#and it's like why even APPLY to jobs if youre going to back out after one shift???? that has to be a fucking excuse
threadmonster · 3 months
"but what do I, the business major, know," I say to myself as I decipher company policies that need updated to comply with new wording in the contract.
#{domino complains after dark}#LOOK you don't even need any sort of education or experience to KNOW there are discrepancies that need fixed#first of all my location out of the whole company is union which honestly does nothing to help us but ANYWAY#this means we have company policy AND a separate union contract#because of the union contract several parts of company policy does NOT apply to us#HOWEVER we don't get a separate version of the policies that would comply with the union#so i can look at company policy and comply but then someone could turn around and go “actually per union you cannot do that”#BUT IF YOU LOOK AND COMPARE AND SEARCH FOR CERTAIN POLICIES THERE IS NO WAY FOR THE AVERAGE PERSON TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE#i could go on and on and on about this actually#point being we the employees have no way of knowing anything without asking HR and hoping to get an email back#because why the fuck would we need an on-site HR person#and even then i would be tapping the sign “PLEASE SHOW ME AN EXAMPLE TO BACK UP YOUR ANSWER CUZ I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHERE YOU FOUND IT”#the way i could take over some of these jobs and do better if i wanted to sure is pathetic#i'll get off my soapbox now#the only thing my college education is good for is to say “business major” or “art student” as a qualification for an opinion#i would love to take time and print and highlight and make charts or whatever to prove points but people would just get pissed off#AND treat me like a child over it when???? bruh this is legal shit why shouldn't i be annoyed by your flaws and failures?
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psilocybinaut · 7 months
Man i am tired of doing the most for people then have them just fucking drag their feet.
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misstycloud · 3 months
[Yandere.Rich man x ballerina reader]
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(I don’t actually know much about ballet so forgive me if things are incorrect!)
Rich. Yandere who was pestered by his friend and his wife to join them at the opera house and enjoy a performance. The couple had asked him numerous times before but he’d always declined. He was a workaholic and didn’t have any other commitments, so there was no need to break his routine. Although he would never admit it to anyone- he barely does to himself- he often find himself imagining a different life; one where he had a wife to welcome him home every evening. Perhaps a few children too. There was no sound besides himself and the staff in his home, it would be so very nice to hear the noise of running feet and happy chatter echo through the empty halls.
Rich. Yandere who is lonely above all else. His family is dead and he has next to no friends- the only one he has is married and devote all his time to keep him company. He knows that he doesn’t have the best track-record of being the kindest person in the world, and he might not be the friendliest or the most out-going, still, doesn’t he deserve some love too?
Rich. Yandere who eventually give into his friends demand and goes with them to the opera. As they took their seats- the expensive and best ones, of course- his friends wife babble on about her favourite dancer. They were regulars there and had seen many performances. He simply sighed and leaned back into his seat, waiting for the show to begin. He could only hope that it’ll be somewhat enjoyable since he doesn’t like wasting his time.
Rich. Yandere who was prepared for it to be a dreadful 3 hours, rubbing his eyes and suffering from lack of blood-flow in his legs. Oh how wrong he was. Instantly his gaze zoomed into you as soon as you stepped forward from behind the curtain. You were so beautiful and you moved your body gracefully to the music. It was magical. While he knew close to nothing about ballet, he knew that the point of it were for the women to look like they’re floating, and it’s exactly what you were doing.
Rich. Yandere who is instantly enamoured with you. As someone who’s never felt love this was all a brand new experience for him. He asked his friend and his wife if they knew who you were, since they frequent the opera so much. And turns out the wife did know who you were; you were her favourite after all. Rich. Yandere was never close with her or particularly liked her even, but he had to give it to her: she has excellent taste in performers.
Rich. Yandere who starts looking up information regarding you. It’s be your name, age, background, family, where you went to school and where you live. Everything. He also begins donating a lot of money to the opera house. In a short amount of time he’s become their nr.1 funder. The managers and owners are ecstatic at the news! They ask why he’s so generous and he simply answers that he loves culture and thinks it’s important it doesn’t disappear. Then, they wonder if there is anything they can do for him return, to which he smiles in response.
“Well, I do suppose there is one dancer I would be delighted to meet in person.”
Rich. Yandere who you feel uncomfortable around. He is so strange. You were just a normal ballerina, a dancer, no better or worse than anyone before your time. That’s why you can’t fathom the interest this wealthy man has taken in you. You two came form completely different worlds! But what can you do when your bosses not-so-gently urge you to see this man alone? You dont have any other skills and can’t apply to another job if you get fired.
Rich. Yandere who is determined to make you fall for him the way he has fallen for you. He’ll take care of you, love you and protect you. You don’t have to worry about a thing. He will do anything for his love.
“Don’t be scared, just keep on dancing, my little dancer.”
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arieslost · 6 months
quiet | op81
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oscar piastri x fem!reader
summary: oscar is quiet in the ways he loves you.
word count: 1,620
warnings: disgusting levels of fluff
masterlist — join my tag list here!
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– the sidewalk rule
You don’t even have to explain this to Oscar. In fact, he’s done it every single time the two of you walk together. You really don’t even notice until you see something on TikTok about it and think it would be fun to pay attention and see if he did it or not without you saying anything.
“Wanna go for a walk?” You ask him casually, and he nods, reaching for his sneakers.
Exercise tends to be the bane of your existence, a la Yuki Tsunoda, but you love to walk, and Oscar loves to walk with you. So whenever you ask him to go for a walk, no matter what he’s doing or how he’s feeling, he’ll always drop everything to go with you.
He holds the door open for you to go out first. “What kind of walk are you thinking, babe?”
“Mm, probably a longer one. It’s pretty nice out today.” You say, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. It feels so nice after being cooped up inside working for most of the day.
Lacing your fingers with his, you purposely place yourself on the outside of the sidewalk, but you don’t make it more than fifteen feet before Oscar stops both of you so abruptly that you nearly fall backwards.
“What? What’s wrong?” You ask your boyfriend, who is frowning.
“This is not right,” he mumbles, gently grabbing you by your shoulders and maneuvering you to the inside of the sidewalk. “You walk there. I walk here.”
“Why?” You feign innocence.
“I protect you,” he says, like it’s obvious. “I’m always on the outside to protect you.”
He says it with such conviction that you don’t bother telling him that you did it on purpose because you saw a TikTok. Instead, you press a kiss to his cheek, take his hand again, and go on your way on the proper side of the sidewalk.
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– fixing your clothes
Sometimes, you think that Oscar is more attentive to you than you are to yourself. It’s like he’s gained a sixth sense dedicated entirely to you. This applies to microexpressions, body language, even when your clothes are even the tiniest bit askew.
You’re five minutes late to a work meeting, you can’t find your shoes, and you haven’t even left yet. Oscar watches you rush around the apartment, holding your bag and your keys in his hand so you don’t have to go looking for those either.
“I’m so fired after this,” you huff, forcing your feet into your shoes that you finally located and wincing when your fingers get stuck between your heel and the shoe.
“You won’t get fired,” he says gently. “This is the first time you’ve ever been late, and you’re a fantastic employee. I’m sure they’ll be understanding.”
“They’d better be, I need this job.” You mutter, shoving your arms into your jacket and buttoning it at the speed of light.
“You don’t need a job, I can take care of you.”
“Nice try, Osc. We’ve talked about this, I’m not going to be your sugar baby.”
“Trophy wife?”
You glare at him playfully. “I’ll see you later. Or in an hour, if I get fired.”
“You won’t get fired,” he repeats as you take your bag and keys from him. “Oh, wait a second!”
You pause as he reaches for you, undoing the uneven buttons courtesy of your hastiness and deftly buttoning them back up the right way. “There y’go, have a good day, honey.” He gives you a kiss and opens the door for you.
A few days later, Oscar comes home to see that his favorite hoodie is missing. He walks into the living room, where you’re curled up on the couch taking a nap, wearing the hoodie in question. He sits at your side, brushing your hair away from your face, and that’s when he notices that one of the drawstrings is tucked back behind your neck into the hoodie. It doesn’t look like it’s causing you any discomfort, since you’re asleep, but regardless he immediately starts to tug on it. You stir, and he freezes.
“No, don’t wake up,” he whispers. “Just fixing this for you.”
“M’kay, thanks Osc,” you reply, wrapping a hand around his wrist. “Cuddle me.”
“Baby, I just got home from work, I’m sweaty-”
“Don’t care,” you grumble, reaching for him when he stands up and causing the hoodie to ride up over your stomach. “Miss you. Cuddle me.”
“Let me shower quick, and then I’m all yours, okay?” He pulls the hem of the hoodie down as he leans over and kisses your forehead.
You twiddle the drawstring that he fixed between your fingers as you wait for him, thinking about how sweet he is to pay such close attention to you all the time.
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– watching your favorite movies with you
Nobody is perfect, and in your eyes, Oscar’s only imperfection is that he’s never seen Star Wars. As a life-long, diehard fan, you decided to wait until you’d been with him for a few months to introduce him to that side of you and invite him over for a Star Wars marathon.
“I hope these live up to the hype,” Oscar teases, surveying the way you’ve decorated the entire living area with Star Wars paraphernalia, prepared Star Wars inspired snacks, and just laid a Star Wars blanket across the both of you.
“Are you joking? It will be everything I say it is and more, now be quiet.” You shush him as the main theme begins.
You peek over at him over and over throughout every movie, almost watching him more than the films to see how he reacts to every little moment. You start to watch him more intensely during Revenge of The Sith, but ultimately your focus goes back to the movie when Padme arrives on Mustafar to confront Anakin, Obi-Wan secretly in tow.
Oscar’s enjoying the movies, of course, but even without seeing them he knows how well you know this upcoming scene. He’s heard you recite it so many times under your breath at various times that he feels like he might be able to surprise you with his minimal well of knowledge within the next few minutes. He grins to himself as the penultimate moment of the scene grows closer and closer and you sit up straight, accidentally knocking his arm off of your shoulders without noticing as you move to the edge of the couch.
“I have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security to my new empire!” Anakin says on screen, and you say the words at the same time.
“Your new empire?” Obi-Wan replies. Oscar mouths the words along with him, gathering up his nerve.
“Don’t make me kill you,” you and Anakin warn.
“Anakin, my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy!” Oscar exclaims, getting a little ahead of Obi-Wan in his enthusiasm.
“If you’re not with me,” you and Anakin say as you slowly turn to face your boyfriend, “then you’re my enemy.”
“Only a Sith deals in absolutes.” Oscar and Obi-Wan reply evenly, Oscar unable to hide the smile on his face at your barely contained excitement. “I will do what I must.”
“You will try.” Only Anakin says this final line, because you launch yourself at Oscar and bear hug him.
“You knew the lines! You did so well!” You cheer, kissing his head, his temple, his cheeks.
“You say them all in your sleep, that’s how I knew,” Oscar says, flushed from your sudden onslaught of affection.
“I do not!” He gives you a look. “Okay, I wouldn’t be surprised if I did, but still! You knew! I can’t believe- oh, wait, shh!” You shush him again, even though you’re the one talking. “Pay attention, this part is so good.”
Oscar’s smile doesn’t fade for the rest of the night as he pulls you back into his side, knowing that while this is the first, it definitely isn’t the last time he’s watching these movies with you.
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– nose kisses
Oscar is the first and only person to kiss you on the nose, and you’re glad. It’s become such an Oscar thing that if anyone else did it you’d feel wrong.
The first time he did it had been a complete accident– all the lights were off already, you were both exhausted, and he was just trying to give you a goodnight kiss, but completely overshot your lips and ended up getting your nose instead.
“I’m too tired to apologize, I’ll do it in the morning,” he grumbled, and you had simply snuggled closer to him.
“S’alright, I liked it.”
After that it became the place he kissed you the most. He gives you a nose kiss first thing in the morning and last thing at night. At this point, he kisses your nose more than anywhere else, including your lips. You ask him for a kiss, and he kisses your nose.
“A real kiss,” you whine, and he furrows his eyebrows at you.
“That was a real kiss.”
“On the lips, like a normal person, please.”
Oscar crosses his arms over his chest. “Now hold on, I thought you said you liked it.”
“I do!” You protest. “It’s very sweet, but sometimes I want to actually kiss my boyfriend.”
He gives in easily, but the nose kisses are never ending. Posing for a picture? He wants to kiss your nose. Saying goodbye? You’re getting a nose kiss. He’s about to get in the car to race? He’s kissing your nose before he puts his helmet on.
While you love getting “real” kisses, Oscar’s nose kisses are more precious to you than any other kind of kiss.
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note: here is the prompt list i used for this; this was a different format than how i usually write so i hope it was good! this is also the first full fic i’m posting that isn’t in the 3k word range which is shocking jdjfkfkf
requests are OPEN, and my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
dividers by @/saradika !
tags (i’m sorry if i couldn’t tag you!): @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @mia-rrrs @customsbyjcg-blog @hauntedphotographybookstaco @bigheartsthings @northpizzasposts @notturlover @riv3rbank @gesfjjsl @oliveisunstable @lily1sposts @sadbut-true0 @lilcowboy0 @alltoowelltaylor @kimis-gloves @superheroreader @alexmarie29 @anedpev @lalalaphie @waitingforsmartpeople @arrowenchantress @zillygoose @its-cat-eyes @gxllumsriddles @fionaschicken @mrsgeorgerussell63 @bre013 @lizzypiastri @blldsnjs @samantha-chicago @homosexualjohnwayne @opheliabluewolff @catbat011 @drivelikeiido @what-is-happening-helpp @decafmickey @tania2748 @steviesscoops @annahowardsworld @nessacarty1 @tswizzleismother @anythingforourmoonsy @meko-mt @solonelystill @tomriddleswhorecruxes @sammykiszkalover @landosgirl
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quaintii · 1 year
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Across the Street
Part 1
Summary: It's been a couple weeks since a new family moved in, across the street. You go pay them a visit with an offer.
Warnings: no smut yet... just some build-up. Miguel x f!reader (I got the pic from Twitter, the @ is @kimmy_arts0912!!) also sorry that its hella long, plot ykk (pls read a/n at end!)
Part 2 <-
Part 3 <-
On a Sunday afternoon, you decided to go out with your friends at the mall. You hear a knock on front your door and open it. "Hey! I came here early again, didn't I?" Your friend said "Hey Ash! You motion your hand inside your house.
She takes a seat on the couch, smiling and giggling. "Heyy, why are you like that?" You furrow your eyebrows together with a grin on your face, giving her some juice.
You jolt as she stands up quickly and grips your shoulders.
"Did you see that guy across the street?!" She fans herself with her hand, exaggerating and giggling. You raise your eyebrows, not knowing who she's talking about. "No..., why? You like him?" You nudge her shoulder with yours in return. "A man like that.. can fuck my brains out!" She exclaims.
You quickly slap her thigh in response, getting a groan from her. "Fuck you do that for?!?" "My parents are home! You mumble. In shock, she covered her mouth with her hand. A few seconds later, you hear a ring from the front door.
You open your door to your whole friend group, the 5 of you in total. You greet them all in and spend a couple minutes inside before heading to the car altogether, carpooling.
"Hurry up!" One of your friends yell at the other one. Your eyes avert to what Ashley was talking about earlier, you see a big U-haul truck with multiple men pulling out furniture.
None seemed to be the man your friend described until you see a man from the huge window pane talking and motioning his hands where to place the furniture. Seems like your friend wasn't exaggerating at all. He wore a black button up shirt, some buttons loosened on top. Adjourned with some dark grey work pants that fit between some-what tight and loose.
What really caught your eyes were his glasses, sitting perfectly on his nose bridge. As he looked around his surroundings, he caught your gaze and gave a small grin. You snap out of it and return back to reality and enter the backseat, engine starting and loud booming music playing.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ~
You sit down with your legs crossed over the other, waiting for the waiters to take the group's orders. You rest your chin on your palm, sighing. One of your friends seem to notice.
She touches your shoulder, "Something up?" She asks. You nod your head, resting it on her shoulder. "Yeah... my parents told me I have to start paying rent to stay at the house." You let out another breathy sigh. "I mean I don't even know how I'm going to manage when I'm focusing on paying back my student debt from last year and with my one job not being enough.." You muttered softly.
Your other friends eavesdrop and reassure that it'll be fine and to not pressure yourself into becoming a total workaholic. you let out a small laugh and the waiter finally heads towards your table.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ~
The next morning you wake up with a bad hangover, only remembering your friends' went to a club and its a blur after that.
You get up and change your bed sheets and take a relaxing shower. As your in your bed with your laptop working on your AP classes, your mom barged in.
"Get your ass up and do something! I'll be making you pay rent by the end of the month!" She raised her tone at you, annoying your peace.
"Mom, I'm already busy with paying my student debt from last year with my on-going job right now!" You exclaim back. "I've applied to other places for a job, they keep rejecting me." Your mom gave you nothing but a scoff and a cold glare. "Are you positive you've looked everywhere for a job nearby?!" She stepped into your room further.
You nod your head, annoyed how she always had an attitude with you.
"Well it looks like you didn't look close enough, the new neighbor across the street is looking for a babysitter." She said while touching your posters, eyeing the window.
"How do you know?" You asked. "He posted an obvious sign outside his front yard 3 days ago." Your mom sighed. "Look.. just give that one a try or move somewhere else with your friends." She's finally out of your bubble.
You groan and place your head on your laptop as you closed it. You slip into your shoes and head downstairs and walk across the street. "Seriously, what a nagging bitch.." You mumble under your breath and ring the doorbell.
The door opens sooner than you expected, facing a tall figure towering over you. It's him.
"May I help you, Ms?" He raised his eyebrow, expecting a response from you.
Finally being infront of him hit you like a stone brick, your vocal chords thrown out the window. You clear your throat. "Good morning, I don't mean to be a bother to you but I heard you're wanting a babysitter..?"
"Oh yeah, that reminds me..are you available later in the afternoon? If not, tomorrow if you're not." He gave off a small smile. "For afternoon, yes but if you don't mind me asking what for?"
"Oh sorry," he places one of his hands on his hip, other on the back of his neck. "For an interview, just want to do a small background check, that okay with you?" He tilts his head to the slide, letting a subtle smile stretch across his lips.
You nod and shake his head, heading back home.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ~
You walk up to his door to knock and check your phone. 4:05 p.m. You avert your eyes at him as he opens the door, smiling and greeting you inside. Miguel remains standing while you take a seat. He looks at you, studying your face, your movements, and the way you sit down. Once you make yourself comfortable, he sighs, looking away.
"Can I take a look at that?" He asked and you slide the folder file his way. He nods a couple times as he flips through the papers and starts typing on his computer.
"Do you have any experience with taking care of babies?"
He asks quietly.
"Yeah, I always babysat when I was in highschool."
He nods, seeming satisfied with the answer you gave. Miguel was quiet for a few moments, his mind going over a few things. He eventually speaks, and when he does, his voice sounds almost like a whisper.
"Could I trust you with taking care of my daughter then? With her safety and everything?"
He was quiet again.
"She's... very precious to me. I don't want her to get hurt."
"Yes of course! I would gladly take great care of her for you sir." You responded politely.
"Very well then."
He remains silent, looking at you for a moment longer, thinking about what to say next. The man then nods and starts talking again.
"She's five, and her name is Gabriella. She's a little angel... and she's mine."
Miguel took a breath and sighed, rubbing his face.
"She'll be home in a couple hours; I'll be gone..she's at her mother's house right now. I was planning on telling her that she'll have a babysitter, so she'll be excited."
He starts walking but then stops again. He then looks at you again and nods, as if he was thinking of something.
"Oh, I just need to set some rules and expectations for you to stick by, if you don't mind."
Miguel waits for you to acknowledge his words.
Your face turns a soft red, "Sorry, I was just spacing out but yeah of course." You smile back.
Miguel chuckles when you say you space out, and nods to acknowledge your answer.
"That's completely fine."
"First rule; you're responsible for her safety while I'm gone. No strangers can come in and stay, no party, etc." He seems to be thinking of more rules to add, taking a moment.
"Second; be nice to her. She's young and is easily scared or sad. So be kind."
He nods as if he finished, but then goes silent again.
"Third; no boys allowed without my permission. It's a rule for everyone, honestly." You continuously agree to his terms.
Miguel nods, still looking at you. His eyes seem to take a quick glance down at your clothes, studying you once again. He seemed to stare at your body as his gaze moved across your clothes; he didn't care that he was staring at you.
"I think that's it. Any questions?" "Nope!"
"Very well." Miguel nods, as if he was satisfied with the answer you gave.
"Then you will begin your babysitting job tonight when Gabi is here..." He pulls his cell phone and looks at the time on the screen before looking back at you.
"...in 2-3 hours. She'll be excited to see you, so make sure to make her smile." Miguel smiles at you and nods once again.
Miguel's eyes go back to your body, his gaze slowly moving across your curves from top to bottom. He then looks away.
"You will also find two numbers on the fridge; mine and the number for our family doctor. They are for emergencies."
Miguel then crosses his arms.
"That's all I have to say. Gabriella will be here in two hours. She'll knock three times before entering, okay?"
"Got that," you noted mentally.
Miguel nods one more time. "Alright, I'll be gone then. Don't worry, Gabriella is very easy to take care of."
He smiles and starts walking to the front door again. Before leaving, he waits to see if you had anything to add.
"See you tomorrow then Ms." You shoot a smile at him and head to the door first, which unexpectedly you stumble over a Barbie doll car. You stop from tripping onto your knees as you feel calloused hands brush over your waist, slightly gripping onto your skin. His hands around your waist made you shiver, the small skin to skin contact emitting some heat to your core.
You regain your posture quickly, embarrassed of yourself. "I'm sorry.." You blurt out. "Its fine really, Gabi tends to leave a trail of her toys around the house", he laughs lightly. "Ah okay...see you tomorrow then Mr.." You wait for his response. "Mr. O'Hara is fine." He says before shutting the door.
a/n: srry its pretty long, you guys can tell me down in the comments if you want a part 2 or if you'd like this to be a slow burn but somewhat fast? leave any tips!! ty :3
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pia-nor481 · 2 months
The Assistant- Chapter One
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Lando Norris x Reader
Zak is tired of Lando’s behaviour and hirers him a personal assistant, whom he finds a little too attractive to be working with. What she didn’t know, was how hard he would make the job.
2.4k words
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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This wasn't exactly her dream job, sure she loved being around motorsports, but she would have loved to work with the team, not for one of the drivers. Originally she had applied online, not even sure she would get the job, but now as she was slipping her heels on reality had hit her. Zak Brown, CEO of Mclaren Formula One team had employed her to be an assistant; She assumed she would have been working for him as no other name was mentioned in either of her interviews, but she assumed very wrong. 
"So you'll be working with Lando. Making sure he's where he needs to be and has everything he needs. Pretty much doing whatever he asks." She struggled to keep up with Zak's fast pace with the folders in her hands as he guided her through the MTC. "Your desk is right here and Lando's is right over there." He pointed as he spoke, making sure she had everything she needed before she officially started. Zak walked into Lando's office with a face of disappointment, she didn't know the details and quite frankly didn't want to. With Zak gone she could finally take a breath, placing her belongings on the rather large desk. One small perk about working for Lando and not Mclaren was she could essentially wear whatever she pleased. She sat down and opened the provided laptop, checking what she could only imagine to be the busiest schedule she would ever see. After deciding she would deal with that a little later she looked around the room fully, noticing there was only four other desks in this area, the rest in offices with names printed on the doors. The desk given to her was the largest in the room, with very little on top of it; A phone, calculator, notebook, pens and a file organiser. She looked to the left and noticed next year's racing calendar. She made a mental note to bring some thing from home to brighten up the area, perhaps make it look more humane. 
"Are you serious Zak, another one?" She heard Lando's voice through the open door of his office. "Don't behave like a child. Oscar has an assistant who he gets on well with. But you need one. You're late to almost every meeting if you even turn up and you never have your equipment or uniform. It's unacceptable and so I'm doing something about it. Her pay isn't even coming out of your bank account so be grateful for that." Zak muttered, almost dragging Lando out of the room with a small scowl on his face. "This is Lando." Zak said with a small smile after introducing her. She offered her hand before speaking, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Lando." He quickly shook her hand but didn't say anything, waiting for Zak to leave for his office. Now she could see why the pay was so high. He was slightly insufferable and considerably rude. 
Lando turned his back to her as he spoke, "Go get me a coffee would you." He grumbled walking back towards his office. She was shocked at the gumption to start with and then realised that she was being paid significantly more than what the base rate was for scheduling appointments. So really she just didn't feel the need to complain. She walked towards the unnecessarily large kitchen for that floor and looked through the cupboards, only finding instant coffee granules and shaking her head slightly. She knew first hand from working office jobs that instant coffee was one of the worst drinks in the world. She grabbed the largest mug from the shelf and placed two teaspoons of the coffee inside, followed by a pinch of salt as it would take the bitterness away. She poured a small amount of cold water into the mug before adding the hot water most of the way up, so she didn't burn the coffee. Finally she added some milk and gave it a good stir. Pleased with herself she walked back to his office as quick as she could. 
"Here." She almost whispered, placing the mug on his unusually tidy desk, which let her know he was almost never here or he never did any work. She had a sneaking suspicion it was the latter. "Took you long enough." Lando muttered looking up at her as he took a sip of the drink, a look of disgust painting his face. "That's awful. How do you mess up making coffee?" His question was rhetorical but it still hurt. She was sure it was the best one could make with such limited supplies. Or maybe he just didn't like coffee at all and was giving her a hard time. "You only have my work schedule, right?" He looked ack up at her, hands crossed in his lap. "Right?" Lando repeated, annoyance lacing his voice. She knew she shouldn't have been so easily upset, but disrespect being the first thing you hear from someone was always hurtful. "Yes." She whispered, not lifting her gaze from the ground, worried he'd see the look on her face. "Well, here's my personal schedule, sync it up for me." He said waving his hand towards the door. She took the paper from his hand with a small thank you and left to do as she was asked. Soon she was sat at the desk with glossy eyes questioning her decisions. Maybe applying for the job was a mistake, but she needed the money. 
He had a meeting about the new car at 6am tomorrow, a quadrant photoshoot at 10am for the new merch line but the manufacturer needed to be called tonight to ensure the clothes were ready to be mass produced for the release next month, then at 12pm they were filming a karting video that he needed to bring his helmet and quadrant racing suit for, at 4pm he need to pick up dry cleaning for a dinner he had at 7pm. She wasn't sure it was possible for one person to be so busy. She was quick to write down the necessary numbers and times on a post it notes before sticking all seven of them to the black wall above the desk. She wrote a small reminder to ensure Lando was wearing proper Mclaren uniform for the meeting, hoping it would ease Zak slightly. 
Her first call was to the manufacturing company and it lasted over two hours, most of it being arguing about shipping dates and production location. She needed to have the shortest delivery time possible considering the date for the release and it was causing her to panic. Lando didn't seem to have a lot of patience and he also seemed like the kind of man to yell if he wasn't happy with something, so she felt as though she couldn't afford to get this wrong. After another twenty minutes, and two pages of A4 paper later, the merch was set to be shipped to them one week before it was due to be sold. A small sigh escaped her as she took the first post it down. She then began working on 'merging' the two schedules, which she was sure he made it harder by giving her a paper copy, so she had to add things one by one. After a while, all of which was spent adding doctors appointments and training sessions to his calendar, she made way back to the kitchen reaching for another mug, making a coffee for herself just as she did before. She hesitated taking a sip, questioning herself. Was the drink actually that bad or maybe he was just testing her resolve. Quickly she snapped out of the small haze and rushed back to her desk, noticing Lando was no longer in his office.
Her eyes began to sting slightly as she continued to look at the screen, worried she wouldn't get all the work done in time. She made a small note to herself to pick up some eye drops before she went home, not wanting to repeat the feeling tomorrow. As she picked up her phone to set an alarm she noticed the time, 4am. She had been working for way too long, longer than she was required too. But the tasks set needed to be completed, she couldn't let herself fall behind, the money was too good to ever let that happen. While rushing to her car she began to question her actions completely. Why did she think this was even a good job? Running around after people was not her specialty. Yet she continued on. She was a person that liked to be relatively prepared and always kept spare clothes in the car, perhaps not for this occasion, but she was thankful to her past self none the less. She knew there were showers in the building as the drivers and pit crew often had to train in the building, so that wouldn't have been an issue. After making what could be considered a subpar coffee she called Lando on her personal phone, although it required two calls before he surprised her by answering. 
"Who is this?" He groaned down the line. She didn't expect his voice to be so low, then again she most definitely woke him up. "Your assistant, who needs you to wear your team uniform for the 6 am meeting today, which for your information, you need to leave for in about seven minutes." She said sweetly, knowing being yelled at as soon as you wake up isn't particularly pleasant, so the last thing she needed was him coming to work in a bad mood. "Yeah, okay. I'll be there." He said before ending the call. She shouldn't have felt her face warming as he spoke, hearing his morning voice shouldn't be turning her on as much as it was. His poor attitude had fizzled away in the late evening and the early morning, he was of course still mean for ending the call in such away, but his words were not as offensive. 
She expected him to come to work in what he pleased so she hurried to the store room to look for anything even in his size. The door was heavy and the room was dark but she managed to find a papaya shirt and a few pairs of trousers that looked close enough to fitting. She walked  back towards his office, with her signature office coffee in hand and placed everything on his desk, waiting for Lando to grace her with his presence. She retrieved her note book and pen off her desk before sitting in one of his chairs. "Some assistant she is. Telling me I need to be here, yet she's no where to be found." He grumbled, running his hands through his hair. As Lando walked through the threshold of the office he noticed her sat eagerly a small, but clearly fake, smile on her face. "You need to get dressed before we leave, the meeting starts in ten minutes and you have plenty to do today." She stated, brushing off his earlier statement, even if it brought a slight pain to her chest. Lando walked behind the desk and noticed, not just the hot drink awaiting him, but a few printed forms that he needed to sign, all with a small post it explaining in less than ten words what it was for. She walked towards the door and closed it, facing the opposite direction from the desk. "I need to ensure that you actually look presentable, but trust me I'm not looking." She said with a small huff, crossing her arms over her chest. "How do I know you're not actually some crazy fan?" He questioned, pulling his blue shirt over his head, quickly replacing it with the uniform. "My phone is on the desk and if I was some crazy fan I would probably already be in your house considering a I know you're address." She stated like it was the simplest thing in the world. "You can turn around now." Lando said, annoyance once again lacing his voice. "Oh, you're hair is a mess." She walked over to the brit quickly, reaching over to adjust the curls. "What are you doing?" His jaw clenched slightly as her fingers threaded through his hair. "Don't complain, I'm making sure you look presentable. Zak will be grateful considering there are some sponsors in this meeting." 
She pulled away from him and walked away, happy that he followed. "Don't do that again." His tone was almost malicious before they reached the board room, sitting down quietly. Zak quickly began thanking everyone for showing up before he started talking about how this years car would be better than the previous years. As she looked towards Lando, she noticed his head was down, most likely on his phone. A small amount of anger rose up through her. The gall. He works for this company, the words said would be greatly important to him, yet he wasn't even listening. It was disgraceful. She made sure to write down as many notes as possible, at least about what she assumed to be the most important parts since she didn't really know what was being said. The mechanics of formula one cars was not her speciality so it was a little hard to distinguish what was needed and what wasn't. 
"Thank you all for coming, any further questions please email." Zak said with a pleasant smile. She zoned out for a while, focusing on writing down the last few sentences. "Hey, are you even listening to me." Lando raised his voice slightly, shaking her shoulders. "You said I had to be somewhere at ten. So...get up." He almost pulled her out of the chair as she grabbed her things. "You have a photoshoot for the new Quadrant merch. The rest of the product is being delivered one week before sales go live." She almost muttered as he pushed her out of the door. 
"Well you're coming with me."
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vampireyuuta · 1 month
includes: f! reader, established relationship, pure fluff, toge mentioned!
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yuuta does not have to spend any time getting ready in the mornings.
brush teeth, brush hair, style hair if it's really messy: that's all for him. he also gets up far before you, chucking when you whine as he slips out of bed for maybe twenty minutes.
he sits on the edge of your shared bed as you frantically speed around your room trying to rush your process. he’s smiling and blushing the most beautiful pink you’ve ever seen while you're grumbling about how he should've woken you up. truthfully, he should've, but then you'd just be mad that he didn't let you sleep in. lose-lose, he thinks.
he follows you when you disappear into the bathroom.
he watches how you purse your lips together and knit your brows as you apply your lip combo, how you flick your wrist to put on eyeliner with practiced ease, how you speed through the makeup process as you don't have extra time (hint hint: you do). he thinks you're beautiful without makeup, an absolute marvel of a woman who he’s racing to get down on one knee for, but he also thinks you're so talented—makeup’s an art form after all, and you are the painting and the painter.
he places a sweet hand on your shoulder when you wince while brushing your hair, a particularly annoying sleep-induced tangle tugging on your scalp.
he follows you like a lost dog when you speed walk back into the bedroom. he grins when you pause while grabbing your phone for the first time that morning.
6:00, the time read. you didn't have anywhere to be until 8:30. yuuta had told you you were about to be late when he shook you awake. he bites down a giggle when you stick the mental puzzle pieces together.
you snap around with amusement and exasperation written all over your face. you push gently on yuuta’s chest, it's mot meant to hurt him (not like you could anyway), just to get his attention. “okkotsu!”
shit, the last name? he’s done it now.
“what?” he smiles with an almost too convincing faux innocence.
truth is, yuuta had been gushing to inumaki about you a little too much yesterday. he was complaining on and on, all while inumaki nodded lazily, about how he never gets the chance to see you in the mornings, how you never get up on time, how when you are awake you're getting ready and then you have to go. he wasn't mad at you—he never is and never will be—just a little sad he didn't get an extended glimpse of you before heading to school. his friend scribbled down on a notepad, “just wake her up earlier dude.”
“she doesn't like to be woken up too early,” he pouted, “and, if i did, she’d just spend the whole time getting ready.” he felt at a loss, defeated, and inumaki pondered for a moment.
“tell her that it's a different time than it is when you wake he up. make her think she’s about to be late,” he wrote, holding up the notebook for yuuta.
why didn't he think of that?
“you know what!” you laugh a little.
he laughs right along side you, the sweet sweet sound filling your ears and making your heart swell even with the annoyance inside you. “i just wanted to see you more in the morning,” he admits, grabbing one of your hands and holding it between both of his.
you can't stay mad at him. even when you want to say something about how that's mean, how he should've just gotten you up normally, but yuuta’s just too cute.
you follow him back into bed with a small, begrudging smile. he envelops you in his arms. so warm, like yourown personal heater. you nuzzle against him, careful to not ruin your sloppy makeup job. he rubs your back with his big hands, almost falling back asleep as he holds you.
you could get used to this if you didn't have to wake up early.
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ 1 sit-up = 1 kiss ♡
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-> you challenge the genshin men to do sit-ups, but with each rep, they also get a kiss from you (just like in the gif above!) How would they react?
suggestive in some parts!
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"I'm getting ripped tonight~" rip that [redacted]"
Itto, Childe,
They'll immediately be on the floor and all ready to go when you propose this challenge because he would be ABSOLUTELY pumped up. Like, c'mon. He gets to show off his physical prowess and get a little love from you at the same time? HECK YEAH 💪 by the time he's finished, his abs are going to be rock harder than ever and your lips are going to feel numb after kissing him hundreds of times (and let's be honest, that number probably wouldn't be an exaggeration)
Even with both of your lips being numb, he'll still expect more than just a "couple" of pecks on the lips to satiate him after you've tired him out. You've made him sweat, so it's only fair that he gets to make you sweat too. And y'all will get physical, alright ;)
"Lemme just kiss you!"
Venti, Kaveh, Scaramouche, Xiao, Diluc
He'd scoff at the idea and would roll over, whining, "Why should I do that when I can just kiss you without doing any work?" He'll go in for a kiss, but you'll instantly block it with your hand, clicking your tongue and teasingly telling him that he'll have to earn your kisses today.
I think he'll be stubborn and would still refuse to commit to your challenge for a little while before finally giving in. He'd miss your lips too much and can't go a day without your kiss, after all. He'll go down to the floor with furrowed brows and a big pout on his face, ready for the "strenuous" exercise Yet, soon, that frown would gradually turn upside down with each sit-up and kiss you'd give him.
Okay, tbh, it won't be a full, big smile because he'd slowly be dying both inside and out after each rep LOL. He's doing his best! Needless to say, he probably wouldn't get through a whole lot of reps and would be laying there, panting heavily, all sweaty and tired out by the end of that little workout session (-> mainly applied to Venti, Kaveh, and maybe Scaramouche? Xiao and Diluc would probably get through it easily, the whole thing would just be a bit annoying to them)
"The things you make me do for you, y/n...", he'd huff.
You'd giggle and lean down towards his face, "you did a good job, sweetheart~", and would then pepper his face with a multitude of kisses. "Here's your reward", you'd continue, planting a loving kiss onto his lips. And with the way he'd melt into your lips and softly moan, you would have guessed that he finally thought it was worth it after all.
Makes it interesting
Heizou, Kaeya, Ayato, Alhaitham, Baizhu
He'd agree to your challenge, but not without making it interesting in his own way. If you were going to challenge him, then he'd give you a challenge too: Could you resist him as he was doing what you had asked of him? Let's see.
Before he begins your challenge, he'd pull off his top, exposing his toned upper body, and he'd smirk to himself as he watched how you were already distracted and were practically drooling at his display. This would make the next part all the more enjoyable for him.
So the challenge would start off fine with you two giving each other a simple, quick peck after each rep. Yet, soon enough, he'd bring in more passion into his kisses, taking a bit more time on your lips after each one. His kisses would leave you wanting more, would make you forget about the exercising part and he knew this, so he'd continue with his reps, despite you attempting to hold him still.
To make matters worse, he'd also begin teasing you with his tongue, licking your bottom lip quickly, pulling back to complete his rep, and sitting back up to eventually go deeper with it, allowing his tongue to dance with yours. Even when you thought that he finally quit with the sit-ups, he again pulled back to complete another rep.
At some point, you'd have enough of his teasing and would pin him down and devour his lips, fueled by the hunger he had instilled in you. You two would eventually forget about your challenge and would have a heated makeout session instead. Seems like his plan worked, hehe
Indulges you
Zhongli, Cyno, Tighnari, Kazuha, Albedo, Dainsleif
He initially raises an eyebrow, wondering what spurred the sudden challenge on, but he won't back down from it, even if it does seem a bit trivial. Anyway, he'd be able to do it with ease, barely even breaking a sweat during the exercise.
And while he does enjoy this "fun" way of kissing you, he knows that this would simply go on for forever if he doesn't do anything. So after a certain rep, he would take the opportunity to surprise you with a long and deep kiss, holding your face firmly. When he breaks away, he'd look at your flushed face with a smile.
"Must I do more sit-ups to kiss you?"
You'd answer him by pouncing on him and kissing him.
Gorou, Thoma
They'd have a difficult time getting through the exercise, not because of the physical workout itself, but because they'd be flustered the whole time. You'd be giving him more kisses than usual and would be encouraging him so much all while having that beloved bright expression on your face as he does your challenge. This would simply be too much for his heart to handle that he'd end up collapsing mid-sit-up, and covering his face with his hands. You'd lean over and ask,
"Too tired?"
"No....you're just too cute"
If you wanna get him even more shy, gently pull off his hands from his face, give him a big ol' kiss on his lips, then say, "Well, I think you're cute too 😘" and watch him combust lol
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a/n: I was just looking for cute gifs when I came across this one and was immediately inspired to write this, haha. l also kinda gave up heading towards the end ngl, the writer's block is too real for me rn :'D
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rafeandonlyrafe · 9 months
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words: 1k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, blowjob, face fucking a bit, hair play?, mentions of thigh riding, public sex
“can i join you today rafey?” you ask, plopping down on his lap. 
“join me for what?” he questions, dropping his phone onto the couch, the weather app still opened up, checking the radar and wind direction.
“golf, duh.” you say like it's obvious. he does usually go on fridays, so it's no surprise that he would be going today, especially since it was pretty sunny out
“oh.” rafe says, his eyebrows raising in surprise. “you really want to go with me?”
“mhm.” you nod. “i bought a new golf skirt.” 
“ah, now it makes sense.” rafe laughs, pulling you into his chest when you pout. “of course you can come baby.”
“yay!” you press a kiss to his lips, your hands coming to rest on his strong jaw. “im gonna go get ready.”
you hop up off of rafes lap, but not before giving him another kiss. you head upstairs, excited to get dressed in your new golfing outfit. you apply makeup, figuring you'd get rafe to take some cute pictures of you for instagram.
you tie your hair up in a ponytail before adjusting your skirt and putting on your golf shoes.
“all ready, rafey.” you bound back down the stairs. rafe perks up instantly when he sees you in your tiny skirt.
“you look hot.” rafe says as he stands, coming over to deliver a kiss.
“thanks baby.” you smile, rafe still managing to make you blush even after you've been together for over a year.
“come on, let's go before it gets too busy.” rafe says, taking your hand in his as he leads you out the door.
“rafe, cut it out.” you say with a laugh as his hands find a way to your waist again.
“i can't help it baby, you look so good.” he groans, pulling your body against his, not letting you swing your club and hit the golf ball.
“i know, but i gotta hit this! don't you wanna move on to the next hole?” you question. it's an easy putt, which is all you really like to do. you always start your turn from where rafes first hit lands, it makes golf easier and more enjoyable for you. rafe even lets you drive the cart from time to time. 
“wanna move on to your next hole.” rafe says, making you lean against him as you howl with laughter.
“that was so stupid!”
“shut up.” rafe groans, burying his head in your shoulder, glad that you wore a tank top today that didn't cover too much of your skin as he kisses where your neck meets your shoulder.
“you are corny, rafe cameron.” you say with a roll of your eyes, pulling away from his grabby hands so you can finally make your putt.
you line up your shoot before tapping the ball into the hole, letting out a whoop in happiness at getting it in.
“good job.” rafe says, giving you a high five.
you retrieve your ball before heading to the next hole, frowning when rafe turns the golf cart the wrong direction.
“uh… rafe?” you question as he pulls behind a patch of woods.
“wanna suck me off baby?” he questions as he puts the cart into park, looking over at where you are perched on the golf cart next to him.
“oh!” you squeal, now understanding why he took you to the one secluded part of the course. “yes!”
rafe laughs, stepping out of the cart and moving to the other side. you get on your knees in the cart, not wanting to dirty them in the grass.
rafe tugs his zipper down as you work the button open, mouth already salivating.
you pull his pants down to his thighs, his underwear coming with it as his cock perks up, already hardening. rafe glances around, double checking that no one is around as you grasp his cock. 
you open your mouth, stroking over his cock as you rub the head against your tongue. rafe lets out a quiet moan, his hand moving to grip your ponytail.
“gonna fuck your mouth, yeah?” rafe questions. he wants to let you take your time, but he also doesn’t want to get in trouble with the country club if he gets caught. 
you nod, opening your mouth as rafe pushes your head down on his cock, his hips pushing forward at the same time. you place your hands on his thighs to keep yourself steady as he uses your ponytail to guide you up and down.
rafe only takes it slow for a minute before he begins to snap his hips forward, his cock growing inside your mouth.
he wraps your ponytail around his head for a better grip. you squeeze your eyes closed at the pain of your hair being pulled, you panties flooding with wetness.
“good girl.” rafe praises you, pumping faster. you moan around his length, glad that you have enough practice on his cock to accommodate him easily, remembering when you first blew him and was unable to take him all the way into your mouth.
you whine as rafe yanks on your hair, using your mouth to get himself off. your throat constricts around him as you resist the urge to cough, managing to squeeze your fists tightly and avoid gagging.
rafe picks his head up from looking at you to glance around again, but he sees no carts or players nearby. 
“gonna cum in your mouth baby.” rafe warns, imagining if you did get caught, if someone saw you being such a good slut for him, your jaw slack as his cock pulses in your mouth.
rafe releases quickly after his warning, cum spurting into your mouth. you moan around his length, sucking gently as you help him ride out his high.
rafe pulls you off by your ponytail, tucking his cock back into his pants and redoing them.
“you messed up my hair.” you pout, trying to smooth out your ponytail.
“sorry, baby.” rafe says, leaning down to press a kiss to your forehead. you wipe your mouth and move to sit back on the seat of the cart, stretching your legs out.
“wanna ride my thigh to make up for it?” rafe asks, sticking his leg out.
“oh, yes!” you squeal, sliding over to push your crotch into his thigh, straddling him.
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre
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ama0310 · 2 months
Bubblegum Bitch
Character: Aaron Hotchner
Requested: No
Type: Song Fic, Angst/Fluff
Summary: Hotch never thought he'd fall in love again—until he met Y/N.
Author's Note: Based on Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA
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Meeting the Unit Chief should have been terrifying, but for you, it was exhilarating. Strauss had recently transferred you to the BAU from the Counter-Terrorism Division.
You suspected she added you to the team to ruffle the Unit Chief's feathers. It might have bothered you if it hadn’t come with a nice bump in your paycheck.
The moment Hotch saw you, he knew you were trouble. He just didn't realize how much trouble until your very first case.
Got a figure like a pin-up, got a figure like a doll Don't care if you think I'm dumb, I don't care at all
You stood before the mirror in a dingy motel bathroom, applying the finishing touches to your makeup. The skin-tight leather mini dress hugged every curve, transforming you into the perfect bait for the unsub who had been terrorizing local nightclubs.
Hotch's reflection appeared behind you, his face etched with worry. "Y/L/N, I really don't think you're ready for this."
You turned, cocking an eyebrow as you placed your hands on your hips. "And why is that, sir?"
Hotch's response was immediate and brutally honest. "You're still new, never been face-to-face with an unsub, let alone undercover. You're reckless, difficult to control, and frankly, a loose cannon. Need I go on?"
I'll chew you up and I'll spit you out
A smirk played at your lips as you sauntered towards him, invading his personal space. The scent of your perfume mingled with the tension in the air. "Look, Hotchie," you purred, noting how he stiffened at the nickname, "I was transferred here for a reason. I know what this job entails. So be my boss and let me do it."
You could see the internal struggle playing out behind Hotch's eyes. His professional concern warred with something else – an attraction he was clearly trying to suppress. You were a walking danger sign, and part of him was drawn to that fire.
"First," he said, his voice low and controlled, "don't call me that. Second, I'm not trying to offend you. I simply think Emily might be better suited for this operation. You can take points next time."
You scoffed, taking a step back. "Next time? With all due respect, sir, I fit the victimology perfectly, and you know it. I've spent the last hour transforming myself into exactly what this creep is looking for. If I don't do this, he'll likely claim another victim before we can catch him. So again, Hotchie," you emphasized the nickname, watching him bristle, "let me do my job. Don't make me have to disobey orders."
Without waiting for a response, you slipped on your stilettos and brushed past him, the warmth of your body tantalizingly close for a moment before you were gone.
Hotch watched you go, a mix of admiration and trepidation swirling in his gut. You were brilliant, fearless, and undeniably effective. But you were also unpredictable, pushing boundaries at every turn. As he followed you out, preparing to oversee the operation, one thought echoed in his mind:
Definitely trouble.
Candy bear, sweetie pie, wanna be adored I'm the girl you'd die for
Over the past few months, you had become the team's radiant beacon of positivity, your presence a cure for the often-dark nature of their work. Even the usually stoic Hotch, though he'd never admit it aloud, had fallen under your spell.
It was impossible not to be drawn to your infectious energy. Each morning, you breezed into the bullpen, a whirlwind of warmth and enthusiasm. Your greetings were accompanied by compliments, tailored to brighten each team member's day. After particularly grueling cases, the aroma of your famous blueberry muffins would fill the office, a comforting reminder that there was still sweetness in the world. You even patiently endured Spencer's lengthy tangents, sparing the others from information overload.
As the team prepared to head out for a new case, you sprinted across the parking lot, your laughter echoing off the concrete walls. "Shotgun!" you called out triumphantly, playfully shoving past Spencer to claim the coveted front seat next to Hotch.
Your friendship with the young doctor had blossomed quickly, bonded by your shared status as the "kids" of the team. While the others sometimes found his endless stream of facts overwhelming, you delighted in his knowledge, often engaging him in spirited debates that left the rest of the team both amused and bewildered.
The unit chief's lips twitched, fighting back a smile as he watched your antics. Spencer, mock indignation coloring his voice, appealed to their leader. "Hotch, come on! She rode shotgun last time. It's my turn, isn't it?"
Hotch cleared his throat, his tone stern but his eyes betraying a hint of amusement. "Y/N, you know the rules. It is indeed Reid's turn to sit up front."
You turned to face Hotch, unleashing the full power of your most irresistible puppy dog eyes. Your lower lip jutted out ever so slightly as you pleaded silently. Behind you, Spencer let out a resigned sigh, already knowing he'd lost this battle. Your ability to wrap Hotch around your finger was legendary among the team, even if the man himself was loath to acknowledge it.
Hotch held your gaze for a moment, visibly wavering. With a barely perceptible shake of his head, he started the engine, tacitly allowing you to keep your place.
Victorious, you twisted in your seat to face Spencer, sticking out your tongue in a childish display of triumph.
"Y/N!" Hotch's voice held a note of warning, though it lacked any real heat.
You straightened immediately, your voice dripping with faux innocence. "Sorry, sir!"
The apology was hollow, and you both knew it. As Hotch pulled out of the parking lot, you caught the barest hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Your sunny persona had once again melted the ice around the unit chief's heart.
Oh, dear diary, I met a boy He made my doll heart light up with joy
The realization hit you like a thunderbolt – you were hopelessly, irrevocably in love with Aaron Hotchner. For the first time in your life, you felt a fear that chilled you to your core.
How could someone like him ever reciprocate such feelings? The cons seemed endless: a decade age gap, your extroverted nature clashing with his stoicism, your wild spirit at odds with his controlled demeanor. Not to mention the professional boundary – you were his employee, AND  he was still navigating the aftermath of his recent divorce.
Your newfound awareness of your feelings for Hotch led to a desperate attempt at avoidance. It was hard, given how intertwined your lives had become over the months. For a week, you'd been dodging his texts, offering only cursory greetings, and maintaining a physical distance that felt painfully unnatural.
Hotch noticed the change immediately, and it gnawed at him. Your vibrant presence had become a constant in his life, a source of warmth he hadn't realized he'd come to depend on until it was suddenly gone.
He found himself missing the little rituals that had naturally developed between you. The morning car rides, once a practical solution to your car troubles, had evolved into a cherished start to each day. Your habit of bringing him a piece of candy during lunch breaks, with the excuse of "sweetening up his day," never failed to bring a smile to his face. Most of all, he missed the casual physical contact – the way you'd unconsciously place your hand on his arm when standing close, a gesture that grounded him more than he cared to admit.
As the week progressed, Hotch's concern deepened. Had he unknowingly offended you? He wracked his brain, trying to pinpoint any misstep. Perhaps the latest case had affected you more than usual, or maybe you were simply exhausted. Whatever the reason, he was determined to lift your spirits.
During his lunch break, Hotch made his way to your favorite café. The aroma of freshly baked goods enveloped him as he ordered your usual – a ham and cheese croissant and your preferred coffee blend. Back at the office, he noticed your empty desk and quickly left the bag before retreating to his office.
When you returned from the restroom, steeling yourself for an afternoon of paperwork, the sight of the familiar bag on your desk stopped you in your tracks. With trembling hands, you opened it to find the still-warm croissant and perfectly prepared coffee. Atop the container, a piece of candy was taped to a note that read: "To sweeten your day up! – Hotch"
Your heart swelled, a mix of joy and ache flooding your chest. Looking up, you caught Hotch watching you from his office window. Despite your best efforts to maintain distance, you couldn't help but offer him the radiant smile he'd come to cherish.
In that moment, the truth was undeniable. You were completely, utterly, and hopelessly in love with Aaron Hotchner. As your eyes locked with his, a flicker of something – hope, perhaps? – passed between you, hinting that maybe, just maybe, these obstacles weren't quite so impossible after all.
Oh, dear diary, we fell apart Welcome to the life of Electra Heart
Aaron Hotchner never imagined falling in love after Haley left. His life revolved around his job and Jack. He didn't need anyone else. That is, until you entered his life.
You were the first to sense something was wrong when he didn't answer his phone. Racing to his apartment, you found it covered in blood. With Penelope's help, you tracked him to a hospital, learning he'd been stabbed nine times.
When he opened his eyes and saw you, Hotch thought he'd died and gone to heaven. You looked angelic - an angel he couldn't bear to see harmed.
So when George Foyet shot him in his own home, Hotch realized he needed to end whatever was blossoming between you before you got hurt.
But you made it difficult.
The moment he was released, you were there every day, before and after work. Groceries, cleaning, anything to ease his burden. You knew how hard it was for him to send Haley and Jack away, how alone he must feel. You were determined to show him the team - and you - were there for him. For anything.
Driving him home after the Darrin Call case, where he'd recklessly entered a house without backup, your anger finally boiled over.
"What the hell were you thinking, Aaron?" you demanded, following him into his apartment. "No gun, no vest, no backup. Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
Hotch turned, his face a mask of stone. "I knew the profile. I had it under control."
"Under control?" you scoffed. "If it were anyone else, you'd have suspended them! This isn't you, Aaron. What's going on?"
His eyes flashed. "What's going on is I'm the Unit Chief, and I don't answer to you. I think before I act, unlike some people."
The barb stung. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing," he said coldly. "Just find it ironic you're lecturing me on recklessness."
"I've never walked into a hostage situation alone and unarmed!" you countered.
"I don't have to explain myself," Hotch snapped. "Especially not to you. Get out."
Your eyes widened. "No. We're talking about this. You're spiraling, Aaron. This obsession with Foyet-"
"Stop. You have no idea what you're talking about."
"I know you're not alone in this!" you pleaded. "The team needs you. I need you."
Hotch laughed bitterly. "If you haven't noticed, I am alone. My son is gone. I have no one. And I won't rest until Foyet is dead."
Tears welled in your eyes. "You have us. You have me. We can figure this out together."
"There is no 'we,'" Hotch said, his voice cold and final. "There never was."
The words hit like a physical blow. "Don't say that. You know that's not true."
For a moment, his mask slipped, revealing the pain beneath. But then it was back, harder than ever. "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression."
You stared at him, hurt turning to anger. "Go to hell, Hotchner," you spat, before storming out, leaving him alone with the wreckage of what might have been.
I'm Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips Hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss
Your relationship with Aaron had crumbled to dust. Since that night you stormed out of his apartment, you'd made it your mission to avoid him at all costs. Difficult, considering he was your boss.
You understood he was facing unimaginable challenges - the loss of his ex-wife, becoming a single parent. Part of you ached to support him, but you both needed space.
That space stretched into a year.
You'd left transfer papers on his desk days ago. Despite your love for the team, staying had become impossible. It wasn't fair to you or Hotch. Counter Terrorism Division beckoned - a fresh start.
You hadn't told the team yet, dreading their reactions. You'd become their wild, sassy, overdramatic little sister. But tonight wasn't about goodbyes. It was Spencer's birthday, and Derek had chosen a club to celebrate. You wouldn't miss it for the world.
Arriving in a hot pink mini dress and matching heels, you spotted the team immediately.
"Happy birthday, Boy Genius!" you exclaimed, hugging Spencer tight.
"Please," he whispered, "get me out of here. Derek's trying to set me up with his friend."
You laughed, ruffling his hair. "No can do, Spence. It's your night. Go crazy. I promise not to film anything too embarrassing."
Turning to greet the others, you froze. Hotch was there. You hugged everyone but him, pointedly avoiding his gaze.
"Damn, girl! You're on fire!" Penelope gushed, clearly tipsy.
Emily nodded appreciatively. "I'm borrowing those heels."
"You know how to make a girl feel special," you winked. "First round's on me!"
An hour later, you were dancing with Penelope and Spencer, the alcohol buzzing through your veins. Suddenly, Spencer spun you – right into Hotch's arms. You glared at Spencer, who mouthed 'Karma' with a smirk.
The tension was strong as you and Hotch swayed silently. You wanted to escape, yet craved his touch.
"You requested a transfer," he stated, his voice low.
You quirked an eyebrow. "Did you sign it?"
You pulled back, stunned. "What do you mean, no?"
"We need to talk first."
Anger flared. "You're unbelievable," you spat, pushing past him and out of the club. He followed close behind.
"Y/N, please-"
You whirled to face him. "There's nothing to say. It's been a year, Hotch. Whatever we had is dead."
"You don't mean that," he insisted, his eyes burning into yours.
The alcohol amplified your emotions. "I do. I'm over it. Over you. There's nothing left to talk about."
"Then I'll talk, and you listen," he said firmly, gripping your shoulders. "There was a 'we'. Everything I said that night – it was a lie. To keep you safe from Foyet. He was targeting everyone I loved. I couldn't risk losing you."
Your heart stuttered. "You... loved me?"
"I still do," he breathed, cupping your face. "This past year has been hell. Not having you by my side – our carpool chats, sneaking candy, just... you. It was torture. I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness."
You wanted to resist, to make him suffer longer. But the alcohol, the longing, the raw emotion in his voice – it was too much. You threw your arms around him, burying your face in his neck.
You both exhaled, tension melting away. It felt right. It felt like coming home.
"I love you too," you murmured, then pulled back with a stern look. "But you've got a lot of making up to do."
He pressed his forehead to yours. "I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you if I have to. You deserve the world, Y/N, and I intend to give it to you."
Your lips met in a soft, tentative kiss, full of promise and the weight of a year apart.
As you parted, you whispered, "This doesn't mean I'm not still furious with you."
A ghost of a smile touched his lips. "I wouldn't expect anything less."
I'm Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips I'm gonna be your bubblegum bitch
Again, you were trouble. Even after two years together, you definitely kept him on his toes. Not transferring and working alongside your boyfriend made for an interesting way to live.
“What you did was stupid and reckless, Y/N.” Aaron's voice was stern as the team boarded the jet to head back home. The case had been a success, but it came at the cost of you getting into the unsub’s car without any weapons. Fortunately, you had your team.
You couldn't help but roll your eyes at him. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me, Y/N. I’m serious.”
“Ooooo, Mom and Dad are fighting,” Spencer teased from across the jet.
“Shut up, Spencer,” you snapped, making him raise his hands in mock surrender. Then, you turned to Hotch. “You know damn well I needed to get into his car. If I didn’t and you caught him, he would’ve acted like he was just trying to get with me.”
Aaron rubbed the side of his head. Migraines. You gave him migraines. “The plan was for you to walk down the street, and the moment you were alone with him, we would get him. You went rogue.”
You rolled your eyes again. “Well, technically we were alone, and you did get him.”
He was about to argue again, but you wrapped your arms around his neck, giving him your infamous puppy dog face. “Aaron, I’m okay. You know I did what I had to do to catch him. I’m sorry I worried you, but I’m not sorry for helping bring him in.”
He sighed, knowing you were right, and he could never stay mad at you. “I hated every second of it. My heart stopped the moment you got into that damn car.”
You smiled and pecked him on the lips. “Hey, you always said I was going to give you a heart attack.”
It was his turn to roll his eyes before he kissed you. “You have, and you most definitely will again.”
“Hey, that’s what you love about me.”
“That is true.”
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jwanniie · 4 months
Can u do gp assassin minji x reader where minji was tasked to take down an important person but as she was observing he
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Pairings: G!p Assasin Minji x f!reader!
Warnings: dub-con, somno,slight non-con at first, Assasin minji, knife play, degrading, pet names, p in v, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap your Willy), slight breeding at the end, cervix fucking, mention of pregnancy, kinda kidnapping at the end, not proofread, just filthy smut!!
Word count: 1,6k
Jwans note: huh😮‍💨 after a month of not posting, it was difficult to actually start writing and I felt ashy and dry.🫣 but my long ass summer break started, so I will be posting more (yayy), I’m going to a trip with my friends in few days so YIPPEEEEE😍😍I’m so excited (uwu)👁️👅👁️
Minji was good at her job, or that’s what she could say, extremely good. Don’t you get fooled by the sweet plump lips, gorgeous smile that made everyone forget about their worries or the eyes that stared at you so delicately. To say that at first when you meet her you’d think she’d work on those cat cafes, kindergarten teacher or a major that inquired art would be an understatement.
The plot twist is that the most innocent and dreamy looking people turn into the most twisted and full of secrets individuals. The ones that you’d look at and think ‘no way they would do that?!’. But like the famous George Eliot said “don’t judge a book by its cover.” applied in most situations.
Minji worked as a professional assasin, she took 47 people down without an ounce of effort, the police tried to investigate those cases, but the outcome would always be a hair gripping disappointment. Nonetheless the only hope the police always had was the small ‘Mj’ that was slowly tatted into the victim’s skin with probably a dagger or an extremely sharp blade. They tried to see possible nail scratches, DNA, fingerprints, they even tried to look at the security cameras but there was no sign of anyone entering or leaving, it was like she appeared out of nowhere and disappeared into thin air.
Minji did not like the idea of being under someone's authority or taking orders from anyone. She preferred to work for herself and to be her own boss. However, on occasions, she would consider offers that came with a filthy payment. And that’s what happened with you.
There was this guy who came to Minji and told her he will give her a horrible amount of money if she can take you down. From what she heard from that guy is that you were some really famous and wealthy man’s daughter, and an only child. Your father had a company and by that company he hid his illegal business like money laundering, drug producing, tax evasion and bribery. And to what she also heard is that your dad had stolen money and refuses to give it back to the guy who came to her and that’s why he wanted to get a revenge from your father.
Minji has figured out your schedule with her ways and planned a day when you'll be very busy and tired, so you'll go straight to bed. This will make Minji's job much easier.
Minji wore baggy jeans and a long sleeved black shirt to avoid any suspicion. She let her hair loose to make her features appear more unrecognizable and she had black mask in her black tote bag to wear once she’s in your apartment and in case you’ll wake up.
She tip toed to your apartment building. The building was very minimalistic compared to what she heard who your dad was and how filthy rich you are. She expected a whole apartment building just for you to live in. But it turned out that you lived in an apartment which had families, students and office workers, like any apartment.
She pressed the elevator button and soon she stepped inside. She looked for number ‘12’ and soon she found it. The elevator was pretty fast and it wasn’t long till she was in her desired floor.-Her eyes traveled to all of the doors, in search for the apartment ‘47’. She later stood in front of the door, the lock getting destroyed by her and the door opening. A dark hall getting exposed to her eyes. She timidly and slowly walks in, taking in every little detail.
The hall was soon done and she was met with a closed door by her right, this was where your room could be since all of the other doors of the apartment were open and this was the only door closed.
She quietly opened the door being met with a laying figure, blanket draped over your thighs and lower abdomen while your upper body was exposed to cold air. The moon shining through the window making a dainty and delicate silhouette appear on the wall.
You were in a deep void, so out of this world, too deep in sleep to wake up anytime soon. Your breathing was soft and almost soundless while your chest was inhaling and exhaling slowly.
She was so fascinated by the sight she almost forgot her mission, she felt a rush of blood down her member, her pants feeling way too tight for her liking. She was ripped back to reality when you changed your position, now laying on your back.
She walked closer to your bed, admiring you now from so close. Taking in the little details, she couldn’t adore from far there. She noticed how the cold air made your nipples poke from your silky black night gown. The way the blanket was so down that your thighs were bare till the knees.
Since she already came all the way here, why can’t she have you at least once or maybe twice and then murder you? It would be fast and beside who can stop her, you are asleep and even if you did wake up. Would you fight her back? You can’t. She can just end you with a second. You were basically under her mercy.
She placed her bag on the nightstand before hovering over you. Her legs straddling your thighs. She slid down her slacks before tossing them across the bedroom. You had easy clothing, fast to remove or even rip. She took the hem of the night gown and lifted it till your breasts. She groaned at the sight, you had no panties on, just so easy and beautiful to use. Your perky mounds were soft and so plushy begging to be sucked and worshipped. While the hips to waist ratio was absolutely perfect.
Fuck, she had to kill such a precious and beautiful doll.
Her length was at this point so upwards, the tip angry red while spilling creamy white substance and her balls heavy and almost purple-ish.-Without any prepping or anything she slammed herself in, immediately groaning at the suck of your cunt. Your walls hugging her so tightly, almost too hard to move.
Her both hands went to your breasts, cupping them, while the pad of her thumb started toying with your nipples. Twisting and squeezing the hardened bud.
Your cunt got wetter with every thrust of her hips which made her pace pick up even more, her tip kissing your cervix with every single thrust.
The uncomfortable feeling in your lower region made your eyes flutter open, slightly contemplating is this a dream or the reality. But with every passing second the feeling got even more real and you were getting conscious back again.
When you were fully aware. You were going to let out a bloody scream but before you could even open your mouth, her hand found it way above your mouth. She didn’t stop her hips movements instead, getting even more faster.
Her other hand went to the nightstand, she was rummaging through her back and you were trying to see what she was trying to find. Your curiosity was soon replaced with fear when you saw what she was looking for.
She was looking for one of those kitchen knives in every typical horror movies.-There was soon a sinister evil smile across her face. Her dark eyes looked at your fear full ones.
“I’m not stopping doll, so you better also enjoy this, don’t cause me trouble and if you do..you know your faith.” She said while the tip of the knife was running across your skin. Hard enough to make a small scratch, but not hard enough to let out blood.
Her movements were in halt but soon she started again. She was ramming your insides, you hated to admit that it felt good, way too good.
She was pounding you like there was no tomorrow, well it kinda is true. Her hands let go from your mouth and you wish she didn’t. Now she has to hear the sounds you let for her. Then she thinks you are enjoying this.
With another hit of her tip on your cervix, you let out a loud moan, a pressure on your lower abdomen lingering there.
She chuckled darkly at the sound her tip taking the knife in her grasp.
“Turned out you were enjoying this, huh? Such a pretty little slut!” The sharp blade was running across your inner thighs the fear turning into pleasure. She slightly made the blade sink into your skin, a small bloody cut was now on your inner thighs.
The pain turned you even more on. The pain making your walls clasp around her uncontrollably. Nonetheless she continued her ramming, her tip was completely out before slamming with full force in. The cycle continued.
With the last womb fucking of her cock you reached your climax. Pleasure running through your body while squirming now underneath her.
Your pussy was squeezing her cock after your release and that made her reach her own high, she fucked you faster and with more passion now that she was close.
Without warning her essence painted your walls white, splashing right into your womb. She fucked harder through her high, you were whining and moving under her, the overwhelming feeling of overstimulation hitting you harder than ever. Her cum was now deeper, leaving you with a risk of pregnancy.
“Maybe I should keep you and just tell them I killed you? You would be my personal fuck doll!” She said before wrapping a tape right on top of your mouth, not even waiting to hear your answer.
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guksfairy · 6 months
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!bestfriend Jungkook that buys you snacks at the nearest convenience store when he knows you’re feeling under the weather because of course he does. He won’t even hesitate to grab every single snack in an aisle if it means turning your frown into a smile <3
!bestfriend Jungkook that walks to your apartment daily after practice no matter how late/early it is because he knows with even your presence he’ll be fully energized all over again
!bestfriend Jungkook that follows right behind you when your friends ask you to go to the club with them. They’re not even surprised when they spot you walking towards them with Jungkook to your right. He follows to keep you safe and sound. Or so he says.
!bestfriend Jungkook that watches your every move when his hyung walks into the studio to make sure your attention to Eunwoo isn’t more than he’d like. His love for Eunwoo is endearing and he’d do almost anything for his brother. Key word: almost. Jungkook doesn’t need to lose you to Eunwoo so when he walks in, greeting you as Jungkook is finishing up recording, Jungkook grabs all his items in record time along with your hand and guides the two of you out of the building and to your apartment.
!bestfriend Jungkook that doesn’t know how to react when you talk to him about your coworker that has had a crush on you since you first applied to the job. The feeling in his chest confused him in the sense that he doesn’t exactly know why it hurts when his name is brought up.
“Can we change the subject?”
“Oh sure is something wrong?” You ask with concern all over your face.
Shaking his head he replies, “No I just want to move on from this subject,”
You nod before cuddling back into him and resuming the movie you were both previously watching before you interrupted with your story.
!bestfriend Jungkook that doesn’t know he’s in love with you and that his feelings are reciprocated.
“You’re pretty,” he watched you walk out of the dressing room into the private room he booked a few weeks ago wearing a pink dress you've had your eye on for who knows how long.
Jungkook would have bought it for you had you not straight up threatened him to not speak to him for a week because the dress is expensive.
"...and you're a liar,"
"What? How am I lying?" he replies staring at your smile that was simply for him before it fades.
"I don't know if I like it anymore," you frown a bit looking in the mirror not really liking the way it wraps around your body.
"What do you mean? You look beautiful, Y/N," he replies staring at you through the mirror.
You stare back at him for a split second before shaking your head slightly and making your way back to the dressing room before a hand wraps around wrist.
"You look absolutely gorgeous and I will remind you of that every day if I have to," his hands are now on your shoulders and his face is closer than ever.
You stare at his eyes that you've admired every chance you get and his lips you always wanted to feel.
He begins to lean in closer to the point that you feel his warm breath when he exhales.
"Is there anything needed in here?" you hear before you back away staring at the floor.
Jungkook remains where he was with a smirk on his face before looking at the consultant.
"We'll take this dress. Just put it on my card," he says
"Absolutely I'll be back in a minute to pack it up for you," she smiles and pulls the curtain back to the way it was before. You hear her heels fade further and further away.
You clear your throat, "I'm going to change," you say walking back to the dressing room.
Jungkook smiled watching you walk away and realizing you completely did not notice he would be the one purchasing the dress for you.
I guess now he would just have to hope you would still speak to him.
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carmenberzattosgf · 3 months
s3 carmen i need to take you out to the alley to give you a freak nasty blowjob to make you calm down-💫
let’s talk about blowing Carmy to give him stress relief. Word count: 1613
I’m thinking about working at the bear as a server. You and Carmy have always had tension. Longing glances that went on a little bit too long. Lingering touches of his hand on your waist when he needs to get around you.
This night, Carmy is on fire during service. There’s practically steam coming out of his ears. He’s barking orders without a care, expecting to be listened to. Usually, he directs most of his anger towards the kitchen staff, but you land in his crosshairs.
“Why the fuck is it taking you so long inbetween plates? Are you taking the scenic view back to the kitchen or some shit? Stop wasting time and hurry the fuck up.”
“Chef. Chill,” you respond. As soon as the words leave your mouth, you realize how bad of an idea it was to say that.
“The only thing you should be saying is ‘Yes, chef’. Do you want to try that again?” You turn to face Sydney instead of Carmen, trying to keep your cool.
“Chef Syd. Can you hold down the fort for a second? I need to talk to Carmy really quick.”
Carmy interjects before Sydney can even reply. “The fuck? I’m doing my job here. Now, can I get—“
“Chef. It’s fine. Go cool off a bit,” Sydney replies, stepping up to the expo. Carmy sighs, running a hand in his hair, before storming off through the back door. You follow suit, catching the door before it slams.
Carmy leans against the back of the building. His fingers are in his hair, tugging at his roots in an attempt to dull his anger. Under his breath, he mutters a slew of curses and god knows what else. Somehow, you find the courage to stand in front of him, toe to toe.
“Carmen, you need to calm down. You can’t lash out on people like a toddler when you don’t get exactly your way.”
“I- I can’t fucking turn it off.” His voice is laced with venom. He looks directly into your eyes. That furious look still present in his features. “I need people to- to fucking listen to me, and f-fucking go faster.”
You can’t deny the tension brewing between you and Carmy in the dim alleyway. His breath fans against your cheek. It would take just a small lean in for your lips to press against his. That’s not what you do, though.
Instead, your hand moves, as if on its own accord, to just barely palm his groin. His eyes widen as he takes in a gasp of air. Pure shock falls on his features. “You need to let your stress out. Do you want a way to do that, Carm?” you ask.
“I w-what— what?” he stammers. His cheeks flush in an instant. You chuckle as you feel him hardening through his pants. You lean into him, but your lips miss his own, choosing to target the corner of his mouth.
Your mouth trails gently, chaste kisses from the corner of his mouth, down his jaw, and to his neck. You don’t spend time sucking on the skin. If a bruise appeared on his neck after this, everyone would know. Instead, you trail your tongue on his pulse point. His body shivers against you. “C’mon, Carmy. Do I need to spell it out for you?” You punctuate your sentence by applying pressure with your palm to his length. You can’t see his face, but you can hear the groan he tries to keep under his breath.
You drop to your knees in front of him, thankful for the thick fabric of your pants. You gaze up at his face with the most innocent look you can muster given the situation. Carmy can’t even comprehend the sight of you on your knees for him. The fear of someone seeing is the last thing on Carmen’s mind. “Are—fuck—are you sure?”
“Take my cock out.” Carmy’s voice commands just like he’s giving you orders in the kitchen.
“Yes, Chef,” you whisper. He tenses from your choice of words. Your fingers dip into the waist band of his slacks before pulling them down to his knees. His underwear falls down with them, leaving him bare and hard in front of you.
He’s huge, way bigger than you would have expected. The tip is already leaking precum. You can’t take your eyes off of his lower half. He hides a lot of muscle under his chef whites. The V-lines of his hips are deep and defined, guiding you right to his cock. Your eyes catch glimpse of a happy trail that extends under the fabric of his shirt.
“Like what you see?” His voice is low and gravely.
You don’t look up at him, not yet. Your hands slide underneath his shirt to tug up the fabric, letting you see the rest of his stomach. The happy trail runs up to his navel. Your finger tips trace the lines of his abs. You can’t resist the urge to press kisses to his stomach. Here, you don’t have to working about marks showing, so you suck and bite at his skin. Carmy’s hand briefly cups the back of your head, threading into your hair before letting go.
“You’re so pretty, Carm,” you admit with brutal honesty. It’s true. He’s built like a Greek god. For the first time, you’ve rendered Carmy speechless with just your words. The second time you render him speechless happens when your lips wrap around the tip of his cock. You moan as the salty taste hits your tongue. Your cheeks hollow inwards to suck lightly.
“F-fuck. Fuck—fuck.” You snap your eyes up to look at him. There’s sweat forming at his brow. His hands clench at his sides in a white knuckle grip. With his gaze on you, you lick a broad stripe from the base of his cock to the tip, making a show out of it. His dick twitches on your tongue.
You can’t stand not having Carmy’s hands on you, so you take one of his hands and place it on your cheek. Not waiting a second, you take his cock all the way into your mouth. Your nose reaches the trail of hair you noticed earlier.
“Holy shit—look at you,” Carmy murmurs. His tough hand cups your cheek, lazily rubbing his thumb on your skin. Without realizing it, Carmy’s hips sink a just a little bit deeper into your throat. It reaches the point of too much, making you gag. You don’t lift off of him, though. Tears well up in your eyes as you keep his dick deep inside your mouth.
“Is it too much? You’re gagging for it,” he spits out. He’s trying to keep his composure, but his voice is full of need. “Shit—babe. Can I— can I fuck your mouth? We’ve already—fuck— already been out here too long,” Carmy practically begs.
You lift off of his cock looking utterly debauched. Spit runs down your chin, and your lips are swollen red. “If it’ll help you calm down, you can do whatever you want with me, Carm. Use me.”
“Yeah? You want that? What a good girl for me.” Carmy grasps his length in his hand, guiding himself to your lips. Your mouth falls open letting his cock sink all the way into your throat. The grasp of his hands is different from before. This time, both of his hands are on your face, palm resting on your cheeks. The rest of his hand wraps around your head, holding you firmly.
Carmy is really efficient. His cock pounds into your throat with zero hesitation. It’s near animalistic the way he’s holding your head and using you. “S’good so fuckin’ good. Takin’ my cock so good, baby,” he mumbles, too lost in pleasure to care about the words leaving his lips. “Gonna—gonna cum down your throat. You’d like that wouldn’t you? To be my little cum slut?” A deep moan reverberates through your mouth at his words. He’s lost all filter.
It’s only a few more thrusts before Carmen spills into your mouth with a strained groan. Just as you’re able to swallow, Carmy pulls to up to your feet. His lips smash against yours. The kiss is fierce and all consuming. His tongue dips into your mouth, battling with your own. Carmy groans into your mouth when he tastes himself on your tongue.
Strings of spit unite your lips when he pulls back. There’s a new look in his eyes that you can’t quite describe. “A-are you—“ you have to clear your throat, still sore from his cock. “Are you feeling calmer now? D-did that help?” Your voice is completely shot and raspy.
“Fuck, baby. You’ve got my heart beating out of my chest. Thank you for uh— for doing that. I was being an asshole,” he admits.
“You just needed someone to relieve some stress. I’m happy I could help you.”
“You’re coming home with me after service. Gotta take care of you since you took care of me.” Carmy leans in to give you a soft kiss. “And… you might wanna head straight to the bathroom to clean up a bit. Don’t need anyone else to see you like this. You’re too fucking pretty.”
Carmy is like a new man when he walks back into that kitchen. He’s more toned down, and careful about the yelling. Sydney thinks you must have been a therapist in a past life, because whatever you did managed to chill Carmy out.
It’s a week tops until someone in the kitchen finds out you two are fucking.
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junislqve · 3 months
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𝐯. enhypen hyung line as cliché tropes.
( 𝒘ordcount ) 800 — pairings hyung!line x reader content fluff angst petnames kissing soobin is mentioned
🫧 wrote this on the plane at one am .. reblog if you enjoy ! new layout .. again
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— brother’s best friend
“let me spoil you, babe”
you’ve known heeseung for some time. he’s always been a clone of your brother’s ever since you were in middle school.
you barely interacted with him back then, not really minding him much. that was until you got to reconnect with him once you got into your brother’s university.
heeseung was a completely different person from the one you knew. his features were so defined and he was really good-looking. he willingly showed you around the campus as well, much to your surprise.
you and your brother were close, but because he was a few years older and your parents being busy all the time, you were forced to be independent. after heeseung came into your life, however, he would spoil you rotten.
your hands weren’t allowed to touch a car handle and whatever you looked at he would buy you it. he loved to take care of you, he knew even if you liked to do most things alone, you needed someone to be there for you every once in a while.
sweetest and most considerate boyfriend, he loves pampering you so much. cuddling you after a bad day, his hand patting your head soothingly. peppering kisses all over your face.
— ceo x assistant
jay’s life had never been as boring as it was. it was all meetings, paperwork, meetings, paperwork, meetings.. and so on. this was a loophole he’d been living in for as long as he could remember.
when you applied for the job, he paid barely any mind to you. he was always holed up in his room signing paper over paper, so really, he didn’t have time to care for his new assistants.
of course, that was until he realized every morning you’d serve him coffee. sometimes even a small sandwhich.
he never bothered to get breakfast, his mornings always too hectic to care about stopping by anywhere and getting a meal.
asked you out to a ‘work’ dinner one day, his face as stoic as ever. what you didn’t know was that his heart was going a thousand miles per hour.
during the meal, he was a completely different person than what your co-workers made him out to be. he was kind, sweet and really funny. a gentleman, if anything.
he paid for the food waving off your complaints, saying he was the one who invited you so it was only fair.
“how about same time, next week?” he says with a shy grin.
— exes to lovers
jake is not over you. it had been months ever since you broke it off making up an excuse on why the relationship was never going to work out.
in truth, jake was the best boyfriend you could’ve asked for. he was considerate, kind, charming and really cute. he’s polite with elders, he gets good grades, he was always there for you.
so that begs the question, why did you break up with him? simple, you felt he deserves better. at that time you felt it was the best for both of you.
he once told you about his dreams for college and maybe it was because you didn’t know what you wanted to be yet, or it was because you listened about how amazing he wanted to be and how you wanted an average life, but you couldn’t get it out of your head.
yet now, 7 months after the break up, here he stands, in front of your door, holding a bouqet and a plushie.
“happy valentines day”
“jake” you trail off.
“please” he paused, gazing at you so lovingly you almost caved, “let me be your boyfriend again”
— rivals to lovers
you annoyed sunghoon. he was never the type of person who got irked by annoying students that easy, but you did.
he didn’t like how your smug smirk grew everytime you got answer right before he did, or how you were starting to be top of the class despite being a new student.
sunghoon never really minded his rank, knowing he would be the first each time in a grade full of athletes and lazy people, he doubt anyone was going to pass him. it had been like that for forever.
when you appeared suddenly and stride in with that pretty face and perfect posture, he sensed something would change.
somewhere in between the narrow looks and the sneers you gave each other, sunghoon found himself sneering more whenever he heard you laughing with another guy.
“so buddy-buddy with soobin now, are you?” he scoffs.
“what if i am?” he stops you by grabbing your sleeve, walking closer to you. he fighre towering over yours, “i’m better than him, no?”
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
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ethereal-night-fairy · 3 months
I wonder how Slasher!Soap would deal with a passively suicidal victim. This was inspired by @ghouljams drabble.
Slasher Masterlist
Warning: MDNI dark themes, dead dove, child neglect, passive suicidal ideation, attempted murder, implied horny thoughts.
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Exam season is getting to you. The food here sucks. You hate your dorm, all your friends seem fake and superficial. You don't enjoy your course work. The professors here are assholes and your job keeps forcing you to work overtime when you clearly needed to focus on your exams.
You're fed up with life wondering why you even bothered applying to this college major when you knew it wouldn't make you happy. You suppose you always wanted to make your parents proud yet they hardly ever cared. They didn't even bother to see you off when you left. Too 'busy' as they put it.
But you're too far in to drop out now. You've already spent too much money to back out. It always been like this. It's always you putting everyones needs above your own. You shot yourself in the foot this time though. You could've picked something you liked to study, but you didn't. Only because you had a small hope if you followed in the footsteps of your parents perhaps they'd pay attention to you. But you're an idiot for hoping that. It's the same story retold ever since you were a child.
At least you're good at putting up a front. No one ever suspected anthing from you. Not your family, not your so called 'friends'. You suppose you can attribute that to your acting skills. You're good at lying, you're good at masking your emotions. You're good at plastering on a smile to get through the day. As exhausting as it is you can put up with it for now. You're living like a zombie, a put together zombie but a zombie nonetheless.
But it seems that God was merciful. Because you were sent someone who'd finally put an end to your suffering. During a time where all you did was work, study and sleep he promised you everything you've ever wanted. An early grave where you could finally rest.
He promised you he was going to end your life and you felt relieved? Most people would be afraid but not you. No, unlike everyone else you were flooded with an overwhelmingly amount of relief. After so many years of pain and suffering were you finally going to be put out of your misery?
You first noticed him on your late walks home from work. There was someone following you. Someone keenly keeping an eye on you. For the first time in your life someone had taken an interest in you.
Then the notes started appearing in your dorm. Short cute but threatening notes detailing the things he wanted to do to you. Soon after the calls started. They always came late at night when you'd get home from work. And strangely you enjoyed them. Not in some sick perverse way, but just because someone wanted to talk to you. You didn't mind playing along to keep his attention on you.
For once in your life you don't have to worry about anything because you knew things were coming to an end. For once someone had shown some kind of attraction to you. Even if it is just to objectify you. You didn't mind though. Any attention is better than no attention. This takes the whole blame and guilt off you for wanting to kill yourself. No one would blame you for wasting money, no one could technically be mad at you for dying when it wasn't your fault.
And that's what you wanted, a blameless death, one that no one could argue and fight over. If someone else does kills you it doesn't really count as suicide does it? And your parents wouldn't blame themselves because you didn't do it to yourself.
It's perfect. A win-win situation for both parties.
But that's what ends up fucking everything up.
When he finally came to end your life your nonchalant attitude to dying threw Soap off his game. The worst part to Soap is that you're not even horny about the whole ordeal. This isn't a kink thing to you like he suspected in the beginning. Which confuses Soap even more because you were playing the game so seamlessly up until now.
You led him on with your fake pleas for mercy, your fake cries of fear, your fake gasps of terror. But everything was a lie, you led him on. And for some reason that upset him more than anything else. The fact he was fooled playing his own game.
Most of his victims play into the fantasy at the start thinking it's some sort of BDSM scene. Not realising they're actually going to die. He thinks that's mainly due to how handsome he is. No one ever suspects the handsome ones.
And then they end up dying in utter terror and agony. And oh how he loved their screams changing from that of pleasure to pain. Knowing full well they couldn't do anything to stop him. No amount of begging or pleas were able to spare their lives.
While with you, you fully expected to die at his hands and he finally understands now it was you who was playing with him. It was you who was weaving the game and puppeteering him to your end goal. He never had control when it came to you.
You stare at him with tired eyes and a peaceful smile as his hands tightened their way around your pretty neck. The same neck he left a necklace of hickies on just a few seconds earlier. He squeezes down watching your body fight your mind. But there's no rush of endorphins, no blood pooling to his cock as he watches you gasp because there's no real fight in you. You've long given up.
And he hates it. He hates he was tricked, he hates he was made into a fool, he hates your dead eyes. He hates that you look so broken.
Only because it wasn't him that broke you.
So his hands loosen and the colour returns to your face while you look at him confused but more upset than anything.
"There's no fun in killing the dead Dove..." The tiredness re-enters your eyes as you look at him with your withered soul. You looked so done with the world. So beaten down that killing you would be akin admitting defeat to himself.
There's no way he'd allow someone to beat him at his own game... Especially not someone as pathetic as you. He'll just have to breathe life back into you and restart this game in his favour. He'll win one way or another. Even if he has to break his own rules to do it.
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Dividers by @cafekitsune
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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defnotsoju · 3 months
Can you add anal or petplay on your minju smut?😂
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There was nothing better than hanging out with friends at a club after a long work week. You were drinking to the max, dancing, making out with random women in the club who were selling themselves for a few hundred dollars. Your life as a student was one of the best experiences you ever had and you would never give it up if you could. But what could be better than student life in Seoul?
Having a prostitute in your hotel room waiting for you every night and ready to serve you with her body.
The moment you entered the hotel room, you noticed the brown haired girl sitting on the large bedroom wearing a very cute lingerie. Although it was cute, the way her breasts were pressed together, expressing the line of her bust really turned you on. Her hair was wavy, her thighs were completely exposed and the material over her breasts and pussy was so thin that you could see through them. You could swear this is the hottest sight you've ever seen.
When you stood in front of her, you spread her legs apart with your knee and grabbed her chin. You made her look at you, smiling mischievously at the way she was looking at you.
"Why are you looking at me like that? Someone's impatient, huh?" You laughed and started caressing her lower lip with your thumb, carefully inserting the same finger into her mouth. "Suck it." You ordered her.
The brunette began to suck your thumb, looking up at your eyes that hungrily gazed at her semi-naked body. "You're so hot like this. I don't think I could go without fucking you anymore. You know what to do." You pushed your finger deeper into her mouth, making her gag slightly. She listened to you and obediently turned around, settling on the mattress on her hands and knees.
You were glaring at her ass which was so pale that the slap on her soft ass left a red mark from your hand. You were constantly enjoying the way her body reacted to the slaps, which made you slap her ass several more times in a row. She just moaned desperately and her body twitched.
But you yourself were eager to fuck her. You could feel the heat hugging your cock after you had applied the lube on it. Your movements were more difficult at first precisely because of how such a tight hole Minju has. The sight was brutal. Her back was arched, her chest pushed out against the mattress, her ass lifted up against your body. The leash was tightened around your hand and you were making her neck arch back until you had lost all sense of what you were doing. You had begun to aggressively thrust your pelvis into her ass, loud slaps of your skin echoing through the hotel room. You could hear her breathing heavily, the bell around her neck ringing constantly.
"S..Sir.. please fuck me slower It h-hurts.." Minju tried to plead with you politely and respectfully, calling you names as if you were higher in the hierarchy than her, which you were. She was just a prostitute and nothing more. But that didn't stop you. It even gave you the motivation to bang her as if it was the last time in your life, making the girl scream loudly in the room. You decided to lean over her yourself, starting to moan against her ear, which you bit.
"Meow for me. Be my good obedient kitty. Isn't that why I pay you? Why don't you do your job like the slut you are? Do you want me to tell your boss what you're doing? If you don't want to get into trouble, listen to what I tell you and you will be rewarded in the end." You growled against her ear, grabbing her hair and starting to pull hard. You pressed her head into the mattress, enjoying the way she meowed for you.
"Fuck...! S..Sir ~ This is so g..good.. N..N..Nyangh ~" The girl was moaning and shaking, trying to somehow squeeze her thighs as if that would stop the feeling of being aggressively fucked like she was some kind of animal. "N..Nyanghhh ~ D..Don't stop fuckin' me like that! P..Please!"
The time passed imperceptibly, and you had already reached your orgasm. You came so much in her tight hole that your cum started to flow out of her anus. Minju looked back at you, expecting you to help her cum as well, but she was going to keep her hopes up because you had other plans for her. She was licking the back of her palm, rubbing it after that on her forehead and acting exactly like the kitty you wanted her to be for you.
Without saying anything you grabbed her leash again and made her walk like an animal on all fours to the small fridge in the corner of the room. You took out a bottle of milk from the fridge and took a deep bowl, placing it on the floor and crouched next to her body.
"This is your reward for the good girl you are for me. " You stroked her soft, long and thick hair and she looked at you smiling. As soon as you poured it into her bowl, you told her to start drink the 'milk' like a kitten, and she listened to you.
Minju bent down and licked the white liquid, widening her eyes and immediately pulled away. It was your sperm. You had made her drink your orgasm, which you had saved especially for this session.
It looked like she didn't want to drink your cum from the bowl, but you forced her down and shoved her face inside, Minju closing her eyes and squeezing her eyelids as she drank from the bowl. "Good girl." You spoke and grabbed her hair to keep it out of the way. "I want you to drink it all."
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