#and if you're going to insult me at least do it with proper spelling your grammar is atrocious. or to use your word it's an 'autrosity'
Lol just got my first hate comments, people have no fucking lives I swear
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genshin-obsessed · 10 months
Bound to You | Blade x Reader
Howdy! So, I don't have a real reason for writing this, other than I felt like it. I've been heavily debating doing more fantasy type fics, but I just don't have a proper idea. This might just help me a little! I think this should have 3 parts just to finish up the story, so I may most likely add two more to this. Word count: 4516 Extras: Fantasy AU
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Blade's red orange eyes practically glared at you as you flipped through the third book in your possession. He watched the frantic look in your eyes only get worse as this book was yet another dead end. The previously darkened room was illuminated by the large sigil Blade was sitting on. It was bright yellow, with every symbol pulsating with enough power to keep Blade prisoner. Golden cuffs with long, ghost-like chains held onto his wrists, refraining him from leaving the sigil that he'd been summoned with.
"Could you at least let me go?" He asked, his tone of voice indicating his clear frustration. His head was propped up on his closed fist, while his elbow rested on his knee. It had been so long, at this point, he was just bored.
"No!" You yelled as you looked over at him with a frown. "You've been doing nothing but yelling at me and hurling insults." Blade sat up a little, that fighting fire lit within him once more.
"Oh? What the hell else am I supposed to say? Only an idiot confuses a binding spell for a summoning one." Your frown only deepened at his sarcastic words as you placed a hand on your hip.
"It was an accident! It was really just a test to see if it was even going to work!" You argued, but it only irritated the demon before you.
"Who reads an incantation out loud as a test? You really are an idiot." He scoffed, making you groan out loud. For the last hour and a half, he'd done nothing but call you dumb and stupid for what you did. Which was fair. You certainly didn't mean to bind a demon of his worth to you, you just wanted to practice summoning a demon for future fights! However, you were so engrossed in reading, you accidentally read aloud the incantation... which wasn't even the right one, you came to find out. As for the sigil… well, you just decided to set it up to see how much work it would require. You did intend to use it but at a later date since none of the items were perishables.
"Hey, I'm still really new at this mage thing, ok?"
"You're new to using magic, but not new to reading right? It literally states on the page before that it's meant to bind demons to your own soul. You know, even we don't use spells like that." He explained as he adjusted his legs that were beginning to get sore.
"What? But don't demons make that whole pact binding thing?" He rolled his eyes, as if he wasn't surprised that you would even ask such a question.
"No. We create contracts that are called pacts. Both parties list their terms and conditions and once those terms are fulfilled, the pact comes to an end. The connection between demon and mortal is held by the signed contract, which is why they're kept safe and hidden. As you know- or at least I hope you know- the easiest way to break a contract with a demon is to destroy the actual tome it's written on. Soul binding is nearly unbreakable. It actually binds the souls together and there are no conditions required for it. There is no tome to break and it's an extremely powerful spell that’s almost forbidden." He explained, doing his best to stay calm since he had been furious the entire night and it was exhausting.
With every word that spilled from his lips, you realized just how grave your situation was. You... really didn't mean to do this. You wanted to practice summoning a demon which is why you set up the circle exactly as stated in the old grimoire you found. Blade had a point... the instructions and sigil were on one page but the page before had all the warnings including the title. Somehow when you were flipping through the book, you skipped over that. Mainly because the next page explained which color candles to use for what demon. So, you figured it was just a regular old summoning spell.
"There... is a way to break it, right?" You asked, your eyes flickering to the demon.
"Of course there's a way to break it. Every spell can be broken, but the more powerful the spell, the more limitations appear. This particular spell is avoided by many precisely because of how difficult it is to break it. Even your death wouldn't break it, you'd just be resurrected because you're attached to my soul. And vice versa."
"Aren't you already dead?" Blade's eyes widened at the audacity you had to ask the dumbest question he'd ever heard in the centuries he'd been alive.
"Are you serious? No, demons aren't dead, in fact, we can't die permanently. We just get resurrected in hell, which is probably where you're going after this dumbass stunt." Your eyes widened at his words, and you couldn't help the words just escaping your lips.
"Does that mean I'm stuck with you for eternity?"
"No. I'm stuck with you for eternity." Blade corrected, with an irritated smile ghosting his lips as he looked away, shaking his head in disappointment. He was far from the most powerful demon in the hellish realms, but he was up there and to be stuck to such a weak mage was practically insulting. Not to mention your lack of understanding in apparently everything.
Though… you did succeed in the spell which felt like the biggest shot of luck ever; but spells like this didn’t ride on luck. 
"Why would anyone have a soul binding spell for demons?" You asked with a pout, your eyes glancing at the torn, leathery binding of the grimoire you'd used earlier.
"It's a grimoire right, and not a scroll?” Grimoires, as opposed to single use spell scrolls, were written by high level magic users. Mages- and often witches- usually created their own. There were a multitude of reasons from convenience to secrecy, if they’re confident enough, they could create their own spells. “Chances are whoever owned that grimoire was probably close enough with a demon to bind their souls together. It's an easy way to gain immortality.” Blade replied, his own red-orange eyes flickering to the grimoire that sat on the small pedestal.
"Isn't using magic to make yourself immortal punishable by an eternity in the prison of torment?" You questioned as you walked over and grabbed the grimoire.
"Only if you're found out." Blade answered, leaning back on his hands and staring up at your ceiling. "It's not easy to recognize a bound soul when they're both powerful. Our magic will intertwine and you can use my own soul energy for yourself. To those who aren't like the High Mages, you'll just look like a strong magic user."
You opened the grimoire, walking back over to Blade who looked at you. Kneeling beside the sigil, you placed the grimoire in between you two and slowly moved through the pages.
"Honestly, it just has simple spells. Here's one to make plants grow faster, then there's a minor healing spell, one to help wash dishes, then the spell I used to summon you, but then there's this orb spell which preserves whatever you put inside of it, this one helps dig tunnels- I mean this is a total beginner friendly grimoire." You said as you looked up at him. However, Blade was still staring down at the grimoire.
"Give it here, I wanna look at it."
"Sure." You slid the grimoire into the circle allowing Blade to grab it, picking it up and flipping through the pages. He was silent for a moment as he read through each of them before turning the book back to you.
"I knew it. It's been modified." It was the spell to create a preservation orb.
"How do you know?" You asked, tilting your head a bit as your eyes glanced over the text. Nothing looked weird.
"Magic is second nature to us. I know this spell and the original's orb lasts at most three days before it expires. This one doesn't- it's a permanent orb."
"Ok, so they improved upon it? What's the issue?" You countered as Blade placed the book back in his lap. “Didn’t you just say magic users can make their own spells?”
"There's a bunch of beginner friendly spells, then a nearly impossible spell to cast and a modified preservation orb spell? Nothing seems out of the ordinary? Who did this book belong to?"
"I don't know, I found it in a ruined house." You said with a shrug, making Blade's eyes widen.
"You just picked up some random person's grimoire and started to play with it?"
"Well, I wasn't worried because it had a bunch of beginner friendly spells and it let me touch it. So, I just thought it was a grimoire made for newbies like me!" Why wasn't Blade surprised you would do something like that?
"Well, for one, it didn’t react negatively with you because it's made for us. Whoever created this was obviously a magic user- that's you... somehow. And it's meant to help bind a demon's soul, which is me. I don't think the author expected anyone to find it, though it’ll blast anyone else who tries." The lack of hesitation in his words made you flinch a little.
"So, other than immortality, why would someone bind their soul to a demon?" You asked, making Blade sigh as he fell in thought. That piqued his curiosity as well, why would someone go to these lengths and not just make a contract?
"I don't know. Power, control, the ability to traverse the hells, maybe even love? Though, the weird orb situation is the most confusing. Whatever this person was doing, they needed a preservation orb that lasted... forever."
"Think if we find the orb, we'll know more?"
"Probably, but you still need to let me out of here." Blade said, referring to the sigil he was sitting on. A frown crossed your lips and you were silent for a moment. You may not have meant to summon him, but you could tell he was a powerful demon. You needed one in combat because you weren't the best fighter and were still a novice. However, you knew he'd leave the first chance he got and... you didn't want that.
Blade stared at you before reaching forward, still within the boundaries of the sigil, and snapped in front of your face. It was enough to pull you out of your thoughts.
"Hello? Let me out."
"What if you run away?" You asked in a small voice, your tone wavering as if you weren't sure whether those words should escape your lips or not.
"Go where? You'll know exactly where I am 24/7, which is one of the perks of soul binding. I can't go anywhere without you knowing. Not only that, as the creator of the bond and me being a demon, you have some level of control over me."
So, he'd stay if you commanded him to? Not only that, but he'd protect you in battle if you commanded him? So far, this soul binding thing didn't seem so bad. You couldn't die, this powerful demon was gonna be with you all the time, and he would do whatever you asked. You weren't entirely sure of your specialization... but conjuration didn't seem so bad with him.
"Ok." You replied, sitting on your legs and touching the edge of the symbol with both palms. According to the book, it was quite easy to make it go away- which was the opposite of setting it up and drawing it. The symbol's bright light began to dim, little by little before it dissipated completely.
Blade inhaled sharply, exhaling slowly and he stood up. The ghostly chains that held him to the sigil were gone, but the cuffs remained on his wrists. He raised his arm to get a better look at it. There were symbols on the cuffs themselves, which he recognized as protection spells. Multiple of them.
For him or for you?
His red orange eyes flickered to you before he roughly reached out and grabbed your throat. A scream escaped your lips as he yanked you forward, giving you little time to fight back. You felt his sharp nails digging into the sides of your neck as he squeezed tightly. His grip was strong, cutting off your breathing in seconds. Against his brute strength, you could do nothing except attempt to pry his hand off. 
"Th-the hell?!" You choked out, weakly looking up at him. However, he released you as quickly as he grabbed you, staring down at his cuffs again. You instantly took a step back, gaining distance from him. After a brief coughing fit, you spoke up. "What was that for?!"
"It's not for you..." he mumbled, entranced by the spell writing on his cuffs. He didn’t even seem the least worried about your current state as he began to examine the cuffs once more. Why would a demon get a protection spell? Not one, but multiple.
"What are you talking about?" You asked, making him look over at you. He held his arm up, the cuff glowing a dim gold. You could feel the power radiating off of the bands, even making you look away for a moment. He was really stuck, there was no way he could ever break out of those.
"There are protection spells on this thing, but they aren't for you. In fact, I could've killed you right there, which is bizarre. I've never heard of a mage putting a protection spell on a demon. Especially in this situation, where it would be more beneficial for you to have safety from me."
Usually, demons had no reason to harm or kill those they made contracts with. The end goal was to acquire the soul, which could easily be done through granting their wishes. But soul binding was different, there were no end goals. At the end of the day, Blade owed you nothing, not even his mercy.
"So, you choke me to find out?" You yelled, glaring at him a little. Your heart was still pounding in your chest and you weren’t sure if you could trust him considering he just admitted to being able to kill you. Even if you wouldn’t stay dead for long, you didn’t want to die! 
"If I told you, you would've expected it. Whatever spell is meant to protect you, wouldn't kick in if you don't truly believe I'm going to harm you. So, I didn't say anything. But I released you by choice, nothing actually stopped me. Meaning... this mage trusted the demon they bonded with. I'm starting to think it was a friends or lovers situation." You rubbed your throat while he spoke, turning away from him a little.
"Can demons even be trusted?"
"Only as far as their contracts are concerned. No demon will ever break a contract. Otherwise, not really." Well, at least he was honest.
Eventually, Blade walked closer to you, stopping only a couple feet away. Your hand briefly flew up to your neck but he made no sudden movements. Instead, holding his hand out, he met your gaze with his own. This time, you saw no anger or hatred, which brought an inkling of comfort to your mind. 
"I am Blade. For the time being, I will be your personal demon. You may use my services as you wish, and I will do my best to protect you from any harm. I only ask that in return you help me break this soul bond."
Your eyes slowly fell to the outstretched hand as his words rang in your ears. You didn't expect him to say something like that, but at the same time, your soul bond was a type of contract, right? So, he was just abiding by it.
Hesitantly, you reached out and grabbed his hand, your fingers tightening around it. Raising your eyes, you nodded to his terms.
"Ok. I will help you break the bond. Thank you for serving me." Yet, the words felt like sandpaper in your mouth. You weren’t entirely certain why, but you knew your words weren’t genuine.
Once that was done and over with, Blade retracted his hand and walked back to the grimoire. His eyes slid across the old pages, searching for any clue. As far as he was concerned, he could only sense a weak protection spell on it, nothing else. That meant the pages hadn’t been altered with magic. 
“Where did you find this? We should go back there to see if we find any more clues.” With little hesitation, you found yourself nodding to his words.
“Sure, but it’s a bit of a trek. I found it on a trip I just recently went on.” You explained as he walked to your desk and grabbed your bag, putting the grimoire inside of it.
“Doesn’t matter to me. By the way, until we figure out who made this book, try not to use it. Even if the spells are simple, they’re not meant for you. Best to leave them alone.” Understanding what he meant, you agreed. That book clearly had a purpose which you didn’t know of. Trying to use it could cause issues like with Blade. The last thing you wanted to do was cause more problems that you didn’t even know how to solve. 
“I’ll need to get another grimoire then.” You said with a sigh. Those things didn’t come cheap and you were still a novice mage. Being able to buy one… well, it was gonna take a while.
“Why bother? Don’t you have scrolls or something?” Blade asked, looking over at you.
“Scrolls aren’t as informative as grimoires. Not to mention they take up a lot of space and some vanish once the spell is cast.” You replied with a slight sigh as you began to clean up your mess.
Blade’s emotionless eyes watched you for a moment before he began to help. For any magic user, having their very own grimoire was proof of their abilities. Not only were they great sources of power and knowledge, if a mage ever managed to climb to greatness, their grimoires would get preserved in the Library of Novis, which was the biggest library the entire region, said to contain every single spell known to man.
Novice grimoires were often given to young students just beginning their journey into the arcane, but were usually loans and needed to be returned. Blade couldn’t begin to understand why you didn’t have one. There were plenty of grimoires handed down within families for young mages, yet not only did you not have one, but you chose that dingy book that clearly had its own ulterior motives.
A bit pathetic… but admirable. Though the spell you casted was powerful and unstable, you did it. No destruction came to you, this small space, or him. In fact, Blade felt great, technically speaking. The sigil also subdued his powers and kept him there and that’s something he expected from a high level mage.
Blade stopped for a moment and looked at you as you kept picking up the candles you’d laid out. The space around you two was dark, but Blade could make out the rundown walls and floorboards with his sharp eyes. The room was barren except for a small desk on the side, an old looking bed on the other, and what seemed to be a dresser beside the bed. The scent of dust lingered in the air and tickled his nose- it was almost enough to give him allergies. Turning his head, he saw two training dummies against the wall behind him, both covered in a thick layer of dust with cobwebs to boot.
Looking back at you, he noted a frown on your face which was expected. But with your newly created bond… he also felt your resolve. In fact, if he focused hard enough, he felt your desperation to be a great Mage.
An Archmage. Like the legendary celestial, Alessia. Noting that you were distracted, Blade decided this was the best time to peek inside your mind. Inhaling softly, the demon closed his eyes and focused on you. Your presence was heavy in his mind and heart.
He could feel your breathing, gentle and soft. Your heartbeat was strong, yet hastened. He felt your muscles moving as you picked up each item and threw it into a nearby box. Every curl of your fingers made his own tingle. Soul binding was scary, even he wouldn’t attempt something so stupid. But, he had to admit- it was fascinating to be here like this with you. You felt like an extension of himself yet he couldn’t control you.
Pushing past the physical aspects, he delved into your mind. Other than you scolding yourself over and over for making this mistake, he felt that resolve again. To be better, to be stronger, to be more mindful. There was a lingering sadness that he couldn’t decipher. He wanted to push past it, to see what you were thinking but stopped himself.
A gasp escaped his lips as his eyes shot open, feeling the sensation fade away. His eyes landed on you once more, who hadn’t realized what had just occurred. He could just peak into your mind like that? You couldn’t ever hide a secret from him. Yet, the idea of pushing through your defenses to peer into your mind felt unfair. You wouldn’t appreciate that, right? Being you and all.
There is one thing he wanted to hear you say.
“Hey, (y/n).” He called, making you look over at him, your hand abruptly stopping. It felt weird hearing him say your name and not call you an idiot or something.
“Are you allied with a college? For your magical training, I mean.” At his words, you shook your head.
“If I was, I wouldn’t have summoned you the way I did. I actually can’t afford attending a college right now. I wasn’t born with the gift so I never prepared. Now, I’m so much worse off because of it that I can’t even attend a college if I wanted to. I’d just humiliate myself and make life harder.” Your words weren’t burdened with sorrow or anger, as if you were just stating pure fact. Even in his own heart, he didn’t feel any particular emotion stir. What? You just internalized your failure and called it a day? This was the worst way to learn magic in his expert opinion.
Plenty of thoughts filled Blade’s mind. With how dumb you were, it would be so easy to just manipulate you to do what he wanted. Hiding his emotions from you was an easy job, it’s not like you even knew you could look into his mind. Not only that, but you were so naive and clearly alone. But, that weird resolve of yours made him waver. You may have thought you were a failure, but you didn’t just live with it. You were still trying to learn and do better. He wasn’t sure if he was pitying you or not, but another thought flashed in his mind. One that seemed to yield a better outcome than just manipulating you. Standing up, he let out a sigh as he gestured for you to approach him.
“Come here.”
“Why?” You asked as you dropped the items in your hand into the box and walked over. Grabbing your shoulder, Blade positioned you in front of him with your back toward him. “What?”
“Like this.” Intending to put those neglected training dummies to use, he pushed one of your arms out straight, and  your palm to one of them. Reaching out, he positioned your hand in a more relaxed form. Using his foot, he pushed your feet a short distance apart and forced you to bend your knees a little. “Make sure you’re in a steady stance or you’ll fall over. From here, push your energy into your fingertips. Don’t force it, or it’ll explode.”
Deciding not to question him, you breathed and followed his instructions. It wasn’t necessarily easy to understand what he meant by energy, but you tried it anyway. For a moment, you felt a warmth at your fingertips. It was the slightest sensation that you could’ve almost missed.
“It tingles.”
“Good. It’s easy to aim since you’re pointing your hand. Be careful and try not to aim this attack recklessly. Also try to avoid heads.” He pushed your hand downward a little so you weren’t pointing at the training dummy’s head. “Once it feels like a good build up, release the energy. Literally, think in your mind that you’re letting it go.”
Giving it a moment to build up some more of that energy, you did as he said. You let go of the energy. Suddenly, a blast escaped your hand and fired straight at the dummy, hitting it right in the chest. You were knocked back a little too, but Blade kept you steady.
“What the- what was that!?”
“A blast. Good.” The demon commented as he stepped away, inspecting the dummy. Because it was a training dummy, it wasn’t destroyed but Blade could see the point of impact. That would certainly kill… as long as you didn’t fly away.
“How did you know I couldn’t do that?” You inquired, your eyes flickering to him. Even now, you felt the tingling at the tips of your fingers. It was that easy?
“Because that’s one of my attacks. You definitely don’t know it.” He replied, walking past you to finish up your attempt to clean up. “But make sure to plant your feet firmly or you’ll fall over like you almost did just now.”
He… taught you a personal spell? After all that name calling and stuff, he was actually willing to help you? That was kinda nice of him. You watched as he quickly cleaned up with his magic. He made it look so easy, flicking his fingers and making all the excess items fly into the box you’d used earlier. You hadn’t even figured that out, no wonder he kept judging you. He wasn’t entirely wrong, you were as weak as they came and he was the opposite. He grabbed the bag with the grimoire, making sure the book was secure.
This was the demon you were expected to just let go? He was powerful, smart, and handsome. You knew it was the right thing to do, but at the same time this was a good chance. A good opportunity to learn magic and have a powerful companion at your side.
“Stop staring, idiot.” He said as he looked back at you, holding the bag out to you. “Come on, we need to get going.”
“Right, thanks for the help.” You said as you took the bag from him, slinging it around your shoulder.
“Just keep your word and I’ll consider it even.” 
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰɪᴠᴇ - ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
WONDERLAND MASTERLIST ⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ꜰɪᴠᴇ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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“Oh! What a peculiar name! Tell me, Y/N, what is it that you want to ask me?”
"Why do you treat me differently? What makes you... like me?"
The King's naturally red cheeks reddened even more.
"I-I don't know. I like your attitude. You're fearless... And beautiful. You don't have a frog face or cat ears, you look like me naturally." The King explained, keeping eye contact with the pink pea-looking vegetables on his plate.
One of the frogmen in the room scowled at the slight insult but kept on working nevertheless.
"So if I had rabbit ears you wouldn't like me?"
The King looked up from his plate, with a panicked face.
"No, no! That's not what-"
He was cut off by your incessant giggling. You rested your hand on his forearm.
"I was joking, it was a joke."
The King relaxed and sat back.
"A joke? Hm, are all 'jokes' like this?"
You tilted your head in confusion, as you played with whatever was on your plate with your gilded fork.
"What do you mean?"
"I don't think I've heard of these jokes you speak of..."
"Seonghwa, are you serious? How have you never heard of jokes in your life?"
"My life has been rather monotone. Nothing but the teachings about royal life and proper manners. My parents, the old King and Queen, were separated, they didn't even live in the same castle, but the people never heard of this, of course. The King said the Queen had to be moved across the country to rule a part of the land that was in quite a ruckus, a place he couldn't easily reach. They decided to split their children so neither of them would be alone, and Mirana got lucky. The King chose her over me and I was left with my mother. I was about 4 or 5. I never left the castle because my mom didn't want me parading around with the filthy commoners, that much she did right, but it was a life filled with torture and lessons about a future that didn't belong to me. When the time came to pass on the crown the King said Mirana would be the heir to the throne even though I was the oldest of the two, because she had been the one taught by the King, not me. I was wrathful. That just meant I had spent my whole life suffering and preparing for nothing. I had just wasted away my best years. One night I snuck into the castle and killed my sister and the King, with no remorse. It was a bloodbath, but the Knights couldn't do anything, with my sister and dad both dead it meant I was the heir to the throne. But no one respected me. The people were mad I had killed 'their dear Queen'," The King mimicked the people's words with a mocking voice "they never did as I said, so I forced them to listen to me. I'm sure you've heard, or at least noticed, but I hired a witch to cast a spell on them, and then hid her somewhere where magic doesn't work. So yes, I am serious. Any happiness I might've had washed away in the early years of my life, and I can't remember any of it."
You listened attentively to the King's sad story, and you actually felt bad and revolted on the inside. The man refused to look in your direction, out of embarrassment, perhaps. You moved your chair a little closer to his and slowly placed your palm on the cheek slightly hidden by his long fringe. He immediately jumped back and held the same cheek, looking frightened.
"I-I'm sorry... That was unexpected." He said, recomposing himself while holding the cheek you held for a brief second.
"That was on me, I shouldn't have just touched you like that."
"It's fine I... I liked it. It's just that the fringe..." He stopped for a second, and you could tell he was hesitant.
You very slowly and lightly placed your hand on his thigh.
"It's okay." You assured him.
The King took a deep, shaky breath and stared into your curious, slightly frightened eyes. You didn't know what to expect, but as you looked into his dark and docile eyes you thought that maybe, maybe there was more to this man than just a heartless tyrant.
Seonghwa slowly lifted his fringe, revealing a completely white eye, and 3 huge scars, who looked as old as Seonghwa, however, they'd certainly never heal.
"Oh no, what happened to you?"
You refrained from touching his face, as you didn't want to make him uncomfortable, but you certainly wanted to.
"Punishment. I ate too many tarts one day and my mom was furious. She said I'd become an 'ugly, fat little boy', and as a way to discipline me for that, she locked me in a cage with the Bandersnatch. I ran away as fast as I could but of course, it caught up to me. Had it not been for the guards I would've been in a far worse state... I'm glad they pitied me enough to save me."
"What is a Badnerstatch?"
The King smiled slightly at the mispronunciation of the beast's name. He grabbed your hand lightly and stood up, making you follow along. He stood beside one of the big windows in the room and pulled the heavy, black, and red curtain out of the way. He slowly placed his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, as he pointed at a particular spot in his garden.
"Do you see that big thing on the cage? That is the Bandersnatch."
You widened your eyes and looked at the King. The gray furred beast looked huge even from that distance! It looked like a mix between a bear and a dog, and its back was weirdly curved. You could clearly see his sharp rows of teeth and when he growled, you fall back into the King's chest.
"She locked you up with that!? She's mad!"
"She was mad indeed..."
The man grabbed your waist gently and turned you around.
"Y/N, I have a kingdom, I have a castle, I have everything I could ever ask for. Everything but a Queen."
His breathing was steady but you could tell he was uncertain about what he was saying. Not because he thought he didn't need a Queen, but because he thought he was undeserving of anyone's love.
"Seonghwa, you're asking too much of me... I want to go home, I need to go home. I have a life somewhere else, I'm not from here and I don't belong here..."
The King tilted his head, furrowed his eyebrows, and opened his mouth for a second, before closing it again. He was hesitating once more.
"Y/N, I don't know how to tell you this... But you can't leave Wonderland."
Your face instantly scrunched up and you pushed him away harshly.
"What!? Are you going to force me to be here!?"
The King looked offended by the accusation and gripped your arm tightly, pulling you closer to him once more.
"Would you listen to me!? You can't physically leave Wonderland. You can't go back. The Wonderland is the wasteland of every other lands. You're here forever."
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taones · 4 years
𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐍𝐒//𝐅𝐖 𝐀𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭
Pairing: tanka x gender neutral!reader (afab)
Note: Its 1am this probably sucks
Warnings: Smut (duh), mentions of public sex
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
tanaka is the sweetest and you cannot change my mind that he is touch starved. therefore, aftercare is the perfect opportunity for him to cuddle you and tell you how good you did or the other way round, depending on your preferred dynamics. If he's doing the aftercare, he always has a sports drink next to the bed for you and makes sure you drink it and have come down from your high before he drags you into the shower with him.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
It's his abs. Not to be predictable but they're something he worked hard on and it definitely payed off, so what if he likes seeing the look on your face when you see them?
Ryu is an ass man through and through, he matter the size his hands are all over that thing. Even when you're making out his hands are squeezing and rubbing your ass like it's his personal treasure.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He is lowkey a messy person when it comes to cum, yours or his. He likes yours all over his face and in his mouth sk he can taste you. However, he prefers his to be over your ass or the back of your thighs if he isn't allowed to come inside you (his first choice).
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He kinda likes pain. It isnt really a dirty secret cause it takes him a while to notice but he can't help but shiver and moan when you scratch your nails down his back or bite his neck to muffle your moans. Tanaka even likes pressing down on them to feel some pain when he gets off.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I feel like he has a decent amount of experience maybe a couple of other people but he does research this kinda stuff and tries his best to adhere to any feedback you give him.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Any position he can see your ass in. Just the visual of his hips hitting your ass and it jiggling could make him come so he prefers reverse cowgirl etc. Not picky though, hes Tanaka.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
I feel like its 50/50 with Ryu. He could totally go for giggly sex and a lot of the time it is. If you start laughing about something he'll join in and he even laughs at himself a lot during it too. However, if hes super worked up then it's all about ramming you/getting rammed into the mattress and giggles can come during aftercare thanks.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He probably shaves. If it's not almost completely hairless then it's very well groomed and kept short. Couldn't care less about your body hair, he just doesn't like it on him.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
When he really gets into it, especially when hes about to finish, he gives out more and more praise. This can range from complimenting your body and making lewd comments to straight up repeating goes much he loves you. Apart from that, hes fairly romantic but not really if you get me. He'll praise you but he isnt exactly laying out verbal rose petals.
J = Jerk Off (How often, what are they thinking about, …)
Hes a horny bastard, he jerks off a lot. With your permission, he probably has some photos saved of you that he uses to get off and if not he has plenty of memories of you that he can use as inspiration.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I firmly believe he is up to trying anything at least once. However, does have a thing for quite literally fucking you stupid. The whole eyes unfocused, drooling and unable to say anything but his name makes him hard just at the thought.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Anywhere and everywhere. Has literally no shame but hes a little possessive so, if you're doing in in public, he's making sure nobody can see you because that's his and his only to look at. This being said, he has a thing for shower sex. The way the water flows down your body makes sure that he is at least a little hard and you can't really take a shower together without it ended with probably a blow job.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
When you wear certain clothes. For example if you're wearing something tight or short he can't help but oggle a lot. God forbid you decided to wear some of his clothes or walk around in nothing but his tshirt and underwear. Tanaka really won't be able to control himself.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Like nasty degradation. He doesn't like anything that could potentially emotionally hurt you, even if you like it. Insulting you, sexual or not, will always leave him with a feeling of guilt and he just can't carry on with whatever you guys were doing
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Now, he likes getting his dick sucked cause duh. However, he lives for giving you oral. Tanaka can and will be between your legs all day if he could and this means face sitting is an amazing experience. His skills are nothing to blink at either, be can get you to be a moaning mess within seconds and he probably gets a couple of piercings just to make that experience better for you.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
With the exception of when you're upset, Tanaka is usually fast and rough. He cant help himself, sometimes you're just too hot and he always fucks you like there's no tomorrow.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
He is up for anything, like I said earlier. Plus he's very easily turned on so quickies are a fairly normal thing for you guys, they're not his favourite though because he tends to prefer a lot of rounds.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Like I said before, hes up for anything once. If you want him to do it, he'll probably give it a go! Risks are a thing he's willing to take as long as you're comfortable with it.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
His stamina is no joke. Seriously, he can go for a good 3 rounds before he even starts getting tired. Most of the time, you come more times than him cause you're the main focus so he tries to limit the amount of rounds for you two.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Very basic toys like a vibrator and a pair of handcuffs for either of you. Most of your guys sex isnt actually pre planned so the handcuffs are more common than other toys but he enjoys when he gets to bring them out.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Little shit thinks it's funny to pull away to 'stretch' just when you're about to come. He is in this mainly for your pleasure but he can't help but rile you up sometimes and get you whining.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
I'd say hes relitavely loud. Loud enough that public sex isn't often but not loud enough for that many noise complaints from the neighbours. He can't help but get caught up and start spewing dirty talk in your ear between grunts and low pitched moans and your response usually increases his volume a little.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Let him leave hickey hearts on you! Seriously, he has a thing for it and likes seeing them when you get changed in front of him. It's like a weird possession thing or maybe he just thinks it's cute, who knows.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
I'd say he's slightly bigger than average in length and has a good girth for him. His dick has a few prominent veins that are sensitive.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Higher than average, definitely. Can and will have you every single night if you let him, even after a long day.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
I feel like he gets kinda hungry after sex and his aftercare is kinda long. After your shower, he probably makes a sandwich or something, eats it and comes back to bed after. Might spend a little time talking to you before he's out like a light.
Tumblr mobile likes to be annoying so sorry for any spelling mistakes! Requests are open and enjoy
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Chloé & James
Chloé: What the fuck is wrong with you, James? James: typically you'd happily answer that for me Chloé: I'm not in a joking mood now Chloé: thanks to you James: neither am I, coincidentally Chloé: really Chloé: well you seem happy to make a joke out of me James: you don't have the slightest knowledge of what does or doesn't make me happy, Chloé Chloé: frankly, James, I don't care either Chloé: but if you're going to make ME look as stupid as you clearly are Chloé: then we have a problem James: would you care to share with me what you're talking about though? James: I'd like to know the scale of the problem at the very least Chloé: the problem is, dear husband of mine, you getting caught leaving here without me and with some random whore instead James: okay Chloé: is that all you have to say for yourself Chloé: I don't think so James: essentially, yes Chloé: how could you Chloé: do you have any idea how ridiculous I feel Chloé: I would NEVER do that to you Chloé: in front of your friends James: I didn't do it deliberately James: you weren't supposed to find out & neither were they Chloé: unbelievable Chloé: what the HELL am I meant to say to Sara? James: what did you say last time when it was Zara instead? Chloé: absolutely nothing about this is funny Chloé: you're going to have to grovel so hard when you get here Chloé: she's about ready to say something to you herself James: it wasn't meant to be amusing, the point is you'll think of something, you always do James: if everything else fails, unfriend her like you have so many others Chloé: you'd like that Chloé: ruin my social life Chloé: this is the first time we've been to anything proper in AGES James: your social life is far down enough on the list of my priorities to not be relevant to me whatsoever Chloé: you want me to be stuck at home with nothing to do but raise your children James: I'd like for you to contribute towards raising our children, yes Chloé: oh that's right, try to turn it around on me Chloé: you YOU fucked up here James: I shouldn't have let any of your friends see us, but I hardly consider it a fuck up James: if anything it's a chance to do things differently, be honest with everyone Chloé: excuse me? James: why can't we finally stop pretending that everything is fine? Chloé: oh yes, let's just tell EVERYONE are business, air everything in public Chloé: don't be so ridiculous James: I didn't say public James: friends, family Chloé: stop talking nonsense Chloé: what do you want, group therapy? Chloé: no one wants to hear about your problems, James James: you know I want to leave Chloé: clearly but you got caught Chloé: come face up to it like a man James: face up to what? James: you're not upset for any genuine reason Chloé: don't you dare tell me I've no right to be upset James: that isn't what I said James: you're upset because you care about what Sara thinks, not because you care about me or our family or anything real Chloé: care about you??? Chloé: you are something else Chloé: you're going to humiliate me and ask for that Chloé: what part of you should be back here on your knees do you not get James: I've given up asking for anything James: you're drunk, it's making this more of an argument than it needs to be Chloé: fuck you Chloé: i'm here, alone Chloé: because you openly left to go fuck someone else Chloé: I am your WIFE Chloé: you don't just get to do that James: you haven't spoken to me since before I dropped the girls off James: I got the impression that you were enjoying being here alone, with your friends Chloé: oh yes, I really want to be the only one here alone Chloé: that doesn't look tragic at all James: you aren't the only one here alone & I'm allowed to have friends Chloé: I'm the only one here with a partner who's being stranded and left in the dirt actually, yes Chloé: and you weren't going nowhere with any fucking friend so don't even try that Chloé: Sara saw her James: because of course you've never slept with any of your friends Chloé: I don't even have any male friends Chloé: accusing me of things won't make what you did any less obvious James: I fully admit it was obvious James: as I've explained, I want things to be different Chloé: well they aren't Chloé: and you don't get to implement changes just because you feel like it James: they could be Chloé: they won't be James: Chloé Chloé: Get back here now James: & if I don't Chloé: did I say that was an option? James: talk to me, I'm trying to talk to you Chloé: I don't want to talk Chloé: I need to go home now, thanks to you James: well, I don't want to come back, give me an actual reason why I should Chloé: you know why, I don't need to spell this out to you James: the girls aren't there, so between me & you, what possible reasons are there? Chloé: if you don't come back for me right now, you know I will make your life a living hell James: it already is Chloé: you know I have the power to make it worse James: yes, but will you when you won't even admit to anyone that anything is wrong? Chloé: if you force my hand Chloé: by openly cheating on me, or whatever you think you're trying to do here Chloé: I'll have no choice James: nothing I've ever done has been a secret from you Chloé: You aren't this stupid Chloé: you know what you have to do, how you have to be James: perhaps I'm this tired Chloé: we're all tired, James Chloé: grow up James: please just give me a discussion James: instead of whatever this is Chloé: there is nothing to discuss Chloé: get here now, take me home James: we can't keep doing this, you know that Chloé: doing what? Chloé: you, ruining everything Chloé: I wish you'd stop but doubt it James: it's not just me James: I wish you'd stop too Chloé: I've not done anything to you Chloé: have you seen me fucking anyone else in front of you today Chloé: no James: that isn't what I'm referring to or what I've done James: you didn't see me, I wouldn't do that Chloé: it's the same fucking thing Chloé: in fact, I would rather Chloé: if that meant you didn't do it in front of everyone else Chloé: all my friends James: I haven't done anything, getting in a car with someone could be explained away a million different ways Chloé: no it cannot Chloé: everyone knows what that means Chloé: you do not turn up to an event with your wife and leave with someone else Chloé: don't insult my intelligence James: then let me tell the truth James: tell me I can go & get the girls & take them to my parents' place with me & we'll go from there James: it's one honest conversation Chloé: what are you talking about Chloé: absolutely not James: please Chloé: you're drunk James: no, I'm not Chloé: why the hell would you think I would ever agree to that James: because this isn't working Chloé: so you need to fix it James: taking you home so you can pretend this never happened isn't a solution Chloé: it's a start James: for god's sake Chloé: just do it and stop whining Chloé: for god's sake me, who do you think you are James: your husband, as you keep reminding me now that you'd like me to do something Chloé: we got married James: I do have some recollection of that, yes James: despite the state I was in Chloé: it was horrible James: I know, I'm sorry Chloé: you aren't sorry Chloé: not sorry enough James: I am, for that, you didn't deserve the wreck I was on that day Chloé: I looked disgusting James: no you didn't Chloé: yes I did Chloé: and no one made any good speeches or danced and the photos are awful James: your mum made a nice speech Chloé: Jay ruined her dress, and kept crying Chloé: I only get to do it once and it was that shit James: she was a baby, crying & being sick is what they do Chloé: she was 2 Chloé: that's not a baby James: it's not an adult either James: you can't hold her responsible Chloé: whatever Chloé: where the hell are you James: I don't think she was 2, I'm sure she was younger Chloé: well I was 16 when I had her and we couldn't get married 'til we were at least 18 so you do the maths Chloé: and you didn't answer my question James: I suppose you must be right Chloé: I know i'm right it happened to me you idiot Chloé: where are you James: on my way Chloé: hurry up James: please don't start, Chloé Chloé: like I said, it's Sara you need to worry about James: oh I remember her having a tantrum about her hair James: did we go to someone else's wedding when she was a baby? Chloé: Why is this relevant? Chloé: I don't bloody know James: I'm just trying to account for the gaps & mix ups in my memory Chloé: Brilliant James: I'm sorry, okay? I'll say it for back then as many times as you want Chloé: As if you're any better now James: I can take care of them now James: I'm not high any more Chloé: what about me James: I'm coming to take you home Chloé: you don't care about me James: yes I do, a part of me will always care about you Chloé: you only care about them James: I love them, of course I care Chloé: you're just not Chloé: you don't do any of this right James: neither of us do James: I told you, it doesn't work Chloé: you need to try harder with me Chloé: make more effort James: I make every effort Chloé: psh Chloé: you do not Chloé: when's the last time we fucked James: you know when James: & why Chloé: exactly Chloé: it's not good enough Chloé: it isn't right James: it wouldn't be right for me to sleep with you James: I can't Chloé: you can sleep with literally everyone else James: you're not like everyone else Chloé: why James: I don't want to do this James: you know you don't treat me like they do, or make me feel good ever Chloé: 'cos you treat me so nice James: I'm no better & that's exactly why we shouldn't be together Chloé: well we are James: until Sara opens her big mouth at least Chloé: what? James: you were the one who told me she saw me Chloé: that doesn't mean we're not together Chloé: it means you cheated Chloé: again James: if she decides to tell everyone, we won't be together Chloé: she wouldn't do that James: what makes you so sure? Chloé: she's my friend Chloé: and it's not her place James: she's one of those friends then, who knows her place James: that makes sense Chloé: you think anyone is going to end our marriage Chloé: don't be ridiculous James: if only Chloé: excuse me James: it's a clear sentiment, perhaps I should've slept with Sara if it meant she would Chloé: Sara would never sleep with you James: but you've said the same about some of your friends who have Chloé: you are disgusting James: undeniably James: I've made a lot of mistakes & yet, as angry as you are, today wasn't one Chloé: why are you telling me this Chloé: I could sit here and list off all the people I've slept with but I'm not going to James: because you think I haven't tried James: I stopped when you gave me the news about being pregnant with Matty & it made no difference whatsoever James: the problem isn't who we sleep with, it's us Chloé: you didn't want her James: don't say that to me as if it has any relevance James: it didn't want either of them with you under both sets of circumstances, it's not equal to wishing they didn't exist Chloé: that's nice isn't it James: we shouldn't have brought another child into this, I can admit that Chloé: you can play doting dad all you want but that's what it comes down to James: I'm not going to apologise for wanting things to be different James: for all of us Chloé: want all you like Chloé: this is real life Chloé: for fuck's sake James: yes, their real lives James: you can't tell me you think any of what's happening is okay for them Chloé: there's nothing wrong with their lives James: Chloé Chloé: what? James: it isn't true Chloé: yes it is Chloé: stop being dramatic Chloé: you're seriously drunk James: stop lying Chloé: I'm not the liar James: what have I lied about? Chloé: everything James: I'm here James: are you going to help me find you or is this part of the suffering as well? Chloé: take a wild guess James: well, do you at least have a car waiting? I gave mine to her Chloé: you better be joking James: what's funny about that? Chloé: why would you do that Chloé: have to do everything myself because you wanna play gentleman to some random bitch Chloé: fine James: so she could get home, obviously James: it's fine I'll order another now Chloé: that's not your concern when you aren't going with James: they're my concerns, not yours Chloé: who is she James: no Chloé: what do you mean, no Chloé: tell me James: we're not talking about her, no Chloé: why the hell not James: because I gave her my car in order to avoid her running into you, or Sara Chloé: I'll find out James: you won't Chloé: we'll see James: it's not one of your friends who I wanted you to find out about James: there's no games this time, it's not about you Chloé: what is it then James: it's her Chloé: i'll find out and put a stop to whatever you think this is James: like you said, this is real life James: you have before but it hasn't actually stopped anything Chloé: you're still here Chloé: with me James: but I still want her James: I'll still like her Chloé: shut up James: okay Chloé: I don't care what you want or what you like Chloé: got it James: I've always understood that, however stupid you may take me to be Chloé: Then we understand each other James: can you please get in the car? Chloé: i'm saying goodbye Chloé: i have manners James: fine Chloé: you can wait five minutes James: you were desperate to leave not even five minutes ago Chloé: you can wait Chloé: that's important James: we understand each other, remember, I know what you're doing Chloé: maybe you'll start to talk some sense James: however long you make me wait, I won't be blindly agreeing with the nonsense you're prone to saying when you're this drunk Chloé: I'm not even James: finish your goodbyes so we can go Chloé: don't tell me what to do Chloé: asshole James: I'm sorry but this is unbearable Chloé: how do you think i felt when you left me James: I honestly didn't think you would feel anything Chloé: you never think about my feelings Chloé: that's why Chloé: just yourself James: I don't know how you feel, I haven't for a long time James: you refuse to communicate properly with me Chloé: pretend you care Chloé: pretend you ever have James: I do care, I told you, you're the mother of my children Chloé: then do what I want James: what do you want? James: you asked me to come back, I'm here Chloé: whoever you're seeing, stop Chloé: focus on me Chloé: your wife Chloé: make me happy James: I did stop, it didn't make you any happier James: you didn't even notice Chloé: you need to do nice things for me James: I look after the children so you don't have to, work so you don't have to James: I'm friends with who you tell me to be, I wear what you tell me to Chloé: you should just be those things Chloé: that's not trying, that's the minimum, you could be anyone from here James: then find someone who's willing to try harder for you Chloé: it's that easy Chloé: fucking hell James: of course not, but it doesn't have to be this hard either Chloé: just stop talking Chloé: you have no idea James: or you can talk to me, that's something we've never tried
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