#and i’m still unsure abt making it multi chaptered
gregmarriage · 2 years
okay, so my fic is “finished”
read: i’ve written it from beginning to end. i just have to finish up some parts and work out some stuff. also edit it/format it etc. it just doesn’t feel ready yet, but it’s getting there, so yee fun imao
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eemoo1o-tfrmoo · 11 months
i am curious abt end of the bullhook!!!!!!!
Ahh! Its only a rough idea at the moment, but essentially it’s a short multi-chapter concerning Drago’s Bewilderbeast.
It’s heavily speculated (or confirmed/implied, I’m unsure) that Drago abused his Bewilderbeast to get it under his control, using similar methods to how people abuse elephants in the real world. The Bewilderbeast is also still alive.
So, I imagine that Eret probably knows bits of the abuse.
Hiccup and Astrid (and maybe even Fishlegs, with Snotlout, Valka and the twins chiming in) are talking about the Bewilderbeast, and Eret overhears. This is still during the days where the ice is still littering Berk and people are working hard to get rid of it.
Eret makes an offhanded comment about as a teenager/kid being taken through Drago’s base and what he knows about the abuse (I have a strong mental image of a long dungeon-like corridor that you might have found something similar to on Outcast Island, and beyond thick steel doors, unseen but very much heard, the unrelenting wailing of a juvenile Bewilderbeast). Hiccup obviously won’t let this go and then plans a journey to find the Bewilderbeast and attempt rehabilitate it. It’s a bit reminiscent of him wanting to talk to Drago — except it’s worse because this is a dragon.
It’s also an excuse to not take charge as chief.
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cinnamon-bunni · 5 months
❄️ and ☔ (if you want to share any!!) for the ask game!!!!!
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing. ohhhhh, im having a hard time choosing which wip i should choose from...as much as i would love to have a part of my tmnt fic, nothing much is happening in it yet </3 (im like a few paragraphs away from the Shit Hitting the Fan part lolol but oh well) so! instead, i shall do a snippet of a ghostbusters fic i have, featuring a (ghost) oc, a fic which i may or may not finish, not sure yet (probably the latter sadly) but i am still quite happy with this part! so here <33
Jack couldn’t breathe. “Too fucking dark, I can’t-” You can, please, go over there, let me see him, let me- “Can’t fucking do this–shit, Venkman, please wake up, don’t leave me in here alone. I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry-” Calm down; breath, slowly, in your nose and out the mouth. Come on, I know you can do it- He squeezed his eyes shut and, for once in his life, listened to his thoughts. “I’m sorry,” he whispered out once more. [...] The reality of it all, after saying it aloud, came crashing down around him again, and the walls suffocated him and the dark consumed him. “Fuck, I killed you, didn’t I? I killed you and you’re gonna rot in this basement like me-” NO. No, he’s not dead, please move, please let me back in control- Jack opened his eyes again. It wasn’t as dark now, as his eyes adjusted to the new set darkness. But the room was still suffocating, still the same as the day he died, still haunting and horrible and distressing. [...] His eyes fell onto Peter’s unmoving body. He quickly looked away before squeezing his eyes shut once more. “Listen Venkman, I promise you, if you wake up right now I’ll go into that box of yours, no complaints. And I’ll go happily into where ever the fuck you store your ghosts, no matter how cramped it is, as long as you wake up right now and be fine. Please.”
(in which a ghost, possessing ray, may or may not have possibly and accidentally peter and is panicking about it) (peter isnt dead dont worry but oh boy jack does freak the fuck out for a bit over it <3)
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it? ngl i feel like i could share so many ideas here, it's so hard to tell if i would ever get around to finishing my wips and ideas...
i have many tmnt ideas i wanna write! four to be specific, a fic centered on each turtle, all multi-chapter fics, which sadly lowers the chance of me ever finishing them ^^;;;; the first one (which i'm close to finishing the first chapter of!!) is where Donnie makes contact with an alternate version of himself! the two donnie switch places (which normal donnie did not agree to this, he was kinda sorta drugged, knocked out, and woke up in the other universe), and is forced to try his way back home while also pretending to be someone he isn't so others in this new world won't be suspicious of him. while i love this idea, im very unsure abt posting this one;;;
my other tmnt fics include: raph being kidnapped and being thrown into an illegal underground mutant fighting ring (underground nexus my beloved); mikey being sent into the spiritual plain without his consent and his chilling as basically a ghost while his brothers scramble to try and bring him back; and then one where leo is stuck in a time loop, because i HAVE to do a time loop for like every fandom im in lmao <3 these three im less confident i'll get around to writing, but i really hope i do!!! (i also have a transfem leo fic i wanna write, a oneshot, but im really hoping that i'll at least finish that one)
moving onto my other wips, i have quite a few for ghostbusters! im not really sure if i'll get to finishing any of them though--i really hope i do, but gb for me is something i easily get in and out of the mood to write for one of the fics i wanna write, but very much doubt i'll finish, is the one i quote above. ray and peter go deal with a ghost haunting, until it then possesses ray. story stuff happens (revealed that ghost was murdered, egon and winston get held at gun point, all very fun stuff <3), and its a bit of a long oneshot! since it involves an oc, im not too sure if i'll finish it i have another ghostbusters fic that features an oc, two in fact, and is multi-chapter. this still goes into the category of where im not too sure if i'll finish it, BUT it does feature vampires!! and also peter may or may not also be vampiric as well!!! and damn have i fell in love with that concept!! I also have a short lil' soulmate au i wanted to write that's kinda cute <3 and finally (a fic which i'm most likely to finish, or at least for the first chapter for lol), i originally wanted to write a cute oneshot about Elon and Egon and their relationship (when i first learned abt elon i just absolutely fell in love lmao), but now it has turned into a multi-chap story about Elon, his work, the ghost that sorta haunts him bc of said work, his differences from Egon, twin telepathy, and finally of course his relationship with the Ghostbusters in general (he deserves to be a little antagonistic, me thinks. as a treat <3) i am so excited to hopefully finish and post it, i so badly wanna explore their relationship <333
okay im done now!!! i couldve gone on but this is way too long to begin with so! thank you so much for this ask ily <33333
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ihopuhopwehop · 4 years
I was tagged by the sweet @theroomofreq , who I found out through her own rendition of this that she has written SEVERAL of the fics that I absolutely love and bookmarked!!! thank you for tagging me!
Fandoms: Harry Potter and ATLA
Where you post: here and AO3 and fanfiction.net (user: Ihopuhopwehop)
Most popular one-shot: definitely a domestic Jily I posted on tumblr a few days ago, Learning from the Best !!!!
Most popular multi-chapter: technically it’d be my quarantine fic on fanfiction.net but I hate that one so for this I will post my fav and most popular on AO3, Get Wreckt Jily. It is a tiktok AU and I love that thing so much loll but it may be hard to understand if you aren’t deep in tiktok. I try to explain everything I can though!
Favourite story written so far: Probably one of the two mentioned above or Three Sides to Every Story because I have an idea to continue that one that I’m really excited about. 
Fic you were nervous to post: LOL all of them??? But probably Unknowingly Adding because it’s from Sn*pe’s POV and I hate Sn*pe so it was weird trying to get in his head y’know? 
How you choose your titles: I actually like choosing titles to see if people can make the connections so normally it will be based off of something said in the fic or the HP books. Some of them are just random though lol
Complete: all of them are technically complete BUT I could keep adding if I ever get around to it hehe :)
In progress: LOLL my quarantine one but I may not finish bc I don’t want to go back to that state of mind I was in when I was writing it. Even though I’m still quarantined bc I’m high risk, I just was in a weird place then and don’t want to continue so *shrug* And a few zutara/kataang prompts for here that I need to finish once exams are over. ;)
Coming soon/Not yet started: LOLL idk they aren’t started yet, how will I know until I start spontaneously at 3 in the morning? hehe no but really, I just plan on adding to a few one-shots to continue the stories already technically completed and a few Zutara prompts on here. But I really enjoy Remus so I might do something with him? idk...I could write a cabbage guy or foaming mouth guy back story? that would be fun lol. 
Do you accept prompts?: Always! Just send it in the asks and I’ll get on it as soon as I can! But no pedophilia or questionable pairs. If you are unsure abt what questionable means just go ahead and send it and I’ll reply privately if I’m not abt it. 
Upcoming works you’re most excited about: I kinda wanna write Fremione???? like I’ve been reading “Oh So Many Years” by @fanfictionaries and now I really adore them so I might try my hand at that. And Three Sides to Every Story I plan on adding to which I am so excited abt bc I think everyone that has read the books will like it. 
tagging! if you write fic consider yourself tagged, and tag me so i can read your writing!! I’m tagging- @jamespotterismybby @ohhlookitsthepizza @fanfictionaries @nobothersgiventoday (if you don’t write fic, feel free to rec your favs!!)
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briarrosescurse · 4 years
tagged by @prometheanglory ! thank u for the tag homie ily2 sorry for doing it So Late but pls keep on tagging me lolol
fic prefs: aaa i'm down for all sorts of fics ngl? it's SUPER hard to pick a fav bc every genre has its own qualities that makes it so good !! that said tho, i do like fics that handle more mature topics, actually? esp angst but more like angst in the direction of hurt/comfort? it feels rewarding in a way to suffer along with a character only for them to find their own happy ending, it just gives me a very hopeful feeling!
slow burn or love at first sight?: SLOW BURN FOR LIFE, im all for the Hot development in a relationship!!! there are just PLENTLY of possible directions u could go with slow burn, it holds so much potential !!! u can go Wild
fake dating or secretly dating?: secretly dating... there is just something Spicy about a relationship that has to be kept secret, whether it's because of serious stuff or just bc of sheer fear of embarrassment lmao
enemies to lovers or friends to lovers?: aaa hard to pick ngl,, i think i'll stick with enemies to lovers,,, the gradual development, maybe mixed with some teasing "oh u hated my guts so bad" "and i still do" "but u also love me dont u" hehe
"oh no there's only one bed" or long distance correspondence?: ooo no,,, there's only one bed,,, ig we have to share it,,, haha jk.... unless? ;)
hurt/comfort or amnesia?: HURT/COMFORT FOR LIIIIFEEEE
fantasy au or modern au?: tbh im down either ! depends always on the original www
mutual pining or domestic bliss?: mutual pining is SO GOOD,,, there's just smth.... Good abt witnessing a developing romance
smut or fluff?: jdjdj HARD PICK BUT,, i'll go with smut,,, smut takes a lot of skill to write, to actually make it sound appealing and just. right in the moment, yknow?
canon complement/missing scenes or fix it?: mmm def the first one, never rlly felt appealing the latter one ngl
one shot or multi chapter?: again ! im fine with either ! it honestly depends on my mood
reincarnation or character's death?: why dont we have both? :) JK but im going to go with reincarnation if it's like. involving a character's death? my heart just Clenches at the idea ngl
arranged marriage or accidental marriage?: ARRANGED MARRIAGE, ARRANGED MARRIAGE, ARRANGED MARR
neighbours or roommates?: roommates has always been a lot more fun imo, ur rlly more bound to spend time together
highschool romance or middle aged romance?: i'm an avid shoujo manga reader so. what are u expecting. ofc im gonna go with highschool romance, im an absolute sucker for it.
time travel or isolated together?: mmm. dont have rlly anything to say tbh. ig time travel?
sci-fi au or magic au?: aaa ngl im easily bored by sci-fi and with magic u can play around so much !!! so it's def magic uwu
angst or crack?: angst,,, angst can be so hot and painful and that exact pain makes it SO GOOD. GIVE ME ALL THE FEELIES, MAKE ME CRY, I WANT TO BE INVESTED
apocalyptic or mudane?: despite my frequent nightmares about apocalyptic scenarios (specifically zombies), i Live for apocalyptic fics.... esp if it differs itself from the original setting A LOT, it's fun to see certain characters in a whole new setting and how they'll adapt to it !!
aaaa im. unsure who to tag, i usually dont tag anyone but, literally anyone who sees this can do it but ! if i have to, i'll just tag u guys @choconanime @terrors-of-nightraven @noeyebunnynobunsu @glassormirrors @randomikemendegen @yukinonshi that is !! if none of u mind ! dont feel forced to do this, haha
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