#and if you hadn't realised that this is my policy then no worries
musette22 2 years
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shagpaboloutpost 1 year
The fic this goes to may be a long time coming, but here is the first meeting of my ocs Wraith and Ty! Please keep all comments about the weirdness of this base setup to yourself, unless they're funny, because I know nothing about war and I do what I want, which is the true spirit of fanfic anyway
Wraith adjusted his uniform. He had no way of knowing if a neat appearance would make the clones out here more or less likely to trust his authority. Even on Coruscant, clones who never wore armour weren't exactly popular.
And as one of his brothers had said while drunk off his ass, "Everyone knows Intelligence are a bunch of liars."
Wraith still wasn't sure if the guard had meant it as an insult or not.
"We're here," said the pilot. Wraith sighed and pushed his worries out of mind. Just another assignment. It may be the middle of nowhere, but the duty was the same.
He'd been shipped in with supplies for the base, so as he stepped off the ship's pilot and a handful of clones from the base converged on the cargo hold to retrieve the goods. Wraith tried not to feel annoyed at the sight of one vod in scarlet lipstick. Out here, they didn't exactly need to put on a show of strength. Anyway, it wasn't his base.
"Sergeant Wraith?"
Wraith nodded at the clone waiting for him. They were fully armoured, in a bucket that only looked pure white; as Wraith got closer, he realised they'd painted on a wave-like pattern in a faint sea-green.
"I'm Ty," they said. "Welcome to the Shag Pabol Outpost."
"I was told this base was on an asteroid."
"It is," Ty said. "Two squads staff the outpost, cycling through this base and SP32 on the asteroid, closer to where Shag Pabol actually lets out." They tilted their helmet playfully. "One for the ships, one for the people."
"I see," Wraith said. His commanding officer hadn't given him all the details, then. It wasn't unusual for Captain Marus, being a natborn, to overestimate what clones could do with limited information. They were susceptible to the Kaminoans' advertising, after all. He'd have to reach out to one of his siblings for the full file.
"When the supplies for SP32 are loaded on our shuttle, Starcatcher will take you up," Ty said as they led him inside. "Is there anything you need from us here?"
"A sense of your security. How often do you get outsiders?"
"It's a thriving smuggler's port out there," Ty said wryly. "Hutt Space and all. But nobody gets past our walls, and only GAR ships dock in our yard."
"And is that fact or policy?"
Ty took their helmet off, revealing a head of fluffy curls and a shrewd expression.
"Are you asking to see for yourself, or is it important that I tell you all this secondhand?"
Ty wanted to know if they were under investigation. Wraith knew the wariness well.
"I like to see things for myself," Wraith said. "But a man does have to ask the hard questions when his job needs it."
"Sure," Ty said. "If he's Intelligence. And to do her job, this sergeant can't be caught up in lengthy conversations when there's supplies to be processed."
Wraith could take a hint.
"Let me get a look at your systems, and I'll stay out of your hair until Starcatcher is ready for me."
He could tell by the twitch of her eyebrows that she hadn't expected him to remember her trooper's name. That rankled. Wraith was a clone like any of them. He knew.
But it certainly wasn't worth bringing up. He let Ty leave him in the security control room and got to work on his inspection.
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girl-of-many-fandoms 3 years
hey !! could you write a luke x reader one where luke and reader are dating in secret and kind of got into an argument about why they don鈥檛 just tell the team how reader wants and they end up not talking to each other all day then when they go to rossis later on luke makes it up to her and just PDA all over her infront of the team !?!?!?!?! Xx
No More Secrets
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Pairing: Luke Alvex x Reader
Warnings: none
Thank you for requesting I hope you like it <3
"Babe?" looking over at your boyfriend you waited for him to speak as he continued to focus on driving us back to the police station
"I was thinking that after we solve this case we could have a team dinner and announce our relationship to the others" rolling your eyes you put your focus on the tall buildings you zipped by
You both had been secretly dating for the past six months and so far you both had managed to keep this to yourselves. Lately he's been trying to get you to agree with his decision to let your friends know
With that came the possibility that either one of you would be forced to leave, you know Emily would do everything she possibly can to make sure that doen't happen but a part of you always worried about that possibility
"Not this again Luke" he flicked the indicator on and pulled onto the side of the road upset that you shot him down again
"Are you ashamed of me or something because it sure as hell feels like that" scoffing he looked over at you as you rubbed your temples
"I'm not ashamed of you Alvez, you want to tell everyone about us but have you considered the fact that if we do Emily would be forced to let one of us go? In case you forgot there's a strict no fraternization policy!" you were over this conversation and his stubborness
"Prentiss isn't going to have that happen and you know it, you're just making excuses to not have to do this" a deafening silence filled the car as you both sat there looking out the window to calm down before this escalated into something bigger
"I'm tired of keeping this a secret because I love you and I want everyone to know that. The last couple months have been the best months of my life because of you but the mere fact that this is so hard for you to do it tells me that you're scared of commitment and I don't want to be with someone who isn't willing to take that step" you could hear the hurt in his voice when he spoke, your chest felt heavy as you registered where this was headed
"I'm not scared of commitment I-"
"You what Y/N? Want more time for us to keet this private? Six months, for six months you and I have had to seperate our work and private lives at first I thought it was a good thing but as time went on I realised that you hadn't brought up this conversation and it seems like you never intended to!" he was angry with the woman sat in the passenger seat and even more so at himself for believing that you were ready for something serious
"This is not me having commitment issues, this is me looking out for our relationship, I'm trying to protect us!"
"Whatever you say, just don't be surprised when I just walk out because I'm sure as hell not doing this forever" without another word he pulled off and you sat there in disbelief, Luke had made up his mind
He loved you yes but he wasn't going to drag this relationship out if you weren't going to take the simple step of telling your friends about you both
The rest of the drive to the station was quiet, no music, no talking just the sounds of the tires rolling on the pitch covered road. Ever so often you'd look over at him, his jaw was clenched and his grip on the steering wheel was deadly, his knuckles turned white from the force he squeezed it with
When he had pulled into the parking lot and parked the car he got out and headed straight to the entrance, not bothering to open your door for you like he usually did
Releasing a defeated sigh you got out and slowly followed his trail
Ringing Rossi's doorbell you stepped back and adjusted your bodycon black dress that hugged your curves in the right places. Tonight Rossi was having a family dinner and there was no way you were going to miss free Italian food
It's been days since your's and Luke's fight in Nevada and since that car ride he made it his duty to ignore you and give you the cold shoulder. You even tried talking to him about your relationship and he brushed you off
You had really hurt him when you refused to announce your relationship with the others. Luke thought that you'd love the idea of letting them know as they were your second family but turns out he was wrong
The door opened and David stood there with his arms outstreatched ready to greet you
"Celine sei bellissima come sempre entra" stepping into the foyer of his home the mouth watering aroma of whatever dish he was preparing filled your senses
"Everyone's in the kitchen" Rossi walked ahead leading you to the only room that mattered tonight, the laughter of your friends could be heard and their conversations grew louder as you entered
"Look who finally decided to make an appearance" Spencer eagerly pulled you into a hug and you returned it while Penelope got another wine glass and filled it before holding it out for you
"Thank you and yes, I had something to do and got held back" lie, you contemplated showing up here because of your predicament until you told yourself that you're just attending for Rossi's cooking
Speaking of predicament, Luke stood a litte ways off at JJ's side his brown eyes trained on you as he brought his glass of burbon up to his lips, taking a sip of his beverage. He was decked off in a burgundy button up shirt and dark wash jeans, with the long sleeves rolled up on his forearms and the top buttons undone he looked insanely handsome
The longer Luke stared at you the more he wanted to smack himself for reacting the way that he did the other day, he knew that you had a valid reason for not wanting to out your relationship but at the same time he wanted to show you off
He wants to be able to hold your hand and kiss you whenever he felt like it without having to think about anyone catching them. He wants you to be apart of his life until he got old and grey
"Y/N can I talk to you outside?" nodding you took a swing of your drink and placed the glass on the counter leading the way to Rossi's backyard
As you both walked out the room you could tell that the others were curious, they had picked up on the tension between you both in the office since the case in Nevada and Penelope being her nosey self trailed behind them careful not to be caught
Luke opened the door and you stepped into the night's chilly breeze, the lights that hung above casted a warm glow against his tan skin as he towered over you
"I'm sorry for being a dick, you have every right to be so hesitant about telling them about us. I didn't mean to start a fight with you while on duty but I was hurting and that thing I said about leaving, that's impossible, I couldn't, you're it for me Y/N" Luke closed the space between your bodies placing his hands on your waist pulling you flush against him. Holding onto his biceps you looked up at him
"Don't be sorry, you were just saying what you had in mind I'm not holding it against you" leaning down he pressed your foreheads together and kissed the tip of your nose
"I hate fighting with you"
"Me too, let's not do this again"
"Deal" smiling you cupped his cheek and kissed his plump lips, oh how you've missed them over the past couple days
Back inside everyone else looked on at the couple as they shared a passionate kiss on Rossi's porch all of them happy that they've found each other
"I knew it!"
Breaking apart you caught a glimpse of the team peering out through the glass door. Giggling you motioned for Luke to look behind him and the team stood there with a smile plastered on their faces
"Let's give them something to look at"
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miss-smutty 3 years
The Destructive Secret
Chapter 6
Summary- Has Karma finally caught up to you?
Word count- 2.1K
Pairing- Chris Hems x You x Liam Hems
Warnings- Smut, cheating, swearing
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 21st July 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings
The Destructive Secret Masterlist <<<
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He turns on his side, looking at you, his leg wrapping around yours. Holding you close, afraid to let you go.
"I want to be able to take you out and show you off, instead of hiding away in hotels rooms. I want everyone to know you're mine, not Liam's."聽
You struggled to sleep that night, tossing and turning while Chris slept like a baby next to you. You couldn't stop thinking about the many possible outcomes of your secret being out in the open, while you knew it was going to have to happen sooner rather than later, there would be no way you could avoid the utter turmoil that would follow. You couldn't think of one possible outcome that wouldn't cause complete destruction for everyone involved which understandably left you feeling completely anxious.
Your phone buzzing on the bedside table, roused you from the light sleep you'd finally managed to fall into. Tiredness washed over you like a thick lead, your eyes heavy and blurred as you blinked at the screen of the phone and realised you hadn't called Liam like you said you would.
You answered the phone quiety, getting up to go into the bathroom, your usual tactic of running the water while you spoke but this time hiding your voice from Chris not Liam.
"Hi babe." You whispered. Stepping over the piles of clothes scattered across the room, glancing over your shoulder to make sure Chris was still sleeping.
"Why are you whispering?"聽Fuck.
"Sorry I've just woken up." You said in your normal tone, whincing at how loud your voice sounded in the peaceful room. Cringing even more when Chris woke from his sleep, his eyes opening, sitting up and spotting you across the room. Realisation flashed before his eyes as you put your fingers to your lips, gesturing for him to be quiet, cursing yourself for not making it to the bathroom in time.
"Sorry, you're usually awake at this time. I just phoned to make sure you were ok, you didn't call last night." Liam says.
"I know sorry, I was shattered and fell asleep more or less as soon as I laid down. I didn't sleep well though. How are you?" You turned your back on Chris, not being able to stand the faces he was pulling.
"Aww you never sleep well in hotels do you? I remember that trip to New York, we didn't sleep all night."聽
"Yeah I remember although that was for different reasons." You could hear Chris stirring behind you, getting out of bed.
"That's true, we need a trip like that again soon, where we spend the whole weekend in bed." He laughed, you rolled your eyes at the irony, little did he know that's exactly what you were doing at that moment in time. Chris confirming it when he slid up behind you, his naked warmth pressing against you, the heat of his morning glory resting against the swell of your ass.聽
"Yes we do, anyway I'm going to have to go I'm going to be late for this conference." You could hardly concentrate as Chris began planting feathery kisses all across your shoulders.
"Ok babe, I'll speak to you after. Love you." Liam says.
"Love you too." Chris pulled a disgusted face at you, his expression contorting his handsome face, before taking your phone from your hand, ending the call and discarding it on to the bed.
"Who do you love?" Chris asked needily, his breath heavy in your ear while he pushed your knees apart so his hand could slip in between, stroking your wetness with the pads of his fingers.
"You." You sigh as his thumb meets your clit, circling slowly.聽
"Good girl. Now back to bed, i intend to make the most of our last full day together for a while." He slaps your ass as you move to the bed, squeeling as you fall down on to it.
He falls down next to you, making you squeel again when the bed bounces you up and then his hands are all over you. Gripping and squeezing all your curves while his lips attach to your fever hot skin.
You lift yourself onto him, straddling him, your wetness soaking his thighs.
"Sit on my face." He says excitedly, his face lighting up at the prospect.
You move to hover over his face, while his tongue reaches out to lick smoothly up your folds, flicking against your clit and making you moan with pleasure.
"When I said sit on my face I meant literally clasp your thighs around my head and smother me with that perfect fucking pussy."
You whine at his words, grinding yourself against the roughness of his beard. Leaning forward to hold the headboard as Chris's tongue dips into your opening, swirling around, his nose adding friction to your swollen clit. He groans against you, the vibration sending you to the edge as you lean back, your hands resting on Chris's hips, your thighs clasped tightly around his face. From this position you can see him perfectly, his expression locked with lust as he eats your pussy so good. Your legs shake as the gripping rises through you, tingles throughout your body as you come so hard on his tongue.
A hum of approval from Chris as he laps up your juices, smiling triumphantly while you pant, biting your bottom lip, your legs still trembling. You roll over next to Chris, cramp seizing up your muscles due to the intensity of your orgasm.
"Fuck Chris, you're too good at that." You pant, laying on your back in the middle of the bed, Chris lying beside you his hand gently tickling your arm.
"Fucking too right, I'd eat your pussy every day if I could."聽
"Well if that isn't a reason to tell Liam, I don't know what is." You laugh, turning to face Chris. Hunger still flaring in his eyes.
"You're so fucking beautiful." He says while squeezing your thigh. "Shower? I've got unfinished business to attend to." Tipping his head towards his straining erection.
You'd barely made it to the shower before he's already bending you over, muttering in your ear about how hot you are. One hand cupping the nape of your neck, the other gripping onto your hips as he shoves his dick deep inside your tight walls.
Your hands slipping down the wall of the slick shower, trying to find something to cling on to while he relentlessly pounds into you from behind. His thighs slapping against your ass, the sound of skin connecting echoing around the tiled room.
Watching his cock dipping in and out of your greedy cunt, mesmerizes him, his thumbs digging into your cheeks as he pulls them apart for a better view.
He groans when you tighten around him, your muscles gripping against him as the sensations travel through your body like fire. Your head dizzy, full of only pleasure as you gush around him. His hand smooths up your back, tangling around your hair as his thrusts get sloppy, smashing against you with a grunt. Satisfaction washing over you both as he finishes with one last thrust.
"You're a machine. Fuck.". You pant, resting against the cold tiles.
"I aim to please." He stands under the water, washing himself. You're hypnotised watching the water drip down his body, drops resting on the ridges of his toned stomach.
He looks down at you, his hands smoothing through his wet hair, his mouth slightly open as the water runs off of his face. Proud of the way your legs are still like jelly, that just fucked look still painting your face.
"Shall I order room service? I've definitely worked up a appetite after that."聽
"I'm gunna wash my hair and then I'll join you. Order some pancakes." You slapped Chris on his taunt ass as he stepped out the shower, winking at him as he turned around with a faked shocked face before leaning in to kiss you.
"Anything for you."
You took your time washing your hair, enjoying the bliss of silent thoughts. Finally lost in the moment and enjoying your time with Chris without having to think about all the other things. This is how it should be all the time, easy, nothing to worry about, this is how you wish it would be.
You wrapped a towel around you, the steam in the room making you lightheaded. Holding on to the sink to steady yourself, you caught your reflection in the mirror. You studied your face, noticing how the stress had started to age you, little lines by your eyes that weren't there before.聽
The thought played in your mind as you left the bedroom, freezing in shock when聽you realised you weren't alone.
Talk about bad timing, you'd walked out of the bathroom at the same time room service was delivered. The tall, dark hotel worker still stood in the doorway as Chris closed the door behind him. You saw his eyes light up when he saw you, recognition flash through his eyes when he saw your shocked expression. He knew exactly who you were and exactly what you were doing here, half naked in Chris's room.聽Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Chris, what the fuck? You could've warned me not to come out."聽
"I shouted through to you, did you not hear? Relax, he won't say anything. It's company policy."聽
"Fuck. Do you think he cares about fucking company policy with the measly rate of pay he gets?" You start to panic, of all the things to go wrong this was probably the worst. You couldn't help thinking it was karma getting its own back, finally catching up to you.
"We'll be fine, he probably didn't even recognise you." Chris was calm, nonchalant as usual.
"He definitely did, didn't you see the look on his face?" You saw the look in his eye and knew what it meant.
"You're paranoid. Relax, we're fine." He pulls you into his arms, his hands travelling up your towel. "Do we need this?" He pulls away your towel with a frown.
"Chris how are you so calm?" You stand up, pacing the floor in front of him.
"Damn, you look sexy as fuck when you're angry." He sits back on the bed, admiring you as you glare at him then holding his hands up in defeat. "Ok, ok but would it be so bad if we聽were聽found out?"聽
"Yes. Yeah it fucking would. I don't want Liam finding out like that and why would you?"聽
"I'm at the point where I don't care how he finds out as long as he does, I just want this everyday. You. I can't stand giving you up again after this weekend and having to wait weeks to have you back."聽
"Yeah I know but not like this Chris. You need to go track him down and give him some money or something. Please." You plead, tears prickling your eyes.
"Fine, told you I'd do anything for you and I meant it but can we eat first?" He raised his eyebrow, patting the bed next to him.
"Hi it's Mr Hemsworth in the penthouse suite, is it possible for you to send the guy who just delivered our... I mean, my room service, back up to my room please." Chris said, on the phone to front desk.
"Of course, is everything ok with your food Sir?"
"Yes fine, I just forgot to tip him." He rolled his eyes at you.
"No problem, I'll send him up for you now Sir." She laughed.
"She's sending him up." Chris said to you, putting down the phone and sighing.
"Shall I hide?" You ask, unsure what to do in this situation.
"Well yeah, he might not've seen you in the first place."聽
"He did." You say over your shoulder, already making your way to the bathroom.
You stand by the door, it open a little so you can hear them talking. Your heart beating fast as you waited patiently, leaning against the wall with your ear to the crack in the door when you hear a knock and Chris's heavy footsteps going to answer it.
"Hi, I forgot to tip you earlier. Let me just get it for you, come in." Chris says.
"Oh it's fine Sir, you don't have to tip me."聽
You peeked your eyes through the crack in the door, spying the guy stood awkwardly by the door while Chris went through his wallet.
"I hope you will respect my privacy and I can rely on your discretion?" Chris said while handing the guy a huge wad of cash, looking like he was making some kind of dodgy deal.
"I'm not sure what you mean Sir but thank you."聽
"I think you do." Chris glared at him, his face expressionless making the guy uncomfortable, looking at his feet.
The guy turned to leave before looking back over his shoulder at the door, his hand on the door handle.
"If it makes any difference I would choose you over your brother any day." He winked as he left the room.
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yaboymercury 5 years
Gassy Lessons - Fifth class: Computer Technology
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Jay knew his farting was getting better and Mr Watts was agreeing, but through his gassy persuasion he convinced Jay he could still get better. So since Jay's last training session with him he had been tasked with going back to basics and researching other ways to make himself fart more.
The opportunity to get this research done was in Jay's Computer technology class. His class had been tasked to do a trial run with some coding program, but Jay wasn't so invested in the class and the room was big enough for him to get a place a few seats away from anyone else so he took the opportunity to get some gassy research done.
Jay only got a chance to look through a couple fart themed webpages giving him nothing but basic information, when a notification of an email from the teacher popped up at the bottom of the screen. Mr Anderson was the one holding the class today, Jay hadn't had too many classes from the man but he was pretty sure he had a strong impression of what he was like. He had quite a twinkish build not being very muscular, covered half his cute face with chunky framed glassed and had curly pale blonde hair. He was a relatively softly spoken man and was never too assertive at least it seemed so to Jay, and the young teacher never seemed to be able to command a classroom.
Jay never really spoke to the teacher so the email came as a shock. When he opened it though his shock deepened.
'Jay Carter. Can you please keep to the schedule of today's class and refrain from any childish web searches, as the teacher we have screen tracking technology on all the computers to keep issues like this from occuring. Please start your proper work for the lesson.'
The level of polite assertion in the email surprised the student and he couldn't help but be a little embarrassed at getting caught. He gave the teacher sitting at the other end of the classroom a glare, but the man at the desk didn't notice him, he seemed to be typing something else giving the screen his full attention.
Jay gave up any attempt to spite the teacher and letting out a sigh of premature boredom, he closed his tab and went to open the coding program. However before he could even move the mouse again another email notification popped up from the teacher.
'Jay Carter. I take back my further request if you can display the fruits of your research as soon as possible, especially if you could thin out the number of students in the class. Either that or start coding.'
This was of course an unexpected turn for Jay and when he went to look at the teacher over the classroom he could see him staring straight back at him with a challenging look and a slight smile. Jay looked around the class, there were no guys in here he particularly cared about, and Jay didn't particularly care about his reputation either, and since his past escapades in his sports class maybe leaning into the gassy aspect of his personality would catch him some respect.
After a full day of classes Jay had been holding in his gas for a while anyway and it was ready to burst, so he leaned back in his chair stretching and whole doing so spread his legs apart and let loose.
The first reaction he got was from two friends sitting a couple seats away who both immediately looked over at him, one chuckling and the other just staring blankly.
"Oh you want some?" Jay questioned jokingly wafting it in their direction. The rancid stink finally hit them and they both started coughing in unison. Jay laughing decided to put the final nail in their coffin and aimed his butt in there direction still sitting.
Jay's newly developed brand of eggy stink made it's way to them and their coughing grew stronger. The mumbled something to eachother and stood up and left the classroom giving Jay a dirty look as they said some incomprehensible excuse to the teacher as they left the room. Jay glanced at the teacher who was chuckling lightly, the student was happy to entertain.
Obviously his gaseous fun was not as well received by the rest of the class, mostly whispering and giving him strange looks, but one of the class reps obviously wanted to take justice into their own hands striding over too Jay. The Prep was obviously caught off guard gagging a little as he entered the stinking cloud surrounding Jay who played dumb and gave the glaring class rep and surprised look.
"Is there a problem officer?" Jay asked.
Through a pinched nose Jay could make out "Mr Carter as a class rep I'm going to have to ask you to stop your expulsions they are reprehensibley rude and a distraction to our learning."
Smirking back Jay grabbed the boy's hand off his nose and in doing so made him stumble closer in a quieter voice he said to him almost seductively "I would hardly call this a distraction?" And he leaned forward in his chair and let rip.
The other boy got a whiff of the toxic blast and his face went pale as he staggered out the room with a hand over his mouth trying to stop anything escaping. As the boy left Jay thought he heard him say something stupid along the lines of "This won't be the last you bear of this. As Jay watched him leave with a smile he noticed that others were leaving but from the other side of the class, from the side closer to Mr Anderson.
Jay looked over to the teacher who was obviously pretending to be distracted by something on his screen but still wore a cheeky grin. The student took a deep whiff of the air, he was happy to take in his personal brand of month old rancid eggs gas, but he sensed a foreign fart smell growing in the mix of rotten veggies and fragrant compost assault his nose. Looking back at the teacher it didn't take Jay long to work out who the culprit was for the rival gas.
The classroom had been emptied of most of it's students filled with a significant amount of gas. Other than Jay and Anderson there were just two friends looking quite scared and ready to leave sitting pretty much an equal distance from the gassy competitors. Realising what it had come down to before the boys could leave both Jay and the teacher gave eachother a nod and a smirk and walked up to the two.
"You need some help bud?" Jay asked ungenuinly putting has hand on the shoulder of the student on the left.
"You having any trouble with the work?" Anderson leaning on the desk asked trying to keep his usual reserved demeanor to the student on the right.
Before doing anything Jay got a good look at Anderson's perky ass which had been hidden up until this point, he was happily surprised. Both of the students stammered mainly worried about Jay since he was the only obvious farter, they were probably hoping that Anderson would help them. Before Jay could get anything out he picked up on a very subtle hissing coming from the backside of the still concerned looking teacher. Jay of course wanting to contribute to the stink out quickly turned around and sat on the desk almost hitting the keyboard of the boy on the left and pointing his ass towards both.
"Get a load of this action!" Jay strained knowing it wouldn't be a small one.
The eggy explosion rocketed out of Jay's ass into the faces of the unfortunate soon to be casualties, and right at the same time Anderson's stinky gas leak got to the boy's nostrils. The combined stench was obviously too much for the two buddies as they knocked heads as they passed out.
Finally getting drop any facade Jay and Anderson smiled at eachother in stinking solidarity as they both took a deep sniff of their joint creation. Of course the two passed out students were currently the main source of the smell, the room as a whole was now filled with a flatulent fog starting to make even Jay's eyes water.
"Impressive work Jay, it seems that it was obviously not coding I should've been pushing you towards."
"I don't know why you spend all your time with computer shit, when your stinking butt obviously is obviously far more interesting." The disguised compliment was a risky move Jay thought but Anderson seemed to respond well. He gave his ass a little smack and adjusted his glasses as he stepped towards his gassy student.
"Well I guess you've got to have a day job."
Jay watched smiling excitedly as the seemingly transformed teacher ran his hand through his hair walking past him.
"Let's leave these two here, I'm sure you don't mind taking the blame for them, I think I'll be giving you some private tutoring if you just follow me." Giving Jay a wink from behind his glasses and strolled out the room.
Happy at the direction the class had gone Jay took one last sniff of his gassy handiwork and clambered off the desk to follow him, leaving the unlucky last two victims to marinate in the stink.
Leaving the room Jay caught up to the man on the quick walk to his office only a little ways down the corridor, all the while making sure to stay a little behind him as to enjoy the view.
In comparison to the quite airy and spacious computer room, the office was tiny. There was barely enough room for the desk and chair, and with both men standing in there, there was barely any room to move. Jay also noted the lack of be ventilation with only one small window which seemed to be locked shut.
"You'll have to excuse the heat." He closed the door behind Jay who leaned against the wall. "I only got moved to the office this year and I haven't been able to find the spare key for the window, I hope it won't be a problem." He gave Jay a knowing look.
"Don't worry I think I can cope" And in spite of the uniform policy Jay began to undo his tie, which prompted his teacher to follow suit. "So Mr Anderson what will this tutoring be about, I hardly think my computing skills need any improving, and I can't seem to think of anything else we have in common." Jay made sure to finish the question in cocking up one of his legs.
The fart despite not being the biggest managed to fill the room in seconds making both men smile at what it's stink implied.
"Now Jay no reason to misbehave." The teacher sat on a spot on the desk and unbuttoned a few of his shirt buttons as they had both began to sweat. "I merely wanted to give you proper punishment for your unprovoked biohazardous assault on your fellow students, it's highly unprofessional." The teacher concluded by leaning over on the desk displaying his butt again to the increasingly aroused student.
What the flatulence lacked in volume it made up for in stench completely dominating the room with his rancid personal stench. Both men inhaled obviously neither really expecting how bad it stunk coughing in response to its bite.
After recovering Jay responded keeping up the erotic teasing act they had going by turning around and leaning against the wall and peeled down his now stuck on with sweat trousers just enough to let his boxer clad ass show with the gray colour accentuating his now sweaty crack.
"Well Mr Anderson I think I have quite a skill and I occasionally like to show it off to my classmates I don't see the problem with that?" He stuck out his ass further in the direction of the teacher and winced.
He was impressed with himself, the gas shook the room and reintroduced his eggy gas to the room. The power of the fart seemed to shake the tiny room and make both men laugh at the sheer masculine stinky power it showed.
Again matching Jay, Anderson got up and began unzipping his trousers, the now erect student looked back at his teacher reveal his amazing smooth bouncy round ass cheeks. He made sure that Jay got a good look at them giving them a little shake.
"Now Jay I do see a problem with that, thinking your gas could even rival something like mine is worthy of punishment."
It sounded like a high pressure gas leak and it intensified the heat in the room exponentially, but by far the worst aspect was it wretched stench making Jay's eyes fully tear up and burn his nose.
Jay managed to recover from his coughing fit relatively quickly in spite of the rancid stench feeling like a cartoonist stinky brown fog in the room. His brain was going haywire at the horrible sensation but he decided to go for one last shot.
"Well then punish this..." He back closer up to Anderson until they were butt to butt. In a brave move Jay pulled down both their boxers until their bare sweaty asses were touching and let a rippling blast straight onto the man's ass.
The rank stink vibrated against the cheeks of the two men making them both gasp. The room was becoming a deadly hot box and Anderson could tell it was his place to finish it.
The teacher after letting Jay's fart finish strolled around his student toying with him and leaned against the wall pushing his ass out until it was just touching Jay's erection. The two sweaty men could tell where it was going.
The heat combined with the two men's combined evil stink, either that or the pleasure Jay got from the last gassy blast from his teacher but he was out, collapsing at the other man's feet.
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