#and keysmash on any and all art/fics/creations that day
misty-moth · 4 months
I’m thinkin I’ll switch around my Arthur day’s scheduled posts to have the things I’ve previously reblogged in the night/morning hours and then the new stuff toward the end 🤔 that or spread it out over two days…
If anyone wants to deplete how many Arthur posts you see on May 22nd, filter the tag #scheduled. It won’t fully save you, but it should help 😅 but they’re all great posts, so I think everyone will enjoy 🙂‍↕️
I won’t have my Arthur hair in time for his bday 😔 I kinda guessed I wouldn’t, it’s just come down to not being mentally fit enough to sit in a chair with a chatty stranger for hours. Not to mention the dreaded phone call to schedule something 😖 but real talk, I haaate having long hair, it drives me crazy and the heat’s making it extra uncomfortable waaahhh the fact I’ve had it this long for a while is madness
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barbiegirldream · 3 years
Alright i’m gonna be parasocial at 9 in the morning. I honestly hope Dream has the best rest of the year imaginable. The first half of the year did it’s very best to fuck him over but August was his month and it’s only gotten better from there. He’s crossed so many milestones this year. His content somehow improves every single time. His music has come so far in such a short period of time and you know he’ll only keep working to improve. His acting even on the DSMP has gotten so good Tina was saying it didn’t even sound like Dream. Just seeing Sapnap and George’s videos, the Dream shorts, streams we know his creative mind has never once stopped spinning and I’m so excited to see what comes next. 
And like two years at this point George is finally gonna be able to be in Florida with Dream and Sapnap. I can’t imagine how excited for that they must be. And Dream who never stops working we know says he has plans for 2022 and I am so excited for that. With the Travel Ban being lifted and Tommy’s eagerness to meet Dream I’m sure we’ll get a UK and US cc meetup soon enough. And just the whole DSMP the way they’ve all bonded so fast over making such a compelling story and just ahh.
Gonna steal Wilbur’s idea here but if I ever met Dream I’d just want to thank him because the way content creation and Minecraft and the gaming community has changed in the past few years is in such large parts Dream’s work and it’s so cool to know someone as loving and hardworking as him has the ‘crown’ so to speak when it comes to mcyt. 
And all the fanworks in art and fic and everything it’s so damn cool. And the people I’ve gotten to know this year on tumblr have just made this so much better. And yeah this fandom has had it’s rough patches we’re a big group of people but more than any other fandom I’ve been in this one feels the most worth it. 
So here’s to many more days of us getting into pointless arguments about lore,  bonding as we wait for our streamers, sighing as we defend our streamers against antis because misinformation is a bitch, the keysmash liveblogging, laughing along as they ‘expose’ each other, trying to figure out who’s vagueblogging who before it all comes out anyways, and just many more dm conversations to be started where you can tell your out of pocket jokes. 
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violexides · 4 years
lil reminder
if u produce content for a fandom, of any caliber, u are valuable
if u read/view content for a fandom and support creators, u are valuable
if u want to start creating for a fandom but can’t, u are valuable
if u only have old technology or free software, u are valuable
if u contribute small sketches and short drabbles, u are valuable
if u contribute vast drawings and novel-length fics, u are valuable
if u contribute a lesser-known medium of art, u are valuable
if u are a silent reader, quietly supporting creators, u are valuable
if u are just experimenting with your works, u are valuable
if u vent thru your art, writing, creations, etc., u are valuable
if u can only create something every once in a while, u are valuable
if u post “too much” or share “too much”, u are valuable
if u leave long, detailed comments on works, u are valuable
if u leave short comments with keysmashes, u are valuable
if u comment on the same art multiple times, u are valuable
if u form an emotional attachment to a piece of art, u are valuable
if u can’t pay for commissions but help support the creator, u are valuable
if u have been in a fandom for years, u are valuable
if u have been in a fandom for a day, u are valuable
if u haven’t touched every piece of media, u are valuable
if u have, in fact, touched every piece of media, u are valuable
if u hyperfixate and infodump over characters, u are valuable
if u are a casual fan that only pops in every once in a while, u are valuable
if u don’t participate in community events, u are valuable
if u have rarepair ships or unpopular headcanons, u are valuable
if u do not ship at all, u are valuable
if u dont feel comfy getting super involved w community, u are valuable
if u are not even in a fandom and this post has fuck all to do w/ u, u are valuable
u are valuable, important, and wonderful. thank u for being here, for sharing ur ideas, for contributing ur fics, for showing ur stories, for supporting others, for leaving comments, for recommending others, for being part of a safe space for so many people.
thank you.
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jowritesthingss · 4 years
A (Demi)Boy and His Demon: Prologue
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Pairing(s): LoSleep (Logic | Logan + Sleep | Remy)
Rating: Teen
Content Warning(s): lots of swearing, religion mention, demons mention, injury/blood (Remy gets a papercut)
Length: 1,418 words
Brief Summary: Sleep-deprived writer Remy accidentally summons a serious-and-seriously-fed-up demon named Logan. Prologue. In Which Remy Inadvertently Summons a Demon
Fic Masterlist!
In Remy’s defense, he hadn’t exactly meant to summon a demon in the middle of a coffee shop on just another typical Tuesday.
And they most certainly hadn’t meant to bind the poor sap to them for the rest of their (presumably now-shortened and miserable) life.
But there he was.
And that was exactly what he had done.
But—erm, well. We’ll get there.
“Remy!” a familiar voice chirped as said enby pushed the door open to his favorite haunt. “Do you how do?”
“Ugh. Like, horrible.” The answer was instinctual at this point. Usually it was just sarcastic, but on a deadline like this? Satan had nothing on the wrath of an editor.
The echo of the bell ringing bright through his ears, Remy walked over to the front counter, where his good friend and caffeine addiction enabler stood. They tried in vain to pretend that they were swaggering and not at all staggering from sleep deprivation and lack of caffeine.
“So it’ll be the usual for you, then, yeah?” Emile smiled, and god, for all the years they’ve spent working as a barista themselves, Remy would never understand how Emile could stay so upbeat while on-shift.
“You know it, gurl,” Remy answered, fishing out his wallet. “Although gimme the largest size this time, hun’.”
Emile clucked sympathetically, already turning and getting started on Remy’s iced coffee. “Deadline coming up?”
“Uh-huh. Tonight.” Remy sighed, slapping a ten dollar bill onto the counter. “I’m due to get the script for chapter sixty-nine to Remus, but like, he’s been too busy giggling over the number of the upcoming chapter to finish the one we’re supposed to publish tomorrow. Virgil’s on the warpath, and I’ve been roped into designing shit to make up for Remus falling behind.” He rolled his eyes.
“Golly, that sure sounds rough.” Emile slid some ice into Remy’s coffee before popping a lid on it, swirling it a couple times, and sliding it across the counter with some verbal sound effects to accompany it. He picked up the tenner and began to punch things into the cash register, counting out change for Remy. “But I believe in you!”
“Gurl, you shouldn’t. I don’t,” Remy snickered. They reached back into their bag, groping around for their reusable straw. Pulling it out, he popped it into his cup. “There’s a reason I’m the brains behind the writing of this operation, not the art. You think I’d be working with those idiots if I had a choice?”
“Yes, I do,” Emile said mildly. He handed over Remy’s change.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s fair.” Shoving his change into the tips jar, Remy rolled his eyes. Again. They did that a lot. Which, how could he not, when he was surrounded by so many dorks?
“Anyways, I’ll be in my usual corner, I guess.” Remy jerked their head towards their usual corner table. “Lemme know if you need any help back there, babe. Or if any tea needs spilling.” They winked at Emile from behind their sunglasses before turning and heading to sit down.
Once seated, Remy pulled out his laptop and the battered spiral notebook that he kept most of his ideas for their comic in. Exchanging their sunglasses somewhat reluctantly for a pair of blue light glasses, he booted up his computer. Then, after setting everything up in its typical position and connecting to the wifi in the coffee shop, Remy allowed themself a moment to sit back and sip at their iced coffee.
The contrasting tastes of sweet white mocha and bitter coffee filled his mouth, and Remy felt his shoulders relax for what had to be the first time in twelve to twenty-four hours.
Classes earlier in the day had been an absolute nightmare of scribbling in margins and surreptitiously typing the script up on his phone when professors weren’t looking. Then the night before had been a horror-filled dream sequence of exhaustion and trying to write actual content down without falling asleep on the keyboard and waking up with the L key imprinted on their nose and sixteen pages of keysmashes.
So suffice to say, Remy was not having a good time. But the iced coffee? It warmed their gay little heart. It made things just a bit more bearable on days like this.
All too soon the buzzing of his phone reminded Remy of their subsequent impending deadline and doom, and he came crashing back down to earth.
Sipping once more at their iced coffee, Remy set it off to the side, slipping in his earbuds and focusing in on the Word document in front of him. They began to type.
Three hours and two refills later, Remy had finished chapter sixty-nine, had sent it to Virgil to look over, and had even started on chapter seventy for a good measure.
Until Virgil sent back his edits, Remy’s focus of the moment had shifted to designs for chapter sixty-six, which Remus should’ve started drawing a few days ago, but nooo, the asshat wasn’t even done shading sixty-five, which was supposed to be posted in...Remy consulted their phone...in roughly six hours now. Fuck.
Remy couldn’t draw for shit, but they could research like nobody’s business, and designing and sketching was simple enough, so he wasn’t entirely unused to getting dragged into stuff like physical character designs and the creation of symbols and outfits (Remus was far too oafish and uncoordinated when it came to fashion, anyway).
Shaky as Remy’s art was, Remus certainly knew how to pick out what he liked from Remy’s miserable excuses for sketches, at least, so their partnership worked well enough...even if Remy privately thought his similarly-named partner acted like a dolt and smelled like minute ramen (and not even the good kind! more like the shrimp kind, and what the fuck kind of imbecile eats shrimp-flavored microwave ramen).
Finally satisfied with the roughly-sketched summoning circle that they had copied from the web, Remy exited out of Google Images.
Summoning circles, Remy had to admit, were a new topic of research for him. Their story—a Good Omens-type comic centering around an angel and a demon trapped in the human world—had required plenty of research into religion and religious imagery, of which they had not been a fan, but for some reason summoning circles had never really cropped up on their radar.
Remy may not have been a fan of the concept of angels, but he certainly wasn’t a fan of the concept of demons and the occult, either, so digging through the ominously dark websites had been...interesting. Eventually they had just given up and straight-up copied a summoning circle at random. They could take that and go from there, adding their own flair to it.
Remy looked down at the shaky summoning circle he had sketched out before him. It was kinda lopsided, but it was whatever. It was also much too boring, if you asked him. When they sent Remus their final reference, they’d put a note in the margins telling him to add some of that weird gory imagery stuff he was obsessed with. “Creep would really like that, huh,” Remy muttered aloud to himself.
Scrutinizing the copied circle for a few more moments, Remy mentally listed out some of the changes they wanted to make—an extra line here, a circle there, take out that square—and they reached into their backpack for one of the random looseleaf sheets of paper he always had floating around in there. Only, they grabbed at the wrong corner of the paper.
Feeling the sheet of paper slice into their pointer finger, Remy quietly hissed out a breath. “Fuck.” He drew his finger out of the bag, pulling it up to his face to get a good look at the injury, and shit, the papercut was bad enough that it was actually bleeding.
“Goddammit,” Remy cursed as a few drops of crimson splattered onto the paper in front of them, blurring over the details of the summoning circle he had drawn.
Remy popped his finger into his mouth and sucked at the smidgen of blood leaking out. Deciding to actually look at what they were sticking their hand into this time, they turned to the left, fully intending to practically stick his head into his bag to find a napkin and that pesky sheet of paper both.
This was how they came to be aware of the person who appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, to stand to the side of their table.
Prologue || One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six
This was supposed to be a one-shot, but Remy told Logan to hold their coffee and then bullied me into making it a prologue and six chapters’ worth of useless gays. I accept my defeat with dignity and insist that it was, in fact, actually my decision in order to get used to writing multi-chap things again before I tackle my Big Bad AUs.
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