#and if you're basing your beliefs this strongly on the reputation of the -arrangement of letters- I question how much you've 'educated' +
neptunes-sol-angel · 3 years
The Reckoning of Your Generational Curse
Pick the picture(s) that you're drawn to the most, then scroll down to read its corresponding message regarding the nature of the generational curse(s) in your lifetime.
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~•Picture 1 •~
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Your generational curse reenacts itself by starting off with a "splatter". A deformity in your reputation that may have made your family ostracized by society.
The nature of your curse is a trickster. It doesn't necessarily damage you on the outside , however, it does damage you from the inside. I see a consistent chain of success, driven by fear and mental exhaustion of trying to correct a mistake but failing to realize that it was never yours to correct in the first place.
I'm strongly picking up the theme of opposing energies. In your picture, there's Saturn, but I see two moons facing inside it, both waxing and waning. I feel that this represents the duality of your curse. The moon and Saturn are opposites, but are also known as sisters based off how unifying they are despite their differences. Pile 1, on the outside you embody Saturn. You are hardworking, disciplined with the expectation of being the next to justify your family's legacy and honor which is without a doubt, pressuring because so much time was given with the belief that slow and steady is what it took to win the race, therefore, years and lifetimes were the price. Inside, you clearly embody the moons that I saw inside that ball of Saturn, but overtime, it's powerful influence starts to seep in onto its lunarian polar opposite.
Another Karmic pattern that I'm noticing here, that seems very sacral, mainly revolves around the women in the family. Saturn also represents authority, no matter the moral, because I feel that there's a prominent dictatorship on what the women in your family do with their womb. I'm getting unwanted pregnancies, early parenthood, arranged marriages, gender roles, and shame around sexuality. This can even mean controlling and withholding what to do with your creative energies or when to use them. Whatever your situation may be, it all boils downs to the two oppressors present in this ordeal. One being the external world and two is simply yourself, yet ironically the most difficult out of the two. Simultaneously, the obstacles thrown in your way and the abrasive voices shouting at you with the intent of forcing you into a mold, there's also the universe harmoniously aligning you with the path that's truest to yourself. The people before you were met with the same proposition but blindly did they walk pass it. With the two of swords here in your spread, it shows a woman sitting down, blindfolded, with a sword in both of her hands, and peering in the back is the Moon in its waxing crescent form. The phase represents new and beginnings and with the opposing energies that I mentioned earlier is this resistance to allow these new beginnings to happen, to allow space for change, and to allow these "splatters" to be recognized as also a masterpiece. Instead of melting away the traditional facets that worked once before, fear to stray away and follow your heart allows the reckoning of the curse to happen because of how your bloodline was scrutinized in the past, but instead of creating anew based off what felt right, your people turned around to instead do what looked correct to society, so then lied the untouched potential, the neglected passion, what could have been their happiness, therefore, their new beginnings had also become a thing of their past.
The curse isn't the only thing that you inherited. There's an heirloom in your lineage that isn't of this material world. It's spiritually embedded. It is your courage to spontaneously embrace who you are, flaws and all, as a person that actively lives out their ambition and dreams. It's your birthright, so why aren't you using it?
There's also a message from this pile's inner child to not be afraid or procrastinate in creating the new pages in your bloodline's story. Like the sister signs, accept your curse as it's duality was meant to teach you what it meant to break free from those barriers as a complex individual and not simply just black and white. For so long, those pages were kept blank in order to halt any opportunity for another mistake, flaw, or "splatter" to happen, when really all along they were meant for you to finger paint it.
~• Picture 2•~
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Your generational curse is hidden under the guise of "purification". There's a subtle occult vibe here that's not directly shown on any of the cards, it presents itself as a mellow secret as if that's the point.
Many of you in this pile could be healers, spell workers, lightworks, and/or diviners. There's this spiritual warfare in your lineage, a division between ancestors relating to religion vs the "taboo". A battle between philosophies.
For those that were raised in a strict religious environment, you probably believe yourself to be the first in your family to practice outside of religion but you are not. You are actually bring back out a light that was wrongfully convicted of being the likened to the dark.
There's magic in your lineage meant for you to reclaim after so many years of it being locked away and forgotten.
Instead of the these traditions and sacred knowledge preserved and passed down, they were believed to stray away from because some of your ancestors believed that it only contributed to their demise.
You're being called to go back to your roots by not just continuing on with your interest in the occult but by also studying your genealogy and searching for lost archives because you may find out the truth about something in your family that might shock you. As it may shock you, it isn't meant to scare you but to enlighten you. One part of your people in the spirit realm aren't that concerned about you dwelling more into the occult. They care more about your autonomy, and to partake in it because you want to do it, but without persecution like they have faced in their days of living.
They watch over you, closely, and have witnessed your independent tenacity and anger over feeling like you have to constantly defend yourself. They also know about your silent woes and weariness of feeling like you're the black sheep. They admire your strength and they urge you to keep rebelling against anyone and anything that interferes with you creating the life that you want. The people around you may not understand, your family might not either, but it isn't your responsibility to make them. This is your life.
~•Picture 3•~
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The reckoning of your curse lies in the thin line between codependency and hyper-independence. I'm picking up two groups in this pile, this could also be present in both sides of your family.
For the first group, I kept channeling "We Know the Way" from Moana. This could mean traveling literally, but metaphorically, I'm seeing a certain individual that's constantly looking for a home outside of themselves. They know how to adjust and blend into different environments and are always willing to merge, but they end up losing sight of who they are by themselves. They live their life through mirroring others.
In the second group, I'm seeing kind of the opposite. This individual is not necessarily mean, but is not a social butterfly like the other person. They are more of a hermit. While the other person is knowledgeable because of their humble nature, this person is more arrogant. However, they are talented with their innovative thought process. They have a tantalizing way of using their voice and their words are extremely effectual, but they use it to their demise and seem to always get themselves in trouble.
Whichever the scenario may be, the main thing that they have in common is their lack in using their abilities to create a name for themselves. They either stay on the sidelines or follow behind others when really they're meant to lead and actually guide others through humanitarianism.
~•Picture 4•~
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Your generational curse is actually subjective. You view it as a curse, others share the same perspective, while some may view it as a blessing.
There's this enticing beauty that runs in your family. Even if you don't feel like it, there's this femme fatale energy that other people accuse you/your family members of having. You tend to be in the spotlight, but you absolutely do not like the attention, because even the good gets overwhelming with the bad. Your curse embodies the post hoc fallacy. Whenever you accomplish something or encounter a tower moment, people automatically assume that it's because of your looks. The whispers turn into a cacophony of taunts and the people that do it, never seem to realize that they are cruelly dehumanizing you.
The people with the lens that see it as a blessing are able to because they notice your resilience and confidence to shake it off and say to hell with what other people think of you because their opinion isn't really needed nor does it matter. You're able to pinpoint that you aren't defined by your beauty, mistakes, or the way that other people treat you. You define that all on your own and I think that's powerful.
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writtenwhalien · 3 years
Hello, love! Hope you're good ❤
About your answer on my feedback for aoy part 8, I just wanted to share my thoughts about reputation/social class prejudice, but at the same time I didn't wanna ruin your feedback with my comment, so I'm sending you what I've been thinking while reading the chapters here...
Firstly, I want to say that you did such a great job portraying this social issue in aoy and ofc, it makes sense (well it does to me) that Deok-su & Eun-ae's background was only a part of why Deok-su was against Jimin & oc's relationship and how he strongly believed that she wouldn't be able to understand their values no matter what. Honestly, I didn’t put it best on my review the other day as I focused solely on their background story because it was that chapter's new information, but in any case, I can't say that I'm okay with that kind of opinion. And trust me, I know very well from personal experience that personal beliefs are hard to be reevaluated especially in elderly people, but still, there's just some beliefs that I simply can't stand.
Oc did say that Deok-su was right, and even though I get why she got his point of view, I personally think he wasn't quite right about it –people by their very nature are capable of constantly learning and adjusting themselves to any kind of lifestyle values– he just manipulated her into thinking that way about it. She's already overqualified to understand whatever values on her own and join the Park family as an equal member. I mean, if anything, she's a living example and Deok-su admitted that himself. I'm so proud that her last words were the ones to make him realize how stupid his thinking was. The value of a true & healthy love is the most powerful one. I'm so so glad of the way the story turned out, so beautiful, natural and meaningful. Forever grateful for this masterpiece of yours, babe! 💗 (can't wait for your next projects)
Idk why I'm actually sharing this, lol, it is that I just know class discrimination unfortunately still exists in altered forms and it's really sad to watch it happen. When will this world finally realize that freedom is a value as well, irrespective of one's origin, age, gender, sexuality, education, religion, sexuality, social status etc.???
sorry I took so long to reply to this 🤦🏻‍♀️ I agree with you completely! deok-su was wrong to put oc through all of that just because he doesn’t think she’s able to adapt to the family based on her upbringing (although when he got to know her, he realised that she’s adapted in many situations before and is a super capable woman), but like you said, anyone can adapt. it’s just his mindset as a rich, upper class man now. I didn’t realise as much as I was writing but I guess this fic really does have elements of the typical rich boy/lower class girl vibes, except oc is super successful and the struggle was all in her past!
but as well as that there was his past with eun-ae, which is why at the beginning, eun-ae is also a bit hesitant about jimin choosing someone bc of love as opposed to getting an arranged marriage; but this was only after jimin first tells deok-su about oc at the end of part 4). after she meets oc, she changes her mind (she also had a bit of a stuck up moment in part 4 when jimin first mentions where oc is from, and she tuts, but she moves past that quickly).
but yeah, I tried to make it more than just one factor influencing all the characters to make their actions seem more believable 😅
anyway, thank you as always for being so invested in my fics, it’s one of my favourite thing to talk about!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰
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