#and it made me go 👀???? family resemblence??
moronkombat · 11 months
Hanzo hasashi (mk1) x reader who’s Bi-Han’s daughter 👀
okay i kinda cheated here and made it mk11 hanzo x bi-han's daughter becaaaause well i could tehehe and it's hard for me write ships that involve minors
tw: age gaps can't help it folks, i love it too much
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Hanzo was unaware that Bi-Han had any children when he took Bi-Han's life in kombat
The Shirai Ryu leader could only see vengeance when he faced Bi-Han again and was clouded by it
He was unable to listen to reason and struck Bi-Han down without mercy
Later he learned that it had been Quan Chi's trickery that had killed his family
That not all he learned. Hanzo came to learn about Bi-Han's family and he was instantly filled with regret
Hanzo is able to meet Bi-Han's daughter through Kuai Liang, who he has established an alliance with
He worries about how this meeting will go and how you will react to your father's murderer
Nerves fill his body as he approached the Lin Kuei manner and there he sees you
If he had not known your relation to Bi-Han he would have thought you to be anyone else
You do not resemble Bi-Han much and Hanzo is soon puzzled when you give him a smile
"So this is the famous Scorpion I have heard about" those are your first words to him and Hanzo is finds himself pausing
He had prepared himself for a scolding or even a slap but there was none to be found
All he was given was kindness and respect by a young woman beautiful and regal
You are understanding and do not put the blame on Hanzo for your father's death. You are wise enough to know it was due to Quan Chi's deception that both of you have suffered
Hanzo cannot help but try to draw comparisons between you and your late father but he finds few
Where Bi-Han was commanding you are reasonable. When Bi-Han was cruel you showed understanding
Hanzo is rather impressed by you to say the least. You are quite the level-headed young woman
The two of you begin working together closely and there is a mutual respect and friendship formed between the two of you
You are partners with similar goals and the two of you work together well. Perhaps too well
Hanzo beings to notice a shift in his feelings for you. Eyes would linger upon you longer than they should, thoughts of you entered his mind when he tried to sleep
He is no fool and knows the nature of these emotions. Hanzo experienced the very same with Harumi
Problem is, Hanzo a well grown man now and you...well, you were still experiencing life
Hanzo is conflicted with his attraction to you. He finds you magnificent and enchanting but what is he to do?
He a man older than you and the killer of your father
Hanzo feels disgraced and ashamed with himself. How can he harbor feelings for such a young woman?
There is guilt with his family as well. He wonders if Harumi would forgive him or understand. He has no true way of finding out
Hanzo is noticeably distracted and when you try to confront him about this, he is quick to say that he is fine. You know better
Try as you might to pry the truth from him, Hanzo remains stoic in his response and you begin to worry about him greatly
It is an inner battle that rages inside the body and mind of Hanzo Hasashi and there seems to be no resolution in sight
Or perhaps there is. Perhaps the feelings kept within him mirror your own
Could there be more between the two of you just waiting to be unleashed?
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dovedewdrop · 1 year
One Number Away (Joel’s POV)
I'm one number away from calling you
I said I was through, but I'm dying, inside
Got my head in a mess, girl, I confess
I lied when I said, "I'm leaving and not coming back" / 1.3k
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✨Part 1✨ ✨Part 2✨
A/N: My sincerest apologies for the wait! Thought I'd switch it up and give you all a lil look at the inside of Joel's brain😊 Also I just got back from staying in a cabin for a week and its been giving me soft cowboy!Joel thoughts so if anyone would care to grace my inbox with any thoughts on that...👀🤠🤎
Warnings: Joel being a saddie. Angst.
Joel thought being alone would be better. He didn’t need distractions or people depending on him anymore, he’d only let them down anyway. So when you left with Tommy he thought he’d feel lighter, now that there was a weight off his shoulders, but as it turns out, the hunch over his shoulders only pushed him down further. 
Everywhere he went he felt the cold at his back, seeping into his bones, reminders of having lost Sarah and how he pushed you and his own brother away. He tried to move on, to tell himself that all of those things were in the past and he had to focus on the next thing, focus or get himself killed but the sting of his losses were written all over him for everyone to see.
Even Tess knew that he wasn’t for her, that his heart belonged to someone else and always would, so she held him at night “for warmth” and made him breakfast and poured him whiskey under the guise of friendship, hoping that one day he’d maybe see her.
For 20 years Joel sat in his guilt and anger, he let it seep through every fibre of his being, he may not be infected by cordyceps, but he was affected in a different way. Not that he was ever the most happy-go-lucky guy in Austin but he had love for his family and that made him smile and laugh and joke around, now there was nothing to laugh about. 
That is, until he met Ellie.       
It took him so long to warm up to her, every time he looked at her he thought about you and Sarah, he told himself that the baby you were carrying wasn’t just a miscarriage but a foreshadowing of what was to come, how it would be all his fault. Everyday spent with Ellie triggered a fountain of emotions for him, he told himself that he shouldn’t be trusted to look after her, then the next day he’d tell himself that this was his chance to make things right, to protect her like he couldn’t protect Sarah. His inside of his head resembled that of a wasps nest, thoughts always buzzing and swarming in his mind with no chance of respite, but when Ellie cracked that one joke it did, in fact, have him laughing, his mind began to quiet, and he had to admit that it was nice to not always be filled with tension.
As they crossed the country together he found his thoughts sometimes drifting to you, wondering for the most part if you were still alive. If you were, were you happy? Happy to be free of him? Happy to maybe start a new life with someone else? Or were you constantly walking through this life being traumatised? Something he knew you didn’t deserve and especially not from him. He thinks about how you were always there for him and how in the end he took your kindness and stomped all over it in those big boots of his.
When he saw you in Jackson he couldn’t do anything. He was overjoyed to see Tommy but as soon as he saw those eyes of yours, the ones that overflowed with tears the last time he saw you, he was physically rooted in place whilst mentally his mind was running a hundred miles an hour.
He watched as you walked off before turning to Tommy with a sombre look on his face. “I don’t know why I didn’t expect to see her here”, his brother didn’t know how to respond to him, as much as he was happy to see Joel, he stood firm on the fact that he had some grovelling to do. “Thank you for keepin’ her safe” The look in Joel’s eyes was genuine before he headed off in the direction of Ellie to help her with her things.
The sight of both you and Tommy after 18 years is what really took the weight off his shoulders, despite the incessant buzzing starting to creep back in. The collection of doubts begun to swirl around his brain, she doesn’t want to see you, she wouldn’t accept your apology if you gave her one, and would you blame her? He wanted so desperately to talk to you, to pull you close to his chest again, to kiss the top of your head but you were both different people now and he couldn’t ask any of those things of you.
So after his tiff with Tommy he couldn’t resist treading the snow to your house after you’d let out a snide remark. The pit in his stomach told him it was a bad idea, he was already riled up and he didn’t want to let you see that he was still an asshole, sometimes and besides, you don’t need him, you have a new life here, a better life without him, so it was better if he kept his distance. 
However, before he even knew what was happening the words were tumbling out of his mouth and into the cold air, condensing it with a fog, “You…got a boyfriend?” He clocked you rolling your eyes at him. Stupid. He shouldn’t have ever come over. And then you were chastising him, something you hadn’t done since before this whole thing started because somewhere along the way you became small and he hated himself for it every single day. 
He couldn’t help but take in your features, your soft lips, remembering the way you’d sometimes press them into his shoulder or your eyes, the way they lit up when you held the pregnancy test up to him from the bathroom floor. 
He wanted to know what was on your mind even though he doubted you would tell him and he was right, you weren’t answering him and that was all the confirmation he needed that you weren’t interested in engaging with a man who was now pretty much a stranger to you all over again. He had to walk away, for today at least, he was tired, the day had been long and he was emotionally all over the place.
But when you spoke up and confessed everything to him, he had stopped in his tracks and the tears were one blink away from creating a stream over the planes of his face. He couldn’t let you see the inner turmoil he was going through, he wanted to run to you to, to wrap you up in his arms and never let you go again but he also didn’t trust that he was fixed, that he was cured of his anger and his traumas.
In a panic, he simply pushed out a “see ya around.”
The following few days were hard for Joel. The buzzing had returned full-time and he was feeling antsy, sometimes snapping at Ellie and feeling immediate guilt. He was working on it. However, when Saturday came around he couldn’t help it, he’d held it together for so long, when you left he’d only slipped up once, the scar on his temple a constant reminder of that.
He’d been watching you watch him and Ellie put the decorations on their Christmas tree, his heart feeling tight, because you should be here with him and Sarah and your little one, who wouldn’t be so little anymore. He’d found himself in the pub at 7:30pm that Saturday evening, downing his drinks and letting his eyes drift towards you, he knew he wasn’t helping himself but he was at a loose end, with no idea what to do with himself anymore.
The next morning he felt rough, he’d cried and cried and cried into his pillow for the majority of the night after Tommy had left him, his fist sometimes slamming down on the pillow lying next to him, before chastising himself mentally, he wouldn’t do this if you were lying next to him, he wouldn’t even be pissed out of his mind if that was the case. He brewed his morning coffee and dragged himself onto the porch, not surprised to see you sat on yours at all. He slumped down into a chair and rubbed at the bridge of his nose, he had to figure this out, decide what he was going to do. 
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cherrynwinesk · 1 year
What would you say for quackity x reader x wilbur? 👀 aka three of them dating each other. How would that go??
Poly with Quackity and Wilbur
Story g: sfw / soft / fluff
Language: English/Inglés
⚠️: None (?)
CC's: Quackity, Wilbur Soot
Reader g: neutral reader
📝: All the content is fictitious and an attempt is made to adapt the PUBLIC personality of the cc's, that is, the personality that is shown in front of cameras, I do not know the true personality and any resemblance to reality is mere coincidence.
🍒: Hello, writing requests are always open, if you want something in particular, ask without fear. I clarify that English is not my main language, I apologize for any error and I accept corrections to improve the quality of the content
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I must say that polyamorous relationships are beautiful for me, to love two people so much, that these two people also love you and to see how the two people who u love the most also love each other.
• I see both guys doubtful if it would work
•Once they dare to tell you that they want to be together, they would be very nervous if you don't agree.
•In any case, they would do everything possible to make the relationship work.
•Both are always busy so they would agree to spend time with you
•They would not like at all to leave you alone or without attention
•They would take you on a trip with them
•Your relationship with them would be very trusting
•Zero jealousy between you
•Always planning dates to do together
•And if any of the three of you can't, there's no problem if the date is only for two people
•Always looking for time for you
•As if either of them is busy and just "Please find some free time, y/n and I miss you so much"
•Both are musicians so they would play for you
•Wilbur dedicating romantic songs to you, writing new songs thinking of you two
•Quackity parodying an existing song, changing the lyrics to suit you and Wilbur just to make you laugh
•"Let's go see Wilbur" and Quackity takes you on a tour of the UK
•Or "Let's go see Quackity" and Wilbur takes you to the United States
•Quackity would take u to see Mexico, especially the city where he was born and to see his family
•You dying of tenderness for the sweet way in which Quackity and Wilbur speak to each other, with that high-pitched voice
•Or Wilbur telling Quackity how pretty he is.
•And Quackity just with red cheeks and his eyes shining
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
can we hear more about YES? wha happened 👀
There's been a new Findjackwalten update! From what I can tell, this one alters one page (or two depending on how you count it) and adds one new one.
The main page has been updated: https://www.findjackwalten.com/
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it strongly resembles the '/copia-de-nueva-pagina' page we discovered back in July, which now, in fact, redirects to it. The old homepage, /cyberfuntech82, is now a completely blank webpage.
Some images have been added to the new landing page that did not exist on the old /copia-de-nueva-pagina page, like the Cyberfun Tech poster we saw Martin post in his community tab is what I believe was May of last year? And three as yet unseen images of Little Bon, Little Bon and Little Sha, and then of the animatronic Bon. There's a fourth image not visible in this screenshot, of the exterior of Bon's Burgers (the same shot of it we seen in TWF1).
Clicking on the "JOB OFFER" image leads to a new webpage, findjackwalten.com/caretakerlibrary.
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This page contains a greyed-out version of the banner from the homepage, a large greyed-out version of the mounted buck's head known for being on findjackwalten.com/jackwalten, and a picture of someone we can assume, thanks to later context, is named Richie. It looks like the background illustration of an anthropomorphized family of rabbits is still on this page, it's just mostly hidden by the other page assets. Something interesting to note about this page is that all of its images are actually in regular full color, the page just puts a black & white filter over them. It's thanks to that we can have this regular, full-color image of Richie.
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This page claims to be a "Caretaker Audio Archive", which seems to be the same archive Brian mentioned in TWF1, when he mentioned being asked to record himself during his job "for the archives". It contains two pieces of audio attributed to an "R.", who worked for BSI between 1974 and 1975. It refers to him also as the "Night Shift CARETAKER A".
The first piece of audio, titled "richie 1" is dated 05-23-74, or the 23rd of May, 1974. I've transcribed it as follows, but this is pretty rough: Hey there! Its your, uh, it's your coworker Richie from uh, B-Uh, BSI. Uh, Felix probably mentioned me to you before, I-uh-I don't believe we've actually, yknow, met face-to-face before, but I-uh, look forward to working with you! Uh, so, uhm. Yeah, uh! I work the, uh, I work the- I'm working the night shift at the moment. Uh, and, uh, [UNINTELLIGIBLE] uhm, sorry you're not in any, uh, trouble or anything, heh. Uh-m just- saying hi. It's uh, company policy, all employees gotta, like, know each other so we can work more efficiently, I guess. I dunno. Uh, from what I've heard I take it you've been working here quite a while, right? Uh, summer job? Same here! Uh, so uh, where was I? Hmm.. Ah- uh, some notes from last week's shift, uhm, the arcade machines should be on their way by Tuesday, I think? We uh, we made a call with Starleys, uh, now they're going to be doing the installations themselves, so you don't gotta worry about that anymore. Just try and keep [UNINTELLIGIBLE] and plus, you now owe me a favor! Nah, just kidding. Uhh, so! Tech supervisor asked us to present the documentation of the animatronics' state by tomorrow! So, uh, yeah, better get that out of the way soon. And, uh, huh! I guess that's it. Ahh- sorry, and uh, one more thing, uh, I think we'll, uh, yknow, properly meet on, uhm, Thursday! I think. [UNINTELLIGIBLE] a tour of the installations. And, not-not the ones that smell like tobacco. The other one. So, uh, yeah, uh, see you there!
The second audio, titled "richie 2", is dated 06-18-74, or the 18th of June, 1974. This is, very notably, a week after Jack Walten's disappearance. I've transcribed it as follows: Hey, uh, just wanted to update you on everything that's been going on the past few days. So, uhh, for starters I got paid the extra hours for last week, so that's nice. Uhmm, right, uh, right. So, uh, did you get the memo, or whatever? Apparently the lockdown was because of some infestation or something? Yknow, like, bugs? Heh. So just a heads up if you feel kinda- smell chemicals and whatnot. Uhh, what else, what else, what else? Right, uh, right- so here, from next week onward, all animatronics will be cleaned and checked by authorized personnel. Nobody else is allowed- sorry- Nobody else is permitted to go near them until further notice. So, that's one less thing to worry about with our jobs, right? Uhhh, right- ah, oh right, uhm. Don't come to work on Monday. They're doing one more big cleanup to make sure there's no bugs crawling around or whatever. We, uh, we wouldn't really want our customers eating a beetle sandwich, yknow? Haha, sorry- hmm. Uhh, yeah! That's all for tonight. If you see any bugs in the next few days, just like, wack 'em with a newspaper or somethin'. You'll be fine. Anyways, uh, see ya around! Take care! Bye!
A very notable peculiarity with this is that the second audio sounds very... dank? Like it's being recorded in a cave? I have absolutely no idea what this means.
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lene-loki · 1 year
Heal Me
"I′m not waiting for you to cure, you to heal me I'm not waiting for, for your love You can keep it I′m not waiting for you to come back For you to let me down like that I'm not waiting for you to cure I don′t need it" - Grace Carter "Heal Me"
Summary: Matt Murdock can't stop being Daredevil but that's the only thing you ever asked of him. He made his decision when you gave him an ultimatum although knowing you were pregnant at the time. But now after three years in which he has rarely seen his child, he doubts if he made the right decision in choosing his Alter Ego over you and your daughter.
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Female!Reader
Warnings: Angst
A/N: Hello guys! I haven't proofread this Imagine yet so please excuse any mistakes!! And let me know if you want a second part to this because I still have some angsty ideas left for this 👀❤️
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You watched your reflection in the bathroom mirror.
Shaking you clutched the edge of the sink until your knuckles turned white. You looked as horrible as you were feeling. Dark bags under your eyes, your hair resembling a bird's nest with the messy bun you just tied yourself a minute earlier. But you needed to be strong. For yourself but most importantly for your daughter. It didn't matter how difficult this situation was for you, it was still Emely's father you were feeling this way about.
In Emely's three years of life she has seen her father merely a handful of times for which you cursed your catholic ex-boyfriend for eternity.
You would lie if you'd say you were sad to see Matt this little, but you needed to swallow down your pride. He was still the father of your child and if you wanted to or not he was an important part of Emely's life and of course you would never keep her away from him. She needs him.
The doorbell rang.
Usually this sound didn't startle you but now your heart hammered against your ribcage as if it tried to escape your shaking body.
You took a few calming breaths on your way to the front door. This was such a rare occurance you would get it behind you now. There was no need to feel this way. Deep down you knew why seeing him was still such a matter to you.
You wouldn't admit it to anyone not even yourself but to this day you never really processed the breakup between you and Matt Murdock.
When he chose Daredevil instead of you and your unborn child three years ago, your whole world fell apart.
You were really naive enough to believe he would kiss his costume goodbye to be there as a father for your growing little family. But that was just your wishful thinking. In reality he didn't even seem to be happy of the surprising news of your pregnancy. He didn't smile, he didn't hug you, he didn't cry - he was concerned about how a baby would affect his nightly activities. It ended with you leaving and moving out of Hell's Kitchen to Manhattan where you knew you could stay at your mother's.
You tried to tell yourself that this decision was as hard for him to make as it was for you to ask it. Sometimes you thought about him maybe having regrets, maybe suffering as hard as you were but reality always humbled you down. If this all would be the case he would have been there for your daughter. But he never was. He missed every single important step in your child's life and you wondered if it haunted him missing out so much on her or if he really just didn't care. Matt wasn't there in the hospital when you gave birth, he wasn't there on her first birthday, he wasn't there when she took her first little steps, he wasn't there when she spoke her first word - he was never there.
But now was the rare time again where he came to pick her up to take her with him to Hell's Kitchen for the weekend. Although he has been nothing but the worst father for Emely she really loved him.
It broke your heart how happy the toddler was when she saw Matt. It wasn't easy for you to let her go with him alone a whole weekend but it was still his child as well.
There were times where you would have taken him back without a second thought if he would have asked you to despite the pain he caused you because you still loved him this much and you were still dreaming of a little family consisting Matt, you and your daughter.
But that was just another hopeless dream. Now you wouldn't just go back to him that easily. He caused too much damage.
Opening the front door you were met with the sight of Matt Murdock. Your breath gets stuck in your throat, your fingers shaking nervously. Matt akwardly played with his tie as he cleared his throat.
"Hello, (Y/N)." He said softly.
Your eyes fell onto his red lenses while you chewed on the inside of your cheeks. "Hello, Matt."
You needed to rapidly blink as you felt the stinging of tears behind your eyelids.
You had always dreamt about the scenario of greeting him with a kiss and a freshly cooked dinner after he comes home from work. It was all you ever thought of in your pure bliss when you were still his girl. No one could have prepared you back then how shattering all the future greetings with him would be.
Your dream of a happy family died the day he chose Daredevil.
You had already Emely's packed bag sitting in the hallway next to you. Bending down to pick it up, you wanted to give it to him but you paused. Nervously clearing your throat: "Do you need help carrying Emely's bag?"
He shook his head with a small smile. "No, thank you, it's fine."
You just nodded and handed him the bag.
The more you were interacting with him, the more it felt like you were talking to a stranger and this was what hurt the most.
You often asked yourself if his heart was still as broken as yours or if he moved on and lived a happier life now - with someone else maybe.
This thoughts destroyed you. You had to turn your back onto him, barely being able too contain a sob that threatened to leave your mouth.
"EMELY!" You called out after your toddler who was playing with her dolls in the living room. "Your Daddy is here." You tried to sound cheerful and happy for your daughter but your voice ever so slightly cracked and you just knew Matt noticed it.
"DADDY!" You heard her immediately scream.
Emely's little legs came running out of the living room while Matt started to smile so bright that his teeth showed. He bend down to the toodler, instantly picking her up with his free arm.
"Hello, honey." He cooed at the little girl, unable to stop smiling at his daughter.
She started to giggle - just happy to be in her father's arms.
Your teeth sank painfully into your bottom lip as you weren't able to hold back your tears any longer. Matt sensed the shifting in the air, how your heartbeat betrayed your emotions and you just hoped he wouldn't comment it. You just knew if he'd confronted you with the feelings you kept hidden inside of you for all these years, you would crumble apart in front of him. But you didn't wanted him to know how everlasting your heartbreak was while he's been probably in a new realtionship by now.
Matt frowned the longer you kept fighting against your coming breakdown.
"Take care of her. Please." Your voice sounded weak and pleading.
It wasn't easy for you to give your daughter away for the weekend. She was everything you had and you knew you would miss her so much this night even though she was only with Matt for a few days.
He sincerely nodded, sad features evident on his face.
"Of course." He promised while you put your hand on Emely's tiny cheek. "Have fun with Daddy, sweetheart." You tried to smile, your lip quivering.
She smiled at you, her hazel eyes shone brightly.
She resembled Matt so much. It was breathtakingly beautiful and tragic at the same time. "I love you." You whispered against her cheek before pressing a loving kiss on her soft skin.
Matt hesitated.
"(Y/N)." He started but couldn't find the strength to finish what he wanted to say.
Unbeknownst to you, his heart was just as broken as yours was and if his eyes hadn't been hidden behind his red lenses you would have seen the unbearable pain swimming inside of them.
"I'll pick her up on sunday." You said, your voice just above a whisper.
Not waiting for his reply you closed the door, you couldn't hold back your tears any longer.
With your back pressed against the door, you slid down to the floor, Letting your tears run freely down your cheeks now you still pressed your hand over your mouth because you knew Matt could hear you.
He wasn't able to move although he was carrying an impatient toddler in his arms. He heard your sniffing, he heard your surpressed sobs, he heard your heart breaking - all the things he promised he would never make you feel and yet he was the reason why you've been so miserable.
His own eyes stung with tears as he fought against ringing your door bell again. He preferably would have pulled you into his arms and promised you that everything would be alright.
But he had no right to comfort you anymore. You weren't his anymore.
He swallowed down the lump in his throat thinking about how you still could be his girl if he hadn't destroyed everything you two had.
But sadly, his regret came three years too late.
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gothgleek · 10 months
Henlo love,
I got asked a fashion ask recently and it made me realize that you are another fashion mutual whose thoughts I just have to know!!!
So what would you wear for a feast thrown by the royal family in the asoiaf/ hotd universe?
It doesn't have to be medievally accurate in terms of "oh would they have chiffon or net back then?"
Go crazy!! I wanna see your choices 👀💓
Your fashion mutual,
Let me wait until the very end of the month to answer this question lol
I’m so happy you asked this though. I loved this so much though I actually might write fanfic lol.
Okay since I’m so indecisive I split this into sections by area and period (HOTD and GOT) and included some reasons as to why.
Without further ado:
North, Dance of the Dragons Era:
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I was born in the Alaska aka the Winterfell of America so I had to start here.
In my imagination, my Northern house would be associated with magic and cannibalism and is one of the reasons why the North is stereotyped as ‘feral’ despite us originating in the Vale (similar to the Manderlys). Since my irl family’s business is blue, assume all of my Houses’ colors are also blue. The dress is low cut with lace over my bosom as it is warmer in KL, however fur is a sign of wealth so I would have my dress lined with it. My dress has Northern plants embroidered in silver and purple and a cutout to show some beading, again to show off my wealth. The Schiaparelli inspired buttons have eyes and a pair of lips sort of playing with the rumors of cannibalism and the earrings are based in the crying Weirwood trees. I’ve got chains with charms to protect me at the capital. I like the idea that the North is slower to accept being part of Westeros despite being a good few monarchs into Targaryen rule so they are still clinging onto pieces of life before the Seven Kingdoms.
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Unfortunately all my drawings of me in Dorne inspired wear did not turn out the way I wanted but I wanted to include Westeros’s token queer POC so I pulled out some couture instead. My Dornish house would grow wine and be close to Highgarden (because for the life of me, I cannot figure out where they can grow their famous wine, wiki didn’t mention any vineyards). I would wear a dress similar to the left to resemble the rivers that water our land. Dornish wine is one of our land’s prides so while it’s not a typical orange or gold, I am showing country pride in a foreign land with a rocky history. I did consider wearing orange/red Iris Van Herpen gowns that resemble desert mirages I it couldn’t add pics to my response. The blue also has a kinder, peaceful appearance. The right pic has the jewelry I would wear, lots of gold that emphasizes the figure with stacks of gems from abroad to show the wealth from trade. It also resembles armor so while I am at KL for peaceful reasons (which would lead the way for Dorne to being part of the Seven Kingdoms), I am on guard given our recent wars. However my accessories only armor, not weapons to resemble Dorne’s self defense. It also resembles Criston Cole’s armor, connecting me to the only Dornish member at court. Similar to the response of my Northern outfit, the colorful, sheer, and figure hugging dresses would reaffirm that Dornish stereotypes are true.
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My family is from the Philippines so this is my take on fantasy!Philippines inspired by the limited resources I could find on their fashion history. This country is south of Yi Ti and is the center of sea trade in South Essos. The dress prints are inspired by batok tattoos (famously done by the legendary Apo Whang Od). The face paint is inspired by Yakan traditional face paint. The headdress is inspired by the Filipino sun on the flag. In this fantasy world I am allowed an empire waist dress with a flowing cape. Most of the fabrics are light and breathable because of the humid air and that translates to KL’s summer weather.
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Winter is nearing so I am all bundled up, even if I’m in KL. My house slowly shed its cannibal rumors through ancestor’s noble accomplishments so there are less references to them. The only visible reference that I wear is a Victorian inspired painted broach with my lover’s eye on it. This broach does encourage the magic-wielding rumors though. We have moved from being like Boltons to being like the Manderlys. Since it’s closer to winter, I don’t embroider my dress to conserve thread but my new dresses with flashy colors and beads as well as my fur hat with beads from trading with Essos do still signify my wealth.
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While I was a child during Robert’s Rebellion, I grew up hearing stories of Elia Martell. When I arrive at KL I have a golden spine similar to what she wore after the tourney at Harrenhal. I imagine it became a fashion statement in Dorne and I am carrying it to the capital to subtly show the court my alliance. Outside of the Martell family, Elia sort of achieves sainthood. She lived a tragic life and is (for better or worse) now on an pedestal for Dorne to project their feelings about the rest of Westeros. Since my family grows grape vines for wine, my dress would be wine red rather than black. The fire dress is more a show of my allegiance to House Martell and the mourning of Elia (and later Oberyn) as well as a sign that the Targaryens will return. It’s also got metals and thorn-like edges so no member of the capital would think to go near me. Gone are the softer, flowy fabrics and jewelry of my peacemaking ‘ancestor’. Now I am sharp, dark, and full of ancestral vengeance.
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This is inspired by Michelle Dee’s Miss Philippines dress inspired by batok tattoos. I couldn’t decide which one I liked better so I included both. My face is less painted due to changing trends. (However boobs are and will continue to be an important part of my outfit lol) In addition there are fewer patterns on the dress. It is more structured and has different types of fabrics though. This includes an early development of fishnets which will reference my House’s wealth attributed to fishing and sailing.
I’m probably forgetting a few details but I’ve definitely rambled enough. I hope this was as fun for you to read as it was fun for me to draw and write!
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mako-neexu · 1 year
Aahh you read Death is the only ending for the villainess too!! I love the story and the artist's fate fanart they've done. Callisto actually resembles Gilgamesh to me sometimes though that just might be the coloring. However, an Obeguda death is the only ending au 👀👀...
SERIOUSLY!!!! I thought at first: "Why is Ou-sama here!?!?!?" XD wwwww But he's the best!!! Callisto is the best male lead ever!!!! I read the manhwa a few months ago but I just got back to it now and I have brainrot over it wwww
I loved your idea so I made mini fic!! TvT
I would have loved for Hakuno x Gil death is the only ending AU, but I'm not familiar with her yet ehehe. But I did my best with Obeguda!! Thank you for ask!! I didn't know anon likes both fgo and maybe villainess manhwa 😂🥰
Also the mini fic ended in yakudou trio moment hahaha XDD
Ritsuka knew something was wrong the moment their highnesses had entered the ballroom.
It was the crown prince who had always occupied the emperor’s seat, if only by proxy as he was said to be sickly according to the novel…
She knew who would be sitting on that damned massive chair. But as soon as she saw Tristan and Baobhan Sith by Morgan’s side-
She had a terrible hunch about a certain someone’s reaction.
Of course, of course. They wouldn’t invite the likes of him to the crown princess’ birthday party. Still, Morgan and her children should have known by now that nothing ever good comes out of angering him.
She cringed at the thought and decided to stay away from one of the people who would one-hundred-percent guarantee her death.
As fate would have it, the doors slammed wide open, the loud bang causing screams of shock and confusion to spread throughout the room.
Baobhan’s shriek was one that ripped through all of the noise, “M-Mother–!!! H-He’s carrying a–!!”
“A corpse.”
The uninvited guest cheerfully spoke as the dull thud of the body was accompanied by a wet noise, “Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of what happens to people at the end of their life, my little sister?”
Goddamnit, Oberon Vortigern!!!
While maintaining a fairy-tale like facade, he could easily kill someone with one hand, sword or not. The novel said that that wasn’t his “true” appearance per say, as he only revealed it to the real heroine of the story, Titania, when their relationship eventually progressed.
It was hard enough to get through his route in easy mode, but now that she was playing the role of a villainess?
It was practically impossible to make sure she gets at least ten percent on this cursed affection meter on top of their heads!
Still, she would have to find out if the reset button exists, her only hope of going back to her world.
After the bloodstained prince had said his piece towards the family sitting on the throne, a game notification appeared in place.
A new episode had begun: “The Prince of Liars and Fairies, Oberon Vortigern.”
Would you like to be teleported to the maze garden?
Ritsuka half-wished her only friend in this world was right by her side. 
Castoria!!! You were fucking right!!!! She should have just stayed in the forest with her instead of attending this stupid ball!! ARGHHHH!!!!
Nevertheless, she pressed on the [YES] button before the timer for it counted down ahead of her. Seriously, why even put a [NO] option? When she gets her hands on the being who thrusted her into this world…
Her next blink was the sight of the very garden itself that Titania had confessed her love to. And the very place Oberon swore to protect her.
Ritsuka had to admit that what she was doing was stupid… but she had to try for that reset button. To be able to get back home, to be able to survive in this messed up game.
“I connected shit.”
“No, you didn’t! Oh my god! For the hundredth time, it's because you were going to kill me back then!”
“Nope, nope. Lalalala~ I’m able to see lies~ You know that well by now!”
“Urgh, Castoria!!!!!”
The fairy could only snort and laugh at her two friends. She also didn’t think they would be able to genuinely fall in love with each other, but here they are, arguing already like an old married couple.
“Oi, oi, who are you calling an old married couple!?” The prince growled out, reaching out to painfully pinch her cheek- “H-Hey, that hurts! Isn’t that true though!? Gah!”
“It is not!” They simultaneously said, like an old married couple.
Ritsuka puffed her cheeks before crossing her arms, “As if you don’t act like one with the greatest blacksmith in the kingdom.”
The way her face immediately heated up as she stuttered caused her to internally scream while spewing out excuses, “W-What the!? Muramasa!? That boomer!? Are you serious, Ritsuka!? Psh, as if! He lectures me way too much! I really really hate it! I also hate how he g-g-g-gets rid of his shirt off whenever it's scorching hot. Fuck, I hate him! AAAAA-”
And Ritsuka’s laugh caused her to finally shut up. “Cas, I never said anything about Muramasa.”
“Weren’t you paying attention, tomboy?” Castoria didn’t miss the way her friend’s hand was entwined against Ritsuka’s own.
With Oberon’s tongue sticking out and a finger against his cheek to pull a mocking face at her, she grabbed onto her sword with a battle cry to destroy his ass for pushing her into a beauty contest with Knocknarea and Bageko from last month. Ugh, she should rob him too while she’s at it.
Ritsuka had to admit that her experiences here were nothing compared to what she usually witnessed back home…being the center of a reverse harem novel world of all things…but her goals have not yet changed.
She will still do her best to find a way back home even if the chances of finding it seems kinda bleak. But with moments like this, underneath the sunlight with two of the people she cherished the most, she finds that she could forget about those thoughts for a while and be at peace with them.
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rei-the-head-shaker · 2 years
Buddy daddies (S01E08)
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How dare they attack me with this episode?!
I understood from the start this episode was going to be devastating. When I saw Rei dress up so early in the morning and looking so serious.
Loved the little bit at the start of the episode with Miri. It is mesmerizing how much (in my opinion at least) she resemble a real child of that age. Their bond is getting so good!
This whole situation is helping Rei evolve even more!he is getting attached, which if you sk is father/boss is really horrible, but we don't really care about him... As long as he doesn't kill the precious new family! 👀
We also get to know Rei and Kazuki met, 3 years before the start of the story we got to watch. That was adorable and they both really needed that, they kinda saved each other life and never really acknowledge that!
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
👀 ✨ 🎧 for the ask game?
I'm going to go ahead and answer one tonight and the other two soon. I apologize for the delay, life and work have been killer the past few weeks. I'm going to answer the 👀 because @writingmaidenwarrior asked the same one.
👀 What first inspired you to make this story? Does it still influence the wip?
If I go all the way back to the beginning in 2001ish, Abriella's first iteration was inspired by the roleplay group I was in. They needed an elemental and a healer, and so she was born. When that group disbanded, I wrote her solo story for a while till some friends of mine who I used to play D&D with and I were talking about Cassandra Claire's Mortal Instruments books and what we liked/didn't like about them.
As we talked more we said we could write it better, and since fantasy RP can very closely resemble and online D&D game, the origins of the current story were born. The original cast was Abriella, Cruz, Dez, Talon, Talia, Char, Raguel, and Arioch. The latter two were written by the writers of Talon and Dez. At this time, they were all just Nephilim. We took the parts of Claire's Nephilim theory and world that we liked and kept them, then we through out the rest (which was the bulk of it).
We wrote for a few years and then life got in the way. When my friends stopped roleplaying online, I decided to continue to write Abriella's story (she has been known as Gabrielle, and Briella previously). Because they're all my friends, they had no problem letting me keep all of the other characters in the stories if I wanted to, and even helped me get a feel for the voices of them. I've made little changes, other than Cruz doesn't literally sound like reading the King James Bible every time he speaks. I just never could get the hang of that, but he is otherwise true to that. So for the last approximately 6 years I have written them all myself.
While watching a show on Apocalypse prophecies, I got the idea for the Four Horsemen storyline. I killed off Dez, sent Talon and Talia off, and brought in Olly and Deacon. Arch has always been a solid side character, and he's grown some since this started. While writing all of that I did extensive research into prophecies, different religious theologies, pantheistic religious beliefs, and I now know more about angels, demons, and the beliefs of most of the major world religions past and present than I ever could have considered previously.
My Horsemen are not your standard Horsemen, and there are 5. Death, War, Famine, Conquest, and Destruction. Conquest and Pestilence are often interchanged for the same Horseman due to translation differences and theological differences that would take days to explain. For what I wanted to do Conquest worked better. I took Abaddon from the Bible and made him the 5th Horseman. And, if you look at the list, they all fit.
So, starting in 2018, I wrote the preface and the origination of the Horsemen, and hundreds of chapters of 1-3k words have been written since then. The inspirations for the Nephilim and the Horsemen remains mostly unchanged. The world that they live and interact with is the same as it was. It was only now that I have added Uffern to bring in Kellan and his family, which you will learn why in the future, and Pustota for Leviathan, Abbadon, and the others to be written in since I needed something to call it here, but their stories are still true to the original inspirations for them. There are times I still have to go back and research beings from different belief systems, gods and goddesses, and religious practices. I cannot claim to be perfect, but I do try to handle every religion with the same amount of respect.
I will get to the other answers as soon as I can, but it is getting to be bedtime now, so off I go. <3
THE IMPERIUM CHRONICLES TAG LIST - @ceph-the-ghost-writer @kjscottwrites @writingpotato07 @saltysupercomputer @careful-pyromancer @late-to-the-fandom @autumnalwalker @perasperaadastrawriting @fearofahumanplanet @jessica-writes22 @dogmomwrites @mjjune @verba-writing @blind-the-winds @shipping-through-eternity @outpost51 @inkspellangel @blind-the-winds
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stellarstarryyy · 1 year
*gets dragged in clinging to a roomba* so tell me more about this Dusk to Dawn story 👀? The characters? The bioweapon project? Any plot points you want to talk about? Whatever you have i’m here for it
There is so so SO much lore to the story of Dusk To Dawn that I simply can't do it justice in a text post, but I will do my best to cover the basics.
2 alien races are at war: The Amphizori and the Cryozak. The leader of the military branch of Amphizori, Raika (he/him), decides "hey what if we made a bioweapon out of alien wolves and we made it so that they have enhanced senses, can camouflage even on an infrared scale, are solar powered, and only attack lifeforms that resemble the target (humanoid) would that be fucked up or what?" So he recruits a bunch of scientists to make these (project stendri, also called shadewolves by humans). Also Raika is a piece of shit btw he treats all the scientists, especially the lead scientist, Keicazil (he/they), like total shit and emotionally manipulates most if not all of them.
Raika decides to use the newly discovered exoplanet with sapient life on it (Earth) as a testing ground because he sucks. All of thr scientists are not ok with this but are forced to go through with it anyways bc he's their boss. This is when keicazil and his boyfriend start to formulate a plan to tell both alien races of the horrors that Raika has done, save Earth, and just straight up mutany this dudes ass.
While this is all going on there's shit going on with the humans too!!
There are 4 main characters:
Elias Ramsamooj (he/him), Kepler Manzello (they/them), Rowan Flowers (he/him), and Faith Vazquez (she/her).
Other important characters include Sage (she/her), Hazel (she/her), Christine Murray (she/her), Angelica Murray (she/her), John Miller (he/him, and Noel (she/her).
I'm not gonna go too much in depth in all their stories bc there's A LOT to cover but essentially Kepler and Elias have been online friends for years and were planning on meeting up irl. Halfway through Elias' road trip to meet Kepler the alien invasion happens. They end up meeting up but only after shadewolves have killed Kepler's family so they're pretty fucked up. They later meet Faith who was left for dead by her old group of friends (there's SO many layers to that group btw it's a similar situation to what happened with the scientists and Raika). They then meet Rowan and save him from being murdered by some people who belong to The Children of the Wolf (It's a cult. Similar to we the people from thr sun vanished but also very different at thr same time).
After they meet up they meet up with Sage and Hazel, the 2 leaders of thr Community. (It's basically just a small town lol they are very well off tho). Faith pissed off thr leader of TCotW and there's like a mini war between the community and the cult lol bit I'm not gonna go into that.
Just know that story has a happy ending ^_^ I'm hoping to turn it into a book someday maybe
ALSO The Children of the Wolf are lead by Angelica Murray. The cult believes that the shadewolves are angels sent from heaven to cleanse the earth of sin. They protect and "live in harmony" with them. They also believe anyone killed by a shadewolf was "not following in the path of god."
They're insane and. Yeah just all around not a fun group of people. Especially their leader she's also a dick LMFAO
That's all I can tell yall for now. This story takes a bit of inspiration from the sun vanished arg too if it wasn't obvious though nothing that can be pointed out very easily (I hope lol)
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gimmethatagustd · 7 months
I don’t know what the spoon thing means but it’s a 100% a thing that my mom does for which she has absolutely no logical explanation
like, we have two sets of cutlery, one fairly modern, possibly bought in an ikea or some other similar place and it’s our everyday set
we also have a set of very old cutlery that my grandmother brought from Ukraine in the 60s or 70s. to explain: I’m from Poland and while I myself was born in 1994, my parents grew up in the communist era Poland and my grandparents were either born right before WWII or right after WWII. For those of you who don’t know, the world behind the iron curtain was very different than what the western world accepted as normal. For instance, international travel (particularly to the west) was not available as citizens were not allowed to have passports, because, marks and engels forbid, they would try and escape the sad, poor reality of their own country (some did escape- hats off to them). Traveling within the ussr satellite states tho was perfectly fine. So a lot of people (including my grandma) grasped at the opportunity to go to Ukraine, see our distant family and trade some goods for something else - like, for instance, the cutlery set.
The cutlery set itself is not that bad, but it is quite heavy - due to the material it was made from and the design implemented. It was designed to resemble an ornamental set of cutlery that would likely be seen in the 1930s or 40s in the region, to give it more pizzazz and for some delulu housewives to try and pretend it’s family heirloom.
For some reason, my mom hates that set with passion, refuses to use it even for some menial tasks (like, scooping cat food from the can to the bowl) but it never occurred to her to just… pack it up?? Get rid of it? Because it was handed down from her mother in law and is therefore considered a gift, and so the cursed cutlery will be with us until our dying days. And yes, it has its own drawer in the kitchen. It could’ve been locked up in cabinet but no.
Just like my grandfather’s military spoon (this one is an entirely different story tho) it’ll be there, locking the drawer from the inside and gathering dust until the sun implodes.
— b*rb*d d*ck anon
oh my god this is amazing. first of all, thank you for all the background/context explanation in the beginning. idk i'm really into history and although i haven't had the opportunity to really travel outside of the US, i've always wanted to go to other places. so i really enjoy learning about people's family history like that. (my family doesn't know anything about our history cuz of assimilation and also slavery 💀) so this was dope to learn about!!
i've got such a vivid image in my mind of that cutlery gathering dust. you describing it as something for delulu housewives as pretend heirlooms KILLED ME god that was too good. i can see it honestly. people want to be relevant hsdjfkhks
i am very interested in this military spoon 👀
it's funny how cutlery is so important to us. like ig it makes sense since eating is important jshdkjfs and sharing a meal has so many cultural significances depending on context, location, etc. i always thought it was weird how my mom kept nice dishes but never used them. like why !! what is the point !! i don't think they even had any sentimental meaning behind them
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fleurywiththesave · 7 months
Seeing all these videos of panthers with their babies and how do you feel about writing about this moment 👀 matthew holding his and leon’s baby out there!
Um, thank you for this prompt, I love it. Confession: I had to go look the video up because I’m not on other social media much these days, and it was ridiculously cute. I felt like this needed some backstory and ended up getting a little carried away in the feelings of the whole thing, so I hope it still somewhat resembles what you asked for and that you like it!
It’s not like it’s the first time they’ve taken her out on the ice, but it is the first time thousands of other people will be watching in real time, so Matthew is still nervous. Ryan notices him tapping his feet incessantly in the locker room and laughs.
“They’re always fine,” he says, tone halfway between sympathetic and teasing. “Besides, Drai can always come out and take over if you screw it up.” Matthew throws a ball of tape at his face and doesn’t answer. At least he’s not the only relatively new dad, so he’s not the only one feeling the complexity of the moment.
And at least they let him stop into the room to see Leon and Anna one more time before he has to get on the ice. She’s one of the youngest children in the group, and Matthew gets a funny little knot in his stomach looking at some of his teammates’ older kids. That’s going to be her, eventually. She’s going to go from a little baby always needing to be held to tearing away from them as soon as her feet touch the ice. And that’s going to be him and Leon, experienced parents who at least have some idea what the hell they’re doing, managing spilled juice and eight different bags and fights over toys with ease. After how long it took them just to get here, to this place and time, to this family, it will all be a little bit different tonight and tomorrow and a month from now. Everything is going to keep changing faster than he can blink.
It’s pretty incredible stuff. He wishes he could freeze every moment as it happens and save them all on a shelf, to be replayed over and over again. Burying the hatchet over beers after their second all-star game. Occasional texts that became weekly, became daily, became FaceTime calls and late-night confessions. A first kiss, a first night, a first admission of love. Parents and siblings, teammates and friends. A piece of paper. A ring. A cup and another ring. A little girl.
Leon, and Leon, and Leon.
Matthew had so many fears after Leon’s injury. He’d pushed through the rest of the season, but when he called Matthew a few weeks before his last regulation game and said, “Matty, I’m going to be done after this”, Matthew knew that it was true. And he’d seen how many players lose themselves after retiring, never having made a real plan for life after hockey. He didn’t want Leon to get lost too.
Instead, Leon soaked up the gratitude of the fans in his final game, cheerfully battled through two rounds of playoffs with full awareness that the Oilers wouldn’t be repeating, put the Edmonton house on the market, and walked through the front door in Florida with a “honey, I’m home!” so perfectly sitcommy that he had to have rehearsed it. And then, almost immediately after, “I think it’s time to have a baby.”
Anna, and Anna, and Anna.
“You okay?” Leon asks now, resting the hand not holding Anna on the side of Matthew’s neck. All three of them are in Tkachuk jerseys. It makes Matthew’s heart feel too big for his chest. He runs a hand over her soft hair, already showing signs of curling, and smiles.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m great.”
Leon brushes a gentle kiss on his forehead. “Just don’t drop her,” he says with a smile, eyes mirthful.
“Bite me.”
“Excuse me, we’re with our child, anything like that is going to have to wait until later.”
Matthew rolls his eyes and leans in for a real kiss. “See you out there.”
It might be his imagination, but the crowd seems twice as loud tonight as usual. He picks out his parents almost immediately and can’t resist stepping back onto the mat and standing by the stairs to talk to them, just for a minute.
“I still remember the first time doing this with each one of you,” Dad says, grinning. Matthew may not remember the first, but he remembers an awful lot of the rest of it. Remembers holding Taryn’s hand as they joined Dad for a final skate. Remember wanting it, all of it, for himself too. Mom’s eyes are suspiciously shiny.
“Don’t tell me you’re already crying,” he says. “Even I’m not crying yet.”
“What a load of bullshit,” she answers shakily. “I can see your face, you know.”
“You see nothing and you can’t prove anything,” he shoots back. She raps the back of his head lightly, then smiles, still teary.
“We’re just so proud of you, honey. Both of you. We’re so glad you get to have this. Enjoy it — it’s such a special time.”
“Thanks, Mom,” he says quietly. “I’m really glad you guys are here.”
The audience goes nuts when the announcer says it’s time to bring out the babies. For some reason, something about athletes with their children seems to stir up some strong feelings for a lot of people.
(Well, okay. It’s not really fair for Matthew to pretend he doesn’t get it. He watches an athlete with his child every single day — he understands the appeal on a molecular level. It’s the reason they had to get a new kitchen table last month.)
By the time Leon gets up to the door and hands Anna over to him, Matthew’s itching to hold her. She’s awake and curious, grabbing at Leon’s beard, turning her head and looking more than a little confused to find herself among so many people. She settles easily into Matthew’s arms. Leon’s face is washed with myriad emotions.
“I know,” Matthew says, tapping their foreheads together. “Me too.”
He holds her tight and they skate out next to Vladi, whose older kids are fascinated by a baby and deeply suspicious when their dad tells them they were once that small. Matthew finds his parents again, his mom FaceTiming Sandra and Peter, and lifts Anna’s hand to wave at them.
Anna, and Anna, and Anna. His daughter. Their daughter.
When he asked Leon whether he had any regrets about his career, he said no at first, then reconsidered. “Except that I wish we could’ve put Anna in the Cup. Guess you’ll have to fix that one for us.”
Matthew guesses he will.
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camuslittlesister · 9 months
From the OA Archives: A Very IkeSen Christmas
I can’t remember the exact prompt so I can’t tell if it was explicitly yume or I just thought it was hilarious to have the IkeSen meets Outlander vibe (I know they’re different centuries, my ancestors were there. If past lives are a thing I probably was there myself in a previous incarnation ☠️).
It’s safe for work. Mostly me teasing mummy Hideyoshi (I said what I said). Also, Saori is the name of the canon MC because I needed an excuse for…you’ll see 👀
It was my first Christmas in the Sengoku period. There were some Jesuit missionaries hidden somewhere in Japan, but having Nobunaga track one down for Midnight Mass was asking too much.
Everyone was already going out of their way to make it less hard for me to be not just 500 years into the past, but 500 years into the past of a country not my own. Not that being Roman Catholic in Elizabethan England would have been easier, but at least I’d have got some resemblance of my 21st century normality, with a banquet of roast game and a swishy velvet gown with fitted sleeves.
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At least I was getting a Christmas tree. In fact, Nobunaga himself was overseeing the cutting of the tree for the hall. It all started a few days earlier, when Hideyoshi dropped by my room unannounced. I dried my tears and let him in, but couldn’t do much about hiding it, not to Azuchi’s mother hen at any rate.
Japan didn’t have the Gregorian calendar at the time, but the organiser in my bag reminded me it would have been the 3rd Sunday of Advent and I missed the unfunny memes about wearing pink on Gaudete Sunday that my friends would have shared on Twitter and I would have hated if I was there to see them.
The familiarity, even of something I found trite, made me feel really lonely, even if I was surrounded by people who welcomed me as one of their own (at least once they realised I wasn’t an assassin or a spy).
I confided in Hideyoshi, who stroke my head affectionately to try and soothe me, before declaring that Azuchi would have its first ever Christmas.
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Not long after, Mitsunari knocked on my door, carrying paper and ink, ready to take notes about Christmas traditions. And that’s how we got to hanging things off a tree on the dais in the hall. We also handmade Christmas cards that Mitsuhide took to Kasugayama Castle, where Saori was now living with her Sengoku boyfriend, and Masamune was hard at work trying to replicate, as closely as possible, the panettone recipe handed down my family for generations.
Nobunaga looked on mildly amused as I directed his retainers with the strict professionalism of a decorator at Buckingham Palace and sung my favourite carols. What was left to do before Christmas Eve itself was buying presents. It has never been my favourite activity, but I wanted to show my appreciation to my new samurai family.
I had books ordered in town for Mitsunari and Ieyasu, sweets for Nobunaga that cost me more than the other presents put together (not surprising, coming from the poshest confectionery in the capital without Prime), a handmade book of recipes for Masamune, a fine scarf for Hideyoshi (because he’s always too busy worrying about everyone else to care about himself) and...also a scarf for Mitsuhide, because that’s one thing you buy when you don’t know what to buy to a man, and nobody uses ties.
I was getting ready for the Christmas Eve banquet when Ieyasu appeared outside my door, a frown on his face (not unusual, but it was a different kind of frown): “Give me your presents”. I knew better than to argue, and let him in to get the load, following him out.
His pet fawn Wasabi stood tethered to a cart already filled with packages, makeshift antlers on her head. I was surprised to see Ieyasu doing something he was adamant was “too ridiculous” just to “please some woman”.
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“Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer...” I began singing on our way to the banquet, Ieyasu glaring at me. “All of the other reindeers...” two voices came from behind us. We both turned around full of disbelief: Mitsuhide was back, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “Sasuke! Saori!” I threw myself in their arms for a group hug.
“We come bearing presents, but I’ve got the biggest of them all seeing that smile” there was only one man who’d come out with such cheesy lines and somehow make them sound appealing, and I realised they weren’t alone.
Yukimura rolled his eyes at Shingen’s greetings, Kenshin looked like he really didn’t want to be there, and Yoshimoto was just captivated by the festive atmosphere. “It’s like seeing the Christmas truce of 1914” I commented to Sasuke.
“We can play football in the morning” he laughed, our banter interrupted by Hideyoshi coming out of the hall to tell Ieyasu and me off for being outdoors so long.
He was both more, and less, angry when he saw that Saori was there, and we made our way inside. Masamune had cooked enough to feed the unexpected guests and, even though it was a new place with different people, it truly felt like a family Christmas, and I even managed to get a kiss under the mistletoe for the very first time.
Thank you for reading. Merry Christmas if you celebrate 🎄
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ghostlyfield · 3 years
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child geniuses
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just-a-sleepy-idiot · 3 years
Brahms Heelshire Imagine: He reveals himself and you panic
Content/Warnings: Female Reader, Angst, NSFW ENDING, Dub-con, probably fear kink & size kink, Possessive!Brahms, Jealous!Brahms
With lots of backstory so hold on my thirsty pals the smut is coming at the end 👀
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When you first arrived at the manor you expected a lot, but certainly not this. At best you would find a well behaved boy, but since the Heelshire‘s were a quite wealthy family so in the worst case you expected to be babysitting a bratty child with the attitude of a noble. Either way you would have your hands full with work, but the generous payment that was promised to you would cover your daily efforts completely.
When you arrived you soon found out about the true circumstances that you would be working with- instead of a child you were met with a doll that resembled the real child Mr and Mrs Heelshire once had. They treated it like a real human being and that act didn’t break once, they really meant it.
On one hand you felt bad for taking money just to look after a doll.. but if that made the elderly couple feel better bout going on their vacation you would provide that aid for them. Especially since you saw how emotional the woman was over leaving her son.
Soon they went on their vacation and you were left to take care of the doll and the mansion. It felt ridiculous following the schedule for a doll, but it wasn’t like you could do anything else around here. You read a little, and looked forward to the delivery guy coming here once in a while o you could have a proper chat. But other than that here was nothing, so you might as well do what the schedule said.
It felt a bit like you were a little girl again, dressing a doll and taking it wherever you went. You didn’t take it very seriously, it was more like a game to you than anything else because it was only a doll after all. Sometimes you talked to Brahms, just to talk at all, just like you would to a boy that age.
Like when while you were preparing breakfast.
„I hope you slept well.“ You said while you peeled an apple, „I had a nightmare last night, I think I still need to get used to this house. It can be a bit scary here when it’s dark, don’t you think?“
You smiled and sat down next to him on the kitchen table. „But at least a strong boy like you is by my side, so nothing can happen to me.“ You gently put the dolls hair in place again, before you started eating.
Little did you know that only a few meters away behind the kitchen wall there was someone pressed against the wall, watching you and listening to every word you spoke. His gaze fixated you through the small gap between the wooden boards, soaking in every bit of your voice he could hear through the walls.
He was aware that you didn’t think much of it, that you just pretended but then again.. the way you talked to the doll even though you didn’t think of him as real exposed your kind nature nonetheless. Because when you talked to him you would always be so considerate, asking about his thoughts and feelings even though you wouldn’t get an answer. He often thought about what he would answer to these things, and in a way it felt like he was having a conversation with you.
To you, the first week went by without anything majorly interesting happening, the only thing that was bothering you was how some of your clothes seemed to be missing after a while. You couldn’t explain how you managed to loose them nor were you able to tell were to look for them because there was no trace wherever you would have put them. Maybe you should take up on the delivery guys offer and let him show you around the town? There you could surely find a nice replacement for that dress that went missing.
Lately you also grew closer to him when he came around. He knew you were on your own in here so he kept you company for a few hours in the last few days in between or after Brahms schedules. Brahms didn’t like this development at all, so sometimes when you were talking the walls would be creaking all of sudden from when he hit the wood in anger.
The more you started to get along, the stronger he gave you signs of his presence. First there were minor things that you could explain by yourself, but soon that wasn‘t possible anymore. Like when he would start playing the music all of sudden at full volume, or mess up his room. Childish tantrums as a way to communicate his anger with you even though you had no idea why he did those things. But right after seeing your scared reaction, seeing the way you would be so much more cautious around his doll.. he regretted it a little. He didn‘t want anything to change from how it was before, but he couldn‘t control his temper at times when he saw just how clearly that guy was flirting with you.
When he first started with it you would lock yourself in your room, trying to calm down as you paced around in an attempt to comprehend how this was possible. You continued to be uneasy around him as you tried to deny the thought that it might actually be the doll.. maybe you didn‘t sleep enough, maybe the music somehow started by itself? But there was no proper way to explain it without getting seriously concerned about your mental health.
You didn‘t knew what was going on but you would try to think that there was somehow a way this was explainable without assuming that you were alone with the haunted doll of a possibly murderous child. You didn‘t know what it meant, but you sternly tried to believe that it was nothing.
The only thing he benefited from throwing these tantrums was that you would send the grocery guy away sooner than he usually stayed lately, following his first rule ‚no guests‘. Because you thought if he left sooner he didn‘t count as a guest right? You tried your best not to freak out, yet you couldn‘t help but feel anxious about not following the rules correctly after the things you saw happening around the house.. just in case.
He was pleased to see when you send the man away, even though it didn‘t change anything about the attraction that this guy was expressing towards you. Never before had he been the target of his anger, but now that you came here.. he felt as if his very presence was a threat to what he considered his.
You were his Nanny, his Y/n. You were supposed to pay attention to him, and him only.
Wherever you went he could easily follow, it made him feel in control of the situation, at least as long as you followed the rules. But if something didn’t go his way.. then it was very hard for him to do something about it without risking to scare you away. Brahms tried to calm you down again, so you weren‘t scared anymore and treated him as kindly as you did before he made himself known. He did so by actually behaving- and he even returned some of your clothes as a kind of apology for the scare he gave you.
But it became even harder when the delivery guy asked you to go out on a date.
„It‘s kinda sudden, but if you want to I can pick you up at eight? We could get a drink or maybe have dinner?“
He was working so hard on making him trust him again and make you forget about the things he did, but now that this happened it was impossible for him not to do something. Because he had to stop that from happening. He couldn’t let you go.
Once you were out of the house you were out of sight, out of his control. He is used to be able to watch what you are doing every moment since you came here, the thought that he would have no idea what you are up to.. he feels anger rising within him. You can’t go. The thought alone that something could happen between you made a vein on his neck pulsate.
He considered slipping out of the walls as Malcom walked out to kill him, but unfortunately you accompanied him on his way out. If he had a opportunity.. he would end him. You would be sad, but you would be happy to have him here and everything would be as it should be again.
The day of the date came, this evening the Grocery man would come again to pick you up and take him from him. And he just knew he would try to kiss you, he would put his disgusting mouth on your beautiful lips. The lips that kissed his doll self good night every day. No other man was allowed to feel you like this, for he yearned to this so much longer than this Malcom. That guy only saw you a few hours a day, but he saw you almost every waking second even though you weren‘t aware of his presence.
It was almost seven pm now, and the sun had set already. The shadows grew longer in the manor and eventually swallowed it whole. Only a few dim lights were on, and as the darkness closed around you with every hour so did Brahms.
You got yourself ready for the date and slipped into a lovely dress that made him yearn with the desire to trail his hands up to the hem and feel those thighs.. this sight was only meant to be for him. When you came out of your room you soon found a note sitting on a nearby table that caught your attention. You were certain that it wasn‘t there before, and carefully picked it up to read the two words written on it.
Your breath picked up, your eyes fixated on the note as if you were frozen. Your palms felt colder all of sudden, and the fear that you had felt before grew within you again like a rapid fire that clouded your mind with an instinctive, mind consuming fear. You clutched the note and pressed your back against the wall behind you.
This couldn‘t be... your thoughts were spiralling back to all the incidents that you couldn‘t explain before as they were met with the realisation that this was indeed.. Brahms. All of this, the noises, the chaos and the music.. every time, it had been him and now he expressed himself in a way to you that couldn‘t be mistaken in any way. He was there, he was actually there with you the whole time and even though you weren‘t aware of just how much more true this was than you thought right now.. you knew now.
This was a crucial moment, and Brahms watched you closely as the fear passed through your features. You would be afraid now.. more than before, but it was the only thing he could do to keep you to himself by now.
All of sudden the house that you slowly grew used to became like a trap to you, you were living here alongside a haunted doll for the whole time without being aware that you were in the presence of something very dangerous. Something that proved itself to be so much more real than you thought when you were first met with the doll. Your breath picked up and you could feel the blood rushing in your ears, that way you hardly heard the rain that was picking up outside.
The only thing that you could think of was to get out of here. You didn‘t even think about getting anything from your room as you begun striding through the old corridors, clenching the fabric of your dress in fear as you picked up the pace to get through the darkened floors. You were almost at the end, almost were the big wooden doors waited for you. The floor was dimly lit, and the light flickered in like a cruel addition to your fear.
Your steps were muffled by the carpet, but your breath was fast and gave away your position. It was like you were a scared bunny, he almost liked the sight. The walls were creaking as you approached the flickering lamp at the end of the hallway, but you froze on the spot when you heard a childlike voice ring out to you muffled but.. so terribly close that you instinctively held your breath.
„Don‘t go away Y/n.“ It said, „I will be good, I promise. Don‘t go.“
You gasped and rapidly looked around, where was he?! It sounded like he was almost right next to you! You didn‘t dare to make a sound, and slowly started walking again with eyes widened in fear. Once again the walls creaked, and as the flickering lights went out again you suddenly saw a figure.. a tall figure slipping through the walls in front of you. You could spot dark, chaotic hair and a spot of white, porcelain like skin. Your heart felt as if it was going to stop any second, your hands were shaking.
„Brahms..?“ You breathed in disbelief, and in the next moment the figure was dipped into light again, exposing a real, actual man standing in front of you with a mask on his face that almost perfectly resembled the doll. A scream escaped your lips, and in the next moment you were running in the opposite direction. You could barely feel your legs as you lunged yourself forward and tried to go for the door at the opposite side of the house. But you heard his steps pick up right behind you and he was fast. He was a lot taller than you, so it was easy to catch up to you and chase after you closely.
You made a few turns, tried to shake him off but soon he was able to reach for you and grabbed you strongly, throwing you back at him as he caged you with his arms from behind. „Ah, no! No let me go!“ You yelled and tried to fight him off, but he was strong and kept you close with ease, pressing you back against his heaving chest.
God how much he loved this feeling, how he loved finally feeling your body against his. His masked face nuzzled against your neck, taking in your lovely smell as you quivered in his arms. His hands dug into your hips, not being able to resist letting his fingers wander a few inches over your belly.
„You‘re mine Y/n..“ His voice was different from before, dark and raspy all of sudden differing completely from the childish act he used to sound more disarming to you. „But I‘ll be good.. I‘ll be good to you if you let me.“
You felt the vein on your throat pulsating, your chest rose and sunk rapidly but you went quiet now as you felt yourself unable to escape his grip. You were unable to physically fight him off, no matter how much strength you put into your attempts he withstood them without budging a bit. You shrunk in his embrace now, eventually staying still. Tears ran down your cheeks as he slowly.. slowly started to loosen his grip.
„Don‘t run away now.“ He allowed you to turn around to face him. He eyed you curiously through the mask, and now you were able to see him fully. He towered over you, taking in the sight of you actually being in front of him without any walls between you. You were even more stunning up close. Brahms curiously tilted his head to the side and wiped away the tear that was making its way down your cheek now. You flinched a little when he touched you and made a few steps back until you were met by the wall behind you.
He wore a white top that partly exposed his broad chest and a green cardigan. The porcelain mask had delicate features and dark eyes looked at you from behind them. Brahms.. was still alive, and he was the furthest from a child anymore. In front of you stood a full grown version of the boy who‘s resemblance you have been taking care of. He had been living here.. all the time that you were here he had been in the walls! But you couldn‘t think about it, about anything else but what he was going to do with you now.
„Please.. don‘t kill me Brahms.“ You breathed with a shaky voice and held back a sob. You tried to put as much space between you as possible, pressing yourself against the wall as he approached you further.
He came even closer, and as you looked up to him the light illuminated your tear stained cheeks, your fearful eyes.. your lips.
He closed the last distance between you and caught your lips with his, your breath picked up in surprise before you could feel the cool porcelain softly pressing against you. His big hands held you by the hips and you could feel their warmth even through the fabric of your dress. Suddenly the fear mixed with something else, and you were absolutely unable to tell if the tingling you felt rushing through your body came from the terror that was sitting in your limbs or the sensation of this kiss.
When he let go you were slightly out of breath, your gaze was clouded and you stumbled upon your words as you spoke, „Brahms wha..what are you..“ but he wouldn’t let you finish your sentence as he was so utterly intoxicated by you that he couldn’t hold back any longer.
From one moment to another he leaned down, wrapping his arms around your waist and picking you up with ease. Suddenly your feet were in the air- you were gasping in surprise as you gripped his shoulders to steady yourself. One arm was around your hips while the other one was wrapped around your thighs.
He felt ecstatic, loving the way how easily he could pick you up and how well your smaller frame fitted into his arms as he held you a bit higher up. The way you gripped onto him send a wave of thrill through his body, imagining like so many times before how you would cling onto him while he roamed every inch of that beautiful body with his hands.. but now he could actually feel how it felt to have your hands hold onto him.
You were utterly at his mercy now, he just grabbed you like you weighted nothing and there was nothing you could do about it! Your breath was shaky, fearing what he would do to you now that he had you to himself. There was no way you could tell what he was thinking behind that mask as he carried you up the stairs.
You held onto him tightly as you looked down the stairs behind him, you were held up so high that you could seriously fall if he let go of you. You were heaved up a little with each stair he walked and so the hand that was around the back of your thighs slipped up a little, sliding under the hem of your dress. He walked into the corridor and towards your room now, you faintly hoped that he would just drop you off there but you could feel that this wasn’t going to happen- now that he finally revealed himself to you he wanted you all to himself.
Brahms breathed heavily as he nuzzled his face against your your chest, an excited hum left his lips. How often he had wished to bury his head in your chest or your cute belly.. As you came to a stop in front of your door he made eye contact and curiously looked up to you as if he was trying to say something. You looked back at him with your shoulders drawn up, reflecting the tension in your body. Soon you begun to understand- he wanted you to open the door.. didn’t he..? He was holding you, and he wasn’t planning on giving you another chance to run away now so..
You held eye contact as you slowly reached over to the doorhandle and opened it. He seemed to be satisfied by that as he nodded and pushed the door open with his back so you wouldn’t accidentally bump against the door handle. Walking in, he then gently set you down to sit on your bed. He was.. surprisingly careful about it, and sat down next to you with a little more distance. He took a moment just eyeing you, looking you up and down as you were finally, actually sat beside him. You could feel his gaze roaming your body and your stomach tingled with fear and.. something you might mistake as excitement.
You couldn’t tell if it was cautious or possessive- the way he now slowly crawling closer to you on the soft mattress, looming over you in a way since he was still so much taller even when he was sat down. You watched every move he made, gripping the sheets as you awaited his next move. You were silent like a frightened bunny yet your breath was going fast.
To your surprise he crawled up behind you, lying his long legs out beside yours and the strong arms wrapped around you once again like when he caught you just much gentler. You were startled by this, feeling goosebumps rise up when you could hear the dark voice of his next to your ear.
„You belong to me now..“ One of his hands lightly trailed your collarbones now, while the other one felt up your stomach. You felt his broad chest behind you, trying to sit up as straight as possible so you didn’t touch. You were incredibly responsive right now, your body reacting immediately in response of your nervousness.
He wondered how you would feel.. but it was actually so much better than he had imagined you to feel. Your body was so.. soft, completely different from him. But he needed to touch you more, he wanted to mark you as his. The hand that was on your stomach now slowly pushed the hem of your skirt further up your thighs, feeling the warmth your skin radiated. You whispered his name, wordlessly asking him what he was doing as you felt the tingling in your stomach intensifying. The adrenaline made you feel funny inside.. you didn’t know what was happening right now as the fear kicked off yet another sensation within you.
Lightly his fingertips grazed over your panties, tracing down your core trying to make out every part of your clothed sex. Your hips twitched in response- which made him pause for a moment. He curiously gazed over your shoulder, doing the same movement again as he tried to get a reaction like this from you again. You slightly pushed your legs close, which earned a displeased grunt from him. Firmly he hooked his hands under your knees and spread them apart- „W-Wait“ you tried to stop him but your words were cut off when he then shoved his large hand in your panties, making you gasp out loud. Your eyes fell close for a moment and you clung onto his arm in shock.
You heard a satisfied hum from him as he was met with a warm, wet feeling on his fingers. He started rubbing you up and down, feeling that you became even wetter from that and when he accidentally put some pressure on your clit you couldn’t help but stifle a small moan. But he heard you nonetheless, and gazed at you intensely as he did it again. Your body jerked back, trying to escape this overwhelming feeling but you ended up pressing yourself further back into his arms.
He proceeded to explore your heat and ended up finding your entrance. You didn’t have time to catch your breath before he pushed two fingers into you, groaning darkly behind you as he felt just how tight you were. He was already throbbing behind you and imagined just how good it would feel if he could feel this tightness right now around him. You gasped for air, now clinging with the other hand on the fabric of his pants which made him dig into you even deeper. „Ah! H..m..!“ Your moans aroused him even more, and he begun to push his fingers in and out of you, going fast and listening to the wonderful wet sounds it made when he did that. You blushed heavily, not believing what was happening right now and being overwhelmed by the mixture of fear and arousal that rushed through your body.
He moaned lowly, loving the feeling of how your melted back into his chest, being so completely at his mercy as he pistoled into you with his fingers. His other hand came up to cup your breast, lightly squeezing you. When the doorbell rung downstairs he pushed into you even faster, claiming you as his. When Brahms begun to circle your clit with his thumb in addition you begun to shake- feeling your release drawing loser.
That was when suddenly he withdrew from your heat- and as you thought he had enough Brahms came up beside you, pinning you down the bed before climbing on top of you.
He fixated you with his gaze, breathing heavily and you noticed the bulge in his pants. Your eyes widened, his tall frame towered over you, covering you whole. Suddenly he grasped your thighs, lifting them up so your legs were hooked over his shoulders. That way he could easily strip off your panties, now having full access to you. He needed to be inside you.
He rushed to open his pants, pulling himself out. Your heart raced and despite still being afraid you were pooling with arousal. Brahms crawled over you holding himself up beside your head, and as you looked deep into his eyes you suddenly felt his cock rubbing against your slit. Your were both breathing heavily now, and he watched your expression closely. Watched how your lips formed a moan and your hands clung onto his clothes. For a moment he eventually buried his head in your neck as he aligned himself to your heat before slowly pushing in.
„A-Ah..!“ He closed his eyes, feeling you tighten around him and a low grunt left him. For a moment he sat up again, just to see his length completely pushed into you. He enjoyed seeing how deep he was inside of you now. This was how it was supposed to be- you were his now and this was the first time he claimed your body as his. Your eyes were clouded with lust as this so much taller man hovered over you. He came back to lie on top of you, giving you a moment to adjust before you shakily breathed out, „B-Be careful with me..“ you pleaded.
You were so wet that he had no problems moving, slowly beginning to push himself in and out of you. The dark haired man groaned, you felt like heaven. So nice and tight for him, so perfect. Soon he couldn’t control his pace anymore, this wasn’t enough. Brahms pounded into you, huffing and moaning lowly while you clung onto him.
He fucked you into the mattress, making the bed shake with the strength he used to push himself into you. He had wanted you so much, for so long that he wasn’t able to take his time to be more sensual. His tip hit that sweet spot now over and over again and it didn’t take long for you to reach your orgasm. Your whole body twitched, back arching and hips jerking. You tightened so much around him that it was too much for him, with your name on his lips he came undone inside of you and pressed himself against you. Your legs wrapped around his waist while you both delved into that high and you threw your head back into the pillow.
Slowly, you both came down from your high, and you were catching your breath. He slowly pulled out, and pulled you into a hug as he lied down next to you. He was checking on you with his eyes- there was this possessive feeling yet a childish gleam in his eyes as he studied your face for a reaction. He didn’t talk, but you could tell that there was no way he would let you go from now on.
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🖤 My Tip Jar 🖤
I hope you liked it 💚 leave feedback if you did
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
Michael is Vanessa’s dad au aka dad!Mike au headcanons (plus Glammike)
Michael may have gotten scooped, but the old willy is still workin’!
Idk how exactly Vanessa is conceived, we don’t need to go into details about Michael fucking, we just know he did fuck. he had one (1) fuck. a singular fuck. it happened.
Michael didn’t even know he got the chick pregnant until she showed up on his doorstep almost a year later with a baby that she thrust into his arms
She then promptly stormed away, never to be seen again
Vanessa bears a striking resemblance to Elizabeth, to the point where Michael almost named her the same thing. He couldn’t bring himself to do it, though, and settled for Vanessa instead. Elizabeth is her middle name.
He doesn’t call her Vanessa that often. Instead, he uses a multitude of nicknames.
Vans, Ness, Nessa, Nessie, Vee, Nester, Vanny Bear, Vee Bunny, Vee Bear, Tiny Vee
Vanny was his favorite 👀
Even though his health was constantly declining, Michael always made an effort to play with Vanessa. He never fell behind on taking care of her, even when he was exhausted.
He often fell asleep with Vanessa in his arms or on his chest and she snoozed with him
He was a Really Protective Father
He saw a lot of Elizabeth through Vanessa. He couldn’t protect Elizabeth, but he swears that he’ll protect Vanessa.
He didn’t trust a lot of people with his daughter after what his father did. He had to suck up this fear when she started working again and had to hire a babysitter, and every day he dreaded coming home to an empty crib or worse—a bloody crib.
When it was possible, he brought Vanessa with him everywhere
Catch Michael Afton out here with his baby like
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In the end, though, it was his decision to give her away
He loved his daughter more than anything in the entire world, and he loved her enough to make this decision because it was what he thought was the best choice of action for the both of them
He didn’t trust himself enough to keep her safe. And every day he dreaded turning into his father making his baby his first victim
So, he left Vanessa on the doorstep of a fire station, hoping she would go to a better family than their own
But despite his actions, he never stopped thinking about Vanessa. And he could only hope that, one day in the future, he would be able to see his baby girl just one more time
Well…that wish sort of came true
Fast forward several years in the future. Vanessa is all grown up. Michael has died and his soul went into Glamrock Freddy. Somehow, someway, they both end up in the establishment and reunite.
Not that they realize at first
The soul of Michael is still present inside of Glamrock Freddy. For the most part, it had been almost dormant, the memories of who he used to be a mere fog at the back of his robotic mind, but then this new night guard is hired and suddenly the past has become the present and he remembers Everything
The other workers thought he malfunctioned when he first saw Vanessa because he just froze up and wouldn’t respond to anything
But he wasn’t malfunctioning
He was just seeing his daughter for the first time in years
It was an instinct when he saw her. He just knew that she was his baby.
Vanessa highkey thought Freddy hated her because he would always act strange around her
And then one day Vanessa is just in a Mood and starts ranting to Freddy, who cares enough to listen to her, somehow getting onto the discussion of her family
She says something along the lines of, “Not even my real parents wanted me.”
And Freddy— MICHAEL can’t take it anymore
He gets up and grabs her by the arms
“I never stopped wanting you, Vanessa.”
Vanessa is in shock. She doesn’t know what to say.
Michael is in full control, his memories overpowering, but he doesn’t even want to fight them
“I wanted you. I always wanted you.  You were the only thing I ever wanted.”
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