#and its like? hes adopted. Hes literally adopted and he loves his parents and refuses to acknowledge bronev as his father because he Isnt.
themaidenofwords · 2 months
An Essay on Why Canon Batman sucks
I was reminded today of the many reasons why I say I'm part of the batfamily fandom and not actually into canon Batman stories.
To put it simply, I love all of Bruce's children, but the man himself (especially in his canon characterization) can fuck all of the way off.
"But TheMaiden, you can't just ignore canon! You can't really be a fan if you do." I can and I am so sit still a min and let me talk.
My main issue with Batman comics is the fact that they try to make him a morally grey character who's sole rule is basically that he doesn't literally murder people.
Everyone clap and cheer for the guy who isn't actively a murderer! He's so good for that!
Anyway, the problem with focusing on what would make Bruce "snap" or the fact that he's a dark traumatized little boy ok? is the fact that the city of Gotham and all of its Rogues is already so dark. You can't put black paint on a black canvas and expect me to notice the difference. When the "heroic" character is painted in just a slightly different shade of "charcoal #7" I will be hard pressed to see why I should be rooting for him over the villains he fights.
My biggest problem with Bruce is the fact that he is canonically an abusive piece of shit towards his kids. I will readily admit that this part is deeply seated in my own personal traumas, but that's a hard line in the sand that I won't allow to be crossed. I can't support a "hero" who doesn't have the bare fucking decency to not hit/ emotionally abuse his children.
"Oh, but you are ignoring the fact that Bruce adopted those kids in order to train them as vigilantes! He never intended to be a father figure!"
Well too fucking bad. If you adopt a child, that's your kid. period. There's no take-backsies just because you like dressing up in a fursuit and leaping off buildings as a hobby. the moment Bruce adopted those kids he established himself as their father, and that should take precedence to whatever his feelings may be as Batman.
"TheMaiden, you're being too harsh. Bruce saw his parents die! He was manipulated by Ra's when he was training with the Al Ghuls! He's traumatized and he can't help how he is!"
Again, I will readily admit that this part is rooted in my own life and beliefs, but I will not stand for the idea that people can't grow past their trauma and that you're destined to continue the cycle of pain. Yes, the trauma and pain you go through can make it extremely difficult to move on and can (and will) leave an impact on your life forever, But you still have a choice. Bruce chose to become Batman. He chose to be trained by Ra's Al Ghul. He chose to adopt six children, and he fucking chose to abuse those children for the sake of his crusade.
He doesn't get a free pass because of his past. He doesn't get a free pass because "overall he's doing good." He is to be held in contempt not even because of the bad things he's done in the past, but because he refuses to grow. He refuses to change and to be better.
"But he loves his children! He's just bad at showing it."
Intent does not redeem you. Bruce has had eighteen years to learn and grow. He has been through a lot of shit, but it is his responsibility to make certain that he doesn't put his own children through that pain. It is his responsibility to show his children that he loves them and to work to grow despite his flaws because of the love he has for them.
Call me harsh, but I refuse to support a "hero" who would nearly murder his own child and call it love.
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mysteriousmoss · 1 month
Aphmau was brought along earlier than canon. This had effects such as her being a literal child(like she’s a infant at beginning of au) and Shad is the one to find her.
Shad goes “This is a baby. My baby. I need to protect my baby” and adopts her on the spot(she is infact Irene’s daughter in a sense and somehow has his genetics making him her bio dad-)
Reason she’s found? A shadow knight named Terrie. o7 Terrie you would of loved Deadpool and Wolverine.
Anyways Terrie is Aphmaus middle name in the au.
Shad spends years traveling and this results in Aph growing up knowing many of the characters as children. The Romeave brothers fate is much different due to growing up as close friends with Aphmau and Shad being close friends eventually with their parents. Garroth treats Aph as his little sister. Zane and Aph drag Vylad to tea parties. Aph also knows Laurence as a kid, both drag Candenza to cause chaos.
The result of Aph growing up traveling for first few years of her life is a knowledge of the different languages in that world. She eventually is raised in phoenix drop and Shad become lord of Phoenix Drop, the travels eventually become more diplomatic and she only joins when its travels to Okasis or Meteli.
She’s the reason Garroth and Laurence meet. THEY ARE GAY YOUR HONOR—
Aaron and Aph had a small fling and ultimately decided to be friends as they love each other but now know it’s more like siblings friends or cousins. Aph is Aaron’s sons god mother.
Morherfucker is a girl dad. He will do anything and I mean ANYTHING for his daughter
Aphmau asks to do his nails? He sits still and lets her do them and also provides a shit ton of nail polishes and nail stuff
Boy troubles? Movies and ice cream(and shad sending shadow knights to beat the guys ass)
He has no overworld home and refuses to bring his new daughter to the nether(the shadow knights adore her and see her as a niece) due to the heat along with lava and fire. They eventually settle in Phoenix Drop and Shad becomes the lord instead of aph
Shads a good guy here. Irene’s a villain. But still follow their roles we just see a different perspective.
That’s all K byeeee
9 year old aph: Dad do I have a mom?
Shad: -war flashbacks to Irene- no.
Aph: …
Aph:Are you okay-
Shad: eat your dinner.
Edit: any au questions I am down to answer just add em to me ask box
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moonshynecybin · 10 months
casey/enea sound of music.....idk how but i want it....
okay its crazy how this actually says rosquez...
marc is the worlds worst nun lbr. like yes he is catholic yes he feels the faith and loves god. praying in the abbey with that little intense focused freak face of his you know the one. but good lord. annoying. thrill seeking. hates rules he doesn’t understand. will nawt shut up. constantly dancing in a most unpious manner. sneaking away to see his brother. how do you solve a problem like marc marquez. hes a darling he's a demon hes a lamb.
well. for his own good!! they send this man to babysit valentino rossi’s gaggle of insane children/wards. not knowing that mr rossi broke marc’s heart some years ago when he was very young and foolish after some perceived betrayal… (side note. rosquez could do casablanca. to explore later.) so marc arrives to a risk-taking werewolf pack of young teens who hate his ass. or are at least very wary after the last 8 governesses imo. pecco is one of the oldest and is doing a slightly secret very coy romance with vale’s baby brother (we are not setting this against ww2 politic bc i said so). cele is the nicest and youngest obv. he still helps bezz put a pinecone on marc’s chair and a lil snake in his pocket. stinker. marc gradually wins them over by doing some sort of series of risk taking activities with them and lying to vale about their mild crimes... finds a lot of joy in the process <3 his brother can visit whenever he wants... he's almost. happy.
BUT. in the years since vale's has developed a new love interest: the BARONESS. who i refuse to develop. (sorry women.) and everyone says they are to be married....so marc turns up and they did NOT tell vale who the new governess would be but he's at the end of his rope with his insane kids (he started adopting after him and marc imploded to fill his time but they were always supposed to do that TOGETHER. and its overwhelming). so marc's in the house with his ex and his ex's kids and it’s awful and awkward and its soooo close to what they both wanted and so far at the same time. they REFUSE to talk about it and how they used to mean EVERYTHING to each other… but over time things gradually begin to thaw. marc is so good with the kids. the house starts to feel alive again with marc’s big dumb laugh…. vale starts joking with marc how he used to. but every time marc lets himself think just maybe… the baroness is there. and its killing him.
so it all comes to a head when the kids make vale throw an extravagant ball adn marc puts on his best (still fraying...) tux and looks so handsome and vale cant keep his eyes off of him all night. the children (parent trap mode: level expert) make them dance and literally everyone. and i mean everyone (sorry to the baroness). can see that they are so so in love that it is SICKENING. please go look at these gifs from the movie i think about them all the time. like marc and vale's bodies press together and its so warm and their faces are so close and there's a moment adn they lean in... and then marc sees the baroness watching and its like someone poured ice water down his spine.... he cant ruin this for the kids they deserve a family!!!! and he runs away. leaves in the night without saying goodbye. returns to the nunnery so vale can get married without him...
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dragon-fly34 · 12 days
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After the Mushroom Kingdom and Koopa Kingdom, we have...
✨Sarasalnd and the royal family✨
1) Princess Daisy and inhabitants
Honestly, it was difficult to find the inhabitants of Sarasaland, I went to several websites but I managed to find some and I made them, I have the Gaos and Piondis just like in Mario Land, but there are also other species, in this AU Sarasaland has many species like the Koopa Kingdom, but they were born there in the desert kingdom
Princess Daisy is the princess of Sarasaland and Princess Peach's BFF, unlike her BFF she is brave, fighter and happy, most of the time she loves to play different sports.
Gaos are a species of lion in Sarasaland, they protect the kingdom and castle from invaders.
Piondis are inhabitants and also bishops in the desert, they are great attackers.
Sarasas are like Toads, but they are flowers, they are even smaller than Toads.
-> The official language of Sarasaland is Spanish, but they also speak English. {The fact is that Daisy's mother was Spanish and her father had already been born in Sarasaland, just like Peach's father }
-> Sarasaland is not exactly a kingdom, but rather an empire {This is based on this image here} it is divided into 4 parts: Birabuto, Muda, Easton and Chai, Daisy's adoptive father, King Totomesu rules Sarasalnd.
-> Gaos are a species of lions, but they have the same customs as other inhabitants of this kingdom, they normally walk with all four paws on the ground and 75% speak in pounds.
-> Sarasaland is one of the kingdoms that plays the most sports in this AU, they usually like golf more because of its revelations!
2) King Totomesu , King Richard, Queen Diana and Queen Holly Floral.
King Totomesu is the current king of Sarasaland, he is of the Gao species, and Princess Daisy Floral's adoptive father.
King Richard Floral is the ancient king of Sarasaland and the true father of Princess Daisy Floral, he was known as one of the best rulers of Sarasaland, even after Tatanga and Taylor's family.
Queen Diana Floral is the former queen of Sarasaland and real mother of Princess Daisy Floral, even though she is not royalty, she is very kind and very helpful.
Queen Holly Floral is the first queen after Tatanga and Taylor's family and is Daisy's paternal grandmother, was the best housekeeper in Sarasaland after the Tatanga and Taylor family war.
Honestly, I didn't have many plans and ideas for Daisy's parents, after many days of thinking, I had an idea: I took Classic Daisy to play Daisy's mother, the only thing I changed was her hair, eyes and way of dressing, Richard took inspiration from Daisy's father from @artycomicfangirl.
For King Totomesu, I transformed him like a human, but he is still a Gao, I took his design from Mario Wiki and added some green details like Daisy's dress
-> Before Holly ruled, Tatanga & Taylor's family ruled Sarasaland for many years (this is based on a comment I saw on Pinterest where someone said they had a theory that Tatanga had been ruler of Sarasaland, then Daisy became ruler and then there were a few more things I don't remember), in fact it didn't even have the name "Sarasaland", that was until Tatanga's grandmother became a housekeeper, she literally ruined the empire that her family had built over the years, she spent the empire's treasure to spend on herself and her daughter, Tatanga's mother, she ignored the people of the empire.
-> Holly had Richard in Sarasaland, she always helped all the neighbors where she lived, while the queen spent on herself, Holly helped everyone in Sarasaland, giving food, money and even letting her stay in her house, while Richard grew up, they had many people living in their house and leaving.
When Richard was 13 years old, a lot of Sarasas where he and Holly lives start got sick, It didn't take long for the Sarasas to ask the queen for help, but she refused saying that it wasn't her problem and that they had to manage, soon some inhabitants stole money from the castle to buy medicines, the queen discovers this and gets angry and orders kill those who had stolen, but Holly protested saying that it was her fault that the Sarasas had stolen, because if the queen had not given help to them there would have been no reason to steal, the queen became angry and ordered to kill her, but many inhabitants agreed (INCLUDED RICHARD) and thus managed to make the queen and her family leave the territory.
Soon after the wars, Holly became the first human governess and one of the best among all of the Tatanga family, Richard became prince and soon everything changed, Holly demonized that empire of Sarasaland.
-> Richard and Diana met after a small accident, Richard was walking through the gardens when he saw a brunette girl lying with her injured leg in the garden, they were scared, but after finding out what had happened to her leg, Richard helped her and took her to the nurse, after that the girl said her name was Diana and soon she and Richard became friends.
Diana told Richard everything about the real world and humans, she also taught him another language that he knew was the Spanish language, it turned out that Diana was Spanish, she taught the prince the language and they soon fell in love.
Holly had a good relationship with Diana, they both liked bravery, the queen was very happy when her son and the human started dating, soon she also learned to speak Spanish. After a few months, Diana ended up getting pregnant with Daisy, this was when Richard had asked her to marry him, she was desperate because she didn't know if the baby would be royalty, Richard and Holly came to her saying that the baby would be a princess/prince even though it wasn't Having married the prince, Diana soon had Daisy and married Richard and they became King Richard and Queen Diana.
-> When Daisy was 2 years old, her parents had made many changes to the empire, that was until someone arrived, that person was the FORMER PRINCESS OF SARASALAND, the mother of Tatanga and Taylor, it turned out that she had come back for revenge after what Holly did to her mother, with this a war started, Richard and Diana discovered that the princess started an empire on a planet in space, became the queen, her mother had died and that she had two children, Tatanga and Taylor(I honestly have no ideas of names for Tatanga and Taylor's mother so I'll call her Sabrina or Stella), one night Sabrina tried to kill Holly the elderly woman defended herself, but one eye was left blind, Richard tried to kill Sabrina, but also got a mark on his face, but they managed defeat the queen, until one night...
One night Totomesu found a letter in the king's room, Holly, Richard and Diana disappeared and did not appear, the kingdom was desperate, but Totomesu dealt with everything, helped those in need, gave food and home to the Sarasas and took care of Daisy (Just like Holly), soon Sarasaland decided that Totomesu would become king, he became king and adopted Daisy and raised her as if she were your own daughter.
-> Richard and Totomesu had been friends since they were teenagers, after he became king, Totomesu became Richard and Diana's right-hand man and still helped the kingdom like Holly.
-> We don't really know what happened to Daisy's parents and her grandmother, sorry but I don't make the rules ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And that it guys! The next is going to be Mario and Luigi family's headcanons!!!
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bitterrobin · 2 months
21, 23, 10 for choose vioelnce
10. worst part of fanon -- see I could go specific on this and say: Tim gets whumped so hard that I barely see anything positive of his canon in fics and everyone else around him are made out to suck, and Jason gets put on a pedestal because he serves as an easy counter to Bruce's philosophy and while thats cool he also gets whumped to hell and back. I could say Dick gets utterly fucked over by other fans because they're so willing to overlook his canon traumas in service of emotional/narrative fodder for their favs and Damian will never get to grow up in fandom's eyes because they still think of him as a spoiled psychopath who should've never been born. I could rant about how female characters don't exist to them because misogyny and a fixation on male trauma and that Bruce is never understood. He's either an unnaturally good and kind father who advocates for therapy and acts like a robot reading a parenting manual OR he's the worst abuser and manipulator, so bad that if a kid says they love him they're actually getting Stockholm'd. But all of these claims fall under the same umbrellas. The truth is the worst part of fanon does this: it obsesses over labels and trauma and the right side of an argument like it'll get their favorite character a good grade in "most traumatized abused child vigilante in DC" AND so actively refuses to engage in the source material that those characters they work so hard for aren't even the comic character anymore. Every time I read a fic or a meta that falls under these, I get really confused. That isn't Tim Drake thats Timely Rake. That isn't Dick Grayson thats Ricky Whitedaughter. That isn't Jason Todd thats Jackson Rod. That isn't Damian Wayne thats literally Damien from The Omen. That isn't Bruce Wayne thats his evil twin Brick Water. Unfortunately theres no fixing it because taste and interpretations are subjective, and I think the entire fandom would go down in flames kicking and screaming before we ever tweak popular fanon ideas to be a little more accurate.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped -- i'm going to get crucified for this but everyone slotting into a perfect family dynamic where everyone loves each other and if anything bad happens, a sibling will fix it for them. I'm not exempt from enjoying fluff fics, its how I got into the actual fic/tumblr side of the fandom, but all of these characters have such a depth of history to them that fluff starts to feel like a disservice imo. Bruce and Dick's relationship can be complicated, they aren't just father and son - they're brothers and best friends and partners and (unhealthily) emotionally depend on each other. Bruce and Jason's relationship can be about the father and son who drift apart and maybe never reconcile, they don't have to be constantly around each other and "forgive" each other when all they do is disagree and thats ok. Bruce and Tim can be a complicated tale of hero worship, mentor/mentee and father and son dynamics because for so long Bruce wasn't Tim's dad and that was fine. Thats what makes it more interesting to explore later when Jack dies and Tim gets adopted. Bruce and Cassandra can be dark mirrors to each other, their dynamic as shown in Batgirl was not entirely wholesome. Bruce has expectations of Cassandra he doesn't have of anyone else because he sees himself in her. (Also Barbara is Cassandra's mother figure not just her older sister). Bruce and Damian can be loving and they can be constantly drifting apart and getting close. Canonically, Bruce had little interest and time in being Damian's father the first years of Damian being a character. Thats ok, and we can explore Damian's feelings with that without cramming Dick into the father slot. Dick doesn't have to be Damian's dad, they can be brothers and partners. All of these people existed in different facets of time and space. They shouldn't all be living under the same roof like the Brady Bunch, its just too much. No one has to fill the father role when Bruce isn't, and Bruce is not a perfect nuclear father either. None of the siblings are perfect children or siblings either. None of them are even normal, and I think rivalries and grudges and hatred and jealousy and clashing parenthoods and perspectives are always more interesting than everyone being cardboard cutouts that spout therapy-speak at the right time.
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to -- im not really a shipping type person, tbh. if there are ships I hate because they do a disservice to both characters in that ship (jayroy, jaykory, damijon, damirae) then I'd definitely say I haven't come around to them. I guess I will say I actively hate on damijon less than I used to and come to accept it as an inevitability, but the same cannot be said for specific kinds of damijon fans.
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 2 months
The Human Spirit
Its nature to be maternal, even if your male, regardless of what people think otherwise.
"I know who you pretend I am... a monster you believe I am. But I'm just a human. I'm only a human with a soul that's unbreakable. Its unbreakable because I find hope in the tiny things in life..... and death."
Pentious spoke trying to keep his clutch of orphaned children winners close and behind him. The kids varied in ages. He didnt wanna part with these specific children due to them being like him.
These children they wanted to take away were in forms less favourable to potential parents. Whether it was for anything literal like quills or big claws, or from something in their little minds from being damaged.
Pentious didnt mind soothing children at night, while they weep from the torment human life gave them. He didnt mind when some freaked out from a trigger that hed promptly get rid of for their sake.
Pentious didnt mind needing thick gloves to hold the others, he didnt mind wearing a leather jacket so the claws didnt rip his skin.
Pentious loved his little babies.
Sera tried to force him to give them over but he could only yell,
And he was right, she and everyone else refused to care for them, they told him themselves. No one would hold them for hours like Pentious, no one would feed them each something special, they needed special care. No one would hold the prickles or deal with the claws.
Sera didn't even try to pick up a single one when she could have snagged one. She just ordered them to come. They of course didn't move from their only source of affection.
Sera huffed trying to keep her tone calm,
"You cant keep all these kids. This was a temporary thing and you were supposed to get them adopted. You've failed to get them adopted-"
Pentious hissed lowly,
"I failed nothing! I'll adopt all of them, they are loved here. I love my little ones. Even if a couple are teens they are still my babies. You cant take my babies and force them apart. I wont let you send my young away to separate orphanages just because... You've given me no reason!"
As he yelled he had to comfort one that started crying because the mean lady was gonna steal them from their mama. To all the children Pentious was a mother to them.
Sera finally folded and left but told him he had better signed every last document and if any kid is remotely neglected theyd all be taken.
Pentious could finally relax. He finally looked at his children and saw his angelic wings lining his lower half were covering them all. He must have been very stressed. They only came out when he was stressed.
"How's abouts I make lunch while you all wash your little paws and hands. Then I'll do some documents while you eat."
They children obeyed and he made them some food just glad his younglings are happy and safe.
The documents took so many hours but he finished, his little ones all snuggled up and warm in his tail. The eldest children usually would opt for a room but tonight they surrounded the sleeping pile. The oldest of the children watched over them all, mostly Sir Pentious. He had this radiant gold color on his head that just was mesmerizing.
It seemed brighter tonight.
The teen softly stroke the bright gold emblem and felt the soft feather down on his frills. The teen had to stifle a good giggle at the smile on the snakes face. His mouth always went so far it was cartoonish.
The teen slept facing the bright heart that radiated so much light.
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isas-oc-asylum · 22 days
Break, failure, ghost, and midnight for Bella for the ask game because I've been struck by sudden brainrot
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Easy. She's experienced this to a degree before, when her adoptive mother was murdered by Envy. The easiest way to break Bella or force her to bend her knee to you is to threaten her loved ones while being too powerful for her to rip to shreds. Harm or kill her family, she's mentally done for.
And it's ugly. Back when severe turmoil was a consistent thing for her, she would cut in horrific quantities all over her body. At its worst, she'd hole up in her room, refusing to see anyone but Kiddo, refusing to eat because she'd have no appetite. At one point, after her adoptive mother's murder, she started sneaking out (huge nono for House history trauma reasons) at night and inciting fights in the city. She was desperate for any quick outlet to relieve herself of such intense anguish.
Kiddo has 100% seen her at her worst. There's probably some other OG house residents who have too, but Kiddo has seen it at its most raw. He's held her as she's scream-cried and bled from the most recent self-harm wounds, he's braved her early sanity lapses despite the high likelihood of being seriously injured, he's risked unknown damage to himself while embracing madness to help her fight with Insanity when they were still struggling with the fusion of their souls. There is NOTHING he wouldn't do for her, and no breakdown too intense for him to be at her side for.
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
There might be something I've forgotten after 10 years of her going through one horror after another, but tbh I don't think anything I might be blanking on compares to how she's failed herself. She used to do herself so dirty with her self destructive tendencies, the severity just simply pales anything else I could come up with.
And ofc everyone that lives in the House knows Of it, if not physically there for that era. I don't know if I'd say she's moved past it, but she's been clean from self harm for *does math* roughly a decade, if not exactly that long? (screams and sobs because oh my god the passage of time, I'm so proud of my GIRL)
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
God, does she have many of those. Her father haunts her, not literally. His murder (and previously her mother's presumed murder) broke her at the ripe age of FIVE. She's been hurting herself over it from then until she stopped a decade ago. The only thing that had her clean (for a handful of years I'm not gonna bother to math out rq) was Blake begging her to find a healthier way to cope. That ended up being her Promise(tm) to her parents that she'd never EVER let another loved one die. Which,,, sometimes did just as much if not more harm to her than herself. But ultimately did unquantifiable amounts of good too.
Lucifer haunts her too, no doubt. After 5 or so years of living in fear, making plans like a doomsday prepper, being hypervigilant and keeping everyone she even mildly cared about as close as she possibly could, you don't just.. unlearn that forever, let alone forget it or move on from it completely. Especially when the way it ended gave,, no closure. It just Was Over, unexpectedly.
And those preparations, that paranoia, her promise, and the occasional bouts of self-harm are how she lived with her ghosts. She carries them with her with infinitely more grace and self-preservation now. Her promise is going strong, and now she has the confidence of a fully realized demigod (as well as the actual godly ancestor that Makes her such) to help her live with them too.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
Oh you fucking bet your ass she does. Lucifer and everything to do with him especially keeps her up. Some of the things the Sins did before becoming House refugees themselves still mess with her. She is RIDDLED with PTSD and by extension nightmares and anxiety. But she's long since learned how to live with them by now.
A great example of this was Kiddo's kidnapping at 14 which resulted in her and Insanity being cursed together. The two of them CANNOT sleep without each other now, at all, ever. They HAVE to sleep in the same bed, holding each other.
On nights she can't sleep, she lays in his arms, listening to his breathing & heartbeat and sometimes testing if he'll sleep mumble to her. Kiddo has always been and will always be her safe place. If she really can't bear to just lay there awake, she'll probably try listening to music, or she'll let him know she's getting up to go check in on their kids. Thankfully she's formed some healthier habits over the last decade.
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techbonnie · 10 months
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... I popped a blood vessel in my eye and it HURTS. So I've been doing this. The Neighbors.
Eventually sometime after Freddys band takes off, they move into a subdivision and adopt Gregory. Its one of the few places that will allow carnivores to live there with prey. It was one of those world building things that I really liked seeing in Loonatics unleashed.
Basically every house here is a McMansion. Except for Roger and Jessica Rabbits place, that one is a proper mansion.
BonniexFreddy & Gregory (6)
So first we have Bonnie and Freddy Fazbear. Bonnie takes Freddys last name since Bunny is the rabbit equivalent of Smith, you can't throw a rock with out hitting a bunny with the last name Bunny. Freddy is gone on tour for months leaving Bonnie home to take over a majority of the parenting tasks with Gregory.
Bonnie owns Bonnie Bowl, a bowling alley that he owns and operates, he doesn't need a job with the money that Freddy brings in, but its a good place for the kids to hang out when they need a space away from their parents, plus it give Bonnie something to do really. Gregorys friends often get free games and free food.
Gregory is absolutely unhinged, and almost feral. When they adopted him they don't know much about his history, but they do know he was found sleeping in an alley some where in Acmetropolis. He's got abandonment issues as well which makes Freddys life style of being gone for months hard on the cub.
Rev Runner x Tech E. Coyote & Lil' Beeper(5) & Calamity(7)
Tecumseh E. Coyote (He goes by Tech), graduated youngest and top of his class, completing an Engineering Doctorate in record time (ON scholarships Tech grew up poor), certified Genius and wont let any one forget it either. ACME University wanted him as a professor and he accepted. Tech's father Wile E Coyote owns Wile's repair and lube in town, and Tech will often help his father on what ever hes working on when he has the time. He'll often bring lil' Beeper and Calamity with him to see their Grandparents. Or at least the ones that will accept both of them. Techs mother Dusty passed away before Calamity was born, but Wile has since remarried to a Roadrunner her name is Roadie, and shes nice, Tech likes her. (No relation to Rev and his family)
Rev Runner was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. His father owns a robotics and toy company, that he was sent to ACME University to get a business degree and and engineering degree, but him and Tech shared a class and went on a few dates. When his parents found out he was dating a Coyote (Harriot and Ralph Runner are racist against predators, Coyotes specifically.) and refused to date literally any one else, they disowned him, Rev had to drop out of school and quickly learn the hard things in life. Right now he's a stay at home parent, Tech keeps encouraging him he can go back to school if he wants now that Beeper is 5 and ready for kindergarden, but he's still hemming and hawing about it.
Calamity is 7, they found a surrogate to carry Calamity and much like his father, Tech, he loves tinkering with things. Tech and Wile will often let him help them with repairing things around the house or in the shop. He says he wants to take over Wile's repair and lube when he's grown up. Calamity and lil Beeper don't really get along, they have a sibling rivalry that often times Rev or Tech have to break up a serious fight between the two. Rev is pretty sure its his parents Coyote issues that caused the rift between Beeper and Calamity.
Beeper is only 5, but shes not starting kindergarden till next year because of when her birthday falls. She was another surrogate carry, but due to her birth Rev's parents believe that Revs not nearly as loyal to Tech as he lets on. Despite Tech still being the picture and loving Beeper as much as love Calamity. Revs parents have Called CPS on them so many times due to Tech being a danger to Rev and especially to lil Beeper. They've only succeeded once in taking Beeper away, and that was from a racist CPS agent who was then thoroughly flogged thanks to the Fazbear family lawyer. (After all Predator and Prey couples gotta stick together). Beeper isn't nearly as smart as she feels she should be (She's smart though) but she doesn't tinker like Calamity does and she feels left out often when Calamity gets to tinker with their dad and Grandpa. which causes her to lash out at Calamity to get Techs attention. Not that Tech doesn't pay attention to her as well, its just not the attention she wants.
Chica Couper x Roxanne Wolf & Cassie (6)
Roxy and Chica are both members of Freddys band TBD (The glamrocks??? the Animatronics? idk I'll think of something, Fazbears??? idk) Chicas dad is still serving a heafty sentence when they adopt Cassie, and Roxannes sister Luna was only recently adopted after Roxanne got out of the system her self.
Cassie is 6 and is best friends with Gergory, they are super close, though she has been seen playing with the other girls in the neighbour hood too, often times Chica and Roxy will host sleep overs with both Beeper, Dot, and Babs. And usually the girls have a ton of fun.
Bugs Bunny x Daffy Duck & The warner bros & Warner Sister.
Bugs Bunny is a famous actor, not really retired but focusing on the three kids he adopted. Bugs is a recovering addict from "spargle" and has a secret Drag show circuit that he runs. He's one of the oldest people in the neighbor hood, still not as old as Granny or Roger though.
Daffy Duck has been many things in his life, Actor, Professor, hustler, but mostly free loader. He's basically Bug's trophy husband at this point, sugar baby might be a more accurate description, and despite the protests that they're not together Yakko, Wakko, and Dot call both of them Dad.
Yakko is the eledest at 13, he wants to be a comedian and Bugs is willing to help him get his foot in the door with his connections when hes ready, though Yakko is determined to do it on his own. Him and his high school buddies spend a lot of time at Bonnie bowl since the smaller kids have a hard time bowling. They also spend time in Monty Golf too, since most little kids find golfing boring.
Wakko, the middle kid only a year older than Dot, at 7, he's already got blood sugar issues that need to be watched constantly. He's been told being a professional eater isn't really a thing so now he wants to be a celebrity chef.
Dot is the youngest at 6, she wants to design clothes and own her own fashion brand. She hangs out with her Aunt Lexi and Lola a lot. Trying to come up with the biggest and best dresses.
Ace x Lexi Bunny & Babs and Buster
Ace is Bug's Brother, and his Stunt Double. Ace was never one to want to be in the lime light, but Bugs was always at home in the spot light. Before he was a stunt double Ace worked as a personal trainer in a gym, but they found that Bugs moved in a very specific way, and Ace was the only one who could really move close to like him.
Alexis (Lexi) Bunny was Yakkos teacher, and then she also taught gymnastics when Dot wanted to try cheerleading. Ace and Lexi got married in vegas and ended up with Lexis' cousin Babs after her parents passed away. Then her Best Friend Buster (No relation) now for some reason lives with them all the time now too. Ace and Lexi have resigned in the fact they basically have twins now. Lola is Lexi's twin sister.
Babs wants to be a director and Buster is Bug's biggest fan, wants to be a movie star just like him.
Roger and Jessica Rabbit
They owned the original land that made up the subdivision. Rabbit Acres. Roger was a movie star and Jessica a singer. They've both aged like fine wine. They'll often host neighborhood parties and let the kids come over and play in their pool (With parental supervision) they'll hold a 4th of july party and have cook outs for every major holiday, even the predators are allowed to cook meats, so long as the bunnies and birds get their meals too. Freddy and Tech are usually in charge of cooking the meat on those cook outs. Roger does the bunny meals, and Rev takes care of the bird dishes with Daffy.
Jessica and Roger never had kids of their own so they help out the people in their cul-de-sac as much as they can. Rev and Tech appreciate it the most because Revs parents aren't supportive of their relationship, but Roger and Jessica are. They treat Calamity and Beeper like their own, they even call them Nana and Poppop.
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damianbugs · 1 year
i know you love the dynamics between bruce and his kids as they are, but alot of it is also due to iffy writing lmao.
in your IDEAL scenario, what would bruce parenting look like? would he still be as abusive as he is in canon? CAN he even change?
the short answer to "can bruce change?" is... no 😭 but let me try and explain!
its not because of who bruce is as a character or batman as a hero, but because it is basically impossible for a popular character like him to have any consistent writing. we've seen it before where he's a great father and mentor for a few issues, and then less than six months later he does something horrific and takes ten steps back in that regard.
it's why this conversation (to me) is a very complicated one, because i can't for sure say who bruce is as a person without taking into consideration the literal decades of almost hundreds of different writers, runs and universes. of course, he has made some terrible and very harmful decisions, but again, so much context is required to truly comprehend those situations. that doesn't remove the fact that he has hurt his children, both accidentally and purposefully.
do i think bruce is a bad dad in canon? no. do i think he is a good dad? also no. depending on where in time you're reading him, who's writing him etc — he acts like completely different people. my head spins trying to come up with a simple answer to this otherwise simple question.
a good example i think is the current zdarsky batman run. arguably some of the best bruce wayne as a father introspection we've had in a LONG TIME, the story doing well to remove the 'child soldiers' narrative that frank miller infamously popularised to main continuity despite it not being from the canon timeline. but who's to say this sort of perspective will last before being completely disregarded by the next writer?
it's no secret i pick and choose what i (personally) view as canon, my own personal bias against Certain writers making me ignore their writing entirely, but i am also not ignorant to the fact that bruce can and desperately NEEDS to improve as a parent.
sorry for rambling but back to your original question about what my ideal parent bruce would like and to that it's two very simple words; honest and communicative.
that's really all he needs to do. almost all his shitty decisions can be linked back to him lying or purposely evading the truth and just refusing to communicate to his children, which in turn makes them not want to communicate with him. this then leads to much larger problems and much more devastating outcomes.
bruce needs to realise that his children don't owe him anything more than the very little he's given them emotionally. this whole "soldier-team" mentality that he adopts when he's batman filters into his dynamics with them as family and as bruce wayne, and that is why he keeps hurting them and not taking responsibility for it.
they should not be vigilantes before they are his children. but to do that, writers also need to make the distinction that batman is also bruce wayne, but that is an entirely different conversation.
again, current batman writing (mark waid batman vs robin, zdarsky batman, ram v detective comics, tom taylor batman etc) seems very promising in giving bruce a chance to be a better father, so we can only hope it continues this way. maybe, we'll even get bruce actually holding himself accountable one day.
i try not to discuss this topic too much because in my experience it's far too nuanced to explain in short text posts on the internet but i hope this answered your questions <3
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hershelchocolate · 4 months
How about one OC for each month of the year 😏 If that's too many, just the months with major holidays!
Oh I'm doing all of em babey
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(Art+design by hotchocolategalaxy on toyhouse)
Glace! The prince of the Winter Kingdom, constantly using the kingdom's resources to search for his parents, who had been lost in a blizzard. He keeps his head up though, and is a beacon for others who are also grieving the loss of their rulers
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(Art+designs by @arcaneyouth !)
Cabriel (blue) and Darciel (pink)! You get two for this one because You Cannot Separate Them. Not only were they from a valentine's themed adoptable set but they are also the gods of love who gained the title through how pure and wonderful their love for each other is. They would literally tear apart the universe to protect each other
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March makes me think of plants, and plants make me think of Raven! The leader of the mind control monsters, who uses vines/seeds/plants as their method of control. Very stoic and hardly ever shows emotion, but actions speak louder than words and sometimes they fuck with people for fun and it's awesome. In some sort of genderqueer toxic relationship that's lasted centuries that even I don't know all the details of and will refuse any knowledge of it if asked
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(Art+design by minuhime on toyhouse!)
April! Yes yes it's her name but she's also a cute bunny! She went with all her friends on a school field trip and had such a wonderful time until monsters started attacking and she was one of the first to be transformed into a creature representing her deepest fears. She was simply too sweet and soft and absolutely refused to believe she was in a horrored game
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
SURPRISEEE ITS EYUMIE AGAIN! She makes me think of May because that was one of the months where I was making my Junior Film starring her! Springtime always makes me think of her because of this tbh alshfgskg
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Daniel and Jade Hillston! Daniel is the main character of the murder mystery story that doesn't have a name yet, working hard to find the killer so he can free Jade, his daughter, who has been arrested for the crime. He knows she wouldn't do it. She would never. It HAD to be someone else. But he's always worried that person might be himself. I did a lot of the development for this story in summer and that's the time of year it takes place in so it always makes me think of it c:
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
Jubilee! They teleport using fireworks and are a minor deity in the Locked Love universe! Not sure what they do yet but they're definitely besties with Mirri and Ulrick. Treats checking in with them like a trip to their grandparents house
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(Art+design by @arcaneyouth !)
Aurelius! The final boss of a metroidvania-type game I started developing after playing Hollow Knight in the summer. They have taken on the role of antagonist simply because they didn't think the previous main antagonist was doing a good enough job to earn the role. They are dedicated to the theatrics, but always holds back when actually fighting. What kind of story would it be if the hero dies?
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This guy needs a name if anyone has any suggestions! One of the few humans in The Hallowed who is dedicating his time to trying to figure out what the FUCK is going on in this town. Makes me think of early fall where things are cold and chilly and just a little rainy but the trees still have leaves and there's a mist in the air. Thats his gender tbh
I'm gonna continue this in a reblog in hopes of being able to add the last two images give me just a moment
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stubborngods · 3 months
hehe time for bnha canon infodump because they are. on the brain at all times forever :DDD once again under the cute because i will ramble
as a resident izuku kinnie, none of you should be surprised that bakugou katuski is my favorite mha character EVER. this is my BOY. anyways. i have issues with his parents. you can disagree with me but i simply do not like them, they kind of remind me too much of my own parents and so. yeah. i am not a mitsuki & masaru safe space. anyways!! katsuki canon trans man. only uses he/him pronouns, call him anything else and you will get your face blown up. losing his hearing because of his quirk - i know that his body would be partially resistant to the effects of his quirk but he's been exploding this for going on twleve years at this point in canon and i don't believe he's IMMUNE to how loud his quirk is. learned jsl as a small child just because he knew it was an enviably that he would probably loose his hearing one day; has hearing aids but they're the same color as his skin and hair so they blend in really well, and also has them built into his face covering for his hero costume. currently trying to learn asl but that shit is hard okay. still trying though because he refuses to be a failure. cooking is both his coping mechanism and his love language. if he cooks for you, you better feel SO special because he doesn't do that shit for just anybody, okay? all might stan at heart but the whole... hero worship thing has sort of faded recently. it's kind of sad. its okay tho best jeanist can be his new favorite hero. also he is a middle child in my canon i hope this explains everything (he has an older sister who's actually his aunt, an older brother, and a younger sister btw)
miss fukudoka emi the real and true loml foreverever and always. straight up if she was real i would marry her. ANYWAYS! they/she pronoun user but honestly, anything is fine as long as it fits the joke. anything for the bit. emi is definitly that type of person. SO! backstory wise, she's the only bio kid of the fukudoka family, but when she's around eight or so, her parents start fostering yamada hizashi and then adopt him two years later when she's ten and he's thirteen. bestie starts attending ketsubutsu academy high school when she's fifteen, and graduates from there at nineteen, becoming a student aid and eventually a teacher for ketsubatsu's hero courses. also they have two hands and lots of love to give everyone please love her she's kind of lonely khfklg. and she likes to flirt with their brother-in-law but in a funny way. and yes they do consider hizashi to be their brother, what do you they are SIBLINGS? can't you see the RESEMBLANCE? i don't have any more coherent thoughts about her but side pov imagine you are aizawa shouta. you have known this bitch /aff since she was like tweleve and she's still flirting with you almost two decades later. you are so tired of her shit.
shinsou hitoshi has no gender, we should really start there, uses they/them pronouns ONLY. they're fr Just A Guy but in a gender neutral type of way. childhood was kind of fucked up for reasons outside of their control - their quirk manifesting was a Bad Point in their lives - so they got put into foster care at a very young age and just kind of... stayed in the system until they were around fourteen. they were fostered and then adopted by erasermic because i said so. i don't have very many thoughts about them in canon rn because a lot of my thoughts about them are for like... future aus, where they're already a pro-hero (they are an underground hero called syren btw hehe) but they're literally just vibing i'm not gonna lie.
okay and last but not least, my beloved yamada hizashi. another canon trans man, another case of whatever pronoun is funniest for the bit but maybe not she/her thanks. as mentioned in emi's little paragraph, he was adopted by the fukudoka family when he was 13, but before that he had been in foster care since birth tbh. half-american, half-japanese; his father was a pro-hero from america who left his mom and the entire country of japan when she found out she was pregnant and then when he was born, his qirk activated and he deafened both his birth mother and all the medical staff in the room. had a pretty rough time of it tbh, was muffled/put on quirk suppressants a lot to keep from accidently deafening anyone else and so didn't speak for very long periods of his early life. learned jsl as achild to be able to communicate at all. started transitioning after getting adopted at 13, changed his name to hizashi from his deadname, and just kinda existed tbh. we know all the canon things that happen to him as a teenager. my base canon for him is that he's married to aizawa, but that doesn't have to be the case for plotting and stuff. just know that's the default.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 8 months
about Amias and Regaila; did amais actively dislike josie or was he mostly indifferent to her? and how would that affect the way he parented her compared to regaila?
(i'm enraptured with this story now but I'll try not to spam you with asks lol)
(als BABY JOSIE!!!! SHE WAS SO CUTE OMG SHE'S SO TINY AND BABY. i have a few questions about her design but I'm trying not to flood your inbox haha. ALSO I'M IN LOVE WITH HER OUTFIT)
at first he was indifferent, just like ok this is my kid now I guess? it doesn't matter of being around her reminds him what he lost or that hes not ready for another kid. she makes my wife happy so thats all that matters.
he cared about her but not as much as you should about your own child, burshed her off a lot didn't spend a lot of time with her, he thought of her as Regaila's daughter not his
when she had an allergic reaction when she was three he was genuinely terrified, he may not have loved her as much as he should but he didn't want to lose another child, she only because Forkle did end up helping in a disguise and making sure she didn't die, but both he and Regaila refused to ever give her another exiler so they wouldn't risk losing her again.
But as she got older she started to act oddly, would stare at Callista and Evander's wanderlings and ask people if they could hear them singing, which confused everyone because only Gnomes could hear the songs, she would write notes in a "secret code" that Amais recognized from his father's papers from the council but couldn't remember what they where for. the way animals seemed to just a little to friendly to her. she knew the names of every star because of all that she was mostly unpopular with the kids outside her family because they thought she was strange, so she mostly hung out with her cousins, and Amais just kinda brushed it off when she was picked on telling her shes gotta be tough.
when she manifests as a telepath at nine rumors start going around about how she’s some kind of weapon that was made by the council especially after people realize telepaths can't get her mind. (when originally the only rumor about her origin was that she was Oralie and Kenrics illegitimate child) some people around them even mention project moonlark. Ideila Cyrus and Regaila acknowledge to her that she’s possibly something like that, but tell Josie if that’s true whatever she was made for they won’t let them hurt or use her.
around that time Amias starts to actually say that Josie is not his kid when Josie and Regaila arnt around when people ask and just say she’s his wife’s kid, and when Josie overhears him saying that to some of his friends sue realizes he doesn’t love her for the first time. Josie goes to Regaila about it but shes is in denial for a bit before trying to convince him that Josie is still his child, because she loves them both, and Amias loves her, so he just had to learn to love Josie.
she pushes them to spend more time together and it really doesn't go anywhere, Amais just stops denying that Josie is his daughter because it upsets Regaila not because of it's effects on Josie.
When Josie is ten Regaila gets pregnant, she doesn’t tell Amais for a bit because she doesn’t know how he will react considering he still doesn’t accept Josie and its been ten years.
while Regaila is out with Athena asking her how to tell Amias asking her how to tell Amias shes pregnant, Amias goes in the tent exhausted and relaxes in his "room" leaving Josie watching T.v in the largest part of the tent. someone comes to the door for some arbitrary reason and Josie answers it and says her dad is in his room.
after Amias deals with the person at the door he turns to Josie and tells her to stop telling people he’s her dad because he’s not, Josie asks what he means. Amias tells her he just "only let Regaila adopt her because it made her happy to have a baby again and all he wanted was for her to be happy, he didn’t want another kid, he just wants his baby back, but that wasn’t going to happen, so he made a sacrifice for her sake. but he didn’t sign up for some thing who stares at trees and draws odd symbols in the dirt. and he definitely didn’t sign up for a kid who manifests four years early and who’s mind no telepath can get into."
Josie starts crying and saying she'll try to be normal promising nit to use her ability until the normal manifestation age. Amias starts scolding her saying it’s impossible for her and it escalates to the point that Josie manifests as a inflictor and inflicts on him. they both collapse and when Josie snaps out of it and runs over to him and starts shaking him trying to wake him up, when he comes to he shoves her away and tells her to stay away from him, she scoots closer crying and says “dad, i didn’t mean to hurt you!” and he backs away and says “i’m not your dad get away from me!!”
Josie starts crying harder and she starts to spark again and Amias realizes whats coming and runs to his and Regaila’s room and zipps the door shut, Josie follows him to the door and keeps apologizing through it but he keeps yelling at her to shut up and stay away from him sounding completely terrified of her.
Regaila comes home because of all the commotion and finds her 10 year daughter curled up at the door apologizing to her husband and promising she would be normal over and over.
Regaila scoops up her up and takes her to the couch and asks her what happened and Josie is to upset to explain properly so Regaila gets her to transmit the memory of what happened to her and Regaila is pissed, she takes Josie over to Idelia’s house and leaves her there over night while she and Amias talk (fight).
Amias spends the time trying to convince Reagila to leave Josie and they can move to a new village and start a new life there, because Josie is dangerous and not even their child.
Regaila spends the time trying to convince him that Josie isn’t dangerous, and she is their new life. But Amias doesn’t agree and ends up saying that Josie is monster who attacked him, Regaila says she wasn’t trying to but Amias is insistent that she did it on purpose. Regaila ends up kicking him out of her house and telling him to find somewhere new to live, not even mentioning her pregnancy because she didn’t trust him with how hes treating Josie.
they try to convince each other to change their mind for several months, Josie staying with her family during the late nights that her parents are talking thinking to herself how she definitely ruined her parents marriage
at the end of the few months Regaila picks up Josie from Idelia's tent and takes her home telling her that "Amias is gone and he won't be able to treat her like that anymore, apologizing for not noticing sooner and telling her that she loves her, and no matter how many abilities she manifests she won't stop loving her" trying to hide the fact that she’s upset about it but Josie notices she’s upset and reads her mind and finds out about the conversation and gets upset again almost enough to inflict and Regaila tells her "it wasn’t her fault, but thats why she shouldn't read people's minds, sometimes you're not being told information to protect you"
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himbos-hotline · 7 months
muppet babies au????? i’m intrigued
The muppet baby au is the first AU in an installment of four fics regarding your [ngl mostly my and my siblings favourite wrestlers] as infant and young children. It is an au where nothing hurts and everything is cute and sweet. Think of it like a little episodic TV Show with linking characters and storylines. With a couple of OCs sprinked in for our own enjoyment! The cast include
Maddie Orton [OC] - Shes 5 - a tiny doctor - autistic and dyslexic - baby adopted sister of Randy Orton - Parents: Triple H/Shawn Micheals [Adopted the Orton/Rollins children after their birth parents died in an accident]
Finn Balor - Hes 6 - always full of chaos - thinks hes immune to being told off because his ma runs the daycare [that is fundermentally untrue] - Likes to be lavelled as Irish - Bites but for fun - parents: Ma and Pa Balor
Samuel 'Sami' Zayn: - 5 - Translates Generico to everyone else - Isnt too good at making friends - probably doesnt sleep enough for a kid - Wears his hat and glasses - Always has his fingers in his mouth -Parents: Edge and Christian
El Generico: - age: 4 - barely speaks so its mostly sounds [Danhausen and Sami can understand] - Dances and always on the move, cannot sit still - sleeps on tables - He always has the lucha mask on [adults are sure hes posessed by some kinda mexican wrestler and is thus an "old soul"] - refuses to believe the young bucks are seperate people - gets emotionally attached to things that arent human - Parent: Excalibur
Kevin Owens: - age: 7 - the kind bully very much - is very loud when he wants to be - Likes the slide so he can scream at people from the top - refuses to say hes samis friend [they are though, he will push you in the mud over it] - Parent: Chris Jericho [we found this funny when we were planning]
Aleister Black: - Age: 6 -Draws on himself and runs around in his pants - Has lost a tooth - Draws terrifying things, should probably be put in therapy over it but shhhh - literally an old soul, speaks very well for a six year old -gets strangely emotional if things fo wrong Parent: AJ lee [we kinda ran outta parents here shush]
Aleks Page [OC] - age: 5 - Has a crush on tiny aleister - British [confused about everyone else and sami but thats normal for Samuel] - Likes to be outside - Somehow becomes convinced that her and Adam Page are related because they share the same last name - Tries to drink her little weight in juiceboxes - wildchild Parents: Her bio mum and dad [catholic nurse and stay at home dad]
Balor: -Age: 7 1/2 or 7000 nobody is really sure -"Around finns age" supposibly - sleeps like hes dead -His hair always sticks up like hes got little devil horns - Understands Generico and Danhausen just doesnt tell anyone -Parents: Brodie King
Randal "Randy" Keith Orton: - 10 - the eldest kid at the daycare - eats bugs and things to look cool - plays with the younger kids cuz hes forced too - loves his sister but will never tell her -Overprotective -parents: Triple H/ Shawn Micheals
Seth Rollins: - Age: 4 - the youngest of the Orton trio - gets roped into shit Randy does -Has asthma -Jumps off talls things - wears terrible clothes because Shawn dresses him - Steals the colouring supplies - Him and Mox were in the same care home, bugs Mox about if their friends or not every week -he has unlimited power - wants a dog, no you will not argue with him -parents:
Jonathon 'Jon' Moxley: -Age: 5 -pretends hes not allergic to cats - constantly covered in bandaids- always has one on his nose - has ADHD and gets anxious about going to new places [Regal sits in for his first day of daycare] - Calls Regal dad, things regal will send him back if he screws up - Regal teaches him origami - Gets nosebleeds and is way too calm over it - Doesnt like tiny MJF -loves Rain - ADORES FROGS - scared of the dark but pretends that he isnt -Calls tiny Gernerico "champ" and pats him on the head or back -Will eat and bite everything - eats the paper on sweets - likes dragons - never wears his coat, always wears boots and either mismatched socks or no socks - Number dyslexic - Parent: Willam Regal
Rhea Ripley: -age: 8 - plays violin and plays things like the phyco theme - spooky child - tall for her age so everyone thinks shes older - wears spooky looking earrings - Parent: Lita
Darby Allin: - Age: 4 - Friends with Generico but doesnt know what hes saying, makes up his own conversations - Throws and jumps off everything - sucks his thumb when hes asleep - paints his face with the paint that isnt face paint - friends with Seth cuz they both throw themselves off high shit for fun -parent: STINNNNGGGGGG
Adam "Horseboy" Page: Age: 4 [but hes almost five] - wears tiny cowboy boots -not so social, more anxious. likes to colour with the girls - the newest kid on the block -horse girl - has little butterfly jeans - owns my little ponys -knows everything about cowboys and horsies - has sawdust in his hair sometimes - anxious cowboy but squashed into tiny - has resting sad face - cries randomly a lot - still has a pacifier and a weighted horse toy parent: Beth Pheonix
Maxwell Jacob Friendman: - Age: 4 - tiny asshole - has hayfever and it makes him mad - bullys Maddie and pulls her hair - refuses to do things that are "not fun" - wears expensive looking clothes - jewish and has adhd - always wears his scalf - Parent: Stephanie McMahon [we also found this funny]
Matthew "matt" Jacksonville aka Matt Jackson: - Age: 7 - basically a small lab as a human being - always seen with little kenny and his brother - always super happy to show off his shoes, bullys over people for their shoes - wears the loudest brightest clothes - little sunshine baby - likes to read - is in dance and tumble classes - has braces [hes not happy about it] - autistic, gluten and lactose intolerent [Matthew simply, cannot pick a struggle] Parents: mama and papa Buck
Nicholas "Nick" Jacksonville aka Nick Jackson: - Age:5 - Also wears the loudest brightest clothes - Holds tiny mattys hand when they travel anywhere - has a stuffie bird he carries everywhere - also autistic - atill plays with baby toys cuz theyre free stim toys - falls over a lot - parents: mama and papa buck
Kenneth "kenny" Omega: - age: 7 [older than matthew] - tiny traumatised child - wets himself a lot due to trauma - is suprisngly happy despite troubling homelife - has tiny curls, wears little ponytail - in chronic pain - has a little backpack filled with baby and kids pain meds - brings comic books to school to show friends - always with tiny bucks - plays hockey -Parent: Don Callis [we dont talk about it, it hurts]
Edward [Eddie] Kingston: - Age: 9 - friends with tiny kevin because theyre both filled with rage - small new york accent - makes friends with Mox - that kid who always wants to see gross stuff cuz it looks cool - plays baseball - never seen without a plastic hat - Parent: Mick Foley
Wheeler "Wheels" Yuta: -Age: 2 - Mute - is left at daycare because regal needs to work - follows Mox around - communicates through sounds and laughter - sits on Moxs little bike while he rides it - toddles like the sims toddlers - knows a little sign language - autistic -tomboysih - Parent: Willam Regal
Daniel Hausen: -Age: 6 - speaks Generico, sleeps under the tables that Generico sleeps on - keeps all his baby teeth and carries them around - plays dolls with hangman - spooky child - calls the children by their full names [Jon is Jonathon] - also plays with the not facepaint paint -will get himself into really weird "how the fuck did that happen?!" situations -Parent: Excalibur
HOOK: -age: 3 - selective mute - doesnt know what to do with the weird demon that keeps trying to make friends with him - anger issues - climbs trees to be alone and doesnt know how to get down - needs to be persuaded to eat food that arent chips - fucking ADORES dinos my guys! - reads the same dino book over and over again - punch first, ask questions later -parent: Taz
Lukas "Luke" Gallows and Karl Anderson: - ages: 8 and 7 respectfully - two half of a whole idiot - Luke is the tallest in the little kid class - Karl has esxma and wears gloves so he doesnt itch it - weirdly facinated by tiny kenny and little buckles - Parent: AJ Styles [like BC, get it?]
Orange Cassidy: - Age: 6 - that one kid that just, doesnt care - sensitive to light, so wears sunglasses inside - likes wearing jeans - can sleep anywhere at any time -shows emotions rarely - Parents: Excalibur
Charles "Chuck" Taylor: -Age: 8 - isnt eager to move up to the big kids club - has rosacea - naturally comedic gold - that kid that laughs in awkward situations - really likes being helpful - sarcastic - "you ever warm up to talk to people?" - southern friends with little cowboy -Parent: Tony Schiavone
Trent ? Barreta: -Age: 7 - kindly that kid that knows nothing - asks tiny chuck questions -tiny chuck carpools with him - literally the most agreeable kid yall could meet - drives around in one of those like, tonka cars -Parent: sue
Adam Cole [Toddler]: - Age: 5 - little smug child - its very clear shes an only child - thinks her hair is very pretty - off and on again friends with the tiny elite - is actually kind when you get to know her -padengt queen -Parents: Claudio and RJ City
Jack "jungle boy" Perry: - Age: 3 - also loves dinosaurs - carries around a stuffed lunchasauras - climbs trees and knows how to get down - helps nicky indetify birds - like the best hair on a little one - parents: Edge and Christan
Ruby Soho: - age: 5 - tiny punk baby - isnt to be left alone with scissors - knows lots of myths and stuff - also draws on herself - once ate a thumbtack - friends wiht little eddie - parnet: Aubrey Edwards
Julia Hart: - Age: 2 - also speaks very well for a two year olf - seems to be able to read minds - likes her big hat and enjoys dressing up _ has kind eyes and the opposite of a resting bitch face - has spikey teeth - Grown up: Brodie King
Jay: - AGe: newborn - originally fostered by Regal - ends up being adopted by mama and papa buck - hangs out in the nursery/little play area with the younger ones - Maddies cousin
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knightotoc · 1 year
I thought of another insane TRoS interpretation (2 actually) bc the TRoS neurons in my brain are just that powerful and get so much exercise that they're still producing all these years later🪖🩹📿🗡🕵‍♂️🦰🧟‍♂️🌩👫🪦🐌🏳️‍🌈
So why does Kylo not have a ghost? Two explanations, both alike in dignity (which is to say barren of it):
1. (I thought of this one second but it's simpler so I'll explain it first.) When Rey died, she died-died, so when Kylo gave her his life-force he was actually transferring HIS soul to HER. So now he's literally walking around in her body. There is no Kylo ghost because he/she's still alive.
plot hole: so why doesn't Rey have a ghost? explanations: 1) the way she died was so thorough/spiritual that her soul is just totally wiped out of existence; 1a) the way she died was so close to Jedi Heaven that she just got fast-tracked past the ghost stage; 2) Rey's body can't see its own ghost; 3) Kylo is in denial that Rey is dead so he/she refuses to see her ghost
fun irony: Palpatine wanted to possess Rey's body, but now Kylo is, haHA! tfw grandpa and boyfriend are both trans for you😱
corollary: when Kylo-in-Rey's-body says his/her last name is Skywalker, that's actually not an adoption thing, that's just choosing Skywalker over Solo and Organa
observation: this means that Kylo has now had three names (Ben Solo, Kylo Ren, and Rey Skywalker), two bodies, and perhaps two genders. Lucky shmuck
incidental bonus: The annoying thing about the soul transfer power is that, if this is a real thing in star wars and I guess it is, then I don't know why Anakin never did it for Shmi or Padme, or why Obi-Wan didn't do it for Qui-Gon, etc. So this interpretation gets them all off the hook! It's not a thing after all!
2. (I thought of the first part of this one first and then the second part third.) There is no Kylo ghost because Kylo's soul actually died a long time ago due to Palpatine's meddling. Palpatine tells him, "I've been every voice you've ever heard inside your head," so whenever Kylo started hearing voices that made him turn evil, like when he was 12 or 16 or whatever, this external force pushed his own consciousness away. Over years of overwhelming evil influence, the fragile young Ben soul got crushed and totally wiped out/sent to Jedi Purgatory/damned to Sith Hell😱 So he's just a Palpatine Puppet the whole time we see him in the movies.
plot hole: so why does Kylo, as we see in the movies, still love his parents and Rey?
second part of the theory (thanks @waiting-for-ciena-ree for your huge brain): Puppet Kylo technically does not have a soul, but he still, as an empty shell, is capable of forming his own emotions and performing his own actions. This is why his moments of compassion are so rare and dramatic. It's like a Kingdom Hearts/Warm Bodies thing. But even though he's still kind of a person, there's not enough ectoplasm in there to make a whole ghost. Like maybe there was a little ghost but it blew away in a stiff breeze
What's an elegant way to end this post...
But that's just a theory...a main blog theory. Thanks for reading👏
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WASSUP ITS 3 AM N INSOMNIAS A BITCHHH. So in an effort to cure it ive written a fic. If u can call it that. Its more like a character study? Idk i jus wanted to write abt sad boi mic :( . Apologies if this is terrible, im super out of practise with writing and this is my first ever fic also im not doing any proofreading on this i wrote this all in one shot so i hope this isnt incoherent garbage. good luck!
The life of Yamada Hizashi was full of misfortune. In fact, the first tragedy of his life occured right as he entered the world. His cries as he exited his mother’s womb were so loud he had deafened everyone in the room and injured several other innocent bystanders in the area.
Objectively, Yamada knew he couldn’t control it. He was literally a newborn who didn’t even know what a quirk was. Yet that doesn’t stop him from asking himself “why didn’t you just stay quiet?” whenever he looked at himself in the mirror. If he had stayed quiet that day, he probably wouldn’t have been sent to an orphanage. Maybe his parents would have loved him, destructive, hazardous quirk and all.
The second misfortune was his inability to connect with his peers. He was popular, but popularity wasn’t the same as having actual, genuine friends who he could connect with, who he could talk to about anything and everything, who could sit with him in comfortable silence as they simply soaked in each others company, who he could share his deepest darkest secrets and confide his fears and insecurities to. Alas, he would only be known as the class clown. The one people could laugh at. The sunshine to brighten people’s day. It was lonely, being the sun.
Things seemed to change, however, when he entered UA. A tall, larger than life, cloud came by to greet the sun hello and they got on like a house on fire. The rest was history. The two were inseparable. Oboro and Yamada simply getting along like they had known each other since childhood. Yamada wished that was true.
After the sports festival, the sun and cloud duo would meet a shadow. The shadow refused to talk with them, telling them to leave him alone. But they persisted. Eventually Aizawa relented, slowly but surely letting the two drag him into their shenanigans. Finally, the trio was complete.
If people thought Aizawa’s calm, rational, slightly apathetic demeanour would balance out the chaos that was Oboro and Yamada, they were sorely mistaken. The three of them would somehow find themselves in all sorts of ridiculousness that they themselves conjured up. Whether it was getting caught up in a cloudy whirlwind (made by a Yamada-Oboro quirk tag team gone wrong) , a classic food fight (Aizawa started it) or even adopting a stray cat caught in the rain, the three of them went through it all together.
It all came crashing down when The Accident happened. Yamada could still hear his own voice shouting back at him. His own, destructive, hazardous voice. The very same voice that helped bring a building down on his best friend. It rang in the back of his head, like a horrible tinnitus that wouldn’t go away. As he made his way back to his room, his voice morphed, words slowly taking shape, telling him it was his fault that his best friend was sent home in a body bag instead of cheerily running down the pedestrian path. His voice once again ruined his life, making his world crumble around him just like the building had crumbled and fell onto his friend. He couldn’t sleep that night, not daring to close his eyes after he saw the devastated look on Aizawa’s face when he realised his friend was gone. When he realised his cloudy friend’s voice he heard wasn’t real. Yamada wondered what expression Aizawa would make when he inevitably concluded that Yamada was Oboros murderer.
When they returned to school, Yamada clung to Aizawa, refusing to leave his side. He said it was to make sure his friend was alright, but it was more selfish than that. Yamada was afraid. He was afraid that Aizawa would leave, turn his back on him and shut him out, like a blackout curtain. So, Yamada did everything he could to make Aizawa see that he was still okay, that he wasn’t broken, that he was still every bit of the friend he used to be and that he wasn’t plagued by ghostly voices and haunting images whenever the silence grew. Yamada pulled out all the stops, he cracked jokes, fooled around more than usual, tried to include Aizawa in every conversation, watched over him as Aizawa ran himself ragged training after hours.
But it was too much. He’d overcompensated. He was once again too much for people to handle. Yamada could only stand and watch, graduation hat heavy on his head like a crown of sorrow, as he watched his only friend disappear into a sea of people. Now that the cloud was gone, the sun, no longer covered, shone too brightly, and the shadow was chased away, melting into the darkness, never quite touching the light.
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vaugarde · 1 year
6, 7, 13, 16, 25 fooooor Kirby!
6. Which ship fans are the most annoying?
Hard to say presently cause I haven't interacted with the shippy side of the fandom in some time. I guess from experience it's Meta Knight x Garlude shippers but I have not heard a single whisper from them in literal years. Is anyone saying that MK can't be gay cause he interacted with her anymore? I dunno.
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
At one point it was Meta Knight, specifically the anime version of him, but I've come back around to him tbh. Maybe it's the bat wings. Dark Meta Knight used to be ruined to me for personal reasons wayyyyy back in the day but that got fixed a while ago. I guess there's Hyness cause there's kind of an attitude I've sensed about him that "oh it's not that deep, he didn't actually hurt the sisters and I'm ignoring it for the sake of making him my silly little guy", but also I already hate him in canon. So idk there either.
13. Worst blorboficiation
Mayyybe Dedede? Not cause I don't like him, I love him and I'm fond of the version I've made of him in my head, but the sheer refusal to ever acknowledge him as a villain ever like... kinda misses the mark for me. The fact that he was a villain at all and you can create a narrative of him becoming better as the games go on is interesting to me! And him sometimes being antagonistic to Kirby cause they're rivals and such is fine. It's fun! It makes the moments where the two act nice and wholesome feel all the more rewarding cause like, Dedede DOES have it out for this pink kid, but at the end of the day the said pink kid holds no grudges, man, and there are bigger things to worry about. So if you sand off that part of him, he becomes less interesting to work with, y'know?
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
"Meta Knight and Dedede are Kirby's loving adoptive dads". I love found family but those two are uncles at best. This is moreso Meta Knight though, ESPECIALLY the anime version. That guy cuts Kirby's car brakes, he is not a sweet dad figure sldkfjssfds.
I've rambled about this before, but one of my biggest fanon nitpicks is when people have an adult male fave and a child protagonist, and they'll nerf the child protagonist in favor of having the adult male fave do everything in the story and be really powerful so they can protect the child figure. And that sounds weird, I know it does, like of course the child protagonist would benefit from a parental figure taking off some of the load sometimes. But it's never quite portrayed like that and it always just reads to me like "WOW look how awesome my fave is!!! They should be the REAL protagonist and the child protag is a side character in their story!" and it's never like, emotional support or anything, it's always "suddenly the protagonist who has defeated literal gods cannot even scratch a basic enemy and needs the adult fave to save them." Like, I remember this fic where Kirby got beat up and nearly killed by a regular dark matter minion so that Meta Knight could save him, and I could not sit with it cause like... a regular dark matter minion? Really??
I don't know, if I had to approach a Metadad concept, I'd do something similar to "Igglybuff the Prodigy" from PMD where Meta Knight does serve as a mentor figure, but really, Kirby ends up being more powerful and smarter than him and outdoes him a lot, but Meta Knight doesn't mind after a while because he benefits from having a grounding positive figure like Kirby in his life. Kirby made him a better person and made him realize that he wasn't done living his life even though he'd done some terrible things. And Kirby admires him cause he's a child and he likes having another person like himself around, even if that person isn't fantastic to begin with. Like, it's a mentor relationship but it's turned on its head.
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Anything about the anime being an invalid Kirby property and you suck if you incorporate parts of it into your own personal game canon. I do what I want. Sirica and Magolor are friends.
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