#and in fact its not like. super official to his canon or anything but i do kind of already write him as if he's an engineer
wyldblunt · 2 years
commander question... what is ur commander's current profession (including specialization), BUT what could their second choice have been... OR do u already headcanon them with a kind of spliced/multiclassing situation going on...?
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fightclubgayporn · 5 months
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please ignore how wonky the composition is LOL. i was inspired by @lakesparkles and his gravespowers swap au, soo. i decided to make a (kind of) similar one with sandra and envy!! its far less of a swap au and much more of just. what if envy's exes did the league instead of ramona's exes. a better explanation under the cut!!
so in this, ramona and scott (probably?) never met because scott went joker mode after the breakup with envy. he formed the “league” as a revenge plot but none of the other exes take it as seriously as he does. they’re mostly just there to bitch and, in julie and gideon’s case, have weird evil date night with each other
julie doesnt even really count herself as one of envys exes, but she’ll never turn down the opportunity to be a bitch, or to be a bitch with her boyfriend. she made out with envy in college like twice when they were roommates so she technically counts
scott and envy's relationship plays out pretty much how it does in canon, except instead of wallowing and eventually getting over it, scott gets super trapped in his head, and ends up merging with nega scott, except not in a "im accepting my past!" way, in a "i am never going to change and in fact i am going to become worse" way. he just sort of self-isolates and stews in anger until he hears about the clash at demonhead breaking up, when he gets the idea for the league. speaking of which.
todd and envy get back together after she breaks up with scott (its the same as in canon basically) except instead of todd cheating on her with lynette, envy cheats on him with lynette. for envy, it's just a way for her to release a little stress and cope with the fact that she's not happy in her relationship, but lynette sees it as an actual relationship. she'd been pining for envy ever since the band formed, and so when envy finally propositions her, it's like a dream come true. until todd finds out and envy defends herself by saying that lynette didn't mean anything to her, ruining her relationship with both of them and breaking up the band. todd and lynette hate each other now. todd hates lynette for sleeping with his girlfriend and lynette hates todd because he "got to envy before she could." and they both hate envy because she broke their hearts. (todd was never all that in love with her, he saw the relationship as more of a status thing, but like, it still sucks to get cheated on lmfao)
gideon and envy's relationship is pretty similar to in the comics? after the band broke up, she decided to pursue a solo career under gideon's label. it was all very nebulous and they never were officially dating or in a relationship or anything but it wasn't. normal. envy was into him, but only really into the status and the money. he was sort of who she wanted to be. gideon didn't particularly care about her, but he liked having control, and she was something he had control over. it was all very weird and undefined and toxic and she left his label and decided to become an independent musician. yayy
which leads us to the present, where envy and sandra meet after one of envy's shows. sandra is there with monique (duh) but also with stacey and idk. comeau i guess. he knows everyone. stacey and envy are still friends despite scott, and so envy joins them after the concert and sandra's pretty much instantly in love. she already had a celebrity crush on envy, but having her be Real and There just solidified it. she asks envy out that night (albeit very desperately and awkwardly) and envy figures, why not. oops the relationship kinda goes great and the gossip pipeline of stacey -> julie -> gideon -> scott happens and now. sandra has to fight envy's 5 evil exes! or at least, like, three of them. whatever
god that was longer than i thought it would be. if you read all that a) thank you and b) sorry
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pumpkinsy0 · 26 days
IK we hear a lot of Darry and Dallas probably clashing the most within the hang, but I could also see Darry clashing a lot with Two-Bit. Specifically I could see Darry unintentionally taking out some of his frustration on Two-Bit. Two-Bit like soda is emotionally intelligent, except as we see in the book he’s mostly an observer. He can’t comfort as well as Soda can or soothe someone’s worries. I just think there’s a lot of angst potential there.
NOT that Darry is bad by any means!! But I could see that Two-Bit’s calm demeanor to stressful situations would in fact bug Darrel to a certain degree. I think what would bug him more is Two-Bit just accepting the anger he throws at him. Not cause Two-Bit can’t fight back but rather cause he KNOWS Darrell needs to get it out of his system.
ALL THIS TO SAY: Hurt/Comfort HC’s of this??
OoOoOo rare two bit post, whats goodddd
•i think when it comes to two bit, ppl THINK he cant read the room and thats y he jokes, but its the exact opposite, he jokes BC he knows the tension in the room and is trying to settle it down, sometimes it just doesnt work/land, and that happens more so w darry
•when it comes to darry, i dont think two bit jokes???hes more so of a “look at the bright side” kinda guy, and darry can only take so much of that before he snaps, he usually just sighs and tries leaving but two but is always checking in on him and doing that over n over
•two bit knows darry holds a lot of things in, considering two bit is the oldest in the gang (darry canonically isnt rlly in the gang apparently, i just could him as an unofficial official member), darry doesnt rlly hold in his feelings near him, hes seen darry stressed out at the table n stuff, so he tries taking him out here n there
•atp sometimes thats where darry snaps bc he doesnt WANT to relax, he wants to do what he has to do first, darry never gives himself time to calm down, he has a pretty big “work first, play hard” ethic hes hard on himself for and thats what two bit is “attacking”
•darry does feel super bad when hes done being angry though, he truly doesnt WANT to snap at anyone, he just does at times, and its not like he says anything like, OUTRAGEOUSLY mean btw, hes not that kind of angry where he says something deeply personal unless u rlly pushed him there, more so venting about his own issues
•he still apologizes profusely and its just,,,,kinda sad to watch honestly, darry has his head in his hand (or hands) and looks like hes just crawling into himself, and its like, two bit CANT b mad at him
•two bit rlly doesnt take it personally, doesnt hurt his feelings either, of course hes a bit taken back, but he doesnt exactly argue back, he lets darry get it out of his system and THEN says what he wants to say (hes not called two bit for no reason he WILL add in his 2 cents) which is usually what darry HAS to hear
•two bit tends to give a heads up to anyone whos about to step in the house when darrys upset, mostly to guys space, but also bc he knows the others might take it to heart and fight back and just worsen the situation
•also!!!! if two hears pony talk badly about darry after an argument, he scolds pony for it, ofc he also sympathizes w pony, but theres this thing in the gang where sometimes they rub into darry for his anger bc theyre also angry at him and two bits the one to try and defend him, cause if he doesnt, who will (this excludes soda btw, two bit and soda talk about darry sometimes)
•nobody rlly, sees their outburst btw, the most ppl ever see is like, two and darry talking at the kitchen at most, and two bits just not his “up eat all jokester” self he looks genuine, but when they notice ur there everything goes “back to normal”
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to-my-emil · 3 months
luca's 2024 letter
so i did a whole analysis/explanation/infodump about luca's newest letter on my discord server and. figured i may as well post it here! theres a lot of fun tasty things in here and some confirmation of things that have been implied in previous letters which is fun to look at. please keep in mind i dont have the entirety of every character and manor game's lore memorized so while i did double check some things i mightve missed some stuff. anyway its all below the cut since its Long have fun :)
(also feel free to chime in with any thoughts/feelings/opinions/ideas!)
so theres three sections to this letter! im gonna go section by section, but some parts of the last section are mentioned earlier so uh. sorry if you havent read it yet (id recommend u do read it first)
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so part 1 is pretty fun. luca is confirmed to have survived game 10 (which also features tracy, charles, and bonbon though we dont currently know who the fourth survivor participant is) And its implied that hes the only survivor of the game (according to the "fleeting victory" thats the assumption at least). his traits w being able to connect the ciphers is also officially tied into the lore here; there are in fact wires running underneath each arena (or at the very least whichever arena lucas game was in which we dont know yet iirc) so its canon that he can do what he does in matches and its not something that the detective incorrectly deduced lorewise (idk if any of the survivor abilities are Actually incorrect deductions/not actually things that theyre doing (like for example priestess's portals, etc that seem more far-fetched) but since we know hes done other things incorrectly (like "prisoner" and "psychologist" titles being in quotes/technically wrong) i figure he mightve gotten some of those wrong too). luca is also Super Fucked Up w an unusuable left arm (and his previous injuries which we know includes at Least severe brain trauma but likely physical trauma too considering his time in prison + the leg braces) so uhhhhhhhhhhh. my money is NOT on him for the next game.
which is the fun next thing to talk about: baron deross is making him do another game!! this confirms whats implied in emmas 2022 letter (she writes "I've won the previous round, for now" which implies a second round if not more), and probably means that helena and galatea would also go through another round even though its not confirmed yet. so far we dont have a record of what happens in any second manor game for a player who has won (as far as i remember); usually what happens is entire groups are eliminated before the game and the only survivor goes on to the next round to try again by default rather than having won the game (like murro and luchino). so far luca's second game is the only one we have ANY info about for a survivor whos won their first game; we know that alva is in it and its heavily implied ann is in it (we'll get to this later) so we'll likely find out what happens once we get either of their experiment letters. its also interesting that the baron seems to reveal more information about the experiments to luca after luca won his game, but its hard to know whether thats because luca is also a scientist or if he reveals that to everyone who wins. my guess is maybe the former bc u Know luca would have questions and theres also no mention of baron deross saying anything like that in emmas, galateas, or helenas letters.
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on to section 2!!! (there was a slur against disabled people in the last line of this section so. thats whats blocked out)
OKAY SO. definitely confirmed that hes in a second manor game, its not even subtext its just right there. assuming the "mechanisms" refer to the same mechanisms that are running under the arena and connecting the cipher machines my guess is that this is what he used to shock other participants?? rather than just being to conduct electricity through himself like he does in the game?? idk thats just spaghetti at the wall its not clear here how he actually got shocked and why. it Is clear that he passed the fuck out at some point or another/his memory issues have gotten worse and the wiki points to that guy in his dream being hermann, so that's. interesting. theres an implication here that luca and hermann used to be closer, but once luca started w physics hermann went mmmm time to stop being a father. which. checks out knowing hermann. whats even more interesting is that luca calls hermanns ideas "ludicrous fantasies" that are neither idealistic nor realistic, because like luca you went and did THE EXACT SAME THING. BRO HE WORKED ON PERPETUAL MOTION. YOURE WORKING ON PERPETUAL MOTION. IM SORRY YOU CANT CLOWN ON UR DAD FOR RUINING HIS LIFE OVER PERPETUAL MOTION WHEN U DID LITERALLY THE EXACT SAME THING
i do wonder if this is meant to imply that hermann was in fact actually working on a More ridiculous version of perpetual motion or if luca is just biased as hell against hermann. im banking on the latter there is no way in hell that luca is a reliable narrator considering all his memory issues + his general tendency to outright grab people hes mad at by the throat (<- fun fact we see this at least twice once in alvas backstory video and again in gattos backstory video. luca is the same across all timelines). also implications that hermann became an alcoholic. im guessing as a kid luca was told it was medicine and he hasnt put the pieces together?? or its ironic. idk could be either with him. i highly doubt its actually medicine. ALTHOUGH. theres an alternate explanation here; when luca says "swallow them down" i initially thought he was referring to hiding his "final feelings", since sometimes swallowing down feelings is a phrase used for that kind of thing. but potentially this could be implying that hermann had luca take some kind of medicine potentially to get rid of those feelings in some way?? personally i think its the former because we already know hermann was wasting his life and money so becoming an alcoholic would be an easy answer, but this is probably just because i dont have any answers if it were the latter. something to think about
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now the third part, which gives us info about the next manor game!
so first the "gaunt old man" is (according to the wiki which i agree with in this case) mad eyes, which makes sense because mad eyes was involved in game 8/9 right before this and game 10 was filled with inventors + bonbon so it only makes sense he was there. no idea where he went though. whats more fun is that luca is now In The Fucking basement Walls where mad eyes used to be bc luca doesnt trust the rest of the participants. considering the "abnormal eyes" and that alva is here we know for sure that this is those related to the eye of darkness cult, which means ann is also definitely there. whats even more interesting is that this implies the existence of at least one more member of the eye of darkness cult whos going to be in this game; luca says "new participants" and "these people", and considering how specific the letters usually are with other things i would guess hed say "those two" if it were only ann and alva (of course its possible that theyre the only two have arrived at the writing of this journal, but considering he refers to a ritual coming up soon my money is on all the participants being of the cat cult except luca). luca makes a good note that this new game is likely the opposite of the previous and more focused on religion/spirituality which checks out w the participants, but DAMN hes an asshole about their writing style LMAO. sorry luca not everyone can have the same notes u do
the "brother in faith" guy here is alva, and i personally believe that he can in fact believe see through walls just bc thats funny as hell. just kidding its likely because luca is not as subtle he thinks he is because alva Literally Knows Him. other people might not be able to know hes there but like. that guys also a scientist. hed be able to figure out that theres someone in the walls AND he does in fact know luca. its difficult to tell bc of lucas memory issues but this probably also implies that alva looks very different from how he did in life (i doubt its as tall/etc as in his hunter form since thats what they all see when drugged not what he Actually looks like but im sure theres some stuff like his shorter hair/grayish skin/etc that carries across). i for one am fucking thrilled that theyre in a game together bc oh my god this is a time bomb and im just waiting to watch it explode (again).
as for the last line about a ritual... teehee. im very excited for whatever this is going to be and its killing me that this is the Only Information we have on it so far. likely we're going to have to wait for more alva and ann letters on this one, as well as whoever the third eye of darkness cult member is going to be, but i have no doubt that we'll have some more info eventually. if i had to take a guess its going to heavily affect how game 10-2/11 turns out; i highly doubt any ritual goes on without a sacrifice, and, well... theres only one guy here whos not already part of the cult. things are not looking great for lucas future.
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kalivasquezart · 3 months
Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your au about the Pioneer. Its so well thought out and just overall amazing and oh boy dont even get me started on your art— absolutely beautiful💖💕
I also am working on an au based off of Artis pups and when I found you I was like 🫢🫵 Very similar ideas 👀👀👀Also Hunter as Pioneer’s mentor is SUCH A COOL CONCEPT— Like like cause Hunters my favorite scug and the fact that you included him in your au and as Marbles’ mentor is just *squeals* but it also makes a lot of sense considering he comes a little bit after Arti and is one of the few scugs who can encounter pups in their campaign. I also wanted to ask if its okay with you if I use that idea/concept in my own au 👉👈
I was also thinking about Pioneer’s brother— Ik you said that you hc him as being dead, like officially, but I thought it would be interesting if he was still alive. I personally was inspired to let him live in my au simply because of some official art of Gorum (specifically his endings art especially the food quest one where he has a suspiciously familiar green slugpup). I was thinking something like what happened to Surv and Monk (the one-way pipe considering the fact that he kind of began to drift to the right as he sank) happened to him and Gorum found him. Idk these are just ideas Im using for my own au but thought I would share.
I just realized this is super long sorry HANDNAND I am insane and write too much
ahhhh thank you for the kind words skek YOU FLATTER ME~
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[there are rain world spoilers regarding artificer's capaign below, be warned]
while my current headcanon is that the green pup died, i've been thinking very hard about it for the last week or so, and IMO there's a high chance i will retcon that. if the pipe thing is canon to Surv/Monk campaigns then i'm even more eager to adopt that idea. my only real hold-up about the pup was that we clearly see it drown in Arti's dream (the same flashing aura behaviour when you swim underwater), and if he really did drown then the only way to bring him back to life would be through karmic rebirth "last checkpoint save" kind of thing… which feels a bit cheap? a little too simple for me. i'm heavily biased here, because a while ago i read an interesting lore post of someone trying to explain why Arti's pups wouldn't "respawn" if they were killed, while Arti did. in short, the pups were too young to be bound by karma and so when they died, they died for good (reincarnated as a different creature, maybe) - but Artificer being an adult and already having experienced the urges before, was brought back. if i can, i will try to find that post again, and link it here.
ANYWAY yeah, personal AUs don't have to strictly comform to the game's canon, i keep forgetting about that. hell, i've seen people revive scav king or, i dunno, SOS from the dead, and they made it work.
speaking of my AU again, i may also have headcanon'd Arti's mate as a semi-aquatic scug (less freaky than riv tho), and so Bryn/green pup would have inherited some of those genes, making him more likely to survive the drowning. so yeah, i think i like the storytelling potential of keeping the pup alive, althought i'd have to sit down and do a proper brainstorming on what that means… when Arti and Marbles eventually reunite with their long lost other half of the family.
by the way, if you (or anyone else reading this post) wants to use my ideas in their own AU then i'm okay with that! no need to credit or anything. many people come up with similar concepts anyway, it'd be silly to try and police them on it.
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mintytealfox · 5 months
Hi! I'm super new to IDV and keep seeing a lot of art (official and fan) with Fools Gold and Alice! I love it all, but I was wondering is there a canon or fanon reason for their connection, or is it just a ship that developed based on their personalities? :)
EEYYYYYY~ I would LOVE for nortalice to be canon but I will be shocked if they make any coupling canon outside of psychologist (Ada Mesmer) and patient (Emil) and if they throw in Geisha's husbando and AKA mostly those who were already coupled before the manor games~
But I personally think there is potential there~ the Da Capo game (the one they are concentrating on in the main story) heavily leans on the Greek Lore of Orpheus and Eurydice~ with the cast consisting of The confirmed roles are these two: Orpheus: Novelist Eurydice: Alice/Journalist then the potential roles are as follows: Hades: Norton/Prospector/Fool's Gold Persephone: Melly/Entomologist not sure where Frederick goes, he will probably throw a wrench into this entire thing LOL
EDIT: So technically Melly and Norton could fall for each other cause of Hades and Persephone (I wouldn't be opposed to that either honestly cause that ship is my second love LOL I don't necessarily see them as romantic but I wouldn't be upset if they got together cause of the hades and persephone thing. plus whenever they are in anything together they are constantly memeing on the other and trying to get ahead at the cost of the other loool so I think they meme on each other a little too much for things to get romantical lol but who knows they could prove me wrong one day)
but I love em cause of their personalities and I feel like they would balance each other pretty well~
for example, Alice with her OCD would be calmed by Norton's matter of fact and 'it will be fine just work hard' view on things. ((that is what helps me with my OCD anyways lol is someone I trust taking my hands and saying its fine) I have an entire post about hand movements and I went into how Norton's movements are quick and precises and deliberate and Alice would need that for grounding 👀 While Norton needs a gentle touch cause that would be so unfamiliar to him that it would make him stop in his tracks I think~)) ANYWAY OFF TOPIC
Then vice versa with Norton and his gloom view on the world and Alice comes in with optimism and cheery-ness lol. She will protect her lil grumpy people LOL
Alice 👇 Norton👇
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So I guess to answer your question, its definitely on their personalities and completely based on potential~ The potential and nuance is there with what we know about them so far and there is the hope that Norton will turncoat in the story, with Melly convincing him to help her save Alice 👏👏 I just like adding the little bit of spice of 'you two get together and heal together okay' I feel like they would balance each other out well~
Norton needing that softness and Alice needing that wall to lean on. And I think they would work so well together~
I hope I somewhat answered your question, I feel like I was all over the place LOL my baaaad
also I have no idea why they keep having Alice looking so down bad for Fool's Gold 🤣🤣🤣🤣BUT I LOVE IT SO DARN MUUCCHH LOOOOL (and added to the fuel for this raging fire that is my love for Nortalice)👏👏👏🤌🤌🤌🤌💞💞💞but it has me LAUGHING at the fact that on hallucinogens drugs she STILL sees Norton as a knock out BABE -WHEEEZZEEE-
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blu-oo · 1 year
(Angsty-ish) Cole headcanons cuz he’s my favorite
1. When he’s overwhelmed/freaking out to the point his hands shake, the ground around him starts to shake as well without him realizing. The fastest way to stop this is if he or someone else holds his hands still.
2. He’s been trained in several “official” forms of dance (contemporary, ballet, waltz, etc.)
3. He developed a general fear of heights after The Fall, and it’s impacted him enough that things he used to enjoy, such as rock climbing, are now anxiety inducing. Because of his job as a ninja, he had to essentially Suck It Up™️, but that didn’t stop it from hindering both himself and the others/mission.
4. ^ because of this, when his thoughts/troubles got to much for him, instead of climbing mountains, he turned to food as a form of comfort. His friends/Wu do eventually help him through his fear of heights so it doesn’t affect him as much, but the fear never truly 100% goes away.
5. Post ghost form he had a habit of walking face first into walls/people. Even now when he’s tired he’ll still sometimes do it.
6. I think it’s safe to assume Cole in canon has at least some self confidence issues at this point. When the self doubt gets really bad, his powers will reflect the worst case scenario he’s envisioned (ex: he assumes his power won’t be enough for something and when he goes in for the earth punch, its like getting hit w a pillow)
7. Will fight a child for the last slice of cake at a birthday party (the ninja were invited as a surprise for the birthday boy. The child cole fought was, in fact, said birthday boy)
8. Cole’s habit of talking to himself grows to the point that he essentially rubber duckies himself when problem solving anything. He will do this in front of the other ninja and will just straight up not hear them when they try to help him with the issue. But also they have watched this mam have a full on back and forth conversation about a show he didn’t like before.
9. While caring for baby Wu, he gained the habit of going to check on him when he had trouble sleeping at night, tucking him in and sitting with him for a bit. After Wu returns to his actual age the habit never really goes away, but Cole is embarrassed about it so he tries to be extra super ninja sneaky when he pulls the covers up over Wu’s shoulders after his blanket had fallen a bit. Wu knows he does this but pretends to be asleep, after all why stop a kind gesture if it brings comfort to both involved.
10. Because of his lava arms, Cole (and Lloyd) are the only ones that don’t get easily burned by Kai’s fire. They’re usually the ones in charge of holding him back/cooling him down if physical touch is needed.
Surprise Jay headcanon jumpscare:
Since there are toys of the ninja, Jay goes out of his way to purchase all the misprint/goofy looking dolls of them all and proudly displays his growing collection much to everyone’s annoyance (especially Kai. They NEVER get his face right)
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plantwriting · 6 months
Okay finished relistening to episode 1 (will listen to episode 2 and maybe more tomorrow but its like 10 pm and i have school tomorrow) of bitb and heres just like small collection of things that stuck to my mind!
Rolan does in fact canonically have a car i forgot about that so sorry rolan in my fic you got to live but lost your ability to drive such is life
Kian’s first act being just drinking something…. Like he wakes up and immediately gets alcohol… grizzly honestly just does such an incredibly amazing job making kian seem so like depressing but hiding it so well behind making everything seem like just some funny rockstar stuff its amazing
Also! The super tired ‘hey’ before he remembers and switches to ‘i mean whats up dude’??? Like could that have been a genuine mistake by grizz, sure, but i highly fucking doubt that. Like grizzly is so incredible at voice acting i refuse to believe that wasnt intentional
Rand. Just. How fucking mad he is at rolan. Its just painful. And how clearly done with it rolan is like you know this is an argument theyve had like hundreds of times before
So so so many details about kian that are so fucking fun to think about, specifically when he describes the look officer dudes gave him? Like (cant remember the exact quote but you get it) ‘ive seen some bad people in hollywood, people who just smile at you a certain way and you know you wouldnt want to meet them at night because they want to kill you’???? I am using that against him so hard holy shit
They just. Know nothing about how time works. They keep saying that its been a decade (it hasnt its been 15 years) and barc is supposedly old enough to have met them but no he is absolutely not and also charlie described barc as a golden retriever but then who the fuck is the black dog in rands official art just. Wow theyre so inconsistent about everything.
Theres definitely a few details about kian that i had forgotten about (like him just saying he has plenty more cars at home and whatever) but the pros of that is. I dont even need to decide to just ignore canon because i can just fucking believe that hes lying! Like its kian we cant trust his word on anything and thats great for me because i dont need to worry about messing up the canon!
Trying to just keep track of their stats and such but its. Its so hard. Because most of the time they just say ‘thats a success/hard success/failure/etc’ and not even what they actually rolled and then when they say what they rolled they still usually dont say what the number they had to beat was so just like.
Kian has 30 strength and 75 in guitar and 11 hp and that is all i can actually remember
Rand has 45 strength and 30 sanity (for like the first half hour) and ive already forgotten everything else
And rolan. Im going to be real i remember nothing already. I think he has 8 speed? But that was in the solo ep so i cant be sure. Also either him or rand had 14 hp i have already forgotten which one
Rat’s death is so hard to think about but its also very hard for me because im just thinking of kian going through the same fucking thing. Like hes aware of it and hes in pain and he just hears a buzzing and. Augh. (And kian probably died alone. God knows becky wasnt comforting him through that)
…..kian going fucking four times over the speed limit getting to galloway but then specifically not speeding with the others until theyre trying to leave after seeing rats whole thing? You cannot convince me that thats not like him being passively suicidal and just not caring about his own safety unless other peoples lives depend on it as well
Also, quick pat on the back for myself, i feel like i did very well with especially rand and rolan’s dynamic. Like just the intense care and love they have for each other but its been overshadowed by years spent apart and basically the second theyre left alone they immediately get into an argument and instantly start going right for all the things that hurt the most? Jesus they need therapy
Also kian (yes of course im focusing on him again thats my guy) just cares for them so much?? Like him immediately going after rolan and trying to help him without even knowing whats going on, also as fucking stupid as it is grizzlys plan being literally ‘im going to flirt with donna so john walks in on us and chases me with a shotgun to give a distraction for rand’ its like. So ridiculous. Yet somehow also very caring that this idiot is really willing to risk getting shot at to help rand out a bit
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seandwalsh · 2 months
I would like you to give me some clarifications(if you can, of course) - I follow you on Reddit(and also the Mario verse project)*recently*; I noticed a post that was making fun of this project and I went to the comments section, and in one of the first comments to appear, these are the replies to it(yeah, I don't agree with his mindset about the series). I took some screenshots before they were disabled, and if you *could* clarify them for me(who is still a beginner in Mario Lore), I would be grateful.
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I would be happy to clarify! I’m not trying to cause drama with this, but given there is a minor history here I should explain a couple of things. Just for context on the sort of source Slade Lucas is; They’re someone I’ve interacted with quite a few times and they generally tend to deny basic facts based on what they personally like or dislike. For example, they refused to acknowledge that the Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Booster Course Pass courses were ported from Mario Kart Tour. This also generally applies to their perspective on Mario lore. They write off any evidence they don’t like completely arbitrarily, constantly move the goalposts in any conversation and make up pseudo-arguments that don’t really mean anything when you try to inquire about them further (“Toad himself is a character that they try to use in so many ways that he alone breaks the idea of there being a consistent canon.”, anyone can see that this is ridiculous).
This is not an attack on their character, but similarly to when I used to respond to MatPat it’s important to understand why people make these types of flawed arguments. In any case, I’m going to debunk them piece by piece.
“But just because they bring something back and it is canon to one game, it doesn't mean it is canon to all games.”
Perhaps I’m missing some context but I’m not quite sure what they’re trying to say here. Obviously when a game references another game, those games are intended to share a canon - and every Mario game references other Mario games, prompting a web which connects essentially every Nintendo-published Mario game to each other. This is what Mario fans use as the basis for canon.
Not everyone is interested enough in or pays enough attention to the Mario games to see the patterns and lore they’re building, but to deny its existence outright entirely is incredibly silly.
Mario, of course, has been from the Mushroom Kingdom and grew up in what we now call New Donk City since at least the mid-90s with Donkey Kong (Game Boy) and Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island. He had no officially disclosed backstory within the canon before that point and was certainly never stated to be from any real world country in the games themselves.
Captain Toad is obviously not Toad and never has been. Captain Toad first appeared in Super Mario Galaxy, while the main Toad first appeared in Super Mario Bros. (and was first singled-out in Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA)). There are several developer statements that prove this, as well as several descriptions.
That's right. We've made use of the technology cultivated through Super Mario Galaxy, and characters like Rosalina and Captain Toad, who came about through those games play a new role.
[Source: Yoshiaki Koizumi, Director of Super Mario Galaxy and Producer of Super Mario 3D World, Iwata Asks, November 2013]
Taking a cue from Mario Galaxy, there are games called "Captain Toad's Adventure," in which Captain Toad appears with his memorable little tune that goes "ta-dada-da-, ta-dada-da-".
[Source: Koichi Hayashida, Director of Super Mario 3D World, Iwata Asks, November 2013]
What is he Captain of, exactly…? Have you played Super Mario Galaxy™ on the Wii™ console? Well, during the events of that game the Toad Brigade was founded, with Captain Toad as its leader. Rumours that Captain Toad is the least reliable of the bunch are completely unfounded!
[Source: What They Say about Captain Toad, Page 5, Digital Manual of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, December 2014]
By the way, Captain Toad is actually not the same Toad as the Toad who's playable in games like Super Mario Bros. 2 and Wario's Woods.
[Source: Koichi Hayashida, Producer of Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, Miiverse, December 2014]
[Super Mario Galaxy is the] First appearance of Captain Toad!
[Source: Super Mario Galaxy Fabulous Firsts, Official American Super Mario 3D All-Stars website, September 2020]
…I was wondering, is Captain Toad the same Toad from the original Super Mario Bros.? How many Toads are there?
Shigeru Miyamoto
[…] So Captain Toad, y’know, appeared in Super Mario Galaxy and there were other Toads in that game too, but I think maybe Captain Toad is just a normal Toad who just happens to be wearing those captain-type clothes. (laughs)
[Source: An exchange between Shigeru Miyamoto and iJustine, Director of Super Mario Bros. and YouTuber, respectively, YouTube, December 2014]
Illumination did whatever they wanted with the story of The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Characters were merged or otherwise completely altered left and right, such as Donkey Kong the First and the modern Donkey being treated as one and the same despite having always been different characters in the games.
The main Toad has appeared in Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario 64, Super Mario 3D World and Super Mario Run. He’s also mentioned in the manual of Super Mario Bros. 3, with several other potential appearances in main series games. That’s a better track record in the main series than a lot of characters, and with his appearances in spin-offs such as sports games, Mario Party games and RPGs Toad is a prolific and well-defined character. He’s a brave hero through and through, he’s selfless and he’s a long-time friend of Mario. While his spots are sometimes blue, they’re usually red and he consistently wears a blue vest.
Captain Toad is almost the complete opposite in terms of characterisation. He’s cowardly, he’s motivated primarily by his own greed and he barely knew Mario (if at all) before Super Mario Galaxy. He always wore red, separating his design from the main Toad’s.
Space Junk Galaxy does have an atmosphere, as does every Galaxy in the Super Mario Galaxy games as well as the moon in Super Mario Odyssey and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. As Slade Lucas point out, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Odyssey, have breath meters, clearly demonstrating that Mario needs air and therefore has air in the areas he visits throughout those games. The atmosphere might be a little thinner in certain areas, but it’s definitely present. Mario cannot breathe in the void of space as shown in Super Paper Mario and even with things like the REXA Toads in Mario Kart 8. This is just wasn’t thought through on Lucas’ part.
Whether or not Mario has an air meter in any given game is simply a matter of gameplay and says nothing about whether Mario can or needs to breathe in-universe. We know Mario needs oxygen and holds his breath while underwater thanks to dialogue and animations. In older titles, it was not possible to implement an air meter for underwater levels. This has been carried over into many newer linear titles to allow for more simple level design. In-universe, however, Mario can never breathe underwater. In fact in Super Mario 3D World we can clearly see Mario and the others holding their breaths when underwater despite the lack of an air meter. A game deciding to not have an air meter for the sake of fun and accessible gameplay says nothing about in-universe lore or canon. Nobody in their right mind would consider that a lore inconsistency, especially not a game developer.
Koopa Troopas walk on all fours and can learn to walk on two legs, as is stated in Mario Superstar Baseball (translated from Japanese):
[Koopa Troopa is] A member of the Koopa clan, familiar to the Mario series. He can protect himself by putting his hands and feet inside his shell. Long ago, he couldn't even stand up wearing shoes, but after hard work, he's gone as far as being able to play baseball. He can do anything with skill, but since he's a turtle, he's slow on his feet.
We’ve seen Koopas who walk on all fours stand up in Mario Bros. and Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros. artwork. It appears shoes help Koopas stand upright, which explains why whenever we see them waking on all fours they aren’t wearing them. Clearly this isn't an inconsistency but rather a feature of the worldbuilding.
The Koopalings were retconned. Many people do not like this change, but that’s not an inconsistency. It’s not something they’ve gone back and forth on, it was a change they made a couple of decades ago to allow them to exist while considering newer lore. Explicit retcons like this are made for the sake of consistency and only prove that they’re considering an overarching narrative that needs consistent worldbuilding throughout these games.
In short, Slade Lucas bases their “inconsistencies” on personal bias, a lack of knowledge, gameplay mechanics and things literally done to make things consistent. Their arguments do not hold up whatsoever. Thank you for bringing your concerns to me, and I hope you found this response helpful!
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mangosaurus · 4 months
Hi ❤️ I'm the anon who send that question about your opinion on the Ben's gf reveal, and thank u so much for the answer! Abt the part I use the word "painful", i was talking abt that if the reason behind the gf mention was revealed to be just a way of trying to "shut up" that "gay theories" it would be painful bc we know is a thing that happens in some medias. I know is just a reaaally low possibility, but I wanted to mention that too bc we know it happens in some stories.
I mentioned that possibility bc I really like jwcc queer rep but I always try to remind myself that it's still a show so they're not immune to censure and bad stuff that happen in this kinda of media. I remind myself this so it's not that painful if happens, that is way I used that word, but I do know it isn't that probable in jwct case! (and yeah, like u I don't think queer rep in jwcc is painful or anything)
Totally agree that the subtext thing is really subjective, so I was talking more abt the fact that the ppl in production probably knows that fans see a lot a "gay subtext" on him than saying that I think that the subtext is canon. I never had a headcanon for Ben through, my whole anxiety was just bc of knowing all this context and not knowing if the whole gf reveal will go to a chill thing or not.
I don't know much about the inside production of jwct like you, so my fear is just based on how medias sometimes deal with queer characters in general... That is why I LOVED your analysis, oh and sorry for the long post, hope u're doing fine!
hi again! :D thank YOU for sending in that ask, i really do love talking to people lol
i hear you on being fearful about censorship 😭 even if you knew about the production of the show and the people involved with it (which ... it's not like i have some sort of intimate understanding of everything that goes on, i just follow a lot of the team members on social media ^_^;) i think that's a valid thing to be scared of. media has made a lot of progress in terms of queer rep in the last decade, especially in the realm of animated TV shows primarily aimed towards kids/families, but that doesn't mean artists don't still have to fight for the inclusion of that rep. i wasn't super into she-ra, but i do vaguely remember its creator ND stevenson talking about how much he had to negotiate with dreamworks just to make catradora a thing (if someone can find me a source on that that would be incredibly appreciated), and that was as recently as 2020 (if we're measuring by when SPOP's final season aired). that was the same year JWCC premiered, and two years before yasammy would be made official. a lot of doors had to be opened to allow JWCC/CT to be as gay as it is, basically, and that status isn't always going to be guaranteed.
but if i can ease your mind any further: JWCC S5 received a lot of backlash online, and even one of JWCT's early access IMDB clips drew scrutiny from anti-woke conservative types because it dared to portray a diverse cast of characters. that didn't stop a large portion of the crew from digging their heels in and defending their show, though! plus, yasammy are still together, and JWCT shows no signs of rolling back on their queer rep for the sake of appeasing a certain group of people.
so, to go back to ben having a girlfriend ... i very much doubt that such a choice was made out of malice, or to "shut up" any theories about him being gay (generally speaking or in the "i, as a man, exclusively like other men" way). but like you said yourself, there was already a veryyyyy low possibility of that happening.
tysm once again!! no need to apologize for the long ask—i usually give long answers anyway. and i'm doing well, hope you are too! 🫶
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esprei · 2 years
have recently learned there's a bit more hate around trainwreckshipping than i was aware of so i guess i just wanted to talk about it a bit and give my two cents on the ship, how i see it and i guess my perspective on things. i've kind of always wanted to talk about it, but i just haven't been brave enough until now haha (sorry, i am not super eloquent when it comes to writing things like this so my apologies) ((also throwing it under a cut because it may get long and might also include some slightly sad-ish things so i don't want to just throw that in everyone's face you know))
i think i'll just preface things by saying i've always totally understood why trainwreckshipping has gotten so much flack since its inception. or hate, because maybe flack just isn't strong enough of a word. but i do understand. there were mischaracterizations of emmet by portraying him as violent to volo because it was assumed that volo was directly responsible for ingo's disappearance. i was guilty of it. suuuuuper guilty. and i can understand why that put the ship in such a position for many people. toxic, unhealthy, etc. but... i think what i'm a bit confused on i guess is the fact that it's still viewed so much this way to this day. viewed as one of the worst ships because of how toxic it is. how unhealthy it is. all because it started that way in fanon only. but you know, from a canon standpoint, it has nothing. nothing at all. so really, this ship could be anything because it's based in fanon only. no canon interactions of emmet and volo exist yet. there is no official basis on how these characters would interact with each other. and yes, while there were misunderstandings of both characters early on, that certainly doesn't mean it's still that way today. that doesn't mean that people haven't studied and looked at these two characters a little closer to understand them better and to try and make them more realistic to their canon portrayals. to make more accurate depictions of these characters and how that fits in to a healthier perspective with them. i dunno. it just kinda baffles me that with the variety of trainwreckshipping content out there now, some still call it toxic and unhealthy as if we're perpetually stuck in that time period of when it was. like it's not allowed to be anything but that ever just because it started that way. and what makes me the saddest about it all is now seeing so many friends and people in the community of the ship start to get disheartened and discouraged from enjoying something they really actually enjoy because there's still such a bad stigma to the ship. personally for a long time i've just ignored that stigma because i try not to let that stuff drag me down. but i will admit that yes, it has made me more reluctant to post any art i do of it. i've definitely had my periods where i've questioned uploading my emmet/volo art, usually as wholesome as it is, because it does have such a dark cloud around it fandom wise. it's why i made my side blog, in fact. because i just didn't feel very comfortable uploading mostly emmet/volo art here to my main because so many people dislike it or outright hate it.
and in regards to the ship itself, i think i've always thought of it in a slightly different way than most. not so much enemies to lovers but rather through the lens of how volo might could change, be redeemed, see the how his actions in the past inadvertently affected others (and by that I mean his involvement in opening the rift... like yes, that could be what caused ingo to be sent to hisui, but we don't know that for sure... and even if that was the case, volo didn't do it specifically to target ingo. volo was only ever interested in trying to get to arceus and build a better world in his vision).
or how volo could look at emmet after getting to know him and potentially see the beauty and value of the current world through him. you know, seeing someone like emmet and admiring that he can still find a reason to smile and be kind despite all of the pain and suffering he must have gone through since ingo's disappearance. volo starting to see a different perspective than he did before (aka wanting to build a new world because the current one was too full of pain and suffering) because of emmet. i dunno. that's just me personally. because since actually looking more at volo's character and his dialogue in game i've been real interested in redemption paths for him. exploring those possibilities. i just enjoy exploring said possibilities mostly through the dynamic i have in my head for him and emmet because it's fun. it interests me. i see cool potential in it. i enjoy it a lot. and while i don't think i ever portray volo super accurately, or even emmet for that matter, i still think i've come a long way since first finishing pla and ever looking at emmet/volo interactions. but regardless of all of that, that's the beauty of a ship of this nature. a ship that has absolutely no basis in canon. because it really can be anything you want it to be. it can be enemies to lovers, it can be more wholesome, it can be whatever. it's not locked into a specific dynamic because the characters have never officially met each other, let alone had a conversation. and even if that were the case... AUs are still a thing. :D
anyway that's pretty much all i had. just wanted to talk about it a bit because i've seen a recent uptick in people mentioning all of the hate and dislike for the ship etc and i dunno. i enjoy the ship a lot. it's just sad to see that there's still so much hate around it even though a lot of the content now is not like how it originally started. not from what i've seen, at least.
and while i don't expect anyone who hates it to ever warm up to it, i just wish it could be understood that the more toxic, unhealthy dynamic is not the basis of anymore. there are healthier portrayals of it now.
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arabian-batboy · 2 years
I know you mentioned wanting to talk about damian earlier so what is your ideal direction for damians character? Assume you can retcon out details of Canon events
I think I talked about this a lot on my blog here and there, but Its not like I have ONE very detailed direction for his character and honestly I'm starting to try my hardest to not think about what we could have, because I know it will probably never happen and I would just make myself sad.
As for what I want, it depends if you mean from this point-on or if I could just go back in time to a certain point since Lazarus Planet is still going and I have a feeling it will fuck up do a lot of changes to Damian, so we will have to wait to see what happens. Either ways, I personally just want everything that happened since 2016 to be undone, I don't care how, just erase it all and lets pretend like the last issue of R:SoB was just released and lets start from there.
You know what's funny, even though Damian's fanbase is extremely diverse, almost all of us have been asking for only one of two things for so many years now, which are either A) bring back Maya & Suren and have Damian form a team with them B) have Damian be forever trapped as Jon's partner in a Super Sons comic that doesn't end (which I’m obviously not here for.)
That's it, there are really no huge amount of Damian's fans who are asking for anything else, yet DC keeps doing stories that no asked for that are always forgotten about after they end. Not only have they completely discarded point A, but they actually even have the balls to semi-discard point B, which I’m actually glad about don’t get me wrong, but I’m just surprised considering how feral and loud SS’s fans are, so if THEY can’t have what they want, I’m afraid no Damian’s fan can wish for anything, even though again, we're easy to please and what we want done with his character is clear as the day (we’re are not asking for much either)
Now if I was like the CEO of DC, I will just be an asshole who ignores continuity and have Damian deaged to like maybe 11/12 years old, put him back in his classic costume and have him return to Gotham as its official Robin, who actually has a personal/civilian life and regular interaction with all Batman's related characters (the fact that the last time time he had proper one-on-one interaction with any of the Batgirls was in the 00's decade is ridiculous, especially when one of them is his literal sister)
I would have Talia taking a small amount of members from the LOS who were always more loyal to her goals and means than her father's to form her own small spy organization that focuses on saving the Earth in ways other than killing a lot of people, similar to how Talia destroyed Lex Luthor Crop during her spy era, so maybe we will see her going undercover in corporations that commit a lot of pollution and making them go bankrupt or something similar?
Maya, Suren and Goliath would be living with her, however they wouldn't really be involved in her spy work (except maybe Maya, whose stealth powers can come in handy) instead they, along with Damian who will occasionally leave Gotham to team-up with them, will play a more action-based role.
So it will be 3 books, a Talia's book about her doing spy work, a Damian's book about him being Gotham's Robin and a team-up book with him and his friends going on adventures, which I have plenty of ideas for.
From expanding on Maya's backstory and doing something with the plot-line about her mother that Gleason didn't get to write, to a story about the Darga tribe who have been teased for a while now without anything coming from it and their connection/rivalry to the Al Ghul family (maybe even have a story about Suren betraying his friends for his family before double crossing them and declaring his friends to be his real new family) and the Year of Blood's storyline is a treasure trove that can be used as basis for newer stories. For instance, a lot of the artifacts that Damian stole seem to have some kind of power/magical properties to them, so I wouldn't mind seeing a story about a villain getting their hands on them to use them for evil and our team retrieving those items from them.
And I love the character of Ruh, if they don't plan on reviving Ra's, I wouldn't mind her leading the rest of the League that Talia didn't take (lets be real, DC will never fully disband the League) and maybe Talia + the kids will act as a throne in her throat by always beating her to any newly discovered Lazarus Pit and destroying it before her League reach them (I feel like I would be able to come up with more stories after LP ends)
I have so many ideas in my brain its ridiculous, but like I said at the beginning, I know none of them would ever happen, since all of them require Talia and Damian to not be demonized and to be written as main-characters, which 90% of DC's writers are not interested in doing, so it would be better to just forget about them.
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yumikoshigarakirp · 2 months
alright you said to so tell us everything about freezerburn! headcanons/canon stuff, cute things, fun facts, just everything you wanna talk about
Oh I’m trashing around, lets get it boys (some stuff on this will be added from my Tiktok because I post about them there a LOT bc ppl love them)
Manipulation, brief drugging mention (not done by Yumiko or Dabi), drinking, abuse mentions,
Under the cut cause its LONG, and anything explicitly NSFW is under its own section at the very bottom
General/During Canon Events —
Dabi fell for Yumiko first for sure, but he did not make a move on her until way later.
He listens to her conversations with the other League members, especially Jaxon and their friend Brooklyn (both ocs who weren’t born in Japan), to learn more about her since she isn’t open with him at first.
Yumiko went out to a bar one night with a couple other members of the League and got shitfaced and drugged and when they all got back Dabi was put in charge of taking care of her. During this they ended up laying in bed together since he was trying to get her to sleep and she wouldn’t let him leave, she kept staring at him as she does and he asked her why she stared so much.
— she said it’s just because she likes looking at him and he had to keep himself from rolling over and crying. And because of how close they’re laying together this is the first time he notices that her eyes aren’t just purple; they have spots of orange in them too.
Due to AFO telling her to, Yumiko did research into Endeavor and Touya Todoroki and it took like two or three months before she assumed Dabi was Touya.
They swapped shirts on accident one day and Toga immediately recognized they had switched because Dabi’s shirt was loose around Yumiko’s chest but super tight in the sleeves and Yumiko’s shirt was tight around Dabi’s chest but loose around the sleeves, cause Yumiko’s ribcage is smaller than his but her arms are way bulkier.
Yumiko loses her lighters a lot so she’ll have Dabi light her cigarettes or joints, eventually she stops buying lighters altogether cause of this.
When he saw her getting close to Spinner after they lost the hideout he maayyyyybeeee convinced her that Spinner would see her as nothing more than an extension of Tomura and that it was pointless to be with him cause he’d never see her as her own person. (Side note: not true, at all, but the lying did work because Yumiko stopped being anything more than friends with Spinner immediately after)
When they lose the hideout and have to be out in buildings without AC during the summer at some point, Yumiko throws a huge tantrum because it’s absolute torture with her quirk and she’s always two seconds from a heatstroke. She blames Tomura since it was his idea to bring Bakugo to their hideout which is partly how they got found out, and she gets into a small fist fight with Tomura before leaving the abandoned building they’re at to go find some cold water to lay in.
— Dabi is the only one to follow her and he asks her why she doesn’t just leave. This is the first time she rants about her obligation to Tomura to him personally. He doesn’t look at her for a few days following when he hears how much she’ll put up with just because Tomura is her family.
Dabi and Yumiko aren’t officially together until way after the final battle, but around the time they join the MLA they both understand there’s something between them and they’re treated like they’re dating.
Yumiko likes to rub her thumbs over Dabi’s scars and staples, and also likes to hold his chest when they sleep, it soothes her for some reason.
When Dabi isn’t using his quirk his body is cold, so if Yumiko is too hot he’ll let her lay up against him. Alternatively when its winter and her body starts getting colder than what its used to he’ll slightly heat up his body to get her back to her normal temperature.
Sometime after AFO has most control over Tomura’s body he ends up beating Yumiko in front of the League due to the little fist fight between Yumiko and Tomura I mentioned earlier, as a humiliation type of punishment. Afterwards she went off to sit by herself for the night. Dabi checks on her and she tells him she’s leaving in the morning.
— he tries to get to stay but can’t convince her. (Also tells her he’s Touya because she wasn’t nearby during the reveal.) They sleep together that night and its the first time Dabi says “I love you” to her. It completely throws her off and this is the point when she fully realizes she’s in love with him.
(Keep in mind for this next bit I deviate from canon in the sense that the time between Dabi’s dance and the final battle is way longer than what it is in canon I think)
Dabi and Yumiko end up having to fight each other during the final battle and her body reaches a low enough threshold temperature wise that by the end of the battle her heart has frozen over.
— When she’s taken to the hospital she has to have an emergency c-section and this ends in their son (Natsuto) having the same issues as Dabi quirk-wise.
During their time in the hospital Yumiko visits Touya daily once everyone has left and uses a thing I don’t feel like explaining rn to heal him little by little even though she’s advised not to by her doctors.
He for sure picks a fight with her every time she comes in to see him the first couple of weeks. He tells her that if she had stayed with him instead of joining the heroes he probably wouldn’t be so fucked up and maybe they would have won. (He’s only lashing out because when she ran off and joined the heroes he took it personally.)
Post Canon — (Using their real names here because that’s,, what they’d call each other after the dust clears.)
Yūka and Touya stay with Rei and Enji for a while after the war because they can’t live out on their own yet. Enji and Touya are both nervous that history will repeat itself with the new family, but thankfully they both end up mostly wrong.
Touya 1000% guilt trips Enji into paying for his and Yūka’s wedding. Enji’s only condition is that Touya tries his best to be a better husband than him.
They have Natsuto as their flower boy (Shoto helps guide him down the aisle since he’s like two when they get married.)
If it’s a universe where Tomura is still alive post war, he’s the one to walk Yūka down the aisle and is her “maid of honor”.
Yūka is already pregnant with their triplets (all girls) when the wedding takes place, and has a slight baby bump.
(Sidenote: I think Rei and Enji would feel that weird type of happiness where you’re also kind of sad at the same time during the wedding/any special moments with Yūka and Touya.)
These motherfuckers do not know what birth control is. They end up with Natsuto, the triplets (all girls), the twins (all girls), and one more boy. (Having seven kids makes Yūka start going grey early but it’s okay.)
Because I think it’s funny (not serious) to torture Touya, Natsuto ends up finding footage of the final battle and decides he wants to be a hero like Yūka (temporarily) was since he’s a huge mama’s boy.
— Natsuto can summon dry ice on his skin, and is immune to the gas that comes off of the chunks, but the dry ice itself gives him ice burns (yes that’s a thing, and only the canon version of him has this, Tumblr version is fine since he got done cooking fully.) and the first time they discover it hurts him Touya nearly had a panic attack especially since Natsuto wants to be a hero, was only comforted by Yūka handling the situation.
— Yūka immediately uses some shady connections to get Natsuto some support gear to wear for when his quirk acts up, since sometimes the dry ice pops up even when he doesn’t mean to.
Really anytime something happens that reminds Touya of his dad or childhood he looks to Yūka to take over because he doesn’t want to risk being like his dad and she’s normally much more calm about things.
All of their girls LOOOOOOVVEEEEE Touya, they all dogpile on him frequently.
I’ll rant more about the kids if prompted ugh.
Touya and Yūka have so much trouble switching back to their real names around each other for the first couple of years. (She almost called him Dabi during their wedding bows and he almost called her Yumiko.)
He’s like,, head to toe covered in scars after the war and Yūka still finds him so attractive 💔 as long as he’s not bald (half joking).
Alternate Universes I love putting them in that you should ask about—
UA student au (have a fic for this one rn)
College au
Pro hero au
True villain yumi au
Childhood friends au
Pro hero touya
Probs more, ask about em
Nsfw —
Yumiko likes to lick/put her tongue between Dabi’s staples. For some reason.
Yumiko tends to be the one in charge for a while when they first start fooling around, but Dabi’s a virgin when they first do anything so he appreciates extra time to just get used to even being sexually active.
Yumiko cried one time during sex and Dabi didn’t know if he should keep going or check on her 😭 (did both)
Dabi’s a quicky type of person and Yumiko’s a “let me play with your dick for a while before the main event” type of person.
Yumiko has gotten pinched by the staples on his thighs before.
Uhhh idk this is another thing that I’ll elaborate on more if prompted.
You guys can ask about other ships including Yumi btw I love pairing her with damn near everyone.
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How Martyn fucked up my timeline by reusing a skin
So since Martyn is straight up playing the Old Sheriff, and Jimmy and Scott agreed that this is what Tumble Town was supposed to look like, USSMP must be a prequel to Empires s2, taking place between the apocalypse of s1 and the founding of s2.
I know this doesn’t make any sense in the context of the smp being a separate world with its own story but like. Come on. Martyn was the final nail in the coffin here.
And because of this… due to the steampunk skin I’m saying that us!Scott is the ancestor of the twin False’s. Which makes this pre-False in Hermitcraft by at least 20 years but likely closer to 50 (Martyn needs to still be alive for Empires s2 but very old) so us!Scott is now False’s grandpa I guess?
And Eloise being a funko pop??? I mean. There’s an easy connection here. Eloise is a toy and the sidekick??? Of a sheriff, gets teased all the time, clearly could be an ancestor of s2 Jimmy.
Speaking of Jimmy, or Saint Jim, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was in some way related to the god shenanigans of Empires whether that be Lizzie in s1 or Joel in s2. Or BDubs I suppose. But for now I’m going to tentatively say he’s a member of S2 Joel’s extended family, likely a demigod of some description, and known as a fierce protector of his people (though his methods may be… controversial)
And… a completely self indulgent piece… his godly lineage traces back to the same god worshipped by Technoblade, due to the fact that he LITERALLY DID THE EXACT SAME BELL THING TECHNO USED TO DO 😭 I’m not ok but it’s fine.
………that headcanon does make Jimmy’s family tree a little fucked up given who I headcanon the Blood God but hey. It’s just ONE instance of Jimmy. And it’s a common name. He could have been named after a different instance of Jimmy. Yeah. It’s fine.
Wait then who is his OTHER parent oh god. There’s… options there. Hm. I’ll need to. Think about that. Decide on a timeline. Cause if it’s pre-hermitcraft that means they wouldn’t know each other so… but Jimmy doesn’t look anything like him or him and that guy certainly isn’t an option…. It can’t be her cause they’re already related… she’s married… I don’t even know if they know each other…Oh wait. Duh. Canonical love interest! There we go! Hard to keep track of shit when you’re integrating events from series you haven’t watched.
Anyway. I know who Jimmy’s parents are. The god of War, Passion, and Devotion, and the Saint of forging paths and the eternal fluctuation of the universe, who was raised from the dead??? Or something to become a being further than mortal after the Blood God achieved apotheosis through a series of events including but not limited to: mass Murder, destruction of a planet, and the bargaining of a few dozen human souls in exchange for god powers. All to save the people they cared about (and cause they’re a fucked up little bastard but like. That’s a given)
That combination is why us!Jimmy Like That. The parents actual identities aren’t super important right now. Or possibly ever, I dunno.
Wait fuck that means s2 Joel is distantly related to…. Ugh fine. It’s weird but it’s FINE. It works with the Saint Pearl lore at least.
Now I just have to decide whether the pile of bullshit that eventually led to us!Jimmy’s birth happened before or after s1 of Empires. Based on sheer vibes I’d like to say after. Which would make Empires s1 officially the beginning of my personal timeline (the aforementioned pile of bullshit is usually marked as the first point in the timeline but it genuinely doesn’t make much sense for it to be before empires 1)
Which means that empires s2 Lizzie is officially the person whose personal family timeline goes back the furthest, cause I hc that her catgirl genes go back to the tiger blood prince of the Lost Kingdom.
So currently how it’s looking is:
Empires 1 > possibly afterlife smp???? > pile of bullshit > hermitcraft overall begins> Evo > smp earth > hermitcraft s6 begins > life series 1-3 > possibly dream smp??? USSMP > Empires 2
Undefined placement with no real ideas: X Life, Witchcraft smp, rats smp, Outsiders smp,
And that’s not even every smp in the overall timeline I just don’t have a scrap of a clue how to mesh Captain Sparklez into this even though he’s critical to the dsmp section of the timeline considering he literally is Tubbo’s origin story in my head
Fuck it that’s the far distant future. Five thousand years ahead. The only one who’s the same person is Phil cause he’s immortal by virtue of Death goddess wife. He’s seen these dumbasses reincarnated at least six times each.
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bentasabean · 2 years
Just watched teen wolf the movie and like I just can’t with it
-For starters why is Harris alive and was he the one to have set dereks house on fire 20 years ago? I guess we’ll never know
-Also I do not like when characters come back from the dead so I don’t like the whole Allison thing and on the topic of Allison I’m so confundled. Like how was she so easily able to break free of the nogitsune’s hold on her mind although one good part of the movie was how badass she was
-Also the kitsune being able to share its power? Since when. That really confused me can’t lie. Also how come the nogitsune was able to become that ugly mole rat werewolf when it clearly said in season 3 that you couldn’t be a fox AND a wolf
-We also had the whole stydia thang which was super annoying. Like why would Lydia leave stiles just because of some dreams or maybe premonitions. And what did stiles think of this? Like are they never going to see each other ever again.
-Also Eli I loved him and his character was a great balance of stiles and derek. However who the hell was his mother because it wasn’t even mentioned at all. And I didn’t get how Eli was 15 like did everyone just leave beacon hills and immediately Derek just went and had a baby
-Malia and Parrish being a thing was so weird because it felt random and we don’t know how it ends for them on whether or not they become official. Malia just always seems to get shipped with people, there was Malia and stiles for a bit and then there was Malia and Scott which had seemed like it would last
-Also on the topic of Scott I just can’t believe he hadn’t gotten over Allison after 15 years like it’s insane. And for Scott’s sake I’d really wished he would’ve moved on and found someone new
-Also what was going on with Mellisa and Chris. We ended season 6 with them together and what seemed to be happy but suddenly in this movie they’re split and it was basically barely mentioned
-Also how was deaton able to get the nogitsune out of Chris’s head so easily? And why couldn’t he have done the same with Allison? Or even stiles in season 3A?
-Ummm also why did derek have to die because it felt unnecessary. Also by fire? Like Peter survived being set on fire so couldn’t the nogitsune have a swell
-And I know I should give some credit for the movie, and I do but a movie just felt wrong in some way. Like everything was so rushed and things happened too quickly. I wish they’d made it as like a short series (probs like 6 episodes long)
-Lastly I knew going into this movie that stiles wasn’t going to be in it and I understand he doesn’t need to have been for it to have been good. But some scenes really did feel lacklustre without stiles, like the ending on the lacrosse pitch. Because that scene felt weird, no one seemed to care that Derek had just died and it took them all too long to go and comfort Eli
-However on a good note I did like getting see everyone back together again and I loved getting to see Peter because I love him. And obvi loved to see coach as well.
Anyways I hoped you enjoyed my ramblings
Please don’t come for me if I’m wrong about anything or if you’ve got a different opinion to me. I haven’t watched teen wolf properly in a while but I still was/am an avid fan who I would think knew my facts
(Edit 2: I think everyone’s excited by just the fact that there is new content in the fandom which I am too. But I just don’t take the movie as canon. Also I say things to do with Allison in a way that probably shows she’s not my favourite character, and after season 2 I didn’t really like that much)
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kittieeepaw · 1 year
I've been busy with school lately and my phone is starting to die - I'm saving up for another tho!
Here's a few questions to keep you occupied:
Have you read Thorns? If so, thoughts?
Do you think Attmoz and Glaishur are official or only implied?
Do you think Loodvigg will ever return?
Lastly, any Headcanons or theories?
~stupid FS anon
never thought I’d be known as funny galvana person…never changing my pfp ever again /j
No I haven’t read thorns, I do plan to but idk I just haven’t done it yet lol
As for Attmoz and Glaishur…they’re definitely implied I’d say
Like within the fic itself there’s no like super romantic stuff between them or anything, but they definitely act like they like each other in my opinion
And this is completely ignoring the fact that Glaishur literally confirmed that he likes Attmoz on his account LMAOOO
So yeah it’s like…strongly implied but I think it’ll be canon eventually because why build up to it if you’re not gonna make it real?? (unless plushii is evil or something lmao)
I’m rooting for them though!! I have been for a while I’m such a Glaimoz fan
Also they’re described as little gay people in like chapter 2 or 3 or something sooooo I think that’s all the proof you need :333
For Loodvigg: I dont think so
Or at least not anytime soon??? I don’t think it would make sense for Loodvigg to come back so close to when he left, it would just be kinda weird
That guy needs to do some soul searching or something first, especially after how much he messed everyone up because of what he’s done
I just dont think Loodvigg should see them again, and if he does it should be like years and years from now when he’s truly changed as a person
Headcanons and theories: my favorite headcanon is that furnoss and loodvigg are like a divorced couple
why? because it’s funny okay
furnoss is a malewife and loodvigg is a deadbeat
As for theories I don’t really have anything in specific but I kindaaaa think something bad will happen again??? Like I could be wrong but I doubt it will be like this forever lol
Okay that’s all thanks for asking me stuff again!!
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