#and its my birf tomorrow but i work
cherrirui-official · 6 months
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Ayo John Dory what u looking at man? (One of the few wips I have rn ahaha don't mind it looking a little weird/ messy I'll fix it)
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delicteflowr · 5 years
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I’m sorry for not being around as much all of a sudden. Been working, playing ffxiv and kind of going through it emotionally / mentally so I’m trying to get it all together and get to what I can. ;v; I’ll most likely be able to do stuff on Thursday and Friday since those are my days off unless something comes up. I hope everyone’s having an amazing week so far and staying safe out there ! 
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yunhuntress · 5 years
I did kind of treat myself during break at work but I’m afraid I won’t have a lot of time to just relax and enjoy the day. I have to be up at 5:30am in order to get ready for opening my store tomorrow. Thank you Caleb
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lifeofmods · 8 years
Beep Beep
This week was full of good things.
On Saturday I worked weekend overtime and clocked up about 3 days worth of work in 5 hours. Its good to see I’m still actually amazing when people stop calling me non stop.
On Sunday we went to Arcana’s family’s place. They threw me a birthday dinner and gave me a whipper snipper, which is like a weed wacker but cleverly engineered to be twice as poison resistant. It’s also electric and supremely lightweight so Arcana take care of the edges whilst I’m doing the lawns.
On Monday I was birf, so Arcana and I went out to the local Japanese restaurant after work and partook of hot pot, which is ridiculously cheap, tasty and filling. We even went all out and got a cocktail each and completely failed to get drunk.
On Tuesday I was kidnapped once more by Arcana, Toska, Kitty, Rusco and Rogue and forcefed miso soup, unagi don and pomegranate icecream. I also received Kuto arts, but you all know that already.
Tonight we drove an hour across the city back to Arcana’s family place and picked up her little Getz now that its finally roadworthy, so I now have two vehicles parked in my driveway in matching black and green Arcana colours.
No picture tonight because its nearly 10pm and I’ve another early start tomorrow, and after work I’m headed across the city again, this time to finally meet up with Port of Brisbane Rotary Club to see about the prosthetic hands project, which I REALLY want to see started soon.
Friday is officially the last day of overtime at work, which might make some small difference to my capacity to draw things again.
Saturday morning I’m headed out for a couple hours to pack up a shipping crate full of school and hospital supplies that will then get shipped off to Sri Lanka to those who need them more than the garbage dump does. 
And Sunday will be frantically cleaning up the house and yard so its nice and shiny for when my parents visit from England.
I was disappointed in myself for not keeping up with art, but writing all this down helps me realise maybe I’ve been too busy to actually do anything productive and not feel so bad for taking a week to draw a single comic, which I might even try post before the weekend.
Hap yeen.
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