#and it gives him something to research when he's not in school or doing supernatural shit. its a third activity. a hobby just for himself
roughentumble · 7 months
also i think it'd be fun if some of the nogitsune rubbed off on stiles. not in a "he's dark and evil now" way but in a "an incomprehensible old spirit beamed its thoughts directly into his head" way, like maybe now he has a latent understanding of japanese, because that's what the nogitsune thought in. and he wasnt privy to its thoughts most of the time, and Understanding what was said was kind of just, forced into his brain, but the latent comprehension is still there. the nogitsune never told him the rules of go, but he still plays like a champ when the pieces dont make him break out into a cold sweat, because he simply Understood the rules. something about its presence forced the knowledge into the subconcious of his brain
he cant write or read japanese, and he's semi-crap at speaking it, but rough comprehension comes innately.
he should have knowledge with no source, further proof that for a while he was not himself and he was not in control
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lunajay33 · 5 months
Summary: Going on a Hunt with Dean and Sam, your older brothers, you come across a case that triggers an old memory of fear, things go wrong and they need John to help bring you back from a horrified state
Pairing: Dean x lil sister, Sam x lil sister, John x daughter
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As a kid you were always interested in the supernatural, whenever you could you’d beg John to tell you his hunting stories or even informing you on creatures, the werewolves, vampires, spirits, they were all so intriguing until….he told you about pagan gods, for some reason they terrified you especially when one case he was working on the Pagan god took you as leverage sticking the fear of god into you, after John had been able to save you, you went into a kind of catatonic paranoid state, you freaked at every noise, didn’t speak for weeks and stayed locked in the motel rooms refusing to leave, after about a month John was able to help cokes you out of the shell you hide in and you were back to your normal self
Flash forward to Now
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You woke up to your cell phone ringing, you shot up in bed answering an unknown number
“Sweetheart is that you?” Your heart dropped
“Daddy? Are you okay are you hurt?” Your brothers woke from your panicked tone
“I’m fine but you need to listen, you’ve gotta stop following me, now take these names down I’ve got a job for you all”
“But……but I miss you”
“Is that dad give me the phone” Dean groaned from beside you but you waved him off
“I know I miss you kids but I can’t put you all in danger give the phone to Dean”
“Okay……..I love you dad”
“Love you too kid”
Dean got the names and you were off driving to Indiana for a new case, on the way there Sam and Dean got into it again about helping dad, parking in the side of the road
“We don’t have to follow his every rule we need to go to California” Sam groaned getting out of the car, you and Dean quick to follow
“Sammy please don’t do this just get back in the car” you said scared he was going to leave again
“I’ve gotta go help, this demon killed mom and killed Jess”
“Sam I swear I’ll leave your ass here” Dean said slamming the trunk
“Then go”
“No sam please stay, don’t leave again”
He didn’t say anything breaking your heart and Dean could tell, you were heart broken when Sam left the first time and when John went MIA it was even harder on you
“Come on kid, we got people to save” you were hesitant to go desperate for Sam to get back in the car but he was persistent on leaving so you got back in the Impala watching Sam disappear in the rear view mirror, feeling the tears brim wiping them away before they fell
“Don’t worry kid you always got me, I’m never going anywhere”
“Thanks Dean”
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Getting into the town you and Dean started asking around about the case, two missing people a guy and a girl but the town folk were dismissive and closed off, definitely hiding something
You got directions to where they last left off too coming to an orchard, it was old and gave you the chills
“Dean I don’t like the look of this place”
“Yeah me either, come on let’s look around” you sighed getting out and following him through the orchard until you came across a scarecrow
“Scariest scarecrow I’ve ever seen”
“You got that right” he says climbing up to inspect the thing
“He’s got the missing guys tattoo, think I know what we’re dealing with” he said looking at you with weary eyes as he climbed back down
“What? What is it?”
“Think it’s a Pagan god, they’re sacrifices” your heart dropped feeling instant chills and a wave of anxiety course through you
“Dean no…..you know I can’t….”
“Woah woah calm down, I know I remember, let’s get you outta here” he leads you out of the orchard back to his car
“We’ve got research to do, so we can get the hell outta here soon” he drove to a near by school that had history on pagan gods
“You stay here I won’t be long” he assured as he left
Pagan? Out of all the cases John could send you on it was the one thing that scared you the most
All of a sudden the door on your side of the car opened and the sheriff was there holding the butt end of a rifle towards you then everything went black
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You woke up in a dark place with a throbbing pain in your head, groaning you try to get up when you hear something near you
“Y/n is that you?”
“Dean oh thank god” you sigh making your way over to him listening to his voice, feeling his arms wrap around you
“What’s gonna happen to us?”
“I’m not gonna let anything happen to you” the doors above opened revealing the people you questioned in the town, the sheriff pointing a gun
They dragged you both out tying you to trees in the orchard
“I’m sorry but it’s for the greater good” the older lady says before they all left
“Oh god it’s happening all over again Dean, why would dad send us on this case?” You panicked as the sun got lower
“I’ll get us outta this”
“Let me think?” It was dark now and there was still no plan
There was footsteps behind you getting closer, you scream and cry trying to escape
“Dean? Y/n?” It was Sam he came back
“Oh thank god, Sammy get us out of here, watch out for the scarecrow too” sam starts to unchain you both
“What scarecrow?” You all turn to where the scarecrow is suppose to be hanging and it was gone, groans were right behind you quick to turn and it was the scarecrow coming your way, Dean took your hand as you all ran almost out of the orchard the the towns people surrounded you
“Just let us go” Sam pleaded
“We can’t he needs a sacrifice” he’s stopped when a scythe is driven through his heart given you and your brothers to run making it out of the orchard in time as screams were heard behind you
You collapsed by the side of the impala the adrenaline wearing off as the fear came crashing down consuming you triggering all the memories that you so desperately tried to forget, you woke in a new motel room obviously gone from that horrid town
“Hey sweetheart how’re you feeling?” Dean asked from your bedside you wanted to answer but that fear was still there, it felt like if you just curled up and locked yourself away they pagan gods couldn’t get to you so that’s exactly what you did
You turned away from Dean and didn’t speak, refusing any food, this went on for weeks, until eventually it was two months and you were wasting away, every day was filled with fear and Sam and Dean didn’t know what to do to help you, they tried everything, even while working on other cases they felt desperate like you were one case they couldn’t fix
“Love you gotta eat or get outside we can’t see you like this anymore it’s not healthy” Sammy said but still no response
“We need to call dad, he got her out of this last time, it’s our last choice here” you missed your dad dearly he was always sweet on you, you were his little girl and reminded him so much of Mary
You could hear them calling over and over again desperate for an answer when finally after the 6th time he must have answered Sam
“Dad I know you told us to not call but it’s bad”
“That case a few months back you sent us on it was a pagan god, they got y/n you know how she is with that stuff”
“Yeah she’s like before, but worse, she needs you dad”
He hung up the phone looking at you with a worried look, you felt embarrassed and like a burden, you tried really hard to get better but every time you closed your eyes you saw them
“He’s coming sweetheart, it’ll be okay” Dean said brushing your hair back soothing you a bit
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You were sleeping hearing faint voices around you, you opened your eyes to see Sam Dean and John talking in the entry way of the motel room, they noticed your movement and ceased all talk
John made his way over kneeling down by your bed so he was eye level with you
“Hey sweetie, heard you weren’t doing good” you shake your head side to side
“They can’t hurt you, your brothers would never let that happen”
“But……but I’m scared” your voice raspy from lose of use
“I know but you can’t do this to yourself, you’ve gotta be strong”
“I’m sorry” you say your lip trembling
“Not your fault, now come on let’s get you some fresh air”
After that your brothers were there easing you back into everything, eating, hunting and eventually you were back in business but you swore to never work on a pagan case again
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 2 months
Do you have any more stories like Cool Story, Bro? Not that stiles is a twin, but that he's pining and feels inferior and there's miscommunications? Or like, Derek is trying to date stiles, but it's a little difficult when stiles thinks it's only fuckbuddies?
Btw, should've lead with this, BUT Y'ALL ARE FREAKING AWESOME!!!
Anonymous asked:
Can you reccomend some sterek fics where they're both head over heels for each other but are too dumb to notice its mutual
Anonymous asked:
hi!! do you have any fic recs where stiles is oblivious to how attractive he is? it’s my absolute favorite trope when he has no idea the effect he’s got on people. thank you guys for all of the work you do it is insanely impressive!!!
Let's find out!
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How To Make a Werewolf not Hate You (side affects may include love). by AlexTheShipper
(1/1 I 3,189 I Explicit)
Derek is trying to hold out for his soul mate Genim and refuses to fall for Stiles and his cute moles. Stiles thinks Derek hates him.
Are you in love or something? by yumelilo 
(1/1 I 4,489 I Teen)
Derek Hale was just chilling in his new apartment, minding his own business, when Stiles Stilinski decided to pay him a visit in his summer break from College.
- "Dude, seriously, The Weepies?", Stiles commented on the soft tones coming from Derek's sound system. "I always took you for the heavy metal and hard rock guy...", he mused. Derek huffed a laugh, but kept his face partially hidden. "What are you doing here Stiles?", he asked. The unspoken 'How the fuck did you get keys to my new place?' heavily implied. He heard the human sigh long and suffering, like the idea of answering Derek's question would physically hurt him in a way.
A Question of Pack by CawCawMF
(1/1 I 5,291 I Teen)
Stiles had always been sure of his place in the pack. That place being the absolute lowest tier in the hierarchy of werewolf pack dynamics, but he was sure of it all the same. He wasn’t necessary exactly, since just about anyone could conduct research on supernatural mythology, but his job was still important to the pack and he felt good about that. At least, that’s what he always thought. That all came crumbling down one sunny afternoon in the form of Jackson’s big mouth.
Give me a fucking break. Preferably yesterday. by KinimiB
(4/10 I 7,487 I Not Rated)
Stiles knew that if you asked who's easiest to repleace or most useless in pack, the answer would be quick and always the same. Stiles, ordinary, clumsy human. He knew that, everybody did, but it was just an unspoken rule not to say it out loud.
Until it wasn't.
You're It For Me by RageBiter
(1/1 I 7,960 I Mature)
Derek gets cursed by a witch so every time he's too far from Stiles he endures extreme amounts of pain, not that that's any different from usual. Stiles has to stay at Derek's loft and they get closer than Stiles ever though they'd be. Derek's forced to tell Stiles the secret he's been keeping from him since they met. He and Stiles are mates.
I'm a War of Head Versus Heart by NieR
(5/10 I 23,091 I Explicit)
Being FWB with Derek Hale is great. Awesome, even.
But somehow, somewhere along the way, Stiles thinks he might have fallen in love.
And, well, shit.
don't know what i'm supposed to do (haunted by the ghost of you) by crazyassmurdererwall (smartalli)
(1/1 I 30,926 I Teen)
Stiles sees dead people. Yep. Seriously.
(He’s got this. He’s totally got this. So what if one of them is Derek’s mom?)
If You Wanna Be My Roomie (Lover) by orphan_account
(23/23 I 65,056 I Explicit)
Realistically, Stiles knew that the local University's popularity and commonality meant that many members of his graduating high school class would be starting the Fall 2016 semester alongside him, but he never expected his longtime crush to be one of them. Even more so, he never expected said crush to be assigned as his roommate...oh boy.
You're stronger than you know by Littleredridinghunter
(15/15 I 234,195 I Not Rated)
The pack are letting him down again, his dad is not speaking to him, his life is just generally falling apart.
Until he has to get a bronze dagger to kill a siren and his whole world gets flipped on it's head!
My summaries are rubbish but I hope you'll still give it a chance!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
A reverse human haram with a supernatural reader sounds so cute and dope
(I don't remember names so I apologize in advance)
But like the angel being a human business owner like an antique shop
Baron maybe being a tattoo artist? I feel like it'll fit him
And the reaper could be... Um.. maybe a hacker or something like that? Something that will let him stay inside all day and minimize human interaction.
And there's reader, some kind of a supernatural being, that maybe like going shopping in antiques shops, and getting tattooes... And going on the dark web? 💀
Or maybe the 3 humans already know each other and trying to track down this being for some reason?
Anyway, i just dig the idea:) could be really cute and I also miss those 3 😭
(I Stan librarian Maddox who just draws most of the time and panics when people talk to them)
"Can't one of us just ask them out for coffee? Even in the bizarre scenario they are what you claim, why would this be the best way to go about this?"
"Because your ugly ass would scare them away. Now shut the hell up and Mad give me the next step."
Maddox flips through the pages of the book positioned in their lap, producing a switchblade from their pocket. "All that's left now is a drop of blood from those who wish to form a contract. That's us, I suppose."
Baron, safety be damned, grabs the knife blade first - cupping the warm blood in his hand as he passes it to Alasdair. The shop owner was hesitant, but for the prize at hand he was desperate. He sticks his thumb and gives the knife back to Maddox who does the same.
Baron snorts, blood seeping from his closed fist onto his jeans. "What? Scared of a little nick?"
Alasdair rolls his eyes meanwhile Maddox ignores Baron's remarks as they get into position. What led them all to this situation? Two of them though on equal levels would never be seen together, and the alternative pairs worked as well as water and glue. The binding agent for their group was none other than a visitor shared between their place of business. Those keen eyes that marveled at the antique owner's precious collection of angels. That sweet smile peaking over the librarian's shoulder as they scribbled away behind their desk. The bubbly laughter that gave an ego boost to the tattoo owner and his horrid taste in fashion.
A person capable of bringing these opposites together had to be supernatural in nature, and in a way - you were. Baron discovered this while stalking you to the back alley behind their stores and witnessing you vanish from thin air. Doing more research than he ever had for school projects, Baron reasoned that you had to be a demon. He enlisted the help of Maddox to find a way to get your attention with Alasdair picked up along the way. He was skeptical as any Christian man would be, but since they were using his store for the summoning he had no say.
The trio bring their hands to the center of the circle on the floor and pour the contents onto the piece of your shirt Maddox managed to snip off. They squeeze the tip of their finger as apology and remain the last to pull away as the puddle of bloods turns black and begins to boil. The ground cracks and a skeletal hand reaches through, bones staining in the onyx sludge that creeps up its body creating layers of muscle and flesh. Crawling from the hole, the creature's tongues flicker against the hostile air as smog disburses from its throat. It cracks its jaw as it stands to full height, towering over them all - plucking a bone from its needlepoint fangs.
"That's the last time I try to finish something while being summoned."
Baron speaks up first. "Are... you naked?*
"If I'm not pretending to be a mortal there's no need to put on clothing... Don't I know you all?"
"that's so fucking hot... Ow, bitch!"
Alasdair clears his throat to play off the assault he committed on his peer. "I apologize for our barbaric approach. I'm sure this is as shocking for you as it is for us, but we have gathered here due to a shared interest in winning your heart."
You look around the room. "So.. you all want to date me?"
"Hell yeah."
"Is that a bad thing?..." The librarian slides their charred notebook at your feet. You pick up the book. What's left of the pages shows you in human form.
"I suppose not. I am bound by contract to whatever your commands are, and if you wish to sell your souls for something like that then so be it. If I'm allowed an opinion, this one has already made a good first impression."
You point your claws beneath Maddox's chin who nearly faints from the contact. Baron's jaw drops to the floor while Alasdair tries, and fails to hold a straight face.
"Come on, Mad you're the last one I thought I'd have to worry about. I thought we were cool!" Baron grabs your arm, eyes bulging out of his sockets at the feel of your harden muscles. "Holy shit.... You said you'd do anything, right?"
"Baron I swear to God if you ask them to crush you with their thighs I'll choke you to death right now."
"I wasn't, chill-.... Their arms would do just fine."
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dragonshoardofworks · 8 months
DP x DCMK (x DC)
Where Danny and Shinichi meet at the Hawaii where's a Ghost Convention (pre-portal and Conan, when they're both around 11–12 years old) since both sets of parents are invested in the topic. (The Fentons because they're the Fentons and Yusaku because he's researching for one of his books).
They become friends and keep contacts through messages, sharing school shenanigans, crushes, cases and family mishaps.
The One Thing that Danny doesn't share, though, is his halfa status.
First, because Shinichi doesn't believe in the supernatural (according to him, magic is just unexplained science) and second, because his change is far from any kind of "normalcy" and Shinichi had categorically stated that he doesn't want anything to do with superheroes, he's just a "normal" detective and they (the Justice League) save the world.
Though, it's not unusual that, if something weird happens in a case, Shinichi asks Danny's opinion and intel since the Fenton's library has "weird"/obscure material. (If the answer gets him too close to superhero-stuff, Shinichi passes the ball to the JL, more specifically to Red Robin, but that's something for a following reblog of this thread.)
So when Shinichi becomes Conan and settles in Ran's home, he contacts our favorite boi.
(A bit late to the @crossoverdanuary party... (^~^;)ゞ Anyway, long post in chat-style, plus an extra, so I decided to use the read more function because it was getting out of hand... (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) )
Shinichi: Hey Danny, do you know anything that should be killing you, but instead it shrinks you? Danny: Shrink as in size or age? S: Age D: Hold on, gotta check some books to be sure, but usually anything age-related is dark shit. What's for? Fun or case? S: ...It's for a case D: Well, that didn't sound ominous at all, then gotta go *faster* *few minutes later* D: Okay, the closest thing (still in the Mortal Realm) to what you asked is this jewel most commonly known as "Pandora" (if she knew, she would definitely lose her shit) D: it's a gem hidden inside another gem that glows red under the moonlight D: "if bathed in the light of the Volley Comet, it would shed tears capable of granting eternal life" S: This doesn't sound anything like what I asked you (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) D: Cut the sass beanpole and let me continue D: since the legend exist and it's documented, it should be reasonable to presume that someone managed to attain it, right? S: ...right *squinty eyes* D: So if some scientist tried to reproduce the same results in the *scientific way* instead of the magical one, they could have either the original "Tears" or the one who consumed them and run test and experiment on them D: whatever the case, there would be either some inferior or failed products that instead of making you immortal, *de-ages* you, which is the next best thing (i.e. you would live longer) D: but since they were "failures" compared to the immortality elixir, they could definitely become poisons. D: So! Since you were so ominous, was it really for a case or did our dear Professor Agasa dabble in alchemy? 👀 (read) D: Beanpole, I know you read my explanation and since this is really dark shit you *have* to at least give me context D: because among the warnings that the grimoire gave me, there's the thing that you become somewhat cursed S: ...Or you're cursed or you're not, there's no "somewhat" D: He speaks! 🙌 D: Give me *the deets* *long pause* D: *Shinichi Kudo* ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ S: Okay, fine! I can feel your disappointed stare all the way to Japan, stop! >Д< D: Then explain S: Okay S: so you know how I can't leave things alone when they have suspicious all printed on them? D: Your worst defect, yes, but continue D: ...wait D: Shinichi no D: HOW OLD ARE YOU NOW?? S: Still 17, thank you very much D: I mean physically, you little shit, don't dodge the question! S: ... S: ...we think 7 D: What in the Infinite Realms everloving fuck, Shinichi D: Okay, you know what? D: I'm coming to Japan and you can't stop me, you *midget*, I know what you're already going to say D: it's dangerous, yada yada D: nothing I've already seen and fought S: What do you mean?! D: Since you're *such a good detective*, deduce it yourself D: give me your coordinates in the meantime and don't you dare move from that spot S: If you send me Superman or anyone of his creek, I swear to Kami, Danny D: Please, Superman could only desire to be anything like me, now *coordinates* ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ *coordinates sent* D: good boy D: now get ready in 3 S: 3 what? D: 2 D: 1
A full body shiver run over Shinichi as soon as the "1" appeared on the screen, so he looked up from his phone, searching for where the cold draft could have come from. However, the agency toilet window was closed and the closed door had a good insulation, last time he had checked.
So what...!
Shinichi shrieked with all the high pitch of an elementary schooler, as he whirled around to look at what, or better, who had whispered by his ear.
A white-haired green-eyed floating teenager with a black hazmat suit with white accents grinned almost maniacally at him, showing their fangs predatorily.
Anatomically they looked male and despite the unhinged expression, the body language didn't project "danger". If anything, it was loose and casual as if he (until otherwise stated) belonged here.
The unearthly glow suggested either some substance coating him that gave him that illusion, or there was magic afoot.
Irritation surged inside Shinichi: Danny knew his rules! No direct superhero meeting, only exchange of intel!
"Who are you and why did Fenton send you?" Shinichi gritted, crossing his arms to appear less like a 7 years old.
"You disappoint me, little detective, I thought you would have figured it out at first glance!" The supposed hero pouted, crossing legs and arms midair and staring back at Shinichi. "I guess that your fame had been an exaggeration, after all. Some East Highschool Detective you are!"
The teasing little smirk incensed Shinichi more than alarming him (the other knew his secret!), but the last thought made him pause.
Danny wouldn't betray him like this by informing whatever "superhero" of this situation just to help him without his consent. Their boundaries had been awesome like that and had been respected so far, despite the many trials both had faced.
So who was this person really?
Shinichi's mind focused back into deducing the teen before him, and the more looked, the more disbelief made way in his heart. (...He had said he would be coming to Japan, but not in that instant!)
"No way, Danny?"
"Fucking finally, midget! What took you so long?" Danny huffed, untangling then touching down on his feet and looking him over. "It even gave me time to take a look at your situation!"
"Hey! Your voice is different, so I could deduce it only because "if you exclude the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the Truth"! Since you would never spill my secrets to anyone, this must have been you!" Shinichi gestured to his friend, who flushed green when he registered the meaning of the words.
"Wow," he breathed, sounding pleased, as he scratched his nape, "you would believe that a ghost of me is still me instead of me betraying you, wow!"
"Wait, ghost? I thought you just become a superhero, not that you died!" Despite his insistence on not believing the supernatural, Shinichi had read the Fentons' papers on ghosts (the most recent ones, AKA the "no more biased version" as Danny had called them). And, while he hadn't told his friend this, the scientific breakdown of what makes a ghost what they are, had made Shinichi believe in the existence of ectoplasmic beings.
But to discover that one of his best friends had died, he hadn't known or could have done anything, plus Danny hadn't felt safe enough to tell him until it had become unavoidable, made Shinichi clutch his heart in agony and despair.
Probably sensing the shift and interpreting the action for what that was, Danny's face shifted into regret, as he knelt down before the shrunk detective and a ring of light lit up at his waist, washing over him and leaving a hoodie-and-jeans-clad raven-haired and blue-eyed teenager.
Slowly, as if not to spook a frozen Shinichi, Danny laid a hand on his shoulder, while the other took the free little hand to his NASA hoodies chest and splayed it there, allowing him to feel his heartbeat. As if he had known that only words wouldn't have been enough to convince the detective.
Slowly but surely, feeling Danny's sluggish but steady heartbeat, made Shinichi unclench, then lean against his friend's chest, head tucked under his chin.
Carefully, Danny wrapped his friend in a hug, knowing well that, while physical affection was welcome from him, Japanese social conventions and the Kudo's upbringing had left Shinichi a little adverse to prolonged contact.
As the apparent 7-years-old melted into the embrace and clutched Danny as well, followed by a suspicious wet sensation on his chest, the halfa realized that this was bad.
Shinichi had never sought comfort like that, according to professor Agasa (who Danny did keep in contact with, since he was more a parent than the Kudos), so to do this now...
"It's okay, Shinichi, I'll explain better what happened to me, but it's not your fault." Shinichi shuddered at these words and buried deeper in the embrace, making guilt shoot through Danny. He had caused this breakdown. The least he could do was to help him through it and some.
"And we're gonna find a way to solve what happened to you, I promise."
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truly-a-snitch · 1 year
May i request fukuzawa and ranpo headcanons (or whatever you want to do) with a like young teen reader (platonic) who will randomly be like “wanna know a fun fact” and then say the most un fun horrendous flabbergasting fact like about old torture techniques or will ask things like “what would you guys do if a zombie attacked us right now?” Or “what would you do if i turned into a zombie?” 😭
hi again vamp anon :333 this writer is so middle school me pilled tbh i think i have a book about like supernatural stuff and one on medieval torture techniques somewhere in my room still LMAOO
(platonic) fukuzawa and ranpo w young teen!reader with an affinity for the macabre
lets be honest. this is nothing new for him
he went through this when he met ranpo- if with a slightly different subject- so he sorta has it down pat
and he is all for it. he lets you ramble about whatever (not so) fun facts you like !! hes engaged, he asks questions, even if he doesnt really understand what youre saying he tries his best to keep up
sometimes you just talk too fast for him to keep up with how excited you get its ok
he mostly tries to laugh off the questions because he doesnt seem like the type that would want to think about that too much
if this is after the events of s5 though then hes definitely thinking about it and it is probably not optimistic thoughts i will say that much
you remind him SO much of a younger ranpo sometimes its genuinely uncanny
deffo views u as his child. (will never admit it)
he loves listening to you ramble !! even if the content is concerning hes definitely heard worse (some ppl seem to forget hes killed like a lot of people) and he cares a lot about you so ofc hes gonna take note of the stuff u talk about
fukuzawa also brings up stuff you mention later and definitely tries to look into stuff he doesnt know/doesnt know much about so he can have more productive conversations with you about them :3
big brother mode ACTIVATED
he loves you so much if only for how much he loves picking apart your brain (trust me he loves u for more than just that)
also he is SO about your interests. you guys swap 'fun' historical facts and discuss paranormal hypotheticals ad nauseam
ranpo isnt super knowledgeable in this area but he will go on an absolute deepdive to give you proper answers to your questions
(in event of a zombie attack, he has like four plans depending on the form of zombies hes working with, as well as a plan if he doesnt know) (and if you were bitten by a zombie he would Find A Way to fix it. hes edogawa ranpo he can figure it out)
as for the other macabre interests he strikes me as the kind of kid that was really into stories of the fae and changelings growing up + deffo did a whole lot of research into yokai and other types of spirits globally
so when i say he knows a little bit of the supernatural stuff you mention i mean it
but real human history never really caught his eye that much
(now that youre talking about it, though, hes 100% listening and looking for other cool twisted historical events to talk about !!)
he makes whole days of it !! yall go out for food or something and he just listens to you ramble about your interests !
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mushyblushyredhead · 29 days
Okay ngl I came about your scp oc Travis in my scrolling and instant curiosity hit me. Who is this man? Why is he so adorable? Asexual buddies! Yay! Sorry just a lil feral lmao
FHJAHDJD no need to apologize, love! I love love LOVE talking about my OCs and answering questions about them!! (*⁰▿⁰*) super duper touched someone is actually curious about my silly OC here 🥺🥺💕
Lemme answer your questions in a little OC rant while also not giving away too many spoilers:
Dr. Travis Blanche
Brilliant Canadian goober who is both a doctor and a researcher at the SCP Foundation. But before he joined the Foundation, he was one of the head researchers at another shady corporation. (Kinda like the Global Occult Coalition in a way) Travis had spent majority of his teen years and early adult life investigating and studying all things supernatural and anomalous, as he is very intrigued by both. When he left his hometown to investigate anomalous readings near a small town in Nevada, he discovered there was actually a hidden facility where scientists and other doctors were studying anomalous creatures just like he was doing.
Instantly convinced, he joined the team and was ecstatic to offer his expertise from previous anomaly encounters to the other scientists. He was finally getting to do a job that he was good at and liked! But what he didn’t know was that the founder of that corporation was secretly using Travis’ medical and anomalous expertise to his own nefarious purposes: genetically altering and experimenting on anomalous children. These children all seemed to be on the brink of death, and only Travis could save them by engineering cures not found in traditional human medicine but through the contained anomalies in the facility. Or so he was told…
Travis thought he was doing the right thing, giving these kids a second chance at life. But once he discovered the corporation’s true intentions with these kids once they got older, he knew he had to be the one to free them and take down this evil corporation for good.
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As for why is he so adorable? Well…because he is! Under all those PHDs and the fancy lab coat, Travis is just a tall silly goober who loves to have cereal for dinner, read comics, and jam out to 80s and pop music. <3 Even though he isn’t a parent biologically, he might as well be with the way he’s bonded with the anomalous kiddos in a way nobody else at the shady corp has done. The kids absolutely love Travis! They see him as their father, which melts his heart. Travis is also a sweet doctor when it comes to giving the kids checkups. He’s definitely that type of doctor that can make a baby laugh when giving them a shot. 🥺🥺
And yes! He is asexual! ♤ Growing up, he always knew he was different because he never wanted any intimacy in a relationship. Hence why his first and only relationship in high school ended so quickly when his former girlfriend wanted to engage in more spicy things, which didn’t sit well with him. For the longest time, he thought something was wrong with him with not wanting spicy intimacy in a relationship. But when he discovered the asexual spectrum and all about being ace, it was both a relief and an “a-ha” moment. There was nothing wrong with him; his feelings about intimacy were completely normal and valid, and better yet, there were other people just like him who felt the same way! From then on, Travis was happy to call himself an ace, and wears ace colored band bracelets to show his pride. He figured one day, he could be in a happy relationship where there doesn’t need to be spicy stuff, but for now, he’s happy being a single parent to a group of anomalous kiddos. ♡ฅ(ᐤˊ꒳ฅˋᐤ)
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orphanheirs · 3 months
WIP Questionnaire
Thanks for the tag, @transthadymacdermot!!
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
The characters. They existed as deviantart ocs that I used to roleplay with in chatrooms before any semblance of a story existed. This was back in high school.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'll give a few examples here because there's a lot of songs I think fit the vibe of the story (I have a 4-hour long playlist of "soundtrack" songs)! All of these are based on pure vibes, not necessarily lyrics. For a TV show, I think a folk revival type song like "Over Again" by Stick in the Wheel or "Cannily Cannily" by Maddy Prior and Tim Hart would be sick. If it was a short instrumental intro song, an eerie tune like "More Bones to Sort" from the OTGW soundtrack or this song would work well. To get more general Rasputina is an artist whose overall sound is something that would work great for the story. If you don't know them they're a band that makes rock music with cellos and is very weird and goth about it.
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
I love them all, but right now I have to admit my favorite is Tristan. It's definitely partially because he's the most developed right now, but also because he's the reason I revived the story after dropping it almost 10 years ago. I remembered him and thought he had potential and fell in love with him all over again. Coming up with ideas for his arc and his backstory got me excited for the overarching story again, and I changed him from a side character to a main character. I have a lot of fun with his personality and I relate to him a lot on a personal level.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, Over the Garden Wall, Labyrinth, possibly Interview with the Vampire? and people who grew up with things like Hocus Pocus and A Series of Unfortunate Events. Maybe fans of Neil Gaiman? It's kind of hard to say though; I have no idea how the story would be marketed because it's..pretty weird lol.
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Not sure what the biggest of them all is, but my big three I guess would be plotting, research, and actually writing. I feel like I'm hitting my head on a wall when I try to outline story beats or whatever, so I think I'll just have to fly by the seat of my pants and plot as I go. Research also feels like a hurdle I need to get past because I want to base the story itself on actual mythology and folklore, and root the "real-world" parts of the story in the real historic regency period. Right now I know enough to share fun facts in a conversation, but in reality I don't know shit. I have a lot of work to do in that regard. Actually writing has been a challenge due to a combination of annoying factors including having very little free time in my life, executive dysfunction, and being? scared? of writing? because what if it comes out bad? Which I know is silly but it blocks me from writing a lot of the time nevertheless.
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Right now I'm thinking Crispin has a pet bat named Sparrow. Crispin named the bat Sparrow because he literally thought it was a sparrow, that being the only flying creature he knew of at the time. Now he knows better, but Sparrow is still Sparrow. I haven't thought much about it, but I think Crispin's keeping of a pet is one of the things that indicates he's different from his family/species, i.e. he experiences empathy and longs for companionship. The demon Tristan summons can shapeshift, and takes the form of many different creatures throughout the story.
How do your characters travel/get around?
Considering the time period, the options are limited. There's a lot of walking in this story, but also getting from place to place by carriage or cart. There's likely to be some horseback riding as well. In terms of the supernatural, Crispin can "teleport" himself from point A to point B using magic--but not very far. I still need to figure out the specifics of that though. Tristan is greatly aided in getting around by the demon he summoned, who transforms into a flying black steed Tristan can ride on.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Right now I'm bouncing around and writing snippets of scenes that come to mind/interest me most. I'm considering everything experimental at the moment, and not committing to anything actually being in the final novel. This is helping me get over my fear of writing, and I like it because sometimes I end up liking what I write more than I thought I would. I also *might* write the story in novella form first, try out some things with that, learn from it, and then expand and/or rewrite it as a full novel. Other than that I'm researching and brainstorming and drawing (which is part of my process)!
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Hmmm I think the fact it's a dark fantasy/horror story and the fact it's set in the regency period will attract people. The regency period and fantasy are both really popular right now (as far as I can tell). Also the fact that it has found family, which seems to be a popular trope. The fact it has queer characters might be appealing too. Other draws might be the Halloween aspect, and the deal with the devil trope. And if anyone likes enemies to friends and twist villains. There's also heavy use of gothic tropes and subverting them/combining them with folk horror tropes. Regency media (cough cough Jane Austen) tropes will also go under the knife of subversion.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
I hope to make it a published novel! Ideally traditionally published, but who knows if that'll happen lol. I also want the book to be illustrated, and to illustrate it myself. Besides that, I'd love to do some comics featuring the characters and maybe even short animations. (She said as if she had endless free time...)
Tagging: @ceph-the-ghost-writer, @finchmomentwrites, and @kaylinalexanderbooks !
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watchingspnagain · 3 months
Rewatching Fallen Idols
Welcome to “Okay So It’s Not a Loki Episode, but I’m Still Super Magnanimous and That’s the Biggest Takeaway Here: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e5: Fallen Idols.
Our boys get intrigued by a case that involves James Dean’s car as a murder suspect, which turns into a series of murders, all seemingly by famous dead people. It’s…weird, to say the least (and can I get an “amen” to the idea that it sounds like something Loki would do? Thank you.) The culprit is Leshi, a pagan god from the Balkans who has found a new feeding ground by transforming into the likenesses of famous people and feeding off their fans. It takes the form of Paris Hilton in the end and wails on both Sam and Dean before Sam can kill it. Cut to an end scene in which the brothers actually…talk? About their feelings? This, too, is weird.
maybe open the garage door first?
absolute banana loafs
mmmm Baby engine
"back"? where's "back"? they are IN the only home they have. there's no "get back" from anywhere they ever go pets them
omg Dean's "you are so stupid" face
down, Dean
"oh we are definitely checking this out"
how his little face just lights up talking about it
haaaahahaha SAM
"don't even look at her or she might not like it" I love him
he needs someone to gently massage his neck and give him little temple kisses
okay, if it disappeared, then there’s no research to do, and surely someone else has already done it
esp THAT car
DEAN WINCHESTER stop lying to girls to get laid. for one thing, it's not necessary
right?!?! Jesus, honey, just smile at them
he's mad at you for correcting papers in red ink
i love that their "this cop is an idiot" faces are different
"she's not making any sense in Spanish either" like he would know
well done!
omg Sam’s FACE
i don’t remember this ep at all, but it’s got to be Loki, right?
I know nothing, Mace
lol Sam's face when he says "that look like James Dean" he's so done
omg Sammy you are so hot when you’re correcting language
yeah, Sam, well, say it in Latin, buddy
nnnnnggg henley and leaning
that Ghandi one was really good. looks just like Ben Kingsley
I’m pretty sure Gandhi was a dick, wasn’t he?
I dunno maybe?
I feel like I vaguely remember that he was hugely racist or misogynistic or something
i know someone in the history of my schooling made me watch that movie but I remember like NONE of it
lol Dean's "aaaaah THERE it is" look
I’ve never seen it
who's... Gen Y? isn't that what they called millennials before they called us that? because they mostly wouldn't be kids?
no idea
he and I are the same person, I swear
dude, don’t lean into the jumps scare, christ
lol even a hunter raised in the life first thinks it's his big brother being a jerk when something goes bump
“wanna see my Gandhi impression?”
"couldn't've been a fan of someone cool?"
omg Dean laughing at Sam
"that is good. even for you, that is good"
iiii feel like there's a little revisionist history going on there, Sammy, hon
lolol this poor sherriff
I mean I feel like Dean does treat him like his little brother, but not like he's not an equal?
omg his ARM
I disagree. Dean still thinks Sam’s being away at college and rejecting The John Cause makes him lesser
huh. interesting
that compounds with his Big Brother Knows Best business
well he certainly has that
maybe it's the characterization of "dragging me around" that I disagree with? Sam always chooses to come back? and it's not like Sam never picks the case or directs where they're going to go
letting him make some of the decisions is not the same as treating him as an equal
I can't get over the fact that Paris Hilton agreed to do this
mmm, fair
I can’t believe they wanted her to
it's so meta. I really hope she gets it
omg the wink
huh. I really don’t care if she did or not.
I sense that you do not care for PH
i do not think about her at all, in fact
very good. I think watching this episode is the only time I've ever thought about her. except for the times I had to read persuasive essays about her from students
awww, Dean offering to let him drive
indeed. LETTING him drive. but sure, he totally sees him as equal.
Dude it's HIS CAR
it’s their father’s car.
it’s THEIR car
he gave it to Dean, though
fine, but making a big deal out of LETTING him drive it is my point
grumble mutter whispers maybe you have a point
graciously lets you joint the correct side of the argument
it's always been your magnanimous spirit that's drawn me to you, Mace
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soulsam · 1 day
hello and happy wincest wednesday! supernatural canon is incredibly undecided on this matter, so i want to know YOUR headcanons for what language(s) sam and dean have studied! do you think they have overlap anywhere, or would they divide and conquer? 🤔 i think about this so often, so i want to know other people's opinions too :)
omg hi ciel!!!!! thank you so much for the ask :D
honestly this is a super interesting question...but one that I probably don't have a great answer for? it's not something I've really thought about before! :o
let me think...we know that sam has some knowledge of spanish (source: 5x05 fallen idols) and latin (no single definitive source for this but he often is able to translate latin words or phrases on the fly), as well as sign language (we see him use it with eileen multiple times). he also knows at least un petit peu de français (source: 13x12 various & sundry villains) although to be fair that was only a couple words that he could've easily picked up just from existing in the world.
in my opinion, the languages he's actually studied in some capacity are spanish, latin, and asl, although I don't think he's anywhere near fluent in any of them. they're all very practical choices, of course. buuuuut...I also really really love the headcanon that he learned (had to learn) enochian while he was in the cage. I don't remember if there's any canon evidence for this, but even if there isn't, it's just so juicy that it has been cemented in my brain.
dean, on the other hand...I honestly doubt he's actually studied any foreign languages at length. a good percentage of american high schools have a language requirement, but we also know that dean has a GED (and a give 'em hell attitude), so it's possible he could've skirted around that entirely. actually though I do think he's taken at least a year of spanish, enough to learn how to pronounce things, because when he speaks latin it comes out sounding like spanish instead (thank you jensen, it makes me laugh every time). other than that, though, I think he mostly just picks up the odd word or two from books or tv or movies (I have to imagine that at some point, like many routine hentai watchers, he just absorbed the meaning of words like itai and iku). it's pretty much impossible for him not to have learned some latin over the years as well but I don't think he ever sat himself down and was like okay I'm gonna learn latin.
also, when the two of them randomly run across foreign phrases, I think usually dean will look to sam to translate or sam will just offer up his knowledge without really being prompted. it happens more in late seasons iirc and could be related to the way they dumbed dean way down toward the end of the show but I do also like the headcanon that dean never really bothered to learn other languages because "that's sammy's thing and he's good at it." he's the designated research boy after all, not dean.
damn, now you've really got me thinking about this too!!! it's a super interesting topic to consider, honestly. it's very possible that sam's got some knowledge of more languages than the ones I pointed out and he just never got the chance to use them, and it's possible that dean knows more than he lets on and just likes when sam shows off (I honestly think that that's why he plays dumb sometimes). I don't think even the writers know whether any of that is true. I don't know if kripke knows, lol. it's a lot of fun to speculate on though!!!
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syntia13treeman · 6 months
Case files 09.01
what I think happened in:
Case 09.01, the case of "Dice of Fate" or "Mr. Die and a very bad, horrible, no good roll."
Well well well. If it isn't an honest, good old fashioned statement. Fancy seeing it here. Not much left to puzzle out, we have it all laid out very nicely. The Dice make a comeback. When we've seen them last in nineteenth century, they were sitting pretty in the sack of the Gentleman (the mystery man in the woods, quite preoccupied with luck).
By nineteen-nineties they somehow came to be in possession of a young man named Gary. (Double meaning intended). As is their nature, the dice brought Gary luck when rolled. Good luck with high rolls, bad luck with low rolls.
Gary eventually decided that bouts of good luck were not worth the inevitable dive into misfortunes, which varied from leaky pipes to broken legs. Finding himself incapable of simply NOT rolling, he fell back on time-honoured tradition of making his problem somebody else's problem.
Somebody else, we'll call him SG (short for Statement Giver), has recently been dumped by his boyfriend Carl (CaaAAAaaarl! That hurts people!) and really needed something to cheer him up. So when an old high-school friend called to invite him over for a game night, he made his way to Gary's place in West Didsbury, where he got tricked into taking over as the Dice Bearer. The dice changed hands and SG felt it as the ownership transferred to him.
SG was much smarter about rolling that Gary had been. Just like a certain violinist before him, he figured out that he needn't be the one to pay the price for the fortune his cursed object brought him. And he figured out the system (or so he thought. He should have remembered that the House always wins, in the end). He started passing the bad-luck-rolls to random strangers on the street.
After a time, he started to also let strangers roll high. And then… well, for someone who had the gall to talk shit about D&D, SG turned out to be SUCH a nerd himself. He assembled a whole-ass Grim Dicer costume, grew a goatee, he was even doing the voice! Go you, Mr. Totally-not-a-theatre-kid! Rock that Dice King persona!
He was well on his way to becoming a full blown urban cryptid, when alas, he went too far. By chance (chance?) he run into Gary and made him (made him?) roll one last time. It was the lowest roll yet. Snake eyes. 1+1. You couldn't go lower if you tried.
It seems that the Dice did not appreciate being disposed of, and they disposed of the previous Bearer in return, with extreme prejudice, via runaway truck to the face.
After that, SG lost his nerve and tried to get rid of the Dice which… Buddy. You've just seen how that ends. What did you think would happen?
SG thought he was being smart. He gave the Dice to Magnus Institute, who, as paranormal research facility (or whatever they were known as), were bound to accept them and presumably able to handle them safely.
Too bad he believed that rolling was a matter of choice*. Too bad the Dice were still within reach when the urge hit. Too bad he died right there, at the statement giving table. RIP, statement giver (????-14.10.1998). You could have been great.
So that's that. What more to say? Let's see.
I feel quite confident in saying that SG was actively becoming a supernatural creature. That feeling of increasing disconnect from the world was not just in his head. And the rolls that he took for himself, that kept getting more and more abstract, until he couldn't tell what changed, just that something did? It was you, SG. You were changing. Such a damn shame your rise to power was cut short by your own folly.
I'm equally confident that he was unwittingly creating a brand new urban legend. I bet that at the time there were people in Manchester who'd talk in hushed whisper (or at high volume in a crowded bar) about the Grim Gambler, the Dice Devil, the Lord Luck, the Horrid Hatman. (Coincidentally, for no reason whatsoever I need somebody to draw SG in full Mr. Die costume with Alex J. Newall's face). Some would warn against touching his dice, others would swear up and down that he'd bring luck and prosperity. (Imagine the discourse at cryptid message boards!). I wonder if the legend still lives, even if SG doesn't.
*About rolling the dice, even knowing the odds… It sure as hell wasn't free choice, no sir. What was it then, compulsion, or addiction? Was that need to see the dice clutter over one's future coming from without, or within? Both options are equally appealing to me, to be honest.
The statement and the Dice were given to MI in October 1998. This means two things: a) Arguably, events surrounding death of SG could have been one of the 'weird stuff' that Sam saw with no context as a child, and: b) The Institute burned down little over a year later. Do you think somebody was rolling the Dice bit too much?
'Recommend referral to Catalytics for Enrichment Applicability Assessment'. To me it sounds like: "hey, Catalytics, check if we can use this thing for enrichment." And I'm having a bad thought. They were studying kids, Sam among them, for some purpose, almost certainly related to supernatural stuff. Did they give the kids cursed artefacts to play with, to boost development of their otherworldly skills/trait/whatever? Because if so, so help me… 🔪🔪🔪🔥🔥🔥
Lastly, for completion's sake: viability as subject (none), agent (low), catalyst (medium). I've no idea nor theories what these are about, I'm just leaving them here for future reference.
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the missing hunter part 3
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Winchesters x reader // dean x reader // Supernatural x f!reader
 summary: Dean and Sam found y/n exhausted and wounded in a motel room and brought her back to Bobby’s place. Now she doesn’t want to be there, she doesn’t want to confront her past and those people who completely forgot about her– she’s sure of that, because otherwise why would they never call her? why would they never visit her? 
previously: part 1 part 2
(find me on ao3 under the name sadgirldreams11)
note: ahhh hello there! i'm really happy that the two first parts are getting so much love!! <3 thank you for your feedback :) don't forget that interacting with the fic is the best way to let the author know that their work is good enough ;) also so sorry this part is weird and short but i didn't really know what to write haha hopefuly inspiration come again for the next parts!
chapter 3
Dean and Sam knew exactly who y/n was right when they saw her in the motel room, because how could they forget the only girl they played with when they were little and stayed at Bobby’s place? How could they forget the girl to whom they would give a phone call from a crappy motel room when they were bored of watching tv and eating the same food John usually left behind before going on a hunt on his own? How could they?
Truth is, Dean wasn’t as close to y/n as he was with his brother because, well she was a she, and he never had to deal with little girls before, he was only used to his little brother always annoyingly complaining about the food and the boredom of doing nothing. But slowly and surely the three of them grew quite close despite the distance.
Y/n had realized her friends were not really happy with their situation and had dared to ask, just once, to Bobby about having the boys stay more often, as he was practically their uncle or so. But the man just scoffed the thought away and never said a word about it again. Y/n did the same. But she never truly forgot. John was the one making the decisions for his sons.
Then the boys started to go to school more regularly, sure it was a different one every two months but it was one of the reasons they had slowly stopped to call y/n. Maybe they didn’t do it on purpose, they might have not even realized it at the time. And the three of them would grow-up apart, each one with its view on life, each one with their goals. each one with their feelings and fears and hopes. but y/n never forgot them, and sometimes she wanted to call them but she lacked the confidence to do it. She thought she was annoying, as the only girl the brothers had been friends with, surely they must think of her as an annoying kid. they must only talk to her out of pity.
So she faded away, hidden in the shadows of her own mind.
Later, y/n had started to join Bobby on hunts, at least at the beginning she only helped him in the library doing research. He considered she wasn’t old enough and needed more training. Then when she was ready and Bobby couldn’t take her puppy eyes look anymore, he finally allowed her to join him. Even though he wouldn’t admit it anytime soon, y/n was good at hunting things. So they started to hunt together more and more over the years to the point y/n didn’t even go to school anymore, since she needed to go from states to states and missing too many days of school would raise suspicions.
It was like she had been made for this kind of life; she never complained, never got scared, each hunt was a success and slowly the other hunters started to appreciate her work and welcomed her fully into their big family.
Bobby didn’t legally adopt the young girl, but it was as if, since they’d spent most of their time together. Over the years y/n noticed that John would come by less and less, and when he did, she was never there in time, often on supply run or investigating something. It started to drive her crazy how John seemed to keep his boys away from her, as if she was a demon herself who would kill them all. But when that feeling made its way to her core and the flow of thoughts started to spill in her head like blooming flowers she was quick to shut that door and drown herself numb. She didn’t want to have to deal with such things as feelings and emotions, because she knew feeling so deeply would never bring any good to her. It would only harm her and the people she cared about.
and enough people had been hurt already.
The years passed and y/n grew up, not totally forgetting what brought her to this line of work– hell, she could barely call what she did a job since she never really got paid. She never totally forgot her messed up childhood and all the lessons she had learnt along the road. Neither did she forgot the two boys she used to play with when they were little and call late at night when they were bored. But as she drowned herself in research and hunts as did the brothers, she noticed their relationship slowly but seemingly started to falter. They didn’t really communicate anymore, sometimes when she was at Bobby’s she would scan the place searching for some evidence the boys went by. Maybe she was searching for evidence they were alive, flesh and bones, and not a product of her imagination.
maybe she was secretly hoping they’d left a message, or asked Bobby about her. But the old man never said anything.
He never really talked about them, and she would rarely ask how they were doing. too shy. It seemed like everybody was avoiding each other and it was odd. Y/n didn’t know what could have happened. Life happened. 
One day though, she learned by Bobby that Sam had dropped out of the business and had started going to university. It was not a total surprise to y/n, as she remembered how the young boy had seemed bored everytime he had to do research for his father and brother when they would dump him at Bobby’s or leave him alone in a motel.
Frankly she was more concerned about Dean, who was always following his dad’s orders no matter what, like a lost puppy looking toward its jailer with the hopes that one day he would be seen and appreciated. Y/n had the feeling that this day would never come. seemed like the puppy would grow cold and distant.
She didn’t know when, or why, but Sam got back in business and started to hunt again with his brother. She suspected John might’ve been the why. and she hated it. The boy only wanted a normal life, she couldn’t hate him for that; he never knew his mother, the loss and grief was more on Dean’s shoulders since John had gone a little unstable mentally– if y/n was being honest, and he’s been completely oblivious to how his eldest son could feel toward the tragic events.
So now, staring at the mantle of the fireplace where yellowed pictures sitted, their frames dusty with the years, her mind froze. As if she was rebooting her brain, her body wouldn’t move and her eyes wouldn’t blink. The only constant reminder that she was still alive was her breathing. Maybe a bit too slow.
Bobby took a few steps and approached y/n’s back, the floorboard cracking, he knew already but still picked over her shoulders to take a look at what she was staring at. A shuddering breath escaped him.
“y/n,” he started but cut himself before saying anything he would regret later.
She turned around and met his gaze, flickers of sunlight filtering through the window reflecting in her eyes, she didn’t say a word. her expression was unreadable, as per usual.
Bobby was used to not being able to tell how his protégée felt or what were her thoughts. She kept some kind of mask on her face at all times, it seemed like she was keeping her thoughts and emotions in check all the time. what was she scared of?
Dean cleared his throat, the empty bottle of beer abandoned on the counter in the kitchen and it seemed like he was also wearing a mask. but one of mecontentement, one that was easily readable. Y/n glanced toward him and spotted Sam hovering near his brother, almost waiting for the storm to strike. Y/n tensed up and bit her lower lips.
“Go ahead,” Dean nodded from y/n to Bobby, motioning for her to speak, “tell him what happened.” She gulped down but her mouth was dry with anticipation. She didn’t want to go through it again. enough. She just wanted to pass out in bed and sleep for hours. “please, i’m tired.” she said almost in a whisper, and Bobby looked at Dean who seemed on the brink of exploding. why was he so angry?
y/n gaze never left Dean’s as if in a staring contest. Bobby could tell the tension building up in the room.
Dean spoke without breaking eye contact, but directing his words to Bobby, “i’ll tell you what happened.” his chest heaved as he took a deep breath, “that smartass right here thought it would be fine to take a vampire by herself, with no backup and no one knowing where she was. She thought the vampire was alone. And the worst,” his tone was more and more heavy with anger at each word he was spitting out, “the worst, is that she got caught.”
Bobby couldn’t help the hiss of disapproval escaping his lips. He shook his head and turned from Dean to y/n but she was still looking at the eldest brother, as if her stare could make him shut up.
“Dean”, Sam tried to calm down his brother but it was useless, “what? Oh right! someone else was captured so you got help and nailed it.” He exaggeratedly imitated quotation marks emphasizing the last two words. Y/n couldn't breath, her lungs felt as though they were shutting down on themselves, cutting all the oxygen her body needed. She felt numb and so stupid. Stupid like a child caught doing something bad with no excuses.
But she had an excuse. She had reasons. That's what she thought.
She opened her mouth to say something but Sam's look of pity stopped her short.
“Y/n”, but before Bobby could finish his sentence he was cut short by an angry and exhausted young girl who was tired of being left behind, tired of being told what she should and shouldn’t do.
“what?” she turned her face to look at him, “what?” her facial expression was distorted and angry, so angry Bobby almost took a step back. He never saw her like that. Never. she is almost blaring her teeth like a mad dog ready to attack. And nobody moves.
Dean’s face is still as the surface of a lake but his brow is still furrowed.
“Hey, y/n calm down okay. we ju-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down Sam! You don’t fucking know me.” harsh words she almost immediately regretted to speak.
“ ‘course I know you,” his anxious brow relaxed a bit as he tried to smile, “you’re y/n, we used to hang out and make phone calls.”
And that is enough for her face to fall, like the petal of the flowers after a brisk. Her skin becomes cold and hot at the same time, she doesn’t know what to think, what to say.
He remembers. it’s the only thing her brain can hold on at the moment, like a sailman drowning in the sea, it holds on to it like a lifeline.
“ Then why.. why’d you make me call Bobby in the first place?”
“ He wanted to be sure you were fine.” Dean’s voice is somber and deep, his anger not quite gone, but at least his face is a little less tense.
One look at Bobby and she can see the worry on his face, in his eyes. She stupidly thought she could go on a job on her own and not anyone, not tell Bobby where she was going. It was one of the first rule of this job.
she felt stupid, so stupid. but she only wanted to prove to herself she was capable.
capable of what?
She was so tired she didn’t have the strength to cry, the tears getting stuck on her throat. She couldn’t talk anymore, she didn’t know what to say, and quite frankly she didn’t really want to talk anymore.
tell me in the comment what you think and if you wanna be added to the taglist <3 hope i didnt forget anyone
taglist: @french-vanilla-in-the-clouds @some-destiel-shipper @vantae-tea @tiggytaylor @lacilou @stitchintimefan @katsotherworld @leigh70
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wilt3d-r0zes · 1 year
Fic Name (and link): Paranoia Sucks Balls Series: Teen Wolf Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Kira Yukimora (kinda) Pairings: N/A Trigger Warnings: Paranoia, thinking someone is in your house waiting to kill you Important Tags: N/A
Summary: He cursed himself for a lot of things, in the next five minutes. For moving his desk so it wasn’t up against the wall, for playing a horror game so late at night, for staying up when he can’t get anybody to protect him, for turning the lights off at all.
Or, I had a really bad paranoia bout last night, and wrote this as a result just now.
Paranoia is not a new thing for Stiles. He’s had moments of indescribable levels of paranoia since his mother started getting sick, started loudly shouting about all the horrible things that were out to get them. It used to be a lot worse, as most things regarding his mental health did. For the years following Claudia’s death, he and his dad were both in terrible places.
Stiles found himself locked in a closet or the bathroom several times, back pressed against a corner and eyes unable to move away from the door lest he drag himself into a panic attack because he couldn’t get the feeling, that horrible, bone chilling feeling of being watched, being followed, off.
It tapered off for the most part, didn’t seem to return even when supernatural happenings began. Never to that degree and never without reason, at least. Until now.
Another thing that isn’t new to him is staying up late, more often than not he’d stay up researching or aimlessly trying to entertain himself in a bout of insomnia. The clock was nearing toward five in the morning and he was playing some cheap horror flash game on his phone with the lights off.
It just seemed smart, when he stared into the disconcerting darkness of his room, to turn them back on. At least, to flick his lamp on so he could see something. Curses of being human and unable to use nightvision for anything.
The cheap light with rips in the lampshade flickered on, crackling for just a moment in a sign that meant it was going to go soon. His bedroom bathed in warm light, and for a moment just a moment Stiles swears he sees a face disappear around his desk. He stills, staring like something would pop out at him.
Nothing does.
(He cursed himself for a lot of things, in the next five minutes. For moving his desk so it wasn’t up against the wall, for playing a horror game so late at night, for staying up when he can’t get anybody to protect him, for turning the lights off at all.)
Logically, he knew nothing was there. Something couldn’t even realistically hide in that spot without him seeing it. He wanted to listen for breathing, just to be safe, but beyond the heatwave California was going through he didn’t want to leave the willful obliviousness of having a fan turned on full power covering that potential sound.
So he stared.
Paranoia and anxiety grew in warring pillars, tightening his chest and trying to bring tears to his eyes. He wanted nothing more than to call someone, anyone, to give him support in making sure nothing was there. Just so he could move, look around the edge of his desk and under his bed, and out into the hallway.
(Do you know how many stories there are of people hiding under beds, laying in wait with a knife to kill the inhabitants? Because he could think of at like three, and he doesn’t even research regular killings.)
But nobody he could think of would be awake. At best, Kira or Malia might have been awake a couple of hours prior, but likely aren’t anymore. Even Malia gave into her sleep before this late, and she used to be nocturnal.
Still, he grabbed his phone. Screw wasting his minutes, he felt absolutely paralyzed with the fear that something was there and he didn’t have it in him to sit and stare at the corner for the next several hours until school started or his dad came to wake him up.
(And wouldn’t that be pathetic?)
u up? he sent to Scott, knowing that the star player and attempted health nut would by zero means be awake but feeling safest in his best friend regardless. Then he sent the same thing to Malia, then Lydia, and when none of them responded and he found himself staring at that spot again, he sent it to Kira.
What’s up? he got in response maybe five minutes later of trying not to have a panic attack. He flinched violently at the vibration on his desk, wanting to loudly shush it as if the potential someone in his room didn’t already know he knew they were there.
what r u doin? he replied after several deleted responses. No need to seem desperate, he barely knew Kira. At least if Allison were still alive (fucK) then he could’ve texted her, she always pitied him enough for things like that.
Playing with my lightbulb.
Euphemism*? No.
o lol
Why are you awake?
ah. demons in my room
not litrally
That doesn’t explain anything?
just paranoid thought i saw a face
how r u
Bored. Thankfully not haunted by demons.
Kitsune powers are annoying.
sounds btr than none
joking dw y r they anoying
Controlling the output is hard. I’m trying not to explode this light bulb, but if I get too close it starts to regardless.
o sounds anoying
hav u tried imaginin ur made of wires
imagin ur powers work like a cord/phone so theirs lim output 2 certain things & spreds thruout the phone
Your spelling is atrocious. But I will try.
cool. im gonna keep tryin 2 find some1 2 call so i can look 4 demons
RIP. I would if I could, but my parents would hear me.
ya ik. itd b weird anyway bc i barley know u
Yeah… Sorry. I’m going to test that theory, good luck with your demons.
5:58am. He sighed and clicked the power button, before tossing his phone to the side. That didn’t help. If anything, he might’ve felt worse afterward, aware that nobody was going to help. He knew his best option was to just get out of his room, go sleep in the living room for the night. The problem was, regardless of any weapons he might have head within reach, he was still paralyzed with the fear that something is there.
His hands fumbled at the side of his bed, trying to grab the bat nestled between the nightstand without getting his hand near the underside of it anything. What if someone was down there? Waiting for him to put his hands of feet within reach.
The bat clattered loudly against the metal bedframe, but he successfully got it up and held like the weapon it was. He grabbed his pillow, tucking it under his arm, and then looking down at the floor with a glare, “If anything reaches out and grabs my feet when I get up, I will beat you to death with this bat,” he announced. Again, likely there was nothing there, but if there was maybe that would deter it. If nothing else, it made him feel better.
Carefully, oh so carefully, he stood on the edge of his bed frame to leap off of, in theory out of reach. The only place left was making sure nothing was behind the desk, and then getting the hell out of his room and into the living room. No easy feat, because he couldn’t help but feel like something was going to crawl out from under the bed while he wasn’t looking.
Nothing was behind the desk. He took his time getting out of the room, constantly looking back to make sure nothing was there. The hallway posed a new threat, and he refused to shut the door for fear the he would have to open it the next morning and something would be there, but there are cracked doors and closets in the hallway. Not to mention, the only light was a cheap plastic nightlight that his dad put by the bathroom five years ago when Stiles would have panic attacks in the dark.
The hallway creaked under his feet the entire walk to the living room, something that reminded him so aggressively that his dad was asleep and he was walking around the house clutching a pillow like it would save his life and holding a baseball bat in preparation to hit something at five in the morning.
He must look absolutely nuts.
The first floor was no less terrifying, but once he managed to get on the couch with his back against a wall and eyes on all entrances or exits, he relaxes. Even if his eyes lingered on the bottom of the stairs, or flickered between all the closed curtains and doors, he managed to get at least a couple hours of sleep before his dad woke him up with poorly concealed concern and told him to get ready for school.
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trollprincess · 2 years
I can’t stop think about what I would have done with the Teen Wolf movie if I were the one writing the story, so I thought I’d write it down. (Also, I’m at work and I am VERY bored.)
Now, this is assuming the same cast is available, BUT not that they would be used. It also leaves in a couple of plot and character points that weren’t entirely garbage.
Derek is not married, but Eli does have a mother: Braeden. She and Derek hooked up, one thing led to another, aaaaaand baby. She’s still off doing her thing, but Derek has custody, and they have a good relationship. Derek still has money, so he focuses on Eli and his ��consulting” work. He doesn’t date, but he mentions Eli’s mom might be in town that weekend and Eli jokes, “You want me to give you two some privacy?” because every time they see each other they inevitably end up sleeping together. Derek throws a dish towel at him and tells him to finish his Frosted Flakes.
Scott is now a veterinarian working with Deaton. The two have moved out of the old office, but they’re working in a bigger vet hospital in Beacon Hills. Scott returned to make the town a base for his pack after they were able to cut down Monroe’s forces to a respectable minimum. Scott is married to (let’s call her) Emily, a wolf who came to Beacon Hills looking for the true alpha and found this big sweet brave guy. They have two daughters, middle-school-aged or so, and they have Scott wrapped around their little fingers.
Chris and Melissa are married. Melissa is still a nurse (because there’s nothing wrong with staying a nurse, and promotion doesn’t mean a stepping stone to doctorhood) and Chris travels to do weapons consulting for movies and TV shows. They still live in Beacon Hills because Chris is having an absolute *blast* being Grandpa Chris with little girls climbing all over him, which Melissa finds adorable.
Lydia and Stiles broke up sometime in college, because of course they did, but they still remain close. He texts often, maybe even more than he texts Scott (which is a LOT). She is single, mostly because she loves her work, which is the same as in the movie. However, she’s been using her screams in her research, and she’s gotten even better with them. That muscle definitely hasn’t atrophied. She keeps in contact with Scott and the pack in Beacon Hills and comes when needed.
Stiles is still in the FBI. He’s working at the time the movie is occurring so he can’t return to help with the big bad. He does however text almost as if he’s there. (He can’t FaceTime because you can’t FaceTime while on a stakeout, jeez, Scott.) God knows he knows everybody else so well he keeps texting almost the exact right thing at any given moment. Derek starts wondering if Stiles bugged the Argent/McCall house. Chris says no, but even he peeks around just in case.
Parrish has grown stronger with his hellhound abilities with practice over the years. He works with the fire department either along with or after leaving the sheriff’s department. Malia works with her hands in construction or something like it. She started fixing people’s homes after fights, plastering over bullet holes or replacing windows, and it turned out she was good at it. Malia and Parrish are banging. They think they’re being subtle. They’re really not.
Noah retired. He started writing out of boredom and he’s written several urban fantasy novels that are just stuff that happened in Beacon Hills with the serial numbers filed off. He eats a lot more junk food now that Stiles is gone. Stiles calls everyday and still somehow knows exactly what he’s doing or eating. Noah is pretty sure Stiles didn’t bug his house. *Definitely* sure. Yeah, definitely. Um.
Eli has hobbies and friends. He’s artistically inclined and is getting better at photorealistic work. His best friend knows about the supernatural but is human. He’s always getting Eli into trouble with him, mostly because they want to help when bad things happen. Everyone is *very* aware of who he reminds them of. Eli has a HUGE crush on him. Derek decides to pretend he doesn’t notice, because there is not enough headache medication in the world.
Mason works as a deputy. Liam does live and work in Japan. When Liam comes to town, they actually talk to one another. No, really. Full sentences and everything.
Jackson is the same except he brought Ethan. They are very cute.
Allison does not come back. She is dead and that would be silly.
The pack is still very tight. Even those who’ve moved away keep in contact with Scott or someone else in the pack. We have smartphones, for Pete’s sake, it’s not hard. And with everything that went on … well, it helps to stay in touch in case problems arise. There’s a therapist in Beacon Hills who’s pack. They’ve all gone to her at some time or another to deal with *gestures at everything*. It’s helped a lot.
People in Beacon Hills have come to accept more openly that the town’s rife with supernatural beings. It’s one of those things where no one outright says anything, but also once Scott went out into the crowded waiting room and asked for “Wolfie” and there was this incredibly awkward silence with everyone trying not to make eye contact with him before someone coughed and a guy carried up a tiny yet vicious Chihuahua.
People start seeing characters who died during the series. Not just Allison, but Kate, Boyd, Erica, Mrs. Argent, etc. They’re … off. Unsettling, not threatening. The rest of the plot can spring from that, but the starting point is getting to see old faces, but knowing this is *not* them. (EDIT: I just realized I put Kate, but no, you know what, that’s part of it, whatever it is that’s doing this doesn’t know she came back.)
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fairyservice · 3 months
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Is that SIMON BAKER? No, that’s ALDRIC VELARDE. The 36 year old FAIRY OMEGA MALE (HE/HIM) is a DOG GROOMER. If you ask their friends, they’re known to be CONSIDERATE & HONORABLE, but beware, they’re also known to be VULNERABLE & BLUNT. Can you believe they’re from THE PRESENT? Me either. [DEVIL, 33, HER/SHE, EST]
Full name: Aldric Velarde
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 36 years old
Pack: Fair folk
Species: Fair folk
Subspecies: Fae
Gender: Male
Secondary Gender: Omega
Resident or Traveler: Resident
Family: One father, deceased mother (still in his realm)
Children: One boy, deceased.
Pets: None
Occupation: Dog groomer
FC: Simon Baker
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 174 pounds
Build: Average
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Position: Versatile
Kinks: Vanilla
Anti-Kinks: Scat, Urophilia, & Vore
Safeword: Stop
Dick Size: 8.6"
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His mother died giving birth to him in the Fae realms, so his father took care of him. His father was harsh and strict so Aldric didn't have a good life growing up. When he hit his teenage years he became a rebellious kid always trying to one-up his father and to make him angry often earning beatings and harsh punishments for it. It was all for his own good, his father would say.
One particular day, when he was around 17 years old, his father crashed a party he was attending. It wasn't anything big or crazy, but it was past his curfew, he was high, and he was also drunk. Aldric was dragged out of the party, all the while the teenager was protesting and fighting back. That night he received the beating of his life.
That morning, when his father left the house, he decided he had enough. He packed a few things. Clothes, a necklace his mother left him, and some jewels. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to leave his realm behind and live among the humans. He knew he'd have to hide his ears but that's something he knew how to do well.
He thought humans would be fun! And, at first, they were. He sold the jewels and learned the lay of the land. He went to parties and looked for smart ways to make money. Then he met hunters. Being a fae meant he couldn't lie, but he could dodge a question. Or try to. He was at a bar one night, flirting with someone, when a man approached him and told the woman to scram. He glared at Aldric and asked if he was supernatural.
Confused, he asked what he meant. The man explained with the following words: "You know. Like werewolves, elves, and shit." Aldric grew uncomfortable. He had no reason to hide what he was, but he had a feeling this particular guy with stinky breath had no good intentions. So he dodged the subject with: "Look. I just came to have fun, not to answer questions, and you scared my lay for the night."
He tried to walk away but the man grabbed him by the arm and, before he could say anything to Aldric, Aldric threw a punch at him and began to run away. He hid in a dark alley and made himself invisible, he nearly got out of his hiding spot when the man stopped near him. He stopped his breath and soon, the man walked away. He waited a while longer before getting out of his hiding hole, going to the place he was crashing into, grabbed his money and his items. Put them all in a bag, and opened a portal to a different city.
He started researching and found out about hunters. Most people didn't believe in the supernatural, but hunters did and they aimed to kill. Not good. What had he done? He had traded a life of safety for this? Granted, his father was a bully but his father wouldn't kill him.
It didn't matter, he was in a different city now. So he started to get to know it. Soon enough he met a young woman in a nightclub. Her name was Asherah. She was human, 18, and gorgeous. They grew closer together with time. Kept going out and eventually started dating. A year later, with her help, he took his high school diploma exam so he could get a job and found a job in an office. He needed to start saving money to start a family with her.
By the age of 26, he was married to her and had a 5-year-old boy. He was, by all means, human. They lived in a cabin near the woods of the city and he worked as a dog groomer. None of this stopped that man he had met at the bar from finding him.
One day, he came back inside from the garden when he heard a noise inside. Inside, laid his wife and son killed in cold blood. "You're next, freak!" The man yelled at him.
"They were human!" He yelled at them with pain and grief in his heart.
"That's what an elf would say," the man retorted and Aldric simply showed his wings to them. Elfs didn't have wings, the fairy did and fairies couldn't lie.
This spooked the man for a second and Aldric took that second to manipulate the light around them blinding the group. He exits the cabin and locks the only exit of the place then sets the house on fire. If they escaped somehow, he doesn't know. All he carried with him was his mother's necklace around his own neck and the clothes on his back. He ported away to another city and wondered for days.
He disappeared for some years in this new city. He was lost in grief for the first few years, later he just focused on not losing himself and tried to move on. He got a new job in a pet shop and rented a place. After some time, he stumbled upon a man like him. He was most definitely an elf and he was struggling to hide his ears. Aldric helped him get home and the man confessed that he had been out for hours. They talked for a while and then the man told Aldric something that piqued his interest.
There was a hidden city for people like them. He just had to find a Rider and they could take him there. He had learned this in passing but his life was here and he didn't want to leave, not while being this old anyway. So Aldric set out to find these Riders.
After months of looking, he finally found some and after a chat, they agreed to take him to his new home. He was ready to live fear-free for once. He settled in shortly before the crack happened. That scared him once again. He was starting a new in a place that had promise, he couldn't lose it all now!
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19orionis · 7 months
🖊🖊🖊🖊 yes thats an excuse to do four different things. GO.
THANKS SO MUCH FOR SENDING THIS IN! These will be pretty random. Here we go:
When he's had time, Lazare has volunteered at a soup kitchen. I think he laments not being able to do so as much once his café business gets up and running and he still tries to give financially.
He's attempted yoga (and still does other workouts that help with bone density).
His current style of dress came about some time into his stint as an administrative assistant before (going back to) college when he started getting bored of regular business casual. He's had some great luck with finding sweaters at vintage stores.
It wasn't until he was actually in college that he started getting tattoos and piercings, I think. For awhile there I think he was considering them but thought he was "too old" or that he couldn't pull them off. Some fellow 40something hipsters set him straight, thankfully.
2. Jaime
Jaime is one of the few people who bought someone else's project car and actually made it WORK well enough to be a daily. It's an old red (is there really any other acceptable color?) '90s Corvette that still has some cosmetic damage. He does not care and loves that thing to death.
He's going into robotics, but he can't quite decide what he wants to do with it yet. He's leaning towards bionics and prosthetics research: he watched a ton of sci-fi shit as a kid (especially the original Transformers) and has always been fascinated by the intersection of man and machine. He might add some medical/anatomy shit to his degree to get his foot in the door there.
Jaime does not believe in ghosts. His roommate, Remus, does.
Sour gummy worms are his favorite candy :)
3. Remus
Remus and Lazare met through the Aesthetics class that Ben teaches. They're pretty different people at different points in their life, but they like to chat and eat lunch together in between classes sometimes.
Remus has super long hair that they keep pulled up and hidden under their beanie. Everybody asks them why they won't cut it, and they can never figure out how to explain it: they really do like their hair, but leaving it out increases how often they're misgendered. They hope to one day be at a point where they can keep it out without getting "ma'am"ed from behind.
Remus is pretty straight-edge. They got in with some weird people in high school and that kind of killed any appeal that drugs and alcohol had for them.
They faint sometimes. Doctors still haven't figured out why.
4. Lance
One of Lance's biggest regrets is not catching Jimi Hendrix in concert when he was still alive.
He's Remus's boss (they're his familiar). Lance, whenever he can, is pretty discerning with his victims, and Remus will occasionally offer to find him some frat boys. Lance declines this pretty much every time-- he feels bad about eating young people, and frat bros tend to not taste very good in his experience.
Lance used to be a wildlife photographer! He still has a big interest in photography, specifically the technology and also finding techniques best suited for capturing evidence of supernatural phenomena. Given that Remus is a film major who one day wants to run a ghost hunting show, the two of them have a lot to talk about during their downtime.
Lance turns 100 in 2030. I think this prompts a lot of existential contemplation about a lot of things he's never thought to change about himself. That leads to him getting his ears pierced and trying out a few ways of going fem (nothing huge and still things that harmonize with his current aesthetic. Different ways of wearing flannel, trying other cuts/fits of denim, he'd be bothered by dangly earring specifically but would like small hoops and studs, all still practical) the latter of which isn't a permanent change, but something he's glad he tried and might pull out again even farther into the future. The earrings stay, though.
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