#and kat doesnt understand bc he is old and doesnt understand stan culture
downybirbs · 1 year
4 some reason I started thinking about my pkmn au and katakuri’s team I made for him, and realizing that piers is a character that exists and then walking back to totally revise kat’s team 😭 piers even stole kat’s entire color scheme too.
I think I am much happier with the revised version now!! i have the urge to get all my charlotte family!pokemon thoughts out so the rest will be under the cut 😇
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Idk much about Pokémon meta so idk if giving him a tyranitar is too much for a gym leader, but I thought it was fitting since kat is like a pseudo legendary himself- not really a villain but still the boss fight of wci 😭
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Starting with Perospero! In this AU, I imagine that when he was younger, Perospero was a contest master, then taking over the role as leader at the family gym when big mom leaves (either retired or became an elite four member🤔). After many years as leader, Perospero finally retires to go back to contests as a judge. Retiring from the gym, he dumps it on Katakuri to take over.
Katakuri doesn't really want the responsibility of being gym leader, but pressure from his family and the high expectations put on him makes him accept. Katakuri is a strong trainer though, all his siblings think he is the best and believe he would make the perfect gym leader, so he doesn't want to disappoint them. The gym converts from a normal type gym to a dark type gym, but Kat doesn't bother redecorating the gym from Perospero's tea time theme, just paints over it with his own signature colors ahdfdhkgfadkfjhkgjlgfh.
I have thoughts about Brulee too!! Moreso if she was an actual game NPC and what role she would have :^3c She lives a bit separated from everyone else, a cottage near the woods outside of town. She gets called a witch by local children and puts up an unpleasant front🥺 But if you befriend her, she will let you battle her despite her believing that she isn't any good at it. She would operate similarly to the battle cafes in SWSH, always being a double battle and awarding you random but valuable goodies if you win. But the twist being that she pulls two random pokemon from her team of six for every battle, so sometimes it could be a very easy battle, sometimes pretty difficult! Just to keep the player on their toes :^)
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And some thoughts about the pokemon selection!!!
I started out with lickilicky with perospero, and just created a team of what I thought was fitting- which turned out to be a lot of normal types!! I had haunter on his roster for a long time, but then I though to just commit to the normal typing.
(EDIT: I was about to go to bed when I decided to replaced kecleon with indeedee! Honestly I might keep pivoting between these two, but indeedee fits with the tea time theme for peros’ gym :^))
The shellos came from perospero making the candy sea slugs,, I imagine him treating them like little purse dogs,, his special slimy babies,,😭 🥺 And the ducklett was inspired by a twitter post! Came wandering into his house one day and would not leave,, a little marspero goodie for me,,
Before committing to dark type for Kat, it was half dark and half fairy!! But now the fairy types are just his lil buddies along side his gym team,, they watch his gym battles🥺
(EDIT: I’m crying, kat can be easily swept by fighting types 😭 I might go back to the drawing board and switch someone out! even though I really liked what I picked 😔) I think kat would combat the weakness by having absol and sneasel use psychic type moves.
I also do think kat would get a weavile and a kingambit, but I’m not sure when !
Snubbull is the pokemon that he has had the longest. As children, perospero found snubbull, gifting it to Kat and insisting that they looked alike. Baby kat denied this heavily at first, but eventually Kat and snubbull became the closest of friends. Ever since Kat became gym leader, snubbull has the dream of fighting in a gym battle with him 🥺
Brulee didn't really catch her team in the traditional sense! They just kind of gravitated towards her over the years. She has known her rapidash and morgrem since she was a little girl, back when they were just a ponyta and impidimp. When impidimp was wild, he used to tease and play tricks on her, when one day he spotted her in the woods crying, the day after she was attacked and got her face slashed open 🥺 that's when the wild ponyta appeared to comfort her 🥺 And instead of teasing like normal, impidimp ran over to comfort her too!!
thank you for enjoying my psuedo fanfic ramblings,, maybe i will add more later to this, who knows!! i just wanted to get this all out of my head asksjbfdlh;hlj
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