#and i'm so MAD on his behalf
urbanfiltered · 1 year
being a 25yo single mother is so hard 😔
#heehee#no but really#i know there are tons of stupid overly cliché tweets out there about how hard it is to be the oldest sibling blah blah blah#but honestly something has to be said for how i truly have NO FUCKING IDEA what i am doing with my life and yet#i somehow have these two young boys looking up to me for guidance#i witnessed my 21 yo brother cry yesterday for the first time in my life and it fucked me up so bad#it's like#i get all of the maternal feelings and none of the agency#i want to help SO MUCH and i care so much and so deeply that it's a constant ache and worry inside of me#but i do not have the time or money or wisdom needed#and it sucks!!!!#i cant protect this sweet innocent baby from Life! he has to learn his own lessons! but god i wish the world treated him kinder#he has to learn how to fight his own battles too#he's having a sort of delayed adolescence where he suddenly and angstily realizes that my parents are flawed and do not always have his#best interests at heart#and i'm so MAD on his behalf#i'm so fucking angry#but these aren't my fights to pick and he needs to find his own way and his own balance between#living his own authentic life and also pleasing his family#anyways it's really bad he's been a wreck#tw: death#our cousin died a few weeks ago and he hasn't been the same honestly#and then he has issues with psychosis and some of that has flared up recently#his friends have abandoned him due to some of the uglier symptoms of mental health that we dont like to talk about#the paranoia and the hallucinations and the unhealthy coping mechanisms mostly#my parents are running him around the bend with some of the ridiculoous and unreasonable requests they constantly demand from him#he's running himself into the ground and all i can do is watch#it feels FUCKING horrible#and it's not like watching a friend undergo shit#it's so much worse
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winepresswrath · 3 months
daniel did not just live out the night daniel lived long enough to know he doesn't want to be a vampire when these bitches vamp him anyway i will riot.
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hedgehogofspades · 1 year
Haha, no dude, it's uuuuuuuh, totally normal to treat people's personal creations like a corporate franchise, nah nah, it's not even a little weird that the only way you interact with fandom is by mindlessly consuming content and reposting other people's work, I'm sure it's totally fine to just disregard the creator's wishes as long as you get to have your 2 minutes of fun with "your" new blorbos before your criminally short attention span moves onto the next thing for you to mindlessly consume, yeah, haha, I'm sure framing the creator's struggle to keep control of their work as a threat to your future ability to continue to consume content isn't totally self-centered or tone-deaf. No yeah man, haha, totally normal
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carmenlire · 1 year
I can’t get Jaewon and the eighth sense out of my head because i see so much of myself in him. The way he’s always there for his friends, even to the detriment to himself. and it doesn’t have to be anything tragic. it’s going out and getting drunk and putting on that mask every day. it’s getting out of your own head long enough to realize that your friend is going through it and you need to care.
i’ve only watched it once but it’s in the way depression can, occasionally, manifest as a sort of manic episode. like you’re so empty and numb but 1) you can’t let anyone find out 2) you decide you’re going to be better. just like that, through sheer force of will. and so Jaewon smiles brightly and meets with friends and greets teachers and does a bang-up job of acting like he’s perfect he’s fucking perfect but inside there’s just nothing there. or maybe it’s not that there’s nothing there-- it’s that there’s so much but he can’t access it, he’s afraid to touch it because if he does then it will overwhelm him.
Jaewon has a lot of trauma and circumstances that definitely didn’t help his mental health but Jihyun was the breath of fresh air he desperately needed. and not in a Jihyun saved Jaewon kinda way but in the way that this new person broke up the monotony, showed him it was okay to reach out for help that, there was at least one person he didn’t have to hide from.
and just-- 10/10 to this show for showing that Jaewon very much struggles with depression-- he takes antidepressants, he sees a therapist, and even with those tools (and Jihyun) he isn’t magically cured. he can still sink low. that this kinda shit is cyclical and you can try your best but it can still be hard, you can still suffer, you will still have to drag yourself back up from underwater. but you can do it. because you’ve done it before.
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purplecritter · 2 years
Finished Dragon Age Absolution here's my thoughts as I was watching this (under the cut because it CONTAINS SPOILERS)
"I will kill everyone here before I let you touch her" AYO????
Miriam is so cool. she can shoot a bow AND use the daggers AND use the wire thingy... IN LOVE
"THE HERO OF ANDRASTE KILLED CORYPHEUS. THEY SEALED THE BREACH" INQUISITORS WHO USE THEY/THEM WE WON TODAY!!! inquisitors who don't like to be called heralds we lost today but hey you can't win em all!
"If you don't take him, I will ;)" GO QWYDION GOOO
ohhhhh they built the divine's palace ATOP A TEMPLE TO THE OLD GODS??? delicious
another Blight hinted...... HoF baby you'll never catch a break
if we can't punch Solas at least we can PUNCH THAT OTHER BALD MAN WOHOOOOO
Fairbanks has a wife!!!!! Good for them!!!
oh so Miriam's mark is not random and it's special Like That huh 👀👀
magister Amelia PAVUS??? HELLO?? MA'M. WHO ARE YOUUUU
"Rezaren, you look like every bad rumor about us combined" yeah tell him Tassia!!
Neb… 👀👀 pssst tell me your secrets
“You sky-sucking idiot!” Lacklon ily
did Miriam grow up with Rezaren?? And the other elf with them was usen to restore Rezaren’s life force or smt?
not roland seducing lachlan into continuing the heist SDFGHJK
NEB…….. they have the same mark on Miriam’s face!! but on their clothes!!!!!! huhu. they're the other one in her flashbacks aren't they
Lacklon: “Show-off.” Roland: “It’s pronounced thank you.” YOU’RE NOT SUBTLE
to Kirkwal????????? TO THE HANGED MAN???? TO WHOMMMM
did thet get mercer to voice every side character in this? not complaining it's just funny hbfdnsjkxcnvjf love that
so magister families get their own slave marking each. interesting. i hate it. i wonder if fenris’ marks were at all "customized" by danarius
Lacklon said FUCK MAGES try natural medicine idiots!!!
oh oh no. it was his arrowing. oh. OH THAT MOTHER MOTHERFUCKER FUCKED IT UP. oh miriam……..
rezaren getting his mansplain manipulate malewife evil magister meow meow allure. he's too far gone and there's no fixing him but i can watch him as he gets worse :)
OOOOOH I WOUL LOVE TO SEE DIVINE AMMOSINE IN DA4 so i have a reason to hate the imperial divine specifically! fuck you in particolar!!
so Hira found Miriam as she fled? Still in Tevinter? Is she a Magister too??her necklace does kinda look like Dorian’s except less snake-y and more geometric. it mmight be just a "tevinter likes their rhombuses" thing tho
rezaren is sooo slimy qwydion was right, “he’s hot but yikes”
“There’s a reason the Tevinter flag has a damn snake on it” YOU TELL HEM ROLAND!!
Qwydion worked with Fairbanks for years. she was in the inquisition too? COOL if they said it before i missed it somehow
OHHHHHHH HIRA IS FROM TEVINTER!! AND HER NECKLACE IS A BIRTHRIGHT!!!! WYEAHHH oh AND her family was/is anti-slavery?? I wonder if Dorian and Mae already know her!!!
prediction for da4: we’ll have to choose if we want a “burn all of Tevinter to the ground” or a “save what’s left and rebuild Tevinter” route. 
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i might be seeing what i want to see but doesn’t the golden door resemble the depictions of what we’ve seen of the golden city so far?
i’m curious. Tassia speaks to Neb a lot, but is it because she doesn't know that he's (un)dead or does she think that he’s still conscious somehow?
Ohhhhh Lacklon calling Roland “Rolls” again… He’s really in it now!!
OH MIRIAM’S STOCKED!!! must be one hell of a heavy cloak but THAT’S SO COOL OF HER
th e intro fucks so hard btw it’s great
UHHHH he’s doing real blood magic now!! slay
besties i really wanted the betrayer to not be the mage this time… on the brightside fairbanks is a good boy. OH NO OH NOOOOOOOOOOO I JUST REMMEBERED HIS WIFE OH NONOOOOOOOOOOO
skyhold!!!! she’s so pretty i miss her wahhhhh
ngl if my inquisitor heard Hira call him Herald so many times he might have become a little hostile oops
curious about Hira's brooch! i wonder if her family was a known one or nah
“The Inquisition was never going to stand up to Tevinter” NJHBGVFCDXR HIRA DEAR THE LEADER OF THE INQUISITION IS SMOOCHING THE MAGISTER THAT WANTS TO STAND UP TO TEVINTER. give them TIME to deal with one catastrophe at a time!! (i know this is not everyone's canon but it's mine and it's very funny to me heh)
th. the crimson. the crimson knight……….. in kirkwall? uh oh someone check on meredith’s statue i have a bad feeling about this
WE LOVE LACKLON’S CHAARACTER DEVELOPMENT. from not trusting miriam to trusting her slightly!! go king!!!
“you can’t come back not in that thing not in this life” WHOEVER WROTE THIS ILY BUT YOU BROKE MY HEART
YSSS MIRIAM STAB THE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE DRAGON LIVES!!! THANK YOU QWYDION!!!! i was going to be upset if she died. BIOWARE STOP GIVING US MISSIONS TO KILL THE DRAGONS i can never do them :( if i see her in da4 i might cry a little ngl On that ^ note, here's accurate footage of me during the actual show: It’s a fucking bear dragon! NOOOOOOOO—Oh shit it’s right there :D
GFDHK JZANLZZZZ -> “I wish I could” = “I wish it could, vhenan” SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP!!!!!!!!!!!! (/pos)
the scarf T^T i REALLY wanted it to not be a mage this time.... i was once again blindsided by the Lovers to Enemies tag 😔 Me: "So basically, what I was thinking of is--" (the mage in a Bioware media was the traitor all along) "--Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this."
fuck meredith’s statue really did corrupt everything in the city huh OH. OH FUCK SHE’S IN THERE STILL!!???? smh no wonder kirkwall's still not operational years after IT'S BECOME RED TEMPLARS PLAYGROUND. varric bestie are you seeing this??
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dvar-trek · 2 years
what if we destroy insurance companies!!!!!!!!!
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bunny-1111 · 1 month
I love love love your writing! I was just re-reading “Theodore Nott who…” and possibly wondered if you could expand on how he reminds reader that he will propose when they are finished school. Kicking my legs giggling thinking about that 😂
Aww, thank you. Of course, I can. Let me know if you have any other requests!! PS I wrote a whole thing, ready to push post now. It was perfect, but something happened, and it didn't save, so I had to rewrite it the best I could, I hope you enjoy this anyway AH I'M SO MAD 🥲,
Theodore, at age 11, thought you were the prettiest girl in school
Theodore, at age 13, began to navigate his not-so-small crush on you
Theodore, at age 16, felt his heart in his stomach as he swallowed his pride and finally asked you out
That is where our story starts.
By 17, you got comfortable enough and started spending the night in each other's dorms; one random Tuesday morning, Theo woke up earlier than usual, you were still fast asleep. Theodore was a very productive person. If he woke up early, he would get up, make a coffee, go for a run around the grounds, come back, and shower, all before most had even opened their eyes. As he reached for the corner of his side of the blanket and moved to start his day, you felt him, causing you to stir, your brows quickly scrunching, your body automatically moving towards him; you reached for him even in sleep. Something in his mind slowed, something in his heart raced, something in his soul shook. Dropping the blanket in his hand, he surrendered to you, laying so close, gently caressing your face, feeling peace in your dream state. Then it dawned on him, if I married her, this would be the last face I would see before I slept and the first I would see when I woke up.
That's when it began.
His constant reminders of marriage.
That very morning.
When your eyes fluttered open, Theos wide eyes already met yours, it would've scared you in his eyes weren't so dreamy.
"Good morn-" you start
"Marry me" he interrupted
"What?!" you laughed out. It was too early for this
"Marry me?" he smiled
"shut up" you laughed, reaching your hand under your pillow, softly throwing it at him
"Come on, why not?" he pleaded
"Theodore, we're still in high school, that's why", you smile
"Fine, you fucking time waster, but after we get out of here, I'm gonna marry you", he insisted
You thought it was a passing thought.
Something he wouldn't bring up again.
Boy, were you wrong, he proved that time and time again over the next two years.
Sitting in class, he would peck a kiss on your cheek from behind you. "Kisses for the Mrs" he would whisper with a smile before returning to his own seat
In the great hall, he slapped Matteo's hand away as you and he both reached for the same dish. "Can't you see my fiance wants that slice?" he grits, serving you before Matteo puts it on his own plate. "You aren't fucking engaged?" A defeated Matteo retorts, arms out in confusion. "Don't start", you apologise on behalf of you and your pretend husband
In Hogsmeade, you and Pansy tried on dresses. Theodore was walking past when he saw you in the mirror. Letting himself in, he slithered behind you, his reflection joining yours in the mirror, slipping a hand down your waist. "You know, if you look this good in this dress, I can only imagine how good you'd look in white," he'd smirk, "you know when we get married," he muttered on his way to the register, leaving money, giving the workers strict instructions to charge him for any dress you bought, for them to keep the change too.
When Theodore had early morning Quittich practice, he would leave a steaming cup of coffee or tea on your bedside, accompanied by a note: " To keep you warm while I'm gone, good morning, my better half, Mrs Nott."
When you studied in the libary, you had a very distinct look of focus. He would lay a bored hand on his face, "Come on, let's go for a smoke", he whined, "No, Theodore, We have final exams soon. You should be studying. Go without me if you want" you explain, fingers pointing at text on his book, "not going without you" he said frustrated under his breath. Theodore kept testing, blabbing nonsense, attempting to distract you, staring at you instead of the open books. "Why are we wasting time? You could be pregnant by now," he said, his free hand twirling your hair. This caused you to slam your book closed, looking up at him, your eyes widening. "What!?" he laughed. "If I had it my way, we would've tied the knot last year, and we would have a kid on the way", he continued; you did nothing but shake your head and fight your growing smile.
Walking through the gardens, you pointed at some hydrangeas. "My favourite flowers" you smiled. "I know" he smiled "I'd walk down the aisle with hydrangeas in my hand," you say softly, leaning in to smell the flowers, "When we get married, I will" you say picking some to take with you. Theodore could've fainted on the spot. 'When we get married,' your voice repeated in his mind, pulling you up into a deep kiss
When you finally graduated, Theodore pulled your father aside. If there was something Teddy valued, it was tradition; he was officially asking for your hand.
Returning to you, smiling ear to ear, he suggests you join him on a walk. Reaching the tree near the Black Lake, he kissed your forehead, one hand intertwined with yours, the other hand in his pocket, fidgeting with a small box.
A box containing a ring.
That he had bought on the year prior, now all that was left to do was kneel.
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unedited today, sorry for any incorrection I'm too tired to reread or edit rn LOL
in my mind me and teddy r married
him in a suit KILL ME NOW one chance PLS
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mtchee · 3 months
Silence is Silver, Your Voice is Gold - [Shouto Todoroki] SOULMATE SERIES | GN
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The piercing first words spoken by your soulmate leave you shattered, and your passion driven brother, Inasa, doesn't take kindly to it either. Resolving to ignore Todoroki (leaving him in blissful ignorance), your secret is outed in the conflict between Todoroki and your brother. When his eyes snap to you, your own gaze hardens, and you turn away. You thought you could get over your soulmate's rejection, accepting it wholeheartedly. So, why is he being so nice all of a sudden?
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, [name] is Inasa Yoarashi's twin, SPOILERS if you haven't watched BNHA like at all but nothing descriptive or major, i know i'm the one writing this but i'm also mad at shouto on behalf of [name] lmao, Inasa best brother, deku squad friend squad!!, redemption arc for shouto, he's actually very sweet, love of your life fr, tooth rotting fluff at the end
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
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"I'm not here to make friends."
Those were first words Shouto Todoroki said to you. Unfortunately, those were also the soul words written on the outside of your left thigh.
On your very first day at U.A, you'd barely even opened your mouth, having been about to utter a chirpy greeting to your blank faced classmate before he interrupted you.
Immediately your heart had dropped and you took a surprised step back. Though his face was impassive and his voice a monotone trail, the words and their implied meaning didn't bite any less.
Back off, I'm not interested--that's what he meant.
Thank god your uniform covered the glow of your soul words.
You'd stiffly bowed and quickly moved away, snatching a different seat on the otherside of the classroom before they were all taken.
In that single instant, you knew you would never get the happy ending you and your brother would always giggle about as kids. Even if you turned back around and spoke to him now, you knew he'd never come around. It was obvious he doesn't care.
It was evident he never would.
So why bother? It hurt enough now, and speaking up wouldn't change that outcome. So, you resolved to never speak to Shouto Todoroki.
Inasa was right, the Todoroki's were horrible.
You hadn't gotten in through recommendations, so you took the normal trials to get into U.A. It was no wonder Inasa was upset when he got home from the recommendation's test, Endeavour's son was just as stand-offish and cruel.
You thought your twin brother had been exaggerating, but you had always been more sensitive between the two of you.
No wonder he declined U.A...
And now you were stuck here, with a heartless soulmate and no brother to keep you company.
Is it too late to transfer?
You think your brother was more upset than you were when you later told him who your soulmate was. Inasa had teared up dramatically and collapsed to a knee in front of you, vowing to you that had he of known he would've taken you with him to Shiketsu instead like he should have in the first place.
You think you were still in shock though, since normally you would have burst into tears at the prospect of your soulmate rejecting you.
Subconsciously, you think you already accepted it too. He was a Todoroki after all. The son of the Number 2 Pro Hero Endeavour. If he knew, he wouldn't want you anyway.
Unlike your first day at U.A, before your first class where you had introduced yourself to most of your classmates and had been chittering away happily, you were quiet.
Luckily though, you befriended Ochaco Ururaka, Tsuyu Asui, Tenya Iida, and Izuku Midoriya, most of whom were more than happy to yap in your stead.
Todoroki had since lost any respect you held for him--even more so than from when your brother had first encountered him--but he still scared you too.
You didn't have the confidence that Inasa did to pull his nose up and scoff, rather, you tilted your head down and averted your eyes, nullifying your presence as much as possible.
To your misfortune, you had to verse Todoroki in 1v1 of the Sports Festival. You don't think he even remembered you, not that he said anything anyway. His eyes were as lifeless as his expression when he was looking at you, and you couldn't help but glare back.
Your quirk similarly manipulates the wind as your brother does, though while his quirk is Whirlwind, yours is Piercing Breeze. Whereas Inasa can manipulate and summon impossibly powerful gusts of wind, you can create and control short and sharp bursts of air that can cut through cliffs of stone.
The battle between you and Todoroki was a cruel one, where your quirk sliced through his protective walls of ice and littered him in various lacerations.
However, it was Todoroki who ended the fight victoriously after managing to forcefully kick you out of bounds after feinting an ice shield and propelling himself into the air as you did.
You had refused to look at him as Present Mic announced his victory over the speakers, keeping your head down as you trudged your way from the field, not bothering to see Recovery Girl before taking seat in the stands.
You ended up coming in third, but when you went home at the end of the day you cried in your brother's arms about the events. Inasa could only hold you tighter with pain filled eyes when you started to scratch at your soul words.
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Silently, you damned the world around you.
In any other circumstance, you would be absolutely petrified at your own morbid thoughts, but desperate times called for desperate cussing.
Not only had you and the rest of class 1-A faced one too many debacles so early on in your schooling, but each time without fail you were in someway, somehow, paired alongside Todoroki.
Group projects saw you put in an assignment with Todoroki and a couple others. Training saw you either fighting alongside or against the dual haired boy. And, possibly worst of all, Midoriya and the others took a liking to Todoroki's company (like, how!?) so now he'd started sitting with your lunch squad. Also, you have dorms now.
Eventually, you gave up trying to perk up and find your way around things, but you were just so tired now. And over it.
So you shut up.
With Todoroki in vicinity, you didn't say a word.
If you noticed him approaching, you would calmly turn yourself around and walk away.
You began excusing yourself from lunch and would grab something small from the vending machines before taking a long stroll around campus.
Your soul words had been itching painfully, so you started to keep a cooling patch on it to stop yourself from scabbing it anymore than you already have.
But every third or so day, you'd call your brother and cry about it.
About how much it hurt. About how irritating the micro scars were. About how the skin the words were etched on were ever so red and swollen and pulsing. You wanted to tear off the skin and be rid of it.
Inasa panicked at that one.
But you did nothing of the sort, you knew how low your pain threshold was anyway. That much was evident with your whining from a few scratches.
Tsu was the one who noticed you withdrawing the most, but you just brushed off the subject and changed it.
The Provisional Hero License Course was where it clicked for your closest friends. When they saw you reunite with your brother, they were surprised at how much... louder, he was than you.
But also at his uniquely polite mannerisms towards others his same age. Although, that part kind of made sense to them, seeing as your classmates had also witnessed that from you.
The first trial was fun, at least you thought so. Apparently, Inasa had talked you up to the point his own classmates (and hence, also your opponents) decided to leave you alone lest they face his nagging. You did have some trouble with a couple other schools, but you passed pretty early on.
It was at the final trial that it all went down hill.
You were successful in rescuing many of the false civilians in the debre, and you knowledge on their injuries and acting manner impressed many of them.
When Gang Orca and his croonies started attacking, you switched from rescue to defense as it was better suited for you quirk.
It just so happened that your brother and Todoroki also made that choice, however, clashed in their tactics.
"Inasa!" You'd called out after sending an onslaught of wind blades towards a line of crooks, "pick your fight elsewhere!"
But his eyes remained locked on Todoroki who was positioned opposite him from Gang Orca. A passionate anger fuels him on your behalf, and he couldn't pass up the opportunity to show up Endeavour's son and put him in his place for wronging his kin.
"What is your issue?" Todoroki finally called, frustrated at his continuously foiled efforts from his very much one sided feud.
"My issue," Inasa growled, sending a hurricane off to the side to gather up concrete and Gang Orca's accomplices, "is your issue with [name]!"
"What?" Todoroki frowned incredulously, not taking his attention off their main opponent.
"Inasa!" You snapped. He ignored you.
"We barely even talk."
Todoroki dodged a flying boulder.
"They're suffering because of you!" Inasa summoned another gust to throw Gang Orca off balance, but it's only intercepted by Todoroki's flame, "if you weren't so uptight and entitled--"
Your eyes widened, "Inasa--"
He let out a battle cry when his attack once again gets interrupted.
"--then maybe you'd have even a decent chance with a soulmate who aleady deserves WAY BETTER THAN YOU!"
Todoroki's attention wavered.
"--he doesn't know!"
Inasa's whirlwind stopped, and his heart dropped. Todoroki's gaze darted to your panicked form, eyes widening as he spied the inked skin on your left thigh from your torn costume.
He made eye contact with you, and everything seemed to stop.
Fear and shock painted your features, and both your lips and throat are dry from horror at the revelation your brother had dropped.
Todoroki's right wrist tingled pleasantly despite the terror filled words you uttered.
"...You weren't supposed to know."
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Inasa and Todoroki failed to pass in the end.
Along with a few others, but they were lucky to be offered remedial courses.
You weren't so lucky though.
Well, you passed. But it wasn't long before your soulmate situation became common knowledge. On one hand, unsuspecting classmates came up to you to congratulate you on bagging the grade's pretty boy.
On the other, your friends knew better about it.
After all, Todoroki had been sitting with you guys for lunch and hanging out at many other points in time throughout the year.
You made the conscious effort to stay back from everyone when it was time to leave, spying your brother and some others from Shiketsu talking to Todoroki and your class.
You'd said bye to him earlier, though a bit gruffer than usual becuse of his mishap. You saw him bow lowly to everyone, speaking a few more words to your dual haired soulmate before you had to depart.
You sat beside Koda on the way back, knowing he wouldn't say much on the situation. You didn't miss the stressed and concerned glances he sent you though.
In the following days you dodged your friends like bullets--barely.
It didn't seem like Todoroki wanted to talk to you anyway, and it was easy enough to avoid him after school due to his remedial classes.
Inasa had apologised to you profusely afterwards, decidedly giving you part of his allowance to spend on your favourite drinks and snacks to earn redemption. You tried to give him the cold shoulder at first, but when his eyes had started watering you were quick to tear up with him and gave in.
You didn't bother approaching him on the subject of Todoroki again. You felt stressed enough that they shared their remedial class, and a bit guilty that one of the reasons for your brother's failure was because of your coulmate issue, though he didn't see it like that.
Since the hero licence course, your friends had been subtly poking at you to find out about your soulmate predicament.
Uraraka was intent on listening to your side of things, so she managed to squeeze out a few details from you. Iida was intent on you confronting Todoroki, which you sternly refuting facticiously that Todoroki didn't care anyway.
Midoriya was similar to Iida, though in a much more roundabout way. He wanted to listen like Uraraka did, but you also knew how much closer to Todoroki he was, so you kept your mouth shut with him.
At some points, Momo chatted with you between classes to piece things out on her own. It was unlike her to get involved, but you noticed while she didn't push you to talk to Todoroki, she made sure to address him in a positive light.
Tsu scared you the most.
She had cornered you (again) and made you fess up everything one night after everyone dispersed after dinner. You ended up bawling in front of your door from the stress of it all, and Tsuyu had panicked as she tried to calm you down. Talking to her lifted a weight off your chest, but it also made you relive all those repressed feelings of longing and anger and hurt. You cried yourself to sleep that night.
Damnit, Tsu.
The day that your brother finished his remedial classes, it all seemed to change.
Despite you teetering around the topic of your soulmate with Inasa, he suddenly seemed... invigorated?
Well, he normally is. But, it was different this time.
When he finally got his provisional hero licence, he called you and started yapping about the positively riveting tale of his harrows, before eventually cooling down to address the issue about Todoroki.
At first, your brows had furrowed in concern when Inasa talked light about his interactions with Endeavour's son, which eventually turned into praise about his skill and his ethic.
"Since his quirk worked so well with mine," Inasa had started, "there's no doubt that you two'd pair together perfectly!"
You almost hung up on his strange change in character.
Inasa had planted a seed. And your friends continued to nurture it.
The school festival was right around the corner, and gave everyone an excuse to hang out. At the suggestion of a performance, you'd bounded right up with Ashido to make up a dance, the two of you giggling and wiggling around in front of everyone in excitement.
When you caught sight of Todoroki watching you with a meticulously blank stare, you winced and shrunk back, looking back at Ashido with a lesser smile than moments before.
After most of the band had been decided (courtesy of Jirou), the topic of special effects took everyone's attention.
"Hold up, how's this for an idea!?" Ashido took the reigns once more.
"Uraraka makes Todoroki and Kirishima float! And then, Kirishima chops at Todoroki's ice and sends it flying! Then, Aoyama can be a mirror ball, and all the light twinkling off him and the ice will make it look like it's raining stardust!"
"You know," Momo intercepted, thumb and index finger beneath her chin, "[name]'s quirk would actually be perfect for that. Instead, Uraraka could make [name] and Todoroki float, that way, with the suble manipulation of [name]'s quirk, the movements would be much more fluid, and they could continue the dance routine in the air."
"Oh! That's a great idea!" Ashido beamed.
You felt a cold sweat break down the back of your neck.
"Indeed, that would be much more effective!" Iida stiffened, but blatantly ignored you when you spun around with a disbelieving glare.
That settled your schedule for the festival preparations. When the class wasn't practicing together for the dance, everyone was split into their groups for their assigned tasks.
You were positively sweating at the prospect of speaking with Todoroki--but you didn't want to let the others down.
It was the first time you would talked to him since the incident, and the second time actually talking to him altogether. You stuggled to meet his eyes first time around, his gaze intense with slow, cat like blinks.
You started the discussion, stictly about your parts in the performance, which he only ever added to when necessary, otherwise he was busy observing you.
It was only after scurrying away that you processed how amicable he and patient he was, simply waiting unperturbed as you gathered your thoughts and piping up gingerly when your ideas needed a nudge.
But you digress, it was strictly business.
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At least, it was for you.
For some reason, Todoroki took that initial conversation as an ice breaker of sorts, and immediately started seeking you out for things pertaining to more than just the school festival.
When you sat down at lunch the next day, he made a point of sitting right beside you with a bottle of one of your favourite sodas that the vending machine had ran out of when you checked. You couldn't help but pout at the sight of it before turning back to your food.
Your sad bottle of unopened water was then swiftly stolen from your tray right in front of you, and then quickly replaced by the carbonated drink you oh so desired.
You straightened in surprise, looking to your left only to see Todoroki slurping up his soba undisturbed.
You hazarded a look across the table and spot Uraraka and Midoriya still with wide eyes and Iida biting back a small knowing smile. You glance at Tsu beside you, and she blinks slowly with each eye individually.
Todoroki sat beside you at dinner too, but not before having taken your plate and filled it with parts of the meal that you liked most, ensuring you got first serve before sitting down.
A few seats across and down from you, you saw Momo cover her mouth with a light chuckle.
The dual quirk boy also volunteered to clean up with you, though that only really consisted of him shadowing you in the kitchen as you put away the clean dishes.
You worried at first. Not that you really thought he'd do anything to you, but after having avoided each other for so long it was... nerve wracking.
Since you were used to keeping your mouth shut around him, it was kind of hard to break that habit.
In class when you yapped to the others, you could spy him staring at you from your peripherals. If you went out of your way to seek someone out, he would watch you converse intently.
You only really talked to him again at the next rehearsal for the festival, but he sat with you once more at both lunch and dinner. You had an inkling that you had no choice in the matter.
He was quietly stubborn.
The cycle continued for the upcoming weeks, the school festival drawing closer and closer. He'd started initiating small talk with you during lunch, and he'd lean a bit closer to engage with you at dinner. Gradually, you started talking to him on your own--and really, he wasn't that bad.
To be fair though, having your soulmate reject you before they even knew you was hurtful.
But you did also carry the guilt of having not spoken up. Still, he obviously didn't want anything to do with you.
You figured he didn't care about the whole soulmate debacle, so you put that behind you and focused on making subtle amends for ignoring him.
Sure, the thought about the rejection still stung a bit, but what was there to do? Todoroki wasn't making a fuss, so neither would you.
Your soul words didn't itch as much anymore.
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It's now the day of the school festival, and you are buzzing with nerves. Sure, practicing the dance and details with your classmates was fun, but now, you actually had to put that plan in motion.
But you refuse to let it dampen your mood!
You gotta keep the energy up for everyone else! Though some of your friends were ecstatic, others such as Midoriya and Jirou look just about ready to keel over.
Todoroki hadn't really left you side all morning--you did drag him out to practice your moves one last time though, before your nerves got shot and you stiffened.
He kept up with you bouncing around and checking in on everyone, and helped you set up wherever you offered your assistance. When he noticed your energy already starting to deplete he turned around to retrieve a tangerine, a small packet of cookies, and a bottle of your favourite flavour of fruit infused water.
You couldn't stop your knee from jumping up and down anxiously, even when he firmly sat you down on a set of stairs outside the gymnasium.
You made sure to distract yourself by babbling about all the preparations so your stress wouldn't overwhelm you, Todoroki standing beside you peeling the tangerine as he listens.
"--the box nearly tipped, so the streamers would've gone everywhere, but Shoji caught it before it did, so it was fine. Also, the sign Denki made was spelled wrong, but Momo did something so it actually looks like it was meant to be that way--"
Todoroki crouches down in front of you, holding out a meticulously peeled tangerine slice that he feeds you when you open your mouth.
"--Mmf," You lick your lips, "thanks. Momo's super resourceful that way, which is cool. Iida's similar, I think, but he lacks the creative capacity she has."
He feeds you another piece.
"--Uraraka's getting nervous, I can tell. But Mina's been hyping her up, so I think she'll be okay. Also, have you seen Midoriya? He might've gone to the bathroom but it's been so long... oh, also, Ojiro needs help setting up the synthesizer since Jirou's busy with the mics. Then we need to do a sound check."
"Drink this."
Todoroki pops open the bottled drink, watching intently to make sure you get your fill. When you go to talk again he tips the bottle back up to your lips for another sip before nodding contently.
"Mm!" You perk up, more energised now, "I love that flavour."
A smile tugs at his lips, "I know."
"Thanks for helping me with that ladder by the way, I didn't see Hagakure when I was walking with it--no pun intended. I would've wacked her with it if you weren't there."
When you're done with the tangerine (rejecting his offer of the last few slices, which he then eats instead) he opens the packet of cookies.
He hands it to you absentmindedly when you make a quick grab for it, the processed sugar and chocolate bits being much more appetizing than fruit.
"Oh, I love this brand!"
Todoroki watches you fondly as you munch down two at a time, nodding off handedly at your statement.
As you continue your ramblings, your nerves gradually lessen--as does the amount of cookies. When he offers you the drink again he spots a smudge of chocolate on the lower corner of your lips and gently grips your chin with his hand to thumb at it.
He pays no heed to your sudden silence as he cleans your face, humming contently when the tiny mess is gone and leaning back casually.
You blink at him.
"What was that."
You frown, "That."
"Don't worry too much," Todoroki ignores you in favour of addressing your prior anxious babbling, "the performance will go fine. Everyone's worked really hard too. We'll do well."
He kisses you on the cheek.
You feel faint.
"What was that."
"What?" Todoroki blinks stupidly.
The change in his features is subtle, but he almost looks like he's pouting, "Did you not like it?"
Your face burns, and you frown at him, "Don't copy me. You need to answer my question."
"But you didn't answer mine?"
The sheer audacity of this man to tilt his head at you after a move like that.
"You... You kissed me!"
"You didn't like it." He comes to the conclusion with the look akin to a kicked puppy.
"I-I didn't say that!"
"What do you like then?" His face is carefully stilled as he watches you with round eyes, "what do soulmates normally do?"
"Stop that!"
His head bows, "You still didn't answer my question.."
"You've... soulmates!?" Your heart thrums in your chest, and a rush of feeling threatens to overwhelm you, "you want to be my soulmate?!"
His carefully placed mask breaks into surprise at your outburst.
"Of course I do," His eyes pierce into you like you've said something strange, "why wouldn't I?"
Your mouth drops in shock and disbelief, "B-Because! You said," your hand rests over the covered words encripted onto your thigh, "you're not here to make friends..."
"Oh," He has the decency to look ashamed, "sorry. I didn't know those were your words. Is that why you didn't want me to know?"
"Well, duh! I thought you rejected me!" You huff, taking an angry sip from your tasty water, "Inasa really didn't like you then, you know."
He breathes out a laugh, "I realise."
He watches you adoringly, and when you glance at him you're suddenly all too aware of his closeness. As your lips part from the rim of your bottled drink you're reminded of his chivalrous acts from the weeks prior.
You had thought he was being weird, but you also didn't really care to get to know him before then. Whereas he, on the other hand, did attempt polite conversation when he first started sitting with your group at lunch. He was also civil with you whenever you were paired together for anything.
You suddenly felt awful.
"What about now?" Todoroki's voice pulls you out of your pit of self-deprication, "what do you think? Do... would you like me to be your soulmate?"
When you look at him knelt before you, a subtle pink flush on his cheeks and an almost unnoticable nervous shake in his otherwise placid tone, you can't help but swell with happiness and relief.
You decide to pay him back with a kiss on his scarred cheek, and he takes in a sharp breath.
Your cheeks ache with how wide you smile at him, "More than anything."
As it turns out, you would get your happy ending after all.
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barblaz-arts · 6 months
Fellow Chaggie shipper, here and I wanted to ask you a question. Could you please do an analysis post on the Chaggie argument from Hello Rosie. I know this will sound weird but I can't get over the level of icy anger Charlie had towards Vaggie or how despite everything going on, Charlie is more hurt from Vaggie not being honest with her. Just angst all around.
Oh yeah sure I'd love to!
I'm not sure there's a lot I can say about that argument that isn't already super obvious, so I wanna talk about Charlie's anger because of something my brother said as we watched episode 7. He loved that episode apparently because "When they're separated, it's even more obvious that Charlie is the one who's more quick to lose her cool." Which, looking back, is actually true!(To an extent)
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Vaggie and Charlie are both quite quick to anger. Charlie is just better at hiding it because she's a chronic people pleaser. Although Charlie wouldn't immediately show her anger at a person being a jerk to her specifically, she's immediately summoning fire and brimstone over anyone who hurts/insults her friends or the cause she's fighting for.
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Love this lil bit in "You Didn't Know". How Vaggie is the one telling Charlie to calm down, as if she knows what's about to happen. She knows that if she doesn't at least try to reel in her girl Charlie would be spitting literal fire at a goddamn seraphim.
It would seem like such a surprising role reversal, but if you look at all the times Charlie would lose it whenever Vaggie's not there to tell her "babe, chill", then it makes sense.
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But then when their fallout happens, Charlie's short temper is even more apparent. She calls Alastor an asshole to his face even though she considered choosing his support over her father's. She openly glares and rolls her eyes at Rosie when she jokes that her and Alastor look like an item even though she still kept things cordial with Valentino after he licked her arm. She flips the bird at some old lady even though she didn't take visible offense at all the demons that inserted their crude and rude selves in "Happy Day in Hell." While she was cold and subdued even when upset with Vaggie, she was explosive and in ur face when she was pissed at everyone else.
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Vaggie reigned in both the girl in Charlie who dreams a little too big and the demon who's waiting to lash out in flames. It really makes me wonder if there's a difference in the kind of person Charlie used to be before Vaggie. Before she had friends to be angry on behalf of and a person to calm her down. And then, in the wake of their argument, Charlie is left with a lot of anger that is easy to ignite.
But I love love love that despite all that anger, Charlie can't bring herself to deny that she loves Vaggie with all of her hurt heart.
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This little moment is one of my favorite parts in the series. My brother mentioned that this episode and episode three were his favorites because he liked the beats the dialogues followed. So he looked back--
(the man literally paused the episode to check the opening credits of ep 7 and 3. I was a little annoyed because I just wanted my Chaggie dammit! We'd make terrible youtube reactors with all the pausing and discussing mid-episode that we do...)
--and was satisfied to see that it was written by the same person, Ariel Ladensohn. Apparently she's in a sapphic relationship too and projected her own experiences whenever she wrote Vaggie and Charlie, and it must have paid off because the moments she wrote with them felt so real.
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Charlie expressing her fear that even Vaggie's support and love could also be part of the lies she told was understandable considering the betrayal she felt. But immediately following that she goes "Oh that's a horrible to thing to think!" which I love even more. Even when she's understandably mad she thinks about how Vaggie would feel over Charlie thinking that of her. Because although Vaggie lied about who she is, Vaggie was always sincere about how she felt for Charlie. Vaggie's past may have been a lie, but the things she did for, to, and on behalf of Charlie were very real and held dear in Charlie's heart.
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I dont have anything smart to say to conclude this. Sorry, I'm not even sure where I went here. Let's all just appreciate the smile Charlie has on her face when she thinks about Vaggie even when she's under a lot of stress I guess.
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just thinking about how Jason grace had his entire life molded from the day he was born, nothing in his life was authentic, even his own name was an offering to appease a goddess.
he also died being so distant from everyone he knew (don't get me wrong, I know he was friends with the 7, but If I'm being realistic here and go by canon, only Leo and Nico were actually "close" with Jason, and maybe Percy a bit) I mean, Annabeth took a long time to warm up to Jason and didn't trust him, Hazel never quite forgave jason for mistrusting nico (I'm still a lil bitter about this one lol bc she easily forgave Leo simply bc he's Sammy's great grandkid, and Leo's kinda the one who initiated the suspicion in the first place yet she got so mad at Jason for simply laying out the arguments and exerting caution?? Yeah I know she was upset that her brother was in danger but she never even gave Jason a chance even after nicos rescue, I'm not tryna blame Leo or anything but I think they BOTH should've been forgiven equally, esp since Jason's encouragement in house of hades fuelled nico to break out of his shell), Frank saw of Jason as more of a hero and looked up to him (still avenged his death tho so big W), Piper dumped him and canonically was outwardly bitchy/a little hostile to him after the breakup.
EVEN coach hedge and mellie were such jerks to him bc they assumed HE dumped Piper. Still wished Piper made it clear to them that the break up wasn't Jason's fault but ofc she didnt. TOA Piper is such an L
He never saw Leo again and never got to spend the summer with Nico in camp half blood like he planned to. His dad is a jackass and didn't shed a single tear at his death, his sister had her own life and he felt like she didn't need him anymore.
Reyna, Jason's childhood friend grew distant from him bc of her romantic feelings + the whole Venus mess (which is no fault of her's tho, mind you)
He never felt "at home" in camp Jupiter even after he got his memory back because all he did over there was military duties.
I don't think he got his full memory back properly either because, Percy had the gorgons blood but he didn't. I'm speculating this because he still felt very disconnected to Camp Jupiter and Rome.
He never got to do what he wanted, and even if he succeeded in defeating Caligula, jason STILL never would've gotten freedom, since he promised the minor gods that he'd build temples on their behalfs, and was Prontifex Maximus. He made a diorama and everything.
His Greek friends never made it to his funeral. They never got to say goodbye.
and as Apollo noted, he died with his fingers pointing, like he was still telling them all to escape without him. His chest was spewing out blood and jason still plucked up the energy to tell tempest to get Apollo and Piper to safety.
Jason Grace was born a Roman soldier, and died a Roman soldier, full circle. He never became a grandpa to his and piper's grandchildren like he wanted to.
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fluentmoviequoter · 7 months
We've Got a Problem
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!fiancée!reader
Summary: When you get arrested on Tim's day off, you have to call someone to get you out of jail. Tim doesn't answer when you call, but when he finds out what happened, he makes it a bigger problem.
Warnings: grumpy!Tim, fluff, mentions of homicide and drug trafficking; reader doesn't commit any crimes, so misunderstanding?
Word Count: 1.1k+ words
Picture from Pinterest
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You can't decide what's funnier: that you are in police custody, that the arresting officers refused to believe that you are Tim Bradford's significant other, or that Tim isn't answering his phone.
When you switch tactics to call Wesley Evers instead of Tim, you decide that the last option is the funniest part of this ordeal.
"Hey," Wesley answers.
"This isn't a personal call," you begin with a chuckle. "Would you believe me if I said I'm currently being detained at LAPD Mid-Wilshire division on suspicion of a triple homicide and drug possession?"
"I really hope for Tim's sake you're joking."
"I'm not. I need a lawyer, Wesley. But I also need to ask you to find Tim to get me out. No one here will believe that he's my fiancé and he's not answering my calls."
"Can't imagine why they're so sure he's single. I'll get him down there and ask for the evidence. We'll get this thrown out, don't worry."
"I'll stop worrying when I'm out of here. Thank you, Wesley."
“Don’t hang up, I’m patching Tim in.”
“What do you want, Wesley?” Tim asks when the line connects.
“I want to know why you answer for him but not for me,” you interject.
Tim says your name before asking, “Where are you?”
“Jail,” you and Wesley answer together.
“What? Which station?”
“That’s your question?” Wesley replies. "Not what she did?"
“Your station,” you answer. “And I’d like to go home.”
“I’m on my way. Wesley, talk to me.”
“They’ve got her on suspicion of homicide and drug trafficking. Angela sent me part of the case file and it seems like you fit the physical description of the suspect, but that’s it. I have no doubt we can get this thrown out by the end of the day.”
“Tim, I’m sorry,” you offer. “I know it’s your day off.”
“At least it’s a good story,” he grumbles.
“Tim, I may have told a few cops that I’m your fiancée. They didn’t believe me, but I- I’m sorry for telling them.”
“Fantastic. I’m hanging up, I’ll be inside in a minute.”
“How mad is he really?” Wesley asks.
“I don’t think I want to know. Maybe I should’ve just asked you to come.”
“Good luck.”
Tim yells your name when he walks into the holding area. He looks at you as you stand, walking to the cell door as another officer unlocks it.
“I’m really sorry,” you whisper as you step out.
“Later,” Tim answers, gesturing for you to follow him.
You walk behind Tim and the officer, waiting by Tim’s side as he completes paperwork.
“And what’s your relationship?” the officer behind the desk asks.
“I’m her fiancé,” Tim answers.
The officer raises his eyebrows but nods as he slides a paper to Tim. Tim carries the paper in one hand, raising his other arm to direct you into a nearby office.
“Sergeant Grey, a word?” Tim asks.
“Sure. Who’s your friend?”
You say your name, shaking Sergeant Grey’s hand.
“My fiancée. Celina and Nolan just booked her on suspicion for Lopez’s case.”
Sergeant Grey presses his lips together but fails to hide his smile as he begins laughing, leaning backward while he wipes an amused tear from his eye.
“Let me guess, you told them that you’re with Bradford and they didn’t believe you.”
“Uh, exactly,” you answer, surprised at how quickly he determined what happened.
“I’ll talk to Nolan,” Grey promises.
“I can do it,” Tim responds.
“No, Bradford, I’ll handle it. It won’t happen again.”
“It better not, or I’ll intervene.”
“I’m sorry,” Grey tells you. “The charges won’t be filed, so you’re not going to be impacted other than the inconvenience this afternoon. I apologize on behalf of the entire department.”
“It’s not a problem,” you answer softly.
“It is a problem,” Tim says before exiting the office. “Nolan!”
“Tim,” you call, rushing out after him. “What’re you doing? They didn’t even believe me about you.”
“Not the biggest problem. Nolan!”
“Uh, yes?” Nolan asks, glancing over Tim’s shoulder at you.
“You arrested my fiancée on a completely baseless allegation. Because she looks a bit like a suspect in a huge case. That is not good police work, that’s being lazy and making connections where there are none.”
“Unless you’re about to apologize, stop talking. Care to explain why you heard my name and didn’t do anything?”
“She claimed to be your fiancée. What was I supposed to do, just believe who I thought was a suspect in numerous felony cases?”
“Doesn’t sound like an apology.”
“What are you so mad about? I did my job.”
“You did what you think your job is. As a TO, it is on you to make sure Celina is prepared to do her job without you. Bringing people in because they fit what is possibly the most generic physical description ever is not being a good officer.”
“This doesn’t sound like letting me handle it,” Grey says, stepping out of his office.
Tim clenches his jaw before pointing at Nolan. “For the record, she is my fiancée and I will not forget this.”
“You have a fiancée?” Nyla asks as she stops in the middle of the bullpen. “Wait, are you the one who got brought in for Angela’s felonies? The one who called Wesley?”
“Yeah,” you answer, supplying your name as you introduce yourself.
“Oh, this story needs to be told.”
“Don’t,” Tim warns.
Nyla pulls her phone from her pocket, smiling as she types. “Too late.”
“So much for my day off,” Tim grumbles.
“I got arrested today, and you had a long day?” you ask.
“We’re leaving.”
Tim leads you to his truck, sighing as he sits back in the driver’s seat.
“Don’t apologize again. I’m not mad at you, for anything. Just… this is so stupid,” Tim concludes, smiling as he laughs.
“You’re telling me. Although Nolan and Juarez got a good laugh out of the idea of you having a fiancée.”
“I don’t think that’s funny,” Tim responds. “I think I just got very lucky.”
You smile, leaning across the console to kiss Tim.
“Excuse me, you’re parked in a tow-away zone. Tim?” an officer asks through the open window. She gasps before asking, “Is this your fiancèe?”
“Bye, Chen.”
Tim pulls out before she can say anything else, and you laugh at his dramatic sigh.
“Can you stay out of trouble for the rest of my day off?” he asks.
“I may need some incentive.”
“Then spend it with me. Not calling Wesley Evers from a jail cell.”
You take Tim’s hand and smile. He brushes his thumb over your knuckles, keeping you close as he drives to his house.
"Wait, we should take a picture," Tim says after parking in his driveway.
"For what?"
"To commemorate your first arrest."
You roll your eyes but smile anyway. Tim takes the picture, and when he looks down to see how it turned out, you cup his face in your hands and kiss him. While he's thoroughly distracted, you try to grab his phone, but he moves it before pulling you closer. Maybe getting arrested and letting Tim's coworkers know he's engaged wasn't all bad.
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bugsmunched · 2 months
"My man💕" - Logan Howlett x Trans! Man! Reader!
Summary: Logan is very upset on Readers behalf after a visit to his transphobic parents.
Tw: TRANSPHOBIA, reader uses he/him pronouns, reader is AFAB, reader has transphobic parents, reader has internalized transphobia, reader is trans and has been out for several years, Logan is very mad on readers behalf, grumpy Logan, sweet fluff
WC: 1,231
Requests are open! I'm specifically hyperfixated on Deadpool and Wolverine rn but I'm also working on a Charles Xavier x Male reader x Erik lensherr fic!
Sorry if this is bad lol, it's a little self indulgent and I also wrote it at work in one day without proof reading it.
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Logan was fuming when you both came home - but not at you, no never at you. He was mad for you this time, nostrils flared as the door slammed shut behind him.
“Lo’ I told you it's fin-”
“It's not fine Y/n. It's far from fine. “ Logan growled, tossing his jacket onto a nearby chair.
The two of you had just returned from your parents house – you were introducing Logan to your parents. He knew that they weren't the most accepting in the whole world, but what you hadn't told him is that they still refused to gender you correctly, even after being on HRT for several years.
“They're always like that, Logan, it's fine, really. “ You tried to reassure your grumpy boyfriend , but to no avail.
“How is that fine?! They dead-named you repeatedly! “
You could feel yourself beginning to become upset from the dinner, but not Logan's behavior. He was justified in his anger, but you were just tired. Tired of your parents' ignorance and hateful actions. You let out a sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes for a moment. This whole night was giving you a headache. “It's just who they are, Logan. They're still my parents. “
“Still your parents?! Fuck that. They don't deserve to talk to you, and they definitely don't deserve your attention.”
You swallowed back some tears as you collapsed onto the couch, holding your head in your hands. “just drop it.” You muttered quietly, staring at the floor, avoiding Logan's watchful gaze.
Logan opened his mouth to speak again but turned to look at you, his heart dropping at the sight. “I didn't mean to upset you, sweetheart. “ He said softly, his tone switching up in an instant. He walked around to the front of the couch and kneeled in front of you, cautiously placing a hand on your knee.
“You're fine Logan. You have every right to be upset. You have every right to be angry at my parents…and at me.”
“Be mad at you? Sweetheart, why on earth, this one or any other, would I be mad at you??” He asked, suddenly very concerned.
“ Because I didn't tell you the truth…and because I just let it happen…every time. I just let them misgender me. I have no backbone…” You muttered dejectedly.
“Oh my handsome boy…look at me. “ he whispered softly as he slipped a finger under your chin, making you look at him. Your eyes were glossed over as you held back tears.
“I would never ever blame you for this. This is not your fault. Your parents’ stupidity is not your fault, it never has been and never will be. You had hoped that they would behave themselves for a guest…but it is not your fault that behaved so badly. “ He said as he moved his hand up, cupping your cheek gently. He rubbed your cheek with his coarse thumb, watching as you hesitantly leaned into his touch.
“I'm sorry for getting so upset and causing a scene at dinner. I didn't mean to embarrass your mother like that, sweetheart. I just couldn't take it anymore.” He apologized sincerely, his voice calm and gentle. “ I just don't understand how they could look at you, my handsome baby boy, and honestly call you a girl. I mean they might've just as well called me ‘she’ and referred to me as like Anne or some shit. “
That made you laugh, just a little bit, which made your gruff boyfriend smile. “ There he is…there's my boy. “ He said encouragingly.
You sniffled a little bit, nuzzling into his rough, calloused hand. “ they're right though…I'm not a ‘real man’. And I never will be…”
“I'm sorry. What?” Logan asked, pulling his hand away from your face, standing up. “ They told you that?” His voice became rough, his breathing became heavy. You whined a little bit at the loss of his warm hand pressed against your skin.
“Yeah they've like…told me that every time I see them. They want to make sure that I know I'm not a real man. That I'm just an imposter. “
You could see Logan's eyes darken, his hands tensing as his claws threatened to slip free as he loomed over you. “That's it. No one tells my boy that. I don't care if they're your parents. They need to be taught a lesson- cause what they're spitting is horse shit. ��
“Calm down! “ You said quickly, standing up and placing a hand on his shoulder. “Just, calm down Logan. “ He could see panic in your eyes, and instantly his muscles relaxed.
“Sorry, sweetheart, I got a little carried away there. “ He muttered softly, flexing his hands gently to relax them so his claws would appear. He rubbed the back of his neck a bit sheepishly. “ But seriously, what they're spitting is horse shit. You are a real man, I mean just look at you. “ He gestured to your body, letting his gaze wander a little bit.
“You're just saying that because you're my boyfriend, you feel like you have to. But they're right…” you muttered, shying away from his piercing gaze.
“No. “ He growled a little bit, but he wasn't growling at you, just the meaning of your words. They frustrated him, to know that you didn't perceive yourself as a “real man” - if there even was such a thing as a real man. He grabbed your face with both of his hands, forcing you to look up at him since you were now both standing. “Sweetheart, in no world are your parents correct about that. Not this universe or any other. Just because you weren't born in a man's body does not make you any less of a man. There is no blueprint for what makes a man, you make your own blueprint. You're a real man, you just happen to be a self made man. “ He said softly, stroking the sides of your face.
You nuzzled into his hands once more, eyes fluttering shut for hair a moment. “ Do you mean it Logan?” You asked softly, worried that he was lying about the whole thing. You always worried if he perceived you as a man in your relationship. You always worried that he only treated you with love because he truly saw you as a woman.
You had shared some of those thoughts with him in the past, and just like now he shut that down immediately. There was absolutely no chance he was going to let you think that he didn't see you as what you are : a man.
“Of course I mean it, baby. You're my man after all, and why would I lie to my man?” He asked softly as he pulled you close to his chest, your chest pressing flush against him. You could hear his heartbeat, steady as ever.
After a few moments of silence, with your face buried in his chest, Logan missed the top of your head gently before beginning to stroke your hair softly. “Can we make a deal though?”
“What kind of deal, Lo?”
“If we ever go over to your parents house I get to curse them out. “
You chuckled a little bit and nodded against his chest. “ I can deal with that…”
Silence fell over the room once again, the two of you intertwined in a tight embrace.
“Thank you, Logan. “
“No problem, sweetheart. “
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dark-night-hero · 4 months
Imagine being Gen Narumi's significant other.
Imagine being the oldest child of the Shinomiya family as well as one of the strongest troops within the JAKDF but unlike others who goes on teams and squads, you prefer going alone. That was until he came along, Gen Narumi. Looking back, he was really an annoying piece of shit. "What are you thinking about?" There was the sound of his console all over his room. "Thinking how annoying you actually are." You sigh, started picking up trash in his office room. "Too bad for you. I'm your annoying bastard fore- AHHHHH MY RANK!"
Imagine attending interviews on his behalf, only to get mad you for getting all the attention he should be getting. In the end you could only roll your eyes at him as you toss him a parcel box. "Are you an idiot? If you want to get some attention then why don't you attend them yourself? It wasn't even as bad as you thought em to be." "How tiring." "Hurry up and open that shit, let's play." To be honest, he was not mad for the attention are getting, rather he was annoyed and the malicious comments on the internet about you and does not know what to feel about the people saying how attractive you are.
Imagine, the two of you never really had a sweet relationship. After all, the two of you started off as competitive idiots going for each others throat into lovers constantly going for each other throats. The competition on who was the strongers never went away. It was the two of you who kept hyping each other up as if that was your love language and maybe it was. So when you father died while you were away the country doing some solo missiom somewhere in the pacific. He just stand there next to you. You knew how important you father to him, he was both your mentor and to Gen, he was almost a father figure. So he stand there right next to you, fingers intertwined as if it was enough, because it is. It was enough.
"I request for backup, what are you doing here?" He raise a brow at you as he was busy taking down a huge ass kaiju. "I am the back up, Gen." "The acting commander down on the battle field themselves? Don't you have some other business to do?" "I was bored sitting down behind the scene. Being in here is much better." You laugh before approaching him and grabbing him by the cheeks. "Take care of yourself better dumbass." You wipe away the remaining blood marks on his cheeks. "Don't die before me."
[ⓒdark-night-hero] 2024°
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tpwk-formula1 · 5 days
Kimi Antonelli. I would like to have my pizza with coliflower crust(grumpy reader) with Alfredo sauce. Now for the toppings, maybe with basil, broccoli and Gouda cheese. And for my drink sprite and truly. Maybe mt dew (sub reader) and yes aftercare. THANK U MY LOVE❤️❤️❤️
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Lee-Lee's Pizzeria Menu
cauliflower crust sunshine x grumpy Alfredo sweet sex basil "I love to watch my cum leak from your pretty pussy" broccoli "Made just for me huh?" gouda “Slow down? You just told me to speed up, make up your mind silly girl” sprite size kink truly belly bulge mt dew dom/sub dessert yes served by Kimi Antonelli
Kimi x Grumpy! reader
TW - riding cock, belly bulge, size kink, missionary, unprotected sex, creampie
WC 1400+
"Why are you so moody today," Kimi whispered into my ear while pinching my thigh is a "behave yourself" manner.
"I'm not," I snapped whispering back getting more annoyed with my boyfriend. He just rolls his eyes at me before turning his attention back to the rest of the table and joining in on their conversation leaving me to wallow in my own annoyance at my boyfriend.
"Are you good?" Ollie asks keeping his volume down so only I can hear him.
"I'm fine, why does everyone think I'm not," I whisper back at him letting him be on the receiving end of a verbal lashing. I cringe slightly when I realize Kimi had heard me snap at Ollie making him pinch my thigh a little harder.
"I mean you're normally pretty "grumpy" but today you have this look in your eye like you wanna destroy the world," Ollie whispers softly. I just shrug and we leave the conversation there.
He was right though, Kimi had always been the golden retriever boyfriend and I was the typical "black cat" girlfriend, which wasn't necessarily false but Kimi knew the truth. It was just a way to protect myself not wanting too many people getting too close to me, but Kimi spent years working on breaking my walls down, and here we are years later still going as strong as ever. As for the modd I'm in today, it's everyone else's comments on Kimi's F1 announcement that has me wanting to "destroy the world" or whatever Ollie said.
When the dinner wrapped up Kimi and I go back to his hotel room where he finally gets the answers he was looking for.
"It's just unfair Kimi! I mean they barely even watch you in Formula 2 and then the one time they watch you, you crash and while that is embarrassing I'm gonna be real with you BUT that doesn't mean you need to wait," I continue ranting laying in bed with Kimi making him smile but start kissing at my jaw and neck during my rant starting to distract me.
"Watching you get so mad on my behalf, it fucking hot," Kimi mumbles into my neck rutting his hips into my side letting me feel his hard cock through his briefs. I just roll my eyes and laugh.
"I can't believe my very serious rant about hating the fans of Formula 1 has you so horny you're grinding into me," I joke before turning onto my side so I'm facing him and pulling him in for a quick kiss.
Kimi refused to pull away so what was supposed to be a quick peck turned into us fighting for dominance with our tongues. Finally Kimi is pushing me on my back before climbing on top of me pinning my hands above my head all the while keeping his mouth on top of mine.
"Kimi, I need you," I whine against his mouth making him let out a breathy laugh making my pussy throb just at the noise.
"Hm. I wanna watch you bounce on my cock," Kimi said with a smirk before letting me use my strength to turn us over so I was the one on top now.
I start grinding my hips into Kimi's large cock making both of us whimper at the stimulation. I pull my sleep shirt off my body leaivng me in the lacey black panties I was going to sleep in before Im shuffling my body down slightly before pulling Kimi's briefs off letting his hard cock rest against his torso showing just how large he truly is. The tip is barely touching the bottom of his bellybutton.
I instantly start jerking his cock off dwarfing the size of my hand.
"Miracle I can walk in the mornings," I mumble softly making Kimi laugh at my little comment. Losing my virginity to Kimi was terrible and he refused to touch me for weeks after but as time went on we learned how to pleasure each other taking everything slow before I finally got my redo which was amazing.
"I can make it to where you can't walk tomorrow," Kimi said with a smirk written all over his face making my cheek heat at the suggestion. I just shook my head no, knowing tomorrow wasn't a good day for that.
I release Kimi's cock and make quick work of pulling my panties down before I'm climbing back into Kimi's lap. When I grip Kimi's cock I softly tease my clit making me whimper due to how sentive I was, but I needed to collect as much moisture on his cock as possible which wasn't very difficult.
Once Kimi's cock is drenched in my essence I slowly start sinking down making both of us gasp. Once I'm fully seated on Kimi's cock I give myself a few seconds to adjust before I start rocking my hips making both Kimi and I groan at the pleasure.
I start bouncing on Kimi's cock making both of us gasp and moan at the intense pleasure.
"Fuck, so fucking tight," Kimi groans making me speed up my actions slightly but still not going fast enough to bring either of us to an orgasm.
Kimi finally takes over and flips up back so he's on top and he slowly starts pounding into me making me gasp and moan feeling Kimi all over.
"Made just for me huh?" Kimi says with a smirk making me look at him noticing that he was staring at my tummy making me look down to notice the bulge from Kimi's cock.
I moan at the sight of Kimi's cock going in and out of my body slightly stunned at how noticeable it is.
"Fuck, faster please," I whimper while pulling Kimi's neck down to me so I can kiss him while he speeds up his actions making me whimper at the intensity.
Kimi pulls back slightly and starts fucking into me faster than he was previously making me gasp and feel my orgasm start to approach. Kimi knowing my body so well picked up on this and started pushing down on the bulge in my stomach making me feel Kimi so much more than before, it was starting to get almost too intense.
"Too much, slower," I moan and gasp out through a stuttered breath.
“Slow down? You just told me to speed up, make up your mind silly girl” Kimi says with a smirk all over his face. While he kept up the pace he let up just slightly on my stomach.
"I can tell you wanna cum," Kimi says before moving his hand from my stomach to my clit and rubbing it in soft circles bringing me over the edge.
"Fuck," I whimper while arching my back and cumming all over Kimi's cock sending him over the edge with one final thrust before unloading a massive load of his cum deep into my pussy making sure to fill me before slowly slipping his cock out not wanting to hurt my overstimulated pussy.
When Kimi slipped out of my pussy he just sits back on his knees and watches as some of his cum starts leaking out of my pussy.
"I love to watch my cum leak from your pretty pussy" Kimi mumbles softly leaning down to kiss my lips making me blush at the dirty praise.
"Do you feel better?" Kimi jokes with a smirk all over his face making me roll my eyes and nod softly making Kimi laugh.
"You take me so well," Kimi says while getting out of bed and pulling me into his arms where he carries me into the bathroom where he puts me on the toilet to do my business while he turns his back and turns the shower on.
After Kimi and I shower together he helps me get dressed into a new shirt to sleep in before helping me step into my panties before laying us both of us on the bed for a cuddle.
"Did I really look like I wanted to destroy the world?" I question feeling back for snapping at everyone today. Kimi just nodded his head softly making me groan while he laughed at me slightly.
"I yelled at Ollie," I state softly making Kimi pull me into his side and place a soft kiss on my cheek.
"I know, I heard. But, if you feel that bad you can apologize tomorrow on the flight back," Kimi tells me softly knowing I won't feel better until I do apologize to Ollie. I just nod my head softly before melting into Kimi's embrace and falling asleep in his arms.
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musaslullaby · 1 month
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Kimi Antonelli x fem reader
Summary: Kimi's girlfriend is planning a surprise for him.
Warning: only fluff, au instagram
Face: random people on Pinterest, Kimi Antonelli and his friends.
a/n: Here's my way of wishing Kimi a happy birthday, trying once again to use this style of writing.
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Description: Summer vacation is almost over, and we'll be back on track soon, but in the meantime, let's have some more fun.
liked by olliebearman, arthur_leclerc and other 132143334
Yn_official: I miss you.
Kimiantonelli: I miss you too❤️
KimiYnbaby_: Wait, didn’t Yn go with him?
f1lover: No, she had family commitments.
KimiYnbaby_: okok
Olliebearman: Don’t have too much fun without us.
Yn_official: I’m keeping an eye on you, Antonelli.
Yn_loveu: All Formula One and Two fans in America will chase Kimi on behalf of Yn.
Stories blocked for Kimi.antonelli
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Description: Family reunited❤️
liked by olliebearman, arthur_leclerc,Yn_official and other 132143334
Yn_official: I love you and missed you so much, but this doesn’t make up for the sleep I lost picking you up at the airport.
arthur_leclerc: What a terrible boyfriend.
Yn_official: You can say that again.
Kimi.antonelli: Bullying even on my birthday.
Kimimylife: Guys, do you think he knows?
Yn_kimi: No, he doesn’t.
AntoKimi: I’m just waiting for someone to ruin everything😂
Kimi.antonelli: What are you all plotting?
Olliebearman: You’ll understand.
Yn_official: Shut that damn mouth, Ollie.
Olliebearman: At your command🫡
Kimi.antonelli: You guys scare me.
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liked by olliebearman, arthur_leclerc,Paularon and other 132143334
Description: Sports and relax with the boys.
Kimi_Yn: Guys, the plan has begun.
Olliebearma: Dude, you suck at tennis.
Paularon: I beat him three times.
Kimi.antonelli: Those are just details.
Blocked for Kimi.antonelli
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liked by olliebearman, arthur_leclerc and other 132143334
Description: Preparations have begun 🤫🤫
Yourfriend_: Stop taking photos and come help us.
Yn_official: Sorry.
Olliebearman: We’ll keep him here for a bit longer, but he’s starting to miss you.
YnandKimifan: How sweet, Kimi wants to spend his birthday with Yn.
Ynlover: Don’t make him wait too long, Yn.
User90: Guys, I’m waiting for the video of Kimi’s reaction.
Lovef1: Oh my God, I hope they do it.
Yn_official: Start bringing home the chicken.
Paularon: We’re on our way.
Olliebearman: As you wish, future Mrs. Antonelli.
Kimimylife: Oh my God, I can’t wait!
Loverkimyn: We’re more excited than they are.
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liked by olliebearman, arthur_leclerc,Yn_official and other 132143334
Description: Best birthday ever, thank you for this surprise party. I really don’t know how to thank you.
I had so much fun, and now I feel officially ready to start the season again.
A special thanks to the love of my life (I know this was your idea) I love you so much.
Yn_official: Trust me, after this party, you’ll need at least a month to recover.
Yourfried_: Ollie drank so many shots that he passed out on the couch.
Olliebearman: Hey, you don’t have permission to post that photo, and when the hell did you take it?
LoverKimi: But Yn ignoring the last part of the post😂😂😂
Arthur_leclerc: Oh yes, that’s true love.
Olliebearman: Yn, please respond to Kimi’s “I love you” before he starts crying.
Yn_official: Of course, I love my favorite drama queen.
Kimi.antonelli: 1. I wasn't crying 2. I'm not a drama queen 3. I love u too.
Ynqueen: Yn looks amazing in the third photo.
Kimilover: Can we talk about Kimi and Yn in the fourth photo?
Ynkimi: I wish we had a video of Yn and Kimi’s amazing voices.
Arthur_leclerc: By the way, I’m mad because you put Charles on the cake and not me.
Kimi.antonelli: Please, that cake is beyond amazing.
user09: Whoever chose it deserves a prize
Yn_official: Here I am to claim my prize.
Charles_leclerc: Inferiority complex, Arthur?
Arthur_leclerc: You’re not important enough to give me an inferiority complex.
Yn_official: Arthur has officially roasted his brother.
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tangerinelovez · 8 days
How do you think OT7 Dream would comfort you after a bad day?
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Mark: When Mark comes home from a day of work and sees you on the couch sad and quiet, not at all like your normal self, his face quirks up in shock. Your eyes are on him as he awkwardly looks around the room, rubbing his arm, looking as if he’s unsure what to do. After a few beats of silence, he meets your eyes and sits down next to you.
“How was your day?” He asks, looking at you with soft brown eyes. He listens intently and offers emotional support for a few minutes before diving into some solutions and advice. You notice his sentences are a little disjointed or rambling, but he definitely got some good points across and brought up new perspectives you hadn't considered.
"No, yeah, like, she was totally... uh... over the line for asking you to stay late to finish that report... like, she totally put you in a weird spot, y'know, given the fact she asked if you'd do it in front of so many people, you know? you don't... you can't deal with that kinda thing." You nod, feeling your frustrations dissipate as he continues to be the picture perfect supportive boyfriend… albeit a bit rambly. His talents definitely lie in making sure you feel heard, and like all of your concerns are so valid. He's an amazing listener who reassuringly holds your hand and gently strokes your thumb with his own as you talk and he offers his best reassuring words. Even if he somehow loses his train of thought along the way, he always brings it back home. He's the sweetest boyfriend you could ever ask for and you love the way he takes your mind off things... when he offers to get you your favorite takeout, you squeak out a "No, it's ok, I'm fine. We have leftovers."
He calls you from the restaurant to ask what exactly it is you like from their menu because he just wants to be 100% sure he gets your order right (and that they don't forget your sauces...) Would totally be the type to bring home way too much food, sheepishly saying, "Hey, you deserve it.... it's been a long day for you... not that you have to have a bad day to like, get good food, but i'm seizing this opportunity to make my girlfriend smile."
Yes, he did scrunch up his free hand that isn't holding copious bags of take-out while saying that sentence... and yes, you do laugh. When he sits back down on the couch next to you, you can't help but smile over how he instantly puts on some cheesy show for you both to watch while you eat your giant meals. "Mark... we're going to be eating these leftovers for days..." You say, but even as you say it, you're a bit shocked to realize nearly all the fries are gone.
Your eyes meet in shock, and you double over in laughter over the fact you both have been so absorbed in the stupid happenings of the reality TV show... you just kept eating.
With full bellies, you'd lay down on the couch and cuddle... laughing over the fact at least your problems aren't as bad as the poor girls on the crappy reality TV show... and you're lucky enough to have an amazing boyfriend who'd do anything to make you feel loved <3
Haechan: When you'd text him to let him know your day isn't going that well, Haechan would be the type to immediately get mad on your behalf as if someone had insulted his honor to the highest degree. Like... if you're having a bad day because of something somebody said to you or did to you, best believe you'd have to pull him back from confronting that person. His chaotic and over-the-top insistence on getting as involved as possible makes you feel really loved... Although he is a bit dramatic, you have to admit it's a nice change from the previous nonchalant busters you had dated who had no real interest in protecting your wellbeing. This man would spam your phone with stupid Instagram reels and bad puns in hopes your mood would improve slightly.
When he's finally with you in person, it would take a natural disaster to get him off of you. He would douse you in kisses and nearly crush your ribcage with a tight hug. He'd totally be the type to dramatically look out the window and declare you're letting those bitches win if you don't make the best of the rest of the day. he'd walk you around the neighborhood for a bit, an arm slung over your shoulder, and would just take in the scenery with you, feeling that your quietness was more out of contentedness than anything else.
Although he can sometimes be a lot, he has a huge heart and will always do his best to read the room and figure out what you need... while still encouraging you to sometimes do things that make you a bit uncomfortable... Hey, he was right about how good a walk outside can be for mental health and gaining perspective! you should trust him.
he'd claim he had no real route in mind for your neighborhood walk, and yet, you'd somehow conveniently end up at your favorite mom-and-pop restaurant. he'd feign shock, looking between you and the restaurant a few times before saying, "Destiny led us here... come on, the universe is saying your boyfriend needs to buy you a couple pan-fried dumplings. Who are we to say no?"
Once you're sitting down at the restaurant, you'd finally begin spilling more details about what was bothering you, and to his credit, he would listen quite well, only interrupting a few times to express his annoyance with your classmates over not carrying their weight on the project. With a belly of pan-fried dumplings and noodles, you walk back to your apartment with Haechan, grateful to have a boyfriend who lets you vent at your own pace, and doesn't force you to share ... even if it sometimes kills him to wait to hear who is at fault Renjun: Renjun is the type to immediately discern when something is wrong with you, even if you try your very best to hide it. As soon as he'd come home and lay eyes on you, staring straight ahead on the couch in the living room, his gaze would soften and he'd say, "hey sweetheart... you okay?" to which you'd nod before tears would suddenly well up, causing him to drop everything in his hands and rush over to you.
He'd sit next to you on the couch and pull you close to his side, wrapping both arms around you and rocking you gently as you cry. He'd sit there with you quietly for as long as it would take for you to calm down, quietly humming as the two of you sway slightly, his hand softly combing through your hair. Eventually, you'd shakily exhale and lift your head from his shoulder, maneuvering yourself on the couch to face him. He'd shift slightly, as well, ensuring that you could see his full attention is on you. He'd listen intently as the words suddenly come spilling forth. After telling him all about your bad day and what has been bothering you, you can count on Renjun to get right down to solutions. Though he's a super caring boyfriend, the man would believe that the way to truly help you feel better would be to attack the issues head-on rather than just offering you emotional support. However, he always speaks to you very calmly and sweetly, never talking over you. After discussing possible solutions for a while, I think he'd be the type to say, "Well, there's not much else we can do right now, so maybe let's just take your mind off of all that for tonight? And tomorrow, you can talk to your friend about some of your concerns." You love the way he makes big, all-consuming feelings and events feel smaller by breaking it down piece-by-piece and ensuring you never feel like these issues are yours to bear alone.
He'd totally be the type to say something cheesy like "the first duty of love is to listen" He'd be so honored that you shared your troubles with him and trust his advice so much, would instantly shush you if you tried to apologize for crying and ruining your night together.
"Your worries are my worries... I swear sometimes you worry me with how low your bar is for treatment from others... but hopefully it's raising everyday we're together." After all that talking... and crying... and laughing, he'd make some popcorn, crack open your favorite soda, and put on the one movie you've watched every time you've been sad. And he wouldn't even make fun of you when you'd recite all the lines along with the characters dutifully. Jeno: When you come back from school, overwhelmed by the workload of your graduate-level courses, Jeno would listen intently to all your issues, nodding and sighing at the appropriate times, making you start to find amusement in his display of active listening. This man would definitely take all his cues from you and adapt appropriately. If you're angry... then he is boiling mad, too. Madder than you are, actually. If you just don't want to talk about it any more, he would definitely respect that, and start cycling through your favorite topics to try and boost your mood.
No matter what, he would insist on being by your side and doing whatever it is that you want to do, repetitively asking if there's anything else he can do for you. He'd shyly pepper your hairline and temple with kisses, smiling against your head softly when he'd feel you laugh. He'd definitely be all over you, cuddling you on the bed to the best of his ability as he throws out different activities you could do to feel better. "Do you want to paint something?" A slight head shake from you tells him you're not really in the mood for anything crafty... but maybe you could be convinced. "Hmm... would you wanna go out for dinner, baby?" It's silent for a few seconds before you say, "Hmm... maybe...."
The arm he has around your neck is comforting, but as he moves it to scratch his chest absentmindedly, you feel like the comforting embrace is slightly choking.
Thankfully, he stops his scratching and sighs, staring at the ceiling before he tosses out his next suggestion. "Okay... how about... we go to that one grocery store you really love, get all the ingredients for homemade pizza... AND any other snacks you want? and your loyal samoyed will happily buy them all for you?"
suddenly feeling a burst of energy over the prospect of wandering the aisles of your favorite fancy grocery store and being silly and creative in the kitchen with Jeno, before relaxing on the couch together to laugh over some stupid movie, you curl into his side excitedly.
"Yeah, that sounds amazing..." Now you're the one peppering him with kisses, from the mole below his eye to the tip of his nose, feeling so happy that you have such a patient and sweet man who shows you how he cares through actions. "You can just wear my sweatshirt, too. No need to change." Is it possible to be any more in love? I guess you'll find out when the night's over.
Jaemin: Jaemin runs an aggressive campaign in turning your frown upside down. "Baby.... what's wrong...?" Jaemin's deep voice would warble out of the phone as you try to steady yourself in the bathroom at work.
"Ugh, it's... it's nothing. I'm just frustrated. I shouldn't have called, I know you're busy..."
He'd huff, the pfft somehow coming through the speaker with just as much sass as it would in person. "What is it I always say when you start pulling this nonsense?"
You exhale, glad there is no chance anyone can come in the single-occupancy restroom and hear your boyfriend giving you a pep talk over the phone.
"'You're wasting both of our times because I'm not going anywhere until you talk?"'
Jaemin's tinny voice exclaims in frustration over the phone. "Baby, no, the other thing."
You hum in understanding. "'Tough times don't last but you will?'"
He groans again. "Damn, I say way too many things, all so wise and encouraging. No, baby, 'a problem shared is a problem halved.' That's what I always so wisely say to encourage you."
You'd nod, finding amusement in just how many idioms seem to come spewing out of him. After talking to him on the phone for a bit, you'd find the strength to leave the bathroom and finish your day at work. When you finally make it home, Jaemin would hug you at the door, and gently ask how the rest of the day went, offering emotional support and advice as you saw fit. However... his biggest way of making you smile after a hard day would definitely be taking you to a late night movie and stuffing his cargo pants and hoodie with all the snacks you could ever want. He'd even go as far as to throw some cans of soda into a blanket before excitedly tucking it under his arm, urging you to get in the car so you can go snuggle at the theater with all the smuggled snacks you could ever desire. You'd cuddle up to each other, grateful it was a reclining seat theater, and that nobody else seemed to want to see this weeks-old movie at 11:00 pm on a Wednesday other than the two of you. After the movie, he'd take you on a drive around the city, playing your favorite music lowly, his hand on your thigh, allowing you to talk as you saw fit, but mostly just content with the silence, knowing the soft smile on your face was genuine. And when you fall asleep in the car? he'd drive around for a few more minutes, softly singing along to the music and gently stroking your leg as he did so.
And yeah... he'd carry you inside and shush all the cats before they'd even get a chance to meow.
And when you wake up the next day, terrified you're gonna be late for work? He's already awake, cooking breakfast :) best boyfriend in the world award loading... Chenle: Chenle is a straight-forward man. When he realized you were answering his texts after several hours with short replies, he knew action needed to be taken.
He'd call you, and after your sniffly "hullo?" would know all he needs to. Nothing would stop that man from instantly booking it to your location, which just so happened to be the parking lot of your job.
He'd park right next to your car, and tap on the passenger window gently, prompting you to unlock the door for him.
"(Y/N), what's wrong? Was it that one girl from yoga? The stupid ass girl in HR? Tell me," He'd say, taking his hands in yours, causing you to shift in your seat slightly and face him.
"I-I don't even know, Chenle. It's just everything today... one thing after the other." After showing him your cracked phone screen and broken nail, he examines your hand more carefully, turning it over with great scrutiny. 
"Um... what, Chenle?" “This color was ugly anyways…” He mutters before looking up at you. “Get in my car, we have to go.”
You look at him in shock, still a little annoyed and frustrated. “What?”
He huffs, voice unwavering and face firm. “Get. In. The. Car.” 
Suddenly he beams. “I’m taking you to get your nails redone. And in a cuter color…”
You feel a blush coming on over his insistence. “Oh, no, Chenle, it’s fine, really–”
“Stop. It’s already done. And I need you to get moving. While you’re getting your nails done, I have to make it to this appointment… you like silver, right?”
Your eyes widen in shock as you sit down in the passenger seat of Chenle’s car. “Chenle, you’re not getting me a new phone.”
Chenle laughs, shaking his head slightly. “Nobody said anything about getting you a new phone…you materialistic woman…” 
When you get picked up from your nail appointment, (which Chenle Zelle’d you the money for, plus a little extra because of “girlfriend tax”), you not only have a new latest-model silver iPhone but also a new pair of silver hoops.
You just love the way he spoils you while simultaneously keeping you on your toes. Life is never boring with him, and he never hesitates to make you feel special in his own way. 
Would definitely finish the day off by dramatically performing all of your favorite songs he normally finds really cheesy and annoying (he wants to put a smile on your face today, okay? Don’t get used to it) 
Jisung: He knows you sometimes need your space, so he’d want to feel out what the right move is. When he feels like you’re having a bad day, Jisung would first talk to you about all of your favorite topics enthusiastically, hoping it would pique your interest and cheer you up… if that was unsuccessful… he would dive deep into his trove of secrets and tell you about embarrassing things he’s done that he’s forced the other boys to hide from you (which is no easy feat seeing as they love to tell you about dumb things he has done).
“So… you just… ran away?” You say, your chest feeling lighter as you laugh.
“Well… I just felt so awkward… my voice crack echoed around the room so loudly…I knew that Haechan would be talking about it for the rest of the week.”
You laugh some more, thinking of how he must have had that cute embarrassed look on his face when it happened.
“Honestly, probably the rest of my life.” 
A cute blush would appear on his features, making you feel compelled to snuggle even closer to him, the scent of his soft hoodie doing wonders in improving your mood.
You would quietly talk on the couch for a while before Jisung would start showering you in shy compliments, telling you how much he loves your hair and your outfit, before finally asking how you could have possibly had a bad day when you look this good.
Now you’d blush, hiding your face in his hands when he looks at you with his sparkly eyes. 
“Don’t you have rehearsal now?” You’d ask and he’d shrug, looking at the time quickly before looking back at you.
“I can be late. I don’t want to go just yet.”
You’d snuggle in deeper and feel 1000x better knowing he’ll always be there when you’re feeling down.
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