#and it wasn’t a huge deal like sure there may be talks in the future
whatohitsonfirewelp · 5 months
I want to say something after the episode.
Hen and Karen’s reaction was the perfect balance.
It’s hen whispering to her wife, we as the audience are allowed to see that moment but no one else does, and if they do it wasn’t meant for them.
And that is such an important detail. The two of them aren’t downgrading Buck, they aren’t making him feel small with the realization that Other People Knew Before He Did. It’s not taking away from his little moment or from the celebration of Maddie and Chimney.
It’s a small private moment between two queer woman about their friend who has realized something about himself that they already saw because they can see themselves in him.
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roosterforme · 2 years
The Deployment Diaries Part 9 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley would never want to be with someone else during a deployment, and he would expect the same from you.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, adult banter, smut, non-consensual kissing and touching
Length: 4300 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots! Check my masterlist for the reading order!
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You met Chelsea the next day when she dropped lunch off for Josh. She was cute and bubbly and seemed nice, but she was eyeing you warily, even after you'd talked to her for a bit. Maybe she thought Josh was working too many hours, because you were demanding it. But when you mentioned to her that staying late was by no means mandatory, she looked even more uneasy.  "She's like that," Josh said later that afternoon. "Always worrying about things." "Well, she is your wife. I mean, I might be concerned with how much you're working if I were her."
Josh eyed you up and down, and it made you feel slightly uncomfortable. "Yeah, that's not what she's worried about. But anyway, we're supposed to go wine tasting this weekend. You should come with us. Sonya and Reggie too." Nothing wrong with a group hang. And Bradley wasn't a huge fan of wine, so this might be something fun you'd never get to do otherwise.  "Sure, send me the details." "You staying late today?" he asked you. "Yeah, so is Sonya." Josh's brow pinched into a frown at this information, but he just nodded his head. And when you mentioned the wine tasting to Sonya, she was really excited about it. Josh looked less enthusiastic than he had earlier, even though he was the one who originally mentioned it. He was acting weird now, and you just did not enjoy dealing with moody men. At least Bradley was usually even tempered. It generally took a lot to get him stirred up.  -------------------------------------------- A few days later, back on the carrier, Bradley was still thinking about how you had touched yourself and let him watch. He was endlessly horny now, and he just wanted to be home in the worst way. He missed your little routines together. He missed playing with your necklace charms while you snuggled on his chest. He missed telling you about his day and getting your feedback. You made him feel like his ideas and opinions were important. And he missed the way you got nostalgic for stories about his parents, even though you'd never met them.  "I'm thinking about going to get my mom's ring as soon as we get back," he told Nat over lunch one day in the cafeteria.  "Really?" Nat asked, and her smile looked just like the Cheshire Cat. "I recall you once telling me you tossed that thing in a dusty box. You said you were mad that your mom insisted you keep it for your future wife instead of letting you bury her with it. You told me you were never going to need it, Rooster. And now you're thinking about proposing?"  He smiled and shook his head at just how accurate Phoenix's memory was. "Yeah. I've been thinking about it for too long already. I need her, in every fucking way. I really want to make it official."  "You think she's ready? You've been dating for, what, seven months?" Bradley nodded his head. This was way longer than he'd ever dated anyone else. "Natasha, you know for a fact I was in love with her about an hour after I met her. That was in August. Now it's May. My heart can't take much more waiting."  Then his best friend smiled at him and nodded her head. "She'll say yes. She's a mess over you too, Rooster." ---------------------------------------------- You shot Bradley a quick email detailing your plans to go wine tasting this afternoon. It was Saturday for you, but probably already early Sunday morning for him. He was flying another mission tomorrow, and you were hoping he'd be able to call you or Facetime after that.  So when you were about to take Tramp outside before you left, you were surprised to see Bradley had written back to you already. baby girl, have fun, but please be careful. i don't love you going out with people i don't know with alcohol involved. i love you You rolled your eyes. In the last email he sent you, he asked you if you thought Josh had ulterior motives when he worked late. You reminded him that Josh was married, and that Sonya and Reggie had occasionally started to stay late as well.  In the email before that, he asked you if you'd told Josh about him. You reminded him that yes, you had told all three of your new coworkers about your deployed boyfriend.  Bradley was being ridiculous. And today you were going to win over Chelsea so you'd have a new friend.  ------------------------------------------------- "I can't tell the difference between the wines unless one is red and one is white," Reggie said, alternating between taking sips from each glass. The woman serving the wine samples looked appalled, but you and the others couldn't stop laughing.  "Do you just mix red and white together to make a blush wine?" Sonya asked. "Absolutely not," the wine specialist replied. "Okay, okay, this was a little too fancy for me," you said when she was out of earshot. "Anyone want to hit up the Hard Deck later? First round is on me." Everyone seemed kind of interested, even Chelsea, who had actually been a bit more talkative with you today.  "Well, I'll be there around eight if any of you decide to join me!" you said before you started to leave.  Josh nodded at you, and you could swear you felt him watching you as you walked away.  When you got home, you played with Tramp and did some meal prepping for awhile. You were kind of in the mood to wear a dress out tonight, but what was the point if Bradley wasn't there. It was so much fun to tease him. So you stuck with your jeans and your boat shoes.  As soon as you arrived at the bar, the boys cheered. "Haven't seen you in a week!" Hangman drawled, handing you a set of darts.  "I've been super busy with work," you told him. "Can I at least get a beer first before you kick my ass?" "Hey, Payback," Hangman called over to the other aviator who was at the bar. "Get one for Angel here." You rolled your eyes and threw a dart, and by the end of the matchup, you'd lost miserably, but at least you had a beer in your hand.  "So, how's Rooster?" Bob asked you, and you immediately thought of his face when you'd touched yourself over Facetime.  "He's doing great!" you said with a laugh. "So is Phoenix. They were in Osaka last week." "How soon until they're back?" Fanboy asked. "Only three more weeks!" you cheered, and then you noticed Josh was at the bar. "Hey, I'm going to go sit with my new coworker for a bit. I'll be back." ---------------------------------- Bradley wanted to ball his phone up in his fist and destroy it. He just finished reading an email from Jake, and his heart was racing. Rooster,You know anything about this Josh guy hanging out with your girl? He's looking awfully cozy with her at the bar at the moment, buying her drinks and shit. Just wanted to make you aware if you weren't already.Hangman But Bradley knew if he destroyed his phone, he would have no way of emailing Jake back. "Less than three weeks," he muttered, shaking his head and pounding out a message back to Jake. Bradley trusted you, he really did. But this guy set his teeth on edge, and he'd barely seen him for more than a second over Facetime. But he just knew. Bradley knew he was interested in you. And you weren't listening to him. Bradley was sure you just thought he was acting like a jealous dick. But he knew how you were. You were perfect and so beautiful. You were fun, and maybe a little too flirty. You made people feel at ease. You were so sweet and outgoing, and everyone automatically liked you. Bradley had fallen for you so fast, and he knew he wouldn't be the only one who found you so charming.  So Bradley started hitting the gym even harder, and he focused all of his concentration on missions and mission prep, trying to keep his mind occupied. He and Nat would be flying a pretty dangerous course in a few days, so he made sure he was getting enough sleep. But you were always right there at the front of his mind. -------------------------------------------- You only had two weeks left until Bradley came home, and you were positively aching for him. You bought yourself a new vibrator, but it was kind of loud and made Tramp bark when you used it. "So much for that," you mumbled, cleaning it and putting it away.  You'd purposely packed your weekend full of activities. Pedicures with Maria, yoga, Costco with Cam, walking on the beach with Tramp. But it was still so hard. You were starting to get an idea of which of the engineers would be the best option to keep in San Diego long term, and you knew the other two would be so disappointed.  Now almost every time you went to the Hard Deck, Josh met you there. Sometimes Chelsea came, and other times not. You found yourself having to divide your time between Josh, the aviators, and Cam and Maria. It felt good to have so many friend options, and you realized it was helping to take your mind off of your absent boyfriend.  And now you were at the Hard Deck again, playing pool with Fanboy, Bob, and Coyote. The guys were always so accommodating, given that you were terrible. They took turns having you as a partner so they all lost equally. Tonight it was poor Coyote's turn.  "Hey, Angel?" Hangman asked you. "That guy Josh? He's been staring at your ass the entire time you've been playing. What's the deal here?" "Nothing," you told him, rolling your eyes as you actually managed to sink a ball. "He's married, and I have Rooster." Hangman grunted as he sipped his beer. "I don't think he ought to be looking at you and buying you drinks if he's married. And I don't think you'd be doing this if Rooster was here." You felt your cheeks flush as you turned to face him. "If Bradley were here? Yeah, things would be different. I wouldn't be lonely, and frustrated and sad! But you know what Jake? He's not here. And I don't want to spend eight weeks bored and alone! And Josh isn't constantly buying me beers, we alternate paying the tab." "You don't have to get defensive with me, Angel. It's just that I can appreciate this from Rooster's perspective, is all." "Yeah, that guy's into you," Fanboy added seriously. Coyote agreed. "He definitely is." "He's. Married." You enunciated the words clearly for the boys. "Nothing's going on." "Fine," Hangman said, ending the conversation. -------------------------------------- Bradley's heart sank when he saw that Hangman had replied to his last email a week later. He'd begged Jake to make sure you were okay, make sure that guy kept his hands to himself.  Rooster,I tried talking to her, but she got defensive. She said nothing's going on, and I believe her. But if you saw how he's looking at her, you'd go through the roof, man. I'm doing my best to be charming so she'll want to play darts with me. Hangman It was a sad day when Bradley trusted Hangman around you as much as he would trust being there himself. But Jake was harmless enough now, and he knew Bradley wanted to be with you forever.  Thankfully he was scheduled to call you in just a few hours when it was Sunday night your time. Hopefully you'd set his mind at ease. "Bradley!" you said brightly when he answered. It was noisy, and he immediately knew you were at the Hard Deck.  "Baby Girl, I miss you," he said, and he already felt better after hearing your voice. "I'm putting you on speaker. Say hi, guys!" Bradley chuckled as he was greeted by Payback, Fanboy, Coyote, Bob and Hangman. "I'm going to take this outside so I can hear you better," you told Bradley. But before you could do that he asked, "Actually, you mind if I speak to Jake for a second?" "Uh, sure, Roo," you replied, sounding bewildered. Honestly Bradley didn't want time with Jake eating into his time with you, but he was itching for more information. "Hey, it's off speaker," he heard Jake drawl. "Is he there now?" Bradley asked immediately. "Yup. And it's more of the same." Fuck. Bradley rubbed his eyes. "I realize I sound like a jealous prick right now. But can you put my mind at ease at all, man?" "Mmmm, not really," Jake replied, and he must have been walking away from you. "Your girl doesn't seem to understand how different this guy treats her when he's here with his wife versus when he's here alone. She's too sweet to everyone, man." "Has Mav been around?" Bradley asked. "Nah, he and Penny went on a sailing trip." "Shit. Thanks, Jake. You can put her back on." Bradley listened to you fill him in on your work, and he was beyond delighted when you told him you were leaning toward asking to keep Sonya on. "She's just really proficient in all of the areas where I'm weaker. She has been able to solve so many issues I've run into. Did I mention she's from Maryland?" "No, you didn't. But that's awesome, Baby Girl. And how's Tramp?" He heard you giggle and his smile widened. "He's such a little rascal! He got off his leash in the front yard yesterday and started eating a cactus! He freaked out, of course, and I had to pull one of those little spikes out of his nose. But he's fine. We just miss you." "I miss you so much. Two more weeks until you're picking me up," Bradley said, his mind drifting to all of the reunion sex you'd be having. He'd been trying to come up with a way to get to Virginia before he got home, but it just didn't seem feasible.  "I'll bring the Bronco when I pick you up. She misses you too. Not as much as me though." "Oh, the things I plan to do to you, Sweetheart. They are indecent." "Tell me more, Rooster..." "Fuck! My time's up!" He heard you sigh. "I love you, Bradley. See you in two weeks." ------------------------------------------- When you hung up your call, you turned back toward the door of the Hard Deck, and you saw Josh coming outside. "Hey, just wanted to see where you'd gone." You wiped away the tear you'd managed to contain until you were off the phone. "Oh, I was just talking to Bradley."  Josh looked at your cheek. "Did he make you cry?" You laughed. "Yeah, only because I miss him so much."  "You miss him? Or you miss being with someone?" Josh asked you seriously.  You laughed involuntarily. "I miss him." Josh smirked at you. "He never tried to get you to have....an agreement? For while he's away?" Your brow scrunched up. "You mean sleeping with other people?" "Yeah," he said with a grin.  You laughed again. "No way. Never. He would never go for that! He'd have a fit if I even tried to bring it up!" You started to head back inside, and then you remembered all of the things Bradley had told you in the emails he'd sent. "Hey, why doesn't Chelsea come with you more often when you go out?" Josh just shrugged. "She prefers a quiet night at home." "And you don't prefer a quiet night at home with her?" you asked, stepping back inside the noisy bar. You certainly preferred a quiet night at home with Bradley more often than not. "Sometimes I do," he replied, and when you turned back toward him, he'd definitely been looking at your butt. He just shrugged again, but you excused yourself to the pool table.  ------------------------------------------------ Your work project was going great. Bradley would be home in less than a week. And tonight was Maria's birthday. You were getting a little bit dressed up for a night at the Hard Deck, but your friend only turned thirty once. You got her an expensive bottle of champagne as a gift, and you couldn't wait to buy her some tequila shots.  "Bye, Tramp. Be good!" The Hard Deck was pretty crowded for a Tuesday night, but you made a beeline directly for Maria and Cam, throwing your arms around both of them.  "Happy birthday, babe!" you told her, and smiled as she kissed your cheek. "Thanks! Gonna get stupid drunk tonight!" You laughed. "We have work tomorrow!" "No, I called out already!" she told you, and you toyed with the idea of calling out sick tomorrow as well.  You ordered so many shots for your friends, Jimmy could barely keep up.  You danced with Maria, chugged a beer with Cam and tried your best to play a round of pool. You even saw Josh who was laughing at you a bit about how much you'd had to drink. The night was fun, but it would have been perfect if Bradley were there too. It was so late and way too hot inside when you ducked out to the deck for some fresh air. You leaned back against the deck railing, trying to cool down, but it was a warm, late-May night. You felt dizzy and fuzzy from Maria's birthday drinks. You closed your eyes and thought about Bradley and his body, and all the things he would be doing to you on Saturday night. You almost let out a moan when you started thinking about his thick neck and his big hands.  Thankfully you didn't, though, because just then Josh joined you out on the deck. "It's so hot inside. I just needed to cool down," you told him with a smile. "Plus, I think I've had way too much tequila, and I'm going to need to call a Lyft later." You toyed with your necklace charms, thoughts of your boyfriend still swirling through your mind.  Then you froze as he stepped into your personal space. You couldn't figure out what to do fast enough, but you stood up to your full height, deciding you'd better get back inside to the aviators and Maria. But Josh reached for your hips before you could move. His hands were big and warm like Bradley's, and if you closed your eyes, you were sure it would feel so good to be touched after so many weeks. But he was wrong. He was all wrong, because he wasn't Bradley. "What are you doing?" you asked, grabbing at his hands, but it was too late. His lips were crushing against yours in a wet, sloppy kiss. Josh's lips felt wrong too. His tongue was invasive, and you felt tears stinging in your eyes as you realized that you were kissing someone who wasn't your boyfriend. He had you pinned against the railing, and your brain was filled with Bradley and how upset he was going to be. But you couldn't figure out how to make your body move.  "I've been dying to do that for weeks. Haven't you? Couldn't wait to get you alone," Josh whispered when he broke away, and when you opened your mouth to tell him to stop, he swiped his tongue inside again.  "No!" you managed to say, but you could already feel his hands sliding down your dress and starting to lift it up. "Stop it!" You pushed firmly on his chest, but he barely moved. He was almost as big as Bradley was.  Fuck! Bradley! Oh my God, he was going to kill you. He was going to be so upset. In your moment of hesitation, Josh ran his lips along your neck and pushed his body against yours while he worked your dress up higher. You quickly raised your knee up to his crotch in a sharp motion, and tried to dodge around him as he yelped in pain.  But he grabbed you by the arm and said, "You've been leading me on the whole time I've been here!" You stared at him, flabbergasted. "What? No, I haven't!" "Yeah, you have! You tried to keep your boyfriend a secret for as long as you could. And tonight you wore that tiny dress!" "It's my friend's birthday party, and I didn't even know you'd be here! Please let go of my arm," you said, voice trembling. "I want to go back inside."  And then you felt someone take you by your free hand. You looked up and saw that it was Jake. When Josh released your arm, you scrambled to Jake's side and held onto him.  "Come on man, she told you no. I heard her," Jake said in a very calm voice. Josh looked abashed, but still managed to say, "She's been telling me yes with her eyes for weeks. She works late with me all the time, man. Don't you, Y/N?"" You felt Jake wrap his arm around you. "She told you no with her words right now. And maybe you don't understand what it means yet, but this is Rooster's girl. It doesn't matter how sweet she is to you, or how funny or pretty you think she is, you keep your hands off. Now get the fuck out of here." You buried your face against Jake's chest rather than watch Josh stalk back to his car.  "You okay, Angel?" Jake asked you, tipping your head up so you were looking at him. "No," you croaked. "Bradley's gonna kill me." And then the tears started flowing, and you felt like you were going to throw up.  Jake sighed. "I'm going to take you home, okay?" Then you cried harder. Why did you drink so much tonight? You just wanted to have fun for Maria's birthday, but now you could barely think straight. "I don't want to go home alone." "Then let's go get your friend Maria, okay?" "No! It's her birthday! I don't want to ruin her birthday!" Jake sighed again and said, "Let's go inside and get Bob then." "I don't want to go inside. Bradley is going to be so mad at me, Jake. I don't want to go back in there." You knew you were rambling, but to your relief, Jake flagged down someone who was on their way out, and sent them back inside to get Bob. Next thing you knew, Bob was walking out onto the deck, concern written on his face. "What's wrong?" he asked, and you had to listen to Jake recount what had happened to you. Except Jake wasn't blaming you for it. You wanted to open your mouth and tell them that it was all your fault, but your stomach was churning so much, you couldn't talk. "She's had a bit to drink, and that fucker was touching her and kissing her while she was telling him to stop. I need to take her home. And I need you to come with me." "Of course," Bob said gently, and both men guided you toward Jake's car and got you buckled in the passenger seat.  "You okay?" Bob asked as he was about to climb into the back seat.  You were crying so much, you could barely see. "I don't know. I have a pain in my stomach, and it's so hard to breathe." You could feel yourself gasping for air. "Go nice and slow, like this," Bob said, taking several deep breaths so you could imitate him.  You managed to keep your stomach calm until Jake pulled up in front of your house, but you immediately threw up when you stepped out of the car. Jake took you gently by one arm and Bob by the other. When you got to the porch, Bob fished around in your clutch to find your house key and then unlocked the door. Tramp came bounding outside, but Bob caught him.  "Bradley is going to be so mad at me," you were saying, over and over. It was all you could think about.  "Calm down, Angel," Jake said as he guided you toward the couch and got you a glass of water. Bob took Tramp out for a little walk to wear him out, and you drank the water with shaky hands.  "He'll never trust me again, Jake."  Jake just sighed and pulled out his phone and started typing. "He's better than all that, Angel." You just looked up at him miserably.  -------------------------------------------- Bradley turned his phone on when he got back to his bunk after the gym on Wednesday night. He collapsed into his bed and let his mind drift to you. He was almost done with this deployment, and he couldn't wait to get back home to you and Tramp. He was going to spend the weekend glued to your side after you picked him up. And he couldn't wait to go for a walk on the beach with you and Tramp and toss a tennis ball for him.  Just then, his phone buzzed. It must have connected to the horrible wi-fi onboard. He opened an email from Jake, and all of the fuzzy thoughts in his mind turned to stone. Rooster,Something happened with your girl tonight. She's fine, I promise. But Bob and I are going to stay over at your house with her anyway. Just do me a favor, and hear her out before you do anything else.Hangman "What the fuck?" Bradley muttered, and he was immediately on his feet and heading for Phoenix's bunk. 
ANGST. A BIG thank you to Alex for helping me with this part! @bradshawsbitch​ thanks so much!
Part 10 is here
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paraliveimaginesblog · 6 months
Itsuki with number 6 of the parenting prompt please if possible? Thank you!
“Stop giving them dessert before dinner.”
Itsuki stares at you with his normal, straightforward expression, just a hint of a frown on his face. You looked up at him with innocent eyes, your child mirroring your expression and giving a teary-eyed blink as they knew they were about to get scolded. He had always taken their health quite seriously but you had also told him before there was no harm in having a little fun, that as a parent you could make a few rules to make childhood more exciting.
“Go wash up honey, I’m gonna talk to daddy real quick.” You gently patted your child’s shoulders who nodded their head and hurried to the bathroom, humming the tune they used to make sure they spent enough time scrubbing soap into their hands before washing it off to really get rid of the germs. Itsuki had taught them that.
“…We’ve had this conversation before,” He responded coolly, turning back to the dinner waiting on the stove; he was stirring the soup in a slow, methodical manner, the best way to bring out the flavor of every ingredient he had put inside. “Do you not think I’m being fair?”
“I think it’s fair for you to worry about them, but having dessert before dinner isn’t that big a deal. We don’t do it every night! And they know it’s a treat, it’s not like we promised to do this from now until the day they move out or anything.” You drifted a little closer, wondering if he’d let you take a spoon and dip it inside; the side-eye he gave you told you to keep your spoon to yourself. “There’s worse things that could be happening to them.”
He knows the comment isn’t purposely aimed at him, as he wasn’t the only child to be in horrible conditions when they were younger. You were likely talking about kids with parents who didn’t love or care about their happiness, or kids that had been abandoned on the streets and only had each other to look up to. You weren’t thinking about kids being used as guinea pigs in science experiments, traumatized to the point they never saw a real future for themselves. The momentary pause in his stirring is enough for you to remember that your words applied to him as well, and it’s almost comforting to Itsuki to know that you hardly associate him with Alter Trigger anymore.
“Itsuki, I’m sorry—” You reached out to him and he met you half way, abandoning his soup spoon on the counter and grabbing the one you held in yours. He got a hearty spoonful and held his hand under it to prevent potential spillage, gently blowing on it so it would be cool by the time it reached your mouth. You hesitantly leaned over to take some into your mouth, eyes squeezing shut as the strong flavors immediately attacked your taste buds. “That’s so good.”
“Thank you.” He seemed pleased with your response, placing your spoon on the table near your bowl before he went back to stirring to keep any of the veggies inside from burning. “Their song is almost done.”
You could hear your child from the other room singing the lyrics slightly out of tune, probably due to messing around at the sink and hopefully not leaving behind huge puddles like last time.
“Itsuki, still, I didn’t mean to—”
“I understand. There are much worse things happening to children out there and I’m… grateful for the future you helped me create.” His smile always seemed to make your heart flutter, such a rare sight in the early years of your relationship but something that he’s gradually been working on. “However. This won’t be happening once a week. Every two weeks may be acceptable.”
“Oh, for sure! I think we can work with that.”
Just because your child was held to those rules didn’t mean you had to be, right?
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thebibliomancer · 6 months
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Earth X #8
May, stop being in space! You need your oxygens!
Earth X: it’s a Bad Future and it is a mess.
Uatu the Watcher has been blinded and he kidnapped Aaron to be his seeing eye robot. Uatu has bullied and dehumanized Aaron into deleting his own personality.
There’s been a mass empowering event which mutated all of humanity. At first it seemed like it was Reed Richard’s fault but doubt has been raised.
A psychic brat called the Skull has arrived in New New York with an army of thousands of mind controlled people.
Bruce Banner came to Sorcerer Supreme Clea for help contacting dead Mar-Vell. But Clea turns out to be in league with Loki and traps Thor and Hulk in in the Realm of Death.
Everything is apparently the Celestials’ mysterious plan for Earth or alternatively events are off the rails and happening 200 years sooner than they’re supposed to.
Earth X has so much stuff going on. So many subplots. And yet if it was a conspiracy board, all the yarn would connect to the Celestials.
I’ve commented before that Earth X takes the chaotic, kitchen sink Marvel universe and tries to tie it all into the Celestials.
A few issues back, Uatu explained that the Asgardians weren’t gods, they were shapeshifting empathic aliens who looked like Norse mythology because people expected them too.
It wasn’t an explanation I particularly liked.
Then, last issue, it was explained that the Hulk’s various personas were only a result of the Celestial seed in Bruce absorbing more and more gamma and had nothing to do with Bruce’s mental health.
This also I didn’t particularly like.
Now Earth X goes in a similarly weird direction by claiming that Peter Parker’s trademark crushing guilt and responsibility complex are also part of the Celestial plan.
Uatu doesn’t finish explaining how the hell this makes sense because he notices Aaron ask a follow-up question… which means Aaron didn’t erase his own personality!
Yay, Aaron! It would have been a bummer for him to undergo identity death for Uatu’s jerk ass.
In fact, Aaron was pretending to be an emotionless robot because he suspected that Uatu wouldn’t reveal the true secrets behind everything as long as he could still second guess them.
So now he knows (almost) everything. And he is furious.
Aaron Stack: “Who knows, maybe man’s every vice and every hunger can be traced to the Celestials. Maybe the Celestials’ manipulation of mankind’s evolution was in actuality a step down. The fall of man. You’ve damned them, Uatu. You and your Celestial Host. I guess this doesn’t surprise me. You’ve set yourself up as God. So you have the power to damn. But do you have the power to save? Could you redeem what you’ve set out to curse? You could. I know it. But you just don’t want to bother with it. You’d rather sit. And watch.”
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John Jameson, moon werewolf astronaut, wanders into the Watcher’s home and right into an argument between Uatu and Aaron.
Which is good because it gives Aaron someone else to talk to when Uatu goes to sulk.
Also, somebody to narrate to. John wants to warn Earth about a scary something approaching from space but Aaron runs through the subplot list to show how everything is a mess and nobody is really available to deal with space invaders.
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Captain America uses the Lockjaw teleporter (which I guess he borrowed from Reed) to warp right into Tony’s self-quarantine. Freaking Tony the hell out with fears of contamination.
Cap tries to warn Tony about the Skull’s huge army reaching New New York but Tony is sure the Iron Avengers have it handled.
(They don’t. They’ve been destroyed by the Skull’s army)
The Skull also has his forces wipe out the Hyda. Hmm, I really thought the mind control squid would be more important to the plot. I included it in every recap.
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The Skull is confronted by Cop Luke Cage (who I also thought would be more important to the plot after he had that scene with Peter Parker in issue 1) and is irreverent and horrible as ever.
He’s the worst. I love him as a villain.
Meanwhile, Reed and Ben walk the streets. Ben has an emotional breakthrough all by himself while Reed is completely engrossed in his own subplot and doesn’t notice Ben is talking to him.
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He altered Cerebro to find Inhumans instead of mutants so he could find the missing Inhuman Prince but everyone on the streets is pinging as Inhuman.
At the same time, in Latveria, Luna starts spontaneously undergoing terrigenesis, the Inhuman transformation process. Which should only happen in the presence of the terrigen mist.
Which finally solves the mystery of the mass empowering event. It wasn’t an explosion at the vibranium radio tower. The entire world has been exposed to terrigen mist!
Somehow. We don’t know how. And the Inhumans seem surprised to realize that this is the case.
Over in the Sanctum Sanctorum, Clea gloats to a captive blind child Bruce but is surprised by Hulk and Thor escaping the Realm of Death with the help of ghost Strange.
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She asks for Loki’s help but he’s bailed on her. Obviously.
So Clea decides to explode New New York out of spite but Thor transports her and him to Asgard, knowing Loki will prevent him from coming back.
With the Sorcerer Supreme and Thor out of his way, Loki gloats Earth is his.
Still not sure how this fits into everything else going on.
I’m not sure if Cap found any help from Tony but he moves onto Russia.
Currently ruled by Colossus.
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There was a bit in an earlier appendix about how due to the mass empowering event, former superheroes were asked to take leadership positions since they were used to leading those with powers.
It hasn’t come up so I forgot about it but here we are with President? King? Secretary? Colossus.
Colossus doesn’t want to get involved because Russia is the breadbasket of the world and he needs to protect it. But Cap points out that the Skull won’t stop at the ocean. He’ll make his way to Russia eventually and he’s a dumb kid who treats this like a game. He won’t think about controlling people to do agriculture.
(If that’s the case, the Celestial plan for Earth must come about really soon after the Skull. Or at least depending on whether that’s been derailed or not by the terrigen jumping the gun by two hundred years. But my thought is, if the Skull is part of the plan, you can’t have much time between him taking over the world and whatever the Celestials need Earth for. Because the kid isn’t going to bother keeping civilization going.)
Back in New New York, Peter continues to try to convince May not to do anything. She just tells him to grow up and jumps into action against the Skull’s army without a plan.
The Skull sends Iron Maiden to confront May Venom. Iron Maiden begs May to withdraw before the Skull takes control of her but May doesn’t listen.
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May beats Iron Maiden with a little asphyxiation and then immediately falls under the Skull’s control.
His creepy, creepy control.
Away from the action, Peter is at a loss for what to do now. He contemplates a Peter Parker Spider-Man costume he sees in a shop window but walks away very “Spider-Man No More” ish.
I guess Peter’s identity is out.
The appendix has a bit where John Jameson asks after his father. Aaron tells him that Jonah has himself locked up in the Daily Bugle building, the paper having gone out of business when it was revealed Spider-Man had been taking Spider-Man pictures all along. Jonah also keeps Jack Russell Werewolf By Night locked up with him, under the belief he’s werewolf astronaut John, since NASA lied to John and didn’t tell Jonah his son was going to the Moon.
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And the issue ends with the Skull and his top peeps cornering President Norman Osborn in his office.
Unless this goes in a completely unexpected direction, I also thought President Osborn would be more important to the plot than he was.
Was he just a Bad Future signifier? Things are so bad, Norman Osborn is president, but also he’s not really important?
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tofu-gaycat · 8 months
This is the time to talk how exactly compulsory heterosexuality (comphet) affected me and in what ways trough my life, this is more of an intro post and a personal story.
When I was young I was always told that “guys should look after me and will pay attention to me eventually, that will make me happier and just be essential with time”. Even back then I didn’t understand what so cool about dating a guy? What makes him so special and why each girl should do this somehow? That it brings kids? Isn’t our planet already overpopulated? Some people can be child free? Even when I was small I didn’t really care for this “aspect of happiness” and therefore wasn’t affected compulsory heterosexuality due to my young age and attitude - I didn’t see my future where I settle down with a man.
Everything has changed when I thought I caught a first crush for a guy since everyone around me already did and it so cool. It wasn’t cool and it wasn’t a crush in the first place, it was a first example of attraction I needed to unconsciously fit in. After this I’ve developed another one-funny how both of guys were unavailable and of course ones I made in my head. Back then I couldn’t even bring myself to a thought that it was comphet. After I’ve finally came with terms that I was lesbian all along (May of 2022) and was repressing my attraction to women, I explained it as an attraction to men didn’t feel so real as it is to women, plus I’ve never had an attraction to men who were available and ones who were available were pushed away by me (literally lol). Even when I did so I couldn’t give it a name and just thought it was my unique experience and people don’t usually deal with it…I was wrong.
In one of my previous posts I shared a lesbian doc: it says that having attraction to unavailable men (fictional and ones unavailable irl) not seeing your future with a man and just feeling as this attraction is forced - is a huge sign of comphet (you can read it for yourself).
However, the story doesn’t end here since trough those almost 2 years I couldn’t live without having a damn crisis. I went back and forth from lesbian to bisexual - all due to same reason and wanting “to fit in” aka being forced into standards by compthet- the past issue like this is no easy to fight with even after years of being sure. I’ve never in my life felt legitimately sexually and romantically attracted to men. I can recall liking several girls and women and it felt real and not forced. Funny enough how despite getting romantic attraction almost never - I felt it for woman anyway. So all my “crises” ended in their own when I recall that comphet is still there and can affect anyone so it’s important to outline an issue so your true self won’t have to hide away.
In the end, I believe that it takes a while to spot and realise your comphet, how to fight with it and seek similar experiences. Don’t worry - being a lesbian is beautiful and no one should tell you otherwise <3
P.s I will make more posts about my exact experience with it so stay tuned!
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩Love for y’all, stay safe👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👩🏽
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Meme by @louvainisntacity
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When I read the novel for the first time, I was surprised that Boq and Nessa didn’t have a thing to do with each other. Fortunate for him, of course, but unexpected.
I sort of felt as though it was a missed opportunity. Mostly I agreed with the decisions made in both versions as necessary to their respective narratives. But I was bit let down that Glinda wasn’t a larger presence in the original, and I was let down that the tin man and scarecrow have absolutely no connections to Elphaba. That they’re as random as one would assume initially. We spend a good deal of time in Boq’s mind at Shiz, but then he suddenly leaves the narrative, only to return briefly, as a coincidence that could have been anyone. Glinda is quite similar. I felt like something was lost. But I know this has some intentional meaning.
The foreshadowing in the musical almost implies destiny. The way that every character appearance, every interaction, drives the plot and leads to their eventual fates. This is the way of musicals. The novel, despite Yackle’s talk early on, discards the notion of any sort of predetermination. So much happenstance. So many occurrences that just happen and then have no influence whatsoever later on. More like real life, I suppose. Not everything and everyone has some huge meaning. Sometimes things happen just to happen. Sometimes you forge bonds with people close to you and think you’ll always be connected, and then you don’t see each other, and if you ever meet again, you’re essentially strangers. You don’t have any connection, save a knowledge that you used to, and a sort of guilty obligation to revive it despite the lack of the friendship to do so in any way that matters. Just like Boq first telling Elphaba how they knew each other when they were kids. That’s the only foreshadowing in this book, hinting at the way all of these friends will be to each other with time. Sure, we may have known each other. What does it matter now? What does it matter now? What does it even mean anymore?
I wish Boq had stayed a character character in the way he was in the chapters at Shiz. Even if it does mean a tragic metallic fate for the poor guy. But I suppose with the kind of themes the novel has, he had to go on and have an unrelated life. People like Boq and Avaric, with their respective futures, are symbols of… something. Different views on evil, I suppose. Two different sides of the same coin when it comes to indifference. Boq’s indifference on the state of the world at large as long as those close to him are safe. Avaric’s indifference to morality as long as he’s entertained. Avaric’s an a-hole and he claims it proudly, but are we supposed to see Boq’s life too as evil by inaction?
Honestly, I’m happy for him. He seems to have gotten a really good ending compared to his counterpart, and escaped the unhappiness or tragedy of nearly all of his peers (moment of silence for poor Tibbett please). He’s got a family, a nice domestic life. It seems okay to me. He’s not a hero, but is it really evil not to be actively trying to do big things to make a difference? Not everyone can be a revolutionary… but is this simply my lazy, cowardly excuse-making? My projecting?
Elphaba seems to look down on him, the twice they interact in later years. She seems to look down on the fact that he’s content with his life even when the world is still f—ed up.
Is he wrong? What is he in this story?
At Shiz, he wasn’t all that morally lofty. I cite his rooftop escapade, even before he’s pressured into the philosophy club. On the whole though, he’s not a bad person, and he even helps with the whole library books thing. He makes a difference—when doing so is convenient, of course, and (far as I remember) low risk for him, and gives him something exciting to share with his friends. But better than no action at all? He had good intentions, and a better conscience than a lot of people in that friend group. He just didn’t do much with that conscience. He did a few unusually good things. He did a few rather questionable things too, honestly, and didn’t always need peer pressure for it. In his adult life, he cares about Elphaba’s causes, but takes no direct action, only passive following.
Once again he’s the Everyman. Normal life, normal future. Not a hero or a villain or even some lesser position like whatever office Avaric holds (I don’t remember). Just another average anonymous citizen. His college years the most exciting years of his life. Not remembered by history, just by those who knew him. But happy, I think.
Making a difference in the world has a price, and he chose not to pay it. It’s as simple as that.
Does this make him evil? Tell me, tell me, tell me, does this make him evil too? I need to know.
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Slashers reaction to the reader referring to them as their boyfriend/partner to other people for the first time?
The Slashers reacting to their S/O referring to them as their Boyfriend/Girlfriend to other people for the first time:
Thomas Hewitt
It was no secret that you and Tommy were together, always by each other’s side, acting lovesick. 
Luda May wasn’t shy about voicing your relationship, already referring to you as Thomas’ partner and to Thomas as your boyfriend, she already had her mind set on a future of weddings and grandbabies. 
Her talk had always made the two of you flustered and embarrassed, neither of you really confirming her claims of your relationship.
You had been down at the gas station with Luda May and Thomas, she had asked Thomas to come to help move some crates and you had already been there to help her watch the place.
A group of travellers had pulled in, getting some gas and stocking up on snacks.
Being a friendly and trustworthy face, you were sent out to greet them and ask if they needed assistance. Thomas had been lifting another crate and had looked over to you, always protective over you, especially when it came to strangers. Eventually one of the men had commented on Tommy’s staring as he worked, scoffing to himself.
“Oh, that’s Tommy, my boyfriend. He’s just a little protective, you never know the type you might run into ‘round here” you reassured them with a smile, fully knowing that it was the Hewitt family that nobody wanted to run into around here.
Of course, Thomas overheard you, and your declaration instantly made him blush, quickly busying himself with his work again.
He’s overjoyed though, hearing you refer to him as your boyfriend, sounding so proud of him, he loved you so much and each day you convinced him that you felt the same. He also likes that these strangers know that you’re together.
Michael Myers
You were seeing some friends and Michael had gotten bored, heading out to find you and continue with his usual stalker shenanigans since he seems to enjoy stalking you when he’s bored and you’ve left him at home. He saw you talking to some of your friends, you were saying goodbye.
They had tried to get you to stay a little longer but you had smiled, telling them that you had to get home to your boyfriend. Of course they had demanded to finally meet this mysterious boyfriend but you shook your head at them before heading home, where Michael would already be when you arrived.
So, you had been referring to him as your boyfriend to your friends for a little while...he isn’t going to bring it up, he’ll act like he never heard it, like he was at home this whole time.
He won’t say anything but he ponders it for a moment, if that’s how you want to refer to him...he’s more than okay with that. Maybe more okay with it than he would admit to himself.
Jason Voorhees
You had gone on a walk through the woods and had wandered into the old camp. You hadn’t been aware of intruders but accidently stumbled upon a group of trespassers who had just arrived and where getting bags out of their car.
The group had turned to you, surprised but friendly. You, on the other hand, panicked a little, knowing you shouldn’t interact with them too much. Jason would be coming to deal with them some time soon. 
“Uh sorry...I was just looking for my boyfriend...bye!” you practically ran off, back towards the cabin, knowing that Jason would want you to be somewhere safe and out of the way. 
Jason had seen it all from his hidden spot in the trees. At first he had been worried when you stumbled upon the group, worried that you would get hurt or something.
But his heart fluttered when he heard you referring to him as your boyfriend, liking the way it sounded and how it made him feel.
You had been staying with him for a while now and the two of you had become close, certainly entering a more romantic relationship. But that was the first time you had used the title, and you had done so with so much ease.
Yes, he was your boyfriend, and he adored you.
Brahms Heelshire
You and Brahms were certainly dating, at least he definitely thought so and believed that you did too.
The delivery boy had come with your most recent grocery delivery, and you had answered the door. 
The two of you were chatting for a while, slowly irritating Brahms, who was sure that the delivery boy had a thing for you.
You had never really thought the delivery boy liked you but he was getting friendlier lately and you knew how much it bothered Brahms, so you had just casually slipped in some talk about your boyfriend (not mentioning Brahms’ name of course), just to get the point across to both of them.
The delivery boy had always been friendly and that had always made Brahms a little jealous but now that the man knows that you have a boyfriend, Brahms feel more confident that he won’t try anything and it makes him just a little less jealous.
Brahms is looking pretty smug when you close the front door and he comes to greet you, you barely have the chance to roll your eyes at him before he’s pulling you into a kiss. 
You can’t help but smile fondly at how proud and happy he seems with his new title.
Bo Sinclair
You and Bo had been getting closer, what you had definitely wasn’t ‘casual’ but neither of you had really talked about it. Bo didn’t like talking about that kind of stuff and you didn’t want to bring it up and put him in a bad mood. 
It was fine...until a group of visitors arrived in Ambrose.
It wouldn’t be the first time that a woman had flirted with Bo and he had allowed it, even flirted back to lull the strangers into a false sense of security. This would be the first time it made you jealous and you had every right to feel that way.
The flirtatious woman had laid it on fairly thick, Bo had only chuckled but hadn’t really returned the flirtations. You appreciated that but you still wished he would just tell her to stop or be a little less encouraging. You understood, you just didn’t like it.
Bo was looking at their car while you went to tell the group what was going on, telling them that ‘your boyfriend was just checking their car and should be done soon, he’s very good at his job’. You saw how the woman pulled a face at that, which satisfied you at least a little.
Bo had already been on his way over and had overheard how you had referred to him, making him smirk to him, both because of the title but also because of your jealousy. 
Now, he just had to mess with you.
He walked over, announcing that their car needed a new fan-belt as he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you into his side.
You knew that he was being extra obvious in front of the woman, probably more to mess with you than anything, and you knew that he was going to tease you for this later on...but at least he was showing off your relationship in front of these strangers.
Vincent Sinclair 
When visitors to Ambrose came by, Vincent would watch from a distance (especially when it came to you, just to make sure you were safe). 
He’d listen to conversation he could catch, and he was currently listening to you speaking with the group about their car that they needed help with.
“Sure, I’ll just get my boyfriend, Vincent, to go pick up your car” you told the group politely with a smile.
Vincent was taken back by how you referred to him as your boyfriend, and how you did it so causally. He wondered if you knew he was listening, that he could hear you.
Obviously the two of you had gotten very close as of late, sharing more than a couple romantic moments, but you had never brought up the topic.
It’s fair to say that Vincent is a little flustered when he next sees you but you had truly made his day, made his week even.
Lester Sinclair
You were in Ambrose when a pair of strangers walked into the garage, telling you that their car broke down and some guy gave them a lift into down, saying that his brother owned the garage. 
“I’m guessing it was my boyfriend who gave you a ride” you chuckled fondly, obviously knowing that it was Lester but keeping up some sort of act. 
“Yeah, he did” Lester beamed proudly as he walked into the garage behind the pair. 
You blushed a little, getting a little flustered by getting caught referring to him as your boyfriend, not that he seemed to mind.
When he heard the way you referred to him, it just put a huge smile on his face. He kind of knew that he was your boyfriend but this was the first time you had actually said it.
He greeted you warmly, pulling you into a hug and kissing your cheek, still beaming. It was sweet really. If Bo had seen, he probably would have gagged.
Bubba Sawyer
The brothers had been bickering and arguing, which was nothing new. Of course, you had started to defend Bubba, since he was pretty unconfrontational.
Drayton had scoffed and complained about you defending Bubba. 
You had just responded with “well, he is my boyfriend”, without even thinking about it.
Nobody else (other than Bubba) was surprised by the word ‘boyfriend’. Just rolling their eyes at you and continuing with their bickering.
Bubba had the biggest smile on his face.
He accepts his new position as your boyfriend instantly. Yes, he is your boyfriend and he loves you so much.
He just gets a little giddy and wants to give and receive a lot of affection from you after that.
Billy Lenz 
You had been on the phone with a friend. They had invited you out for the evening but you had politely declined, telling them that you were spending the night in with your boyfriend.
Of course, Billy had been listening in on the conversation, and as soon as you referred to him as your boyfriend he was grinning like an idiot.
It was more than obvious that the two of you were in fact dating, you just hadn’t put a name on it and Billy hadn’t really thought to do so. He felt like you had just made the relationship official, but he was more giddy at the thought of other people knowing that he was your boyfriend, that you would talk about him so fondly to your friends.
As soon as you put the phone down, Billy is on you, wrapping you up in his embrace, making you giggle as you returned the gesture, wondering what had gotten into him.
“I’m your boyfriend” he stated proudly, grinning from ear to ear before peppering your face with kisses, making you giggle again.
“Yes you are” you agreed fondly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
You were at Asa’s home when you got a phone call from a friend, asking if you wanted to hang out that evening but you already had plans with Asa. And that’s what you told them.
“Sorry, I’m spending the evening with my boyfriend” you told them, smiling when they complained about not having met your boyfriend yet.
As soon as you hung up, Asa appeared next to you, holding out a drink for you. You couldn’t help but get a little flustered, knowing he had heard and also knowing that you hadn’t really defined your relationship like that yet.
“You could have told me” was all he really responded with as he sat down beside you. Clearly not minding the way you referred to him.
Asa isn’t an idiot, he knew that’s where your relationship was, he just hadn’t brought up the conversation yet. Now it seemed like it didn’t have too, and that was good to know.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
You had decided to visit Jesse at his office, which he had told you that you could do whenever you pleased. When you arrive and were asking for him and the location of his office, you were met by a woman who seemed pretty hostile about your presence.
You definitely didn’t want to cause any trouble at Jesse’s work but she was being rude and you were getting tired, you just wanted to visit Jesse for lunch. 
“Look, I’m just here to visit my boyfriend, I’ll just call him and let him know I’m here” you sighed, about to give up as you pulled your phone out of your pocket.
Luckily, Jesse had just been passing through the reception and had witnessed the end of your conversation. Smirking to himself when you referred to him as your boyfriend.
He approached before you could unlock your phone, tucking it away again as you smiled up at him. 
Jesse nods to the woman, placing a hand on your back before guiding you up to his office.
Once you’re alone, he will playfully question you about how you had referred to him. After messing with you a bit and making you a little flustered, he reassures you that it’s perfectly fine. He is happy to call himself your boyfriend and to call you his partner.
From then on, everyone knows who you are and that Jesse is your boyfriend. You won’t be stopped or questioned again, don’t worry.
Otis Driftwood
You and Otis had gone to a nearby bar together, just to get out of the house and have a little fun. You had wandered over to the bar without him and when Otis looked over, he saw some guy flirting with you.
Jealousy and protectiveness (maybe some possessiveness) had Otis marching over to the two of you. 
“Uh, yeah sorry, I have a boyfriend” he heard you tell the man, shifting away from him in discomfort. You glanced around and relaxed when you saw Otis approaching. “There he is!” you smiled brightly, you were quick to push yourself away from the bar and meet Otis.
He instantly wrapped an arm around you and pulled you close to him, protectively and possessively as he glared the man down.
Damn right, he’s your boyfriend. And he’ll make sure everyone here knows it.
You had never actually called him that before, never actually made whatever the two of you had official. But now you had, that’s all he had to know.
Baby Firefly
You and Baby had gone out to a bar to have a few drinks and probably cause some trouble. She was dancing even though nobody else was, just her, having a great time, as you watched on adoringly.
Some guy and come up beside you and asked who she was. 
With a grin, you had proudly exclaimed “that’s my girlfriend!” 
Of course, Baby had heard you and smiled about it to herself.
Once she finished dancing, she returned to you and the same guy moved closer, introducing himself to her and asking for her to introduce herself in return. 
“I’m their fucking girlfriend” Baby stated proudly with a grin of her own, wrapping her arms around you as if to get her point across even more.
Yautja (Predator)
Of course introducing your family or your friends to your current partner (or ‘mate’, as he would call you) wasn’t really an option at the moment. But you had mentioned that you were seeing someone.
You were on the phone to a friend when they started asking about this mysterious person you had been seeing.
So, finally you told them to give your boyfriend some privacy, the two of you laughing before ending the call.
He had been referring to you as his mate for a while now and you assumed that was the same level, if not even more serious, than the title of boyfriend, so you figured it was okay.
And your mate thought so too. He knew what ‘boyfriend’ meant since you explained human dating to him, so when he heard, he knew what you meant and it just filled him with pride, knowing that you definitely felt the same as him.
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Shelby!Sister getting poisoned whilst at dinner with the whole family?
changed it up a bit; reader is roofied at one of Tommy’s fancy ball type parties and there’s one particular gentleman around to help her out.
Good Team
Tommy had, since you were merely a little girl, endeavoured to introduce you emphatically as (y/n) Shelby, with your surname stated soaked in ferocity and warning. You are a Shelby. You are his little sister. He makes sure people know this. He makes sure they���re aware. He sees it as a pre-warning, the kind that lets them know that you are very very important to him without actually saying those words. He sees it very much as a pre-warning for grievous bodily harm had any trouble befell you at another persons discretion. It was made incredibly clear from the moment you were born that you were so far from off limits to the enemies that it didn’t even need to be spoken.
However, it was a relatively occasional occurrence that this message was not accurately conveyed no matter how clear your elder brother was about the matter.
You were usually so cautious and so careful, but you were in your brothers own ballroom with his own supplied champagne and you had very few worries of such a simple business gathering for Christmas. You were adorning an extortionate dress that Tommy had made for you with a beautiful fur shoulder wrap, cheeks dusted with a champagne blush and a gorgeous smile as you mingle with rich business people and rich couples who were born into money. They were amazing at times to ogle at, coming from such a poor background. It was hard enough to adjust to your new life flaunting pretty dressed and walking around with a purpose and a job that had significant purpose.
But it would be safe to say you weren’t so worried around these people. You should’ve known better.
You keep blinking, squeezing your eyes shut to try and find vision again that wasn’t restricted by blurriness. The heels on your feet didn’t aid you much in the way of keeping your balance as you stumble into a long hall. You don’t remember where you last saw Tommy and you can’t remember where the glass you were holding had gone. You don’t know much, but you know you have to find one of your brothers.
Heavy footsteps behind you send a rush of hazed adrenaline through your veins, forcing your legs to move you faster, your arms scratching off paintings lining the walls as you attempt to use the wall as a stabiliser.
“Someone’s ‘ad a bit much, eh?”
Your eyelids flicker as you try to keep them open against the light that makes you feel like your head is exploding. “No, no I- there’s someone trying to get me!” You hiss in a slurred whisper with arms that flail somewhat aimlessly as you attempt to point out the person behind you. The man with his his on your biceps steadying you leans around to get a good look behind you. “Mhm, there me no one there love.” He says, confused. You can only vaguely make out who the person is that holds you up and it’s someone you know your brother only invited so as to attempt to talk him into taking on more Blinders for distillery protection.
Alfie Solomons wasn’t entirely the most trustworthy person that surrounded your family. Him and Tommy had a bit of a tendency to betray each other, no matter how expected it always was. The London gangster probably wasn’t the best person for you to bump into and definitely not the most reliable, but he was who you had ended up with and although it could have been him that drugged you, it didn’t seem incredibly likely. He told Tommy and Grace when greeting people at the front door; “No need for the fucking niceties eh Tommy? I’m here for the free booze mate yeah?” and walked on through with a pat on your brothers back.
Despite the fact you didn’t have much trust in him, you really holed that he wouldn’t pass you off as being overly drunk and leave you alone. You feel dreadfully unwell. Alfie looks down the hall, then back at you and with a sigh, he slips his strong arm around your waist and pulls you into his side for your stability. “I think you’re right, Shelby.” Alfie mutters under his breath, barely loud enough for even you to hear. “Something‘s just not right.” He turns to you, using his arm that wasn’t wrapped around you to lift up your eyelid. Beyond the terror in your eyes in huge pupils. “You’ve been drugged,” he states, his voice still low. “Better find those brothers of yours.”
That brings you some form of relief, but the terror still remains. It’s a scary situation, to know what you want to do with your limbs and know exactly what you want to say, but to be unable to speak or walk or even hold up your head. Your heart hadn’t stopped racing and you were drenched in sweat. It’s a shock you didn’t recognise you had been drugged before hearing Alfie say it.
His arm is tight around the waistline of your expensive ballgown, keeping you steady against him as he walked as quickly as he could manage while supporting your weight. He only vaguely knew the way around Tommy’s huge country house, but he did know where the man’s office was, and he’d likely have a maid in waiting there who Alfie could send to fetch him once he got you there. As you both rounded the corner into the corridor that would take you to Tommy’s office, there a man dressed like a waiter standing seemingly waiting for you. “Mister Shelby sent me to collect his sister when he heard she was overly inebriated.” The man spoke. Alfie furrowed his eyebrows tightly, but nodded and walked you closer to him. You want to protest, but your mind still won’t coordinate with your body and the most you can do is grumble. “She’s a bit hard to deal with,” Alfie admits, “So a tip you should really know for the future?“ He pauses, moving as though he’s going to pass you over to the arms of the other man. Alfie leans in until he’s only a few inches away and whispers a warning “I fucking hate liars,” before sharply drawing back his head only to but it forward forcefully into the man’s face.
He stumbles back and Alfie takes that opportunity to grab the front of his suit jacket and throw him behind the two of you with a kick to his ribs a few times for good measure. He wraps his arm back around your waist and continues on down the hall as if nothing had ever happened. “Could tell by his-fuck!”
A yelp leaves you as your legs tangled when you attempt to bare your own weight and instead clatter to the floor with a thud. Alfie grunts and you fight to open your heavy eyelids to see that a man had dove out at him from a doorway along the long hall and there were now two of them and two of you, except they were both conscious and had full control of their own bodies, whereas it fell upon Alfie to fight for both of you. The Londoner truly does not know why he has put himself in this situation for anyone, never mind for a Shelby he had only met a handful of times. But every time he had met you, you were incredibly sweet and kind to him. He knows that they’ll stop attacking him if he allows them to take you and do as they please with you, but something in him prevents him from doing that. There’s a part of him that encourages him to spit the blood from his mouth and stand in front of where you lay in and out of consciousness on the fell, ready to fight for you like he had something to lose if he couldn’t protect you. Tommy would never know Alfie was there with you if he walked away now, but something in him wants to be there. Wants to fight for you.
And so fight he does, throwing punch after punch, trying to take on two at once. Alfie managed to take the blonde assailant out of the game by cracking the wall with his blonde head of hair, leaving him out cold and potentially dying on the floor. When he does that though, his moment of glory is short lived before the other appears behind him with an arm tightly around his throat. Alfie squirms and grunts, kicks and scratches attempting to get him off, but the attacker holds on despite the blows. Alfie thinks he may well have to accept his fate.
Then he clocks you again on the floor, except this time your hands and trailing up your leg, hiking up your dress and he is utterly confused at your behaviour, thinking that it must be the drugs acting weird in your system. That is, until your dress reaches your upper thigh and the London gangster feels what he thinks may be butterflies when he spots the holster and gun that had been well hidden by your long ballgown. He would laugh, grin even if he wasn’t being strangled nearly to death. He watched with blurry vision as you try to steady your hands enough to point the gun at the attacker that was too bury trying to hold Alfie Solomons down to notice your movements. Alfie squeezes his eyes shut as you move your finger over the trigger and he hopes to God your heads are steady enough to shoot the right person.
The bang goes off and very suddenly he can breathe again. He notes that’s a good sign. He scrambles away quickly, turning around to press his foot onto the bullet wound in the shoulder of his attacker. “I will come back for you.” He growls in warning, pressing his foot harder to elicit a scream before he nods and turns back to where you stand. He wipes the blood off the bottom of his shoe on the carpet before he steps forward to swoop your gun off the floor to slip it back into your thigh holster, and then he helps you back up. Except this time, he opts to sweep you off your feet and into his arms bridal style.
“Good shot.” He notes. You breath a chuckle with hooded eyes in response, but can’t manage anything else. If you hadn’t been severely drugged, Alfie might’ve kissed you.
He makes it to Tommy’s office with ease, ordering the maid to get your brother immediately. Alfie lays you down on the soft couch in the office, placing you carefully on on your side for safety in case you’re sick. He uses the not blood tinted side of his handkerchief to wire some blood splatter and sweat from your face gently, and offers a gentle smile. “We make a good team, Solomons.” You hum with words slurred and jumped, but he understand what you said nonetheless. “That we do, Shelby.” He rumbles back in response.
The moment is as any moment of yours often is, interrupted by your elder brothers storming in. Immediately, Alfie is ripped from your side by Arthur slamming the him roughly against the wall with a loud clatter and bang. John goes to stand by Arthur’s side, and Tommy takes a knee beside you. The patriarch places his cool hand against your forehead before dipping down to place his ear just above your lips. “She’s breathing.” He concludes, “What the fuck did you do to her?” He sneers through gritted teeth as he takes steps towards Alfie.
“And why the fuck and you covered in blood.” Alfie sighs heavily, rolling his eyes and flaring his nostrils at the proximity of the three Shelby brothers. “Funny story, you see Tommy.” He grumbles discontentedly, “Seems as though someone tried after your sister right under your fucking nose, mate. Drugged her drink, removed her from the crowd. I found her wandering the halls all fuckin’ disoriented yeah. Now I don’t like a man who targets a woman, much less has to fuckin’ drug her to achieve it.” Alfie shrugs. Tommy narrows his eyes, but something in him believes what the Camden Town Gangster is saying. Alfie doesn’t have much in the way of necessity for taking you and it wouldn’t make sense for him to have the opportunity to but instead to bring you here. Right to them. “Doesn’t explain the fucking blood.” Arthur hisses, slamming his back against the wall again.
Alfie holds up his hands. “You’re little sister isn’t such a damsel as you make her out to be, Thomas. She has a fantastic shot. Some cunts-“ Alfie’s words drop with pure venom as the reminder of the man nearly strangling him to death reenters his mind, “Came after her. On that note, you’ll need a carpet cleaner and some body bags just along that hall. Don’t let the missus see that mess.”
Tommy paused for a moment, his eyes not leaving Alfie’s even when he speaks. “John, check that corridor.” He orders, making his younger brother grunt in annoyance but do as told nonetheless. “Arthur,” He grumbles, placing a hand on his shoulder, “Take our sister upstairs and get Polly.” Arthur is hesitant. Tommy might believe the words that Alfie speaks, but Arthur despises him and the only thing he hates more than Alfie is the thought of Alfie’s hands on you without any of them being there to help you, protect you. He knows that he and a Tommy are asking themselves the same question. How could something like this happen to you right beneath their noses. How had someone managed to get to when they were so close, literally right in the same room in an event organised by them. Arthur couldn’t answer the question, but could probably have killed Alfie in his rage at that moment. “Arthur,” Tommy repeats more firmly, “Go.”
This time, he listens. But that’s not without a warning glare at Alfie, who simply offers a smirk in response. “And you,” Tommy says finally, turning his attention to Alfie, “Fuck off.”
Alfie chuckles, but begins to walk past Tommy to leave the office when the smaller man grabs his arm in a vice like grip that makes the tips of his fingers tingle with the strength of it. Alfie feigns the urge to fight back in reaction to the pain. Tommy leans in close to his ear with a low snarl, “You don’t just help people. I don’t care what the reason was eh, but don’t you ever go near my sister again.”
Then he lets go and Alfie simply shakes off his arm and walks away. He hasn’t listened to Tommy Shelby any time in the past, and it appears as though today will be no different.
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henqtic · 3 years
Hi, I love your writing so much! :) Could I request a dracoxreader where the reader is having a really bad day and he ends up comforting & cuddling her until she stops crying and eventually falls asleep in his arms. He just admires her while she's sleeping and is really sweet to her when she wakes up
𝘣𝘢𝘥 𝘥𝘢𝘺
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader
word count: 1.0k (1064)
authors note: thank you so much,, I’m glad you like my writing !! also sorry for this thing so long, i actually started it around when you sent it but then my brain just shut down and i couldn’t really figure out how exactly i wanted to write everything but here it is— with the end sort of changed up :)
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masterlist. // taglist form. // request works. // picture creds.
you were having a horrible day and there was no other way to describe it. really, you searched, high and low for a way to see it in a brighter light but you just couldn’t. from start to middle and to now, what you would call the end, there was no positive connotation for how you felt.
first, you’d woken up late from none of your dorm mates taking the time to get you up. they left some note on the dresser saying that they tried but every time you’d raise your head, you’d just bury yourself amongst the blankets again. and that shouldn’t have been a big deal nor should it have made a huge dent in your day, but once you checked the clock which the paper was stuck to, you cringed at the fact that you had missed the entirety of breakfast.
so then you were late to transfigurations for the fourth time that week, earning a very passive aggressive lecture from professor mcgonagall on why it was imperative to be on time and not to be off ‘dilly dallying’ when you were supposed to be learning.
and that would've also been okay because you completely understood where her frustration was coming from, even though the idea of why you’d been late in the first place was totally off and completely wrong—
you were just a heavy sleeper who needed to set more alarms that would wake you up rather than everyone else except you.
but no, it wasn’t that simple, she had to do it in front of the whole class, one filled with some of the most obnoxious gryffindors who you’d ever met. some threw disgusted looks while others went as far as whistling and howling because malfoy’s girlfriend showed up looking like she’d just rolled out of his bed.
everything had gone well— until your third lesson when you accidentally knocked over a jar of a very hard to obtain ingredient on your way out to lunch. and snape was quick to blame it on you, not the fact that if it was so hard to harvest, maybe the best place to store it wasn’t in glass on the edge of a table.
nevertheless, he made you stay back to clean the mess by hand when the same job with magic with less time wasted— by the time you did get there, nearly all of the good foods were gone and so was your boyfriend who you were ready to vent to about the whole thing.
“he had to go to the library to tutor that first year, he made me save you this piece of cake though,” daphne explained, handing you a piece of lemon cake wrapped up in a brown napkin, your favorite.
“thanks daph,” you smiled, feeling that your day was improving and that you could save your little rant for the end of the day.
“no problem.”
but it didn’t. no, your day didn’t improve in the slightest. because now your stomach was tightening, glancing down at the big red T staining the charms exam that you'd spent a bunch of time studying for.
it was staring right back at you, like a taunt that all of your hard work had gone to waste, and professor flitwick's look of disappointment didn’t help at all.
so you knew by the time you’d got out of the illuminated room and to the gloomy dungeons you were crying, taking advantage of the dark lighting as your shoes pattered against the stone floor.
and once you made it to the entrance of the slytherin common room, muttering the three syllable password that draco had given you earlier that week and walking up the long staircase, you made sure you looked presentable. not a tear in sight like you’d had the best day in the world. but still, for safe measure, your eyes were wiped once more before knocking on the door.
“come in!” you heard a comforting voice call out from the other side of the wooden door.
you slowly turned the knob and walked in, putting your bag down and untying the fabric around your neck without making a single piece of eye contact with him in hope that he wouldn’t notice your current state.
“oh love it’s just you, you know you don’t have to knock,” he said before not fully relaxing into the bed, concerned at how long it was taking you to undo a tie.
“are you alright?”
“course i am,” you lied, turning around and mustering up the best smile you could still causing him to look at you skeptically.
“that’s good, how was your day then?” he asked, trying to go at the situation in the best way, not expecting your face to fall at the question.
he was being genuine and it was something you should've expected since he asked it every time you’d go through this routine but no, no, no, he should've asked something different because it’s just what pushed you over the edge. 
your lip quivered as that gut wrenching feeling that you hadn't felt in a long time came, a pit forming in your stomach until it traveled up to your throat and there was no way to swallow it back down. your eyes started to water as you shook your head, trying to tell him no without talking because you knew if you did, it wouldn't end up well for you. and he already knew that because immediately after he saw the signs, he enveloped you in his arms.
you weren’t a person who cried often, not even that time you fell off your quidditch broom, you refused to do it because it ‘hadn't hurt that bad’ and it would seriously concern him sometimes, on why you were so intent on not doing it. but he hadn’t asked any questions knowing how you’d like to be treated in these times, you didn't want to be bombarded with solutions or asks or told that you would get and feel better, but just to be held until it passed.
so that’s what he did, let you cry it out until his shirt was wet with salty tears, knowing that when you did wake up, he'd figure out the mess on his own and make you feel better over whatever happened throughout the oh so terrible day.
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general// draco malfoy taglist- @harmqnia  @eunoniaa @dracosaccount @ambi-doo12 @mypainistemporary @ang9lic @daltonacademia @inglourious-imagines @willowmores @fjorelaant @slutfordracoluciusmalfoy @axgelre @beforeoursunsets @helleli @o-rion-sta-r @alexavolturisblog @catching-the-train-to-hogwarts @myalupinblack @l0vely-lupin @turn-to-page-394-please @clownybrit @callmesasha @aguamvnti @dracosathenaeum @maybanksslut @dracomalfoys-wh0re @lovecroftreads @sfdlm @marrymetheonott @becgggg @gwlvr @oh-my-ronron-mphfpc-fanfic-heart  @draco-malfoys-significant-other  @bella-lxhp @trashyvicks @Imtryingbutithurts @potterheadtwilighter @galimalfoyweasley @tomandjaebae @mrsmaifoy @riddleswh0r3crux @drachoesimp @elevatorsdoor @dlmmdl @hogwarts-boys @akaaaaashiiii @writeandtranslate @fleursbabe @desiredmalfoy @badass-yn @ilygw @elevatorsdoor @redheaded-hobbit @belladaises @yandere-marvel @angelxnaa @lovelymalfoyy 
if I couldn't tag you, you may need to check your privacy settings and if you want to be tagged in my future draco works or for any of the other characters I write for fill out this form :) 
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speliviya · 3 years
I don’t appreciate the narrative that Olivia hasn’t done anything for Spencer in their relationship and that he’s done all of the heavy lifting. Calculating every gesture tit for tat in a relationship that has been displayed to us as an equal partnership is weird and unfair. They got into one little argument and ppl now are trying to erase her numerous efforts and unwavering support of him this entire relationship and entire SERIES. They love differently and both require different things to feel loved and supported. Like their official romantic relationship has been from 3.19 - 4.11 and I can name something she’s done for him in every episode.
3.19 - After rejecting his kiss because she felt uncomfortable and saw that he was upset, she fixed it immediately and went on to tell everyone about their relationship. She called him before his game to wish him luck and tried to reassure him about Billy being angry at him.
4.01 - She showed up for him at the graveyard so that he wouldn’t be dealing with his pain alone. Her presence literally made him feel better. The minute she heard he was about to throwaway his future she set up an intervention with all of his loved ones and got Darnell to catch a flight and come talk some sense into him. Ultimately, this approach didn’t make him change his mind but that doesn’t change her intention to be there for him and encourage him to prioritize his future.
4.02 - As soon as she dropped him off at work, she went straight into her house and confronted Billy on his behalf. Her father was being an ass to her boyfriend and that was putting a strain on her relationship and she demanded that they fix it; not only for her but for the sake of Spencer’s and Billy’s relationship itself. Then she made sure to thank him at the end of the night and apologized for Billy’s behavior.
4.03 - Literally first scene with them, she’s listening to him talk about the Toledo offer and immediately encourages him to take it no questions asked. Someone with the history of feeling abandoned and unprioritized all of her life not even hesitating to encourage her partner to do what’s best for him and his career takes a tremendous amount of growth, love, and support. She wants what’s best for him and that has always been established since chromosomal DNA. Let’s not rewrite history over one lapse in judgement.
4.04 - She was assigned to write a ‘fun and poppy’ piece and with that she wanted to highlight Black Excellence so the first person that came to mind was Spencer. In this conversation, she’s visibly getting upset at hearing him start to doubt himself and immediately called out the fact that the Toledo coach was gaslighting him. Bonus points for saying that she thinks he’s perfect regardless, period. She felt this story was way more important than what she was assigned and chose to prioritize his (and Simone’s) story despite it possibly costing her the chance to get an internship she really wanted. Olivia understands Spencer in a way that no one else does and would never misconstrued what he’s saying for a story like all the reporters have done to him in the past. Journalism is just as important to her as football is to him. So YES, this was a ‘I’ll sacrifice something that could be best for my career path in order to highlight your story’ moment because it’s more important to her than her being fun and poppy like they asked. Again, just because YOU may not consider that a big deal doesn’t mean it wasn’t a huge gesture in honor of him on her end.
4.05 - I mean she’s giving this man a massage after his scrimmage game which gives them the chance to bond over their day and debrief. Which is something they both adore doing with each other. And I will bring up here that in this episode that is where he encouraged her to take on the responsibility of Jen as a sponsee (not to say it wasn’t ultimately her choice to do so but it’s not completely far fetched that the first time she has to enact her Sponsor duties post Jen’s initial relapse that she reaches out to the person who ultimately persuaded her to do it in the first place). Right after this, she was the ONLY person to recognize why Spencer was hesitant to accept the offer with the coach he had a connection to. She understands him and that means SO much more to him than big grand gestures and surprises. She’s the ultimate pusher that made him take the leap to choose his GAU scholarship. Despite it looking rough right now in the current episodes, having THAT much impact on the journey to someone’s success is a HUGE deal. And she was able to provide the clarity and reassurance he needed to make a decision that was best for him and his future.
4.06 - Kind’ve 4.11 but in reverse? In this scenario, SHE’S the one who has something important to do for her job. He expressed his annoyance and she immediately stopped all three times and prioritized being present for him regardless of her needing/wanting to get the assignment done before the night was over. She didn’t dismiss him, get upset at him, or react negatively at all. She simply stopped and gave him her attention because she didn’t want him to feel like she was prioritizing something ahead of him. Maybe this doesn’t count but the night ended with her giving him some so 😭🤷🏽‍♀️. Spencer had no complaints, that’s all imma say 😁
4.07 - Oh look, Olivia gave him a promposal right at the top of the episode establishing that women can make big gestures too. Energy.. effort.. stop playing with her? This is also the episode where he states that Jen is important to her after she explains how hard it is to be a sponsor. Let’s fast forward to the best part of the night where she tells him that she always knew she was going to love him from the first time they met and he was absolutely worth the wait. He even THANKED her for being patient with him.. she loved and showed up for him unwaveringly DESPITE having to watch him in a whole relationship with her best friend during some of the loneliness and darkest times of her life. If you haven’t caught on by now… someone understanding him, being patient with him, riding behind him no matter what, and showing dedication to making their relationship as healthy and stable as possible are all things extremely valuable to Spencer James. And guess who has been consistently doing this for him since the beginning of their relationship? Oh. Yeah.
4.08 - Very similar energy to 4.01. Who was right by his side the entire episode? Despite him literally trying to throw away his future for the SECOND TIME THIS SEASON ALONE. She was not having it because that’s not what she wants for him. She’s been at the forefront of people in his support system trying to help him get out of a situation that, quite frankly, HE put himself in. Now idk if she was the one who arranged all of their friends to come and strategize a plan for him or not but since she brought him there and told him what was happening I’m crediting that effort to her. Standing right along with him to fight for a future he just tried to throw away an episode ago.. Yes, operation Spartacus or w.e was JJs idea but she stood right by him to make sure she was right there if he needed back up. Then at the end she coordinated with Grace to help throw him a graduation beach party. Another grand gesture to ensure he felt loved and celebrated.
4.09 - She called his face pretty, confirmed that he was special, and moved his friends into her home after setting that crooked yt man straight on their behalf. Olivia loves HIM and will make sure his people are straight too.
4.10 - She recognized he was struggling to keep up with his schedule and as soon as she considered the fact that maybe she was the one straining him, she offered to step back a bit and let him prioritize having an actual snack break and bonding with his teammates over squeezing her in. He said NO. He wasn’t having that at all. At the end of the day he set the expectation that snack breaks are important not only to him but to the health of their relationship as a whole.
Trivializing the argument in 4.11 to JUST her being upset about him missing snack time just proves that you missed the whole damn point. They were both wrong and both took accountability for their actions. Saying that she hasn’t planned or done anything on her end of the relationship just because he apologized first and set up a candle lit dinner after he blew up and hung up on her before giving her the chance to apologize is just a clear indication that you’ve been foaming at the mouth waiting for her to be the one to mess up. That’s bias and unfair. If you don’t like Olivia or don’t like Olivia for him then just say that; don’t rewrite history and act like she hasn’t been an equal partner in this relationship just because his gestures have “seemed” more grandeur than hers. They’re different people. Olivia has the background of feeling forgotten and unheard so that makes Spencer want to be extra attentive to make sure she feels loved and reassured at all times. Spencer has the background of carrying the entire world on his shoulders and feeling like he wasn’t enough for his father to stay, making Olivia want to always show up for him and help carry some of the burden to let him know just how much she cherishes and adores who he is and what he stands for. They LOVE each other and are in it for the long haul. GET OVER IT.
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lucy90712 · 3 years
telling the viewers (hc)
He is very nervous about it and he's not sure if he even wants to tell viewers about you and not because he's ashamed or doesn't love you because he does but he just isn't sure how his fans will react and he doesn't want to subject you to unnecessary hate. Being one of the ones that fans make edits about all the time he just isn't sure about upsetting people by telling them he has a partner.
If he does decide to tell the viewers it would be nothing big he would just get you to 'accidentally' walk into one of his streams and he would say a few things but then leave it at that. The only reason he wants to tell the viewers is so that if you were to walk in the background or be heard it wouldn't be a worry to have to explain it and it can be on his own terms.
When the stream started he felt much better about the whole thing, having you there with him smiling helped with his nerves. From what he could see the chat were reacting well but you can never be sure but either way you were happy so he was happy.
If there was any hate he wouldn't really know what to do but he does say something on Twitter telling the viewers that he won't tolerate the hate on his partner and from then on there is definitely less hate. He will definitely block certain things on your phone so that you don't have to see the hate and if you do he will be there to make you feel better.
Since Clay doesn't show his face he wouldn't show yours but he would definitely get you to come in during a stream and talk with his viewers. Doesn't make a big deal out of it at all because he doesn't want people to see it as a big thing. The whole thing is helped by him having talked about previous girlfriends and even mentioning you but only as a friend.
His main resounding for wanting to tell his viewers about your relationship is so that in the future once he does face reveal you can go out together and it won't be a big thing if people see you holding hands or something. He also wants to be able to post the odd picture of you with patches because those are the cutest pictures and he wants to share them.
When the actual stream comes around he has you sat with him and introduces you to the stream before ignoring it as if nothing happened and playing bedwars with his friends and you just chiming in every now and then. He also let you play a few games with him helping you by having his hands over yours.
With Clay being who he is there is definitely seen hate and it is trending on twitter for a while but he won't hesitate one bit to talk about the hate as soon as he sees just one tweet because he just loves you too much to let people get away with talking about you like that. He also makes sure to keep you off twitter for a while until it passes so that you don't have to see the vile things people said about you.
Sapnap just wants to show you off because he thinks your gorgeous and the people need to appreciate you. Would obviously make sure you are ok with it before actually going through with it but once you're chill he would think about actually showing you off.
Decides to do it through Instagram because he knows that from there is will spread to every other platform but he has less followers on there. Plus a big bonus is that all he has to do is find a cute picture of the both of you which isn't hard because you always look good. In the end he posts a picture of the both of you with him stood behind kissing your cheek while your smiling, its his favourite picture that he has of you so why not share it. The caption is something really sweet as well because Sapnap can't joke about you.
As he predicted the picture was all over twitter within minutes of him posting it to Instagram and when he next streamed a lot of people asked about you so he got you to come in and talk to the chat for a little while and they all loved you, possibly more than sap. There is very little hate because Sapnap simply won't stand for it and makes it very clear even before he mentioned you that he doesn't want to see any hate on things he announces so there just wasn't any or at least nothing noticeable.
From then on he brings you into streams whenever you agree to be in them and posts the odd picture with you if he likes them enough. He loves having his viewers know about you because he can tell stories about things you've done without having to worry about exactly what he says and its a huge weight off his shoulder to not be hiding something.
Just so very chaotic, it would be planned but so unplanned like he knew he wanted to say something one stream after many rumours went around twitter but he had no idea how to do it. He had a lot of ideas but none of them were quite right so naturally he combined them all to make the weirdest fever dream type stream ever.
The stream pretty much sums up your relationship because between the two of you nothing is done normally and there is never a dull moment. There was a lot of yelling for no real reason but you got your point across eventually so who really cares. George, sapnap and Karl joined at one point just to see what the hell was going on and they definitely contributed to the craziness by talking over the both of you.
After the stream Alex was surprised to see just how many people didn't like you because you were being you, they thought you were putting on an act to be like him when you really just aren't he just found his perfect match. It bothered him so much that he put out an alt tweet with an old video of you both acting just like you did on stream just so he could prove them all wrong, he was so petty about it as well literally just captioning the tweet with 'I told you so' . With that it died down and people were embarrassed that they just got proven wrong by the person they look up to.
Karl loves you with all his heart so he would be excited when the time finally came to tell his viewers you two were together, they already know you because there is no way he wouldn't stream with you a friends although secretly he would hold your hand under the desk.
He was so excited to stream with you as partners that he was bouncing off the walls all day even though it was a simple alt stream he was still so excited. He didn't even really have anything planned and hones wasn't quite sure how he was going to say it but eventually he just kind of introduced you as his partner rather than by your name at the start of the stream.
The chat goes insane when he does that thinking it was by mistake but then the both of you just laugh, the rest of the stream is spent telling the chat about fun memories you have together and telling them the times you may have lied to them about in the past. It was a lot of fun especially when some friends joined and made fun of the both of you telling stories they remember which aren't as sweet as the ones you were telling. All of the viewers were so nice and there was really no hate which is probably helped by the fact that everyone was familiar with you so not much changed other than the label on yours and Karl's relationship.
It's an accident that it happens because otherwise he was never going to officially tell his viewers about your relationship because he likes to keep his private life private. You have been seen outside together before and pictures have been put on Twitter but nothing ever really came of those.
One day when he had just gone back to streaming at home and not an office he didn't tell you he was streaming so you walked in by accident. Straight away you realised what you did and were mortified but somehow Wilbur was calm and just took it in his stride getting you to come over and just clear things up. To start with you could tell he was stressed but just having you there made him much happier to the point that he didn't even mind that he was having to share part of his personal life because now he can share more things about you.
From that day on every now and then he would tell fun stories from your lives because a lot of weird things happen to the two of you. Plus then he doesn't have to worry so much about being seen out with you in public because that was always a huge worry that someone would catch you two kissing or something and it really spread through twitter not that he looks at twitter but it would reach his stream chat and he just didn't want that. Now he doesn't have to worry and honestly is quite happy that the people get to meet you because you are such a wonderful kind soul.
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lipstickstainedred · 3 years
Champagne 1 🥂 (dark!Steve X Reader)
So this is my first time writing in a super long time and I’m so excited for people to hopefully read it haha. This is going to be a series and it is a total slow burn. Lots of angst and there will be eventual smut. I’ll try to add warnings for each chapter just because as I write this story more warnings may need to be added.
I want to give a shout out to @darkficsyouneveraskedfor for being just an amazing human. Thanks for helping me work through some ideas for this series and helping me make necessary edits.
 This work also will eventually qualify for the @basementwiveswritingchallenge.
If you would like to be added to the taglist please just drop me an ask. :)
Word count: 1318
Warnings: angst, DUB-CON/NON-CON (eventual), smut (eventual) NSFW (eventual), violence (eventual), kidnapping (eventual)
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A few months ago you started a new job as an assistant rep for a marketing and advertising company. This was your first REAL job! Of course, you had had other jobs but nothing like this. Prior to this job you had worked as the occasional babysitter, worked at coffee shops, or grocery stores. Nothing of substance or promise, until now. You had almost cried when you had gotten the job, having little to no experience.
You didn’t grow up privileged but you were always taught that if you kept your head down and worked hard, you could create a better future for yourself. And that’s what you had done, despite being in and out of foster homes for the better part of 10 years, you kept your head down, got decent grades in school, did well at your previous jobs, and was even able to pay for some business and marketing classes down at the local community college.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Your blouse and skirt unrealistically tight against your slightly sweaty skin. The outfit fit you correctly but your nerves made it feel uncomfortably snug. This was the first time you’ve worn some of your new work clothes.
“I apologize for the wait, they are ready for you now.” The busty blonde assistant said approaching your boss and snapping you out of your thoughts.
Your boss, Phil,  glanced over at you and the couple other coworkers present for the pitch meeting. It was a huge deal for your company. Stark Industries was a multimillion conglomerate and if this ad proposal went well, all advertising and marketing jobs would be contracted through your company exclusively. It would be a big account and make your boss and your boss’s boss a pretty penny.
All of your team gathered the materials needed for the pitch. You followed closely behind Phil with your notebook and pen in hand. Since you were new, barely having your foot in the door of the marketing worlds, you were a glorified note taker at the moment.
“Right in here.” The assistant ushered your boss and you into the elegant conference room as the rest of your team followed. As you walked into the room, you stumbled nearly tripping over your heels. Stupid uncomfortable shoes.
You straightened back up and readjusted your skirt that had ridden up a tiny bit. Feeling eyes on you, you glanced around the room of lawyers, accountants, and assistants. Seated at the other end of the long conference table was none other than Tony Stark himself! You had no idea that your team's meeting was important enough for Mr. Stark to actually attend.
You still felt someone watching you, someone unseen. Your eyes fell on the man seated next to Stark; Captain America. Your breath caught as you realised he was staring directly at you. You catch the slight smirk on his lips. He must have been the only person to see you trip.
Everyone else was looking through paperwork and making casual introductions.
Your breath hitched as Steve Rogers’ eyes took you in,  traveling up and down your body, before meeting your gaze. You averted your eyes away from his turning toward your boss to help him set up the presentation.
As Phil and some coworkers pitched their plan, you took notes of any important details your boss would want to review over later. Occasionally, you felt someone’s eyes burning holes straight through you.
You tried to ignore it but against your better judgment you glanced up to find the same blue eyes looking you over. It was extremely unsettling and for the second time today you wished you were wearing something more comfortable, something less tight.
“I like you people!” Tony exclaimed, as the meeting drew to an end. Standing from his chair he continued, “The ideas you pitched are innovation and exciting, I like it. Just give us a few moments to discuss, and we’ll let you know our thoughts.”
Instead of asking your team to leave the room, Tony and Steve along with what you would guess to be a couple of lawyers and accountants just spoke in semi-hushed tones huddled on their side of the conference room. Your team gathered their things with their eyes elsewhere, as to give them privacy.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to take your eyes off the first avenger. His eyes flickered over to you as he spoke with Stark, diverting your gaze as your cheeks warmed.
As if on cue, Tony stole a glance your way, as if Steve had said something about you. Realizing staring at these two men was a bad idea, you joined in the conversation your boss and coworker were having beside you.
“Well, we are all set.” Tony stood up, clapping his hands together. “We are having our lawyers draw up all the contracts now. We at Stark Industries really value teamwork and accessibility. So I’ve made the executive decision to do things a little differently with this agreement. Normally I wouldn’t require this but we really need dedicated staff here on sight.”
“Requiring all of our team on sight? That would be a little difficult to swing with the higher ups, Mr Stark. Our team currently has 3 other contracts we manage.” Phil said, seeming a bit confused by Stark’s announcement.
“That’s exactly my point.” Stark explained. “I need a dedicated team focused solely on our needs. Your company has plenty of other people to manage those contracts. If you want to sign on with us, I need your full attention to be on Stark Industries.”
“Ok.” Phil sighed, “We should be able to have another sector absorb our current contracts.”
“Great!” Stark exclaimed, “So we will be expecting ALL of you to be signed on as consultants as part of the contract. That just means that your team will be exclusively working on Stark Industry projects from now on. You’ll each be getting a desk and/or office down in our marketing department.”
Your boss shook Tony’s hand as everyone in the room clapped that the deal went through. You joined in, a little shocked from Tony’s change in plan. Normally, as contractors you would work in your office building where all the employees worked.
Instead, your boss, you and your three other coworkers would drop all other projects to work with Stark Industries alone. You wondered if it had something to do with what Steve said to Tony, but quickly shook that thought way. They probably just want to make sure you were dedicated to their company.
It wasn’t until your boss called your name that you returned to reality. You hadn’t noticed that Tony had his assistant bring in a few bottles of champagne and some glasses.
“Y/N do you want a glass?” your boss asked.
“Um sure. Thanks.” You mumbled, taking the champagne flute from his hand.
“Cheers,” Captain America said, raising his glass as everyone followed suit. You lifted your glass as well, eyes trained on him as he continued his toast.  “To new relationships.” He added with a subtle smirk, his icy blue eyes gazing straight into yours. Your breath hitched in your throat, unsure of why his words made you so nervous. He averted his eyes and you felt like you could finally breathe again.
“Business relationships, That is.” He chuckled and so did the rest of the room. His laughter spread contagiously.
Bringing the bubbling liquid to your lips you took a small sip. It was absolutely delicious. Probably the most expensive drink you’d ever had. The rest of the room continued to celebrate and talk boisterously about ideas while you and all of your team signed the contracts required by Tony.
As you left Stark Tower, you couldn’t help but feel weird. Despite the success of the meeting, you couldn’t help but wonder why you felt so on edge?
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How would the companions react to synth Shaun accidentally calling them dad/mom? I never know what to say, but your posts make my day thanks for being awesome! 💕✌
(Thank you ❤️)
"Aye..Oh shite.."
•She wasn't stupid, she knew this day would come.
•She just didn't think Shaun would say it so nonchalantly, as though she was always his "mom".
•She can't help but stare, her mouth going dry and ground beginning to sway beneath her feet.
•She just hopes he doesn't notice.
"Que viens-tu de dire..*clears throat*."
•It caught her completely off gaurd.
•He slipped up and said while she was teaching him a little bit of French, so yeah, totally off gaurd.
•Either way, she got over her shock and wrapped an arm around his little shoulders.
•She could definitely get used to having him call her that.
"Hello shaun, um, you..do you feel up to joining me for some shooting practice? It's never too early to train, plus I think it would be best that we put your laser rifle modification to the test."
•Ya'll know the "O.O" face that Danse makes? Well he makes it then.
•Tries his level best to keep his composure but just ends up rambling.
•So very proud, but also terrified because now he feels like the official responsibility of the title is his- despite already carrying out his fatherly duties way beforehand.
•It was a very good thing that he was so well versed in putting up facades,
•Deacon's whole world livened with that accidental word but he knew that dropping to his knees and sobbing like a baby wasn't going to blow over well with the kid that was just trying to ask him if he's seen a hot plate nearby.
•Still, there's no denying that Deacon finally felt a sense of completion in his life...now he just couldn't wait to tell sole.
"..*chokes on nuka-cola* W-what's going on, kid?"
•When I say he nearly has a heart attack...
•Adjusting to the whole "your boss that is also your lover has a kid" thing was something for him to conquer, having Shaun just outright call him dad was a shock and a half.
•Regardless of how stunning it was, he won't deny that it made his rotten little heart skip a beat.
•He'd probably have to hear the boy say it a couple more times for it not to be so jarring, but hey, a family is just what Gage wants..even if he doesn't consciously realize it.
•For the first time in a very long while, Hancock is rendered completely speechless.
•Thankfully Shaun let that slip on his way out the door, otherwise the situation would've been hundreds times more awkward.
•Hancock would be so overcome with emotions, he may just end up crying tears of joy into sole's chest.
"Wha- Dad? Yeah, that's me.."
•He internally kicks himself for not handling this better. Duncan calls him that- so why did it feel so different from Shaun? Well, probably because he didn't expect it out of him...
•Nonetheless, he'll make as good of an effort as he can to be more smooth in the future. The last thing he wants to do is discourage the kid.
"Good morning, Shaun. Ready to- wait..what?"
•At first he has no idea what happened- already picking up Shaun's squire hat off his desk and placing it on the boy's head.
•When he finally registers what Shaun said, it's like he got splashed with cold water.
•He just kind of blinks..
•Despite not knowing how to respond, he puts the boy's hat on his head and gives him an almost scary grin (it's because he's freaking out.)
"Kiddo, make sure to grab your lunch from Ellie on your way out. Also...don't let Nat talk you into getting in trouble."
•He's pretty chill with it, just quirking a smile that he hides behind a newspaper.
•He didn't want to make a huge deal out of it, but it was definitely a step in the right direction and he couldn't have been happier.
•He's so totally telling sole  about this whenever they get back.
"H-heh, what's up shaun?"
•She is majorly taken aback.
•Yeah- she's sort of been like a mom to Nat for years but..that was different. Nat never once called her mom.
•She tries to hide her shock as best as she can but fails miserably, luckily Shaun kind of laughs about it and dismisses himself.
•She hopes that he doesn't stop nonetheless, it's just gonna take some getting used to.
"Hey bud, ready to go wash Dogmeat?"
•Preston doesn't skip a beat with it. He's been hoping that this would happen eventually, but he'd never be pushy.
•Even though he is chill, he's doing a little happy dance the second shaun goes to round up Dogmeat. He doesn't care who sees either, he's just happy that shaun sees him that way- even if it was just an accidental slip.
"....Shaun, I..I don't know what to say.."
•Considering they have history together, and mind you- X6 is close to him, there's a certain level of specialness to him saying this to X. However there is also some problems...
•On the outside, he'll just tense up and ignore it but in the inside he is having an internal breakdown. He loves shaun, but to be considered his dad- even if he's romantically involved with his parent- makes him feel strange.
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younghosfavewhore · 4 years
don’t rush
plot; you find out hendery’s a virgin, but he wants to change that. what kind of friend would you be not to take him up on the offer?
pairing; virgin!hendery x semi-experienced fem!reader
prompts; [s]13 “God, you feel amazing.” [s]31 “I want you so bad.” 
warnings; MATURE CONTENT, kinda fluffy, oral (m receiving), fingering, swearing, protected sex
wc; 2.5k
"you're a virgin?" you exclaim in shock. 
"yes, could you be any louder?" hendery replies. 
"sorry, its just... surprising to say the least." 
"how so?"
"you don’t look like a virgin."
"what does a virgin look like?" he chuckles
"i’m not even sure." you laugh. “not as good looking as you. with your looks, you’d think you would have some experience.”
“huh, is that a compliment?” he smiles.
“sure, yea. it’s not like it’s a bad thing to be a virgin i just never really took you for one.” you smile back. “i can’t believe i’m just now finding out; you never thought to tell me this before?”
“never came up.” 
you and hendery had been friends for about 4 years now. of course you had discussed sex before, but never too in-depth; only because there were other things to talk about. it just wasn’t important. but hendery, a virgin? this was probably the most shocking thing he’s ever told you.
“why are you so interested anyways?” he jokes.
“i’m not, it’s just you never thought to tell me!”
“it wasn’t important! and it still isn’t!” he smiles. “plus, if it were that easy, i wouldn’t be a virgin. it’s not like i’m choosing to not have sex.”
“so then what is it? is it something sappy like, ‘you’re waiting for the one’?” you tease him.
“yea, actually. well, something like that. i just want it to be meaningful, y’know? what if the girl only wants me for sex? or ends up telling people? i can’t just go around doing things like that, y/n. i have to be smart about this. it has to be someone i trust.”
you were struck into silence, hendery had rarely talk about his feelings to this extent.
“shit, i didn’t even think about it like that.” you reply. “that makes sense. don’t worry, a guy like you is bound to find the perfect person.”
“honestly... if it’s not too direct,” he starts. “i trust you.”
your eyes widen. “huh?”
“not like- i just mean-”
“you trust me... to have your virginity?” you question.
“yes? i mean, you’re practically the only girl i talk to. and you have experience, right? who else would be a better fit?”
“maybe a future girlfriend?” you joke, though you’re half serious. the pressure of doing something as significant as taking his virginity... was way too much to bear. “you shouldn’t feel obligated-”
“i don’t feel obligated, y/n. honestly, i’ve thought about this before, i hope that doesn’t seem weird, but i have. nothing would have to come of it. it can just be sex, but the difference is that i’m more... fond of you?”
“fond? hendery what are you saying?” you knew what he was trying to say, but you need the clarification.
“i like you? not in an ‘i want a relationship’ way. but, like i said, i just trust you, plus you mean a lot to me anyway. if you don’t want to do it, don’t feel pressured. at all. but, if you’d consider it, that wouldn’t be horrible...” his voice trails off.
“when would you want to do it?” you look at him.
“is that a yes?” he smiles.
“eh, i still have to think about it. you’re right, it wouldn’t be horrible,” you tease. “now answer the question: when?”
“today?” you reply to his question with a question. “exactly how much time have you spent thinking about this?”
“not enough to know what i’m doing, but enough to know that i want to do it.” he chuckles.
the setting became tense. you and hendery were at your house. alone. it was getting dark, meaning it was around 6. your parents weren’t in town, they normally weren’t, it wasn’t a huge deal. but the tension; you and hendery were always touchy and clingy, but now the finger that he’s tracing up your arm had a completely different aura.
“have you ever kissed someone?” you reply, it seemed like a dumb question but you needed to gauge his experience.
“yes, i’m not that much of a virgin.”
you can’t help but laugh at his newfound confidence. "are you good at it?"
"you tell me." without hesitation, he leans in towards you and kisses you.
you freeze for a second and he pulls away. the kiss was all too short, but he wasn't bad. at all.
"should i not have done that?" hendery asks as his eyes scan yours.
you don’t respond, instead, you press your lips back to his.
hendery brings his hand up to your chin, pulling you closer to him and deeper into the kiss. he’s wearing a hoodie and sweats, as usual, but now you could notice a bulge in his pants.
“are you hard?” you ask, breaking the kiss.
“shit, am i?” he smiles and looks down to his groin. “already?”
you smile back and the tension fills the room again.
“can i sit on your lap?” you ask and his eyes widen.
“but... i’m hard.”
“yea, that’s the point. i’ll grind on you, it’ll feel good.”
he nods and gestures for you to sit. you climb on top of him, straddling his lean frame. he hesitantly places his hands on your hips. you lean back in to kiss him and the sensation of his erection pressed against you causes a moan to slip out.
“sorry...” you mumble and see a smile on hendery’s face.
“don’t be.” he pulls you back into the kiss as his grip tightens on your hips.
you start to grind on him, very slightly at first, almost teasing him. he grunts into your mouth, a quiet form of encouragement and you grind a bit faster.
“does this feel alright?” you were experiencing your own bliss.
he nods, “take this slow, ok? don’t rush.” he smiles and presses kisses against your neck.
“ok,” you whisper and a cheesy grin plasters across your face. “just let me know if you want to stop.”
“i don’t think i’d ever want this to stop.” his hand latches onto your ass as he talks. “i’ve always wanted to do that.”
“i think you’ve thought about this more than you’re letting on.” you tease him.
“maybe...“ he smiles and presses his lips back against yours.
you grind a bit faster, admiring the way his hands grip your skin and his lips move with your own. his hands trail up your back, pressing you against his chest. he lies back and his bulge is a lot more prominent against you. you sit up, break the kiss, plant your hands against his chest and grind against him harder at this new angle.
he bites his lip before swearing, “fuck, y/n...” he braces his hands back on your hips, guiding them to hit where you and him both want. 
his eyes bore into yours and suddenly his innocent aura seemed long gone.
“can i take off my shirt?” you ask, wanting to assure that you weren’t moving too fast.
he nods and helps lift the seam of your shirt, sliding it over your head. hendery’s hands immediately move to your breasts, he nearly rips off your bra and the hunger in his eyes became evident.
“what happened to taking it slow?” you tease.
“fuck that,” he smiles and begins taking off his own shirt, “i just want you so bad, y/n. i don’t think i’ve ever wanted anyone this bad in my life.” he chuckles.
‘i’m glad we’re feeling the same way.” you smile and start to untie his sweatpants. “is this ok?”
“you don’t have to keep asking,” his hands begin toying with your nipples. “i trust you, remember?”
you smile before climbing off of him. he looks a bit confused until you say, “i want to suck you off.”
his eyes widen and he hesitates, you thought you may have made a wrong move. “really?”
“o-ok...” he replies.
“don’t be nervous,” your hands trail over his bulge. “i know what i’m doing.” you smile.
he nods and lets his head fall back on your bed. you slide off his sweats and see a small, damp spot on his boxers; precum. you place a peck on the spot, you weren’t even sure why. this moment was just so endearing, you couldn’t help yourself. he lets out a soft whimper. he was so sensitive. you softly rub the hard bulge, watching for his reaction. he groans and slightly jerks his hips forward.
you slide off his boxers and he was so much bigger than you expected. his cock was thick, so thick, and veiny. you trace your fingers along the blue and red streaks and he lets out more whimpers. you notice precum dripping from the thick tip of his cock and lap it up.
his hips buck up and his tip is shoved into your mouth. you hear his groans get muffled by his hands. you take as much of his cock as you can into your mouth, struggling to wrap your mouth around his girth and letting out small moans as you do so.
“y/n... s’good...” he murmurs.
you bring your hand up to his balls, they were plump and heavy; full of cum and begging to be emptied. you fondle them for a bit and his hips jerk again, shoving his cock further into your throat. you gag a bit, moaning at the stretch of your mouth. spit runs down his cock and he sits up, admiring the sight.
“so fuckin’ good.” his eyelids were heavy. his hands make their way to your cheek. slowly, he glides his cock in and out of your mouth, not quite fucking your face but just enjoying the sight of your plump lips wrapped around his cock.
he slides his cock out of your mouth and you both let out a moan at the absence.
“that was...” his voice trails off when you wrap your hand around his cock, tightly stroking it. “fuck, y/n. you’re amazing. but i need more.”
you smile, sitting up and releasing your grip.
 he sits up with you and starts to untie your shorts.
“what position do you want to do?” you ask, obviously catching him off guard.
“which do you prefer?” 
“this isn’t about me.” you remind him with a smile.
he slides your shorts off and latches onto your ass again. “you’re the experienced one here.” he smiles, placing kisses on your chest and breasts. “how about missionary? i want to see all of you while we fuck.”
his words send butterflies straight to your core. “hendery… so bold…” you joke as you lie down beneath him.
the angle allows him to see the wet spot on your underwear. he grazes a finger over it, sending a shiver down your spine. his hands make their way to your boobs, he hovers over you, kissing and licking at your neck and jawline. 
“hendery…” you moan.
he slips off your underwear, running a finger along your shiny, wet, folds. “should i finger you first,” he asks. “to stretch you out?”
you nod, bringing your hands to caress his tone abs. you moans as he slips a finger into you.
“shit, you’re… tight.” he whimpers, his fingers squirming inside you.
“faster…” you whimper, already craving more of him.
he pumps his finger faster in and out of you, the sound and sight of your soaking pussy turned him on so much.
“can i add another?”
you nod, you’ll need the stretch before he goes inside you anyways.
he slips another finger inside of you. he curves it and hits your spot perfectly. 
“fuck, hendery. you’re so good.” you whimper.
he lifts a hand to rub your clit and you arch your back in response. hendery seemed indulged in your pleasure, closely observing your reaction to his touch. you glance down at his cock, precum dripped down his shaft.
“condoms… in my dresser…” you whimper, subliminally pleading for him to finally fill you up.
he nods, slips out of you, walks to your dresser and grabs a condom. you admire his body as he walks back, ripping the package open. he slides the condom on, positioning himself in front of your spread legs. he flicks your clit before teasing your wet slit with the head of his cock.
“fuck… so warm.” he groans
he thrusts into you, his stature faltering. he lets out loud groans as he bottoms out inside you. his groans mingle with your moans and whimpers; the feeling of him stretching out your tight pussy was overwhelming.
“f-fuck, hendery.” your hands grasp at his biceps, needing something to grip onto. 
his hands grab your waist, clenching onto you for stability. “fuck...fuck. y/n, you’re so tight.” he pulls out, leaving just the tip in before slamming back in to you. for his first time, he was doing amazing. “god, you feel amazing… i don’t think i’ll last…” he grunts.
you pull his body down to yours, wrapping your arms and legs around his frame. he kisses you before starting to thrust in and out of you, slowly at first but building a steady rhythm. he groans into your mouth, the kiss was messy but his strokes weren’t.
“you’re doing s-so well.” you pant as he fucks into you.
he smiles, pressing wet kisses on your neck.
“d-don’t stop.” he was fucking you into oblivion, his pace was still slow and consistent but you needed more. “faster, please?” you whimper.
he sits back up, bringing your legs to his shoulders. he took in the sight of your face contorted in pleasure as he sped up his thrusts.
“like this?” he stammers and grunts as you tighten around him.
“yes,” you moan in response. “just like that.” your whimpers echo in the room; an epiphany of vulgar sounds mixing in the tense air.
“fuck, y/n… i’m so close…” he pants, speeding up his thrusts even more. his finger moves to your clit, rubbing it and sending you into orbit.
“i-i’m coming. please, just like that- don’t stop-” you ramble until you hit your high.
the room is now silent, your mouths agape, eyes burning into each other’s as you orgasm around his cock. simultaneously, his cock empties out into the condom. you both remain still, breathless as you come down from your high. hendery’s weight drops onto you and you wrap your arms around him, savoring the feeling of his thick cock twitching inside of you.
“fuck.” he growls quietly into your ear. “just... fuck.”
he slides off of you, his and your body too limp and fucked out to move.
“we really just did that,” you smile, turning to look at him.
“we did.” he smiles back. “and it was fucking amazing.” beads of sweat now covered his forehead and chest.
“you did really well.” you compliment him and kiss his cheek.
“thank you,” he smiles, pecking your lips. “maybe we should do this more often?”
“you wish,” you tease. “maybe it wouldn’t be horrible… but for now, we need to clean up.” you smile and gesture to the condom.
he slides it off, and tosses it in the trash.
“shower?” you say, offering him your hand.
he nods, takes your hand and you make your way to your bathroom.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: May 15th Part 1
It’s been longer than usual since our last answer session, so I’m answering a ton of questions today! It’s so big I split it into two parts. Thank you for the patience on getting a response to these.
Thanks for reaching out to us with your questions and kind words ^^!
Sorry if this has been asked before or isn't something you can say but is there anyway for Cove to confess in step 4? I wanted him to confess in step 3 and followed all the steps to make him do it but ended up texting my family instead of Cove at the end.
Yeah, Cove can confess in Step 4!
Hello! I heard that Cove is on the spectrum, albeit undiagnosed. As someone who is ND, this makes me UNBELIEVABLY happy. I literally was brought to tears! Thank you for that!
Out of curiosity, will Cove be diagnosed in Step 4? I have a strong feeling y’all won’t make it a HUGE deal/make it out to be negative, so I’m not worried about that whatsoever! I’m just curious just he’ll off handedly mention it? Or will it just not be touched upon at all (which is ok!)?
Either way is ok, I’m just curious!
I’m happy it made you happy! Admittedly, Cove simply being someone with autism that grew up not being diagnosed was something I included for myself. I didn’t really think anyone would notice or ask about it, aha. But players did start to have questions about his traits, so I started to talk about it outside of the game. It’s great to see it get such a positive response and now I do feel like having it be a non-topic may have been the wrong choice and bringing it up would’ve been good in terms of having positive representation for that. I don’t know if I’ll find a way to mention it in Step 4 now, with how far along the game is, but I am at least thinking about it when originally it wasn’t something I really even considered.
Hey!  Just wanted to say thank you for Our Life.  It's been a bright spot and a needed escape in what's otherwise been a crummy year.  I know you just did a Q&A post but I figured I'd ask anyway.  Was just curious about Step 4.  Will it be similar to the other Steps in that it consists of several different moments or will it just be one long sequence?
Step 4 is shorter than the prior Steps because it’s just an epilogue rather than a full arc of a story. It’ll consist of scenes that all happen in a set row one after the other. There won’t be a collection of Moments to choose from. But it’ll still be very sweet and fun.
¡hola!, you see, first I want to say that I love Our Life! (°◡°♡) and I have 2 important questions, would Cove cry watching titanic? and what is the saddest part according to him? (sorry for my english) 
Titanic would make him cry. He’d probably think the parts showing people who aren’t able to make it to the life boats/are choosing to stay and go down with the ship were the saddest.
Hello, I wanted to ask how much you earn with creating games? Like is it possible to make a living? Thank you >< <3 
How much I earn varies a lot month to month based on Steam sales, Patreon backers, and how many projects are in full production at the time. It’s also hard to say how much I make historically, since that also changes dramatically year by year. But I do earn enough to work on these games full time! I really appreciate all the support that allows me to do that.
Hey!! I was wondering for the 18+ Our Life moment, will there be an emphasis on safety/comfort for all involved? I feel like there  would be just going off of what the rest of the game is like, but I wanted to ask 
Yes! Cove is a nervous boy himself and also super cautious about doing anything the MC doesn’t like, so clear consent from both is absolutely needed for anything to happen. It’s a conversational sexy times Moment with stops/starts so the two can talk about how they’re feeling, rather than a heat of the moment just going for it kind of thing.
Hey!! I was wondering how long the wedding dlc would be? Will it be broken up into moments, or just one big event? 
It’s one long series of scenes all in a row rather than a collection of Moments to pick from. It’s the shortest and the least expensive of all the DLCs. It’s not super crucial to get and those who aren’t into big weddings can totally skip it without worry.
HELLO AMAZING DEVS 👋 i am hopelessly in love with the worst guy ever (jeremy king) and because of this i have a really stupid question: does he really hate people who are nice to him? TvT he’s too cute to be mean to istg it’s a miracle JB held the urge to be consistently nice to him bc just look at his FACE he is so cute! thank you for jeremy’s route it’s so lovely (and awful bc he’s scum 11/10) it gave me so much laughs LMAO i hope you guys have a good day!! 
Haha, thank you. He doesn’t hate them but he’s certainly not pleased with them. Jeremy is either uncomfortable with or annoyed by people being sweet on him, depending on how they approach it. He’s far more comfortable with jerkiness. It lets him relax and he can be himself without it being a problem, since he’s also a jerk. He feels a level of guilt being such a little punk to kind people, not enough to be a better person but still.
Has Cove dated or been interested in someone other than MC? 
Nope! He stays single over the course of the game if he’s not with the MC.
Is Step 4 more mature? Or it's gonna be set in similar atmosphere as Step 3? 
Step 4 is a similar atmosphere as Step 3. Though, it’s actually kind of less mature-topic heavy than Step 3 since it’s just a ‘hey, let’s check in on the gang to see what they’re up to’ style epilogue rather than a story arc with serious issues.
will there be new music for now and forever?? or will the old our life music be reused? 
It’s gonna be a brand new soundtrack. We’ll be opening up a job position for that soon.
Hi, is it okay if we use the assets in Our Life (like the sprites) for fanworks or fan content content, like edits? 
Sure! Just as long as you don’t use the assets made by those artists to make money.
Quick clarification on Step 3 choices: I hope I didn't come off rude (because I LOVE the game, really!!), I was just curious because the intro threw me off at times. For example, you could choose how you felt about Elizabeth in Step 2 (Dinner), but during the Step 3 intro, it says that you got closer to Liz and I didn't get a choice in it. 
For the example, it can’t be helped that you’re closer to Liz in Step 3 than you were in Step 2 because she’s inherently closer to the MC regardless of whether you liked her or not in Step 2. Her feelings are out of your control and the game isn’t so dramatic that you can push her affection away and not let her bond with you, haha. But ‘being closer’ can still be relative. For some people maybe that means you’re best buds now and for others it might just mean you’re not fighting all the time any more. If there’s other parts you want to mention, feel free to let us know.
Did the illustrator for Our Life change? 
We have many OL artists! The main artists who set the game’s style haven’t changed, but there’s multiple other artists who help finish assets.
So Miranda's type is confident and outgoing, huh? So...does that mean Terri's her type?? 👀 
Haha, sorry for the late reply on this. As you might’ve seen in our post yesterday- yeah that is her type.
Hey! First, I just want to say I've really enjoyed how detailed OL got with gender identity and sexuality and how respectful the topics were handled! It's been so wonderful to play since the experiences could be close to my own (I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up at parts). Second, I was wondering, would future games explore the topic of polyamory? I'd love to see more visual novels allow room for that and I saw you've explored the topic before.
Keep up the amazing work! ♡
Thank you! We do want to include polyamory in at least some of our future projects. Floret Bond, which might be what you’re referring to when mentioning how we’ve explored the topic before, is on hold unfortunately. So right now I’m not sure when something might release or what will be the first game of ours to come out with poly relationships (we might do something else before FB is done). We’ll have see how things ends up coming together.
Hey um. I feel like im not allowed to ask this on the private discord cuz people will yell at me but why is there so much focus on OL2 and not finishing OL1 stuff? I like the new people but i kind of want to finish cove's story and get derek and baxter stuff first. didn't people pay for it? 
I’m sorry, I don’t understand entirely what’s making that situation a concern. There’s a channel in the discord for critique where no one is allowed to comment back. People can voice things they’re worried about without any way for others to push back on it. And the two teams working on the OL games are different. We try to post pretty often about how we’re hiring brand new people to start on Our Life: Now & Forever. The OL1 team is all still working on OL1 like normal. There’s only more updates on the Patreon for OL2 because the expansions to the first game are mostly script-based at this point while OL2 is just starting to get all its art, which means there’s a lot more to show off as previews.
Also, there was a Kickstarter for the first Our Life, if that’s what you mean by people paying for it. But one of the stretch goals was to start Our Life 2 early, before fully completing Our Life 1, so that the new game could be out sooner. It wouldn’t make sense to stop doing OL2 work because that would be going against what backers were promised. Maybe you didn’t get the full story before and hopefully this clears it up!
Hello! I know it's up to every player but.. What is your recommendation for playing order? Did you ever had any timeline  events planned? 
I didn’t make the events with a planned timeline. The events got made simply as I had ideas for them and then I just kind of organized them from left to right on the screen in an order to space out more dramatic ones between more lighthearted ones. Any order the player wants to go with is totally valid!
Hi! It's Step 4 a paid dlc or update? And how long it's planned to be? Ps. Love the game! 
The Step 4 epilogue is free! The Cove Wedding DLC does cost money, though. Those are planned to be shorter than the usual Steps/DLCs.
Will we have options for what sort of job the MC might have by the time step 4 takes place? 
Yeah, you can. It’s not super exact or detailed, but there are options about it.
Is there a pandemic in Our Life world, or is it just in a better timeline with no pestilence? 
Our Life is pandemic-free! That didn’t exist when we began working on the project and it’s not something we’d like to feature in this story now that it has unfortunately come along, aha.
Hi, you said that you can play tic-tac-toe or hangman with Cove in Boating if you're sick/scared but I keep getting tic-tac-toe. Am I doing something wrong?
After being sick/scared you have to continue to be upset/unwell. If you calm down and decide to just chill you’ll end up playing tic-tac-toe.
Hi, GB Patch! Since Lee was initially commissioned to only appear in two Steps does this mean she won't appear in the Wedding DLC? I really like her character so it'll be a little weird to not have our cousin at our wedding, aha.
She is gonna be in Step 4/the wedding DLC after all! We’re still working with her creator to make sure it fits with what they wanted.
Is Sunset Bird based on a real place? Asking for a friend, not trying to move there or anything. 👀
It’s based on small beach towns in So-Cal, but not one specific town you could go see in real life, I’m afraid. It’d be nice if it was real, though.
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We released a new FAQ! It answers common questions and we’ll keep adding more to it. Please check there before sending an ask. FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
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slasherhaven · 4 years
Could I request a slasher fic on how they propose? I have been thinking about it but I think you could do it more justice!(also totally ignore if you dont want to)
The Slashers and Proposing:
Thomas Hewitt
Thomas wants marriage so much. The idea of having a ‘normal’ family is everything to him. Getting married, having children (biological or adopted), it just makes him feel all fuzzy on the inside.
So, after so long of dating, Thomas was starting to consider proposing to you. He would talk to Luda May about it first, asking for her opinion and advice, and she was very encouraging.
Just like most of the slashers, he would have to get a ring from a victim. Even if he could go into the nearest town, he wouldn’t have the money to buy a decent ring and you only deserve the best.
Luda May would be in a really good mood ever since Thomas brought up the idea of marriage. She’ll be giving you looks and smiles that make you think that something is going on that you don’t know about.
Thomas and you will take a walk one afternoon, something the two of you would do to get away from the family when you had some free time.
When you get away from the house, he’ll stop walking, expressing how much he loves you. Whether he signs it or gives you a note. Then he will get down on his knee and hold the ring out to you, just like Luda May had told him too.
When you agree to marry him, he’ll pull you into an embrace. He feels like he could cry when he buries his face in your hair. He just loves you so much and now he’s going to be your husbands. He’s going to be a husband!
As soon as you return to the house and Luda May notices the ring on your finger, she is congratulating you both. You were already family but now you would be officially. She’s already planning your future with Thomas but just let her, he’s just excited.
Michael Myers
Never though of marriage. Not once. Realistically, never will.
Now, he’ll do something eventually. It’s far from traditional but means a lot coming from him.
You will have had to have mentioned marriage at some point. Given him some reason to believe you wanted marriage. 
He doesn’t think about it again until he’s killing a victim and notices the ring on their finger.
He will either pocket the ring or steal one from elsewhere.
When he comes home, you’re asleep. He’ll slide the ring into your finger and go to bed like nothing happened.
You don’t notice the ring at first until you’re making breakfast, freezing when you see the ring on your finger...the only explanation was Michael. 
When he comes into the kitchen, you smile and walk up to him. You lean up to give him a gentle kiss and he allows it. But doesn’t really respond when you joke about how he should have asked but yes, of course, you’d marry him.
You’re his, he didn’t need you to answer the question to know that. But...it’s still nice to hear, he supposes.
Jason Voorhees
Jason wants everything to be perfect for you!
He has to get the ring from a victim and he gathers a small collection before he picks the one he wants to propose to you with. He just wanted to make sure he picked the best one, the one you would like the most.
He’ll even take you out on a cute little date. Probably a picnic in a pretty location in the forest.
He’s noticeably nervous the whole time, especially when it’s coming up to the big question. 
When you ask him if he’s alright, he will nod and try to collect himself.
His mother raised him to be a gentleman so he knows what to do, getting onto one knee and pulling the ring from his pocket. He hopes you get the idea because he can’t really sign anything when he’s presenting you with the ring.
But you do understand and you accept, pulling him into a hug, feeling him physically relax in your embrace.
Brahms Heelshire
Brahms had spent a lot of his life reading books from the house’s large library, which includes romances. So he’s thought about relationships, marriage, and all of that before.
But its wasn’t until you that he started putting himself in that position. He’s craved a relationship for a long time but he’s only started craving marriage recently, with you.
Can’t get a ring...but after you say yes he tell you that you can get yourself one with his family’s money...sorry.
You’ll have dinner as usual. Afterwards, Brahms will put on some music and ask you to dance, which isn’t unusual, you just think he’s in a good mood. You’re not wrong, but that’s not the full story.
The two of you dance and finally he asks you if you like to marry him. You make him smile more than ever when you say yes.
Bo Sinclair
It’s definitely going to take a while to get a marriage proposal from this man.
He just never thought about it, never considered it. He knows that he plans on having you by his side for the foreseeable future, so why does marriage feel like such a huge step for him?
But at some point he thinks about it and he finds himself smirking at the thought of introducing you to people as his wife/husband/spouse. That’s what encourages him to genuinely consider it.
He pockets an expensive looking ring from a victim, sitting on it for a while until he decides what he wants to do.
He’s not going to make a big deal out of it but he might actually put together a dinner just for the two of you. Nothing fancy but it’s nice.
Then he’ll propose and you’ll probably never expect it from him. But of course you say yes.
He noticeably extra gentle with you that night.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent loves the idea of marry you but is super nervous to propose. What if you say no?! He knows you love him, you’ve proven that to him time and time again, but he can’t help but doubt himself from time to time.
He’d try to make it as romantic as possible, already not liking that the ring he was going to give you was from a victim. It was a pretty ring and he would have bought you one if the brothers had the money for it, but they didn’t.
A romantic candle lit dinner! He’s pretty proud of himself for it. And it is perfect.
It’s after dinner, you walk up to him and wrap your arms around him, asking him what all of this was for.
That’s when he would reach into his pocket, fumbling for the ring before presenting it to you. Hanging his head slightly, shyly. He was adorable.
But of course you accepted and he couldn’t be happier, pulling you into a loving kiss before just embracing you.
Lester Sinclair
You’ll know he’s up to something pretty quick. He’s gotten all cleaned up and has put on a nice shirt, and when you joking ask him what the special occasion is, you quickly realise that he is hiding something. You just don’t know what.
He’ll...try to make you dinner. It’s not bad but usually you cook, or manage it together, but this time he insists on doing it all by himself.
Now you realise that Lester is trying to be romantic, something was coming. The idea of a proposal probably popped into your head at some point in the evening but you could never be sure with Lester, he could be a little unpredictable.
Dinner and wine, because that’s what he’s supposed to do, right?
He’s a real gentleman all night.
After dessert, Lester will give you a cute little speech about how much he loves you and how much you have impacted his life. When he’ll kneel down in front you, presenting you with a ring.
Even if you predicted it, act a little surprised for his sake. He’ll be smiling like an idiot as he pulls you into a kiss when you say nice.
Bubba Sawyer
The thought of marriage does make Bubba happy, it gets him smiling like only you can.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t have anyone to go to for advice. Well, he does but none of them give good advice. He’s better just figuring it out by himself. And he does eventually.
He isn’t sure when to propose because if he had it his way he would have done it already, but he knows that he can’t do it too soon. That being said, there is a chance he will propose pretty quick.
It’s simple. Once he’s found a ring that he likes and thinks will look pretty on you, he is ready.
It will probably just be in his bedroom when you both get some time alone. You’ll both be sitting on the bed, him babbling nervously, you’ll have to take his hands and calm him down.
Once he calms a little, he’ll reach into his pocket and pull out the ring, holding it out to you. As soon as you say yes, Bubba is smiling widely. Put the ring on and pull this boy into a hug, he’ll cling to you for the rest of the night. He’s so happy!
Billy Lenz
A proposal isn’t going to happen for a long time, simply because Billy has never considered marriage, never even thought about it.
He loves you, he wants to be with you, and he wants to be with you forever. Marriage has just literally never come to mind.
It doesn’t come to mind until the two of you were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, the couple getting married. Then he starts to think about it and he realises he would like that a lot, with you.
“Would you marry me?” he lifted his head, resting his chin on your chest as he looked up at you.
You thought it was a hypothetical question. “Sure, Billy. I’d like that a lot” you smile, running your fingers through his hair.
He giggled, leaning up to place kisses against your neck while murmuring “wife/husband/spouse”. 
What’s when you realised he was being serious, he had just asked you to marry him while laying on the couch in your pyjamas. It wasn’t the most romantic gesture but it was cute. And your answer stayed the same.
Asa Emory (The Collector)
Asa is the type of guy to take everything into consideration. How would a marriage effect your relationship, how would it fit into his life, and how would it fit in with his ‘hobbies’, those are the most important things he has to consider.
It wouldn’t effect your relationship much at all. You already live with him, you know about what he does at the hotel, he would just call you his spouse. And because you already know about what he does, it wouldn’t effect his work at all. He had no reason to not marry you...
All of that just for him to realise that he really does want to marry you, for more than just appearance reasons. Admittedly, a marriage would be good for keeping appearances in his ‘normal life’, but it’s more than that. He’s decided that he would like to marry you.
Asa probably gives you the most conventional proposal. Probably a nice dinner date, a walk to somewhere more private like a nice park. That’s where he’d propose, already knowing you’d say yes. He’s always in control like that.
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull)
The possessive side of him (and arguably his romantic side) is fond of marriage. You being his in the eyes of everyone, nobody would be able to argue the point. You would be his.
But he still has his reservations. He lives a complicated life. You knowing about that side of him, about the stuff he does, not having to hide anything from you, that’s what pushes him to propose. You are already with him despite all of that, so he didn’t see why that would change in the future.
This man is so damn rich, you’re getting a grand proposal with this man.
He’ll buy you a brand new outfit to wear for the night and when you get to the fancy restaurant, you realised that he had bought out the whole place for the night. Even replacing the usual staff with his own. And you knew something was up, that he had something planned.
And he’d propose with an incredibly expensive ring. He just likes to spoil you, getting you the best of the best.
He’s already confident that you’ll say yes but still smiles when you accept the ring with you own bright smile.
Otis Driftwood
In Otis’s opinion, the proposal should be private. Something that should be personal, just between the two of you, which is arguably romantic in it’s own way.
Will most likely take place in his bedroom, since nobody but the two of you go into there, so it’s private.
He won’t say the words “Will you marry me?” It’s probably going to be more along the lines of “so you wanna be mine for good?”
And he will definitely get you a ring. It’s going to be stolen from a victim but it will be nice. He isn’t going to settle for just any ring he comes across first, he will wait for the perfect ring. If he sees somebody with a real nice ring, he’ll purposely target them for it.
Okay so erm…if you’re alright with gore and stuff, if you partake in his ‘hobbies’, and you have a good sense of humour…he may just present that ring to you while it is still on the victim’s cut off finger. He’ll make an educated guess on whether that would be something you found funny or grossed you out.
Baby Firefly
Probably never thought of getting married before you came along. She never thought about spending the rest of her life with someone, the idea of marriage seemed boring to her. 
The usual idea of marriage is settling down with someone, having kids, blah blah blah. She just wants to do fucked up shit!
But then she realised that she wants to spend the rest of her life fucking shit up with you! So that’s what your marriage would be like and that’s what she wants!
She wants to get the perfect ring for you because you deserve it! And she’ll get one for herself. Ideally, she would find matching ones or ones that are very similar.
Like Otis, she will target a victim simply because she’s decided that they are wearing the ring that she wants to propose with.
She’d asked “You wanna marry me?” with a bright smile on her face, already confident that you’re going to say yes.
Yautja (Predator)
The Yautja and humans have very different cultures and traditions. While they don’t have, what we call, marriage and aren’t usually monogamous or the sort to settle down, it’s not impossible.
You’ve talked about marriage traditions with him before, just when you were discussing the differences between both of your cultures.
They don’t get their mates rings, that’s a difference. But humans do, so he will. He wants to try to combine cultures and traditions.
Well, he’s not walking into the nearest jeweller and buying you a ring. Your ring is going to be made of some alien metal that you’ve never heard off, but it’s going to be super strong and super pretty.
He’ll get down on one knee and present you with the ring, just like he had seen in movies you had shown him. 
But a ring isn’t the only thing he presents you with. He will also present you with a large skull of an alien you don’t recognise. The skull is meant to prove his capabilities to be a provider and a protector, that’s their tradition. The skull might have been alarming if similar gifts hadn’t been presented to you when he was trying to court you, but this is certainly the largest gift.
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