#and idk i feel like he should be at least a bit suspicious
birbsong · 7 months
i hope xiongqi learns the truth
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schrodingers-romy · 2 months
Jealousy, Jealousy [Inugami Teruomi x Reader]
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Pairing: Inugami Teruomi x GN!Reader Word Count: ~2000 [Ao3 Link]
Summary: Teruomi is all for camaraderie between Shishitouren and Furin; that is, until he notices Furin's pink haired pretty boy seemingly flirting with you…
Warnings: No gendered pronouns or terms used for reader, jealousy, making out, kiryu is a little bit of a flirt, togame and choji are both menaces, written with adult teruomi in mind (idk his age canonically)
Notes: Probably no one else but me is interested in him, but write what you want to see in the world ig. Slightly inspired by reading the page for inugami (japanese dog spirits) where it states that those possessed by inugami develop a personality full of jealousy. He's a sweetie pie tho <3
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Teruomi regrets everything.
Well, not everything of course. But he at least regrets agreeing to this party.
It was supposed to be a way to strengthen bonds between Shishitoren and Furin, something that he was all for, especially if it would mean that Sako could finally hold an actual conversation with Hiragi. (No, he wasn’t nosy, he just wanted the best for his friend, and he was sure the best for Sako was resolving all the unresolved angst and tension the two had after years apart). And to be honest, he was just excited to get to meet Furin people for the first time in the two gangs’ years-long friendship when they weren’t trying to beat the shit out of each other or another gang.
But he isn’t enjoying himself now. Instead, he is sulking in a corner, nursing his drink as he watches the pink haired pretty boy from Furin flirt with you.
Or at least, he assumes he was flirting with you. He sure is close and touchy if he wasn’t flirting, and you were acting suspiciously flustered and bashful. He simultaneously wants to get closer, to hear what exactly that boy is telling you, but he also knows that if he does hear flirting, he’s going to explode (and maybe start a fight that will be very detrimental to Furin/Shishitoren relations).
Teruomi is so focused on you he doesn’t even notice Shishitoren’s second in command creep up behind him.
“What’s got you in such a funk, Inu-kun?” Togame drawled. “Thought you enjoyed social things.”
There’s a pause as he follows where Teruomi’s gaze leads. “Ah.”
Teruomi opens his mouth to ask what that means, but Togame cuts him off. “Just going to let him flirt with your crush, eh?”
Togame gives him a half-lidded stare, and any denials die in Teruomi’s throat. “Yeah, but what am I supposed to do, huh? They look like they’re having fun together.”
“I’m sure Inu-kun’s little love wouldn’t mind you butting in…but I’m sure nothing will happen, right?” he glances over to where you are.
The pink haired boy is now playing with the sleeve of your shirt. Teruomi lets out a vague growling sound, and the empty plastic cup in his hand crumples under his grip.
“Oh, maybe I was wrong…they do seem pretty close, huh?” Togame teases.
Teruomi shoves the crunched cup into Togame’s chest. “Fuck this,” he spits, before he starts stalking towards you. He completely ignores Togame’s chuckles in the background.
You’re interrupted from your conversation with Kiryu by Teruomi butting in. “Hey, I’ve got to talk to you for a sec,” he says, tugging at the sleeve of your shirt. “C’mon.”
“Can’t it wait?” you ask. Normally, you would go with him, no questions asked, but you’re slightly offput by the brusque way Teruomi is acting, more akin to his fighting persona than his normal personality.
Teruomi makes a face, canines bared. “No.”
You open your mouth to argue, but then you feel someone pat your other arm, the one not held hostage by your friend. “It’s okay, you should go with your friend. I’ve got your number, so I can text you later!” Kiryu says, giving you a cat-like smile.
You swear you can hear a growl come from Teruomi, but you ignore it. “Okay. I’ll talk to you later, I guess. It was nice meeting you though.”
“Likewise,” the other boy calls, giving you a loose-sleeved wave as Teruomi tugs you away.
You’re bodily dragged away from the main party, until the two of you were tucked away behind a building.
“Hey, what the hell is up with you today,” you yelp.
Teruomi lets go of your arm, but you’re still just as trapped as before, pinned against the brick wall by his proximity. He’s so close you can see the golden flecks in his eyes, and if you weren’t pissed off you would get lost in them.
He opens his mouth, then closes it again. He repeats this a few times, like he can’t muster up the right thing to say. The fire that was in his eyes has dimmed; his face relaxing into a sheepish sort of moue.
You scoff. “Well, if there isn’t anything, I might as well go back and talk to Kiryu again.”
You barely finished your sentence before Teruomi’s eyes are blazing again. “Oh, Kiryu, huh?” he snarks. “Wanna go back to flirting with him? Y’know, this party was supposed to get Furin and Shishitoren closer together, but not that close.”
“Fuck you!” you spit, roughly shoving his chest away. “Why do you care if someone’s flirting with me or not, huh?”
He lets out a frustrated noise, almost a growl. “Because he shouldn’t have been!” he yells, fangs flashing in the light.
You pause, and gape at him. Suddenly, it all clicks; you observe his red face, his pout, and his nervous stance. You think back to how he acted when he pulled you away from Kiryu; and even further back to whenever anybody had tried to come on to you in the past. What you previously thought of as platonic protectiveness recontextualizes itself in your mind. “Holy shit,” you breathe. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
He doesn’t answer, but the expression on his face is enough.  
You let out a breathy giggle. “I can’t believe it.”
His hands unconsciously clench into fists. “Look, you don’t hafta laugh at me—”
You cut him off with a quick peck to his mouth, before he can get himself fired up again. It’s awkward, even for a first kiss; his lips were open mid-sentence and your noses bumped together, but it’s enough to have him speechless.
You smile at the way he deflates; no longer the barking dog he was previously, he is now a docile puppy looking at you with hopeful eyes.
“Does that mean—”
You interrupt him again. “I like you.”
His eyes sparkle, and he lets out his own delirious little giggle. “I mean, I hoped, but then I saw you with him, and I saw red—‘m sorry.”
You sigh and reach out to take his hand. It’s rough, and calloused, and you run your fingers over his scarred knuckles lightly. “You acted like a bit of an asshole, but it clearly turned out okay in the end. I forgive you. I didn’t really like him anyway; I just liked the compliments. It felt nice to be doted on a bit I guess,” you admit, keeping your eyes on his hands.
“I can dote on you!” he blurts. You look back up to meet his painfully earnest gaze. “I think you’re gorgeous, and kind, and talented, and I’m so happy you like me I feel a bit dizzy right now.” He pauses for a shaky breath. “Please don’t go to anyone else for compliments, because I have years’ worth stored up. I can keep going, if you want—"
You feel like you’re on a sugar high but also, simultaneously, like you have a fever. Your face is burning, your heart is beating double-time, and you feel giddy in a distinctly dreamlike way. “Please not right now, I might explode.”
He chuckles. “Well, if I can’t compliment you, can I do something else with my mouth?”
Your jaw drops. “Wow, so forward, Teruomi~”
You can see it on his face in real time as he realizes how else his words could be interpreted. “I meant kissing! Not anything else!” he yelps, blush returning with full force. “I mean I’m not complaining if you wanna—but yeah.” He squeezes his eyes shut from embarrassment.
You have one last little laugh at his expense, before you lean forward to give him another kiss.
This one is smoother, and longer, even though it’s still relatively chaste. Now, you can fully feel his chapped lips against yours; the feeling sends a light shiver through you.
You’re only allowed to pull away for a second, before Teruomi pulls you back into him with one hand around the nape of your neck.
Your third kiss is deeper, and hotter, and leads right into a desperate fourth, and fifth, and sixth.
By the seventh kiss, he has both hands cradling your head, tilting you into him, and your arms are slung around his neck. By the eighth, his sharp canines are nipping at your lips until you open up for him, and then the two of you are licking into each other’s mouths like starving animals.
By the time you’ve completely lost count of how many kisses you’ve shared, Teruomi detaches himself from your mouth to instead press wet kisses to your neck.
You wind your hand through his dark curly hair, keeping him pressed into the crook of your neck, even as he starts to nip, and bite, and suck. The sensation of him marking you, like a territorial dog, makes a shudder run down your spine, and you let out a whine. He lets out his own moan when your grip on his hair tightens.
When you finally pull away from each other, both gasping for air, Teruomi looks at you so tenderly, you can’t bear it.
So you tug him into another kiss.
Unfortunately, Togame is the first to notice you when you both creep back into the party. He gives Teruomi a lazy wave, and a smirk, eyeing the rumpled clothing and bruises you both now sport.
Teruomi lets out a huff and tries to steer you back into the main crowd, where you can hopefully become lost and pretend like you weren’t just making out a few meters away from the rest of them. It mostly works, except for when you accidentally lock eyes with Kiryu. You’re frozen for a second, and then pure mortification runs through your veins as his eyes drift to your bitten neck. He gives you a cat-like smile, and a wink.
It's your turn, now, to drag your new boyfriend away, muttering a half-hearted excuse when he questions you. You hope he didn’t notice the pink haired boy, lest he become smug at Kiryu’s obvious notice of his claim.  
You finally think you’re in the clear; hidden amongst the bodies in the middle of the room, where everyone is either focused on someone else or trying to push their way through the crowd. You slump into Teruomi with relief. It seems like the two of you have reentered the party with minimal disturbance.
Until you hear Teruomi curse.
“What? What is it?” you ask.
The answer does not come from him.
“Fuck,” you say, with feeling, before your illustrious leader bounds up to you.
Choji is beaming at the two of you; he doesn’t seem to notice anything strange at first and starts to ramble on about something inconsequential. You cross your fingers, behind your back, and hope his obliviousness protects you.
It does not.
Choji stops mid-sentence when he sees the red bite marks on your neck; he remains frozen, mouth open, as his eyes flick from you to Teruomi. You can see the amusement welling up in his eyes.
The room quiets, and multiple people turn to look at the three of you.
You turn, and let your forehead fall onto Teruomi’s shoulder with a thunk.
“No!” Teruomi states, waving his hands in denial. “Why would you say that?”
Choji’s face is the picture of innocence as he rocks back and forth on his heels, but you don’t believe it for a second; you recognize the evil glint in his eyes. “Oh, no reason,” he says, singsong, “Just thought you might’ve been scrapping cause I saw you both go off alone, and you both came back with all those marks and bruises…” he trails off.
You get one moment of blessed silence, as the people near you process this information, before you’re inundated with laughter, wolf-whistling, and overly enthusiastic pats on the back.
“Should’ve just left the party,” Teruomi mutters.
Face still buried in his shoulder; you groan in agreement.
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suzukiblu · 10 months
currently having EMOTIONS abt your 'Billy adopts kon and it goes p good actually'. Billy's there just like oh man I'm rambling they're gonna think I'm so lame...meanwhile I as a reader (and presumably also Kon and possibly the other characters present??) are actually going 'oh my god. oh my god he's known Kon for like one singular minute and already arranged a flat according to his best predictions of Kon's needs/wants, gave Kon FIRST PICK OF BEDROOM, and has freely offered to learn how to cook AND how to drive for the sole purpose of taking better care of Kon'. like. oh my god. oh my god. Billy is so precious and I want to give him a hug. I hope Kon isn't too overwhelmed or suspicious due to Billy's enthusiasm tho lmao. (pls could there be..more? more Billy adopts kon, if possible?) anyway I love ur writing. thank you. idk how to ask from a sidelong but this is tryingahandinholdingapen btw :D
I gotchu, friend, lol. @tryingahandinholdingapen But yeah I love a good unreliable narrator, one way or the other it's just so fun peppering in all the bits of "the actual situation that the narrator is oblivious to", hahaha.
Rich people are weird, Billy decides, then sets the swiss rolls and zebra cakes and rest of the strawberry shortcakes on the counter in case Kid Flash is still hungry or Superboy wants any of them and closes the pantry. Batman’s just doing his best, he guesses. Though Billy hopes he knows how to coupon, if he’s always buying brand-name. 
Well, he’s Batman. It’d be weirder if he didn’t know how to coupon, Billy figures.
It looks like Superboy ate all of his snack cake while Billy and Kid Flash were in the pantry, at least, which Billy hopes means he liked it. He doesn’t know how much real food Superboy’s had, but Batman’d said he should be fine eating solid stuff and not just whatever he’d been getting in his cloning pod. Though Billy’d still asked if they could get some bottled smoothies and protein shakes and stuff like that to keep in the fridge, just in case. He figured those might be easier for him to eat and digest, if it came up. Or like, maybe appeal to him more, if nothing else? 
Billy has no idea, honestly, he’s just doing his best here. The wisdom of Solomon is pretty useful but it’s not really, like, that much of a parenting guide. 
He is not going to cut Superboy in half. Like, ever. Like he understands the idea of that story but also it is an insane and incredibly freaky story and he is just not invoking it, ever. Just no way.
“If it’s alright, Captain, we should get going. We’ve got a bit of a drive to get home,” Mrs. West says, then sighs as Kid Flash empties the boxes of swiss rolls and zebra cakes in lightning-fast succession, though he leaves the strawberry shortcakes alone. Billy checks in the fridge and offers him a couple of the more filling smoothies–peanut butter and banana should be more filling, anyway, even with a speedster’s appetite. He steals those from convenience stores sometimes, when he can. He can’t be Captain Marvel all the time. 
Well–maybe he could, he guesses. But he does miss being himself, sometimes.
“Thanks, man,” Kid Flash says eagerly, then immediately shotguns both smoothies. 
“Wally,” Mr. West says in exasperation as Mrs. West sighs again. “Don’t eat Captain Marvel out of house and home.” 
“It’s okay, we’ve got lots of food!” Billy promises cheerfully. “I work with Flash, I know how hungry he gets. I bet it’s way worse when you still have growth spurts to get through.” 
“It is so much worse,” Kid Flash mutters vehemently, eyeing the empty smoothie bottles in his hands accusingly. Billy gets him another peanut butter banana one on principle. He really doesn’t want Kid Flash to be that hungry. It’s . . . not a good feeling. 
“We appreciate it, Captain, really, but we’ve got snacks and a cooler in the car,” Mrs. West says. 
“Oh, good,” Billy says, relieved. Mr. and Mrs. West both give him strange, inscrutable looks, then glance back to Superboy. Billy wonders if he likes peanut butter banana smoothies. Though if he liked the snack cakes, there’s strawberry banana ones too, so that might be better? And strawberry kiwi, but that’s probably less filling. “Superboy, do you want a smoothie too?” 
“No,” Superboy says. Billy pauses again, then gets him a strawberry banana one and tosses it over. Superboy catches it, eyes it, and then opens it and takes a sip.
Okay, Billy thinks he’s getting the hang of this. But also they should probably talk about how “no” needs to actually mean “no”. Like, for Superboy he’s sure it’s just like that phase when toddlers want to say “no” to everything no matter what, but it’s still important for him to understand. Billy doesn’t want to accidentally upset him or overstep because Superboy doesn’t know how to really say “no” to something.
Yeah, they definitely need to talk about that, he decides.
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gendercomsumer · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland Confessions Part 5!
A/N: We're almost finished with the series! Idk what I'll write for after but I'll figure it out eventually. Also my computer broke in the middle of writing this- so yayyyyy
Warnings: Not proof read, Ooc Sebek, Lilia being a menace /hj (Also not knowing how to write him-),
Characters: Sebek Zigavolt (773 words), Lilia Vanrouge (509 words), Leona Kingscholar (761 words)
Sebek Zigavolt
You'd meet him during the spell drive tournament (Book 2 w/ savanaclaw) When there was the plan to take Diasmonia out of the running for the whole thing.
It was only a small moment you two saw each other but from first impressions he was loud, and most definitely not afraid of showing his loudness off.
You ran into each other again during school realizing you had more classes with the fae then you first thought.
While Sebek is very loud at times, he's diligent and takes great and very organized notes (Even if they're only in pencil with no indicating colors.)
As a friend Sebek is a bit strange
You'll usually find him doing his own thing or lecturing a student on the topic of respect.
You two would hangout during lunch usually close by Malleus in case he needs Sebek to guard him.
A personal head canon is that he's also a bit suspicious of everyone, not like heavily so but it came naturally with him being a knight.
So he might not fully trust you at first to be able to be at two arms length of Malleus.
I mean at least he's being a good guard am I right?
He will let you borrow his notes if you need to, saying some comment along the lines of, "Ha! Of course a human would need my notes!"
While he can help you in math and science he does struggle in art and the more creative classes.
Help him with those and he'll see it as a favors for favors situation.
I can't really see him easily identifying let alone accepting his feelings for you
He at first thinks he's sick, or if you know magic you've somehow slipped a curse on him
He goes to Lilia for guidance and this old man while he looked composed was cackling on the inside.
Lilia explains that Sebek is most likely falling in love with the human and Sebek seems almost appalled by the suggestion.
Him? A fae? Falling for you some random pathetic human?!
No no that can't be right!
This was one of the only times he started to question Lilias judgment and views on the matter.
After getting the same opinion of Silver as well, and a lot of thought, he comes to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, he might have a teeny itty bitty crush on you.
That's as much as he was going to admit though.
Lilia what do you mean when will he tell them? He's not!
He tries to act the same but the words of his family stuck to the back of his head.
How passionate you were about things you loved and how you have done so much despite being only a human
at times you could catch his stone face starting to melt into a soft lovesick smile
Maybe that crush wasn't as small as he said it was
But he'd never admit that
Confession wise, either he puts it off for as long as he can or you decide to go up and confront him on his very badly hidden feelings.
So for this let's say you've picked up on his hiding of feelings and decide that now's the best time as any to let him know how you feel
You kept your fingers crossed that he felt the same as Lila led you through their dorm
"Alright third door on the left should be Sebek's, don't get too crazy now kids!"
Lilia left down the stairs with a childish laugh as you went down the hall hearing Sebeks voice through the walls.
It really showed how loud his voice could be considering the dorm was made of stone
Standing outside the door you could easily hear Sebek monologuing to himself about... He was talking about you?
The mention of your name was sudden followed by the names of Lilia and Silver.
"If both master Lilia and Silver say that I've... Fallen for this human, does that mean it's true!? mater Lilia is rarely wrong... But I can't be! They're just a human! A human who makes me feel like I'm in front of the thorn fairy herself at times... No no! How dare I compare the two!!"
He continued and a dust of color was brought to your cheeks to raise a hand to knock on his door hopefully loud enough he'd hear.
There was a long pause before the door was opened by Sebek and at the sight of you his face flushed.
In an uncharacteristically quiet way he asked "Please tell me you didn't hear any of that... Did you?"
Lilia Vanrouge
One day You walk out of your dorm planning to go get some food from Sam's shop since it had been awhile since you went on a grocery run.
It was a beautiful day out with the just right amount of clouds
You take a step out of your house, and Lilia appears seemingly out of thin air hanging upside down from your shade on the porch of your house
Yep that's how you met, him almost scaring the living shit out of you on a random Tuesday morning
What a fun way to start off!
After him almost killing you with that scare he would randomly pop up at times scaring anyone and everyone around you (after awhile you got used to it)
He's a very fun person over all despite what he's been through with the fae war and all
His jokes and lightheartedness are usually welcome lifting any bad mood you may have.
he'll try his best to help in any classes, he's a fucking god in history having lived though most of what they're teaching
And as the feelings start to appear he's a bit taken aback by their sudden appearance.
He's had many lovers in his years but this time the love feels different almost?
It's hard for him to describe, hell it's hard for him to comprehend, but nonetheless he enjoys the soft feeling you give him when you're around
He'd consider a long while on whether or not he would want a relationship with you
You are a human and he will most definitely out live you no matter what the world has in store
It's just the sad truth of having an extremely long life span like his
Once he is sure of this he will start to make more moves on you and attempt to gauge your reaction to them.
Depending on your reaction will depend when he confesses to you, or how much longer he wants to wait to confess.
I can see his confession being one on the more romantic side, but not like not as romantic as Rook.
Most likely he would confess in the middle of a hangout he'd be subtly flirting with you whether you notice or not is most likely up to how dense or oblivious you are
He'd be laying on the couch of the living room possibly (most defiantly) upside down
You'd be talking about some random topic and you look away for moment and suddenly oop there he is floating upside down in front of you.
You jumped and laughed questioning Lilia what he was doing
He stayed silent for a moment staring at you in a manner some would consider creepy before letting out a small laugh.
You asked what was so funny in a bit of a cautious manner and Lilia smiled at you "I've had plenty of lovers... but none were a stunning nor did they make me feel as strange as you do... so tell me, will you help me explore what makes you the one..?"
Leona Kingscholar
After the events, to say the least, of book two he's very salty about everything for at least a week
Eventually and inevitably the two of you need to work together (Either during or before book 3)
Or Ruggie some how convinced you to help him out with the lazy Lion
And either way hey it worked!
Most of the time Leona is either bored, sleeping, or secret option number 3! bored and wanting to sleep...
He's an interesting character to get along with and once you do it's a different side you see other than the one that's just a lazy ion that Ruggie and the other students need to deal with
You learn very quickly that he's very smart and knows most of what the teachers are teaching.
He just normally doesn't have the energy or the want to participate in classes.
Which in my opinion fair my dude
But because he's really book smart if you ask and he's in a good mood he would "dumb down the lesson" in reality he's reteaching it just in a way that's easier to understand.
He sleeps a lot so he knows how important it is to get enough of said sleep.
So if you're close (good friends and such) if he sees you start to drift off during class or fall asleep, he'll cover for you but will scold you that that's not a proper place to take a nap
He then proceeds to take a nap in potion class with Rook in the room. What was that about proper nap locations Leona?
But either than that he's a bit sassy at times and can joke around, hell he calls you Herbivore all the time, that should be evidence enough.
One time you had fallen asleep under a tree (Silver kinnie energy-) and Leona found you
He ended up staying with you and skipping class to take a nap of his own and that's when his feelings for you start to fully come into light.
When he saw you sleeping there, there was a small part of him who wanted to stay with you and protect you, silly right?
Now Leona's well versed in emotions. He'd seen how his brother acted around his now sister in law and here they were now with the menace of a child Cheeka.
So once these feelings start to become stronger and more prominent it starts to reflect in his behavior
I am an avid believer in the beast men/ mermen are possessive change my mind (warning you can't)
He'd start to stay around you a lot more than normal and once Ruggie joked that you had cat nip in your pocket and Leona was following you because of it.
Leona makes sure you get enough sleep a day. Didn't get 8 hours at least last night, whelp hopefully nothing important is happening in Crewels class cause you're skipping to take a nap!
He also makes sure you're eating right and not burying yourself in your work (I'm looking at you Crowley)
He also gets protective over you and if people look at you the wrong way they will have a lion glaring them down.
As for confessions I can see him being pretty nonchalant about it.
One day you had been studying in your room since you needed help in History.
Leona went to go get something and you decided to ley your head down on your bed to see if you could catch some quick rest
Leona returned sometime later and looked at you confused
you were still awake but you didn't want to bother to open your eyes as you were in a comfortable position and sleep sounded like a very nice idea at the moment
"Oi, Herbivore, are you asleep?" You stayed quiet and still as Leona looked over your face and gave a mischievous smile.
"Well isn't that adorable.. and here I thought I was the lazy one.." He gently brushed some hair out of your face and placed a feather light kiss to your temple
"It was your idea to study and you're the one to fall asleep.." You could feel the color come to your face as Leona sat at the end of the bed watching you
You eventually sat up and Leona laughed seeing the red color across your face "Thought so I wouldn't think you'd fall asleep that quickly, so tell me Herbivore.." Leona leaned closer to you with a smug smile
"you do know it's dangerous to fall asleep around a lion, don't you?"
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roryslut · 6 months
goth and metal prt 1-eurory x f!reader (use of y/n)
brothers best friend‼️ (euro is 19 in a high school type band, reader is a senior) idk how norwegian school works sorry
warnings‼️ smut, drinking and drugs, making out, ass slapping, fingering, oral f!receiving, p in v, gagging, creampie, the L-word, a meer couple sentences that have just a wee bit of degration and exibitionism
(this is based off sum random pic i saw on here and my love for my bauhaus vinyls and obsession w my set up 💪)
thank you all for being so sweet frrr, i’ve been an anonymous rory lover and all of these fics are from the archive of my notes app over the past few months :)
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Y/N is jan axels sister who doesn’t listen to much metal music, she’s more into gothic music. her brother had two friends he started a band with, she only knew the guitarist, oystein, since he was jan’s friend for a while. she stayed upstairs most of the time but around 9 she got sick of all the noise and decided to go downstairs.
As she approached the basement the music grew louder. she opened the door and the music stopped, all of their eyes hit her, making her feel a little embarrassed in her sleep shorts and a sweater.
“jan, can you keep it down or like, idk go somewhere else becuase i am just trying to have some peace of mind…”
the other members looked at jan who said “yeah, yeah we are almost done.”
“thank you” Y/N said leaving and going back upstairs.
“you really let your little sister boss you around like that?” oystein asked, he was a long time family friend and he knew Y/N for a while. they were friends when they were younger but he just kind of changed. “she’s not bossing me around, i just respect her, i mean, she usually is tolerant when we practice at my place.”
oystein looked pretended to be offended “what do you mean tolerant? she should be moved by my amazing guitar skill.” the bassist snickered, “in your dreams” jan replied, making oystein blush a little and the chuckles to grow louder.
oystein sighed and set down his guitar, “im getting a drink,” he states plainly before running up the stairs. he goes to the fridge and retrieves a cold glass of beer. when he closes the fridge door he finally noticed Y/N is also in the kitchen. she is reaching up high to grab a mug from the top shelf but she couldn’t seem to reach it. the sweater she was wearing rode up on her torso, exposing her flat stomach and thin waist which contrasted her full behind, the shorts hugging them well, leaving little room for the imagination. oystein shuttered, he couldn’t tell if it was because he was seeing his childhood best friends little sister all grown up, or because he was overflowing with desire. he will admit it, he has longed for her for at least a decade but nothing ever came of it. she was out of his league and off limits because of her brother, they had hung out a lot as friends but,
(a/n: idk why but when i wrote this i made the back story from euros first person, idk just imagine culkin like narrating idek, good luck.)
“i knew jan protected her with his life. one day when jan and i were in our last year of secondary school, about to graduate, i actually told him how i was feeling. that was unusual to say the least, we didn’t put our emotions into words very often. i told him how i wanted to ask his sister to the prom and how she had caught my eye in the past. he seemed suspicious and hesitant but eventually got the idea and gave me his blessing. i went to the store to get flowers, but they were sold out, i didn’t want to spend gas going to a different store so I just went home. but after that i lost hope, i never went to get the flowers or ask Y/N to prom, i guess i got caught up in the senior work and eventually i graduated, and now i only see her when im at jan’s.”
(okay it’s over, back to third person <3)
he pulled his eyes away and searched for a bottle opener but couldn’t seem to find one anywhere. he held the bottle up to Y/N and she nodded, she swiftly grabbed a spoon. oystein had his hand by the cap and had the bottle set on the table so she swiftly held his hand in place with one hand and with the other, used the spoon to open the bottle. oystein flinched and shook his hand, Y/N laughed, “it didn’t hurt that bad! and look your bottle is open,” oystein just smiled a little, and Y/N almost melted, his smile was beautiful but he never wore it. “you should smile more.” she she stated facing him. oysteins smile dropped almost immediately but the blush stayed on his cheeks and he reddened as Y/N inched closer to his face.
“you look nice when you smile,” she says, beaming and brushing a stand of his hair behind his ear smoothly. she walked away, giving oystein a second to breathe and hide the massive boner inside his pants. Y/N had abandoned the mug and grabbed a beer bottle from the fridge and opened it. “aren’t you too young to drink, Y/N?” oystein asked, he was 19 but not that new to alcohol. “no” she replied, “well, yes and no…” she said taking a hearty sip. “how old are you these days?” oystein asked slyly, Y/N replied with her honest age, “i’m graduating in a couple months.” “wow, you are mature beyond your years…” oystein states, smiling. “maybe you are just behind,” Y/N laughs and then drinks more. they are both about halfway done but the weather was kind of nice out. it was a summer dusk so Y/N and oystein went outside to finish beers and while they were out there, oystein couldn’t help but retrieve a rolled blunt from his pocket.
Y/N was a little nervous because they think smoking weed with someone is very vulnerable but they agreed to oystein and they smoked the joint. “i’ve always wanted to do this with you…” oystein admits, “do what?” she laughs, “idk, smoking together, drinking, talking, anything… i’ve always wanted to know you better.” she looks down, “i wanted to know you to, but you always seemed to push me away when i got to close, you never opened up to me after middle school you know…” oystein feels devastated a little hurt hearing this, he keeps smoking. “i’m so sorry if i made you feel unappreciated, Y/N. i really liked you, like really really liked you,” he chuckles. “i promise,” she smiles, still looking down, “really?” she asks. he goes on, “really! you know i was going to ask you to my prom last year, gosh i remember like it was yesterday. i asked your brother for his permission, it was the scariest shit i’ve ever done. and i was going to ask you but the store was sold out of flowers and i guess i just psyched myself out…” he admits, kind of laughing at the story.
Y/N is surprised since he never talks about his feelings this deeply. “wow, i never knew. why did you get psyched out?”
“i don’t know, you were almost two years younger than me but i was a nobody at that school. you were pretty and had good friends and were nice to everyone. i figured another lucky guy had already asked you, i wouldn’t want it make it weird.”
“wow, oystein i wish you told me, i would have gone with you.” Y/N said, he was kind of in disbelief at that.
Y/N smokes the blunt and smiles, content with oysteins confession, “i forgive you, cheers…” she says and holds up the bottle, “cheers to what?” oystein questions. “cheers to confession…” she laughs and they clink the bottles. “i confess that i really liked you too, well before you slammed the door on your emotions… but i know the oystein i knew is still in there.” Y/N says, seriously, almost in a stern tone. oystein was frozen for a moments time but in that moment he felt like he had gained the wisdom of centuries.
oystein finished the blunt and tossed it, and that quickly he grabbed her jaw and pressed his lips to hers for their long awaited kiss. their lips locked together, so perfectly they thought they would get stuck and never pull away. oystein even ran his tounge over her lips, meeting her in the middle when she got brave enough to try a french kiss. she was a little hesitant kissing someone she had known for so long, it almost felt wrong, but also so so right. her hands tangled in his wild hair and he held the back of her neck, his other hand subconsciously creeping up Y/N’s soft thighs.
after another moment which seemed like centuries, they pulled away catching their breath. they began to arrange their clothes and hair back to normal. “oystein?” Y/N asks, “yes?” “does this mean… that you still you know, like me?” oystein blushes “what makes you think that??” he states quickly. “well, you just kissed me like your in love, and… it’s just- also, i could see your boner the whole time.” Y/N admits, oystein was flustered but they laughed it off, his icy eyes locked on hers and he promised-not said, promised, “the second I laid eyes on you I was yours, yes, Y/N, I do like you.” she smiled and put herself in his arms, “good, i like guys who like me…” and then they both started laughing in each others arms like they used to.
“i have to get back,” oystein says getting up and holding the door back into the house open for Y/N but they eventually speak, “have fun with your death metal,” Y/N says, “its black metal, norwegian black metal…” oystein says smiling, “either way, my bauhaus vinyl is easier on the ears.” she smiles. “well maybe i’ll come up to your chamber and we can listen to it together, how does that sound?” he asks, she responds quickly, “grood… i meant to say great and good, i’m sorry i-.” he had already walked away thinking about how was he going to get rid of this raging boner.
later in the night, the guys had packed up their things, oystein was the last to leave, “hey do you want to stick around and watch a movie or something?” jan asked oystein, “umm, no” he remembered he promised he would go to his sisters room, “sorry man i’m just tired, see you.” and oystein quickly left with his guitar case and pretended to be going out the door but in reality he went to the next floor and knocked on Y/N’s door.
she had been waiting patiently for oystein to come upstairs and when he knocked she started the bauhaus vinyl, hoping he would be impressed with her music taste.
when Y/N opened the door oysteins jaw dropped, she had changed from her pajamas and into a lacey black top and thong that was covered by a sheer robe, tied around her small waist. he couldn’t believe it, she looked so different, so beautiful and enticing, he didn’t know what to say.
“does jan know you are here?” Y/N questioned, oystein shook his head, still in disbelief, “um- can i come in?”
she let him in and he sat on the end of her bed which also was the best place to listen to the vinyl. “do you like it?” Y/N asks. “yes” oystein says smiling, he puts his hands on her waist and begins to inch upwards towards the lacey bra, his hands still over the robe. “i think it’s really sexy…” oystein says continuing, “no,” Y/N laughs taking his hands in her own and interlocking them. “i meant the vinyl, oystein.”
oystein blushed from embarrassment and arousal, “oh- yes that’s really good too.” he nods. she laughs.
she leans into him and their lips meet, his hands returning to her body as the kiss intensified. she reached under his shirt, he felt electrified when she touched his skin and peeled his shirt over his head, quickly reattaching their lips.
the gothic music blasted through the speakers, him still sitting on the bed, she backed away and he bathed in all her glory. she gave him a small tease, untieing the robe and slowly peeling it off her body, revealing her smooth pale skin that shined in the moonlight flowing through the window. the black lingerie contrasted her complexion and he had a sudden urge to strip it off her.
oystein stood from the bed quickly, pulling her in for another kiss, rubbing his large ringed fingers up and down her torso, he reached behind her back and unclipped the bra, letting out a sigh. he pulled it off her, staring for a second at her chest before grabbing her in his hands and fondling her breasts in his hands. “you are so beautiful, god you have no idea what this does to me.”
Y/N moaned at his words which only encouraged him, he latched to her neck and slurped at it like a vampire, letting his teeth graze her soft skin before sucking a hickey onto her throat. “sorry babe, your brother might get mad about that…”
she sighed, “forget about him.” she said, running her hands into his hair. he moved his lips down her body to her chest and began to suckle and kiss her breasts, Y/N continued moaning as she held his face to her, he bit down a little on her nipple causing her to flinch a little and pull oystein by the hair, but he just let out a low moan and the vibrations ran from his teeth to her bud, making her pussy wetter every second. she had to hold on to the desk so she wouldn’t collapse right there.
he got down to his knees, leaving a trail of kisses down her torso. his ringed fingers pulled down her thong effortlessly. he stared at her, but then slid his finger through the folds and penetrated her hole. Y/N let out a lewd noise but oystein didn’t stop, he kept fingering her, making her moan harder and her legs feel like jelly. oystein placed a hard smack on her asscheek and then brought his lips to the clit, kissing and then sucking on it. she felt close already. “oystein!! i’m gonna- please i’m going to cum”
oystein was suprised that she was going to cum this fast but her pussy leaked all over his hand and he lapped the juices up with his tounge. he stood up and pulled her into a kiss, her cum mingling between their lips, and right then, she came on his fingers- hard, his hand was still on her ass and it held her up since her knees had completely buckled under her.
oystein took down his pants and boxers swiftly, Y/N was suprised at his length, “oystein, that won’t fit!” “i’ll be careful baby” he replies. while he took his pants off Y/N flipped the vinyl which is very important. then he was ready. he took her by the waist and pressed her back to his chest, his hard member pressed between her legs, precum was oozing from the tip of his cock. oystein sat back in the bed, right between the speakers and set Y/N on top of him, spreading her legs. “are you ready?” oystein asks gruffly in her ear, nibbling at the lobe. she nodded and he groaned and his cock twitched between her legs so she wasted no time and grabbed it. she pumped it a few times, lubing it with pre cum and her pussy juices. then she pushed him into her, his cock filled her to the brim. “oh my god,” she muttered, he continued pushing in, inch by inch. she didn’t know if she could take the feeling at first. oystein wrapped his arm around Y/N and grabbed her tit roughly, he began moving her up and down his length. “you are doing so good.” oystein praised as he began to speed up, pounding into her messy cunt. she began to moan louder, over come by the feeling. “let me hear you,” oystein says, “they can’t hear you over the music, unless you want them to you little slut.” he laughs, “yeah, i bet you would like that, if your brother came up here and walked in on his best friend pounding his innocent little virgin sister.” Y/N couldn’t respond more than pornographic moans. “i’m-im” she utters, “oystein, cum-“ she speaks and has and orgasm on oysteins cock. he reaches his other hand around her and puts his fingers deep in her throat, pulling her down on him roughly. she was gagged and fucked into oblivion, his hand squeezing her chest. her moans echoing louding through the room with bauhaus music.
oystein finished inside her, he grunted and spurted cum though her. she was oozing and when he pulled out she sighed roughly and let cum drip and bubble from her hole. oystein left a harsh slap on her ass, almost squeezing it like he was milking her pussy. the whole time serenading her with compliments and love that he had for her. “you did so good, baby, god if i knew that pussy was so good i would have gotten it in grade school.” kissing her neck.
then he left, getting a washcloth from her bathroom to clean them. he got dressed and she pulled on the robe, “are you leaving?” Y/N asks, “i’m sorry- i thought that’s what you wanted, i mean, i would have to leave early tomorrow.” oystein responds. “that’s okay,” Y/N says, “do you want to spend the night?”
oystein couldn’t believe it, it’s not like he had never slept over in the house before, he had hundreds of times, but never in your bed. he nodded and got into the bed. they kissed a couple times before he pushed her hair back and stated, “i love you,” it seemed early but they really did love eachother, and they had for years. she blushed and tried to cover her smile with her hand. “i love you, too, oystein, i never stopped once.” she states, cuddling up into oysteins chest and falling asleep.
(prt 2 here)
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bots-and-cons · 7 months
Arcee, Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack being paired with a Bot who was a laidback and casual bodyguard before the war but is also an absolute stone wall in battle?
A/N: I took stonewall to mean something strong and something you can’t get past. Idk how you meant it but that’s what comes to mind first for me. All of my stuff lately feels like a stream of consciousness kind of thing, but I don’t really care. And I cut out Magnus, surprise, surprise
•You’re definitely very chill and Jackie quite likes that, you don’t seem to get stressed about things, even when you maybe should
•You’re always chill and calm, and seems like you never really lose your cool
•Jackie is kind of similar, he’s really laid back, and calm in battle, but he can get really reckless and mad if someone he cares about is hurt
•Jackie knows you used to work as a bodyguard before the war, and even for a while after it started
•You’re a strong warrior, so your services were wanted by many
•Jackie never ran into you on cybertron, but he did encounter you after the planet went dark when you’d left the cybertron with your employer
•Your employer at the time becomes unable to pay you, so you left them to fend for themselves
•You didn’t have a ship, so when you met Jackie, you struck a deal with him for you to hitch a ride
•It ended up becoming more of a partnership, because you ended up adventuring in deep space together, before you came to earth
•Jackie and you are pretty close and you’ve talked quite extensively about your past jobs and all the scumbags who hired you
•There’s not much to do on long trips in space, all you could really do is talk about all kinds of things
•You’ve heard all of Jackie’s wrecker stories at least once, but you don’t mind hearing them over and over again
•Though you have taken note that the stories seem to change ever so slightly sometimes, they seem to get more and more heroic, if only slightly
•Arcee doesn’t always appreciate your carefree and laid back attitude, because it sometimes feels like you don’t take things seriously
•She finds out pretty quickly that you take fighting very seriously and that you’re very good at it
•Of course this raises the question of “what did you do before the war?” because you seem to be suspiciously good at kicking aft
•You shrug and just tell her you were a bodyguard and that you had to fight a lot even before the war broke out
•She’s mildly interested in what kind of people you guarded, and you just straight up tell her: “Mostly some rich scumbags, but it paid well, so I didn’t care”
•Of course that money didn’t do much for you after cybertron went dark, so you had to take payment in other forms after that, physical currency instead of digital
•You sometimes infuriate Arcee with your laid back attitude, because she feels like you don’t take responsibility for things, nor do you take things seriously
•You have to/want to prove her wrong, but that takes some time
•You’ve saved Arcee a couple of times in a fight, but she has done so for you too
•Your relationship is a bit complicated, but you are quite close
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darthpastry · 8 months
Welcome to part two of my official Henry-hate crusade. Time to cover the true ending of Pizzeria Sim! For this one, I want to take one of the fandoms favorite moments, the connection terminated speech, and shred it to piece while explaining why Henry isn't really a hero in this instance. So! Let's go over certain lines. Maybe compliment some of my favorite ones so this isn't just hating and recognizing he isn't the absolute worst.
"And to you, my brave volunteer."
Idk about you, but it doesn't exactly seem to me like Michael knew what he was volunteering for.
"Who somehow found this job listing not intended for you."
If it was anyone else, they probably would've died. The only other person by this point who was known to be able to survive the animatronics was Jeremy and I doubt that even if he was still around, he would be able to fend them off due to brain injury. Also, not so much a complaint, but did Henry have someone else in mind or just threw the job listing into the void?
"Although, there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be."
Why not ask. Or at least tell him what the way out is instead of just assuming he hasn't found anything to live for and effectively murdering him?
"I am remaining as well. I am nearby."
Yep. Just make sure everyone who knows what's going on dies even though it's not like William hasn't escaped a fire before. Very responsible of you.
"This place will not be remembered. And the memory of everything that started this. Can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should."
I'm a firm believer in when history is forgotten it repeats itself, so quite frankly wanting people to forget seems a bit stupid. I agree that they shouldn't be trapped in the agony of it, but "this place will not be remembered" seems wrong.
"Although, for one of you. The darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole. So, don't keep the Devil waiting, old friend."
I can complain about Henry all day, but William is objectively far worse, and this line is absolute fire. Pun intended.
"My daughter, if you can hear me. I knew you would return as well."
Might be due to that animatronic you made to capture her and deliver constant controlled shocks and also somehow ended up in a magazine? Idk though. Just a theory.
"I'm sorry that on that day. The day you were shut out and left to die. No one was there to lift you up in their arms. The way you lifted others into yours."
But why. I get that being a parent can be hard and you can't have an eye on your kid 24/7, but he should've at least made there was a responsible adult present.
"Not my daughter. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now."
Yippee. Negligent dad who can only making up for leaving his child without a responsible adult which led to her early death by using Lefty so that she can finally move on. Yayyyy /extreme sarcasm ofc
“Congratulations on completing your work week. We apologize if your situation wasn't presented to you In a completely honest fashion when you first started, but it was important that your intentions and actions be genuine.”
I cannot emphasize enough that Michael was not told what was going to happen and given the last sentence it seems like he didn't even feel the need to be suspicious of what was going on.
“Please accept this Certificate of Completion. Goodbye for now, and thank you for taking this journey with us.”
More of theorizing but it's kind of weird that this whole monologue was recorded and delivered if Michael is supposed to be actually dead. I know it's for the player, but I feel like they could easily spin this and bring Michael back.
Tune in next time where I cover the other endings, possibly rant about how everything in FNaF is awful for everyone, and miscellaneous if there's any!
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brookstolemybrand · 3 months
I already talked about Sabo being kind of a parallel protagonist to Luffy, but Koby is in some ways maybe even more so (especially since he was introduced literally in chapter 2)
Sabo is Luffy's dad's protégé
Koby is Luffy's grandpa's protégé
(Sidenote: Luffy kinda took Ace's place as Shanks' and Rayleigh's protégé, arguably; I mean it would have made a lot of sense for former Roger pirates to act as mentor figures for Roger's son, wouldn't it? In a different story that put more importance to bloodlines, Ace would have been destined to be the next King of the Pirates for sure. Ace is kind of a decoy protagonist)
With Koby it's even more obvious when you look at the known SWORD members and how many of them have some kind of legacy position, or at least we can assume so even if we don't know for certain (like with Hibari suspiciously sharing Akainu's dialect). In theory, Garp's grandson would fit into SWORD perfectly.
And of course Garp very much intended this to be Luffy. It's not even subtle that Koby is the replacement grandson lmao
(Say what you want about Dragon's (lack of) parenting, he definitely didn't put any pressure on Luffy. So with Sabo it's not really the same, it's not like Luffy refused to follow in his father's footsteps; he didn't even know he had a father, much less what those footsteps were. But the parallels are still there)
But yeah, I think their personal connections to Luffy, as well as the way they're set up in positions that Luffy plausibly might have had in some alternate timelines, makes them Luffy's counterparts in the Navy and in the Revolutionary Army. Which allows them to function as pseudo-protagonists for the audience when Luffy isn't present and to take on plotlines that would otherwise feel like they should be handled by the main characters (like taking on the Blackbeard Pirates and the Celestial Dragons respectively)
Narratively speaking, as the plot gets bigger, you kinda need these secondary protagonists to carry the parts of the story that Luffy can't be there for
The three of them also represent different shounen protagonist archetypes:
I kinda struggled to phrase this myself (and honestly I just have a very limited reference pool for shounen anime) so I googled it and I'm stealing the terms from this post
Basically Luffy is the "Idiot Hero", Koby is the "Boy Wonder" and Sabo... well actually I think Ace is the "Punk Martyr" (he took the martyr part a bit too seriously rip), and Sabo is the secret fourth thing: the Cool Competent Guy (even though Sabo is also a punk, he just hides it better)
Luffy is a Goku, Koby is a Deku, and Sabo is... idk I guess he would be a Lelouch (look, I'm talking about character TYPES, not saying they're the same kind of person)
... Well actually Sabo is more of an Enjolras, but Les Mis is not a shounen manga—
(That's a really good adaptation of Les Mis btw, I could gush endlessly about Takahiro Arai and how well he understood not only the core of the story but also how to adapt it into a visual medium, really leaning into the vivid metaphorical imagery in Hugo's narration and then adding to it his own, it's SO GOOD)
(To immediately nitpick myself: Sabo is more like an amalgamation of all the Amis de l'ABC but it's easier to say Enjolras for short. Also yes I know Enjolras isn't the protagonist, but he has protagonist energy)
Anyway... what was I saying?
Right, I was gonna talk about the hero thing, because heroism is actually a big theme in One Piece:
Luffy doesn't want to be a hero, BUT KOBY DOES. He might be sheepish about calling himself one, but it was his dream, and by all conventional standards he accomplished it: he's now a Navy Hero
Sabo is more of a reluctant hero; he wanted to be a pirate like Luffy but chose to become a revolutionary instead. He's fully committed to that role though, even willing to accept the title of regicide if it helps the cause (this btw also makes him similar to another character in Les Mis, the Conventionist who... okay fine I'll stop)
As a marine and a revolutionary, Koby and Sabo are on the opposite sides of the whole "hero" thing. Although well, neither of them are extremists so at the same time they're not that opposite either, more like just each others' counterparts on opposing sides, but still
It makes sense that Koby, whose ambition was to become a hero, would gravitate to the conventional and widely accepted form of heroism: military heroism. Meanwhile Sabo, the reluctant hero, was driven to become one exactly because those socially accepted forms of heroism in reality exist to maintain an unjust system and there need to be people who step up to oppose that system, it's heroism out of necessity
You could also say that Koby becomes a part of the system because he wants to be a hero, Sabo becomes a hero because he wants to escape the system...
(Sidenote: I actually have a hunch that Dragon is probably more like Koby in terms of personality and ambitions, he's just a Koby who became disillusioned after learning the truth about the navy. That's the vibe I get anyway)
Either way, both of them are a good contrast to Luffy, who insists that he's not a hero and who chooses to just follow his selfish whims, which is why he's the pirate, he picks the least "heroic" career option. And that's why he's the protagonist, because this is a pirate manga
That said, as it turns out, his selfish whims are pretty heroic anyway, and he ends up being the one who has the most freedom to do exactly what needs to be done, BECAUSE he's not a hero
(Is that extremely dangerous? Sure. Could it end really badly? Yes. But Luffy isn't supposed to be a role model, he's literally a pirate)
But it still helps the narrative to also have heroic characters who aren't only motivated to help people who give them food lol
(I kid, but ykwim)
It helps that there are heroes even if the protagonist isn't one, because otherwise the audience might start wanting the protagonist to become the hero
And then it wouldn't be a pirate adventure story anymore, it would become a hero narrative
.... I know I should end the post here but you have no idea how much I'm holding back a rant rn about the marines and how much they suck and why I find Koby so frustrating as a character... That's another post tho
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fili-urzudel · 9 months
If you don't mind #9 and #7 with Thorin and Dwalin.
7. Sleeping in a dog pile
9. Forehead touches
I was quite honestly immediately inspired by this one, it was just bridging the gaps between every flash of inspiration I had lol. It felt nice to write something platonic, and I hope that this was close to what you had in mind, or if it wasn't, it's still something you enjoy. <3
Word count: 1.1 k
Warnings: Might getcha in your feels idk, old man dwarf Balin POV
Pebbles - Platonic Balin, Thorin, and Dwalin
Dwalin could hardly keep still, hands fidgeting with the head of the wooden axe Adad had gifted him some months ago. "Will you let us stay up as late as we want?"
"No," Balin answered sternly, still feeling a bit strange, entrusted with all this authority. "You will go to sleep when Amad and Her Highness said you need to go to sleep. And you'll eat your dinner."
"I thought brothers were supposed to be fun."
"I thought sons of the advisor to the king were supposed to be well behaved," Balin said, before ruffling his brother's dark hair. He hadn't quite gotten the hang of braiding it yet, so he decided to leave it all out, and it stuck out quite impressively from his head. "And you can have fun, just be mindful. It's not your house. And be gentle with Dis, she's just a little'un."
"Aye, aye," he waved him off.
The older dwarf hoisted his school bag over his shoulder again before knocking on the door to the common quarters of the royal family. "Come in!" The princess's voice rang through, and Balin took a deep breath as he pulled the door open. 
"Dwalin!" Thorin jumped up from whatever it was he was doing at the table to all but tackle his little brother, initiating their special handshake that always ended in a headbutt. 
He had taught them it. 
"And what am I? Chopped liver?" As he spoke, Frerin and Dis came running up, sticking to either side of him and forcing him to drop his bag of schoolbooks on the floor. "Ah, at least someone cares," he joked, a hand on each of their backs.
"Thank you for showing up early, we're about ready to leave," the princess told him with a genuine smile. She was always so warm. "I know you'll all have so much fun!"
"Not too much," Prince Thrain reminded them.
"Of course not, sir."
"I know you're a good lad, Balin," Thrain reassured him. "I'm sure we'll return to clean plates, clean rugs, clean clothes, and no damaged art, right?" He asked, pointedly turning to his eldest son and his best friend, who seemed to be tuning him out.
"Yes, da."
"Yes, sir!" They said at the same time.
After a round of goodbye and another set of reminders for Thorin and Dwalin, the pair were off, and Balin could get started on his homework. Right?
"Dis, you've got to finish your vegetables," Balin encouraged her, though he knew the words would have irked him when he was her age. 
"But I don't like green food," she pouted, blue eyes welling with on-demand tears. 
"Thattagirl," Dwalin praised, and Balin shot him a look that had him shrinking in his seat. 
"They're good, I prom—Frerin, that had better not be drawing clay," he warned as he saw the pebble nearing the wall with a suspiciously clenched fist. "I may not be your ma but I won't let you color the walls either."
After redirecting Frerin's creative energy to parchment, Balin cleaned up after dinner. 
It wasn't much easier after.
"Boys, no wrestling on the furniture," he said exasperatedly, still trying in vain to do his schoolwork at the dinner table. He moved his papers and books haphazardly in his arms to the table in the sitting room, hoping to dissuade them from trying again. 
They continued amusing themselves with tasks of varying volume, and Balin was almost done with his essay on the First Age when it went quiet. Too quiet.
"Quick, pick it up!"
"Why weren't you watching her?"
"She's your sister!"
"She's your sister too!"
"You're older!"
By that point, Balin had made it to the room at the end of the hall—the master bedroom. Someplace none of them should be.
The scene was simple enough to decipher. A vase of some sort lay on the ground, formerly perched on a table that Dis must've walked into and knocked over. Surprisingly, the noise was not enough to make her cry, but enough to make the other pebbles start panicking.
It wasn't a big deal. Honestly, if it was anyone's fault, it was Balin's, something he would readily admit to when the prince and princess returned.
But the pebbles thought they were in big trouble, with enough anxious energy to keep them up all night. 
"Why, you little goats!" He roared, and the pebbles perked up almost instantly. "You'd better run!"
Dis shrieked and toddled away, the others in hot pursuit. Balin chased them around tables and the kitchen island, catching them and earning more screams every time they hid behind a bed or chair.
He let them get ahead of him just enough to confer among themselves, and when he caught up, they attacked. 
"Get him!" Dis cried in her small voice, and Balin couldn't hide his smile.
Frerin and Thorin each took an arm, and Dwalin bowled them back onto the couch. "My own brother, betraying me!" he shouted, closing his eyes in defeat.
The couch was wide, wide enough for the five of them to spread out as they wished. Dwalin lay on his chest, his untamed hair tickling Balin's chin.
Thorin laid his head on his stomach, his baby sister in his arms and his little brother laid out on his legs.
And finally, they could rest, Balin thought as not-so-quiet snores filled the room.
"Balin?" A small voice asked, and it took a moment for him to realize it was Dwalin's. It had been a while since he sounded so... little. 
"Yeah, nadad?"
"I'm sorry for not being better tonight."
"You were just having fun," he assured him. "It's alright."
"Are you sure?"
Balin touched his forehead to his brother's briefly, patting his back. "Yeah. Go to sleep, nadad."
His brother snuggled back up to his side.
He would clean up the vase later. He would tell the prince and princess when they got home and apologize profusely for not watching them more closely.
But right now, it was nice being right where he was.
My, where did time go?
It had been a long time since then, Balin reminisced. A lot had changed. They were charging to recover the mountain he had lived most of his life in. He had a couple hundred more grey hairs, and all the pebbles had full beards now. The ones that were still alive, at least. Dis had pebbles of her own, and they were on the quest. 
He wasn't sure, but he did know one thing. It was an absolute fact, actually, as Thorin and Dwalin lay snoring on each arm.
Some things didn't change much at all.
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in other news, i was waiting in line to buy a subway and started thinking about mcl again (as one does) and I ended up thinking more about how my candy and Jason would interact, and TLDR: it gave me an idea: What if I make my Candy to appear as if, at the start, she would have been a better fit for Goldreamz? Like she acts really cold in a profesional setting because of her bad experiences at EPMC but eventually, she ends up warming up to her coworkers. read below if you'll like to see my candy and her intj shenanigans.
As the player, I find Jason to be a really interesting and entertaining character, I think he's really charming, but if I met him? hell nah, leave me alone Mendal. So, I thought, what about my Candy being annoyed/indifferent at best to him and literally just. completely ignoring him at worst? I imagine the reason why she left EPMC was not because she was dating her boss (for my purposes I'm abandoning that storyline but it's cool) but because her colleagues were extremely unfair to her, and it was not necessarily the work that was exhausting her but more so having to deal with the people around her. I think she has deal plenty with people similar to Jason, in the form of egotistical people who think they are above everyone and if you don't agree then you are a fool. And because of that, when Jason attempts at the start to try and make her play games she's just straight up not buying it. When they met in ep 2 I think she would be polite to him, maybe even thinking that he's going to be a competent competitor BUT the moment he starts bickering with Devon and Roy she would be like no thanks <3 and would resort to appear indifferent to Devon and Roy about the matter, which might not be the best and for Jason, well you know him he wants to get in your mind as quick as possible. But, just because she appears like that doesn't mean her blood isn't boiling and she's just holding herself back to tell Jason to stfu. I think she would tell him to stop interrupting the client and would put emphasis on "we came here for the client, not for you" and of course, Jason would tease as he does in the game telling her "oh, so you are the one in charge now? you should tell the same to your coworkers then, it seems Roy didn't get that memo" (or something like that, I'm not Jason but yk) and Roy wouldn't appreciate that, to say the least. After that, when Jason tells her at the end how sorry he is that he's going to steal this project from them, she'll simply tell him results will tell and I think this indifference is what can make Jason feel annoyed lol. When the event is done and Jason CONTINUES to tell them that their project was not good enough, I'll like for her to tell him something similar to the game. In ep 3 she sees Jason at the mall but just walks past him lol and in ep 4 I think i'm going to make her be like dude, I don't think it's our bussiness to know who Jason sleeps with yk, which will spark a little debate between her and Thomas (he's her crush but they aren't interested in each other at this point, but they are in good terms) AND i think, if Jason hears her and then he continues talking, if it's canon that he gets her phone number, he definitely would start to imply for her to change companies again. And Brune saying "oh wow, what a coincidence that now that she's here, Jason is too. Almost as if he's following her" would NOT help her ass💀💀💀 I think Amanda would be more suspicious of her, and both have a little bit of a strained relationship as coworkers (for now) sooo yk, it's almost as if my candy's on thin ice from the start lol then for ep 5 i feel like they would meet a different side of her (if I end up sticking her in the same position as the canon Candy, which idk, i would like for her to either work on graphic design OR on finances but whatev), in this version I imagine she chose Devon to work with and the others, seeing that Devon is pleased they probably would relax a bit more about her switching companies and be more trusfull of her for ep 6 i want my candy to be with her roommate, I imagine Devenementiel talking about the fair and she's like besties no, I've already have plans with some friends (she does ballet, she's going with those friends + her roommate who is her bestie) BUT, just when she was about to leave with her roommate, Roy saw them and invited them again, which worked. And because she has her best friend here, she feels a little bit more at ease and starts to show her personality a little bit more.
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cheerfullycatholic · 7 months
Hi. What do you think about (not catholic) evangelical radical healing etc events?
I went to one because the way it was told to me was hyped up to be this amazing thing and tbh some of it was and I’m glad I got to speak to people there but I feel really idk the right word but I was told to do all this stuff and expect a miracle basically and I really did. I know this stuff doesn’t always happen but I felt kinda worried to even leave at first because the way they were talking was like if I get up and leave it’s because people have a demon or something - that’s how it was made to feel like if you’re uncomfortable it’s because you have demonic presence inside??? But anyway long story short I tried to get prayer and it was so busy I couldn’t even find anyone who’d offered before. It was kind of rushed and felt like it was a quick ‘come and queue and get prayer and go’ which sounds bad of me to say but it was. I briefly got prayer but it was so awkward because it ended up being someone random who I didn’t want to explain traumas to again (note: the previous day I’d sat down with one of the preachers and a friend to discuss in detail things I wanted help and prayer for from God) and then I did find a friend and she was lovely as always but yeah. It’s not that I’m upset at God at all in any way but I guess I’m kind of upset and slightly discouraged at the way some things were handled. I feel bad even saying this but I just really needed to talk to someone even if it’s anonymously 🥺
I don't question the experiences of people who've been healed at places like that, I think it's wonderful! But I am a bit suspicious of them (those events, not the people who go there), at least from what I know since I've never been to one. It's not the intent of them that's sus to me, everyone gathering together and praying for each other I think is great. It's more the expectation of them, like "if you say this and do that you WILL be healed" or "after we pray for you your life WILL change" which isn't guaranteed because God doesn't work on our time, He works on His, and there's no magic words to healing because He isn't a wizard or genie. And the whole "if you leave you're possessed" thing is kind of...idk maybe manipulative? I don't know if that's the word I'm looking for, but it's not right. A lot of the people who go there are very hurt and in a vulnerable position, they don't need to be told that they're possessed if they're uncomfortable
I think prayer is always good, whether it's coming from a friend, a priest, or a radical healing event. I just think, like you mentioned, they're not always handled well, and the expectation should be different. Not "if I do or say this it's guaranteed you'll be healed", but "let's all ask God to help you and trust in His timing and will"
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negativnine · 2 years
stupid Kale headcannon thing
i feel like the reason he is the way he is, is because of unreceived attention and bullying, like “THEY NEVER CARED ABOUT ME, WHY SHOULD ABOUT CARE ABOUT THEM” but he is just talking about like ages from 5 to 10
most definitely  theater kid, and the dramatic kind like there is now way he is not into theatrics probably the reason he got bullied as a kid seen Hamilton at least once
speaking of theatric kale, he also probably writes poems and it’s the edgy cringy kind of poems as well he only has fun while writing them after finishing them he reads them through he’s just like “yeah no” and because of that he has a super secret and complex safe just for whatever notebook he has those poems written in
also when chai and the gang finds it and opens the safe, ‘cus of course they will since it looks suspicious as fuck, it’s just gonna be like Chai: HE WRITES POEMS?! Peppermint: HE STILL WRITES POEMS?!
i know that the accepted relationship between him and Mimosa is Mimosa looking up to him, but personally i find the idea of them friends more appealing like they’re the cliché mean girls high school duo that judges and gossips about everybody
that being said Mimosa was probably his only friend, which is sad, but it’s kale so not really
probably has anger issues, not the violent outburst kind, but more like Dylan yelling at his old baking recipes or kitchen wear (i have such a clear image of him just yelling “CEASE AND DESIST” to an oven)
since it is canon that he is a dog person,(which just makes me so giddy for no reason) i like to think he is just the most aggressive dog person a dog person can be like at some point somebody in the boss team was like “it would probably be nice to have meetings outside every once in a while” but that had to be scrapped because he would just disappear every 10 minutes ‘cus he somehow found a dog just chillin’ and decided that it needed to be pet like i feel like he could have been bribed with dogs in someway and the whole final boss fight could have been avoided
as much he is a poor little meow meow, he is also kind of a malewife material my mind cannot be changed about this
he probably has been living by basically himself since like the age of 15 he definitely knows his way around the kitchen at least
also back to the dog person bit at first i was like “so who the hell made the conscious decision to make Rouqefort into a mecha warewolf?” but it was definitely Kale and Rouqefort probably approved and i don’t know which one is worse  
this man has been living in my head rent free for god knows how long
if anything else comes to my mind i’ll probably add also feel free to add yours if y’all have any
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fitzrove · 2 years
The true logic behind the "kitschification" of Elisabeth Schönbrunn
After hanging out in Vienna for a few days, I feel like a lot of Elisabeth Schönbrunn makes sense to me in a way it didnt before. But this is not a compliment... XD
To put it simply, it feels like a catered tourism ad. Like, think about it. There was already so much kitsch potential in the original Elisabeth (actors playing widely mythologised iconic characters in period-accurate costumes straight from the portraits and postcards), and the most cynical critics kinda dismissed it as a tourist trap from the start. But Schönbrunn puts in so much additional touristy kitschiness... Let me make a quick list.
1. The concert experience as a whole
It's a massive outdoor concert in peak holiday/summer season, in the iconic Schönbrunn environment. With the astronomical ticket prices (and the intentionally massive number of seats), I feel like it's intentionally made into a "luxury experience". The target audience is not really musical fans: the target audience is Elisabeth (historical figure) fans, royalists & Habsburg history enthusiasts, tourists in Vienna and people who don't usually go for that sort od thing but want to be immersed in history in the real historical location, with famous actors, famous costumes and catchy music. Idk, I think this became apparent to me when I encountered somewhat pushy concert ticket merchants at the entrances to the Hofburg and Schönbrunn, with little details given about what exactly would be performer at the concert. It was very generic. And with Elisabeth Schönbrunn too, you aren't really paying for the content of the experience or to see the art - you're paying for the experience itself. Of course, there are tons of advance bookings made for the Schönbrunn concert (in fact I doubt you can get tickets the day of, given the very short runs), so perhaps this theory doesn't entirely hold up, but still.
2. The postcard projections
The Schönbrunn stage is surrounded by two big screens with images projected onto them for the audience to see. In addition to providing closeups for the people sitting too far away to see much otherwise, they show real historical pictures (maps, photographs) during transitions between songs. Now, VBW tends to like projections in their other musical productions too lol, but while wandering in Vienna I realised that many of the images projected at Schönbrunn are sold as postcards - at the Schönbrunn souvenir shop. This could be chalked up to intentional irony (like during Kitsch and Neues Sortiment, obviously it's an extension of Lucheni's whole thing), but sometimes it does seem to happen genuinely (like during Die Ersten Vier Jahre iirc).
3. The carriage
When I went to the Hofburg and saw the horse carriages leaving from the front with tourists aboard (120 euros per ride), I had a moment of recognition. It was exactly like when FJ and Sisi rode in at the beginning of the second act of Schönbrunn. This is what first got me thinking about Schönbrunn being a giant tourist ad for the "Habsburg Vienna experience" XD Now, idk if I'm being a conspiracy theorist by saying it's an intentional ad, but it does seem a bit suspicious on that front... I should check if the carriage operating company sponsored them.
4. Tod
Schönbrunn Tod is so... generic? The white leather makes him seem almost invisible, in a way. The black leather from 2012 at least had an edge to it, casting a contrast between him and the historically dressed characters. But the white leather (like Tod himself) is just there, kinda blandly. I feel like it's intentional too. If Tod had more flair (like he had, in some way, in every Viennese production up until this point), it would perhaps feel inappropriate to the target audience of Habsburg enjoyers and casual tourists. So he's not queer, not very supernatural, not odd in appearance or demeanor, not even dressed in a particularly eyecatching way. I think it's because the show relies more on the appeal of the Habsburg costume replicas and familiar historical figures than the actual subversive writing gimmick that Michael Kunze created as he created Der Tod - because some people inevitably wouldn't Get It if Tod was less bland. They can't write Tod out for obvious reasons, but they can make him as palatable as possible to a wide, general audience. This is the true reason they got rid of the Mayerling kiss - I'm not sure Tod's role is very clear in the Schönbrunn staging at all, so some people in the audience wouldn't be able to appreciate his monstrous, all-consuming, equal-opportunity nature (which is at its most visible in the Mayerling kiss. It's the first and only time we see Tod take someone's life so violently, completely and explicitly. Lol my Mayerling kiss enjoyment is showing.)
So yeah. This might read a bit like a conspiracy theory but to me, it all makes sense now. I get where the choices come from a bit better, but I will never ever accept them. The VBW might want to rake in easy money with the mangled kitschified skeleton of this show, and it probably helps finance their other musical productions quite a bit, but still... I wish they would bring back the horrors... 💔
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lurkingteapot · 1 year
Laws of Attraction กฎแห่งรักดึงดูด Ep. 2
Same precedure as last week, including apologies to those who've seen this before. Includes translation of the writing on Tonkhao's picture and (attempt at) translation of bits on the documents Chaan receives in the last flashback.
open with something heartbreaking, why won't you? Tonkhao is so worried about that one failing/barely passing (not sure) grade, and the family being like "oh c'mon, one bad grade isn't the end of the world"? I am EMOTIONAL.
oh fuck. these are the WORST dreams. I guess at least Tinn had the questionable luck of remembering she died before he woke up, because waking up and feeling good because the memories or dream of a deceased person was nice and only then remembering they've passed? that's brutal.
WOW, that's a swanky place.
adfadfadsf idk WHAT Chaan's game is, but the whole "I'm just gonna let you jump to conclusions" sure is something.
… yeah, I'd be suspicious too, Tinn. But also Chaan, don't spring the "that might not've been an accident" on the man like that.
oof, IDK which show said it– feels like a Doctor Who thing? but those are some of the most dangerous and powerful words in the world. "let me help".
afaasfsdfads "I've never chased a guy like this" Chaan, not the time
no way that was a regular break-in
idk what they're building up to with Thaenthai and his bodyguard, but I'm intrigued
OH is that what they were looking for? something of Tonkhao's?
oh, ow.
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Writing in picture reads:
Family. Granny Aew's Jaew Hawn (Isaan type hotpot) Love great-grandma and Uncle Tinn the most in the world
Chaan's got Tinn's sister and grandma wrapped around his little finger, huh. that was fast.
Chaan, just saying, I think he'd probably listen to you more if you told him things like this up front
Yeah, what do they want?
okay, this dude is a complete n00b at B&E, but also isn't Tinn a trained Taekwondo instructor? I feel like this should be easier for him
LOL at the motorcycle chase
Chaan to the rescue?
I love that shirt, but why is it already stained even though he just-- oh, continuity, okay.
his indignant little "I'm bleeding here" I -- Chaan, do you take anything seriously?
Chaan being a huge baby over having his cut cleaned gives me LIFE
also sorry not sorry but the way that ring lies at Chaan's throat … 👀 I'm assuming that wasn't on purpose, but. collar vibes
I feel like this is the last time we see this dude alive. Also wow Thaenthai and his anger issues and shirts? giving Vegas here, I said what I said.
oh, exposition by the way of Issues, gotcha. Also I'm willing to put money on Thaenthai and his bodyguard having something going on, or being on the way there.
wow, what a juxtaposition
okay this legalese quoting is a thing with him, huh.
oof, this kid is even less okay than I thought
oh, granny has adopted Chaan
okay, what gives, why are the cops suddenly willing to help?
oh, of course.
I've decided I love when Chaan quotes legalese, but I also definitely will have to catch the subs for these bits.
afsdfadfasdfas Granny
Chaan flirting and Tinn suspicious, the eternal dance
I BUY the revenge thing, but I also don't think that's the whole truth
wow, we get jaded lawyers a lot, but Chaan really is a different level
I like that they're on more even footing now, with Tinn having found something to push at, too
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Pending legal case # 8943/2560 (= 2017) Pending legal case # 2190/2560 Judge's bench (??) 201 on the 20/07/60 (= '17)
Chaan's only six years on the job and changed this much? oof.
was his mum wearing that ring in the flashback?
This was another absolutely wild ride and I cannot wait for next week.
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katierosefun · 1 year
i just saw the ask game and idk if you still have time but if you 'd like to answer 001 with jwds cause i just love them so much and i always love to read your thoughts, you word things so well ♥
aww thanks for the ask, anon!! // from these asks
001 | jwds edition
when I started shipping it if I did:
i started shipping them probably the second they had their first on-screen interaction with one another. something just very funny about joo won quietly watching dong sik from the second he walks through the door, something also very funny about dong sik introducing himself to joo won (but joo won haughtily moving on), something insane about how joo won and dong sik were both adamantly against the idea of them becoming work partners. i don't really like enemies to lovers, but they had such funny and intense chemistry from the get-go that i think i fell for them immediately.
my thoughts:
i still think that jwds is perhaps one of . . . like .. . the ships that really made me reconsider how i feel about love stories and also what it means to really love someone, period. which perhaps sounds a bit dorky, because i also believe that stories can only teach you so much, but i do think that when i watched beyond evil, i had this idea in my head already of what devotion and love really looked like. beyond evil--and joo won and dong sik's relationship, really, show that if you love someone, you shouldn't want to go to hell for them. you should want to drag yourselves out of hell together, and that means so much in this world we're in.
What makes me happy about them:
i think the fact that they both are willing to admit that they were wrong about each other--and how, because of that, they're willing to defend one another through hell and back. there's something just so wonderful about joo won becoming so adamant about truly understanding dong sik once he realizes that dong sik is not at all the person he thought he was--and alternatively, there's something so painfully wonderful about dong sik going to bat for joo won even when everyone else was suspicious of him. they are the people who understand exactly how much pain the other has been in, and they therefore understand exactly how much heart is in the other person, so that makes me tear up.
What makes me sad about them:
hm, i think this might really just be a headcanon thing but also, it might be steadily based in canon . . . but i do think that while joo won and dong sik are having their happily ever after right now, i still feel like there must be a lot of difficult obstacles for them, just because they both have? a lot of? emotional scars. i think they'll absolutely work through them--they've been working through them together over the course of the show, but i'd imagine it still takes a bit of time before either of them can take a breath and go "okay. we don't have to act like this is going to blow up in our faces."
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
i don't think i've ever seen a fanfic that annoys me!
things I look for in fanfic:
anything that's post-canon related. also, idk, i do like the really long fics that are just a deeper exploration of joo won and dong sik's personalities.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
ough that's rough, because i genuinely don't think i'd want them to end up with anyone else outside each other. if they don't end up together, i'd hope that they'd at least have some unspoken "it could've been you" grief going on between them. (which may be a little evil of me, but. cut a girl some slack.)
My happily ever after for them:
living together forever, having a lot of happy days and nights full of good food and good company. they get through the bad days together. they also have a garden, and they also have a cat.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
joo won's the big spoon. man is so touch starved that as soon as he graduates to that level of the relationship with dong sik, dong sik literally can't remember what it's like to sleep and not realize joo won's hugging him from behind.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
cooking together, probably. dong sik swears he's not very good at cooking (he really is actually quite awful), but he probably can work through some of his mom's older recipes. joo won's very good at cooking, as we already know, and he probably gets a lot of joy out of cooking for dong sik. alternatively, dong sik probably really likes making joo won try new things, so i think they probably match each other perfectly in that regard :')
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
Hi. I'm glad your requests are open again. I wanted to request the tfp autobots finding there s/o is a powerful wild witch from the boiling isles and is trying to teach the kids about glyphs and potions? (Idk if you've seen the owl house so you don't have to do this one but I thought it would be pretty cool. Have a good day.)
Uuuu I love Owl House. I haven't finished it yet since the last episodes are not on Disney+ where I live (at least they weren't when I last checked). I very much based this on Eda, because that sounded like a fun idea. I only did the original bots, since this ended up being pretty damn long but oh well
•You’ve got the door to the human realm and you use it pretty often to collect stuff to sell
•One time it malfunctioned a bit and sent you to the autobots’ base, or maybe it was fate, who knows
•Anyway, you’re not really even surprised by the bots, since you don’t know enough about the human world to know they don’t belong there
•Ratchet was obviously pretty surprised to see some random person, with peculiar clothing and a staff wandering around the base
•You carry a few items that are infused with magic when you go into the human world, so you can still use magic when you’re there
•Ratchet calls for Optimus, asking who brought a new human to the base, but he obviously doesn’t know where you came from either
•Ratchet and Optimus ask you how you got in to their base and you start explaining about the door and when they clearly don’t believe you, you show them how the door works
•Ratchet doesn’t really get surprised by much anymore, he feels like he’s seen it all, but magic? MAGIC!?
•Optimus is much calmer about it, because while he is also internally going “What?!”, he doesn’t let it show
•The kids arrive with their guardians and everyone is like “Why is there a new human at he base?”
•You have to explain that you’re not a human, you’re a witch
•Miko is of course very excited about this, and tells you that you look like one too, and asks if you can teach her magic
•There are giant alien robots, so is someone being a witch really such a stretch?
•Raf is also interested, but he’s more skeptical
•Jack doesn’t believe you at all, but you change that quite quickly when you start flying around on your staff
•Arcee is interested even if skeptical, because you clearly have something going on with you, humans don’t just fly on sticks
•Bee is probably the most excited about the whole thing, because he’s seen witches on TV and magic is always cool
•Bulkhead is a bit suspicious about the whole thing, but much more interested in what you can do
•You decide it’s time for you to leave as the bots start talking about what they should do with you, because you don’t like the tone of that
•They’re not malicious of course, but you never know
•So you try to use the door portal, but it doesn’t open
•”Why do you have to be so temperamental?” you mutter at the door before putting it away
•Ratchet tells you he thought you were leaving, and you tell him that doesn’t seem to be happening
•So you’re stuck there for now and decide to spend your time teaching the three kids some magic
•You have a lot of stuff in your bag, so you can make some basic potions, and paper and pens exist everywhere so glyphs are not a problem either
•You teach them to make lights, and soon there are dozens of them floating around the room
•Ratchet and Arcee keep and eye on you, in case you do something they’d consider dangerous
•But you just teach them some basic stuff and make a potion that makes them float
•You and the kids are having a ton of fun, because magic is great obviously
•There are some mishaps, like Miko drawing a water glyph and getting Jack totally drenched
•It turns into a bit of a fight, because Jack does it back and then Miko again and it keeps going
•Raf gets left out of it and you later teach them to draw wind glyphs so they can dry themselves
•Bee wants to try it too and he copies one of the glyphs you showed on a piece of paper, and manages to grow some plants on it
•He luckily drew it on a small paper so the plants weren’t too big
•Bee got a bit spooked because the plants started wrapping around his feet, but they didn’t get far because they were so small
•Optimus is also quietly watching from the sidelines, and he’s honestly just glad to see the kids having fun, even if the base getting a bit messy
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