#and ja is not canon now
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bereft-of-frogs · 8 months
I wrote a longer and more overwrought version of this post when I was slightly drunker (yay distillery book club) but the shorter, more sober-clarity version is: it's so ridiculous that about 50% of my current fandom experience is based on things that are now 25 years old (thanks for the reminder, lucasfilm) and yet I'm terrified of being left behind because I 'can't move on' from something that is now barely 5 years old
you could probably attempt to make some sort of sweeping statement about this, like the lifespan of media now versus the early 00s, but what it's really about is my own issues with abandonment which is affecting both my ability to move on (I really struggle with the 'crew breaks up between installment thing', always have) and also the general fear of behind left behind, rather than any real trends in fandom as a whole
ok I think that's enough for superb owl sunday
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neriyon · 2 months
What was their initial impression of the four claimants? How did this change over the course of the story?
( 22 Dawntrail Inspired WoL/OC Questions )
Wuk Lamat: Oh Hawu'li loved Wuk Lamat right from first meeting her in Old Sharlayan. They are very similar in personality, and immediately bonded over food. She might've been a bit naiive, but so is Hawu'li, so he'd probably not even notice. She clearly loves her people and wants to help them - that's all you could ever ask from a leader, right? It was only when Gulool Ja Ja voiced his worries to him privately that he even thought to stop and think about everything for a while. Luckily she did a lot of growing on her own, eventually convincing everyone she really could handle this responsibility.
Koana: Funnily enough, Koana's aloof and a bit snobbish personality originally reminded Hawu'li a bit about his older brother, Hawu'to (researcher in Old Sharlayan). He loved his second brother to bits, but also often felt like he was a bit too stupid to understand what Hawu'to was talking about. Or to see his grand visions for future. Same with Koana - boy was clearly smart and had so many innovations, but felt a bit... mechanical? Bit too detached from the reality of someone who lives very "heart first brain second".
Later on, when Koana got to show consern for his sister and even went a bit feral to protect her there was this small "oh." in Hawu'li haha. He started paying more attention to the other catboy, took notice of the occasional awkwardness and kind heart beneath it, and started looking forward to meeting him again. I've not yet decided where they end up going forward, but they definitely kissed when Koana shows up in your inn room and are now, at the end of current msq, at some sort of "we'll explore this and see where it goes" situation.
Zarool Ja: Zarool Ja came off as very stoic and withdrawn, but not necessarily a threat? Sure, even Hawu'li raised his eyebrows a bit at this man's mentions of war and conquest, but in his "everyone means well" personality he just assumed Zarool Ja had some secret plan under it. Or that he was just a bit misguided, and would get the little jolt back to more peaceful track during the contest. How wrong he ended up being... Hawu'li honestly still feels pretty bad that he didn't take Krile's words serious enough. That he inadvertly caused the attack on Tuliyollal by ignoring the warning signs. It also reminded him of the whole thing with Zenos, making him a bit moody for a while (dw, he got over it after moping around a bit and talking about it with both G'raha and Krile), but in the end he once again had to accept that he wasn't responsible for actions of others and that Zarool Ja's hatred was as unyielding as Hawu'li's conviction to protect the peace.
Bakool Ja Ja: Hmm, Bakool Ja Ja was more of a bully right from the start, so Hawu'li actually felt like the man would deserve to get bonked with a staff a few times to teach him a lesson. Or like, a really long lecture. He did think that Bakool Ja Ja was young and possibly afraid of... something, causing him to act like that, but the actual reveal still came as a complete surprise. He felt sympathy, of course (as he always does), but still had this strong annoyance over his actions putting so many lives at risk just to get ahead in a competition. There definitely were some angry hissing and a long lecture after everything haha, but he hasn't given up hope that Bakool Ja Ja would change really after all this, like he seemed to be doing after the invasion.
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pyshcic · 2 years
meta.     –––      𝑡𝘩𝑒  𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑠  𝑜𝑓  𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑒  𝘩𝑎𝑙𝑒.
     There are few things which are kept secret between Alice and Jas;  of these,  most if not all are unintentionally kept. They would be kept secret from anyone in the world, were she to hold any real control over it –– but there is a natural inevitability,  that she should unfold herself bare in her mind,  which she’s long allowed to be held distinctly un-sacred.  Short of damning the thought so thoroughly and deeply to an abyss that it might never be brought to the forefront,  or else running without end from her only family,  one way or another the truth would be gleaned by her brother.  It was a vulnerability which created an inherent trust  (perhaps because it was necessary, and she had to cope with the loss of control one way or another;  perhaps because she lover her brother completely and without question,  and knew he would,  in all things,  grant her peace of thought).
     Without further adieu!    Those very secrets,   a partial list at least,   an exploration of the mind behind the looking glass...   admittedly,   nearly every one has to do with her understanding of herself,  her past.  Thoughts too sour to taint the good nature of her life with her family with  ––  not worth further dissection,  not worth sharing,  despite the fact they eat at her.
1.    i  cannot  remember  my  mother’s  face.   i’ve  seen  no  pictures,   and  i  think  none  exist.  i  miss  the  idea  of  having  a  mother,    but  i  don’t  (and  i  can’t)  miss  her.
2.    i  will  never  have  known  my  sister,    nor  my  niece.   i  hold  no  inclination  to  find  her,   no  longing  in  my  heart  ––   no  capacity  for  loving  my  only  living  family.    i  felt  nothing  but  passing  guilt  when  i  saw  my  sister’s  grave.   the  same  kind  of  guilt  you’d  feel  being  the  last  to  board  a  crowded  train,   leaving  strangers  at  the  station   ––    i’ll  get  over  it.   isn’t  that  terrible?
3.    i’m  stuck  in  stasis  between  wondering  at  all  times  if  i  would  prove  my  maker’s  sacrifice  worthwhile,   and  trying,  failing,  to  remember  his  face  as  well.   however,   with  this,   i  don’t  feel  the  lack  of  emotion  as  i  do  with  my  mother  and  sister   –––    this  absence  hurts.  greatly.  so  magnificently  that  i  wonder  if  i’ll  ever  heal.
4.    i  feel  soulless  for  my  lack  of  sympathy.  is  it  monstrous?  to  feel  so  detached  from  the  world.  i  love  my  husband,   my  family;   i  love  them  horrifyingly  and  ceaselessly!  i  shut  my  mouth  and  sheathe  my  sharp  teeth  for  the  sake  of  them,   alone.  not  for  the  sanctity  of  humanity.  not  for  empathy.  for  selfish,  compelling  love.   i  think  this  might  make  me  irredeemable,   sometimes.
5.    i  fear  seeing.   i  fear  the  burden  of  knowing.
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myvirtuesuncounted · 11 months
at least i had the decency to keep my nights out of sight if u even care btw !!! (LOVEE the user mwah)
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irxnmaiden · 2 years
Jasmine's presents are tucked under the tree too! Alongside some training essentials and minor nick-nacks there's a pair of magnemite hair scrunchies (because of course!), a fairly massive Ampharos plush that's incredibly huggable and, the star, a beautiful red dress with white trim and matching gloves!
Attached to one is a small card;
"I love you more than life itself. To my wonderful wife! I hope you have an amazing day Jas x"
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Jasmine beams more with each reveal, her Pokemon busy tearing into their own presents while she holds back happy tears (she won’t be holding them back for long); she’s already plotting where to debut the scrunchies, and for what space the plushie would look best (she can’t believe he remembered that she’d been eyeballing it for some time!).
But the dress takes her breath away, fingers carefully appreciating the fabric. Through those happy tears finally freed, she returns a kiss and a profuse string of ‘thank yous’.
It doesn’t take long whatsoever for her to change into it!
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“...I never thought red would be my color, but-!”
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meraki-sunset · 3 months
This is a long letter of gratitude. Embrace my endless words of pure gratefulness.
Dear Autor of the most amazing thing I've ever read.
I was writing this letter from the moment I reached the middle of your Crow Strider AU fanfiction. There is so many things I want to say and I'm so happy that I can say it to you all here without words limit. Forgive me for exuberance, I'm squeezing out all my abilities to express what I feel in this foreign language that's not of us first language.
Let me list all the things I'm grateful for, because I'm autistic and I love listing:
1. Crow Strider
The arc of Davesprite you created is masterpiece of writing. The process of deconstructing his personality, forgiving and letting his part behind as well as embracing his new identity and new body is written so thoughtfully with such a care of details. I love how you made him so different from Dave as well as still kept his Daveness in full glory of Striderness. You made him happy and more emotional available and open, at the same time it felt so natural for him to be that way because of the proper build up you gave him. Thank you so much for creating Crow Strider and letting us read his well written arc.
2. There's a Dave for everyone
THERE'S LITERALLY DAVE FOR EVERYONE. You have no idea what struggles I went through trying to understand what person Dave ended up with in canon, and then being sad of what happened in epilogues. I wanted Dave for Karkat. I wanted Dave for Jade. I wanted them to be happy. And you did it. You made it possible. You made them all happy. I love it so much. Thank you so much for making them happy. You even gave Teresi one Dave for her. I can't believe it. It's so beautiful it's unreal.
3. More Davepeta
This part is simple, I simply love Davepeta and you gave me a lot of good Davepeta content. Thank you for that.
4. You made me like characters I didn't like
I wasn't big fan of Tavros. I got tired of Vrisca by the end of Homestuck. I didn't really see Hal as an interesting character. I honestly hated Gamzee. And Jasprosesprite squared was so annoying for me
Well, not anymore! You somehow managed to write these characters more compelling for me than Hussie did. Now I love Tavros and Hal, I mean, cat Hal? Is there anything more cute and cool at the same time?
And NGL I genuinely wanted Gamzee to die and I can't believe that now I'm not, because I just read a very good redemption arc of this clown. I also love the way you dealt with Vrisca. Heck I love all characters written by you!
5. God tier Karkat
I've dreamt of seeing a good piece of god tier Karkat. I was so curious how does it even work to be Knight of Blood, we didn't see any version of Blood god tier in canon. I'm big fan of your version, it fits the character and the aspect so well, and the execution of his arc as he is chosen to open the door... Honestly? I prefer that over canon, though it wouldnt make as much sense as in your fanfiction. It just feels like you took a much better care of Karkat than official ending of Homestuck. Don't get me wrong, I love Homestuck an it's ending, your fanfiction wouldn't exist without it. I honestly think that Hussie didn't really have as much time and space to give his characters as extended arcs as you gave them without losing the dynamic of his story. But you could. And you did. Thank you so much.
6. So many people got better, more extended arcs
Like above. You made Jas much better. You gave Nanna much better, more compelling arc than she had in canon. You made Hal and Tavros much more relatable and gave them very well character development plot, even if short. You took your time to write very needed and wanted dialogues between characters than didn't have their time to interact in canon. Like Jake and Dirk (ESPECIALLY THEM OMG). Like Erisol and Feferi. Like Jas and Rose. And I didn't even know that I needed the last one. Thank you so much.
7. You made ships that I didn't know where even possible and I like them????
Seriously, Tavros and Jane?? Erisol and Arquius??? Josh and Dirk??? I love how your brain works
8. You absolutely nailed the delicate topic of transgender
I used to not be a big fan of June, because there were no realistic signs of John having any kind of thoughts or doubts about his gender in canon. You made a very much needed and really great thoughtfully written arc from June and Josh, even caring about the topic of transition and executing it really great. Thank you so much for yet again being so good at writing arcs.
9. Eridan and Sollux
I love them both and their weird toxic rivalty, and I absolutely love that you gave them some attention and let Eridan grow and try to redeem himself while also helping Sollux with hii2 p2iioniic problem2. I download almost every single frame of it.
You're artstyle. I don't know where to begin with that. It's so amazing. Expressive, dynamic, cute, beautiful, colorful. I love every line of your comics. Your style is the way I always wanted to draw. It's just perfect. And also perfect for Homestuck fanfiction. It's just so similar, yet gives it a bit of softness as well as the kind of expressiveness I love, that makes every single shot more appealing. Warm scene are so warm, sad scene are so sad, dynamic scenes are so epic, it's like so delicious. Yes, I just ran out of words. Let me grab a dictionary...
Your style is outstanding. It gives me this feeling of familiarity, it's similar of Homestuck style, yet so different, its fresh and new while also feels like home.
I wish you have a printed version of your fanfiction (but I probably can't afford it sadly). There is something so soothing in this simple colors, it's not too loud, not too many colors, yet so many and smooth colorful lines. I will learn to draw like you, I'm sorry for adapting your style, but I really want to draw like that and you even posted some tutorials how to draw like you.
Thank you so so much that you put so much time and effort into making this wonderful comic and then share with all of us completely for free. You drew so many expressive pages, sometimes even 10 pages per static dialogue, which means you officially outbested the master of overdoing Andrew Hussie himself, that did maximum of 3 pages per 1 static dialogue scene. I noticed you slowed down a bit at the end and drew much more simplified panels as well as you started using same panels many times. Good. It's okay to go the easier way. No one wants you to overwork yourself and burnout. No one wants you to have trauma with drawing and not wanting to draw comic ever again. It's extremely generous of you that you posted for absolutely free such a wonderful and huge piece of art. I'm endlessly grateful.
11. The plot
I love how you started from one simple idea of giving Crow more arc, and then gradually extended it into a whole huge fixfiction. It went so smoothly it looked like really one different decision of one person can change the whole timeline. It went so naturally, it felt so realistic as if I read something that Andrew Hussie wrote as a coexisting canon.
I have to admit, the whole idea of not doomed and not canon timeline is pretty ridiculous, and I love every bit of it. Paradoxally, it sounds so much like something that could actually exist in Homestuck canon. I love it
A few little things I didn't like that much
I wouldnt be myself if I didn't comment on some stuff that wasn't perfect. I'll be bery brief with that, because these things didn't really bothered me that much, I just want to share a little bit of criticism I have.
I hope it won't sound rude when I say that I didn't really felt like you understand the character of Nepeta very well? She didn't felt that like Nepeta in your fanfiction, at least for me. I felt like some stuff were explained a bit too many times. I know that characters needed that, yet we as viewers already know some stuff and didn't need to read it again. Also, I really missed the type styles of characters. I know how hard it is to keep it through entire fanfiction, especially writing some of the characters with quite complicated type style. I just missed it a bit. On the other hand it made a few characters much more comprehensive.
I hope I didn't hurt you with this few words of critics. Now I want to share a few of my favorite pages, I hope you don't mind if I end this letter with fangirling over your drawings. I actually wanted to do a lot of comments during reading your fanfiction, but the website didn't let comments. Sadly. That's why I'm writing here. And now is time I will do what I wanted to do back then:
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This scene, my fav scene in Homestuck, got so extended in your fanfiction, I felt so gifted and it wasn't even my birthday
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I cried.
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This. Made me laugh so hard. And it's even funnier without context.
I just reached photos limit. Sadly. I'm so grateful for your comic. I love it so much. Thank you again for making it. You're a wonderful person
Hey there! Thank you so much for the letter, and for taking your time translating it to English for me to understand. Since it’s in a list format, I guess I’ll answer as list as well! So:
Crow strider
It was challenging writing Crow because I needed to basically write Dave but with a twist in his personality due to living with the Harley-Egberts and their grandma, in a very cozy and caring environment.
Honestly I don’t think I managed to portray enough Daveness, his personality is very particular and difficult for me to replicate, but I did the best I could and my friend and editor will help me reach the right amount of striderness in the epilogue
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2. A Dave for everyone
Indeed, there’s Dave for everyone. The homestuck epilogues made me realize how lonely Jade ended up, and I always loved Davesprite and jade, but with one being human and the other one a Sprite the relationship was bound to fail, and even tho I wasn’t fond of JadexDavepeta, still i would’ve prefered it to jade being all alone and Davepeta dying fighting Lord English. So now, not only Jade has Crow, and they’re happy, but the Karezi – davekat – daverezi mess all got fused into one, because I love them and their trip was a Little different from in canon. And also Davepeta is around, I don’t think they’ll end up with anyone, but they’ll vibe on EarthC.
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3. More Davepeta
They’re alive, and I like showing the craziness that comes from them knowing all timelines but being above them and detached from them. 
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4. The characters you didn’t use like
I like exploding underused characters. Because with them, you’ve only seen the Surface, but at the same time you have info about them that can be used to make them more profound. If Tavros got revived, why isn’t he mad at Vriska? What was he doing those 3 years in the bubbles? If Jasprose is a seer and has knowledge of all timelines due to being ultimate self, doesn’t that make her the ultimate clairvoyant? Doesn’t that mean she’s the key to winning? Does she miss the mother like rose does? If there’a already an Arquius, why make another? Why not have just Hal as a Sprite and have him figure out what being alive is actually like?. You get the Surface of the characters and knowing what you know about them, you dig deeper, until you find their humanity and write about it.
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5. Godtier Karkat
I love Karkat on Homestuck, but I feel like the character lost weight towards the end of the story, he stopped being the leader and while everyone went and fought someone important like the Condesce, the jacks, the dogjack, or Lord English, he was just somewhere else doing whatever. I wanted to give him his hero moment that closes his development.
As for the door, I feel like in canon john was the right choice to open the door, he’s the hero and the leader, not to mention it’s a human session, it makes total sense and I wouldn’t change it
Every story has things that don’t get to be explored, because that would make them too long and cut the flow, making it unreadable. That why we love fan fictions and AUs so much, they take the pieces and reassemble them into something new, filling the empty spaces.
What makes the events on AUs fun is that they didn’t happen in canon. So if John opened the door in canon, and it was right, then Karkat can open this one, and it can be right on this specific timeline. He gets closure from the door he never got to open, and takes back his role as a leader, even if it’s just for a moment, since the battle is over by now. He’s the leader once again, but this time he understands the weight of it in a way he couldn’t grasp when he was 13, claimed he was in charge and let everyone down. He now understands it’s not just something you ask for, it’s something you earn, he’s now the Knight of blood, god of bonds, he took down the Condesce in the name of his species, and will open the door for his peers to enter the new universe they created together where they’ll create a free society, he became what the signless predicted, his rightful successor. His arc is completed.
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6. Extended arcs
Jas was planned since the beginning to close crow’s arc about his rose and his regrets about leaving her behind. It’s only when he’s made peace with losing her, has left his old self behind and is ready to face the battle and his future, that he gets his reward. He gets her back, in the strangest way
With Nanna, i just though nobody ever focused that there was an actual adult around during the whole adventure, Nanna would’ve spent a lot of time around john and jade, them being each others remaining family. So I tried to give her the role of a guardian, breaking a Little with this “orphaned children on their own” that all characters have.
Honestly I tried to make it as interesting as I could, sometimes I would take characters that didn’t have any screen time and think, what can they do? What’s in their mind at this moment that they could tackle in conversation? And with whom? Who else needs screen time?. And that’s how you get, Jake and Tavros bonding, Nepeta, Fefeta, Davepeta and Feferi ship-chat, Arquius telling Terezi and Karkat about Erisol, Hal comforting Eridan, ect.
It’s actually a really cool writing exercise I do sometimes. I grab two characters that have nothing in common, and write a conversation between them. What’s the common ground? Are their stories alike in some way? Do they have a common hobby or worry? It’s really cool because you find stuff about the characters you never paid attention to before
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7. Unlikely ships
Tavros and Jane came from me wanting Tavros to be more assertive. In canon Vriska instructed him to not interact with the Alpha kids during those 6 months, but since this Tavros doesn’t listen to her because he took self-esteem lessons from Rufioh, I felt like he probably spent that time actually being a guide to Jane and then becoming Friends while solving puzzles, Jane being a fan of mysteries and Tavros probably missing his flarp days. Also theres a funny thing about Tavros and Jane, and it’s Tavros is supposed to represent Peter pan, while Vriska is supposed to represent both Tinkerbell (she dressed up like a fairy for him and later became an actual fairy) being attracted to him but being short fused when rejected, and also represent Captain Hook, Peter pan’s enemy (with her flarp persona and her ancestor being a pirate), but she’s not Wendy in any way, and I feel like Jane is, she’s the homeschooled girl, with blue eyes who looked through her window waiting to be free because her father wouldn’t let her out (also Wendy’s brother was named john who used big glasses). She’s a normal girl coming in contact with this fairy boy from a world of only children. Idk, makes sense to me. (besides, Wendy darling’s daughter, who Peter pan later takes on adventures too was named Jane, who also has blue eyes)
Erisol and Arquius was a crack ship that suddenly made sense, because it’s one-sided, and I feel like arquius is a caring person, he just has a difficult time socializing like a normal person. He’s just really happy to be a sprite and is pissed by Erisol’s insistence on wanting to explode.
Also, Arquius promising Fefeta that he wouldn’t break Erisol’s neck unless he had a good reason ( he kinda wanted to) and eventually having to break his neck for the good reason of god tiering him (he now doesn't want to and feels bad about it) was something I planned for months
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Josh and dirk, i think it’s funny. Dirk wouldn’t have dated jade because she’s a girl, but Josh is a boy so it’s good, AND, he’s like a more direct, version of Jake who takes no bullshit.
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8. The topic of transgender
Originally the second spaceship post retcon was supposed to arrive empty, or with only Davesprite, but I saw an opportunity to solve a division in the audience. Some people were interested in John remaining as he was, while others wanted to see June. Since John never showed any doubts about his gender in canon, it wasn’t in my original plans for June to make an appearance during CSAU, because the comic only covered the same period of time as canon. But when it came time to write the retcon I realized I had an opportunity to make them both coexist, making a shift in the timeline, but said shift being there both since the beginning and for the purpose of surviving the recon. Making June and Josh a reality since the beginning, so the timeline would survive the consequences of the two Egberts crossing paths post retcon.
It’s nice to hear you liked it, I know not everyone did. I tried to be respectful but at the same time be true to the nonsensical nature of canon Homestuck that makes timelines twist and change to the story’s convenience, making the events real but chaotic. Also since i knew John’s dad wasn’t coming back and Jane’s dad wouldn’t make it, June would be the last remaining conection to John’s old home and so John would be June's, relying on eachother for comfort when it comes to the loss of their father and home.
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9. Eridan and Sollux
I want to cover Eridan’s redemption in the epilogue, since all we know is he grew as a person during his time in the bubbles, leading to his change of heart interacting with Sollux and Kanaya
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10. Art style
Thank you! I like to give the characters a full range of emotions and for the surroundings to accompany that
No need to be sorry for learning through my art, in the end my style, like everyone else’s, is bits and pieces from other artists we’ve seen, admired and/or learned from. Just make sure to add your personal touch to make your artstyle trully yours
It’s true that by the end I reused more static panels for dialogue, both because there was a lot for the characters to say, not that much action left, and my battery was running low haha
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11. The plot
I tried my best for the story to be a big butterfly effect steaming from crow’s decision to ascend, working towards the most possible outcomes like Crow getting grimdarked by the Condesce too, the sprites surviving because of Nanna and so on
I wanted this timeline to coexist with canon because I don’t like the idea of overwriting it, canon happened and was important, CSAU just happened to be taking place close by
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12. Things you didn’t like
I do in fact not understand the character of Nepeta very well, I reread Homestuck in order to get the original troll's personality better, but Nepeta is a character I don’t get. On top of that, she doesn’t appear much in CSAU so didn’t have much time to develop her.
I do struggle with over explaining, I think is stems from not wanting the reader to be confused (it has happened on discord that people come and ask me what was going on in the story when i thought I had written it in a way people could understand with no problems), which leads to me explaining everything too bluntly sometimes, so the characters sometimes ramble TOO much, and I wish I could go back and reduce the dialogs, but that would involve going back to the page’s codes to delete certain pages and replace others, and also changing the programming for the page’s backgrounds, not to mention my computer crashes when I try to modify pages too far back, since they’re 4000 of them. It’s one of those things I can only learn from and try to do better in the next project
The character’s typing was a core part of Homestuck because it was mostly portrayed as blocks of texts and the quirks made it easy to know who was talking even with people having the same typing color. The reason I didn’t use them it’s simply because I could barely write good enough in English, let alone add quirks. My friend offered me to add the quirks at some point when we were revising the dialogs, but I declined because some people found it easier to read without them and I didn’t want to add another step to the render of the pages.
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13. Favorite pages
I also cried with that Gamzee panel, I planned it for months and i waited a long time to draw those last panels, I’m glad they made people laugh
Haha, also yeah, the Strider reunion got really extended with so many extra striders. Davepeta, Crow and Hal making the reunion complete
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Thank you for this message! i'll do my best to write a good epilogue (which by now is actually a secuel) and i hope you have a great day🌻🌻🌻
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cemeteryspider · 3 months
A Feathered Destiny
Nightcrawler! Kurt Wagner x Winged! Reader
Summary: Your world and Kurt's faith collide when you join the X-Men.
There are religious themes in this because Nightcrawler is canonically Catholic. I used to be a practicing member of the Catholic Church but I no longer practice this religion. I hope not to offend religious and non-religious people. There is no mention of reader's faith.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Injury, Blood, Emotional Distress, Religious and Supernatural Themes
Word Count: 1514
When Charles Xavier introduced you to his team of X-Men, shock coursed through you. One moment, you were a nobody, burdened by a painfully obvious mutation that had isolated you from human society. In an instant, you found yourself surrounded by mutants like yourself, each with their own unique abilities and histories.
Some of the X-Men were unsettled by your resemblance to the original X-Men member, Angel. However, Beast quickly dismissed any concerns of familial ties and after verifying your carbon dating matched your age, ruling out the possibility of you being a clone.
One member of the X-Men, however, greeted you without hesitation. Nightcrawler's eyes widened and his mouth fell agape at the sight of your pure white wings, immediately drawn to the divine aura you seemed to exude.
To him you were perfect in every way, a divine gift from god himself.
During your first mission you were sent to stop sentinel activity in Los Angeles. You soared past the sentinels nose-diving into their heads and soaring out the back unscathed.
You worked fast and effectively, working with the other X-Men to keep people on the ground safe. Once the sentinels were taken down and your feet touched the ground once more you could sense the despair of the people around you.
A deep emotional crowd of sadness nearly suffocated you. You scanned the crowd looking for people you could help.
One espeacially strong emotional response coming from not too far away. A little girl hovering over her mother, who was weakly trying to consol her daughter despite the blood leaking from the left side of her mouth and the stone crushing her chest.
You approached the little girl cautiously, kneeling beside her. With a gentle touch, you retrieved a small dagger from your suit's waistband and carefully snipped a lock of your hair. Placing it in the girl's hand, you whispered softly, "What do you wish for the most right now?"
A suprised look crossed the girl's face when the hair in her hand disappeared into a golden light, and the rock on her mom's chest disappeared along with the blood on her mouth.
You heard two small gasps as the mom's once concave chest returned to it's usual position.
The girl launched herself into her mom's arms, and you just smiled at the sight in front of you.
"Thank you," The mom said in your direction.
A team of medics carefully loaded the woman onto a stretcher, their movements precise and urgent. Deep down you knew their tests were going to come back with positive results. The miracle you seemed to have preformed would do the trick. Her daughter ran into the ambulance to follow.
People around you stared standing still, some with their jaw slack others with their eyes wide. You smiled as you brushed the rubble off of your suit and stood up walking past Kurt who looked baffled at the scene he just witnessed, "My God, Samson's hair."
To him, he had just witnessed a miracle of god.
Later that week you stood across from Kurt in the Danger Room. You watched as Wolverine typed into a tablet changing some of the hologram enemies around the room.
"Alright, let's see if you've got what it takes. Get ready for some action," You almost rolled your eyes. Wolverine was obviously not used to setting up training for others, but you decided that he was trying his best.
Kurt looked over to you, "Let's show them what we've got, ja?"
A smiled crossed your face, "I'm ready when you are."
With a quick glance over to Logan he smirked, "Begin."
The holographic enemies shot into action around the two of you. You allowed your wings to spread and soon you lifted off the ground.
"I'll take the high ground," You shouted down to Kurt.
He disappeared and reappeared behind an enemy in a cloud of smoke and brimstone. He delivered a swift kick to the back of its skull, "Und I will keep them occupied down here."
You knocked a bunch of holograms down with your spread wings, and Kurt teleported rapidly, dodging attacks and taking down enemies with an acrobatic prowess.
You weaved through the various obstecales put in your flying path. You took down an archer that was silently aiming for Kurt in a tree.
"They cannot hit what they cannot see," He shouted up to you, and you smiled. He couldn't help but smirk when he saw your white teeth.
The last few enemies standing Kurt stood straight with a serene look settling across his features as he fought. His lips tumbling out whispers, "Thank you, Lord, for this strength."
You land next to Kurt, with the last enemy defeated. The land evened out with a few taps on Wolverine's tablet.
"Great job, Kurt!" You smiled at him again.
He smiled back, "Danke, We make a good team, don't we?"
When his eyes met yours he took your hand in his, "You are a gift from God, you know."
Your eyes left his to look at the ground, "I really appreaciate that Kurt, but I'm not an angel. I am a mutant, just like you."
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear and you looked back up at him, "Mutant... Angel. It does not matter to me. You are still a blessing."
You tight shoulders loosened, "Thank you Kurt, that means a lot."
"Alright, enough chit-chat you two. Let's see if you can handle the next level," Logan said rapidly typing into the tablet once more.
In the evening, you found solace on a weathered bench in the campus garden. The night sky twinkled with distant stars, casting a gentle glow over the blooming peonies. The faint scent of sulfur wafted through the air, drawing your attention to Nightcrawler, who appeared beside you
"Mind if I join you?"
A small smile crosses your face, "Not at all"
He looked at your face as the moon cast a gentle glow on your face.
"It is beautiful out here. Peaceful," His eyes quickly darting to the sky, "Do you ever wonder if there is more to this world than the things we see?"
A subtle crease in your brow formed, "I do. Sometimes I think about where we come from and where we're going."
Kurts arms rested on his theighs, "My faith has always guided me. Even in the darkest of times. I believe there is a high purpose, and that it has guided you to me."
"I admire your faith in a higher power, Kurt."
He turns his body to look at you, "It has not been easy. I have faced hatred and fear for how I look. Through it all, I have always held onto my faith."
You put your hand over Kurt's, "You've been through so much Kurt, I understand why you hold onto your faith so tightly."
"And you? What keeps you going, Angel?" His eyes lit up.
You took a deep breath, "There's something I need to tell you. It's about why I came here."
A gentle concern crosses his face and he leans it a little bit close to you, "Whatever it is, you can trust me."
You scrunch your eyes closed, "I came here because I felt lost. Once my powers manifested my parents kicked me out of the house. My old friends wanted nothing to do with me. When the Professor found me I was completley alone. No one to help me, everyone shutting me out. When I met you I felt like I finally found a place to belong, with the X-Men."
He smiled warmly at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, "You are always welcome here. The X-Men is a family, and we support each other."
Your eyes shone with unshed tears, "Thank you Kurt. That means more than you know."
Your head rested on his shoulder and you continued to watch the night sky. His head came to rest atop yours as well.
You stood beside Kurt as Rogue and Gambit animatedly recounted their globe-trotting escapades. Kurt subtly wrapped his arm around your waist, eliciting a chuckle from Rogue.
"Took you two long enough," she teased with a grin.
A blush crossed your face with a shy smile, and Kurt could only grin at his sister's comment.
Soon Scott and Jean walked over congratulating the two of you on getting together, saying it felt like it would never happen despite Kurt following you around like a lost puppy.
"They're just jealous of the two of ya, sugah," Rogue whispered to you when she gave you a hug. You couldn't help but smile looking at the team surrounding you.
You finally found the warmth of friendship among these extraordinary individuals. Perhaps, in time, they would become your family.
From his wheelchair in the hallway, Professor Xavier watched his team with a smile that held both pride and hope. As laughter and camaraderie filled the air, he felt a deep-seated conviction that every obstacle overcome brought them closer to realizing his dream of unity and acceptance.
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 7 months
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I am doing things I AM DOING THINGS I AM!
Explanations for designs and some head canons below here :3
Infected - Asian-American Autistic ADHD aroace (😈) trans. Yknow Wybie from Coraline? Yea like that but like incredibly annoying. His voice sounds like it’s coming from a shitty mic all the time
Lampert (design by @lucid-daydreaming-art )- Autistic 🇸🇪 ja aroace (😈) funny lamp guy Robots-esque probably kinda talks like baymax honestly, I mean a bit different but yknow, the general idea
(I talk about these 2 enough it’s the others turns)
Poob - I think they are a dumb little critter. They run around and their arms flail in the wind like paper. When they try to clap is makes dog toy squeaking sounds. I don’t think they abide by the rules of physics which is why they are stupid looking ❤️ they have hammer space but it is only for weed related items. The curator of the forever weed brownie, if you will. I think they sound like X from bfb. Aroace (😈)
Pest - literally hates poob because they are small and annoying. Uhhh funky legs because I think he would have funky legs. I stole his eyes because well no real reason, but I think if he was like extra pissed you would see his eyes. Since he is like thief maxxing I do not think he would be wearing anything beyond a hoodie and sweatpants, something trying to be non-assuming I guess. He has hair I think but it is very short no way would he want to deal with that. I don’t have a voice hc for him yet. Aroace (😈)
Bive - she a freakkkkk ehhh. I think she is like freakishly tall, has funny bird legs, raggedy ass scrawny tail, and is constantly covered in hair. Her teeth are kinda just floating on her hair head, so if you punched her hard enough they would just go flying out and she would have to put them back into her head silly girl. I think she is also trans hahaahhahahahaha!!! I think she kinda sounds like ENA from dream bbq, the uhh angry side I believe. Ace (😈)
Split - I gave her dog ears because I think they are cute :) she’s probably like normal ish height Bive is just weirdly tall. She looks very nice and friendly but could probably throw a boulder at you and you will die sowyyyy. Gods most chillaxxed soldier. She gives me kind older lady feelings, even if she weren’t older. I dunno she would be like one of those people who have a comically large purse full of hard candy except it would all be banana flavored. I think she has a slower voice, HAVENT gotten an exact idea for her voice yet but she seems very calm. Ace (😈)
Pilby - I didn’t really add or change their design because I already liked it a lot. I think they are very sweet and kind looking, would make a great plush too but I guess we are not ready to talk about that (YES I am still bitter about it) I think being around them is akin to looking outside a window at an apple orchard while it’s raining a bit. I think they sound a bit like raggedy Anne, based on the creators response too. Aroace (😈)
Spud! - I honestly did not have much come to me for his design, they are just a bit of a funky feller and im not sure how I would add to it honestly. Oh but I do think that they run like an ostrich and it is very scary. Also while drawing I was debating why he had a bow and decided that Gnarpy was like CONGRATZ IN ZURVIVING THE TEZTZ and now Spud! Just has a stupid little yuor did it ribbon. Honestly no clue for voice hc… aroace (😈)
Gnarpy - had a lot of fun with xis design honestly. The redesign reminded me a lot of Stitch so I kinda just shoved that into xim. I think they act a lot like Zim. Like a lot. Probably equally as stupid. I think xis second arms are retractable, like stitch, and xe uses that as a very very shitty disguise that everyone can see right through but just don’t mention because xe seems to be having a good time. I think xe sounds like Four from BFB (the earlier episodes mostly) aroace (😈)
DRRETRO - I think that her head that we see in the game is like a projection of herself, Wagstaff Don’t Starve style. Her body would be like excruciatingly normal besides her head, too. Like go to the hospital and see a nurse, that’s just what she looks like. Very normal, it’s a bit unnerving since her head is that. She’s like those overly friendly posters in a very uncomfortable place type of feeling. She doesn’t have fur either, she’s just a weird cat doctor thing. She acts exactly like Doctor Barber from Flapjack. No voice hc, but she speaks in meows so probably just meowing. Aroace (😈)
Mark - I started thinking about tf2 and Anton blast. Anyway, he is completely made from wood other than the clothes. Beard is carved in, not sure if I got that across in the drawing though. Uh yea I don’t have much I just really like engineer. He wears flannel and a construction vest just like any good law avoiding construction worker. Definitely does not so legal things on his construction sites but does not give two shits about that and also probably would try to employ Lampert when he was younger for free workers (no im not projecting what are you talking about). How on the nose would it be to say he sounds like engineer because I just drew wooden engineer with a beard. Ace (😈)
Wallter - sorry wallter fans I had no ideas while drawing him. I dunno he’s big and he’s cement, so I kept him blocky. Urrrrr he has a can of grey stuff jingle jingle. He is the cement embodiment of that one tweet that’s like “nothing better than a glass of wine, except for maybe #men. #yep #imgay! He kinda seems like one of those lowkey scary bald gay guys who are nice but are also scary and still bald. He’s bald. No idea on voice maybe concrete sliding on asphalt for 10 hours. Ace (😈)
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snailvalley · 6 months
More Harvey (with some Harveyxfarmer) headcanons because I am once again, trash.
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**Content warning: contains mentions of mental illness
☕️Harvey collects other things besides model planes, for example, he loves collecting vinyl records. Sometimes he puts one on the record player and him and the farmer dance in the kitchen while making dinner.
☕️ Going off the last one, he has a broad taste in music, he likes classical and oldies. But also some indie rock. He loves Abba lol.
☕️ He has a car, idk in canon where he’d put it, but it’s one of those old robins egg blue station wagons with the wood paneling on the side.
☕️Even though he’s a doctor, he sometimes enjoys a cigarette. Maybe after a particularly stressful day when he’s had a couple glasses of wine or with his morning coffee, only occasionally though!
☕️ He watches a lot of cooking shows in his spare time, especially when he’s married to the farmer, he wants them to come home to a fresh hot meal, even if he’s a bad cook.
☕️Harvey originally was an ER doctor, and he does have PTSD from it. He has a lot of nightmares about his time there and the farmer comforts him at night when he does.
☕️ When Harvey and the farmer are dating, they talk on the phone almost every night. Harvey doesn’t have a mobile phone, so it’s one of those landline phones.
☕️ Harvey is very sweet and patient with Jas and Vincent when they have to visit the clinic, he does lil made up handshakes with them when they come to visit him to keep them from being afraid.
☕️ He loves going to museums, the farmer and him go on dates to museums in Zuzu city.
☕️ Harvey doesn’t have the best poker face, if he feels shy or flustered, his face turns beet red, the farmer teases him about it sometimes.
☕️ He’s a total grump sometimes, or just comes off aloof at first if he doesn’t know you well. He’s especially distant from the farmer when they first move to Pelican town because he (obviously) has a crush on them.
☕️ Although shy at first, he is very passionate about certain topics and won’t stop talking about them when he gets to know someone, the farmer doesn’t mind listening to him ramble though. 💕
That’s it for now! I have a couple more headcanon ideas, but also please feel free to send in request!💖 (seriously please do I love it)
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artistsfuneral · 4 months
I'm always a sucker for Witcher fics where someone comes to the keep really young (maybe Eskel?) and they don't speak the common language at ALL and it's even more terrifying and confusing what's happening to them. Cue lots of friendships and learning how to find their place!
ohohohohohohoho yesssss ❤✨ also isn't it canon that Eskel came from "mountain people"? It would make sense that toddler Eskel only speaks Norwegian Northern (also I started learning norwegian for no reason whatsover, so I am going to use my 100 words)
deaged!Eskel, shy toddlers, softe Geralt and awkward Lambert
It was common knowledge that most of the collected artefacts in the dungeons of Kear Morhen were cursed in one way or another. So it wasn't all that surprising, when one of them started to omniously glow once Lambert got too close to it by accident. It also wasn't very surprising that the youngest wolf was quickly shoved away by Eskel, kind, protective Eskel, who promptly ended up at the center of the curse's magic.
The tiny toddler that appeared where the full grown witcher once stood, was unexpected though. Lambert had been prepared to fight a monster, but his drawn sword prooved to be rather counterproductive when it was noticed by big brown baby eyes that immediately turned teary at the sight of danger. The loud crying that followed strangled Lambert's heart painfully.
"Oh, no, no, no! Please don't cry, I don't know what to do, when you cry!" Panicking, Lambert did the only thing that came to his mind and he reached out to pick the tiny toddler up. The witcher looked helplessly around the room, as if any of the artefacts could provide him with the secret knowledge of childcare. Eskel didn't stop crying.
"Uh- Let's get you to Geralt, okay? You like Geralt right? You're best buds, he will know what to do."
Alarmed by the sounds of a crying child, Geralt was already halfway down the keep, when Lambert reached him. The - currnetly not - youngest wolf hastened his steps and practically shoved tiny Eskel into Geralt's arms. "Lambert, what on earth?" Adjusting his hold instinctively, Geralt started to rock the toddler in his arms, one hand gently petting the mop of unruly brown hair. "Uh- that's Eskel," Lambert managed to blurt out.
"He got cursed. Down in the dungeon. I didn't know what to do, not sure he recognized me." Geralt hummed. "If it truly is Eskel, then we might have a small problem."
"What, why?" Lambert's eyes darted down from Geralt's to look a the small figure sniffling in the witcher's arms. "He's was born up north," Geralt explained slowly, "didn't speak a word of common when he first got here. It took him years to learn." Lambert's mouth went dry.
What Geralt didn't seem to know was that Lambert could in fact speak most northern dialects. But what on earth could he possibly say to a tiny child he already managed to bring to tears seconds after meeting him? He took a shaking breath, "Går det bra med deg?"
Eskel's reaction was immediate. His little head snapped up from where he had been hiding it under Geralt's chin and he stared at Lambert with wide eyes. "Hva?"
"Går det bra?" Lambert repeated, trying his best to ignore Geralt's confused stare. Between snotty sniffles a small voice that sounded nothing like the Eskel they knew, the child answered. "Ja, bra."
Lambert let out a sigh of relief. "He says he's alright, probably just got scared." Geralt's shoulders relaxed visibly. "Didn't know you speak northern."
"Wasn't exactly needed until now."
"Can you ask him, if he knows who we are? Does he recognize us at all?"
Lambert blinked at the other wolf. Angry, at himself, for not thinking about asking such an important question. He focused his gaze back at Eskel. "Vet du hvem jeg er?" A wide, toothy grin spread across Eskel's little face. His chubby little finger pointed straight at Lambert and he exclaimed proudly, "Ulv! Rød ulv!" The action was quickly followed by a similarly enthusiastic pointing, this time at Geralt, "Hvit Ulven!"
Lambert chuckled. "I think he'll be alright."
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maireyart · 2 years
"Shoulder to Shoulder" (Kakashi, Obito)
It was really awful to be shadowbanned for 10 days, but now I’m back. I wonderfully passed the time drawing comics about Obito and Kakashi :D This is the first one. Just some friendly teasing in the middle of war ;)
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The phrases in the first panels of both pages are canon. 1. In the manga/anime Kakashi said: "Shikujiru na yo, Obito." Shikujiru means to blunder, make a stupid mistake, mess up, fail. They translated it "Don't stumble" for some reason... well, it may have that vibe, too. Somewhat. 2. A bit later Obito said: "Sugu ni ku-n ja neee zooo!" The official translation is "Don't you rush to follow us." I like this one, but literally there's no "following" and no "us", just "Doooooon't you come soon [to the next world]" (very informal style).
Both phrases are kind of teasing-irritating. "I still remember all of your idiocy" control-freak taichou "You're staying on this earth, I've tricked you into it with my Kamui, haha! BYEEEE!" taichou's self-satisfied friend, his smile full of inner freedom
My doujins
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autumnslance · 2 months
I always like your analysis/view of characters and the Story so I would like to ask you something.
Yesterday I talked with a friend about how I kinda miss Lyse, and than I got the idea that she and Wuk Lamat would probably get along quite well.
Lyse wasn't prepared to step up on the role she has now while. Wuk Lamat is young and "lively" as Lyse, but she had a chance to grow and learn about her upcoming role as a leader of the nation during our journey with her. So I think these two would have some interesting conversations and might learn from another.
I hope, that in future patches, we get a meeting of all the Leaders interacting with another now that we have Thavnaier, Tuliyolal and Garlemald new to the table.
Do you have an opinion on this? Especially since your understanding of SB and it's characters is deeper than mine.
Oh heck you got me rambling about Lyse and Wuk Lamat, so this is going under a cut. Spoilers for Dawntrail 7.0 MSQ and everything leading to it.
I've seen a lot of comparisons between Lyse and Wuk Lamat, being young, energetic women whose stories involved a lot of growth into leaders. How they get there is different, and I do think the writers learned from how they framed Lyse's story, and how Wuk Lamat's needed to be different even if there are ways they are similar.
Lyse spent years hiding from herself and her grief, happy to let Papalymo be "in charge" for the most part (though I noted he deferred to her when it came to actually interacting with and understanding the Sylphs and Moogles, and probably other people in the Twelveswood, as "patient" and "personable" weren't exactly his best traits). Lyse was also the person who noticed things weren't quite right with Thancred in ARR, that he was working himself to the bone, but she didn't seem to know how to approach him about it, regretting it later when they realized he'd been possessed.
And in Stormblood, Lyse spends a lot of time trying to understand her countrymen's reticence, their fears, their lack of hope. She worked with Conrad's Resistance cell all through Heavensward, but it seems like the first time she really interacts closely with civilians is Ala Ghanna. In the Far East, Lyse spends time talking to the Domans, and the Mol--her scene with the children is a major one, determining what is "home" and what that means, why Hien (and Lyse) fight for a place.
She feels she isn't a leader, she's just one of the team, and as she gets pushed toward leadership, she feels it's based more on who her father and sister were, the weight of her family legacy. And part of that is that lingering grief, that literal imposter syndrome, that knowledge she isn't the woman Yda was.
Because of course she isn't. She's Lyse. Not an Archon, but a Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Probably still better educated than many, having grown up in Sharlayan, despite book smarts not being her forte. She's very good at punching things. And she has a heart and more optimism and stubbornness than most.
She grows into it, with the help of her friends (which she does, repeatedly, acknowledge the WoL as the hero who defeated Zenos and made it all possible, don't fall into the trap of memeified rewrites of the actual canon). She is only the leader of Conrad's cell (a failing of Stormblood and it's split storyline was talking about multiple cells, but only having us interact with 1 ever before it all became 1 military). And she happily lets Raubahn take command of the army when it forms, calling herself simply the commander of Rhalgr's Reach--but given her role in the war, as a former Scion, and her connections, still acts pretty much as Raubahn's Marshall in all but name.
Lyse was not raised for leadership, not raised to take command, and had to rise to the occasion. And without losing her determination, her caring, her optimism.
Wuk Lamat was born to rule; the Xbr'aal initially, but when circumstances put her life in danger, Gulool Ja Ja adopted her as his Third Promise. Wuk Lamat is a cheerful, optimistic, loving girl who wants to understand and learn about people. She's a "people's princess" we see almost from the instant we arrive in Tuluyollal, friends with nearly everyone. But it's also not hard to see, even in 6.55 and the adventures in Sharlayan, that she's young and green. She has few supporters, and no great deeds or expectations from most of the people. She struggles in the shadow of her older accomplished brothers, wondering a few times what her strength is, what she has gained from their father.
She has not been raised to rule, necessarily; while the Dawnservant has expectations for all his children, and recognizes all of their strengths, he also sees their weaknesses and where they lack. Some of that, perhaps, is on him as a parent, but he knows their potential and possibilities, if they seek the chance to grow and learn. He can only guide them, not do it all for them, if they are to reach those potentials.
And Wuk Lamat does seek, with a zest not seen since Lyse was central, and beyond her, even. Wuk Lamat is not bound by the grief of familial loss and the disconnect of diaspora; she was too young to remember the tragedy that led her to leave Yak T'el as a toddler, and her life since has been a kind and happy one. She's been educated and trained well.
But there are limits to what a girl can learn in a single city, with only one or two visits to other villages now and then. And Wuk Lamat, like Lyse, takes the time to try to learn and understand. She picks up faster than Koana the point of the contest--while Zoraal Ja ignores it entirely, and Bakool Ja Ja has other pressures he's dealing with.
There's another comparison; Lyse's determination to understand Fordola, to change her mind, making her a symbol of all the collaborators. Lyse's determination that all Ala Mhighans must be free and begin anew, to rebuild their society together. To acknowledge the pain but not let it bind them into cycles of violence (which continues in the Endwalker healer role quests, as Raganfrid and Arenvald take up the specific task of reintegrating the collaborators).
Wuk Lamat, meanwhile, struggles to understand the bandits of Kozama'uka, the Chirwagur Yok Huy of Urqopacha, and the Mamook of Yak T'el. She changes Bakool Ja Ja and earns his respect, by perhaps being the first person to demand to know what he wants--and then following through on the promise to find a way to make that wish happen. To find a way all Turali can be free and happy, including the Mamool Ja (who may have tried to kill her as a toddler).
Lyse spends all of Stormblood fighting to free her people from a decades-old foe, forcing her to become a leader. Wuk Lamat's fight comes after she has grown into the kind of leader that can defend Tuliyollal from the threat of Alexandria and Zoraal Ja's betrayal. And even though Sphene can't change her mind thanks to her programmed nature, Wuk Lamat never stops trying to reach the caring personality encoded within.
Because the other person Wuk Lamat compares to is the Assumed Default Warrior of Light. She's a determinator in a similar way; she doesn't easily give up or give in, despite her doubts and the difficulties along the way. She makes friends wherever she goes, forming bonds and connections that come back to help, time and again. She goes from novice adventurer to epic hero, as WoL had to do in ARR; the entirety of Dawntrail seems a compressed version of that story for her, with adventure and events happening in the first half, and then the other shoe drops. For WoL, it was the Waking Sands massacre. For her, the first assault on Tuliyollal. WoL didn't have the benefit of a mentor--with Louisoix long gone and most of the Scions captured--but WoL could be there for Lamaty'i.
How often has that been a fear and regret of the Scions and other friends? How happy they were with the warding scales letting them help with those burdens! How at the edge of existence, the only thing that kept the WoL walking to the end was the memories of their friends and the hopes they had, and in the final battle, the Scions were still with the WoL regardless of distance.
(And Zenos was there. Still the most hilarious entrance ever.)
We stand with Wuk Lamat to the end--and she breaks through to find WoL and Sphene, because Lamaty'i won't give up on her friends. And Sphene could have been, if she had still been alive.
Anyroad. I DO think Lyse and Wuk Lamat would have a lot to talk about, in how they grew to be leaders, in similarities and differences, in their relationship with the Scions and the WoL, about the adventures they've had. I loved seeing Vrtra and Azdaja in Tuliyollal, and that Koana formed a treaty with them, which may indeed mean more interaction with Thavnair in the future. For that matter, the Leveilleur twins' quest to help Garlemald rebuild and reintegrate with the global community may bring some familiar faces from there around...though from the Island Sanctuary quests, we also know those people have never taken vacations and don't know what do to outside of "survive" and "duty." But there's a lot to learn, and seeing how diverse people can live together in peace, after most of a century under Ascian propaganda, would be good for them. Sharlayan tends to have diplomatic relations with various foreign powers, and Tural's no exception, and the use of Labyrinthos research to aid Mamook could become more of a thing to bring some of those characters in for cameos (for that matter, helping the Alexandrians integrate, and studying that phenomenon, as if those scholars could resist!).
I'm a little wary of having all the leaders in a single space; generally that's a plot point reserved for some terrible world wide event or circumstance arising! But it would be nice to have the opportunity to visit with old friends on some kind of tour, to see Tuliyollal make other allies and diplomatic connections, and give such characters those chances to interact.
But if the game doesn't take those opportunities on screen (people often forget that a lot happens out of WoL's POV, too), we've always got fanfiction to make it happen in!
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Stardew Valley Random Shane Headcanons
Since I’m incapable of thinking of any other bachelor in the game, here are some random headcanons for our best chimcken boi
-slight nsfw at the bottom- -MINORS DNI-
-Shane broke his nose on multiple occasions. Gridball field, college party or bar fight, you name it. Therefore, he has a big bump on his nose. But it suits him and who is he to care too much about his looks.
-Him and Emily briefly dated in college but broke it off fast as they realised they just care about each other platonically and not romantically, not to mention sexually. They remained friends though as it ended on good terms and are best buds still, almost 10 years after they’ve met. Now Emily is more a sister to him than anything else.
-this man LOVES affection, but he won’t admit it for the life of him, at least not right away. Banter, gifts, hugs, cuddles, CUDDLES, he is in for it. Even when you just met and he tells you to fuck off, deep down he hopes and aches for a decent soul in this god-forsaken town that he reluctantly calls a home, but his inner critic tells him to get wary and keep his guard up. It takes a lot of persistence and time till he finally decides to ignore his fears and let someone into his life, let alone admit that he likes someone’s company.
-speaking of hugs, he gives the best god-damn hugs for someone who pretends to hate physical affection. Hands down no one can do it better. Especially if you’re shorter than him (which can be a challenge since he’s a certified short king), he loves to drown you in them, quite literally.
-he’s quite the connoisseur when it comes to extraordinary food combinations, especially when it’s spicy. He usually eats his same microwaveable meals out of laziness, but he won’t say no to visiting new restaurants or trying new recipes with you. Sometimes the combinations he comes up with are quite frankly abominable, but he enjoys it, and he can take your criticism by calling you “uncultured” in return.
-should have been up there with the hugs one, but he is a soft boi. He has let himself go quite a bit since his gridball days, but his muscles restore fairly quickly once he does anything remotely physically challenging. So in other words, he has some bigger muscles still (especially from stocking shelves all day), but they are covered in a generous layer of pudge. He’s build like a mini fridge with cushioning, and it’s perfect.
-huge metal head. He also loves punk and post punk music.
-on that note: he was a huge subculture fanatic in his youth but kept it under wraps as he feared to become an outcast in his jock circle of friends. He never gotten the chance to express himself the way he wanted to till Emily’s clothing therapy session.
-He rarely speaks about his special interests, and he has quite some next to chickens. Once you get to a comfortable closeness with him, he will babble on about his favourite things once they are brought up and shyly smile to himself as he explains to you why he loves them.
-this man FUCKED back in the day. Even before the incident with Jas’ parents, he always struggled with his mental health and self esteem, so getting wasted at college parties and taking home random women was no rare occurrence. He would do that till he moved to The Valley and had to take care of Jas. Abstaining from it was a necessary evil at first, but receiving endless love and admiration from that child made him realise that none of his flings amounted to the joy he feels when Jas laughs at one of his dorky uncle antics or when she tells him that she loves him before drifting off to sleep.
-He’s bi…yeah that’s basically canon but he only ever acted on it once when he secretly visited a punk concert. It was a pretty man with long hair who told him that he’s very cute. That night threw him in a confused bi crisis and he never felt anything like that for a man again, at least till he met your farmer if they happen to be male.
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backmuscles21 · 7 months
Recoms x Reader
Summary: Being reborn in a Na'vi body allows you to be with your lovers again, but then you have to watch them leave you all over again.
Warnings: Smut, explicit language, angst, hurt/comfort, semi-public sex, size kink, canon violence, canon death, com/sub undertones, mentioned suicide
You were the last to wake up and when you did you were surrounded by people in full medical get up, the dust suits and the oxygen masks and everything. You looked around at them, your body not quite catching up with what was going on. You tried to look down but you couldn’t your head was being pinned back. Your whimpers alerted those in the room that you were awake and suddenly you saw multiple blue faces. It just made you more afraid, you couldn’t move and there were hostiles right above you.
Tears started to come out of your eyes, you couldn’t move, why couldn’t you move? Why were there humans and Na’vi in the same area, it didn’t add up.
You faintly heard a voice saying “go, go.” You couldn’t see but it was Prager shooing away the scientists. If there was an emergency Ja was here, he could help you.
“Baby, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“Yeah, baby it’s me.”
“What’s going on? Why are you all blue?”
“It’s Project Phoenix. Do you remember signing up for it? We’re in Na’vi bodies to beat the enemy.”
“Why can’t I move?”
“When they were taking us out of the tanks they grew the bodies in, you had some complications. They are trying to help you.”
“What is wrong with me.”
“Uh, I-“ he stopped for a moment, “Ja,” Prager called over one of your fellow teammates. “Can you tell her what the scientists said, I have no idea what they said. Too much medical mumbo jumbo.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ja nodded as he walked up to the side of your bed.
“They said that you aren’t developing as fast as the rest of us, your body is behind in development. Well the rest of us, our bodies are about 20 years old, yours is only about 17, 18 give or take. It’s a complicated thing but they are running some tests.”
“What will happen to me?”
“Nothing princess, absolutely nothing. They will take your body out of the restraints and you’ll be free to go.”
“Will I still be an active marine though?”
“Always thinking about the mission, princess. You’ll be okay, don’t worry,” Ja kissed your forehead.
“Colonel ‘s coming,” Prager said.
“Your favourite is coming.”
“I never picked favourites. I love you all the same.”
“Look who’s remembering now,” Prager smirked.
Miles, Lyle and Z dog walked in and saw you with Prager and Ja by your side.
“She up?” it was Miles’ voice, you recognized it.
Prager and Ja nodded.
Miles, Z, and Lyle came up to you, you felt the back of Lyle’s finger stroke your cheek.
“Buttercup why are you crying?” Lyle asked as he wiped away a tear on your cheek.
“I woke up and I didn’t know what was happening and I couldn’t move. I was scared, I was so scared. I couldn’t move and I thought they were Na’vi. I thought I was going to die.”
“Buttercup we did. That’s why we're reincarnated in these bodies to get the Na’vi. To get Jake Sully.”
You didn’t necessarily hate Jake, you liked him, and you were good friends, but you loved these guys and you couldn’t leave them. You could only assume that you went through with your plans, you weren’t going to fight for either side. You must’ve done what you planned to do, you hoped that it wasn’t one of them who found you when you killed yourself, if that’s what you did.
“Ja, when does she get out of this,” Miles asked.
“Soon, they want to run a few more tests then she’s free to go. She’s going to be shorter than us and not as built.”
“That’s okay, she’ll be just as badass.”
You giggled at Miles’ comment, he looked over at you with a smile.
“You were always smaller than us and you managed just fine, I have faith in you.”
“Z you stay with her, the doctors will finish. We’re gonna go tell everyone else.”
“On it.”
“Baby girl, you’re gonna be okay,” she kissed your cheek.
It was just before the scientists walked back in; your cover remained unblown. Z dog only moved when the scientists swarmed around you, she wanted nothing more than to hold your hand as they prodded at you with sharp objects.
It was around an hour later that you were finally let out and were able to sit up, the scientists started to run motor function tests on your body then a few mental tests to ensure you were brought up to speed. It was determined that your body was just slow to maturing so you were a few years behind the other guys in terms of your body. You were still quite tall just not for a Na’vi, you were more like 7’6 compared to everyone else being at least 8 feet or higher.
You stood up slowly and walked with Zdog out of the room until you were alone down a corridor and she picked you up like you were nothing. You felt like a small child, hugging her neck and wrapping your legs around her waist as she carried you to where the rest of the recoms were hanging out. She opened the door to the recom-only room which just happened to be where all your beds were, your lounge area, and the bathroom. It’s like you all shared a space together which just brought more domestic thoughts into your head.
“And look who it is, our corazón,” Lopez walked up to Zdog, “how are you dear?”
You snuggled into Zdog’s neck and she chuckled.
“Tired?” Lopez grinned as he stroked your hair and kissed your head.
“You’re so small babydoll, how are you ever going to take us?” Walker said as she stood next to Z taking one of your hands in hers.
“I’m just as badass as before, Miles said so.”
Everyone giggled at that.
“Is it just me or is her being smaller than us making her more subby?”
“I definitely am getting so much sub energy from her, it’s dripping off her,” Lyle spoke up.
Mansk stood up and took you from Zdog and sat down with you in his lap, he had you facing everyone with his arm around your waist. He was always one for cuddles and he was also known to be the strong but silent type. Liked your company and would cuddle you as such but wasn’t great with his words and he knew that.
“We should get you all cleaned up,” Miles said as he realized you were still in your hospital gown.
You nodded and stood from Mansk’s hold and as Miles stood you caught up with him and he opened the door to the gym and through there into the large bathroom. Miles picked you up and placed you on the counter and untied the bows at the back of the gown and removed it off you. He removed his clothes and picked you up by your underarms and brought you into the shower with him. You only came up to his pecs, your arms wrapped around his torso and your head rested against his chest.
You liked the warm water while being with your previous lovers again, you were glad to have them all back. After your body was thoroughly rinsed, Miles started to wash your body with some soap, you leaned onto him for support a few times. Miles was getting hard as he ran his hands over your butt cheeks and ran his hands up your stomach to your tits. You really did have such a nice body, even for a Na’vi.
You nodded with your eyebrows furrowed.
Miles’ hand slid down your side sides, one rested on your ribcage and the other stopped at your hip before he lifted it up and placed two fingers in your folds. He moved up slightly and caught your clit, as he saw you bite your lip he knew, he started to move his fingers in tight circles. Your head hit the shower wall as you gripped his forearms. They all love how responsive you got at any of their touches, he liked to see you moan for him.
He liked the feeling of your hand gripping his wrist as he fingered you, he liked watching your back arch and your body squirm. With his hand on your rib cage, he could feel your fast breathing and every small move your body made. He loved it even more that when you arched your back, he could very easily push you back. He pulled his fingers out and sucked his fingers before lifting you up by your hips and pinned you to the wall with his hips. Your eyebrows furrowed and you whimpered at him.
“Don’t worry Cupcake. I’ll take good care of you.”
Miles kissed you and slowly slid his hard cock into you, your nails scratched at the back of his biceps as your head tilted back and your toes curled. Your first moan was so loud, you knew the recoms outside could hear everything, not that they didn’t know this was going to happen. Miles couldn’t help himself; he just drilled your sweet pussy, it had been some time since he had gotten any, at least that’s what his memories could tell.
You were squeezing Miles, your body too small for their giant bodies, he knew you weren’t going to go forever and neither was he. The idea of being in the shower was to get you clean but Miles always had ulterior motives. He held onto your hips as he kept fucking up into you, he was going to cum he knew it was going to happen soon. His one hand left your hip and started to rub tight circles on your clit, he wanted you to cum first, he wanted to feel you cum around him.
He could feel you gripping him harder, he knew you were getting close, and he knew you were going to cum. He was grunting lowly in your ear trying to hold back his own orgasm until you came, your moans were getting louder, he knew it was any moment now.
You came, right as you did Miles let go as well, it was an overwhelming feeling. Miles pulled out and put you back onto your feet, he held onto your shoulders to keep you steady for a moment. Then he started to finish washing your body and hair, he then rinsed you both off and turned off the water. He dried you off and then himself and handed you some clothes and you both got dressed.
You both walked out to the other recoms smiling at you both, you knew they knew what went down. Walker came by and picked you up to sit on her lap on the couch, she moved your head to rest on her shoulder.
“Did you have fun, babydoll?” Walker asked while other recoms in the room snickered and laughed.
You felt her hand grip your hip and saw Lopez move to sit next to Walker and he took your legs and placed them in his lap. You only now realized how much you missed being with all of them, getting to be like you were before you all died.
Going out on your first mission together was kind of nerve-wracking, you wanted everyone to be safe, and you knew something could go wrong.
And something went wrong.
Holding those kids didn’t feel right but you did it anyway, you had no choice and on top of that your lovers wouldn’t have let you chicken out. You knew their parents would come at some point; it was stupid not to think that way. So, when the first arrow hit, your brain shut down, you were scared for the first time in your life, you were scared to lose one of your fellow soldiers.
Multiple people from your crew were dead, the only one you cared about.
She was dead.
You just woke up with her that morning.
You sobbed as you all ran off for cover from Jake and Neytiri, really everyone in your crew that was left was with you and Walker. The nine of you were together, and now there were eight. You knew this could happen and now that you’ve experienced it, you never wanted to ever again. You lost others in the recom crew but they weren’t a part of your little arrangement. As Mansk held you for a while as your body hurt from sadness, you all came across the boy from earlier, Spider.
You were back at base and you couldn’t stop thinking about Walker, how you had to just run off. You couldn’t ever look at her face again, you couldn’t hold her body one last time before you said goodbye. You had to just run off, you didn’t want to die or anyone else to but you missed her. Everyone could tell how much it affected you; you sat on the couch in the common room and just looked disconnected. Normally you were so cute and cuddly and loving to soak up how they treated you like a child but you were broken now.
All the recoms could see it, you were so disconnected from what was happening, they knew that they had to stay alive for you. They didn’t want you like this, they loved to see you happy and smiling and moaning their names. Lyle’s great idea at cheering you up was trying to fuck you but giving you every ounce of pleasure but you didn’t look like you’d ever move. You were in the RDA sweatpants and sweatshirt; you were just trying to hide. You didn’t want to eat or sleep or talk, you just wanted her back.
It made Quaritch think about calling off the arrangement but that will probably make things worse. You needed them at this point but the wound was so fresh, but you needed them to heal. They were all sad about Walker dying, she was a part of their crew, she was their friend, and she was also in on their smutty circle. They were upset, but no one was as bad as you.
Ja went over to you and sat next to you, he grabbed the hand you were currently scratching at and held it in his hand.
“Are you okay princess?”
You took a moment to respond before moving your eyes to look at him and you climbed into his lap, your arms tried to wrap around him and you placed your head on his shoulder.
“I don’t know.”
“I know this is a hard time. It’s hard for all of us, but princess you gotta eat.”
You shook your head.
Prager came up to you and squatted down in front of you, “please baby? Let’s get you something to eat then it’s nap time.”
“Can I nap with Mansk?” You liked to nap with him the most, he was warm and liked to have you on top of him and you always enjoyed that.
“Of course, baby, but you gotta eat first.”
“Can I eat in here?”
“Yeah, we can get you somethin’ what do you want?”
“I don’t know and honestly, I don’t care.”
“I know you do, luckily, I know what you like. I’ll be right back.”
Prager kissed your head before walking away and you relaxed back into Ja’s arms. The other recoms were in their rooms watching you and Ja, they were scared to take things too far and hurt you in such a fragile state. They hadn’t seen you this submissive since they had you hit subspace when they all fucked you at once. You just did whatever they wanted without the bratty attitude, which they loved to see but the circumstances made it upsetting.
Prager came back with food and after you ate, Mansk took you to lie down with him and you fell asleep pretty quick. Turns out that crying for hours will do that to your body, your body is exhausted. Mansk was a great cuddler, he kept his arms secure around your waist and held you close and he liked you laying on him. On top of that, he knew how to keep his hands to himself, sleeping with Lyle or Lopez usually meant they were groping you in some way. Not that it bothered you, it made you laugh really but right now you didn’t Lyle’s hand on a titty or Lopez’s hand squeezing your butt.
Every now and again one of the recoms would come in to check on you and Mansk, he stayed awake usually stroking your back or moving some hair from your face. Miles, Lyle, Ja, Lopez, Prager, or Zdog would come and just make sure you were still doing okay, the last thing they wanted was for you to wake up from a nightmare.
When you did eventually wake up about two hours later, Mansk was stroking your back soothingly.
“Hi honey, how was your nap,” Mansk said as he realized you were up and looking around.
“It was good, I was tired more than I realized I think.”
“I’m glad you’re awake,” Mansk kissed your hairline.
“Where is everyone else?”
“They are all at the gym.”
“You didn’t go with them?”
“Nah I figured being with you was better. Plus, someone's gotta keep you warm.”
You giggled at his comment.
“Do you want to go join everyone?”
You stayed quiet, Mansk stared at you for a moment till her felt your hand on his lower stomach. You reached beneath his pants to his already aching cock.
“When did this happen?”
“You were cute while you slept and your little noises. I got carried away.”
You smiled up at him before you started to slowly stroke his cock.
“Honey, you sure you want to get into this?”
“Why not? We’re the only ones here. Let’s take advantage of that.”
Mansk’s hand on your waist gripped harder as you sped up and gripped his dick harder, he hissed lowly and you smiled up at him.
“Honey, let me fuck you.”
You removed your hand and sat up, you took off your sweatshirt and your sweatpants. He looked at you with a smile before he did the same, you threw your leg over his torso and leaned down to kiss him. He grabbed your hips and held you onto his cock, you started to move not long after getting onto him. Your head tilted back as you started to pick up speed, your hips kept moving, and your hands gripped onto the sheets right beside Mansk’s torso.
“Keep going, keep going please.”
Mansk gripped your hips and started rutting up into you, he was making you move faster and hitting you deeper. Your cries were getting louder and as you came, Mansk hit you deep a few more times before he came too.
“Look who’s up and already at ‘em.”
You turned your head around to see Lyle and Lopez smirking at you.
“You have a good time corazón?”
You smiled at them and nodded.
They were glad that you had cheered up, that you seemed to forget about losing someone you loved. You didn’t forget, but you needed to move on, you wanted to be there for those you loved. You didn’t want to be lost, you didn’t want to never move on, you missed her but you needed them.
“Glad to see you’re awake,” Miles said as he walked up between Lopez and Lyle.
“Mansk is finally getting some,” Lopez laughs as he walks off to shower.
“Oh, shut up,” Mansk said as he threw a pillow in his direction hitting Lyle.
The next few days weren’t horrible, but you missed Walker, they could still see it. You were still trying to find Jake Sully, getting intel was hard, he was hidden and no technology liked to work out in the wild. Every time you went out, you felt anxiety crawling its way up your throat, you didn’t want it to be like last time. This time you got word on where Sully was, he was with some ocean clans.
Hijacking this dude's ship was always fun, watching Miles be bossy and in charge did something to you. you watched the boys turn to look at you and smirk at you, you knew they could smell how wet you were becoming. One by one their heads would turn to you and smirk before looking back at the man telling off Quaritch.
Trying to act tough and badass when you are a foot shorter than everyone else is weird, you felt so shy, you wanted to cuddle into the side of the closest recom. Luckily, Ja seemed to notice that and wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. He smiled down at you and you looked up at him and smiled, he always knew what you needed.
All the people on the boat could see something was going on with you and the other military people. They also thought it was weird that you were so much smaller than the other Na’vi soldiers, you also knew they hated the team being there. They liked to look at you and whoever you were around, it had to be because you were so soft around each other.
The stares got worse when one of your lovers held you on their hip like a child and walked around. You were all still wearing tact vests and armed to the teeth, yet you were cuddling into them like a tired toddler. Zdog loved to stare them down when they would look at you in any wrong way.
She also loved the idea of having you alone in an empty hallway as she held you up against the wall. She held you up against the window of the left wing, and your butt rested on the railing attached to the windows. She ruthlessly ate you out, your head kept hitting the glass as she knelt on the ground. Her tongue was doing wonders to you, you missed her so much and her tongue was probably the best ever, better than any guy at least.
“You two really are fucking crazy.”
You opened your eyes and took your hand off your mouth, your eyes slowly blinked to focus on who stood there.
Lopez, that smug mother fucker.
“You’re ruining girl time,” Zdog pulled her face off enough to speak before digging right back in.
“I think I’d like to join in on girl time,” Lopez walked closer.
“You prepared for getting caught? After she cums she’s all yours.”
“What about you?” You said to Zdog between moans.
“I’ll be fine baby girl. It’s always about you.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you whined lightly.
Her tongue went back into you, she instantly put more speed and pressure into her actions this time, she was eager to make you cum. You had a couple of close calls with people walking by or hearing people, but never enough to make her stop or make them check out what was happening. Once she made you cum, she moved away, showing Lopez your wet pussy.
“She’s all yours. Don’t say I never did nothing for ya. I did all the hard work.”
He winked at her, “I’ll return the favour later, Z.”
He grabbed your legs and unbuckled his pants.
“Just you wait, you’re in for a good time.”
Lopez took Zdog’s spot and held you up against the window, he stroked his dick a few times before pushing inside. You bit your lip and pressed your hand to your mouth to try to keep quiet, Lopez smirked down at you. You felt a tear roll down your cheek from overstimulation and just forcing yourself to stay as quiet as possible. You looked over Lopez’s shoulder to see Zdog standing there, leaning up against the wall with her arms crossed under her boobs smiling at you.
She pushed off the wall and stood next to you and kissed you, she was swallowing your moans. You took one hand off Lopez’s shoulder and wrapped it around her neck and pushed her further into you. Lopez kept a firm grip on your hips, he was pushing in so deep, he was making you cry out, luckily Zdog was there to keep you quiet.
“Please, please Lopez. I have to cum.”
“Come on, corazón. Give it to me.”
His last few thrusts were getting sloppy but still hard and deep, you clawed at Lopez’s shoulder and Zdog’s next as you were cumming.
“Fuck, that’s good baby. Squeezing me tighter than before.”
“Lopez, fuck.”
His hips stuttered as he came Zdog smirked at you and turned her head to snicker at Lopez. He pulled out and dressed himself again, he let you down to stand on your own. Zdog and Lopez helped you get dressed and you walked three started to walk back to the main hub. On your way, you joined up with Ja and Prager who stood in another hallway talking. Prager noticed you guys, his head turned and he smiled, Ja did the same thing.
“What are you guys up to?”
“Heading back,” Lopez said.
“You guys reek of each other,” Ja laughed.
“I blame Z, she started it,” you said pointing to her.
“I’m sure it was all Z,” Prager said sarcastically.
“Where did you guys even go?” Ja asked.
“Left-wing,” Zdog smirked.
“Just out in the open?” Prager said shocked.
“Yeah, I happened upon those two. Zdog’s got her pushed up against the glass, tongue fucking her, and I couldn’t just sit by and watch or leave knowing what’s going on,” Lopez said.
“Don’t blame ya, I’d be in the same boat,” Prager winked at you.
“Are you guys heading back to the colonel?”
“Yeah, things weren’t great in there earlier but you know Quaritch and Wainfleet, they love conflict,” Ja said starting to walk with the group. As you walked all headed into the main room, you smiled at Miles and Lyle once you made eye contact. You walked up to them and hugged Lyle first as he was the closest and then went to Miles, as you hugged him, he smirked.
“You smell like Lopez. What were you guys doing?”
“We were in the left wing. Zdog was eating me out then Lopez joined.”
He laughed at that, “good that you guys are here, we have a hit on Sully’s kids.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah, there on that tulkan over there.”
“They fell right into our hands. Who could’ve guessed.”
Hours later you sat on some island of rocks, you had been cut and scraped a few times. Blood was bleeding down the side of your face, having been cut on your forehead. Your body was exhausted, not only did you fight hard, then it was almost drowning and swimming. You laid back to try and let your body relax, let your muscles have a moment to regenerate.
You knew deep down you lost everyone; you no longer had a single one of your lovers. You watched them get stabbed or knocked out or squished but debris or drown, you couldn’t take it. This was like losing Walker all over again, but this time there were no support systems.
This is where you were going to die.
All alone.
Then you watched that human boy, Spider, drag a body up with him, you sat up and went to your knees. It was Quaritch, you saw the tattoo on his arm, it was him, he was alive, he was awake.
Suddenly, you weren’t alone.
You watched the human boy run off and then you crawled over to Miles’ side.
“Miles? Miles you’re okay.”
He looked at you, he looked just as tired as you did.
“I thought you died. I thought you went out with Lopez.”
“No, I left his side just before he, um,” your eyes pricked with tears
“I know, cupcake.”
“They’re all gone, Miles. All of them.”
“It’s okay. I’m still here. I’m here. We will be together.”
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” you rested your forehead on his and just laid down next to him.
He placed his hand on your cheek and turned your head to look at him again, he brought you up to kiss him.
“I’m glad that you’re okay. I should’ve kept a closer eye on you.”
“You did great. You’re still an amazing colonel. We all had a lot to worry about.”
“We’re together now. Now we just gotta figure out what to do next.”
“Take a nap.”
He laughed for a moment before he coughed.
“I think we should check out your forehead,” he placed a finger by the cut on your forehead dripping blood.
“I’ll be fine, I’ll live. I just wanna be with you.”
“You’re with me now.”
Miles tore the bottom of his shirt and tied it around your head, the knot sitting on your cut.
“There now you’re somewhat dealt with.”
“Where do we go from here? Back to the RDA headquarters?”
“No, going back, they may kill us again. We’re on our own cupcake. They will think we died in this. better to keep it that way.”
“So, where should we go?”
“Fly around on our Ikrans for a while and find out.”
“Can we nap first?”
“Of course, Cupcake.”
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sa10mb0n3z · 2 months
hey there! please may i request some headcanons for shane x a gn reader who is autistic? thank you!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Shane with Autistic Reader
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
★ I think at first, like canon, Shane doesn’t really like at all really. So when he sees your typical autistic behaviors and signs, he chalks it up to you being a weirdo.
★ Like, he has no other thoughts about you, besides the fact that you annoy him so much, but I think after like the fourth event or so, right before his infamous six heart event he’ll start to like actually enjoy your company.
★ I imagine him being incredibly mean and rude to you at first, especially after a drink or so at the bar. Like, you’re at the bar and perhaps an interest you comes up, or your favorite song and you start stimming a bit; and he’s like, ‘The fucks wrong with you?’ So loudly that you’re kinda embarrassed or something.
★ The other patrons are all like, ‘chill man. Wtf’ and you kinda slump away and apologize. But as he gets to know, perhaps while at his two heart event and you’re both drinking he’s apologizing and beating himself over the head practically and you’re like ‘It’s all good, I should’ve been masking aways’
★ Cue him confused af wondering what that means and boom! You drop the bomb, you’re autistic and you were stimming that night. You explain what stimming and masking means and he just starts to feel like shit. I think Jas has autism too or something, just on a different scale and so he beats himself up over it, apologizes again and you just smile and say you’re used to it. Which makes him feel worse because he was acting poorly to you just having fun and shit
★ Then at the six heart event, he’s thinking about all the times he’s been an ass to you and yet you’re still so nice and junk. Perhaps once you find him, he’s mentions how ableist he’s been, taking shit about how weird and annoying and childish you are. You again explain it’s fine and he goes on a long tangent about how he ruins everything and how much regret he has for being a jerk to you and yada yada. But when you talk him out of it, and he starts to recover, things go up hill.
★ As a fellow tism’ warrior, I think he would enjoy getting to know your interests and other things while recovering. I feel like once he finds your interests he’ll indulge in them just the same as you indulge in his hobbies.
★ Boom! You’re around him so much that your new hyper fixation is chickens now and he is all for it. That will definitely win him over, make that little black heart heal and junk. Yada yada, you kiss at the game and yada yada marriage and now he’s your husband and so completely different from how he used to be
★ He has small fidget toys for you and Jas, it helps you bond together with her when you eventually adopt her. Keeps AirPods on him in case you overstimulate, and when you get overwhelmed by textures on the farm, or the light outside is too bright with help you around the farm work.
★ If you really want to go crazy, perhaps he was autistic too with the whole chicken hyper fixations and now you’re the tism’ twins. You’ll help him with his depression spots that appear here and there, and he’ll help you with cooking because of your tendencies with food smell and texture totally not projecting or anything
★ All in all, I feel like once he recovers it’s basically domestic bliss with some hardships, but you’re okay with that.
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