#and i’m sure they are if not miserable probably ignoring some glaring issues in their lives
touchlikethesun · 6 months
oh, to be a part of the london corporate girlie crowd…
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Title: Karma.
Pairing: Yandere!Xiao/Reader (Genshin Impact).
Word Count:  2.1k.
TW: Imprisonment, Mentions of Kidnapping, Codependence, Possessive Mindsets, Non-Consensual Touching, Physical Abuse, Slight Victim-Blaming.
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Somewhere, in the back of his mind, Xiao knew that this was what he deserved.
This, all of it, everything. Whatever the world had to throw at him, all the things he’d earned over centuries of bloodshed and death and guilt that grew more crippling with each passing day. He’d come to terms with that, and if he was being honest with himself, he might admit that he was growing numb to the pain, that despite his distaste, violence didn’t seem as utterly unpalatable as it used to. He wasn’t thankful for it, he didn’t want it, but he was resigned, apathetic, too used to it to care the way he used to, when fighting left him as battered as his enemies. He'd grown accustomed to it. He’d adapted.
He just wasn’t used to this. A new sort of discomfort. A different kind of pain.
He just wasn’t used to you being the source of his karmic suffering, whether or not you realized it was quite that poetic.
He’d earned it. He knew that. He’d earned every part of his current punishment – your glare, your locked jaw, the unadulterated loathing that emanated off of you in waves, unignorable from the moment he shrugged open the heavy, wooden door to his crowded room on the inn’s top floor. He’d managed to stave off the urge to use chains, ropes, anything more solid and more restraining than an idle threat and a locked door, but you were smart enough to stay balled up in the furthest corner, your knees pulled into your chest and your eyes on the floor, narrowed with an intensity he’d only ever seen in demons, moments before their deaths. It hurt him to see, the stance too defensive not to be learned, but it was better than the alternative. He’d caught you on the balcony, once or twice, leaning over the railing or admiring the view, and…
You could’ve slipped. You could’ve tried to jump. He shouldn’t have lost his temper, but you shouldn’t have been so reckless. It’d been dangerous, even you were still too naïve to see that.
Xiao grit his teeth, shaking his head as he forced himself to focus on the matter at-hand. You didn’t move as he approached, only shrinking further into yourself, becoming something small, something timid, a form of passive resistance you’ve perfected, in the weeks since you last put up a real fight. If he was feeling any less patient, he might’ve resorted to less honorable methods, throwing you over his shoulder and dragging you through his routine of self-indulgence despite your attempts to struggle against him. He’d tried it before, broken his own promises countless times, but it was almost never worth the way you’d cry afterwards, like he’d hurt you, like he’d done anything wrong. Like you could expect him to do anything less, when you were determined to be so stubborn.
So, instead, he tried talking. Talking was more peaceful. He didn’t like talking, but you did, and he was trying to be more considerate of what you liked. “I’m back.”
He waited, but there was no response. That was fine. He was fine. He couldn’t say he’d never given you a reason to ignore him. “You’re not reading,” He tried, again, fighting to keep his voice even. You tended to flinch, whenever he got too loud. “It’d be a better use of your time than sulking around, like this.”
You didn’t look at him, your voice muffled by your self-made haven. “You keep burning my books.”
Burning? That sounded like something he would do, as an act of precaution or anger or the same petty vengeance creatures so far beneath him were so prone to. It’d probably been one of the anthologies you were so fond of – folklore hiding under the guise of real history. Usually, he didn’t pay it much mind, the liberal retellings of events no living mortal could possibly be old enough to have witnessed, but he didn’t care for it when you found value in such trash. Stories about the Adepti were far too common in Liyue literature, and you’d always been the type to ask questions, to try to pry your way into subjects you could never hope to comprehend. It was better to eliminate the problem entirely. That was how he’d survived for so long, among humans -- terminating issues before they could arise.
But, you wouldn’t understand that. And even if you did, it wouldn’t do anything to heal the wound he’d already created.
He was beginning to think nothing he tried would ever be enough to mend your anger, not when you were so content to tear at the stitching yourself.
“I said I was sorry, didn’t I?” He wasn’t sure if he had, but you didn’t correct him, only squaring your shoulders, digging your nails into your legs, going even further to block him out, push him away, isolate yourself and leave him to suffer for your insubordination. Xiao rolled his eyes, scowling to himself, but whatever irritation he could summon was quickly replaced by his exhaustion, that perpetual desire to fall into your arms and have you welcome him willingly, lovingly, the way you used to before he decided he had to ruin it. He was tempted to touch you, to reach out, to cup your cheek or wrap an arm around you or draw you close by force, rather than natural attraction, but he thought better of it, crouching by your side, instead, letting his back hit the wall with a heavy thud.
When he opened his mouth, his tongue felt heavier, his throat hoarse. Like the weight of his conscious had found yet another way to make itself known. “You hate me.”
It was a fact, like the color of the sky or the scent of the air before a storm. It was true, both of you already knew that, but you were kind enough to hesitate, lifting you head just high enough to see him. For him to see you, tiny and terrified. A trembling rabbit that knew better than to hope for mercy from a hawk. “I do.”
It stung more than it had any right to. “And there’s nothing I can do make you stop hating me.”
You laughed, at that, the sound breathy and sardonic, melodic and unabashed, akin to bird songs and wind chimes and every other beautiful thing Xiao could think of, even in its most beaten down state. He wanted to kiss you, to hold you, to deafen himself because he knew nothing would ever be half as lovely as that laugh, but you were talking before he could act on the impulse. That was for the best, really. Acting on impulse was what got him into this, and he wasn’t eager to drive you away any further. “I don’t have any other choice,” You started, your tone light, your anger softened into something playful. The kind of tender rage only you were capable of. “If I could choose not to hate you, I would. You were my friend, and if I could find any way to justify your actions, you’d still be my friend. I don’t want to think of you as anything else.” You paused, letting out a deep breath, relaxing slightly. Xiao couldn’t bring himself to celebrate the small victory. “I don’t want to hate you, but I have to. You see that, right? After everything you’ve done to me, I have to hate you.”
He deserved this, and you deserved to say it. He deserved to have his heart broken, crushed and shattered in his chest, and you deserved to be the one to break it. “I don’t want you to hate me, either.” It felt more intimate than it should’ve, a confession rather than common knowledge. You might’ve teased him for it, months ago, smiled and said something about softening him up. Now, your frown only deepened. “But, I need to do this. Your safety comes first. If something ever happened to you, I’d—”
Even in his own mind, his logic faltered. ‘If something ever happened to you’, like he hadn’t already done more damage than any monster ever could. It might’ve been more redeemable if he was honest, if he admitted he was doing this for himself, because he wanted to, because just for an hour, a minute, a few key seconds, he was idiotic enough to think he deserved to have you, permanently, whether or not you wanted to have him.
But, he couldn’t say that. He didn’t know how. His mouth wouldn’t form the right words, so he was left to say the wrong ones, his tone taking a sharp turn towards hostile as he spoke. “The door isn’t locked. I’m not keeping you here. You can leave, if you’re really that miserable.”
You shifted, and Xiao’s throat went dry. He knew the answer, and yet, it still hurt to hear it in your voice, to know you were capable of inflicting such insufferable pain. “If I try to, will you let me?”
He wouldn’t. Of course he wouldn’t, he couldn’t even tell himself he’d try. He’d hunt you down to the ends of Teyvat if he had to, spend the rest of his immortality finding you and making sure you never had the chance to do something so short-sighted again. He could make the guilt more bearable, promising himself he’d take care of you, that since he couldn’t do away with the cage entirely, he’d do his best to make your prison a comfortable one, but you’d still be unhappy, you’d still hate him. He’d hate himself, too, but that might be the one aspect of your relationship he thought he could stand. If nothing else, Xiao didn’t make himself a stranger to self-loathing.
“I love you,” He mumbled, as if that counted for anything. “So much. More than you could possibly understand.”
“I know.” You were the one to bridge the gap, this time, a hesitant hand coming to rest over his. Something in his chest tightened, and for a moment, Xiao had to wonder if it was possible for a mortal to be so cruel. “But, I don’t love you. There’s nothing you can do to change that.”
You moved to pull away, fear fading into sympathetic pity, but Xiao didn’t want your pity, he didn’t want you to go back to hiding from him, trembling and screaming and treating him like some monster, a beast waiting to lash out. That’s what he was, really, but he didn’t have to admit it. He didn’t want to admit it. He didn’t want to let himself believe he’d fallen that far, and he didn’t want to let you treat him as if he had.
His grip was too tight, a whimper escaping your parted lips as he caught you by the wrist, but he couldn’t bring himself to care, not when it was so easy to jerk you towards him, forcing you out of your pathetic, laughable shelter and into his lap, his free arm latching onto your waist before you had a chance to pull away. The remorse was reflexive, immediate and instinctual, but for the first time, he allowed himself to ignore it, to bury it underneath the pleasant warmth of your skin against his and the bliss that came with being so close to you, with burying his face in your shoulder, with indulging every necessity he’d denied himself in the name of your comfort. Your hands were already on his chest, your entire body shaking as you made a weak attempt to push him away, but Xiao was stronger than you, and he loved you so much more than you could ever hate him. This was fair. That had to be enough to make it fair.
You shifted, the air catching in your lungs, but Xiao only bared his teeth, letting pointed fangs ghost over the side of your neck before he could regret scaring you. Maybe he wanted to scare you. Maybe it’d be better, if you were scared of him. At least then, he wouldn’t have to keep playing dutiful lover. 
“Don’t move,” He snarled, and instantly, you went still. He could feel your heart racing in your chest, hear the cracked sob you failed to swallow, but he wanted this, he needed this. You’d get used to it, with time. You might even begin to appreciate the weeks he spent coddling you, once you were exposed to the alternative. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I need this. I need you to let me have this.” He paused, giving you just enough to time to stiffen, to realize he wasn’t letting go. To realize he was never letting go, even if that meant you only grew to hate him more. “I don’t care if you love me. I need you.” 
Because he’d already gotten what he deserved. He’d already suffered, anguished, submitted himself fully to karma and reaped the consequences. The lesson had been drilled into him a thousand times, by his own hand another hundred. He already knew pain.
He’d already gotten what he deserved.
For once, he wanted to know what it would be like to get what he wanted, instead.
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shotorozu · 4 years
after quarreling
character(s) : shinsou hitoshi, bakugou katsuki, todoroki shouto
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns, quirk not specific
headcanon type : mild angst to fluff
note(s) : i had this idea in my head for the longest time omg, probably since november— but i’m glad i finally got to write this out. in this post, i don’t really go into too many details with what your fight was about, and i deal on how they try to make up with you and stuff.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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shinsou hitoshi
you guys never really fight, since both of you aren’t petty to drag out a topic to a point there’s some serious discourse
pretty calm throughout the entire thing. no one yells in this argument, more of sarcastic remarks
not the type to immediately want to solve the conflict, because he might make matters worse if he added insult onto the injury
but he won’t tolerate it if you purposely stop hanging out in the places you usually go to because of him (if that makes sense)
like,, lets say he’s already in the hero course, and his room is literally infront of yours. he wouldn’t like it if you waited until noon to leave your room because of him
hitoshi really doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable, even if you guys are feuding
but lets say he’s sorry, or he fucked up in some way— like he wasn’t taking care of himself, or he said something out of hand (which is quite rare)
again, he’ll leave you be for now— but once he’s alone in his room, he’ll start thinking a lot
like “are they going to break up with me? did i hurt their feelings to the point they’re miserable? are they afraid of me?” stuff like that.
it’s really sad seeing him like that
but even so, he’ll still treat you the same. he’ll buy your favorite snack/drink, and hitoshi will ask your friends to give it to them, but they have to promise that they won’t tell you who it’s from
he’ll conveniently place anything you’ll need on your desk like “oh.. where did this hair tie come from? i needed one.”
then, he’ll look at you when he feels your eyes on him— and theres this silent agreement between the both of you; that you don’t want to be like this anymore
he’ll be really happy to have you in his arms once again.
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bakugou katsuki
fights happen but not like to the point you guys are at each other’s throats 24/7 or to the point it’s getting toxic
if you think bakugou will admit he’s wrong in a fight with you, then you are wrong
his pettiness will reach the highest of levels, and his endearing ‘insults’ jabbed towards you will be filled with venom, with wrongful intent
there are times he’ll come to apologize to you, but that’s when he knows he really fucked up, like for example.. he accidentally attacked you during an exercise by accident
then, he’ll definitely apologize to that
but him ‘fessing up his mistakes first is once in a blue moon, and definitely when pigs start flying. it’s harsh, and while you’re used to it— it doesn’t mean it hurts any less
it’s mixed. lots of yelling involved, which isn’t the real issue here— you’re used to bakugou being loud, but he will get louder during those squabbles.
or he will become silent. like really quiet, to the point it looks like his mom is scolding him.
depending on the severity of the fight, he’ll either make up with you on the spot— or he’ll leave, just so he doesn’t end up accidentally setting off his quirk.
moving onto examples. let’s say for instance, he accidentally said something harsh. like.. you’re distracting him from important things
and i’d be swinging at him if he told me that, but you’re really offended and hurt. but you don’t want to make matters worse— so you leave.
and he’ll assume you’ll just come back to him, acting like nothing has happened, but you don’t soo..
he starts thinking, and that’s when he knows he fucked up. he can’t just act like that for the rest of his life, he can’t be the best version of himself if he doesn’t make a resolve.
sorry won’t immediately fly out of his mouth, it’s quite hard for him to say it himself— so he’ll start doing things better
he’ll make something when it’s breakfast/lunch/dinner, and he’ll ‘make too much’ food. but he’ll leave it in the fridge for you to eat
glares at anyone that pokes fun at you too much, but it’s from afar. you guys are still fighting but that doesn’t mean he won’t be protective of you
then finally, when you’re alone— he’ll look at you, practically pulling you towards him, and also so you guys can talk things out
he’ll totally act like nothing bad happened, even though it was so tense hours ago. but he’ll be clinging to your side for the rest of the day.
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todoroki shouto
again, similar to shinsou— you guys never fight. he’s clueless for sure sometimes, but you’re rational enough to clear it up before it gets bad.
but there will be a couple of hard patches, just like any other relationship.
he doesn’t really know what he did wrong at some points, and even if you point it out to him— he’ll still stand by his point
and he has no filter sometimes so sorry, he won’t be afraid to be brutally honest. but don’t get me wrong, he doesn’t do it on purpose. he’s just not conscious about it
but honesty IS honesty
shouto usually freezes up whenever terrible fights happens, because of his childhood (which is an explanation in itself) and because of that, he will avoid the conflict as much as he can
he’ll brush the situation off, and he won’t speak on it, completely ignoring it to the best of his abilities. he’ll also be really down— he’ll get really quiet. literally no one wants to mess with him
with the help of the dekusquad, he’ll realize that he can’t stay like this way forever. and he has to face his mistakes eventually.
from the getgo, shouto is that person that’ll give you space after a fight, and he wouldn’t pester you about making up with him. he’ll give you time
the first thing shouto does is showing that he’s sorry through his actions.
he’ll definitely ask midoriya to ask about you to your friends— because your friends will only talk to midoriya lol and
similar to hitoshi, and also very subtly he’ll put the things you need right infront of you “oh. i needed a pen! good thing this one works.”
during the winter, he’ll grab your jacket and heat it up like normal. then during the summer, he’ll fill your water bottle with cool water.
shouto will send you looks during this entire ordeal, checking to see if you’re ready to talk.
and you honestly can’t stay mad at him, because man literally looks like a kicked puppy. someone save him
he’s not stubborn like bakugou, so he’ll admit he’s wrong after realizing it himself— and he’s not shy on apologizing either
after you guys make up with each other, shouto will literally hug you close to him— completely forgetting about everything even if it’s just for a moment
he’s just really happy that he didn’t lose you.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my work for audio readings without my permission :))
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free-pool-trash · 3 years
everything - peter maximoff
PART 2 TO DISAPPOINTMENT (you can read it on its own but it might be a tiny bit confusing)
hey guys, i missed peter and i hope this makes you guys feel better abt the first part of this fic <33
comments/reblogs/asks always appreciated <3
word count: 4k
warnings: angst, panic attack, fluff, probably some mistakes its 3:33am 😩✋🏻
summary: peter comes to your new reality <3
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His fingers drummed rapidly against the metal table located in the jet hanger, beneath the basketball court. Hank waited too, although, the beast was considerably calmer than Peter was at the moment.
“The radio has been quiet for like twenty minutes… do you think something went wrong?” Peter forced the words out in quick succession as he gnawed on his lips.
Hank sighed as that was the fourth time Peter had asked that question, every five minutes for the past twenty minutes- like clockwork, he’d asked Hank the same thing. The only varient was that the question started with, “It’s been five minutes...,” then, “It’s been ten minutes…,” to, “it’s been fifteen minutes…”
Hank understood that the boy was nervous, he was too, afterall Peter wasn’t the only one with a girlfriend on the uncharacteristically sketchy mission. However, if Peter asked him the same question one more time, he’d turn blue out of annoyance.
“Peter, I’m begging you to stop asking. They’re probably fine, the mutant’s energy surges probably just fried the radio,” Hank explained, trying to sound convincing for his and Peter’s peace of mind.
Peter gaped in response, “And that doesn’t worry you?”
Hank threw his head back with exhaustion and groaned, “Of course it does,” he started, running his hands down his face before continuing, “But stressing out about it isn’t going to do anyone any good. All we can do is wait for them to get back,” he finished, fixing Peter with a stern look as he’d began to bounce his knee relentlessly- annoyingly.
His fingers drumming faster than the human eye could see, his knee jolting at a similar speed, a feeling of unmistakable dread had started forming in the boy’s stomach, and no amount of finger tapping or knee bouncing could make it go away.
He had a feeling in his gut, one that he wouldn’t be able to back up with any type of logic or reason, but regardless, he had a feeling seated deep in the pit of his stomach that told him, extremely definitely, that something wasn’t right.
As best he could for the next hour and a half, Peter tried to stay quiet. Leaving the hanger to run laps around the basketball court; his attempt at exerting some nervous energy, his attempts were fruitless though as all he could focus on was that feeling in his bones that told him that you, his longtime girlfriend, were in danger. What only served to amplify his anxiety was the fact that if something terrible had indeed happened to you at the hands of the reality jumping mutant; there probably wasn’t much he could do to reverse it.
The conversation he’d shared with you last night rang through his head while he weighed up every possible outcome of your situation, and in conjunction; the situation he could possibly find himself in.
“So say your lovely girlfriend does get sent to an alternate reality… would you follow?” Within a second of your question, Peter had flipped your positions so that your back was against the mattress and the man in question was hovering on top of you with a cheeky grin.
“Sweet cheeks, I’d follow you anywhere.” He told you and you giggled at the stupid pet name before pulling him down to kiss you.
He meant it, he knew he meant it. Peter Maximoff had never been so sure of a fact in his entire existence; he’d follow you anywhere. His issue was that anywhere usually didn’t extend to alternate realities, but to him, if it meant rescuing you, he’d figure out a way to work out the kinks. Peter shook the thoughts from his head, he needed to be rational. You were probably fine, but yet again, he found last night's words echoing in his brain, the promise you’d made rattling around the confines of his head as violently as a screen door during a hurricane.
“Pete…” You whispered, moving your arms to wrap around his neck. “I’m gonna be okay. Raven and Charles will be with me the whole time, we’ll be in and out. I promise.”
When his heart began to beat out of control, he stopped running at lightning speed in favour of leaning against a thick tree adjacent to the basketball court. Aiming to steady his pulse he briefly closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath. He thought about you; about how you’d play with his fingers to stop him from drumming them, how you’d cause any and all of his intrusive thoughts to be ejected from his mind when your lips would meet his in surprise kisses, or how you’d drape your arms around his shoulders and rest your cheek against his chest at random times. Those were the small interactions that brought him the greatest amount of serenity. Just as his heartbeat returned to its usual overactive pace, the jet you’d left on earlier was flying overhead.
Peter rushed back to the hanger, nervous energy at an all time high when the jet landed before him and Hank. Peter bounced on the heels of his feet as he waited for you to bound into his arms and pepper kisses all over his face. But that didn’t happen.
Peter’s heart dropped into that familiar pit in his stomach when Raven and Charles stepped out of the plane, looking crestfallen and solemn when their eyes met Peter’s wide, fear filled, brown eyes.
Before anyone could say a word, Peter sped into the plane, unfortunately confirming his suspicions; you weren’t there. Only a second later, the boy was back in his original spot in front of Charles and Raven.
“She better not be where I think she is right now or I swear to God, man-“ Peter began to threaten as Hank let out a shaky breath of disbelief.
“Peter,” Raven placed her hand on his shoulder when he looked like he was about to hyperventilate, Charles had yet to speak, no doubt trying to find an appropriate way to tell a young mutant that the only constant in his life, his only pacer, had been lost on a mission due to his negligence.
“Where is she? Tell me where she is, I’ll go get her I can be there in back in like five minutes just-“ Peter immediately rushed to speak, ignoring Hank’s confused gaze and Charles’ pained grimace.
“Slow down, bud,” Hank voiced when Peter neared the point of vibrating where he stood.
“The mutant, Galan, he said he’d bring her back, if, and only if, we complied with his demands,” Charles started to explain, grimacing again when Raven cut him off rather bluntly.
“But we can’t. His demands are insane.” She glared at Charles as she spoke, she believed that he shouldn’t have even brought up the option in front of Peter, there was absolutely no way they could accept the deranged mutant’s demands, Charles knew that, and Raven hadn’t wanted to give Peter false hope.
“So what?” Peter yelled, anger replacing nervousness. He’d warned them it was a bad idea. You’d warned them it was a bad idea. It could’ve been avoided. Had he been there, he could’ve saved you. “So what, she's just gone? My girl is just gone and what? I’m supposed to just be okay with it?” He seethed, his breath heavy while his chest heaved with rage.
When, after a moment, nobody spoke, Peter shook his head, “Come on you guys… you’re not seriously considering leaving her in some wacked out world all by herself, are you?” His voice sounded pleading, like a child, stripped raw and entirely vulnerable in a way that made them all wish they’d been more careful, hell, even Hank felt guilty and he hadn’t even been there. He, too, had been against the whole mission in the first place, actually.
“We’re really sorry, Peter,” was all Charles said before he exited the room, Raven stayed rooted in place though, at a loss for what to say or do next.
Peter swallowed thickly, his throat closing and his heart pumping at a rapid rate as tears welled in his eyes and oxygen seemed to disappear from his general area when the reality of the situation set in. You were gone, he’d get you back; even if it took him the rest of his life he’d get you back, but right in that moment, you were just gone. He hadn’t heard Hank’s and Raven’s “Woah!”s as the silver haired boy stumbled on his feet, his knees buckling before he had a chance to steady himself. Nor could he hear the gut wrenching rasps that left his mouth as he slipped into a panic attack that would surely result in him passing out.
“Peter,” Raven was in front of his face, but it wasn’t right- no, you were the one who talked him down, not Raven, it wasn’t right. “—you need to calm down, breath—“ her voice was distorted, as if he was hearing her from beneath a surface of water.
The older woman looked to Hank in desperation, he only furrowed his brow and gradually lowered Peter to the ground. He watched as the speedster rasped and muttered, he only managed to pick up a few words, his heart pulling with each one.
Hank rubbed a soothing hand up and down Peter’s back, while Raven prompted him to breath, eventually they managed to get through to the boy, though, Hank could tell it was more a matter of him having worn himself out.
“You’re alright,” Hank tried to soothe but Peter only whimpered.
He sniffled and met Hank’s gaze, hollowly and miserably, his lips quivering as her spoke in a desperate whisper, “I have to get her back, man. I just have to.”
The kettle screeched out a whistle from the kitchen, letting yourself and Wanda know the water was boiled, “I’ll get it,” you told her, you stood from the porch steps, squeezing Wanda’s shoulder on your way in as she gave you a grateful smile.
It’d been a few months since Wanda had sought you out after WestView broke down, you recalled the words she spoke fondly; “You don’t have to be alone. Remember what I said when we first met? We could help each other.”
Of course, you’d agreed to go on the run with her. And true enough, you’d both been extremely helpful to each other. She was a true friend and if nothing else, she was a bright light in the confused foreign world. As much as you adored Wanda, and as much as she adored you, neither of you were so naive as to think you weren’t still swamped in a pool of loneliness, craving for what you’d both respectively lost.
“Wands, was it peppermint you wanted?” You called from the kitchen, grinning slightly when she responded.
“Ya! With honey!” She yelled softly, “Please!”
Dutifully, you made the two cups of tea before returning to your spot next to Wanda on the steps, holding the hot cup between your hands and breathing in the minty steam. The scenery that surrounded you was gorgeous, nothing short of breathtaking. Rolling hills, huge lakes and flower fields that surrounded the cabin gave it the vibe of something plucked right from a storybook. If it was taking yours and Wanda’s story into consideration, you thought, it’d be one tragically dark storybook, but all the good classics were like that, you supposed.
Despite the eye catching backdrop, your mind was elsewhere today, more so than usual.
Wanda’s voice pulled you from your thoughts, “May I ask you something?”
Taking a sip from your tea you gave her an amused smile from over the rim of your ceramic cup, “Always.”
With that, Wanda turned her body to face you and you mirrored her action, then, she tilted her head curiously, “I’ve been wanting to ask you this for a while, but I didn’t want to pry,” she began causing you to snort out a laugh.
“Never stopped you before,” Wanda rolled her eyes, but smiled, continuing to her actual inquiries.
“When we were in WestView, you woke up a few times, but only when the imposter acting as my brother was near you,” you let out a heavy sigh, which stopped her in her tracks. This conversation had been brewing for a while, you could see it in the way Wanda sometimes hesitated before bringing up certain topics.
“In my reality, I have a boyfriend. He’s my everything, really,” you told her, staring blankly out into the fields as you spoke, “We’ve been together since we broke his father out of a high security prison together in ‘73– did I ever tell you that our timelines are different?” You wondered, losing the thread of your thoughts as you recalled the most significant few days of your life that had transpired in 1973, when you and Peter were just eighteen. It was only five years ago for you, but in this reality, the 70s were more than forty years ago.
“You’ve mentioned it,” she reminded you and you nodded, clearing your throat and getting back to the explanation that Wanda was expecting.
“Well, he’s a mutant like me. He’s got super speed, like your Pietro. His birth name is actually Pietro but he hates it, had it changed to Peter when he moved to the states— kids used to pick on him for it,” you explained, laughing lightly, thinking about the way his nose would scrunch up cutely when you’d call him Pietro.
“That man in WestView… he was identical to my Peter and he had the mutation and… his last name is Maximoff so, I don’t know, I guess it made sense that he’d be playing your brother. When we met I thought nobody was ever going to come for me, then I saw him and I was so happy…” Wanda rested a gentle hand on your knee when your face grew mournful.
“I thought he’d come to save me, bring me home, you know? But it wasn’t him at all, just some guy called Ralph Bohner,” you shrugged with a small pout, attempting to diffuse the weight of the confession with a light, humourless chuckle, “Stupid name.”
Wanda fixed you with a genuine smile, “Tell me about him,” she promoted and you sighed, dreamily this time.
“He’s kind, and funny, he makes me laugh more than anyone I’ve ever known— seriously, I could be having the worst day of my life and all he’d have to do is look at me and everything would feel better,” Wanda’s smile widened, she understood, her Pietro had that effect on her too.
“He’s honest, he’s so good hearted but he can be so full of mischief sometimes, he’s a huge prankster back home,” you paused, biting back a smile for a second, then carried on, “He’s got killer taste in music, before we actually started dating he used to lend me his favourite vinyls and make me mixtapes… he used to write crap on the top of the cassettes with black sharpie, like, “kinda cool songs for a sorta cool girl” or, and this is my personal favourite, “songs that make me think of you”, he drew a little winky face so, naturally, I thought it was going to be super cute,” your own laughter cut you off, Wanda’s mingled with yours and she raised her eyebrows.
“And was it?” She asked, chuckling when you shook your head, your smile the widest she’d ever seen it. She couldn’t help but smile too, the more you told her about him, the more she realised he really was just the alternate version of her brother.
“The only song on the whole thing was ‘Let’s Get It On’ by Marvin Gaye!” Wanda threw her head back in laughter, your cheeks hurt from smiling but your heart felt lighter having spoken about the boy you love.
Once she’d stopped laughing, Wanda took you in before speaking the thing she’d been thinking about since you became friends, “You know, I think Pietro would’ve liked you very much,” she joined you in staring off into the fields, “Peter sounds a lot like him.”
“You’d like him, I think,” Wanda nudged her knee against hers and sipped her tea.
“I hope I get to meet him someday,” she stated, causing your tone to dampen ever so slightly as you agreed.
“I hope so too.”
Peter hadn’t slept in weeks, by now, the speedster was running on nothing but twinkies and redbull. He hadn’t gotten a chance to sleep really, he’d left the mansion almost two weeks ago on what he was calling a solo mission. By solo mission he meant; finding the mutant that sent you to another reality and asking him, politely, to just plop him wherever he sent you. He had no return plan, but he knew what the X-Men had planned, well, more specifically Erik. He was going to kill Galan, and if that happened that eliminated every chance Peter had of getting his soulmate back.
Peter made a choice the second he left the mansion, he’d rather be in an alternate reality with you than in this reality without you.
Besides, he was sick of his friends telling him he should “move on”, you’d only been gone six months and everyone was acting like waiting for you was a hopeless waste of time, it was driving him insane.
You were it for him, he wouldn’t move on for as long as he lived and he knew you felt the same, but, regardless of that, he wanted to find you sooner rather than later.
Your side of the bed didn’t smell like you anymore, your favourite blanket (which Peter had shoved in his rucksack that he brought with him) didn’t hold the same warmth as it did when you’d wrap it around his shoulders. To put things simply, missing you was eating him alive.
He was following leads to get to Galan and finally, in a dingy motel in some lesser known area of the south, Peter found him.
“You’re one of the X-Men aren't you? Here to agree to my terms? Took you long enough,” the mutant spoke lowly, his grumbling voice all the more intimidating in the dimly lit room.
Peter stood awkwardly, out of place, while the mutant stared at him expectantly, “Uh, no, actually,” Peter finally managed to choke out after a moment of silence.
Galan scoffed, “Look, like I told your buddies; I’m not bringing the girl back-“
Peter shook his head, cutting Galan off frantically, “I don’t need you to bring her back. I want you to send me to her,” Galan raised a scarred eyebrow at the young man in front of him, he looked like all hell, bags under his eyes so prominent they almost didn’t look real. He had something of a nervous quality about him, Galan thought.
“You’re Quicksilver, am I correct?” Peter simply nodded his head in confirmation and Galan rolled his shoulders, “I gotta admit, it’d be nice to get you out of my way.”
Peter looked at him pleadingly, “So? Will you send me to her?”
Galan nodded his head, there was no downside for him, really. “Don’t see why not. But humour me for a second, kid. What’s so special about this girl?” Galan asked, a smirk on his face that unnerved Peter.
Peter took in a deep breath and looked Galan straight in the eyes, “I love her, she’s sorta my other half. I’m a total loser without her,” Peter tried to sound aloof but his body language and pleading gaze weren’t fooling anyone.
Galan snorted out a laugh, muttering something along the lines of “Ah, young love” but that was the last thing Peter heard before the world around him faded away.
When he came to, all he knew was that he was freezing, which was saying something considering he was nearly always too warm. He jolted into a sitting position, darkness surrounded him and all he could smell was grass and a very faint smell of smoke coming from somewhere in the distance. After a few seconds, Peter’s eyes adjusted to the darkness and all he could gather was that he was somewhere very, very hilly. The noises of wild animals in the distance spurred Peter to get onto his feet and start running.
He ran for maybe one minute until he reached a cozy looking wood cabin. The lights were off but smoke still poured from the chimney.
Too cold and too exhausted to think too much, Peter walked up the porch steps and knocked three times on the door.
“Hey, uh, anyone home?” He called when nobody came to the door after a few minutes. Just as he was contemplating running away a girl he didn’t recognise opened the door. Her eyes were wide and her mouth hung open in shock, Peter wasn’t sure why.
“Come in,” she told him immediately, and again, Peter didn’t question it, the strawberry blonde led him to a sofa and motioned for him to sit down, with a flick of her hand the fire sparked to life and Peter let out a silent breath of relief. Whoever this girl was, she was a mutant like him. “I’ll be- I’ll be right back.”
Wanda practically ran into your room, shaking you awake roughly, a crazed smile on her face like a child on Christmas, “Y/n, wake up!”
You cracked your eyes open with a groan and hid your face against your pillow, “What?” You asked in a whine and Wanda would’ve been endeared by how much of a child you were when you were sleepy, had it not been for the love of your life sitting on your living room sofa.
“Just come on, will you? You’ll sleep better once you see this,” she prompted, you let out a weak groan but threw your duvet off your legs anyway, sluggishly following Wanda into the living room, your fuzzy socks helping you shuffle over the hardwood floors without needing to lift your feet off the ground too much.
“It’s like 3am, Wands, this better be—“ you cut yourself off with a sharp gasp immediately upon seeing him, “Peter?” You asked, this time you had to be sure.
His own eyes widened and before he could even consider giving you a verbal answer, you were completely encompassed by his arms, but that was all the answer you needed.
A choked sob left your lips as you wrapped your arms around him, his back shook and his tears were already soaking through your tee shirt, letting you know he was crying too.
“Y/n,” he muttered against you, pressing feverish kisses all over your face while he took in your appearance, “You’re okay?”
You nodded your head, eyes watery and smile shaky. Yours hands cupped his cheek, your thumbs brushing the tears away from under his tired eyes, “I’m okay.”
Peter’s eyes continued to rack over you, his fatigue catching up to him as your soft thumbs stroked his cheekbones, “When was the last time you slept, Pete?” A sleepy smile formed on his lips at the sound of your voice, he would never be able to articulate how deeply he’d missed you.
“S’been a few weeks,” he answered and your eyes widened.
With a sad smile, you placed a kiss on his cheek before taking both of his hands in your own, “C’mon, you need rest so you can answer all the questions I plan on asking you in the morning.”
Wanda, it seemed, had already slinked back to her own room.
Once you arrived in your bedroom, Peter shimmied out of his jeans before crawling into your warm bed and opening his arms, beckoning you in. You didn’t need any convincing, you happily crawled into bed and let Peter wrap his arms around you as you laid your cheek against his chest.
“I have so many things to say but I’m pretty sure I’m about to pass out,” Peter said softly, squeezing you against him as closely as possible, burying his nose in your hair and sighing gently.
As gently as you could, you leaned up and placed a tender kiss against his lips, “You can say everything you need to say when you wake up.”
“I love you,” Peter whispered, chasing your lips with his languidly, “You’re my everything, you know that?” Of course, you wouldn’t know how much weight the statement held just yet, that didn’t matter to Peter, though. He had you back, the other details didn’t seem so important anymore.
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shinygoku · 3 years
Trust Thomas, the Better Version
I find Trust Thomas to be a guilty pleasure of sorts, an episode of Season 3 that has some serious writing issues but I can’t bring myself to hate it. But I can bring myself to improve it significantly with a rewrite!
Helped along by @mean-scarlet-deceiver ‘s commentary tags on the post I’d made about it before, I present to you my saltier, spicier interpretation! 😼✨
Maybe a smidge over the target audience’s recommended intake.... no actual swear words but still, I give it a PG for Parental Guidance ;3 Also no, I’m not gonna put this on my Ao3 as it’s an Episode Rewrite and not one’a my Original Plots.
Thomas the Tank Engine was feeling bright and cheerful. It was a splendid day, with warm sunshine, birdsong and lush green fields.
“Good morning!” he whistled to some Cows, but the Cows didn’t reply. “...Never mind, they’re busy with their breakfast.”
He stopped at a red signal, somewhat relieved that Bertie only came by after a brief pause, so he probably hadn’t heard Thomas talking fruitlessly to the cattle. Instead, Bertie was preoccupied with a large jolt as he drove over a hole.
“Owch!! That’s another one!”
“Um, sorry?” Thomas was preoccupied with the signal changing and set back off.
Thomas was still in good spirits when Bertie arrived at the next Station.
“Bad luck, Bertie!” he teased. “Now, if you were a Steam Engine, you’d be running on a pair of Reliable Rails!”
“Huh!” Bertie spat. “The Railway was supposed to deliver tar to mend the road two flippin’ weeks ago! You can’t trust a thing that runs on rails!”
“Oi, I run on rails, you big red lunchbox! I’ll show you, I’ll sort the matter out! You can at least trust me to get results.” 
Thomas left Bertie and chuffed away importantly, along the branch line towards the Big Station by the sea.
James was snorting about in the yard. He was saying many rude words and bashing the trucks roughly, cross about having to cover for Percy.
“Ooh!! Arghh! Oww!” wailed the Trucks. They longed for vengeance but were powerless to bump the big Red Engine back.
Gordon watched the events from another rail and chortled. 
“You know, James, if you were ill, you wouldn’t have to shunt trucks here, would you?” he offered, safe in his luxurious role pulling coaches that day.
James’ furious scowl lifted, all too ready to latch onto this half-baked suggestion. “That’s a good idea! Here comes Thomas, I’ll start pretending now!”
Thomas was perplexed to see the two big engines looking miserable.
“Cheer up, stick-in-the-muds! It’s a beautiful day!”
Gordon assumed the air of quiet suffering, his face creased with frown lines. “Not for James, it isn’t. He’s sick.”
“Yes he is --I mean, I am.” wavered James. There was a pause, and then he coughed a couple of times. “Ooh, I don’t feel well at all!”
Thomas narrowed his eyes as he looked over James. He didn’t really look so poorly, but then, Henry didn’t often look as bad as he’d felt before getting Welsh Coal, and then that new shape. Shame he wasn’t here to help judge.
“Hmph, really? I suppose I'll help out, if you're ill. Lucky for you that I'm already headed for the Quarry.”
He bustled out with some of James’ trucks. Once out of earshot, Gordon and James sniggered.
The Trucks were still furious over their mistreatment, and Thomas was a tempting outlet for their pent up aggression. They began to plot amongst themselves.
Thomas collected the heavy stone from the quarry and set off back to the junction. “Can’t let James forget he owes me...” he muttered, going slowly over the wooden bridge. There was something else he wanted to remember, but it was escaping him at the moment.
He was too preoccupied with these thoughts to prepare for the Trucks’ plan. “Go faster, go faster!” they shrieked, pushing forwards, assisted by the weight of the rocks they were holding.
“Augh! Slow down!!” Thomas was braking hard enough for sparks to kick off his wheels, but it was no good. He was forced off the track and derailed into a shallow, muddy pond.
He was dazed and confused, but in the wait for help his mind cleared enough to become rather cross. “Lovely flippin’ day, indeed!” he muttered, further disappointed by the lack of onlookers to hear his withering sarcasm. The only audience was a horrible slimy toad, it’s warty arms climbing up by his lamp-iron.
Eventually two engines came to his aid. Duck pulled the Trucks away, giving them a bump on the way out. “Hard luck, Thomas!” he called, over the pained sounds of the battered Trucks.
Edward helped Thomas back to the Junction and patiently listened as Thomas ranted about the horrible day he’d had.
“I’m going to find James and stuff the stones down his funnel! Gordon, too! James barely has enough brain power to think of a stupid plan like that, it must have been his smart idea! Oooh, when I get to him, I’m going to wait until his fire is out and I’ll dump him off the quay!”
“Thomas, you can’t kill them,” Edward said, soothingly. “You’d have to pick up on James’ work, for one thing! That would probably be after the Fat Controller takes Ffarquhar away from you, cause if you off Gordon we won’t have an express! That’s very costly for the railway, you know.”
Thomas muttered but privately conceded. “Can’t take Ffarquhar away, it’s a place…. Oh! Ooh!! Edward, I just remembered something!”
Glad to hear the shift in tone, Edward listened keenly. “Yes? What?”
“The roads are all dodgy down part of my line, Bertie was complaining about it earlier. He said something about us having supposed to have delivered Tar for it, d’ya know anything about that?”
“Tar… oh, yes! There’s tankers in my station, but they never said what it was for! Must be that, Driver will make arrangements when we’ve dropped you off!” 
Inside Edward’s cab was a slight sarcastic muttering, but Edward and Thomas ignored it.
Later, James spoke to Thomas. He was having difficulty making eye contact with Thomas, who was still perched on the flatbed and needing to be cleaned from the pond, and whose expression had taken a darker turn once he’d noticed the Red Engine.
“I’m uh... sorry about your accident, and so is Gordon,” he shot a pointed glare back at the Big Engine who was lurking nearby. “We didn’t mean to get you into trouble, honest!”
“No, indeed,” spluttered Gordon. “A mere accident, but all’s well that ends well, isn’t that right?”
“It bloody well isn’t right, you big blue blimp! Make sure you don’t rest too close to the sea or you’re going to find yourself well acquainted, you hear?!”
Thomas’ tirade got cut off by Bertie’s arrival.
“My road’s being mended now!” he beamed, having completely missed the atmosphere of the scene.
“Oh.” Thomas was rapidly rearranging his face to put on a smile for Bertie. “I am glad!”
James was using the chance to slip away. Gordon was a bit slower on the uptake.
“Now I know I can trust an Engine, especially if his name is Thomas! Thank you!”
Gordon slinked away like a dog with his tail between his legs.
Thomas rolled his eyes. “Oh, enough of that soppy stuff.” But he was genuinely smiling, at least.
The toad had managed to stay on for the ride over, but Thomas was looking forward to watching it get put in the ditch when he was washed down. Maybe he should name it after a certain Express Engine who had ended up in that water himself some years before? The thought amused him greatly.
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Pomegranate Seeds 3
well we got some BIG projecting going on here. if yall didn’t know i had mommy issues before, you sure as fuck do now 😂😂😂
Warnings: insecure Jask, allusions to verbally abusive/manipulative parents, lmao rebellious jask, good ole miscommunication between jask and geralt - but solved quickly, lol swearing
Letter after letter reached Jaskier in the underworld, and time after time, he destroyed them. He didn’t tell Geralt, telling himself it was because the ruler of the underworld had more important things to deal with. He didn’t want to admit he was scared Geralt would send him packing. 
Eventually, Demeter resorted to threats. Threats of famine that she followed through on. She underestimated just how like her Jaskier was, though. He didn’t dignify her tantrum with a response. 
When she sent messengers, he started to worry.
He told Charon to alert him, not Geralt, if another god or goddess came to visit, even one of the more senior demigods. He didn’t want to take any chances. Geralt didn’t need to know anyway. 
But Geralt noticed something was off.
Jaskier would say he was tired, or he couldn’t perfect a specific verse of the song he was writing. Usually it worked, but it was only ever a salve, never a cure, for Geralt’s suspicions. 
“What’s wrong, love?” Geralt cradled him in his lap, lounging in the now lavish courtyard under the pomegranate tree Jaskier had brought back from the brink of death. 
Jaskier nuzzled closer, “I’m just ti-”
“No, I asked you what’s wrong,” Geralt insisted, giving him a gentle squeeze and placing a kiss to the top of his head. 
“It’s nothing,” Jaskier lied, hoping the sigh he accidentally let slip didn’t register, “You don’t need to worry about it.” 
Geralt hummed and went quiet for a moment before he curled a bit tighter around Jaskier and whispered, “Do you want to go home?” 
Jaskier scrambled up, sputtering and terrified, “Did she get to you?!” When Geralt just looked at him with an unreadable expression he started to panic, feeling hot tears welling up in his eyes as he did his best to keep his voice steady, “Don’t send me back. Please, Geralt. Anything but that.”
“I’d never,” Geralt soothed, standing and hesitantly reaching for Jaskier’s hand. 
He eyed the offer warily, sniffing and trying to calm himself, “Then why would you say that?”
“I thought you were unhappy. You’ve been… acting strange.” 
Jaskier ignored Geralt’s outstretched hand, choosing to wrap himself around Geralt’s torso and bury his face in the crook of his neck, “I’m sorry. I’ll be better tomorrow. It’s just, uhm. I’m just a bit off.” 
Geralt instinctively held him tighter, “Jaskier I want you to be happy, not ‘better’.”
Jaskier just hummed, swallowing back his unshed tears. 
“Who were you talking about?”
For a moment, Jaskier had to remind himself to breathe before he could respond, “Hm?”
“You asked if someone had ‘gotten’ to me?”
Tears spilled regardless of Jaskier’s best efforts, “My mother. She wants me to come back. She’s been sending letters and messengers.”
“And you don’t want to?” 
“Never,” Jaskier insisted, “This is the most freedom I've ever had. I don’t have to hide in the treetops to feel any sense of calm, I get to make decisions, I make things grow when I want, for whom I want.”
Geralt ran a hand over his hair, resting it at the base of his skull and brushing his thumb through the little hairs behind his ear, “You don’t ever have to leave. I love you. I want you here.” 
“I love you too,” Jaskier whispered, “I’m just scared.” 
Geralt gently pushed him back just enough to look into his eyes, “There’s a way you could stay forever…”
The hopeful glint in his eyes told Geralt everything he needed to know, so he continued, “If you eat even one pomegranate seed you will be tethered to the underworld. You can stay and do whatever pleases you. But it is irreversible. One bite and your fate is forever tied to this place.” 
Jaskier thought about it for a moment, searching Geralt’s eyes for something, anything, that could make the decision for him, “I could never leave?” 
“Only if the both of us willed it and only for a short time,” Geralt explained, tenderly wiping his tears away, “I could never keep you here if you were miserable. Try as I might to think about anything else, your happiness consumes much of my thoughts.” 
“Hmm,” Jaskier leaned into Geralt’s touch, turning his head to kiss his palm, “Do I need to decide right now?”
Geralt kissed his forehead, “Of course not. It’s just an option.”
“Okay,” Jaskier sighed, curling his fingers around the robes cascading down Geralt’s back, “I like it - the idea. I just… I want to take my time?” 
Time wasn’t something Jaskier was allowed apparently. 
The two of them were just climbing out of a lovely bath when a chattering skeleton announced the arrival of a visitor. 
Demeter stood in the throne room with her back turned to them, examining one of the glowing diamonds when they entered. She looked so small, almost insignificant. Her hair was in an intricate braid, she wore a cream toga, adorned with gold that made her look more like a savior than the horror she really was. 
Jaskier gripped Geralt’s hand tightly and pulled them to a halt, knowing very well Demeter wanted him to speak first. It was a stand off he was familiar with. If he spoke first she had the upper hand, hearing his tone and picking apart his words. She always knew how particular her son was with words. 
“Julek. It’s time to go.”
Her voice echoed off the stone walls as she calmly stated her order, not even bothering to turn and look at him. 
Jaskier took a deep breath and squeezed Geralt’s hand, not looking at him for fear of crying, “No.” 
“Playtime is over. You have duties. The humans did not prepare for you to leave. They’re calling it winter,” she snorted as if the idea was as ridiculous as standing on your head in a temple. 
Jaskier grit his teeth, feeling the rage bubble up in his chest, “I don’t care.”
“Clearly,” She rounded on him with a condescending look of disappointment, “It doesn’t matter if you care. They’re still your responsibility.” 
Jaskier took a step forward, “A responsibility you assigned me. You fixed it before, fix it now.”
“I cant.” 
“Tough shit.”
Jaskier wasn’t sure how any of his words were coming out without sounding absolutely hysterical, but he was glad for it. He glared at her, daring her to try again while internally he was scrambling for a plan.
“For this particular magic, I need you. Seasons will take more work than a year round harvest, but you have set them off nonetheless.” Demeter’s voice was softer than usual, though Jaskier didn’t miss the incincerity of her words. She’d raised him. He knew her, probably better than she knew herself for all the introspection she refused to take part in, and he knew she was playing games. 
"Oh? Are you no longer capable?" Jaskier laughed bitterly as he turned to walk toward the courtyard, "The great goddess of plenty and harvest can't sustain what she's built? Unfortunate. I am good at what I do here. I am so good at caring about the souls that end up in our audience-"
"DONT interrupt me," Jaskier shouted, turned and stomped his heel into the ground making vines burst forth from the marble beneath them, wrapping around Demeter's waist and mouth, "I have also found I'm rather adept at torture when necessary. I love it down here! I love being able to right wrongs and show the righteous to Elysium. I love having a purpose to my actions, not just being someone's unappreciated trophy! And I love Geralt. He treats me so well and loves me so sweetly and wants only to make me happy. Nothing about your 'seasons' and 'bringing life' interests me in the slightest, Demeter. Because that's not who I am. I am rage and justice and I am to be feared, not manipulated. Take your failing crops and go." Jaskier waved a hand dismissively and the vines disappeared back into the ground. 
Without looking back, he strode toward the pomegranate tree in the center of the garden, plucking a fruit from the nearest branch and turning to glare at his mother. Geralt was hot on his heels, glancing between the two but keeping quiet. Jaskier had told him he wanted to confront her himself, without her thinking he’d been told what to say. So Geralt stood by and seethed. 
Jaskier pulled a knife from the holster in Geralt’s belt and sliced a nice section out of the pomegranate. 
“Don’t you dare.” Demeter snarled, standing at the edge of the courtyard. 
Jaskier smirked and peeled the white fiber from the blood red seeds with a casual sigh, “I don’t think your opinion matters much here.” 
Jaskier flipped the knife in the air and caught it by the blade, maintaining eye contact with Demeter as he handed it back to Geralt.
“Are you sure?” Geralt’s voice was just a whisper as he took the blade.
Jaskier picked a particularly dark red seed from it’s home and turned to look at him, “There’s absolutely nowhere else I’d rather be, my love.” 
With that he popped the seed in his mouth. 
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hopelesshawks · 3 years
If you're still doing it, and if you feel inspired with the character : Bakugou Katsuki and the song "From Now On" from The Greatest Showman.
You can write with another character if this one doesn't inspire you!
Send me a song and a character (still open)
Ohhhh I love this!! Pro hero!Bakugo who let all the fame of being number 2 get in the way of his relationship me thinks. Thanks for sending this in 🥰
Bakugo used to love the fame and attention that came with being a top hero.
He used to love the way people would scream his name with stars in their eyes when they saw him; the way the idiots in suits over at the HPSC would congratulate him on his incident resolution rate; the way the press would sing his praises; the way his name sounded after the words Number Two Hero even though he’d much rather hear it after number one. He loved it all.
But you?
You fucking hated it.
You always said it was the worst part of hero work. The fans, the paparazzi, all of it grated on you. You hated that since Bakugo had cracked the top 10 you two couldn’t go on date night without getting blinded by cameras. You hated going to HPSC galas in an expensive outfit you’d never wear a second time, sipping overpriced champagne even though you’d be just as happy with something a tenth of the price. You hated that you couldn’t go on social media without seeing speculation about your relationship and your sex life literally everywhere or even worse hundreds of people all stating exactly why you weren’t good enough to be with the Bakugo Katsuki. But what you hated the most was the way Bakugo loved it; the way he preened under the praise, his chest puffing up with pride, ego absolutely blooming under all the superficial attention; the way he’d kiss you in front of paparazzi just so the headlines would be filled with mention of you being his. The rest you could deal with but it made your skin crawl how much he’d change when the public’s watchful eye was on him. At home he was the man you fell in love with, but the minute you left he regressed to the obnoxious asshole you’d first met during your first year at UA.
It was a recipe for disaster and in retrospect Katsuki really should’ve seen the break up coming. He can barely remember what had set off the argument in the first place, probably another gaudy headline or crude Twitter trend about the two of you. You’d been upset about it, raving about invasions of privacy and feeling violated and he’d been dismissive, the way he always was when it came to these things.
“It comes with the territory, just fuckin’ get used ta it already,” he had scoffed.
“The issue is you encourage it Katsuki! You care more about the fame and how good it makes you feel than you do how that added scrutiny makes me feel!” you fired back.
“Why can’t you just fucking deal with it??”
“I shouldn’t have to!”
“Well maybe if you did your fuckin ranking would be better!”
It was a low blow. Bakugo knew it then and he still knows it now. You try so hard to be the best hero you can be, but at the end of the day popularity plays a nontrivial role in the ranking system and being the “““just average””” significant other to one of Japan’s biggest rising stars isn’t a recipe for popularity.
“Get out….”
Your voice had been dangerously low. He’ll never forget the way it managed to sound both terrifyingly lethal and devastatingly heartbroken.
“Shit, wait (y/n) I didn’t mean that I-”
“I said get out!” you had yelled, voice quaking with pent up emotion as you started shoving him out the door. If he really didn’t want to move he could’ve easily resisted but at the time he’d been too shocked to even try, reeling backwards and letting you force him back into the hallway of your apartment building.
“Talk to me when Bakugo Katsuki comes back, I’m fucking sick of Pro Hero Dynamight,” you had said before promptly slamming the door in his face.
In the month that followed Katsuki threw everything into his work, taking longer shifts and pushing himself harder so that by the time he got home he was too beat up to feel the aching pain in his heart and too exhausted to notice his apartment didn’t feel like home the way yours did. He ignored the pitying looks from his friends, brushed off their concerned words and sympathetic gazes with grumbled “I’m fine”s and eye rolls. He filled the hole you left in him with the praise and admiration of the adoring public.
And then came the day you’d been warning him about since he first became a household name.
“The Cost of Victory: Pro Hero Dynamight destroys city during villain chase”
The story matched the headline, tallying up all of the damage he’d caused to buildings and other public property while trying to apprehend someone’s half ass attempt at recreating nomu. As shoddy as the thing was it could take a fucking hit and there was no denying the collateral damage was decently expansive. What the article failed to mention, however, was the amount of damage done before Bakugo had arrived on scene. It made sure to comment on the number of casualties in the incident but conveniently left out how much larger that number would be had Katsuki spent more time worrying about some stupid hunks of metal over catching the damn monstrosity and saving civilian lives. He guesses “Pro Hero Dynamight does his best despite being out gunned and having zero back up at his disposal” isn’t as catchy or clickworthy of a headline.
The very same websites showering him in praise just a day or two before now viciously rip into him. He can’t take a step outside his apartment without seeing article after article shredding him to pieces or getting a camera shoved into his face asking for comment on the criticism. His Twitter feed is full of former fans deriding him for falling short of perfection, calling him a narcissist, a showboat, a fucking menace to society as if he’s the sixteen year old kid chained up at the sports festival all over again. So he stops leaving his apartment entirely.
Kirishima is the one who finally gets him out again. The bar they go to is small, further away from the downtown area than most people are willing to stray. Between that and the fact it’s still relatively early in the evening, they have the place to themselves. The only other soul is the owner/bartender who seems entirely uninterested in the fact that Red Riot and Dynamight are patronizing his establishment. It’s perfect, giving Bakugo the space he needs to rant to his best friend. And rant he does. He lets it all pour out while he paces: the frustration, the rage, the disappointment, the guilt, until there’s nothing left in him except an aching sadness that has nothing to do with the fake fans and shitty headlines. “Y’know what the worst fuckin’ part is?” he rages, face red from bellowing for the past lord knows how long and tears already welling in his eyes at what he’s about to admit. Kirishima barely has time to ask what the worst part is before Katsuki is choking out around a frustrated sob “I wouldn’t even give a shit if I still had (y/n).”
Kirishima is out of his seat and pulling his friend into a hug in an instant. He lets Bakugo shake apart, doesn’t mind the tears soaking into his shirt or how tightly the other man is gripping onto him. He stands solid and firm, the same way he always has and always will for Katsuki until the sobs turn to hiccups. “They’re worried about you, you know,” Eijirou finally tells him. “Yea? How the fuck you figure that Shitty Hair?” Bakugo grumbles miserably into his shoulder. “They’ve called me every day since the article came out to check on you,” the red head admits and it’s enough to make Katsuki stiffen in his hold, scared to hope. “Really?” he asks, voice gruff but quiet. “Really. So are you gonna go to them or what?”
You’ve been staring at your phone for at least an hour, debating whether to call Bakugo or not, when a knock on your door snaps you out of your pained contemplation. You pull the long sleeves of the hoodie Bakugo gave you for your birthday down over your hands as you move to answer the door. Imagine your surprise when the very man who’d been plaguing your thoughts is the one standing outside your door. He looks rough. His hands are shoved into his pockets, back hunched over, face red and puffy, and even though he hasn’t looked you in the eye yet you can tell his are red rimmed. He’s been crying, you realize, and it breaks your heart a little. “Ya just gonna stand there or can I come in?” he asks and it snaps you out of your thoughts again. “Right yea sorry come in I guess,” you say, stepping out of the way to let him in.
He’s almost twitchy, like he wants to make himself comfortable the way he always used to but can’t. You wince a little when you realize it’s the correct assumption to make. Still he doesn’t say anything, he just stands there looking somehow simultaneously out of place and like he never left. “What are you doing here?” you finally sigh. “You said talk to you when Bakugo Katsuki came back and he—or I—or whatever did,” he mutters and a pang of something that feels suspiciously like guilt hits you at the words. “Oh… Is—is that all you wanted to say or?” He glares at a distant point over your left shoulder, presumably collecting his thoughts, before he finally meets your gaze. “Look I-” he breaks eye contact again, growling a little in frustration at himself as he continues to struggle to find words. You don’t say anything though, knowing he needs to work through it himself. “Things have been pretty shit for me lately,” he finally admits. You can’t help but scoff at the comment although one look at him and his pained expression has you regretting it. You clear your throat awkwardly. “Sorry, yea, keep going.”
He huffs before continuing and even though he still won’t meet your eyes you can tell how difficult this all is for him.
“Look things have been pretty fuckin’ shitty lately with everyone and their goddamn cousin in Japan hatin’ me but it’s made me realize some shit. I’ve been so fuckin’ focused on chasin’ the fame and the fans or whatever that I kinda forgot about the important stuff…”
He only trails off for a moment, steeling himself for whatever he’s about to say next. It’s almost funny how much it reminds you of him right before a big fight.
“But from now on,” he starts, finally meeting your gaze, puffing out his chest as if daring you to challenge whatever’s going to come out of his mouth next. “From now on I’m not gonna let all that stupid shit blind me alright? I promise, from now on I’m only focusin’ on the real people in my life, not the goddamn extras. Ok?”
His eyes are blazing as he finishes and it literally takes your breath away.
“Ok, then….” he trails off, his eyes slide away again as his confidence wanes, “then can I come back home again?”
Your heart shatters and forms anew at the words as you find your feet moving before you’ve even told them to. You throw yourself into his arms, pulling him close, the jagged edges you both left in each other the night you broke up re-aligning and mending themselves. “Of course you can Katsuki, I’ve missed you,” you sigh, each word wrapped in relief and joy. “Fuckin’ missed you too dumbass,” he huffs back, although you don’t miss how wet it sounds. When you pull back it’s only a fraction and only so you can reel him in for a gentle kiss, pouring every missed I love you into it so there’s no room for doubting if you’ve truly forgiven him.
It’s a promise. A promise to do better from now on. And Katsuki means every single second of it.
General Taglist: @ahtsuwu @oikawaandkuroostan @oliviasslut @black-rose-29
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mrstaeminlee · 4 years
Mission Complete Ch. 3
You had two goals in life. One: Complete your squad training without dying. Two: Fuck Levi Ackerman
Pairings: Levi/f!reader
Warnings: Swearing, eventual smut, lmk if I need to add anything~
Two months later
This was it. This is what everything your training had led up to.
Your first mission outside the walls with Captain Levi. The mission itself was fairly simple, more of a test run than anything really, for Levi to see how his new squad would respond to him and each other under the immediate threat of Titans. Everyone had gone over the training formation so many times you knew everyone's position by heart. You all were to ride to the Titan forest, arrive as close to sunset as possible, and work on constructing a makeshift shelter in the trees. You had wriggled your way up to being Levi's second in command, and all thirst aside (although she was a persistent one), you held a great amount of respect for him.
You tied your hair back before giving yourself one last once-over in the mirror, nodding satisfactorily at what you saw before jogging to the entrance of the camp where the captain was waiting for you. "Sorry Cap, were you waiting long?" You piped, proud of yourself for your unwavering ability to speak like a normal person in the presence of the man you wanted to deep throat.
Levi frowned. "How many times do I have to tell your stupid ass to stop calling me Cap. You know I hate that."
You shrugged. "Guess I'm too stupid to remember you telling me, so it's probably gonna be a while." I feel like it would put a strain on our professional relationship to call you Daddy in front of the entire squad
"You're an idiot. Let's go, we're running late. We only have today to buy the supplies we need for the mission. Did you grab the list I gave you yesterday?"
You nodded, patting your ass where the paper sat nice and folded in your pocket. "Sure did, wanna check?" you winked. Damn, you were ballsy today.
"Not on your life. Come on." Okay, that one stung a little bit.
You pouted, feeling a genuine amount of hurt as you both saddled your horses and began the trip to town. You were comfortable enough to occasionally flirt with the captain when you were alone, making sure to play it off as though it meant nothing. He never reciprocated your flirtations, but from what you could tell he didn't seem outwardly repulsed by them and he never told you to stop, so you figured you were on safe grounds. You were still just as clueless as the first day if he held any type of special feelings for you; you almost cursed your ability as an excellent scout, because that meant he really did choose you as his second based on talent as opposed to some hidden attraction. You were beginning to wonder if maybe he wasn't even interested in sex, you really had no other explanation for someone of his position with those looks to not at the very LEAST have a little side fuck here and there. Your personal conversations were kept to a minimum, but thanks to you both running into each other in the mess hall late at night on multiple occasions for a midnight cup of tea you knew the basics of his past from the underground, you knew his mother was a topic you knew better than to breach, and you knew the gist of him being dragged into the scouts by Erwin, which was more than you could say for the rest of the squad. He had never mentioned a woman -or man for that matter- and thanks to your late night habits you had never heard him trying to sneak anyone in or out of his chambers. You had resigned yourself to being a thirsty little bitch for the rest of whatever life the Scout Regiment decided to grant you, which reminded you that you absolutely had to find a way to sneak from the captain long enough to buy a new dildo, seeing as old faithful finally decided to bite the dust.
"Oi, are you planning on looking anywhere else the rest of this ride or are you just going to keep staring at me the entire time?"
You blinked rapidly, shaking your head. "Sorry Cap, guess I just spaced out and you were the lucky target of my loving gaze," you teased.
Levi decided to ignore the nickname in favor of his next statement. "That's not like you. Just because we aren't in Titan territory doesn't mean you don't get to be off your guard. There could still be danger nearby," he chided.
"Well it's a good thing you're here to protect me, my big, strong Captain," you cooed.
He was quiet for a moment and you nudged your horse forward, worried you had seriously pissed him off. If there was one thing Levi did not tolerate, it was laziness. When you were right next to him you peered over, frowning slightly. "Sorry Captain, I shouldn't have spaced so mu-Oh fuck me, are you blushing?" The pink hue across Levi's cheeks was unmistakable. Holy shit. You had done it. You had made Captain Levi fucking blush. You. You made him blush, and you hadn't even brought up getting fucked.
Levi made a show of moving his horse away from yours, clearing his throat loudly. "Get your mind out of the gutter, fucking brat. If you're going to be so goddamn annoying just go back to whatever daydream you were entertaining, I shouldn't have wasted my time. Fucking idiot." The fact he was even more ruthless only further confirmed what you knew. You smirked, not caring if he saw you as you strode leisurely along him.
"Whatever you say, Captain."
You laughed off the death glare he sent you.
The arrival into town was as smooth as expected. Deciding to drop the issue of the earlier little incident, you two set out, bargaining and bartering your way through countless shops to gather the supplies you would need for the upcoming mission on the limited funds you had been given. Overall the trip came out successful; you had even managed to sneak another replacement for your pillow pal while Levi went off to to get his monthly tea supply, and it now sat hidden amongst some other items you had purchased for yourself. It was dusk by the time you both had gathered everything you needed, and now pouring rain, rendering your lanterns useless. The already miserable and wet nature of the trip quickly took a turn for the worse when you picked up on the presence of something surrounding you. One glance at Levi told you he was aware of the threat and he discreetly glanced to the side where most of the threat seemed to be coming from. He mouthed the number twelve and you swallowed hard. Even with his talent, neither of you could see a thing in this rain, and you couldn't afford to lose the supplies you had worked all day to get. You reached for the pistol on your hip, blinking quickly at the rain that dripped into your eyes. Your horse was the one pulling the supply wagon, it would be up to you to make sure it wasn't stolen.
You jumped at the sound of the foreign voice, jumping off of your horse and landing on the cart, drawing your pistol in one hand and your knife in the other. It was all a blur from there, one minute you were struggling in a fight against two hooded men trying to knock you off, the next you were in the air, and you were only vaguely aware of the captain yelling your name before everything went black.
Tags: @levisbebe, @dannylothbrok @sueshiishell
This chapter goes out to @anackermangirl much wuv
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Hi. Thank you for your wonderful works, they always make my day! I would like to request a story featuring pregnant Sirius and James not reacting positively at first. Perhaps even some nice Sirius&Lily friendship with Sirius crying on Lily's shoulder and Lily later setting James straight. Thank you. Hankycka
((A/N: Nothing explicit, but there are mentions to issues conceiving, just in case that bothers anyone))
"I'm pregnant," Sirius said, smiling.
"Oh no," James said.
Sirius's smile was gone in an instant. "What?"
"No, I didn't mean- it's- oh bugger."
He blinked at James. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know," James said miserably, covering his face with his hands.
"Great," Sirius said flatly, his good mood leaving in a rush like air being let out of a balloon. "I'm so happy to see that you're overwhelmed with joy. I'll just go share the good news."
He didn't know what he was going to do or where he was going to go, but he ignored James calling his name and left, then found himself on Lily's doorstep and figured why not? Lily probably wouldn't react the same way that James had, and he could use someone being nice to him right now. He knocked on the door and waited anxiously for it to open. It was times like this that he was glad they lived in the same neighbourhood, because otherwise he would've walked around the block, then gone back home and asked James if he was over it yet.
Lily answered the door a minute later. "Sirius, hi. Come on in," she said, holding the door wider to make room for him. "I wasn't expecting you. Did I forget that we have plans? And do you want a cuppa?"
"No, no plans, but some herbal tea would be nice, if you've got it," he said, pulling off his shoes and following Lily to the kitchen. "Do you have a minute or are you busy?"
"I've always got time for you. Besides, Remus is at his doctor, so I could use a distraction while I wait to hear from him. What's up?"
"I'm pregnant."
Lily beamed, turning to face him with the kettle still in her hands. "That's great! I bet James was over the moon. Erm, wasn't he?" she added upon seeing his downtrodden expression.
"Not so much."
"Well what did he say?"
"'Oh no' and 'bugger'."
Lily blinked. "Please tell me you're joking."
Sirius shook his head. Saying it aloud to someone else didn't make him feel any better about it. In fact, it made him feel worse. James-- as Lily said-- should've been over the moon. There had been a few years where they thought that they'd have to try and adopt before learning that Sirius was still fertile and could carry naturally (though it might take some time with his medical complications). It should've been the best news ever, or at the very least, good news. "I thought he'd be happy, but he acted like it was the end of his bloody life. I just- I know that it wasn't smart or healthy or whatever the fuck, but I walked out and... wound up here. I wanted him to be ecstatic about this; I was when I found out, and it lasted all morning until he-" Sirius broke off with a frustrated sigh. "I know that it's big news, but I thought it was happy big news. I was expecting some disbelief, yeah, because we've only been trying for a couple months and Doctor Prewett told us it might take years, but I never thought he'd be upset about it. I don't really know what to do when James is upset with me. He usually isn't, so I've never had to learn how to deal with it. I mean," he amended a second later, "little fights over where I put the remote and whose turn it is to clean the loo, but nothing like this."
Lily put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. She finished filling up the kettle and put it on the stove. "I'm going to make a call, but it shouldn't take long. I'll be right back, okay?"
"Okay," Sirius said, and he was so dejected that he didn't find it strange she suddenly had to call someone.
She went to her room and closed the door, dialling James's number.
"Hi James, it's Lily. I thought you might want to know that Sirius is over at my house."
He breathed out a sigh of relief. "Thanks. I'm sure you're not my biggest fan right now, but thank you for calling. He didn't take his phone or his keys, and I didn't know if he was going to come back or- thanks, Lily. Is he okay?"
"Honestly? No. What were you thinking? I thought you wanted to have a baby."
"I do, and we do, but I've got news of my own that doesn't make the timing great."
"Okay," Lily said slowly. "I want to be understanding and respect the fact that this is your relationship and everything, but maybe you should've said that to Sirius instead of 'oh no'? Just- look, obviously I don't know the specifics of your relationship, and I don't like to stick my nose in your business because we made that deal our last year of Hogwarts that if I kept out of your relationship, you'd stay out of mine, but he's really sad. Like, ridiculously sad. He doesn't know what's going on, and he thinks you're mad at him or summat. So please, come over and apologise or say that you'll explain or whatever it is you need to do. Because it's kind of a prick move to make a pregnant person this sad."
"I know; I panicked. I'll be right over. Can you tell him I'm on my way? Or hand him the phone so I can tell him?"
"I'll tell him. And James? Thanks."
"No problem, Evans. I know you're a disaster when people start crying."
Lily snorted but didn't argue-- mostly because it was true. She hung up and tucked her phone back in her pocket as she walked back to the kitchen. She meant to tell Sirius that James was on his way, but she froze when she saw that he'd started crying. "Erm." She was having a bit of an 'oh no' moment herself. She wasn't good when people were crying, but she also wasn't going to just leave Sirius like this. She walked over and gave him a hug. "It's okay."
Sirius sniffled and didn't say anything. He hugged her back, so she figured she should get comfortable as they waited for James to arrive.
It didn't take long, and he didn't bother to knock on the door. For once, it didn't annoy Lily that he walked right in. Sirius wiped at his face when he heard footsteps, and he glared when he saw that it was James. "What're you doing here?" he asked, and Lily shot James an apologetic look that hopefully conveyed she hadn't had the opportunity to tell Sirius that he was coming over.
"Well, you're my husband, and you sort of ran out before I could explain."
"What's to explain? I'm pregnant and you're mad about it."
"Can we go home and talk?" James asked, which was good; Lily had already been present for more of this conversation than she wanted.
"No," Sirius muttered petulantly.
James glanced at Lily. "I know it's your house, and I'm sorry, but do you think you could give us a minute?"
"Sure. I'll just erm-" she jerked a thumb over her shoulder "-be in the spare room." She'd be able to find something to do there until they were done. And if she couldn't, she'd be able to sit and wait just as well in the spare room as she could in front of the telly.
James walked over and sat in a chair next to Sirius. "I'm sorry I reacted like that," he said quietly.
"Why did you?" Sirius asked, looking over at him with betrayal written all over his face. "We were trying to get pregnant, and now that it's happened you're having second thoughts? It's a little late for that."
"No," James said immediately. "Not second thoughts, nothing like that, love. It's just that the timing's kind of- well, rubbish. Moody announced the team for the new project over in the States."
He blinked at his husband, eyes wide. James didn't have to say that he was on the team for Sirius to know that's what had happened.
"It got announced today, and I was trying to think of how to tell you. I thought we might put off trying to have a baby for the next year so that I would be able to move back home, and-" his breath caught and he didn't bother trying to finish his sentence. "I don't know what to do. I can turn down the assignment, but it would set back my career; this is supposed to be a golden opportunity. If I turn it down, there won't be another chance like this for years. Although," James said with a sigh, "maybe it's worth considering. There's no point in working on advancing if I'm going to be taking care of a baby two years from now. And back when we first started talking about kids, I promised you that I'd be there for you for all of it. My point is, we need to talk about this. I don't want to make a decision without thinking it through, and I'm sorry about not telling you how happy I am." He started to smile, and when he reached for Sirius's hand, Sirius turned to twine their fingers together. "I mean, bloody hell Sirius, a baby? We've been dreaming about that for years. Of course I'm happy. I'm just worried. And- yeah, a little upset that these two great things are happening at the same time which means I won't get to enjoy one of them as much as I was hoping."
"Yeah," Sirius said, because he one hundred percent understood what James meant. "We can- I dunno. Eat, sleep on it. Talk more." With his free hand, he wiped at his nose. It itched, but there was nothing he could do about that here. "Ah bugger, I did sort of take over Lily's day, didn't I?" He retracted his hand from James's and got to his feet, feeling embarrassed that he'd burst into tears at Lily and Remus's house. And that he'd run away from James. Gods, what had he been thinking? He'd been upset, yes, but if he wanted some space, he could've just gone to their room. Or to the backyard. Hindsight was twenty-twenty.
"I'm sure she'll forgive us," James said, pulling him into a quick hug. He pressed a kiss to the side of Sirius's head. "I love you so much, you know that?"
"I know."
"And I'm so sorry I didn't tell you what was going on right away."
"You did try, in your defense," Sirius mumbled.
"Well I should've been quicker about it." He kissed Sirius's head again, then stepped away. "I'll go tell Lily we're leaving."
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jstlikemagic · 4 years
It’s An Everything Thing. - Jeff Wittek Smut
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Title: It’s An Everything Thing.
Pairing: Jeff Wittek/Reader
Rating: R (NSFW/Swearing) | Doggystyle, missionary, oral sex, protected sex.
TW: Hints at a small sexual assault situation but doesn’t surround the plot if that makes sense.
Summary: Y/N and Jeff don’t like each other... oh wait.
A/N: So, this contains smut and angst which is exciting! Please reblog and/or like if you enjoyed this! 
Looking around the party, you lost sight of your friend David. He invited you out to his party at his house. Which meant Jeff was going to be there. You and Jeff hadn’t talked since the fight you two had a few months ago that ended up in you two blocking each other on all social media and avoiding each other at all costs. Knowing he was going to be there made you so anxious but also ready to get fucked up.
Walking around, you started to look for the open bar. Your eyes lit up like a Christmas tree when you spotted it with it’s beautiful Grey Goose bottles and a 750 of Fireball sitting on the bar cart. Stumbling upon the bar cart, you made yourself a mixed drink and walked away to find some place to chill and sit for a while. As soon as you turned into the living room, there was just crowded space and nowhere to breathe. As you tried to navigate your way through the living room someone had accidentally tripped you while they were dancing. All of the sudden, your drink spilled on you as you fell on top of a stranger on the couch.
“You fainted straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes,” Jeff scoffed. Looking up at him and realizing who it was, you quickly stood up.
“Piss off,” you spatted back. You walked away in a hurry to the bathroom, hoping no one would notice that you spilled your drink and it was completely soaking your clothes. Making it to the bathroom, you placed both hands on the side of the sink, looked in the mirror, and sighed deeply. You weren’t sure if you were mad at the person who tripped you, the fact that the drink you had was all over you, or the person you fell on was Jeff. 
“Ya know, I can get you a tide stick or something or I can give you a change of clothes or I can let you go home naked,” Jeff offered while peeking into the bathroom while winking at you.
“Nope, I’m fine. Goodbye,” you tried to shut the door but he stuck his body through the opening, enabling him to slide through.
“Are you really fine though? It looks like ya pissed your dress!” he laughed. You sat down on the toilet lid and put your head in your hands. You started to cry due to the anxiety and frustration of his presence. “Oh no, Y/N. I didn’t mean to make you-”
“Jeff, go fuck yourself. You’re a fucking dick and I’m not sure why. Even in my times of need, you still manage to make me miserable. Now, can you please leave me the fuck alone,” you screamed at him through tears. This was it. This was the breaking point. You were done with his egotistical, obnoxious, and annoying personality. He was just too much, especially right now.
“I like to joke around with you. I know you don’t think it’s funny but I always used humor and shit to hide that I was into you. At least twice a week, I watched guys hit on you, my friends ogled over you. I just need you. I know you’ve heard me say it before but I mean it,” he confessed. You just stood there in shock. 
“Funny way of showing you’re into someone, huh?,” you pushed past him and walked out the bathroom while wiping your tears. And there was your answer.
[A week later…]
Scotty was performing at the House of Blues and he invited you to come as a guest and celebrate with the Vlog Squad. Your mindset coming to the concert was that you were just gonna ignore Jeff so it seems like nothing's changed. The other guys had no idea what went down at the party because you told them you had to leave for “girl stuff.” That was enough for them to not question anything. Still, it was irritating to even think about spending at least four hours in a dressing room with a man who had the nerve to make fun of you and then cover it up with some bullshit.
“Y/N, can you hand me another water please,” Scott asked sweetly. Responding with just a smile, you walked to the mini fridge and gave him his water. What you didn’t see though because your back was turned, was that Scott eyed you the whole time. From the point of you swaying your hips as you walked over to the fridge and all the way to you bending down to grab the water. He licked his lips at the sight of you but specifically your ass. Sitting on the other side of the room was Jeff who eyed Scott. There was rage building up in Jeff. Even though you weren’t his anything, he still had this duty in the back of his head to be yours. “Thank you, babe,” Scott said as you handed him his water.
“No problem, Scott. Anything for you,” you dautingly said while shooting a glare towards Jeff’s direction. “Actually, I have a request. Can I have aux, guys? I have a song I really wanna dance to!”
“Sure, take it over!” Todd yelled from the bathroom. Why he was still controlling the music while taking a shit was beyond you but it was whatever. Connecting to the bluetooth of the speaker, you furiously scrolled through your playlists. You came across the “i like to drink and turn up” playlist and found the perfect song to fuck with Jeff. If he actually meant what he said to you a week ago, this might be the perfect revenge. You weren’t normally about the whole revenge thing but Jeff basically made you feel awful about yourself so why the fuck not.
Pressing play, everyone recognized the first few seconds of the song. It was “Or Nah” by Ty Dolla $ign, a very sensual and raunchy song but still loved very much by all of those in the room. With your red solo cup in your hand, you stepped up on the coffee table set up in the middle of the dressing room with your back facing Jeff. Making sure to flaunt your back side, you hiked up your shorts just a little bit so your ass was hanging out just a tad bit but enough to make Jeff go wild. Swaying your hips and dropping low every few seconds, it looked like you were dancing to “Come Get Her” by Rae Sremmurd instead. You knew you got the reaction from Jeff because he just looked up at you in awe, he looked like he wanted to jump your bones.
“Jeff, are you okay?” you heard David scream over the music. You turned around to see Jeff’s knuckles completely white from gripping his cup so hard. He had a straight edge face which brought out his perfectly sculpted jawline. Pausing the music, you just stared at him and he stared at you back.
“No, I’m not fucking okay. Y/N is a fucking bitch and I can’t stand her right now. God damn it,” he raised his voice. In one swift moment, he got up and walked out the door with it slamming right behind him. 
As he walked out the door, all you saw was Todd walk out of the bathroom while saying “Is there something I missed? Why do we look genuinely confused and spaceshot?” Nodding your head, you got up and decided to look for Jeff. Where would Jeff be? Where would Jeff be?
Turning the corner, you saw a little bit more of a private patio with plants peeking out in the back. You saw the back of his head but he was slumped over with his head burrowed in between his forearms. Debating if you should say anything, you kept your distance and mustered up the courage to say “Hey, um- I’m sorry. I don’t know why you’re upset but-”
“You don’t know why I’m upset?” he interrupted. “Y/N, I fucking told you how I felt about you, it was like you were gloating it in my face that I could see you, I just couldn’t touch you or have you. It’s not even a sexual thing. It’s an everything thing.” You could see how frustrated he was. His eyes were bloodshot and his face was so red. In the back of your head, you hoped he hadn’t been crying. You know that you meant to be malicious and wanted a response but you thought that it would’ve been more of a banter rather than the situation now at hand.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I don’t feel the same way. I’m sorry that I made you upset. But to make things clear, I’m not yours and probably will never be. With that being said, get that through your head. You can fuck any girl you want within reason so it’s best of you to stick with that route,” you pleaded. You never actually thought of what it would be like to be with him whether it be platonic or sexual. You for sure didn’t want your mind to go there. Stubbornly, you didn’t want anything to do with him. He treated you wrong all these years and you weren’t sure of where your future even stood with him now after the dancing escapade. 
The truth was that you were scared. Scared of liking, or loving for that matter, anyone because of the trust issues you developed. Many people in your life had fucked you over and Jeff was already on that list. That is why your walls were up completely when it came to him. Maybe I should give him another chance? No, no. I can’t do that. He’s an asshole, Y/N. He’ll always be one. 
“Y/N, I guess it’s whatever right? I’ll just try to move on. Won’t think about you, won’t speak about you. Y/N, who? I just want to let you know that I may never be able to move on but I still hope maybe one day, you turn around, and at least wanna try being friends,” he spoke with sadness dripping from his voice with every word. 
[A year later...]
Sitting in a lawn chair by a firepit, you were just scrolling on your phone. You were at David’s house party and just felt lost. Feeling out a place and out of loop because you hadn’t seen the Vlog Squad in a year and didn't bother to. After the whole Jeff incident at the House of Blues, you thought it was best to give the guy some space. 
“Y/N! Is that you?” you heard David scream from across the backyard. Watching him run over, you laughed at him almost tripping over a rock. He was alway so fucking clumsy when he was drunk. Iyt only took one drink but boy was he hammered  As he made his way over to where you were sitting, he pulled up a chair right next to you. “How have you been?” he asked. 
Biting your lip, you just looked at him and shrugged. You weren’t fine. Not at all. Ever since the Jeff incident, everything played in your head. Every possibility did. Would you two have been dating by now? Would you two have been civil and friends? You wouldn’t know. You obviously couldn’t tell David any of that either. Hearing someone scream his name from inside the house, he quickly got up, said goodbye, and escaped the awkward moment you two were having.
Realizing you were alone again, you decided to get up and actually assert yourself. As you walked through crowds of people you spotted your best friend, the bar. Getting yourself a beer, you settled on one of the breakfast bar stools that sat right in front of the kitchen island. The kitchen was basically empty since the actual party was outside and in the living room. Taking a swig of the beer, you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders. “Hey sweetheart. Any reason you’re alone tonight?” the stranger asked while rubbing your shoulders. 
Taking another swig, you turned around. You didn’t recognize the guy at all and he wasn’t the least bit attractive. “Yeah, I’m waiting for someone. Thanks though,” you said nervously.
“Well, why don’t I make friends with you while you wait,” he said while placing his hands on the top of your thighs. Not knowing what to say, your mouth was left agape. You hoped that in this moment someone would fucking save you from this creep. Placing your hands on top of his, you tried to remove his hands off of you. But they were glued onto you and he squeezed your thighs. “Baby, I just want to have some fun. Is that too much to ask?” he whispered in your ear. 
Clearly uncomfortable, you just let him start caressing your thighs. As he started kissing your neck, you felt yourself get nervous and wanted to scream. Not wanting to cause a scene, you just remained silent and froze up. As you looked out into the living room to see if anyone would notice, you spotted him. He was wearing a black Carhartt shirt and khakis. He looked like an angel in the crowd of people. Hoping he would catch your attention, you just stared at him with this sad look on your face. 
When he finally caught your gaze, it felt like when you see someone after a breakup. Shocking but also familiar. He furrowed his eyebrows and right after that you mouthed “help me.” Getting up from his spot, he walked over to where you were sitting. “Hey, man. Get the fuck outta here alright. I’m her boyfriend so I’m the only one who should be touching her like that,” he threatened. Throwing his hands up, the guy slowly backed out of the room.
Both of you had no idea what to even say to each other. Do you say “thank you” or “hi” or should you just walk away and pretend that this never happened. Contemplating in your head, you just got out a “Thank you. Like a lot. I appreciate it.”
With his eyes darting over the place, he contemplated what to say. “Y/N, can we please go somewhere private?” he asked while fiddling his long fingers. Nodding to him, he grabbed your hand and led you to the guest bedroom. Sitting on the bed, Jeff pulled up a chair to sit right in front of you, giving that space that the both of you needed. “Now, I’m not gonna sit here and tell you what I’ve told you before. But I wanna ask if you’re willing to even try being frie-”
“I don’t wanna be your fucking friend,” you spatted out. Suddenly, his face dropped to the ground and you could see the sadness forming. “Jeff, I wanna fucking be with you. I wanna be the only girl you have in the world. I wanna be the one who you wake up to, fuck with, sleep with. Everything.” Realizing that the liquid courage overshot this one, you just stared down at the ground and waited for him to say something.
“Alright, so where has this come from? Last year, I’m pretty sure you wanted to kill me. This year it’s ‘Oh Jeff! I wanna be with you.’ Y/N, did you think I was gonna wait forever for you?” he threw back at you. He had a point. You waited a year to figure out maybe there was something there. I mean tonight he struck something within you because of how he was the only one in the crowd of people that actually helped you in that uncomfortable encounter. He seemed to be the only that cared for you at this point.
Looking up at him with tears in your eyes, you just shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you then. Maybe I actually realized that we could be great together? Maybe love wouldn’t be scary if it was with you? I don’t know,” you muttered. Folding your arms, you fell back on the bed. Grabbing a pillow, you used it to cover your face because you could just feel the sobbing about to start. Feeling his eyes burning through you, you just sighed.
“Well, I know I could cover one of those tasks you want with me,” he said with a smirk on his face. Crawling up to your body, he just smiled at you. Caressing his hair, you pulled his neck closer so your lips met. As corny as this sounds, the kiss was more passionate than you could ever imagine. Wrapping your legs around his waist, his hips lightly ground into yours which made you moan uncontrollably. “You’re gonna let me make you mine tonight?” he asked while you caught your breath.
“Make me yours, baby,” you provoked. With that, he pulled himself off of you, and attempted to pull off your skinny jeans. Seeing that he was struggling to get them off, you laughed. Hearing him mutter something under his breath, he finally got them off your ankles and onto the floor. Looking at your underwear, he could see a wet spot.
“Wow, already wet for me? Just like at the party last year?” he joked. You rolled your eyes. 
“Will you just shut the fuck up and fuck me? God, stop being annoying,” you whined as you threw your head back. Slowly peeling off your underwear, he took in the view. This is what he had been waiting for. All those years, he had been waiting for a moment to get you alone and see this side of you. Not the naked side, he enjoyed that, but an intimate side that the two of you could share.
Moving his face up to your pussy, he just breathed and it sent shivers down your spine. You might've been waiting for this moment all year but you had waited what felt like a longtime for someone like Jeff in your life. Someone you knew that would protect you and treat you like the goddess you are. 
Sticking his tongue, you gripped the sheets in tight handfuls. Moaning through your gritted teeth, you felt his tongue doing circles around your g-spot. Wanting him to delve more into your pussy, you grabbed his hair and brought him closer. Soon enough, he was hitting the right spot and you couldn’t keep back your shrieked breaths and moans. Darting his tongue back and forth, you could feel a knot in your stomach forming. 
It wasn’t a familiar feeling because you had never been satisfied like this before. No guy had ever actually wanted to eat you out unless you asked for it. His first move was to eat your sweet pussy because he wanted to show you that this was all about you and your comfortability. 
Feeling the knot in your stomach tighten, you gripped his hair and tugged it hard. Feeling yourself tighten around his tongue, you let out on him. Licking up your cum, he took a step back to admire what was in front of him. An attractive, vulnerable, and sweet, Y/N. Throwing yourself up from the bed, you whipped off your shirt and unclasped your bra. Reaching for his shirt you tossed it over his head and to the corner of his room. Unbuckling his jeans, he stopped you. “Y/N, I wanna show you what you’ve missed out all this year. No need to pleasure me. Looking at you unfold for me is enough,” he smirked.
“Okay, then how do you want me?” you asked sweetly. Hearing that was enough for Jeff to cum right on the spot. He didn’t know why but the innocence in your voice flipped a switch in him. It made him feel bad about how he was gonna wreck your pussy for the next ten minutes. 
“I want you on all fours. Right now,” he demanded. Taking his belt off, then his pants, and boxers, you groaned at the sight of his cock. It was already dripping precum. Grabbing a condom from his dresser drawer, he opened the package and slid the condom on his hard cock. With your ass in the air, he lined his cock up to your wet pussy. Placing a hand on your back, he slowly pushed in. Hissing at the sensation, he pulled back and said “Y/N, are you okay? I’m not hurting you am I?”
“Nope, I’m fine. Just need to get used to it,” you replied. Trying again, he slowly entered you while making sure to not put all of himself in just yet. After inching in every time, he put himself inside of you. He found his rhythm and was fitting himself completely in your tight pussy. Gripping on your hips, every once in a while he’d smack your ass. 
Grabbing your ass and smacking it, he said “Oh, you like it when I fuck you like that? You like it when I smack your ass, baby?” Nodding your head, you managed to pant out a ‘yes.’ Suddenly, he removed himself from you. Feeling empty, you whined at the awful sensation. He took you by your hips and turned you on your back. 
“Sorry, baby. I want to take you this way. I want to look at you while I cum,” he breathed. Instinctively wrapping your legs around his hips, he inserted himself again. Only this time, he placed his lips on yours which earned him a moan from you. His face then found himself in the crook of your neck and his lips on your neck. Holding on to the back of his neck, you needed the support from him completely fucking you into tomorrow. Every thrust was hard and fast and it was perfect. 
Even though it didn’t seem like the typical intimate and romantic moment, it was. There was a certain closeness you two felt with each other during this moment. He was giving himself to you and you were giving yourself to him and it was perfect. 
Feeling him slow down, you took that moment to catch your breath a little bit and refocus on what was happening. Jeff lifted himself up and supported himself with his elbows. Looking up at him, you could tell he was very close. His face was scrunched up and his mouth was agape. “I’m gonna cum. Fuck,” he muttered. As he looked down at you, you could see the lust and passion in his eyes. As he intently was locking eyes with you, he let out a low moan and came into the condom. 
Rolling off of the bed, he took the condom off and threw it in the trash. Laying next to you in bed, you were just heavily breathing while looking up at the ceiling. “Did you cum by any chance,” he asked.
“No but I don’t think that really matters right now,” you responded. Turning towards him, you moved yourself closer to him. “What matters is, what do we do now? I mean we fucked and I told you how I felt so,” you pondered.
Pulling you into his chest, he sighed. “Well, we have one of two options. Option one is that we never speak of tonight and we pretend we still hate each other. Or we could do the better option, which is to maybe see where things go between us?” he noted. Looking at him and his arms that were wrapped around you, you smiled.
“Ya know, I’m really liking option number two but can we add an option three to this?” you questioned.
“Which option would that be?” he asked.
Growing a huge smirk on your face, you pulled yourself on top of him and placed your hands on his chest. “I was thinking we see where things go but we also have round two.”
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Note: So this was inspired by @peachchanvidel’s post and partially by that one-scene in Brooklyn nine-nine. Hope you like this :)
Linzin AU, one-shot
Parapraxis: a lapse of memory or mental error, such as a slip of the tongue or misplacement of an object, which, in psychoanalytic theory, is due to unconscious associations and motives; commonly called a “freudian slip.”
 If Lin Beifong were to look back at her life, she would think that some spirit was having a laugh at her expense – more than enough for her to wonder whether she had a past life that angered one of them.
The Dragon Flats Strangler had finally been caught and so the residents of the borough (and the police) could breathe a little easier now.
Chief Beifong tapped the report with her glasses, satisfied with the paperwork submitted. The sunlight was hitting her desk straight on, a signal that it was definitely later into the day and that she had not budged one bit since she sat down after lunch break.
She folded her glasses and placed it in its case. The pile of reports waiting on her desk signified that reviews and approvals were in her next hours. It was time to grab some coffee.
The police chief exited her room, seeing that everyone was working diligently on whatever assignments they had that week. None of that fake pencil pushing here in headquarters.
On her way to the pantry, she saw the Avatar nosily bothering Mako, who was, to his credit, shooing her away. Based on previous encounters with them, Lin supposed Korra was trying to wheedle the firebender into another double date with her and Asami, another blind date that the detective was adamantly against.
She decided to interrupt for the benefit of the firebender who was looking miserably at the pile of paperwork on his desk that the Avatar had been riffling through, likely looking for a piece of paper to write the details of the date on.
“Detective!” Chief Beifong approached the pair; Mako suddenly sitting up straight and Korra leaned back in her seat, waving weakly. “Good job on the paperwork on the Dragon Flats Strangler.” She frowned at Korra who was reaching over Mako’s desk to grab his pen. “I’d expect all of your files to be submitted with the same level of meticulousness and detail.”
Mako slapped away Korra’s hand. “Of course, Mom.” He answered distractedly.
Chief Beifong froze as did the Avatar – and everyone within hearing radius.
The detective managed to get his pen from the loose grip of Korra and proceeded to work on his next report.
Korra cleared her throat to get his attention, throwing a glance at Lin then placing an elbow on top of Mako’s paperwork.
“What?” Mako growled irritably.
“You called Chief Beifong Mom.”
Lin saw a brief look of panic on Mako’s face before it turned stoic again. “You must have misheard.”
“No, you did.” One of the other rookies from two desks to Mako’s right piped up.
Korra pointed at the man, nodding. “See, thank you!”
“No,” Mako emphasized but was quickly paling. “I said, of course Chief.”
“They’re right – you called me Mom.” Lin slowly enunciated then pursed her lips. “Detective Mako, do you see me as a mother figure?”
“I-I-I-.” The firebender could only stammer, a far cry from the capable detective who could easily spout off details of a report without even reading off a copy of it.
Normally, she would feel amused, but she took pity on the young man. “Don’t worry about it,” She attempted to downplay it. “We could have a mentoring session if you’d like, one of these days?”
Mako looked like a cat deer caught in the headlights of a satomobile so Lin quickly retracted. "Only if you’d want to of course, the offer stands but it’s not mandatory -.”
“Yes, I’d like that.” The detective managed to bite out.
She nodded and quickly went her way to the pantry.
Chief Beifong figured, having one more rookie to mentor is not so bad.
 “Higher, Dad, higher!”
The moment the words left her lips, Lin knew she messed up. She did not want to face Aunt Katara, who would likely pity reflected on her eyes. The earthbender just knew the older lady would be uttering the words “oh, sweetie” within the next few minutes, gently letting her down explaining that the airbender playing with her was not her father.
Lin knew that. It’s just – why can’t he be?
To the Avatar’s credit, he did not even bat an eyelash nor did he lose the rhythm of bouncing Lin up and down using an airball.
Before the waterbender could even remark on it, young Lin hollered quickly before she landed gracefully. “I know Uncle Aang’s not my dad – I just slipped, okay? Doesn’t mean anything!”
“Well,” Aang bent down throwing an arm around her and his airbending son, who was waiting patiently for his turn. “I wouldn’t mind being your dad. And after all, I could very well be your dad when you marry Tenzin here!” The airbender tightened his hold on the two children and brought them closer together.
“Ewww no!”
It would be a cold day in Si Wong desert before that would happen, Lin glared at the lanky airbender beside her.
Tenzin stuck out his tongue at her.
She rolled her eyes at him, stomping.
“Ow! No fair, Lin!”
Marry him? Of course not.
 Lin twisted the cap of one of the many soju bottles she had stocked in her house.
She smiled with satisfaction at the crack that the cap made and poured herself a shot. She quickly threw it back, enjoying the subtle burn of the alcohol and making that pleased throat clearing sound after.
The earthbender placed one of her feet on her chair while another one dangled as she sat at her dining area. A variety of fried, greasy and fermented food that she bought earlier was spread on the table.
This was the kind of me time that she could get behind. No one to judge her as she indulged on alcohol and unhealthy snacks. It was, after all, a difficult day for her.
At least, as she picked at the sliced fermented radish and chewed pensively, she did not have to attend the wedding of the century. She was invited, of course, but it was obviously a courtesy invite. No doubt, Tenzin’s bride would not welcome her presence. So she gladly sent her regrets and mailed the RSVP note immediately without even second-guessing her herself.
She skewered a piece of grilled picken and dipped it in a sweet sauce.
The ceremony should be about finished at this time, she surmised as she took a bite of the meat. This would be followed by luncheon at the island and maybe a short program.
The metalbender took another shot.
Then later that night, there will be the fireworks, of course, sending off the last airbender and his bride.
Well, good riddance.
  Lin had finished most of her food and was at her third bottle of soju. She was also at the middle of the book that she had impulsively purchased yesterday (fiction – she did appreciate the occasional escapism reading brought her) when her phone began to ring incessantly.
She decided to ignore it. Her officers could handle themselves for one day; she was sure there was not anything that would not keep until she was back. Anyway, her deputy was bound to be hammering on her door if there was something that urgently needed her attention.
For a few moments, the phone stopped ringing.
Thank Agni!
Then proceeded to ring again.
Lin groaned, she spoke too soon. Stretching herself from her perch in the dining room, she went to the living room to finally bark at whoever was at the other line for disrupting her day off.
“Beifong here – I swear if this is a salesman or you Saikhan I will -!”
“Lin!” The shrill voice cut through her reprimand.
Lin moved the phone away from her ear to stare at it, stunned.
“Lin? I know you’re there!”
It was Kya.
There was no reason for the sister of Tenzin to be calling her at this time.
“What is it?” She tamped down the irritation that the waterbender did not deserve from her.
“Have you heard the news – on the radio?” Kya’s words rushed forth. “Just wanted to give you a heads up – there’s bound to be something in the evening papers. The media would be keen to get your side as well – they’re having a field day! And -!”
“Kya! Kya!” Lin raised her voice to get a word in. “What are you talking about? I’ve given them my official statement for Tenzin’s wedding weeks ago.” She twirled the cord of the phone.
“Lin,” The earthbender recognized the strain in Kya’s voice. “Yes, it’s about the wedding but not in the context that you think.”
Lin paused in fiddling with the phone cord, sensing there was more to the story. “What happened in the wedding?”
“It’s Tenzin – he -!”
Donk-donk-donk! Donk-donk-donk!
Lin raised her head, hearing the loud pounding on the door. “Kya – is this important right now? Is it a security or safety issue?” The pounding on the door could only mean an emergency from headquarters.
“Well, no, but -.”
“Then it could wait.” Lin bit out harshly; if there was a life and death situation at the other side of the door, she could care less about Tenzin and his tacky wedding. “I’ll give you a call later.” She ended the call abruptly.
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Lin hurried to her front door, taking care not to trip over her own feet. She definitely needed to sober up before going on field. Without even checking who was behind the door, she pulled it open. “Saikhan! What is the emergency?”
Her eyes widened.
Flying fishopotamus.
Tenzin was standing there in his formal wedding garb, dripping under the rain. He was breathing heavily as though he had rushed in getting to her Republic City house. Judging by his glider which was sitting pitifully in the mud, Lin thought he probably did.
“What the flameo are you doing here?”
Her voice pulled the airbender from his stupor. “Lin.”
Lin inwardly shivered. The way he whispered her name was almost reverently. She shook her head; she must be drunk.
The man took a step forward, a hand extending towards her.
She stepped back. “What are you doing here – you shouldn’t be here – you’re married.”
Tenzin shook his head slowly. “I don’t think I am.”
“Repeat after me – I, Tenzin –.”
“I, Tenzin - .”
“Take you, Pema to be my wife, my partner in life and my true love.”
“Take you, Lin to be my wife, my partner in life and my true love.”
“What the -!” Lin let loose a string of curse words that would have earned her soap in her mouth had she uttered them within earshot of her Beifong grandparents.
Tenzin stood back, letting the rain and the wind batter him down.
“What were you thinking!” Lin clenched and unclenched her fist, visibly restraining herself from punching the airbender. “Think about how humiliated Pema is! Your family, her family! Tenzin – go back there and grovel! Pema…” She caught her breath. “She doesn’t deserve this.” The light in her eyes dimmed and the fight seemed to seep out of her.
“And that’s why I’m here – why it’s still you!” Tenzin’s wild eyes sought hers. “Even after everything,” His tone softened. “You still think about others. That’s how selfless you are and how selfish I am.” He wiped back some of the rainwater from his forehead. He inched closer slowly and hesitantly. “Even after everything, it’s still you.”
Chief Beifong extremely disliked doing press conferences. Given the choice, as illogical as it would have been, she would have done away with the press (something has to be said of freedom of the press and freedom of expression though so obviously the press needed to stay).
After the wedding of the century devolved into the faux pas of the century years ago, Lin did not have fond words for the press. They skewered Tenzin’s reputation and dissected their interactions over the past months of that year.
It took a few more years and several scandals of prominent members of the nobility for their relationship (or lack thereof) to fade from public interest.
Ironically, it was during this period that they started to become closer (with a lot of work and effort from Tenzin, of course and Lin still vacillating between taking him back or not).
The media circus a rabbit hole she dare not get into again, so she better make sure that her speech is flawless.
She shuddered involuntarily as she reviewed her speech, head bent and hands rubbing her temples. She nodded at the staff who were silently hurrying around, making sure all of the microphones were set correctly and the chairs and tables were available for all attendees.
The press conference today was about the opening of the cultural center in Republic City. The council would be there to give their opening remarks and she would speak in her capacity as Chief of Police regarding how the area would be secured.
After all, the cultural center was situated in a reclaimed area which used to be lorded over by triads. It was up to the police force to ensure that no crime or act of terrorism befalls the center and its opening in order to encourage more investors into Republic City.
From her peripheral view, Tenzin’s robes swept close as he sat himself beside her at the conference table set up for them.
She paid him no mind as she ran her finger on the figures in the packet she was reviewing.
“Seems like a huge crowd will be joining the press conference today.” The airbender arranged his own set of papers as he commented on the people who was starting to gather in the venue.
The metalbender gave a soft grunt in reply.
“By the way, thanks for doing this Lin.” Tenzin shifted in his seat. “I know you could have easily sent a representative to speak for the Police Headquarters.” He murmured softly, inching his head closer to her. “And, personally, I appreciate your presence. You know how much this means to me, it’s a chance to show case my mother’s heritage.”
Lin inclined her head and responded vaguely. “Of course Tenzin, you know I love you so I’ll do what I can to support you fully.” She tapped her pen on her speech and encircled a split infinitive. She would need to proofread a little bit better next time.
She felt a warm hand grasp her wrist; she finally looked up at her seatmate. “What?”
Tenzin’s eyes were suspiciously watery.
Lin became conscious with how whispers were increasing in volume. She raised an eyebrow at the airbender in askance.
Tenzin bit his lip, swallowing before tentatively covering her hand with his.
What was he doing? Why was he doing this in public?
Her thoughts were running all over the place. It was not like Tenzin to be bold or even indiscreet.
“Tenzin.” She hissed.
“You just said you love me.”
“I…” Lin went back to what she did say, realizing belatedly that she did. “I guess I did.”
The whispers were definitely louder this time.
Tenzin gripped her hand tighter; his other hand gesturing forward.
Her heart skipped a beat.
A microphone had been placed on their table for sound check without her noticing it.
Her declaration had been heard in the entire hall.
Lin Beifong swirled the wine in her glass, silently observing the people weave in and out of the dance floor.
Say what you want of the damn convict, Varrick truly knew how to throw a party.
She reflected on her life so far.
As much as she had emphatically refused to have children, Lin woke up one day realizing that, without meaning to, she had inadvertently taken in several teenagers under her wing. Thank the Spirits that Mako, the one mostly with her, was someone after her own cranky taciturn disposition.
And, despite her steadfast refusal in her youth, in front of the man’s father, she looked at the ring that adorned her finger for decades, Lin found herself wed to Tenzin.
Something has to be said about slips of the tongue, of the unconscious. When you feel strongly about someone or something, it was bound to slip right out – the truth escaping the barriers that the mind has built.
If this was how the spirits feel like treating her after all those mortifying moments, Lin Beifong decided that she was not one to complain.
After all, Lin contemplated with wonder as she looked at the spirit portals across the island with her husband landing a soft kiss on her forehead, unplanned and spontaneous words come up with the best results.
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stinkysidebitch · 4 years
Leaked! (Shinso x Reader)
-Kaminari breaks your heart and Shinso picks up the pieces
(Warning): Depressive thoughts, bullying, revenge porn, numbness, isolation.
 “I’m sorry… but I just don’t have time for this anymore, you know?”
That was what Kaminari told you that right before your 3rd year anniversary. You attended U.A.’s college now, both of you adults and seeking a future as pro heroes. His distance wasn’t noticeable if it existed at all. In fact you thought your relationship had been perfect.
Regardless it didn’t take him long to get a girlfriend after dumping you. Maybe a week?
 If that?
Clearly he had been talking to her for a bit before he threw you away, the time frame was just too small for it to be anything other than that. You did a lot of crying in private at that time. Feeling your chest and neck constricting and raw became an old friend. It felt like the only reliable thing you had right now.
 He tried to maintain a friendship between the two of you, and not wanting to lose him you complied. However, the hurt filling your chest everytime you saw him kissing that girl or casually holding her hand like it was nothing you couldn’t help but glare. After awhile he picked up on it and eventually confronted you. Of course he waited till classes started, blocking your escape so you had no choice but to answer him.
“(Y/N) why were you staring at her like that? It’s kinda creeping her out..”
‘Creeping her out?’ You narrowed your eyes at him.“I was looking at you more-”
“That doesn’t make it any less weird.”
You couldn’t believe him at the time. This uncaring side of Denki was foreign to you. The familiar tightness formed in your throat as you looked him square in the eyes. He leaned against the hallway wall so casually, looking at you with an almost bored expression.
“I loved you, you asshole! You started dating her right after you dumped me!”
He scoffed at you, glaring harshly as he retorted. “Oh, so you’re just jealous? C’mon (Y/N), we’re supposed to be friends-”
“What do you want me to do Denki, we were together for three years…. I can’t just act like-”
“Like what? This is ridiculous, you’re acting like Bakugo right now.” He grumbled. It made your skin crawl. To compare you to someone with anger issues just because you were hurt… It was just blatantly cruel.
“I can’t act like we never happened! I still love you, okay? Give me time to move on!”  Your voice cracked as tears began to cloud your vision. It felt so suffocating to air this out now, especially considering you were being blinded by your own tears. You still didn’t miss the way he dismissively held up a hand to silence you.
“You aren’t even giving her a chance (Y/N). Just taking out your issues on her, it’s messed up!”
That was it. You stormed up to him, harshly jabbing your finger in his chest as you spat out the last thing you would ever say to him.
“Fuck you Kaminari. I hope your girlfriend figures out what a dick you are, for her sake.”
He jolted a bit at the name usage. It came out harsher than expected, you hadn’t called him that in forever. At the same time it was nice to let it out, even though it was hard to acknowledge who he really was. And just like that, you stormed off. You didn’t just cut ties with Kaminari, you cut ties with all of his friends too. If any of them tried to reach you you would ignore or dismiss their concern. It would only make things weirder. They gave up pretty quickly. One of your closest friends Shinso was left in the dark aswell. You didn’t even bother to answer his texts or calls.
Talking wasn’t really something you generally bothered to do anymore. Communicating with other people really required energy that you didn’t have right now. Sometimes you weren’t sure if anyone noticed or cared. It felt like you were all alone. Like if you weren’t there things would be about the same. So you decided to make it feel that way. 
You didn’t hang out with your friends. 
You didn’t hang out with your family. 
You went to your classes and that was it.
You crashed in your dorm at the end of every uneventful day and lay in bed alone.
The sheets were colder than you remembered.
It had been a few weeks since that nasty fight when you trudged out of bed for yet another depressing day on campus. It didn’t take you long to notice the way people were paying more attention to you. 
You didn’t like it.
People were staring and even giggling at you throughout the day. It wasn’t something you were used to. Still, it was easy enough to ignore. You had no idea what was going on, but it didn’t matter. 
It wasn’t until your third class of the day that things got bad. You were staring out the window from your desk noting the heavy rain. It was rather pretty. There was a patter of heavy rain against the glass that made you feel almost homey. You smiled to yourself at the brief, peaceful moment. It didn’t last long, though.
 A small group of boys approached and you attempted to ignore their presence. It wasn’t until they were standing directly in front of your desk that you prepared for them to bother you in some way. What you weren’t expecting though was for one of them to shove his phone in your face.
“This you?”
Mortified wouldn’t even begin to describe how you felt when your eyes locked onto your naked form on the screen. It was a screenshot of a screenshot of a snap.
One that you had sent to Kaminari. 
One that he swore never to save or screenshot so that there wasn’t a risk of you being kicked of U.A’s college.
You nearly fell from how quickly you shot out of your seat. The boys chuckled as you tugged your bag over your shoulders and raced out of the room, unable to breathe from panic as tears streamed down your cheeks. It felt like your legs would give out when people laughed and pointed at you as you desperately ran through the halls. Escape was your only real goal right now.
 Everyone had seen it.
Kaminari leaked your nudes to the entire school, your face included. 
You were going to be kicked out of this college.
You heard someone yelling after you, probably Midoriya, but it didn’t take long for him to be stopped and you to reach one of the exit doors. There was only one place you would be alone right now. 
The track.
If you stayed under the bleachers you would at least be dry so that was where your body decided to take you.
Without thinking you scrambled across the wet grass, openly crying while rain heavily poured around you. It was like a safety blanket right now.
Your clothing was soaked, sticking to your body uncomfortably as you felt your body getting cold. When you reached the bleachers you hastily scrambled underneath the nearest one, squeezing yourself under and throwing your bag to the side. You ignored the way rocks and dirt tore the knees on your pants up and cut through your skin as you crawled into a corner. 
Thankfully the bleachers were solid, so no rain was leaking through. Finally, when you were far enough inside you curled your knees into your chest and wrapped your shaky arms around them like a shield. The pain in your throat from crying made you feel sore and raw. Most of all you felt tired, but at least no one knew where you were now.
A weak sigh crawled from your throat as you sat in the dark, dripping on the ground. How long you sat there you didn’t know. If it weren’t for the horrible embarrassment you felt there was a high chance you would’ve fallen asleep to the sound of rain hitting the top of the bleachers and the ground surrounding it. Eventually you started to grow really cold. You were shaking pretty badly- after all it was autumn. 
It was only when your butt grew numb that you heard a sound outside of the bleacher. Like a knock.
“Hey, let’s go inside.”
That sounded like Shinso. It was hard to tell with all of the rain, though. You didn’t bother to look up, tightening your grip on your knees and burying your head even further down.
“Go away.” Your voice betrayed you, shaky and weak. You never told Shinso to go away because he wasn’t the type to reach out. That’s how he knew how serious this was.
There was a click and a slight shuffle. You assumed he was walking off but you were wrong.
Instead of saying anything else, he threw his bag and what sounded like his umbrella under the bleacher and crawled in after you. Shinso sat on the dirt, far enough away to ensure you were comfortable. It was no secret that he probably wasn’t the best with comforting but when it came to you everything came easily.
You could feel his lavender eyes lazily tracing over you as they always did. The idea that he had seen that picture made you want to run and hide somewhere else but you knew it wouldn’t do any good.
He took note of the easiest part of you to identify in the dark, your hands. They were shaking and the color was off. They looked paler and cooler in color than they should be.
“Can I see your hand?”
You jolted at the question, slightly lifting your head but still refusing to look in his direction. You gave a weak nod and offered it hesitantly to your friend. 
He took your hand in two of his. You shivered feeling how incredibly warm his  were. You had held hands with him before, but after being isolated for as long as you had they felt incredible.
“Shit, you’re freezing.” Shinso grumbled, rubbing his hands over your own to provide some circulation and heat.
You nearly died when he lifted your hand to his mouth and blew hot air against the appendage. It was such a gentle gesture that most people didn’t associate with someone like him but you knew him better than that. He was almost always gentle with you. Subconsciously you found yourself scooting closer to your purple haired friend, craving the warmth he had to offer.
When you could hear his steady breathing you stopped and finally turned to look at him. It broke his heart to see such a miserable look on your face. He had forgotten that he was still holding your hand, rubbing soothing circles on the back. You didn’t stop him. It felt nice.
“You know, don’t you.”
It was more of a statement that a question. He gave a hesitant nod.
“Did… did you see?”
A relieved sigh escaped your lips, but it came out shaky. It was either caused by the crying or cold, but it was probably a combination of both. Without another word Shinso took off his black zip up hoodie and pulled it over your shoulders.
“Thanks Shin..”
“It was that Kaminari guy, wasn’t it?”
He sounded angry. That was actually pretty unusual for your stoic friend. You couldn’t get yourself to answer. Remembering that fight made your lip wobble. You looked down at your knees and tried to hold back the tears but it was no use.
“I knew it. That asshole.” He pulled you into a gentle hug, his warm, strong arms holding you to his chest. You couldn’t stop the choked sob from ripping itself painfully from your throat. One hand rubbed gentle circles on your upper back while the other remained wrapped around your middle. Even though you were crying your eyes out he still made you safe. After awhile though, you cried yourself out but didn’t let go of Shinso.
“I-I’m going to get kicked out of… of U.A….” You mumbled against his chest between shaky breaths.
“No you won’t. Midoriya already told the principal that it was Kaminari.”
You pulled back, a shocked look on your face.
“Don’t worry, I didn’t have anything to do with it.”
A thankful hum left your lips as you gave your friend an approving nod. In truth it was still weird for someone to do that for you, but Midoriya meant well and Shinso respected your boundaries. Hopefully if anyone was kicked out it was Kaminari. Someone who leaked nudes definitely didn’t deserve to be a hero.
“Come watch a movie with me in my dorm?” He rubbed the back of his neck as he asked. He was probably worried it would make you feel anxious, but you gave him a reassuring smile and nod. You caught a glimpse of his signature smirk as he turned towards the way you both had come.
You followed Shinso as he led you out, taking both of the bags while you opted to hold up the umbrella for the two of you. A few times you accidentally bonked his head with it and the two of you chuckled about it like kids. He had really gotten tall over the past few years. You only noticed these little things about him now for some reason but you found yourself labeling him as quite attractive.
He smelled nice too. Kinda like fresh laundry. Warm and inviting, not something most people would expect from him either.
When you entered the building Shinso took the door that most people didn’t use. Thankfully the hallways were sparse because most people were in class right now. Still, you found yourself hiding behind him anytime a student met your eyes.
Shinso didn’t mind, even stepping in front of you a few times. He didn’t realize it but that little gesture meant everything to you right now. He suggested his dorm because it was close and pretty secluded. He also didn’t have a roommate. In Shinso’s eyes that was the definition of heaven.
It didn’t take too long to get there. When you finally did he let you enter first, following and sliding the door closed. You flipped the switch and was greeted with his simple room. There was a gaming setup for PC and then the tv with a firestick setup. 
Shinso offered you some of his own clothes since you were wet and the both of you changed into dry, comfortable attire. Both of you faced the walls. After what happened today he wanted to be sure you knew he wasn’t going to cross a single boundary.
When you both plopped down on the edge of his bed he turned on your favorite horror movie, scooting back until he hit the wall. You wiggled back to meet him with a playful giggle and he simply shook his head with a small grin at your childishness.
It wasn’t until the movie had been playing for a bit that you remembered how warm Shinso was. His steady breathing next to you was soothing, almost making you feel sleepy if you weren’t so painfully aware of his presence.
Without much thought you leaned closer until your shoulders brushed. He didn’t seem bothered by it at all, gently rubbing his shoulder against yours as a sign of affection. You two had been friends since right after the sports festival so physical contact was pretty normal now. Gently, you rested your head against his firm shoulder and kept your heavy eyes trained on the screen. His breathing hitched and he temporarily stiffened. You thought maybe you had gone too far.
That was until he lifted his arm and wrapping it around your shoulder, pulling you closer with ease. There was that warm laundry smell again. Damn him for smelling so good.
You absentmindedly nuzzled your head into his chest, listening to his notably fast heartbeat. That was when you realized that you didn’t really view Shinso in a completely platonic light. 
And you were okay with that.
Clearly he was too. There was no denying the way he acted around you. The only thing you were worried about though was coming off as a hypocrite.
“Hey Shin?”
“Is it bad if… If…”
He noticed the hesitance, dragging his eyes from the screen to the top of your head with a concerned expression.
“If what?”
“If I like someone.. even though things with Denk- Kaminari, I mean- ended so recently?”
You were surprised to hear a deep chuckle above you. Pulling back you shot Shinso a pout and he lazily smirked at you like he always did.
“No, of course not. Why would you think that?”
Because that’s… kinda what he did to me.”
Your purple haired friend’s expression quickly changed to a slightly saddened one and his tone became serious as he pulled back a little to look at you. To really look at you.
“(Y/N)… you are nothing like that. Don’t ever say something like that about yourself.”
You tried to ignore his remark, but two hands clasped your own keeping your attention firmly on Shinso.
“Y’know, I like someone too. Someone who just went through a bad breakup. Does that make me a bad guy?” You felt your heart flutter a little when he said that. He wasn’t even trying to be subtle.
“Well.. no, but-”
“But nothing. It’s not the same, okay? You’re nothing like that prick.”
The way Shinso talked about you, like you mattered… it was something Kaminari had never truly showed you in all of the three years you had been together. The look of adoration in this man’s eyes right now made your heart pound in your ears. The room was hot now, like the air had been sucked from it but almost in a pleasant way. You didn’t know what you were doing, but you lunged forward, pressing your lips against his.
They were soft and smooth. You knew he tried to take care of himself but you didn’t know Shinso took it so seriously. He kissed you back almost immediately. You felt a hand cup your cheek as he angled his head to deepen the kiss. Your mouths opened and it was really all a blur. All you knew was that Shinso was was here with you right now. He cared about you more than your douche of a boyfriend ever did, and he had probably liked you for awhile judging by the way he was really savoring the kiss.
Somewhere between smooches you told each other how you really felt. How badly Shinso wanted you since before you even met Kaminari and how you wished you had just dated Shinso instead.
Needless to say despite Kaminari’s best efforts, he couldn’t put you down.
Shinso simply refused to allow it.
(A/N) who wants a part 2? Also I know the ending sucks but my Grandpa died like 3 days ago so yeah… lacking motivation.
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jonsa prompt: adventures in dorne ☀️
hi anon! Thanks for the prompt! ❤️❤️
(once again this turned out longer than the ‘drabble’ it’s supposed to be but oh well)
Dorne is not going to plan.
Sure, they'd spent weeks and weeks talking excitedly about it, their post-grad trip to the southern coast: the sun, the sand, the ocean. It had all sounded delightful to her Northern ears.
But the reality is that she's spent nearly every moment on the beach under an umbrella, having learned a painful lesson in just the first few hours that her complexion was not meant to handle this much sun. How she had managed to burn in the time it took for them to unload their bags from the rental car into the rental house, she has no idea - it had to have been fifteen minutes, tops, and yet there she was with reddened cheeks, nose, and shoulders. In her audacity, she had slapped some sunscreen on and they'd gone to the beach and she'd learned the hard way that you need to reapply sunscreen, especially after going into the water.
So now her nose is peeling and every bit of exposed skin is tender and red and she's miserable under this umbrella. Next to her, Jeyne is so hungover she can barely move, and Beth managed to twist her ankle on the way back from the bar last night. They're a sad bunch.
All in all, Dorne is not turning out the way she wanted it to.
“I need a drink,” she tells Jeyne, who groans in response and turns over onto her stomach. Out near the ocean, Beth is limping around on her bad ankle, but at least it looks like she's flirting with some cute Dornish boy.
Good, maybe one of us will have some fun on this trip, Sansa thinks bitterly. Back in Winterfell, they'd giggled over finding some cute Dornish boys to show them around the town. It had been a lovely, stupid dream.
She heads up towards the line of bars at the edge of the beach, giant hat on her head to provide at least a little shelter (she had just reapplied her sunscreen, but she's not taking any chances. She'd spent all night researching sun poisoning and she is not going to risk it).
On her way, she eyes up the resort down the beach. She and Jeyne and Beth had decided to go as cheap as they could – the plane tickets were crazy expensive this time of year and the tiny little rental house they'd managed to snag was criminally overpriced. But she knew staying at The Black Dragon would have been much more expensive (she had researched it, though, sighing wistfully at the state of the art spa and the luxurious suites. The Targaryens ran the finest hotels, though she'd only ever been in one once, with Joffrey last year. The hotel had been wonderful, Joffrey not so much).
Instead of going to a beautiful beachside resort bar with free drinks included in some package, she instead heads to a much less fancy one open to the public.
The bar is crowded with people just like her – the recently graduated, ready to celebrate their last bits of freedom before succumbing to finding a job and becoming an Adult. She has to push her way through the throng of people, wincing as her burnt arms and shoulders scrape against bodies. The air is thick and hot under the canopy, despite the open sides. When she manages to push her way to the front, she can see three bartenders all busy but she can't manage to get close enough to flag one down.
Some girl pushes forward and knocks Sansa back and she hisses in pain as her burned shoulder strikes a solid mass behind her.
“Whoa,” a voice says and hands come up to brace her arms as she regains her balance – a kind gesture, but one that is causing her even more pain and she pulls away from the grip with a grimace. “Sorry,” the voice says and when she turns, she finds some guy standing and staring at her shoulder. When she looks down, she can see the white imprints of his hands slowly fading back to red. “Looks painful,” he nods at her arm and she rolls her eyes at how obvious that is.
“Turns out, I'm not exactly made for the sun,” she says and he lets out a small laugh and that's when she really gets a good look at him.
Well, she thinks, perhaps this trip wasn't going to be a total loss.
“Need a drink?” he asks and nods at the bar. In their short time talking, she has somehow managed to get pushed even further away from the bar and she nods. “What do you want?”
“Honestly? Just water,” she decides. She had been coming for a real drink, but now that she's in this mass of bodies, all she can think is how dehydrated she must be. “I was also gonna get one for my friend.”
He nods and then moves and she watches in confusion as he slides behind the bar and leans down and grabs two water bottles from out of nowhere. She opens her mouth to protest – sure the lines are long but stealing isn't the option – when she sees one of the bartenders give him a nod and her savior nods back before coming back over to her.
“Impressive,” she says over the din of the crowd and if she leans a little closer than necessary for him to hear, well, he doesn't seem to mind.
“I know the owner,” he shrugs but she thinks he looks proud of himself. “Wanna get out of here?”
She can't decide if this is a cheesy pickup line or not but she doesn't really care because she does want to get out of here. She follows him out and back onto the beach.
“Jon,” he holds out his hand and she maneuvers the water bottle she's holding into the crook of her arm, wipes the condensation off her hand onto her wrap, and takes his hand.
Gods, what did all those romance stories she used to read talk about? Sparks flying at the first touch? An immediate connection? Nonsense, she would have told anyone just thirty seconds prior.
“You're far from home,” he says and now that they're out of the crowd, she can hear the slight Northern accent in his own voice, though it's much less pronounced than her own.
“Winterfell,” she explains and he nods. “You?”
“I used to live in White Harbor with my mom when I was a kid,” he explains. “Moved around a lot after that.”
“And now you live here?”
He shrugs noncommittally. “Mostly just working here for the summer,” he says, but doesn't elaborate.
“And when it's not the summer?”
She's not sure why she's prying. It's rude and she and Jeyne and Beth had been talking about finding summer flings. Flings do not need a background. In fact, she's pretty sure the whole point of a fling is to not know that much about the other person, to not get involved.
“Move around a lot,” he says again. “For work.”
“You're a spy,” she jokes and that makes him break out into a smile and oh, he looks very nice when he smiles.
“You caught me,” he laughs.
“Not a very good one if I was able to figure it out.”
She expects him to make some sort of joke about killing her now that she knows his secret, but just as he's opening his mouth to say something, a boy with nearly white blonde hair sidles up next to Jon and, without acknowledging Jon's presence, gives her a once over.
“Well hello,” he drawls with a blinding smile that might have been charming if it weren't for the fact that she was clearly talking to Jon. “Who might you be?”
“None of your business,” she snaps (her mother would probably be appalled at her manners but really, how rude is it to interrupt a conversation to hit on her?)
The blonde doesn't seem shaken at all, he just grins.
“I'm Aegon,” he extends a hand that she does not take. His clothes are expensive and well tailored and she wants to cry at the fact that he's in those shoes in the sand. They'll be ruined forever and he doesn't seem to care. He's clearly some rich asshole from the resort.
“I'm not interested.”
Instead of being put off, he laughs and then turns to look at Jon with a raised eyebrow.
“But you're interested in this guy?” he points at Jon with a shit eating grin as Jon glares back. “I didn't mention my last name, it's Aegon Targaryen.”
Honestly, if it hadn't been for Joffrey, if she was still the girl she was in high school, she might have swooned at that. Might have thought he was some prince just because he had money and a name. As it is, she's had just about enough of lazy, arrogant heirs.
Instead of responding to him, she turns back to Jon and says “sorry, people with money seem to think they can get away with anything. You were about to say something?”
If Aegon Targaryen is insulted that she's ignoring him, he doesn't show it. In fact, he looks downright gleeful, which is actually more worrying.
“Fine,” Aegon interrupts again, sighing wistfully, like his fun is ruined. “I'll go. But before I do-” he turns to Jon and claps him on the shoulder, “dad's looking for you.”
For a moment she is frozen to the spot as Jon groans.
They are not brothers, she thinks, looking between them for any resemblance – Aegon is all pale hair and pale skin and pale eyes and expensive clothing and Jon is dark hair and tanned skin and jeans and a t-shirt.
When Jon doesn't argue, she realizes it must be true and when she looks a bit harder, she thinks maybe the nose is the same, but that's all she can really see.
“Sorry to interrupt your flirting,” Aegon grins, “but there's some issue and dad wants you to sort it out.”
“You sure he asked for me and you're not just trying to get out of doing it yourself?”
Sansa has known these men for all of five minutes but she can already sense this is a common argument from the easy smile on Aegon's face and the exhausted tone of Jon's voice.
“East wing,” the blonde says, giving Jon, then her, one last smile before he walks off.
“Sorry,” Jon mutters and throws a look over his shoulder, down the beach, and when she follows his gaze, she finds herself looking straight at The Black Dragon.
“It's ok,” she tries not to let her disappointment (and, honestly, surprised confusion) show in her voice. “I should get this to my friend and make sure she's still alive,” she indicates the water bottles in her hand and when she looks out onto the beach, she can see Beth is back at their blanket and chatting to a Jeyne who has her head buried in her arms.
“Maybe I could see you later?” The words rush out of him and she thinks he wasn't really planning to say them and her heart gives a wild leap in her chest.
Her mind is screaming at her to stay away if he's a Targaryen. Look how terrible Joffrey had been; the Targaryens are an even older name, even wealthier. Old, old money.
“Even though I insulted your brother?” she manages to get out.
“Half brother,” he shrugs. “Plus, he deserves it.” She can't think of a single thing to say and she watches him shove his hands into his pockets and she realizes she never answered his question.
“If you want,” he's quick to add, like he can tell his half brother has thrown her for a loop. “I could take you to dinner? Somewhere maybe that isn't...” he gestures back towards the resort. “Unless that's where you want to go?”
“No, somewhere else is fine,” she finds herself agreeing without really realizing the words are coming out of her. And then suddenly she's handing over her phone and he's giving her his and she's putting her number into it and she tries to calm her racing heart.
He hands her back her phone with a smile that isn't nearly as smooth and charming as Aegon's had been, but is somehow much more endearing.
“I'll call you,” he promises before taking off in the direction of The Black Dragon.
A fling, that's all this needs to be. If he's anything like Joffrey, she can be rid of him easily, no harm, no foul. And even if he's not a monster like Joffrey but was still an entitled rich kid, that doesn't mean she can't have some fun with him. Just a nice, casual, summer fling.
As he's walking away, he turns to look back over his shoulder and he gives her another smile that crinkles up the corners of his eyes and she takes a deep breath to calm herself.
Just a summer fling, she tells herself. Definitely just a summer fling.
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asian-hero · 4 years
i was wondering if i could do a mina x fem!reader where the reader is pretty butch and is friends with mainly the guys; however all of them still think that she likes guys, so they are all trying to set up todoroki (who has no clue on what the guys are doing) with her, until one day they see them talking in a cafe and they think that they’re actually together, until one of them sees/hears her gushing over mina with big brother todoroki paying for her coffee because f endeavor’s credit card ❤️❤️
A/N: I’m glad that the entire fandom collectively agrees that Todoroki would absolutely steal his father’s credit card to buy the dumbest things
Maybe I’ll write a part two where the reader tells Mina how she feels
Summary: The guys of 1-A, while they absolutely owned your heart and you’d do anything for them, all collectively shared a total of three brain cells, and most of the time it was either Bakugou or Iida who held them. So, while you thought it was clear that there was a certain pink haired girl you were crushing on, it somehow got lost in translation, and instead you were set up with a red and white haired boy instead.
They were so close.
Words: 1,970
Ever since you were little, you always found yourself gravitating towards your male classmates versus your female ones. It wasn’t as if you had anything against the girls in your classes, no, it was quite the opposite, in fact. You were just so enamored by them that it often rendered you speechless, so instead of trying to overcome your slight fear of a woman’s rejection, you instead sought comfort with the male students, and then it just became natural for you to gravitate towards them instead. 
By the time you had enrolled in U.A. practically nothing had changed, you were the same girl-avoiding woman you had been growing up, but at least now you knew why you were so infatuated, yet so afraid. On your first day in class 1-A, you immediately found yourself drawn to a nerdy green-haired boy and the seemingly strict glasses wearing kid. It only took a few minutes for you to become fast friends with the two of them, as you and Midoriya found yourself geeking over pro heroes and reading his journal with all of their stats. Iida, while not quite sure how to react to having two extreme pro hero fans, merely watched as you and Midoriya talked a mile a minute about every hero on the scene currently, who your favorites were, and who’s quirk you’d like to switch with for a day. It also didn’t take long for you to be introduced to Uraraka Ochako, though it took much longer for the two of you to become friends. Not because she was hard to get along with, but because she was just so cute that you were having a hard time forming any coherent sentences. You did get past it, eventually, but the two of you knew that you weren’t as close as you and the other two boys.
As you had progressed in your class, gaining more control over your quirk, you also had progressed in terms of how many friends you had gained as well. Shortly after the first week of class, you had somehow managed to be caught in Kaminari, Sero, and Kirishima’s little group, though you mostly acted as their mom and made sure that the three of them didn’t end up of the receiving end of a certain blonde-haired porcupine’s explosive quirk. 
Shouji, Ojiro, Tokoyami, and Sato were also quick friends of yours as well. Though you didn’t hang out with them much, you always knew that you were welcome to hang out with them and just have a relaxing time. Sato had even baked you a few things as the two of you got closer, and now you were currently his sole taste tester when it came to baked goods. 
You did try to befriend Mineta, but quite honestly, you’d rather take Bakugou’s anger issues and insults over the tiny boys perverted stares and attempts to touch you. Thankfully, Bakugou also recognized this as an issue for you, and even though he’d deny it to his dying day, he’d make sure that the perverted boy was never within six feet of you.
The most surprising friend you’d made, and the closest one you had, was the one and only Todoroki Shouto. How the two of you clicked was a mystery to the both of you. With his cold, aloof attitude at the beginning of the school year, and your rather boisterous personality, the two of you had formed some sort of mutual agreement to never speak to one another, both because Todoroki didn’t have the mindset of wanting to make friends, and you didn’t have the mental capacity and patience to deal with that boy without smacking him. However, shortly after the sports festival, he found himself sitting near Midoriya, formerly his only friend, which also meant that he was sitting close to you as well. After a few weeks of awkward silence between the two of you, you finally tried to start a conversation, hoping that your love for pro heroes and maternal personality would make him feel more at ease with you. While it worked to an extent, what really drove Todoroki to becoming your best friend was when you had accidentally let it slip that you didn’t really care for Endeavor, and before you could even attempt to take back what you said, Shouto told you he felt the same, and soon after the two of you became what seemed like the anti-Endeavor club. Instead of the two of you feeling awkward during lunch, you two had actually found yourself ignoring the rest of the group unintentionally, instead lost in your own conversation. 
It was also safe to say that you did have relationships with the girls of 1-A as well, though they were more superficial than the ones that you’d made with the boys. You always made sure to exchange pleasantries with them in the morning, and you made it clear that if any of them needed someone to talk to, they could always reach out to you. Other than that, though, your friendships with them weren’t quite as deep as they were with the boys.
This didn’t stop them from caring about you, though. Even though you never hung out with them, they always made sure to pay close attention to you and your needs, in case you ever needed them.
So, it truly couldn’t be helped that, upon further inspection, they had come to the conclusion that, because you spent so much time with him, you were absolutely, one hundred percent without a doubt, in love with Todoroki. 
It seemed obvious to them, as why would you spend so much time with the boy if you didn’t feel anything for him. You were always smiling around him, and you were one of the only people in the class who could get him to laugh and smile like a regular teenager. They didn’t even think that he could do that! So, in order to be the perfect wingwoman for you, Ashido, Uraraka, and Hagakure decided to plant the seed into some of the boys’ head, more specifically, Midoriya, Kaminari, and Kirishima’s heads. While the first had acted as he normally does, with a flustered look on his face, the other two had some of the most devious smiles you had ever seen. 
Not long after, all of the boys, minus Todoroki, had been let in on your little “crush,” and they decided to hatch a plan to get the two of you together. 
They weren’t subtle by any means, in fact, if you and Todoroki had more than one braincell shared by the two of you at any given point, you both probably would’ve recognized what your classmates were up to. Unfortunately for the both of you, while you were book smart, you were rather dense when it came to social cues, so every obvious attempt made by the other boys went over your head. You did start to pick up on certain things though, like how whenever there was a partner project, everyone would automatically push you towards Todoroki, saying that they already have a partner. Or when the two of you were sitting together at lunch, Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka “conveniently” forgot to tell you that they weren’t able to sit with you, leaving you and Todoroki to eat by yourselves, not that you minded. 
The most obvious way that the boys attempted to get you two together was whenever you all had hero training, whether it be in rescue or media, if there was a way that they could get you partnered together, then you better believe that was what they were planning. 
Around the tenth time the boys had tried to set you up once again, only to fail miserably, as the two of you genuinely enjoyed each other’s company, and were about as smart as a brick. They were all so close to pulling out their hair, and before they could just call it like it was, Kirishima was the “voice of reason:”
“Those two already hang out a lot as is, right? Maybe they’re dating but they’re hiding it from us, so we should see if we can tail them,”
While most of the boys were agreeing to tail the two of you, with Iida going purely to put an end to any chaos they could cause, they missed the way you were wistfully sighing, and the way that Todoroki was trying to hold back his laughter at your love sick attitude. They also missed the way his eyes lit up with mischief as a certain pink haired girl walked by, waving at the two of you while holding back her pleased grin. Or how you immediately punched his shoulder to get him to stop from doing anything that would embarrass you more.
So, once school had let out, Kaminari, Kirishima, Midoriya, Sero, and Iida had followed closely behind you and Todoroki, hoping that the two of you would do something more interesting than just walking back to the dorms.
Luckily for them, the two of you had planned to head to one of your favorite cafes, just a little ways away from the campus. Blissfully unaware of the eyes glaring holes into the backs of your heads, you carried a pleasant conversation, talking about the training from today, and how both of you thought the other could improve. As you headed into the cafe, the stalkers you had acquired waited a couple of seconds before going in after the two of you, hoping that you two would keep being ignorant of your surroundings, for at least a few more minutes. 
They couldn’t help but be amazed at the sight in front of them: with your arm wrapped securely around his, waiting in line as you pointed out all of the options you thought he’d like. Once the two of you were up to order, Todoroki had ordered for the both of you, and even paid with a shiny credit card that they were sure wasn’t his. Kirishima thought it was rather manly of him, whereas Kaminari was impressed that Todoroki could be “suave.” As the two of you sat down at one of the tables, they were starting to believe in Kirishima’s little theory before they heard you talking about someone else:
“Did you see how cool Mina looked during training today?” You sighed, resting your face against your palm as you stared off to the side.
“‘Mina?’” He teased, sipping on his drink and enjoying the way you seemed to grow embarrassed, “Since when were you two on a first name basis?”
You hid your face in between your hands, mumbling out a quiet “shut up.” He couldn’t help but laugh, leaning in to flick your head.
“You should just tell her you like her, I don’t see the harm from doing so,”
Your head shot straight up, sending a non-threatening glare towards the boy in front of you, “I can think of so many things that could go wrong. One: she could not like me, and then tell the rest of the girls in the class and get them all to hate me,” You took a minute to shove two fingers into his face, “Or two: she could just not like girls in general, and I could make her so uncomfortable that she’ll never want to see me again.”
“You are the most dramatic person I’ve ever met,”
“Well clearly you’ve never met yourself.”
As you both continued to bicker back and forth about your huge crush on the pink girl, the four boys, who were sitting right behind your table, found themselves dumbfounded. Kaminari turned towards the rest of the group, a puzzled look on his face.
“So, she doesn’t like Todoroki?”
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chibinekochan · 4 years
Angel in Hell Season 2 part 9
part 1 | 2  I 3  I  4  I 5 I  6  I 7 I 8
Gen. reader insert.
Words  2k
@gothjuulpod  ; @purgatoryhall ; @sibit360  ; @a-personnamed-ace   ;  @romy350-romyakari 
So now after the long last part, we are ending our journey.
Not everything will be resolved, much of the brother’s grieving process has barely even started.
They will certainly all face their battles to come to terms with what they have lost.
At the very least our angel Mc has found most of the answers for themselves. The rest will come with time.
Here is to an ending and new beginnings.
"What is going on here?" You hear Luke's voice. 
"We are just discussing some important things." Lucifer waves him off. 
"I'd like to ask the same question. Why are you wet and what is with Asmo keeping you steady?" Simeon looks sternly towards the brothers and keeps his eyes on Lucifer. 
"I used too much mana healing Levi from a curse." You don't want Simeon to get the wrong idea. 
"A curse?" Simeon looks confused. 
"I think we should move somewhere else to discuss everything." Lucifer sounds exhausted. 
"I'm not sure we should go anywhere with you." Simeon goes to your side while glaring at Lucifer. 
"I'm okay with that." You feel that there are still things that Lucifer wants to say. 
Lucifer looks at you and Simeon. Then he looks at his brothers. They all still seem very confused and sad. 
"Maybe we can move that discussion to later. Just keep in mind that I haven't changed my position about you staying here. Whatever or whoever you are right now was never part of my concern. Even if you were just a normal reborn human or a demon I'd do the same thing." Lucifer states this calmly but it has so much weight that you aren't sure how to respond to that. 
"You need to stop being so unreasonable." Simeon frowns at Lucifer. 
"Well call me whatever you want but you don't have a patent on loving them." Lucifer glares back.
  You suddenly feel like you are in the middle of a crossfire. 
"Now now, we all love them but now is not the right time for this." Asmo tries to calm both men down, even when he seems pretty amused by it. 
"You probably have a point." Lucifer still glares at Simeon but accepts a momentary truce. 
"Everyone, we are going home. Satan cooks today and I will order ice-cream for everyone." Lucifer sighs. 
Beel let's Levi go. "Finally I'm starving."
"C-can I have peanut butter flavored ice-cream?" Levi is still sobbing. 
"You don't deserve any," Lucifer states coldly. 
"I think he had enough for today. Just let him have the ice-cream Lucifer." You feel a bit bad for Levi, despite everything he looks very miserable. 
Lucifer sighs and shrugs. "Fine, but better be thankful."
  Levi nods. 
Everyone else chuckles a little bit. 
"Let's go then. Have a good day and rest up." Lucifer seems to only address you. 
Simeon ignores this. 
"You need to help them stand, Simeon." Asmo addresses Simeon. 
You feel a bit better and are about to say no when you notice that Asmo is winking at you. You smile, knowing that he just tries to be nice. He really came around. 
Simeon nods and gently holds your arm, to keep you steady. 
"Thank you Asmo." You mostly thank him for being a friend. 
"You better give me some juicy details later, "Asmo whispers but you are pretty sure that Simeon can still hear him. 
The brothers walk-off, being oddly quiet.
  Luke sighs. "What was that about?" 
"I think they have a lot to think about." Simeon isn't fully sure either. 
"I said it to the others but you don't have to worry about this angel and Mc being the same at all anymore. So my work is done. I have a dinner invitation from Diavolo. How about joining me, Luke?" Solomon seems nonchalant as always. 
"Huh, why would I want to have dinner with you?" Luke is genuinely confused. 
"We have a lot to catch up on." Solomon shrugs and whispers something to Luke. Realization seems to hit him. "Ahhh, yeah we have sooo much to talk about. Don't wait for me, you two." Luke overacts way too much. 
It's pretty suspicious.
  "Alright have fun, Luke." Simeon just accepts this without any further questions. 
You wonder what this about but think that he just wants to give you some space.
"If you wish you can stay at the castle tonight. We have free rooms." Barbatos offers in a very kind manner, even when he just seemingly appeared out of thin air. 
"Would that be better for you?" Simeon is worried about your condition. 
"A bit of rest sounds great, to be honest, but I don't want to bother anyone." You admit a bit weakly. 
"You are no bother. After all the hassle that the brothers have caused you. My lord simply desires to offer you some hospitality. In the hopes that you won't think badly of the devildom as a whole." Barbatos speaks in a very polite manner but it's easy to tell that he means his words. 
"I think the devildom is a pretty great place overall. Everyone is very kind to me." You don't have any ill feelings in particular. 
Barbatos smiles in a kind manner. "I'm glad to hear that. Lord Diavolo will be delighted to hear that. I suppose this is right for you as well, Simeon?" 
"Sure, I have no issues with this." Simeon seems to be mostly concerned about you. 
Barbatos nods and then shows you two to a room. It's very nice, with a comfortable couch and a large bed.
  Simeon helps you to sit comfortably on the couch. 
"Thank you Barbatos." You give him a grateful smile. Now where you sit you start to feel how tired you are. 
Barbatos hands you a towel. "There are some clothes on the bed, please feel free to use them." 
You rub your hair to dry it some more. "Thank you. My clothes are actually dry now. I had this magical stone to warm me up." You are grateful for that. 
"Very well then I will leave you alone. Just call if you need anything from me." Barbatos bows and leaves the room.
  Simeon sighs and then takes a blanket from the bed. "You should wrap yourself with this."
  You nod and carefully place Lucifer's cape on the side. 
The blanket feels nice. Simeon also pours you some tea. He still seems a bit uneasy but patiently waits for you to talk.
  After drinking a bit you start the story. "So Levi got us all stuck in a game. Then he got upset and flooded everything. Lucifer saved me. Then Levi came to fight us all, but I think that was because of that cursed armor. I healed him and we all came back here. That's why I was so wet." 
Simeon raises his eyebrows. He sighs. "They tend to cause problems. I'm just glad that you are unharmed. You should be careful. I'm also a bit sad that I didn't get to see you in action. I bet that was amazing." He smiles a bit. 
You blush. "It wasn't that great."
Simeon chuckles lightly. 
"When we came back here Solomon just dropped that I'm artificially made. I mean it's better than being made off... Well you know. So that means I have no sealed memories. I only share Mc's soul and their looks. I'm still not quite sure how to feel about all of that." You look into your cup. 
Simeon is quiet for a moment. Thinking about his words. Then he gets up from his seat and hugs you. It's very unexpected but it feels nice. 
He is so warm, you hug him back.
  "You can take your time to figure it all out." He softly whispers. 
"I think I'm glad that I'm not someone else. That sounds pretty selfish doesn't it?" You aren't sure if relief is something you should feel right now. 
"I'm glad that you are you, and it's not selfish for you to wish to be yourself. I also think that they were unreasonable to ask this of you in the first place." Simeon sits down next to you. 
This feels better than having him across from you. 
"What did Michael say?" You aren't sure what to add to Simeon's words and you still need to know about that. 
"He skirts around a concrete answer so we are staying in the devildom for now. Well, they won't force us back. So conflict has been averted for now. I hope you are okay with staying here after all of this?" Simeon was hoping for a better answer, for your sake. 
"I kinda like the devildom, even when I could use about 60 percent less drama. I was actually thinking of getting a haircut and a makeover or something. I kinda want to look different, you know. It's been pretty hard looking at myself lately." You aren't quite sure what you exactly want to change but it sounds good. 
"Hmm, maybe some shorter hair would look good on you. You could also just dye it pink." Simeon chuckles a bit. 
You puff your cheeks. "Simeon I'm being serious here!"
He laughs. "I know I'm sorry. I think you will look great in the end no matter what."
You shake your head. "You are such a tease sometimes, but it's kinda nice to see you like this."
"You want to be teased?" He grins. 
"No, I don't! I just mean it's nice seeing you so casual." You blush a little. 
"Ah, I see. I guess I was pretty formal lately. I will do better from now on." Simeon has to agree. 
"I look forward to that." You smile. Suddenly you remember and almost jump up, slightly startling Simeon. 
"I completely forgot about the cookies I made you. I'm sure they are ruined now…" You rummage in your pocket and find the bag. It miraculously survived. 
You pull it out. "It survived!" You say gleefully. 
"These must be pretty special." Simeon gently looks at the bag.
  You nod and hand him the bag. 
He curiously opens it, the cookies are all broken. You look at the sight with pain. Too bad now Simeon will never guess their meaning.
  Simeon looks curiously at the crumps in his hand. "Were these heart-shaped?" 
"They were… Luke told me that humans use this shape to express their love." You feel suddenly very embarrassed. 
Simeon smiles at you. "Thank you very much I appreciate them." He eats one of the cookies, with great delight. 
Simeon doesn't mind at all that they all got broken. 
You feel great relief. "I'm truly grateful I have you. Without your support, I would have never come this far." 
"I'm sure you would have managed just fine without me but I'm glad that I can be your support." Simeon gently smiles. Conveying his sincere admiration for you. 
"I'm not done, let me finish." There is probably not enough time in the universe to tell him everything that is in your mind. 
Simeon nods.
  "You have been my mentor for a long time and then my friend for probably the same amount of time. I think I have known for longer but I was just denying it but you aren't just a friend to me anymore. Despite all of this chaos around me, there was something that became crystal clear to me. No matter what might happens next I want you to be at my side. Not only as a friend but as the person who I love with all my heart." You lay it all right in front of Simeon. Finally admitting your feelings not only to yourself but most importantly to Simeon. 
He seems slightly surprised by your confession. "Do you mean romantically?" Simeon wants to prevent any further confusion. 
"Yes." You state clearly without a second of hesitation. 
Simeon takes your hand and he has a smile that you have never seen before. He is so radiant right now. "I'm so glad that you feel the same way about me."
It's almost like a dam has been broken. Emotions seem to be flowing from Simeon.
  You can see a slight blush on his cheeks. 
Your cheeks blush in turn.
  He leans his forward towards yours and looks deep into your eyes. 
He has never been this close to you. Your heart starts to race.
  Never before in your life did you want to kiss someone this badly. 
Your nose’s touch. Simeon looks at you with such love. You can only hope that the same love is reflected in your eyes.
  After a moment that feels like an eternity your lips meet only for a short moment. 
Then again a bit longer this time. 
Both of you seem to want more of that sweet sensation.
  The next kiss feels more passionate.
  It's all so new but yet strangely familiar.
  You are so glad that you finally told Simeon your feelings. 
With a gentle and happy smile, Simeon looks at you. "I'm so glad you came into my life." 
These words mean so much to you, you feel tears in your eyes. 
"It's alright. I'm here." Simeon whispers. 
And then suddenly tears start to fall. You don't even know why you are crying, or who you are crying for. 
It's not even a feeling of sadness. 
It feels freeing, like all the weight that has been building up inside of you is flowing from your body. 
You cling to Simeon and just sob, like a child. 
He gently holds you close and just supports you without a word. 
"I love you, Simeon." You weakly tell him between sobbing. 
You probably look very ugly right now but Simeon however looks at you with his gentle gaze. "I love you too."
This was all very bittersweet. 
Some parts really hurt while writing them.
Other parts made me smile.
I hope you enjoyed the story and its ending.
As a final note, I really like the fact that Mc got many people supporting them and Simeon. 
A huge note to all of you Simeon and Angel Mc shippers, it's all thanks to you. 
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raekahwritings · 4 years
A Second Life, Finding Redemption (Shinsou x Reader)
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Pairing: Shinsou Hitoshi x Villain!Reader Rating: Explicit, N*SFW Warning: Angst, Murder, Assassination, Fake!Death, Decapitation, Some Smut Word Count: 8,731 Words A/N: This does not have a tragic ending, I can’t bear to write angst without a happy ending.
Summary: You’re a cute coffee barista that Shinsou has feelings for-- and hopefully he never finds out your real purpose in Japan. You are a villain in pursuit of revenge but you wish you could’ve lived a simple life, that you really were the barista you masqueraded as. If Shinsou knows the truth, he would hate you. Or does he? 
From Me: I’m trying to post this in time for @bnhabookclub​ (Antagonist x Protagonist prompt) and I haven’t had time to proof-read this or beta it so please excuse any mistakes or pacing issues. I hope to re-post at a later point but I definitely wanted this out.
Also, inspirations for this work is from @katsukisprincess, @lady-bakuhoe, @iwvs-on-ao3, @bnhabookclub, @/lemonlordleah-shinzawa, @/marilla-eldriana, @/queensynderella.
 Sometimes, there was no other end in sight. You could rewind the moment a million times and try to find something you missed, but it would always end the same miserable way.
“Shinsou, you should know what people think of us.” You idly sat from the rafters of the room, simply a shadowed silhouette to the brain-washing hero Shinsou Hitoshi. He desperately looked but he was lost through the maze of unconscious people talking all at once. “They will never trust people who can manipulate others.” Numerous voices bounced around the room, making Shinsou’s eyes dart back and forth—were you even here, or was it yet another machination?
“Marionette—You don’t need to do this.” Shinsou tried to tempt you away from the shadows, trying to sift through the ‘dolls’ you had set in place. You knew he would be sorely disappointed. You had already known about his abilities and set countermeasures in place.
Shinsou caught an idle movement above him, letting his capture weapon snake up to the beams while imperceptibly turning on his own voice-changing mechanism—but it was foiled. “Don’t try that. You know I wouldn’t fall for something so obvious.” You backed away from even the shadows, dissipating, away from his empty oaths and reassurances. Away from the ignorant and unaware hero. With a flick of your wrist, you dispelled the strings of your quirk and letting the bodies fall to the floor.
Shinsou tried to make his way through the unconscious victims but it seemed like you had no more desire to speak to him—you soon disappeared in a silent farewell. Your dolls soon fell to the floor, crumpling as their marionette master was gone.
This is fucking creepy. When Shinsou had arrived onto the scene, it was eerie at how doll-like everyone had seemed with their glass-like eyes and lifeless motions. But upon his arrival, they had come to life and stalled the young hero.
“She got away again.” He frustratedly sighed. This wasn’t the first and this wasn’t the last time you escaped… But he was starting to get the hang of your quirk; it seemed you had to be somewhere nearby to manipulate people. Shinsou reached down for a child, relieved to discover they were breathing and no apparent harm. But as he garnered a better look – it didn’t seem as if anyone was harmed here.
This was strange; you had been responsible for the killings of several prominent people. A businessman. A minor government official. A doctor. The most notable was a visiting dignitary. This latest incident invoked a sense of international outrage and a greater calling for your arrest. Your signature calling card was a single severed head amongst immobile witnesses who only remembered a blackened haze. Their loss of memory was surprisingly similar to Shinsou’s own quirk which is why he had been called in. So far, the only clue he found was your spider-like wires.
“Hey, get the crew in here. There’s a lot of unharmed civilians who need assistance.” Shinsou radioed the information in and took one last look to make sure it was safe before back-up reinforcements were to arrive.
Strange. Shinsou tried to muse over this information; no one else aside from your victims was ever hurt. It seemed that you were aiming for something awfully specific. Shinsou didn’t know what though….  
That’s how Shinsou found himself in a cat café, sprawled in a chair, and lost in thought. He was currently on-break from the case since the police were investigating the unconscious victims and the link. So far, they seemed to have found none.
“Hello. Did you want a refill on your coffee?” Shinsou looked over and gave you a slight grin—you were his favorite barista at this cat café. Most places served awful drinks, relying on the kittens to draw people in and shitty service. What a rare find it was to find both adorable kittens, cats, and amazing coffee.  
Here you were, one of the most cheerful people he had ever met. Beautiful? Shinsou wasn’t much for conventional beauty or ‘instagram’ models that seemed to be so ‘in’ nowadays. But when cats were crawling all over you and you bundled them all in your arms in a fit of laughter—yes, he thought you were pretty.
Shinso gave you a grateful smile, especially since a napping kitten seemed to have him rooted to the chair. “That would be wonderful.” You leaned over to take his cold cup and Shinsou politely leaned back. Albeit, even he was a virile male and couldn’t help but to take a lightning-quick look at you bending over and shoving down thoughts of how delectable your ass looked.  
You apparently didn’t notice but you took a look of your own at his face. Of course, he had his darker-than-usual eye bags and you sighed sympathetically. “You look like you’re working harder than usual.” Shinsou didn’t think he looked different…? But fuck yeah, he felt tired. “Why don’t I add an espresso shot? A little bit of milk to make it sweeter?” He was your favorite customer after all. The purple-haired man had become something of a fixture around the café—you wondered if he ever actually slept sometimes. But he was always wonderful with the cats and often over-tipped. It was to the point that you as a barista, had to hide the tip jar and give him a very pointed glare.
You had caught him stuffing fifty dollars once and you had to draw the line; the poor man needed food and you sent him home to buy dinner for himself. Instead, he sheepishly came back with food for you both and had left it for you at the counter.
This was probably the first moment you had fallen in love with the purple-haired sleepy customer that constantly came to your café that you worked at. The owner gave you plentiful shifts because of your coffee skills.
“…. I think you’re the only one to know about my sweet tooth.” Shinsou said sheepishly. You took that as agreement, happily walking over back to the counter.
You filled up the metal tins and efficiently started frothing the milk, snagging the espresso shots, adeptly mixing the syrups and continued. “Hey, hey, I know when someone doesn’t like Americanos.” You gave him a mischievous smile. “I also saw your nose scrunching up and if you had a cattail, it would’ve been stick straight.”
“Ugh, you remember that.” Shinsou face-palmed. He remembered the first time he came in and one of his hero coworkers had ordered it for him; apparently, he had cultivated the image for loving the watery and bitter brew. No, it was because his office had no fucking good coffee and he was forced to drink it to stay awake. Shinsou had bit back any words and stifled the longing he felt for something tasty.
Apparently, you had noticed. Then you had come over, profusely apologizing that you had given him the wrong coffee and given him a specialty drink with no one the wiser. That moment solidified Shinsou’s affinity for this particular store.
“Do you pay attention to all your customers like this?” Shinsou took the new drink with great appreciation; it seemed everything here was good. He had yet to dislike any of your coffee concoctions.
“I try my best.” You said honestly. Shinsou looked around, there were a few people left at this late hour but for the most part, you seemed to be lingering near him. He bit back a stray thought, maybe that you also liked him a bit more than a regular customer, and gave you a small quirk of his lips. Shinsou wasn’t much for smiling but maybe your drinks invoked some kind of magic.
Shinsou hummed with delight. “I noticed. How long do you think you’ll be working around here?”
“Hmmm. I wonder!” You gave a little bit of a laugh, scooping up a yawning kitten and putting it back in their bed. Another customer gathered their things and gave a friendly goodbye.
Shinsou was content to let the comfortable silence reign but he was compelled by his own curiosity. “What would you do if you left?” He could only hope you’d stay… but he hoped you’d do what you want to do. Life tended to take people all over the place.
“Owning my own café would be a dream.” You wiped the empty tables nearby and took a bit more time cleaning than you usually did… Staring down at the table with a furrowed brows and bitterness. It was an expression he’d never seen before because you were always so happy with the customers.
Shinsou looked questioningly at you. “I think you’d be rather good at it. What’s stopping you?” He gestured to the cafe and you gave him a bit of a melancholy smile.
“Life.” You put your hand on your waist and gave him a smile—it didn’t quite reach your eyes. Huh, Shinsou thought. He noticed you had a way about yourself… answering but not saying anything about yourself.
You tapped his messy paperwork. “Probably the same reason you’re here? Why are you inside my café on a Saturday night? You could be ‘living’ it up with all your friends.” You air-quoted the words, giving him an eyebrow raise at his lonesome self.
“Hey, when did this become about me?” Shinsou held his hands up in a ‘I surrender’ gesture. Interesting deflection though. You had smoothly changed the topic and you were rather adept at turning the conversation to others.
But he couldn’t resist having the last word, call it petty of him. “I still think you’d be great at owning your own café.” He muttered— he knew you could hear. But it was something you should hear. He could see your dedication; you had been here unfailingly every weekend and he knew you took over shifts no one else would take.
“You, my dear customer, need to take no for an answer.” You jokingly rapped him on the head with a familiarity that few people showed.
Then you turned around to see someone secretly taking a picture of Shinsou. He had heard the click of the phone but unfortunately, it was all too common. He was going to ignore it but you weren’t. You shot a daggered look at the customer. “Excuse me, we value discretion in this store.” You courteously told them with a steely undertone.
Shinsou… was surprised. “Hey. Thank you for that.” He didn’t realize you noticed. This was a new side to his barista. He had never once seen you other than impeccably friendly. to civilians and heroes alike.
You dismissed his thank-you. “No, that’s my bad. I should be making sure our customers know not to bother you. You need your privacy too.” Your flippant words caused something to click within Shinsou. You weren’t like the others, you knew heroes were people. People who also should be respected, unlike those goddamn paparazzi sell-outs.
Yea, Shinsou liked you. He really liked you, more so because you didn’t seem to give a damn about his hero-fame. So he finally got the courage to ask you—
“Would you want to grab a bite to eat after the café closes?”
You looked back at him, a bit startled. “Me?” Even the kitten, napping in his lap, jumped away at his suddenly terse invitation.
Shinsou was now a bit embarrassed – he wished he was smoother about this. “No pressure. You just work super hard and I really want to treat you for everything you do for me. I know you stay late because I’m here--” Shinsou was rambling. He never rambled. God, you threw him off his game.
“Sure.” There was no harm in accepting his invitation. “You mind if I choose? I know this izakaya with home-made food but it’s a bit out of the way.” Shinsou nodded. The door rang as another customer entered. You gestured to him ‘five minutes’ and rushed off.
Soon enough, you were both at the amazing izakaya and Shinsou swore to himself that he would drag Aizawa here. This place had black garlic ramen and delicious chicken and sides. His mouth was watering from the moment he entered the place. You wasted no time in getting your orders in.
“I take it I picked well?” You were really happy you got to see your favorite, not-a-crush, customer eating with you. Your elbow was on the table, your face leaning on one hand as you watched him demolish the ramen in front of him.
He nodded, his mouth too full otherwise. “Calm down, the food’s not going anywhere.” You leaned over to push his messy locks back and gave him a chiding smile.
Shinsou froze. You froze. You leaned awkwardly back in your seat. “Um, I don’t want you to eat your hair.” You said lamely. Shinsou… leaned in to get another bite, trying to pass this off as a casual moment. You took an awkward sip of your drink. He could see the pink blush at the tip of your ears and he wondered…. Maybe you liked him back too?
The night was over too soon. He wished it could last longer… You both were at the nearby station, ready to part ways.
He had made the first move so you could take a step too. You tugged at his jacket to catch his attention. “If you ever need a ramen buddy, I’ll be happy to keep you company.” You… nervously said. Because what if he didn’t enjoy the night as much as you did?
Shinsou gave a grin as big as a Cheshire-cat smile. “Now I know what to do to pay you back for all those free lattes!”
Who knew that random ramen night would lead to café shenanigans between you two?
If anyone were thinking perverted thoughts, they would be disappointed though. Shinsou now helped you to coral mischievous cats and kittens into their cages.
You both had collapsed on the couch after a particularly troublesome kitty had decided to dart every which way and crawl near the coffee beans. It had taken every trick in the book to outsmart this particular kitten.
“Oh god.” You started giggling. “When did a kitten get smart enough to outsmart both of us?” Shinsou started chucking as well. You had to say between fitful of laughter—“You’re a pro-hero and you’re supposed to be smarter than this.”
Shinsou pointed accusingly at you. “I wasn’t alone in this!” You gave him a ‘ohohoho’ laugh as you got up. As a reward for his troubles, you dropped a brown paper bag of pastries onto him to take home. “God, if people saw us, they would’ve thought we were insane.” Chasing the kitten around, scrambling to get it before it escaped to the shelves…
Shinsou meant to get up. He really did. But as he lazily lied on the couch, watching you turn off the coffee machines and the glow of the lamps left a hazily ambient glow… He even shut his eyes for a few moments, relaxing his guard around you… You leaned over him to wake him up…
And then you heard it. The soft, sleepy whisper… “I wish I could see this every day.” He said it before he could think to shut himself up.
Shinsou was so gentle and sweet. You ached for him so much, so much that at those words, you gave in to the temptation. You leaned down to kiss him before he fully woke up. It was chaste, a gentle press of your lips against his.
“I hope you meant that for me and not the kitten?” You teased.
Shinsou’s eyes widened as he woke the fuck up.
Had you overstepped your bounds? Was he not interested? You hesitantly leaned back.
Not to be beaten, Shinsou tugged you down this time. “You don’t get to confess and become all shy, kitten.” His fingers entangled themselves into your hair and he caught your lips with his. He craned his head to lick your lips open, gently requesting permission.
And how quickly you caved, as you crawled into his lap.
You wished you could kiss him forever, Shinsou tasted so sweet— of caramel and sugar— he made you feel so preciously loved. His fingers stroked the nape of your neck, his lips moved down your throat, and his chest met yours as you both breathed heavily.
“I wasn’t hoping for this…” Shinsou whispered. “But I would be lying if I said I didn’t think of this.”
You nodded in a daze. Shinsou leaned forward to cup your breasts in his hands, relishing the feel of your skin against his. He claimed one for his own as he took your hardening nipples into his mouth. You writhed against him as Shinsou took his sweet goddamn time licking both breasts.
You writhed in his lap, feeling the burgeoning erection but Shinsou kept you still. “That isn’t fair…” You whined. You wanted his pants off, you wanted to feel his throbbing length against yourself. But Shinsou merely laughed, letting you suffer through the feel of the maddening cloth barrier. “Are you trying to torture me?” You whined.
“Hm?” Shinsou tugged at your hair, making you arch your chest against his. He took a chance to nip at your throat, giving you just a hint of dominance underneath his nice-guy exterior.
You thrust impatiently against him. “Pay a little attention down here, won't you?” You locked your legs around his hips, bunching your café skirt up, and shoved your wet panties against his tightening pants.
Shinsou nearly groaned, he could swear he felt you throbbing against him. But he did have to concede— there was too much between you two.
“Alright, alright kitten.” He lifted you up from the couch— oh god, you didn’t expect it but his lanky build hid more strength than you realized— and splayed you on the table. What a delicious view. Your lay passively back as he took off his shirt, exposing his toned muscles and inching down his pants. Your eyes didn’t leave his hands for one moment, he had a way of inching his pants down like he was a goddamn stripper.
His cock? You weren’t disappointed when he finally shimmied out of those pants. It was long and curved, already erect at the sight of you. You opened your thighs lewdly and snuck a hand down to rub lightly—
“Kitten, oh no.” Shinsou let his voice drop low, a slight threat to this tone. “You are going to wait patiently for me.” It wasn’t a question. This Shinsou— this wasn’t the awkward, endearing Shinsou that you came to know. This was…
He bent to a knee, looking straight into your soaked panties. You thought he was going to fuck you, not this— you closed your legs but Shinsou wrenched it apart with his hands. “Patient means you get to wait as I get my fill.” What did he mean? You gave him a wide-eyed look, questioning… “Oh kitten, are you embarrassed?” He leaned forward to lick at the wet patch forming. You jerked away but he held you still, teasing you and making you wetter. He could almost taste your slick, the heady damp-heat enticing him. But he wanted to see you beg. He pushed his finger against your cunt, letting you feel his decisive movements through the irritating fabric.
Oh god, it was the first he had touched down there all night.  But he didn’t touch you, you needed the panties off. You needed more. But no man had ever cared for foreplay with you before, you had always been used for their pleasure— you only knew to do what they wanted.
“Wait.” You tried to move away from his heated breaths— “I can handle it. It’s better for you if I just take it all in—“ Shinsou withdrew his fingers, his other hand tightening on your thighs and stopping your movement.
“Kitten. You are wet but you’re not wet enough to handle this.” Shinsou glared at you. Did you make him mad? You didn’t understand.
“It’s not about me though, it's about what feels good for you?” You tried to offer.
It was definitely the wrong words to say. Shinsou was feeling a little baffled and a little incredulous. “What do you mean by that?” He demanded. You… didn’t know what to say. Wasn’t this how it worked? Even more so because Shinsou was so important to you, you should’ve been on your knees for him.
Shinsou didn’t like your silence. “Y/N, who have you been with?” You looked away… Shinsou pinched your thigh in warning, “Let me clarify. I’m not asking who. Did no one take care of you?” He had stopped his ministrations.
“What would anyone ‘take care’ of?” You thought Shinsou wanted to fuck you. This was about him. You honestly didn’t know what he wanted of you. So you tried to cajole him out of his increasing irritation with practiced words, “It’s okay, I’m okay. I’m wet enough for you to just take what you want. Don’t you want this?”
Shinsou looked at you with darkened eyes and finally, finally slid your panties off. “Y/N, I’m not trying to just fuck you with no pleasure. I want you to feel this,” he circled your clit with his calloused fingers. “Feel like you’re wanted.” You felt wetness coming from you, getting wetter and wetter. “Have you hot and needy,” You jerked your entire body as he plunged his entire tongue into your cunt as he licked you— you had never felt this before. No man had ever decided to eat you out there but Shinsou ate like a man determined and starved. It felt like forever, Shinsou just wouldn’t let you go. You felt your entire body go taut and Shinsou squirmed his fingers in to pinch your throbbing clit and you screamed as an orgasm washed over you.
“And have you scream like that.” You weren’t even down from your high as Shinsou thrust his fingers in. He scissored his fingers in there, searching, not letting you rest until he found a spot that made you tear and cry. You tugged at his head futilely and Shinsou gave you his Cheshire-like grin again. He finally crawled up to relish your awed, tear-stained expression but he still didn’t stop.
“Shinsou, just stop. Just fuck me, please.” You implored and pleaded with him. In a way, you were trying to escape a pleasure you had never encountered before. No one had cared enough, no one had ever found this spot within you. Why was he doing this? Why did he care? This made your heart hurt, this made your cunt throb in a rising heat you had never felt before.
“I’m not going to fuck you, not like that,” Shinsou said in a low, raspy murmur. “I’m going to put it in you.” He thrust his fingers in time with his words. “When you’ve come.. a few times. Until I’m satisfied that you’re taken care of.”
Shinsou relentlessly pursued the spot within you while leaving his bite marks all over you, his mind tucking away every detail of your skin and every spot that made you feel sensitive. Until you had squirmed, screaming on breathless climaxes. Until you could no longer beg, beg those selfish words.
He never wanted to hear that this was about himself again.  He waited until your throat was hoarse and your thighs utterly soaking in your release before he inched himself into your luscious warmth.
Then he started an achingly slow pace that had you feeling every ridge of his cock, your tired body heightened in pleasure. Only when did you utter the most delicious little sighs, did he piston his length into you and finally take his climax alongside yours.
At least you were on closing shift the next day. You didn’t have to wake up early, you and Shinsou had messily cleaned up after yourself in the café and you had followed Shinsou to his apartment.
Shinsou didn’t want to be apart from you and had been accompanying you at the café.
“We’ll be closing soon. Do you want me to come over tonight?” You inclined your head towards the last few customers. Shinsou was about to say yes but then an incoming call came again.
“Sorry!” Shinsou cupped his hands over his phone and walked to a corner to take a call.
He heard the familiar creation hero’s voice, “Shinsou! We have a meeting tonight!”  Shinsou realized, oh shit, he was supposed to be meeting with Yaoyorozu tonight. He had enlisted her help for after-hours with the case for Marionette.
You looked curiously over but said nothing. Shinsou still turned away though, sighing. “Yes. Sorry, it slipped my mind but I’ll be home in thirty minutes.” He hung up the phone.
He looked sadly at you. “Work.” You understood his work was important so you nodded. He gathered his stuff but you busied yourself and made several drinks for him to go. “Your co-worker can choose what they want.” You had included muffins, hot tea, a latte, and a coffee.
Shinsou gratefully accepted, a little at a loss for words. You were endearing yourself, more and more, even sending him off with food so he wouldn’t starve. He left the café but not without throwing a look over his shoulder; wondering if you were ever lonely closing or if you were safe.
You noticed him standing outside and made another ‘shoo, shoo’ gesture. Shinsou reluctantly walked away, curling his jacket around himself in the cold night air. Maybe he would take more patrols in your area to make sure you were okay?
Shinsou nodded to himself and decided, that would settle it. At this time, he wouldn’t possibly have known how this would have turned out—
You lay dying on the floor with a small hand reached out to Shinsou. “It was always going to turn out this way… Don’t cry. I don’t deserve it.” The pro-hero lay over your body, his arms forced at his sides as he shoved back his questions, his outrage, wondering how he could’ve ended this differently. He couldn’t even lend a hand to you. You gave him a pained smile despite bleeding out and let your arm fall. “Thank you… for letting me finish this until the end.” He could see the light of your eyes leaving, the blood choking any further words you wanted to say.
It was always going to end this way. It didn’t matter what he did.
You saw Shinsou off with a fond smile. A smile you shouldn’t have had; judging by your fellow ‘friend’ who was watching you from the corner of the café.
You leaned in to pick up your so-called friend’s book, thumbing through it to find the loose-leaf sheet you’d been waiting for. “Y/N, are you getting soft for him?” She murmured in a soft voice. You had hoped she wouldn’t notice. You shook your head decisively but she grabbed your arm, looking at you with near-desperate eyes.
“You know that he’s a hero right? If the option came down to it, you will have to choose.”
You shook her off, giving a glare of your own. “No innocents, heroes or no heroes. I’ve accomplished it so far. There’s only one target left.” You scanned the address listed.
“Y/N…” She dug her nails into your skin, tears in her eyes. “You know we have nothing left. This is the last chance to set things straight.”
You leaned your hand reassuringly over hers. “I promise you, nothing, absolutely nothing will stop me.” You looked at the time; noting it was nearly time for you to take over tonight’s operation after the café closed. A customer walked in so the conversation came to a halt.  “The shift is almost done here so why don’t I go and get you a drink?” You sent her off with a drink, waited until closing and bidding goodbye as everyone left.
You let the smiling façade fall and curled your fingers painfully into your palms. A cat came up to you, weaving around your legs and gently comforted you. Cats are uncannily perceptive. You hunched down, picking it up and burying your face into its soft fur.
Shinsou had made you think for a second, you could continue to live this life. To indulge in a second of whimsy, to hold onto this brief and mundane happiness.
“It’s such a stupid dream… so stupid for someone like me.” You felt the rising emotion in your throat, but you dammed back the tears, and shoved the anxiety that threatened to overcome you in your lonely moments.  You loved this place, adored the gentleness of the innocent kittens, and cherished the trivialities of this daily life. A life that was simple. Working, having fun, laughing, maybe having a secret, starry-eyed relationship with a certain sleepy customer.
It was too bad that this was never meant to last; night had fallen, and you needed to finish one last thing before this illusion overtook you.
“Yaoyorozu, none of this adds up.” Shinsou frustratedly pushed away the numerous papers surrounding him. All of Marionette’s victims seemed to have no connection, no reason or rhyme as to why she targeted them. But that wasn’t possible; the precision in which she chose her victims should prove she had motive.
Momo sighed, staring at the list again. “Let’s go over what we know, shall we?” She lined the portfolios up. A businessman. A minor government official. A doctor. An international dignitary. They had both been pouring over the victim’s backgrounds but had yet to see a connection. Momo looked at their respective work and occupations, their paths had occasionally crossed but nothing stood out.
Shinsou looked up the families, the nationalities, their political beliefs but none of those stood out either. Except for their… religion? He stared at the church on the dossier for the businessman and doctor. Something was familiar…. But he could not put his finger on it.
“Hey, can you check on the government official and dignitary? Their list of funded causes?” Shinsou frowned. He couldn’t find information on the their religious beliefs; it wasn’t listed because government entities couldn’t publicly pledge allegiance to any religion—lest it be known, and their commitment swayed away from public conviction. But he had sworn there was a familiar name.
Momo scanned the sheets. “Both their records showed they funded a Russian church.” Shinsou tapped the sheets before him. “This doctor is Russian and this businessman had numerous Russian business deals.” He leaned back, thinking…. Then Shinsou pulled up a slightly illegal database, a website he had obtained from one of his informants on the street.
“Don’t look too closely, Yaoyorozu, or you may see things you don’t want to see.” He typed in the church organization, pulling up a number of results. He rapidly keyed in some back-door codes, punching through sensitive data files.
Yaoyoruzu looked at him with lilting eyes, her fingers paused on the paperwork. “You don’t want to ask the police?” Surely, police would be privy to any information they would need.
Shinsou shook his head— “They don’t have enough international information. What I need probably isn’t on official servers.” Regardless of his warnings, Yaoyorozu inched closer and peeked over his shoulder. What had so raptly caught his attention? Shinsou jotted a note on a paper, monologuing to fill his fellow pro-hero in. “As you well know, Russia is one of the worst criminal countries in the world.” He let that sink in. The creation-based hero was informed of the world events—Japan had taken control of their villain society and with All Might, they had issued in one of the most peaceful eras to date. Not to say there wasn’t the League of Villains lurking about. Other countries hadn’t been so lucky. “If you know about Russia, their justice system is highly corrupt and their church and government is known for propagating war crimes.” Yaoyorozu nodded but she wasn’t sure what exactly they were talking about. “And this unique equation of victims makes me think of something really bad.” Shinsou rapidly clicked through the results, not quite finding what he suspected.
He typed in the dignitary’s name, opening an article about his funded endeavors…. “Well, shit.” His tired eyes glazed over the newspaper and article, noting the familiar faces.
Yaoyorozu leaned in and gasped at the contents of the picture. “That’s all four of our victims.” She realized with dawning horror at who they were with. “Shinsou, they couldn’t possibly have….”
Shinsou grimly nodded. “I think so. If I’m right, this last person is the next victim.” He tapped the computer screen and rapidly looked up the captioned woman—“And she lives here in Japan… as a airport customs official.” Shinsou punched in a call to Tsukauchi.
“Hey, I think we found the next victim. Can you send a police escort to them while I fill you in? I’d like to go over and talk to them personally as well.”
Shinsou was soon driving over, with the police requesting assistance from Tokoyami and Todoroki. Yaoyorozu had teamed up with the police investigators, filling them in on their research.
He met up with Todoroki at the bottom of the apartment building. Was Tokoyami missing? Todoroki answered his question before he could even ask, pointing to the dark night sky and emergency stairwells. The raven bird hero was much more adept at dealing with the situation that Shinsou might be.
“I assume you read up on Marionette?” Todoroki nodded. “Looks like we’re prepared.” Shinsou and Todoroki advanced upwards. They both entered the darkened hallway while Shinsou stared pensively at the eerily silent door of the apartment.  Where were the police escorts? Where were the neighbors?
Both of the pro-heroes had a bad feeling; flinging open the door without warning. Todoroki instinctively put up an ice barrier, deflecting the lethal cut of wires flung at the door. Despite the icy steam and darkness, they could still make out the bloody severed head on the floor and unconscious police officers, lit by the blue light of the computer screen.
You, Marionette, looked back at them in your disguised mask. Your blade ran fresh with blood, still dripping heavily and they realized they must’ve only been minutes too late. Shinsou took a lightning-quick assessment, noting the police were still breathing and unconscious, and again, only the victim looked dead.
“Marionette.” Todoroki stepped in. “You’re under arrest by the authorities of the hero association, for the murders of—”
“Stop.” You let the knife fall and waved away his words. For the first time in all your encounters, you deemed to speak a word. In your real voice. Shinsou knew they had you cornered... but it didn’t make sense. Why? Why had you chosen to stay when you could’ve escaped in the ample few minutes? You didn’t attempt to escape, even as Todoroki froze the only other window over. “It didn’t take you very long this time.” Why did you choose to speak, when you had evaded his abilities so well before? Shinsou and you stared at each other.
Shinsou could’ve taken control but he wanted to hear his suspicions proved wrong. He wanted to believe that the victims… were truly victims. That you, Marionette, was a cruel murderer.
Todoroki faded into silence but you all knew if you made a move, he would not hesitate to freeze you in a split second. With that in mind, he let Shinsou step forward closer to you.
“Marionette, we just want the truth. You told me before, no one would trust us.” Shinsou let the past memory sink in, let its weight fall heavy. “Tell me the truth about St. Magdalene boarding school.”
Your breath hitched at the mention of the school. It was the first, discomposed, emotion he had heard from you in all his encounters.
“Trust? Figures you’d be the one to figure it all out, hm? Shinsou.” The brain-washing hero’s blood ran cold— he recognized that familiar way of speaking. More so, how else would you know his name?   Todoroki now looked confused. You cast off your hair clip, letting the familiar locks fall and crooked your head at him with a sigh.
“It’s not…” Shinsou rasped out. He had caressed those silky locks this morning, pressing a vulnerable kiss to your sleepy face. He could even see the finger-shaped bruises of your passionate interlude— you couldn’t. Please, not you. But you took off the mask, dispelling any hope Shinsou could’ve had. You looked at him, your expression one of martyred determination. “Why?” His voice come out more agonized than he wanted to show, Shinsou died inside at seeing you.
You leaned forward, pulling— Todoroki got ready to deter you with fire but you simply pulled a thumb drive from the computer. The screen flashed with the same information you had withdrawn, slowly panning pictures of innocent girls. If Shinsou knew the truth…. Then he would know what you were about to say. “St. Magdalene is a Russian school from all appearances.” You felt Todoroki’s ice experimentally but made no violent movement and the pro-heroes remained alert. “If you believe the records. But we both know its far more than that?” Todoroki looked at the girl’s pictures with a dawning realization.
Shinsou decided to fill in the gaps. “But it was an operation for human trafficking, especially from Japan. All the victims— no, culprits, had the connections and means to get children through the channels and have them disappear.” You had to give him credit, he got farther than anyone else.
Yaoyorozu had researched the supposed names that had graduated from the school, only to have them disappear from any official records. “Where they went? We haven’t found a connection but the police are working on that.” Shinsou couldn’t find anything more but he was determined to.
You traced the computer screen, tracing the faces you had grown up with and had seen sacrificed, suffered, and mutilated. “I can help you with that. ”
Todoroki shook his head, muttering. “Disappearing means there’s a chance we can help—“ You let out a cruel scoff.
“You’re naive pro-hero.” Your voice dripped with disdain for Todoroki. “Disappearing would’ve been a kinder fate than what we went through. You name it, you got it.” You tapped the screen at one girl. “Bought and sold to the highest bidder, found dead from sordid sex gone wrong. She was dumped like an animal.” You watched as another face flashed on by. “This one, she wasn’t very pretty. Cut up for organs for the nouveau-rich.” You waited for another one, grimacing. “Drug mule; except she was cut up countless times, screaming every time they carved out her innards.” Shinsou could only imagine it but already, he felt sickened. “My sister?” You hesitated at that one. “She was given to the church, probably from some pedophilic fetish— didn’t help that she was crucified and burnt alive as a whore.”
Both pro-heroes wanted for you to lie; otherwise, the consequences of those well-known officials and the longevity of their career meant there had been countless victims over numerous years. It means that countless people had been involved in hiding these atrocities.
You shifted from the computer to walk directly to the brain-washing hero. You turned your emotions to cold steel, willed your sentimentality to die. Right, because it was oh-so-easy. If it had been, you wouldn’t be on this vendetta for revenge. You would’ve been gone to live the life you wanted.
“I will hand this thumb drive to you if you, Shinsou, promise to bring these people to justice.” You gestured to the rolling head beside you. “The organization will be in disarray but what’s left of it, they probably don’t deserve to die.  Just rot the rest of their lives in jail.”
Todoroki regarded you suspicion. “How do we know you’re telling the truth?”
You clapped your hands in a mocking gesture. “I’ve left you not only the names but times, dates, locations, names, and potential future victims. You should be able to work off of that.” How you got that information? Well, it certainly wasn’t through official channels otherwise it would’ve been covered up.
Shinsou was reluctant to let the conversation end. “Why didn’t you just run then?”
You gave a weary sigh. “It’s not like I could’ve continued this forever. How many more bodies would I need to kill? How much longer before a so-called pro-hero ‘arrests’ me? If it's not you, it’ll be a hit on my head. I’ll die without bringing this to light.”
They couldn’t deny it. But you... you gestured to them. “But I’ve heard of you two. You and Deku, you won't abide seeing the system like this.”
You looked world-weary, bone-tired to all the killing you had done. You looked like you had given up. So Shinsou tried to consider a way you could be saved— a way that was right as a pro-hero.
But none of you had time, not as a gunshot rang loud and clear in the room and you lurched, looking down at yourself.
You were bleeding. You were bleeding heavily as you fell forward. Todoroki swore, leaping forward to disarm the weapon as one of the police officers look triumphant.
“What have you done?” Shinsou looked near venomously at the police officer, kneeling forward to catch you.
“No!” You coughed blood up, holding Shinsou back. “It’s not safe for you.” You could feel the taut wire of control fading, your life ebbing with the flow of blood. Your quirk was reacting badly, you weren’t sure if you could keep it in check.
So you kneeled on the floor, your body crumpling. Shinsou looked agonized above you— but you gave him a lackluster smile. You reached out your hand… and looked for no comfort. “You look like you’re gonna cry. I don’t deserve it.” You tossed the thumb drive to him.
Todoroki lay a hand on Shinsou’s shoulder. “We have to call the ambulance… but I’m not sure she’ll make it.” Shinsou wondered how he could’ve ended this differently. Could he have helped you? What if you had come to him?  But none of that would’ve changed how this ended. You had been on a lonely path to vigilante justice.
The fiery streak of pain and bullets was nothing new to you. Neither was bleeding. You know what was new? Seeing someone who actually cared that you were dying.
Paramedics pushed past Shinsou to take Marionette in, others cordoning off the scene with the decapitated body. Tokoyami flew in, having heard everything from outside.
“Shinsou, take a look at the computer.” Everything was well and truly deleted from it, the bios flashing with erased data. Some kind of virus program? Meticulous planning.
Someone brushed by him to examine your wounds… Shinsou’s eyes flickered over to the paramedic.
“Todoroki, can you run this to Yaoyorozu? Make sure I get a copy and to pass one to Aizawa. I want the originals before this moves up to the police and higher-ups.”
“Understood.” They both understood how.. ‘sensitive’ this was. “I’ll protect this on my life.”
You woke up, groggily moving and wincing as pain shot through your stomach. You gently laid a hand on the gunshot wound, expecting to see red— but came away to see neat bandages on yourself. Surprising, she’s not usually so thorough.
“I didn’t expect such loving care.” You turned to your friend, expecting to see the informant from the coffee shop. But instead, you saw a purple, messy-haired and raccoon-eyed hero.
One who was smirking at you like you were an idiot.
“What the fuck.” It was the first of your plans that had gone so awry, the brain-washing pro-hero was sitting there as if he was a figment of your imagination. Maybe he was. Maybe your drug-addled brain was hallucinating. So you turned away, scrubbing your face with your hands.
“I’m not disappearing,” Shinsou said helpfully—giving credence that your hallucinations were extremely vivid—never mind that fact you’ve never had any before.
You took a deep, deep breath. “Humor me. How did you find out that I was alive? And if you knew, why aren’t I in jail?”
Shinsou gestured to the medical equipment hooked up to you. “We have mutual friends, for once, in our line of work.” You… didn’t expect that. Your cohort at the coffee shop had promised you an escape route—albeit risky—and you didn’t think to check on the connection. “Turns out you’re not the only one who’s had the idea to fake their death. But it usually needs very specific quirks and connections so here we are.”
You looked down at your bandaged and nearly naked form, sighing. “It was that or just dying on the way here. I didn’t expect to get shot.”
Shinsou scoffed at that. “What did you expect then?”
“I thought Todoroki might try to kill me. Either that, I could try to poison myself. “You threw out suggestions as conversationally as one might discuss the weather. “The better question is, why did you let me live? If you knew what I was up to?”
Shinsou leaned back in his chair, giving you an assessing look. “Your information, as far as we can tell, has panned out to close multiple cases.” So Shinsou knew you hadn’t lied about what you’d told him. About anything you told him. “So I’ve made a case to the Eraser Hero that you be kept alive to supply the police with information.”
You … absorbed that knowledge. “So you want me to be a confidential informant.” You closed your eyes wearily. “From one organization to another, I’m going to be used like a scapegoat.” You were changing hands from the Russian government to Japan’s government and used like their dirty little patsy. “I thought you would be different, pro-hero.”
Shinsou shoved himself to his feet, growling in frustration. “I’m not that much of a fucking low-life—don’t accuse me of that bullshit.” You may have shrunk back a little bit; this was the first time you had to see him angry at you. Honestly, you thought you would never see him again. You’d never face the moment of truth because you’d either be long-dead or long-gone. Here he was with all your secrets laid bare—and he was going to use you like the rest of them.
“You’re under the direct protection and surveillance of me and Eraser Head—we are the heroes who are holding you accountable. We give you the orders; not some fucking government organization.” Shinsou pointed to himself, scowling because of your accusations. You.. were reeling. Because how could he have worked that out?
“I can’t believe that. There’s no possible way you could have that authority. At best, I’ve got life in jail.” You knew how this worked. “At worst? I’m more than dead from Russia. I’ll be lucky if they kill me first.” You had already killed too many… You regretted the innocent you killed. You regretted the path you used to climb to the top. But after that? You could justify every sordid thing you did to get to Japan and to get the culprits responsible. “I know this can’t be true.”
Shinsou could finally get the upper hand here. “And this is where you’re wrong. Aside from a few of us pro-heroes, you’re dead to the world.” He flung down the newspaper at your bed, you shakily took ahold of the articles. You could see the gallant statements of heroes, Shoto and Tsukuyomi having taken down the international villain, Marionette. You were pronounced dead at the scene—inconspicuous pictures of your supposed corpse with no discerning features.
He could see your confusion. “Aizawa and I are handling the rest. You’re getting a different identity; hopefully you like the name Y/N because I’m not even sure that’s your real name.” Shinsou was mildly, oh-so-very-fucking irritated that he didn’t even know your real name. He couldn’t even find this one simple fact about you.
You… couldn’t believe it. If what Shinsou was saying was true…. It was too good to be true. You could finally be free. Whatever they’d want of you, it couldn’t be as bad as the others. You felt warm emotions claw up, the composure you held for so many years crumbling at this possibility ahead of you.
Shinsou sat at the edge of your bed, watching you. Evaluating and gauging you. You were a trained and murderous assassin—but he could see that you fought for good. That you hadn’t lost your humanity. “Y/N… if that’s your name. Listen to me.” He held a hand to your cheek, gently. “We’re going to arrest everyone who’s been involved in this. And when we do, I want you to find peace.” He had been there. The desire for revenge, the desire to shout to the world that they were wrong—it was all-consuming and would burn the entirety of your soul.
“Shinsou…. I’m so tired. So tired.” You finally sobbed out. “I don’t want to kill anyone anymore. I don’t want to lose what’s left of me— Was it just too much to ask for a simple life where I can be happy?” You cried, probably disgustingly into your hands.
“A life of cat cafes and being a barista?” Shinsou ventured to ask. If anything, the words made you cry even harder. You tried to nod between all the hiccupping breaths and tears. You tried to stop, you tried to breathe—but it was so hard. Even as you tried to believe him, the fear that all of this was fake, that this would all be taken away like some cruel dream had you almost hyperventilating.
“Please tell me if this is a lie. If you’re going to send..” You tried to breathe, still losing more oxygen than you were taking in. “… Me to jail, just don’t torture me.” You beseeched him, imploring with your eyes—it was too cruel.
Shinsou could see how desperate you were; a hint of the lost little girl you must’ve been at one point. The girl who probably never had a chance of a childhood, of meeting friends, of growing up and falling love. How did it feel to have that all taken away from you with no choice?
Despite all his logic and rationale screaming at him that this could be the worst decision, that he would be yet another naïve hero you so disdainfully scolded—Shinsou leaned forward to kiss you, to give you the oxygen you deprived yourself of.
You were too shocked to cry more. Shinsou took that chance to give you his own breath, stealing what was left of your panic and just kissing the life out of you. If you thought he was hungry before, Shinsou was stealing what was left of your soul. He eventually lifted his mouth from yours, whispering gently. “If you promise you want to be good, Y/N, that you won’t kill anyone—that if I can believe you, I’ll do my best to save you.”
You gave a watery smile. “I want to be. I want to be someone that can atone for everything I’ve done.”
Shinsou brushed your hair back from your face, mindful of your injuries. “Just atone? Don’t you want a chance to try to be happy?” You… looked up at him.
“Do I deserve to try?” You dared to ask. You dared to even try hope.
“I think you do.” Shinsou murmured.
You hesitantly laced your fingers with his, hoping he wouldn’t pull away. Not that you could blame him if he hated you. “What if I told you… that you made me happy?” You were a little scared to meet his eyes, your gaze flitting nervously between his limp hand and his unreadable expression.
“I would tell you, I’ve never tried dating an assassin but I’d make an exception for you.” Shinsou laced his fingers firmly with yours and gave you another stolen, chaste kiss.
“But you definitely need to heal up before we talk about anything else.”
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