#and im not saying doing all of the terraforming and helping the people get their shit tgt takes just like a year or something
goferwashere · 6 months
wait srry if asks rnt open but im a chismoso so hopefully this is OK to ask ;; is the little character in ur banner and pfp ur sona ? they r so silly looking i love it sm but also why is it chowing down on a hotdog bun filled with butter . DONT ELABORATE IF THERES A PERSONAL BACKGROUND ATTACHED TO IT PLS but i srsly think it's so cutesie and ive been curious abt it 4 a hot min ✝️
ASHSHSSH THANK YOU !!! Yes this is my sona her name is RB 😋 she has lore and comes from her own world but I use her like a persona :3
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Here’s the OG image along with a couple others of her :D
Also her as a character can’t speak so she uses ASL to communicate (hence the banner she’s holding) so I don’t use ASL but I do use a website when I draw her speaking
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funny ass gif lawllll (she’s signing ‘I am not a crook’) (yes TV Girl reference) the frame rate is too fast but I can’t fix it now
auughhh and her lore if you wanna read below but I understand that OC lore isn’t everyone’s thing
OKAY SO she comes from a universe where her kind are robots made by a company to terraform planets for the ultra wealthy. So if you have the funds you can purchase a whole planet and whole armies of these little bots will shape it however you want.
BUT. While on the assembly line, before even recovering her directive, a portal opens up and throws her into this odd pocket dimension, which is just a half built city floating in a bright void. (Also when I say half finished I mean more like brutalist aesthetic with just concrete and no glass on the windows)
This place (named ‘Gearsky’ by locals because massive floating gears are the only thing that exist here outside of the city itself) is full of people from their own dimensions just trying to get by. She explores, and comes across a little bear being picked on in an alleyway. (The lil green bear [party bear] in the pics above)
She saves him and then it subconsciously becomes her prime directive to help Party Bear get home/care for him. So they set up base in one of the empty apartments and she just sorta takes care of him.
NOW. How do you get home you may be asking? Well it’s easy. You just need to beat someone in a deathmatch.
Enter the only form of entertainment on this island. The man who is the dictator of this place and subsequently the host of this game, aptly named Host, loves running this game. The rules are simple. 3 people enter, and two can leave alive. Only one needs to die, and the other two can get sent home. The only thing is, you have no idea who you’re going up against.
Now, RB, being a bot made to terraform, has some power behind her with her explosive abilities. But Party Bear has no defenses. So RB tries to strike a deal with Host.
She offers to kill both people in the ring with her for multiversal travel.
Host is intrigued by this offer, and accepts. After wiping the floor with her opponents, she’s granted access to all dimensions. She’s obviously excited and goes home to try and let Party Bear go home, but is heartbroken when she discovers that she’s the only one who can travel using the portals.
But this catches the attention of someone else.
Her future boss.
Another robot, by the codename TB-89.
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He took note of her deal, and approached her with a job offer.
Man’s long story short she works for him as an assassin!
There’s so much more I wanna say but I know I can’t ramble on forever lol if you read all this then thank you so much for sticking it out 🤭 I hope you enjoyed it I love gushing about my characters
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discar · 6 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 15 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
FlameHairSavior: Uh, fine, so far. Haven't found the Quen yet.
FlameHairSavior: Where did this come from?
Marshall Kotallo: Zo and Varl are having an argument. I, too, would welcome a distraction.
FlameHairSavior: It's a beautiful area, but there's not really much to talk about. The local Tallneck got stranded in the water.
Marshall Kotallo: Surprising. Those machines are very difficult to so much as inconvenience.
β: probably have major error correction and pathing protocols since theyre central to every other machine in the region
β: and wouldnt one made near the water know to avoid falling in the water
FlameHairSavior: There were some strange currents around it. I think it might have fallen from somewhere else and drifted to where I found it. It's hard to tell what happened?
Marshall Kotallo: Not that I know of. As I'm sure you know, no one hunts Tallnecks. And if they did manage to bring such a beast down, they would have spread the story far and wide.
FlameHairSavior: One second, found the Quen.
FlameHairSavior: Hush.
FlameHairSavior: Well, the Quen found Thebes, and they're willing to help me get inside.
ForgeLordAleMaster: YOU THEIR HERO YET?
FlameHairSavior: No.
FlameHairSavior: Yes. A little.
β: of course
FlameHairSavior: They've elevated a bunch of the Old Ones as gods. I'm not sure to what extent, but EVERYONE in this camp recognizes me as Elisabet Sobeck. It's weird.
Marshall Kotallo: I wonder how they would react to you and Beta at the same time.
ADMIN [GAIA]: I believe you should know that Beta just locked the doors to her quarters.
Marshall Kotallo: Ah. I apologize. I did not mean to offend.
β: its fine im just going to stay here in the dark forever
FlameHairSavior: Can you please not break her further while I'm busy?
FlameHairSavior: I'll be right back, I have to kill a daemonic thunderjaw.
ForgeLordAleMaster: WAIT, WHAT?
FlameHairSavior: Thunderjaw dealt with, got more detail.
FlameHairSavior: Good news: Bypassed the door into Thebes. It won't open for anyone but Ted Faro, but I found a tunnel and opened it from the other side.
FlameHairSavior: Bad news: The leader of the expedition thinks he's Ted Faro reborn.
FlameHairSavior: And yes, he thinks that's a good thing.
Zo: Wait, what? How does any of that make sense?
β: oh good shes back
FlameHairSavior: I'm pretty sure it doesn't, in the context of their religion. Every time he opens his mouth, Alva winces.
FlameHairSavior: He made me wear clothes modeled after Elisabet's, so I kind of want to kill him for that alone.
FlameHairSavior: Out of date Focuses mean
FlameHairSavior: Dammit dammit corruptors
Zo: Did you say corruptors? As in the Faro machines?
ADMIN [GAIA]: Visual telemetry indicates that Ted Faro left behind two active FAS-ACA3 Scarab units to guard Thebes. These units were shut down and not connected to any network, and therefore did not receive the shutdown signal.
HIMBO: Everybody just stop texting and let her FIGHT
FlameHairSavior: Ted Faro was working on immortality.
HIMBO: Oh, All-Mother's eyes.
Zo: I would prefer literally anyone be immortal besides that man.
β: but how even far zenith had a lot of trouble and they had a lot more people working on it
FlameHairSavior: He had some genius scientist in his base. Along with his... harem.
β: science requires peer review one man will inevitably find himself making mistakes and assumptions that lead him down incorrect or at least unproductive paths
β: also what is a harem
FlameHairSavior: Zo, why don't you handle that one?
Zo: I'm busy making dinner.
HIMBO: What? No you're not.
Zo: Yes. I am.
FlameHairSavior: Also Faro put off switches in people's head and was killing them one by one.
Marshall Kotallo: ...I have a feeling I don't want more detail.
FlameHairSavior: Faro's alive, kind of, one second things are weird.
ForgeLordAleMaster: KICK HIM IN THE BALLS.
FlameHairSavior: The Ceo's here. Need to make sure he doesn't make everything worse.
Marshall Kotallo: Dare I ask how he would do that?
FlameHairSavior: Dammit he made everything worse.
Zo: What happened?
FlameHairSavior: Deadman switch.
FlameHairSavior: Everything is on fire.
HIMBO: Just get out of there!
FlameHairSavior: Okay, Alva and I are out.
HIMBO: Thank the All-Mother.
FlameHairSavior: Uh-oh, Bohai.
Marshall Kotallo: You have not mentioned anyone of that name before.
FlameHairSavior: Priest guy, one minute, might have to kill people.
Zo: I am disturbed that I find that statement perfectly reasonable.
FlameHairSavior: Huh, managed to get out of there without killing anyone else.
HIMBO: Did you get the Omega Override?
FlameHairSavior: Yes to the first one, no to the second. Faro was... not really human by this point.
Zo: But he was still alive?
FlameHairSavior: Horribly alive. The Ceo killed him, and that triggered a reactor meltdown because Faro had it built that way on purpose.
FlameHairSavior: Anyway, Alva will be staying at the base with us. Varl, help her get settled in.
HIMBO: Will do.
ForgeLordAleMaster: SO FARO'S DEAD NOW, RIGHT?
FlameHairSavior: Absolutely dead. Buried in his own survival bunker.
FlameHairSavior: Yeah, I guess.
FlameHairSavior: …
ForgeLordAleMaster: PLEASE?
FlameHairSavior: I'm thinking about it.
Zo: Please don't urinate anywhere.
Marshall Kotallo: If nothing else, I would assume he is buried too deeply for the symbolic gesture to be truly meaningful.
β: also if i have the reactor identified correctly there shouldnt be much left but a smear of carbon ash of ted faro
β: or his harem
β: which still no one has explained
FlameHairSavior: Sorry, busy with this boat!
Zo: Still busy with dinner!
HIMBO: Busy helping Zo with dinner!
Marshall Kotallo: I will not lie; I simply don't want to have this talk.
β: i have unresrected
β: i have unristricted access to a dictionary now i can just look it up
β: unrestricted
FlameHairSavior: [WhenItsTheEndOfALongDayAndTheCustomer.png]
FlameHairSavior: We'll talk when I get back.
Chapter 15 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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gr1an · 7 months
someoje said to come to you over this so. CANNOT get over gemtho. they're literally so cute wtf
its so stupid because like there are a billion reasons why this doesn't work relating to their compatibility and personality and all that shit but at the same time like
???? Im just saying they'd be cute kissing each other in that tunnel and cuddling and etho is so laid back and serene and its the exact opposite of gems frantic energy and they kinda rub off on each other (figuratively) as in etho makes gem more chill when they're both just going about their day or exploring and when gem wants to Commit various felonies and crimes and end up in jail etho will go along with it because he will forever deny it but he imagines a life with her every night when he goes to sleep in his house and in bed in the dark apart they feel a part of them missing so they do their best to walk together in the light
ive just realised this is hardly a question. my interminable yapping will not cease but I do still want to get the point across so.... what makes u ship it :3333
i would actually really disagree with the lack of compatibility thing?
i think that gem is outgoing but still introverted, and she really loves talking to people and making a lot of friends, as well as helping out those friends! we see this with skizz’s terraforming, building the pathing infrastructure near cherry mountain, and with her letting etho take whatever he wants from her base! but at the same time that she is helpful, she is not a people pleaser. she’s assertive and funny. she goes up to her friends chests and takes stuff out bc “these are mine now actually” but she has the ability to do that bc she’s so charismatic and easy to love!
and this plays very well with etho’s general awkwardness to the point of nigh agoraphobia at some points. (i hc c!etho as selectively mute bc he just. doesn’t/can’t talk if he feels socially anxious. he accidentally built up a persona of cool and aloof despite being the wettest cat alive.) i am very new here but i think the first time they spoke to each other for an extended period of time was while gem was teaching him how to fight. and bc gem’s charisma comes from being adaptable to situations but still maintaining her personality, she was able to teach etho a lot (counter-critting, stopping sprinting in order to crit, crit combos) and they both very clearly enjoyed it a lot! etho and gem were laughing and talking basically the whole time, and i think that’s where their dynamic of mutually teasing each other as a way to show affection started. gem didn’t treat etho like someone on a pedestal they could never reach, and she also didn’t expect him to be amazing right away. she let him be fallible and we know that all of the ppl etho is close to do the same things. every duo etho is a part of has a strong dynamic of mutual teasing. him and bdubs, him and cleo, him and joel, and more recently him and tango. with tango though that relationship is pretty new and so a lot of their interactions are just focused on redstone.
and i don’t think gem is that feral or frantic? she gets very absorbed into her projects and she likes being silly with it. she also Commits to the Bit. but i don’t think, at least this season, she’s very off-the-wall. again, i’m new here, and i’ve only seen gem’s perspective of her s10 videos and the hide and seek one, so i am still new to her character/persona.
i think one reason ppl may think of her as feral is because of the way she interacts with specifically etho. and also the “geminislay” nickname. but she’s more than that nickname. in all of the clips of them in decked out, she is at max energy and is constantly punching/fighting etho, but they’re both giggling like schoolgirls the entire time. she doesn’t do that to other ppl though, so it’s not just her general personality. it’s her cute aggression instinct. she’s infatuated with etho so naturally her reactions to anything he does are going to be exaggerated and over the top. but she’s not always seized by that cute aggression instinct, she’s absolutely able to hang out with etho while at a lower level of intensity. etho though does sometimes instigate bc he also thinks she’s adorable. he hit her like 6 times as they dug the tunnel, i’m not convinced that all of those were accidental.
and etho isn’t laid back and serene, he’s earnest and silly and intelligent but also very uncomfortable in most social situations. the recent clip of him literally being a wet cat while asking beef for shulkers (he wants them nyeow!!) is a bit of an insight into how he is actually very silly! his little “oh schnappers” is also a good example. he just doesn’t always show it or show that he cares bc he doesn’t know how to do it in a way that isn’t awkward, and the feeling of awkwardness is like his least favorite feeling in the entire world.
sorry all that to say: they are incredibly compatible and i’m making them kiss. sillies.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
The Buried Dagger 3
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Malcador is peak "hard man doing hard things"
and a significant number of the Imperium's evils can be directly laid at his feet but at least this guy actually feels intelligent oh so rubio somehow saw what malcador has planned for after horus is defeated and that's why ugh Garro pro-Imperium POV so, Malcador killed all the Sisters and now his powers aren't dampened any more It would have been nice if they hadn't been used as mere props for this book...
oh, so, Erebus messed with Rubio on Calth and turned him into a sleeper agent because Chaos told him he would be useful ok! sure! huh, malcs decided to fix his brain rather than kill him Rubio wakes up Malcador: the Sisters were programmed to kill me and you saved my life by killing all of them oh boy, rubio is going to become one of the first Grey Knights :/
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mortarion:….i'll worry about that when it's an actual problem also don't worry, typhon! soon the emperor will show up and you'll have a whole galaxy to commit war crimes against!
i. really typhon???? typhon: hey you know how the overlords turn dead people into golems with dark magic? typhon: what about we turn ourselves into golem like creatures typhon: also if you asked it of people they totally would do it oh joy war crimes typhon: i captured this overlord let's experiment on him
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it was this far back
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I smell emperor shenanigans
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imperium warning! imperium warning!
mortarion 🤝 guilliman getting extremely angry and losing all sense of tactics and charging in and getting people killed oh boy the emperor appeared and everyone is Excite
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the emperor actually has enough savoir faire to bring food to places???? mortarion is deeply sus
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emps had very bad timing oh we get the meeting!
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"im from the government, and i'm here to help"
man the emperor is actually being…halfway decent? except for the whole empire thing also "i came here looking for you" was the wronggg thing to say haha Wait, he's a telepath, right? That's one of his powers right? You'd think he'd be better at figuring out that he's making conversational missteps
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mortarion: we don't need your glory or your charity emperor: we could do terraforming uwu mortarion: where have you been this whole time?? mortarion is also uninterested in his origins. he's a child of barbarus smh!!!! lmao oh no
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well no one came out of this encounter looking like an angel but i am, obviously, more sympathetic to mortarion here and not just because he is blorbo ….and not just because Imperium Bad what kind of ultimatum is that????
wh okay the awful truth about wyntor malcador found a dying eldar in the webway and rescued him and somehow….put his soul in a human body so he could have someone on his level to talk to and confide in???? and he keeps killing himself (wyntor) and malcador keeps bringing him back this sure is a plot im reading all right
also this whole thing is interspersed with wyntor thinking about all the ways he could kill himself like this is a time when i really wish books had warnings
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malcador literally made himself a person to use for emotional labour
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This is messed up on a new and special level
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wh?????? i cannot believe im saying this but i am so grateful to return to the plague ships in the warp
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nice going, mort
mortarion: even i am tainted as someone with chronic illness this attitude makes me feel a bitter well of negative emotions and the fact that they're all gonna get bit in the ass for it does not actually act as consolation mortarion is exposed to chronic illnesss: the grimdark 40k version
Ok I have some missing bits for like...2 posts ago lol
“We will have peace once we’ve finished conquering the galaxy” “A task we started of our own initiative” I think it’s implied they did it to try and get rid of chaos Or at least that was a big reason
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The more of the Horus Heresy I read the more I like the alt background for the emperor where he’s not the ancient dude but he’s the last remaining Man of Gold And a warlord from the age of strife so this is all he knows
back at it again mortarion is visiting typhon and yelling at him and uhhh not good
typhon: we're walking the same path im just ahead of you typhon: the whispers in the warp gossip about you
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typhon: you will be assimilated mortarion attacks! typhon uses his turn to put down 3 cards and summon shadow daemons
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ow and then mortarion realizes the typhon he knew is gone ;-;
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unfortunately, nurgle UH OH TYPHON STABBED HIM WITH A KNIFE which a) has extra pain effect b) i think it's an evil knife Mortarion pulls out a pokeball from his belt "Daemon! I choose you!" he orders the daemon he had captive that promised to obey him to kill typhon and then uhhh
i gotta admit i did not expect this to happen daemon: yeah so my oath to nurgle supersedes any promises i made to you. lmao. and mortarion gets a front row seat to typhon's daemon ascension and it's very gross and also uncomfortable and painful
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sorrow found me when i was young
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sorrow waited sorrow won
yes i am associating Mortarion with The National based off of a one-liner about him having a deep voice, why do you ask
typhus: every step you've taken was planned to lead you here i'm starting to see the connection with the plot on terra because this book is about despair
going back through the godblight stuff rn and ow
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i guess i'm going to have to finish the book but honestly im getting the impression there was basically zero way to get out of the situation once the navigators were killed or maybe even before that
time for more flashback
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im waking up to ash and dust i wipe my brow and i sweat my rust im breathing in the-
in frustration, a hidden sniper shoots the radio
ngl this whole segment is a huge mood as i am finding a resemblance to various chronic illness-induced incidents
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welp i really am wondering how we got from here to mortarion locking necare in his clock in 40k im guessing necare will team rocket blast off again oh hey emperor interrupt
to be continued...
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fionnaskyborn · 10 months
🖥️,🚢,🥊,🎉,⭐,🎧 for the halo ask?
HEYA PIOTR!!! Sorry for keeping you waiting! ^^"
🖥️ - favourite AI?
Basic answer, Cortana. Honest answer, Virgil (if the combination of the Superintendent AI and Quick To Adjust counts as an answer) and Isabel. Those two are incredibly dear to me. And, of course, I can't leave out my beloved Auntie Dot. I get all in my feels about her because of how much emotion she shows for a "dumb" AI at times. It's not much, and it's very subtle wherever it *can* be seen - outside of her Firefight voicelines, anyway - but it's there, and it matters to me a lot. In a world where your class is severely stunted in the Having Feelings Of Any Kind department, especially when compared to your "smart" peers, imagine being the one urging your commander to get help despite not being... *wired* to do so. One warning is sufficient, yet you warn multiple times. Sorry, in this house we love Auntie Dot. Her firefight voicelines are also quaint and full of charm and I implore anyone reading this to give those a listen if they haven't.
🚢 - favourite UNSC ship?
Oof, this is a hard one. I'll be answering these by subclasses since that's the only way I can start singling out stuff - if you told me to pick an Ultimate Favorite Ship, we'd be here forever. Let's start with the dropships, for example. I *adore* the Albatross' design, and- oh, wait, this is about *singular* ships, isn't it. Oh, well, I won't be erasing my previous words. I am partial to the Spirit Of Fire due to it being a retrofitted colony ship. Reminds me of the Titans in Titanfall, who were used to help with terraforming planets and gathering vast amounts of crops and such before they were turned into war machines.
🥊 - who are you beating the shit out of?
Huh. Another difficult one, but in a different way. If you asked me at the very beginning of my Halo journey, my answer would've been Dr. Halsey. I've seen the light since, though. Halo is a bit of a strange case for me because if we ignore the obvious answer of Captain Ingridson and non-answers like everyone who has ever worked at ONI, there aren't many people that I can name from the top of my head I'd want to throw hands with. Maybe it's time for a re-read of some books or Halopedia pages. With that said, the final answer is Jun. And that one guy from the latest Flood short story who didn't listen to his ship AI. He's pissed me off so bad I don't even remember his name, but fuck 'im in particular.
🎉 - share your favourite character headcanon
Here's a very mundane one, and a personal favorite - Noble Six is very fond of cats.
⭐ - share your favourite piece of halo lore
I'm grateful I got this question twice because I get to discuss various things. At the risk of it being too broad of an answer, I will say that one of my favorite aspects of Halo lore is the politics of future humanity. I haven't seen a lot of people talk about the Koslovics and Friedens and the Interplanetary War in general - though, granted, before the Mythos came out in 2016, they were only mentioned on Bungie's site and the Halo timeline on Xbox.com. I'm glad Mythos gave us some names to work with, but I can't help but yearn for more pre-Human-Covenant War political lore outside of the "Innies vs the UNSC" struggle. Do not get me started on the Colonial Military Authority and how the UNSC absorbed and dismantled them and the differences in the ways the two organizations operate.
🎧 - song you associate a halo character with
My custom tag for Noble Six is "Unknown Soldier". Yes, like the Breaking Benjamin song. Six and that song go hand in hand for me.
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decaysol · 4 months
I can't face my reality because I might freak out at the gravity of everything. I can't get help because others will freak out more than me and I can't take it. Pussyfooted
My whole life is malu tanya sesat jalan
I keep doing things the wrong way because I'm scared and dumb
Today I watched masaaki yuasa's mindgame and it was perfect synchronicity that it popped up on my yt feed with free subs. All hail the algorithm. It's been serving me syncs recently really.
I really gotta get off the internet and solve daily problems and not make my family feel worse about life. I know all I need to do already. It's just the desire is hard I guess. Maybe I'm still malnutritioned. I will need better groceries but I will need to have money to decide that.
My attention should heal up pretty well if I stop my screen addiction. I will probably be able to enjoy art better again once I reconnect w real life and the subtler parts of life. I will probably live. Pay attention to money better. Have same worries as my parents. Have real responsibilities and independence. Less laziness.
I wonder how meditators reduce torpor. I do lie down too much. I need to move more. I need to push everyone outside of my personal zone again to regain sanity this time.
Diy Reiki sessions should be good.
I don't feel like talking to anyone. I always want more alone time. I can't fix my relationships without taking care of my own sanity.
This morning I felt clearly the three selfs of witchcraft and I do feel the sticky self being all sticky. But lower and higher self were clear and connected and it was awesome. It might be the meds.
I feel like a new walk-in spirit.
My face is tired from using the phone. I also look tired in the mirror nowadays. I hope exercise fixes it.
I try to check in with myself more again and be more gentle with my feelings. Staying home for a week does help with hearing myself better. A messy relationship blocked me and it's surely for the way better and that we both felt it. Perhaps we changed each other's life enough for now. I felt it run out of runway. I feel relief and freedom too now i don't have to think about it. I dont care for now. Maybe he suffers. A lot of people suffer from me not being able to communicate effectively. I can't help anyone for shit even if I want to before I fix my life. I'm not a lost cause I just need to hear my own intuition or god etc. Im only upset because I am not hearing it nor taking care of myself.
I have to fix up my wardrobe and room too. Appearances.
What else.
I probably still have too much internal thoughts. This means I'm not working on things enough. I want to be more decisive but have to be careful of more blockages. I need to communicate better and terraform my relationships. Say things I want. Etc.
0 notes
fastfooddreams · 7 months
Of Worlds and Powers
I had semi-control over a dream last night woooooo
We were visiting another planet and I was some 'other-worldy' type being, but i was still me. Just had some neat abilities. The planet had been taken over by corpo type people and was basically "dying from the start" due to the poor care and regulations from the companies. At one point we were looking at this giant factory and the sky was billowing with smog/smoke etc. I was able to say 'sky punch' and kind of pushed my hands into the air, which had the effect of like, wafting your hand at smoke. The smog/clouds of smoke immediately whirled up and pushed away before dissipating almost completely. The sky was purple, red, and orange, like a REALLY vibrant sunset. It was honestly really pretty. At one point there was a border collie type dog that could talk. Or at least I could understand him. His name was Sam and he wanted me to help him find his home. I didnt like this part of the dream. It ended badly, so we're skipping it lmao, but I at least wanted to mention Sam cuz he was a good boy :c
The last part I remember was a "resort" type place, where people could visit and vacation to. It was really different from the rocky, smoggy outside world. Inside was bright, "sunny", and full of curated plants, water ways, etc etc. I was there because instead of terraforming the planet and making it more liveable, the corpos had paid off this company to instead make these "bubbles" that people had to pay huge amounts of money to visit or live in with very limited space. Unfortunately I didn't get to do anything to fix this place, but the one part that stood out to me was being able to run fast and walk on water. BUT to do so I had to speak every step. A lot of my "dream powers" only work if I speak what im doing, which is both odd and interesting. So I jumped out into a pristine lake at some point, trying to get into the offices of this place, and to do so I literally had to say "jump" and "step step step" for every thing I did to stay on the surface of the water. It was actually REALLY neat and I remember being excited that it worked xD. That's all I remember tho.
0 notes
acnhretreat · 2 years
i’ve said it before idk why people compare animal crossing to stardew valley at all they’re nothing alike imo
everyone who told me stardew valley was like animal crossing but better is a hater lol
my brother literally told me “you’ve been playing acnh for awhile im sure you have lots of criticism of the game by now. well i’m telling you stardew valley is like if all of those problems were solved but better” and I’m like what problems? What criticism? Are we playing the same game? Why do you hate animal crossing so much. Is it because you hate playing dolls? You hate playing dress up and you hate building sandcastles?
You know what, actually, I’ll say my main qualm with stardew valley is that decorating is so tedious it’s not even enjoyable. The main reason I play animal crossing is because i love decorating. I don’t own a PC so my brother bought me Stardew Valley on the switch. Such a fun game! Fabulous game but decorating and trying to use the left toggle instead of a mouse is the most obnoxious tedious thing ever. I always go into decorating my house feeling like it’ll be fun and nice to have my house looking cuter and then I end up wanting to just not even play anymore because it takes me one in-game hour to properly rotate a chair. (it also doesn’t help that i don’t decorate often Because of these reasons, so therefore i’m worse with the controls and you press one wrong button and you have to start all over trying to drag the cursor back over the chair to try to reselect it again to rotate it. ridiculous!)
It makes my only critiques i do have of animal crossing new horizons feel so small in comparison they completely disappear! (almost all of which are just minor annoyances when it comes to decorating anyway, such as tree placement or some of the terraforming limitations or not being able to hang items on the partition walls, all of which are criticisms i already basically just excuse anyway because i love the game so much, and nothing can be perfect, we already have so many options in the game that any limitations are small snags and not worth worrying too much about imo!)
I think everyone who plays New Horizons and is expecting much more than a super fun decorating game is maybe just playing the wrong game for them. idek why so many people wanna come to bat and tear new horizons apart, saying it’s not as good as this game or that game. It’s its own game. quite frankly. Everyone is valid in their opinion and i get loving and game franchise and being disappointed by a game especially since NH deviated in a bit of a different direction than previous animal crossing games, i understand the criticisms of the game perhaps feeling a bit more lifeless than it used to be and also i get if the other aspects of the old game iterations such as mini games was an important part of the gameplay to you you’re going to be critical and disappointed when these aspects of the game are removed.
i love old animal crossing games. unfortunately i have never played new leaf, although i hope i get to someday. and i have played WW and found my life of animal crossing through Population Growing in my youth and adore those games for what they are.
Idek I guess it’s fair and expected that everyone wanted to share their opinion about the game after it came out and if you expected something different than what it is, then your adverse reaction i guess may naturally be stronger than if you’re like me and didn’t have any expectations for the game and then was pleasantly surprised that it’s mostly a creative decorating game which imo is even more fun than the original animal crossing games. that’s just my play style i guess!
i’ve made posts similar to this before lol. I just really love animal crossing new horizons and i feel like people often look at it through a lens of expecting it to be something it isn’t.
it’s totally valid if you don’t like decorating or sandbox or dress up games. But i would say if you don’t like those things then yeah New Horizons might be boring to you. but don’t come for it just because it isn’t your style.
That’s all i’m saying lol
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blooming-cecilia · 2 years
many thoughts on venti and the archon war
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redorich · 4 years
(Based on Ranboo’s silk touch hands) Ranboo visits Hermitcraft once, bringing only his armour since he doesn’t want to accidentally leave things behind. Grian gives Ranboo a tour of his base and he mentions that he needs a bit of stone because part of his wall’s broken. Grian gets distracted by the sound of another one of Impulse’s bells so while he’s dealing with that Ranboo digs like two blocks down and punches the stone Grian needs. He hands him the stone and continues appreciating the build as if he didn’t do anything out of the ordinary. Grian thanks him, but can’t help but notice that Ranboo doesn’t have a pickaxe on him. (1/4)
Scar and Ranboo meet for a short time and are just walking through ScarX or something terraformed and a creeper blows up. Scar says he’s going to fix it later because he didn’t bring his shovel and Ranboo just walks a bit away, casually grabs a couple of grass blocks, and patches up the creeper hole. Scar looks at him like: “Holy crap you’ve got a power every builder wishes they could have” and then goes back to rambling about the buildings. (2/4)
Xisuma notices Ranboo trying to hide that fact he grabbed a leaf block from one of the jungle trees and figures he’s never gotten the chance to really build the way he wants to. His silk touch hands are a little weird but X brushes it off and brings him over to Keralis’ base where he spends the day getting to decorate the interiors however he likes. Xisuma thinks his way of building is very odd, with him never focusing on one area and going all over the place, but there’s no doubt in his mind that Ranboo is talented. (3/4)
The day ends and Xisuma checks in on him. Inside is a very meticulously decorated interior. Some blocks are a bit odd but in a weird way, it works. Extremely well. Ranboo thanks him for giving him the opportunity. X can’t bring himself to tell him that the office he built was never going to be used. So, he talks with Keralis to make it his. Meanwhile, Ranboo goes to bed, happy that for once people didn’t find his enderman side weird. (4/4)
anon im 🥺🥺🥺 this is so goooood
Ranboo is accustomed to being perceived as weird for his inhuman traits, or exploited for his silk touch hands. So when the hermits give him a little area to go wild and decorate as he pleases, without asking him to mine semi-unobtainable blocks for them in return? He keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it never does.
(Doc approaches him for a wild scheme involving silk touch hands, unholy redstone abominations, and a snowman. Ranboo is terrified, but at least he has fun.)
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metfell · 2 years
met!! hello!!! for starters it's still so cool were mutuals. it's wild to me when an artist I like follows me because I'm like woah!! that's them!! *pointing at a big light up sign style* but genuinely you are so cool and your art is a huge inspiration for me. Your character designs are something I always go back too. I absolutely love the way you color (with markers??) some times I'll just look at a piece for a long period of time bc I genuinely get entranced 😭?? but yeah!! also you have some of the coolest idea my god!!! all of your enderman headcanons and ideas just make me vibrate fr fr speaking of minecraft!! I also love seeing your builds!! like the knifetrick one and the ones on your survival worlds. it always gets me in the minecraft mood :D I love just seeing how much you care about your friends it's something very admirable and always makes me feel so happy!!! you're a very neat person and I hope people tell you that tons because you deserve it <3 thank you for being such a wonderful energy to be around
firstly THANK YOU OMG its so strange that ppl will tell me im like this cool popular person hehe im just a little guy ^_^
secondly YESSSS ive been like trying to work on character design and how i color for years just by myself with a lot of tutorials. whats funny is i had a friend a few years ago literally in character design courses who would come and rely on me for help because he said i just Understood How It Works. which is cool lol i am NOT trying to brag but it does make me feel good every time someone says my designs just Feel Correct lol!!
thirdly OMG YES I LOVE BUILDING SOOOOO MUCH i didnt think i was that good at it a few years ago but i kept watching people like fwip and grian and really tried to mimic how they build things and analyzed why they did it and why it worked, and now id say im pretty good :3 i need to fucking terraform holly's and my base soon bc its gonna look SAURRR GORGEOUS
and then finally thats so sweet to hear <33 i really love everyone in this friend group they've been with me through thick and thin, and i think even if we drift apart one day its not gonna be out of malice itll just be because we're all doing amazing things, and i would love to see all my friends happy and successful :) i really do love them all though thunder cam and asriel are all incredible artists holly is an amazing writer and literally like a brother to me thes literally owns c!quackity like FOR REALLLL the way pup writes casino is fucking insane its like perfect.
tldr thank u so much this is so sweet to get ive been waiting to reply to this just so i can say how grateful i am that u think so highly of me <3
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axemetaphor · 4 years
Tumblr media
augh i kept forgetting to post this because i kept wantgin to draw mroe for it but i really suck at emulating Animal Crossing Art Style so im just going to go on a rambling explanation about this under the cut but the basic concept is. they deserve a vacation. and whats more relaxing than animal crossing? probably several things but let me have this ok
id had a bunch of ideas for mroe drawings in this style but Clearly, i am not very good at it, and every time i sat down to Try Again it ended up shitty. this is from literally months ago by now lmao
my Basic Concept was just. take the 3 of them and dump them on an animal crossing island, cause while ive been sick ive been playing a lot of new horizons to try and stay stable, and my brain likes to mush together whatever 2-or-more things im invested in together all the time. here’s some bullet points!
-john really loves diving for sea critters and frequently pulls up those bigass lobsters and eels and shit, he’s got an unnatural knack for it. loves to startle the shit out of dave by just whipping an eel out of his pocket. no thats not an innuendo stop that-- -amy loves planting/watering the flowers but shes not like invested in getting All The Different Types (although that Would be neat) she’s just having fun building a large flower patch. it’s slowly overtaking the island. also dave likes to just kinda sit in the flower patch -speaking of dave he kind of doesnt do much, i think he’d like fishing with john and/or amy and maybe hed like digging up fossils but for the most part hes just chillin, as he deserves to be, -amy likes the DIY recipe stuff though and will frequently politely ask dave to go fetch stuff for her. this has led to most of the villagers/islanders/whateverthetermis, the animal citizens, to have their Main exposure to dave be him wandering around with an axe at 3am because amy’s out of hardwood -speaking of the animal citizens, because i just really like them as a concept, i have no solid concept of who-all would be on their island but whoever they are, john is “friends” with All of them (and by that i mean he says theyre all his friends; whether or not they find him obnoxious Varies,) and amy is genuine friends with most of them/has spoken to all of them at least, and dave rarely if ever speaks to them. hes not very social. most of the animals are a little scared of him until they Actually get to talk to him and then they realize hes just an awkward misanthropic bastard -also in case it wasnt clear id think the 3 of them would all be in one little cabin i mean you can upgrade the shit out of those so they could all feasibly have their own spaces. but also i like polyamory and id say they all 3 share a room because fight me they do itd be cute. also of course the decor of their cabin is absolutely bonkers like listen not only does animal crossing have some weird items but nearly any living space john inhabits most likely has some very strange decor in it !  -tbh actually i think john would do Most of the decor stuff cause like based on the way his house is described i think he’d go NUTS for animal crossing’s Theme Decor Shit i dont know i dont actually do a bunch of that but i sure do think he would! amy would help out esp since she likes the DIY stuff, and i think dave is just kind of ..... allowing this nonsense to happen. letting john be free. probably convincing him to not change the theme every day, maybe every week, if only because it’s a bit of a hassle to have everything Constantly Rearranged.  -hang on wait i just thought of the 3 of them wandering along the beach and picking up seashells and now im like emotional over it bro pls. lovely. -also i jsut realized if daves the guy who digs up fossils he definitely talks to blathers a lot and thats an extremely funny thing to contemplate. the dude who seems to not really liek talking to people and the chatterbox owl. fantastic. you know dave is probably too awkward to tell blathers he doesnt want to hear all thsoe archaeopteryx facts! (also tbh maybe dave would actually like learning stuff) -also. john catches bugs just to give them to blathers and watch him freak out just a little about it.  -john always ends up buying fake art from redd but it’s fine because he just puts it somewhere in or near their cabin. amy however has the uncanny good luck to somehow always find the real artworks! dave doesnt talk to redd, he doesnt really care. -this ones definitely projection because my animal crossing island is a mess (And I Like It That Way Thank U Very Much) but john definitely is the guy who will dump extra furniture at random spots on the island. too much shit in storage? don’t need that Harmonious Chair right now? holding it in ur pockets just because u dont know where else to put it? just dump it on the ground! uncannily, john fuckin Always remembers where he’s put that shit when he happens to need it again. however this does mean sometimes the animal citizens will just ... find a mysterious new chair in their front yard.  -i know that terraforming is a new thing in acnh but i havent done it yet because i dont care about the whole 3 stars rating thing like listen im jsut here to run around and fill the museum if i feel like it but mostly pick up pumpkins and hoard bells for no reason and let my island be taken over by wildflowers. if any of the 3 are into that tho its john or amy--john just for the hell of it, amy would actually like try to Make Stuff of it -their front yard (and back yard if their cabin is put somewhere to allow that) is full of unused furniture as well. and also sometimes random dropped fruits or something, if dave is already carrying a ton when he sees something to dig up. -i think im out of shit to say right now but i might reblog to add mroe so. yes. if youve read this far then holy shit youre dedicated or really bored or something but whatever your reason is i hope this was A Fun Read and if it gave you any ideas Please Tell Me my inbox is open im sick and still in quarantine and i crave human interaction from literally anyone who isnt my parents. thank u 
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discar · 6 months
HZD Terraforming Base-001 Text Communications Network
Chapter 14 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
Zo: Aloy, is everything all right? You rushed out pretty fast.
FlameHairSavior: Oh, just more problems to fix. Turns out that even though we have the other subfunctions, we can't actually get HEPHAESTUS, because it deleted the Alpha Override from its code! Which I didn't even know was a thing that could happen!
β: iut likely
β: it was likely only possible due to both its programming knowledge and its distributed nature over the entire caldron network
β: calkdron
β: cauldron
Zo: I actually already knew that. Beta and I discussed this.
FlameHairSavior: So now I have to go find the Omega Override, which hopefully is in Faro's bunker, which hopefully is in San Francisco after all, which hopefully the Quen can help me get inside.
Marshall Kotallo: The Quen are the invaders from across the sea, correct?
FlameHairSavior: Yes. They use primitive Focuses, about twenty years out of date. I only met the one who didn't try to kill me, but she seemed nice. I think she'll help me get what I need.
FlameHairSavior: Also, she might think I'm a goddess, or something.
β: what
FlameHairSavior: It's a long story, and has to do with the Quen religion, which I don't understand.
Zo: How long will it take you to get to San Francisco?
FlameHairSavior: I have no idea. Probably a while.
Zo: Then you probably have time to explain why you think she thinks you're a goddess.
FlameHairSavior: [Exasperation.png]
Zo: And I'll keep Erend from making any jokes.
FlameHairSavior: Deal!
ForgeLordAleMaster: HEY!
FlameHairSavior: Too late, no take backs!
HIMBO: Probably about how this is the second religion that's declared her some sort of holy person.
FlameHairSavior: I don't know the full details, but apparently Alva recognized me as Elizabet Sobeck. Thankfully, she seemed to realize that I wasn't actually Sobeck, but she played it up for the soldiers.
β: why would that even matter
FlameHairSavior: Seems like they worship the Old Ones. Or something. I don't know. It reminds me of the Nora revering the Matriarchs, except they're dead.
FlameHairSavior: She talked about the “Ancestors” and “the Legacy” a lot.
HIMBO: Are you sure you should trust them at all? Didn't you say the first Quen you met shot on sight?
Marshall Kotallo: There has certainly been no formal attempt at contact with the Tenakth. As far as I know, no soldier has survived contact.
Marshall Kotallo: Downplaying a threat does no good to anyone.
Marshall Kotallo: I... believe I just did?
HIMBO: So, Aloy, what's Alva like?
FlameHairSavior: Inquisitive. Better with a bow than I expected. I think you'll like her.
FlameHairSavior: What? No!
FlameHairSavior: I mean, she already got what she needed. Mostly, I think.
HIMBO: Was it because of you?
FlameHairSavior: I mean, I just helped translate a few files for her.
β: is this the part where we make bets i think im supposed to suggest a bet
FlameHairSavior: No.
ForgeLordAleMaster: YES!
β: then i bet all my shards that shes in love with aloy before the end of the mission
Marshall Kotallo: Hm, seems you have some fire in you after all. Very well, I'll take that bet.
FlameHairSavior: No! You're not allowed to bet on that sort of thing!
FlameHairSavior: Beta, where did you even get money?
β: erend taught me to play machine strike
β: he is not very good
β: no youre just not very good
HIMBO: Erend, I never thought I'd say this, but I think you need an ale.
FlameHairSavior: This is going to be a long trip.
Chapter 14 | Prev chapter | Next chapter Chapter Index
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kinoko-koe · 3 years
Story Overview and Basic Organization
Im not really getting around to typing down the larger posts of individual stories so im just placing down some basic information about the ones i have at the moment so i can come back and expand when i actually feel like it
-Stories are listed in the order i have created them not necessarily in chronological order nor are most of them directly related-
(usually when i say things like “over time” im skipping things)
Still cant remember what i called this one lol
The Ascension of the Demi-God of Chaotic Destruction
Using some generic tropes from isekai stories, a group of 5 college-aged friends (2 men 3 women) are suddenly transported to another world with baked in gaming elements that all its inhabitants are aware of. The summoned group have random skills assigned to them and the kingdom that summoned them wanted to find good skills from the summoning.
The main character of this story is one of the men who has been given skills that are more of a support-y mage type, the other man has skills well suited for being a warrior and is sent to the military and one the the women is given to the church to become a cleric, the other 3 including the MC are less valuable to the kingdom and are sent off to improve themselves with minor support from the throne. On his first adventure out with some novices he finds it difficult to relate to the people of this world and also loses his left arm when attacked by a maniac.
Over time the MC gains the class “Infinite Chaos” after being tempted by it as its a strange class not known or available to others. The class grants skills at random times and prevents further class changes among other things. This leads to the MC’s main combo of using the randomly acquired Oil Magic and exploding it from a distance with Fire Magic. The game like system in the world is setup by a deity masquerading as the Grand Deity of Order and this class’s availability, among other complexities, was added by the Ancient of Chaos without the deity’s awareness.
As the MC keeps coming back to the kingdom’s capital every now and then he finds his friends to be different then they used to be and over time become unrecognizable to him (except the one that just became a chef in the capital) although he is also changing to them from the influence of his class. As he feels the only people he can relate to changing he becoming increasingly alone and reckless in his combat while adventuring
While its hard to list all the small changes that happen over time from the class Infinite Chaos and all the non overarching plot events (as i dont want to keep on just this one story) everything reaches a climax when his friends are killed by the Demon King, a mountain-sized giant with absurd dexterity and and enormous sword. He sees this through Farsight rushes to the area, crushing all the monsters and demons in the way. The fight between the MC and the Demon lord triggers the Apocalypse skill they both have from their classes and the world descends into darkness and madness. The Goddess of Moonlight attempt to interrupt the fight but as the two are both almost Demi-Deities in strength together they dispatch her quickly causing the artifical moon she placed to fall towards the planet; and through the gamelike system giving exp from the kill and the Infinite Chaos class allows the MC to ascend into the Demi-God of Chaotic Destruction, a being made of eyes and oil (probably not like youre thinking) and through his Authority can destroy the skills the Demon King uses and wins the battle as the world ends from the moon crashing into the planet.
The Gods of the Sky
Uplifting a civilization to stall an invasion
A sci-fi story about an alien invasion and an alien scientist stalling for time for their federation to arrive with military support. The POV switches between a human female bureaucrat and the alien scientist. The humans are starting out their industrial era, their cities are built around giants that their “god” left on the planet. These giants are robots set to protect the planet from outside invaders. The story starts as the bureaucrat is leaving a city by train as alien ships descend from the sky and the city’s robot starts up as heavily damages the city as its launches itself into combat. Although the robot is able to defeat the scouting ships it is heavily damaged and stalls outside the city.
Later the bureaucrat reaches the city and gives a report on what happened, and the country leaders launch an investigation. The aliens send more ships and have their crew dismantle the worn-down giant robot, where the humans see the aliens for the first time, they are 6 limbed (2 legs 4 arms) creatures with obsidian-like exoskeletons and solid gold eyes. The church declares these aliens to be “demons” here to destroy the giants their “god” left behind.
POV swaps to the scientist who is in a observation ship in orbit, annoyed at the failure of their ship’s alarm system, sends an emergency message to their federation military for “protection of the innocent” from out of federation invaders. They descend their ship to the planet to help assist the humans from the invasion, where a giant robot attacks and is one-shot by their Matter-Annihilation-Cannon. The scientist is a starfish-esque creature that always wears a high-tech mech suit.
The government is obviously skeptical of the scientist at first and the scientist fight the first wave of the “demons” alone with only their ship and utility robots. The scientist finds the “demons” to learn weaknesses in equipment very fast and concludes that they are a hivemind. By using the Matter-Annihilation-Cannon aimed at their commanders the first wave is repelled, but the Cannon can only be fired 3 times before breaking down from its own mechanics and the ship is a science ship without much combat prowess. The goverment now trusting them a bit more the scientist starts using their engines along with advanced handheld weapons to make primitive fighter planes to fight with.
skimming over some stuff eventually a diplomatic spaceship from the federation arrives before the military reinforcements as they were nearby for a new planet colonization ceremony, where its revealed that the federation already has humans in it and the humans on this planet were abducted from Earth thousands of years ago. Along with the scientist’s species and humans there are three other alien species in the federation. A jellfish-esque species that communicates through bioluminescence and has a computer attached that translates for them, a slug-esque religious capitalist species that wears high-tech rugs on their backs as status symbols, and a sapient parasitic plant species that infested human livestock and intentionally bred them to be easier to control and move around in.
Even with this addition to their fighting force the “demons” have an absurd advantage in numbers and, over time, the humans on the planet are reduced to one last city and its giant robot when the federation arrives and completely annihilates the “demons” using terraforming technology to molecularly deconstruct the “demons” on the surface and use Matter-Annihilation-Cannons to destroy their ships. The starfish species that leads the federation dont even think twice as the entire species has a unified strong sense for justice as the planet was violently invaded the invaders are guilty and mercilessly destroyed.
(I swear theres a story im forgetting between these two)
Arisen Anew
Ambition-less Reincarnation and the Demon God Cult (aka everyone hates the Goddess of Resonance)
....Honestly this one went through so many changes and i dont actually like them all and i just kinda dont want to type it.
The basis of this story was a adventurer woman has her party wiped by a bunch of demonkin while on a guard mission and a unrelated mage to their party also took the guard quest and kills the adventurer and the demonkin by just nuking the whole area in fire and the mage has the Demi-Deity of Burning Resurrection (a phoenix) bound to them and the adventurer that is killed get reincarnated and eventually in the new life of the adventurer a cult is formed around the Demi-Deity of Congealing Biomass and they view the reincarnated MC as “the Betrayer” that is in their prophecy that betrays the religion set up by the Goddess of Resonance but... the story kinda got away from that premise, the cult is still around but they were manipulated by the Deity of Non-Physical Connections and i just idk im not that interesting in continuing typing about this one.
(this was typed before i typed to mini-summary) Honestly i think this story was better when i was building it without the ambition-less thing but it just kinda ended up that way when i was finding reasons for the MC to give in to the temptation of the Deity of Non-Physical Connections and the cult and after realizing that she really didnt have any ambitions for anything she was doing the whole time soooooo.......
Hero Killer
Ive just legitimately forgotten a lot about this one almost didnt put it here at all lol
This one is about a True Mimic, a being that can mimic anything (appearance not powers), who is given the Soul Shattering Spear by the God of Obscure Knowledge and uses the spear to kill the plethora of heroes summoned by the Goddess of Judgement to slay the Demon Lord. The True Mimic MC is in a romantic relationship with the Demon Lord so the slaying is more than just a loyalty thing.
The Demon Lord is a strange monster the closest thing is like a satyr with spiral staircase horns and three eyes. She wears a veil at all times and never talks as her speech has a strange power of a kind of soft mind control that makes monsters feel loyalty and makes humans feel disdain.
Honestly outside of the raid on the Demon Lord’s castle while the True Mimic is distracted killing a different hero there wasnt really a whole lot of events beyond that that were actually put in an actual order or were actually relevant to the overarching plot
Amongst Gods (in development)
The story follows a group of humans that like in a massive cave city under a mountain. Outside the cave is a world filled while powerful destructive creatures whose biology doesnt appear logical. A being made of floating mirrors that incinerates things prevents the humans from leaving their city farther than the forest they hunt lesser beings in. One day “The Sky Legs” pass by and destroy the mirror being after it attacked one of its legs. The group of humans go off past where the mirror being held them in.
Past this location they run into a steel being that looks like a horse that starts killing them and a humanoid dragon that helps the survivors and brings them to the dragon settlement. The humanoid dragons are humans that made a pact with the Demi-Goddess of Dragonic Multiplication thousands of years ago and became half dragon. Their settlement is protected by the Demi-Goddesses’s children.
that basically it so far and i probably wont develop beyond this lol
Heretic (in development)
A world where the deities directly interact with humans personally, a grand system of schools have been set up under individual deities to teach humans magic. Each deity tests humans if they are compatible with their teachings and add the worthy to their branch of their overarching school. There are four overarching schools; Arcane, Elemental, Nature, and Dimensional.
Major cities are set up to have several deities with as many “school branches” as possible to scout as many new members as possible. Even larger cities exist solely to help mages progress their magical studies in well regulated “school cities” with over 100 different deities each with hundreds of students.
The story begins with the MC, a magic uh... fan? that recently became an adult, coming to a school city to find a deity to learn from. However, she constantly fails the deities’ tests for compatibility for a week, after 10 days without finding a patron deity her city permit expires and is basically kicked out.
As she is getting a bit desperate, a small strange shadow beckons her and she follows, this continues until the shadow brings her to the back of a strange house and the shadow lets her in and leads her to the basement. Obviously she’s a bit suspicious but also a bit dumb, and opens the way to the basement after some effort to open a strange old door. Inside the basement is a Deity. A shadowy skeleton beast with meter long finger and toe bones and a dinosaur-esque skull with six eyes with wing bones and its back that are layered in shadows.
The deity before the MC explains that the shadow owe it a favor and brought someone compatible with it before it, and that it knows that the MC couldnt find a patron deity and offers its own test. A simple test; it vomits a black liquid into a cup and tells her to drink it. A seemingly gross test thats truly about the trust she will place in the deity. After immense hesitation she drink the liquid and passes out, along with passing the test. The deity and the shadow from earlier bring her back to the room shes rented for her stay in the city, and the deity hides in her shadow.
After the obvious confusion that would occur, the deity starts to teach the MC about shadow magic through the rather forceful method of possession (as she really isnt that cut out for normal magic lessons) The deity also heavily avoids direct questions about its exact powers and school classification.
This is about what ive got so far theres is some general events after this ive got but they arent really fleshed out yet, however the deity that the MC found is the Deity of Inevitable Demise, and its School is the Heresy school that the other deities intentionally suppress as its consists of magic only useful for harming or destroying, such as mind control, necromancy, and instant death.
Why can the Deity of Inevitable Demise control shadows you ask? well thats because it has influence over the end of everything. The end of life, light, movement, fate, space, and time. Although its ability to manipulate those attributes is depended on how close those ends are to the current location, but darkness, the end of light, is readily accessible in most scenarios.
Thats all for this post this has been loitering as a draft for a few weeks and i didnt double read it so somethings might not make sense but oh well done and posted is better than nothing.
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Why I think Spinel could be the key to Jasper’s redemption.
An essay under the cut.
Okay, so if I’m wrong, then just consider this whole post an AU.
I actually have been trying not to post this anywhere because i thought posting my theories/headcanons would jinx everything. 
But now I don’t care because...AU. 
But anyways, ON TO THE ANALYSIS!
So, many people have already been speculating that Spinel and Jasper are going to have a fight in SUFuture.
Which would be hecking EPIC! 
Like, Spinel is an incredibly great fighter with her elasticity powers and is very strong as seen in the movie. Able to lift large chunks of earth and hurl them, can make a fist so huge and deliver the punch with so much force that it breaks the giant gem on top of the injector, and yeet Steven above the clouds. (as well as spring herself that high too.)
And we have seen Jasper’s strength in the show. We know she’s strong, she’s a perfect quartz soldier, the best thing to ever come out of Pink Diamond’s failed colony. 
Speaking of that, Let’s address Jasper. 
It has been confirmed by Rebecca that despite the status Jasper had on Homeworld, she still hated herself. 
She was called the ‘Kindergarden Quartz That Could’ and stuff like that. She took out dozens of Crystal Gems during the war. So she was very popular on Homeworld and highly valued. 
So much so, that they sent a team to find her. They didn’t care about the Lapis Lazuli (which i think are also gems of high status going off of their dresses and the fact they they are made for terraforming planets)
They also didn’t care about the Peridot that called Yellow Diamond a clod and betrayed her species to help the enemy. You’d think they’d want to take her back and punish her or shatter her but nope. They only cared about Jasper. 
Despite her status, Jasper hates herself. Hates that she is from a failed colony, from a beta kindergarden, from a stupid planet like Earth, and hates that even after all her fighting, she was unable to protect her Diamond. 
Not to mention, she might hate herself a little more now because now, she looks wrong with her corruption spots and horns, and she was trying to kill her Diamond the whole time she was attacking Steven. She probably feels like an idiot for not being able to figure it all out. (but no one could have known) Of course, going off of the image of her in the intro, I think her current mindset is: “Pink sucks! Rose sucks! And Steven sucks!” 
Now, let’s take a look at another gem who hates herself. 
In the movie, it is obvious that Spinel hates herself. Its mostly her appearance she seems to hate, but i think its safe to say she hates herself for her actions as well. 
In the movie, she says all sorts of things like: “wont they all be not exactly incredibly thrilled to see me like this?”
“don’t act like you want me here!” 
“you expect me to believe you want me, LIKE THIS?!”
“when you change you change for the better, when i change, i change for the worst!”
“I used to be not good enough! Just not good enough for pink! and now? I’m not good at all!!” 
“yeah but..they’ve never seen me like this..”
and in the Drift Away song, she sings:
“isn’t that lovely, isn’t that cool? And isn’t that cruel? And aren’t I a fool to have..happily listened, happy to stay, happily watching her drift away.”
Not only does Spinel hate her appearance, but she also hates herself because she thinks she was such an idiot to never realize that Pink was never coming back for her. 
She also probably hates herself for never realizing she was annoying Pink. Had she known, she probably would have tried to change herself for her. Its clear that she would have done anything for Pink (i mean, she stood in a garden for 6,000 years under the impression that her Diamond just wanted to play a game.)
But its not her fault. She was literally created to be childish, naive and trusting.
Even after she was redeemed, She didn’t want to be around Steven because, although they were now friends, Spinel still didn’t want to start with him, feeling she had messed  up with him so badly she didn’t deserve to hang around him while she healed and learned to love again. She wanted start over fresh with somebody who she didn’t mess up with yet. Even though Steven clearly cared for her to some extent and wanted her to be happy. 
Now Spinel lives with the Diamonds. I have no idea how the Diamonds will treat her or if she will be truly happy with them (since SUFuture has yet to air as of this post) but judging by the shot in the intro with Spinel just chillin’ on Yellow’s shoulder, she’s probably fine. 
But i feel like she’d still hate herself despite being surrounded and loved by all her new friends. 
Just like Jasper hates herself despite being perfect and her status and how so many things were not even her fault.
i guess my theroy/headcanon is, maybe somehow Spinel and Jasper end up fighting (like idk Spinel just joins the fight for peace or whatever) 
Maybe Steven is there too. 
But it’s Spinel who really gets through to her, in the only language that Jasper can truly understand.
The language of fighting. 
Eventually, Spinel is able to get through to Jasper, maybe not exactly winning the physical battle, but not really losing either. 
Jasper thinks it’s impossible for her to have a normal life after all she’s done, all she’s been through, and attacking Steven the way she has.
And Spinel relates. She’s been through the same things. They’ve been through the exact same things.
Wronged by Pink and traumatized by her selfish actions. 
Attacking Steven with intent to murder and knowing it was wrong even after learning Steven was not Pink and had nothing to do with her mistakes.
The constant self hatred. Unable to see how anyone, especially Steven, could ever forgive them or care about them.
Not to mention, Jasper says:
“No one I fuse with, ever wants to stay...”
Yes, Jasper says that at a time where she only wants to fuse for power, and doesn’t realize the reason gems didn’t stay fused with her is because she was toxic and forceful. 
But what if that line can still apply to her. What if she is thinking no one would want to be with her (friend or romantically) because of who she used to be. 
Not to mention, just because she is good now, doesn’t mean she will be a perfect cinnamon roll, she’ll still have an aggressive personality. And she will think she will be unlikable, especially since nobody can understand her.
But Spinel can understand. She can understand everything.
Ol’ Spinel who’s just found the perfect new friend.
Her new best friend, Jasper. 
Again, this was made before SUFuture and this was made assuming Jasper is even getting redeemed at all and assuming Steven will have little to no involvement in that redemption. 
so if im wrong, just consider all of this an AU. 
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weaselsmuses-aa · 4 years
Typhoon Island Villager HCS [final]
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Age: 21
Island occupation: Island Representative. Though she’s called a shady representative by many.
Sexuality: Bi.
Friends: All of her villagers of course! (though she does have her favorites, namely Punchy, Antonio and Bamikins.)
Very hard working. Is almost always running form one side of the island with new ideas for how to improve things
When she isn’t terraforming, pathing or planting, she’s hanging out with Punchy and her friends.
A gracious host, according to her. She wants all guests to check in with her first and foremost. Gets a little grumpy when someone doesn’t follow that rule.
Terrorizing Isabelle is her hobby, gets her through the day.
Loves rain, storms and fog the most.
Favorite season is winter. (Totally not because she can make the whole month of december about her.)
Has been bickering with Isabelle so long she’s accidentally befriended her. (easier to torment her that way)
Rumored to be good friends/has close ties with Redd. (How else did he get here?)
House has an incredibly ominous vibe. Something about it just isn’t quite right.
Is a great asset when you’re friends with her, when you aren’t though....
Almost always with Antonio and Bam (Three musketeers vibe) or Punchy.,
Doesn’t get along with Julian too well. Almost always yelling at him/swearing at him under her breath. 
Misses sloppy furniture damnit.
“ I don’t know about the missing people or the blood, stop asking about it.”
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Age: 23
Island occupation: Professional Slacker. (sometimes he’ll help Emma garden and clean the beach though)
Sexuality: Bi at best.
Friends: Bob [bff], Kid Cat, Beau, Antonio, Weasel, Stitches. && ofc Emma.
The FavoriteTM.
Representative’s Pet.
Probably dating Emma
Absolute precious sweetheart
Naive, lazy, but can be sarcastic and snarky when you know him well enough.
Huge heart.
Snacks on snacks on snacks on snacks
Can be a cry baby at times.
Very affectionate with his friends
Usually seen in his yard, by the playground or in Emma’s orchard.
Favorite color is blue, Favorite activity is sunbathing and naps
You look in his home and you’ll be able to tell how much of a favorite he is.
Has nothing but good things to say about Emma. (Seriously shes all he talks about.)
Kind of scared of Bam. He doesn’t get along with him well, for ...obvious reasons.
Popular but didn’t ask to be. He’s just sweet and easy to love!
Really loves cherries. A lot. Seriously. Fastest way to the little kittys heart.
Also pretty good friends with Monsun key’s Lapis, asks about her sometimes.
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Age: 20
Island Occupation: Has a part time job at the museum dusting and helping out with the fossils. 
Sexuality: Pretty het.
Friends: Emma, Ky, Swiss, Antonio, Kid Cat, Beau, Cheri, Getting to know Lucky.
Big brother vibes with a pretty bad temper if you know how to strike a nerve.
Best friends with the Island Rep and Antonio
Seems to be the island’s favorite target for teasing.
Gets along well with everyone …….except Punchy and Bob.
Avidly and openly does not like Punchy, its most likely due to jealousy. It’s also rumored the reason his his very blatant crush on Emma
Only person he likes less than Punchy is Bob as he is quote ‘an asshole’. (Its usually just Bob returning the favor though for Bam being a dick to Punchy).
Usually seen working out on the Beach, doing Yoga in the square, or taking walks. Really loves the Light house, the orchards and the Playground.
Known to be a little overbearing with his attitude problems when he doesn’t like someone. (He’s been seen walking around punchy’s house,and has hit him on a few occasions)
Is either your friend and super nice, or doesn’t like you and can be a dick.
Hangs out with Cheri and Beau a lot when his two right hand pals aren’t available.
Secretly wishes Brewster would come open a shop.
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Age: 22
Sexuality: Pan.
Island occupation: Got a part time gardening position from Lief. Also helps the nooklings arrange their shop displays.
Friends: Topaz, Emma, Ky, Punchy, Bam, Stitches, Lucky, Julian
Sleepy eyed sweetheart.
Very Peaceful and kind, doesn’t like to see anyone fighting and wants everyone to get along.
Definitely the type to always say yes.
Rustic mountain town vibe. Really likes nature and long hikes.
Favorite season is winter.
Best friend’s are Topaz, Punchy, and Bam.
Talks to Blathers and Celeste a lot, very interested in natural history and astronomy.
Goal is to be good friends with everyone on the island. The only one he’s having trouble with is Antonio. He can’t quite figure him out yet.
Likes to have Tea with the island rep on Sundays.
Always wanted to be like the reindeer he’s seen on TV. He admires the lifestyle and aesthetic despite being an antelope.
Has a baby blanket he’s very attached to.
Loves kids, and babysits Kid cat and stitches often, he thinks they’re very sweet.
Plants trees, flowers and shrubs a lot. He really wants to make the island feel more woodsy.
Favorite spot is the museum, orchards and star gazing spot.
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Age: 28
Sexuality: Gay Trans Icon.
Island occupation: He worked at the able sisters for a little while but they had to let him go because he went overboard and tried to control everything. He’s thinking about applying at brewsters. 
Friends: Kyanite! Topaz, Beau, Cheri, Punchy & Bob (sorta)
Narcissitic, Dramatic and self obsessed.
Only thing he loves more than himself, is a good book and singing.
Really loves to look good, and is constantly indecisive about what he wears.
Has an aesthetic and will NOT let you mess with it. Seriously, don’t give him furniture, he’ll give it away.
BFF is Ky.
He also gets along with Beau and Cheri. He can appreciate Beau’s simple pleasures in life, and his kindness. Cheri and him relate on pop culture and music.
Gossips constantly, cannot keep a secret to save his life, and only wants to know your business to talk about it.
Very loving friend once your’e close to him, and will likely only break his ‘peaceful’ face, for a friend. Pissing him off is hard to decipher most of the time, as he finds it beneath him to show ‘savage’ emotions.
Claims to be magic, but no one knows if he actually is, or he just uses his species to say that.
Usually seen in the square seeking attention, following others to eavesdrop, or at home either inside, or in his yard reading or writing.
Doesn’t seem to get along with Spinel too well. He tried to be friends with her but when it didn’t work out he just decided to mess with her for fun.
Dreads double visits from Ky and her girlfriend. As they mess with his lights until they break. Blames Spinel for encouraging it.
Very curious about Lucky and Stitches but kind of creeped out by them. He snoops on them when given the chances to do so though.
Loves the stargazing spot and Ky’s picnic area. He does enjoy a good stroll on the beach too when he isn’t shopping for stuff.
Cannot be without attention for too long, he will shove himself into your conversations, your day, and the town square and tell you gossip or start singing.
Wishes there were more people on the island that he could relate to.
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Age: 22
Sexuality: She like gurls
Island occupation: Has a part time job doing island clean up for Tom on the weekends. Thinking about asking the nooks to get her a part time job at the shop.
Friends: Pearl (Monsun key), Marina (Monsun key), Emma, Lapis (monsun key),  Weasel , Bam, Bob, Julian, Punchy (they bonded over music recently), Lucky (slowly but surely shes giving her lots of gifts and being in general sweet and cheri cant okay.)
Zero bullshit tolerance.
Sarcastic, snarky and loud, but a very loyal friend
Rap, Rock and Metal are her life
House so red you will forget what other colors are.
Rumored that she’s got an album, no one on the island knows if what she says is true.
Good friends with Bam, Bob and Julian.
Usually in the square Jamming or  Hanging out on the Beach.
Pretty good friends with the Island Representative, isn’t really into all the  gossip about her.
Thinks Kid Cat is cute, but also isn’t big on watching kids, so you know.
Good friends with Weasel, likes to talk to them every once and a while.
Literally don’t start an argument with her, you WILL lose.
‘ im a bad bitch, you cant kill me’
What the hell is stitches? What the fuck happened to lucky? IS anyone going to actually acknowledge how fucked up this is?? hello???
All concerns aside, she thinks both stitches and lucky are very sweet but seriously wtf.
Rapping in the square with her friends is the shit for her okay. She loves it. Has asked Emma to throw a rapping party to which she replied ‘eh.’
Leather jackets and cool clothes are just as important as looking cute as hell!
Talks about Raymond moving like it was the best thing to happen to mankind, and his existence on typhoon island like a bad dream. (she still holdin a grudge)
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Age: He....wont tell. well guess 25
Sexuality: Doesn’t talk about it.
Island occupation: Typhoon Island ditch digger.......he digs the graves. At least thats his supposed job. He’s seen some shit. Surely.
Friends: Emma, Bam, Swiss, Bob, Stitches, Lucky, Ky
One does not simply get rid of him
Is he all there or is he not?
Vacant stare
Either ramblings of insanity or way too meddling
Everyone calls him crazy but….he knows all the dirty laundry.
Usually in the square….listening..and watching
Favorite Song is K.K. Dirge
Digs the graves for the grave yard and probably puts up the missing signs.
Always seems to pop up out of nowhere. At the most..unnerving moments.
One of the least social, yet most involved somehow.
What are you hiding antonio?
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Age: 24
Sexuality: Bi.
Island occupation: Doesn’t have one. Works booorring. Give him some games and food any day.
Friends: Punchy (BFF), Emma, Lapis (Monsun Key), Weasel, Kid cat, Stitches, Lucky, Beau is okay
Absolute Meme-er
BFF is Punchy
Constant jokes, no matter his mood. Is he serious? Is he not? good luck figuring that out.
The popular kid on the island, but he doesn’t really care.
Also good pals with Swiss.
Give him a dare and he will do it. Every time
Older than the island rep and talks about it alot like its a personality trait.
Play fights you.
Sarcasm for days.
Affectionately bullies you softly
Annoys Antonio for laughs
Pisses Bam off on purpose (they dont get along)
Favorite spot is the playground , the pool and the beach.
Thinks stitches and lucky are super friggin cool. So what if they’re a little weird? That’s what makes them so awesome.
Affectionately messes with cheri when shes’ trying to sing or rap in the square.
Kind of avoids julian because he doesn’t like how he talks down to him
Got kicked out of nooks cranny a couple times. Who even knows why.
Kid cat
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Age: 12
Friends: Stitches, Emma, Weasel, Ky, Punchy, Bob, Bam, Antonio, Lucky, Beau, Cheri. (So like everyone.)
Is, as his name would suggest, A kid.
Absolute trash heap of a house. Like He actually lives like this?
The island rep felt bad for him and built him a nice bed. He’s very attached to it.
Best friend’s are Bam, Kody and Weasel.
Sees Bam as a big brother.
Wants everyone on the island to be friends.
Considers himself a super hero, always wants to be the one to save the day and help people with their problems.
Hangs out on the playground, claims the jungle gym as his ‘base’.
If he isn’t there he hangs out in the square trying to spread his ‘heroisms’
Wide eyed optimist
Is probably going to stay up past his bed time. Whos going to stop him
Claims the ninja turtles live under his house.
Misses Raymond. Says the island is ‘missing its dad’
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Age: Ageless, but comes off as a 6-10 year old
Island occupation: Doing whatever Emma tells him. 
Friends: Emma, Punchy, Topaz, Kid Cat, Weasel, Beau, Lucky, Bob
A mash up of many different bears and animals before him. All of whom met an untimely end by the hands of the creature.
Is not aware of how he came to be, and it is in Emma’s best interest to keep it that way. She will make sure you don’t tell him.
Can’t see very well, and can’t speak. Instead is telepathic, and can speak in sign language if need be. You will be able to hear his voice, but his mouth will never move.
Doesn’t come out of his house too terribly often, and is not allowed out after dark.
Favorite activity is playing pretend! He loves his toys and his blocks, and sometimes will go over to kid cats or weasels to play pretend with them.
Refers to the island representative as a mother, which .....disturbs and disconcerns most.
really close with lucky. They relate on a lot of....similar misfortunes. They can also speak to each other privately through mystical means without interruption or eavesdropping from others.
Is as name would suggest, stitched up. Sometimes the seams come undone and his stuffing comes out. (Yes hes actually full of ...just stuffing.) stuffin’!
Seems to be alive by sheer paranormal means. There is nothing in him keeping him ticking biologically.
Wants to be friends with isabelle, but notices he frightens her, so he avoids town hall.
Favorite spots are his room, the picnic by kys house, and the playground. (He wants to learn the monkeybars!)
Really looks up to Punchy, and wants him to help teach him the ways of the world....though punchy may NOT be the best rolemodel.
Afraid of Bam and Antonio, but is put under their care often.
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Age: ......we aren’t sure. Shes been dead a while. The only one who might know is emma.
Island occupation: Haunting the island after dark. (She’d help out if anyone would hire her.)
Friends: Stitches, Emma, Bob, Beau, Swiss
Is as ‘luck’ would have it, dead. She’s a spirit.
Rumored first victim of the typhoon island serial killer. She’s been dead a while, as her house would show, she’s not had the privilege of living for quite some time now.
Her bandages are a permanent feature, and theres a rumor floating around that without it, there wouldn’t be much left to her---besides those piercing haunting eyes of course.
Has a very sweet, soft spoken voice. Almost as quiet as a distant whisper. 
Very good friends with Emma. Follows her around almost....an unnatural amount. Almost as if...she’s got some sort of attachment to her.
Has a grave in her back yard, which was not naturally there prior. Seems to have dug it herself. A comfort thing perhaps since to present knowledge she was never given proper burial.
A very kind dog, and very helpful if you give her the chance and look past her....otherworldly appearance.
Loves stitches like a baby brother, almost always hanging out with him more than anyone else, will protect him feircly.
Self conscious about her state of being dead, just wants to make friends and live a happy afterlife since hers was taken from her.
Loves gardening, though all her flowers turn into black roses....or die.
Favorite spot is the graveyard, the forest, and Emma’s orchards.
Thinks her and Isabelle would get along good! If....Isabelle didn’t run away from her.
Really loves K.K. Slider concerts. Always wants to be the first to attend them. Can he see her though? She’s not sure sometimes.
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