#and if they insist on stalking your socials even though you've blocked them
catbatart · 4 months
I truly feel so much better about my whole life and all of my friendships this year. I find enjoyment in hanging out with people, my anxiety had decreased significantly, I feel fulfilled in my work.
Sometimes you do need to just cut out a relationship that isn't working for whatever reason- they're toxic, they make you feel guilty for your successes, they monopolize your social time, they're actively mean...even if they just usually make you feel bad.
It helps. It's one of the healthiest things I've ever done.
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rainwoman-world · 2 years
Put a finger down if...
When you were 14 you met this boy online (John Walton) quickly learned he was the weird creepy outcast kid but decided to give him a chance, and when you were dating he always trauma dumped on you and emotionally dumped himself on you as well as always put himself down saying he didnt deserve you for 7 months.
And after 7 months you decided to break up because you were going to an episode of untreated depression + ADHD to add on at the time.
And two weeks after you break up, he starts dating the blonde girl he told you not to worry about through the whole relationship. Which effects your mental health even more and for two months straight you cant eat, sleep, and shower. And it gets to the point where you pass out in the middle of the city because of how malnourished you are and you dropped about 30 pounds all together.
And he continues to try to talk to you and hold a relationship with you even though you said he had a girlfriend and you were not comfortable because you still had feelings but he said it was okay and insisted.
So you finally cut him off, so for 6 months he cyber-stalks you and makes over 20 accounts trying to catfish you on tumblr, instagram, and on this app you used at the time called "Vent", but you managed to find out pretty much most of the time which accounts were his and would block him and after 5 months became very paranoid.
Then, after 6 months (One additional month), it had been one month since you'd caught an account so you thought it was safe but was still sligtly paranoid and met this guy named Tom.
And you knew Tom wasn't a catfish because he had his own pics, sent voice recordings often, had videos, his own social medias that all matches, and his own life and story.
So you and Tom start talking for a while and he's very flirty and wants to get with you and he kinda reminds you of your ex and you point this out multiple times out of suspicion but he calls you crazy, or paranoid, or says youre just acting weird and calls you accusatory and how could you accuse him of doing such a thing.
But anyways after three months of knowing Tom, you decide to start talking romantically and after two addictional months, you begin exchanging pics.
And one day you decide you wanna play Facebook games out of boredom so you ask "Tom" to add your Facebook then see his facebook wall is covered in posts of your ex's best friend and ex's dad and friends.
And you put two and two together and have an anxiety attack and can't sleep for three days. Then you confront him about it with the evidence and he calls you crazy and says he loves you and youre being unreasonable and accusatory and you're just paranoid so you believe it and give him another chance just to wake up the next morning blocked on everything.
So, after this event, you're fucking traumatized and can barely bring yourself to go online for four months because you're paranoid and your anxiety is through the roof as well as your depression and anybody messaging you,commenting, or contacting you on social media or following you on social media begins to send you into an anxiety attack for the first three months afterwards.
And a few days later his GIRLFRIEND messages asking if you've been sending him nudes and sends you your OWN nudes, to which youre IMMEDIATELY honest about and send her screenshots and let her know the whole situation, and when she confronts him, he calls you a lying whore and says you cant be trusted (EXTRA: You learned "Lying whore/bitch" was your nickname between them). And yells at his girlfriend everytime she brings it up, and she continues vent to YOU about it even tho you told her multiple times you weren't comfortable talking about him.
Anyways, she decides to stay with him and a year later they break up and a week after the break up, he starts dating her best friend (what a surprise...).
But you've never gotten an apology from him for the shit he did to you and he still continues to talk shit about you and call you a whore and he's living his best life despite traumatizing you but you can't do anything about it because you still get paranoid using social media 30% of the time and you realize karma may not get him back.
.... :)
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