#and it’s not a tactical skill or anything this is just a hobby
scorpia-is-babey · 2 years
Scorpia (plus all Hordies) being obsessed with the twelve Etherian moons post-war
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pocket-stars · 3 months
Kaiyan love stealing things. Why? Enrichment?
they are a little bit of a kleptomaniac, but it’s way more than that!
in my splooniverse, the area surrounding splatsville was once part of Ishuba, the octarian country. it was one of the last places to be overtaken by the inklings, mostly due to the undesirable climate, and modern splatsville still has a lot of Ishuben descendants. there is still an abandoned city in the mountains that was never redeveloped due to how remote it is, and for decades it was never touched…
remember when nintendo gave us this and didn’t do anything with it?
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well i’m not nintendo! Kaiyan, aka neo agent 3, is one of many bandits that steals from the abandoned city. it still connects to splatsville by that train, from way back when it still belonged to Ishuba. the city is pretty dilapidated, so it takes skill, courage, and maybe stupidity to roam around certain areas. Kai has all 3 of these things.
it started out as something they did for money when they and their sister were struggling- hop on the train, explore for a while, find some expensive jewelry or valuable art pieces, go home, repeat. over time, it became more of a hobby, and something they did for their community. they would bring important spiritual / cultural items back to give to Ishuben families- descendants or those who escaped from the domes. they weren’t just in it for the money, though they still sold a lot of what they stole, and didn’t put high prices on any of it.
at the time that they started, the community there was pretty laid back, as the city was massive and hadn’t been disturbed. but over time, as the untouched areas of the city shrank, people got more territorial. people marked different buildings with ink symbols, and if they caught someone trespassing, they’d splat them. many of the bandits- including kai- had motorcycles for traversing the city, transporting their loot, and chasing eachother around. kaiyan even does illegal street racing with a few other bandit gangs to see which one of them would win in a chase- this is an intimidation tactic by the winner, and usually keeps them out of trouble for a while
deep cut is there too! remember in alterna they were bandits and nintendo never really did anything with that? they steal from this city too to make money for their community. they don’t really like kai because kai intentionally doesn’t make a lot of money off of things they could be making more money off of.
kaiyan also found lil buddy’s egg here…
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liamthemailman · 11 months
Shadow "Jack" 5-9
Call of Duty OC Info Sheet
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• General Info •
Rank: N/A (Formerly Corporal)
Alias: Shadow 5-9 (Formerly known as Jack)
Age: 22 years old (as of 2023)
Gender: Masc
Birthday: 25 October
Language spoken: English
Sexuality: Pansexual
• Appearance •
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Height: 5'2 feet / 158 cm
Blood type: AB Pos
Eye color: Honey Brown
Hair color: Dark brown
• Personality •
Extrovert - 5-9 is very easy to approach. Be it requesting help or just to strike up a conversation, he's all ears. There isn't a tume where he feels lonely, even when he's alone.
Cocky - 5-9 thinks he's hot shit, his confidence and impulsiveness leads to a lack of self preservation and lands him in trouble. He always makes it out one way or another and surviving another near death experience only blows more air his head.
Rebellious - Ironically for a soldier, 5-9 hates rules and following orders. Ones that doesn't make sense anyway. It's not that 5-9 is outwardly wanting to defy orders, he just sees that an easy way out is the most effective. following protocol and precautions only complicates things.
Tit for a tat - As a wild card, 5-9 is always ride or die. He will go any lengths for allies, more often than not compromising his own safety and life. This service however, is only if said ally has done 5-9 a favour before.
• Bad Habits •
Loudmouth - 5-9 is boisterous, not much goes through his head before he lets it slip out. He catches the people around him off-guard by saying the most out of pocket nonsense, and it usually lands him in trouble
What are plans - 5-9 always keeps himself on his toes and its useful especially in the field, though in the heat of the moment he resorts to unconventional tactics. when asked about it later, he'll only shrug, saying it made sense to do so in the moment.
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Sugarcoats - 5-9 is hyperaware of the emotions of others around him and hates seeing people upset. He always does his best to soften the blow when it comes to bad news.
• Skill set •
Weapon - Close and long range guns
Combat Style - 5-9 prefers close range guns. Not too bad with close combat, 5-9 moves fast and his movements are unpredictable as he doesn't have a pattern to his attacks
Special Skill
Cowboy - 5-9 has a rope on him for one reason or another. 5-9 claims its main use is to tie down equipment, but it's not unusual to see him take out someone with a Punjab Lasso, that theatrical nerd.
Classic arsonist - 5-9 is not above committing war crimes and has on more than one occasion resorted to torching someone. He doesn't set things on fire with abandon though! 5-9 knows not to play with fire.
• Trivia •
A memorabilia brough from his former army days before Shadow Company, with all the old patches and whatnot taken off. The Shadow Company logo is sewn to the left arm, and 5-9 keeps a red diamond pin over the right breast pocket.
Touch Starved
5-9 is an extremely touchy person. His love language is physical affection and he loves giving and receiving all sorts of it, from hugs, pats and holding hands and even sharing kisses.
In each pocket, 5-9 either has a lighter or a matchbox, even in civvie wear. 5-9 has never gone long without anything that can start a fire within reach. Just in case, yknow?
Sweet tooth
5-9 loves sweets. It keeps his mouth busy and it helps because he has an oral fixation. He can only last for so long chewing on his own cheek so in addition to lighters and matches, 5-9 has candy on him. Sharp teeth! Chomps through lollipops with ease.
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Drink: Espresso
Food: Strawberry shortcake
Animal: Dogs
Hobby: Visiting cafes, going to candle stores
Song: Sweet Talk - Saint Motel
Colour: Orange
Flower: Baby's breath
• Puppy Love •
Shadow 5-9, like many other fellow Shadows, adore Graves. 5-9 wouldn't put him on a pedestal to worship his feet but would rather follow his boss around like a lost puppy.
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5-9 doesn't like to admit that he's completely enamoured by Graves and insists that he does it so that 'someone would be there if Graves needs anything at all'.
Shadow 5-9 is dead loyal to Graves for a multitude of reasons. One being that Graves welcomed him with open arms into his company despite being seen as 'troublesome' and a 'hazard to others'. As a result of being given a second chance, 5-9 swore undying loyalty to Graves.
• Background •
Shadow - Before his former team unceremoniously broken up, 5-9 was recommended to join Shadow Company, a private militia. 5-9 was skeptical, but at the time his team was seeing the last of its days so he took it up.
Former team - 5-9 didn't really like his former team from his army days but showed face because they were a form of familliarity on foreign land, people he could relate to the most. Though he can't deny that he misses them sometimes. He keeps the poloroid from his first day in a box under his bed.
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Family - 5-9 regularly maintains contact with his family back home! He loves his mom and pop dearly and his siblings all the more. He takes his breaks by flying back to meet with family and catch up with friends.
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oh-shtars · 6 months
You said you loved to get asks about your AU
Weeeeell I wanted to know, what are your plans for Amaya? What’s her deal? Her backstory? Her personality? Tell us about the queen 👀
I’ll be honest here Anny, I have NOT done her redesign yet and she’s a character I’m so frustrated with right now because I keep getting stuck on creating her- jdksjdjsks
But I have worked out her backstory! It’s just her role in the actual RFTS!storyline that’s bothering me 😭😭
Character Plans:
See, just as I’ve made Magnifico a parallel of Star, I’ve made Amaya a parallel to Asha. Whereas RFTS!Asha keeps her dreams and desires to herself because she’s insecure and afraid to take charge, Amaya is also just as highly ambitious but headstrong and ruthless.
I have Asha to represent how “To achieve great things and for people to believe in your lead, you need to be the person to believe in your capabilities first. To be brave enough to take a leap of faith.” Amaya is the opposite. She has her dreams and desires, but she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get her way. Even if she needs to crack a few eggs to get it. I wanted her to represent how “Pursuing your dreams is great, but at the expense of other people and dragging them down to get there, is a very shtty thing to do.”
Amaya has a passion for discovering and desires to learn everything there is to the world of magic around her. I did say she was just an eviler version of Zarina, didn’t I?
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The thing is though, she is willing to sacrifice certain animals and “poor unfortunate souls” as fuel for her experiments. So umm, yeah. I wonder what happens to the people kept in the castle’s dungeon-
She believes the reason that most of the magic in the world is unknown and undiscovered is because people are holding themselves back because of “sympathy and feelings.” Amaya didn’t like that one bit, so her main hobby and goal is to keep digging out for more. Always hungry for more.
Bonus Facts:
- Unlike Magnifico, whose trauma has prevented him from effectively learning magic, Amaya is actually competent with magic usage without the use of any certain artefact. No staff or anything.
- She’s skilled at disguises and making up fake stories or lies on the spot that are easy to believe. (As a reference to previous Disney villains who used this tactic)
- Similar to Asha who has a sketchbook around with her, Amaya keeps a notebook that she keeps her notes in. (I guess this can be the substitute for the ‘forbidden book’ in the canon movie. lol)
- Amaya has a pet sphinx cat whom I decided to call ‘Espino’. It means ‘thorn’ in Spanish.
- While everyone else is just a tool for her to use, she does feel genuine love and concern for her husband when he does spiral into a PTSD episode. She’s had no one else in her life for a while now and Mag was the only one who ever understood her, so she’s willing to aid him whenever she can.
- She likes horse-back riding in the woods and does so often to relax or collect ingredients for her experiments
- She hates the idea of anyone or anything holding her back from what she believes is her true potential.
- Amaya holds the calculative and strategic skills in her ‘brains and the brawn’ duo with Mag. Mag is more on delivery and force if necessary. She’s calmer and aids Mag whenever he’s stressed or having temper issues.
- She’s also quite a fan of novels and poetry and likes the sound of poetic and fitting endings. It’s the reason why she’s being so nice towards Asha because she sees her as a fun toy to play around with. Especially when it comes to considering the king and queen’s strong opinion about Tomás.
(Tomás used to be hers and Mag’s assistant before he was tragically killed died after strongly holding beliefs that oppose their rule. It’s quite an entertaining irony if they were to have Tomás’ own daughter follow in his footsteps. One that he obviously would’ve hated to see if he was still alive.
Magnifico disliked the idea of having an inquisitive annoying girl around his work. Like I said in my previous drawing, he finds Asha ‘unbearable.’ But oh well, anything for the wifey. Happy wife. Happy life.)
Amaya grew up a little typical girl in Rosas with big dreams of mastering and getting to know everything regarding alchemy and magic. It’s a whole world that’s surrounded by it and who knows how much is left undiscovered?
The unfortunate thing is that her family was against this passion of hers since, well, not everyone thinks magic is a necessary skill worth your time when you can do it by yourself the traditional way. While her parents didn’t mind how King Oliver and previous other rulers have always provided an easier living for their people with magic, they want to keep the family tradition of achieving things by themselves magic-free. It’s how their ancestors established their livelihood as farmers after all.
Rosas had the best reputation of being the most inclusive and welcoming kingdom, so people holding these magic-free beliefs still have their boundaries respected and allowed to refuse magical help if they wish.
But Amaya? Amaya didn’t want to follow her parents’ footsteps. She wants to pursue her own dream.
Mag and Amaya’s love story is basically Royalty x Commoner.
They met when Mag was 15 and she was 14 and were best friends ever since. Back then in the past, when there wasn’t as much worries and things were a little more simpler. But Amaya’s parents progressively start discouraging her to interact with Mag as they believe his role as prince and the future sorcerer king of Rosas is influencing their daughter to take up magic too.
Until one day, Magnifico never heard from her again. And then years later as young adults, they found each other again in the woods, where Amaya had fled away from her home to secretly study magic on her own there. They bonded over feeling so pressured to give up on their initial desires just because their parents and life decided to be unjust and cruel to them.
“Like, don’t you ever just wish you could hold the world and shake it soo hard because you’re so mad? OMGG BESTIE, SAAME.”
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👆That was the look Amaya gave him when Magnifico asked if she ever felt “helpless and trapped,” like he did. It was at that moment that Magnifico fell down a flight of stairs and head over heels for this woman.
Sooo, childhood friends, to losing each other for a bit, to finding each other again, and then to romance.
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(Wait- wdym they’re like Simba and Nala too? Pfft-)
The thing is though, Amaya is a wanted outlaw. (Or criminal? Idk the right word. Do they mean the same thing?).
Her identity is not exactly known. The guards are aware that there’s someone stealing ingredients and breaking Rosas’ rules and safety regulations about studying magic. The kingdom bans the production or study of any magic that could actively harm or terribly curse animals and humans. Remember when I said Amaya couldn’t give a single flying sht about that? She just managed to keep her real name clean because of her skills in disguises.
Amaya’s state and Magnifico potentially withholding information lead to another father-and-son argument with King Oliver again.
But just to sum it up before this gets too long, Magnifico ended up taking his role as the next king with Amaya by his side. Upon obtaining his magic staff and finding the ability to collect wishes, he banned the usage of magic with the exception of him and his wife ofc. Under the excuse it’s for Rosas’ greater good and safety. In the castle, Amaya is finally given the freedom to explore the unknown. Something about “I’ll give the whole kingdom to you if you asked for it” and “I promise we’ll both get that world we both deserved.”
Which would be a sweet kind of thing if it were another couple in another innocent context…. :)
Idk, Anny. Might change things up a bit but let me know what you think. Thanks so much for the asks btw!! 💖
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demonadelem · 3 months
New chapter of my plotty established relationship fic, new chapter goes over Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 as promised
“You pointed out I get mean when I get nervous and it leads to scaring others away,” Miles said.
(Oh yeah. I did say that… during foreplay of all things.)
“I have to admit, I realize you were right. In uncomfortable social situations I’ve been known not to hold my tongue before I make unwarranted comments. I’ve been careless with my words, this leads others to become aggressive or agitated with me.” “It’s no big deal, I accept that it is a part of you... Although you should be nicer to Gumshoe. He’s done alot for us, you gotta be less of a prick to him.” Miles glared at him. “That isn’t the point, upon careful reflection it has hindered my investigations on multiple occasions. Which brings me to my next point, I have developed a strategy to improve my social skills.” Phoenix slowly nodded. (I think he’s just learning how to mask better, I wonder if he’s gotten diagnosed with anything yet.) “I call it... Logic Chess!” he tapped his temple as if he said something profound. "e-excuse me?” Phoenix stuttered. “As you know, chess is one of my hobbies. There are many tactics available on the chessboard as there is in communication. Using the image of a chess game, I can stay one step ahead of a conversation!” “Is that really how chess works?” Phoenix found it strange he needed an entire mind palace in order to not insult people. He didn’t pause to consider what Phoenix had said, “With this new strategy I will be able to greatly improve my interrogation techniques-” Phoenix supposes he can’t judge if it works. Miles rarely got this excited over anything that wasn’t to do with Steel Samurai. He did promise himself to give Miles room to grow, so really he had no choice but to encourage this. Besides, he often isn’t aware of how he comes across. “-Then I will throw my chess pieces at their chess pieces and OBLITERATE THEIR TESTIMONY.” “What.”
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krowjones · 2 months
✈️ AIRPLANE for eldest, 🩶 GRAY HEART for younger, and✍️ WRITING HAND for both if you want, if you havent gotten those yet ^^ i'm very curious about those questions for the krows
✈️ AIRPLANE — have you traveled anywhere that helped you discover something about yourself and/or about the world?
Old Krow smiled. "Ah, travel questions? This one's easy." He leaned back in his seat. "I've been a few places, but Yukito — my husband, for those of you who don't know — and I have traveled to and from Japan a couple of times. He was originally from Tokyo's Hidden City, so he wanted to show me the place he grew up. We visited both up top and down below. So I'll share three things I've learned."
The older man held up his index finger. "1. Chopsticks are impossible." He shrugged. "I just accepted I'll never be good at using them. Yukito thinks it's funny that I'm always dropping food on me whenever I try, or that I'll skewer it when I get fed up, which apparently you're not supposed to do." He grumbled and crossed his arms. "Sometimes I could hear others around me muttering, 'Ganbatte, gaijin, ganbatte kudasai.'" *
Krow held up two fingers, smiling as he moved on. "2. Japan and Tokyo's Hidden City are beautiful. The atmosphere is not like NYC. It feels like most people try to do their part for the community. The culture there is nice. If we hadn't already decided that here was our home, we'd probably live there." He chuckled, resting his chin on his hand. "Traveling is exciting, of course. Going to see new places and things, having a fun time… that wasn't my life growing up. I'm free to do that now. But I think I'm always going to be called back to a rougher, dirtier, crime-infested city. Guess it feels more like home to me. New York, what a town, am I right?"
He held up three fingers. "3. The last thing I've learned is that handsome hare has a vice grip on my heart," he sighed with dreamy hearts in his eyes. "The first time we visited was before we were married. Let me tell you, it was pretty hard to not propose to Yukito while we were sitting under the moonlight sakura, which grow underground and glow pink and white. I didn't have anything prepared at the time, but if I had, I might have gone for it." He rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed. "I don't think he would have minded either way, but I later learned that hanami,** both above and below ground, is associated with hanging out with friends, family, or coworkers, as well as quiet reflection, more than it is romance. Guess it's good that I wasn't prepared."
Krow smiled shyly at the camera. "But I really wouldn't mind going back again. I had fun."
* Translation: "Do your best, foreigner, do your best."
** Cherry blossom viewing
🩶 GRAY HEART — what kind of friend do your friends consider you to be (mom friend, uncle friend, funny friend, etc) and why? what do you think this says about your personality?
Young Krow grinned. "I'm kind of the big brother friend. I'm like that with younger friends, at least." He paused for a moment, idly playing with the white ends of his hair. "I've never had siblings, so I don't know what that says about me. Maybe that I'm protective and serious?" He shrugged. "I just want everyone to be safe. Guess I'm sort of like King in that way. I've found I have a lot in common with him that I didn't think I did."
"I don't mind being a big brother." He leaned in close to the camera and lowered his voice. "I've kind of always wanted to be." He jabbed a half-joking, threatening finger at the camera. "Don't tell the rest of the family though, okay? I'll never hear the end of it."
✍️ WRITING HAND — what is one thing you wish you were better at? this can be a tactical skill, social skill, hobby, etc
Both Krows answered at the same time over each other. "Covering up emotions," the younger said. "Having a better poker face," the older replied. They both turned to each other in surprise then laughed.
"You too?" Teen Krow asked.
"Well, we are the same person," Old Krow said.
The younger one nodded, looked to the camera, and explained with a wave of his hand. "We've— we've never been the best at hiding our emotions. Everyone calls us an open book, or wearing our heart on our sleeve. It causes us a lot of trouble."
"That's why we mask up when we fight," Old Krow said, grabbing his hockey mask on a nearby table and lowering it over his face. Teen Krow copied the older one and put on his own mask.
The glowing green eyes Old Krow's mask pierced the viewer. "Now you can't really see what we're thinking or feeling. At night, this look can be scary. Pretty sure I've made other grown men piss their pants," he joked.
"That's not that impressive. So have I," Teen Krow grumbled.
Old Krow chuckled and patted his younger counterpart's shoulder. "Of course, you're pretty scary too."
The hockey masks hid a lot of things. But even it couldn't hide the teen's beaming smile and shining eyes underneath.
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therealgchu · 8 months
OC Intro
thanks, @silurisanguine. c'mon coemancers, let me see your intros.
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Fandom: starfield
Role: spacefarer
Full Name: at the beginning of the fic, Myeong-Hwa Kim. her real name is Hwa-Young Kim.
Nickname(s): Hwa
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: mostly straight?
Occupation and Titles:  top cyber-runner for seokguh syndicate, miner, constellation member
Birthday & Age:  27. she doesn't know when she was born, just the general year.
Physical description: 4'10" and slender, but unusually strong. grew up on neon, and has unusually dense bones and muscles even beyond someone growing up on a high G world.
Clothing style: whatever's practical. she prefers tank tops and baggy pants. boots. whatever gives her the most freedom of movement.
she grew up in ebbside on neon. she had a brother, two years her senior, and her mother. her mother was an aurora junkie, and sold the kids to the seokguh syndicate when hwa was 7. they never saw their mother again. her older brother died in a gang turf war when she was 10. she took his place as a lookout. she killed her first person when she was 10 while being a lookout by nearly slicing a guard's head off. she had always been good at lock picking and hacking, and the syndicate moved her into special operations when she was 12. she was trained in cyber-running, paramilitary combat, and special unit tactics. she was about to be promoted to an underboss when she snuck out of the syndicate at 27, which is where our story begins.
Preferred fighting style: she's a sniper, and martial artist, having been trained in both since she was 12.
Favorite weapon(s): her hard target sniper rifle
Special skills: she can hack into anything.
Family: none
Love interest: sam coe
Best friends: she doesn't have any "friends". she thinks barrett is funny, and doesn't mind him around because he does most of the talking so she doesn't have to.
Positive traits: exceptionally intelligent. survivor. objective to a fault
Negative traits: objective to a fault. her morality is rather shaky because of this. she doesn't understand most people.
Likes: sam. any ocean shore that's not stormy. reading. cora.
Dislikes: the syndicate, neon, ryujin, corporations, spiders (fuck those goddamned 7-legged octopus things).
Fears: the syndicate finding her. spiders. fuck spiders.
Guilty Pleasure: she's hoping she can have some in the future
Hobbies: reading. otherwise, she's never had the time or opportunity to develop any other hobbies.
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deathblossomed · 16 days
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@thuganomxcs : 🔮💋🫂✍️💀💞 Interview Questions
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🔮 CRYSTAL  BALL  — what is a core memory from your childhood that you think defines you today?
"I grew up in a small village, further north than the capital city. It's really quiet out there. But one year, when I was still young, my father took me to the Capital for the weekend. I remember wondering how so many spirits managed to all live in one place. It was so much bigger than my home and the people there, if they worked at the Gate of Judgement, got to travel to the other realms and see all sorts of things. It all seemed so fun to me, the idea of meeting different kinds of people and traveling all around. When we got back home I realized how quiet our town was and how much more there was to the worlds. I think that's when I decided I wanted to be a ferry girl some day, so I could travel all over and see the other side of the River."
💋 KISS  MARK  —  if you had to share a romantic kiss with a loved one, where would you share that kiss and why? are you thinking about giving this romantic kiss somewhere other than the other person's lips?
"Well-- I mean, something like that, I think it's nice to do it somewhere special or personal. Or somewhere alone, where you can share the moment without anyone else around. I wouldn't want to be worrying about other people or whatever else is going on around us, you know? But-- Ah, as far as kissing other places... I don't think I've ever really thought about it but-- I think it's sweet when someone kisses your head or something. Like, if you're sitting together and they kiss you somewhere in reach, like reminding you that they're close and they love you. I know it's not intimate or anything, but I like small gestures like that..."
🫂 PEOPLE  HUGGING  —  generally speaking, do you feel very supported by the people in your life? how strong and cohesive is your support system, if you have one? do you often feel like you're at the front of the line or pushed to the side by the people in your life?
"I have a lot of good people in my life. I've never been very popular and before I met Yusuke and everyone, I only really had a few friends at a time. And I got along with them and we were friends but, ah, I think it was different. But now, I really care about the people I've met. Who would have thought I'd make friends with demons and humans one day! I trust them, they're a strange group but I like that. I think it's made me a stronger person. They're a lot of trouble sometimes, but I'm glad to have them in my life."
✍️ WRITING  HAND  —  what is one thing you wish you were better at? this can be a tactical skill, social skill, hobby, etc.
"I wish that I were a little stronger. I mean, I've been working harder at it. After everything that's happened, I don't want to have to be saved all the time. I'm hoping that we've seen the last world ending disaster, at least for a few decades, but the next time I want to be able to help everyone. Even if it's just getting better at healing, anything to help protect the people I care about."
💀 SKULL  —  how has  Genkai  's death (the final one) influenced your outlook on life, if anything?
"I've never really lost anyone before... Well, everyone I knew before meeting Yusuke was a spirit and we all live for a very long time. But humans are different, they have very short lives. But they try to do as much as they can with what little time they have. I think that's noble. When Genkai died the first time, I was really upset. I've been sad about death because I know what waits on the other side and I know that it happens to everyone. But knowing that she died alone and in pain... it still upsets me to think about. But the second time, I think she was ready. It was peaceful and she knew that she was leaving her legacy in good hands. It was still sad, but she went somewhere nice where she doesn't have to worry or fight anymore. I didn't realize how much it mattered, I mean, I've seen the people who are left behind when someone dies but it's so normal to me. Now, I think I understand things better, why people cry so much at funerals. When dead souls are upset, it's not always because they want to live, it's usually because they don't want to hurt the people they leave behind. No one wants to be alone. That's why... I'm going to be the escort for my friends. So they don't have to be alone."
💞 REVOLVING HEARTS — who and/or what are you most grateful for in your life?
"My friends! There was certainly a lot of trouble and turmoil, but I'm glad to have met everyone. It's all because some stupid punk jumped in front of a car. But... meeting Yusuke led me to meet everyone else. And Yusuke's become someone I'm really close to now. I'm really happy now, being able to share all sorts of memories with them. I can't imagine my life without him-- and the others!"
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midmorninggrey · 4 months
Hiya! For the oc asks, 💔 and ✍️ for Celeste and/or Cal? c:
Hey, thanks a bunch for these asks!
Celeste's answers are set mid-game of DA:I.
Cal's answers are set somewhere between Acts 2 and 3 of DA2.
💔 BROKEN HEART — is there anyone in your life you wish you had a better relationship with? if so, how come? what makes this person important to you?
Celeste: Um...I wish I had a better relationship with Cassandra, I guess? My father likes her – they argue, but he doesn’t argue that way with people he doesn’t like. I mean, he doesn’t argue that way with Commander Cullen. It’s weird. But Cassandra...she doesn’t scare me anymore, and I know she risks her life for me, a lot of people do. I wish I liked her.
Cal: I…Bethany. I need to get a letter to Bethany. I haven’t written her – she said never wanted to see me again, but a letter couldn’t hurt, right? Hawke tells me she’s adjusted to the Circle, and the Templars who talk to me haven’t said anything…alarming about her in particular. I wouldn’t want a letter to get her in any trouble.
She’s a good, sweet kid. She didn’t need to go into the Deep Roads to prove anything. She can be angry, that’s alright. She’s alive.
And Fenris…is also alive, thank the Maker. If that’s enough for him, that’s plenty for me. He's still my friend.
✍️WRITING HAND — what is one thing you wish you were better at? this can be a tactical skill, social skill, hobby, etc.
Celeste: I wish I was better at magic. Or I guess, like, learning magic? Before I was sent to the Circle, it was just me, and Vivienne says that being an apostate...she says it didn’t help me, that I would be stronger if I was sent to a Circle earlier. But the Circle lessons felt…small? Like there was a whole book to read and they wanted me to focus on one word. It was really frustrating.
But when Solas and Vivienne and Dorian talk…I don’t understand. They've got, like, a whole library.
Cal: Just one thing? One thing that I wish I were better at. Oh, there are so many things though! Can I have a moment to think? No? Alright.
I should probably learn to swim. I stayed afloat long enough for Isabela to fetch me but really, barely. That wasn't a fun night. If she lets me sink next time, I won't blame her.
But if there wasn't this "one thing" rule, I’d also want to get better…Alright, now I’m embarrassed. It’s very selfish. [Laughs] I wish I could write songs and poems and plays. Be an artist. Don’t laugh! [Laughs] Anyway, I know a lot of songs and poems, and sometimes I wish I could create something beautiful myself instead of reciting what someone else wrote. Something that someone could remember and hold onto in a dark time, right? Even if it's sad.
Not drowning is probably more important…
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weekend-whip · 1 year
I wanna know what hobbies the folks in the royalty au have. Fun facts. What do these bitches do without internet.
Well most of them do the same things they do normally, just with different context.
With the Western Kingdom being all the about the arts, entertainment, and expression, Cole's hobbies include dancing, listening to music, painting, and drawing—he'd normally be pretty chill and just vibing, if his father wasn't so gung-ho about getting him hitched. And being depressed about that on top of having limited time anymore anyway has deterred Cole from doing things for himself (which is something Jesse seeks to rectify). Also enjoys sleeping, but like, that's not a hobby, Cole.
Always constantly busy with his job(s), Jay doesn't have a lot of free time either, but he's still able to pursue a lot of his craftier hobbies, like poetry writing, cooking, and he doesn't invent so much as "improve" upon things that may or may not need to be fixed. Let's just say he's a guy ahead of his time...and is something of an adrenaline junkie when allowed to be.
Instead of being a journalist/papergirl/extreme cyclist, Antonia likes horseback riding! She also does still like to write stories, which helps occupied some dead time while guarding the boring garden gate, but they're less based on facts/rumors and more on just general goings-on around the castle.......so, Jesse and the Spring Festival are a fantastic source of inspiration for her. Also tries to learn to paint after getting closer with Cole (and inadvertently gives Jay the idea for a mystical object called a 'camera').
Can't remember if I've mentioned this in-story yet (all I know is that Cole doesn't know yet lol), but Jesse's actually a citizen of the Central Kingdom—the real (or, initial) reason he went West was in the hopes of making it big as a magic entertainer. So whenever he's not tending to the gardens or swooning over Cole, he's practicing his magic tricks (another reason why Antonia takes to him—he's really good at beating out boredom). He also likes to sing, but, he's gotta be in a really good mood for that. Also, not technically a dedicated hobby, but he does enjoy baking, even if he doesn't like to admit it (he just needs to right motivation...like a very hungry prince).
In the Southern Kingdom, they're all about agriculture and trade, so while I wouldn't call it a "hobby", Kai and Nya are both extremely skilled in farming, negotiations, and economics (Nya moreso with the farming and Kai moreso with the business). But for fun, Nya likes to spend time on the beaches watching (read: talking to) sea life or collecting shells, while Kai likes to travel if/when he can, as he likes to experience more than just his kingdom. Both of them also have a knack for crafting weapons—Kai by forging and Nya...more as crazy DIY projects, also maybe a bit ahead of her time. Nya also likes horseback riding and Kai likes jogging.
In the Northern Kingdom, they have a strong foundation in battle maneuvers and tactical strategy, so a younger Zane found himself doing a lot of studying while being trained with several weapons. He now has a fondness for archery and darts (but with throwing stars), and can easily pass the time with a nice informative book. He also enjoys bird watching like Aurora, and venturing through the forest until he gets lost, but otherwise is actually quite lonely.
...until Samurai X shows up. They're originally from Central as well, but their father and Zane's parents are acquaintances, so one thing led to another with them becoming Zane's retainer. They enjoy playing things like chess and other board games with Zane, and sparring with him, but for the duration of most the story they don't really have a lot of personal stake in much of anything.
The Eastern Kingdom is the home of most of the world's history (along with Central), so being well-read is already par for the course. What isn't common is the dabbling of magic, which is where Harumi's passions lie, especially after discovering Jesse has magic of a similar source. She reads up on ancient artifacts, studies spells, keeps a pet spider, and teaches herself to throw knives, but otherwise, she's a dreadfully bored person, and that's why she has little hesitation in butting herself into other people's problems. That's entertainment.
Lloyd, despite his well-behaved behavior to avoid trouble, has a nasty habit of pulling pranks around the otherwise structured Central Kingdom and eventually the Spring Festival (activities which are very much enabled by his retainers, and ofc praised by his father). He does this because he's good at it and hates to let a well-honed skill go to waste, and it's also something of a cry for attention. He also becomes interested in the cultures of the other Kingdoms, including but not limited to the art/stories of the west, the weapon aspects of the north and south, and the history of the east, like his mother. He also enjoys paragliding (which is something that Jay got him hooked on).
You may think visiting the Archipelago is like arriving on some tropical vacation, but the only one being entertained is its current ruler. He puts on tournaments just for sport of it, and will banish anyone for doing anything he doesn't agree with...so, Skylor doesn't have a lot of room to do very much, but on the flipside, it also means she's down for anything/everything when given a chance, as just about everything is new to her (which is what draws her to Kai and the other royals to begin with). Though one thing she is a bit guilty about enjoying is her younger self partaking in those tournaments herself—primarily due to the rush from the fact that she's never lost (and especially not to Chad).
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hiisheart · 2 months
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🏹 if there's something from your past that you'd give anything to go back in time and redo, what is it?
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❝ I GUESS ... NOW THAT I HAVE the knowledge of the upside down, i think my chances would best be served trying to keep will from going back home on his own. because that's what led to him getting abducted in the first place. maybe then he'd have a chance at a more normal childhood ... maybe we'd have a chance together sooner. realized our feelings for each other sooner, y'know? ... but even so, i still struggle to answer this, because if things went that way, i probably might have never met el. and she's one of the best friends a guy could possibly ask for. so ... that's the long answer, but the short answer is probably no. ❞
🎶 what song lyrics do you think most accurately describe you? your journey through life? who you are as a person?
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❝ THERE ARE SO MANY WAYS I can answer this question, i think ... ' i think we'd be closer if they told us the day the world would blow up ' as a line kind of speaks for itself, regarding my journey through life so far ... and i guess who i've grown to be regarding those experiences. it was kind of a reality check, realizing how fragile life is after everything that's happened since the upside down, y'know? you could lose someone you love before you're ready, so you need that time to spend with your loved ones before it's too late. ❞
✍️ what is one thing you wish you were better at? this can be a tactical skill, social skill, hobby, etc.
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❝ I JUST WISH I WAS BETTER at socializing with strangers. for some reason it always feels weird talking to people i don't know, y'know? so at first it feels like i need some help from my other friends who have better social skills. but i wish i could do it better on my own. i don't know why. ❞
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nightlight-writes · 2 years
hey hey! Do you take anon requests? If not please lmk! Anyway i had a distant relative visit with a child and i was wondering, how would the luxiem guys be as parents? Idk, seems comical to me
Luxiem Boys as Parents
Genre: Headcanons
Warnings: slight mention of murder in Luca’s part
Notes: aaaaaa my first request! i don’t really have a father figure so this was interesting to write ^_^ I hope you find this satisfactory.
Vox Akuma
100% the affectionate, but also embarrassing type of parent.
Gives his children hugs and kisses like, every few hours.
Posts about his kids on social media and will happily show their baby pictures if asked.
Would develop a slight filter (ie. no sex jokes).
Everything else is OK though which inevitably leads to them developing a potty mouth.
Especially if they’re playing games together.
Somehow manages to keep up with all those newfangled hobbies his kids are into and wholeheartedly supports them.
That said, he does slightly wish his kids would appreciate “the classics” a teeny bit more…
Always gives out great, if sometimes unsolicited, advice.
By the time his children start moving out of the house, he’ll be in tears (and probably drunk as well).
Sure, he can return to his old lifestyle now, but he’s really gonna miss them…
Often tries to find time in his schedule to attend any important life events and host family reunions.
Whenever he appears, expect him to become the subject of constant gossip among the guests.
As long as he can spend time with his family, he’s happy.
Mysta Rias
Surprisingly, he does a decent job at being a dad.
Can often be seen eating at restaurants with his kids.
He would cook healthier meals for them if possible, but we all know how that turned out.
The only gadgets his children are allowed to own are laptops (for schoolwork) and flip phones (for texts and calls).
He’s not going to talk about his kids on social media and he’s not letting them have social media either.
Highly encourages his children to study hard and develop good financial habits.
Over time, he developed an immunity to tactics like “puppy eyes” and “claiming they REALLY need the shiny new toy”.
If it’s something both of them want though, he’ll be a VERY unbearable customer.
If his kids do well in school, he’ll host watch parties to celebrate.
These almost always end with his kids laughing at him after lots of chaotic banter.
But if anyone else insults him or his kids, they’ll be on the receiving end of a hellish roast.
When his children move out, he’ll call them once a month for life updates.
Every day, he prays that they don’t repeat any of his mistakes in life.
Luca Kaneshiro
Usually absent due to work, but when he DOES visit it’s a blast.
Spoils his kids with whatever they want if they ask nicely.
New clothes? They’re going to the most fashionable malls in town!
Spending the afternoon playing games? He’ll be down for that!
(He WILL get very competitive though.)
As long as the house is clean afterwards, anything is fine.
Speaking of cleaning, Luca would definitely teach his kids practical life skills like cooking and cleaning and fighting.
Would 100% record himself pranking his kids.
Has a massive influence on their life even when NOT present.
Those who pose even the slightest inconvenience must disappear.
No going outside without the protection of bodyguards.
And the shadow of his accomplishments shall always loom over his descendant’s heads.
But Luca would gladly pay any price to be able to create memories, however fleeting, with his family.
Ike Eveland
He’s trying his best.
Tends to fawn over how cute his favorite child is (or just his child if they have no siblings).
Spends a good chunk of the afternoon nerding out about things he liked “back in the day”.
If none of his kids end up liking Vocaloid, then he has failed as a parent.
Yes, he would un-ironically say that things were better back in HIS day.
Ike’s unhealthy eating habits are contagious and will spread to the rest of the family.
Tired to the point of falling asleep while reading bedtime stories.
Currently trying to sell any sussy things he possesses.
A good portion of his search history now consists of parenting forums, parent blogs, etc.
Tries to be patient when giving advice, but it’s surprisingly easy to bring out his blunt side.
This especially applies when he’s talking about relationships and/or sex.
As a result, he fears that he’ll make his kids cry if he tries to comfort them.
Other than that though, he’s mostly gentle when it comes to raising his kids.
Hopes that they will find something to cherish for life one day.
Shu Yamino
Chill and lax kind of parent.
As long as the kids aren’t getting hurt, anything is fine.
Owns a “World’s No. 1 Dad” mug “as a joke”.
Actually succeeds in being ✨hip with the kids✨
Would casually call himself a father on a random social media post without bringing it up ever again.
His advice usually tends to be “do want you want, but be responsible”.
He already has a hard time with romance and sexual topics and adding kids into the mix definitely doesn’t make it easier.
Probably starts leaving the house more often to spend quality time with the kids.
Open to teaching his children a bit of sorcery, but is still on the fence about passing down all of his knowledge.
After all, one’s life can only have so much magic before it stops being “normal”…
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cemetery-irises · 4 months
chat i'm not normal and i need to get this out. so anyways about dynamaxing (quick context for people unfamiliar: dynamaxing is only possible on power spots with a dynamax band, it makes your pokemon suuuper big and suuuuper strong, gigantamaxing/g-max does the same thing but it changes how the pokemon looks as well)
i think norton would be kind of meh about it. being born and raised in spikemuth, he never really saw anything about it in person until he joined the gym challenge, and he holds onto the belief that people dont need to rely on it to be a good trainer. basically, i think he'd find the whole dynamax phenomenon (how the fuck do you spell this!) just mildly interesting, he'd use it in the gym challenge to counter the gym leaders, but to him its just another battle tactic, similarly to using z-moves, mega evolutions and etc. he also doesnt understand why the chairman is so infatuated with it despite galar being fine how it is.
demi however would think its cool as HELL!! she'd dynamax all the time if she could. she regularly asks norton about it and wants to use his dynamax band (he kind of just baps her away like you would a cat)
frederick would love dynamaxing. hell his alcremie can gigantamax. he's a bit competitive and he likes all the cinematics of dynamaxing, and honestly it makes him feel cool fjfjjfjf though i do think he'd be interested in what makes it work as well.
orpheus i think would be very intrigued with the phenomena. he's done research on it as a hobby because he's just like that, he thinks its interesting, and he dynamaxes his pokemon when he can to be flashy.
andrew...... technically isnt in the gym challenge, actually, so he's never done it. i've brought this up quite a few times, but basically hes not a participant. battling isnt his forte, but i think the extent of his opinion on dynamaxing is he thinks its cool from the perspective of strictly watching matches. his mimikyu would be more interested in it than he is honestly, since it'd be particularly fond of the idea that it could be 80 feet tall instead of 8 inches.
alva and luca would both be researching it alongside sonia, though i think luca would be more into it than alva because a lot of it is still undiscovered. they've both written papers about it, but luca just feeels like he'd be more passionate about this topic specifically. (not to say alva isnt passionate about what he does of course, luca just shows it much more outwardly) alva might also stray from it because of his time working with herman (which i'm thinking maybe both of them were studying under prof magnolia for a bit but i digress)
emil is similar to andrew in this aspect. he's not in the challenge either, and he doesnt even 'own' pokemon technically. he has a team he battles with on occasion, but they all kind of just roam free and follow him around. but he thinks its a cool aspect of the matches.
itha is the last person i'll add because only because i have VERY specific thoughts on him, i think he's veeery very picky about battles. i'm thinking he might be similar to N in terms of ideals, but perhaps not. he sees dynamaxing as an unnecessary tactic to win, he's entirely confident in his own skills and therefore deems it a flashy, maybe even cheap way to gain the upper hand.
extras: i just remembered after typing this for like 20 minutes you can only dynamax if you have a band!! oops!! hypothetically for this discussion everybody has one but thinking about it in universe, i think only frederick, orpheus, and norton would have one. mainly because norton probably found the wishing star in the mines on his own, orpheus and frederick just thought it'd be fun
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risualto · 4 months
👻🤝✍️ for Inky?
Thank you for the ask! This is coming from post 6.55 but--for anyone who hasn't been caught up, there are no spoilers here that haven't been revealed in Dawntrail trailers.
👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there’s any way to find it/them? "Ooh...hm...missing, right now? Well, it's been a few weeks since I've been able to see my boyfriends. Any of the Scions, actually! Wow. So, I miss them. I'd really love to catch up, before I head for the New World, you know? I don't want to run malms and malms away without saying goodbye." "Beside that, I miss my sister already! I saw Cocoa not too long ago, but it's always the worst right after you go from being with someone to not being with them. It was really nice to be home. She made it really nice to be home, even if it was just for a bell. Felt like it, at least! Ah... She's gotten so good at enchanting. Look! Her glamour, here, the butterfly moves lots more now when I smile. Isn't that cool?"
🤝 HANDSHAKE — do family or platonic relationships mean more to you? or do they mean different things to you? "Must I choose? That's awful. My friends are my family, and my family...well, I mean, Mam and Pa aren't exactly my friends, but I love them, of course. No, I can't choose." "I...hm. I guess it is different, yes. I feel just so awful saying this, but sometimes my family feels a little like the past, and my friends are the present. Alisaie, Alphinaud, Urianger, Thancred, Shtola, Raha, Tataru, Krile, Estinien... They know me. All of me, truly, and they like me. My family loves me, but I've realized...been made to realize, really, that I don't think they understand my soul the same way. I wouldn't trade my family for anything, but I'm so, so very glad that I have my friends."
✍️ WRITING HAND — what is one thing you wish you were better at? this can be a tactical skill, social skill, hobby, etc. "Well, oh, since I saw Cocoa lately, I just can't help but think that it would be cool to learn how to do magic just for fun. I do lots of magic for fighting...and even, some stuff for dancing and music, but I mean, enchanting and art the way Cocoa does it? That would be cool."
"Oh--oh! And studying. Research. There's so many times we all must needs research, and sometimes that's going out and looking and seeing and hearing and talking...you know, experiencing the world. But sometimes it means reading books and maps and things, and I don't really know how to do that. My friends are all so good at it, though."
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nightrazor3242 · 5 months
Decided to finally post Nightrazor's lore on here! It's not too detailed, I wanted to keep it short but I might add on to it as I go. If you have any suggestions or questions feel free to let me know!
Nightrazor is a long-thought-out OC of mine, originally I created her back in 2019 under the name Wildfire, this was during my Transformer Prime obsession, and her name would later change to Nightrazor after I discovered IDW. Since then I have given her a complex lore, including a book I am still writing as of now. This essay is a much simpler lore, made for people who are interested to read. (None of my friends or family are Transformers fans so I'm super hyped to share!)
Basic Info:
Name: Nightrazor (initially Nightwing)
Gender: Femme/ Female (She/Her)
Faction: Mercenary
Age: Around the same age as Megatron (IDW)
Hight: Same height as Drift (IDW)
Skills: Combat Proficiency, Survival, resourcefulness, Tactical Planning, Stealth, and Infiltration.
Weaknesses: Short temper, impatience, lack of empathy, refusing help of any kind, and vengefulness.
Personality: Nightrazor comes off as stoic and cold. Small talk? Unnecessary and annoying. Bonding? How about no. She refuses to let her walls down even just a little, no matter who it is. She tends to blow up when agitated often resorting to violence depending on her mood and who you are. Deep-seated hatred for both Decepticons and Autobots.
Hobbies: She enjoys working on her ship, experimenting with modifications, or fine-tuning her own systems in her spare time (This includes her combat training). Being a flyer she heavily enjoys zipping around in her alt mode, high in the skies. She also keeps a log of all of her missions, each log is very detailed, and even Ultra Magnus would be impressed.
Moral: Loyalty to oneself.
Deepest fear: Loss of autonomy, anything threatening her independence such as being captured, controlled, or experimented on (She refuses any medical attention, she will tend to her own wounds).
Before the war:
Born during the golden age of Cybertron, Nightwing of Vos transported cargo along with her fellow consignors, she took care of the orders and helped organize the cargo for send-off. Although she was just a simple transporter she prioritized helping others in need, on several occasions she helped fellow Cybertronians out of poverty and gave them a job aboard her ship, because of this she made several close friends. One of these friends was named Echo (This is my friend’s OC that I am currently redesigning) Nightwing had saved him several eons ago, and since then the two had been inseparable. Overall Nightwing was a sweet and outgoing bot, going out of her way to help others but still taking no shit, she taught many bots how to navigate through life with a clear mind and strong spark, and many looked up to her as a mentor.
Beginning of the war:
During the fall of the golden age, Nightwing and her crew became very paranoid, the fear of a civil war plagued everyone, but as it was they all still had work to due. Soon the Decepticons began to take over Cybertron and with it, the Autobots fought against them, finally, the war broke out. Nightwing and her crew were off-world when the war broke out, unable to reach her commanding officer they turned back to Cybertron to see what was going on, a detrimental mistake. Upon arrival, the ship was instantly targeted and fired at by Decepticon troops, during the panic Echo had managed to steal the ship's only escape pod leaving his friends and mentor to die. When the ship finally crash-landed it killed nearly everyone on impact, but amongst the rubble Nightwing held on to her life by a thread. Decepticons soon scavenged through the wreckage taking anything of value, eventually, they stumbled across Nightwing, and due to her showing signs of life, the troops took her in. Nightwing was initially relieved to be rescued not knowing the horrors she would soon face.
Nightrazors Genesis:
When Nightwing was brought to a Decepticon medical ward she was fixed and repaired, during the repair a few scientists noticed her abnormal spark patterns, and after further investigations, they discovered Nightwing had outlier abilities. Something she had hidden very well, was her ability to blend into shadows and completely shut off her spark signal making her undetectable. Because of this discovery, Nightwing was handed over to the science ward, where they did numerous tests, and experiments, wanting to harness outlier abilities for the Decepticon cause. At the start of this torture Nightwing was horrified, why were they doing this to her? Were they going to kill her? Was anyone going to save her? Would she die here? Over time Nightwing came to accept no one was coming for her, she was alone, and this angered her, greatly, after building her life around helping others and taking in those in need, when she was the one who needed help the most, no one came. Days turned into months, and eventually, Nightwing escaped, stealing a small Decepticon ship she fled Cybertron. She rebuilt herself, not only physically but mentally, changing her name to Nightrazor she vowed no one would dare hurt her again without the consequence of death.
Later on, Nighrazor became a mercenary, originally the job was going to be temporary, she just needed the money to fix her ship and buy some weaponry, but over time the job stuck. Nightrazor was well hidden from other bots, no one knew what she looked like or where she was, they just knew she was a mercenary, effective and deadly.
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gauldheri · 7 months
♡ hello again <3
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the most perfect girl in the whole world (according to herself!)
daphné manon gautier she/her class: (lance) cavalier -> royal knight -> great knight
can talk her way into or out of anything
inherited the crest of gautier much to sylvain's chagrin (not that he'd ever blame her for it ofc!)
and her own, the lance of ruin is ugly and will totally ruin her image :(
the commodity of having a crest makes her even more desirable though, right? it must drive everyone crazy just to be around her.
absolute neat freak. everything must be in it's proper place
cleaning is her hobby!!!! that and crochet
has bright, golden eyes like her mother, who she thinks is actually the world's most perfect woman (sylvain was punching)
she's a close second though, don't you dare forget!
acts like a princess. gets treated like one by her parents, honestly.
is actually v insecure about her abilities and skills, though she has no such concerns about her looks
becomes a royal knight because a proper lady should heal/be supportive, right?
she's terrible at it. uses a staff as a bludgeoning weapon instead.
enjoys baking!!! makes all sorts of treats for her friends and family
is an acceptable cook but her sweet tooth is so overwhelming that she will dump half a bag of sugar in a savoury dish and ruin it
thinks being a great knight isn't cute or demure enough but she's actually a terror on the battlefield and excels at it
has no magical aptitude whatsoever. claims to be a talented mage anyway.
after all, magic is easy when you beat your foe around the head with their own books.
was actually afraid of horses as a child, but now she has her own handsome steed, duke butterscotch
and you WILL address him with the respect afforded to a duke. or else
she's actually a bit uncomfortable around most animals, at least at first
getting licked by a strange dog or having a dirty horse nuzzle her is basically her worst nightmare
though she has a fondness for rabbits, she sleeps with a stuffed rabbit goldmary made her well into adulthood (until she passes it to her own kids)
tactically minded, excels in authority. loves telling people what to do, perhaps especially in the heat of battle
much prefers diplomacy though, after all, she could get blood on her pristine clothes
loves reading, especially romance and horror.... might write her own romantic tales too that no one will ever, ever see
(sylvain and goldmary have in fact read them and think their daughter is just soooooo talented and special. even they know better than to mention it to daph though aha)
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