#and if the type of people who go crazy for this kind of marketing are reading a lot of books
teamdays · 11 months
actually thinking about that last post u know what absolutely is a rich people store. whole foods. every time i step in there/the general vicinity i am like in shock
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sweetbans29 · 5 months
Eyes On You - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You catch Caitlin's eye during a game (based off of THIS request)
Warnings: fluff, flirting, ever so slightly suggestive
Word Count: 3.2k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Okay but tell me you haven't gone somewhere and actually imagined this happened because you would be lying...
It is a Tuesday afternoon when your friends practically beg you to go to the women's basketball game.
"Come on, it will be fun," one of your friends says. You shake your head no without looking up from your biology paper.
"I need to finish this paper, it is due Friday and I am nowhere near close to done," you say, typing a sentence only to delete it immediately after. For some reason, this research paper is just not coming together.
"We already got you a ticket, you are going." Your roommate states knowing the real reason you don't want to go and it has nothing to do with your paper.
The truth is there is a girl on the team who you have been crushing on for a while now. The two of you are in the same business marketing class. She caught your eye pretty early on. The two of you ended up sitting next to each other and would make small talk whenever you got to class. It was never anything major but it was always the highlight of your day. You would get back to your room and immediately tell your roommate about your little conversation with the star athlete.
That was the thing, when you were in class she wasn't the superstar, she was just Caitlin. She would make you laugh with some silly little comment and you would talk to her like she wasn't the biggest person at the school. She made you feel seen and you made her feel heard.
You close your laptop and give your roommate the death stare. She knew you would say no but got you a ticket anyway - knowing you would never go to the game without being forced. This is your roommate's push to finally show your interest outside of your small talk in class. If you were to ask her, she was sick of hearing you always talk about Caitlin and never taking action to show her you actually liked her.
You give in, knowing your roommate isn't going to budge and will literally drag you there with her bare hands.
The group of you head back to your apartment and get ready. You opt for a simple look - jeans and a Hawkeye hoodie. Your friends on the other hand were dressed to impress. You check yourself out in the mirror and question if you should change. You decided against changing and instead grabbed a Hawkeye ballcap, hoping to blend in with the crowd and not be seen by your favorite player.
All of you decided to walk to the game, it wasn't more than 20 minutes away from your apartment. The closer you got to the stadium, the more nervous you felt. You have no idea why you are nervous, it is not like she is going to see you.
When you get there, you follow behind your group of friends. It is all kind of overwhelming - the crowd and how many people are here and how decked out in gear they are.
You are too caught up in the scene to realize that your group is being ushered to your seats. This is your first Iowa women's basketball game and you didn't realize how crazy your school went for this team. You know that there has been a lot of traction around Caitlin Clark and how she is changing the game for women. But what you are seeing, is truly amazing the effect she is having on people.
When you all get to your seats, you are mortified. At no point did your roommate or any of your other friends mention that you were sitting courtside. Having the perfect view of the court is nice when it comes to watching the game but not when it comes to hiding from your marketing crush.
You sit and glare at your roommate, who ignores you quite easily as she is in conversation with one of the guys you came with.
You pull your ball cap down and wish you could sink through your chair. This will be fine. You will be fine. There is no way she is going to notice you when she is focused on the game. You keep telling yourself this.
The team makes its way onto the court - the crowd goes wild. You watch as they come jogging out, starting to warm up. Your eyes scan the crowd for no.22. You see a few other girls that are familiar from classes and make a mental note to cheer them on. When you finally find Caitlin, your heart skips a beat.
She looks so good. This is 100% her in her element. The once so laid-back girl, now locked in and ready for what the next 2 hours hold. You are mesmerized by how calm she looks - like the thousands of fans here shouting her name are nonexistent.
Your eyes remain on her while they warm up. When their warm-ups come off and they take the court for the beginning of the game, something shifts in her.
You turn over to ask one of your friends a question about the team, missing the first glance that Caitlin gets of you sitting courtside for her game. She turns over to Kate, who is standing right next to her.
"That's her," is all Caitlin says and gives a little point to you. Kate follows her point to a girl who looks like she doesn't want to be seen. That's hard to do when you are literally sitting on the court.
Your attention goes back to the game as the girls go up for the tip-off. When the Hawkeyes take it, you feel yourself getting into the game. No one really knew you grew up playing in middle school and high school. You were never good enough to play in college but you enjoyed the sport. You left that part of you when you left high school.
It's not even 2 minutes into the game when you feel eyes on you. You turn to see your friends staring at you. You look back at them confused. Your roommate uses her head to signal to something on the court. You look and are surprised to see Caitlin looking right at you.
You feel a heat creep into your cheeks as you just stare at her. See it would have been a good idea to smile or nod. Hell, even wave but you just sat there staring at her with a blank expression.
She just smiles and lets out a little chuckle as she turns back to the game. She gets the ball and shoots a logo three no more than 10 seconds after you made a fool of yourself. When she turns to the crowd to celebrate, she points directly at you and then holds up a three with her other hand. Your roommate elbows your side as you hide your face.
This was everything you were terrified of, being seen.
"It looks like she has someone to play for," one of your friends gives you a little nudge.
"Guys there is no need to make this bigger than it is, she could be pointing to anyone over here, it isn't a big deal," you say in hopes that you will also believe your lies.
Your roommate scoffs. "You keep telling that to yourself sweetheart, she knows, we know and by the looks of it, the team also knows," she says as she nods over to the girls on the court.
All of your heads turn to see Caitlin, pointing to you again but this time talking to more girls on her team. They all look at you with smiles then break from their huddle and head back to their spots on the court.
Caitlin is running straight in your direction.
"Watch," you say referring to how you are not the center of attention to anyone.
Caitlin doesn't stop where she is supposed to be posted but rather runs straight to you with her hand out. Your hand comes out to give her a high five.
"Glad you could finally make it to one of my games," she says with a little smirk. "Only halfway through the season, better late than never." She gives you a wink before heading back to her post.
You feel like you could pass out. There is no way she just came up to you, mid-game, to be a little flirt.
"Looks like your girl Caitlin now has someone to dedicate her plays to," one of your friends teases you.
"Oh shut up," you say but that doesn't take away from the butterflies that build in the pit of your stomach.
Everyone turns back to the game and as you watch your team fight to keep the lead.
It seems like in every other play, Caitlin is turning her head to give you a smile or a smirk. You want time to stop so you can walk up to her and tell her to get her head in the game. There is no way she should be this distracted when the score is as close as it is.
The next play has a girl from the other team, pushing Caitlin causing her to fall on her backside right in front of you. You lean down to stop her from rolling into the chairs, your hand coming to her lower back and right arm as she slides right into you. When your hand touches her skin, you accidentally shock her - sending a little electrical current running through both of you.
One of her teammates comes to help her up and a foul is called. Before she goes to throw her free throws she turns to you, saying, "Thanks, babe."
Your friends, yet again, turn to look at you and you just wave them off.
The buzzer goes off as halftime commences. You are scrolling on your phone when someone approaches you.
"Hi, I was asked to come give this to you," the woman says as she hands you jersey. You give her a confused look, not taking it, but rather just looking at the article of clothing she is holding.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about," you say, genuinely confused.
"I was told by one of the players to give this to you to wear for the rest of the game," she says, signaling you to take the jersey. It is your roommate who takes it from the woman and lets her know you will put it on. The woman walks away and your roommate full-on turns to face you.
"You are putting on this jersey," she says, throwing it at you. You hear her mumble, "Just letting the poor woman stand there when she has better things to do. All you had to do was take the jersey." She seems annoyed at how naive you are being.
You look at the jersey that was just given to you - Clark 22 printed on the back. You slip it over your hoodie and slip your hat back on. You aren't going to deny the feeling you get when you first slip it on. And it is not like you are the only one wearing the number 22, there is a stand full of fans sporting the number as your marketing crush is the school's star.
When the team heads back out at the end of halftime, Caitlin's eyes go straight to you, making sure you got her little gift. She is pleased to see you wearing it.
As the third quarter begins, the team comes out hot, putting up 2 threes in the first minute. You are cheering them on louder than before.
After the next play, Caitlin comes your way.
"Much better," is all she says as she gives you another wink. You just smile at her, bringing your bottom lip in between your teeth. Caitlin's eyes go from yours, down to your lips. The smile she once wore, was now replaced with something between annoyance and longing. Every fiber of her being is telling her to walk up to you and pull that pretty little lip of yours out from your teeth and tell you that your lips are only for her to bite.
She finally looks away, realizing how much you are distracting her from the game. Kate runs up to Caitlin and whispers something into her ear, Caitlin nods and heads to grab water from the bench as the other team calls a time-out.
By the time the fourth quarter rolls around, you feel like you belong courtside. Your friends are still giving you a hard time whenever Caitlin looks your way or comes over to make a little comment to you. The game is nearing its end when Caitlin comes over to pass in the ball after a foul. She is standing right in front of you, so close you could touch her if you wanted.
She takes a small step back, her leg brushing up against yours. She steps up to the line and leans forward just enough to stick her ass out in your direction. This whole time, she has been the one in control. All that control went out the window when you bit your lip causing the super start to internally lose it. Her standing where she was, right in front of you, was no accident - she wanted you in the palm of her hand, not the other way around.
And boy did she have you. You sit there and just admire her body. Checking out her legs and how they are perfectly shaped. How her arms are beautifully toned and how she looks all around is incredible.
The game ends and the Hawkeyes take the win. The team rushes onto the court and begins celebrating with those who finished out the quarter.
You and your friends stand, stretching your legs. You had no intention of staying to see Caitlin after the game, thinking the team would go out to celebrate. You plan on giving Cait back her jersey the next class you two have together.
Your back is facing the court as you are waiting for your friends to grab their stuff when you feel a tug on your arm. You spin around and come face to face with none other than Miss Caitlin Clark.
She has a smile on her face and without warning, she grabs your waist and kisses you. Time stops and all the people in the background fade away. Your hands come up to her face as they cup her cheeks. You feel her bring your body closer to hers as she deepens the kiss. She gives your bottom lip a little bite as you break apart.
You stand there speechless. Dreaming of this kiss since the beginning of the semester, never in a million years imagined it would happen like this.
The most radiant smile is on her face. She leans in closer to you.
"My number is on the inside of this jersey. Call me, will you?" She asks as she looks at you for a response.
"Of course," is all you can say, still in shock about what has just happened.
"Good," she says. "I'll be waiting." She lets you go and gives your friends a wave before heading back to the team.
The whole walk home your friends can't stop talking about what had just unfolded before them. Some of them are as shocked as you are, while others are already planning your wedding.
When you get back to your room, you shoot Caitlin a text so she has your number.
[CC: I'm glad you didn't take long to shoot me a message}
{CC: Are you busy tomorrow? Want to work on our marketing paper if you haven't finished it yet?]
[You: That sounds great, I am quite behind 🤣]
[CC: Well I don't know if I will be much help, but I would rather do it with you than alone]
[You: I'm for it, meet at noon?]
She sends you her address. You like it and put your phone down to head to bed. Before you do, you hear your phone go off one more time. Grabbing it, you see one last message from Caitlin.
[CC: Sleep tight babe]
The next morning you wake up and go for a run. You needed to do something to help with the nerves that began to build just thinking about seeing Caitlin today.
You get back, shower, then get ready to meet her at her place. You make sure to stick her jersey in your bag to return to her and head out the door.
It only takes you about 15 minutes to walk to her apartment. When you get there you knock on the door.
She opens it with a huge smile, "Hi."
She lets you, opening her arms for a hug which you gladly shuffle into. It surpassed the length that friends would hug. As you pull away you decide to give her cheek a little peck.
After doing so is the first time you see her blush. You smile at her and continue to walk into her apartment.
The two of you decide to work on her couch - both struggling to get through this paper. You took frequent breaks talking about when you both started liking each other and more about your lives outside of marketing.
As you take another break, you grab your phone and decide to look her up only to find edits of you and her from the night before.
Your cheeks heat up immediately as you hide your face in your hands.
"What?" She says trying to look over at your screen. You hand her your phone and she laughs a little, followed by an 'awww'.
"I can't believe there are people out there who are making full-on edits of us." You say with a little groan - the spotlight is not your thing.
"They are cute," she says as she keeps scrolling through your phone. "Look at this one!"
You lean into her and look at what she is talking about. It is a clip of you before halftime, wearing your Hawkeye sweatshirt then jumps to after halftime when you are wearing Caitlin's jersey.
"I am sure glad I gave you my jersey," she says with a little smirk.
"That reminds me, I brought it back for you," you say, moving to grab it from your bag. She grabs your arm and brings you back into her.
"That one is for you to wear to the rest of my games," she says like it is a known fact. You decide to tease her a bit.
"And what makes you think I want to go watch you play again?" You ask.
She gives you a little pout - which literally melts you.
"Because you are my new good luck charm," she says and leans in closer to you. Your breathing becomes uneasy.
"But you don't need luck," you say just above a whisper. Your eyes going in between hers and her lips.
"You're right..." she says, also looking at your lips. Her eyes make their way back to yours. "I don't need luck, but I need you."
She leans in and kisses you. This kiss is much more reserved than the one she planted on you last night. There was no rush or urgency in this kiss, it was quite pleasant.
You inhale and bring your forehead to hers.
"I am all yours."
AN: I really like how this came out! Let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for your love and support 🤍
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000-pawz · 4 months
how jaehyun loves ( zodiac series ) ˚ · .
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how i think jaehyun would navigate relationships/love/communication based on his natal chart/birth chart!
wc: 1k+
more under the cut!
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when it comes to love, jaehyun is "passionate, all-in, and exciting".
with jaehyun's sagittarius sun and aries moon, he forms a lot of his opinions on pure feelings. therefore, he falls quickly. he's not afraid to chase exactly what he wants, and if he wants you, then he will do everything in his power to woo you. he might come across as a show-off or full of himself, but he's really just trying to impress you!!!
jaehyun has no qualms with taking the lead, so i definitely think he would be the type to confess first. like he'll walk straight up to you and be like "i like you. a lot." and that'll be that! he might even write you a long letter describing the first time you guys met, all the specific things he likes about you, and so on ^___^
jaehyun can be seen as a "floater". i see him as a little butterfly just flying around enjoying the sun lol like he's very enthusiastic about love in general and it can be hard to tie him down >< i think a partner who can provide that rationality and be his rock would fit him perfectly. not only that, though! jaehyun is very emotionally intense, and that may attract people who are equally as intense or those who complementarily contrast him with a more laid-back nature.
jaehyun likes someone who he can have a good time with, have easy conversations with, and who's able to be vulnerable with him. as someone who can jump from crush to crush very quickly, it's hard for him to get below surface level with many of his past relationships. he craves that deeper, depth-filled connection and those meaningful conversations. he's the least compatible with people who are too rational and avoidant.
i think his love languages are equal parts physical touch and words of affirmation. he just wants to be around you always!!!! ^___^ cuddle sessions where all of your attention is on him, hyping him up and giving him tons of compliments, hugging him unexpectedly... play with his hair, cup his face in your hands, give him a bunch of nose kisses... he'll be the happiest man ever. <3
he's definitely a pda type of guy. a hand in your back pocket, or his fingers laced with yours. he'll kiss you in line while waiting order ice cream and be glued to your side at parties. he's not possessive per say, but he does want everyone to know that he is yours!!!
for dates and stuff, he'd definitely like adventurous things or exploring! camping, checking out flea markets, and other things outside. maybe not stuff like rock climbing and ziplines though... unless you want a clingy jaehyun who cries on the way there and back ><
when jaehyun loves, he loves hard. with his sun sextile neptune, he's very sentimental and generally has little trouble forming strong bonds with people. he loves his partner in their entirety and he's going to show it. because of his mars opposition jupiter, he can be a little reckless when it comes to love. literally the chorus of serenade, "you're driving me crazy, but i like you". he might have been in a few toxic/messy relationships in the past because of how emotionally driven he is. (he kind of has a thing for emotionally unavailable people because he thinks he can love them enough for the both of them :C)
the downside of being so passionate is that jaehyun has a tendency to look at people through rose-tinted glasses with his sun square jupiter. he can rush into relationships and make decisions very quickly without considering the consequences of such haste. he can really feed into his own delusions sometimes. thankfully, his capricorn venus balances out his impulsive and emotional nature! he has the ability to commit and love deeply, but remain grounded in reality without floating off too far into his happy, lovey-dovey dreamland.
with these placements, jaehyun is able to understand that it's okay to live life guided by his big feelings, but he must also be patient and practical with himself and others <3
in the face of conflict, jaehyun may want to resolve problems and miscommunications as swiftly as possible. this may mean that he might come across as overly asserting his opinions and point of views, but he really means well! because his mars is in pisces, he really hates conflict and he doesn't like when too much is thrown at him at once. he's pretty lenient and likes to brush things under the rug to keep the peace, so he'll want to move on from conflict fast.
of course, he may run into trouble when an argument or disagreement with his partner grows bigger than it started. he tries to choose his words carefully, and he may beat around the bush to avoid hurting your feelings, but he can get frustrated when his partner doesn't "get" what he's trying to say or convey. in arguments, he may shake his head a lot and roll his eyes, or have overall passive-aggressive body language with his mercury in capricorn. he's not trying to dismiss or hurt your feelings, so he mostly keeps his words at bay.
how to make him feel loved? love him back! literally that's it. show as much enthusiasm for him as he does with you. he doesn't like to feel pushed to the side, or seen as a second choice. tell him you love him as much as possible, post him on your story with cute captions, hug and kiss him whenever you get the chance to. he's a simple guy with not so simple feelings. be there for him and accept him as he is. <3
jaehyun has a tendency to give too much of himself. he's loved by many, but not many people can handle how intensely he loves. he needs a partner that will accept him, all of him, let themselves be fawned over and shown off, and allow jaehyun to express his feelings without undermining them. if he cries, remind him that it's okay! his heart is so so so big :C <3
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reblogs are greatly appreciated! lmk what u think or if you have any other takes!!! i'm always open to learning more :o thank u...<3
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princecharmingwinks · 2 months
Thank you for tag, lovely @noyzinerd !! The snippet you provided on your post was brilliant! I have a few little fics on the go but this one is probably the closest to finished. Not named yet but it is a 5+1 Sterek where Stiles working at a bookstore slowly meets different members of Derek's pack who know Stiles is the perfect match for Derek.
It was a quiet Tuesday afternoon at Alpha Books, Stiles the only staff on while the bosses were away on their 2 year anniversary trip. He was happily humming along to the radio, reshelving when the bell jingled announcing a new customer. 
Stiles popped his head out of the aisle and smiled, “Welcome to Alpha Books, can I help you find anything today?” The new customer was a girl, maybe a few years younger than him and small in stature but her whole presence radiated Tough, with a capital T.
“What do you get your older idiot brother to distract him from the ridiculousness of his life?”
Stiles tried not to grin at the exasperated tone but it must not have worked because the girl’s eyebrows crinkled into a judgemental frown.
“Sorry,” He offered in apology before completely stepping out of the aisle. “What does your brother like to read?”
She huffed out an annoyed sound but Stiles wasn’t completely convinced it was aimed at him. “I have no bloody clue. How do you work out someone’s tastes?”
“Well, what’s he like? Maybe we can work it out together?” Stiles was getting excited now, he loved a good book hunt.
She nodded, taking a moment to think. “He’s one of those crazy morning people who actually enjoys jogging before 7am. But it also means he’s in bed like an old grandma by sundown. He doesn’t like anything too horror-y or gore-y. I guess maybe some kind of adventure series?”
Stiles lit up with excitement, this brother sounded like he may enjoy one of Stiles’ personal favourite series. “Has he ever read the Bean and Pennywise series?”
The girl frowned again, “Been what?”
Stiles held up his hand and ducked down another aisle, returning in a flurry with the first book in the series in hand. He offered it to the girl and gave her time to inspect both front and back covers, including the blurb.
“This Bean guy sounds just like his type.” She gave a small smile and Stiles had a feeling it was a rare sight he was beholding. 
He also had to fight against the blush that was probably forming when he realised he was about to admit that he related way too much to Bean. This girl was super pretty, if not also intimidating, and Stiles was sure her brother would be too. And based on her description, her brother sounded like someone Stiles would swoon over. Stating he was like the lead character in the novel who was apparently her brother's type was way too forward. 
“Awesome! I’ll ring it up for you.” Stiles took the book back and headed over to the counter, slipping the store’s bookmark that doubled as marketing for his blog inside the front cover.
Hope you liked this snippet! Tagging some mutuals since I'm not sure who has been writing lately or not. No pressure of course :) @fairytales-and-folklore @breakingjen @elisela @haletostilinski
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crumplstiltskin · 1 month
i love ur aus! your interpretations of the relationship dynamics in new ways that still feels true to the characters is really cool- take supernatural crazy stuff and making it fit in a more normal dynamic can't be easy.
do you have any opinions on how sukuna or choso get along with wasuke? (and do sukuna + choso both privately think of themselves as The Oldest Brother, or is one of them a middle brother?)
hey!!! thank you for sending this. i take it as a really big compliment ! i get very particular about that kind of thing so i'm glad it reads the way i want it to.
i'll answer this in the context of my aus. depending on the au there are minor differences though! and i hope you don't mind if i yap a little bit under the cut!
the most important part of this question is how wasuke's personality would mesh with them respectively so it's important to first consider what type of person wasuke is and how he would engage each of them. besides his appearances in the manga/anime we can deduce some of his personality through yuuji (how he was raised, his conduct, etc).
wasuke seems to be very even-tempered, family-focused so i think choso would get along the most with wasuke. choso is very gentle at heart and also family-oriented himself so wasuke would think highly of choso who is very outrightly passionate about it. wasuke himself doesn't seem to be overly affectionate physically or verbally but we know that he cared deeply for yuuji. choso being sort of the opposite way complements him well, at least in the context of caring for yuuji and i see him appreciating choso for making up for perhaps what he would consider his own limitations. wasuke would probably find it embarrassing but as a grandfather who loves his family he would be grateful for having choso in their lives.
sukuna and wasuke would clash more but not to the point where there is any real tension. i think they would bicker a lot, but only because they both seem like the stubborn type....probably share other personality traits too...idk..i feel it in my bones (and tbh in normal peoples au sukuna had a weird edgy phase where wasuke found him cringe af and he never let sukuna live it down 😭). in unckuna au and 12 years au they would both be very involved in rearing yuuji so they'd have long discussions about things after yuuji went to bed or something so this gives them a purpose to get along. not saying that sukuna wouldn't get along with him but to be completely honest sukuna is not the type of character to really care about much beyond himself. so they're like coworkers........but the work is yuuji. sukuna would respect wasuke out of principle (principle being he is an elder, he is his father/grandfather) and wasuke expects that from him, the end.
but knowing people like wasuke, neither of them are getting praise from him no matter how well they do or how much they impress him lol. he will tell them off immediately if they do anything wrong, and is not the type to say pretty words. if he wants to be nice to them he'll probably show it through action though; he'll go out of his way to buy their favourite fruit ("i got x today at the market, peel/cut them up for us"), drink tea and have snacks in the same room instead of sitting on the porch alone, things like that.
about the birth order...i think that's complicated. in normal peoples au i usually consider choso the oldest by a couple years (kaori's child from a past marriage or an ex). if it's the cousin choso au (where kenjaku is kaori's brother) he's around the same age as sukuna give or take. in sorceror au where he is a death painting choso is the oldest by far but sukuna won't acknowledge him as family for reasons (usually infantile and superficial) 😭😭😭.
in most aus sukuna kind of looks down on him for not looking like them and/or for not being human, and in most aus choso is not interested in sukuna beyond asking him to stop being mean to yuuji. almost writing off sukuna as yuuji's brother at all. almost... if it's any uncle au it's harder for him to ignore that i think...choso respects his elders...unfortunately...(he secretly thinks ill of sukuna in his head).
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deconstructthesoup · 3 months
Some miscellaneous stuff for the Fantasy High Leverage AU:
After getting kicked out, Kristen got taken in by Ankarna and Cassandra, who are living their best country-lesbian vibes out on a farm together---a farm which eventually gets in financial trouble and almost gets shut down by a corporation, which is how the crew learn about Kristen's past before she was a hitter. The farm winds up doubling as a safehouse. (Also, Ankarna wears flannels and has a shotgun, and Cassandra does tarot readings at their stall at the farmer's market on weekends. They also have a little black cat, with no relation to Kalina.)
Despite all the rumors swirling around, the way Fig and Fabian met is surprisingly mundane: when Gilear moved from Portland back to London after he and Sandralynn divorced, Fig went with him, and she got enrolled in the same school that Fabian was attending. The two of them became fast and immediate friends, wound up becoming the most popular kids there due to their combined chaos and the fact that they were kind to those who needed it, and were pretty much inseparable from that point forward. And when Fig introduced Gilear to Fabian's mom, who'd been widowed for a while and was looking for someone stable... well, as much as Fabian complained, it meant that he and Fig were officially siblings. (They learned how to grift from Hallariel, who was a very well-renowned thief in her day. It's how she met Bill, after all.)
Fig is the sibling who's the "bad actor in a theater setting, good actor when she's breaking the law" type, though it's a bit more complex than that. She's amazing at coming up with a character on the spot, building off of the questions that people ask her, and remembering details so none of the information contradicts what she's already said, but she finds scripts "boring and restrictive," and always tries to put her own spin on things... which doesn't always fit well. She does get a little better at following a script of sorts when she's on the crew---at least, she learns to follow the plan.
Kristen hasn't gone by "Kristen Applebees" since she was fifteen---instead, the criminal underworld knows her by "Kristen Justice-Forester," referencing her adoptive moms. Mostly because that sounds generally more badass, but also because she really wants to forget about her old life as the church girl next door.
Gorgug's legal name is "Gavin Thistlespring," but he's been going by Gorgug since he was twelve---it was the name of his first ever D&D character, and it eventually became his hacker handle. (This is really because I just needed an explanation as to why a perfectly normal human in a world that's basically ours would be named "Gorgug." I do something similar for Fig in a lot of my AUs---her name's either just "Fig," or she's named after a character from a fantasy series that Sandralynn likes.)
Someone suggested that Kalina is the Sterling equivalent, and I liked it so much that I decided to make it canon---but instead of being Riz's former partner, she's his dad's old partner and mentor who was forced to help cover up Pok's death. She's not necessarily bad, but she does have a very black-and-white view of morality, and she's not a fan of Riz's new, less-than-legal idea of justice.
Adaine still has the Parker rep of being "crazy," but in a very different light. Rather than being a thrill-seeking ball of chaos who's an unpredictable wildcard in every way when the story begins, she's unsettlingly quiet, perceptive to the point where she can predict things minutes in advance, and acts seemingly without morality and with her own skewed logic. As she spends more time with the crew and warms up to them, however, everyone starts to see that Adaine is unflinchingly and unfailingly kind---and that once she actually warms up to you, she will talk nonstop about anything she's invested in, whether it be obscure history facts, thieving tips, or whatever show, book, or video game that one of the others has gotten her hooked on. She's just closed off as a defense mechanism.
Fabian is the sibling with a deep and personal bond with Riz---not that Fig isn't close to him, but Fabian and Riz shot each other when they first met, and you can't beat that. And while Fabian used to have a thing for Riz, he eventually realized that Riz wasn't interested in any kind of relationship, though neither of them fully had the words for it (because, y'know, this story still starts in 2008). Still, though, he considers Riz his best friend and vice versa, and once he's on the crew, he never dates anyone without introducing them to Riz first. And his affections tend to bounce back and forth between Gorgug and Ragh. Or both. Let's just say that Fabian's got the most romantic drama out of any of them.
Riz is still close with his mom, despite the fact that, as a lawyer and former cop, he knows that she probably wouldn't approve of what he does. He just tells her that he runs a private detective agency, which isn't too far from the truth---hell, it's their cover story, after all.
Fabian's father was the greatest thief in the world when he was alive, but that came with a lot of enemies, and that's not something that Fabian wants to deal with---not to mention, he's always been adamant about making a name for himself, and to not just skate by on the Seacaster name. If that means that he has to refer to himself as "Fabian Faeth," well... so be it. He reasons that it's Fig's last name. Not Gilear's.
Fig has never met her bio-dad before the story begins... but she does meet him eventually. There's a whole thing there.
Adaine does not kill Angwyn in her backstory. However, she does get to do that eventually, and it's cathartic as fuck.
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rowarn · 1 year
i'm curious how you think simon would go about getting into an official relationship? like maybe the girl is kinda shy or wants to ask if she's the only one or just anything like that? how to get his attention and how to keep him? ♡♡
hmmm i think simon is kind of difficult to get the attention of. he doesnt really consider relationships as a possibility in day to day life. i also dont think he'd date a fellow soldier, i just dont see him as the type to fraternize or let a relationship possibly get in the way of his job.
he's also not really the type to consider dating a civilian. so in order to get his attention, i think the easiest way to go about it is...like...forced proximity.
simon doesnt spend extended time with anyone unless forced to. his job makes him interact with lots of people, naturally. but when hes off duty and home, if he can be alone he will absolutely do everything in his power to stay that way.
i think a good way to get his attention at the start would be just...talking to him. nothing crazy, he will not engage in conversation. but nice greetings and telling him to have a nice day is a good ice breaker -- form a routine with him and make him seek that routine out when he's home.
eventually, he'll start to look forward to your little smile and wave when he sees you. maybe you both go to the same market on the same days? maybe he's your neighbor? who knows! as long as you're someone just...in the outskirts of his life. someone who isn't a threat and someone consistent and kind.
simon is...difficult. he likes routine. he dislikes spontaneity. i think he would prefer someone good, someone who doesn't challenge him or make things needlessly difficult for him. he's dealt with a lot in his life and he deserves to have it easy when given the chance. he values kindness and quiet above all else.
once you have a nice lil simon dangling on ur fish hook, its pretty easy to keep him. his eyes don't wander and theres very, very few people who would bother to try and break down his walls to get him to be with them so it's not like he seeks anyone else out.
all you have to do is be there for him, just keep being the kind thing you are and treat him with the love and respect he needs. dont pick fights and don't try to control him. simon is...a free spirit. he does what he wants, when he wants and he doesn't like a leash on him.
hes not stupid or reckless so you dont have to worry about him doing anything crazy. he would never cheat and wouldn't do anything dangerous to put himself or you in any kind of line of fire.
so to keep him, you just have to go with his flow. be patient and understanding with him and he'll show his appreciation in all the ways he knows how.
he's a gentleman. he's the quiet sort of kind that makes you weak in the knees. he does acts of service bc it makes him feel good to do nice things for you and see a smile on your face.
simon is simultaneously easy and difficult i think!! hard to get, easy to keep!
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centrally-unplanned · 5 months
I have been seeing a bunch of buzz recently online about a possible "decline in value" of the ivy league+ degree - Nate Silver didn't start it but he certainly accelerated it. And while there is nothing robust you do see things like surveys of hiring manager opinions out there to suggest its possible, its not a crazy idea even if its far from proven. So assuming its real, why would it be happening?
1: This discourse is obviously happening because of the recent protests at top US schools - essentially its the idea that elite students are hyperpolitical, coddled, and out of touch with reality. This causal path should be very, very silly. The vast, vast majority of students at Columbia are not protesting. They don't really care about this topic! Sure, if asked, they agree Israel Bad Right Now, but otherwise they are busy with finals and job apps. This is of course equally true at most other schools, its just not a mass movement in that way (protesting to be clear rarely is). This is a specific instance of the general trap of selection bias - the visible students aren't the median ones.
Stacked on top of that is the second level of selection bias - the median protestor is not a business major or engineer! They are exactly the kind of students for whom being a politically engaged activist is *good* for their career, not bad, or at least neutral. Schools produce a large diversity of career outcomes, and those students self-select on how they spend their time, there is no "median" student to observe really.
And ofc all of this has to rest on the foundational reality that people are products of their context - jobless 20 year old's surrounded by young peers protest a bunch, that is what that context produces. The large majority of them will become mortgage-paying white collar workers by the time they are 30, this identity will not stick with them. If they become political activists it will, sure! But if you are the hiring manager for Palantir this isn't going to be the trend for your hires. There are "politically liable" hires out there but you aren't going to predict them via the sorting algorithm of "was at Columbia in 2024", that is for sure.
Now, as much as this is a silly idea, humanity are zeitgeist creatures - I can't actually reject the idea that, despite it being silly, hiring managers might use this moment to feel like they are "over" the Ivy League and start dismantling the privileged place their applications currently get. Cultural tipping points are vibes-based, and amoung elites (unlike the masses, who don't care much) Israel/Palestine has an awful lot of tense vibes.
2: Still, I don't think this is explaining those survey results people are throwing around, and I don't think its explained (very much at least) by the general "woke uni" trends of the past half decade. It is instead downstream of wider trends.
There was a time where companies really did want "the smart guy". You could major in English at Harvard, write a good thesis on Yeats, and be off to the trading desk in Chambers St two weeks after graduation. Those days are over - for complex reasons we won't get into - and nowadays people expect their new hires to be as close to experts in the field as they can manage. Students have internships, consulting clubs, capstone projects with real clients, specialized sub majors, the works. These are all ways of saying "signaling quality" has gotten more legible and more specific over time. Why would I choose a Harvard English major over a University of Illinois finance major who did a research internship with our specific Chicago firm on midwest agricultural derivates markets? Students like that exist by the bucketful now, and the Ivys cannot monopolize them. Partially because they choose not to; Columbia could actually say fuck it and make its school 90% finance majors, but they don't want that, they specifically recruit intellectually diverse students. Which means State School finance types will fill the remaining slots slots.
The other reason they can't monopolize is much simpler - numbers. The US has way more "elite" jobs today than it did in the past. Programmers and their adjacencies are the biggest growth sector, but everything from doctors to analysts to lawyers is all up up up. And do you know what isn't up? Undergraduate enrollment at elite schools! Columbia's has grown by like 10% over the past 20 years; Harvard's is essentially unchanged. For, again, reasons, these schools have found the idea of doubling or tripling their undergraduate enrollment, despite ballooning applications, impossible. Which means of course Microsoft can't hire from Stanford alone. So they don't, and they have learned what other schools deliver talent, and no longer need Stanford alone. The decline of Ivy Power is in this sense mathematical - if a signal of quality refuses to grow to meet demand, of course other signals will emerge.
I therefore personally think, while minor, the Ivy+ schools are experiencing declining status, have been for a while, and will continue to do so (though there are offsetting trends not mentioned here btw). But its structural way more than cultural.
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A couple of replies, a longer one about fandom.
hadesdancehall asked:
YESSSSS YES YES I AM SO HAPPY YOU GET IT LOL Rook and Tettere are the same, the idea of this crossover was driving me crazy, I had to draw it. Look at him go, singing about continuously loving every single person until he finds the one…
Fun fact about this sketch: we have no idea why I drew Alte-Rose!Malleus there. It’s been a while since I drew this sketch, and I completely forgot… I guess she had to deal with this Tettere too, so it kind of fits lol
Anonymous asked:
I know you aren't really type to give information just gorgeous art. But in your last reply post you said you do traditional art and just coloured them digitally.
So I'm wondering... How do you do it!?
Because everytime I try to do that it looks so weird. I can't seem to get the colors as vibrant as I can when I'm only doing digital.
Thank you for praising my art! But Anon, I do give information :c I wrote a reply about this exact topic just a couple of days ago which is filled to the brim with links about everything in my art process + have a guide about exactly this topic.
Your colours might seem off for a number of reasons, it’s hard to tell exactly why by just guessing. It can be related to your software/display or directly to your choice of colours.
Anonymous asked:
Ryu, your dissatisfaction with Twisted Wonderland's age rating is very understandable! The game is allegedly a joseimuke game aimed at adult women, especially in light of the fact that this is a gacha game and that adults—who earn a regular income—will be the true target market. It's a little frightening that adults who play these kinds of games have to be so careful about how we express our affection for the characters lest we be labelled as predators or worse, p*dos. Making adult gamers feel bad for enjoying these "children" who are clearly meant to be adults. They're fictional, and most of them definitely don't look or act like boys their age. Some characters appear so mature; this really struck me as being university attendee coded. It's not like the ensemble is exclusively comprised of children, you know? The game revolves around attractive anime boys who are intentionally created to appear older than they actually are. Unfortunately, despite the fact that i enjoy Twisted Wonderland, it is the first fandom where i experienced Ageism in a fandom.
Trey is, if my memory serves me correctly, one of the most well-liked characters in the Japanese fandom (i remember there used to be a JP poll asking which character in Twist was the most loved). Most likely due to his personality, which again makes sense given that the majority of Twist users are grownups and Trey's portrayal of a character who, despite being a young adult, is quite mature.
Furthermore, even though I realise I'm going to sound like Idia, I detest how the "Normies" entered Nerd/Geek spaces after gaining popularity and then pretended to be uncomfortable with what they saw. You came to OUR space, dude! What did they expect?!
Anon! Sorry for replying late, and thank you! You’ve made so many very good points.
It really is an obvious joseimuke in how the game is written, how the game operates (the gacha system, like you mentioned) + even the type of merch that exists for this game. If you think about it, this is probably the best way to determine the actual target audience of any piece of media: just like Prince of Tennis is technically a classic Shonen Jump series, but all the merch they have is clearly aimed at adult women (purses, perfume, etc).
So yeah, even if that wasn’t the case, calling people predators over shipping themselves with Azul would be a bad thing to do, but in this situation especially it’s absurd to call people out for interacting with TWST pretty much the way it was indented…
What you said about the characters’ age and Trey specifically is so true. To be fair, this could be said about any joseimuke-like title with a big ensemble of boys, Prince of Tennis included. All the characters there are 12-15 years old, but god some of them look over 30.
I think it is important to keep in mind the intended age to a degree (= I dislike how the EN translation tries to dance around mentioning the boys’ age), and Twst does a good job at keeping these boys authentic when it matters, but it doesn’t mean that people won’t ship them with other characters or themselves. And no one questions it and no one finds it weird because it isn’t. It’s not that deep, it has nothing to do with how real teens look or act, this is a fantasy in people’s heads, it’s escapism, it so different and so far removed from the regular boring life it’s insane. It’s so difficult not to sound like Idia, SO I FEEL YOU ANON.  Someone called it the moe factor that some people just don’t get. So I guess it really is about people being normies sometimes lol I wish they would leave already.
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klbwriting · 7 months
For Love of Fiction
Part 2
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!plus size!reader
Warnings: threats of violence and the teeniest suggestion of threat of SA
Summary: you meet Jason for coffee and he seems to be interested in more dates, you make dinner plans but he cancels so you go to the diner instead, which then is attacked by Joker followers, will Red Hood save you again?
Notes: I may or may not have a part 3 in mind, I don't think this will be a big series or anything, but maybe another part would be fun, or I'll spiral out of control and just write more who knows? Once again, Lewis Tan is the facecast/fancast I have for Jason Todd
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               “So you didn’t have an Instagram when I asked you to DM me, so you created one just to talk to me?” you asked, sitting at the café across from Jason.  You had been exchanging messages for weeks and finally decided to meet up for coffee one morning after he got off work.  You could see whatever he did made him tired, but he was putting in an effort for you.  He had even complimented you on the book he had gotten at the signing, saying it was your best one, the perfect conclusion to the Red Fox/Layla trilogy, which had you blushing like crazy. 
               “No, I definitely didn’t have any social media, but I wasn’t missing the chance to talk to you,” he said, words making you melt a little.  Normally you would brush off those kinds of words from guys.  You knew your self-esteem was shot from a few years of a dry dating market and the few people who did date you only seemed to leave or cheat on you eventually, but Jason didn’t make you feel like that.  Even though you had just met really you trusted him, he seemed so sincere and only said what he meant.  Of course, it meant you often messaged him a bunch and he would take time to respond, only when he had something to say.  But he never made you feel like you talked too much, or that any of your interests were stupid, it was refreshing and made you adore him. 
               “That is really sweet to do just to talk to me,” you said, sipping your tea, catching a glimpse of someone’s laptop showing a video of Red Hood.  “Huh, guess my muse was on patrol last night.”  This was another thing that normally drove people away, your fixation on Red Hood, how you called him your muse, or would read up on his exploits for days after they had happened.  Jason didn’t seem to mind, in fact when you said muse just now, he blushed a little.  Was he annoyed but hiding it? 
               “Ya, he’s been busy lately,” he said.  “So do you think you’d be willing to give me your actual number so I can get rid of Instagram?”  You laughed and after a second you nodded, holding your hand out for his phone.  He gave it to you and you wrote in your number, handing it back to him.  He looked at it, typed something out and put it away.  “Texted you so you would know it was me.”  You nodded and went to add him to your contacts and you felt your heart stop at the message.
Hey beautiful, want to meet again for dinner?
               You looked at him and he smiled, waiting for your reply.  You typed up a yes and sent it back before stowing your phone.
               “I really hope that says yes,” he said.  You laughed and nodded.
               “It does.  Now tell me about yourself more, I feel like we have all the basics, jobs, interests, a little about family, but what else makes Jason Todd tick?” you asked, splitting the lemon loaf you had bought and sliding half to Jason, noticing that he had downed the egg cups he had bought in about 3 seconds, he seemed hungry.  He looked at the offering and then back at you, smiling a little. 
               “Did I tell you I cook?” he asked.  You shook your head.  “Ya, my uh, butler taught me how to cook and I really love it.  Not my job but something I really like to do.” 
               “I like to bake; we should do that together sometime!  You make dinner and I’ll make dessert!” you said, smiling and getting excited, then pulling back, smile falling a little.  This was normally the moment whoever you were with said that you were being too much.  But Jason just raised an eyebrow at you, making the white streak in his black pop a little more.  You wondered about that white streak and kind of wished you had given Red Fox something like that, it was very hot honestly. 
               “Why did you stop smiling so much?” he asked.  You blushed, hoping he hadn’t noticed.  “I love that smile, I like when you get excited, your eyes sparkle, its sweet.”  You turned even redder.  “How many more compliments until you go full tomato.”  You wanted to be mad but could see the playful teasing smile on his lips.  He wasn’t saying this to be malicious, he wanted to see you smile again.  So, you did, nice and big, throwing in a laugh also.  If anything, he seemed more delighted he could make you look like that. 
               The rest of the date seemed to go like that, you guys talked about what to do on your next date, and then the next one even, him making you smile so much your face hurt.  By the time he walked you to your car in the parking garage you were about ready to call it and say you were in love with him.  You knew that was crazy, but something about him made you feel so safe and warm that you couldn’t help it.  And when he gently kissed you, soft but still somehow full of passion you were speechless. 
               The next week passed, and you were disappointed when Jason had to cancel dinner, but you understood, work sometimes screwed with relationships, you just hoped it wouldn’t become habit.  Since you had planned on dinner out you didn’t make yourself anything and decided to pop down to the nearby diner to get something.  It was relatively early still for Gotham, around 8PM, so you hoped it was still safe, but the amount of people in the diner said otherwise.  Normally this place was packed with couples, teenagers, students from the nearby university.  That night it was you, the waitress, the cook, and only three other people all spread out.  You figured you would get your food to go so you waited on a stool as they were fixing your order when in came two guys, dressed like clowns.  Great, Joker followers.  You did what they said, handing over your purse, but then they looked around, eyeing the waitress who was maybe just out of high school.  They walked over to her, telling her to follow them. 
               “No!” you said, seeing the tears and terror on her face.  You moved over, standing in front of her, trying to ignore the gun pointed at your head.  “Leave her alone, you have your money get out!”  They both laughed.
               “Look, we got a hero, let’s make sure she knows what happens to heroes…” one of them said, aiming the gun for your head.  You took a breath, trying not to cry yourself, put on a brave face, when the door to the diner smashed open and Red Hood stalked in, the clowns turning their attention to him.  You turned, pushing the waitress down to the ground, sliding under the counter as much as you could, pulling any stool within reach in front of you and the younger woman.  You watched throw the legs of the stool as Red Hood made quick work of the thieves, cuffing them.  Then he looked over, right at you, hiding under the stool, now actually crying at the feeling of being safe, and he punched them both again, knocking them unconscious. 
               “You’re safe now,” you heard that familiar robotic voice say.  You pushed the stools aside, helping the waitress to stand.  She immediately went behind the counter, still eyeing the attacks with weary eyes.  Red Hood approached you slowly, reaching out and touching your shoulder gently.  “Are you ok?” he asked.  You weren’t sure why he was paying this much attention to you, but you appreciated it.
               “Yes, thank you for saving me again,” you said.  He nodded and turned to leave but stopped, looking back at you.
               “Thanks for making me your muse,” he said before going out the door. 
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dnpbeats · 23 days
hi! i saw ur posts about age ratings etc and i do have Thoughts - not meaning to come off rude or critical or anything just sharing a different perspective :)
firstly, i think anyone who watches dan and phil's content and enjoys it enough to purchase (fairly expensive) tickets and arrange to go see it is probably fully aware of the type of jokes they will make and able to make a decent judgement call on whether it is appropriate for them to see.
secondly, and this relates more to the UK and shows there, (i cannot speak on other countries - i don't have the lived experience) but teenagers have heard sex jokes. teenagers have been exposed to "inappropriate" content. i doubt that TIT will be particularly shocking to 15 to 17 year olds.
finally, i think unnecessary exclusion is dumb. i will be 17 when i go to my show, and i will also have been watching dan and phil for nine years. i know many people won't agree with this, and i am for sure biased, but i think denying the opportunity to see dip n pip live to people who have been fans for years over a few months of age is just kind of sad.
hi! no worries you aren’t being rude :) when I say I think it’s weird that it’s not age-restricted, i don’t mean like Only Adults Can Set Foot In This Venue™, more so I just think it’s weird that technically speaking this event is all-ages. the under-14 rule seems to be a kind of “default” rule at d&p’s tours as it was also in place for tatinof and ii, and I would imagine is mainly to do with safety, not the content of the show. also seeing as this is a d&p rule and not a venue rule, idk how it works with venues like knowing people’s ages/enforcing it (I was just under 14 when I went to tatinof but I was with my friend’s dad so 🤷🏻‍♀️). the show is all ages so as a venue I imagine they’re not gonna be strict about who is coming into the theatre with or without an adult. for context I am in the US, and here for R rated movies if you’re under 17 you have to have a parent or guardian with u (or at least buy the ticket for you). so personally in my mind, all ages equates to being more tame than an R rated movie. basically what I’m trying to say is the content warning means nothing in terms of who is able to see the show (also while tit and wad both have content warnings, two things I will say is that the tit content warning wasn’t obvious to find, and also it says “may contain xyz” whereas wad said “will contain xyz” idk anyway)
sorry I’m rambling and not actually responding to what u said 😭 basically lol okay I’m not a parental guidance tour rater so at the end of the day what the fuck do I know. I’m not saying “omg tit should’ve been 18+ so Dan and Phil can fuck live on stage.” HOWEVER I imagine there’s things they could say/do/talk about if the show was let’s say rated 16+ w/ no wiggle room vs. being rated all ages but “hey if you’re -14 bring an adult and also we might say cuss words :3” you know? it’s not so much about exclusion but more about “how wild is this show actually allowed to be when there’s not an actual solid age restriction?”
not that I think wildness equates to the quality of the show, but just that the way d&p have been marketing and setting up our expectations is that this show is gonna be SO BATSHIT CRAZY NOTHING HELD BACK ‼️‼️‼️‼️ when like, in reality idk how possible that is for something rated all-ages. so more than anything I’m just thinking about managing expectations
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starsworldd · 2 years
𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓰𝓾𝔂𝓼! 𝓼𝓸𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓲𝓽’𝓼 𝓫𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓪 𝓵𝓲𝓽𝓽𝓵𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮’𝓼 𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 2 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓾𝓶𝓼 <3
**only take what resonates don’t take this too seriously hehe**
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stellium in the 7th house:
People who have stelliums in the 7th house have a focus on the other. Maybe it’s not so much them as it is their life often revolves around others or other people supporting them and getting them to the top. There may be a lot of lessons learned around all kinds of relationship (platonic, romantic, the public, etc..) but these people may also just be really good with people too! it depends on the sign but some of these people could just have a knack for meeting people at the right time, place, and person. This house could also rule over business partners/contracts so maybe your life themes could revolve around things like that too. This house also rules over open enemies. Though there is a focus on the other (7th house) you need to develop your independence and your own identity (1st house).
stellium in the 8th house:
oh boy….this is a crazy house. People who have stelliums in this house have. been. through. it. (the rumors are true lol). They’ve been through the ringer. And if you haven’t, maybe you’re really into finance, stock markets, astrology, stuff like that (maren altman type shit :p) but to be more specific with going through the ringer stuff, there’s often a crisis or some sort of life changing event (that often involves other people like a partner, family, but sometimes not) that deters the native’s life permanently. Your life themes could constantly revolve around change and being destroyed (8th house) in order to build yourself back up stronger than before (2nd house).
stellium in the 9th house:
Natives with a stellium in this house are often really curious and love science and exploring the world beyond their local environment. Religion or higher beliefs may play a significant role in their life or can be something they really value. Along with this, foreign people or places could also be important to them and their life. Expansion in terms of learning and actual experiences that they have is predominant in their life. These people love adventure and getting philosophical about life. maybe college/university is something important to their life themes too, something significant about that possibly. 9th house stelliums focus on the broader topics of life (9th house) but they should not forget that there is value in local learning within their school, towns, neighbors, etc… (3rd house)
stellium in 10th house:
This stellium placement may have a large focus on their image to others (on social media, the workplace as examples), their destiny/calling, and overall attention from others. I’ve noticed that a lot of people who have these stelliums often receive a lot of attention from others whether that be on social media or in person, or that they care a lot about how they appear in person and/or on social media. These people often have a pronounced reputation amongst their peers depending on the sign the stellium is in. These people may also be very driven for success and most of their energy revolves around their career or their calling in life. While a lot of their major life themes/events happen around others and in the public (10th house) it is important that these people establish a strong sense of foundation in their emotional comforts and home life before going after their goals and being in the public eye (4th house)
stellium in 11th house:
This house speaks to community, friends, and gains. Some say that people with a stellium in this house care a lot about humanitarian issues and may have a knack for gathering people or just being in/forming communities. Natives may also be very goal oriented much like a 10th house stellium. Friends and having a support system of people may be very important to these people. Because this house also deals with large groups of people, these people may enjoy success on social media or have a naturally gravitate towards it. This native’s life may often involve being able to integrate with different groups of people or doing things with friends and other communities. Philanthropy could play a big part of this person’s life, similarly said in the beginning of this explanation. While a native’s life may be very dependent on friends and/or having an audience of some sort (11th house) it is equally important to develop one’s creativity and self-expression (5th house)
12th house stellium:
Another really interesting house…okay so a lot of astrologers say that people with this house may have felt “invisible” or not really seen throughout their life. Maybe for a lot of people who have this stellium placement, their life events/themes may tend to happen internally, things to do with mental health, sprirituality or one’s imagination as examples. Rarer manifestation, but this person’s life could also have to do with secret enemies/haters or even admirers maybe. This house rules over hospitals and prisons so maybe something to do with that too. While the 11th house deals with gains, this house deals with loss, consequentially this may play out to be a large theme in their life too. A lot of the things i’m saying here may be perceived as negative but of course these things depend on context; sometimes loss can be good, sometimes loss can be bad. Sometimes mental health can be good, sometimes bad. This house is very flexible, as it is naturally ruled by pisces and neptune/jupiter. While people with this stellium tend to have a focus on the internal (12th house) it’s important that they also work out their daily routines + productivity (6th house).
**for part 1: i may have mentioned for the 6th house stellium that there may be something to do with open enemies but i personally believe this is more of a 7th house theme sense the 7th house opposes the first house of self**
☆ thank you so much for reading and i hope you all have a lovely day/night! lemme know down below what other posts i should i do or what you guys wanna know about ☆
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whumpster-fire · 8 months
Rating the Overlords in Hazbin Hotel:
#10: Valentino. Bitch ass motherfucker supreme. I want him to die and I want it to hurt the whole time he is dying. Fucking scumbag. Also IDGAF if he's a moth I will always maintain the headcanon that the sleazy prick is a pubic louse.
#9: That one blue firey skeleton dude in the meeting who didn't say anything. Has literally no characterization.
#8: Zeezi (that one pink and green lady at the meeting): Has literally no characterization but that color scheme is eye bleeding and I'm here for it.
#7: Rosie. Man she's cool and all, helpful to Charlie, friends with Alastor, but she just doesn't capture my interest the way the others do. Being the overlord of cannibals is a really niche thing it seems like compared to being in control of major forces that are fucking up society, I have a feeling she maintains her position because (a) she's smart, and (b) the other overlords don't really want her domain because taking eating human flesh to the level of an obsession is kind of dweeb behavior.
#6: Velvette. Horrible cringe zoomer iPad kid (or Millennial, I don't know). I absolutely love the fact that she showed up at the meeting and literally everyone else in the room was like "What's with this sassy... lost child?" Has so much potential though for her character to embody the absolute worst of internet culture. Next season I want to see Velvette trolling, going "L + Block + Ratio," and doxxing random sinners and getting them killed for her own entertainment.
#5: Carmilla Carmine. Awesome. I like seeing people in hell who are still people and not obsessed with becoming the most cartoonishly evil motherfucker possible because "hey we're already in hell, might as well get crazy." People can have friends, family, etc. and still do shit that gets them sent to hell. I'm getting "was leader of an organized crime family in life" vibes. Also has vibes of being one of the less horrible overlords to work for because she's emotional stable enough to know that being cruel to your minions for fun is bad for morale.
#4: Husk. Okay he's a former overlord but let's say Overlord Emeritus. He has my respect as an overlord for dying in like the 70s but choosing an absolutely classic vice to make his domain: drinking and gambling. Also the timeline here implies he rose to power when Alastor was already around. I wonder if there was a power vacuum because Al killed the previous overlord of gambling?
#3: Vox. I hate his cringey techbro ass but in a "I want to put this man in a jar and shake it vigorously" way. The fact that he actually enjoys Valentino's company is a major minus though. I kind of wanted to see a strained business relationship where he dislikes Val immensely but works with him because sex sells and Val has the market cornered. Also his voice is kind of... generic. I was really hoping for him to have a Mid-Atlantic Accent but of a more "mid-century TV anchor" type to make it extra clear how much he wants to rip off / replace Alastor and as a part of him that isn't as hip and modern as Mr. Died In the 50s wants to present himself as.
#2: Zestial. Hello Mr. Tall Dark and Mysterious. He is so fucking cool. I want so badly to believe that he and Alastor are genuinely friends and respect each other but also Alastor respects Zestial enough to want him to think he's cool, and when Zestial showed up Alastor internally panicked because of 'Oh shit my friend showed up while I'm being trailed by the lamest minions in hell, he's going to think they're mine this is so embarrassing!'
#1: Alastor. What a fucking guy. This man is being dragged kicking and screaming into character development and I am here for it.
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idyllcy · 9 months
Hellooo, Congrats on 1k (very well deserved for the BEST Tim writer there is the entirety of Tumblr)!!!
I would like a match up, from the DC Fandom (or saiki k because I didn't knew you wrote for it), can be any gender btw.
So I'm I'm 22 art student, I'm Latina (🇧🇷), and i think I'm a ambiverted person (I try at least) Turns out it is really hard to talk about my own personality so I'll just say some hobbies I have (sorry for making you job harder) I like doing illustrations mostly painting (watercolor and oil paint), i sew sometimes, and I love baking but I'm kinda bad at it.
A think an ideal date for me would be a little adventure, because I think those types of situations are the ones where you get to know a person the most. So maybe going to one of those suspicious city festivals and going on those rides that are sustained by a brick, laughing and eating greasy food under bright colorful lights, at the end walking home in the cold talking and holding hands would be nice.
My type is an sarcastic but gentle person, who can make me laugh and make my heart warm at the same time.
I have curly brown hair, my height is 1,59 cm (sorry idk feets and inches), and people are you used to saying I have those deep dark autistic eyes. Idk about signs and all that but I'm a Capricorn (January).
the stars long to be what we are
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Tim holds a piece of the sausage out to you as you chew on it, staring up at the fireworks.
"Good?" He asks, poking a piece for himself.
"Mhm." You nod, lips curled upward. "I wonder what they put in it."
"Honestly? These are probably just that one brand at the grocery store." Tim pauses. "They added some sort of spice, though."
"Yeah, that sounds about right." You tear your gaze from the sky, taking the second toothpick as you get another piece. "I bet Alfred could tell us."
"He would scold us for eating something like this, though."
"Sounds about right." You mumble. "I'll ask him for the spices, then."
"That sounds better."
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Loves watching you draw (he'll do any reference you want. Granted it's not like idk insane)
I like to think he tries drawing you, and the two of you paint each other for dates sometimes
Love going to night markets with you!! does not care if it's sketchy. He knows how to defend himself and you!!
the two of you discuss random ass shit on your walk home. The conversation topics go kind of crazy that sometimes the goons who might follow you are like "...wtf"
he will try baking with you 👍 you guys may suck at it but you guys definitely try 😭 (sometimes it comes out edible but ugly sometimes it comes out pretty but unedible)
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discordantwritings · 4 months
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For someone who writes all the time I am struggling with my words. Mostly trying to find something beyond just thank you so much because it doesn’t feel quite enough. This feels like a big milestone so uh
Thank you.
I’ll get mushy but I’ll put it under the read more- you don’t have to read I don’t mind.
I started this blog after years and years of thinking that I shouldn’t write these types of things. Never mind that it’s what I loved reading, never mind that it’s what occupied my thoughts every night- somehow it would make me lesser. I would never think that about anyone else but for me it felt like something so self indulgent when I have other writing projects to be working on. Things more important and things I could market. Getting my college degree in writing was a double edged sword- I learned so much and my writing is so much better for it but there is now always a nasty little voice in the back of my head wondering what’s publishable, what’s marketable, what’s productive.
I’m learning that I can just have fun writing again. I can write things for me. And even the things for me other people like and that’s so crazy to me still! I’ve found community in writing again. And all that is priceless. I hadn’t sat down and written something finished in like two years and now in 6 months I’ve written just an insane amount of words.
It feels a little silly going off like this about the blog I write x reader smut on but it’s what I feel. I am so grateful to everyone here. You are all so wonderful and kind to me.
If I can come up with some type of event or something to show my appreciation I will but I’ll admit this has totally snuck up on me and I am Not prepared.
But still. Thank you.
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lordelmelloi2 · 2 months
I am kind of glad that I saw your take on the aztec stuff because a lot times people's extreme dislike of it has a habit warpping anything that comes in contact with it deeming all as the same You're like legit the first person who went, yeah these story are great, yeah there narratives are resonate to many people many times over, which makes these cases all the more furstating cause it gets in the way for all sakes purposes by painting the story in a certain light that it's impossible to get rid of.
And that something wholeheartly agree with. Type moon's greatest strength and weakness is it's purity and how it works in it's own internal clockwork. Almost every story is rarely anything phoned in and it's always one guy/gal trying really hard to express something and that such an important to the works. But at the same time it really shows that they don't consult anyone when things are running high which can result in some good and some bad which in seven with the some revealations latter down the line with some characters.
The fact that until relatively recently that they didn't know they had a national audience just shows there lacking self awareness and while everything recently shown they gotten better at it, it doesn't completely help when that eranest shows and it becomes 50/50 how it will turn out. In the end they only way I could see this is slove is someone making effort to expand the internal group with my various opinions but that's like making them actively aware of said issuse of literal brainrot they get.
Yup and that's one of the things that drives me kind of crazy too is like, now they're aware of this massive international audience for their works, people from all corners of the earth and different cultures, and people who like the series who also are like... well, not so embroiled in this anime-manga-otaku culture who Don't think it's right to, for instance, whitewash cultural figures, or include figures from cultures/mythos that Aren't supposed to be depicted (i.e. Wandjina), or understand that constant sexualization of minors is a No-Go in like The Majority Of The World, etc.... and Type Moon is always going to focus itself in on its Otaku market in Japan. So it's always going to try to be appealing to that market demographic first, even if it gives crumbs to, like, female otaku at times.
Which SUCKSSSSS!!! BECAUSE THEY'RE AWAREEEEEEE!!!! OF THE WAY THESE STORIES RESONATE WITH PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF THOSE DEMOGRAPHICSSSS!! AND SOMETIMES EVEN THE AUTHORS WILL *WRITE STORIES* THAT HAVE THAT SORT OF MEANING, THAT HAVE THAT SORT OF CONNECTION, THAT GIVE EMPATHY AND COMPASSION TO PEOPLE OF HISTORICALLY OPPRESSED GROUPS... BUT LIKE MANY GACHA THEY'LL ALWAYS BE FOCUSING IN ON THE MALE OTAKU'S WALLET FIRST. And especially when the writing is introducing a lot of cool ideas to explore within a variety of cultures and kind of also exploring how heroes and legends and mythological figures of other cultures may even learn and benefit from knowing each other, and this idea also that like these figures can reconcile with each other even (i.e. like how the Indian Hindu figures have reconciled with each other to a great degree, I think that's a fantastic story idea, especially because they talked and touched on how in the focus of saving greater humanity, there is this sense of -- I think it actually might've been Hector who said it, or something like it -- "if you continue these grudges from when you were alive and don't reconcile, you lose the only family you've got in this place". And it's that suggestion that also family and those you should care about are also people who have been through these same time periods, these same experiences, etc. Chaldea as a story's thesis insists that we need to build community, and focus on communities, and work towards the common goal of saving our planet.
Which, if you're a fan of the Fate series, you'll see them drop political references to socialism and communism and class disparity being an issue -- I mean the political storyline of Case Files alone also focuses in on class disparity being a massive issue as a whole for many people for many reasons -- it generally leans pretty left, and the overall themes and messages it tries to bring forward, that building community and being strong as a community and allowing us to learn from other cultures and perspectives and work towards a greater goal of saving humanity -- that's a message that quite a lot of us really really want to be hearing right now! It's a powerful message that I would argue is probably one of the most motivating factors people can have for continuing to engage with Fate series as a whole. Because so much of this story revolves around that central thesis, of treasuring humanity despite its flaws, and working to preserve humanity and restore it -- in this time of climate crisis, mass government corruption, genocides, etc. -- it's a message that a lot of people hold very dear to their hearts. I'm not saying FGO intrinsically motivates people to lean left, you have to have a brain to be able to understand that and a lot of people just don't engage with FGO's story like that, especially with the added layer of Gacha psychosis manipulation which is their primary way of making money asides from merchandise (another one of FGO's contradictory practices). But FGO does encourage people to look at other cultures and other peoples with empathy and understanding. It encourages you to learn about history, to learn about these historical figures, why they did what they did, what impact they had on society. If nothing else Fate series succeeds at encouraging people to learn about history and culture, and you don't have to have a Ph.D to see the ways that people have gotten involved more after learning about figures through FGO.
That's exactly why I think it's so difficult for people to just up and walk away from it. Because even if FGO mishandles it, it still opens up that opportunity for people to learn about it. Quite frankly -- I'm not saying it's good that FGO implemented Wandjina, for instance, but without that implementation, people in this fan space wouldn't also have been motivated to research and say "Hey, this is actually inaccurate, and not a great representation" and for us as fans that care also to share that information, and learn about Australian Aboriginal nations and their cultures, and why FGO fucked up so badly with this character implementation. Because we have this community of people who care about history and culture and mythos that we have built over the years. I think the fan spaces that are full of people who really care about the cultures that they come from being represented well, people who also are eager to talk about their cultures and histories and share it with others, or to praise when something IS represented well in Fate and given respect, is also another big reason why people don't leave Fate series. Because a lot of people really, really care. And the overall themes of Fate series encourage people to care about history, and culture, and to share it with people, and to educate people and get people engaged with their cultures, through these characters -- whether well-represented or not. I see it all the time with people making jokes about like, Tlaloc is literally Mexico City/Tenochtitlan, what does that mean for her in modern times? Oh, her and Tezcatlipoca are having Modelos with us, etc. Or people sometimes make jokes and posts about Hassans celebrating Ramadan or Eid-al-Fitr, and while I don't enjoy the way the female Hassans especially have been depicted, I think it's still fun to show people, hey, we are Muslim and we do this, here's Hassan picking out some sweets to have for early morning Suhoor.
Again, to reinforce -- I'll never denigrate someone or denounce someone leaving FGO because it depicted their culture poorly. There's many things that even I myself kind of have moments where I'm like, ... honestly the new Muslim character in Ordeal Call and the way people in certain corners of fate fan spaces treat him drives me up the fucking wall. Like that's an example of one way where I just feel like "yeah I just totally don't even want to engage with that at all, I'll redesign him probably, maybe if I'm lucky that redesign catches on," etc. You know what I mean? And I'll never denigrate anyone for leaving FGO because the gacha psychosis got too strong. I left FGO for like a year or so and played on-and-off because I spent a gazillion dollars on Waver and never got him, it took me a long ass time to get over that psychosis, and I even still have gacha psychosis issues with like, Kama, who I still haven't rolled to this day.
But I think it's pertinent to recognize why people don't totally denounce FGO in the capacity that other gacha games receive flak for. Fate is a very long running series, and the authors take Fate Grand Order to be another connected massive story in the run of all the other massive stories in Fate series. To be a long-time fate fan and ignore everything happening in FGO, and still have an understanding of the lore, of character development, etc... it's... just not possible. It's not possible to ignore FGO entirely in the grand scheme of being a Fate series fan who is engaged with the story and narratives. I think that if anything, because of these themes and narratives, we should be more demanding, we should ask for better effort, and we should point out issues where they arise, because Fate's themes already insist upon a higher standard -- and we, as fans that care, are the ones to hold them to it, as best as we can, and to do the best we can to insist upon better treatment.
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