#and insight to how he wouldve acted in his be best days
thedogwhoisachair · 6 months
I do love Centaurworld with all my heart but damn would I have preferred an episode in S2 about Zulius and Splendib reconciling over the my little pony convention episode
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rennyji · 3 years
July 5th tweets
July 5th tweets...
i don't know where i first heard about it, but today, for the first time, ever, beyond portions, outside of the diet i adopted, i ate ice cream till i got sick (or till my stomach couldn't take anymore)...not just any ice cream...ben and jerry's chocolate fudge brownie iceCream-
- did you know one container of ben and jerrys chocolate fudge brownie ice cream contains 110 grams of sugar? i mean like orange juice contains 20 grams of sugar. low sugar orange juice contains 10-11 grams of sugar...the ice cream contains 110 grams of sugar...wow!
so a friend of mine got picked up by the police for getting drunk and roaming the streets at right. The police picked him up and dropped him off at a mental hospital. -
-you know its the most ridiculous thing. if ur dealing with a drunk, get him sober at your precinct with coffee or whatever and connect him with his family. That's probably what the Carl Winslow of Family Matters police would do. -
-Nowadays, the f*in police and all the weaklings in life try to use mental health as a weapon. If you raise your voice against a bully, in the spirit of victimizer v.s. victim, the victim will be held accountable for reacting. -
- it leads to a bunch of inept clowns running a show or being with power. In stalking me, perhaps the focus should be things like that, what is bringing this country and "lack of a culture" culture down. -
-Poor manufacturing, poor quality clothes, police who don't connect/be friendly and operate form a distance, mental health being used as a weapon, a mass of people conspiring against one individual - problems galore. The losers of orchestrators want a show, there's there show.-
- I come from a family owning an internationaSchool or w/political connections in another country. Our level of what's financially acceptable is attune 2 our culture &our family. All of a sudden Im getting criticized 4 using my family house 4a homeGym. Not 2say Im any1 special.-
- but to suddenly be held down by a foreign country of America's values? Why are the orchestrators limiting and confining my family for the sake of their show? F* you for trying to make us your normal.
 U know, the other day, i was telling my popz that im feeling fatigued despite four cups of coffee. he randomly suggests doing a series of blood work and body tests. I mean..why? weren't there some obvious reasons? isn't exercise, proper diet, lack of stress, key in all that?-
- if the suggestions are because of the orchestrators, are they aware of medical connections I have, my mom being a nurse practitioner, and the high end health care I experienced up until their arrival, before their mere blood tests? The things done for show are ridiculous...
- when i talk to people about my high end notions of consciousness, theres what i want 2 share &not. are the orchestrators, of this ... overly physical culture ... reacting in (i mean take a step back & analylze) primitive ways of wonder & understanding at what I'm talking about?
- so where is all this coming from? well under the hat of trying to assist me, call it paranoia, i get the feeling the orchestrators want to do meddling in my family life...my sibling moved off to Pennsylvania, i'll be on my way in time...whatever they may perceive as wrong in-
-the family of another culture, there was one universal, all encompassing solution that would have solved all the other problems. That solution wouldve been the progression of my life, a better job, a wife, a family...but the orchestrators, in whatever literal planet there on-
- <-there can't be a better example of that expression than these people) want to get involved in our lives put it on halt for the people of another country. No offense, ur cool, all the best to you. But Y should we be slaves, contrary 2 how our community sees us, 4 ur culture?-
- i mean what do your people do for us? I had a confrontation with the police the other day and one of ur blondes, insult to injury, steals my parking space, offers water to her white counterparts of police officers...couldnt she mind her own business and stay in her house?
i come from Hindustan...India...once known as the Land of the Hindus. while the religion has lost its overall way among some people, @ the heart of it is expansion of the mind & being One with the Divine. -
-It helped me understand Christianity. It helped me understand the oneness of Communion.
- The mind &Oneness with the Divine is somethingCore 2our country. &here come the American orchestrators...not b/c Im arrogant...but in a headBangingWay...11 years of...what the H*ll is this? my family needs me &my leadership, but they can't talk 2me under theTermsOfThisNonsense.
- anyway i said a bunch of stuff that in hindsight is all over the place...probably an example of stream of consciousness...but moving on...
under the terms and conditions of the "situation" set by the orchestrators, -
-Mom tells me to let her speak for 1 minute without interruption. She starts saying false statements. She screws up dates, reasons thing transpired the way they did-doing this after telling me I can’t speak, in a “situation, raises the suspicion-
- she is deliberately saying inaccurate things to make me look in a negative light to those this is being relayed.For my records, and showing I always do the right thing, in an unprecedented manner, I contacted the FBI and wrote hundreds of pages to them, called local police,-
- contacted Vice Presidents of schools, contacted my parents…you all play this game with one who does not show interest in taking part. For what I do have reasons and purpose. -
-Mixing that with cr*p…realize, at least at the point this is over, whenever that is, I am not liable for my actions after taking immeasurable pains to expose truth. You want a b*tch? Well remember this dog bites. -
-You want a fight for entertainment, ur gonna get h*ll of a lot of entertainment. And regardless of what you say, end of the day you have a feel for this, orchestrators, who’ve gotten for too comfortable in being at their distance.
- moving on...
So when my dad decided to pray like a pagan from older times, contrary to what it says in the Bible: go into your room and close the door and speak to ur Father…-
-like I said when my dad decided to pray aloud, I guess he thought it wise, under one influence or another, one reason or another, to say give me “karchya shakti”. -
-This translates literally to vision strength. While I don’t know what it means, one can infer it means insight to present day things.-
-Gee dad, mind torment and games, parents betraying me when power rests in their choices, people lie to me when power rests in their choices, I’m not interested in money, fame, or whatever, and have my own connections, -
-and people act based on instructions or the influence/guidance of a those who are strangers to me, I’m relayed in several forms…I mean where is insight missing?-
-The level of relaying goes into alleged thinking and what I see...so what am I missing in terms of "karchya shakti"? Only thing I don't get is what is tying my parents hands? Is my life in danger? -
-For justice, if, you my parents, can betray ur son, u can let me go. If Mary can accept Jesus crucified, let justice prevail. That is my wish.
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