#and it just. makes me sad bc often queer ppl are talking abt hearing the first queer experience and finally relating to it
sporesgalaxy · 1 year
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anyone else get a little sad sometimes hearing about queer experiences you didnt have because they werent even on your radar bc of other problems
like man. i already considered many alarming thoughts to be separate from my Self as a survival tactic by 5th grade. the gay thoughts were not catching up to me and I knew it. being closeted never felt all that weird because I'd already been keeping it a secret for years that I truly honestly thought demons from hell were going to kill me sometimes. the effects of childhood ocd are bizarre
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kienansidhe · 3 years
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the pure psychic damage of finding tengwar writing in an old personal sketchbook and struggling to translate it bc youre rusty at tengwar and you finally realized its fucking KARKALICIOUS holy shit
27 notes • Posted 2021-09-22 02:19:14 GMT
young queers not knowing abt the reality of the gay age gap in history and why it was like that and calling cmbyn pedophilia make me rlly sad. like yes it wasnt ideal! but we literally lost an entire generation to aids and being gay was much more dangerous and ppl were less open so it was v much a culture of date whoever you can find. ppl didnt have the luxury of options back then!! and ppl spreading this narrative that telling stories abt that time, abt older men in relationships with 17-19 year olds, is pedophilia? thats literally just reiterating the violent homophobic narrative that straight ppl used to vilify and oppress gay men. its not okay! its literally reinforcing homophobia and erasing an important, tragic part of queer history. please stop.
38 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 00:41:57 GMT
the redirection of the conversation from the endless debate of gender metaphysics that not even all trans ppl agree abt -> the practical, political issue of our campaign for equal rights is literally rocking my world right now
like holy shit its such a good point. its so easy to get caught in the trap of debating chromosomes and gendered brains and shit when at the end of the day its an often intentional misdirection from the fact that bigots dont want us to have rights. we gotta stop letting them sealion us like that.
and like god im always so fucking impressed by natalies ability to rlly get into the minds of bigots and deconstruct why they act the way they do in order to debunk their thought processes and talking points while still treating their irrational, uncontrollable feelings with empathy and respect. like what a fucking accomplishment in an era of constantly redirected hurt, i aspire to be more like her.
well worth the wait im so fucking happy i sincerely think this is one of her best videos yet! really builds on a lot of the ideas shes both taught and learned and taught in turn over the course of her time on youtube, im just. i feel so edified lmao
81 notes • Posted 2021-01-26 16:12:48 GMT
if youre a parent or you work with kids, please, please remember to compliment them and encourage them. please be their biggest fan and their strongest supporter.
inevitably sometimes you have to gently but firmly criticize your kid, kids make a lot of mistakes like anyone else and correcting harmful behavior is important! but the difference between criticism being effective and healthy vs criticism simply breaking your kid? is frequent and sincere praise.
if a kid only ever hears negative things from you, if you only ever tell them what theyve done wrong, this becomes the entire reality of who they are, a failure, and makes you an enemy whos out to get them, because you only ever speak to them to criticize. it makes your corrections meaningless, lost in a sea of never being satisfied, because there is no praise or encouragement for good behavior and accomplishments within which to contextualize the criticism.
if all your best efforts are ignored and your every mistake is highlighted, why even try? the results are the same either way. this breaks a person, and especially a child, who is still extremely vulnerable and deeply affected by everything you say and do.
contrastingly, if the criticism comes from someone who is known to support and praise and encourage you? it means something. youre more likely to take it to heart and not just toss it on a pile labeled "i am an unsalvageable failure." the foundation of praise gives both an assurance that the criticism is well meant, and it establishes a frame of mind that is motivated and capable of change, not hopeless and defeated.
working with kids is tiring, and its very easy to slip into just reacting, course correcting when necessary but not really taking the proactive step of praising, boosting, accelerating. but please, it makes the difference between a kid whos grounded and stable and hungry to learn and grow, and a kid whos given up, who has the weight of the world against them and no one on their side.
please, please praise your kids.
115 notes • Posted 2021-01-07 03:19:25 GMT
saw a tiktok that was making fun of a "white boomer art show" and i was expecting it to have like some bad knockoff fake native art or smth cause ive seen that a lot here in oklahoma but it was just. a normal looking milquetoast art show. white ppl milling around. a dog. some landscape paintings and ceramics and stuff. like nothing offensive, just p average nice pretty handmade stuff.
and ppl in the comments were saying all sorts of mean shit, like oh theres no soul its completely inoffensive and void and boring, oh wow another painting of a sunset over water, youre forgetting abt the handmade soaps lol, this is what you make when youve never suffered, stuff like that. and i wanna talk abt why i find this rlly upsetting?
im not here to be like oh no dont be mean to white ppl, but white ppl arent the only ppl who make milquetoast, comfy, inoffensive art. there are plenty of artists of color who like to just make nice, simple, pretty stuff too! not everything we make has to be about our suffering! we are human fucking beings and that means we probably like sunsets and simple homemade crafts, because guess what? thats fucking normal. i say this as someone who spends an unreasonable amount of time to defend my right to make dark, tortured trauma art: art can be lukewarm and blandly pleasant too. its okay, its a healthy and relaxing outlet for lots of ppl, and acting like plain, pretty art is only for privileged white ppl is so??? nasty? spiteful? and it throws so so so many artists of color under the bus for this superiority complex of a narrative that only art that comes from suffering is real, valid, Good Art. and that fucking blows.
like im all for mocking shitty ppl, but im begging ppl to take a moment to think abt what specifically they are mocking. dont mock shitty ppls physical features that they cant control, good ppl with those same features can hear you and it hurts! dont mock shitty ppl for making pleasant art of sunsets and handmade soap, good ppl who make pleasant art of sunsets and handmade soap bc they havent lost their appreciation for every new sunset and hands on crafts and nice scents are pleasant and fulfilling can hear you and it fucking sucks to hear our crafts being shit on and like. ceded over to white ppl???
like yes! there are 10283782287 paintings of the sunset out there and on an average day i dont find them noteworthy. but someone looked up, saw something beautiful in the world, and took the time to put it on a canvas. billions of humans have stopped and appreciated the sunset, and if you think thats white you can fuck right off. crafts and artisan work are skilled work that both have practical application and can be used to make art pieces as well, something beautiful to the eye, something everyone can enjoy, and sure, a simple wheel thrown bowl is not going to evoke some deep facet of ~~colored suffering~~ but i can eat some fucking soup out of it and it looks nice and some of us have fought hard for the learning and access to be able to make simple little things like that, so calling those objects white and soulless is also fucking disgusting.
i dont care if you hate white ppl, i dont care if you wanna tell some individual white person that their art specifically is soulless, im not gonna die on the hill of protecting white ppl from mean comments. but i do care abt the artists of color who worry that our work isnt original or meaningful or valuable because it ~~doesnt tell a story~~ or it ~~doesnt offend anyone~~ or its ~~just another landscape painting~~. are we obligated to only ever talk and think abt and express our suffering in order to be valid artists of color? if we choose, after whatever weve gone thru, to make some fucking sea spray scented soap for whatever our own reasons, are you secretly sneering at us too, or do you only do that until we tell you hey, i, a person of color, made that plain, inoffensive thing youre too bitter about to even mind your own business, let alone appreciate it?
if simple, pretty, comfort art is not your thing thats okay! its not for you! you can walk away! but dont write off entire crafts and styles and genres as ~~white nonsense~~ just because it doesnt appeal to you personally. i swear to god i will steal all your ~~fine art~~ and burn it. youre not better for making provocative art, youre just expressing things in your own personal way, making the art you need to make. let other ppl do the same.
162 notes • Posted 2021-09-21 07:50:02 GMT
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