#and its like i deeply care abt them in a familial sense ??
eunkitarot · 6 months
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Sunghoon As a boyfriend tarot read by Eunki Tarot .
Judgement: As a bf , Sunghoon would be someone that is very insightful. So for example he can sense if something is off with you. Even if you say you are okay but you are actually not . He knows. You can't lie to him. He also is the kind that spends a lot of time thinking abt the relationship. Thinking about how he can make adjustments in the relationship to make it work for the both of you. Constantly trying to find ways to improve the relationship, whether it being in terms of communication or in terms of time spent together. He would find the flaws and try to work on it.
3 of wands:with this card, the person that sunghoon chooses to be with , he knows is someone that he could be confident in. So now that he is together with them, he looks forward to a future together. As a bf he is future-oriented and likes to have a plan. So Sunghoon would fit you within his life plan, and would want to create a future together with you. He is excited to bring it to the next level. Possibily a higher commitment like engagement or marriage. He don't delay once he thinks he found the one. He will put the ring on it. He is a very traditional person. So marriage is up his alley.
Knight of wands: as a bf even though sunghoon seems so logical, or serious at times. He would be very passionate as a lover. Sometimes it feels almost like obsession because of how passionate he can be. With the knight of wands, he sees himself as your knight in shining armor, and he will do anything to protect you and your honor. However, this also means that Sunghoon can be impulsive at times. His recklessness and rash nature can cause issues in the relationship. This is something he needs to work on. Im sensing jealousy and possesiveness, he gets jealous and possessive very easily. 'Its my person, why are you getting close to them?' Something along this line. Also with this energy, its very volatile and extreme. He can be extremely passionate and suddenly become extremely detached.
The Hermit: as a bf, Sunghoon's me time is very important to him. He needs time to be able to recharge. As an introvert, i can relate. He can't keep on going without having this solo breaks. Where he can chill alone with himself. He needs a a lot of space, if he don't get this, he would feel very suffocated and overwhelmed. He dont hate his partner or anything, this is him personally. On the downside, this card may be intreprated that even though he wants a deep connection with his partner, there is a side of him that is also scared because he don’t want to feel vulnerable. However he has to know, that in a relationship, it is important that he learns to open up and let his gaurd down. That it is okay to show you weaknesses to your partner.
Overall Energy/ Bottom of Deck: The Empress. Overall As a bf he would be someone that cares about you deeply and loves you unconditionally. He would be down for commitment. Even though this card is feminine energy, i think it suits Sunghoon so much bcs is he is someone that is graceful and elegant. Someone that is loving and loyal to the people he loves. The empress is also someone that not only desires their partner in a familial sense it could also be in terms of eros. In terms of sexual needs. I can see him as someone that wants to have lineage.
As you can see we go from a boyfriend reading to husband reading😭. Bcs thats just how Sunghoon is. He would love to be husband material than bf material. Even the pov change😭
Anyways i hope u enjoy my read. Dont forget to like and share my page 💗🫶
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spaciebabie · 2 years
As a certified Springtrap simp, which backstory for William do you prefer: one where he was a good dad driven mad maybe by jealousy or the loss of his youngest child, or one where he was always an abusive narcisist that cared for nobody but himself?
i feel like the, "im evil so i must also abuse my creations and/or children" has been really overdone. like idk im just tired of seeing it personally. and the whole "haha!!! im craaaazy!!" thing we get in the comics also rubs me the wrong way b/c. thats not. how he's portrayed in the games at all. esp hearing him in sister location he feels like he would be a calm sort of madness. he seems like a rational guy. he doesnt talk like that. he doesnt act like that. it seems really contradictory
i feel like him being a good dad (or at the least caring deeply for his children) gives him more urgency and like,,,,makes sense w/what we're given. it aligns the most w/the theories we have asta why he started killing etc. i also just enjoy the tragedy of it. he started out as a good guy w/good intentions and then was twisted inta something unrecognizable b/c he was so focused on tryin ta reach his goal. personally my hc is that he was jelly of henry and then the death of crying child tipped him over the edge and started his whole killing thing. imo its better than, "hee hoo i was evil FOREVER!! im PURE evil and have always been EVIL!!!" like. okay. wheres the subsistence?? give him depth dammit
why would he build a robot for his daughter if he didnt love her. why would he tell crying child he would put him back together if he didnt love him (not really cemented as something he said, but i mean who else would say it?? certainly not michael he was a boy. i think as a fandom we assume its heavily implied). it makes the afton kid's deaths so much more impactful. the prospect of this man losing pieces of his life bit by bit and being driven insane by it is enthralling
i love a good chaotic descent. i love thinking abt him being consumed w/a need ta revive his own son becoming obsessed w/life and death as a result. oh the irony of loving your own kid so much you would take others children away from them, knowing how losing your own felt. and the twisting of emotions as he sees his son michael someone who he would've died for, try ta stop him. b/c hes not understanding, they need ta b together again. thats all hes tryin ta do. get his family back tagether. and all these fucking obstacles are in the way of his only goal. and the manifestation of hatred of his own son b/c of this. b/c hes getting in his way. like, talk abt juicy. i want that man ruined. it just adds a layer of psychological torture that i just adore. william fucking ruined everything. he ruined his own happy family, he ruined his own life, and if he actually mourns that? chefs kiss.
my thought is, why even have him have a family in the first place if they're just there ta demonstrate he's evil? seeing the afton family purely as a plot device, we already know afton killed kids. one can assume a person who kills kids is a bad person (maybe? see this is where the juiciness comes in w/him caring for his children. is it really bad from his perspective if hes trying ta save his kid? or is it noble?) so we dont need ta b demonstrated ta that hes a bad person again. if hes just pure evil from the get go it doesnt make sense ta me ta have the afton kids be prominent in the story (besides michael, but even then he could probably be replaced by one of the victims family members) when you could illustrate the same point by focusing on the kids hes killed and their families. why do the afton kids matter if he treats all children the same. why are we focusing so much on the afton family and what appear ta b major story beats in their story, especially since the children he has killed do not get as fleshed out as the aftons do. i feel like if his family wasnt important ta him we wouldnt hear abt it at all. you could achieve the same message by making him single and childless.
do u kno how many stories there are of "Righteous Child Of A Horrible Guy Who Hates Everything, Even Their Own Family, Goes Out Ta Stop Their Parent And Save The Day" there are? its b/c its too easy!!! its too easy for u ta assume that a character is the worst and has been the worst forever!!! its too easy ta assume that an evil character would abuse their family!!! its too easy ta assume an evil character wouldn't have traits besides jealousy, hatred and narcissism!!!!
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zukkacore · 3 months
you reblogged that director's cut ask meme and i KNEW exactly already the scene. towards the end where it starts with:
"Disappointment. “Look. Whatever fantasy you’re trying to cling to, I don’t want any part of it. If you need anything, get another me to do it for all I care. I’m just—done playing house, Porter.” to "How ridiculous."
OR anything about the pomegranate tree which. i put my phone down to stare at the ceiling when the pomegranate tree was mentioned.
HIiiii!!!!! Thank you so much for sending me this honestly you picked a good one.
Ok. this scene is crazy bc i think it was the flashback scene that felt the most necessary to include. Not the one i fought the hardest for (jace good/bad teacher you have my heart ended up making sense but for a long time i was like cut that shit. You know you just want to be indulgent. Until i realized the ratgrinders haunt the narrative). Nor the one that feels the most. Obvious I guess? Or the most evocative? (The one where they're at Porter's house feels like so vivid and real to me not like necessarily bc of my writing its just like real in my mind like if Jace is reading Porter's memories there's definitely something in there that is just Precious and Heartbreaking and Deeply Ironic and almost simplistically affectionate in its portrayal of the Old Jace.
Anyway. This scene in the backyard felt. Necessary I guess? But i also worried i was trying too hard to make it work. It actually wasn't even really originally about Frosty Fair. Like. Jace still was walking out bc of a fight abt the ratgrinders but it was more abstract? I think the fact that its like ruben was getting attacked by grix is a throughline though for jace taking damage for TRGs in the forest. The ratgrinders were not originally going to be this like chekovs gun and like i honestly felt kinda bad that i was like. hm. awfully convenient for Jace to forget abt them so quickly in favor of getting. some dick but also like that's the whole POINT. I was like. Well i can at least highlight how absurd that is by making him ashamed but not really altruistic enough to do anything about it. But its like. Kinda the throughline now.
Originally I was like. Honestly rly embarrassed bc i felt like Jace taking damage in the forest was such a contrived way to get him and Porter to hook up like oooooh patching up injuries how original. But I feel like. There's a whole subplot kinda ABOUT jace taking the damage now. Now the whole story is about how he cares.
And post-Jace HATES that that's the reason Porter brought him on b/c he's so alienated from that version of himself, and he's disgusted with himself for feeling like he's never doing enough or caring enough. For being neglectful and running away. So when Porter grabs his wrist in the memory,
“I don’t think so, Stardiamond. You want this to work. You care, you always have. I know that’s who you still are.”
it's like. He's not seeing Jace for who he is. He's still clinging to the past. But also don't think he's completely wrong. Because jace does take that damage in the forest. He always had that capacity to care in him.
Anyway. I'll backtrack to the. Top of the scene tho.
Disappointment. “Look. Whatever fantasy you’re trying to cling to, I don’t want any part of it. If you need anything, get another me to do it for all I care. I’m just—done playing house, Porter.
Ok so this comes right after the whole. Jace wants Porter to acknowledge what he means to him. & Porter only mentioning his utility to The Plan. So. In my Mind the fantasy that Porter clings to about Jace and the fantasy Porter clings to about the house of sunstone heir of the cliffbreakers thing is made of the same stuff. It's all a glorious past that has been lostt to him. It's all something he's desperately trying to cling to.
There's also the fact that Jace says "I'm done playing house, Porter" (which i know is epilogue coded what can i say we get metatextual up in here). But. To me that's about. This idea of family. Porter feels he's been denied something of his lineage. In his mind he's doing this for his family as well as himself. I really wanted there to be something in there about Jace basically saying like. Why do you need to do this for your family. I'm your family. But it felt too on the nose and maybe not true to the character. B/c like. What family? The whole Jaceporter and the ratgrinders make up like a shitty fucked up fall of the house of usher type family is so real to me. But the thing is. That's a fantasy. Most of the ratgrinders are shatterstarred. Porter is clinging to something that doesn't exist.
And he says "if you need anything, get another me to do it for all I care." which. I think I needed to justify something within the text... But besides that. "get another me to do it" is so like. I think there's two things in there. 1) Jace is talking about his own replaceable nature within the plan. Calling attention to the fact that Porter actually COULD replace him, he just doesnt want to because he wants it to be jace. He just won't say that he'll say i need you you're so important blah blah. 2) obviously that's a bit of a jaceclone reference. He's saying literally another me, and long as I personally get that distance from you idc.
already talked abt the you care line so I'm gonna skip past it.
Another swing of Bigby’s Hand. This time, it’s a miss, and it dissipates—too rattled to concentrate. Jace seethes. “I don’t give a fuck what you think of me, or about who your Jace was. I’m —”
Ok. So like. I've talked about this a little bit, but I actually I do have a soft spot for the guardians of the galaxy 3 i actually think its pretty good and i don't like peter and gamora really but i think gotg3 uses them in very interesting ways b/c Quill keeps trying to insist that this gamora (a gamora from another time who never experienced the movies) should live up to the gamora from his memories. The line i actually really like is "What are you so afraid of within yourself that you need me to be something for you" which AAAAGGGGHHHH i feel sick about is very jaceporter to me. (The other scene that is very them is gamora saying “you know. I’m still not who you want me to be” and him going “yeah but who you are ain’t so bad” “I bet we were fun” “like you wouldn’t believe.” PORTER YEARNS FOR OLD JACE BUT ALSO ?? DID OLD JACE LOVE HIM TO THE POINT OF INVENTION?)
I don't think Porter would ever refer to the old jace as His Jace but I definitely think this jace conceives of it that way. & this is even more fucked bc PORTER put him here. That shit just happened to Gamora. PORTER is the one that wanted to actualize and use Jace but also misses who he used to be. And porter isn't wrong that this jace has the capacity to be as "good" at the old jace, but he's definitely not willing to acknowledge the harm he's caused or the pain this jace is in. I almost ended the exchange with "I'm Jace" but i felt like that also would be too on the nose. The fact that the name Jace is inherently a little bit silly does take a bit of the bite away. Sorry bestie beloved but its true ur name is ridiculous.
I think so much of this fic is Jace reconciling that he wants to be loved but he doesn't know in which way. Like. On the one hand he's saying please love as I am—as a person who has undergone irreconcilable trauma, different and the same. On the other hand he's saying please love me as I am— as the doggish, devoted frankenstein's creation that can't help but love his creator. And I think there's a little bit of both here. A little bit of Why are you asking for the old jace when i am what i am, the person you made, someone else, and i'm RIGHT HERE. And its a little bit of Why are you asking for the old jace expecting me to be something i no longer recognize, can you at least acknowledge that this trauma has changed me, that i feel different, that i feel as if i can never go back. But maybe those are the same thing
I also want a brief sec to talk abt that bigby's hand. I just wanted something that would leave a large impact i think? Like. this is such a WEIRD pull but i was watching that dirty laundry w/ brennan in which he talks abt getting in a car crash where the car trenches a hole in the grass and stops just shy of a woodchuck hole and he starts laughing in shock. I thought abt that a lot in the scene with the Motivational Poster bc of the laughing of shock but i also liked that imagery i guess of trenching a crater.
Pain, as the rage crystals and untamable arcana course through his veins—he can feel it in the present, too—and then the Jace in the memory surges so bad that he passes out on the lawn, but not before frying the nearby pomegranate tree to a crisp with a jolt of lightning. Jace turns away from that one as if flinching from a raised hand. Despite everything, he wishes most of all to apologize about the tree. He could laugh. How ridiculous.
Im playing a little loose with sorcery stuff but aint that the sorcery way i guess. Anyway I like in other fic when Jace has a hard time controlling his sorcery due to being shatterstarred as a way of being like yeah he's discordant with himself. Its sooooo good. I think the rage here is a little bit his and Porters. I don't know if thats how it works in the text but i made the call that jace's rage can also incite the crystal to act up.
OK SO lastly. THANK YOU FOR BRINGING UP THE POMEGRANIT TREE JUST BC ITS FUN even tho its literally is like. Yeah I love Hadestown and Jaceporter are soooooo persephades / orphydice coded. I liked the imagery of his surge being so bad that it kills the something dear to Porter in the garden, and I was like. Frying a tree sounds cool. And I was like. Well if its gonna be a fruit tree of COURSE it can't be any old tree it has to be a pomegranite tree. OF COURSE. And it's not stated but i do think it kinda was the centerpiece of that garden. And of course like. A pomegranate on its own already means a lot. In terms of like. Death n rebirth Persephades and this idea of the cycles of the seasons and leaving n returning and the overlap with this idea of like, corruption and a Fall from grace
Also a shoutout to my ability to neglect real world facts. "Lily, white, and Poppy red. I trembled as he laid me out. " Yeah, Porter decimated the poppies in the fight. They're completely out of season but we can play pretend.
I do think him wanting to apologize for the tree is like. Such a funny moment. I think after i wrote what happened to the tree i felt bad for said tree. There is something really sad abt that. So i think Jace would feel bad about destroying something that takes so long to grow, that Porter cares about, and find away to blame himself even tho Porter is the one who started everything.
Anyway. This scene felt. Necessary bc i think there needed to be some semblance of showing them in like. Actual conflict. at the time i actually did NOT know that THIS would be THE FIGHT in the exhange that Porter was talking about earlier. When he said "i thought you meant it this time". i mean. its not explicit but I do think there's a finality to the interaction that implies that yes. Jace was fucking serious this time. And again there's that throughline of the ratgrinders haunting the narrative. About Jace caring and feeling like he's never caring enough.
Like, so much of the story is ABOUT Porter looking right past jace and i felt like there should be scene that. Says it outright. But also. Not being completely wrong. IMO. B/c I also think Jace was threatened by the version of himself that porter sees. And he thinks he doesn't live up to that. he COULD never live up to that. (And in some ways he does. In some ways. He's might even be perfect in his own way. He kinda loved Porter to the point of invention so)
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hanarchy · 5 months
What kills me is that members always reference currently popular skz memes/topics on bubble or lives so they definitely see what's going on, yet some of the members keep praising it on bubble
While now a lot of stays support this collab, with coca cola most of the fandom were boycotting and all the comments were full of it too still that didn't stop fl from drinking it on his live
Yeah like. god. This is gonna be a long answer but bear with me anon.
There are a few things I know to be true abt skz (and most idols tbh)
1. They are online (all that time spent in hair and makeup, waiting to perform, on a random plane or car. They have a lot of hours where they‘re at work without having to be mentally present, we all know they scroll, plus there‘s the lives and everything else).
2. They are in control of their music. They‘ve said this, it‘s their whole concept. No more discussion on this.
3. They‘re not really allowed/have decided not to be political (rmb that vlive where hyunjin chose a colored heart before soko elections and had to redo the whole thing bc the color was associated with a political party?)
4. They have contracts with JYPE and its unlikely they‘re allowed to back out of collabs like coca cola.
5. Individually they have also made questionable choices. The louis vuitton ambassadorship is honestly top of my list bc LVMH is engaged in industries that buy blood diamonds, do animal testing for cosmetics, have had parts in several labor disputes and the owners have a long laundry list of shit that they fucked up severely. Literally the richest family in france and LV is their flagship brand (Loewe is also part of it btw.). The Versace parent company is not much better. Tommy Hilfiger is obviously fucked and it has been like that for a while.
6. They are ambitious and in the industry they‘re in, that means they want to make more and more money. Because that means more promos, more artistic control, more fame, bigger halls etc.
I don‘t believe them to be bad people I just believe them to be apolitical people. In my book that‘s not really a thing (if you‘re not political you choose the status quo which in this case means fucking genocide.) BUT, crucially, people who don‘t care about politics beyond their arms reach or don‘t understand politics often care deeply about the people in their lives, about their work, about their direct environment. Skz are in an incredibly busy and stressful line of work and they were plunged into that world at an age when most people haven‘t or are just starting to develop political opinions. They‘re also from a culture that places very high value on respect(-ability), on not causing a stir and conforming to expectations (this is not a dig on korean culture btw, I think many aspects of this are actually positive, more individualistic cultures are not better, I am just focusing on a topic where these things have an unfortunate impact). In a highly individualistic culture like the US it‘s a lot easier for artists to express political opinions and make political art because they‘re expected to (and look how few even do it there, celebrity culture is laughable). Idols are expected to provide entertainment first and foremost, no more individuality than the company allows.
It makes sense that they are how they are. If all you‘ve ever worked for is a music career in a rigid industry where your every move is scrutinized of course you‘re not likely to make bold moves. But that doesn‘t make it right and it doesn‘t make their decisions better.
What I‘m trying to say is that I don‘t blame them for being how they are but I also entered this kpop life being aware of this. I‘ve stopped placing political expectations on celebrities. I don‘t need them to be political, I am political enough, that‘s not their purpose in my life.
I want them to speak to the part of me that dreams and that idealizes and that loves. But bc that‘s their role in my life it‘s jarring when suddenly their values and mine seem completely misaligned because the part of me that dreams and fantasizes is the part of me that also imagines a better world. Strange to know that they‘re ok with living in the existing world if they themselves live well.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
super obsessed with your art, seb looks soooooooooooo stunning!!! I am now very curious however, only if you feel like going into it, as to which other historical figures you align with which drivers?👀👀
AAAAAA tysm Grace!!!! Though I am so so so sorry for how rambly and long this post is gonna be, but you just asked me abt one of my brainrots!! I will answer your question but also talk about my history alignments and AUs in general LOL
But if I'm making comparisons of F1 drivers and historical figures, my brain kinda forces me to make it an AU because I'm like "this needs to make absolute sense historically and contextually.)
So, tbh of the four historical AUs that float around my brain, only two of them are really specifically about certain historical figures. The four are: Nandopoleon(About how Fernando reminds me of Napoleon), War of Spanish Succession(mostly about that era, but Seb and Nando are supposed to be paralleling Charles VI and Philip V), Napoleonic Hussars(which is about how , in general, Hussars = F1 drivers), and Rennaissance Muse(this just happens to take place in a different era.)
Explaining my AUs and the historical contexts(proceed with caution, its a lot)
Okay so I'm really really am so deranged about Napoleon = Fernando, but I’ve not posted about it too much because I wanna make a well thought out post about it. But basically I think they’re similar people with similar characteristics and motivations. There was this period of time over the summer where I was only brain rotting about how well any of Napoleon’s quotes fit Fernando(with my fellow nandopoleon confidant @/sweatyflytrap haha.) Here’s some quotes as example: 
“Victory belongs to the most persevering.”
“It is not necessary to bury the truth. It is sufficient merely to delay it until no one cares.”(Piasco era lol)
“Victory is not always winning the battle…but rising every time you fall.”
“From triumph to failure is only one step.”
"A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon."(trophies y'know)
"Always carry champagne! In victory you deserve it, and in defeat you need it!"
Tell me Fernando wouldn't use these as instagram captions! TELL ME!!! But the other thing that was driving me crazy is how well excerpts from the personality/image section of Napoleone's wiki line up with testimonials from Fernando's doc. Examples:
"He cheated at cards, but repaid the losses; he had to win at everything he attempted."(Napoleon) "Whatever activity I take part in, I have this compulsion to find the compeititon in it."(Fernando)
"He could rapidly dictate a series of complex commands to his subordinates, keeping in mind where major units were expected to be at each future point, and like a chess master, 'seeing' the best plays moves ahead"(Napoleon) "When you talk to him, his mental capacity is so strong. He's talking to you, but his brain is thinking ahead"(Fernando)
Like c'mon tell me they aren't at least a bit similar??? There's a lot else I find similar about them but I cannot list my whole manifesto here skdjlsd
Anyways this AU would be Fernando as Napoleon and would be Webbonso -> Strollonso. Basically, Napoleon had two wives: his first wife, who was older than him and who he was super in love with, but had to divorce because they couldn't have kids, but he still loved her deeply. And then his second wife , who was much younger thanhim and from the Austrian royal family, and this was a politically motivated marriage but they still got on pretty well!!(also it's funny, before she married him she didn't want to be with him because the public perception of him made him out to be not the best guy, but then she wrote to her father about how loving and kind he was. very Strollonso, no?)
War of Spanish Succession:
Mostly explained it here and here. I'm not too interested in either Philip V nor Charles VI themselevs as individuals, but rather the roles they fufill in the "story." Though I will say, I got hit with a brick while reading Charles VI's wiki when finding out that he apparently had several male lovers! So I guess my AU having an arranged m/m marriage isn't even that far off the mark hahaha. Why did they have a 13 year war, they should have just arranged a marriage between the two canidates sigh sigh. But yeah, mostly Austria vs. Spain, I think it fits well with the Vettonso rivalry!! They would end up being: Fernando I King of Spain and Sebastian I Holy Roman Emperor hehe. Also I sketched some more:
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Napoleonic Hussars:
Explained here as well as with art, and more art here. I'm really still proud of the points I made, I just feel very ardently about it!!! Not about any specific figure, but rather a historical group that I think lines up extremely well with F1 drivers. But this one is fun cause I can kinda insert any driver into it and they'll work pretty well. It's fun to figure out what kingdom what driver would be, either based off their nationality or the nationality of their team. I remember vividly staring at a map from this era trying to figure out where Maranello would be....But like Renault = Kingdom of France and RBR = Kingdom of Austria, and stuff like that
Rennaisance Muse:
Mostly just this post, I've not thought about this one incredibly deeply. Mostly just brainrot about how I think Seb looks like The David with his curly hair
#catie answer an ask without making it a soliloquy challenge: failed#hope this is at least sort of interesting to people other than me!#basically: I like reading about F1. I like reading about history. why not mix them :DDD#also sorry Grace that this ended up being more about my AUs rather than which historical figures align with who#if im gonna compare a driver to a figure then my brain is like 'this needs to make absolute sense historically' so it becomes its own AU#though i think fernando is a much easier driver than any others to make historical comparisons about#and thats really only bcs hes very specific with how he portrays himself and how the public eye is supposed to view him#hes much more of a 'character' and is easier to compare bcs historical figures also end up becoming chararictured bcs of the passage of tim#having a lot of fun with this most recent one!!! the idea of arranged marriage vettonso(with boy king seb) is brainrotting me#all of these have ships as well that theyre kinda focused around#hussars is the most general but Ive already drawn martian for it sooooo#and the rennaisance is also martian#nandopoleon I already said what it would be(god the irl age gaps align so well to each other)#and then obv spanish succession is vettonso arranged marriage#anyways aaaahhhhh fun side projects which I like to research and draw!!!#and ik ive said it a lot but thank you guys for showing interest!! its pretty niche i think....#catie.asks.#catie.rambling.txt#boy king au#hussar au#nandopoleon alonsoparte
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lietpolski · 6 months
your take abt bul and mace being dysfunctional siblings who care deeply for each other is so,,😭 your brain...blease can we have more yugo/balkan familial hcs i need them for my soul
THANK U i'm such a softie for weird little family dynamics!!
i see all of the yugos (except mace) as related, in that vague nationverse manner where... there's not really a name for what they are to each other, but they're still family? in human aus i sometimes translate it as them being cousins, but it depends on the situation!
they exclusively use their vague blood relation for evil !! they barely treat each other like family until they need something, and then they're like 🥺 cmon man we're brothers.... and somehow it works most of the time
oh and i do still kind of like monte & serbia as siblings more than the canon, it just makes sense to me! idk they could have an incestuous thing going on i don't make the rules <3 if herze & cro can why not them
i could write a phd thesis on the dynamic serbia has with his kids & also the dynamic srpska has with his step-parents so i'm not going into it here haha that could be its own post,,, just know it's weird and uncomfortable and no one knows where familial love ends and hatred begins + kos was srb's little angel son growing up whereas srpska he used to "forget" at the playground on purpose
what else! i see ro as a mix between a dad and brother figure to mol, not just brotherly like in canon, because it's cute!!! and i think it makes sense with the age difference!! and bul is sort of kind of almost an honourary second dad to him too! he takes him to the park and buys him ice cream when ro is too busy with work :)
idk haha this all isn't very specific but it's because there's so much to talk about !! but yeah those would be my vague overall headcanons about everyone's familial dynamic :D
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beclynn-herondale · 1 year
I totally agree with you abt clary and jace surviving twp. I also feels it always cheapens the story when an author kills of a main characther from an earlyer series in a new one. Like of course will and lucie and them are dead bc the passage of time so that I get you know it wouldnt be any fun if everyone became immortal but when its an actual kill i always really hate it like whats the reason, it just ruins both stories.
It's just like what's the point? What's the point of bringing these characters so far and making them a symbol of hope just to kill them off?
I just can't make it make sense. There's no reason why it would make sense in my opinion. Especially after teasing Clary's death in TDA. Don't see why she would just kill her off now.
I believe a lot of it comes from the fact a lot of people don't like Clace or just don't really see them as important characters so if they die they don't care. It won't affect them. Well, at least not until they see how broken Alec & Magnus, and Izzy & Simon, and Max & Rafe would all be. Only then do o think they'll realize how stupid that move would be.
The thing about TMI gang is that they're all so deeply connected that to kill one would be to kill them all in a way. Look at how broken they all were when Simon was gone. He wasn't even dead just not in their lives anymore and that killed them. Because TMI gang are a family, and an extremely close onw at that.
People also believe that because they don't like Clace that that means everyone in the books also doesn't like them. When the books contradict that actually.
And I mean, they're entitled to their opinions of course, just as we ours. But there comes a point where you have to realize that your opinion is in the books.
For example, I like to write stories where the circle redeemed themselves. But that wasn't the case in canon. They all pretty much died. I have to remember my canon and the actual canon are not the same. Your canon is just as valid but that doesn't mean it's gonna happen in the books?
Does that make sense? Idk I'm rambling 🤣
Anyway, I don't think CC is gonna kill them off. I just think people would prefer it to be them.
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caatws · 1 year
I do not know if I am the only one, but can they just make starmora get back together off screen if anything similar to other couples they have done? I dont think Gunn was debunking the first part, I mean he doesnt know that since he is not working at marvel anymore. I know that the "real" comment might seem weird but I think he just means that Gamora is back with the family she is deeply attached to, but that doesnt mean she doesnt consider the guardians a family to her in a way, after all Gunn said if you understand groot then tou are part of the family.
I know Pratt said he might be back but I doubt its anything big in the future, as for Zoe I could see her in pretty small stuff like cameos or small roles since she said she would like Gamora to continue. I highly doubt they will pair them up with someone else.
off the top of my head, the only time i can remember the mcu making a broken up (not just in the literal sense of "they broke up" but like in general a ship that was canon and then not canon) ship canon again off-screen was between cacw and homecoming when they had pepperony go from broken up to seemingly back together again offscreen, at least enough to get engaged for the media when peter parker decided not to join the avengers, and then next time we see them ~2 years later in iw they're planning a wedding
i'd love to see starmora get together again off-screen in some way like this too, but being realistic, i just wouldn't get my hopes up. bc idt ppl, on both the studio and audience level, rly care abt peter quill or his relationship with gamora the way they do with tony or pepperony
it makes sense that they did it for pepperony bc it's tony mf stark. the dude was practically the face of the entire mcu, along with steve, for a decade. the entire avengers franchise centered him, and his relationship with pepper was part of both his solo films and every avengers ensemble film. the story of his relationship was one that you could probably find countless casual viewers of the mcu to know abt and be fans of etc. if pepper ever died we would've gotten tony probably going berserk (understandably so) in canon, followed by countless irl thinkpieces and tweets and more abt how tony was justified, tony is grieving, tony this, tony that, ad nauseam. in other words, it doesn't surprise me that canon, fandom, and general viewers would all bend over backwards to keep pepperony together, even if just for the sake of forwarding tony's arc, pepper as an individual be damned lol
with peter and gamora...i just don't see that same energy rly happening for them. i mean, even yesterday i accidentally came across an article abt how iw "rushed" peter and gamora's romance bc it was so much more serious in iw than where the two left off in vol 2 and it's like...do ppl even know 4 years passed between those 2 films? so if the general audience isn't rly that invested in starmora does marvel need to make an effort to make it canon again later?
i'm sure there will be opportunities for cameos and all that in the future for some of the gotg depending on where things go. i was just going off of the final screen of text at the end of vol 3 which suggested our next iteration of peter is gonna be a little more removed from the gotg we know, including gamora, since it Only said him. maybe he'll join up with the avengers again since he's back on earth for now and there will be some avengers characters who still remember him? idk
so to wrap this up bc again i got super wordy lol sry...i don't think anything's ever impossible, i just wouldn't be surprised if this is truly the end of the line for starmora being together "again" in canon. like i think what it is for me is i don't rly expect anyone at marvel studios to care more abt starmora than gunn, and this is the route gunn took with it (understandably) and now gunn's done, so i think things are just generally pointing more toward starmora ending here than not
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wangkuans · 2 years
the thing that bugs me about leo and jason’s role in the prophecy is it STARTS with them and it should END with them given the world! was going to fall! to storm!!!! or fire!!!!! and i hate hate hate how leo defies death bc so much of his development in moa was pointing to no!!!!! likes leo’s always had this crazy sense of responsibility,, maybe not in the same way jason does, but he takes his work insanely seriously, and his work on the ship honestly stems from his care for people. like maybe he’s not always good at talking to them but everything abt argo ii is so thoughtful and detailed for and about them ! and also also ! we see in this book he’s a deeply caring person, even just for the Hope of Friendship. he builds argo ii with thoughts of the seven. he thinks of each and every one of them as family before he even really knows them. if hes this insane over ppl he just met, hes so much worse abt jason!!!!!!! jason who is his best friend jason who he worries over jason who he deepy deeply cares about!!!!! and it drives me crazy to think that at the end of moa he develops this crazy guilt complex over annabeth and percy bc he thinks its his fault theyve fallen into tartarus,, and leo takes this horrible and scary event and cements it in his mind that it was His fault bc he used the cookie from nemesis, and he’s racked with guilt over friends he hasn’t known for long ,, and u mean to tell me leo wld risk getting resurrected at all at the end of boo?? like ur telling me leo wldnt think there wld be consequences for figuring out a loophole??? and that he wldnt figure out this consequence might directly involve jason?? u mean to tell me leo tastes the death of his friends after he is explicitly warned there wld be consequences for working with nemesis,,, and that he wld believe there wld be NO consequences to dodging a death not only foretold but required??????? and it drives me mad bc like. okay! fine! lets say leo doesnt already have this huge sense of responsibility and isnt racked with immense guilt . lets say he genuinely, actually believes his death counts even if he gets resurrected, and that thered be no consequences for his plan at the time he does it. ur telling me he still wouldnt believe it AFTER he gets resurrected and jason dies shortly after?? ur telling me he wldnt put two and two together???????
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andromacheflints · 1 year
humbly requesting u talk abt ur ocs <3
rainbow i love you. anyway aranj and myrem I've been dying to talk about aranj and myrem but I kinda struggle to because they are kinda tied up in worldbuilding?? so get ready to hear that
so i have this pre-modern alternate world setting that i use mostly as a sandbox, and in this world there is a valley and in this valley there are some people who are called lichu (name not set in stone. like their language is called lichuek and -ek means "in the manner of" but its been a while since i worked on lichuek and i think i might want to add a suffix to mean "people" and ANYWAY) sometimes these people are organised in kingdoms and states of their own and sometimes they are part of other states.
anyway there were these two girls who were childhood friends, murem and aranj, who were sort of rich but then murem's family fell off and, being very charming and very clever, she ended up scamming people. and then ended up being run off the country for scamming people. and aranj was like "well I can't let you leave alone" and went with her. so and so they go to Nejbekar (a thriving city-state which features A Lot in the stories i write for this world) to continue being scams. and myrem was like Okay we're in the big city now we gotta refine our act, we'll say im land-owning nobility that has been Exiled from our Land (there's prooooooobably some unrest thats actually happening in their country at that point but i haven't really ironed that one out) and that you are my servant*
*now the thing about servants and lichuek culture is that there is this literary archetype of the Vassal/Servant/Steward sort of, who is a bit like the knight errant in the sense that they did not really Exist but have cultural value as a literary figure and is associated with The Noble Past. and like the vassal is supposed to be loyal to their lord yadda yadda and Most Importantly to take care of their lord's grave after they die (because in middle lichuek literature the lord usually dies young doing something heroic and brilliant) [ask me how this is reflected in their creation myth<3] (and also lord is not exactly a "lord" in the feudal european sense. its more like someone who can command loyalty and Deserves Loyalty) (yes this means lichuek culture has built-in support for all kinds of grifters. dont worry about it)
but the thing is, right, that for myrem the whole thing is an act. she expects them to go home at night and switch it off.
but aranj. who has very little ambition of her own. who has Already spent her whole life following myrem (who really Is brilliant and charismatic while aranj is..jjust some guy honestly). who Already expects that Myrem will die young doing something brilliant and heroic. who misses her home and find some connection to it by embodying this role (and also in the promise that someday she'll return to bury myrem)…she's living for that shit!
(and thats another thing - murem would be just fine living in nejbekar for the rest of her life but aranj Pines for Home and has Very Complicated feelings on murem being the reason they had to leave) (even though she did not have to leave) (but she had to)
meanwhile myrem is straight-up in love with aranj but aranj does not reciprocate (partly cause she's Found A Model for what their relationship should be like and thinks that a relationship with her would be debasing to Myrem. partly because she Just Does Not See Myrem Like That). She'll worship her but not kiss her and its driving myrem insane because she could order her. technically. and murem wants aranj to love her but she thinks she would only do it out of obedience, which not the thing she wants!!!
and its this thing right where aranj wants to serve myrem so much that it comes on the other end as being an inconvenience
and i just. yeah. they love each other very deeply but on very different terms and i love them for that
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It's the "Casual" by Chappell Roan lightsayu anon again, and I'm so glad you see the vision. Honestly, I only sent in that ask because I was going insane from thinking about them as that song so much that I had to tell someone else about it. It's the blur between normalcy and intimacy (or what is perceived as normal levels of intimacy) when it comes to sibling relationships...yeah that's "Casual" if I've ever heard it. Also, the almost one-sided yearning of the song is so little sister deeply in love with her older brother who's only fooling around with her. Like, Light Yagami is her role model, her idol, her big brother, but he's got this whole god of the new world thing going on, so the growing distance between the Yagami siblings makes Sayu feel neglected and used. I just think we as a fandom need to talk not only more about Light and Sayu's relationship but also the built up tension and bitterness between them. I think it's pretty common knowledge that they're very close with each other and Light cares about Sayu a lot, but even good sibling relationships have fights and disagreements and hate each other at least sometimes. Regardless of how close Light and Sayu are, I think it's safe to say that a little bit of mass murder and kidnapping as a side effect of the aforementioned mass murder would have driven quite a wedge between the two siblings. Oh, another thing: car sex to me is so very incestuous, like fucking in the family vehicle that's parked in the driveway/garage to avoid getting caught. That's why the chorus reminded me so much of lightsayu in the first place. Anyways, I hope this makes sense, sorry for rambling, and thank you for the kind reply!
anon i love and adore you. you are seriously so big brained to me.
i relate to the feeling abt going insane abt them but having no one to confide in -- why does almost no one else see the vision !!!! i know its taboo bc incest but come on.... from what i've heard the old dn fandom back during livejournal days was much more raunchy so what gives. what's a little sister complex between serial killing fascists
anyway. my god the one sided yearning. you KNOW sayu thinks the world of light and how could she not? he's like, the perfect older brother. he doesn't even lock his door to her until he gets the death note -- it's obvious they're extremely close and that , even tho he's a little psycho, light does care about sayu a lot. enough to help her with her homework routinely and hey, even saving her from being killed in order to further his secret life as kira. he literally won't kill sayu to further his own goals. that's a sister complex if i've ever seen one
and i agree !! id love to see more exploration between them, not even in an incesty way just in a dynamics way !
a while ago i thought up an au where light "wins", but by wins i mean he lives out his life as kira for a few years before getting bored and "retiring" into the countryside to take care of sayu, who has become disabled after the kira kidnapping incident + their mother's death. and it didn't start off with incest in mind, but the more i thought up scenarios for them and the more it came to life in my mind (and even , a little bit in the writing i've done for the au) i just. yeah. they're just soooo siblings in love. and the kira rift between them would create such amazing angst and drama. in the au light grows to regret being kira because he sees what a negative effect it's had on not only his mental health, but his sister's as well. something something. my god. these bitches are each other's only exceptions. and they're siblings and in love and i love them
ALSO INCEST CAR SEX YOU ARE SOOOOOO REAL ANON. ANON I LOVE YOU. please never apologize for preaching the gospel in my inbox. please if you ever feel inclined again i would love to talk with you about them. cheers and i hope you've been having a good week so far <3
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icecreamkink · 2 years
got/asoiaf is very weird bc i stopped watching/reading on book and season 3, watched the final mostly for the lolz and dont rly plan on finishing the books...... and yet every 6-8 months i have one (1) day where i Care About It and must read meta for 10 hours straight
#i got into asoiaf right before it exploded but reached a point of 'ok. this is annoying me now' tho i planned to return . but i didnt.#and actually its like... i spent years not caring abt it and the whole meta reading only became a thing after s8 ... WHICH IS RLY FUNNY#bc lijke. i just thought it was funny how dumb the show had gotten. i watched it w my family#s7 which i thought was the final season - and it actually rly was funny and kinda fun !#and then s8............................................. was not#even i who was negatively invested felt so deeply disappointed and stumbled upon meta just to make sense of whatver the fuck id watched#anyway im a daenerys stan now#which is DOUBLE FUNNY#bc i WASNT#actually i was rly early on then she dropped to a solid#5-7 on my 'like them' list but by the end (of the show) shes the only one i cared abt#i LOVED sansa i defended her online against 'sansa is stupid and evil and the true villain' articles back in the day#and watching her be queen was like. completely empty#i was a stark stan and yet their endings was just. a big pile of nothing#and the whole 'oh no she has emotions and um. tried to end slavery too much :(' thing they had going on with their ~mad queen .............#awoke sth in me i guees#anyway this all prompted by#bc i saw a blog i thought was pretty but they were on a 'crazy bitch needed 2 b shanked' vibe and i was like Nope#and it hit me#i Know things once again#and now im listening to intro: shadow and going hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fanmix?? . . . so uh#also triple funny is the end og the 10 hours straight is inevitably 'i dont like this world that much. idc' rinse repeat a few months later
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brackenfur · 3 years
au starting from lost stars/one non canon event mentioned but i cant stop thinking abt a scene where bramblestar slips up abt thinking abt killing firestar in sunset n how squirrel would react to that. this is a very quick drabble aka its not rly thought out or edited, i jsut needed to write and get it out somewhere ! i also cant rly definitively say that everything abt bramblestars version of events/what squirrelflight knew abt the foxtrap scene is canon-accurate since its been a minute since ive read tnp + that time period is extremely muddled in terms of which author writes it and what any cat outside of bramblestar ACTUALLY knows.
anyways tysm for reading <3
"i've sacrificed everything for this relationship, for you," bramblestar snaps, eyes that were at one moment dim and exhausted from his oncoming illness now alight with anger. "you don't even know how much pressure i was under all those years ago, after we got back together and i became deputy. i was dealing with my new position, with thunderclan's mistrust, with hawkfrost telling me to-" and he stops dead in his tracks, eyes widening just slightly as he realizes he let something slip.
squirrelflight blinks, deeply uncomfortable by his reaction. she knows that he and hawkfrost kept communicating after she and bramblestar got back together, and she knows to this day that hawkfrost never had good intentions - but there is something about the way bramblestar looks away from her, how his fur prickles along his spine, that makes her think there's more to this story.
"hawkfrost telling you to what?" she tries to keep up her bravado and confrontational tone so he doesn't detect how disturbed she's becoming, but her voice wavers. "what are you talking about?"
"nothing," he says too quickly, shaking his head. "it doesn't matter. i'm tired, squirrelflight; this leafbare is the worst i've seen, and i'm not feeling my best, either. you know that - i've been so sick, and-"
"yes, you are sick, and i've told you to rest," she reminds him, cutting him off. "and i'm sorry about that, but what are you talking about with hawkfrost?"
"i said it was nothing."
"it doesn't look like it was nothing."
bramblestar sets his jaw, shaking his head. "you know how he was. i was just going to say that he was just trying to pressure me to stop talking to you, that's it."
it doesn't feel like that was it. she has no love for hawkfrost and doesn't particularly care that he didn't like her much either - but bramblestar wouldn't be so upset and secretive about something that trivial. there's more.
"you're not telling me something," she says finally. "i know you - or, i mean, i think i know you. you're hiding something from me about hawkfrost, and i swear to starclan - we just had a conversation the other night about being truthful."
"i've always been truthful."
"it seems like you're not right now, though. i've laid out all of my secrets and told you every bad thing i've done - i've let the whole forest know my demons. not by choice, but what's done is done. there's something you're not telling me about hawkfrost - and don't tell me he didn't like me, we all know that. what was he telling you to do?"
he twitches his whiskers. "squirrelflight, you need to drop it."
this just makes her more angry. "i've told you everything i've done and you're always going on about how we need to stay truthful to each other to make this work - whatever it is, i'll listen to you about it. i know how hawkfrost was - did he want you to take over the forest, or something? i know he talked to mudclaw about things like that; he wasn't subtle about his plans to be tigerstar junior."
bramblestar looks deeply uncomfortable. "i didn't do what he wanted me to do, you know i didn't," he finally says after what seems like an hour; she blinks, unsure of what he's talking about.
"what do you mean? like...yeah, you didn't take over-"
"he wanted me to become thunderclan's leader. that's it. now, please, just drop it."
she frowns. she kind of expected that, but there's....a deep shame in his eyes, and she thinks there's an element to this story he's not saying. he's being evasive and private, and her heart begins to beat harder when she really, really thinks back on all those years ago.
a memory surfaces, one that she always thought about with pain and yet an underlying feeling of pride - for brambleclaw, for her mate, for saving her father....
it hits her then. she always thought that the foxtrap was brambleclaw's moment of undying loyalty to her father - stumbling upon hawkfrost about to kill firestar, and immediately jumping to his defense. that's always how he told it, anyways; he knew what hawkfrost wanted to do, and put an end to it.
but there were always these underlying moments that she couldn't quite place over the years - some type of underlying shame and embarrassment that she just chalked up to grief for his brother.
they look at each other, and she tries to keep calm. "when you found my father in the foxtrap," she says slowly. "did you think about letting hawkfrost kill him?"
bramblestar's beat of silence is all she needed to know; he immediately tries recovering it, though.
"squirrelflight, i would've never done that- hawkfrost and tigerstar were-"
"tigerstar? what does your father have to do with this?"
bramblestar is very quiet; she thinks that the world around them is completely silent as they stand in the middle of a snowy clearing. the cold usually heightens the sounds in the air, but in this moment all squirrelflight can hear is the thudding of her own heart.
bramblestar seems like he's trying to piece his thoughts together carefully; she forces herself to wait until he finally says: "i was never going to do it," he says, voice tight with emotion. "squirrelflight, i loved your father - you know that." she can barely hear him anymore as she finally grasps what exactly he's telling her. "my father and my brother- you've heard about how they are from lionblaze and ivypool and the others that went to the dark forest, how could i have- they were my family once, i thought that maybe-"
so that was his big secret, the one that he never meant for her to uncover. everything makes a little more sense now; the guilt and shame in bramblestar's eyes for those first seasons after hawkfrost's death whenever he'd look at firestar, the overcompensation bramblestar tried to preform as deputy. it wasn't because he felt like he allowed his brother to cause harm to firestar before saving him, it was-
"hawkfrost told you to kill firestar," she says softly, looking up at her mate. "but that- if it was just that, you would have told me, not lead me to believe that hawkfrost was the one who wanted to do it all along," she feels herself shaking as the shame begins to come back into bramblestar's expression. "you thought about, didn't you? about killing my father so you could become leader?"
bramblestar gives one moment of hesitation, and she shakes her head.
"i'm going to be sick," she says quickly, stepping away from him.
"i didn't hurt him. it wasn't-"
"this whole time, you've shamed me and made me feel like the worst cat that's been born because i kept a secret for my sister," she almost spits, her fur raising. "i don't know if i was morally right or wrong, i don't know what anyone else would do in my paws during that time - but you made me feel like i was worthless for a year because i protected leafpool, and now i finally get to know that you not only met up frequently with tigerstar but that you actually- you thought about killing my father. you thought about hurting firestar just so you could become leader."
ashfur's jibe all those years ago suddenly makes more sense - after the fire, the way he bumped into her with his shoulder and sneered you don't really even know your own mate, do you?
who knew that even after all this time after his death, ashfur still got the last laugh.
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nuoc7mia · 3 years
chit chat abt ch 62 for unripe 🍏 ^^
- i thought it was soooooooo sweet for cheol to figure out how to teach folk dancing in a way that best suits miae 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 imo, it’s a (platonic or romantic) love language in its own right, figuring out how a person thinks in order to better serve them / help them out !!! it shows that he rlly does pay attention to miae bc it takes effort to notice those small details and that he is in it for the long run in terms of their friendship. it also rlly meshes well with his actual love language, which is acts of service. it’s one of the many reasons why i think their relationship is so unique/non-replicable within that universe of theirs, bc no one goes to the lengths that they go through to help each other out.
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- HI THAT FLASHBACK ??? the leakers didn’t tell me abt the whole stone path thing… and tg they didn’t LOL bc it rocked my world way more than it should’ve. i think it rlly changed my perception of their relationship from back when they were kids bc i thought it was pretty one-sided. with this reveal, tho, it seems now that cheol’s reciprocated miae’s interest in a friendship. after all, kids don’t typically do things like that for anyone out of the kindness of their heart; they do it bc there’s smthing at stake, bc they care at least to an extent abt the person who’s impacted by their eventual choice. that also COMPLETELY changes their interaction at the dumpster in the first few episodes imo, bc they aren’t necessarily starting from zero; cheol has shown before that he cares abt her and it most definitely is his friendship with her that he misses from the countryside. it’s also a bit tragic in that sense. bc he’s so distraught and worn down by his reality, he’s gotten to a point where crushing a past friendship is more palpable than being vulnerable again.
- am i reading this too deeply?? idk, it’s fun to make these theories LOL but it’s so interesting to see miae consistently turn down cheol’s offers of assistance bc that means it isn’t just a situational thing like the bullying incident, but rather it’s a pattern that reflects smthing abt miae as a person, yknow :3 i still think that just as much as cheol isn’t used to someone like miae having unconditional support/faith in him, miae isn’t fully used to someone who’s always willing to help her out, esp not someone who’s insistent on it. like obviously she has friends and family who lend support, but it only goes ip to an extent before she takes care of certain issues on her own (by punching them LOL). after some time, cheol is the one person who makes consistent offers to help and is willing to try and change himself as well as put in the energy needed to properly support miae.
- the sparkles around miae and cheol… what does that mean, hmmm? also the translator could be wrong, but i read smthing along the lines of “i feel uncomfortable,” which i don’t interpret literally, but more like “oh this is a situation that i’m not used to” bc something abt dancing with cheol is different from any other instance where she’s been in close contact with him. i won’t jump the gun and say that she likes him, but i do think she’s slowly becoming aware of cheol as someone beyond just a friend? we are seeing progress baby 🥸
this also might be one of my favorite chapters LOL ;; it was just v cute and heartwarming
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dropoutparty · 3 years
shurara corps ark fix-it concept babeyy!!
under a read more bc this shits long LOL
also this is kinda rambly but whatever
when it comes to shuraras motivations here, maybe he could have been another childhood friend of keroros. idk how they could have been introduced, maybe through pururu or just by meeting in school, but ig that part doesnt rlly matter. what DOES matter though is that shurara decided to tag along with keroro, giroro, zeroro, and pururu on one of their misadventures and he gets hurt during it. BADLY. pururu patches him up, and zeroro apologizes like crazy (since he knows how much this sucks), but shurara is left with a strong dislike of keroro and friends. except for pururu, who he still likes (but im not keeping the crush bc it serves no purpose here) and zeroro who he kinda forgives a little bit but just because he apologized so much. maybe this could have resulted in some major physical injury that affected how he lived for a while, or maybe it spawned a phobia, but either way it left an impact.
putata and mekeke are sent in first with the goal of beating up the platoon a little bit and taking the star because they are the most skilled team. shurara doesnt want the star because of some stupid bandaid, but he wants to take it in order to both deeply hurt keroros pride and also to potentially have his platoon no longer be officially recognized, taking away something that means a lot to keroro. they actually succeed in taking the keron star kinda. when they get back to base, they realize that the star is fake, its just a piece of fabric or paper with tape on it (like what happened in the original arcs ending). this way the shurara corps will be established as an actual threat and also the ending will have actual stakes.
gyororo sends word back to base that the keron star putata and mekeke got was fake, so giruru is sent in to ACTUALLY get the real star, as well as punish the platoon for embarrassing the corps like that. this one plays out kinda like the actual episode (bc im too lazy to think of anything else), but all that matters is that he still ends up captured.
after this, the platoon is like ok this might actually be serious so they go on high alert. one day dororo notices gyororo (who was sent in a little before putata and mekeke to scout the place out and gather info) bc hes the only competent member of the platoon and confronts him, outing his presence to everyone. gyororo fights back but he is also captured in the end.
after the platoon has captured giruru and gyororo , shurara plans to capture and torture a member of the platoon as revenge. before he can do this though, dokuku and nuii decide to rescue giruru and gyororo in secret. nuii serves as a distraction to everyone while dokuku goes to rescue the fellaz. theres some minor conflict but in the end the four of them escape. after that happens, shurara is furious about his subordinates disobeying him and doing things behind his back, but he keeps his goal the same.
im gonna change yukikis powers bc they kinda suck and hes confusing. anyways yukiki isnt actually a snowman, but hes the hat! kinda like in mario odyssey, you put the hat on anyone or anything, and it will immediately be controlled by yukiki. he was an experiment done to try to make a sentient object, and he got his name because he was first tested on a snowman (which also makes it the form hes most comfortable taking). anyways, shurara sends in yukiki to capture someone by taking control of them, but hes defeated somehow and returns empty-handed.
im also gonna change robobos powers a bit. with robobo i dont think that he should have the ability to turn people into electronics because thats dumb and doesnt make any sense, so im gonna give him the ability to just control other machines. he also doesnt have a giant form, and can switch his hands between their magnet form and their drill form. anyways, at this point shurara is furious and decides that he doesnt care about capture anymore, he wants the platoon dead. he decides to send robobo for the job because robots dont have the same margin of error that living things do, or at least theyre supposed to. turns out, they totally do bc robobo also comes back with a failure.
after this, shurara somehow lures the platoon to his base (just like in the anime) but this time everyone is waiting for them there in a big empty room together. shuraras disembodied voice gets a monologue like in the anime and the roof opens, lighting the room up because its a bright spring day. kagege then appears and takes control of the platoons shadows like in the anime! all of the shadows are used to fight the platoon, as well as the corps themselves fighting. its an epic fight, but just when it seems like the platoon is all gonna die, the corps suddenly decide to stop fighting. they all tell the platoon about how shurara has been acting worryingly erratic and obsessive, so they agree to spare the platoons life as long as they confront shurara. the platoon obviously agrees, and theyre taken to a holding area so that shurara thinks that theyve won. they give them this offer because theyre not personally invested in killing these nerds, they dont really care. they ARE worried about shurara though, seeing how obsessed with this hes become.
anyways kagege reports to shurara (in my headcanon hes like shuraras right hand man or something like that) and is like "we beat the platoon, but we didnt kill them. theyre our prisoners right now and were gonna torture them before we let you do the honors" and then shuraras like "poggers!!! thats a great idea!!" and then proceeds to drink his choccy milk and play minedcraft. meanwhile, some of the others are actually patching the platoon up and telling them what to do with shurara. they tell the platoon to try to hurt him as little as possible, and DEFINITELY dont fucking kill him, but just try to knock some sense into him and restrain him or something.
the platoon asks why shurara hates them so much and whoevers patching them up doesnt know, but kagege comes down soon after and tells them shuraras motivations. after this, some understanding can be felt by giroro and dororo (bc they were there, even tho dororo is the only one who remembers shirara like at all) and keroro feels kinda guilty but not too much bc head empty. later, the corps has a big celebration feast and shurara declares that hell painfully kill the platoon bright and early tomorrow. in all the commotion, nuii convinces gyororo to sneak down into the platoons holding cells to bring them some leftover food.
the next day, the platoon is brought to the same room that they fought the corps in, and theyre tied up. shurara is talkin abt how hes gonna kill them all super painfully and stuff but little does he know that the ropes holding the platoon are actually not secure at all (on purpose), so the platoon all escapes their bindings and a fight with shurara ensues. when the platoon is in a tight spot, one of the corps will show up real quick and help them out, kinda like a support in a fighting game. eventually, shurara is tied up and defeated technically.
shurara is whining and stuff and calling the corps a bunch of traitors, but the corps talk to him about how worried they all are about him and that this whole thing has gone too far (you rlly think these goobers are worth all this effort??). shurara says something about how keroro hurt him before, so he wants to hurt him and his platoon back. the corps are like ya i get that but killing them is wayy overkill no pun intended. keroro apologizes and maybe dororo can say something about how keroro also hurt him in the past but hes been able to move past that or whatever and shurara is like bro ur right and he starts crying like da babey he is lmao and there u have it!!! the arcs over and everyone is ok and happy!!! found family trope pog!!!!!!
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foccaccia · 4 years
listen i know theres like, hot debate or whatever abt which is the best party for chrono trigger - do you go with double/triple techs? with individual power? do you focus on flat out damage or strategy? do you have a healer or do you only care about items? do you even consider melee attacks?
but none of that matters
because the best party is magus/frog/ayla simply for the VIBES.
frog - a chivalrous knight with a moral core of steel, honor-bound to his queen, duty-bound to save the world, the heir to the great sir cyrus' legacy, cursed forever in the slimy squat body of a frog-person, but still he carries the legendary sword Masamune, a sword made of the legendary rock dreamstone, with a deep and millennia-old history, host to two bright wind-beings. he is tormented by his past choices, but he cares deeply about his comrades and the fate of the world.
magus - the morally-questionable mage who killed sir cyrus without hesitation and cursed glenn to his frog-form simply on a whim as a joke. he has spent the first third of the game as one of the big villains, and it was he who gathered the fiendish army against the guardia kingdom. villainous and cold - except he has a truly tragic backstory that just keeps hitting, and a deep love for his sister, and in the end its hard not to at least empathize with him, since all he wanted was to save his genuinely Good(tm) sister. (also u could totally make a case for fiend-kind not actually being evil...)
the two of them have a cool 'tragic hero vs tragic villain' vibe going on. you have to consciously choose not to kill magus!!!! and if you dont, youre sticking the dude who LITERALLY ruined frogs ENTIRE LIFE and also his family and his kingdom right up next to poor frog! and magus like. has to face all the shit he did as he strode blindly to his goal! the drama! the pain! the emotions!
a fucking cavewoman with a 24-pack of abs, a Very revealing fur bikini, a loose grasp on personal pronouns, no preference for the gender of her sexual partners, and no sense of tact or personal space. she doesnt really understand anything going on at all. im not convinced she quite even grasps the idea of time travel. she just wants to punch things.
like.... you can go do sir cyrus' ghost sidequest with frog, and magus can somehow ALSO BE THERE, and frogs like. making his peace with the ghost of his mentor and best friend, and cyrus is all "magus ruined everything and shit but like i gotta move on" and magus is awkwardly standing right behind frog, and everyones super uncomfortable even cyrus' ghost, and theres ayla behind them both, loudly munching on a chicken bone because a big ghost isnt any weirder than a sapient evil technicolor AI named mother brain who has a hard-on for controlling equally sapient robots and recycling human flesh. there she is. vibing. in her fur bikini.
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