#and it's why leah appears and disappears lol
whatimdoing-here · 8 months
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Flashpoint | 3.03/3.12 - Follow the Leader
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gunmetal-ring · 3 years
Some of my favorite (probably unintentionally) hilarious Daryl moments in no particular order:
- when Daryl is with the Reapers and offers the one a cigarette to distract and kill him. He's just like. Oh hello fellow reaper how do you do. Just shooting the shit with the coworkers at the water cooler. We're bonding over smoking and contemplating quitting ha ha ha aren't we good ol work buddies
- in the cave helping everyone out of the rly tight spot that Jerry almost got stuck in. He was all careful and gentle w Carol and just let Kelly basically somersault onto the ground lol
- wearing some weird stupid hat when it was raining before they went into the subway and then it disappears and never returns and is never ever acknowledged ever
- having NRs bigbaldhead tattoo magically appear on his hand. Like obviously it would be silly to have to constantly cover it up and there's no real way to deal with it but like the only in universe explanation is that Daryl was like. You know what I rly need in this post apocalyptic world where antibiotics don't exist and tattoo artists aren't exactly a dime a dozen. A stick and poke tattoo. That's definitely a good idea.
- when he was pouting when Leah threw the fish at him "why are you always throwing stuff at me >:(" like bro did you or did you not break into her house and throw a fish at her door. She's not pouting about how you're always vandalizing her house so just grow up
- When. He. Styled. His. Hair. The. Day. After. He. Screamed. At. Carol. On. The. Farm. Like he wanted to look all nice and presentable for his (non)apology like omfg little baby doesn't know what to do and runs away immediately after the meeting is over bc styling his hair and a little head nod is just about all he can manage
Idk he's just so fuckin funny sometimes and whenever ppl are like "oh he's not snarky anymore and isn't funny" it's like bro not only is he intentionally hilarious at times (water jug moment? The entire episode with Rick when they meet jesus? Making fun of the king? Hello?) But there's also so many times where he does weird stupid shit that's fuckin hilarious
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
“Come Away With Me” : Regulus Black: Plus Size and Shortie : Chapter One “Prisoner”
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Reggie deserved better and by Godric he’s gonna have it. 
You keep makin' it harder to stay But I still can't run away I gotta know, why can't you Why can't you just let me go?
“Prisoner” - Miley Cyrus ft. Dua Lipa
The turning point for Regulus Arcturus Black came the summer before his sixth year.
History was repeating itself.
Walburga Black stared down at her youngest son, seeing nothing more than Sirius in that moment.
She'd warned him about that girl.
Aurora Monroe, or Rory, had been Regulus' best friend since their first day.
It would seem that the Black brothers had a penchant for befriending half blood, half breed combinations.
But that wasn't why Walburga hated the girl.
She didn't even know Rory was a werewolf.
But she did know that she was a half blood and she knew that she was a Monroe.
And that was enough for her to hate her.
Two families who had been at each other's throats since what seemed like the beginning of time.
It all came down to money.
As most things did.
They were two of the wealthiest families in the wizarding communities of England.  
Thus it was a constant competition and rivalry set in a long time ago.
The Black had old money that came from a long line of aristocracy.
The Monroe's built their fortune and built it rather quickly and also managed to spite a Black ancestor in the process.
And thus began the fued.
Walburga had warned her son, over and over again about being around her but he didn't listen.
Regulus was far more mild mannered than Sirius but at his core...he was actually truly very stubborn.
And he refused to budge on that.
She'd threatened to blast him off the family tree just like she had Sirius.
A moment that was still burned into Regulus' memory.
But still he held steadfast.
But then she snapped the final chord.
Her and Orion had never joined Voldemort and his band of followers but she supported them.
And she had every intention of Regulus joining the ranks.
Even if meant she had to force him.
It wasn't even that she was willing to force him to do something.
He was used to that.
But he knew what that meant.
It meant a death sentence for Rory and Regulus would burn it all down before he let that happen.
He flew up the stairs and into his room rummaging around for the mirror he and Rory had gotten from Zonko's before the summer.
"Rory! Aurora!" he called into the mirror.
He could hear her fumbling for a second before her freckly scarred face appeared.
"Hey, Regs!" she broke into a grin but it quickly faded when she could see the distress on his face. "Regulus, what's wrong? What happened?"
"I gotta get out of here." he said, struggling to breathe. "Right now."
"Ok, ok. What happened? Are you ok?" she asked, amber eyes searching him through the mirror.
"I'm fine. But I gotta go.  I'll be ok. But I needed to tell you just in case you don't hear from me for a bit." he said holding the mirror with one hand and shoving things into his trunk with the other.
A loud banging at the door caused his head to snap the side and the unlocking charm could be heard as his mother opened the door.
"Where the hell do you think you're going?" she screeched and Aurora gasped.
"Who is that?!" Walburga snapped and snatched the mirror out of Regulus' hand.
She seethed as she took in the sight of Aurora Monroe on the other side of it.
Regulus didn't even have time to prepare for impact when Walburga backhanded him and threw the mirror across the room.
Aurora's angry scream could be heard right before it shattered and Regulus looked at his mother in horror as she advanced.
"The only way you leave this house is over my dead body." she whispered and Regulus looked up at her in horror.
"That can be arranged."
The two of them turned to look at the tiny figure in the door who had clearly just apparated into mass chaos.
Amber eyes ablaze and white hair like a halo around her.
She was furious.
Aurora looked nothing short of an angel of death.
"You little bitch!" Walburga growled. "Stupid filthy mudblood! You'll be expelled for using magic outside of Hogwarts."
Aurora smirked, "I'm of age, you musky hussy."
Walburga drew her wand and Regulus panicked.
"No!" he said lunging at his mother but Aurora had already cast the spell to disarm her.
Walburga grabbed Regulus by the hair jerking his head back.
She narrowed her eyes at Aurora who absolutely refused to back down.
"You're not taking him." Walburga spat.
"You let him go or I snap this in half and turn it over to the ministry.  And I'm betting there's a fair share of unforgivable curses lingering in this wood." Rory said.
She and Walburga stared at each other for the longest time before Walburga's eye twitched.
She pulled her hand back and Regulus squeezed his eyes preparing for the blow when suddenly the pressure was released from hair and he stumbled to regain his balance.
Aurora had stunned Walburga and sent her flying back into the wall where she now lay unconscious.
She performed the body bind curse on her and turned to Regulus.
"Get what you need, Regs.  We gotta go.  Right now." she said  sternly but he was too shocked to move.
She sighed and reached out to touch his arm, "Reggie, we gotta go.  Right now.  Get the essentials."
He seemed to snap out of it and shoved a few things in his trunk before grabbing his broom out of his closet.
"Is there anyone else home, Regs?" she asked as she kept a watchful eye over Walburga's unconscious form and the door.
"No." Regulus shook his head. "Just Kreacher. Oh fuck."
It dawned him in that moment.
"Kreacher!" he called out.
A second later the house elf appeared with a pop and promptly began to freak out over Walburga.
"Mistress!" he wailed.
"Kreacher, please." Regulus said. "I know, I know.  But she was..."
"She was attacking Master Regulus again?" he asked and Regulus nodded.
"I have to go, Kreacher.  Come with us. I can give you clothes and free you.  I haven't been blasted off the tree yet." he pleaded with the elf who had become his friend over the years.
He knew better though.
"Kreacher must stay in the Noble House of Black." he said solemnly.
And suddenly Regulus understood how Sirius must have felt when he had to leave.
He didn't really have a choice but Regulus wouldn't go with him just like Kreacher wouldn't go now.
"Kreacher will keep the Mistress asleep." the elf said.
Aurora watched and Regulus knelt to hug the elf once more before grabbing his trunk and slinging his broom over his shoulder.
"Ok." he said, passing a hand over Kreacher's head once more.
Aurora stepped forward and Regulus wound his arm through hers before she turned and apparated away.
As they disappeared into thin air, Regulus' eyes watered.
Sadness, relief, fear.
It was all mixed into one but one thing was for sure.
Everything changed from that moment on.
Chapter Two Coming Soon
Keep Scrolling after author’s note for additional story pics!
Hello, loves! I hope you enjoy this Regs story! It’s a tragedy what happened to Reggie and he was done really dirty both in his story and the lack of story we get for this multi dimensional selfless character! So he’s gonna have some good times in this story, dammit! 
Anyway, I love you all and I would love to hear from you!  Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments, via reblog or just hit up the ask box! 
I love you all. 
Also, feel free to imagine Regs anyway you like but I do like him as Timothee Chalamet... like a lot of people because Timmy is precious. Also, I feel this gif perfectly encompasses his time in that hell hole.  It’s ok, Reggie bebe.  Mama’s got you.  I’ll give you cocoa and noms and blankies.  It’ll be ok now. 
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Some inspiration pics for Rory! 
These all played a part in the inspiration for Aurora’s hair.  Rory’s hair turned white with stress due to her condition much like how Remus’ hair started greying early.  
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I particularly loved the color of the first and how floofy it was.  But I love the texture and also the poof of the second.  I also absolutely adored the second lady’s freckles which I picture Rory’s being absolutely littered with. 
Aurora has golden brown eyes. Warm like the sun.  Here are a few inspiration pics. 
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I also used these and the picture from the freckled girl with the yellow top as inspiration for her skin tone as I see Aurora as very brown but dashed in freckles and heavily scarred just due to years of being afflicted with lycanthropy.   I also think it makes a striking contrast with her hair and such an juxtaposition against Regs’ fair features and dark hair.  
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This was my main inspiration for Rory’s scars.  She has them all over her but perhaps the most noticeable is the one on her face and I feel this one encompasses it perfectly.   
As far as height went I couldn’t find many pics for inspiration so I begrudgingly used my own tiny form of 4′11″ as reference lol.  She is smol bean like me.  I did find some body inspos though! Rory is very fluffy! 
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I don’t always show my inspo pics for characters but I felt like it was nice thing to start to do as it always helps me begin to form the layout of a character.  And I love you all so I figured it’d be a nice thing to share.  
@pleasantdreamqueen   @becrazy–beyou
@littledeadrottinghood @blackirisposts
@therealmrshale @woodworthti666@thegreatirene@fanfictionandjunk
@sullybot @georgiagrl1990 @whenallsaidanddone
@mischiefnevermanaged94 @inumorph
@fanfics1717 @mrscasnovak
@thickemadame @babygirl-barnes
@theladyofmasks @aengsty
@ tb-ctn
@ main-feetoffthetable
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Btw, the only tags I do is for my permanent tag list but if you ever want to be added to that, all you have to do is just go to the ask box and ask to be added! I’d be happy to do so!
Also, if you love the Marauders feel free to check out some of my recent Marauder works! 
Chasing Jess (Sirius Black and Jess Scamander) 
A Deal With Cupid (James Potter x Reader) 
All Fun and Games (Poly Marauders Fics) 
Talking to the Moon (Remus Lupin x Reader)
Torn (Remus Lupin x Rowan Black) 
And honestly so many more. 
I’m kind of a ho for Harry Potter and an outright slut for the Marauders.  Just being honest. 
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blinkaftermidnight · 4 years
I guess I was thinking about it strictly in terms of the show...like how much of their interaction/investment in each other is based on them being a "pair." Would Fatin be as inclined to look out for Leah? Would Leah have been so obsessed with finding Fatin after their fight? I also found it interesting that they were the only ones who pretty much had zero connection with other pre-island (that we know about). It would be interesting to see if that isn't totally true in season 2. I do agree, ultimately, that their chemistry and dynamic would transcend any situation. They've got that kind of classic opposites attract thing going on. I was just pondering what the draw was for them in the first place. It's also hard to separate just what we see in the show and what we read into it as shippers. Like "you're my buddy from home" is a way different motivator than "you have pretty eyes and I want to kiss you," so maybe thinking about it at all is pointless since my mind is already firmly planted in non-canon anyway. BUT, even then, it opens up some different post-island options like you mentioned. I've seen a lot of people mention things like Leah assuming that shit won't be the same once they get home just because they got loaded onto Noah's ark two by two together. I'm rambling now...bye lol.
If you think you’re rambling, I’m REALLY about to ramble, so hang on. Let’s see if I make any sense. You’ve made a really good point. I didn’t think of it this way the first time around. Just to work with a concrete example, let’s talk about 1x05. I don’t quite see Leah’s determination to find Fatin in 1x05 as driven by a feeling of like “she’s from home so I need to find her.” It seemed more like Leah blamed herself for Fatin’s disappearance, but I’m not sure if her need to find Fatin stemmed more from their very weak home connection or if it was perhaps more linked to Leah’s guilt. I have always assumed it was more linked to Leah’s guilt over what went down between them. Maybe it would’ve been different if it’d been one of the other girls instead. Maybe Leah would’ve felt less guilty - or maybe not. Probably depends on how you read Leah’s character and how much she cares for the rest of the girls overall.
The question of “what was the draw for them in the first place” is interesting. I feel like that might be the main reason Fatin seeks Leah out in 1x01 after the game of Never Have I Ever. Fatin specifically goes to ask Leah about how she drank for Shelby’s opening NHIE, even though literally everyone but Martha and Shelby drank. Fatin, if she just wanted to strike up a friendly conversation, could’ve gone to one of the other girls but chose Leah. Why? That’s probably due to the fact that Fatin knows she goes to school with Leah, neither Leah nor Fatin knows anyone else (they don’t even know each other, but there is that one little connection), and Leah is therefore the safest choice. And maybe the fact that they’re from the same place is a little comforting, all things considered.
So maybe their hometown connection is the driving factor in the very beginning, but it seems to get less important as everyone gets to know each other. Is the main reason that Fatin ends up looking out for Leah (I’m especially thinking of the events of 1x09) due solely - or even mainly - to the fact that they go to the same school? I’m confident in saying, no, absolutely not. Even if we throw shipping aside for a minute, their friendship doesn’t appear to be based upon “oh, she’s from home.” They, as far as we know, didn’t even know each other back home! I think shit seriously changes for them after 1x04 and they kind of start from the beginning at the end of 1x05, and by then, who cares if you went to school together, right? You’re stranded on an island. Some shit happened. And that (maybe) creates more of a real bond.
I’m so tempted to compare them to the other relationships/dynamics on the island - mainly Dotin, Shoni, and Dot and Shelby - but I’ll hold off because this is already long and I’m not done yet.
Like you said, it really does open a lot of post-island possibilities. “Were we friends only because we were stranded on an island together and had very limited options?” seems like a fair question to ask. We can speculate about potential answers to that question (and incorporate it into fics, of course). The fact that they live close enough to each other to attend the same school becomes an important factor when they return home. They could stay friends without much difficulty if they wanted to (and if Fatin doesn’t fuck off to LA like she said in 1x08 lmao). So maybe it’s not a huge factor beyond, like, the pilot episode, but it could definitely come back around post-island.
I wrote a whole thing, as usual. Hopefully some of it made sense.
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edwardsvirginity · 4 years
And now... I introduce my best friend to Eclipse! 
[riley’s first appearance]
Friend: who's that
(the rest of the commentary for the movie is under the readmore!)
[bella reciting the opening monologue: some say the world will end in fire…]
Friend: wow…drama queen
[Edward and bella in the meadow]
Friend: is this real or is this more of her crazy headspace
Edward: marry me
Bella: I have an English final
Friend: wow……. Rude
[Charlie grounding bella]
Friend: charlie…. is the only sane character tbh lmfao
he knows an abusive relationship when he sees one
[Edward sabatoges bella’s truck]
Friend:  Y I K E S
this is not romantic lol
Renee: I just want to make sure ur making the right choices for you
Friend: she's NOT
[renee gives bella the quilt from all their trips]
Friend: awwww
except she's selling out her fam for bloodsuckers
[all the cullens wait for Victoria in the forest]
Friend: is it whatshername
the redheaded bitch
Friend: i'm just gonna say….alice and carlisle are the only valid vampires
Me: whyso?
Friend: idk anything about jasper and emmett, edward is weird, who else even is there
Me: [pauses movie because a spider has appeared by my head and I’m freaking out]
[it lands on my laptop and I scream and close it]
Ok… we can resume
Friend: what happened?
Me: [explains]
Him: ? ? ? why didn't you kill it?!
Me: killing it requires getting close enough to touch it, and that's Too Close
i don't kill spiders
Him: what?!? lmfao
you don't kill spiders
Me: killing them is too scary
Him: i'd rather kill it and know it's dead than wonder where it is
me: i just scream until someone else comes to do it for me
him: that's a lot to take in
[jake confronting Edward about being on their territory]
Edward: I was trying to protect u by not telling u abt Victoria
Friend: mmmm yikes
bella just needs to move tf back to florida
this is….Too Much
[bella goes to lapush]
Friend: tbh i like his pack
Leah: if ur here to torture jake some more u can leave
Friend: oooooh
[movie introduces imprinting]
Friend: tbh i think that whole concept is insane™ and i dont get it
bc it like absolves you of your own…actions
& removes the other person's choice
it's really fucking creepy
Friend: also it would be soooo weird to be able to read people's thoughts
Me: i know it would freak me out
i would hate being able to hear everything my packmates thought
Friend: i don't need anyone else to know how horny i am
[Jacob arguing with bella about the cullens]
Jacob: theyre not even alive
Friend: "they're not even alive" y i k e s
[riley creeping in bella’s house]
Friend: man i'd be sleepin with a shotgun lmfao
& like 12 dogs
[Edward yelling at bella abt bella disappearing with jake]
Me: he’s so overprotective
Friend: she needs it tho
Me: because she's such a danger magnet?
Friend: um….yeah
& she is a fucking damsel in distress
she has no power of her own :((
Friend: he's so…ugly
me: Edward?
Friend: yeah ……….
[Jake appears shirtless]
Edward: doesn’t he own a shirt
Friend: “doesn't he own a shirt"
LMFAO edward voicing my thoughts
[Edward kissing bella before passing her off to jake, who immediately hugs her]
Friend: the way they …. fight with each other by using her body :|
Friend: what do native americans think of this?
Me: [explains]
Friend: so what is the redeeming quality of these movies exactly lmfao
Me: they’re… fun?
Friend: i guess
like indiana jones
racist trash, but fun(?)
Me: I hate his sideburns in this movie
Friend: don't think they're that bad
his whole face tho is not great
especially pale af
[nonconsensual kiss scene]
Jake: ill fight until ur heart stops beating
Bella: u wont have to wait for long
Friend: YIKES
[Edward and Jake fighting post-punch]
Jake: she’s not sure what she wants
Friend: Y I K E S
[Carlisle bandaging bella]
Friend: carlisle is so hot
i wanna marry dr. carlisle
the way he medicines everyone up…
edward is useless
seduce Carlisle
edward's been alive 100 years and hasn't become a doctor??? c'mon
[Rosalie killing her rapists]
Friend: LM FAO
love that
that's a more interesting story than bella's LMFAO
[Rosalie trying to convince bella to stay human]
Rose: there’s one thing you’ll want more than Edward… one thing you’ll kill for… blood
Friend: ohhh….
Friend: & also bella's assumption that Edward is That Great
she's 18….. she hasn't even TRIED college boys
has she even had sex with anyone, ever?
Friend: Evil Dakota Fanning is ….. scary af
Friend: i'll say what i want about stephanie meyer being a fucked up mormon…. but her music taste is p good
Me: she didn’t do the soundtracks
Friend: ummm…i remember stephanie meyer specifically thanking Muse in her books
in the "acknolwedgements" section
 or did you, the twilight princess, not read that part
[graduation party]
Friend: I feel like there should be a twilight spoof..
where a high school girl has to choose between dating a furry and a goth
bc that's what this feels like to me
Friend: he freaks me out
the beefy one
[training scene]
Friend: jasper's kinda sexy too
well, everyone looks good next to robert :|
[jasper’s backstory]
Friend: jasper was a confederate soldier?!?!??!
what?? lmfao
confederate vampires? thanks i hate it
Friend: didn't he have like a life and morals before becoming a vampire or
i mean i guess he's a confederate so maybe not but
[jasper’s backstory]
Friend: he just listens to her lmfao
his Evil Mexican Bruja
[about Victoria]
Friend: she should just make someone sexy a vampire and fuck them tho
she has the power here
[about Jacob]
Friend: is there a REASON he never wears a shirt?
[Jake trying to convince bella she has feelings for him]
Jake: you can love more than one person… like sam, Emily, and leah
Friend: thruple!
that's the only resolution here
jacob & edward need to fuck each other and get over it
there's too much tension between them
Alice: you and Edward will have the house to yourself tonight
Friend: oooooo
Alice: you’re welcome
Friend: LMFAO
alice is a bro
Bella [immediately after the scene with Alice]: hey dad, I was wondering
Friend: hey dad… i was wondering. do you have any condoms
Bella: dad I’m a virgin
Friend: not for long….
Friend: but like honestly it's all so deeply unclear to me
he has like no blood, right?
HOW does he get hard
Me: he’s always hard
Friend: i don't think that's how that works
[Edward and bella in edward’s room]
Bella: I wanna ask u something
Friend: "can we fuck"
Friend: i feel like "becoming a vampire" is just a metaphor for "losing virginity"
[Bella tried to jump Edward]
Edward: bella…no
Friend: ???????????
they already kiss and stuff?????????
Me: yeah
i think he's worried he'd like. fuck her to death
idk… her vulva is delicate i guess
 Friend: they could do some Other Stuff
Me: yeah i know
edward is just…. too old school to understand anything but piv
Friend: fuck her to death…with his flaccid vampire dick
this is so………Weird
?????????? sex is not a sin
[Edward talking abt how he would have courted bella in 1918]
Friend: ???????????? i dont believe that at all
people fucked in the 1800s
edward is a fucking weirdo
[Edward starts his grand speech]
Friend: Ew
this is…. a Lot
tbh it's Not Sexy that he can't adapt to a more feminist era
[Edward proposes]
Friend: this is…… a Lot
he Keeps Asking
[bella accepts]
Friend: she's only saying yes because she's horny!!!!
Friend: also….tbh it's sad that these vampires have to deny their instincts and have no control over themselves
like ….maybe they should just be euthanized
 Me: :O
Friend: is it fair to deny them their nature???
we don't force tigers to be vegetarians
what is the difference
Me: because… they're sentient and intellectual and can decide for themselves not to eat humans
Friend: i'm not sure i buy that
Me: you think they're not smart enough to make their own decision not to eat humans?
Friend: it seems like they have to be rehabilitated to deny a very natural instinct that they have no control over
are the cullens themselves a metaphor for mormonism?
 Me: yeah but carlisle CHOSE a vegetarial lifestyle… no one forced it on him
Friend: i guess
but at what cost
[tent scene]
Jacob: I am hotter than u
Friend: LMFAO
Friend: why didn't they bring more blankets?????
how fucking cold is it
[Edward and jake arguing over bella]
Friend: idk bella….
i'd rather fuck a hot wolf than a freezing rock hard PussyDestroying Vampire
those wolves are HUGE…. huge dicks im sure
[Edward talking about how he doesn’t want bella to be a vamp to jake]
 Friend: i feel like they're Bonding
over their inability to control this woman lmfao
[jake and Edward fighting over bella]
Friend: bella is not that interesting? ? ? ?
Edward: if you weren’t trying to steal bella I might actually like u
Friend: wow
THIS is where they should fuck
t h r u p l e
look deep into each other's eyes
Friend: she'd warm up if they were having sex
[post tent scene]
Friend: she's not even wearing a hat rn
bella…what the fuck
[Edward and bella talking about being engaged, jake overhears]
Bella: it’s the 21st century
Friend: yeah, it is the 21st century…. marry them both
[bella asks jake to kiss her]
Friend: what the FUCK is happening
[bella and jake making out]
Friend: she's not even wearing anything warm
Friend: carlisle…. kung fu master
Me: renaissance man
Friend: only breaks the hippocratic oath when absolutely necessary
[confrontation with riley and Victoria, Edward trying to convince riley to turn on Victoria]
Edward: think about it riley.. .you’re from forks… you know the area
Friend: "you're from forks… who would want that"
[Carlisle healing jake]
Friend: god…..my sexy, classy dad
… so smart….. so kind
Bella: I’m not normal
Friend: bella….you are SO normal
the reason every middle school girl read these books and thought they were like bella is bc you are just THAT normal
Edward: I guess we should start planning the wedding
Bella: no… something more difficult first… more dangerous
Friend: is she still talking about her virginity
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nadziejastar · 5 years
How do you think Axel would have been viewed if he was a woman, but otherwise written exactly the same?
I think a female Lea (Leah?) would have been very popular. She’d be a breath of fresh air considering how stereotypical most female characters are. She’d have as many fanboys as Lea does fangirls. I don’t think she would have been shipped with Roxas as much, though. I just don’t think it would have been as popular if it weren’t a yaoi pair with an uke and seme. If anything, I think people would have assumed she was a lesbian, lol. But that’s just my speculation. I think her relationship with Saix would have been far more acceptable to see as romantic if she’d been female, whether Saix was male or female. Female/Female relationships are just more socially acceptable. If Axel had been a girl, I’d still like her with Isa.
Lea the Crybaby
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“Even if we don’t see each other, it’s more important that we think about each other all the time, anyway, right? …Got it memorized?”
Roxas grinned. “It doesn’t suit you, saying things like that.”
Those words were meant to make them feel better, but… if I went into that, I’d look weak. “Shaddap,” said Axel, looking away.
Xion laughed. Roxas found it funny too, and he started to laugh.
“Is it that funny?!” Axel asked almost unconsciously.
Roxas and Xion stopped laughing for a moment, but when they looked at each other, they burst out laughing again.
If Axel had been a girl, he wouldn’t have to be written or perceived any differently. I don’t think there’s anything about his personality that couldn’t have been possible in a female character. Heck, I think many aspects of him would have been more accepted as a female character. If he were female, he would have been perceived differently, though. 
And because of that, he wouldn’t have been robbed of all his emotional depth in KH3. As a Nobody, Axel had balls of steel. He smiled even as he was disappearing. He always smiled through the worst pain. He was a total hardass. It’s a big reason why he became so popular. Most of the male fans I know in real life liked Axel because he was a total badass in Castle Oblivion. And he was. He was cold and ruthless and COOL. All of that is fine in female characters, too.
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“I want everybody I meet to remember me. Inside people’s memories, I can live forever.”
“I know I won’t forget you. Believe me, I try all the time,” Isa replied with a bit of humor in his tone.
“See? I’m immortal!”
“You’re obnoxious.”
But Axel was not naturally cold and badass. He became that way because he was VERY sensitive. He was a very multi-dimensional character. You can especially see it in the novels. He was so softhearted that he became desensitized to pain. That’s how he was able to smile all the time. In BBS, you can see he’s not really “badass”. He’s a huge dork that gets teased by Isa. I’ve seen some fans (mostly male) dislike the direction they took him in Days and BBS because he seemed too nice. But that’s the real Lea. A kindhearted, lovable, childish dork.
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On the sofa opposite him, Naminé spoke up instead. “Sora and Riku are best friends.”
Axel’s eyes crinkled as he remembered his own best friend—the only friend he’d ever had, in fact.
“If your best friend goes away, you’re sad, and if you get to be with them, you’re happy,” Naminé added. “Isn’t that how it is, Axel?”
“…That’s about the size of it.” Axel nodded and sat down on the remaining empty sofa, staring at the sea-salt ice cream he held.
“So you are capable of sincerity,” said Riku.
Axel only shrugged at the jab and finished his ice cream pop.
I think Axel became more flat and was reduced to mainly comic relief in KH3 specifically because the KH3 team was afraid of the backlash they might receive if they did what they were originally gonna do with him. The were scared to go all the way and take his story to its natural conclusion because he’s male. Probably because it would change the way people perceived him. He’s not really as cool and badass as people thought. If he had been female, this side of his personality would have been embraced. But as a male, it was much more difficult to pull off, and ultimately, Square was too cowardly to do it.
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He’d never deluded himself that tracking down Riku would be easy, and neither had Saïx. It was just that if he went back and reported that he couldn’t find anything, he would have to deal with those attempts at “personality”—the sneers, the snide remarks, the only trappings of human emotion that Saïx ever showed. Not that Saïx was even capable of annoyance or disappointment, of course, what with the lack of a heart and all.
Heading up the slope to the station, Axel bit into the ice cream bar. “This stuff is so salty,” he murmured to himself, as he often did.
Axel was a very deep character. He had many sides. Kanemaki was a writer on Days and I think she had a lot to do with how fleshed out he became. Due to his trauma, he appeared to be very stoic and other times very carefree. But deep down, he was very vulnerable. He hated showing it. He hated it when people saw him cry. He hid his feelings very well. Roxas and Xion never saw the emotional side of him. And many fans didn’t either. Axel was still smiling the last time he saw Roxas in person, when he said let’s meet again in the next life. He only cried for the first time in KH2FM. The scene didn’t go too far. It was ambiguous if Roxas could even tell Axel was crying. Axel never allowed himself to showed true vulnerability with Roxas.
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“Let’s meet again in the next life.”
At those words spoken with just a hint of a smile, Roxas nodded quietly.
“Yeah. I’ll be waiting.”
There was something funny about Roxas’ serious answer, and Axel laughed.
Same with Kairi. And that was the problem. Axel/Lea was more emotional in KH3. He had a heart, so it’s only natural. He cried with Kairi, but ran away afterwards. When he reunited Roxas and Xion, he cried again. But IMO, that wasn’t the catharsis he really needed. He was still bottling a lot of strong feelings up. He never has a scene where he has to confront his emotional baggage and deal with it. He never had to deal with the fact that he was using Roxas as an emotional crutch for much deeper issues.
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Then someone else spoke behind him. “I’ve been waiting for you, Axel.”
“Yeah, I figured you’d show up.” His smirk turned nastier as he turned to see Saïx. He didn’t take his eyes off the other man as he spoke to the girl in the cage.
His final fight was robbed of almost all emotion. It didn’t feel like he had anything to fight for. He lacked passion or a strong purpose. Look how many people say that Lea shouldn’t have even gotten a Keyblade. The fight wasn’t for Axel and Saix to finally settle their issues. It felt more like Roxas and Xion were the stars. Then the stupid Subject X crap was shoehorned in. 
Lea is mostly known in KH3 for having a few quips where he breaks the fourth wall. His humor was allowed to be played up as much as possible. But, he wasn’t allowed much genuine emotion. Despite having a heart, he felt more hollow than ever in many ways. His reunion with Roxas and Xion was…cute? I guess? To me it felt forced. Lea still acted kinda “meh”. Roxas and Xion were crying, and he was still trying to play it cool. He was never allowed to take his mask off. He still never had true a moment of emotional catharsis.
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You’re ultimately still a crybaby, but you don’t need the marks anymore.
The truth is, Lea needed a resolution where he wasn’t forced into the cool and aloof big brother role. It’s why the Roxas and Xion reunion didn’t provide any closure to his character arc. Lea wasn’t really aloof, like he acted on Day 96. He was super emotional. He needed someone to be truly 100% vulnerable with. The only character to know that side of Lea was Isa. And it’s obvious that “Lea the crybaby” is something that revolved around his relationship with Isa more than anyone. It’s mentioned in Isa’s Character File story.
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The sunset stung my eyes. I’ve been a bit of a crybaby lately. I wonder if it’s because the upside-down tear charm is gone.
And also Lea’s Character File story called “I Will Not Forget You”. His character arc in KH3 was “resolved” by hastily reuniting with Roxas and Xion and “working it out” with Saix. But…it really wasn’t resolved at all.
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Axel suddenly broke his silence. “Well, even if things change, we’ll never be apart—”
“—As long as we remember one another,” Xion finished. “Right?”
The day the ‘Winner’ stick was finally mentioned, it’s called “Sunset” and Axel told them they’d never be apart. He was acting like nothing was wrong, even though he knew there was barely any time left for them to be together. He never let Roxas and Xion know how sentimental he was. On Xion’s “Day 6″ she disappeared. It was called “Tears”. That’s the day Axel finds the white envelope with the stick in it.
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Maybe, this is the last time I’ll see Saix, too.
Thinking, Axel looked at the seated Saix’s back. “We’ve known each other for a pretty long time, haven’t we?”
Ignoring Axel’s words, Saix continued typing on the keyboard.
“Say something. Have you even thought that maybe I can’t erase Roxas?” Axel said, in a playful tone, and Saix finally looked up. “It’ll be all right. ‘Cause I’m tough.” Axel puffed out his chest.
“How stupid,” said Saix, and for a moment he smiled. “Let’s hurry up and prepare. Time is limited. The hero will wake up soon, too. I’ll send you in right in front of Roxas.”
Axel stood in front of the sending device. Saix rested his finger on the button.
“I’m off the~n!” Waving to Saix, Axel’s figure disappeared.
On Roxas’s “Day 6″, Axel had a very emotional exchange with Saix after looking at the white envelope. He was bonding with Saix just before he attempted to eliminate Roxas. He joked with Saix about it. That sends a very powerful message about the nature of Axel’s feelings for Saix. Axel was emotionally dependent on him. Saix thought Axel didn’t need him anymore, but that simply wasn’t true. He did. It’s obvious to me that the ‘Winner’ stick was meaningful to Axel due to his relationship with Isa more than anyone. That stick was a symbol of Lea’s tears. Yet…it was never even mentioned in KH3. Saix only briefly glanced at it just before he mentioned that Axel’s tear marks were gone. The rest is left to your imagination. 
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“Oh, c’mon, it’s not that funny!” Axel scolded.
They paused, looked at each other, and giggled again.
“I don’t know why I put up with this…”
“But, I mean…it just didn’t sound like you, Axel.” Xion could barely hold in laughter long enough to get the words out.
A wish that they could always be together—was longing for the impossible. But at least they could always remember one another.
I think it was hinting that Isa originally given him that stick. It was probably so Lea would always remember him, even when he was gone. Lea cried that day. A LOT. Just like Roxas finally shed tears when Xion was gone, leaving behind nothing but the shell. Lea’s feelings for Isa were as powerful as Roxas’s feelings for Xion. 
Axel became numb by the time he became a Nobody. Then he started to grow a heart again. That’s what his entire arc in Days was about. These extremely powerful feelings for Isa got totally ignored in KH3, though. Changing Lea’s arc with Isa robbed him of all his emotional depth. It really, truly did. It hurt his character SO much. Lea had nobody to be vulnerable with. Most people could tell Axel/Lea was handled poorly in KH3, even if they weren’t not sure what exactly was missing.
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I chose to disappear because I did not want to become what Xemnas had planned for me. Therefore, I had no regrets. I remember disappearing in front of the clock tower while Roxas held me. Roxas also went to sleep afterwards, leaving Axel alone. The person who probably suffered the most was Axel. Because he’s the one who forgot the most. Being forgotten and forgetting, they’re both painful.
What was missing was genuine emotion and vulnerability. Lea’s resolution in KH3 needed to be emotional. WAAAAY more emotional than a quick hug with Roxas and Xion, then going back to being comic relief and breaking the fourth wall. He needed to bawl his eyes out. Even in Xion’s Character File, she said he had more pain than her or Roxas. He needed to finally drop his cool big brother exterior and show his pain. Isa needed to be the one to comfort the “crybaby” and let him know he never forgot about him.
Lea needed a lot more from Isa than just him grudgingly admitting he was jealous and dismissively telling him to stop crying. Lea needed a shoulder to cry on. Someone he could show his weakness to. That’s something Roxas and Xion could not offer him. Without that, his character did not really grow in KH3. He remained the same as he was in Days. Static.
I think the whole idea of Lea’s character was changed because it was too “gay”. Square/Disney we’re afraid of a character like Lea. A male character with a powerful emotional arc revolving around the tears he shed for another man. The story of Axel tear drops got dropped like a hot potato in favor of some stupid retcon with Skuld. If Axel had been female, nobody would care about the subplot with Subject X. Everyone would have been clamoring for more details about how and why she got her tear marks.
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Part One: Slow Down ~Seth Clearwater
A/n: This is what I'm calling the Dance series I guess? There's going to be two parts basically, and it's going to be the same idea as I Think I Got You Beat- it has a song you can listen to while reading, but I'm not going to go word for word like my other prompts. Needed some variety so here's some Seth!
Additionally: I don’t hate imprinting, this is just my quick take on a fun possibility :)
Warnings: ...None? It’s really just fluffy with a side of angst lol. Enjoy!
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I just wanna feel your body right next to mine, all night long- baby slow down the song. And when it's coming closer to the end, hit rewind. All night long, baby slow down the song.
"You've GOT to be kidding me."
Seth shook his head as he spotted the girl he didn't really recognize past what he'd heard about her. She was new to La Push- something about her parents being unfit, so she was sent to live with her aunt and uncle, who were on the Rez. Ever since the girl arrived there had been rumor after rumor about her, and she took each in stride, with a smirk and a coy refusal to confirm or deny anything for sure. It was the way she basked in stirring trouble and causing tension that set Seth on edge around her more than any rumor that was most likely made up anyway. Seeing her at school was weird enough with how she was so beautiful but so off limits in every way, but now? Seeing her party crashing the weekend fireside they were all having to hang out? It was mostly the Pack members, Jake and Sam's packs both showing up to reconnect and check in. This was a place they could hang out as themselves, without having to pretend to be human or speak in code or beat around the bush. Now, in their area of the sanctuary, the human no one wanted around had shown up.
Sam shot Seth a look, warning him to calm down. Seth glared at him until he felt Jake's hand on his shoulders. Ever since Seth had gotten older and had started pushing limits, only Jake could ever really calm him down. He stayed by Seth now as Sam moved to the newcomer. "Hello," he greeted very unwelcomingly.
The girl's smile widened, but it somehow seemed cocky, and that was irritating. "Hi! Saw the bonfire, thought I'd drop by and say hi." Sam's expression darkened, and her smile faded a bit. "Unless I'm not welcomed."
There was something in her eyes. Not offense or anger, but acceptance. It was almost like she had expected to be kicked out, just not this soon. Hurt and disappointment flashed across her face. Sam paused, his face softening. The second she noticed the change in him her walls were back up, and she smiled that cocky grin again. "Well then have fun!" She turned her back, walking back the way she came.
"Wait!" Sam called after her. She paused but didn't turn around for a second. When she did, the way she looked at him was almost flirty. He wondered if her moment of perceived weakness was an act or not. "We have room for one more," he told her.
She laughed, her head tilting back and her eyes sparkling. "No thank you, Mr. Uley. You can't party crash if you're invited. I'll see... most of you guys at school." she giggled and then turned around and strutted off.
As she disappeared, Leah joined Jake and Seth on their way to talk to Sam. The trio reached him just as he turned around. "Thank God," Seth breathed. He didn't want to deal with drama tonight, especially from people he didn't trust.
Leah and Jake saw the look in Sam's eyes though. Maybe there was more to her than what they had reduced her to...
After that night the girl that had shown up at the bonfire showed no further signs of character other than aloof and silly. She was never serious, choosing to lounge in her chair with her feet on the desktop in front of her, cracking jokes that only the people around her could hear. It got harder not to laugh and indulge her as she continued through every day and every week, never faltering or losing her forever good mood and a bright smile. She didn't pause when she made jokes, and she never failed to have a comeback. She was actually quite likable, even when she bit her tongue in a situation and you could read it all over her face that she had a witty remark or an insult that would be hard for everyone not to laugh at- except the victim of the comment, who would be mortified. Even in those situations, when you knew she was secretly insulting you or someone you cared about, she still had a vibe about her that drew you in.
She was private though. Rarely talked to anybody - other than her comments. Rarely even made eye contact or had an actual conversation with anyone past what other people initiated and carried. No one could get any real information about her or even any of her preferences- even her favorite color. The interest in her never faded because of that element of mystery and curiosity.
Except for Seth, who found her cocky and annoying. He didn't know what about her put him so off, but every time she got anywhere near him he felt really weird, so he just avoided her. When a distraction presented itself, he was relieved. A new wolf had shown up in town out of nowhere only three days ago, and with all of his friends talking about that instead of the New Girl was an appreciated change in conversation.
They had only seen him once so far. They had been out, mostly on a joy run when they'd come across an unfamiliar wolf. That same unnatural size and the same too-human eyes, but he refused to turn human so they could talk, and they couldn't speak through thoughts because they weren't part of the same pack. They tried to scare him off, but he was smaller than them and agile, just enough to get between and away from even Sam. It was moments like this that they really missed Leah and Seth. Embry had been the one to take it to Jake who had then told Seth and Leah, and now both packs were trying to figure out who this new wolf was and why he was there.
Just in time, the Cullens paid a visit. Bella liked to occasionally visit those she could so they would stay one or two days and see only those they could, like the pack or her dad. Charlie had stopped asking questions despite his curiosity, happy to simply be able to see his daughter. When they arrived, Jake and Sam warned them about the unknown wolf that was hanging around, and they all agreed to keep an eye out. They were staying for a week this time, which the pack appreciated. After all, the more hands, the better.
Or so they thought.
It was obvious she thought the house would be empty. Most of the Cullens were out hunting, so it was a fair assumption. What she didn't know was that Edward had stayed behind, having fed the previous night so that everyone could go tonight. They didn't want to leave Renesme alone with some rogue wolf on the loose who didn't know or understand the Cullens and would most likely come after them.
The second she stepped onto the lawn Edward appeared. "Why are you here?" he growled.
She was surprised and tried to use that to make herself look innocent. "Whoa, sir, I'm just lost. Can you please direct me to-?"
Edward's face twisted more menacingly. "I know what you are!" he snarled.
Just as the girl was about to get aggressive, Embry came stumbling out of the woods, looking as if he had just scrambled to get dressed and in the clearing before something happened. "She's harmless!" he assured, holding his hands out. "Human. She's the new girl on the Rez. Y/n, right?"
She nodded, smiling brightly. Edward's posture did not change. "She is not human," he growled.
Embry looked between Edward and Y/n before sliding between them, his chest to Edward- blocking the girl from the vamp. "What happened to innocent until proven guilty?"
"What happened to trust?" Edward shot back. "Did you forget I can read minds? She's not human! She's-" Having senses Edward's emotions, Jasper had warned the others just in time to bring all of the Cullens zooming into the scene, just as wound up and ready to attack. Sam was moving to him as well, not sure why the girl was a threat but knowing that she was one. The wolves had come here to back up the Cullens and if a mind reader who hated to hurt people unless absolutely necessary said there was a danger, a danger there was.
Jacob was last out of hiding from where the wolves had surrounded the house, ready to pounce at any needed moment. He looked at the girl in his wolf form, Seth and Leah right behind him. While Seth mentally grumbled on about how he just KNEW there was something off about her, his and the non-human girl's eyes met, and the entire world stopped.
Her eyes widened, and she stumbled just as Leah stepped over to keep Seth on his feet. Faced with suddenly a lot more threats she could handle it too short a time to make a plan and Seth on top of that, she turned. Right then and there she turned into the rogue wolf everyone had been searching for. One of the younger wolves growled, but Sam hushed him. There was more going on then they were seeing.
Leah, Seth, Jake - who were mentally linked - and Edward were the only ones who really knew what was going on. Seth had just imprinted on Y/n. Though, of that group, Edward was the only one that knew she had imprinted in return. The girl found her footing and panicked, forgetting her reason for coming and turning, taking off. Everyone was either too shocked or too unsure to go after her.
After she was gone, Sam looked at Edward. Answering his mental question, Edward responded aloud, "She was here because vampires were too close for comfort and she wanted to spy and see what we were up to. She wasn't here to attack." He seemed taken aback, having never experienced an imprint in time like that before. Even if it was second hand, having it from two people was enough to make him understand what it was like and he wondered how they kept standing after such emotions hit them. "I only realized after she-" Should he say? "She turned. She was surprised, and her guard went down, and I realized what her plan at been. A recon mission."
Sam looked at Jake.
He imprinted?
Jake nodded. Sam closed his eyes. Great.
The next day after school, Edward had Bella pull Seth aside and tell him that Y/n had imprinted back. "He didn't want to say in front of everyone. Figured that was kind of a private thing bet. It felt wrong not telling you either, though, so now I'm here..."
Seth nodded, a sort of bounce in his step. "Thanks, Bella."
It had been a week since then though, and it was quickly becoming apparent that Y/n wanted NOTHING to do with Seth or anyone associated. She had tried to make friends with them before, but there was a noticeable shift in her character now. She practically disappeared, and they realized why after Leah saw her notice Seth and then immediately turn the other way and full out run in the opposite direction. Seth was suffering, his need to be closer to her - at least SEE her - and the call to help her and be part of her life eating away at him as she avoided him. He didn't know how she could handle it, denying and ignoring the wants and needs she would be feeling just as strongly for him.
Finally, he snapped.
He showed up at her house half an hour before sunset, flowers in his hands as he knocked. It had taken some spy work to figure out where she was, recognizing and then following her scent until it brought him here. It felt creepy, but he didn't know what else to do. Now he had a little date planned out. Something simple. Flowers, sunset, talking. No expectations, just a little sit down to understand her and make a relationship with her so it would stop hurting him. When the door opened, he grinned upon seeing her. "Y/n-" The door closed and he took a step back in surprise. What was going on with her? "Y/n, please!" Then something occurred to him. Maybe she thought he still hated her! "I- I imprinted too!"
The door flew open, and she took his hand, suddenly running as if her life depended on it. He dropped the flowers along the way, so shocked by her attack. They were running, tearing out of there so fast she didn't even close her front door before they were gone entirely, in the woods with the house quickly getting more and more out of sight.
Just as suddenly as she'd started, she stopped, tugging him to a halt and spinning him to face her. He was mostly expecting her face to be ecstatic, but she looked anything but. Scared, angry, maybe. No sign of any kind of happiness. "What the HELL were you thinking?" He stepped back, shocked by her reactions and forever unsure how her brained worked.
"I- just thought you were avoiding me because you didn't know I imprinted too? Edward saw it when you- when we- he's a mind reader."
She glared. "Of course you guys have a mind reader." She scoffed, rolling her eyes and placing a hand on her hip. "Let me make something very clear Seth, I know you imprinted on me too and I figured you would think I also imprinted on you. Our reactions were the same."
Seth's face scrunched in irritation. "Then why avoid me? I know it's killing you as much as it's killing me. Why put us through that?"
Y/n looked at him like he was the single most stupid thing on the face of any planet, anywhere. He widened his eyes as if to say 'what?!' Her expression softened. "Seth, why are you here?"
He ran a hand through his hair. "I was going to ask you to watch the sunset with me? Talk? Something other than watching you avoid me like I have some disease you'll die a painful death of if you catch?" He threw his arms up briefly, his hands coming back down to slap against his legs.
She sighed. "Why were you going to ask me on a date?" He went to answer, but the look in her eyes made him pause. "Because I'm your imprint?" He shrugged. "You couldn't stand me before. Do you think I missed the glares you shot my way, and the comments mumbled under your breath? God Seth, you're not subtle!"
Seth looked away, feeling suddenly... off. Like the whole world had changed. Imprinting was good. Exciting and happy. This wasn't what he thought it'd be. "So... what? You're going to avoid me and blow me off?"
"The only reason you're mad about it is because you feel like you have to be with me! You have to be my boyfriend and by my side and-"
Seth blanched. "We could be friends!"
Y/n scoffed. "When have imprints ever been just friends?"
"Oh, I don't know, Quil and his imprint? Claire? Little girl? I'm sure you've seen them together?" He was full sass now, his hand on his hip and his shoulders dipping so he could be closer to her height.
That made Y/n smirk. "And what happens when she grows up? They'll be so close, and their bond will be so strong that I'm sure she'll be crushing on him from the time she's 11. And then she'll reach 13, 14, and things will take a real shift. 15 and he'll ask her on a date. They'll be dating before she's 16- I PROMISE you!"
Seth folded his arms over his chest. "And what's so wrong about that?"
"It's like an arranged marriage!" Y/n groaned. "No choice, not really. There's always someone who loves someone before they were forced to love someone else." Seth thought of Sam and Leah and looked away. "There's always someone who never wanted an imprint, who was vehemently against it until they imprinted and it suddenly changed EVERYTHING for them." That immediately brought thoughts of Jacob, and Seth wondered what it would be like for Jake of all people - who is the most against imprinting - to be thrust into a love he didn't want. "There's always the best friends suddenly turned lovers or strangers that become so close so fast that it gives everyone else whiplash." She paused. "There's always the boy who hates the girl until some magical fate bullshit decides he will no longer be able to." It was quiet for a second. "And what happens if I say no, Seth? We fall apart? We break down and lose our minds? Before I was hoping to just get you to not hate me, but now you're willing to do anything to see me happy. It's sick and twisted and unnatural, and I hate it!" Her eyes watered and Seth's heart began to ache.
He was shocked by how poorly he'd perceived this girl. Why did he even hate her to begin with? Because everyone else was infatuated with her, so he refused to be like everyone else? Because she was pretty? Because she was impossible to not like and he liked to do impossible things? Because he was suddenly in the mood to mess with people and cause little problems here and there that were utterly harmless... until they weren't? Because of hormones? Because she was a new face in a small town and she could light up a room with her smile, bringing a new meaning to the word 'life' with just the way her eyes sparkled? Because she was hard to resist and hard to stay away from and it threw him off in a way he couldn't comprehend or control? Because, maybe, even before she was his imprint she was his crush and he didn't like forced, rushed things either?
The epiphany hit him hard, and he wondered how he could communicate the thought process to her without getting interrupted, misinterpreted, or just sound pushy or annoying. Words never did the job actions could...
Actions took time though.
He met her eyes. "Why don't we just start at friends?"
She rolled her eyes. "Seth, where I come from, imprints are seen as... wrong. They're frowned upon. My parents would move us again, at worst. Put me on internet school at best. It doesn't happen much for my pack but after they were nearly wiped out a wolf whose imprint died... it's been totally off limits. Against the unspoken laws. It's best if we just stayed away from each other."
Seth's eyes widened a bit. "I don't want to stay away from you."
Y/n sighed. "It doesn't go away, the pain. But you learn to bare it, and once it hits a point, it stops getting worse. They say it's just like an emptiness. Like someone took a part of you away forever. It's not even painful after a while." Her eyes watered and Seth realized that she was scared. She had been brought to think of imprinting differently than he did and now she was terrified of the situation dumped in her lap.
Unable to help himself he stepped forward, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her. She gasped, and he expected her to push him away. But she didn't. She clung to him. They were both quiet a second before she finally did move away from him. "You're a nice kid, Seth. I'm sorry it was me."
She turned away and began walking back to her house. "I'm not," he told her. She paused. "And I'm not giving up on you. I was wrong to not like you before. It was dumb and immature, and I'm glad I imprinted on you because it forced me to see my bullshit to the core of this whole thing." He chuckled. "Emotions are hard, and I know you think it's wrong but... I can slow it down. I can make it as real as it should be- as it would have been if I hadn't. If we hadn't. I know I can do it."
"What if I don't want you to?" she asked without turning around.
He paused for a second. "Look me in the face and say you don't want me to. That you don't even want to be friends. Part of our group, like that day you came to the bonfire. Tell me you want me to go away and if you really want me to not be apart of your life, I'll do it. Whatever you need."
Y/n was quiet for a second. Her hands curled into fists and then she kept walking, and Seth smirked, watching her.
Just like I thought, he thought to himself.
He was determined now. He'd be gentle, but he was determined. Determined to prove to her that she was wrong and there was more to this than she had been taught.
Seth kept his promise.
He waited two weeks before he even acknowledged her again. Until his chest hurt and his stomach was in knots, and his heart felt like pure metal, heavy and weighed down in his chest. Only when Seth missed her so much that he couldn't pretend he wasn't feeling it anymore did he finally break, finally stopping himself from going out of his way to avoid her. One day he held a door open for her. It was so casual and lowkey that he didn't even look at her as he held it open. She shot him a look, but he only looked at her after a second, motioning her to keep walking after it seemed she was stuck in place. She thought he would hover around her after she went through, but he only brushed past her and then made his way to his friends.
Another time she dropped a book while she was juggling a bunch of things in her arms, and at once and he appeared seemingly out of nowhere with a polite, friendly smile. He went to hand it back to her before he saw her struggling and paused. She saw him look at her struggling and the moment he decided he was going to help. For a second she was going to snap at him to back off, but then he very concernedly asked, "That looks like you're caring a lot. May I please help?" She had seen Seth hold doors open for other girls and help teachers or neighbors carry things to places if it was too heavy or too much before. What would it be different if he helped her now? So she said yes. He looked so relieved that she chuckled.
After that, he told her her backpack zipper was open. Or that her shoes were untied. Or that her hair looked pretty. He eased himself into her life as naturally as if it hadn't been planned. It was so easy for him to go from noticing her need for help to seeing her regularly from then on. It felt so typical that she was taken aback.
Who'd have thought a seventeen-year-old boy would have so much control? From there he started to bump into her more. He'd acknowledge her as he went inside, calling her name and waving. He greeted her as he held a door open, by name. If they happened to be walking down a hallway together in the same direction, he would move up next to her and start idle chatter about casual, mundane things. Suddenly they were acquaintances, and she realized that he had weaseled his way to that spot so quickly, so smoothly, it was as if it was made for him specifically.
A month had passed from when they'd had their showdown in the woods before he approached her at lunch and sat with her. At first, she was tense, but the reaction was so much less severe than if he had done so at the beginning. They began chatting, catching up, gossiping. He got her to laugh, and she got him to roll his eyes in amusement. Three days later, Seth's friends came to them as well. One by one they came to sit at her table until Jake, Embry, Quil, Seth, Colin, and Y/n were all sitting together at lunch, cracking up hysterically and shoving and teasing and acting as if they had known each other forever. Just like that Y/n was one of Seth's friends.
Everything was going good... until the dance came up. 
Prom, oh, prom. It was their senior year, and Seth was stoked to go to prom as a last hurrah for his senior year, and the final step to his plan. He had looped everyone in on it and as an entire pack (and friends, with even Sam's pack offering to help). Making the poster, planning the perfect place to wait as Y/n made her way from school to her house. The pun and the flowers- they all made sure everything was perfect. The others didn't know why because Seth didn't want to tell them anything Y/n wasn't willing to have them know, but they did know that it was imperative that he was careful and precise and that nothing went wrong. Any little thing could set her off and then she'd be gone, and all his hard work would be for nothing. He had to respect her boundaries too.
He waited by himself a little ways from the school so that when he faced Y/n, it would be just him and her. Private. No pressure, no audience, and no chance it would get back to her parents too soon. She'd have time to think and process and make a decision without feeling like he was rushing or forcing anything. When he saw her face, he perked up, shaking the little poster he'd made. It was small for a sign- more movie poster sized than prom poster. Easy to carry or throw away if this went wrong. "Hey," he greeted. She was about a foot away, and when she saw his stance and what he was holding, she froze. Now he tried to ease into it so she wouldn't freak out. "Y/n, you're a good friend of mine. I think so anyway." He was suddenly nervous, far more than he had been before. What if he hadn't accounted for something? What if no matter what he did or how long he took, he would never win her over? He could be satisfied being her friend if that was what she really needed, but it was HIM that liked her. HE - not the wolf and it's stupid instincts - was asking her to prom. He wanted this, so badly he knew his heart would break if it was as impossible as she had first made it out to be. "Um." He paused, looking up at her. "You don't have to say yes. But I really like you, Y/n. Me."
She looked up at him, her eyes widened as she slowly approached him. He watched her. "Seth..." She panicked, covering her mouth. "I want to say yes." He didn't move a single muscle. She looked at him very carefully. "I mean... ME." Her palm flattened against her chest. Her eyes watered and she almost smiled. "I want to say yes. Past instinct, past need, I just want to..." Seth grinned until her smile fell, horror filling her expression. "Oh my god, I'm in love with you."
She had said it so quietly he'd almost missed it. Almost. He stepped closer. "Y/n-"
But she stepped back, her hands up. He faltered. "No." She shook her head, eyes widening more. "No."
He set the poster on the ground, leaning it against a tree as he slowly approached her. Her hands stretched out, trying to keep him away. He grabbed them with his own, bringing her fingers to his lips. "I love you too," he whispered, close enough to her that she couldn't miss it. "ME. I do, not the imprint stuff. Just like you said. I promise." Her eyes closed. "I know. Without us imprinting, I know we would still be here. Right now. We would still be in this exact position, and you'd still be asking me to prom, and I would be as terrified as I am right now because, even if I hadn't imprinted, I'm still... terrified."
"Of me?" Seth asked gently, almost hurt.
"Of me," she corrected. "Of my heart and my feelings." She looked at him. "I've never fallen in love before."
Seth stepped closer, one of his hands moving to brush against her cheek, her jaw. He calmed her with his touch and the soft smile that adorned his lips. "Neither have I. We'll go on from here just as we did before, yeah? Slow and steady. We're figuring it out together."
Looking up at him, Y/n finally smiled. "Yeah. Okay." She still felt scared, but less so when he was by her side, having her back. If giving into her fear meant losing Seth, what better reason did she have to be brave than to keep him around as long as he'd let her?
FTL: @chipster-21 @alexa-playafricabytoto @bitchyseawitch @justanotherdaydreamersoul @wolfgirlxslytherin
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