#and if tommy thought he himself was gonna die then would it really matter killing michael (maybe to protect arthur?)
divinekangaroo · 5 months
the drama that would have been averted with a few proper conversations between michael and tommy
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ghostlyplacetobe · 2 years
🔥 + hlvrai
This is more of a headcanon than a unpopular opinion but it still counts right? This is gonna be somewhat angst
After the whole end game thing somehow benrey came back to “haunt” gordon or so gordon thought, of course gordon wasn’t all that okay with whatever benrey is living with him at first but it’s not like he could just kick him out due to him not being human, he let him stay for one agreement, which was to not talk to him or bother him, of course benrey agreed but that didn’t stop him from trying to talk to him, he knows gordon hates him and he can’t blame him, benrey was good at taking care of his son even though gordon didn’t want joshua near him for reasons and told him not to talk to him, benrey once told joshua that he has a crush on his dad, of course due to him being a child he did tell his dad but gordon didn’t believe him and just told joshua he was trying to trick him into trusting benrey, benrey tried really hard to prove to gordon that he has changed but gordon never believed or trusted him, of course benrey tries to act like gordon being mean to him doesn’t bother him but deep down it does, he was good at hiding his feelings and tries to fight a sweet voice as he doesn’t want anyone worrying about him as benrey feels like he doesn’t deserve it for all the shit he has done, after all he was supposed to be the bad guy right? He isn’t supposed to feel bad right? That what he would tell himself, gordon had benrey sleep on the couch, benrey hated having this sad feeling as he feels he shouldn’t feel like this, he keeps telling himself “I’m the bad guy, I’m supposed to be evil right? Am I supposed to feel bad?” Benrey is confused about this feeling as he has never felt it before in his life, he never felt bad for anything, so why does he feel bad for almost killing gordon and the others? Benrey never had any friends other than tommy, tommy forgave benrey and gordon didn’t really agree with tommy forgiving him, of course tommy is the only one (as of right now) who can understand the sweet voice, so tommy could easily read the emotions of his with whatever sweet voice came out, tommy was the only one (as of right now) who would comfort benrey whenever he felt upset, but benrey would always tell tommy not to as he felt like he didn’t deserve it at all because he was supposed to be the bad guy, and bad guys don’t deserve pity, love, or friends, but tommy told him he was being ridiculous and no matter how bad anyone is everyone deserves love, care, and friends, benrey’s eyes light up when he heard tommy say that, did he really deserve friends like tommy? Did he deserve love? Care? Comfort? Friends? He doesn’t know anymore, he is so confused and doesn’t understand why tommy forgave him, he doesn’t deserve it, he deserves to only be hated by everyone, it’s not like anyone would care if he died, well he can’t really die since he isn’t human, he hated feeling like this, he hated it a lot
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honeybunnybeez · 3 years
If you want to you could write some C! Dream being soft around reader?
Secluded Cabin's and Gentle Touches
♡Pairing: Dream x GN!Reader (with hints of platonic!GN!reader x Tommy and Tubbo)
♡Genre: Fluff
♡Format: Fanfiction
♡Summary: It's not uncommon for Tommy and Tubbo to bring people over to your place so you can help calm them down after a prank, but today they seemed to drag by a familiar face that you have yet to properly spend time with. Lucky for you, he seems to be longing to talk to you as well.
♡Au Setting: Au where the war never happens but tensions are still high.
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"Get back here!"
Despite the voice ordering them to stop, Tommy and Tubbo continued to run like their lives depended on it, and to be fair, it kinda did in this situation. Wet hands stained in different coloured dyes served as proof of their crimes and a green hooded man wearing an awfully smudged looking mask makes it clear who their latest prank victim was.
"What were we fucking thinking!?" but a laugh at the end of his yelling as he dodges Dream's outstretched hand makes it clear that Tommy doesn't regret his life choices at all.
"I don't know!" Tubbo on the otherhand, was starting to regret his involvement in the prank. His legs were starting to ache and his chest began to burn as he slowly became exhausted. A wild chase like this isn't exactly new to them but Dream's persistence really makes it hard for a person to catch a breather between runs. "Tommy, where are we even going!?"
Tommy opened his mouth to respond but a trail of scattered lanterns and torches answers Tubbo's question for him. Tubbo lets out a knowing, "ooooh!" And uses whatever remaining energy he can to keep up with Tommy, knowing exactly what his friend had in mind.
In the distance, they can see you sitting on your porch, playing with a parrot you had managed to tame while out searching for cocoa beans. Relief washes over them when you lock eyes with them and start jogging over with your bird in tow, a worried expression evident on your face.
They're quick to hide behind you when they get close enough, clutching the back of your shirt while trying to catch their breaths to answer your questions as to who they were running from this time and why.
"Dream-" is all Tommy can manage to wheeze out before he's coughing up a lung and swearing again.
"Ah," honestly, after knowing the pair for a good few years now, just mentioning a name gives you a pretty good idea of the type of prank they pulled and the danger they could be in. Thankfully, Dream wasn't a major threat, to you at least.
"Alright, alright, go hide in the house quickly and don't come out until I tell you guys to. If I die, make sure to take care of the farm animals and bees for me."
"Bless you, (y/n)."
"Your sacrifices won't be in vain, we promise!"
You give them a joking salute and urge them to go inside quickly, informing them that you can hear Dream approaching closer. Once the boys were safely inside, you tried your best to look as natural as possible with the limited time you had to adjust yourself. When Dream arrives, you can see that he's just as tired as the boys are thanks to the chase, though his stance continues to be tense as he frantically looks around for them, fists clenched tight until his knuckles turned ghost white.
"Fuck, where did they run off to?"
"Not gonna give a stranger a kind hello after walking onto their lawn with murderous intent?" You and Dream weren't really strangers per say, you had to meet up with him when you moved into the server after all, but due to conflicting schedules and how often Tommy and Tubbo dragged you away whenever he tried to make conversation, you two didn't know each other all that well. That doesn't mean that you didn't want to try though.
When Dream realizes where he was and who he was talking, he's quick to adjust his mask and hoodie to make himself look somewhat... presentable, as presentable as he can look with sweat marks and a messed up mask at least.
'Why did those two have to run up to your house out of all places,' Dream mentally whines to himself, clearing his throat and giving you a single awkward wave as he walks up to you.
"Hey, (y/n). I didn't know you lived in this part of the server," that was a lie. Dream did know where you live, he knew where everyone did but it would be a little creepy to just put that information out there, wouldn't it?
"It'd be a little weird if I just started screaming out my address to random people on the streets, wouldn't it?" You try to joke, earning a little laugh from Dream.
"Okay, yeah, you got me there."
You pat an empty spot beside you on your porch step, inviting Dream over for a bit of rest and he accepts your offer gratefully, practically slumping beside you as he suddenly feels just how tired he is.
"Love the new look you gave your mask by the way," Dream groans at your teasing and pulls at his hoodie strings, hoping to cover his whole mask with his hood. He's glad you can't see his face right now because he can feel his cheeks practically burning at the fact that when he finally gets a chance to talk and get close to you it's when he's a sweating tired mess who looks like a wreck at best.
"I'm going to kill those two when I find them," he mumbles under his breath.
The slam that follows within your home could not have been more terribly timed.
"What was that?"
"Must be my wolves," you lied through your teeth, knowing damn well that your actual wolves were sleeping in your bedroom, "they learned how to open doors recently, I think they're messing around at the moment."
While he's distracted, staring at your window to check what's going on inside of your home, you're quick to read through your most recent private messages on your communicator.
Tommy: HE'S HERE!
Tommy: Fuck this, we're hiding in the kitchen.
Tubbo: We're making a run for it through the back.
Tommy: We'll hide in your barn like runaway children.
Tubbo: Isn't that what we technically are right now?
Tommy: (y/n), we're making a fucking run for it if you don't answer us in 3 seconds.
Tommy: 3!
Tommy: 2!
"Yup," you pop your P a little at the end, annoyed yet amused at the string of frantic messages still continuing to pop up on your communicator as they make their escape, "definitely my wolves causing all of that chaos."
Dream knows that you're lying from the way you read through your messages but he doesn't say a word about it, choosing instead to take this golden opportunity to get closer to you without worrying about anyone getting in the way.
"Not really how you thought the day would go, huh?"
You can't help but laugh and shake your head, "Not at all, I thought it was just going to be another boring day with my bird, but hey, I'm glad you showed up to make it a little more special."
"Really?" Dream hates how happy he sounds to hear you say that, but he'll beat himself up over it another time.
"It's not everyday you see Mr. WasTaken himself visiting your humble home, now is it?" Oh, or maybe he won't.
"I guess not, that really should change, shouldn't it?" You can hear the little grin in his voice as he realizes the game your playing.
"It really should, but a quick heads up would be good, unless you'd like to deal with said 'wolves' I mentioned earlier."
He chuckles and shakes his head, mentioning how he's more than aware that those two 'wolves' of yours would probably rip him apart if he ever visited you unannounced.
It isn't long before you invite Dream inside, offering to help clean his mask as an apology on the boys's behalf. He claims that he doesn't mind but he would rather not take his mask off in front of you when he hasn't gotten to know you all that well.
"You don't have to remove it if you feel uncomfortable, I'll just wipe away whatever I can with a cloth, but if you're still hesitant, I'd understand."
He takes a moment to consider your offer, trying to see if you have any other ulterior motives. It's not that he doesn't want to trust you, he does, but sometimes you just have to be a little extra cautious even with people you like. Sensing no ill intent on your part though, he relaxes himself once more and accepts your help, letting his hood finally loosen and fall back to ease your process.
Your actions are incredibly comforting to Dream who can't help himself from leaning into your touches every once in a while. He watches you with his fullest attention as you wipe away the mess on his mask with a damp cloth. He loves how focused you look while doing so, taking in every little quirk you may have while you concentrate. His little crush on you that he's harboured ever since he saw you running around the server can't help but grow every second you give him your attention.
There's a certain draw to you that Dream can't fight off no matter how hard he tries, you just manage to hold a certain power over him and that was evident by the fact that he completely lost interest in continuing his hunt for Tommy and Tubbo even after finding out that they were still most likely on your property. Dream was a persistent man, he was never one to simply drop something with no proper reason at all. There was just this appeal to you that he couldn't describe and he was desperate to find out what it was about you that made him act differently than he normally would.
"Okay then, that's the last of it," he has to stop himself from letting out a whine when you pull your hands away from his mask, he wants to say something to try to get you to continue on longer but decides against it, not wanting to seem desperate. His eyes don't leave you even after you pull away, watching you rinse off the dirty cloth before throwing it into what seemed to be a bin filled with laundry. When you return to sit by his side, he can't help but swallow a bit of his pride to rest his head on your shoulder. It's a big risk to take, but at least he has an excuse for his actions if he ever needs it.
"Tired, Dream?"
"Mhmm," he feels himself melt when you let your fingers run through his slightly sweat damp hair, clearly unphased by the state of it much, to his joy.
"You wanna rest here for a while? I'm sure you could get a good nap in before leaving."
"That depends, can I still use you as my pillow?"
"Not like I have anything else to do for the rest of the day, knock yourself out."
"Then if you'll excuse me," his head is quick to leave your shoulder to instead rest in your lap and the blissful sigh he lets out escapes his lips before he can even stop himself. You just feel so comfortable to him. "I'm gonna drift off, wake me up in an hour or so, will you?"
You let out a hum in response and it isn't long before you start to see Dream's body go slack, his breathing now steady and deep as he slowly falls asleep. It's quite endearing seeing Dream act so affectionately towards you, something you certainly didn't expect from a guy who carries himself with a subtle wave of authority, but you definitely weren't complaining as you continued to play with his hair once again.
Dream would never tell a single soul about it, but this was quiet possible the best sleep he's gotten in years, if he even tried to sleep at all to begin with. The thought to just slow down and relax is never really on his mind, his head always spinning with things he has to do. However, with you, he's glad to know that he can look to you for comfort from now on, something he now realizes is rather hard to find on the server. It pains him to know that he'll have to leave in just a few moments but for now, he'll take what he can get from you and maybe, if you let him, he'll be sure to return your sweet gestures tenfold one day.
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A/N: Hello, everyone! I am so sorry for being absent recently, I know the writer's block excuse can only go so far but- yeah ^^' I'm so sorry again for everything and I'm sorry if this isn't what you were hoping for anon! Thank you so much for the rquest and feel free to request it again if you want me to remake this to hopefully suit what you wanted. Anyways, I hope you all have a good day and thank you so much for reading!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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testingcheats0n · 3 years
Massive Dream SMP Fic Rec!!
Hey- Hi, I just feel like there are a ton of fanfiction that's really underrated in this fandom- so I'm going to dump it on your dash!!! Most of it is going to be Tommy-centric or SBI-centric, but they are very good!
Source: Me
Finished Fanfics:
Multi-chaptered Fanfics:
that's, like, a hundred miles by No_one_you_know
Dream would kill him. Dream was going to kill him- he was going to- no, he wouldn’t. Dream was his friend- friends don’t hit each other- Dream was supposed to take care of him- Dream /was/ taking care of him.
It hurt to breathe. It hurt to think. He couldn’t clear his thoughts as he stumbled to the family computer, pulling up a tab on google and frantically typing the name into the search bar.
The words Technoblade Watson stared back at him, the little black bar at the end of the letters blinking slowly, mocking him.
Why, of all people, did it have to be Technoblade?
in short: the one where dream sucks as a parental figure, tommy runs away, and visits his least favorite family member technoblade
Hard-hitting, but has a happy ending, though I recommend reading the prequel (in the same series) first, otherwise, it's lowkey depressing.
you’ll rise above (crowned by an overture bold and beyond) by azvremoon
Tommy is not sixteen. He has faced too many open wounds, dripping ichor onto blood-stained warzones, to be just a child. He is Blood and War and needless Death, an all-in-one special of everything that can ruin reality.
(Tommy is the blood god. No one should know, but this server can't stop pushing him over the edge.)
+2 more Works that were Inspired by this one
Tommy is a BAMF and Dream, Technblade, and Phil get fucked it is what it is.
Responsible Forever by SilverWing15
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.” /////
“So,” Techoblade says, slow and deliberate, his face shows clearly just how unbelievable he finds all of this, “you saw a boy last night, in the middle of the night, living with raccoons and eating our garbage?”
“I know how insane it sounds,” Phil says, “but I know what I saw. We need to help him, who knows how long he’s been out here?”
“Okay,” Wilbur interrupts, “let’s say that raccoon-boy is real. What is it you want us to do? We can’t go searching the woods for specific bunch of raccoons, I don’t know if you’ve noticed Phil but there are a lot of them out there.”
“Going out and hunting him isn’t going to get us anywhere,” Techno says, “we have to let the raccoon-boy come to us. He’s already come once, you know how tenacious raccoons are. If they came to the garbage pit once, they’ll come again. We just have to set a trap.”
“Those raccoons aren’t gonna know what fucking hit them,” Wilbur mutters.
Or: RaccoonInnit taken well beyond its logical conclusion
Tommyinnit is a Raccoon boi that lives with other Raccoons
Protecting the Traumatised Youth by spookyserpent
Sam blinks. “What?”
Even behind the mask, Sam has the distinct impression that Dream is grinning at him. “A week and he was begging for my attention, even after I stole and burnt his armour, even after the beatings. He couldn’t stand me leaving him because I was the only one to show up, to pay him attention. It was hilarious.”
Sam is going to be sick.
Or, Sam decides to ask Dream about his intentions and ends up becoming a big brother to Tommy and Tubbo. All the while, Dream and George fight, Niki and Jack plan child murder and Ranboo is slowly getting adopted into the SBI.
Awesamdad written back when it was possible... ahhh
Chaos In a Bottle by Lovetribable
After a realization, Tommy leaves the pillar, but instead of going to Techno. He just disappears, leaving everyone to think he's gone.
It takes a war to bring him back.
+2 Sequels and an Alternative Ending
Dadinnit!! + A Sympathetic Dream
Absolutely Anything For Them by Numanum
“There’s a lot you don’t understand, Tubbo,” Dream sighs, meeting his eyes cooly. Tubbo, back against a tree, shudders at his tone, at the look on his face.
The sword at his neck skims across his skin as Dream shifts his grip on it, and he flinches back into the rough bark behind him. Dream smiles at his reaction, seeming pleased- like the cat that’s been toying with a mouse that always tries to run no matter how many times it’s caught. And, despite this being his first encounter alone with the man, he thinks that the comparison is fairly accurate; Tubbo has never felt smaller than he does now. There’s supposed to be a buddy system to prevent things like this- he shouldn’t be alone here, stuck in this situation.
Or: Tubbo becomes a traitor to save everyone and has to struggle with his choices
Traitor Tubbo, but it has the happiest ending possible since it follows the rest of the story.
Where Did You Come From, Kit? by KadeAK (zacixn)
Hybrids are an ancient species of humans crossed with animals, blessed with the favour of nature. They used to live in peace on the SMP’s land, but ever since the dawn of humanity’s modern culture, they have become ostracised and hunted by their once-brethren. Now, the once-thriving subspecies of hybrids have been reduced to ashes, the majority of their peoples struggling to survive in a city capital that can't stand their presence.
To the members of L’Manburg, General Wilbur Soot is just another mildly prejudiced human being, stuck with a hybrid fox kit for an adopted child. However, that assumption could not be farther from the truth. As it turns out, there's a reason why he is the man he is today.
This fic is entirely pre-L’Manburg.
Part of a series, very good.
Take It Easy by sweet_magnolias
Five times Techno scared Michael, one time Michael scared him, and the resolution of those fears.
AKA - Techno learns how to be an uncle.
Technoblade's POV, so expect some Tubbo bashing on the margins of all that Michael fluff.
I suppose it’s never my time to die, is it? by Birb_Whale
The first time it happens, he barely remembers. The second time is when he realized. The third... Twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern
“It’s not your time to die yet, Tommy”
Messed up, but not unrealistic. Purely for the Hurt/Comfort lovers.
This Wasn't Planned, But It'll Work Out by Anonymous
Dream isn't sure what to think when he finds a kid on his doorstep, but he can't just leave him there, now can he?
(He doesn't know what he's getting into, or what he's gotten the kid into, either)
Long, and angsty, with a bittersweet ending Imo.
let's play a game by Aria_Cinabun
Tommy was once a slave. That's gone now - shoved in his past with the memories of blood and gore and death. He wants to forget who he was; what he has to do to survive. Of course, the Elementalists will always come back to haunt him. They aren't the ones who killed his mother, but they're close enough. And now he and his brother have been dragged into the mess, as Elementalists with their own, separate covens, to find the Pit - the place where he'd lived and killed and hurt for the first twelve years of his life. His coven can't know. Can't know who he really is, what he can really do. Can't know anything about his past. He doesn't want a coven full of Elementalists who don't trust him; one of whom he's pretty sure despises him. He doesn't want that life. He wants the life of a pickpocket, on the streets, because nobody questions street kids, and nobody comes asking about his past and pushes him to tell his secrets that he holds closest inside. Tubbo tries to tell him to trust people. But trust is how you die.
Good fantasy AU, has SBI, and is thus fluffy.
Turn of the Tide by SilverWing15
Tommy’s fins twitch at the mention of Dream’s ancestors. Dream talks about them a lot, how they made their fortune hunting down mer pods, how they were cruel and greedy. Nothing like Dream is. They’ve both overcome their roots he says.
Tommy is nothing like the wild mer out in the ocean, who spend their lives scraping by just to survive, who kicked him out of the pod when he was a baby because he was too small. He’s also better than the pit mer, who can’t overcome their wild instincts and know nothing but fighting.
He’s different from them, he’s better than them. He’s Dream’s. //// OR: Change is like the tide, when it comes, you can only sink or swim. You would think that a mer would be better at keeping afloat.
Mermaid AU Pooog. Part of a series.
Snapped by AmberRunnel
“You don’t know what I went through in that prison cell.”
Jack burst out laughing, blinded with rage and the overwhelming urge to hurt Tommy, to give him everything he deserved. “Oh, is the poor child traumatized? You want pity now?” He twisted his blade, and Tommy’s axe was sent clattering to the ground.
“If the prison was so awful, why don’t I send you back there?”
Jack doesn't handle Tommy's revival well. There's a simple solution, though. Kill Tommy, and Dream revives him right back into that cell. Problem solved, kid dealt with.
It takes a few confrontations for Jack to realize he's an asshole.
It's fucked up, but god does it hurt in a good way.
the sky is coming down blue by salinesolution
An imagining of New Milo's perspective throughout the Skyblock Randomizer adventure. What did he think of the world he found himself in, and how did Wilbur's feelings and actions change things for him? Here's my way of answering those questions.
He made the fish think, funniest shit I've seen.
You told me to be a hero (so let me die like one) by spiromachia
"You told me to die like a hero," the blond interrupted, spinning on his heel to face the others, holding his arms wide open, "So why not fulfil the ending that was always meant to be."
Across the battle field, through the chaos and destruction, a tree burned.
Even the sound of explosions and cries and bloodshed felt distant enough for the world to become silent for a few moments, each individual slowly coming to the same conclusion, each of their bodies tensing.
Tommy's face broke out into a grin as he lowered his head, glowering at the people around him, and Philza's face flashed with recognition.
"Kill me."
Or... In the middle of Doomsday, Tommy decides to ask Technoblade to be the Lycomedes to his Theseus.
Heavy and dark, but at least Dream gets it.
tomorrow night by meridies
Tommy is desperately searching for his missing brother. Techno is the reluctant psychic who unfortunately got dragged along.
or, two people, more alike than different, learn what it is to have a family at their side.
It's cute what can I say :]
maple syrup by itisjosh
"We could run," Tubbo stares at the sun. "We've got everything we've ever wanted right here. We could run."
"Yeah," Tommy agrees, feeling his head swim. "We could."
(or, tommy and tubbo run away together)
Children get away from toxic adults :)
Why’d it have to be so sunny? (The sun shouldn’t shine without you.) by AToZRainToBe
‘A realisation hits Phil in the face like a truck. “Wi- Ghostbur,” Phil says, turning to his grey-scale, translucent, actually-dead son. “You definitely told Tubbo that Tommy’s alive, right?”’
To get away from Dream, Tommy agrees to fake his death, going with the cover story that he jumped from the pillar in Logstedshire. Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell Tubbo.
Misunderstandings are one of my favorite tropes.
sugar and ice by princedemeter for Aenqa
“He is my son,” Philza says. “Mortal or not, I would see him grow strong.”
Technoblade looks down on earth, at the tiny, angry bundle of cloth and pinking, wrinkled skin. This mortal child, he thinks, lungs filled with breath from the king of gods himself, will not grow strong.
It's mostly centered around Technoblade and Wilbur with Phil being a shitty dad. Pog Gods AU.
a matter of time by meridies
Tommy is twelve years old when his wings first appear, and he is twelve years old when Phil tells him, "All it takes is time and patience, Tommy, and soon you'll be flying even better than me."
or, Tommy grows up feeling like a failure, and it takes him a while to figure out where he's happiest.
Tommy is just finding his place in the world. Powers AU.
That Time a Baby Decided to Raise a Baby by Scitrust
Tubbo wasn't good at making excuses, so when Schlatt asked him why he was leaving in the night, he made something up on the spot. That had been months ago.
At least he sort of had an alibi for that, now.
Or, in which Tubbo finds a baby in the woods on his way to see Tommy, and promptly adopts it.
Part of a collection!! Read it all.
spider lily by blue000jay
Wilbur has a body.
The freckle on the base of his left pinky finger (shared with Techno). The scar on his chin from when he was twelve and over ambitious, diving into too-shallow water. The scar on his throat from the final control room, and the puckered skin on his shoulder from the poisoned arrow that killed him next. Various other nicks and things that litter his skin from years of rebellion and living wild, a kid thrown into a vicious world with too little self-preservation.
(Resurrection AU, for when/if Wilbur comes back.)
The author knows how it's like to live with chronic pain, and it shows :(
Hands tied loose by rabiddog
"Let's run away, Tubbo." Tommy breathed; a wide grin split across his face as his hope grew. "Let's get out of here – far away. We can go anywhere, can't we? Let's just go, you and me right here, right now."
Tommy needs to leave. He has to get out of L'Manburg, he has to leave the Dream SMP for his own sanity, and he wants Tubbo to come with him.
But Tubbo has a family now, a better life - something that he can't give up... not even for his best friend.
Unhappy ending :(
The serpent underneath by rabiddog
Tommy and Techno sit at the memory-filled bench and talk. Technoblade reminisces, he talks, he admits his pent-up feelings, he cries. And Tommy? Tommy listens. (That's all he can do.)
“I’m sorry for everything, you know? For all of it. I’m so sorry about... about the first war, about the withers and the fighting, about...” Technoblade's fingers began to curl around Tommy’s blonde locks. “About Wilbur and everything after. I'm so, so sorry.”
Damning choices by rabiddog
Ranboo would have never expected to find himself in a horrifying situation such as that one - quite literally sandwiched between a rock and a hard place, with three lives dangling over his head and the answer on the tip of his tongue.
Tubbo, Michael, Tommy.
It's his choice. He chooses who lives, and who dies. His new family, or his first friend. But Ranboo... Ranboo already knows.
"Ranboo," He hissed out, voice cracking and somewhat staticky, "It's not your fault. It's not. You had no other choice; I know that, okay? I- I know that- I know- I know..."
Jealousy is a disease by rabiddog
Tommyinnit isn't new to the idea of jealousy. He understands it completely. He understands the way it runs rampage through his body each time he catches even a glimpse of Tubbo and Ranboo's new relationship, he understands that the emotion makes his heart clench uncomfortably from time to time. He sees it, feels it, and yet he doesn't care.
He doesn't care at all.
"You took Tubbo away from me. You took him away. You took my best friend, and now he's- now he's not my best friend anymore, and I-!"
Word of Honour by rabiddog
Tommy could only stand and stare as Technoblade agreed to hand him over to Dream - as his brother traded him off like he was nothing. Like Tommy wasn't important.
Technoblade was a man of honour. He was a man of pride and sticking to his word. He knew that he owed Dream a favour, and no matter what that favour might be, he'd be compliant with it. Nothing would change his mind. (Not even Tommy.)
Almost canon. F.
Sweet Repentance by rabiddog
Perhaps Tommy should have told Phil about his arguably life-threatening injury the minute his father had opened the door. But of course, Tommy being Tommy, did not.
Dying seemed like a nice enough option as long as he was with his family.
Tommy just wanted acceptance, forgiveness, and peace. He wanted to close his eyes for the last time and finally be able to let go.
Tommy dies painfully.
A White Tulip by astervoid
He picked the white tulip from the bottom of the stem, standing up carefully as he held it pinched between his fingers. It would die now, inevitably, but Tommy relented and held the flower to his chest. What a silly, stupid thing to ground him. He almost hated that it made his breaths come easier and his steps feel lighter. Almost.
Tommy & Ranbooo chill on the bench.
lying to the authorities (again) by touchgrass
"Please tell me that my right-hand-man, my soon-to-be vice president, one of the people I trust the most on this godforsaken server, did not lie straight to my face and tell me he was twenty-fucking-years-old.”
Tommy opened his mouth to protest, but then closes it shut at the furious look on Wilbur's face. Oops.
It is the day of the elections and Wilbur Soot could not have chosen a worser time to realize that half his staff is underage.
The ONLY fic with this premise I've seen on Ao3.
Dear Theseus by rabiddog
Tommy had thought that they'd won - thought that they'd finally beaten Dream, and that everything would be okay. As it turns out, however, apparently Dream had called in that favour from Technoblade after all.
“Please,” Tommy whispered after a beat, quivering hands edged upwards to hesitantly press against the tip of the sword striking through his chest. Why, why, why? Why him? Why now?
Tommy almost wins.
A Shifting World by AplusIsRoman
How was Wilbur supposed to know it would end like this?
The smoke hung in the air and soot clung to his skin. His brother - adopted, but older by two minutes - stood back-to-back with him. The chilling cries of people and the calls of the withers rang through the air above the chasm that was once his home.
This wasn’t supposed to happen.
How could he have known this would happen?
Sequel to A Child's World
Age-swap AU. Has a prequel.
heart of the sea by RyDyKG
Here is the secret that he barely thinks about, a secret that he shoves deep and far down in himself:
Wilbur Soot is a siren, and he’s not exactly proud of that fact.
Wilbur-centric. Urban Fantasy AU.
He knows, ok? by Ralli
By some means, Techno has given his raccoon younger brother some cotton candy. It doesn’t end as well as either of them would like.
Very, very cute :)
that's it, it's split (it won't recover) by Jk_Kat
Tommy has always been the fighter.
He has never been the fought for, and he knows it, with every whisper Tubbo directs at Ranboo, with every glance thrown his way- Tommy knows, the way he wishes he didn't, that they think he's dead.
If they're so convinced he's still dead, maybe the one good thing left he can do for them is die.
Or, Tommy gets addicted to being dead and thinks that nobody cares about him. The people who very much do try to pull him back from the brink before Dream can't resurrect him anymore.
Messed up, but with a happy ending.
Hugs 'n PTSD by rabiddog
Ranboo knew from the start that the recovery process would be hard - that moving on from quite literally being beat to death would be something hugely difficult to step away from, and that's if Tommy could even manage it at all.
He knew that it would be stressful and arduous, demanding and tough... he just hadn't expected to be holding Tommy through a PTSD-induced panic attack only days after his release from Pandora's Vault.
Ranboo isn't typically an overbearingly protective person. But for Tommy? He just might be.
I love this author if you can't tell.
Big Men don't cry by Shiny22Snivy
The room is small and warm, almost stifling compared to the cool openness of the ravine. It’s cosy and candlelit, and a chest sits open in the corner, full of what looks to be burnt rags of a former smart suit. And sitting in rumpled blankets on a bed, cradling a mug of something steaming, sits Tubbo.
At first, Tommy forgets all about Niki’s vague warning. He’s just so happy to see his best friend again, alive and well and all in one piece. Tubbo’s okay. Tubbo’s okay, and in front of him, and suddenly everything bad in the world is gone, if only for just a moment.
And then Tubbo turns to look at him.
Clingyduo fluff.
sins of the father (i broke all my bones that day i found you) by ryter
The thing that hurt Wilbur most was when he saw Fundy tear down the walls of L'Manburg. After all, those walls had gone up to protect his son. But in this world, Fundy trusts his father just a little bit more, and it ruins him.
Or: there's only one way Wilbur never becomes the villain. It's unclear whether this was the better path.
Sad, but cathartic.
i’m dropping ALL the fucking revived tommy headcannons on you guys today get ready for some ANGST
this is different from what i usually post but it was fun
i don’t think there’s a lot i need to put warnings for, obviously there are mentions of the way tommy died and the aftermath of that (i.e. injuries and trauma), but if there’s anything that needs a warning please tell me!
What it says on the tin- not really a fic.
Unfinished Stories:
Ongoing (Less than a month since the last update):
Over the River Styx by CorpseArt
I feel like we should name him.
There’s a scuffle at the back of his mind as he rolls up, curling tight with a shiver despite the heat of the flames licking up his back.
I mean, he’s like – us, but like a worse version clearly because oh man, this is just weirdness. There’s a flare of a tangle of emotions, complicated and fearful, resentful and livid with anger. I can’t believe this is what I’ve been reduced to, stuck in the mind of this- this child.
He’s like your age, Tommy. Are you calling yourself a child?
I mean, I am one so fucking duh. Child murderer.
Or: trauma bonding in the most unconventional of senses.
Just- Read it. Show the writer your support, it's unique, it's amazing and there needs to be more of it.
If history is dead and gone by iregretallmydecisions
“Don’t come any fucking closer,” Tommy shouted, startling Phil into stepping back. Tommy was still looking around wildly, like a trapped animal “Don’t fucking do it.” ---- In which Tommy finds himself faced with his splintered family, while it was still mostly whole. The past is not an easy place to be when the future was not kind. His family is forced to deal with the fall out.
It's better than Rewind, but you didn't hear that from me.
Wilbur Soot's Redemption (OR Ghostbur's Retry) by luckykitty0523
Wilbur had many regrets in his life, being lost in his madness and the urge for revenge drowned leaving a shell of who he once was. It was only in his dying moments that he regained himself but it was already too late for him leaving him drowning in wishes and regrets. However waking up in another different universe where wilbur was never born and family soulmates exist, so when wilbur said he wanted to fix the mistakes he never expected this turn of events.
In one world wilbur dies and he would return as a ghost missing his memory and trying to fix what he did in life but in this one wilbur dies and wakes up in another world where soulmates exist and the wilbur of that world was never born so wilbur/ghostbur takes his place and tries to make up his mistakes to the other version of his friends.
Wilbur adopts SBI + Fundy + Dream.
A Talk Long Overdue by penink
Tommy has his first therapy session with Puffy.
Tommy gets therapy.
Into the Night by Interjection
“Don’t touch me,” Tommy hisses, leaning against the railing. “I will - I will-”
They’re a hundred stories up. Wind lashes against Phil’s face. Next to him, Sam makes choked noise.
“But why?”
Tommy looks up to meet Phil’s eyes, terror struck so deep in those pale blue irises Phil thinks they must hold all the world’s fears within them.
“You’ll die,” he whispers. “And then I’ll die. But I’ll come back.”
“And I don’t want to come back.”
Others have the freedom to live. Tommy doesn’t even have the freedom to die.
But maybe they can teach him that living doesn’t have to be so bad.
(Superpowers AU where whenever someone touches Tommy, they both die. But Tommy will always come back to life eventually. He just wants it to end - but instead, he’s on the run, terrified of how his power will be exploited if he’s caught.
A few people reluctantly team up to save him.)
Funky SBI dynamics + a Sam that cares. Also a lot of angst.
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urimaginespimp · 4 years
Alfie Solomons x Shelby Sister Reader where she’s betrothed by Thomas for a truce, now her and Alfie’s secret love affair is in thin line.
A/N: Here I go again, associating an Evermore track to Alfie. Sorry not sorry!
The air was cold at dawn. You’ve been sitting alone in a cemetery since last night, dreading the moment the day was slowly breaking, and how it reminded you of how time of his arrival was getting nearer.
No, you weren’t there to visit a deceased loved one, but might as well have started grieving for yourself. This was the haven where you would often meet Alfie to either stay and talk in each other’s arms, or where he’d fetch you and bring you somewhere you could freely be with each other for a night.
A full year of secret meetups undetected led you both from solely enjoying each other’s company and wits, to being inseparable. Your special spot was a few feet away from the actual gravestones. It was under a huge tree nearby.
You knew from the start that your fondness with each other would never be accepted by your family. And the odds of them actually even coming close to being open on the idea of you both became slimmer every time Alfie would get power in his head and betray your family despite your friendship.
Months would pass of you ignoring his apologies and notes pleading to meet; To be only forgiven when he’s in Thomas’ good graces again. But it became increasingly difficult to be warry of him when you started feeling funny whenever he’d laugh at your jokes, or when he’d offer his coat for both of you to stay under when it starts drizzling and you both forgot to bring an umbrella.
He’s started a goddamn blaze in you.
Now how were you to tell the lone man you’ve ever loved that your brother was planning on marrying you off for a truce?
You only found out last night, leading to you throwing a fit for the very first time towards your brother who tried to calm you down and make you understand the benefit it would bring to the family – much like what he did to John. The way he told you sounded like it was a mere suggestion. But you knew better that he’s already fixed it.
In a fit of tears and frustration from not being able to give him the truth to why you refuse to concede, Polly barging in the study to intervene and ask what was going on was your take to leave and go to your room, shouting loudly that he better leaves you alone that night.
It took you the night trying to write everything down for Alfie. How you were to be married, and begging him not to intervene. Because as much as you love him, you couldn’t risk him and your family being in another war with the still unknown family you were to be part of.
Sneaking out later on, that’s how you found yourself in your favorite spot in the cemetery crying your heart out, and reminiscing all the memories you hold so dear with Alfie.
Taking a deep breath, your hand took the folded page of paper from your coat pocket. You almost crumpled it and wait for Alfie to tell him yourself. But you were a coward and just couldn’t bring yourself to tell him. Not when you know you wouldn’t be able to open your mouth without breaking down.
Taking a rock big enough to hold it in place, you placed your open letter under the tree and willed yourself to walk away from both your favorite place and your happiness that morning.
It’s been days and you have not uttered a word to your family. Still crying yourself to sleep every night, it became increasingly harder not to call Alfie and beg for forgiveness and ask him to take you away.
Alfie himself was sending your office missives after missives, asking you to see him at least. But all of it were left unanswered and kept in one of your desk’s drawers.
Tonight, was the celebration of your engagement and the first time you were to meet the man you were to be married to. You’ve learned from Polly that he was from a wealthy Italian family, about your age, and that he’s already seen you before and was actually the one to ask Thomas for your hand in marriage.
What a puss. You thought, He couldn’t even ask you and get rejected personally.
Well at least the dress he sent was decent. But hell were to freeze over before you would even consider wearing it.
Opening your closet, your hands skimmed through your numerous formal dresses, and finally landed on one that meant so much to you. It was beautiful, fit you perfectly, and it was a gift from Alfie.
They don’t know it’s from him, but you had to admit that wearing it in front of your family and future husband would be a satisfying last act of proclaiming your love for the King of Camden town.
The night began rather peacefully. It seemed that you were the only one miserable in the occasion thrown for you.
The man you were to marry was alright. He was polite, charming even. But he was a shy pup compared to a beast like Alfie. Sooner or later, you had to stop thinking about him.  
“What’s the Jew doing here, Tommy?” you heard your aunt ask Tommy discretely.
“I invited him, Poll. All bad blood in the past, he’s a good business partner.” He explained to your aunt.
But the rest of the conversation drowned out for you. He’s here.
For the first time in the entire night of the party, you moved from the corner you were sulking on, looking for the pair of opal eyes you were wishing to see. To hell with the Italian boy.
You were turning on every corner looking for him. If he really were in here, you figured he’d be in a corner somewhere like usual.
“I knew you’d look absolutely beautiful in that dress.” A voice called out just loud enough for you to catch. Snapping to the direction it came from, your eyes met Alfie’s.
He was dressed formally as asked, his beard was trimmed, and he had his hat on.
“Alfie I-“
“I’ll take a dance, yes.” He cut you off, not wanting to make you cry in front of the guests. Taking your hands in his freezing ones, he led you to the dance floor.
“I though you hated dancing in public?” you mused at him, placing your hands by his shoulders, ignoring the lump in your throat.  
“If this were to be our last one, everyone else be damned, yeah?” He answered, looking at you lovingly. You smiled. How could he still look at you so endearingly even after your cowardness?
“The wine’s shite by the way.” He commented, trying to make you laugh. He couldn’t stand looking so defeated anymore. You couldn’t resist breaking into a laugh, and bit your tongue from telling him the drinks are courtesy of your future husband.
Polly and Arthur were stood near each other, looking at the both of you dancing, when your aunt finally spoke up.
“She hasn’t cracked a smile ever since the night Thomas told her.” She told the oldest Shelby brother. “And all it took was for Solomons to dance with her.”
“Yeah, looking at ‘em makes me almost forget the bastard tried to kill me. It’s almost as if they’re…” Arthur didn’t get to finish what he was to say from the sudden realization. He knew that look. Yes, he’d never seen you look at anyone like that, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out what it was - the color coming back to your face, almost as if it actually lit up at the presence of Camden town’s king.
Turning to Poll, she was already smirking at him. “She couldn’t tell Thomas the real reason she doesn’t to be married off for business. But you’re the eldest, Arthur, and when it’s on matters of your siblings’ personal happiness, you have to put your foot down.” Patting the back of his shoulder, she took her drink to go who knows.
“Is there somewhere we can talk, luv?” Alfie asked you quietly, sliding his hand on your shoulder, to your hand where he held it.
Looking around you, relief washed over when you saw that the guests were immersed in their own conversations and dance partners.
“Meet me in my room in a few minutes. It’s the third door at the right hall, and I’ll keep it slightly open.” You nervously told him, trying to keep your voice low.
Letting go of him, you acted natural, smiling at guests your way.
In your room, you stood fidgeting with your fingers. The light from the crescent moon that peeked through your window was the only source of light.
What if he got lost and mistakenly entered Tommy’s office? Or that he decided to confront that fiancé of yours?
You were saved from the panic attack rising when your door finally creaked open bigger, and the silhouette of the man you love came in.
But before you could talk, his lips met yours desperately. Alfie hoped that his kiss would be able to tell you how much he’s missed you, how the past days felt like absolute hell, and how it led him to be willing in being a mister for you. A mister.
“Are you sure that brother of yours won’t be looking for ya? What if he found us out, pet?” He asked in between kisses to your neck.
“He’s gonna burn this house to the ground” you answered, gasping when he squeezed you in closer to him. You almost hated having to stop him. “Alfie, we came here to talk.” You weakly pushed him off you.
His eyes under the moonlight was glistening. It was only now that you realized he was crying. Taking his face in your hands, you held it gently, wiping his damp cheek.
“Alfie, I love you, okay? Everything that we had – no matter how it was only stolen moments, I’d live and die just to experience them again. But I can’t risk losing you and or anyone from my family for my personal reasons.” You tried to sound brave in front of him, knowing that the second you’d break, he’d take you with him.
He shook his head. “Now that’s just selfish of that brother of yours, pet. You know I could help settle any problem he has with ‘em Italians. He didn’t have to drag you into this.”
“And what, have him figure out why you’d go through great lengths for his sister whom you never seemed to care about?” Whenever Thomas was in the same room as you, the both of you would only resort to a formal greeting and not even try to converse. That was how you were able to keep it up so long. “It’s either I run or we dare come clean to him and see what we’ll become. He’ll find me either way, or he’ll shoot you dead.”
Alfie moved away from you, and walking by the window to take a breath and calm his nerves.
Suddenly the door to your bedroom was kicked completely open, revealing Arthur and Tommy who looked like they were ready to murder.
You didn’t know what came over you, but you immediately stood straight as if ready to block them before they could get to Alfie. But to your surprise, Arthur stayed standing by the doorway, and it was only Thomas who took a step closer.
“Alfie, you have one chance to tell me that what Arthur's saying isn’t true.” Tommy was seething, ordering him. “You of all people know my sisters are off limits.”
“It’s true, Tom.” You answered before Alfie could even open his mouth. If he were to push through marrying you off, at least leave him with the guilt for snatching your life away. “I love him.” Relief from finally being able to say it in front of your brothers washed over you.
“I am not gonna let you use my sister for whatever scheme it is that you fu-
“I was gonna ask her to marry me, you fucker!” Alfie growled from behind you, before finally reaching your side. You stood there gaping at him, having been clueless as well of his intentions.
“I went to meet her in our spot with a fucking ring in my hand, right. And what do I find? A letter from her telling me that some scum wants what’s only mine, and her cunt of a brother is allowing it!”
Arthur having been satisfied from what Alfie said, was smiling at you across the room. “And as the eldest of the family, I give you my blessing, so long as you promise to protect her.” He spoke, nodding at him. You wanted to run into your brother’s arms in gratitude, but Thomas spoke up again.
“Don’t celebrate yet, Alfie." He both looked at you with a stern expression. "There are Italians out there still thinking that there’s a marriage happening in a fortnight.”
Alfie scoffed at your brother’s statement. As if he hasn’t dealt with them before.
Taking your hand in his, he turned to your brother once more. “And what is expected to happen when I call off the marriage?” He asked him.
“I’m gonna start a war” you answered nervously.
Squeezing your hand, he turned to you. “Then it's gonna be the goddamn fight of my life, pet.”
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corysmiles · 3 years
(Friendly Giant au) One day after Wilbur is more comfortable with Ranboo touching him he goes to leave for the night like Tommy used to do but then Ranboo just gently squishes him between his hands like 'no it's cuddle time'
Friendly Giant AU
(Anon I took this in a very angsty direction I apologize in advance also I rushed finishing this so I will go back and edit later I promise)
It was a couple months after Wilbur started coming to visit when Ranboo tried to make him stay. Wilbur still didn’t come every day- it was more like once or twice a week if anything- and he absolutely never stayed the whole night. On the nights he did come Tommy would walk him home around midnight which unfortunately meant he wasn’t around the rest of the night.
But Ranboo wished he would stay. He really wished he would stay. Every time he watched the still-cautious man leave his den he had to fight against every part of himself to not pull him back. He wasn’t part of his “family” yet...but he was pretty close.
So one night when Wilbur turned to leave Ranboo just couldn’t resist. He was tired and Tubbo was already curled up on his chest and he just couldn’t stop himself. He didn’t want Tommy and Wilbur to leave...he wanted them in his hands.
Quickly, he slammed his hand down across the entrance and felt the two humans bump into his knuckles.
“Stay,” he yawned.
The two humans backed up from his hand but before they could get away he scooped them up and pulled them against his chest. The feeling of their small movements made his already jumbled thoughts even hazier, and vaguely he registered that he was purring.
“Hey! Let go,” Tommy yelped.
The small human pushed against his hands but Ranboo couldn’t bring himself to free them. They would leave if he let them go...
“Stop being a bitch! Wil’s freaking out man!” Tommy shouted and suddenly Ranboo’s head cleared.
With a gasp of realization he dropped the humans back down and watched as Wilbur curled up on himself. The man’s breaths came in short painful bursts making Ranboo’s heart scream. Meanwhile Tommy rubbed his back trying to calm him down.
He had done that. He hurt him. Ranboo wanted to run away, to leave and not be seen again by the small human.
He knew Wilbur didn’t like being touched and he still did it.
“-ay?” Tubbo asked. Ranboo only caught a little bit, but by the concerned expression of Tubbo’s face he could tell it was a question.
Tubbo carefully jumped off of Ranboo’s chest and approached his older brother, “What happened?”
“Nothing bad,” Tommy reassured, “Ranboo just had one of his moods and it freaked him out.”
“I’m so sorry...” Ranboo whispered.
“It’s fine,” Tommy snapped, “He’s just afraid still...this is hard for him yaknow.”
Ranboo’s ears twitched back in anguish. He had scared Wilbur...
Ranboo turned and gave Tommy a quick nod before pacing away into a deeper part of the den. He couldn’t bring himself to stay and watch the aftermath of what he did. He didn’t mean to scare him.
His feet carried him deeper and deeper into the dark cavern. It got to the point where he had to duck down under the dripping rock...he guessed he’d gotten taller again...great. When he finally stopped he was in front of the small River running through the rocks. The water spit at his feet making him shiver at the cold touch.
Slowly he knelt down next to water. Faintly he could see his own reflection on the ever-shifting surface. It was terrifying.
Sometimes he was able to forget just how different he was from the people he cared so much about, but at that moment, looking at himself in the river, he felt awful. Of course Wilbur was terrified of him, if he was the human he would be scared too. His lips barely covered his sharp teeth and his eyes were cat-like and predatory. Everything about him was monstrous- everything.
A couple minutes later his ears twitched back as light footsteps approached from behind.
“Hey big man,” Tubbo whispered, “You feeling okay?”
Ranboo kept his head down even when Tubbo had sat down beside him. He was so small... with Ranboo kneeling Tubbo barely even reached his foot.
“He’s okay you know. He went home with Tommy but he’s okay,” Tubbo said, filling the silence.
Ranboo hummed in acknowledgment but the reflection in the river told a completely different story. He was a monster and he had attacked a human. It was simple. He had scared him, and because of what he did Wilbur probably wouldn’t come back.
It hurt but he didn’t blame him.
“Boo come on look at me,” Tubbo begged, “Wil’s fine. It’s okay, let’s go back so we-“
“Stop!” Ranboo snapped and beside him Tubbo fell silent.
“Just...please stop Tubbo,” he whimpered, “I hurt him. I knew he hated me touching him and I did it anyway. I knew he didn’t trust me and I still hurt him...I’m a monster Tubbo.”
Tubbo frowned at his friend and climbed up onto his lap. Gently he patted Ranboo’s knee, “You’re not a monster Boo...you’re just different. It’s not a bad thing, itll just take Wilbur a little longer to be okay with it.”
“It’s because I’m a monster though,” Ranboo snapped, “I am and I know it. Wilbur is afraid of me Tommy barely trusts me and even you were scared when you first met me. I should have just stayed out of it and left you all alone.”
“And let me hang there till I died?” Tubbo snapped, “Let Tommy get fucking mauled or let Michael get eaten?”
Ranboo squinted at Tubbo who stood up with fury in his eyes.
“You really think it would have been better to let us die?”
“No that’s not what I-“
“That’s what would have happened if you didn’t help,” Tubbo snapped, “You’re not a fucking monster Ranboo.”
Ranboo opened his mouth to fight back until he noticed the tears forming in Tubbo’s eyes. The human desperately tried to wipe them off his face.
“Do you think we don’t care about you?” Tubbo asked.
Ranboo’s ears flattened against his head, “No that’s not what I-“
“Okay then stop acting like it’s bad that we met,” Tubbo said, “you’re my friend Ranboo. Your appearance isn’t going to turn me away anytime now.”
A sigh left Ranboo’s lips and slowly he let Tubbo crawl into his hands.
“I’m getting bigger you know...” he muttered after a moment.
Tubbo nodded, “I know.”
“Doesn’t that scare you?”
Tubbo shook his head and patted the palm of Ranboo’s hand, the fingers subconsciously moved to wrap around him.
“No, why would it?”
“I could hurt you,” Ranboo whispered, “I have no idea how much bigger I’ll get.”
Tubbo hummed in response and tilted his head at the giant, “So what? You’re already big, whats a little more height gonna do? It’s not like you’re suddenly gonna try to squish me big man.”
“Of course not I just...what if I can’t help it,” Ranboo sighed, “What if I don’t mean to hurt you and I still do...”
“Then I won’t be mad,” Tubbo shrugged, “And I know you wouldn’t hurt me. It doesn’t matter if we’re like this or I’m like the size of a fly to you, I trust you.”
“Tubbo you dont...I could kill you or- or seriously hurt you,” he whispered, “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“Boo...don’t worry about that now,” he sighed, “If we get to the point where you’re too big I’ll find a different way to be with you, but it’s not a problem now. You make me feel safe Ranboo.”
Ranboo squinted at Tubbo cautiously and watched as the small human wrapped his thumb in a hug. Slowly he brought him up to his face and let his heart have its fill. He was scared still...but he loved having Tubbo close.
“Come on big man you’re my pillow,” Tubbo laughed as he patted the tip of Ranboo’s nose.
Ranboo pressed his nose into the boy knocking him over, “Yeah...okay.”
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nightferns · 3 years
How c!Ranboo's attitude towards c!Wilbur lines up with everything he's been told | a quote list
All /rp of course
So on Tubbo's last lore stream (my new purpose) Ranboo said this:
"-thats why im here so when he does something that does redeem himself then someone can be there that will be able to see it and everything, and honestly i'd rather have it be me the person, rather have the person that be there be me instead of maybe someone else[...]"
And then this, when asked why he didn't tell Wilbur about marriage:
"[...]From what i've heard from Tommy and everything the Wilbur that 13 years ago- at least might've- he used stuff against Tommy and everything so just in case- "
And it made me wonder what exactly lead him to that opinion so i spent a day ghathering quotes in which Ranboo heard/or was told something about Wilbur, before the revival. Its a bit of a long one so strap in.
Convos about Alivebur that Ranboo either listened to or was a part of, pre-meeting him.
Vod: Tubbo and Tommyinnit Start To Break Apart…
Tommy [talking about Techno]: -Wilbur died in action, so he doesn't- so he didn't live long enough to face the consequences, but that guy he is a fucking bitch.
Ranboo: So he was fighting with you and then he decided to go against you.
Tommy: yeah. He decided that the last minute "Hey! Hey what im gonna do is fuck everyone over."
Ranboo: Oh… so he was sort of a vigilante of sorts? His own-
Tommy: sit down [on the bench]…  fuck. I just want back the discs, that's all- thats all I've wanted everytime im sat on this bench, that's all we've wanted.
Ranboo: Yeah, I can tell... You seem pretty adamant about those.
Tommy: Yeah! It's because-! Literally bro- since the- four months! [...] four months ago is when I first started trying to get these discs! And it was just me, Tubbo- there was no Technoblade on this server! There were like 6 people- and it was just me and tub- there was no nation there was no- it's always been about getting back the shit dream stole from this very chest!
So now Tubbo's gotten this position of power and is doing it- it's dis- it's disappointing.
B-but thank you, for sticking up for me, no one did that, you saw big Q fucking turning on me- you saw Fundy- they're-  they're just sheep bro, they're just sheep. Thank you
Ranboo: Well, you stuck up for me when you could've easily pinned it on me. You could've just said "oh, he was the one that did it", because- i mean, my name was being said in there too, but then you just decided to take all of it and now we're in this situation.
So I couldn't just let that happen, I couldn't stand by, have Tubbo call you selfish when you did something- the opposite.
Tommy: Thank you-
If they evict me through- that is it he-
Ranboo: yeah.
Tommy: -dude, you know i'm worried- i- i don't want to, i know there's that one line that we- that rings through my head as i sleep l of Wilbur going "Tommy, let's be the bad guys." But I wanna- i don't wanna be the bad guys. I just want-
Ranboo: I don't think that's- that's not a good thing to do.
Tommy: The reason- do I say this now? Yeah-  The reason I didn't make Tubbo the leader, when I had- and I could've chose anyone, and I chose Wilbur, the man who was already half-insane but I knew he was coming back around, and I didn't choose Tubbo.
Is because i knew that if tubbo was the president,
it would pull us apart Ranboo, and look at him he's picking his nation over me. And i- and if he does on Friday I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself.
Ranboo: No matter what happens on friday i'll help you. I'll-I'll figure it out- I'll try to talk to Tubbo, i'll try to see if something better can happen.
Vod: *Archive* Mar 6, 2021
Phil: [places down a picture of Wilbur] my son.
Ranboo: Oh. There he is.
Phil: I wanna put his picture in the-in the meeting room, cruz i want to be reminded, i miss him, it's lik- he's been gone a long time.
Ranboo: He has. He really has. He's been gone, before I even came here.
Phil: He did some dumb shit y'know. And my hand was forced, in a sense, but I miss him everyday, I do miss him.
Ranboo: Oh, yeah i heard about that
Phil: I do wish he'd come back.
Ranboo: Yeah, Well… well I mean, wasn't he a ghost for a little bit?
Phil: Yeah, but that wasn't really him-
Ranboo: Oh.
Phil: That was- That was like the pure kind of innocent version of him if that was to exist I think, he was very kind of uhm- it was just not him though, it was just not him. So it was kind of like talking to a doll of like- someone.
Ranboo: I mean- I mean it's the most you're able to get at least. Like-
Phil: Yeah…
Phil: -sad, miss child, miss, maybe i shouldn't have stabbed him but you know.
Ranboo: Yeah, well i mean- yeah.
Phil: I Bet if- i bet if- if i was to talk to him again he' would- he would probably forgive me, he- he definitely was at the end of his rope and i dunno maybe he'd think of it differently.
Ranboo: I mean, it was his wishes, I mean he wouldn't- it was his wishes, it wasn't- like- he wouldn't- he wouldn't not forgive you for following what he asked you to do.
Phil: Yeah. I dunno.
Ranboo: But- one day hopefully-
Phil: Can't help but think if i did the right thing or not sometimes.
Ranboo: I mean, when you think about what he would have done if you hadn't, you know?
Phil: Yeah, he was out of control.
Ranboo: Like if you- if you hadn't like- would anything- would anything have changed?
Phil: I dunno, I kinda showed up at the most chaotic time possible and yeah it was just- didn't really have a lot of time to process things. It was like "Hey I should probably stop him from blowing up this place" that I had no real knowledge of other than that he helped build it. That's all I heard. I got- i got like letters from him just like telling me what he'd been up to and stuff, and that he was having fun with this friends and then the letters stopped, and i got worried so i started to like- 
Ranboo: mhm.
Phil: -make my way over to this area.
Ranboo: Yeah.
Phil: And I was right to worry, apparently.
Ranboo: I mean, I don't know, I think- I mean, I think there's really- there's really nothing you can do about it now, you know? There's- it's really like- you can- you can try and get closure but I mean, the ghost- Ghostbur is missing in action and he has been for a little while, and...
Phil: Yeah, whenever I talked to Ghostbur I didn't really feel like I was talking to him though, like it wasnt really- It was him but it wasn't him, like-
Ranboo: Yeah.
Phil: It's hard to explain.
Ranboo, I mean you just- i- i think you did the right thing even though its not- it wasn't the optimal thing, you know? I mean, was it the best solution? Probably not, but it was still a solution so.. I'd say you still did a good thing even though in your eyes it's probably not good, but what else were you gonna- what else were we gonna do?
Phil: Yeah, true.
Ranboo: yeah.
Vod: Tommy's Plan to Kill Dream
Tommy: Tubbo, I died. I spoke to Schlatt, I spoke to Wilbur, Wilbur Soot, alright?
Tubbo: Has Schlatt changed his ways? Or is he still smoking and drinking-
Tommy: Tubbo, they've been in there for so long, and so many years, alright?
Tubbo: Years? They've only died months ago-
Tommy: Tubbo, I was in that prison for about… month and five days, alright. Time in death though? I was here for months and months and months! Time's different when you d- Don't tell anyone this- Time's different when you die.
Tubbo: So you're older, now curz-
Tommy: I don't, I don't know! [...]
Tommy: -But Listen to me! I've seen everything! I know so much more than you now, I've been with the dead and I know so much more! So much more I'm not willing to explain. But listen to me we need to kill him, before it's too late-
Tubbo: Why is it different now? Why are we killing him- why didn't we just kill him to begin with, when we had the chance? Why did you put it off?
Tommy: Because Tubbo i thought he would use the revive book for go- ok, this is what he said to me he said he will only use the revivebook to revive Wilbur, and he said that that when he gets out out of the he's gonna hurt, not just you, but everyone i care for, he's gonna hurt everyone. So please we need to kill him.
Tubbo: So why don't you want him to bring Wilbur back now? What suddenly changed? 
Tommy: I've spent months in the death area- well- let's call it the death zone, with Wilbur, right.
Tubbo: the death zone? Like limbo-
Tommy: I've spent months there, I've spent months and months and months there and I was only there for a few days, Wilbur's been there for real months, he is so different and he is powerful and you know how he molds me like a piece of clay Tubbo. I don't want him to come back, we can't let him come back, and Dream said to me that he'll revive Wilbur.[...]
Tommy: No, i spoke to you, not Ghostbur, i spoke to you
Ghostbur: But i am Ghostbur
Tommy: I spoke to Wilbur,
Ghostbur: You don't wanna talk to him.
Tommy: I know, I never wanna talk to him again.
Ghostbur: He's not very nice, he's not a nice guy.
Tommy: Acu- Ghostbur i've got a question for you, do you want him to come back?
Because i- i don't, i don't think i do ever ever.
Ghostbur: He's a- i- uhm.. t-the world needs- needs structure and order and he he's good at that, he did that but- i-
Tommy: No, the world needs less villains, and he was a villain if I've ever seen one.
Ghostbur: But a villain is just a- sometimes the line's a little blurry, you could say, a little blurry it's a tiny bit, it's like a villain- a villain is just a hero you haven't convinced yet.
Tubbo: I'm not sure I follow you.
Tommy: No, but he started as hero, he started as a hero and then he was the villain.
Ghostbur: Well-
Tommy: I don't think we should bring him back ever. 
Ghostbur: Oh…
Tommy: I think you should-  you like being a ghost don't you? Hey! Look bl- Red! You can stand on the red! [...]
Ghostbur: Yeah,i- i- i like it here but  we were talking about this and i thought we wanted to bring back Wilbur, because he understood-
Tommy: No-
Ghostbur: -because, because L'manburg got blown up-
Tommy: No! No no no no, We don't want to bring back Wilbur, i've spent months with Wilbur, wh-when you die times different Ghostbur, i know i can speak to you 'cause you don- you keep secrets, times different, alright? i've spent so long with Wilbur,
Ghostbur: How- how long?
Tommy: Months and months and months alright? And if i was here for months, he's been there for years, possibly decades, he can't come back.
This isnt a-
Ghostbur: How- how- so what's the corversion? What's the- how long-
 Tommy: What's the conversion rate?-
Ghostbur: yeah, what's the-
Tommy: -God, you sound like a fuckin' bitcoin miner.
Ghostbur: -If time's different in the- in the- in the dead land then what's the- what do you call it? Limbo- if time is different in limbo then what's- what's- what's the difference?
Tommy: I don't really know. But I was there, apparently, I was dead, according to the Dream but he does lie, I was dead for- for 3 days. And i was there for-
Ghostbur: And how long, how long was that in months?
Tommy: I don't know, i can- i can say  months and months, i- i'd- i'd say between three to seven?
Ghostbur: Okey.
Tommy: So the middle, four point five.
Ghostbur: -So Wilbur's been dead for ten to twelve years.
Tommy: And there's a lot to learn when you're dead, innit?
Ghostbur: What did you learn? I've just forgotten things.
Tommy: Oh I learned about bad shit.
Ghostbur: Yeah?
Tommy: Do you know what Wilbur did? He very slowly and excruciatingly, over an entire month, explained to me what hemorrhoids was and it hurt me so much.
And then he'd go on about all the books he has been reading. It was terrible, it was the wor-
Tubbo: Did you see each other? Or were you just-
Tommy: Oh, Don't make me talk about it! Don't make me talk about it! Oh, it was- it was the worst!
Ghostbur: Tommy why didn't you want Wilbur back?
Tommy: Well… I spent a long long time speaking to Wilbur in- when I was dead. And i- and when I wanted to bring him back I thought he- I thought there was still some brotherness there, I thought maybe he's still my pal. And I found out he's not- he's only grown worse.
Ghostbur: He spent a lot of time around a bad guy, he spent, like a decade you said, around- around Schlatt and Schlatt's the bad- Schlatt's the bad guy right?
Tommy: I don't think Schlatt's the only bad guy.
Ghostbur: He's a bad guy right? Him and Eret are the bad guys right? That's the- that's the-
Tubbo: Yes, more or less.
Ghostbur: That's what you told me.
Ranboo: And Dream of course.
Tommy: There's a lot more bad guys.
Vod: Ranboo prepares with tommyinnit to take down dream on the dream smp full stream (VOD)
Ranboo Vods
Ranboo: [About Dream] He's trapped in there and we thought he was powerless but even in there he still has power that's why we're killing him actually. Its because-
Ghostbur: What's the worst he could do with the power?
Ranboo: He could bring back the people that are- well, technically the villains in this story, and then get out. And then start to do what he did before he got into prison, just again, and probably worse honestly!
Ghostbur: He's gonna bring back Schlatt?
Ranboo: He can bring back anyone that's died.
Ghostbur: Also- um, so are we- are we not bringing back Wilbur anymore? Is that… off the table? 'Cause Phil and Technoblade and- and- and people are still keen- and Eret is keen to bring back Wilbur. And i- i'm- Ranboo i gotta tell you i'm really scared. I- i'm not scared of Wilbur i think.
Ranboo: Yeah.
Ghostbur: I'm scared of going back to.. nothing. I- I'll be gone again. I dont- I- i kinda like being here and i like all my friends and i don't...
Ranboo: Yeah. See it's different with me because I never knew Wilbur, i never met Wilbur. I've only met, well you… so...
Ghostbur: I- I think im pretty- I like to think im pretty neat.
Ranboo: Yeah i think you're pretty neat too. I don't- i don't think-
Ghostbur: Yus!
Ranboo: I mean, Honestly i'd- i never knew Wilbur, i never met him but I mean,  what i've been told, he seemed like he had good intentions and- and i mean, i think that's kinda what you are, you are his good intentions.
Ghostbur: In a pint sized glass.
Ranboo: yeah.
Ghostbur: in a little package, little package.
Ranboo: yeah!
Ghostbur: I've read his memoirs Ranboo, i've read- they are all gone now they were blown up when my library was destroyed, so many really important pieces of history were blown up when that library was destroyed.
Ranboo: Definitely yeah.
Ghostbur: But I have- i read his memoirs and he- he was- he was pretty ok! Most of the time, he seemed like he was- people liked him but then- then- then he lost this election and- and- and you know the story, everyone knows the story. 
Ranboo: yeah, yeah.
Ghostbur: But i just- i- from seeing how much everything went down and how Tubbo was- was really badly you know? Scared with- by- by- you know? the explosion and things which- thinking about it that's- maybe was Technoblade's fault and Phil's fault, but um, because of all this now more than ever it's really important that we have a leader and that's why i was on the side on bringing him back
and if- if things have changed, if you tell me i'll go along with whatever you say if- if you think Ghostbur sticks around, i'll stick around but if you think Wilbur- Wilbur sticks around i'll- i'll do whatever it takes to help you! I just- I just wanna help! I just wanna help Ranboo!
Ranboo: yeah, im-
Ghostbur: -And i can see it in you that you know what's best.
Ranboo: The thing is i- i really don't. i mean, Ha- Wilbur... he seemed good, when you read anyone's memoirs it helps them… kinda rationalize the way that they think so- i honestly don't know, because-
Ghostbur: History is written by the winners.
Ranboo: Yeah and he, he technically won, I mean he did what he wanted to.
Ghostbur: but then he lost and everyone hates him.
Ranboo: I don't- i don't think everyone hates him. I don't really hate him. I mean, it's like hearing about a historical figure. I mean he did good things yeah, but he also did bad things so. I- i'm indifferent as i am with a lot of things.
Ghostbur: I'm sure- i'm sure that you'll figure it out
Ranboo: I haven't even heard of Wilbur honestly, i- i've barely heard of Wilbur, i mean, Tubbo really has not told me much about Wilbur other than i mean, he's the one who blew up Manburg the first time. 
But i like Ghostbur i mean, i like- i like Ghostbur i'd say a lot more, because Ghostbur seems nice, i don't think that anything is going wrong right now, i mean if we- if we kill dream then… then uh- ' cause we don't need a leader. 
I really don't know... I really don't know, I don't think we need a leader, because if- if someone rules everyone then- i mean if the leader becomes corrupted, when the leader becomes corrupted then we see what happens. We- we see what happens when someone who leads becomes corrupted, heck i'm a part of an anarchist organization So… I really just don't know what to do.
Because I mean, Tommy doesn't want Wilbur back.
I don't think anyone wants Wilbur back, so why is it even a question?
All I do know is that we definitely have to kill Dream, right? We definitely have to kill Dream. I mean, we gotta- we gotta kill Dream.
I mean, i don't even know if anyone wants him back, i mean, the only person that i would think would be Phil, right? The only person that I'd think would be Phil, so… but Phil's ok now, he's doing alright, shure he's sad now, but I think he'll be good, yeah I think we'll be able to kill Dream and everything will be good!
I mean, if we kill Dream, Wilbur isn't coming back, we won't have to worry about much- we'll still have to worry about things but not on the scale Dream was doing right? Right? [...]
[...] So if everyone's ok without him, I mean, everyone's ok already… right? Everyone's- Everyone's good, I mean, I like Ghostbur, I think that Ghostbur is awesome. I don't know-[...]
Ranboo: Oh my goodness. Yeah see, i like Ghostbur a lot more, i like Ghostbur a lot more.
Vod: Wilbur's Revival Dream SMP
Tommy: No you don't understand, It's not that he's dead it's that Wilbur's back.
Tubbo: What?
Ranboo: What do you mean Wilbur's back? No, you mean Like- Wilbur? Like-
Tommy: Let's go-
Ranboo: "Press button and blow up" Wilbur, that one?
Tommy: No, no ok, listen to me, Did you think I liked Wilbur? Is that what you think this is about Ranboo? Why are you being so unempathetic?
Ranboo: I don't know what you mean! Like-
Tommy: Wilbur is back, Ranboo! Ghostbur is dead!
Ranboo: Yeah-
Tommy: No, no there's only one way to know.
Ranboo: What do you mean? Like- like THE Wilbur? The one that- like your friend?
Tommy: We are not fucking friends, Ranboo.
Ranboo: Wilbur wasn't-? I mean, I knew he did some bad stuff but I thought he was at least kind of your friend. 
Tommy: No, Wilbur was nothing.
Ever since i died Ranboo, we- i spent so long with Wilbur-
Ranboo: Yeah?
Tommy: -and i thought he changed, every time i thought he changed, but Ranboo he never changes, Wilbur never changes… and now he's back.
Ranboo: May- Maybe- Maybe he's different you know? I mean, he's been spending a lot of time in the afterlife-
Tubbo: Yeah, he's been dead for a while,
Ranboo: -he probably might be different, you know?
Tommy: He's not different Ranboo, i've been there Ranboo, and he's so much fucking worse. When we go up to him, you two just stand back-[...]
82 notes · View notes
cdroloisms · 4 years
You're on tumblr now! Now I can bring to you the idea that c!Sam is actually scared of c!Dream and that he's breaking his will until c!Dream becomes less scary to him, which is backfiring because the problem is becoming worse from it, and it's only scaring him more
this was a fun prompt, anon, but MAN yall dont pull any punches huh?? (dw, im loving it)
this was heavily inspired from sam’s messages on foolish’s stream the other day, so make of that what you will before reading ;)
tw: abuse (physical/emotional), toxic relationships, starvation, violence, death, death threats, mental instability, panic attacks, child murder
"Oh Sam."
The prisoner's voice is eerie, almost songlike, drawing out the syllables of Sam's name before devolving into high-pitched giggles. "Awesam," his voice rasps, slightly, still quiet and strained from lack of use even after the week, only making it sound more inhuman. "Sammy-"
"Shut up," Sam bites out, throat ragged from crying, screaming. He'd taken his mask off to properly wipe at the tears that were running down his cheek and even with the lava blocking himself from view, he's never felt so exposed. "Shut-"
"Or what?" The prisoner laughs, loud and clear. "You'll yell at me? Take my food away? Break my fucking will with your stupid pick?" His giggling grows in volume, the sound throwing itself over the obsidian walls, losing itself as he begins to wheeze. "Because that worked so well for you last time, didn't it, Warden?"
Rage burns, dark and desperate, in his gut; he balls his hands into fists, meets resistance, realizes that his pick has appeared in his them, instinctually, without him noticing. "You killed him," his voice cracks on killed, tears rising traitorously to his eyes no matter how many times he thinks he's all cried out, a knot of desperate, broken grief swelling in his chest again and again. "He was just a kid, and you- you beat him-"
"Oh don't say it like that, Sammy," he interrupts, entirely too flippant. "It's nothing you haven't done before."
A lance of something spears him in the chest, something sharp, piercing, knocking the breath from his chest for a moment.
"That's different."
"To-may-to, to-mah-to," the prisoner shoots back, not missing a beat. "I mean, really Sam, getting punched to death isn't all that bad- I'd rank it at like, a four on pain, lava is so much worse-"
"I," his lungs heave, breathing ragged. He looks down at the pickaxe still held in his shaking hands, at the glowing metal blade strapped to his hip. "I should kill you, I need to-"
"Kill me?"
For a moment, Sam almost thinks that the prisoner hesitates, leaving him in silence save for the popping lava and echoing guardian calls. It takes a few moments before he notices the low, quivering hum coming through the comm speakers, growing in volume, and- oh.
He's laughing.
"You- you'll kill me," the sound is dark and low and poisonous, worming under his skin and buzzing wrong wrong wrong against bone. "Go on then! Do it!"
"I-" he chokes on his own thoughts, Tommy's broken screams and the prisoner's ringing laughter and his own rage and grief twisting together, thick and suffocating.
"You know what I think, Sammy?" his voice drops low, hissing. "I think you don't have the fucking guts. The poor little Warden, so scared of revealing his dirty, dirty secret that he'll let someone else die for it. So scared of me you won't even use my name. What a fucking joke."
"Shut up-"
"Go on, then! Make me! Break my will like you said you would, hmm? I know you. I know you want to." He laughs, brazen, cocky; both of them know he's won. "You're probably holding your pickaxe right now, aren't you?"
"How'd you-" He can't think, he can't breathe, he needs to get out-
"I told you! I know you! I know everything," Sam shakes his head, shaking, the pickaxe disappearing back into his inventory; he needs to get out he needs- "Whatcha gonna do, Warden, now that you’ve run out of ways to break me?"
"Come into my cell! Do it!"
He can't.
Sam turns away, lungs heaving, not walking so much as running out of the area of the main cell entrance, hands shaking around his keycard as he pushes it into the blackstone. Dream, in his ear, is still laughing, the sound growing in volume and pitch, rising with the panic threatening to pull him under.
"I'm not scared of you, Sam! So you better figure yourself out, soon," His hand comes up to rip out the communicator, fingers blindly wrapping around the metal, desperate to make him finally shut up-
"-because I'll kill you, if you don't."
196 notes · View notes
the-redeemed-anon · 3 years
Quick thoughts on last night’s stream because oh boi
As the title says, it’s quick thoughts, it may not be everything of importance, or hell, just things I noticed, but that stream proves what I like to keep saying: Wilbur is one hell of a complex character, god damn.
1. Wilbur being as confusing as possible
Like, that happened, and it left a lot of people very confused, including Tommy at some points. This is a good time to remember that my guy was stuck in Limbo for 13 years with little to no stimuli and he seems to think a lot of time passed in the overworld too. He has to play catch-up and if Tommy’s ressurection is any hint, getting revived kinda leaves you with a bit of a scrambled mind, and add to that the fact that Wilbur was mentally ill when he died. I honestly don’t think Wilbur has made his mind up on some things, and he’s letting that slip up to the surface.
2. Wilbur and his vow of not lying
It may just be me, but when someone tells me they took a vow of not lying, I don’t believe them. Especially a character like Wilbur, man. And even if he say he’s not lying, that doesn’t mean what he is saying is the truthTM, as in, the objective truth, or that he doesn’t have mixed opinions. It’s literally what he thinks is true at that point, and opinions can change. And if he’s conflicted, he could say what he would want himself to fully believe, you know, in a case of “if I say it outloud maybe I’ll start fully believing it”. Basically, take what he says with a grain of salt, like anything any other character says.
3. Wilbur and his opinion on Dream
So, we know that Wilbur would have killed Dream for what he did to Tommy in Exile, yet Wilbur considers him a hero. That confused me too, until I remembered something very specific about Wilbur: Wilbur self-antagonises and he has a very meta way of looking at his existence.
So, he just told Tommy that his urge would’ve been to kill Dream slowly and painfully because of Exile. Considering what we know of Wilbur from his previous shot at life and how he was never someone who liked direct violence, being a long range weapon guy, saying that is huge and shows just how much he disagrees with what Dream did. Then he calls him a hero. In my mind, this rung some familiar bells: “Am I a villain, in this story?“And it echoed when he mentioned how Dream kept his throne warm.
Wilbur had a very meta way of looking at his own reality, which doesn’t seem weird at first, because we ourselves use words like “villain“, “hero“ and literary devices to talk about these characters... but that’s the thing. We use these words because they are characters. Very few people, in the real world, would use reasons such as Chekhov’s Gun to justify something they did, which is why it’s weird that Wilbur had a tendency to talk about literary devices and how he is a villain. It almost breaches the 4th wall, and it’s something that you can’t ignore once you’ve noticed this.
What does that make of Dream being the hero? Well, if someone wants to harm the hero, traditionally, they are the villain, aren’t they? So, indirectly, Wilbur seems to call himself a villain, which would go hand in hand with previous thoughts where he implied he knows he’s evil. It’s such a subtle way for him to cloak his self-loathing and self-hatred.
Also, Exile yet again is shown as something vile that happened to Tommy, and the severity of it is apparent by Wilbur’s decision that he would have killed Dream on the spot for it.
4. Wilbur and L’Manberg
Wilbur claiming he didn’t care about L’Manberg (the physicality of it) has be in doubt because right after, when he and Tommy talk about rebuilding the CH, Wilbur quietly says [“Oh, if only they could have done that for L'Manberg, ay?” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 40:45, 5th May)]
During the Season 2 Finale, he said something that has rubbed me as peculiar since I heard it: [”Oh! Let’s start L’Manberg, oh! How is L’Manberg, how is L’Manberg by the way?” - (Tubbo’s Getting The Disks Back: 1:40:30, 20th Jan)] It’s as if... As if he always expected L’Manberg to be rebuilt, no matter what he did. He seems to be conflicted in the present that L’Manberg is truly gone, or, at least for me it seems like that. Here he is, 13 years later, and yeah, it’s gone. A big part of his previous identity, left to die and rot. Wilbur had a habit of masking his true feelings and vulnerabilities, and I think L’Manberg is one of them. It’s an interesting discrepancy.
Also, there is this quote: [“Holy shit. Phil, this is amazing- Did you build this, Phil? … Phil, what the hell, why didn’t we have you during L'Manberg time?! This is brilliant!” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 46:12, 5th May)] which just shows that he did care about the physical place, at least from an aesthetic angle.
5. Wilbur and Friend
Let’s look at these quotes, this is from when Friend was still alive: [“Why? He’s gonna come with us. And? It’s a sheep, Tommy. Who cares about- No, I’m just saying who cares about a sheep, man, it’s just a sheep. Just, come. What, it’s just a sheep, my man. Just walk with the sheep.” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 7:00, 5th May)] But then later, when going to Techno’s and Phil’s, he says this: [“Oh my god, I remember this! I remember this place, I have memories here! This where the sheep- Friend- This is where they found- where Ghostbur found Friend! I, I remember him finding him here!” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 45:44, 5th May)] and when Tommy tells him Friend’s dead, he says: [“I thought he had infinite canon lives.” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 46:00, 5th May)]
You can’t tell me he didn’t care at least a bit about Friend. Why would he get excited over the memory where Ghostbur found Friend if he didn’t really care about him and he was just a sheep. As for him not caring about the possibility of Friend dying? Remember, he went to hell for 13 years, so that must have changed his perspective on the act of dying or even pain. Plus, my guy just admitted he thought Friend could respawn forever. I don’t think he took Tommy’s warnings as a “hey, Friend can die for good if you’re not careful“, and more like “Friend can get hurt and respawn if you’re not careful“.
6. Wilbur saying he won
[“Look at me. No matter what happens, no matter what goes down, today, tomorrow, next week, the week after, the week after next, the fact that I’m alive means that anything that happens along this line, I’ve won. I’ve already won. I won when I pressed that button. You could spar me as many times as you want for your own personal victories, but in the grand scheme of things I’ve already won. And I think, from your silence, you already know that.” - (Wilbur’s resurrected gentleman of L'manburg: 41:59, 5th May)]
All I am gonna say is that if you have to say you won something, chances are, you need to hear yourself to hear that. Also, it’s so interesting that we have a contrasting quote for this one:
[“History is written by the winners.” (Ghostbur)
“Yeah, and he, he technically won. I mean, he did what he wanted to.” (Ranboo)
“But then he lost and everyone hates him.” (Ghostbur) - (Ranboo’s Preparation: 13:55, 14th Mar)]
7. Misc., aka a quickie on Phil and Ranboo
Feels good to have confirmation about the letters having lies so Wilbur wouldn’t worry/disappoint Phil. No purposeful history revisionism or malicious lying in this house.
Ranboo and Wilbur, ah, I can already feel a good dynamic forming, because they are, right now, polar opposites. Ranboo is, in a way, what Wilbur thinks right now, to be weak. Yet Ranboo is thriving and he has a lot of allies. I really want to see them clash and challenge each other idiologically. That would be so interesting to see.
I think that’s about it, on what I could figure out from that stream. I’d like to hear other opinions or things anyone else noticed. (Also thanks to @kateis-cakeis for compiling all those quotes from last night. Check out his quote masterlist guys. It’s a goldmine for analysing Wilbur)
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stellocchia · 3 years
Maybe something with my immortal apocalypse AU for the requests? Sorry this is so vague agfhdsjak lmk if you need more to build off of -Inniter
[Give me Prompts]
That's the AU you talked to me about before right? At least I hope so, 'cause that's what I'm writing about!
Tommy was in a bit of a pickle.
You see, there was a group of immortals who had decided to challenge Dream's and Punz's power and, normally, Tommy would not care about their skirmishes. He actually actively hoped that as many of them would get killed as possible. It made the streets slightly safer for survivors like him.
Now, the problem, in this case, was that the group had decided that the best way to challenge their power was by killing him. They'd seen the very obvious golden medallion hanging from his neck and the lime green hoodie he was wearing and decided that obviously, he must have mattered to the first immortals. Which, as far as he knew, was at least partially true, but not exactly helpful in this situation.
He had run as fast and as far as he could, but, being in a new city at the time, he ended up cornering himself. It felt almost cliché. His back was against a brick wall that had no reason to be there and the monsters out for his blood were now advancing on him slowly and inexorably.
He was terrified and he most definitely didn't want to die, and yet he couldn't help but laugh at how much his situation reminded him of the trashy horror movies he used to watch with his family once upon a time. He really was gonna go out in the most ridiculous way, huh?
The immortals didn't seem to appreciate his sense of humor as they started looking around as if they were searching for a threat. "Why are you laughing?" one of them yelled, and, oh? Was that a tremble in their voice? The idea of them being scared only made him laugh harder. The whole situation was frankly ridiculous.
He stopped laughing when he heard a loud snap followed by a thump of something hitting the floor and a wet splatter. He raised his eyes to find a very pissed-off pair of green ones and a deceptively indifferent pair of blue ones. Punz carelessly wiped his hand on his hoodie and looked around, probably noting down everyone's strengths and weaknesses, while Dream took a step forward and spoke up: "So, you thought it would be a good idea to go after something of ours, huh? We can't have that now, can we?".
Tommy closed his eyes again. He did not want to see that actually.
There were screams, angry at first and then scared and pained. There were the sounds of bones being crushed, of blood hitting the walls, and of corpses falling to the floor. Tommy didn't open his eyes until a wet hand gently touched his cheek.
Punz and Dream were both in front of him blocking the sight of the carnage. They were no less horrifying though, both entirely drenched in blood and smiling maniacally.
Right, time for something called a pro gamer move. Tommy launched forward and hugged Dream tightly taking the man by surprise. Dream chuckled a bit and started caressing his back up and down in a soothing motion. "You really got that scared, huh? See, that's why you should come with us, we could be family".
Tommy had heard that same sentence a hundred times over and he was honestly surprised by Dream thinking that it would work sooner or later. For being immortal beings who lived centuries, they truly were naive in a way, weren't they?
Tommy slowly and carefully turned himself and Dream around in the hug, then, equally as slowly, he let go. He freed an escape route for himself at his back now. He smiled up at the man and, with all the strength he could gather, kicked him square in the nuts and took off running. He could hear Dream swear and Punz laugh and he knew that they wouldn't be too far behind.
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peninkwrites · 3 years
the dead don't dream - ch 18 of ?
the calm before the storm.
(TW: referenced violence and temporary character death as per usual, suicidal thoughts. And c!Dream being c!Dream, especially gaslighting.)
crossposted to ao3
Ch 1
Ch 17
Ch 19
Tommy knows it’s been more than a day.  Dream said he would be back tomorrow.  Maybe it just feels longer somehow.  Unlike limbo, at least here Tommy can measure time by hunger.  Although, he doesn’t really get hungry that much anymore.  Or he’s always hungry.  He doesn’t know.  He’s just so fucking bored.
He’s scared too.  He doesn’t want to consider it, but some part of him wonders if Dream is even coming back.
“Okay.  You die of thirst here, you see Wilbur, and that’s– that’s fine,” Tommy paces irately.  He’s been doing this for a long time now.  His feet are starting to hurt.  “O-Or you don’t die of thirst, you fucking starve– or wait!  We could– We could jump in the lava.  That might…” Tommy stops his pacing, tugging at his hair.  “But that’ll hurt so bad.  A-And–” He paces again.  “Dream said– he told you not to kill yourself, so–”  He almost hits the wall before remembering to turn.  He’s not used to walls stopping his pacing.  “But if he’s not coming back– if he doesn’t come back, what’s the point?  O-Or do we wait a few days?”  Tommy shakes his head.  “Fuck.  H-He hasn’t forgiven you, he hasn’t you knew this was going to happen he’s still f-furious with you, of course he wasn’t gonna stop–”
Tommy chokes on his words, feeling a sob rise in the back of his throat.
“I don’t wanna be alone, I can’t be alone I don’t want to be stuck here–”
Tommy screams, flinching back at the sound of redstone clicking.  It’s a quiet thing, harmless, and it scares him like a firework going off.  Tommy presses himself against the far wall, heart racing, he stares with wide eyes as the lava lowers.  This is exactly what he wanted but he’s terrified all the same.
Dream returns and looks unchanged, Netherite armor gleaming, mask giving nothing away.  Tommy had been close to tears already.  This pushes him over some precipice that he can’t tell if it’s happiness or fear.  Before he can decide, he stumbles forward and hugs Dream tightly, holding onto him like he’s going to disappear.
“I’m sorry– I’m so fucking sorry– I– I didn’t– I– I dunno I’m just so sorry,” he rambles, eyes shut tightly.
Dream is frozen for a moment before grabbing onto Tommy’s arms and pulling them away.  Dream is cold in an instant, holding onto his wrists and not letting go.  “Why are you sorry, Tommy?” Dream steps closer so Tommy stumbles back.
“I– I d-dunno I– F-From talking t-to the Enderman a-and– I t-thought–” Tommy is growing more frantic.  “I t-thought you said you forgave me b-but you were gone a-and you weren’t coming back s-so I thought– I’m sorry,” Tommy flinches, waiting for Dream to hit him.
“So… you haven’t done anything?” Dream doesn’t let go yet.  “I told you I wasn’t still mad at you.  Why’d you make it seem like you got into trouble again?” Dream scoffs, finally letting go, instead placing a gentler hand on his shoulder.  “It’s alright, Tommy.  I said I would come back, and I did."
“B-But it’s been days I thought you said tomorrow but it’s been–”
“What’re you talking about, Tommy?” Dream silences him in an instant.  “I told you I’d be back tomorrow, and now it’s today.  I came back when I said I would.”
Tommy stares at him, looking almost ill.  “Felt… felt longer…”  He doesn’t understand.  Why was he so hungry then?  Why had it felt so long?
It hadn’t felt that much longer, he supposed.  Two full days instead of one.  Maybe he just got panicked for no reason.
Dream tilts his head, turning Tommy so he faces him head on.  “You… you doing okay there, Tommy?  You look a little… out of it.”
“I-I’m fine.  Sorry,” Tommy shakes himself.  It shouldn’t matter.  No matter how long it had been, Dream is here now.
“Okay, good,” Dream steps back.  Tommy puts a hand on his shoulder where Dream had let go.  He’s so starved for affection it’s almost painful.  “No experiments today.  I’ve got some stuff to do, I do need your help, actually.”
“Y-You do?” Tommy hesitates before following.  “But… it’s not experiments.”
“Nope!”  Dream heads upstairs to the brewery.  “You’re gonna go through these potions for me.  You’re gonna organize them.  I want you to narrow stuff down based on priority.  Try and put together the most important ingredients.  You have experience with that from your drug van days, don’t you?”
“You want me to do… fuckin’ housekeeping?” Tommy scoffs.
“Yeah, I do, Tommy,” Dream grows annoyed in an instant.  “Would you rather I have you do something else?”
“No!  No, this is fine,” Tommy says quickly.
“Good.  When you’re done, come back to the library.  Don’t get into trouble,” Dream pats him on the shoulder and leaves him to it.
This shouldn’t make Tommy nervous, but he doesn’t trust it.  It’s too… harmless.  He’s hungry too.  He was hungry before Dream returned and he’s still hungry now.  Tommy knows better than to ask for things so frivolously, but maybe if it gets really bad he’ll ask Dream if he can eat something.  Tommy is already emaciated, soon he won’t be functional.
Until then, Tommy does what he’s always done to survive this; as he’s told.
He spends too much time stressing out over what’s important or not, but he’s done it.  Enough at least.  The real reason Tommy decides he’s done is fully motivated by food.  He’s finished his work, he’s done a good enough job, maybe that’s enough to earn some bread or something.
Dream is still in the library, leaning over his desk, staring not at a book but rather a massive map.  There’s a second, smaller map beside it as well as a list with numbers on it.  Tommy steps up closer, curious in spite of whatever fear he should have.  One string of numbers is circled.
-7345.892 / 65.341 / 4841.266
Tommy can’t think of a single thing of value that far out.  Not anything Dream should be interested in, anyway.  So it probably isn’t something he would know about.
“Tommy,” Dream turns sharply when he notices him, shuffling his papers together, the sheet of coordinates disappearing among the maps.  “Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“Yeah, I get it you’re sorry.  You’re always sorry.  You could try not screwing up instead,” Dream is still irritable.  It’s almost like he’s sensitive, acting out of wounded pride or anxiety.
If anything it makes Tommy more scared of him.  He’s unpredictable at the best of times, who knows what he’ll be like now.  Tommy’s nature had yet to be fully beaten out of him.  He’s still brash and he doesn’t think things through, he’s also still curious.  “What’re you looking for?”
Dream steps to the side, blocking Tommy’s view of the table.  “This doesn’t concern you, Tommy.”
“Right, er… what now?” Tommy has no idea what to do with himself without Dream.  He needs orders.
“Go through the bookshelves.  But only these three shelves right here.  Stay away from the rest,” Dream says sharply.  “Put them into neat stacks so they’ll all fit in one chest, got it?”
“Okay, Dream,” Tommy is quick to do as he’s told.  Dream seems to be in the mood where he’s just waiting for an excuse to punish him for doing something wrong.  Tommy is halfway through this task when he realizes something, with dread and maybe something more like hope.  Dream has him packing.  Packing like they’re going somewhere– no, packing like they’re running.
That means Dream is running from something.
And Tommy thinks he knows where.
Fuck.  He hadn’t thought to memorize those coordinates.  He needs them.
Tommy quickly finishes putting away the books, standing as quietly as he can.  He steps closer, trying to see under Dream’s arm to his desk, if the paper is visible.  He gets closer.  No– the paper is underneath the smaller map.
Tommy is more than terrified.  He’s made desperate attempts before, and Dream has made sure he’s paid for it before.  Tommy shouldn’t have any bravery left.
He finds some anyway.  Tommy reaches past Dream and picks up the smaller map.  Negative seven thousand three hundred and something, and positive four thousand eight hundred and something.  Okay. Negative seventy three, positive forty eight.  That’s two numbers, you can remember two numbers–
That was all he could get at a glance, because Dream shoves him back and to the ground.  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He snarls.
-7300 and 4800.  The other bits– maybe -7340 and 4830 or something?
“I– I w-was just– I’m hungry, is all.  I thought– I j-just wanted to see if I could have food or something,” Tommy doesn’t stand up, instead just shifting away from Dream, pressing himself against the bookshelves.
“What do you think gives you the right to take things that aren’t yours?” Dream towers over him, stepping closer as Tommy tries to get away.
“Take things..?” Tommy frowns, before he realizes he’s still holding the smaller map.  “Oh!  Oh, sorry, Dream I was just– I was just curious,” he glances down at the map.  “It’s a… a map of the Nether!  You don’t really see those, eh?”  Tommy holds it out to him.
“You should know better by now,” Dream snaps, taking it back.  He still stares down at Tommy, assessing him.  “You’re trying to figure out where you are, aren’t you?” Dream asks, utterly cold.  “What, so you can tell your little Enderman friend to pass it along?”
“N-No what the fuck are you talking about, I couldn’t have–  And it’s not where we are, it’s where we’re going, innit–?”
“Don’t talk back, Tommy!” Dream cuts him off with a harsh kick to the ribs.  “Where we’re going,” Dream scoffs.  “Why the hell do you think you need to know that?”
Tommy curls into a ball, the wind knocked out of him.  Dream really is scared.  Worse– he seems to think he’s growing out of control.  Not a bad thing, normally, but right now nothing feels more dangerous.
Tommy doesn’t reply.  Dream is just waiting for a reason.
-7340.  8400.  Wait, no, fuck, 4800.  Focus.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, Tommy.  Shut up and stay down if you know what’s good for you,” Dream turns back to his maps.  It’s strange, Dream is agitated and clearly wants to take it out on him, but he also has other priorities so he actually leaves Tommy alone.  Tommy doesn’t know what to make of it.  This isn’t Tommy’s priority right now either.  He needs to get this information to someone.  He needs help.  Tommy cannot wait around for another fucking Enderman to show up.  If people might be coming here, that means he could… he could leave a message for them somewhere?  Tommy has no idea where he would hide it where Dream wouldn’t find it.
There’s only one person he could ask for help.  Getting to him means dying, and soon.
-7340.  4800.  Oh, this is gonna fucking suck.
Tommy can still feel the pain of broken bones like an echo from the last time he fucked up.  Tommy must be well and truly insane to risk something like that again.  Although, that did get him to Wilbur.  At least until Dream brought him back again and was careful not to let him die.  The first time he was careful not to let him die too, fixing a punctured lung by stabbing a blaze rod between his ribs.  Tommy didn’t know breathing could be so agonizing, ever inhale burning, still never enough air, like drowning in fire…
You have fucking coordinates, Tommy.  And no clue what to do with them.  If he’s taking you somewhere, this is your last fucking chance.
Tommy has a plan, not a good one, and most definitely not a painless one, not to mention whatever consequences Dream will enact when he’s brought back, maybe Tommy has lost it if he’s still really looking for help from a dead man, but it’s better than waiting around for whatever Dream has planned next.
Two options.  He waits until Dream sends him away to another task, and then he goes upstairs to the pool of water.  He’s drowned before.  Drowning isn’t that bad.  But there’s every chance Dream isn’t going to send him anywhere unsupervised any time soon, not after he caught Tommy snooping.  In that case, Tommy would need to run for it.  Not for the portal, of course, but he could make it to the pool of lava before Dream can catch him.  He’s really weak now, but he can run, surely.  That, or Dream grabs him, hurts him for being suspicious.  Tommy doesn’t even know if Dream will be distracted enough for him to make it to the door, let alone upstairs.  Maybe if he just waits Dream will put him back in his cell and he can use the lava there.  Or Dream might already be pissed enough to put him in the other cell.  Tommy has found the willpower to do terrible things to himself, he isn’t so sure if he’ll be able to kill himself with literally nothing.
Tommy wants to ask if he can go back to his room, Dream would lock him in, and then he can throw himself in the lava.  Dream is not in a charitable mood.  If Tommy asks for anything he’ll get denied it out of spite.
Tommy had forgotten how terrifying it is to act on free will.  These are his decisions to make and his consequences to bear.  He just wants someone to tell him what to do, to give him an order.  He’d been a good soldier, hadn’t he?  He’d been a good soldier because he’d disobeyed orders when he had to.  Tommy isn’t even sure if he’s capable of that anymore.
Tommy slowly gets to his feet, watching Dream closely.
-7300. 4800.
Tommy takes a single side step towards the door, watching Dream for any sign that he’s noticed.  Dream doesn’t turn around.
No matter what when he brings you back he’s gonna be fucking pissed.
If Tommy takes another step, surely Dream will notice him out of the corner of his eye.
You’ve got to run.  He will chase you.  You just got to keep moving.  You know where the lava is.  Just run.  Don’t think about it, you’ll have to move fast, you’ll have to jump.
Don’t think about how bad it’s gonna hurt.
Tommy takes off running.
He scrambles up the stairs two at a time, his chest and legs already aching as he forces his weak body to move faster.  He scrambles to turn the corner into the corridor sharply, slowing down as he slams his shoulder into the wall as he passes it.
He hears Dream coming behind him, but he’s not right behind him yet– Dream must’ve thought he was going for the portal.
“TOMMY!” Dream is still too close behind.
Tommy rushes to the room with the lava, but the corridor feels longer somehow, like it’s stretching out in front of him, Tommy almost stumbles, charging ahead anyway.  It’s a prey instinct, driving him forward with adrenaline well practiced.  He’s been hunted too many times.  Finally, he sees the glowing pool, bolting through the doorway, and for a split second, he hesitates.  He can feel Dream right behind him, reaching for him.  Tommy dives forward towards blinding light and blinding pain.
“Well.  Alright then, Tubbo.  You just lost us our only bit of leverage.  You’re bettin’ a whole lot on Ranboo’s memory, you know that, right?” Techno turns to him doubtfully.
Tubbo’s stomach feels like it’s twisted in knots.  “Yes.”
Techno glances to Phil.  He sighs.  “Well, alright then.  Come on,” Techno tugs on Phil’s sleeve, nodding towards the main portal.
“Where are you two going?” Quackity calls after them.
“Logstedshire.  Not sure if you’ve noticed, but no one has bothered to do any investigating since we found– or, I guess didn’t find– Tommy’s body.  So.  Me and Phil are gonna go have a look.”
Phil follows after him.  “We are?”
“Yeah, we are.  Until Tubbo figures things out, what else are we gonna do?”
Tubbo watches them go, a weight like a stone pressing down on his chest.  He doesn’t know if he made the right call.
“Well, I guess we’ll…” Puffy looks to Sam.  “I think we should get some more people together.  If this ends up being a rescue mission, we need bodies.”
“Okay– Okay, yeah.  That’s a good idea.  I can reach out to the Badlands,” Sam nods.
“Cool, I’ll probably grab… Eret?  I don’t know,” Puffy shrugs.  “If you need anything, Tubbo.  Just reach out,” she looks almost like she’s going to hug him, before thinking better of it.
That leaves Sapnap and Quackity beside them.
“So, what’s the plan?” Quackity turns to Tubbo.
Tubbo tries to refocus, to pull away from the spiral of dread threatening to drag him under.
“No,” Tubbo shakes his head.
“I mean–” He looks up at them, blinking like he’s woken from a dream.  He looks stronger now.  “Sapnap, you have to know what kind of hiding spots Dream has, could you and Quackity look?”
“Oh, yeah I guess so,” Sapnap blinks in surprise.  “We’ll… We’ll let you know if we find stuff, then.”
Then they’re alone.
“Why’d you send them away?” Ranboo asks.  “You know Dream won’t have him anywhere Sapnap knows about.”
“Well, I sort of thought jogging your memory might be easier without an audience,” Tubbo stares down the prime path where their allies had disappeared.  He wants to ask Ranboo if he thinks they even have a chance.
He can’t pull away from this dark spiral, not when it’s just him.  Not with Ranboo.  He’s so scared that he’s just signed his life away to looking for his best friend forever.  Dream could disappear so fast and he could lose Tommy forever and he would be haunted by the fact that he couldn’t make the harsh call, that maybe Tommy is better off dead or horribly hurt by Dream than trapped with him without rescue.  Tubbo should never have decided that for Tommy but it’s not like he had a choice and everyone kept on looking to him like he’s Tommy’s keeper or something or like he’s–
Your Tommy.
Tubbo feels someone take his hand, he looks down at it, confused and startled from his dread.  Ranboo is beside him, Tubbo looks up at him, looking just below his eyes.
Ranboo stares back with something almost like a smile.  “We’re gonna get him back, Tubbo.”
Tubbo doesn’t know how, but somehow he believes him.
“How?” Tubbo asks weakly.  “I have no fucking clue what I’m doing–”
“Yeah, well, I do,” Ranboo interjects gently.
“...You do?”
Ranboo looks almost sheepish now.  “You’re not gonna like it, but you gotta trust me on this, okay?”
Tubbo squeezes Ranboo’s hand.  “I trust you, Ranboo.”
Within the hour, Tubbo questions him.
“Are you… are you sure about this?”
“Honestly, I thought you’d be more reluctant to do this,” Ranboo begins to gather glass bottles from his home in New L’Manberg.
“Nope!” Tubbo sits back as Ranboo turns the water bottles into splash potions– or not potions, but splash water bottles?  Tubbo is mostly intrigued.  “I said I trust you and I do!  I didn’t expect… this to be the set up.”
Ranboo hands him a splash bottle.  Tubbo accepts it with some hesitation.  “...And I’m just gonna splash this near you, right, not on you?” He looks at Ranboo carefully.
“And I’ll keep my armor on the whole time,” Ranboo repeats.  He’d already given Tubbo reassurances.
“And… after that, what happens?” Tubbo asks.
Ranboo frowns, hesitating, still holding the bottle.  “I… I’m not totally sure.  That’s the stuff I don’t remember, so…”
“But you think you’ll be able to remember what you know?”
Ranboo nods.  I think so.  Ranboo cannot give Tubbo any uncertainty right now.  He can’t take any uncertainty.  “I will.  I’m going to.”
Tubbo manages a smile.  They both don’t quite believe it, but they’ll pretend while they can.
“Ready?” Tubbo asks.
“What, are you getting nervous now?” Ranboo teases.
“Oh fuck off.”  With that, Tubbo smashes the water bottle on the ground, his legs soaked and the rest of him splashed.  He’d shut his eyes for a moment when it broke.
So he hadn’t really seen it happen.
But Ranboo is gone.
“Oh god–” Tubbo stares, stunned at the place where Ranboo had stood a moment ago.  “I– I just fucking killed him–”  Tubbo steps back, looking around the room wildly.  Tubbo jumps as another bottle slips from his hand and shatters on the floor, flooding Ranboo’s home further.
“Oh.”  Tubbo realizes something far too slowly.  It’s been a long day, but surely he should’ve realized Ranboo’s disappearance is for the same reason water burns his friend.  “Enderman, right… but he can’t…” Tubbo frowns.  “He couldn’t do that.”
Another problem comes to mind, as the initial shock fades.
“...where the fuck did he go?”
Tubbo isn’t sure if he should wait for Ranboo there or if he should go looking.  Maybe it’s just restlessness, but Tubbo leaves, looking around like he’ll see a tall suit on the horizon.  There’s nothing.
So he goes to where he’s gone every day for months now.  It’s different when it’s empty.
Here lies Tommyinnit.
Soldier, brother, friend.
Not wrong.
You can let go now.
Definitely wrong.
“I’m not letting go of you that easy, bossman,” Tubbo grabs the L’Manberg flag that had been abandoned on the ground.  “We’re coming.  I promise you we’re coming.”  Tubbo sighs.  “Just gotta figure out where the fuck Ranboo went first…”
Great.  Now both of Tubbo’s closest friends are missing.
He doesn’t know who to tell.  So many people would help him, Puffy had even extended an invitation, but Tubbo can’t bring himself to ask any of them.  The people he wants help from are both MIA.
It feels like Manberg again, he realizes with bitter frustration, staring down at an empty grave that is both his hope and his torment.  He feels like everyone he had left that trusted and loved him had left him behind.  Again.  He knows it isn’t like that, he knows Ranboo is coming back soon and Tommy–
Tommy didn’t have a choice.
Except when he killed himself.
Can you blame him?  Knowing what you know, knowing what you fucking did, can you blame anyone but yourself?
Tubbo has one thing he can do right now.  He heads back up the hill towards L’Manberg, going to Ranboo’s house again.  He just needs an Enderchest.  Tubbo pulls out a Netherite helmet, staring down at it.  The front is more open than most helmets.  To make room for a mask.  Tubbo takes out the rest of the set.  They’re going to get Tommy soon, so he needs to be ready.
Tubbo returns back outside to the platforms of the city, securing the gauntlets on his arms.  The armor is a bit big, but it’ll do the job.  Tubbo sees movement out of the corner of his eye, to a tall figure running towards him from the direction of the chess board.
“Tubbo!” Ranboo is breathless, his hands a mess of grass and mud.  “I was–” He takes a deep breath.  “I was really far out, I couldn’t get here fast enough, I don’t know how I got all the way out there, past the badlands–”
“You teleported.”
Ranboo stops, mouth hanging open.  “I– What?”
“I’m pretty sure you teleported, Ranboo,” Tubbo repeats it slowly.
“But I… I can’t do that.”
Tubbo shrugs.
Ranboo looks him over, catching up now that he can breathe again.  “That’s Dream’s armor.”
“Not anymore,” Tubbo says curtly.  He refocuses.  “Wait– Wait, what did you remember– Where the hell were you– Ranboo, can you find him?” Tubbo tries to grab onto Ranboo’s shoulders, he can’t reach so he holds onto Ranboo’s arms instead, shaking him a little.  “Can we get him back, Ranboo?!”
“I–” Ranboo struggles to piece things together with Tubbo so frantic.  He manages a shaky nod.  “I remember– I remember an obsidian room, a-and Tommy was there, Tubbo, he was there–”
“You mean you fucking saw him?!” Tubbo is shouting in his face now.  “Oh my god– why didn’t you– Why didn’t you bring him home?!” He’s not trying to sound accusing, but he’s never been more desperate.
“I– I don’t know!” Ranboo pulls away, he’s never seen Tubbo like this, Tubbo finally letting go.  “But that’s not– That’s not the important part–” Ranboo scrambles for his memory book, flipping to the most recent page.
On it, there’s a rough sketch of a map.  A large patch of land, far East of the main server, well past the ocean, part of it is circled.
“That’s– That’s enough, right?” Ranboo almost sounds like he’s pleading with him.
Tubbo scans the page, trying to orient himself.  “What’s that say?” He points to runes hastily scrawled on the margin.
“Uh,” Ranboo squints at the page with a frown, fumbling for a quill to translate.  “It says… ‘in the mountain.’ And…” Ranboo swallows thickly.  “And ‘hurry’.  It says hurry.”
Tubbo reaches for an axe named Nightmare.   “Message the others.  We’re leaving now, whoever can arm up in the next three minutes is welcome to follow.”
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soft--dragon · 4 years
Bees and Daisies
Hello!! It's me again :D You guys seemed to really enjoy that last mcyt fic I made with Wilbur and Tommy (I may be working on a part 2...)
Sooooo have this in the meantime! I wrote this instead of sleeping so please be kind I was very tired
Word Count: 2,041
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
Enjoy lovelies 💙
Tubbo fell back onto the grass with a heavy sigh, stretching his arms back then letting them fall back above his head.
"Man, I'm dead."
"Same" Tommy groaned next to him, arm over his eyes to block the sun. "God why did we think staying up till 4 last night was a good idea?"
"Cause we're both idiots" Tubbo replied.
Tommy lazily swung at him with his hand, nowhere near hitting Tubbo. "Fuck you I'm an intellectual."
Tubbo giggled. "Debatable."
"Rude" Tommy grumbled but was too tired to really argue. He sunk further into the grass, the warmth only adding to his sleepy mood. "Ya know, taking a break from streaming for a week was the best damn decision we've ever made."
Tubbo hummed in agreement. "Having you over for the week was the best decision we've ever made."
Tommy grinned. "Can't argue with that."
Tubbo rolled onto his stomach, resting his head on his arms. They lay in a comfortable silence for awhile.
Tubbo suddenly gasped. "Tommy don't move, whatever you do, do not move."
Tommy froze. "What? Tubbo, what is it? Tubbo?"
Tubbo's eyes lit up with his smile. "There's a bee on you!"
Panic briefly gripped Tommy. "Fucken what-?! Wave it off!"
"No!" Tubbo shot back firmly, "he's just chilling, I'm not going to get rid of him!"
"Tubbo can I move my arm at least so I can see him?"
"Okay, just be slow."
Knowing how much bees meant to the brunette beside him, Tommy carefully shifted his arm off of his eyes, blinking at the brightness. His eyes lowered to his torso and he tensed up. A bumblebee sat calmly on his stomach, antenna shifting with the breeze.
Tommy stared at the fuzzy critter, flicking his eyes over to his friend. "It's fucken huge Tubbo."
"He's beautiful" Tubbo interrupted him firmly. "Don't be rude."
"It's not like he understands me-"
"Yes he does."
Tommy once again couldn't be bothered arguing. He kept his eyes on the bumblebee as it calmly sat on his shirt, beginning to wash it's face.
Okay it was kinda cute.
Tommy slowly let himself lay back, the bee barely reacted to his movements.
"Gonna name it or some shit?" Tommy found himself asking after a moment.
"Already have" Tubbo replied, resting his head back on his arms and watching the bee with half lidded eyes.
"Jesus christ" Tommy sighed heavily but couldn't stop the smile crossing his face. "That is so dumb."
"Think you could come up with a better name?"
"Pogchamp" Tommy replied without hesitation.
Tubbo laughed softly. "You would."
The bee shifted around, waddling up to Tommy's chest making him tense again.
"Tubbo what do we do if he stings me?"
"We freak out and after you're killed by Honeypuffs, I'll hold you a funeral."
"I'll invite Wilbur and Phil, Techno as well-"
"Tubbo shut up-"
"Maybe Dream would like to come too-"
"Tubbo he's getting really close now-"
"Sapnap and George would probably come if Dream did, it would be pretty cool to meet all of them-"
"Ooooo what if we got Niki to come too-!"
"Tubbo help me for fucks sake!"
Tubbo laughed, "alright alright, relax."
He gently picked a nearby daisy and held it out to the bumblebee. "Come on Honeypuffs, get on the flower, you're scaring Tommy."
"I'm not scared-!"
"Yes you are shut up, come on Honeypuffs."
The bumblebee paused looking at the flower for a moment then crawled closer to Tommy who definitely didn't shriek in response.
"Tubbo! Get it off!"
Tubbo laughed again. "Just calm down Toms, you're fine."
"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" Tommy yelled, voice rising naturally.
"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO DIE!" Tubbo half shouted back, voice raising to match Tommy's on instinct. "RELAX!"
Honeypuffs had reached the collar of Tommy's shirt and was now starting the climb up Tommy's face.
Tommy screwed his eyes shut, hands clenching the grass. "Tubbo, get it off right fucking now."
"Tommy chill" Tubbo snickered, pushing the daisy close to Honeypuffs again, "he's literally doing nothing."
"Yes he is! He's bloody terrorizing me-"
Tubbo paused. "Oh so you are scared then?"
Tommy turned to glare at Tubbo and instantly regretted it when he saw the shit eating grin on his best friend's face. He growled, turning away. "Shut the fuck up and just get him off."
Tubbo laughed. He eventually gave up with the daisy and held out the back of his hand to Honeypuffs. The bumblebee instantly walked onto his fingers, crawling up to his knuckles and settling down. Tubbo took the bee away from Tommy, laying back down on his stomach.
Without the bee on him, Tommy instantly sat up to glare down at Honeypuffs. "Fuck you" he growled at the small thing.
Tubbo gasped at Tommy. "Tommy! Apologize right now."
"No, this twat was freaking me out, I'm allowed to say that."
Tubbo sat up, being careful not to jostle Honeypuffs. He glared at Tommy for a moment then sighed and stood up. He went over to a rose bush and gently lowered Honeypuffs onto it.
"Wait here bud" he said gently then turned to Tommy and his whole aura changed.
His eyes narrowed and he approached Tommy slowly. "Sure you're not gonna aoplogize?"
Tommy held his head higher defiantly. "Yes."
"You're funeral."
Tubbo tackled Tommy to the grass making the younger yell out in alarm. "Tubbo! What the fuck?!"
It was probably the sleep deprivation making Tommy easy to take down, or Tubbo was really determined to extract revenge. Whatever the case, Tommy fell down like london bridge.
Tubbo instantly locked his hands onto Tommy's sides, squeezing quickly. Tommy gave a squeal, falling into a hysterical giggle fit.
"Wahahahit! Wait wait wait! Tuhuhubbo!"
His hands weren't even pinned but it wouldn't have mattered if they had been. All Tommy was doing with his hands was weakly shoving at Tubbo's arms and chest, laughing like an absolute madman.
"Apologize bitch!" Tubbo yelled, pushing through Tommy's weak defenses to attack with no remose, "say you're sorry to Honeypuffs!"
"Hohohoneypuffs cahahan gohoho fuck himsel- TUBBO! HANG ON! NOHOHOHOT THEHEHEHERE! NOHOHOHO!"
Tommy curled into a ball, trying to protect his stomach that had fallen victim to Tubbo's ruthless attack.
"You know how to end this Tommy!" Tubbo giggled, switching from skittering his fingers to tazering, the tactic leaving Tommy in stitches.
"TUB-TUHUHUBBO!" Tommy managed to grip Tubbo's wrists and hold them tightly. "STOHOHOP!"
Tubbo switched tactics again, making his touch featherlight casing Tommy to, honest to god, squeal.
His laughter had started turning into wheezes much to Tubbo's amusement. Tommy attempted to roll onto his stomach to try and protect it from Tubbo's attack but immediately abandoned the escape route when Tubbo started squeezing his hips causing him to jack-knife onto his back again, letting out a high pitched yelp followed by a series of bubbly giggles.
"Tubbo! Tuhuhubbohoho plehehehese- stohohop! I cahahan't-"
Tubbo grinned. "Can't what Toms? Handle it? Should've thought of that before insulting Honeypuffs."
"Okahahay! Okay okay okay! Tuhubbo I'll apologize pleheahese juhuhust stohohop!"
Tubbo's fingers paused in their onslaught, letting Tommy get his breath back. He rested them on Tommy's sides making him flinch.
"Dohohon't" he whined weakly.
Tubbo gave a single squeeze making Tommy flinch and squeak. "Apologize then."
Through a string of giggles, Tommy managed to get out, "Ihihim sohohorry Honeheheypuhuhuffs."
Tubbo sighed dramatically. "See that wasn't so hard was it?"
He got off of Tommy, about to go retrieve his fuzzy friend from the rose bush when his ankle was grabbed, causing him to fall face first into the ground. "What in the hell-"
Weight settling on his lower back made him realise what was about to happen. "Tommy, hang on a second-"
Tommy crossed his arms above him. "Yeah no, I don't think I will."
He latched onto either side of Tubbo's ribcage and squeezed mercilessly. Tubbo shrieked, trying to push himself up from the dirt but his arms lacked the strength from both lack of sleep and the shock to his body. He crashed back down, his fists beating the grass as he laughed hysterically.
"Tohohohmmy! Tommy stohohop plehehease I'm sohohorry!"
"Oh? Youre asking me to stop, Honeypuffs are you hearing this?" Tommy looked up to the bumblebee still sitting peacefully on the rosebush. "This man right here, has the audacity to ask me to stop, when I asked the same thing earlier, do you know what he did Honeypuffs?"
"Tohohohommy plehehehese-!"
"Tubbo, be quiet, I'm trying to talk to Honeypuffs" Tommy shoved his hands under Tubbo's arms making him squeal and clamp his arms down.
"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted-" Tommy gently swirled his fingers in the hollows making Tubbo squeak and twist in ticklish agony. "-I requested Tubbo to stop when he was torturing me Honeypuffs, do you know what he did?"
"T-Tommy plehehease, I cahahan't tahahake thihihis-"
Tommy continued, ignoring Tubbo who was laughing like mad. "He didn't stop Honeypuffs, can you believe that?"
"Tommy I'm sohohorry alrihihight!? I'm sorry! Plehehease fohohor the love of god juhuhust stohohop!"
Tommy paused for a moment, letting Tubbo breathe. "Hmmm, let me sleep on it."
He snuck his fingers underneath Tubbo to lightly skitter across his lower belly, well aware the boy was horribly ticklish there.
Tubbo snorted, his whole body short circuiting and causing him to collapse, lost in his laughter.
"Did you seriously just snort?" Tommy's eyes danced with glee. "Oh that is too good, do it again!"
"T-Tom- Tohohohmmy" Tubbo tried to speak but the gentle nails spidering over his belly was too much for him. He gave in to the sensation, gripping the grass with tight fists as he shook with giggles.
"Awwww too ticklish Big T?" Tommy teased, occasionally pinching the skin lightly making Tubbo jolt. "Well trust me, it's about to get worse."
In one quick movement, Tommy flipped Tubbo over and yanked his shirt up. Tubbo opened his eyes just in time to see Tommy dip his head towards him.
Tommy blew the biggest raspberry he could on Tubbo's stomach, his victim withered as his laughter went silent, legs kicking out in desperation.
His voice squeaked when it came back, his laughter peppered with hiccups.
"TOMMY" He gasped through his laughter, "Tommy p-please no- I'm going to fucking die-"
"Don't exaggerate" Tommy snickered but decided to take pity.
He'd fallen victim to raspberries from both Wilbur and his parents, he knew how intensely they tickled.
And he didn't want to accidently kill his best friend after all.
Tommy pulled Tubbo's shirt back down, gently rubbing the area free from any phantom tickles.
Even at Tommy's soothing movements, Tubbo was still giggling up a storm, tears in us eyes and his face red though he tried to hide it.
"I'm not even trying to tickle you" Tommy laughed.
"Cahahan stihill feheheel ihihit" Tubbo whined, hiding his face in his hands.
Tommy laughed again getting off of Tubbo and helping him sit up, hugging him a little to help calm him. "Sorry, I forgot how much of a death spot that is for you."
"Ihihit's fine, just...don't you dare do raspberries again jesus christ, I thought I saw my life flash before my eyes."
Tommy giggled again, "And what happens if I do dare?"
Tubbo glared at him playfully. "I'll tickle you until you piss yourself."
That wasn't an empty threat.
Tommy held his hands up in surrender. "Okay, understood."
"Good" Tubbo sighed heavily, falling against Tommy's shoulder. "...I'm sleepy."
"Ugh get off me" Tommy grumbled, but made no move to shove off the smaller boy.
Tommy fell back, taking Tubbo with him. They fell with a grunt, Tubbo still pressed to Tommy's side.
"Clingy" Tommy mumbled.
"No you" Tubbo replied.
Tommy giggled quietly. "I hate you."
"Sure Clingyinnit."
"Fuck off."
Tubbo grinned. "We should probably go inside if we're gonna pass out."
"Mmm probably" Tommy made absolutely no move to shift.
That was okay by Tubbo, he was tired too.
Honeypuffs flew over now the chaos had calmed down, settling in Tubbo's hair. The boy barely reacted to the small creature, smiling up at his new bee friend.
They all passed out on the lawn, under the warm sun.
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apple-but-sour · 3 years
Do you have any thoughts on the whole Techno killing Tubbo at the festival shebang?
I don't fully know all the details, and I know that you're very much one of the sources or die type people, so I was interested to hear what you'd say about it.
Obviously Techno says that he did it due to peer pressure, which, well, a dictator telling you to do something plus a load of voices screaming for blood in your head constitutes some pretty damn strong peer pressure, but for me just brushing it off as peer pressure always felt as though it was downplaying it. It *was* peer pressure, but at the same time did Techno ever go as far as to explain to say Tubbo or anyone else fully about it? It felt a lot like just a welp, it was peer pressure, yup. Nothing more to say about it. Not gonna acknowledge those long term after effects.
Because it's something that I see c!Tommy bringing up a *lot*, especially in the doomsday vod, about the whole "don't forget about the past now" thing, but... it always felt a little unfair of him to blame Techno for Tubbo's death fully there. Yes of course, he pulled the trigger, but Schlatt was the one ordering it.
So that's essentially what my ask is about - was there any other option for c!Techno there? I've seen arguments before saying that he could have chosen not to, but are they valid? Because it feels as though it's more of c!Tommy steering away from addressing Techno's points and tunnel visioning on it.
I suppose I wonder if it's similar to the Techno spawning the original withers situation. The way that I see that event was that Techno really didn't do that much damage by spawning the two withers? Wilbur did a lot of the damage, but since Wilbur was dead Quackity tunneled on blaming Techno and making him pay, a price that I think he would have made Wilbur pay had Wilbur not died. I can't help but wonder if Schlatt was alive he would be the one being blamed for Tubbo's death, or if Tommy would still completely blame Techno for the situation.
TLDR; was it Techno's fault? Does Tommy have a leg to stand on in regards to that?
And a side note: I generally believe that Techno has been justified in his actions, but the one thing that I do think he could do is acknowledge the after effects of his actions on Tubbo. Not necessarily apologise for killing him, but the one thing I don't like is that Techno can sometimes brush off consequences of actions. Like in prison expecting, albeit perhaps jokingly, for Quackity to have just moved on after he killed him. In this specific situation I feel like Techno never acknowledged that Quackity was the one pulling a lot of the strings in L'manburg. I feel it's a little unfair for him to only tar Tubbo with the "government" brush and view him as nothing more than the government, but I suppose that that is just because Tubbo was the president; one would expect that he'd be in charge of making his executive decisions, not letting other people make them for him.
Anywho, sorry this dragged on, it's just something that I've been thinking about lately.
I am so exhausted of talking about the Red Festival so I am not gonna answer this one in detail. My stance on the Red Festival is that the only one to blame for Tubbo's death is Schlatt and by blaming anyone from Pogtopia people kind of give Schlatt what he wanted, which was to saw dissent in the ranks of his enemies. Technoblade felt like he couldn't escape the situation with him and Tubbo alive due to his limited knowledge of the server and his unfamiliarity with his own weapons, and so he didn't attempt to. End of story. Whether his perception of the situation was accurate or not doesn't matter here.
I must say I don't like the "a load of voices screaming for blood in your head constitutes some pretty damn strong peer pressure" argument of it because 1) the voices weren't introduced into the story at that point 2) the violence-inducing aspect of Techno's voices is an ableist trope that I prefer not to bring into analysis unless it's explicitly stated to affect canon. The peer pressure came from the crowd the majority of whom seemed to agree with Schlatt (that's what it seemed like to Techno, at least), not from Schlatt himself or the voices.
However, you bring up some interesting ideas, especially how Technoblade downplays the way he hurt others sometimes. I think that's an actual issue he has. And I do think that part of the reason the Butchers went after Technoblade is that Wilbur, the bigger culprit of November 16, was out of their reach. Although there are a lot of other motives that go into the execution which I won't get into here.
But you also mention some things I strongly disagree with.
"...I feel like Techno never acknowledged that Quackity was the one pulling a lot of the strings in L'manburg" it was impossible for Techno to know that. Even Philza, who was a resident of L'Manburg, wasn't aware of it because he wasn't part of the cabinet. Technoblade was a complete outsider unaware of the cabinet's inner workings, so I don't think it's unfair of him to not consider the possibility that Tubbo's decisions weren't entirely his own. You can't acknowledge something you're unaware of.
I don't think c!Techno "viewed c!Tubbo as nothing more than the government" either. Look at this quote for example:
I’m not saying everyone in L’manburg's a bad person. Tubbo? He might be a nice guy. The problem is that government, power corrupts. You see what Tubbo’s done? Ever since he became president? He’s cast you aside. He’s abandoned his friends. Just to protect his own power.
He didn't view Tubbo as government, it's just that he only disliked Tubbo for his role of president. So of course when he criticizes the guy who executed him, he's going to focus on the fact that he's the head of state, because Techno doesn't think Tubbo executed him out of inherent evilness or something, but because it's what his power made him do.
And that's my piece.
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raisans-art · 3 years
What the Fuck Are these Characterizations: The Essay
Full warning: This is only concerning Tommy's stream made today, 4/29/2021. I know Ranboo has streamed after Tommy but I haven't watched that.
On with the essay.
A lot happened.
Tommy tried to kill Dream, Dream actually killed Ghostbur, Wilbur is back (pog). It's a lot. A lot of plot and a lot of emotions. I will preface this with the usual "holy hell these people are pretty damn good actors for having no formal training as far as I'm aware." They get their emotions across very clearly and that's kinda why I'm making this in the first place. The way some of the characters acted in Tommy's 4/29 stream is a bit odd in my opinion.
Now, I will concede that I have not been diligent with the Dream SMP lore. I've been given broad strokes and have seen various clips but I have definitely not been on top of it. I may have missed streams entirely and you all more avid fans may be able to name scenes that I haven't seen that rationalize some of these reactions that I will be criticizing. If you can, please do so! I'd love to start a dialogue over this!
So, how I'm gonna break this all up is to take a look at Tommy, Wilbur, Ranboo, and Awesamdude and how their CCs characterized them during the stream. I'll sing praises where they are due and point out my criticisms where they arise. Then, I will try to surmise some meta as to why I think these characterizations came to be in the first place.
Tommy, to me, has the best characterization in this. CC Tommy clearly has a very good sense of what he wants from his character and has been playing into that line of thought from the beginning of this whole debacle.
Tommy is scared, paranoid, and pissed off. Ever since he left the prison he avoids taking damage like the plague, rambles indecisively, is easily sent into a panic, and is hypersensitive to the people around him. He panics when he sees weapons out and one crucial thing that he made clear from the start was that he wants Dream dead.
Straight out of limbo, Tommy concludes that Dream needs to die. From there he plans this whole mission with Ranboo, Tubbo, and Ghostbur to get in and kill Dream. He says that Dream can't keep living with this power at his fingertips, and from before his final death, Tommy clearly wants to be rid of his abuser, adding a personal layer to his plan. Tommy is stubborn and determined since the beginning, sacrificing his life and disks for L'manberg and refusing to believe that his home is gone until the place is blown to bedrock. Of course, he would stick to his plan to a T.
Now, is this a smart decision to sneak into the highest security area in the entire SMP? Fuck no. It's a stupid idea. Even if Tommy hadn't messed up, Sam would've seen Dream die to a floating axe and kept Tommy and Ghostbur in that containment cell. It would've been a one-way ticket, especially given what we see of Sam in this stream.
But this all makes sense for the character CC Tommy is playing. Tommy isn't thinking about how smart of a decision this is and he hardly ever does when he takes action. He shoots from the hip, takes his first instincts, and acts on them.
It's easy to draw a clear line of progression of Tommy as a character from season 1 to this moment in season 3 and past Ghostbur's death. His hyperventilating as he tries to get his plan to work after it failed, Trying to save Ghostbur from what he went through, lashing out at Sam, and yelling at Wilbur. All of this in line with who Tommy is as a character and how events have changed him. This is a good characterization.
Wilbur has changed a lot since we've seen him last, both alive and dead. Since he's been alive, Wilbur has changed his tune from "I want to die" to "hell sucks, mate." What's particularly interesting is that this sentiment that he has from being alive carried for a long time into his limbo, as evidenced by his appearance in the season 2 finale on the bench. He wanted to "stay dead" at that point. Since we've seen him in limbo, he's gone from content in his situation and understanding why he's there and that he's there forever.
Now we have Revivedbur. Revivedbur is ecstatic to be alive again. He goes from numb to embracing feeling again. The fandom once thought that Revivedbur would be annoyed with or hateful towards Dream for bringing him back turned into joy and reverence. This is quite a drastic leap. Bad characterization.
But it isn't.
I have seen one clip from Ranboo's stream on 4/29 and that is Ranboo telling Philza that Wilbur is alive. In this bit, after mentioning that Wilbur has been in limbo for a perceived 13 and a half years, Phil says "13 years is a long time to be away... he almost certainly isn't the same person... people can change quite a lot in a single year, two years, three years, four years, even five years, Ranboo."
Wilbur has been gone for 13 years. He's been in the same place with no change other than Tommy for 13 fucking years. That's 13 years where we heard from him 2 times. We know virtually nothing about what those 13 years were like for him, but from what Wilbur has said, it was torture to him. He was stagnant, stuck in a fucking tube station for 13 years, unable to leave no matter how hard he tried.
We know so little about how his time in limbo changed him because it's such a long span of time with radio silence. I dare say this is fucking great characterization.
This is where I start having some issues, and this is where I have the least amount of context. From what I've seen, Ranboo is little miss angst who forgets things and is constantly on the verge of having a panic attack (hyperbole). From what I have surmised of his character in various contexts, serious and dramatic scenes and domestic ones, Ranboo really cares about the people around him and is scared of himself and his mind.
So why is it that he straight up just sneers at Tommy, saying "the hell did you do?"
I'm really just focusing on this because it just seems really off to me in the context of his character. Ranboo was in on this plan. It's pretty common knowledge that the only person with revive powers is Dream. Ranboo doesn't know everything that happened within the prison, sure, but why is he so quick to assume that Tommy was the root cause? Is it because he's been hanging out with the world's 2nd biggest Tommy hater, Niki (the character for clarification)? I honestly don't know where this jump-in assumption is coming from. Given what I understand of his character, this line and the implications I'm getting are just a bit out of character. Feel free to explain why I'm wrong because I am not in this loop whatsoever.
Sam is where I have the biggest issue. How does a man go from living on an isolated island in grief over a death he could've prevented if only he had been quicker, to yelling at that same formerly dead person that he was at fault for the death/revival of another person?
Now, one thing that is strengthened by this characterization is Sam's dedication to the rules. He has his strict protocol and he is not going to let that slip up for anything. He wants to keep Dream in prison and never let him out.
But I'm just having a hard time grappling with a man so quick to blame himself last time something like this happened being so quick to place blame on a child he, from what I've seen, had a good relationship with. It feels like I'm missing something here.
Yeah, Tommy broke into the prison, but why is Sam's first thought that Tommy was trying to break dream out? This harsh turn on Tommy just doesn't come across right to me.
Why Did This Happen?
I do think there could be a meta reason as to why these don't land right to me. These two characterizations are centered around Tommy. How people are reacting to Tommy's actions. Tommy and Dream are the head of the prison stuff right now. at least as far as I know. I'm not sure if Wilbur has come back on as a writer yet but last I heard it's still Tommy and Dream handling their shit. With the writers in mind, I wouldn't put it past them to decide to add more conflict with Tommy and other members of the SMP right now. The Egg is a bit busy with other things, Jack is just running the hotel, and the Syndicate doesn't really have any qualms with Tommy on any level that they would act on. It could be the writers trying to add conflict to the prison storyline by generating conflict between Tommy, Ranboo, and Sam with Wilbur being a fuckin wild card.
I don't know mate, I just wanted my thoughts out there and maybe be fucking pounded into the ground by people more knowledgeable than me.
Have a dialogue with me I'd love to debate. (All friendly debate please I don't feel like taking this too seriously it is Minecraft roleplay after all.)
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kateis-cakeis · 4 years
Alivebur Saw Himself As A Villain... For A Reason
btw: suicide tw
SO, hi, hello, you are not ready for all I’m about to say.
The other night I was thinking about why, Alivebur, the character bound to literary devices in the way he was - always referring to Chekhov’s Gun - would see himself as a villain and not like, an anti-hero.
Because blowing up L’Manberg was a bad thing to do, but he saw it as right to avoid more bloodshed: 
“Okay, me and you, we both agree we’re right. We’re in the right here.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 16:27)
“Look, do you know how much blood was shed to get L’Manberg to the point it was at? You know what would happen if we manage to get L’Manberg back again? More blood would be shed, and we would be the illegitimate rulers of a nation.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 18:52)
So ultimately, in Alivebur’s own unreliable narration of the story, he would surely see himself as the anti-hero, since avoiding another war by blowing up L’Manberg would be a sorta... noble thing to do.
But then I realised, he had to get others to see him as a villain.
“Tommy, none of us know what we’re doing. We’re fucked, we were fucked the minute we were thrown out.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 19:39)
Because Alivebur... Alivebur may have wanted to die the second he was exiled.
Just look at how he acted after running. He was speechless, quiet for a long time, he said:
“Tommyinnit, I am a slow burning fuse. I am a long slow burning fuse, but I’m telling you now, over the next couple weeks, I am gonna be a different man than the one JSchlatt crossed. I can feel it.” - (Wilbur’s The Election Results: 52:31, 22nd Sep)
He maintained that he was a bad guy, once he thought Schlatt was doing better for the nation than he had.
“It feels like we’re the bad guys, Tommy. This doesn’t feel correct.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 15:49)
And the way he says it, suggests that he’s thinking from an outside perspective. 
“Then let’s be the bad guys. Tommy, why not? Why not? Look, our nation’s gone, our nation’s far behind us, Tommy. Let’s blow that motherfucker to smithereens.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 16:33)
This too ^ it feels like he’s thinking from how others will see this.
And then, this quote got me thinking:
“This isn’t about me, this is about blowing up Manberg, this is about just finishing it. We’ve got this! Look, Tommy, what else do I need to convince you? The festival was a front.” - (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:15:47, 16th Oct)
It ties all this into a neat bow, because of the ‘This is about just finishing it’. But we know now that finishing it did not just pertain to L’Manberg, it was referring to himself too. 
Finishing it meant himself, and that seems like a priority. Blowing it up. Finishing it.
Alivebur pushed towards being a villain, not only to end L'Manberg, but to end himself....
If everyone hates him for taking away their home, then someone would kill him....
Alivebur knew fine well he wasn't going to survive the 16th of November. It’s clear in the way he acts, constantly telling everyone he’s the traitor, wearing no armour in the battle (which is the opposite to the Independence War where he willingly wears armour for the fight), telling Tommy he was gonna hate him.
But it was blowing up L’Manberg that got him there. As if he couldn’t die until it was gone. And it’s a quote from the festival that really makes this clear: 
“I thought today was gonna be my last time here, honestly. I genuinely, I was considering, blowing up L’Manberg, having a big moment where I’m like looking over the rubble, and I’m like ‘I’ve changed as a person’. But like after this, I am just deeper. I wanna do different, more blowing up things.” (Wilbur’s The Festival: 1:29:34, 16th Oct)
This suggests that if he blew it up during the festival, then he would have died on the 16th of October. 
Because, consider this part of the line: “Having this big moment where I’m looking over the rubble, and I’m like ‘I’ve changed as a person’.”
And what does he do on the 16th of November?
He looks over the rubble, shouting about his unfinished symphony, and throws his sword over to Phil, begging to be killed. If that doesn’t encapsulate having a big moment and knowing he’s changed, I don’t know what does.
He used L’Manberg blowing up, him doing that, to justify his death. Maybe he just... couldn't pick up the sword himself and do it, he needed someone to do it for him.
Perhaps his long burning fuse was metaphorically connected to the TNT that blew up, his suicide.
This also ties in with how Alivebur had connected himself to L’Manberg so fully. It was his ideals, it was what he put himself up to fight for, what he started. Sure, Tommy was there too, but Alivebur lived there from the start, it was his entire life on the SMP, the second he lost that... the second it became as shadow of itself...
That was the second Alivebur decided to be seen as a villain so he could do whatever he wanted and blow it up, killing it so that he could die himself (props to @bryzy-mc for pointing that out to me).
Like he said, he had nothing to lose, and he really didn't, he'd lost everything, even his son! (Since he didn't know he was a spy.)
He knew pressing that button would change everything, would make him that villain he so desperately wanted to be seen as. And the second it happened, was the second he could beg for death, and get it. 
Alivebur is a character who connected his life to literary devices, he knows story telling, he knows the quickest way to get killed off is to do something bad and ask a hero character to kill him... (See Ghostbur calling Phil St George for slaying Alivebur.)
After all, it makes it easier for the other characters and the audience to accept it.
On the 16th of November, we all watched Alivebur carry out his own murder (props to @bryzy-mc again for that), one he had been planning for an entire month. No wonder he looked so happy when he blew up L’Manberg, he knew his idea of ‘peace’ was coming, after all... he says it himself on the 20th of January:
“Ohhhhhhh my god…! I was so free! I was liberated.” - (Tommy’s The Dream SMP Finale: 1:32:30, 20th Jan)
He saw his death as freedom, as being liberated. In the end, he only ever wanted peace, and he turned to dying to achieve that. It wasn’t a good end, nobody ever wants to die, and maybe... if the resurrection goes well, his story can show us that life matters.
Maybe he can find true peace in life, and wouldn't that be hopeful? 
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corysmiles · 3 years
Giant house au! Technos had a sick day with Phil shinking down to help take care of him. They all probably thought Techno always carrying his sword even around the house was Techno being dramatic before Phil had to start using it for a lot of things.
But what about the opposite? Maybe two of the giants are out for a day or two, and the one who stayed behind got sick. Techno tries his best to take care of them despite his size.
-❤ anon
Sick Day
Giant House AU
CW: language
Notes: I’m gonna make it Tommy who stayed home with him since they haven’t had much bonding time, and so sorry it took literally forever for me to get back to this (also I’m blaming all grammar mistakes on me being sick)
Techno had no idea how to help a sick giant. He was already so tiny compared to the house he lived in, so trying to independently get medicine for his sick brother was way more difficult than it should have been.
Phil and Wilbur had left just the day before, which normally wouldn’t be a big problem. Techno was fine getting around on his own, especially since Tommy was staying with him.
He just didn’t plan on Tommy catching a fever while none of the other giants were there.
While Techno pondered how to actually get up to the giant’s medicine cabinet Tommy laid down curled up in his bed shivering every so often. He looked terrible.
And sounded awful too.
Earlier Techno had tried to crawl up to give him his shrinking potion, but everytime the boy sneezed it sent Techno flying… And the giant couldn’t hold him either since they both feared he’d cough and accidentally drop the human.
So there wouldn’t be any touching the giant.
Next Techno tried to make him soup thinking it might at least make him feel a little more comfortable. Though quickly he realized he couldn’t even get into the cabinet with human-sized pans without a giant’s help…And Tommy wouldn’t be getting up any time soon. Not even to mention that any soup he made would be nothing more than a spoonful for the giant unless he wanted to try to make him a hundred bowls.
So that left him standing on the edge of the giant’s counter staring up at the glass-panelled medicine cabinet. He’d never had to go in it himself, he had his own medicine in his room, but human-sized medicine wouldn’t do anything for Tommy. He was pretty sure Tommy would have to have at least a couple bottles of human medicine for it to do anything.
However, tilting his head up he could just barely see the jar he needed. It looked so close, but he couldn’t figure out how to get to it. The glass was too slippery so he couldn’t climb it, and he was too worried that if he used his hook he’d get stuck and have no way down until the other two giants came back home.
“Fuck…” Techno hummed, “Tommy you sure you can’t get up for just a moment?”
From the giant’s mound of blankets he heard a loud grumble followed by a cough, “No, cant move.”
Techno rolled his eyes and readjusted himself on the counter to get a better view of the medicine cabinet. He just needed a way to get up there- maybe he could pull something over to climb on. It probably wasn’t the safest bet, but it was better than listening to Tommy complain for the next few days.
Hastily he marched along the wooden counter over to a giant stack of empty cardboard boxes. They would be perfect…if he could actually move them that is.
With a loud huff he pushed his back into the side of the box, but only managed to move it an inch before his foot slipped.
“Come on,” he whined as he kicked out his legs against the counter- still no luck, “You gotta be kidding me.”
With a loud sigh he collapsed with his back pressed against the boxes. It wouldn’t work either.
“You okay up there?” Tommy’s voice boomed.
Techno sprung back up and glared at the huge boxes in front of him, “Yeah. Just fine.”
“Cool,” Tommy murmured, before throwing in, “can you get me some meds big man?”
Techno could almost feel the boiling annoyance building up in his stomach, “That’s what I’m doing.”
All he got was a low hum and another series of coughs from the giant. Not even a thank you.
He better be grateful later, Techno glowered.
It was only when Techno heard a soft chirp behind him that a thought sprung up in his mind. Quickly he turned around and sure enough one stray crow cocked its head at him from the other side of the kitchen. It’s black feathers glimmered under the morning light- it must have been left behind to watch over the house.
“Hey,” Techno cringed, “Bird? Why don’t you come over here Huh? You can help me.”
The bird chirped again and hopped forward before banging its beak against the counter. Not exactly what Techno wanted.
The human’s shoulder dropped as he waved at the crow, “Come on birdy. You can do it, just come here.”
The bird hopped along the counter again ruffling it’s tail feathers at the human. The sight of the giant crow was a bit unsettling, but after Phil trained them they behaved much better… Techno just hoped they’d still leave him alone even if Phil wasn’t there to control them.
“Come on. Just fly over here,” Techno pleaded, but the bird just stared, “I don’t know if you understand me but please just come here. I need the medicine.”
This time the bird cocked its head to the side before flapping over to Techno’s side, the small burst of air from its wings almost knocking Techno over.
“Oh hey,” Techno inched away from the crow’s sharp talons, “Uh maybe you do understand me huh… Can you get me up there?”
Techno pointed up at the cabinet and received a sharp chirp from the bird. Before he could even turn back around he felt a sharp prodding against his back. He tried to pull away but the pressure against his spine increased until he was plunged into darkness.
He was in the birds mouth.
Techno yelled out and tried to kick open the crow’s beak to no avail. All he heard in return was a disgruntled caw before the bird flapped its wings.
“Hey!” he yelped, trying to stay at the front of the animal’s beak, “Tommy help please!”
There was no response from the giant, although Techno wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to hear it from the crows mouth. He felt his chest start to tighten anxiously as he pounded at the hard beak. If he couldn’t get out he’d probably die there.
Tommy wouldn’t know where he went and there was no Phil to reel back in the crows. He felt helpless.
He sent another punch at the crease in the birds beak as he tried to keep his breathing steady. The last thing he needed was to cry.
Thankfully, this time when his fist hit the bird a small crack of light burst across his eyes. Immediately he tried to push himself through before he was regurgitated back onto solid ground.
He wiped the spit off his face and frantically tried to create space between him and the bird before his back hit a cold surface. He flinched away and turned only to find the glass panelled door he’d been looking at before.
His eyes whipped back to the crow that was now staring at Techno with its head tilted.
“You helped me?” Techno gasped.
The bird chirped a couple more times before hopping up to another shelf. Techno heard a bit of shuffling and scratching of the crow’s talons against wood before a giant plastic bottle thumped to the floor beside him.
Techno looked up at the crow with amazement as it let out another happy caw.
“You really are helping me,” Techno grinned, digging his hands into the container’s lid to pop it open, “I guess I see why Phil left you here huh?”
The bird cooed contentedly as it flew down to pitch beside the human. Every once in a while it’s wing would brush against Techno’s side as it’s picked at its feathers. He wouldn’t admit it but it was kind of cute in a “could definitely kill him” kind of way.
When he finally heard the loud snap of the bottle’s lid opening he let out a proud laugh before digging out two round pills. The medicine was almost the size of Techno’s arm.
The crow’s chirping increased as he packed both pills into his bag. This time with a lot less fear Techno let the bird grab him in its beak. The wet darkness was still unpleasant but he knew it wouldn’t be the cause of his demise now.
A loud of gust of wind reached his ears as the bird took off from the cabinet, and while Techno couldn’t see the outside he hoped the crow knew to take him to Tommy.
After a few seconds when the beak cracked open Techno grinned as he found himself right next to Tommy’s blanket cocoon. The sniffles of the giant boy could be heard loudly even through all the layers.
“Hey Tommy!” Techno yelled as he stepped out of the bird’s mouth and patted its head thankfully, “Got you your medicine.”
Immediately the giant’s head popped out of the blankets like a Jack-in-the-box.
Tommy coughed and grabbed at the human, “Really? Give it!”
Before the giant’s fingers could grab onto Techno he stepped back with a loud huff. His feet stood firmly on the ground as Tommy pouted at him.
“No thank you? Really?” he scoffed.
The giant teen rolled his eyes and shrugged off the human, “Whatever, thank you I guess. But I’m literally dying you know.”
A burst of laughter escaped Technos chest, “Uhuh, basically got a foot in the grave Huh?”
Tommy huffed and reached for the medicine again, but this time Techno careful placed the pills onto his outstretched hand. He heard a gulp as the giant downed it before he let out an exaggerated sigh of relief.
“Ahh,” Tommy grinned as he poked at Techno’s side, “Feel better already. Like a new man.”
“Oh shut up,” Techno laughed as he pushed away Tommy’s finger.
However it only managed to urge the giant on as he pushed the human onto the counter with his thumb. Before Techno could even react he was pinned down by the heel of the teen’s hand.
Tommy’s boisterous laugh echoed throughout the house, “Awe how cute lil Techno helping his big brother.”
Techno shook his head at the boys antics and playfully wrestled against his fingers. He was annoying sure, but he always enjoyed spending time with him.
No matter how much he pissed him off sometimes, he was his brother.
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