀ He’s so impatient waiting for the beignets to finish baking in the oven. “Lottieeee….when are they going to be finishedddd??” “You decided to join me in the first place, if you don’t want any just say that.” “…I still want some…”
❀ He loves to watch me out the final touches on anything we make, he loves watching me drizzle the honey marmalade on the beignets, and lightly sprinkle them with powdered sugar.
❀ I guarantee that if I wasn’t watching/supervising him, he’d eat all of the beignets. (I would too ngl)
❀ He goes apeshit with the chocolate dipping. I’m surprised his face isn’t smeared in chocolate sauce by the time he’s done.
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cetoddle-archive · 1 year
holy shit i just woke up
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theinconveniencing · 1 year
well that’s all. it’s over. I finished looking for alaska. and that was probably one of the last things I should be doing right now but at least now I can say I’ve read it. and god the day I’ve had because it was redacted then tower of nero (which was insane) then back to redacted the finishing looking for alaska (which was even more insane and I’m going insane) and I put on the same deodorant I was wearing during the last month of school but haven’t worn since and the smell is making me miss it and I miss my friends and I can’t even buy looking for alaska on eBay because somebody stole my fucking debit card information nor can I go to the thrift store where somebody inevitably donated their copy and pay for it in cash because my car is in the shop because it keeps stalling on me. and it’s july and it’s hot and I work at a gas station and I have to see my dad on sunday and I’m behind on my diary but the last thing I wanna do is write. and i have maggie by ajj stuck in my head and basically am going to kill myself
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
How’s your day been, babygirl? Xx
So, so long, sweet anonnie. I’ve been at work for 11 hours now all so I can finish these 4 experiments, and I am in agony hahahaha, i can’t wait to go homeee
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unofficialrensworld · 2 years
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fallencelsetial · 2 months
Okay you know what….at least we’re HOME. So if you fuck shit up then you can just run to the bathroom again.
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