#and ken is like “uh huh yeah sure”
thegetdownrebooter · 1 year
Mmm I see what you mean, but it's just that I see cis girl Kendall as having a very different relationship with Logan from canon Kendall, where she doesn't really need saving from her dad so much because he doesn't give a shit about her compared to Roman and Shiv. So her motivation would be more the ache coming from that lack, and I don't think she'd be able to convince herself that she's fine without his love or approval like Connor.
That said, she would still try to be outwardly rebellious and independent and that's probably what a lot of her relationship with Stewy would involve, but it just wouldn't work out because she needs to feel valued by her family and he isn't willing enough to play those games and let them take over his life. And yeah, I think she'd be put off by Tom being a suckup, kinda hating him for the same reason she's with him. It's just a push and pull of conflicting interests and emotions.
intresting.... i agree her relationship with stewy would be doomed because he isn't willing to play those games and would want her to tell her old man who doesn't even like her that much to fuck off, but still i feel like she simply wouldn't be attracted to someone like tom?? like, in my gut i feel like cis girl ken would have doomed relationships with headstrong men who come from their own money and don't need logan's approval because it's something she isn't familiar with and probably finds appealing in them. The downside is that those guys will eventually try to convince her to leave her abusive father behind fr both for her own sake and because they want to start a life with her but that quickly is the the beginning of the end in those relationships because ken isn't able to do that.
The thing is i personally feel like she would be miserable in a peter/caroline and tomshiv situation like, she would simply send tom packing like with jennifer in canon after tom meets logan for the first time.
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st0ryf1lms · 3 months
is it really you? ➳ ken sato
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pairing: ken sato x reader
word count: 866
genre/warnings: fluff, sort of a crack fic, 3+1 things, wrote this with a sarcastic tone LMAO, a bit of profanity, grammatical errors most likely (wrote this at 1AM), reader uses fem pronouns
synopsis: the 3 times kenji sato swore he saw you, and the 1 time he actually saw you.
a/n: yes, i'm finally giving in to the kenji sato brainrot HUHUHUH if i had known he was the reason my writer's block would disappear, would've watched the movie sooner i'm ngl edit: AAAAAA WHAT 600+ NOTES??? U GUYS ARE INSANEEE I LOVE YOU ALL this is now up on my ao3!!
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At the New Tokyo Dome at his first game as a Giants player
Maybe he was just dreaming, maybe it was the fatigue actually catching up to him ever since he hopped off that plane, or maybe he did actually see you in that stadium amongst the crowd cheering his name. You, as in his childhood best friend, arguably one of the best parts of his childhood in Japan before leaving for LA. You, as in the childhood best friend he never got to say a proper goodbye to. You, as in the childhood best friend whom he always missed and cried to his mom about whenever he'd get homesick. (You, as in the childhood best friend he'd harbored a secret crush on as a kid. As an adult? Psh, what sane person gets hung up on a person who must've forgotten him all those years ago. Not Ken Sato, for sure, yeah, uh-huh.) He'd never know for certain, of course, because as he was about to stop and look, a Kaiju crashed a KDF plane into the ceiling of the stadium.
KAIJU ALERT, his watch blared in an angry red face. He sighed, making his way to the nearest stadium exit and heading towards the dimly-lit part of the street by the stadium. Not without stopping for a split second because he thought he saw your silhouette. Silhouette, really? My God, Kenji, pull yourself together, he told himself. Of course, that wouldn’t be your silhouette because he definitely doesn’t know what you look like anymore, what food you like, what your job is, how you held up after he left for LA. Of course, he doesn’t know that.
Shaking off any more thoughts of you, Kenji turned into his giant alter-ego to fight off the Kaiju wreaking havoc on the streets of Tokyo. (a distraction, really, as Mina would say.)
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2. On a grocery run looking exhausted as hell.
It had been two weeks since he took in the baby kaiju in his basement and Kenji Sato has never been more exhausted. If you ask him, exhausted would be an understatement. Nevertheless, his mind was actually alive (much to Mina's surprise) because he swears this time, that he actually saw you. With his own two eyes. As if locked in a daze, he secretly followed you like a lost puppy with a push cart in the grocery store before realizing you were heading for the exit. He stopped in his tracks as the doors opened for you, realizing the items he got weren't paid for yet.
Begrudgingly, he went back inside the grocery and got the rest of the items he needed before going back to his house.
Next time, I swear, I'll talk to her, Kenji said to himself as he drove back to his place.
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3. During Emi's acid reflux rampage.
Shit, shit, shit, he cursed to himself like a mantra as he zoomed across the streets of Tokyo on his bike, trying to chase after the pink baby kaiju that somehow escaped his basement that he explicitly placed under the care of Mina (in case you couldn’t tell, he's definitely glaring at his AI assistant). Looking at the construction site beside him as he sat in traffic, an idea popped in his head. He could use that to give him a boost to quickly get to the baby. He rode up the makeshift ramp and turned into his giant alter-ego, catching his bike in time.
"Holy shit." He froze. Goddammit, had he really been that careless? Changing in front of a civilian? Nervously chuckling, he turned around to face the owner of the voice, mentally preparing his response [read: excuse] only to be wide-eyed and speechless. The owner of the voice was you. You, as in his childhood best friend, whom he's been trying to catch up with ever since he landed in Japan.
"What the fuck! Ultraman is Ke-" You exclaimed before you got rudely interrupted by the giant superhero. "Hey, shhh! Can we, like, stay quiet on this matter? I know I don't have an NDA right now but my bike will suffice, I guess. I'll get it back from you, I swear, I just really have to take care of this right now. Treat you to our usual spot? Thanks!" He said frantically before running away to take care of his huge baby problem.
Not really the best way to reconnect with your childhood best friend.
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+1. After the battle at sea with the KDF.
"Hey, sorry for being late, had to take care of something." He apologized as he jogged up to you on your usual hang-out spot when you were children. You reassured him, saying that you had just arrived, too. "I didn't know what kinda stuff you eat now as an athlete superstar so I just went for the safest convenience store options." You said sheepishly, holding up the plastic bags with a weary smile. "I don't mind, I actually like convenience store snacks." He beamed on how you still remember what he used to like as a kid.
"So, Ken Sato, gonna explain?"
"Oh, you're gonna want to sit down for this."
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jaycewrites-192000 · 9 months
Crush | Part One
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(Mikey wins!)
Summery: Y/n shows up to the Sano house, expecting to hang out with Emma. Instead, she hangs out with Mikey instead.
Paring(s): Sano “Mikey” Manjiro x Reader
Warning(s): None
A/N: This series can be considered not actually “canon” to the actual Kawata Siblings Series. Also, reader isn’t in Toman in this series.
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When your brothers finally took you to one of their Toman meetings for the first time, your admiration for their leader Mikey had began to grow. You had heard stories about him, and you were interested right away. Then actually meeting him in person was a amazing experience. He wasn’t as scary as people made him out to be. At least when it came to just talking with him. You had never seen him in a fight, so you couldn’t toss that rumor aside completely just yet.
While at that meeting, you had became friends with Mikey’s sister, Emma, fairly easily. And because of that, you’d be around Mikey a lot more. Emma would invite you over for hang outs every now and then, and honestly. It was a little weird to be around Mikey so casually. You only knew him for a short while, so you couldn’t consider the two of you to be friends. Not close friends anyway.
But that would change eventually.
“Emma, it’s me Y/n.” You announce after knocking on the door. Today Emma asked you to meet up so you two can go shopping. When there was no answer, you tried again. “Emma? You there?” After a few more seconds, the door finally opened. Only, Emma was not the one who answered.
“Oh Y/n. It’s you.”
It was Mikey. And he looked like he just got out bed. Wasn’t it like, 10 am? How is only just now waking up?
“Uh. Hi Mikey.” You say. “Hey. What are you doing here?” Mikey asks with a yawn. “Emma asked me to come over. We’re going shopping.”
“Oh. Emma’s not here.”
“Huh?” You tilt your head. “Where is she then?”
“With Ken-Chin. He came over earlier and they left together.”
You furrow your brows slightly before grabbing your phone and calling Emma. She answered after a few rings.
“Emma! Did you really ditch me to hang out with your boyfriend?”
‘H-He’s not boy boyfriend! Not yet at least…’ Emma says on the other line quietly. Draken must have been close by.
“Why didn’t you tell me before I came here?”
‘Sorry I meant to. Guess I got distracted.’
‘Sorry Y/n. Next time, for sure!’
“Alright. You better not flake on me again though.”
‘I won’t, I promise. I’ll talk to you later k?’
“Alright, bye.” You said before hanging up. You sighed before looking to Mikey. “Sorry for waking you up. I thought your sister was here.”
“It’s cool.” Mikey shrugs. “I’ll see you around Mikey.” You say as you turned to leave. “You’re leaving?” You stopped when he asked that, turning back to face him. “Yeah? Emma isn’t here.” You tell him. “You came all the way here though. You can stay for a minute if you want.” Mikey casually says. You blink in surprise. “Uh…”
As awkward as his approach was, were you really gonna pass up the chance to hang out with the leader of Toman? No way.
“Sure.” You smile. “If you don’t mind.” Mikey nods. “Come on.” He walks past you, you follow after him. The two of you walked to the side of the house, where there was a decently sized shed that was connected to the home. “What’s this?” You asked. “My room.” Mikey answers simply. “Your…room?” You mutter. They make him sleep in the shed? Mikey opens the door and walks inside, you follow in.
The shed was actually made into a pretty cool looking room. There was a small couch in the middle of the room, in front was a large tv with two speaker hanging from above on the entertainment system. And to the far right of the room, was his bed.
Mikey walked further in and seemed to have caught his reflection in a near by mirror. He frowned slightly and tried to smooth out his messy hair. “Ken-Chin does it so much better.” You could hear him mutter as he tries to move his hair out of his face. You tear your attention away from a admiring his room to look at him. You repress a laugh as you watch him struggle to straighten out his bed head.
You walked over. “Want me to help?” You asked. Mikey looked at you, slightly confused. You then realized how you must sound right now, an awkward feeling washed over you while you tried to explain. “Um, I might be able to help, is what I mean. I use to help my brothers with their hair, and every now and then I will if they ask.”
Mikey thought about it for a moment before shrugging. “Sure.” He walked over to a small table and tossed you a brush and hair band. Then heads to the couch and sat down. Your smile grew as you hurried to his side and sat next to him. “Alright, turn around please.” You instruct him, he nods and turns his back to you. You gently combed through his hair, surprised that his hair was so soft, even when messy and tangled.
Mikey’s head swayed slightly, your furrow your brows slightly, looking over his shoulder. “Are you falling asleep?” You ask. “Hm? Oh yeah. Sorry.” Mikey mutters, sitting straight up again. “Seriously Mikey, did you stay up all night?” You chuckle. “Yeah. Me and Ken-Chin were out late riding around.” He answers. “Didn’t get back until…hm, 3 am?”
“3 am? You’re lucky it’s Saturday. You’d be drifting off in class right now.” You say as you part his bangs. “Eh, never pay attention to those boring classes anyway.” Mikey shrugs. “I’d be asleep regardless.” You rolled your eyes with a smile. “I can only imagine what your grades must look like.”
Mikey laughs. “They’re pretty bad.”
“I bet. Turn and face me again.” You put the hair band around your wrist to be at the ready when you need it. When you look up, you see that Mikey was facing you. Eyes locked on yours. And it was only then, you realized how weird this was. You were doing a gang leader’s hair. One of the most feared and well respected gang leader at that. But forget all that. You and Mikey weren’t on a personal level. And yet, here you were, in his house, in his room, doing his hair?
It was weird.
You tried to ignore the feeling as you comb his bangs back, then take the hair band off before tying it back. As soon as you were done, you put some space in between you and Mikey. “So, what do you think?” You asked, still trying not to feel awkward.
Mikey stood up from the couch and looked in the mirror again. “Huh, pretty good.” You couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks.” You still couldn’t believe you were here of all places, and hanging out with Mikey of all people. Honestly, maybe it should have felt weirder than it is. But really, Mikey isn’t some sort of god, or above everyone else.
Sure, he was to be respected. But it’s not like he couldn’t be welcoming and friendly. And that is what’s happening right now. Right now, Mikey isn’t being a leader. He’s being a friend. And maybe that’s what’s keeping you from freaking out. Though it still was a little surreal.
Mikey returned to the couch. “Sorry that you didn’t get to hang out with Emma. You’re here with me instead.” He says with a light laugh. “It’s fine.” You say with a shrug. “Emma really likes Draken. Who am I to stop her from getting closer to him? And besides.” You smile softly. “You’re really cool, I like hanging out with you.”
Mikey smiles and leans back on the couch. “You’re pretty cool too Y/n.”
“Me? How?” You ask. “You’re good at doing hair. Also, you’re pretty chill. Didn’t expect that, knowing your older brothers.” Y/n chuckle. “Thanks?”
“You know, before, some people didn’t think we were related until we told them.”
“Yeah. That, or when they wouldn’t dye their hair.”
That seemed to have caught Mikey’s attention. He sat up a little straighter. “What’s their natural hair color?” He asks excitedly. You giggle. “Oh I dunno. Should I really tell their secrets like that?”
“Yes, tell me.”
“Do you really not know?”
“No. No one does. Come on, tell me!”
You roll your eyes playfully. “I can’t believe you’ve known them this long and don’t know. Alright, listen up.” Mikey leaned closer, and you tell him your brothers’ “secret”.
“Really? Huh.” Mikey nods. “Alright.”
“I don’t know if they want that public so. Keep this between us.” You joke. “So. What’s with the shed bedroom? It’s cool.” You ask. “It use to be my brother’s.” Mikey’s answer took you off guard. “Your brother?”
“Yeah. He use to work on bikes in here.” Mikey says with a smile. “I didn’t know you had a brother Mikey.” You say. “Does he not live with you and Emma?”
“Nah. He died some years back.”
“Oh, Mikey, I’m so sorry.” You quickly apologize. Mikey waves it off. “You didn’t know. It’s cool. The bed is the only thing that belongs to be.” You take another look around the room. “It just felt right, me moving in here.” Mikey starts. “I feel closer to him, knowing that he spent so much time in here.”
“He was amazing. I really looked up to him, even though he was pretty lame sometimes.” Mikey chuckles. “He was the founder of Black Dragon, people were pretty drawn to him super easily. His attitude, his charm, his will. All of it. Everyone knew him, everyone respected him.” He looks up at Toman’s flag on the wall. “Hope I can be half the man he was someday.”
You look up at the flag then back to him. “I think you’re already there.” Mikey looks to you, slightly surprised. “I mean, from how you describe him. You’re like a near perfect replica. You have a whole gang who’s inspired by you, they all look to you for a reason. Hell, I’m not even in Toman and I admire you. Seriously, you’re like the coolest person I’ve ever met.”
Mikey blinks, the corners of his mouth turned up into a grin. He chuckles and looks away from you. “Jeez Y/n. You trying to get on my good side or something?”
“I mean, I did fix your hair. I’d hope I’m already on your good side.”
“Good point.” Mikey smirks. “Not everyone gets the privilege of getting that close. Consider yourself lucky.” Oh you did. Coming here, you didn’t even think you’d be seeing Mikey. And now here you were, casually chatting it up with him. Suddenly, there was a knock at Mikey’s door. Then came a voice.
“Hey Mikey, you in there?”
It was Draken’s voice.
“Yeah, come in.”
Draken opened the door, Emma at his side. The two seemed a bit shocked to see you here. “Y/n? What are you doing here?” Emma asked. “Well, I was going to go home after calling you. But, Mikey invited me in.“
“Oh.” Emma mutter. “Uh, well, sorry again for bailing. We can get together tomorrow if you want.” You stood up from the couch. “Sure thing.” You looked down at Mikey. “I’ll catch you later Mikey. I gotta get back and help my brothers out with the restaurant. They’ll chew me out if I’m late again.” You say as you walk towards the door. “Thanks for letting me hang out.”
“See you around.” Mikey waves before you left, closing the door behind you. Draken and Emma looked away from the door and back to Mikey expectantly.
“…What?” Mikey asks.
“Didn’t know you two were so close.” Said Emma. Mikey shrugs. “She’s cool.”
“Did she do your hair too?” Draken asks, knowing well that no one but him touched Mikey’s hair. Mikey nods. “Yeah. She’s pretty good at it.”
Draken and Emma look at each other.
“Why are you guys being weird?” Mikey asks, slightly suspicious.
“It’s nothing Mikey. Have you ate yet?” Emma asks. Mikey’s suspicion left him quickly at that question. He was quick to follow his sister and friend inside the house.
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You rushed inside of the ramen restaurant your brothers helped maintain, tying your hair back as you walked in. “I’m back.” Your brothers greeted you before you head towards the back. You walked back into the kitchen, where your oldest brother was at. You didn’t cook, but you did clean.
“Almost late sis.” Smiley said teasingly. “What were you up to?” You roll your eyes. “You know I was hanging out with Emma today. I lost track of time.” Smiley glances at you. “Thought she and Draken were hanging out.” You gave him a bewildered look. “How do you know that?” You ask.
Smiley held up his phone. “She was posting pics of their “date” every five minutes.” He says before putting it away. Your shock quickly wore off. Of course. “Well, I really was at her house.” You sigh. “Doing what?” Smiley asks.
“Hanging out with Mikey.”
Smiley stopped what he was doing and turned to face you. “You what?”
“Yeah, it took me off guard too. But, he just asked me to hang with him for a little while.” You didn’t notice the smile that found it’s way on your lips, or the slight change of tone in your voice as you spoke fondly about Mikey. “I thought I’d be really tense around him, but he’s actually really chill. I mean, I figured he might be. But when you think about Mikey without really knowing him, you’d wouldn’t expect him to be so down to earth.”
“I hope I can do it again sometime.”
“Huh.” Smiley mutters. “I see.”
“What?” You ask, raising an eyebrow. “What’s that look for?”
“Oh nothing. Just didn’t expect you to be getting so close to Mikey so fast.”
You narrow your eyes suspiciously, having a feeling where this was going. “Nahoya. Got something you wanna say?” Smiley just shrugs and turns back to what he was doing. “Nah.” Yeah right. You shake your head and walk past him. “Don’t be weird. We’re just friends.”
“Oh shut it.” You say before walking out of the kitchen. You couldn’t believe that. Your brothers were protective, sure. But come on. You and Mikey? No way. That would be weird. Wouldn’t it? Like, Mikey of all people. Seriously.
“Y/n? You’ve been cleaning the same table for like five minutes.”
You look over to your brother Angry, who was looking confused. You turn your head away to hide your slightly flustered face. “Sorry. I zoned out.”
“You feeling ok?” Angry asks. You nod. “Yep.” You answer simply. “Hm. Ok.” Angry mutters before going back to what he was doing. You sigh. What were you even thinking? Overthinking, really. You and Mikey were friends. That’s all. End of story.
Well. You hope you two were friends after today. Mikey was a great guy, to be friends with him would be awesome. Though, you had a feeling you two would be hanging out a lot more often.
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starry-eyedblog · 7 months
Request for a prnaddict!reader x ghost? You two just became pretty good friends, sharing things about yourselves. Simon shares his recent addiction to cigarettes when you just casually drop that you have a prnaddiction.
side note: Just left a function and its 2am. overheard this scenario unraveling in a balcony earlier. Am too tired to be horny so i left and now leaving this for u if you'd like to :3 goodniiiiiight~
oooo this is such a juicy idea!! also disclaimer, i ken that this probs wouldnae happen in the military where they restrict other soldiers on personal things like smoking but this is FICTION so i dinnae care :3
warnings/tags: simon x gn reader, smoking addictions, porn addiction, smut
it's a friday night, and the bar you are sat at is bustling with bodies. it was starting to get too much so you decided to step out for some air and a tipsy smoke. as you push the heavy door out, the nippy air sweeps in and instantly cools your flushed skin.
a soft sigh leaves you as you step around the corner and pull out your packet of cigs, sliding one out and holding it between your lips as you search for your lighter. once you feel it in your back pocket, you fish it out and spark it up. as the flame lights up your face, this is when you notice the mammoth of a man stood next to you, desperately trying to flicker his lighter to life.
he curses quietly and you look away, lighting up your own fag before silently passing over the lighter to him. he looks up, a black surgical mask hooked beneath his jawline and showing off a pretty gnarly scar across his face. "cheers, love." he grumbles, taking the lighter from you.
you nod silently with a soft smile before taking a long drag from your fag, holding the smoke in your lungs before slowly exhaling. you watch the smoke dance up into in the air for a moment before turning to the man next to you who's chuckling softly.
"like an angel sent from heaven, don't know what i would've done if i couldn't find a lighter." he mumbles as he brings the fag to his lips and inhales. you laugh quietly at his words, taking the lighter back from him.
"no big deal, glad to be of service." you joke with a smile, gently tapping the ash off your fag with your fingers. "i'd be the same if my vibe charger died." you mumble out, but the mysterious man hears you.
"that so?" he questions, and you blush as he turns to you with the fag hanging from his lips. "uh, uhm yeah. all got our own sin or poison, or whatever the saying is." you say, taking a long drag from the fag. he asks for your name, which you give him before asking the same.
once the two of you exchange names, you prompt him about his smoking. "so, addicted to nicotine huh?" you ask, watching him take a long drag from his fag. he nods silently, looking over at you as he slowly exhales the smoke.
"calms my mind and gives me something to do," he shrugs, watching the way you look away from his eyes. "and what about you? can't get enough of a wank?" simon teases and you snort.
"guess you could say that, is it a crime to love porn?" you question with a flushed face, unable to meet his eyes as the two of you smoke outside of the bar together and chat about your addictions.
simon looks back up at he night sky, staring at the bright stars before responding. "didn't say that love," he mumbles before continuing. "each to their own."
months down the line and the two of you are helping each other out - in reality you are only helping the other further aid their addictions.
simon is unable to bring fags now when he gets deployed as they pat him down and confiscate them. a mark now on his file from price to not let him smoke since he's been caught out on his addiction.
so to help, you'll send parcels with fag packets in bulk that he can hide in his room. he has a few secret smoking spots on base where he is sure to be alone and left like that for hours.
when he's back, you'll have him over and fuck him while watching porn together. he indulges in you, sometimes picks out videos that he likes and wants to show you which rots your brain even further.
oh and he fucks you so well, one of the best fuck buddies you've ever had. makes you cum multiple times before he's even got his cock stuffed into you. he likes to grab your jaw and force you to keep your eyes open while watching video after video.
it's a perfect little transaction almost that the both of you have, and no one bothers you about your addictions now. both of you realise that it's unhealthy and if others found out, they'd be disappointed but screw them.
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from-the-clouds · 1 year
lost in the fire - kendall roy x f!reader
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| masterlist | succession sideblog: @kendollroyco | my kendall playlist
chapter summary: your boyfriend works too much. a oneshot, but if we're being real, i was thinking about kendall and the reader from thinking of a place, because i miss them. pairing: kendall roy x f!reader words: 4.6k warnings: SMUT (18+ only). soft dom Kendall. Somewhat unhealthy/jealous/co-dependent relationship but this is a Succession fic so like…what do we expect? Alcohol consumption - I don't know what Kendall's definition of sobriety is but he drinks a cocktail in this. a/n: i'll get back to tlou but i've had this partially written for like a year at this point. It started out as more of a manic Ken on a power trip type of fic but then it got really soft and fluffy because I am feeling touch-deprived lately so I’m sorry if I didn’t deliver enough evil ken for ya’ll. :/ OOPS!
**ALSO! I got rid of my taglist. Please follow @ftcwriting and turn on notifs if you would like to be notified when I update my works :) **
"We're like the Lewis and Clark of fucking." - Kendall Roy
Teetering down the hallway, you attempt to quell the outrageously loud click, click, click of your stilettos against the marble floor by shifting most of your weight into the ball of your feet and shuffling forward. It only makes it harder for you to balance while you attempt to put on the flashy gold hoop earrings your friend had insisted you’d wear. Of course, being quiet didn’t really matter, because you were the only person inhabiting the Hudson Yards penthouse. 
As usual, you are running late. Famously, you always underestimate how long it will take to get ready for social events – your friends could attest to that. It is a bad habit that, despite years of trying to correct, you can never quite shake. 
Beelining for the double doors of the multi-million dollar home, you are interrupted by your name being called out in a sing-songy voice. There is a blur of movement out of the corner of your eye, and you turn towards the familiar sound to find your boyfriend rounding the corner, a drink in hand.
The sight of him at home is rare these days, that for a second, you aren’t even sure if it’s really him. Maybe the place is being  haunted by an eerily similar lookalike, or it could be some new ridiculous billionaire technology that he’d invested in– holographic messaging, or something similarly dystopian that you’d roll your eyes at when he tries to explain it to you. It’s fuckin’ next level, I’m telling you. I’m a fucking tech pioneer. You can practically hear him trying to sell you on it despite your distaste.
“Ken?” you cling to the clutch under your arm, unable to stop the shit-eating grin that works its way onto your face. “Hey. When did you get home?”
“Hey yourself,” he answers, poorly hiding a bemused smirk behind Baccarat crystal. “I just got in.”
That much was clear, even though his briefcase and coat had already been cleared away from the table in the entranceway, and his suit jacket draped over the back of a barstool. “Are you going out?” He lowers the tumbler and leans against the counter, but still keeps it close, one finger sliding along the rim. 
“Yeah,” you approach Kendall cautiously. “...did you get my text? I thought I’d get ready here, we’re going to that place around the corner.”
He’d given you a key to his flat, even though the relationship was still pretty new – but decidedly not that new, given your history. Things were still moving quickly though, if you compare him to your past flings.
Kendall’s eyes close briefly in recognition, his brows pulling together as though he is scolding himself. “Oh, uh-huh, yeah….right.” It’s then, and in closing the space between you, that his haggard appearance becomes clear. You’re one of few who would probably even notice it. To the untrained eye his white dress shirt is impeccable, crisp and stark as usual – save for the lack of cufflinks, which you notice he’s discarded on the counter alongside his drink. His tie is still fastened tightly around his neck in a perfect half-Windsor. But salt and pepper stubble is sprinkled across his jawline, faint red hazy in the whites of his amber eyes. 
Work has consumed him in the last few weeks. It’s been nonstop. And he is still home earlier than you have expected, even though the sun had gone down long ago.
Kendall’s hand wraps around your waist and you lean against him, accepting his affectionate peck on the cheek. “Hey, honey.” The cedar notes of his cologne, the acidity of the vodka on his breath, and the weight of his arm around you makes your stomach flip, even as he draws back, releasing you so he can sit on a barstool. It’s probably for the better, as the impulse to throw yourself into his arms and abandon your plans will become impossible to resist if you don’t leave soon.
It would be a lie to say his career hasn’t put a strain on things lately. Business trips, dinner meetings, weekend conventions all seem determined to keep him away from you. For the past few weeks, you’ve been deprived of him, forced to accept only minutes of his time – mostly sweet nothings and apologies whispered as falls into bed beside you, then presses of his lips on your cheek, still half-asleep in the early hours of the morning as he leaves the next day. You have been forced to savor those moments, even though they are hardly substantial. But you know yourself, you aren’t better off with someone else. He has always been what you wanted.
Still, lately you have been thinking about all his failed past relationships. There is certainly a…pattern. You’ve seen enough, and sometimes it feels like you are purposely ignoring the signs – Watch Your Step!, before falling into a pit of daggers. 
He needed a break or he’d burn out, but you’ve learned when to bite your tongue and save those suggestions for when you are sure they won’t erupt. And you both aren’t always good at keeping arguments good-natured. 
Kendall shifts in his chair so he can look you up and down – this time up close. “Is this what you’re wearing out?”
“Uhhhh, yeah,” you answer hesitantly, feeling your face heat up. 
“Turn around,” his resting facial expression is already kind of indignant, but you can tell right now that he’s definitely frowning. 
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” he says. “I want to see.”
You shrug, but obey, unable to hide the way your lips quirk when you are back facing him again, hands on your hips. All you have to do is read the look on Kendall’s face to know that he doesn’t approve. And even though there is no way in hell you are going to change, the slight blaze in his narrowed eyes makes you think this is about to become a controversy. 
“Do you have a problem?” you ask, feigning innocence, glancing down at the getup. The red dress barely covers your ass – is far more revealing than anything you’d normally wear, accompanied by stiletto heels that lace up your calves. Sure, it’s a lot, but you look good, and you’re going out. 
“You’ll definitely be getting a lot of attention,” he conveniently doesn’t answer your question.
If you weren’t wearing lipstick, you would’ve bit your lower lip to keep your composure. Instead, you tilt your head and give him a coy smile. “You should come with me.” 
Kendall glances down at the countertop and shakes his head, the comment causing him to drop the subject of your attire entirely. “I can’t. I’ve got a meeting first thing.” To be fair, he avoids the club scene most of the time, so it’s not a well-thought-out offer. Too much temptation. “But you look good,” he concedes. 
“A work meeting on a Saturday?” you ask, ignoring the compliment. “Fuck,” you reach to take a sip from his tumbler. The vodka he keeps here is always chilled to perfection, so smooth it tastes like it’s melting off a glacier. “It’s that bad?”
He takes the beverage from your hand when you return it, shrugging before throwing the rest back, then standing to pour another. “Just the usual, la-dee-fuckin-dah….corporate bullshit.”
You frown and stare at your shoes, flexing your foot and inspecting its soles.
“Those heels don’t look very comfortable,” he remarks as he passes you.
“They aren’t.”
“Well then I’ll guess I’ll have to take you shopping to replace them.”
You feel yourself flush. “Let me know when you can fit me in your schedule.” 
“Uh-huh,” Kendall ignores your jab, changes the subject. “How’s your job?”
“Same as yours. La-dee-fuckin’-dah corporate bullshit,” you repeat his words from earlier, lowering your voice slightly to mimic his cadence of speaking. 
The sound of his warm chuckle makes your stomach flip again. “You want me to, uh, pour you one?”
“No, I should probably get going.” You sigh, pulling out your phone to text your friends that you are running behind, and you hear the clink of ice against crystal.
Then, his voice, deep and husky, directly against your ear. “Who’re you texting?”
You jolt in surprise at his sudden proximity.  “Fuck! Sorry,” you clear your throat. “Uh….the group chat.”
Kendall’s arm reaches past you to place his drink on the counter, and you feel his fingertips brush the hair away from the nape of your neck. Then, his lips follow, pressing there gently, his thumb trailing down your arm and then back up again. You shiver at the contact, and it dawns on you how touch-deprived you are.
“Pretty girl,” he murmurs against sensitive skin. His hands land on your shoulders and begin to knead at the taut muscles there. You try to keep yourself tense, even as you feel your phone slipping out of your hands, the drafted text all-but forgotten.
But instinctually, you shift backwards to feel the weight of his chest pressed against you.“You’re all wound up,” Almost chastising. Every part of your body below your bellybutton clenches. It’s those hands, his hands. Hands that used to wrap around your throat, thread into your hair, hold your wrists in place. Pin you down, spread you open…. While you think about them, you let him work at the tension that he is partially responsible for, nodding and letting out a long exhale.
“Just a little.”
“When are you gonna quit that job?” he asks you.
You first, you want to say, but let the retort die before it could leave your mouth. “Hmmmmm,” you pretend to mull it over, but you’re only half-aware of things he’s saying to you. “I don’t know.” 
“What kind of uh, feminist would I be if I let a girl as hot as fucking you have to worry about a job?”
You can’t help but snort, turning your head so his forehead bumps against your own. “Is that how feminism works?” 
“Uh-huh,” he chides, breath tickling the shell of your ear. “Fucking whatever. I wish you’d just let me look after you.”
You are unable to find your voice to answer, because you remember through your needy haze that you are running late, and when he says things like that, it certainly doesn’t help you regain composure. It’s only after you straighten, trying to pull yourself out of the trance he’s worked you into, that you discover how close he has pinned you to the countertop.
“Ken-” you try to protest, but the way it comes out sounds more like you’re pleading.
“What is it?” Kendall asks, returning his lips once more to your neck, beginning to work them tenderly up the column of your throat, which makes it impossible for you to finish the rest of the objection. “I’ve missed you so much,” he pulls you back against him by your waist.
“Me too,” you sigh. “But I-,” you’re cut off when he grinds against you, already half-hard, and your pelvis hits the granite lip of the countertop. It hurts, just for a second, but the pain is quickly replaced by warmth. Kendall pulls his hands away and you’re only held in place by his hips, the metal of his belt buckle cool against your sacrum. The dress you’re wearing is so thin it feels like there’s nothing separating him from your bare skin. 
“You what?” he prompts when you remain silent. You know him well enough to hear the self-satisfied smirk on his face, and his nails rake up and down your arms.
It’s a little petty, but you are hesitant to give yourself over so easily to him. To abandon your evening, just because he’s finally decided to see you at a reasonable hour. Of course, if your friends knew you were late because you were with him, they wouldn’t care. Kendall had been a well-kept secret until it was impossible to deny his existence in your life. But they were all a little too supportive of the relationship, since it meant they suddenly had guaranteed access to any club VIP section - and you perpetually pick up the bill. Not to mention the first-class, luxury accommodations they get on girls trips. 
There was more to it than just being late, though. You had always been willing to do anything for him, even before you were dating. He told you to jump, you asked how far? He gave you one pleading look from underneath those thick lashes – and you folded. And Kendall is very aware that he’s your weakness. So you constantly try to convince him otherwise, lest he get too comfortable. And really, after his neglectful behavior, did he really deserve you without any opposition?
“Kendall,” you manage to turn slightly. “I’m going to be late.” Wriggling some more in his grip, but it’s only enough to bring you face-to-face, looking up into his stormy eyes. 
He studies you carefully, like he might let you leave if he senses enough conviction. “I don’t care.”
You might’ve laughed, if it weren’t for how stern he sounds. It almost scares you. Almost. Hoping to soften him, you fit your thumb into the dimpled fabric of his tie, and use it to drag him forward, offering a tender kiss on his cheek. Returning the embrace, his stubble scratches your face as he smiles against you. He reaches behind you for another sip of his drink and his unoccupied hand slides down your back, squeezing your ass through the silky fabric. 
You are burning, fire licking up your arms, your neck, your face. It’s too much, to have him so close and not be able to have him. All the tension building with nowhere for it to go. When he pulls back, you lean forward.
It’s a little rough at first, because you are so desperate, tasting the vodka, drawing his bottom lip between your teeth. Kendall is the one who softens you, cradles your jaw to draw you closer, opens his mouth and deepens the kiss, so deliberate and practiced that you’re unable to speak when he pulls away. 
“Tell me something,” full lips so close to yours that they brush your own when he speaks, your eyes fluttering shut. His touch coasts up your sides, up your arms, landing on your shoulders. “Who are you showing off for in this?” Kendall hooks his pointed finger around a spaghetti strap of your dress, and lets the elastic snap back against your skin. You savor the sting it leaves behind.
Admittedly, there’s a third reason why you’re being so withholding. He’s so spoiled, so used to getting what he wants, whenever he wants it. Not just from you. And when he doesn’t get it, he becomes petulant, fiery. You’ve learned that if you piss him off just enough, you don’t have to ask him to fuck you within an inch of your life. He just does. 
So, you decide to poke the sleeping bear, shrugging and crossing your arms like it’s nothing, giving him a demure smile. “You wouldn’t know him.”
Kendall’s nostrils flare as his hand rises to grip your jaw – tightly. “Uh-huh.” Even if you’re only joking, the very idea of you dressing up at all – let alone like that –  for anyone except himself, pisses him off.  “Fuck you.”
“You’d like to, wouldn’t you?” you try to keep your voice even, but it sort of loses the steadiness you were hoping for when he hooks a finger behind your knee, dragging it up across the expensive, soft wool of his slacks to peg around his hip.
The bruising kiss that answers is clearly intended to erase the smug look on your face, and it works – your breath hitching, the hand on his tie tugging him closer. Kendall seems to speak without saying anything at all, grabbing your opposite thigh and lifting until you are perched on the edge of the countertop.
It’s getting real, but you still haven’t decided if you are actually going to stick around. The way he looks right now, however, swings the pendulum farther into the side of staying in – red lipstick left behind on his cheek, shirt wrinkled, tie hanging loosely around his neck. You wanted to make him look even more wrecked. 
Kissing him again, his hands begin to roam, tugging the dress off your shoulders and freeing your tits. “Shit,” He dips his head to sloppily mouthing at the newly exposed skin. “Knew you weren’t wearing a fuckin’ bra.”
“Ken,” you squirm when he latches onto one of your nipples, pinching the other between two fingers. “I really need to get going.”
“Not yet,” he hums, the vibration of his voice against your skin makes the space between your legs ache. “If you’re going to go out in this fucking dress,  I don’t want you to forget who you belong to.”
You squirm in his grip – not because you want to get away from him – but because you want to see if he’ll pin you in place, be even rougher. He does. He is. “Stop that. This isn’t a fucking negotiation.”
Well, okay.
He kneads into your thighs now, one of his hands dipping beneath the skirt of your dress that’s already so short he’s only an inch or so away from your already-soaked panties. 
“Fuck,” You tilt your head back to look at the ceiling, like you might find some self-control there, some will to resist him, but it’s about as cold and uninspiring as the rest of the apartment. “Please.”
Kendall lets out a dark chuckle,  pushing aside your thong and brushing his knuckles against your damp cunt. He loves to tease, and right now is no exception. His touch isn’t enough to satisfy, so you press yourself forward to seek it out yourself. You don’t dare meet his eyes, which you can feel are watching you intently, admiring how you keen and arch and whimper in frustration. Still, you aren’t quite ready to beg. 
Thankfully, you don’t have to. Without warning, he pushes two fingers inside you, groaning as he does, his thumb finding your clit.
“Yes, Kendall, that’s–” you don’t finish the thought because you aren’t entirely sure what you actually have to say. His digits curl, attentive, practiced – tuned in to  exactly what you like, what you need.  You grip at the fabric of his shirt that’s bunched around his elbows. Despite how intense meeting his gaze right now will be, you turn to look at him anyway, surprised by the affection and warmth you find in his eyes. 
“You try so hard not to be,” he says while he continues to stare you down. “But you’re always so fucking good for me.”
Your stomach flips, partly in shame, partly because of how good it’s always felt to be seen by him. Throbbing around him, feeling your pleasure build, but he withdraws his fingers from you before it can crest. An embarrassing noise leaves you, squeezing your eyes shut. 
The clink of his belt unbuckling immediately snaps you back to reality, and you hike your dress further up your hips, shimmying out of your thong. It’s pitiful, the way you don’t want to delay any longer the feeling of him inside you. 
He strokes himself in his hand, lines his cock up, and pushes a piece of hair off your face. 
“You want me?” he asks, and you bob your head enthusiastically. “Tell me, then.”
“I want you, Kendall. Please, I want you so bad.” 
“Yeah you do,” he mutters, and wastes no time jerking forward to enter you. 
Though you’d had him plenty of times you never could quite get used to the feeling – he’s big, of course, and it’s always electric, the blood in your veins buzzing, your hands tightening on his shoulders. 
“Relax, honey,” Kendall says, feeling the way your body tenses at the intrusion, placing a hand on your sacrum, one between your shoulder blades to steady you.
He presses his hips forward until they are flush against your own, bottoming out inside you, pausing. It’s welcome at first, a chance to catch your breath, to let out a shuddery exhale - temporarily appeased by the way your cunt stretches to accommodate him, and he’s so close to you after so much time spent away. You’re embarrassed at how badly you’ve needed this, how reliant on him you’ve become, but he always feels so good. 
Kendall stays still for long enough that you grow frustrated, and you use his tie to pull him closer, loosening the knot and rutting against him until he presses his thumb into the crease of your hip and thigh so hard you are forced to stop. Once you do, he starts to move, thrusts slow but deep, lips pressing hastily between panting breaths. 
“Fuck, it’s been too long,” he laments.
Despite everything, you can’t help but talk back. “You don’t say?”
Kendall doesn’t like that at all, his hips snapping at a punishing pace, which seems more like a reward than anything else, his hand clasping your jaw roughly, forcing you to look at him. 
“Don’t speak to me like that,’ he warns.
An involuntary, low moan leaves you. It’s overwhelming – always is. You aren’t used to sex with someone you feel so connected to, or with a lover who is so attentive to your needs, who effortlessly strikes a perfect balance between rough, passionate, and tender. 
You wrap your legs around his waist, fingers fumbling with the buttons on his shirt, anxious to run your hands through the smattering of hair on his chest, feel the warmth of his skin under your palms. Even if it’s not possible, you want to be closer to him. Needy. So needy. You’ve heard it from him before, and would probably hear it again. He is right, and in moments like this, you can never bring yourself to care. You like it.
He’s watching you so intently, and the rest of the city might as well be too. He basically lives in a fishbowl, you’re surrounded by windows that offer panoramic views of the glittering lights of the city. The only reason you have any privacy at all is because of just how high up you are, no one else can actually see you right now. Even if they did, what could possibly happen? Kendall loves to take advantage of this – he’s taken you up against the cold glass windows, has let you sink to your knees in front of him out on his balcony. 
“What are you gonna tell your friends when they ask why you were so late tonight?” he asks. “Gonna tell them you were letting me spread you open on the fucking counter?”
“God,” you stutter out, always shocked by the things that come out of his mouth when takes you like this, voice deep and firm, enunciating each syllable like he’s giving a speech – frustratingly collected. It makes you ache that much more. “I missed you,” you whimper, pulling his shirt off his shoulders. As much as you want it fully off, not just hanging loose around his elbows, you don’t want him to release you from the bruising hold he’s got you in. This would have to do. 
“Uh-huh,” Kendall answers by fucking into you even harder, his pelvic bone kissing your clit with every thrust, and your nails etching crescents into his biceps. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
His head falls to your shoulder in a brief moment of humility, lips working on your neck, and you feel your release fast approaching. In moments like these, you don’t doubt how he really feels. He gives it all away, tries his best to make it up to you, and it’s so easy to forgive him.  Kendall’s fist wraps around one of the stiletto heels of your shoes, lifting your leg to hook over his shoulder and drive his cock deeper into you. He’s perfect, feels perfect, there’s no one else who makes you feel the way he does. When his thumb begins to rub delicate circles around your clit, you’re gone.
Your body tenses up for so long, you actually think you might’ve psyched yourself out. And then everything releases. Kendall coaxes you through your orgasm, deep voice muttering things that are either unintelligible or that you wouldn’t dare to repeat out loud, and you cling to him while your cunt pulses in waves. It lasts for a long time, or at least it feels like it does, he slows just to fuck you through it, so you can both savor how good it feels. That’s it. That’s my good fucking girl. When he tries to kiss you, you oblige, but it’s open-mouthed and sloppy since you’re struggling to breathe and can’t stop whispering his name. 
“Ken, you’re so good, it’s so good–”
You know he likes to be praised just as much as you do. He cuts you off with a deep kiss, moaning into your mouth and vibrating every nerve in your body as he follows you over the edge, spurred on by your own release. He buries his cock inside you as deep as he can, you feel warm and full and complete. 
For what feels like a few minutes, you remain tangled with one another, his face buried in the crook of your neck. You can feel the soft puffs of his breathing against your skin, which is now damp.
Eventually, he draws back, kisses your cheek and tucks himself back into his underwear. You pull the straps of your dress back into place and when you push yourself off the counter, realize your legs are trembling and you wobble.
Kendall reaches to steady you. “Go sit down,” he squeezes your arm and you barely manage to stumble to his couch before you’re slumping against the cushions and struggling to unlace the strappy heels you’ve still got on. 
He joins you a moment later, placing a glass of cold water on the coffee table and kneeling to help you out of your shoes. You can only imagine what you must look like, because he looks disheveled, shirt still hanging open, pants unbuttoned, your lipstick still smudged on his cheek. Exhausted as you are, it makes you want him all over again. 
He settles next to you, pulls you to his chest, and you wrap your arms around his waist, leaning up to whisper softly in his ear. “Ken,” he turns his head slightly, cheek pressed against your forehead. “I love you.” 
From this angle you can only see the corner of his eyes, the way they crinkle as he looks down bashfully, eyelashes nearly touching his cheeks at your admission, words he so rarely has heard before. Words you have vowed to repeat until he believes you – because sometimes you think he doesn’t. Still, he answers. “I love you, too.” You close your eyes a moment, your heart rate returning to normal, and take in one final deep breath. Content. 
“I don’t want to keep you from your friends,” Kendall says eventually, hands in your hair, tugging gently so you’ll look up at him. 
“Right,” you nod. “Honestly, I don’t know if I even want to go out anymore.”
“But you got all dressed up,” he smirks.
“Look where it got me.”
He laughs. “Uh-huh. You knew what you were doing what you fucking put that shit on.”
You don’t deny it, feeling your cheeks grow warm. It’d be too easy to stay with him, to slide across his lap and kiss him until he takes you again. But your phone dings on the counter, and you know you can’t abandon your friends entirely. You sigh, pulling away from Kendall and looking him in the eyes. 
“Don’t worry,” he encourages. “I’ll wait up for you.”
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maviscat123 · 2 months
Anatomy II
By: JohnBoy
Someone was pounding on the door...
Big Jim Reese woke up with a snort; he'd been having a late afternoon nap on the cot in his office. His "office" was actually a small trailer, parked amongst some trees near the back of the construction site.
Jim sat up groggily -- he coughed and slowly ran a large, beefy hand over the stubble on his shaved head. The pounding came again, more urgent this time.
"Hey, Mr. Reese! You in there?" It sounded like a young guy.
"Yeah, yeah," he spoke in his deep baritone, "hold on a sec." The huge black man got up and opened the door.
It was Ken, the son of the crane-operator. He was tall and rather well-built, about 20 or so, sandy blond and blue-eyed, and with a tuft of bristly beard on the end of his chin.
Jim had noticed (on the four or five other occasions that he'd met him) that he always acted a bit shy and nervous around him. Probably, he guessed, because he was intimidated by his size: Jim was a half-foot taller than him, and probably out- weighed the kid by at least 130 pounds (a good deal of it was solid muscle, too).
"Hey Kenny, what're you doin' here?"
"Is-- is my Dad here?"
"Nope, he's gone home already." Jim yawned; he thought the young man looked even more nervous than usual. "Uh, everything okay?"
Ken glanced over his shoulder. "The cops are after me, man."
"What?" Jim looked towards the street; he could see a police cruiser pulling up in front of the site. He'd heard that this boy had been in trouble with the law in the past: B&E, some minor theft...
"I need a place to hide. Please, you gotta let me in!"
Jim sighed. He wanted nothing to do with this kid's problems. But an idea was starting to form in his head... and before he even realized it, he said, "Okay, get in." Ken was peeking out through the blinds, watching the cop. Jim had not asked him what kind of trouble he was in this time, and the kid hadn't told him...
"What's he doing?" Jim asked.
"He's just talking to one of the workers. Wait-- shit, the guy's pointing this way!"
Kenny looked around the trailer. "Fuck, if I get caught this time, I'm going to jail for sure. You can't let him find me!"
"If he wants to look in here, I don't think I can really stop him."
"But... there's no place to hide in here! What am I gonna do?"
"Well," he said slowly, trying to sound nonchalant, "I got a suggestion."
"How much you weigh, Kenny?"
"Wha--? Uh, about 190, I guess. Why?"
Jim tugged thoughtfully at his wiry, dark goatee. This young man was a fair bit bigger than the doctor had been. He wondered, could he do it?
"You can hide... in here." Jim pointed to his stomach.
"I could swallow you."
Ken just stared at him.
Jim went on, "Just for awhile. I could swallow you whole and hide you inside my belly, just 'til the cop leaves. Don't worry, you'll be safe. If he comes up here lookin' for you, well... there's no way he'd find ya. Then when he's gone, I'll let you out."
Ken continued to stare at him.
"Well? What do you think?"
"Oh come on... this is a joke, right?"
"No, I mean it. I'm serious."
"You're crazy, Mr. Reese. You can't swallow a whole person. It's-- it's frickin' impossible!!"
"Well, yeah, for most people. But I'm different; there's somethin' special about my anatomy that lets me do it. Big mouth, big throat, big stomach... just ask my doctor. Trust me, I can do it." Jim knew this might not be completely true... after all, when he'd done it before (three days earlier), Doctor Moffat had given him some kind of injection as well. Whether he could do it now, without the drug, remained to be seen.
Ken still seemed unconvinced. He looked out the window again, anxiously.
"Well, we're runnin' outta time, son," Jim said, "Do you wanna try it or not?"
"But... you'll let me back out, right?"
"Yeah, sure, of course I will."
The kid shrugged. "What the hell, I guess I got no choice. Okay."
"Damn right!" Jim tried to suppress his excitement. Ever since the doctor's appointment, he'd been thinking of little else but swallowing someone again -- and now he had his chance!! Of course he intended to release the boy afterwards...
but he thought, maybe he could try to keep him inside for awhile? Say, ten minutes or so? Would he survive in there that long??
"Er, what should I do...?"
The big man went to the tiny fridge and pulled out a stick of butter. "Take off all yer clothes and rub this on you."
Ken's face screwed up. "What are you gonna do, fry me up first?"
"It's to make you slide down easy. Come on. And take that earring off, too." Jim looked through the blinds. "You better hurry up, son. I think the cop is comin' this way," he lied.
Kenny started to undress. Jim took off his own shirt, undid the button on his jeans, and unzipped his fly part-way. He saw Ken looking at him as he did this, and said, "Gotta make room for ya." He patted his belly. "You're a big boy."
The young man was completely nude now. After hesitating for a moment, he picked up the stick of butter and began to rub it over his chest. "It's cold!"
"Don't worry, you'll get nice and warmed up once you're inside me." Jim realized that he was starting to salivate. His stomach began to grumble and groan in anticipation, and he wondered if Kenny could hear it...
After the boy had buttered himself up, Jim ordered him to lie down on the cot, on his back. He dropped to his knees heavily at the foot of the cot and grabbed him firmly by the ankles, lifting his feet up. He hoped the hunger in his face wasn't too obvious. Now Jim could see a hint of fear in Ken's expression, and realized he'd have to work fast and get it done with before he changed his mind. (And just in case the policeman came around, too!)
He said in a reassuring tone, "It's okay, kid. I promise it won't hurt a bit. I've done this before." He grinned. Then he crouched down and opened his mouth very, very wide...
"Shit, man," Ken mumbled.
With a grunt, Jim quickly thrust both feet into his mouth and part-way down his throat -- Ken giggled despite his fear, squirming around as if he was being tickled. Jim grasped his legs more tightly and pushed again, taking him in almost to the knees with a thick, slurping sound.
"Holy cow, I can't believe you're doing that!" the boy said in amazement. "Hey, wait, I just thought of something... will I even be able to breathe in there?"
Jim tried to nod (which wasn't easy), and gulped again, taking his legs in even further. He couldn't believe how fantastic this felt... the kid was delicious! He'd be moaning with pleasure if his throat hadn't been so full. He wished he could slow down and enjoy every inch of Kenny's smooth, firm, sweet flesh as it slipped inside him, but there wasn't enough time -- besides, he was too ravenous!
Ken's face turned pale as he watched the huge man's mouth working to take him in, gobbling him up, the lips stretching around his hips and ass now. "Goddamn..." he whispered.
Jim's eyes were starting to roll over white with the effort. He continued to swallow, while at the same time holding Ken by his upper arms and shoving him in. Then he guided his hands into his mouth, gaping even wider to engulf the boy's muscular torso and arms. He could feel his legs starting to fold up inside his belly.
"Uhh, Mr. Reese?"
He ignored him. He couldn't believe the power of his throat muscles; it seemed they were working on auto-pilot, flexing and gulping almost on their own, practically sucking the kid down his gullet... it felt so natural. He realized there was no question now as to whether or not he needed drugs to do this.
But the most difficult part was coming: Kenny's wide shoulders...
Ken seemed to be having a bit of trouble breathing with the pressure on his chest. His eyes were starting to bug out, and there was an incredulous expression on his face; Jim imagined that he must've looked quite bizarre right now, with his mouth stetched out to grotesque proportions.
This was starting to get harder, and the sensation of fullness was unbelievable. Perhaps the boy was too big? Had he bitten off more than he could chew, so to speak?
The young man blurted, "I-- I'm not sure about this anymore. Wait..." He began to struggle feebly, but his arms were pinned to his sides, inside Jim's throat.
Suddenly, there was a loud knock at the trailer door. A voice called out, "Anyone in there?"
Jim's heart lunged. Shit, it was the cop! He looked Ken in the face, wondering what his reaction would be. Would he scream for help??
A moment of silence passed... then Ken seemed to make his decision: "Uh," he cleared his throat, and tried to talk in a deeper voice, "Yes, officer? I mean, who is it?"
Jim would've smiled if he could. He continued to swallow -- but now it felt like the kid was almost stuck!
"Jim Reese? I'd like to talk to you, if you don't mind."
"Uhh... okay, er, gimme a minute," Ken said.
Jim reached out, clamped onto Ken's shoulders and began forcefully shoving him in with all his strength, swallowing hard.
The door handle rattled. "Please open up, it's the police."
"Just-- just let me get some pants on! Oh, Christ..." Kenny gasped.
Now only his head still protruded from the man's mouth. Jim pushed on the crown of his head with both hands, and he continued to slide in... he could feel the kid's little beard scraping against the roof of his mouth.
In a muffled voice, he heard him say, "Jeez, it smells like hamburgers in here..."
And then he closed his mouth completely over him and gulped hugely. He felt the boy going all the way down, filling his gut...
The cop was knocking again, impatiently. "Sir, will you open the door??"
Jim was gasping for air. "Yeah, yeah," he managed to say. He could feel Ken squirming around inside him -- it seemed like he was trying to turn around. He gulped down several large mouthfuls of air so the kid could breathe. Then he got up with a loud grunt, steadying himself against the wall. The weight in his gut was incredible; he was having some difficulty just standing up!
He quickly kicked Ken's clothes and shoes under the cot, then unlocked the door.
The police officer looking up at him was on the short side, but quite burly. He had a thick, brown, brush-like moustache and a buzzcut. He was carrying his cap under one arm.
Almost immediately, his eyes went to Jim's enormous, round globe of a belly, and his jaw dropped slightly. But then he tried to compose himself and looked Jim in the face, saying in a firm voice, "Is there a problem?"
"Uh, no-- sorry I took so long, officer. I was... I had to put some clothes on." Jim tried to laugh.
The cop looked at him suspiciously. "I thought I heard someone else in here."
"Nope, just me. I was having a little snooze."
"Well... I'm Officer Banks. May I come in? I'd like to ask you a few questions."
"Oh, sure." Jim backed up to allow the guy to enter.
"So you're the foreman on this site, Mr. Reese?" The cop couldn't seem to help himself; he kept glancing down at Jim's gut. Jim was nervous... for some reason, Ken was struggling a bit inside him, and he hoped it wouldn't be visible from the outside. Was the boy uncomfortable?
The policeman looked slowly around the interior of the trailer. He said, "You know a young man named Kenneth Delaney?"
"Yeah, I think so. He's one of the employees' kids."
"Have you seen him today?"
Jim's stomach gurgled audibly. "Ah, no. Haven't seen him."
"You sure? One of your workmen seems to think he came up here. He's in a bit of trouble, I'm afraid."
"Sorry, I was sleeping. I didn't see anyone." From Jim's belly came a small moan; Jim thumped a hand to his gut and uttered a short, loud burp. "Ooof... 'scuse me, officer!"
Banks couldn't seem to contain himself any longer -- chuckling, he poked Jim in the belly and said, "I'm sorry, but... man! That is some huge gut you've got there, buddy." He shook his head. "You got a horse in there, or what?"
"Aw, no, it's just fat. And... I had a big lunch today, too." Jim smiled broadly.
"Never seen anything like that. Damn! Sorry, I hope I haven't embarassed you."
"That's alright, I know I could stand to lose 'bout 200 pounds. So, umm... what's the boy done?"
"I can't really tell you that." The cop took another quick look around the trailer. "Well, you just keep an eye out for him, okay?"
"Okay, sure thing."
"Thanks for your time. You take care, sir." He left.
Jim could feel a massive belch building up, trying to escape. He sat down on the cot with a groan. Ken was wriggling around more now, and he could hear him trying to say something -- obviously, he wanted to be released.
Now that the policeman was gone Jim could relax, and really savour the experience of having a whole, live person inside his stomach. It felt great, even better than with the doctor... he'd never had such an enjoyable and satisfying meal in his life!
And now he was starting to realize something else: he didn't want to let the boy back out after all. He knew he had to; he'd surely suffocate in there before long and besides, he thought he could feel his digestive juices starting to flow. Just awhile longer, he thought...
The kid moaned again from inside his gut. His struggles seemed to be weakening.
Mm-mmm... he'd sure been a tasty morsel. He felt so full... and yet he thought that he could probably take someone even a little bigger than Kenny, next time. Jim rubbed his belly, opened his mouth wide and heaved out a huge, long, thun- derous belch. He was about to gulp down some fresh air for the boy, but then stopped himself.
With a sigh, he stretched out onto his back instead. I guess this was my plan all along, he thought to himself. Wasn't it? He didn't know if he could actually digest such an incredible amount of food...
but he supposed there was only one way to find out.
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ladyrowrites · 7 months
Author's Note: Our flight was delayed yesterday so I was bored and decided to finish this request by @patpatspatz ❤️ Hope you enjoy this fluff 🤭
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Part 1
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who calmed down when he got the news that you are stable from Shoko. He was about to go to your room when Gojo spoke to him, “Heh. Nanamin! You better hurry, it looks like she has a visitor.” Then tapped his shoulders.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who got confused by Gojo’s comment because it was him who stayed by your side for 2 days now in the hospital – waiting for you to wake up. When he got to your room, a tall man that he doesn’t recognize was hovering over you and you were laughing with him. You look so happy – smiling from ear to ear. Is he your boyfriend? And when did you wake up? He was supposed to be the first one you see when you do. Nanami didn't even realize that his jaw was clenching and his fists were turning to a ball.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who fixed his glasses and turned away from your room. He better get back to work – stop wasting time, he thought. I guess he expected something from what you said to him before you passed out in his arms.
“Nanami-san, it’s always going to be you. I lo—”
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who’s trying to forget what you said last to him and how it made him feel. His thoughts were interrupted when you knocked on his office door. He was surprised you went to see him.
“Can I come in?” You awkwardly asked him, “Yeah, sure. What brings you here, Y/N? Also, how are you?” He was avoiding your gaze.
“Uh, yeah, I’m good, thanks to you..” You sweetly smiled at him, “I’m here because I wanted to thank you for saving me and I heard you were my guardian basically when I was in the hospital. Just wanted to say, I appreciate it and also I’m sorry… I’m so sorry for being stubborn. Should have listened to you.”
Nanami chuckled, “Yeah, you don't have a great record of following instructions.” You were surprised at his gesture because he ‘lovingly’ caressed your top of head like what he did when you were together – it means ‘don’t worry, I’ll always protect you’.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who was also taken aback by his gesture so he put his hands down immediately and now you were awkwardly staring at each other. He wanted to bring up the words you said to him that night but he was afraid that it was just adrenaline talking. You smiled at his response, “Yeah, don’t worry, next time we partnered up again, I’ll listen to you, captain.” you jokingly did the sergeant sign, “Anyway, I’m going back to Kyoto tonight. I’m really thankful for what you did. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here.”
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami whose heart felt a pang when you said you’re leaving, “Don’t worry about it. I'm just glad you're safe.” You nodded at him and turned to leave. But Nanami, held your hand so you faced him, “Huh? Is there a problem?” A lot, he thought.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who cleared his throat and asked, “Uhm, are you going back to Kyoto for someone?” He was searching the answer from your eyes, “Uh, my students?” you really didn't understand what his question was.
“Ah, I see… I just thought that… Uhm, I saw someone visited you in the hospital and…” His ears were a bit red...You cackled in his face, oh my god, so that's what he wants to know, “Ahhhhhh! That was Ken, he used to be a Jujutsu sorcerer but left because it wasn't really for him, and also his type is the same as mine…” Nanami had ‘???’ plastered in his face, “Oh my gosh, Nanami-san! He also likes guys.. He’s gay….”
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who was now red on his face as well but was relieved with your answer, “Ohhh, I see. Uhm so are you seeing someone?”
“No.” Fuck, you answered too fast, “Uhm, what I meant was, uhm..”
“Do you remember what you said to me before you passed out?”
“Uh, I was hazy and losing so much blood… so no.”
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who memorized every fiber of your being and one of them was your facial expressions and he knew you were lying! He went closer to you while still holding your hand and now you’re back was on the wall, “Uhm, I said something??” You innocently responded.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who put his other hand on the wall – trapping you and whispered, “Stop lying, Y/N” You closed your eyes as you felt those words in your spine – holy shit! He still had this effect on you. You swallowed your thick saliva, “Uhm, K-Kento…” now your other hand was on his chest.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who’s heart started to race more when he heard his first name escape your lips and his mind went crazy when he felt your soft touch. He missed you so much – you have no idea. You were looking at each other so intensely that a knife can cut through it. He lowers his face closer to yours and you can feel his hot breath. Fuck, you keep swallowing your saliva.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who can't contain his feelings anymore and put his lips onto yours – he was grateful that you were returning his kiss. At first, it was slow and sensual that you can feel all your feelings coming back – not that it ever left anyway. Now, both of your hands are entangled on his neck and his was on your waist. He was kissing you so hungrily now like he was trying to make up for all the years he lost you.
Both of you were panting and broke the kiss for some air. You both laughed because the kiss made you two realize that nothing really changed between the two of you except your maturity and physical appearance.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who broke the silence, "There was never a day that I didn't think of you, Y/N. May I please take you out on a date?" While tucking your hair in your left ear.
"I thought you'd never ask, handsome. Also, you never left my mind too." And you kissed his cheeks.
Ex-Boyfriend Nanami who was no longer an 'ex' because he finally realized that he was miserable without you; he also realized that you were right all along - life is too short to be without love.
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cum-a-calla · 2 months
oR sucking romans cock under his desk so he has some mortifyingly weird interaction with someone important and hes humiliated and angry but also that's what gets him off the best
If he really wanted you to stop, he would roll the chair away, plant his palm against your face and push you forcefully off his cock. If he really wanted that, he would act, not whine about it.
"Come on, stop. I gotta take this." His cell buzzes in his hand. He peers under the desk at you and you look up at him, sliding your lips up and off of him with an obscene pop. You lick at the head as he shivers.
"Answer it."
"Answer it." You look directly at him, stroking him a little faster. "Now."
"Wh - no, I... I can't fucking answer it with you all, fucking... slutting it up down there! Jesus." He rants, and you know some of his irritation is real. The way his voice rises, the way he can't string a coherent sentence together to save his life. His flushed cheeks and the crease between his eyebrows. It's cute. "Take ten, sweetheart. I know you don't need my jizz that bad."
Roman's dick jumps in your hand and he whines at the way you lick a wet stripe from balls to slit. He presses the button and before he can press the phone to his ear, you shake your head.
"Speaker," you whisper firmly.
"Uh - yeah? Hello?"
"Oh, fuck you," he whispers back.
"Romulus - where are you right now?"
"I'm, uh, at the office. Er, like - I'm in the building, on a... a treadmill. What's up, Dad?"
It's all too easy to sink down on Roman's cock again, slowly, making sure to gag yourself with him to get him coated in your drool. The wet sucking sounds seem louder than they ever have before, and the way his body tenses up is delicious. A glance upward treats you to the line of his throat, head thrown back, teeth grit together. His free hand is white-knuckling the arm of his chair. It's hard to giggle with a mouthful of Roman, but you manage.
"Are you with someone? Romulus, are you with that fucking personal trainer again? We were raked through the fucking coals to settle -"
"Dad! No, I'm not. God. There's just - other people use the gym, Dad, it's like... fuckin background noise, or whatever."
Roman glares down at you, cheeks burning red, forcing himself to not roll his hips into your insistent rhythm. You know exactly what he likes, how to speed him along. How to slow him down. How to beckon him right to the brink. He acts angry, but you know he likes it; he likes the risk, the humiliation of getting sucked off while Daddy listens. You take him as deep as you can, gagging, moaning so softly that it's more a vibration against his cock than anything else. He throbs. He's harder than usual - this won't take long, not long at all.
They discuss the logistics of a meeting, of some boring documentation for some merger. The political and professional gossip is compelling, but it's not your focus at the moment. Not even close.
"Can you handle all this, Roman? You getting this, or should I hand this over to... hm, maybe Ken? If you're just too goddamn busy on the treadmill..."
"Treadmill?" Roman thrusts a little too hard into your throat and you immediately recoil a little, but he forces you down with his free hand. A punishment, or an admission of excitement? With Roman, you truly get it all, huh? "Ohh, y-yeah, the... right. Listen, fuck Ken. I got this. I've kept my nose clean, unlike that fucking Precious-Moments-looking little ratfucker, okay? Just - trust me."
"Uh huh." There’s a prolonged pause where Roman is looking at you with such a heady mix of hatred and dark, black desire that you could grind on his polished dress shoe til you came. The urge to push your fingers into your underwear is dancing in the back of your mind, but you resist. This is too delicious. His dad sighs on the phone. "Fine. Don't fuck this up, Roman."
"Aw, c'mon, have a little faith, yeah?"
"Hm. Well... you're gunna have to meet with Gerri on it. She wants to see you about things, fill you in on some of the finer details."
The mention of Gerri's name has him squeezing his eyes shut, holding his breath. He's so close it's ridiculous, thighs taut and trembling as he tries to hold it in. Interesting. Very interesting. You pop off only for a moment, keeping friction with your slippery hand.
"Cum for me," you murmur. Would Logan hear you? You could eat Roman alive right now, his pathetic, watery eyes, his entire lithe frame tight with tension. "Cum for mommy, Rome. Be a good boy. Cum for mommy."
"Okay. Okay, I - fuck - fuck, give me a sec," he groans, and he swings the phone up and away from his ear, hips bucking as you take him back between the warm, wet sanctity of your mouth, your tongue, fingers digging into his inner thighs. He shoots his load into your throat, spills over the back of your tongue in pulses.
"Roman?" Logan's voice comes across the waving cell phone, tired and irritated. "Son, are you there?"
"You're such a fucking bitch, I fuckin'... hate you," Roman hisses under his breath. He allows you to drain him, balls emptied, muscles relaxing. Only then does he push your head away, pushing his feet to roll the chair away from you in shame. "Dad? Sorry, I... I lost connection, there. Yeah, just have the ol' girl text me with the when and where, and I'll make it happen."
"Okay. Good." Logan sounds tentatively relieved, and hangs up without so much as a goodbye. Roman tosses his cell onto the desk, where it clatters. He glowers at you as you crawl out, wiping your mouth, eyes glittering and cunt wet.
"You fuckin' bitch," he says without malice. He catches his breath, flushed and gorgeous. He pushes a hand through his mussed hair, sweat beading his hairline. He snaps his fingers and nods curtly at the desk. "Okay. Up. Get up there. Legs open, pussy out. Your turn."
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lifeiskentastic · 1 year
Ken plays board games with gn!Reader
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Gif by @dilfgifs
A/N: I have so many ideas about Ken exploring the Real World I don't think my notes are big enough for it…
Summary: Ken plays Uno for the first time, and the Real World Reader helps him out.
Word count: 657 words;
Have a good reading!
Ken never played board games. Of course, in Barbieland he had… Cards that had to be placed on top of other cards of the same type without any rules? Well, I think everyone will agree that this is a bit outside the scope of the conventional notion of board games, so the bottom line is still the same: Ken has never played a real board game. And you, as his Real World tour guide, decided to fix that by starting with elementary Uno.
"Ken…" You tried your best to hold back the urge to look at Ken's cards that he had so naively put on display. And also laughter. Because his carelessness could not but cheer you up. "You need to hide your cards or I can spy on them and beat you easily."
Ken turned them upside down in an instant.
"You didn't get to see them, did you?"
You finally opened your eyes and looked unhindered into Ken's worried face.
“No, don't worry. I'll win in a fair fight, so… And now it's my turn.'
You didn't have a choice, so you laid out the color selection card. In fact, you stuck it out until the very end because you knew for sure that Ken…
“Ah, this is the card you were telling me about, isn't it? This, um…”
…will have some problems with this.
“This card means I can now choose any suit for the next card. And I choose…"
You thought for a moment, although there was no need for it. You could normally say the color you have more of, or just the first color that comes to mind. But it was not difficult to notice that Ken, or rather his game, was in a bad situation... This was evidenced by at least a dozen cards in his hands. You didn't want Ken to lose and get discouraged in his first Uno game, so you decided to play along with him a little. Sometimes breaking the rules can serve a good cause.
Ken's face immediately darkened. He frowned and you realized that, it seems, in your efforts to do the best, you only made it worse.
"No! I'd rather choose... Green?"
Ken's face lit up and filled with pride, not hiding his sincere emotions at all. And you were finally able to exhale.
You played for a while longer, and you did your best to push Ken to victory. And now, at the most decisive moment, when you both had only one card left, you were quite ready to give this win to your opponent. However, it seems that Ken had other plans.
He decisively threw a reverse card into the deck. You're about to take a breath to shout out congratulations on his first victory, but...
"Oh, I think my card is the wrong color... I'll have to take more, am I right?"
You stare in confusion at the other card in Ken's hand. But a moment ago he had only one!
"Ken, didn't you already have Uno?"
"No, I had two cards! Uh-huh… Yeah."
Ken was a lousy liar. He couldn't even keep a straight face during the game, and then there was the lie, so you easily uncovered his little scam. It looks like you weren't the only one who wanted your opponent to win.
You smiled to yourself, enjoying Ken's sweet act. Even though he didn't know much about the game, he was still trying to help you. Your smile became all too obvious as you realized this.
"Okay... I propose a draw, what do you think?"
"Does that mean we both win, or does that mean we both lose?"
"It means that we ended this match on equal terms. And now we can go eat ice cream as a prize."
Ken smiled broadly, unable to contain his feelings. His smile was even happier than if he had just won the game.
"You know, I like board games!"
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doctorsiren · 10 months
I'm in love with the split Phoenix AU!! It's such an interesting concept and the shape theory is beautiful!!
When Phoenix get accused of murdering Shadi Smith in Turnabout Trump, which Phoenix is arrested? And how does Apollo react to first seeing them?
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Kristoph would be the kind of guy to use (: and 🙃 in messages ( passive-aggressive )
In this AU, Nick and Feenie both keep up that fake relationship with Kristoph (to varying extents), but both hate the man (and he hates both of them)
And so here, he’s trying to get Nick sentenced so that Feenie loses the serious, critical-thinking side of Phoenix and so it’ll be much more difficult to get Kristoph taken down
So he makes sure that Apollo understands immediately that Phoenix is lying to him and that he shouldn’t trust him (knowing full well the irony)
So yeah, Nick is the one to get arrested, but I thought it would be funny to draw them as the Barbie / Ken mugshot meme on that last page, so there it is :)
Transcript under the cut ^^
Page 1-
Apollo: Oh I’m so nervous…Phoenix Wright is my idol
Nick: Hey kid.
Page 2-
Apollo: (Sheesh losing his job really changed him, didn’t it?)
Nick: Don’t worry, kid. I’m not as scary as I look.
Feenie: He’s right! He’s actually scarier!
Apollo: Oh, uh…hi. Who’re you?
Nick: *shakes head* (indicating to Feenie to not tell Apollo the truth yet)
Apollo: (thinking about how sus this interaction is)
Feenie: I’m Ryu! Phoenix’s twin brother!
Page 3-
Apollo: huh…Never knew you had a twin, Mr. Wright
Kristoph: That’s because he doesn’t
Kristoph: It’s okay, you two. Mr. Justice here is the lawyer today. You can trust him.
Nick: Hello Kristoph.
Feenie: TOFFEE!
Feenie: (he’s an ✨Actor✨…Despises Kristoph)
Apollo: Wait I’m so confused. If he’s not your brother, then who is he?
Page 4-
Nick and Feenie: We’re both Phoenix Wright.
Apollo: WHAT?! Like an alternate universe?! Like in Spider-Verse?! *Nerd noises*
Nick: Woah, slow down kid. Not at all. Phoenix split into two. Into me, Nick, and him, Feenie.
Apollo: (thinking about it)
Apollo: Wait, so which one of you is on trial?
Kristoph: Nicholas here is.
Nick: that’s not even my name.
Page 5-
Apollo: Look…you’re 1/2 of Mr. Wright. You would know…He wouldn’t kill anyone, right?
Feenie: well…
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Clandestine. Part Three.
It's better this way. At least, that's what you're telling yourself.
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Pairing - Stewy Hosseini x Female!Roy Reader
Age Rating - 18+
Word Count - 3k
Warnings - cursing. allusions to smut. angst. mention of death. quick mention of drug use.
Author's Note - it's here, you guys. part three !! thank you so much for all of the continued love on this series, it makes me so happy. there'll definitely be at least a couple more parts after this one, so don't worry!! i'm a sucker for a happy ending ;)
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
Part One. Part Two. Series Masterlist.
Main Masterlist. Inbox.
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"-and I know it's a fuckin' tough challenge, but I think we can do it. We've got people on our side, and I got a call from Lawrence this morning - I'm gonna see if I can convince him. So, we definitely need you in that fuckin' meeting."
"Are you even fucking listening to me? Hello?"
"... What?"
"I said, we need you at the Board Meeting this afternoon. Kendall made me promise I'd show up with you."
"Oh. Yeah, sure. Whatever."
Roman looks you up and down carefully, brows quirked in curiosity.
"The fuck is going on with you? You've been super weird these last couple of weeks."
That confirms your suspicions that Kendall hasn't told anyone about that day at Stewy's apartment. You were wondering if he had, nervously trying to play detective around your siblings.
"I'm just... tired. I'm fine. Don't worry about me, okay?"
Roman doesn't look convinced, but nods anyway.
"Just... you know, I, uh - I'm... I'm here. If you need me. You know that, don't you?"
You smile softly at his awful attempt at affection.
"I know, Rome. Thank you."
"Come on," he says, jumping from his chair. "We better get to that meeting early, Ken wants to talk strategy."
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
You're sitting silently, heels kicked off, curled up in an expensive leather chair. Kendall and Roman are talking business, the complex jargon going straight over your head. You're in a world of your own, completely detached from your current reality, when you hear it.
Rome says it off hand, not thinking anything of it. You watch as Kendall flinches ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly. Your throat tightens, your heart kicks up in your chest. Then, he says it again.
His name.
"I know if you push him the right way, Ken, Stewy is fully on board. We got him, I know we do."
Stewy, Stewy, Stewy.
The word plays on repeat in your mind, like a stuck record. Kendall's eyes flick to you, as if to gauge your reaction, but you refuse to give him the satisfaction. You haven't spoke since your argument, deciding that the silent treatment was the best course of action. You know it's torture for Kendall, but you're both stubborn. Neither of you is willing to back down first.
"Uh - yeah, yeah, I, uh, I think, maybe. I think maybe he is. I don't, uh, I don't know."
Rome is oblivious to Kendall's reluctance to speak on the subject, clearly.
"Well, can you fuckin' talk to him? You know you're like the only person in Waystar he'll listen to."
Kendall's eyes are darting between you and Roman frantically. You can read him like a book.
"Yeah, I'll, uh, sure. I'll talk to him."
You scoff under your breath, but he hears it.
"You got something to fuckin' say, Princess? Huh?"
Princess. You haven't heard that one in a while. Your childhood nickname. It started off as a sweet endearment, but now, it's thrown in your face when the boys want to get under your skin.
"Fuck you, Kendall," you bite.
"Uh... Did I miss something?"
"Fuck off, Roman," you and Ken say simultaneously.
Any other day, you'd laugh about saying the same thing at the same time. You'd joke about how in sync you are, how you share one brain. Now, it just makes you infinitely sadder.
You're about to make another sarcastic remark when Sandi and Sandy enter the room, cutting the moment short. You're not sure if you're grateful or spiteful.
One by one, the Waystar Board members file in, taking their seats at the table. You're holding your breath, sitting at the edge of your chair, waiting for the inevitable. You can predict it now, the way you're going to feel when he walks in - chest tight, lungs knotted, fists clenched.
Stewy walks in, and the opposite happens.
You exhale your held breath, and relax slightly. The tension leaves your shoulders for a moment, your lip gets released from in between your teeth. It's like seeing him has cured you, even temporarily. As if he's your own brand of medicine, your personalised prescription.
His eyes catch yours, and you have a silent conversation. So much is said in such a short time.
Hi. Hi. Are you okay? No, are you? No. Not at all.
The room is oblivious to this emotional exchange - except for your older brother. Kendall watches your every move like a hawk. He's trying to figure out if the two of you are still together, still sneaking around behind his back. You haven't spoken to him since he stormed out of Stewy's apartment, meaning he has no idea about the events that occurred after his departure.
The meeting goes off as usual, full of tension and sniped remarks. You don't listen to a word anyone says, too focused on keeping your attention away from Stewy across the table. You're determined not to look at him. You know that if you do, he'll see right through you. He'll know how you really feel. And that is something you're not at all prepared for.
"Okay, well, if no one else has anything they'd like to cover, I think we're done here. Meeting adjourned."
Everyone rises from their places, shaking hands and having quick discussions before leaving through the tall glass doors. You stay put, in no rush to exit. Kendall approaches Stewy, and you watch the exchange with a clenched jaw.
"Hey, uh... can we, like, talk, maybe? I think, yeah, I think we should talk."
Stewy takes a long, hard look at Kendall, before chuckling humourlessly.
"I've got nothing to say to you, man."
Your brother stays stuck in his place, staring at the floor beneath him. As Stewy leaves, he can't resist running his fingers across your shoulders gently. You look back at him, but he's already gone.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Home doesn't feel like home anymore.
Everywhere you look, you're reminded of Stewy.
You're in the kitchen, and all you can think about is the time the two of you slow danced in the middle of the night, slipping and sliding on the tiled floor. There's a half finished bottle of wine on the counter, abandoned in favour of gliding around the room in your socks. Stewy clicks on some low, jazzy music, and pulls you into his arms. You feel like you finally belong somewhere.
You're in the bathroom, and you can't stop thinking about when the two of you took a bubble bath together, lavender scented steam filling the air. Your back is pressed to Stewy's chest, sitting in between his legs as he massages the shampoo into your hair. He's humming softly, a song his Mother used to sing when he was a child. There's not an ounce of tension in either of your bodies. You feel like you finally belong somewhere.
You're in the living room, and you can't avoid the memories of curling up with Stewy on the couch. He always lets you pick the movie - sarcastically rolling his eyes at your choices, but never protesting. You sit there for hours, bodies tangled together like two pieces of the same puzzle. You feel like you finally belong somewhere.
You're in the bedroom, and you can't stop picturing the way that Stewy would take you apart and put you back together again. Before him, all of the sex you had was quick, transactional, impersonal. But it was different with Stewy. With Stewy, it felt like you had all the time in the world. It was tender, loving, connected. He genuinely cared about your pleasure - learning your body inch by inch, memorising it like a sculptor. You allowed yourself, for the first time ever, to let go. You put your soul in his hands with full faith. Lying there, limbs intertwined beneath the soft sheets, there was no doubt in your mind. You belonged somewhere.
And now that safe place is gone.
Home doesn't feel like home anymore, and it's all because of him. You could move at the drop of a hat, find a new apartment tomorrow if you wanted. But you can't. You can't leave all of these memories behind. As painful as they are, they're all you have.
You turn on the TV, and flick to ATN News. They're running a story on a young baseball player that tragically died in a car wreck, aged twenty four. You sit and watch the whole segment, unable to tear your eyes away from the screen. When it ends, you turn it off, and sit in silence.
You sit there for hours, in the quiet, just thinking. About everything. The number twenty four keeps circling around in your head.
He was twenty four. Twenty four years old. He hadn't even got to live properly. Life is so short. Life is so unpredictable. God, anything could happen tomorrow. Twenty four. Twenty four. Twenty four.
You glance towards the clock on the wall, which reads 10:24. It feels like a sign.
All of a sudden, you're sick of waiting. Sick of being told how to live your life. Sick of trying to conform to these ideals that people are placing on you. Fuck them. Life's too short. You have to start living for you.
You're pulling on your shoes and grabbing your keys before you can even process it. You call the number for a car, but no one answers. Fuck it, you'll run across New York City if you have to. If it means you get to hold the man you love in your arms again.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.
The knocking on the door is so loud, Stewy's half convinced he's about to be murdered. He swings open the heavy oak to be met with the sight of you, looking like you just ran a marathon.
You stand still for a moment, staring at each other, as if you can't believe what you're seeing. You're here, in each others vicinity again. It'd be so easy to reach out and touch him.
So, you do.
You barrel into Stewy, jumping into his arms, throwing yours around his neck. He catches you easily, holding onto you as tight as he possibly can. You wrap your legs around his waist and press yourself even closer, as if to merge both of your bodies into one being.
You breathe him in, and it's the first time you've taken a full breath in weeks. He smells the same as he always did, musky and woody and expensive and yours. He still smells like he's yours.
You don't realise you're crying until you pull away from him slightly, and see the wet spot on his t shirt. He puts you down and closes the door, locking it behind you. He grabs your hand and leads you into the kitchen, parting from you to pour two glasses of wine.
You jump up onto the counter and part your legs, Stewy coming to stand between them instinctively. He places a hand on each of your thighs, warmth seeping through his palms. You're face to face, unsure where to start.
"Baby," he breathes. "What are you doing here?"
He sounds unsure, almost scared. If only you knew how frantically his heart is beating in his chest.
"Life is too short," you reply quickly. "Way too short. I could literally die tomorrow."
Stewy looks at you carefully, brow quirked in confusion.
"Honey, are you on drugs? Because they're really not good for you, you know."
"Says the man who did coke off my ass last month," you tease defiantly.
He fights back a smile, but it curls at the corner of his mouth. You grin at him, hands moving to play with the hair at the back of his neck.
"I'm not on drugs," you reassure. "I was just watching the news, and it kinda put everything into perspective. Life is so short and so fragile. Why am I wasting mine trying to appease my family, who'll never be happy, no matter what I do?"
He smiles at you softly, nodding as you continue.
"I just - my whole life, my brothers have just done whatever the fuck they wanted. Especially Kendall. But I make a choice for me, and all of a sudden I'm the villain? How is that fair?"
"It isn't," he agrees, squeezing your thighs in reassurance. "They're all hypocrites. Do you know how many stupid decisions I've watched Kendall make over the years? They think they know everything, but they don't."
"I mean, look at them. Roman is incapable of affection, Kendall's ex wife hates him, and Connor practically bought Willa. My Dad's on his second wife, not including the countless mistresses he's had. None of them know anything about love. They don't know a thing."
"I think you're the only person in your family capable of love," he chuckles.
"I'm starting to think you might be right," you laugh.
You lean forward and press your forehead to Stewy's, exhaling the tension from your shoulders.
"I'm really sorry," you whisper. "For everything. I treated you horribly, and none of it was your fault."
"It wasn't your fault, either. You know that, right?"
"I don't know. It's so hard to get a view on things when they're happening. But when I took a step back, it gave me a clearer look. And it made me realise something."
"And what's that?" he murmurs.
"I realised that I cannot live a day without you, Stewy Hosseini. I don't want to."
"Thank God," he breathes in a laugh. "I've been going fucking crazy here without you."
You beam a grin at him, so bright it's a wonder that the lights don't shatter.
"I love you, and I won't apologise for it," you confess. "Whatever the consequences are, I'll accept them. Nothing can touch me when I'm loved by you. You're like my own personal armour."
"Man, we're the worst," he laughs. "We could love anyone in the world, and we just had to choose each other."
"I'm gonna choose you everyday, I'm afraid," you tease. "There's no going back now."
"I wouldn't want to," he murmurs. "I don't want to go back."
"Me neither," you whisper against his mouth.
Stewy leans forward and captures your lips with his, arms wrapping around your waist to pull you closer. You get completely lost in each other, revelling in the feeling of being back together. You feel like you can finally breathe again. The other half of your heart has returned.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The two of you are tangled among the sheets, limbs intertwined and hands linked. You run your fingertips in mindless patterns over his chest, the sprinkling of hair tickling you, making you smile gently. Stewy's playing with your hair, soothing you softly. His heartbeat is lulling you into tranquility, relaxing you completely. This is paradise, you're convinced. Paradise.
"It can be like this forever, you know," he murmurs into the top of your head, kissing you tenderly.
"I know," you reassure. "And it will be."
Stewy can't stop thinking about the diamond ring still sitting in his nightstand. After your fight, he thought he'd never get to see you wear it. But now he knows he will. And that makes his heart flutter uncontrollably in his ribcage, like technicolour butterflies trying to escape him.
He pulls you impossibly closer, trying to breathe you in. He never wants to let you go. You don't want him to.
"We should tell them," you say suddenly. "Fuck the consequences."
"Are you sure, honey?"
You sit up in bed, looking at him carefully. His hair is mussed, shoulders relaxed, lip bitten between his teeth. He's never looked more beautiful.
"I'm sure. I wasn't, before. I think that's why I tried to push you away - I was trying to force myself into doing something I wasn't ready for. But almost losing you has made me realise that you're it for me, Stewy. You are my first and only choice. You are the only thing I'm sure of."
Stewy's chest swells with emotion, throat tightening, eyes welling. He's determined not to cry, but fuck, he's close.
"Do you know how many times I've dreamt of you saying those words to me?" he chokes out. "I love you. Fuck, I love you so much it makes me ache."
"I love you," you whisper back, cradling his face in your gentle hands. "I love you. I'm never letting you go again. Not ever."
You kiss him softly, basking in the feeling of his lips on yours. You get lost in each other once again, both of you in disbelief at being back in each others arms.
"Let's tell them," you whisper against his mouth. "Fuck the consequences."
"Fuck the consequences," he grins. "It's you and me, baby. You and me against the world."
You feel as if you're floating, levitating, powered by the sheer force of your love. Nothing can touch you. You're invincible, when you're in Stewy's arms.
He knows this is it. This is the moment. He makes his decision, and reaches his arm out to open the top drawer of this nightstand. His pulse quickens, body practically vibrating with anticipation. As he pulls it open, your phone rings, the shrill tone piercing through your peace.
You go to decline it, but notice that it's Connor's name lighting up your screen. There's a weird feeling in your stomach, suddenly.
"Hi, sweetheart. It's Connor. Where are you?"
You cast a glance towards Stewy, and he shakes his head softly, silently communicating. Not yet. We'll tell him in person.
"I'm at a friend's place. What's up?"
"I, uh, I don't... I don't really know how to, um... you need to come to Dad's apartment, ASAP."
"Wait, what? Why?"
There are a million scenarios swirling around in your head, clouding your mind, overwhelming you.
"He's, uh.. I just, um, I don't-"
"Spit it out, Con."
A pause. He takes a deep breath.
"Dad's dead."
Your heart breaks. Stewy hears it happen.
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Stewy Tag List
@justacaliforniandreamer @616wilsons @shawty-writes-a-little @isuspectitwasthenargles @thinemineours @buckysbae @jolie989 @allcheesemelts
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Brothers and Sisters (Platonic!Ryan!Ken x Human!F!Reader) @that-kid-fromtheplayground
Request: Hey I was wondering if you could write something fluffy for platonic!Ryan!Ken & fem!Non-Barbie!reader? (context: reader is made to be similar to Chelsea, but not Barbie's sister, and by that I mean being a young aged doll to be probably 12-13-14.) Maybe reader sees Ken as a brother/dad figure and is a total sunshine about it? +bonus points if you add a little something about Ken wanting to take care of the reader when he was in his 'Kendom' phase <3 Hope I am not asking for too much! <333
Genre: Fluff
Description: Though you may not be a Barbie, that never stopped you from getting easily attached to a certain Ken
warnings: talks of patriarchy (down with it imo)
a/n: I am not very well-versed in Chelsea's character, but I tried my best TT
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Ever since you were consciously aware that you were the only girl in your respective family, one thing was clear: you wanted a brother.
However, you never wanted a younger brother, you know, the ones with sticky fingers, obnoxiously loud or just completely insufferable. You wanted an older brother - the kind that is unconditionally protective, teasing and a little bit dim-witted, what could you say? You wanted to keep the wits, that's for sure. However, an older brother was certainly a stretch and it's not like the real world could exactly hold up its end of the bargain.
That was, until you were on the boardwalk of Venice Beach and you saw two brightly-coloured blondes in leotards and roller-skates, almost straight out of the 80s. Naturally, your curiosity got the better of you and you followed them around like a lovestruck puppy. You followed them on your skates and a rocket ship, boat and car drive later, you were in Barbieland.
Ken, once he was back on the beach and doing his thing, he saw you, looking a little clueless and, in a way, overwhelmed - he may be just Ken, but he had a heart of gold.
"Hey, are you alright?" He asks, putting his surfboard down.
"Um, I uh, how did I get here?" You ask.
"Well, a bespoke number, roller-skates and a rocket ship later - here you are!" He said, his arms gesturing the grandiose affair. "You seem lost, what's your name?"
"...Y/N." You say. "And you're Ken?"
Ken nods, "Yep."
"Huh, my mom never let me play with Ken dolls, she thought I'd...get ideas..."
Ken tilts his head in slight confusion, but he just rolls with it - from then on, he knew to look after you and, even though an older brother was what you asked for, you didn't expect him.
~~~TIME SKIP TO THE KENDOM~~~ Let's just say you were not too keen on all of the Kens having house parties until midnight, but you endured it and stayed in Ken's Mojo Dojo Casa House for the time being - this patriarchy has spread like wildefire, even Ken, who's been looking after you has done it.
One night, he saunters into your room to check on you.
"Hey," He asks in his most manly voice possible. "You okay, little girl?"
You just nod, a little nervous. "Ken...are you okay?"
He holds his exterior and closes the door, then he gives in. "No...you wanna watch TV?"
"Yeah, ok." You pat an area on your bed for him to sit and put on a calm movie - it was a chick flick - something, at this point he wasn't too proud of.
"Hey, if any of the other Kens find out, you're dead." He jokes.
a/n: Yeah, not my best fic, but hey, first time for everything right
Please like and reblog! Do not pass as your own.
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
it's gotta be arcade carpet, I will start a fight and I do not care if I win that fight, even though I will win that fight. I want to draw blood, and Taako
"I hate him," Taako says, with feeling. "I hate him so bad. I want him to be naught but purple viscera traumatizing onlookers. You get me? Like, am I being clear enough?" He dips his pretzel passionately into the communal cheese and gets that succulent plastic nacho sauce all over the tray and his hand. He scowls and sucks his fingers loose and Kravitz thinks, not for the first time, him, huh? This is where I've laid my affections?
"For sure," Kravitz says calmly instead. He slides Taako a napkin.
"His strategies are garbage from a toilet, he has no flair, he cheats, I fucking know he does, I don't know how but I Know he does-" Taako huffs and chews his pretzel. Kravitz props his head up on his hand, looking at the jewelry store behind them, and the poster in the jewelry store with the deliriously happy gay couple, and he like, knows, okay, he knows all the diamond things and the capitalism things and the marriage things. And targeted advertising and rainbow bank icons. But listen. What if, is the thing.
"You could find another place to play?" Kravitz suggests, already knowing the answer. But Taako is in a ranting mood, and wants to get the magma out of his system. Kravitz is happy to divert the flow. It's certainly more interesting than going back to work in fourteen minutes.
"Obviously I'm not going to run, Krav," Taako scoffs, mouth still full. Nasty <3. Kravitz has it bad. It might be infectious, how bad he has it. Limbs falling off. In twenty years they'll be like how did the zombie apocalypse start? And no one will answer, because everyone will be gone of zombieism. The end. "I'd rather kill him."
"Noo," Kravitz says, laughing. "Really?"
"Yeah, really!" Taako almost manages a straight face. Usually he's so good at locking it down. Perfect stupid asshole. "I'd kill him good. I'd uh, I'd. Uh. If he beats me at Dance Party Castle again, I'm gonna start a fight."
"A fight? With what, your beefy fists?" Kravitz laughs. He knows Taako could hold his own in a scrap. But also.
"I will start a fight!" Taako declares, maybe a bit too loudly, but the empty food court just echoes dimly about it. "I will start a fight, and I don't care if I win, but I will win. I will win that fight. I wanna draw blood."
"Blood on the dance floor?"
"Boooo!" Taako breaks up into giggles. "Blood on the arcade carpet!"
"Oh no! Think of the blacklights!"
"Think of the Jenkins meat getting fed into the- what's the- Polybius!"
"You said Jenkins meat out loud with your mouth and now you have to go to the Phantom Zone forever." Kravitz shakes his head so sadly. What a loss. Taako cracks up.
"Noooo, I wasn't thinking!"
"That's it, you never think." Kravitz folds his arms, and gets cheese sauce on his suit jacket. "Wait, aw, fuck…"
"Are you sure you don't want to watch me defeat Dance Party Castle one mo gain?" Taako teases. He slides the nakins back over. What a loss!!!
"Only if there's an arcade massacre."
"Beb, I'd commit all kinds of crimes for you."
"Murder?" Kravitz pretends his cheeks aren't heating up, even after all this time. The classic Ken doll of a dude proposing to the slightly more racially ambiguous Ken doll in the glossy jewelry store ad almost winks at him.
"What about tax evasion?"
"Peasy, even."
"We got 'im, boys! Lock him up!"
And as Taako pretends to get dogpiled by a number of invisible undercover tax assassins, he has at least gotten less righteously incandescent about the fucker ruining his favorite thing. So Kravitz wins.
Just not at Dance Party Castle.
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ohanny · 6 months
I've been waiting for this show since last year because they kept marketing it as poly and I won't let them cop out because if they do I will set something on fire so here's my personal step by step plan on how we get these three together:
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1. Seiji, who has been shown to be really decisive about his moves, pursues Ken who is way more cautious and turns him down because Ken really fucking wants to but NEEDS this job and he's scared and Seiji is bummed but he gets it and gah all the sexual tension on stage.
2. Enter Pan and basically where we are when the show starts and Ken realizes he might have fucked up and underestimated exactly how many feelings he has.
3. Ken confronting Seiji about his thing with Pan with a "It is forbidden, the laminated rule board says so" and Seiji is all "Oh for fucks sake grow up, Ken" and when Ken looks at him like a hurt puppy "But -" Seiji is like "But what? Was I supposed to wait for you forever?" before walking off.
4. Ken corners Pan in some broom closet or whatever. Pan's like "Uh?" and Ken's like "Seiji. He's not some fun thing you can experiment with, okay? So if this is like some gay awakening or whatever -" and Pan's like "It's not! I really like him, okay!" and he's all defensive and genuine and then a bit baffled because Ken looks... sad? And then Ken looks at him with his big wet brown eyes all "Good. You have no idea how lucky you are" and walks off and Pan is like "... huh?"
5. Pan goes to Seiji like "I know this is none of my business but it was kinda made my business so uh... is Ken your ex or something?" and Seiji is suspicious all "What the fuck did he say to you?" and Pan is like "He just wanted to make sure I was being serious and I am!" (Seiji smirks and Pan blushes) "But then he got a bit weird and just... told me how lucky I am to have you?" And then Pan watches Seiji get that same kinda sad look in his face before shaking his head and wrapping his arm around Pan with "Nah, we never had anything. He's just being Ken."
shockingly step 6 might involve Pan having ALL the brain cells because 6. Pan as a professional university dude shipper internet kid being able to do the math about this weird pining + sexual tension going between Ken and Seiji. And then he has to have a moment of introspection because a) he hates all the girls hanging all over Seiji but b) he does not hate watching Seiji and Ken be all over each other on stage. So maybe to test this out, he invites Ken to crash his planned date with Seiji and he's all "Oh, he's your best friend! We should all hang out together!"
7. Them getting drunk in some bar and Seiji getting handsier by the minute and Ken is like "Yeah, I'm just gonna head home ._." and Pan is like "Booooo, don't you like me?" and Ken's like "I like you kiddo but I really don't need to see this" and Pan pouts because he's a baby and then he suddenly grins and jumps up all "You can't leave before a good night kiss!" Before Ken can do much, Pan plants a big one right on his lips and then shoves Ken at Seiji like "Seiji too!" And Seiji is smirking a bit because when does he not and also Pan is adorable but then Ken is at his face with those big brown eyes and suddenly it's not all that funny anymore? And then Ken is kissing him, soft and careful and oh and Pan's like "Oh yeah. I am definitely into this. Noice."
8. Nothing more happens because well, Pan is drunk as fuck and Ken is a gentleman and all but next morning when Pan wakes up in bed with Seiji, Seiji's like "So how much of last night do you remember?" and Pan's like "Kissing Ken... oooh I remember" and when Seiji's like ... Pan is like "Oh come on. Don't tell me you don't want to?" and when Seiji's like "It's not that simple" Pan is like "It actually is if you're not dumb about it" and Seiji's like "I think Ken was wrong. I'm lucky to have you" and Pan's like "BOTH of you are, I am amazing!"
9. Pan showing up at Ken's door all "Hi! I am here to take you out!" and Ken's like ".... I am so confused right now? Where's Seiji?" and Pan's like "Working on his abs with Great which means I am bored and since I would rather die than go on a stairmaster, I decided we will get to know each other better!" and Ken just.... goes with it because he seems like a pretty chill dude although he is kinda moving with the energy of someone expecting a bomb to drop and then at the end of the evening Pan's like "Let me take you home" and Ken's like "That's Seiji's place?" and Pan's like "Yeah, I don't really put out until the third date but Seiji totally does and I wanna test my hypothesis on exactly how much I like to watch you two... unless you don't want to! In which case we can just... watch a movie or something!" and Ken's like oh fuck it and kisses Pan who fist bumps in glee and god it's so dumb but also adorable.
10. They live happily ever after and all love each other and shower together and save TWICE as much water like the environmentally friendly gays they are, the end.
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Calling Them With a Nickname/-chan Honorific
SUMMARY: Basically the title; calling various Tokyo Revengers characters with the -chan honorific (and a nickname, sometimes) WORD COUNT: 1.2k
WARNINGS: Angst in Kazutora (oops), Hanma being a flirty bastard, you being flustered in like half of them, you being hella confident in the other half, generally just fluff, fluff, flustered guys, probably OOC.
CHARACTERS (Because there are a lot): Mikey/Sano Manjiro, Draken/Ryuguji Ken, Baji Keisuke, Matsuno Chifuyu, Hanemiya Kazutora, Mitsuya Takashi, Hanma Shuji, Shiba Hakkai, and Kisaki Tetta (phew that’s a lot-)
A/N: I dunno I keep jokingly calling the characters in Tokyo Revengers -chan to show affection for them (totally not to make fun). And I thought I should share my thoughts on how they would react to you all (lol). Some of them, it's by accident, and some you know exactly what you're doing lmao- Also, you aren't dating in these, just friends (crushes??). Sometimes (like half of the time) it's a nickname paired with chan because that's cute lol- A/N Part 2: Hope they aren't like super ooc?? Lmao- oops- I mean I don't know a lot of them that well so- I tried by reading a bunch of fanfics (lol) A/N Part 3: Kisaki is scary- Like I don't know what you guys are talking about, I wasn't able to write him fully because he's terrifying lmao- A/N Part 4: Also feel free to use these nicknames for any fic-writing that you do- cause these are adorable </3 A/N Part 5: Also this is my first time writing in this format so. Uh- yeah. It was fun though, it combats my inability to write long fics lol- A/N Part 6: Originally posted here.
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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Mikey/Sano Manjiro
You were frozen, eyes wide as a soft blush grew over your cheeks. You hadn't meant to call Mikey with an honorific—chan, no less—and you were worried on how the other would react.
"I- I'm sorry, Mikey, I didn't-"
"Call me that again."
"...What?" You stuttered slightly, not sure on what to say.
"Say what you called me again." He blinked, staring at you.
Was this a punishment...? "M-Mikey-chan...?"
You watched as Mikey's face brightened, smiling softly at you. "I like it when you say that... Say it more. Mkay, [Y/N]-chan?"
You felt your cheeks grow hot. "All right... But, one question."
"What is it?"
"Why didn't you yell at me when I said it the first time- I mean, we don't know each other and all..."
The male let out a soft huff before shaking his head. "Well, because I like you. And, I like being called nicknames by you. So." He shrugged slightly.
"...Okay..." You were confused, but a faint smile grew over your lips as you watched him.
"C'mon, let's go to a cafe- I want to eat the parfait there!"
"Wait- I thought you already ate one today?"
"It's a different store, [Y/N]-chan!"
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Draken/Ryuguji Ken
"Ryu-chan! You look really pretty today!"
You were met with a blank stare.
You stammered a little as you gazed into his eyes, hands raised placatingly. "Hey- Didn't mean any harm, I just wanted to see how you'd reac-"
"Yeah. I don't care."
Truth be told, he did care... And he spent a while in his bedroom, flustered at the fact that you called him with a nickname.
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Baji Keisuke
"You can't just keep on beating people up like that, Baji-chan." You pouted softly at him, prodding his chest lightly. "Seriously. What's your reason this time?" You were too caught up with scolding him that you didn't notice the nickname that you said.
Baji was... 48% confused, 43% surprised, 8% annoyed, and 1% flustered. His thoughts were racing inside his head- did you actually call him a nickname, or was he just imagining it?
He just let out a soft huff, interrupting whatever trivial thing you were saying—probably telling him to stop being so reckless and stupid—before he picked you up, much to your surprise.
"Wh-what are you doing? Where-"
He just plopped you down on his bike, putting his helmet on you before sitting down. "Hang on tight, I'm taking you on a date."
"Wait why-"
"Because you called me 'Baji-chan.' And it was cute. And I like you."
"...This is a confession? Wait, when did I call you Baji-chan anyway-"
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Matsuno Chifuyu
"Fuyu-chan- Can I have one of your romance manga?"
Double punch to Matsuno Chifuyu—wait no, triple punch. Firstly, you had called him with his first name. A nickname, at that. Secondly, there was the affectionate 'chan' honorific. Thirdly, a romance manga? One of his romance manga? Was this a sign for him to confess? All of his shoujo manga that he had read hadn't prepared him for this.
"Wh-which one?" He asked, flustered.
"Any- you know there was one you were recommending a while back. About a forward girl and a shy boy?" A smile tugged at your lips as you leaned closer. "I remember thinking that it sounded kinda like our relationship, mm?"
Chifuyu let out a soft huff, trying to ignore how close you were, how flustered he was. "Yeah... I have it somewhere."
You let out a soft laugh before grabbing your phone, quickly taking a picture of him before he could react. "Baji-san was right, you did get super flustered-"
"What- hey- you better not send that to Baji-san, he'll laugh at me for days-"
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Hanemiya Kazutora
"Kazu-chan. Look at me. You are not the horrible person you think you are."
Kazutora let out a soft huff. "Yeah, you're just obligated to say that."
Your nose scrunched up slightly. "No, I'm not. Don't be so dense, Kazu-chan." You gently bopped him on the nose. "Seriously. You deserve love, affection, friendship."
Kazutora shook his head. "But-"
"Shut up and listen to me, Kazutora."
He paused slightly. "...You stopped calling me that."
"Calling you what?" You blinked slightly.
"...Kazu-chan..." You watched as his cheeks flushed a soft red before feeling your cheeks heat up as well.
"Shit- I'm so sorry- didn't mean to-"
"Nah, it's okay. It's the only thing that makes your argument worth listening to."
"Well then, guess I'm gonna have to keep calling you Kazu-chan until you believe what I'm saying. Because you deserve everything good that this world has to offer."
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Mitsuya Takashi
It wasn't any surprise when you called Mitsuya 'Taka-chan.' Probably because you were always with him and Hakkai.
Still, what surprised Mitsuya was the fact that you had done it on purpose.
His heart skipped a beat, a faint smile on his lips as he watched you.
"What's with the smile?" You asked teasingly.
"Nothing... I just like it when you call me 'Taka-chan.' It's cute."
"Really?" You let out a soft laugh, wrapping your arms around him. "Well, I'm glad. Though, you're smiling a bit more than when Hakkai-kun calls you 'Taka-chan'~ Any reason for that?"
"Mm, I'll tell you... If you kiss me first."
"All right, then."
"Wait no I was kidding, [Y/N]-chan-" Cue a flustered Mitsuya.
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Hanma Shuji
"...Shu-chan? Did you just call me that?"
You tensed slightly, backing away. "N-no-" You stammered, eyes wide as a faint blush grew on your cheeks.
"You did, didn't you..."
You shook your head slightly before a soft squeak left your lips as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug. You felt your cheeks burn as you just hugged him back. "...You're touch-starved."
"What- No I'm not, love."
"Yes you are. And it's not like you're in love with me-"
"But I am-"
"...What." You blinked slightly as you watched him.
"[Y/N]-chan- It's true! So call me Shu-chan more." He pouted softly at you, and you could only relent, eyes softening a bit as you watched him.
"Fine... Only to calling you Shu-chan, though."
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Shiba Hakkai
Watch Hakkai literally freeze.
"Hakkai-chan?" You ask again, an innocent look on your face. "Can you please help me with my homework?"
You watched in amusement as his cheeks flushed brightly.
He knew what you were doing, how you were trying to make him more flustered and unable to speak than usual. He was pretty used to being around you, to the point where it was fairly easy to talk to you, but... Still, when you wanted to be flirty, it broke him.
He looked away from you, pressing his lips together as he didn't look you in the eye, feeling his cheeks heat up even more. "Wh- what..."
"It's for math. Help-" You got rid of the teasing look, poking the male gently.
"O-oh..." He mumbled, looking at the papers.
"...Wait, [Y/N]- I thought you were the smart one here."
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Kisaki Tetta
Welp. You were dead.
That was the thought that flashed through your head, as well as regret and a tiny- tiny- bit of fear.
After all, you had called him Tetta-chan- either he would think you were making fun of him, or that you were flirting- neither of which you wanted to think about.
Before he had the chance to reply, you just dashed off, sprinting as fast as you could.
By the time Kisaki had processed your words enough, you were long gone.
"Well..." He shook his head slightly with a soft sigh, feeling his cheeks heat up. "They're the only one allowed to call me that."
Hanma just let out a soft snort. "Tha has a nice ring to it, don't ya think, Tetta-chan~"
"Shut up."
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tala-bez-i · 2 months
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At first sight Chapter Forty-Two
(m!reader x Bonten!Haruchiyo Sanzu)
Fluff/slash/reader is male/cursing/BontenTimeline/drugs and alcohol mentioned/violence/blood/death
All characters that appeared in the Tokyo Revengers manga and anime belong to Ken Wakui.
Words: 4137
Enough babbling. Back to the action… I guess 🤔
This chapter may not be pleasant to read for some people.
Sanzu informed you about three different places that were behind on their last protection payment. Two restaurants agreed to pay the fee immediately and gave you the required amount in cash, while also informing you who was behind the whole situation. You were not expecting the answer that came. 
A woman named Mina, who convinced Sato to betray Bonten and join Yuu's side. She was the one responsible for the attempted murder of you, Sanzu, and Mochizuki during Sato's club takeover. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you were aware that you had heard of this woman before, but you couldn't remember when or where. 
"Everything alright, Y/n?" Sanzu asked you as you drove silently to your last destination. On the way, you stopped at a small restaurant for a decent ramen, and now the man sat comfortably in his passenger seat. 
“I don't know.” 
“Huh? Didn't you like it?” 
“I couldn't enjoy the food. That name keeps popping in my head, Mina.” You explained, stopping at a red light. “I feel like I've heard it before.” 
“Mina is a very common female name, and a lot of hookers use it as a nickname.” He shrugged. 
“Yeah, you're right. I just don't understand how one woman could intimidate three guys who work with us.” You replied, frowning slightly. “That doesn't make sense. How did she do that?” 
“Or what she promised them.” Sanzu sighed and laughed quietly. “Maybe she's some kind of billionaire or something? Or is she hiding an army under her skirt that could defeat us?” 
“An STD?” You asked, raising your eyebrows and Sanzu slapped you hard on the thigh. “Ouch!” 
“You're disgusting.” Your passenger grimaced. “Fuck... Disgusting. Couldn't you have said something else?” 
“Sorry... So, now the club and we're going to Mikey's, right?” 
“Yes. You can drop me off at the apartment building on the way back.” He adjusted his seat belt and you gave him a sad look. 
“What, why? I haven’t been home in a while.” 
“It’s not like you left the kids alone and they’re crying…” 
“We are not married and I do not want to hear what your sister thinks of us.” He raised one hand stopping you from speaking. “Seriously, she should focus on her private life.” 
You did not comment on this, knowing that your sister had been trying to set her traps on Ran Haitani for almost three years. Sanzu knew about it as well and often found himself watching her efforts from the sidelines, thoroughly enjoying it. 
“In three days, I will go to visit my father, it will be his birthday.” You said after a long moment of silence. 
“It's funny that their birthdays are on the same day…” 
“My dad and Natsuko.” You said, giving him a quick glance. “I already have a present for her.” 
“That dollhouse you bought at the toy store you weren’t supposed to go to alone?” 
“Come on, Sanzu. It’s not like that woman has any chance with me.” 
“I don’t like it when she hangs around you.” The pink haired man’s tone was quite grim and you smiled at him slightly. 
“I know you made sure she wouldn’t come to my cafe anymore.” 
Sanzu glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and shrugged slightly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Of course.” 
You pulled into the parking lot of a nightclub building in the entertainment district and both of you got out of the car. Sanzu smoothed out his jacket and pulled out a bottle of pills, from which he poured one pill into his hand and put it in his mouth. 
“Are we going there right away?” You asked and seeing the man shake his head, you pulled out a pack of cigarettes. You took one out for yourself and offered one to your companion. 
“Ran sent a message that they were done and got a message from Kakucho to join us.” 
You put the lighter under his cigarette so he could light it and as soon as he took the first drag, you lit your own. You had the feeling that something similar had already happened. You, Sanzu, the Haitani brothers and collecting a debt from a nightclub... 
You had a strangely bad feeling. 
You took a drag on your cigarette and slowly exhaled the smoke, watching it float in the air and disappear. You looked up at the sky, which was slowly starting to fill with rain clouds. You hadn't checked the weather forecast beforehand, too busy with the pink-haired man standing right next to you, enjoying his cigarette. 
“Who owns the club?” You asked casually. 
“Naoko Akabane.” He answered you with a shrug. 
“A woman?” You looked at him carefully as he took a drag on his cigarette. 
He flicked the ash on the ground. “Yes, but only on the papers. This club is supposed to look completely legal. The real manager, so to speak, is her husband, Koji Akabane.” 
You mumbled under your breath and after a moment you both heard muffled music from the car radio. 
“And here are our partners.” Sanzu grumbled as an elegant car belonging to the Haitani brothers pulled into the parking lot. 
Rindou parked his car next to yours, the music stopped and both men got out of the car, of course Rindou was the driver as usual. They walked up to you slowly and also took out cigarettes, which they lit and inhaled. 
“So, gentlemen... We have to work together again.” Ran smiled crookedly and Rindou nodded to you in a slightly more friendly gesture, to which you returned the same. 
“Any explanation as to why we have to go there together?” Sanzu asked, ignoring the teasing tone of the taller brother's voice. 
“Akabane has announced that he will not pay us under any circumstances and is ending his cooperation.” Rindou spoke up. 
“Is this a joke?” Sanzu looked at him and blinked a few times. “What is this idiot thinking? Who does he think we are? A gang from the backyard, for fuck's sake?” 
“He's grown in feathers, you can't blame him.” You put out your cigarette listening to Ran's comment. “I knew he shouldn't be indulged.” 
“Who indulged him?” Sanzu got irritated, throwing the cigarette butt. “This fucker will learn a lesson and tuck his tail between his legs.” 
You looked at your butts, feeling your bad feeling only deepen. 
“You can still get along with Naoko normally, she's a good girl, but you have to keep Koji by the throat all the time.” Rindou nodded. “Y/n, what the hell are you doing?” 
You looked at him, hiding your cigarette butt and the one belonging to Sanzu in your handkerchief. All three men were looking at you as if you had grown an extra head. You felt a little embarrassed, but you shrugged and put the bundle in your jacket pocket. 
“I have a bad feeling. It's just evening and there's a police station nearby. If there's any use of force...” You patted your pocket. “They better not find any traces.” 
Your companions looked at you in silence for a moment, then Rindou turned to his brother. 
“Y/n is right, brother. Better safe than sorry.” 
“Fuck, you spend too much time with your sister.” The other grumbled and put out his cigarette, passing the butt to his younger brother, who looked at it with an unreadable expression, as if he wanted to protest, but in the end did the same as you. 
“Since when are you so careful, huh?” Sanzu asked calmly, but before you could answer him, he smiled and waved his hand. “Anything that will make you calmer.” 
“There are no cameras here, right?” Rindou asked suddenly. 
“We didn’t put them in the parking lot.” The pink-haired man answered him, looking around carefully. “No. I can’t see anything. Besides, even if they put something somewhere, we have the right to take all the recordings or simply delete them.” 
“Should we enter through the back entrance or the front?” Ran asked calmly. 
“The back entrance, it’ll be closer to the office.” Sanzu answered and you all walked up to the large metal door and the man extended his open hand towards you. “Key.” 
You pulled the key from your pants pocket that you had earlier taken out of the glove compartment of your car and handed it to your boss. The man inserted it into the keyhole and tried to turn it to unlock the lock. The key didn’t budge. Haruchiyo tried to turn it again, but still without any effect. 
“The son of a bitch changed the lock.” He said in disbelief and looked at you. “Do you get it? The son of a bitch changed the lock.” 
Ran pushed him away from the door and tried to insert the key into the keyhole again, moving his hand but the effect was the same. He pulled out the key and handed it back to you, while nodding to his brother. 
“Rindou.” The younger Haitani took a small case containing a set of lockpicks from the inside pocket of his jacket and crouched in front of the metal door and began fiddling with the lock. 
“We better get ready.” Sanzu said as he pulled out his weapon. “I’ll kill the son of a bitch.” 
You looked around again, checking if anyone could see you, but everything was fine. After a short while, there was a quiet click and Rindou put away the lockpicks. He stood up from his crouched position and pulled out his gun. 
“Ready. We can go in.” He pulled the handle, and the door opened without a sound, which gave you a slight advantage. 
You entered and walked carefully down the narrow corridor, which was immersed in semi-darkness. On the way, you passed the staff toilets, which you checked immediately and when they turned out to be empty, you headed straight to the half-closed office door. Through the gap between the door and the frame, you could see the light on and every now and then you could hear snatches of some conversation. 
“... I don't know...” A male voice said, and after a moment a female one answered him. 
“... bad idea... You can't...” 
“Shut up!” Another man shouted and there was a slap and a short cry from a woman. 
“Leave it…” The first man said. “Bonten… fucked up…” 
“Sato was weak! Stop crying!” Another slap and this time you could clearly hear the woman’s sobs that she was trying to muffle. 
You stopped in the hallway and looked at each other. There were probably only three people in the room, but you couldn’t be completely sure. The woman shouldn’t be a problem. 
Sanzu bristled and walked to the door with a confident step, you immediately followed. He kicked it and aimed his gun at one of the men, and you immediately aimed your gun at the other. Ran and Rindou entered the office right behind you. 
“Fuck...” A man around your age jumped up from behind the desk, but seeing Ran aiming a gun at him, he froze. A shot from one gun could have missed, but from two... The chances were slim. 
“How nice of you to be here, Koji.” Sanzu said in a contemptuous tone, addressing the man standing right next to the terrified woman, whose face was wet with tears. She was holding her hand to her reddened cheek, and blood was seeping from her nose. “Naoko. I see you have company.” 
“Shut up, dog.” The stranger growled, and Sanzu's gun went off, sending a bullet right next to the guy's head. 
“One more word from you, and I swear I'll blow your head off.” He hissed. “Who the fuck are you, huh?” 
“Kiss my ass.” Wrong answer, oh, very wrong... There was another bang and a scream as the man fell into the chair behind him. He grabbed his arm, blood gushing from between his fingers. 
“You son of a bitch!” He groaned in pain, and Sanzu laughed, waving his weapon. "You fucker..." 
“You're lucky I'm having a fairly good day today.” He stepped closer to the desk and peered into the man’s face. “I’ve changed my mind. I’d love to play interrogation with you.” 
“Fuck if I tell you…” 
You glanced at Koji, who was being searched by Rindou, but as soon as you heard another scream from the injured man, you looked in his direction. Sanzu had broken his nose, which was bleeding profusely. 
“Don’t leave a mess, Sanzu.” Ran spoke up, helping the woman up from the floor. “If even one small drop of his blood is left here…” 
“I know, I know. Stop groaning.” 
“Should I tie him up?” You asked and Sanzu looked at you over his shoulder. 
“Sure. Tie his hands with a belt from his pants. You can take the other one from the traitor.” 
You did as you were told and as you moved away from the immobilized, wounded man, you saw anger mixed with fear in his eyes. Sanzu turned to Koji, who was glaring at him. 
“You.” He nodded at him. “Will you cooperate?” 
“Go fuck your bitch…” He growled and Sanzu shot him right between the eyes. 
“Wrong answer.” He grumbled, ignoring the woman's desperate cry, and turned back to the strange man. “And now, my friend, maybe you'll finally introduce yourself nicely, huh?” 
The other clenched his teeth, blood dripping from his nose onto his already bloody shirt. 
“Oh, I see I'm going to have some fun.” Haruchiyo smiled widely, a mad glint appearing in his eyes. “I haven't had the chance to do this in a long time. Wonderful!” 
You looked back at the woman, who had moved away from her husband's body. She hid her face in both hands and whimpered briefly. Ran ran his hand over her shoulder and she looked at him, nodded and turned her eyes, red from crying, to Sanzu. 
“I'll tell you everything.” Her voice was shaking, but she tried to give it strength. “I'll tell you anything you want. I'll cooperate.” 
“I know you will, honey. You always cooperate with Bonten.” Sanzu said in a bored tone, not sparing her a glance. “Take her to the room at the end of the hall, where the strippers' changing rooms are, and question her.” 
“Sure.” Rindou said, and together with his brother, they led Naoko out of the office, closing the door behind them. 
“Now…” Sanzu circled the desk, running his finger along its surface. “Where were we?” He pulled a small folding knife out of his pocket and unfolded it. “Ah, yeah. Who the fuck are you, huh?” 
You slipped your hand behind the back of the man tied to the chair and pulled out his wallet from his back pocket, handing it to your companion. He opened it and pulled out the man’s driver’s license. 
“Uh-huh… Mr. Shigeo Hoshino. That’s a start.” He smiled as he sat down on the desk. “So, Mr. Hoshino… What brings you here?” 
“Go fuck yourself…” 
“Maybe later.” Sanzu pursed his lips slightly. “You’re here on business, right?” 
“You’re wasting your time. That bitch, Akabane, will tell you everything.” 
“Let's start with the fact that Naoko is not a whore but a loyal employee...” Sanzu started to play with the knife, and the man's eyes followed the blade he was holding. “And you're trash, from whom we'll extract information anyway and won't let go so quickly...” 
“You won't let me go at all.” The other spat blood. 
Haruchiyo rolled his eyes, smiled and slightly shrugged one shoulder. “True, but it depends only and solely on you how quickly you die.” 
“I advise you to cooperate.” You said in the man's ear, ignoring the gangster's warning look. 
The man swallowed hard but shook his head. “No way. Otherwise, my family will suffer.” 
“Ha! See? You’re already starting to talk.” Sanzu laughed. “My colleague… I’m sorry, my friend…” He gestured at you. “He can give you his word that if you tell us what we want to hear, we’ll make an exception and not hurt your family. What do you think, Mr. Hoshino?” 
“What kind of guarantee can I have, huh? None!” 
“On the contrary.” The pink-haired man leaned forward slightly. “Do you have children?” 
The man hesitated, but his lips twisted into a grimace. “It’s none of your business.” 
Sanzu sighed dramatically and plunged the tip of the knife into the man's bullet wound, moving it around. Hoshino screamed in pain and took a few sharp breaths. When your companion withdrew the knife, a prolonged howl escaped the man's mouth. 
"I told you, cooperate." You threw out casually, watching as the man's head fell to his chest due to losing consciousness. 
You looked at Sanzu and saw nothing but indifference. He raised his bright eyes at you, in which there was no trace of amusement anymore. 
"Terribly weak, huh? For someone who refrains from talking, he has a low tolerance for pain." 
You shrugged and out of the corner of your eye you saw the guy raise his head. “I guess it's not so bad. He's back already.” 
“Okay, nice. We'll give you a head start.” Haruchiyo took another interest in the man. “Is your employer a man or a woman? Think about it and tell us the truth.” 
“A woman…” He gasped, a single tear rolling down his cheeks. “Woman… Mina…” 
“Dear God... Was it really that hard? Hoshino?” Sanzu leaned back and looked at the ceiling. 
“No... No...” Your hostage shook his head and groaned in pain. 
“Thank you.” You patted his good shoulder and Sanzu smiled again. 
“And now another question.” He leaned down and began swinging the knife like a pendulum. “Where is she?” 
“I don’t know…” The man whispered and Sanzu plunged the blade into one of his thighs. “AHHH!!! TOSHIMA! TOSHIMA!” 
“Mina is in Toshima.” The gangster said calmly, looking straight at you. He twisted the blade of the knife a few times and pulled it out of the crying man’s leg. “Great. We’re getting better at working together, aren’t we, Mr. Hoshino?” 
“Do you have any other secrets you’d like to share with us?” 
The man shook his head weakly, but you knew that this answer wouldn't satisfy your friend and you were right, because another howl was heard from the man as Sanzu stabbed him in the other thigh. This time he did it several times in different places and judging by the rapidly growing blood stain, he had severed the aorta. 
"Fuck... We weren't supposed to make a mess." You said, watching the blood drip onto the floor, creating a puddle. You clenched your hand in the man's hair and tilted his head back. 
"Oh, well. We have cleanup people." Sanzu stood up from the desk and in one smooth movement cut Mr. Hoshino's throat. Blood spurted from his neck, splashing a part of the jacket and pants of the pink-haired gangster. “Fuck... Well... That leaves us with Naoko. You can always count on this girl.” 
You let go of the man's head and pulled out your phone to call the cleaning crew, but Sanzu raised his hand. 
“I'll call. Go check on Ran and Rindou.” You nodded and walked out of the office into the narrow hallway. 
You opened the door to the changing room you had already been to a few weeks ago looking for a drunk Sanzu and everyone looked at you. The interrogation seemed to be over, as the woman had already dried her tears with the handkerchief she held in her hands, and her posture was one of relief. 
“Sanzu made a mess, didn't he?” Ran's tone of voice expressed tiredness and when you just shrugged he shook his head disapprovingly. 
“You know how he is.” 
“Yeah... Mina, or rather Minako Hakugawa is in Toshima. She owns a restaurant and doesn't hide. She is often accompanied by a tall, man with piercing eyes.” Rindou said and the woman nodded. 
“It could be Yuu.” You said, remembering your stepbrother’s eyes, which seemed to be staring at you from the photos your father had in your family home. “What are you going to do now? Are you going with us to Mikey’s?” 
“No. Our mission is done.” Ran said, standing up from the chair he was sitting on. “We’ll take Naoko to her house and go back to our place.” 
You nodded and all of you left the room full of dressing tables and various lewd clothes that belonged to the girls working in the club. You decided to take the two brothers and the woman to the back exit and you winced slightly when you saw Naoko quicken her pace, passing the wide open door to the office where her husband’s dead body lay. 
“Sanzu, we’re leaving.” Ran said, peeking inside and you could see from his profile that he wasn’t pleased with the sight he saw there. 
You said goodbye to them and watched as Rindou let the woman into the back of the car, in which they drove off in a direction known only to them. You closed the metal door and returned to the pink-haired man, who in the meantime had managed to find portable drives on which recordings from cameras placed throughout the nightclub were saved. 
“We're taking this with us and getting out of here as soon as the cleaning crew shows up.” He said to you in a calm tone, handing you the unplugged devices. 
You looked down at them and pursed your lips slightly. 
“What's wrong with you? You're not softening up, are you?” Sanzu laughed. 
“I feel like I know this Mina.” 
“This again, Y/n? We've already discussed this, honey...” He sighed, starting to get irritated. 
“I know, but it's not that.” 
“Can you explain?” 
“I feel like I've really met her before.” 
“Where and when?” 
“I don't know.” You replied after a moment, looking up at your lover's face. “I don't know how to explain it.” 
"Could you at least try?" Sanzu encouraged you in a calm tone. 
You clenched your hands around the portable drives and after a few seconds, you relaxed them slightly. “Have you ever had the feeling that some events were completely different than you remembered them?” 
“Sometimes. It depends on what you were focused on at the time. Over time, when other people tell you the events from their point of view, your memory becomes distorted.” Sanzu answered you calmly. 
“Yes, but that’s not it.” 
“Okay, so what? Are you telling me that you have two different memories related to the same event?” The man snorted in amusement. “I take drugs, and you have the effects, Y/n?” 
“I'm serious.” You frowned slightly, turning your head towards the guy tied to the chair and giving your voice seriousness. “Sometimes I get the impression that my family should be dead.” 
Your companion fell silent and you felt his watchful gaze on you. You were tempted to look at him, but you focused on the wound gaping across the man's throat. 
“What do you mean they should be dead?” 
“Exactly what that means. They should be in the cemetery with my mom.” You shook your head slightly. “It's like something is forcibly trying to replace my memories with new ones...” 
“What do you remember?” The calm, yet cold tone of Sanzu's voice caught your attention and you looked back into the gangster's bright eyes. 
“Right... They're just short snapshots, and when I try to focus on them, they disappear.” 
Haruchiyo searched your face with his watchful gaze and you could have sworn there was a glint of understanding in them, but it disappeared as quickly as it had come and the man shrugged. 
“You watch too much TV.” He said in an indifferent tone and brushed loose strands of hair from your forehead. “Don’t worry about it. Take the portable drives to the car and wait for the guys.” He stroked your cheek and kissed your other one. “I'll just browse around here for a while and join you, okay?” 
You nodded, trying to smile, but it didn’t work out so well and the man pursed his lips. 
“You’ll see, once we find this Mina, you’ll realize it’s just your imagination. You’re tired of all this chasing after your brother.” 
You sighed quietly and this time your lips stretched into a gentle smile. You leaned in slightly and kissed Haruchiyo. 
“I’m sure you’re right, thank you.” 
As soon as the metal door closed behind you and you felt a colder breeze on your face, your enthusiasm vanished. You had a feeling that standing face to face with Minako Hakugawa wouldn’t answer the questions circulating in your head but would actually create a new one. 
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