#and knowing mary's desire to have a family there I can't help but to feel the other notes to that died off eerily early in the game
cainite-bite · 2 years
While ultimately i want to see the silent hill franchise back, I am awfully disappointed it has to be 2. Not just because my bias of it being my least favorite in the franchise, but just the fact I feel there were other games that could have used it better, like you know... the first of the franchise that kicked the whole thing off. Especially since 2 and 3 already got (shitty) remasters and is a lot newer to people than half the franchise.
I know they’re just trying to go with the safe, what they are thinking is going to be the cash cow route, but I still just wished it would have been SH1 still.
That being said I hope they can actually do better for 2 and fix up some of its weak ends and fix up some of the characterizations going on  in the OG. SH2 has a lot of potential easily and I’d like to see that get more expanded
#Im still going to give it a chance though I am going to be holding my breath in caution#there's some things I hope they elaberate further cause there's a lot of ideas that sorta get started that do really have much to them#and for most people it didnt come to fruition much#like back in the day so few people caught on to the empty pram in a pool and the nurses having the baby faces hidden on them#and knowing mary's desire to have a family there I can't help but to feel the other notes to that died off eerily early in the game#at least outside of the point of Laura who Mary wanted to adopt later#but the others being there kind of makes me think there was something more- and later that got talked about by one of the creators too#an thats an end I wanna see maybe get taken off with more#I know each of the games have sorta had themes get lost too especially when it was felt it was going to be too disturbing#SH 1 already toed a fine line with Alessa and what happened to her in certain abused regards... but it also had censored monsters#a lot of these games have sorta lost a little from that there so if 2 had more of i hope maybe they can get it running#if they wanted to though#cause right now we live in such a different age where a lot more is allowed than it used to be#but while im disappointed in 2 i hope its the start to getting some of the others back#i wanna see SH1 and 4 going again#if we're doing a full remake i feel like 3 would still be an execellent cannidate for it#ill still probably get the game to support it enough so maybe we can get to that point...#that being said im just glad an entire announcement wasnt like... nfts only
0 notes
TW: leprosy
Baldwin IV with his mommy 🥺
She tries to cheer up her precious boy by doing something sweet for him.
"No, my dear, those bandages don't make you any worse! Please stop putting yourself down for how you look...Look, I made a bow for you! You're cute. I love you, Baldwin."
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I don't know if you've ever had similar thoughts...I just felt like speaking up. Honestly, it's very hard to put my thoughts and convey what I'm feeling (I'm not a writer and also not a native English speaker), and to be completely honest, as I think about it, my heart hurts and my eyes water. So if you read this - thank you, and sorry for taking up your time. If not - well, I've eased my soul one way or another by speaking out.
My heart melts at the thought of a warm, understanding and trusting relationship between parents and children, and I also love the dynamics of family relationships. In this context, mother/son. I don't know, and no one knows anymore, about the relationship Baldwin had with his mother, whether they were close, but I'm not relying on historical reference, but on my interpretation and feelings.
For a good loving mother, her child is the best, the most precious, the most loved and desired. But life does not always turn to you and your child in a good way. Some people are unlucky - whether you are a king or a peasant, a sinner or a saint - fate does not care.
How does a mother feel when her son is mortally ill? Put yourself in her shoes. Just try it.
You hold your newborn baby in your arms. Here it is, your little bundle of joy, so tiny, so adorable... You want to give him all the best, now your whole world is him, your little angel!
Your son is growing up, taking his first steps, saying his first words. You dream about his future, you love him so much...
Time passes, you live in love and care for him. And you hope that it will always be like this - or as long as possible...
...Now forget about it.
Suddenly you are hit with devastating news - your son has leprosy. It knocks you off your feet, it chokes you, it tramples you into the ground, tears your heart to pieces. At that moment, as soon as you find out, you see nothing in front of you and hear nothing. Your mind is empty, and there is only one thought of your son, your treasure. Doomed, cursed. If there really is a God, why did he let this happen? Why your child? They say leprosy is a curse from God. Why curse an innocent child?!
Pain, despair, anguish. You want to weep, You want to grab your son, hold him close and never let go. You realise he's doomed. But he doesn't realise it yet.
As time goes on, his health gets worse. Your baby does not understand what is happening to him - he is scared, he is confused, he is waiting for your support and comfort. You smile at him, you give him everything you can - but inside your heart is pounding and tearing as if it were breaking your ribs. Every night you're choked with tears. Your son is your flesh and blood, you gave him life, you brought him into this world, you condemned him to this existence...
Time passes, you do your best, but it seems as if God himself has turned away from you. You pray to all the saints, you beg the Virgin Mary - she is a mother too, she must hear, she cannot fail to understand! But nothing changes.
Your son is growing up, and every year his condition gets worse. His skin is covered with leprosy spots. His eyesight is getting worse. He's always tired, he can't live without the help of doctors and medicines. He's rotting alive. People look askance. People judge. People see a monster. All you see is your angel. Every day you swear to love and care for him, swear you won't leave him...
A young 16 years old boy wins a battle. How proud you are of him! How weak his body is, but how strong his spirit. But he too has his moments of vulnerability...
...Especially when he fully realises he doesn't have long to live. He seems to accept it - or pretend to accept it...
How do you feel?
How a mother might feel when she realises that she may see her son die? Bury the one she brought into this world. To live to see that moment is something she doesn't want to do.
Thank you if you read to the end! I'm crying right now😭
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ellie-24 · 5 months
USS Randall Ramblers Part 6
This is a birthday present for one of the coolest people I know @whositmcwhatsit . She had a wonderful birthday present for me earlier this month and then cleverly reminded me that her birthday is coming up as well. Wink wink nudge nudge say no more.
I ain't much but it's honest work and I hope you enjoy it.
Also thanks to @thatbanditqueen for beta-ing and helping me transform this into proper English!!
And thanks to the wonderful writing support group @be-my-ally @vintageshanny @from-memphis-with-love @lookingforrainbows @missmaywemeetagain @powerofelvis @shakerattlescroll @peskybedtime
Word count: ~7.4 k
Warnings: smut so 18+. MDNI
Previous Part
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Bad Nauheim, December 24th 1958
It all just felt like a dream. A surreal dream.
Mary was only supposed to come over and visit him in Bad Nauheim for his 'Welcome back' party after his maneuvers in Grafenwöhr.
She was supposed to be back in Frankfurt to celebrate Christmas with her family.
She was supposed to sleep in her own bed in her own room at Hotel Grunewald.
Now, after a very long, nerve-racking phone call involving her, her father, her mother, Vernon Presley and of course Elvis himself the previous day, she found herself staying until Boxing Day.
And even though she wanted to obey the rules her parents had laid down before she went, she somehow found herself sneaking into his bed after dark every night.
There was no denying that being the centre of his attention had to be one of the greatest feelings in the world. Who was she to say no to him when he'd give her those puppy eyes, which he knew made her knees weak every time, and ask her to spend Christmas with him? Or to spend the night in his room, in his bed?
But for now, she wouldn't want it any other way. And although it was wrong, something about the way he'd pull her close to him in his sleep just felt right. Consequences didn't matter when she could feel his pillowy lips press against her forehead while she was drifting off to sleep.
She could just live this dream forever.
With an irritated sigh Mary raised her arms to shield her eyes from the horribly bright light suddenly shining right into her face, disrupting her peaceful slumber.
When this didn't have the desired effect she began to blindly wave around, in an attempt to slap away the flashing sensation. Her hand promptly hit something cool and hard with a dull thud and she let out a small gasp at the stinging pain in her wrist.
"Careful, Cherry, you're gonna break it."
"Huh? Elvis, I was asleep." She mumbled with a frown while rubbing her aching wrist.
"You're awake now honey, that's perfect." He held out a flashlight to her. The very one he'd held right into her face before. "Do me the honor, please."
"What?" She muttered, pressing her hand against her forehead, trying to make sense of his words. Her eyes fluttered closed again.
He shuffled closer, making the mattress bounce up and down for a second. "I wanna show you something, come on." He insisted and started tugging at her wrist before handing her the flashlight.
"What?" Mary repeated while squinting her eyes at him, still feeling disoriented.
He snorted. "You're asking an awful lotta questions honey, just trust me."
Mary reached out and grasped his arm, slightly pulling him towards her again, wanting nothing more than to just cuddle up against his chest again.
"It can't wait till morning?" She asked with a hopeful tone and tried to stifle another yawn. Unsuccessfully. The thought of leaving his cozy and most importantly, warm bed already made her shiver.
As if on cue, damn his psychic abilities, he pulled the blanket off of her. "Come on, Cherry, don't be no party pooper." He insisted with a small grin.
"I don't see a party." Mary grumbled, goose bumps all over her body as she got up, the flashlight still in her hand. "Okay, you won." She offered, playfully swatting at his chest.
Swiftly dodging her attack he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her close to him. "Thanks baby, now come, won't regret it."
It was one of those situations where she was asking herself how she ended up here. Sneaking through the dark corridors of the hotel at four in the morning for who knows what reason.
Well, actually she knew exactly how she ended up here. Being with Elvis always involved some kind of nocturnal activities. He didn't sleep much, that much she'd gathered in the time she's spent with him already. And he didn't like being alone.
He still had his arms around her as he guided her down the first flight of stairs. Suddenly, he let out a snort and stopped at a random guest's door. "Watch this." He raised his hand to knock, a mischievous grin on his face.
"Elvis, don't you dare!" Mary hissed and glared at him, once again remembering the talk she had with with had with Otto, the hotelier, regarding Elvis and his friends’ behaviour. Especially Red and Lamar who, in their free time while Elvis was at the base, had nothing better to do than test his patience with one childish prank after another. More than once Otto had considered kicking out the entire entourage. And to be honest she didn't blame him.
"What exactly did you want to show me?" She asked quickly to keep him from really knocking at that damn door.
He lowered his hand and nudged her forward with a smirk, down the next flight of stairs. "Otto has told me all about the ghosts haunting this place, honey, it's some scary stuff, I'll tell ya. There's the one about that young woman falling off the balcony a hundred years or so ago. Apparently her name was Mary and she also happened to be the prettiest girl in town, just like you, honey."
"Not funny!" She didn't want to sound scared, but those creaky old stairs and the flashlight in her hand, though very bright, being the only source of light made her feel like she was in a Hitchcock movie.
"Not to mention the Christmas spirits." He continued.
Mary stopped and raised an eyebrow, facing him. "You really think I'm gonna believe you? Sorry Elvis, I don't believe in ghost stories."
"Careful honey, starting to sound like ol' Scrooge."
"And you're sounding silly. Why are you ruining the holiday with ghosts? I've always loved Christmas. Look-" She gestured outside the large window next to the stair landing, looking at the snow covered street at the old light pole adorned with milky white Christmas lights. "It's so pretty."
It was peaceful, silent for a while as she simply watched the snow fall, it was hypnotising. Silent Night.
"Boo!" Elvis' hands wrapped around her waist from behind, scaring her.
Mary let out a soft shriek and felt the flashlight slipping from her grasp. Knowing what was about to happen but unable to do anything about it with her bad reflexes, a small curse just left her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut and covered her ears, awaiting the inevitable bang. When the flashlight collided with the carpeted floor, a dull thud echoed through the hallway. It gave out, shrouding them in complete darkness.
For a few seconds neither one dared to move, both frozen and awaiting someone coming down the stairs and scolding them like they were two kids sneaking out of bed to steal some candy. After a few seconds of undisturbed silence they agreed with a mutual sigh of relief that the noise apparently didn't rouse anyone from sleep.
"Great, E!" She finally whispered with a small breathless laugh, a hand over her rapidly rising and falling chest, her eyes only slowly adjusting to the darkness. She stretched out her arms, not wanting to run into the wall on accident as he bent down next to her.
"Cherry, did ya have to throw the damn thing away?" He chuckled, though there was a hint of frustration in his voice while he was looking for the now broken flashlight.
"Did you have to scare me?" She shot back with a snort. "Can you find it?" She asked after a while of him crouching on the floor.
The only answer she got was a low hum.
"What is it?" She inquired when she suddenly felt his feather light touch on her exposed calfs, making her gasp. "Elvis?" She asked, an edge to her voice.
Elvis didn't respond - instead he slowly lifted the soft, white fabric of her knee-length nightdress and threw it over his head in a swift motion.
"Elvis!" She nearly squealed, scandalised, before looking around frantically and pressing herself against the wall behind her, kind of hoping to just melt into it.
"Hmm?" He hummed, his nose brushing almost carefully against her thigh.
"Oh god, what are you-" A quiet moan escaped her when his hands ran over the back of her thighs, inching higher and higher until they rested right beneath her butt.
"Someone's wearing no panties. Naughty."
"Well I didn't expect-" Mary let out a little cry when he pressed a small kiss to her inner thigh, her toes curling against the carpeted floor.
"Gotta be quiet, otherwise everyone will hear ya." He mumbled, his hot breath fanning over her bare skin.
"E, that tickles!" She whispered, trying her best to sound stern.
"Just want a little taste of my sweet Cherrypie." There was this pleading tone in his voice that would just transform her into a puddle. Mary actually thought her legs would give out as he lightly nibbled at her soft skin, his big hands now fully sprawled over her butt, pressing her closer to his face.
"But, you can't-" She breathed as her back arched against him. Treacherous body.
"Can't show my favourite girl how much I'm smitten with her? And her legs? And her-" Mary's hand shot up to muffle the shriek escaping her when his lips brushed over her mound.
"Oh god! Not here!" She argued weakly, her voice as shaky as her legs.
Mary's eyes had finally adjusted to the darkness and she saw his head appeared from under her nightgown. He grinned up at her. "I won't tell if you won't, honey." He drawled nonchalantly.
A huff escaped her - frustrated and excited at the same time. She was at such a disadvantage with him and they both knew it. But she couldn't say she didn't enjoy the power he had over her. A word, a touch and she was at his mercy, but she trusted him. So she decided to just let herself fall into his touch.
He sensed her silent agreement and tightly gripped the back of her knee before lifting it over his shoulder, supporting her weight - and giving him easier access. Then he used both hands to slowly, agonisingly slow, push the soft cotton up her legs, only to pause and consider, his full lips pursed. She made her impatience known by pressing her calf against his strong back, urging him closer.
He clicked his tongue with another smile and shook his head before swiftly gathering the fabric and bunching it up at the center of her stomach. He looked up at her, his eyes twinkling. "Mind holding that for me, Cherry?"
She nodded mutely, then shook her head, not sure about the correct way to answer his question. Everything seemed a bit hazy as she closed her fist around the fabric.
He tapped the side of her thigh and winked at her. "Just have to look at ya, honey." His voice was just above a murmur as he took in her body for a moment, illuminated just the tiniest bit by the dim streetlight and the reflecting white snow. That concentrated look was back on his face as he rested his cheek against the side of her thigh. He did that quite often when they were close like this, like he was trying to take a mental picture.
The thought did nothing to diminish her arousal and she couldn't resist running her hand through his soft hair until it rested on the back of his head. With a wanton sigh she tried to push his head towards her, needing to feel his touch, his lips.
He obliged and leaned forward. Eyes closed in anticipation, she shuddered when his nose bumped against the soft flesh right beneath her belly button. He placed a few kisses right where the waistband of her panties would be had she worn any till his eyes found hers again. "I'm real glad you're here, Cherry. Don't know what I'd do without ya."
She nodded, his words only increasing the building pressure in her lower belly, her hips rolling in an effort to get some friction. He chuckled as he got her message. "Gotcha, no more heartfelt talk. I'm a man of action after all.” He started teasingly running his tongue over her slick folds.
"Don't stop, god, please don't stop, E." She chanted, holding onto the wall behind her, fingers dragging over some weathered paint that had begun to peel off.
"You're so wet for me." He groaned, his lips closing over her little nub. His hand roamed over her hips, over her stomach as his searing touch making her body convulse. Nerves and excitement mixed together, each little sensation and fluttery touch intensified by the notion that someone could walk in on them any second. Somewhere deep inside she was still rather scandalised, both by his sudden advances and her own lack of ability to care about it.
But all coherent thoughts were abandoned when he cupped her breast, squeezing lightly. A flick over her nipple with his thumb made her buck against him once more, her mouth hanging open in a silent cry. He suckled on her, increasing his speed, churned on by the way she was letting herself fall more and more; Literally - judging by the pressure on his shoulder where her thigh rested he had to use his hand to hold onto her hips or she'd collapse under his touch. It just took a few more strokes from his hot tongue and his strong hands squeezing her soft flesh until she came undone, stifling a loud moan that would surely give them away.
She finally sank down on the floor next to him, her chest heaving. "Elvis, please I want you." She breathed, not really recognising her own voice.
He caught her by her waist as she attempted to straddle him and carefully set her down again before shaking his head and kissing her forehead. "No, Cherrypie, not like this, not now."
"When?" She urged, her hand on his cheek, making him look at her.
He turned his head and kissed her palm. "Soon. For now I just want you to stay as you are." Upon seeing her frown he grinned and tapped her nose. "Now, don't give me that look."
She shook her head and leaned in to press her lips against his. With a dreamy sigh she opened her mouth when she felt his tongue urgently gliding over her bottom lip. Again, he didn't allow her to take control as he explored her mouth. She could taste herself on him and couldn't help herself but smile into the kiss. Eventually he pulled away from her. "Easy, not trying to win a race here."
Mary wrapped her arms around him. "So, was that what you wanted to show me?" She whispered, still breathless, cradling his head to keep him as close as possible.
"When I was down there, I just couldn't help myself honey."
A bashful laugh escaped her at this admittedly charming way of dodging her question.
"And look what I found." He proudly held up the broken flashlight.
She threw her head back. Silly man. "So much for your supposed 'ghosts'."
He licked his lips with a grin. "Don't know 'bout you, but I sure as hell heard some moaning."
"You're impossible!" She gasped, then let out a small laugh. "But I do love you, E."
"Love you too, Cherrypie. Come on now." He got up and held out his hand. Instead of leading her back to his room he made his way down another flight of stairs until they arrived in the hotel lobby.
The large christmas tree in the corner and it's decorations cast a warm glow over the room. She tapped one of the wooden nutcrackers hanging off the tree, reminding her of her favourite ballet, while Elvis made a beeline towards the connected dining room and peered out of the window. He craned his head as if looking for something specific, his hand perched up against the glass.
It slowly dawned her that whatever he was doing right now was probably the actual reason for their little nightly excursion.
"I knew it. Of course that tramp is still here." He muttered after a while.
Mary came up to him and tried to follow his gaze. "Who?"
"It's her damn car." He gestured outside.
Oh. Dee Dee.
"Daddy's probably gonna make her leave before everyone's getting up, thinking he's real smart about it." He started pacing around while Mary just helplessly stood in the corner watching, not knowing what to do or say to him.
Elvis continued, his face contorted in anger. "First he invites her to my party the other day, now they're doing, hell, I don't wanna know what they're doing." He threw up his hands and plopped himself down on the couch with a sigh. "Next thing you know, he's gonna move her in here and I gotta pretend to be all happy about it. As if I got no other fucking problems to deal with."
"I'm sorry. I wish I could help you somehow."
"Man, I just don't have the time for this kinda bullshit." He ran a hand over his face. "Colonel's been going on and on about damn publicity photos in uniform, that Christmas in Berlin picture he's already planning with Hal Wallis, trying to save what's left of my career-" His breath hitched for a moment in a humorless chuckle. "-Then I gotta worry about us getting kicked outta here-" He slaps the sofa at that. "And I somehow gotta serve my country at the same time."
She sat down next to him and exhaled heavily through her mouth. Again and again she was confronted with problems that seemed way too big for her. She could understand that he felt overwhelmed and alone. But she didn't have the slightest clue what to say to him to make him feel better. Maybe it was time to make peace with the fact that the best she could probably do was just listen to him and be there for him as best as she could.
"I'm here for you, anytime you wanna talk, I'm here to listen." She reassured him and placed a hand on his chest.
"I know honey. I appreciate it." He grabbed her calves and promptly placed her feet in his lap. "Damn, like little icicles." He let out a little laugh and started rubbing them absentmindedly.
She smiled at him and wiggled her toes. "Well, I was rushed out of bed as if the world was ending."
"Sweet Cherrypie, always makin' a big fuss outta nothing." He playfully pulled on her big toe and she had to resist the reflex to kick him.
"You're-" She huffed out a laugh but remained silent with a shake of her head. It was quiet for a while until she decided to open her mouth again, her face apologetic. "Sorry about your flashlight though."
"Honey, don't worry, already made up for it." He winked and ran his hand from her ankle up her leg. "It's nice just being here with you. I wish you could be here with me all the time."
"I know." She agreed.
"You should move here."
Her eyes widened. "What?"
"Think about it, I hate you being so far away from me."
"Frankfurt's only an hour away, E."
"Pretty much the other side of the damn planet, honey. You're not here when I need you."
"Elvis. You know I'd love to be with you. All the time. But it's not that easy."
"Of course it is."
"I got a job, my family. My life is... in Frankfurt right now. I can't even afford my own place on a secretary's salary. A learning secretary. And who says I could find a job here?"
"You'll work for my father. He'll take you under his wing, he needs a secretary. And you can move in here, live with us."
She blinked, not entirely sure how she felt about the idea of working for him.
"Elvis, I don't know-"
"You'll move in here. And then we can always be together." He repeated, reinforced his point as if that'll just change her mind. To her own confusion she actually found herself considering it. "It'll work out, honey, you'll see." Upon seeing her hesitation he comfortingly brushed over her hair. "I just want ya close to me. I wanna take care of ya."
Mary leaned into his touch and sighed, overwhelmed at his proposal. It was madness. And working for him might effect their relationship. The one they hadn't even officially defined yet. Her understanding was that they were still dating and now he wants her to move in. Under the premise of working for his father.
Now it was her turn to run a hand over her face - in confusion. She knew she wanted to say yes. At least that's what her heart wanted. It didn't take much to convince her to leave everything behind and stay with him. Still, she tried to be rational about it. "Elvis, I'm really not sure-"
He placed his finger against her lips and shook his head while shushing her. Her eyes drifted down towards his beautifully puckered lips. "Nah, stop it, baby. At least think about it. Don't say no right away, that ain't fair."
She opened her mouth only to close it again, not sure how to put her thoughts into words. It might mess up everything now if she asked questions, but she willed herself to go through with it. "What would this mean for us?"
He leaned in closer and she nearly had trouble holding eye contact with him. "What are you talking about, honey?"
Mary raised her eyebrows and gathered her courage before trying once again. "I mean for our relationship."
He smiled, albeit looking a bit bewildered. Either he really didn't understand or he just straight up refused to. "We'd be together way more often honey, don't know what you're getting at." He shrugged with a frown. As if she started talking Chinese all of the sudden.
Mary inclined her head. "It wouldn't be weird?" A pause. "We haven't been dating for too long." She added, her voice small, almost not wanting him to hear it.
He sat up straight, setting her feet onto the ground. "Honey, I just don't understand where this talk is coming from now."
She guiltily eyed his fingers, how he was fiddling with the ring on his pinky finger. He seemed tense and agitated, his posture reminding her of a soldier standing at attention. That's the last thing she wanted right now. In an attempt to appease him she carefully explained. "I'm only saying we should think and properly talk about it before rushing to a decision that we might regret."
Suddenly he shot up from the couch and turned away from her. So much for defusing the situation. "Damn, I can't talk to you right now. Not making any goddamn sense, woman! No one's making any goddamn sense."
Mary panicked at his sudden outburst, not wanting to upset him. "Elvis, I'm sorry-"
"Nuh-uh!" He pointed his finger at her and she froze. "Need to clear my damn head." He muttered and turned, making his way back upstairs.
She slowly got up as well, successfully blinking away the tears that were burning behind her eyelids. The silence as she followed him was nearly unbearable, but she didn't dare saying another word. As he opened the door to his room, she turned the opposite direction, towards her own room.
"Now where do you think you're going?"
Mary released the door handle as if she had burnt herself and faced him, feeling caught for whatever reason. She thought it was obvious that she wasn't gonna join him now. "Uh, I thought-"
He sighed. "Cherry, just come over here damnit."
"...Okay." She whispered, utterly perplexed and at a loss for words.
However, his behaviour made sense to her when she awkwardly laid down on her back, careful to keep a safe distance and he scooted closer to her - not so close as to fully press his body against hers, but so that he could rest his hand on her stomach. As much as he apparently didn't want to deal with the confusion and worry he felt, there was something else that he undeniably hated more. Being alone with those thoughts.
Mary spent the next morning like every morning; helping Mrs. Presley in the kitchen, who insisted on cooking and cleaning despite the hotel having staff for that. She was a tough one and Mary looked up to her, talking to Minnie Mae was a source of comfort to her, their talks often trivial and relaxed. Maybe that's what she liked most about their time spent together.
This morning however there was a certain edge, a tension in the air. At first she thought she imagined it, still a bit shaken by Elvis' and her last interaction. That was until she realised it was Christmas Eve and everyone was, indeed, rushing around and being busy preparing tonight's dinner party.
The presence of Red and Lamar didn't necessarily help the uneasiness she felt. Most of the time she tried to avoid them as best as she could, trying not to let on that the two men always kind of intimidated her and she'd just rather stay off their radar. They were currently lounging at the kitchen table, the topic of discussion was, unsurprisingly, Elvis, she didn't really hear them talk about anything else. She'd listen but hardly contribute. Right now they were wondering about his dismissive attitude during breakfast this morning.
Mary dried her hands on her apron and paused for a second. She didn't even hear Elvis getting up and leaving for the base that morning. He couldn't have gotten any sleep, after all it was nearly morning when they went back to bed. Why did she feel bad? He was the one that woke her at four in the morning, god knows if he's gotten any sleep before that.
Loud shrieking and laughter on the street outside suddenly caught her attention. Thankful for the distraction from her spiraling thoughts she turned her head towards the noise.
"He's back." Red announced without even looking up, pulling a thread from the tablecloth in front of him.
Indeed, he was. Outfitted in his full army uniform, Elvis got out of his white BMW and raised his hand to greet his devoted fans who were waiting - in the cold- in front of the hotel. Mary watched the scene, taking in the wonder and adoration on everyone's face as they gathered around him. The unbridled love they had for him and the enjoyment he got out of did warm her heart momentarily. It was a beautiful thing to witness.
He was like a magnet, putting everyone under a spell he didn't quite understand himself. It seemed like all the people in his life wanted him, claimed him for themselves. And she saw that he did his best to accommodate everyone, striving to fulfill everyone's needs without really considering his own. There were so many people expecting something from him, wanting something from him and she wasn't sure how he navigated all that pressure.
His outburst earlier made a lot more sense now that she saw him trying to please as many people as possible at the same time. He was taking his time, trying go give everyone his attention, shaking hands, giving hugs, signing whatever they asked him to.
When he linked arms with two pretty girls and walked them up to the front porch she told herself that she wouldn't let it bother her. He must doing something like this all the time. It was just part of who he was. She had to get used to it, whether she liked it or not.
"Oh he never takes the girls inside." Mrs. Presley exclaimed, putting down the silver spoon she was busy polishing.
"Must be feeling that Christmas spirit." Red offered.
"He's a giver ain't he." Lamar added, turning the page of his newspaper that he was pretending to read for nearly an hour now.
Mary felt her face grow hot and pursed her lips. He led the giggling girls inside, settling right in between them on the couch, where they'd sat last night. She refused to get upset about the fact that he hadn't even come over to greet her. He'd definitely seen her as he walked past her.
From the corner of her eye she saw him leaning towards the girl on his right, his fingers buried in her hair, playing with her fancy updo, while she was exitedly saying something to her friend in German.
Mary dried another plate and put it away before fully glancing at him. He shot her a pointed look before leaning in and kissing that brunette's cheek, who was now giggling uncontrollably.
She felt like someone had just dumped a bucket of ice water over her head. And again, her thoughts went back to last night's argument. Or whatever it was. She herself wasn't a hundred percent sure what it was. All she knew now is that suddenly, in that very moment, she felt more far away from him than ever. Did he do that on purpose?
It felt similar to that day where her friend Helga showed her an article in the Bravo magazine about his supposed girlfriend, Anita Wood, he left behind in the States. Her initial reaction was shock before she told herself to get it together. He would've told her something like this, she was sure of it. She wouldn't put the tabloid's drama over his word. On the other hand he didn't tell her that Elisabeth was supposed to be at his 'Welcome back' party. But she was just a friend, right?
Again and again she was reminded that he could never truly only belong to her. He was a superstar after all. When she was alone with him she tended to forget that very important detail. She knew she had to be tolerant in that regard if she didn't want to lose him.
After a deep breath she turned back to Mrs. Presley, asking if she could help her with polishing the cutlery for tonight. It was hours later after the two girls left with signed photographs and him retreating back to his room without even looking her way that she couldn't take it anymore.
Making her way upstairs and knocking at his door strangely felt like admitting a mistake, but his silent treatment felt decidedly worse. "Elvis?"
He had changed into a white knitted cardigan and black dress pants and she stood up a bit straighter when he leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed, looking down on her with an unreadable expression on his face.
Mary eyed him carefully before clearing her throat putting on the most nonchalant tone. "How was your day?"
"Spent the day at the base decorating the company Christmas tree and singing Silent Night until eventually the last poor fella in that building got tired of it"
Apparently he had no interest discussing last night's incident, preferring to just act like it never happened.
For now she'd accept it. For now she'd come to the conclusion that she's overwhelmed him as much as he'd overwhelmed her. She figured giving it all some time would be the best course of action.
"I could never get tired of hearing you sing." She answered truthfully, looking at him through her lashes.
He gave her a quick once over before breaking into a smile. "Aw, little one, always knows what to say. Come here, missed you." He opened his arms, inviting her into his room. After giving her a quick peck on the lips he held her close to his chest.
Both relief and confusion flooded her at his unexpected response.
"You missed me?" She asked in a muffled voice, her face still buried in his sweater.
He hummed, the vibrations of his chest against her cheek. "Very much."
"You were in good company from what I saw." She stated, taking a step back.
He followed her and put his hands on her cheeks. "Aw, honey, those girls, they mean nothing. You're my bestest, favourite little girl, you know that."
Mary shrugged with a frown. "They're your fans, I guess I understand."
"You don't have to be jealous, Cherry."
"I know." She quickly answered, her tone firm.
He grinned. "The look on your sweet face says otherwise, you know that?"
"I'm not pulling a face!"
"You are! Right here-" He pecked her forehead. "And here!" Another peck to her lips.
"Okay, okay-" She chuckled, playfully pushing him away. "I got it! Jesus."
He cupped her chin, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. "Keep that happy face for tonight, wanna show you off."
"You do?"
"And I want you to look extra pretty tonight." For some reason his tone made the question feel like an assignment.
Mary blinked and looked at herself in the mirror before mindlessly playing with a few strands of hair, twisting it between her fingers before gathering it at the back of her head, feeling reminded of the times she had to present something at school with hardly anything prepared. "Oh, you know, I thought I could try this updo-"
He pressed a quick kiss to her exposed neck, making her giggle. "Honey, I'm sure you got that all figured out. What are you gonna do with your face?" His fingers softly grazed over her cheekbone.
She blinked at his statement before frowning the slightest bit and dropping her hair back down. "What's wrong with my face?"
"Aw, absolutely nothing, honey, it's perfect. My little baby's pretty as a picture, yes she is." He assured her while squeezing her cheeks and making kissing sounds as his face inched closer to hers.
"Silly." She giggled before quickly glancing back at the mirror, a questioning look on her face.
"No need to pout, Cherry. We left that behind us, remember? It's just, uh, your eyes are so expressive, I just want everyone to notice them. And I happen to know how to make em' look real good." He explained with a shrug.
Mary pondered his words for a second, still feeling a bit uneasy from his sudden mood shift.
"Come on, let me do this. Gonna look so pretty."
Upon seeing his pleading face she broke into a small smile and with a nod she leaned in to plant a quick kiss on his full lips. "Alright... but please don't make me look like a clown, okay?" She joked.
He pretended to consider it for a moment, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, before breaking into a grin. "Tempting, gotta admit that, Cherry."
As he gathered all the supplies from a small leather bag he'd retrieved from his drawer, Mary sat down on the chair, fiddling with her hands in her lap.
"Okay just look ahead baby, look at me." He instructed. Before he started he lowered his head and gave her a stern look, raising an eyebrow. "Okay, hold still now, would ya?"
Mary shakily exhaled, feeling nervous all of the sudden and nodded when he cupped her chin, his thumb softly caressing her skin. He leaned in closer, his scent completely surrounding her, making her heartbeat picked up in a second. She had to look down, feeling bashful under his intense gaze.
"Eyes on me, honey, look at me."
"Sorry." She quickly cleared her throat before focusing back on his eyes. However it didn't take very long until her gaze drifted to his full lips and she was utterly cativated by the way they hung open the slightest bit in concentration. It didn't take long for him to let out an impatient sigh. He lowered the brush and tapped her nose to get her attention. "Cherry, I need ya to look ahead for this to work."
"Okay, okay, alright, I'll do my best now." She mumbled, failing miserably at sounding determined. The fact that her face felt like it was on fire didn't really help. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the snow covered park across the hotel, yet she was convinced there were beads of sweat running down her back.
He cooed and lowered the brush. "Aw, I love it when you're all shy like this, honey. But ya got no reason to. It's just me, you know that."
"I know." Just you. Just Elvis Presley, she thought.
"Now close your eyes." He whispered softly.
Her eyes fluttered shut at his words and she nearly jumped when he carefully started applying the eyeliner on her upper lid.
"Cherryyyy, stop moving around." He gently chided her.
"I'm trying." She answered, suppressing a laugh. "It tickles."
Even though she couldn't see it, she could almost feel him smirking at her statement. Those were the same words she'd uttered the night before in a very different context, a shaking mess under his touch.
"You want me to help you keep still again?" He put a hand on her thigh and gave her a squeeze, making her gasp.
"I think I'll manage." She nearly squeaked in response.
After a few minutes that felt like hours he leaned back, finally finished, his eyes roaming over her face. "Oh, look at you, looking all pretty." He cooed and brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen over her eyes.
Mary blushed and inspected herself in the mirror, touching her face and blinking a few times. She raised her eyebrows and saw the finely drawn black wing. Her eyelashes fluttered, the mascara making them look impossibly long. "You're really good at this."
"Lips, honey."
She laughed when he retrieved a red lipstick from the bag. "I understand the mascara and eyeshadow but why on earth do you have this lipstick?"
"Might have sent Lamar to get it, should've seen his face."
"Oh god."
He cupped her chin again, his eyes narrowed, assessing his own work before moving closer again, making his chair creak slightly. She blushed as he reached out to apply the lipstick and had to fight yet another smile.
"Don't ya move now. I mean it, Cherry." He warned as he noticed the corners of her mouth twitching. A muffled sound escaped the back of her throat in a weak attempt to defend herself, but he quickly shushed her. "No talking either, I know that's hard for you, but I'm not done here."
Mary narrowed her eyes at his comment, but took a deep steadying breath, willing herself to do as he said while fighting a grin. It never ceased to amaze her how he could say something like this, yet remain utterly charming. It was almost scary how much he'd wrapped her around his finger.
Her expression became blank however as he actually started working on her bottom lip. It suddenly hit her how intimate the whole situation was and the tension was nearly too much for her to handle.
Mary's sudden compliance pleased him, she could tell by the way his gaze suddenly drifted from her lips towards her eyes with an almost unnoticeable quirk of his brow.
"There, cherry red lips for my sweet Cherrypie." He gently patted her cheek as he finished.
She let out a deep sigh of relief at finally being able to relax her face and breathe normally again and leaned closer to the mirror. With a tilt of her head from one side to the other she examined his work, still in disbelief that the woman in the mirror was actually her. A small smile spread across her face. "Oh wow"
He looked down at her with a satisfied smirk and promptly licked his lips when their eyes met. "Quit looking at me like that honey, or I'll make a mess of your lipstick."
With a blush she looked back at her reflection once again, appreciating how her blue eyes did look more expressive and how the bold red colour on her lips made her feel like a famous singer or actress. Someone with confidence.
"Aw, you look so beautiful. I could just eat you up." Elvis leaned in to playfully nibble at her neck.
"Thank you." She breathed, feeling her cheeks and neck get hot, as she squeezed his arm that was sprawled over her chest. They looked nice together, she thought, before he carefully tapped against her hips, urging her to get up.
"Now, baby, get changed, yeah? Put on your prettiest little dress, okay?"
When she returned to his room, still grateful that she had shamelessly over-packed her suitcase, she saw him sitting in front of the mirror, busy fixing his own hair.
Mary stepped closer and sat down on the edge of the bed, right behind him. For a while she just looked at him, admiring the way his nimble fingers gently held onto the comb in a practised grip. The way he just ran it through his shorter-than-usual hair with ease looked almost graceful and Mary couldn't resist scooting a bit closer to him until she could wrap her arms around his middle. She hoped she didn't bother him too much when she laid her chin on his shoulder. It seemed like their argument never happened.
"Anything you want, honey?" He asked eventually, a small gleam in his eyes.
"Why are your eyelashes longer than mine? It's not fair." She sighed, her fingers lightly dancing over his arms.
"They come in real handy, I'll tell ya. Making aaaall the pretty girls swoon." He drawled before reaching behind to lightly pinch her waist with a wink.
Mary giggled and leaned forward to press her her burning cheek against his cooler one. "They are swoonworthy." She agreed and continued studying his face in silent awe, once again marvelling at how utterly perfect he was. It was infuriating.
He smirked at her through the mirror when he felt her breasts pressing into his back. She felt him shift slightly. "Trying to start something, little one?"
His sultry voice sent delicious tingles through her entire body and she smiled briefly before shaking her head. "I love you." Her tone was gentle as she rubbed her hands over his dress shirt, slowly caressing his belly.
Her whisper made him coo and he slightly turned his body to face her. "I love you too, sweetheart. So much. See? We're made for each other, Cherry." He softly nuzzled her nose with his. "That's why ya should stay here. With me. It's easy like that."
Her mind involuntarily drifted to Elisabeth. And Anita. "It's not as easy as that." She answered, withdrawing just the tiniest bit, trying not to look remorseful.
He quickly shook his head. "No, no, no, just a second ago ya were being so sweet and now this again. Don't ruin it now."
"I'm just being honest." She shrugged.
"Me too." He insisted, pulling her close to him again.
A mean 'Are you?' nearly escaped her but she quickly swallowed before actually saying it out loud.
"I love you. That ain't enough for you?" He asked and furrowed his brows, his hand softly caressing her.
Mary bit her lip and lowered her head. After clearing her throat she looked up into his eyes again. "Of course... And it means so much to me that you want me here with you. Believe me, there’s nothing I’d rather do than just move here and spend every minute with you.” She smiled carefully and leaned in to hug him tightly. “You just surprised me, and leaving my family is a big deal. I’m sorry.” She mumbled into his shoulder.
“Aw, Cherry, it’s alright, don’t worry.” He held her close to him, gently rocking her back and forth with him. “And I-I know it’s a lot. Just want the best for you, gotta get that in your stubborn little head.”
She opened her mouth but he shushed her. “Just trust me on this. Let’s not talk about now, though, Cherrypie. It’s Christmas Eve.”
Mary nodded in agreement, but she knew they’d have to come to a decision soon. After all, as much as it felt like one; it wasn’t just a dream.
Taglist: @karel-in-wonderland @kingdomforapony @richardslady121 @18lkpeters @godlypresley @everythingelvispresley
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The Winchester Family: A Rant
Can I just say that Sheriff Jody Mills was more of a mother to Sam and Dean Winchester more than Mary ever was, even after Amara brought her back. Like I guess no hate to Mary...? But like isn't the whole thing about the Winchesters is that family isn't just blood. They developed wayy closer bonds than the ones with Mary, and I know it isn't necessarily her fault, but she wasn't there. Like I dunno, I just wasn't in love with Mary coming back, especially since when she did come back, it seemed like she saw they were grown up and like, didn't care..? Like it felt like she went "oh my job is done these are just two grown dudes that I gave birth to once." Like I know its a weird situation, but as a person who grew up watching Once Upon a Time, where like almost the same thing happened, with Snow, David, and Emma, I can't help but compare their reactions and Mary just didn't stack up.
Snow and David were so ecstatic to see Emma and tried so hard to make up for lost time and parent her as much as they could. They kept trying even as Emma pushed them away saying she was grown and that her and her parents were technically the same age. Throughout the show they found a way to still be her parents while still acknowledging she was grown. It was really beautiful to see, but in comparison Mary did not stack up.
Yes, she is a badass, and, yes, her identity should not solely surround her being the boys' mother, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't be a mother at all. It would've been nice to see her figure out a way to strike the balance the Snow and David did, and I never got that vibe. In Supernatural, it seemed the opposite. It was Dean and Sam trying to be her sons and she pushed them away for the same reasons. I'm not saying she was a bad person, or even a bad mother, as it was a really weird situation and I can't necessarily blame her for how she dealt with it. What I AM saying, though, is that her name had no right to be carved onto that table. Point. Blank. Period.
Also, by the way, since I'm complaining, that weird episode with the pearl thing that let John Winchester come back so they could have a family dinner?????? As if that could truly be what Dean desired. Are you fucking kidding me. John sucked, made them both feel like shit, abused them, and yet that was the "family dinner" we got. It's been a while since I watched the show, so Idk a timeline, but screw the timeline for a sec. Across the entire show, a true family dinner would be Dean and Cas with their son Jack, Sam as the Uncle with Eileen, Bobby and Jody as the Dean and Sam's parents (because, unlike Mary, I very much feel like Jody struck that balance even though they weren't her actual sons) and Jody's brigade of wayward sisters trailing behind her, Donna as like the step-mother or aunt (Idk how Donna fits, I just LOVE Donna), and Charlie as Sam and Dean's little sister. Jo, Ellen, and Ash pop in with Rufus as those family members that are close, but you can't quite pinpoint how exactly you're related to them. Bonus: Kevin and Linda Tran come over like friendly neighbors because, even though they have a family of their own, the Trans are definitely close to the Winchesters, though, whether they like it or not. As much as I'd like to add Adam (to make up for him being left in the pit), I have a feeling he wouldn't want to. He seemed like a guy who refused to subscribe to the idea that because they were blood, they were family. (Maybe Sam and Dean should've learned a thing or two).
Sam and Dean had a much bigger, and better, family then just John and Mary, but it was never really acknowledged fully and in the best way.
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brujahinaskirt · 2 years
This is barely coherent as a meta post but I have to get it out because aaaaaah (!!!!) I love, i REALLY LOVE, how much Arthur loves Abigail.
Jack too, of course, but I don't want to lump them together for the sake of this post. I specifically love the non-romantic but deeply true love dynamic between Arthur and Abigail.
[yet another longwinded gush-essay under the cut...]
It's just so rare to see a relationship like this in media, especially games! They love each other without embitterment, without either of them secretly wanting to pursue the other, and without any tacit expectation of repayment (or hope of romantic feelings developing one day).
I don't dislike Arthur x Abigail as a ship in theory so much as I just love the nonsexual, no-debts, no-expectations unconditional family love and loyalty between them WAY more. Even Arthur's diary entry about how he regrets being too caught up on Mary to do the culturally/historically "right" thing and marry Abigail (especially now, after Jack is born/John runs off...) is, to me, transparently more about how much Arthur personally adores Abby & Jack and the hope they represent, and how much he wants to see someone do right by them, than it is about Arthur having some kind of hypothetical secret crush on Abigail.
All their interactions are so devoid of sexual desire or romantic longing! Hell, they're often annoyed with each other, the sort of teasing & snappy attitude that comes from knowing someone so well and being assured that a pissy day won't fray the relationship. I love the familiarity of that alone, but there's also just so much sweetness and genuineness in how Abigail asks Arthur if he's okay, in how she smiles when he comes to say hi to her and Jack, and in how openly she allows herself to sound really sad around him. There's so much care and selfless love in how she encourages him to pursue Mary (to follow his heart, like her) despite what the other women at camp say, and despite knowing that Arthur successfully fulfilling his dream of a life with Mary would assuredly end (or at least massively reduce) his ability to economically provide for Abigail & Jack and to be there for them physically.
aaaah!!!! There's so much obvious and unrestrained warmth and affection in how Arthur says "Hello Abigail." There's so much openly petty sulking when Abigail loses at dominoes to Arthur and equally petty bragging when she wins!! There's so much benevolent planning on her part to arrange for Arthur and Jack to spend time together just the two of them (even though Arthur makes an incredibly weak and see-throughable effort to sulk at her re: being nudged aside by John's return). And yet she takes so much care to continue incorporating Arthur into their weird wounded little family even after John's return. There's no hesitation in Arthur's frequent checking on Abigail & Jack (and making sure John isn't mistreating them) and helping her raise him (though critically, NOT as a father replacement, but as Uncle Arthur). And there's no hesitation when Abigail comforts Jack by reminding him that she and Uncle Arthur are always there for him, even if his father isn't.
AAAAAAH!! There's so much trust and concern between them, ending with Abigail's signature choice to trust Arthur by giving him the key, essentially choosing to trust him more than she trusted John, the man she's in love with. There's so much genuine fear in Arthur's eyes and reluctance to break her heart by giving her the news of John's apparent death/capture, even though he knows he has to do it, and there's so much unspoken understanding between them when he gestures to help her off the horse--and in her acceptance, as if she knows he needs to try to comfort her physically because he can't find the words to comfort her. (And yet, he does! He instinctively knows EXACTLY what Abigail needs to hear, a surehearted confirmation that John DID love her, something that Arthur himself has long doubted and worried over, but that he clearly sees Abigail needs to get through that awful moment without collapsing. He knew her deep-set fear, that John died without ever really loving her and it it was all for nothing, and provided her with the faith she needed to keep moving.)
Though Abigail loves John, no question, she doesn't yet trust John in RDR2. But Arthur? Arthur is the one she trusts. Abigail knows Arthur will never run out on her, and Abigail welcomes Arthur in as family (again, critically, as Uncle Arthur, not as a John Replacement) in a way he badly wanted & needed to experience but likely never would.
Rockstar could so easily have made Arthur into John's bitter, crusty, desire-driven rival for Abigail's romantic attention. That was assuredly perhaps the easier/more obvious/lower-hanging-fruit writing decision. But they deliberately made the choice to avoid desire as a component of their attachment to each other, they just leaned into the family devotion. Screw you Dutch, this is the REAL faith in rdr2, and that's goddamn beautiful.
aaaah i can't get over it
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hellcatinnc · 9 months
My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! Season One Anime Review
Includes Spoilers
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So I had recently bought the game and tried to play it and felt I was lost not knowing the characters or the connections and was solely going by the looks of Alan was most pleasing to me. Anyways I decided to sit down and watch the anime then I would be ready for the game. It says the game takes place after the first season of the anime so here is my review of the first season then I will start playing the game and will leave reviews later for that.
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First here are all of them as kids aren't they damn cute like all the little boys were adorable, still prefer Alan and Keith as far as little kids go though. Thats just my opinion.
Alan Stuart
So lets start with the man that had my attention right away. He was the most dashing and handsome of them all to me. He is Mary's fiancé and I wanted to show something in the difference in how he looks at Catarina and how he looks at Mary and you can see a big difference. First picture is Alan and Mary if Catarina wasn't in the picture its cute but I still see lack there of love. Then the 2nd picture is of him carrying Mary when she almost gets hurt yet he doesn't even look down at her, this is after he knew Catarina. As you can see when Catarina became part of his world Mary didn't phase him in the least.
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Now below is the difference Catarina has opened up Alan's world. First holding her in his arms effects him it gets to him because the feel of her against him is hard for him to think about anyone but her. He gets flustered easy around her and although he took alot longer for him to realize what his feelings were it was always shown even when he didn't have a name for it.
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Even though she was engaged to his brother there was something in the way they looked at each other. Like they haven't confessed anything to each other but that look even from her. She looks at him with more love and affection than she looks at her fiancé to me. I love the chemistry and damn I can't wait to romance the hell out of this man in the game. He is a tsundere but damn one fine one and he really does love her. I thought in one episode that showed all of their desires to be with Catarina and they cut his short I felt like I was gipped then this scene happened where he climbed the tree and that connection there it looked like at one point they were going to kiss even so much Mary saw and was freakin out to get to them. However it ends that episode and never picks it back up so I am curious what happened that day.
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Then just the casual in the hall glance and how they were so competitive as kids it all led them to care for each other the way they do. I think not only that but she was good for him he always felt 2nd best to Geordo being his brother and she never let him feel second best to her. She still hung out with him and even helped him play a prank on his brother/her fiancé. They are the perfect example of the big brother/best friend trope that led them to care more. He is still my favorite and I love his awkwardness sometimes along with his flusters he is absolutely my kinda guy for sure.
Keith Claes
I honestly wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about Keith going in I mean yeah I knew it was her brother but I was curious to see how it played out. From the very first time you get a idea of him as a kid you realize he is so hurt and broken and just needs love and care. When Catarina is the one who gives it to him even when he doesn't feel worthy of it wasn't hard to see this boy fall and fall hard.
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Unlike some of the others from well off families even though Keith had the upbringing to be a gentleman and noble he would still help Catarina in whatever she wanted to do. She wanted to build a farm he did it to, if she wanted to travel the towns he was there. No matter what, he is always in her court and would burn the world, well in his case with his magic he would crumble the world around them so that they were together and the things that could hurt her were gone.
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This man 100% is the bean of this show. He genuinely loves her and not as a sister. I mean he isn't her real brother more like a cousin they said than anything. He fell for her pretty soon after meeting her so I don't think he truly ever put her in a sister only mind set he was determined to be there for her like she was for him. He really is a sweetheart and I don't know how anyone couldn't like him. He is my 2nd favorite with Catarina I love how he looks at her.
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I also love his constant trying to bump Geordo out of the picture just to be next to his sister. He would truly follow her anywhere. Its also sincere and sweet that when he thinks he will never see her again you can see all the pain in him of that sad little boy again but he rises past it all to be there for her even if it means talking to her when she is in a coma until she eventually hears him.
Nicol Ascart
Ok not gonna lie he is your kuudere for sure, man of very few words and very hard to know what he is thinking. However when he looks at her he only sees her. All the girls fall over themselves for him but when Catarina looks at him and he looks at her he cares about nothing else. He knows she is with his best friend Geordo and knows he shouldn't love her but says he would rather spend any moment he can by her side until he no longer can again. This truly grabs at my heart strings.
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I love that even as kids they look at each other in such a sweet endearing way. The fact she is good to his sister when no one else is, and she treats him like he is important and not some object to drool over or push away. With her he can be himself, he can smile when he never did before her. Even in the episode of desire you could see he would push all the ladies away to take her away with him to be happy. He is your darker sheep of the anime but still such a sweet boy I look forward to seeing more from him as well.
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Geordo Stuart
So I'm on the fence the most with him only cause sometimes he feels to perfect. However by the end of the first season you realize he felt nothing but a mundane life and really didn't know happiness until her. This really made me start liking him more. He is a total flirt but only to her which I respect completely. I mean if your gonna flirt make it towards the one you want. Also the fact that he felt responsible for her injury as a kid that she got hurt he vowed to marry her right then so that she would never worry about people ridiculing her for her looks due to the mark on her forehead. I mean even at a young age his proposal was adorable and spot on with the hand kissing and everything.
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He is definitely the mischievous boy and Keith probably is smart to worry about him. I say this because if Catarina gave him half the chance he would so sleep with her. He is probably the only boy I truly feel is the most dirty minded one of them all. In the desire episode you see that when he literally gets wine and starts trying to make out with her. He even announces in the dreamish world that they are now married and she gets to be alone with him all night. That was so spot on with his desires.
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He does love her though its not like I can't see how much he cares anyone can see it. The way he holds her though is so sweet he holds her like she is the most precious thing in the world because to him she is. I hope in time with him being her true route you see more chemistry between the two mainly from her side because as of right now its more one sided from what I see.
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He gained even more respect for me when he got upset like he blamed himself for not being able to protect her. I feel like he would do anything to protect her just like any of the other men and that is a value in him. I also don't think he would ever hurt her intentional at all. Come on he don't even notice other girls nor does he care what people think of him or of her its what he feels. Then the fact he takes water and feeds it to her in a kiss when she is in a coma to keep her hydrated that was the most romantic thing he did so far. So by the end of it I think I love him as much as some of the guys now he just had to win me over a bit more.
Raphael Walt
Ok this boy is a down right cutie, to me he is you cinnamon roll in this anime 100%. Yes he had darkness and revenge take him over but come on his moms last words as she bled out in front of him was avenge my death. That is enough to make anyone flip a switch.
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The way he holds Catarina's hand so gentle even when he was in pain and suffering, as well as how she reaches out to touch him and understand his pain. I honestly think they could make a good match and wish it was included in the game. I hope eventually he gets to shine and have even a small chance with her.
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Then after all the bad things he did and she understood why he tried to make up for it all. He isn't a bad boy at all this is a sweet baby boy who just needs to be loved and cared for by a woman and I think he will grow up well.
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Come on you can't tell me he isn't sorry even Keith and Geordo make a comment that she has taken on seducing another man for them to have to compete against. This should prove he should be a love interest. I will cross my fingers I see more of him in the second season or in future games. He is the side character that I think should be dateable.
The Girls (Mary Hunt, Sophia Ascart, & Maria Campbell)
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Mary - The girls are all supposed to be her best friends but every damn one of them is in love with her. Sometimes its way over done like especially with Mary. I feel like with Mary she tries to force her love on Catarina, and she tries to shut down everyone elses advances. I feel like she would even be a bad one to date for being controlling in the end. She is the cray cray yanderish types in female form I swear.
Maria - She is a sweetheart but sometimes she is just too sweet to me. Like her light side magic to how humble she is. The fact she sees the good in everyone all the time and although I know she has it hard I just feel like she needs to spend more time being herself and not this over joyed happy girl all the time. I do still like her but as far as her with Catarina I just don't see anything but friends.
Sophia - She is my favorite of the girls probably cause when you realize she was with Catarina in her past life and how much she loved her even after she died it shows there is such a close bond with them. When no one else wanted to be her friends her connection with Catarina made her grow up much happier. I even love how she got to say goodbye to her one last time before being there by her side as Sophia. I can say I think friendship is all they should be even with the fact I think she does love her I think she wants her brother and Katarina to be together as well. Maybe they want to share her lol.
Overall Thoughts
This is such a beautiful anime all the way around. After just the first episode I was hooked and needed more. I would have binged it one day if I had been busy that day but by day 2 was done with one sitting from episode like 5 to the end. I love everyone of these characters for one reason or another. They all bring something to the story that when you take one out for just a moment you realize how they are needed. There of course there is a few side characters you would miss to but the main ones below are the biggest ones you can't have this anime without.
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I absolutely love how these guys looks flustered like they seriously are hot as hell especially Keith & Alan who were effected the most. Geordo and Nicol's are a little more shameless and promiscuous in their own way compared to Alan and Keith who are alot more innocent.
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The banter between Keith and Geordo is what makes it funny as hell though. They are always technically dick measuring and showing each other up. Their banter is needed though unlike the other guys they are the ones that are the biggest rivals.
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I love this show has happy and funny moments but also sad and unpredictability as well. Characters you will learn to love some to hate and some you just don't care about. I honestly did not expect to love every one of the guys for one reason or another that usually never happens. I usually have one or two and the rest I don't care about but I'm actually looking forward to playing the game now to see how each story plays out all because the anime got my interest. I read a review on the ships people love and hate and I disagree with them so this is supposedly the ships that are the biggest from the anime.
Catarina x Alan --- LIKE ( I agree to me he is the most well fit for her and her personality. To me they are end game.)
Catarina x Sophia --- LIKE/HATE (I've seen this one waver for people, like I love their friendship and how much they care for one another but to me best not in a romantic way.)
Catarina x Keith --- HATE ( I disagree I think he would follow her to the ends of the earth and always take care of her anyway he could. He would make a good life long partner for sure.)
Catarina x Nicol --- LIKE (I agree they are cute together and the fact he don't care about any of the girls throwing themselves at him when she gives him attention tells you he has eyes only for her. I love how soft his eyes are when he smiles at her too.)
Catarina x Mary --- HATE (I agree she is overly pushy and even though I like Catarina with the guys when it comes to girls she is my least favorite. Anyways any advances she has made towards Katarina she has been shot down with anyways.)
Catarina x Maria --- LIKE/HATE ( I have seen this one waver too and just like with Sophia think they are better friends than more.)
Catarina x Raphael --- HATE (I disagree I actually think he is cute as a button. The fact he is fast to admit he is sorry but still wants to stay by her side I think he needs his own love route he deserves it after watching his mom killed in front of him. )
Catarina x Geordo --- LIKE (I agree they are cute together and I wouldn't totally hate them being together I like his flirtiness anyways)
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starry-blue-echoes · 2 years
We get almost nothing about her in cannon but- Mary Joestar, Jonathan's mom... Thinking about her. All we really know of her in cannon is that she died in the carriage crash that introduced Dario to the Joestars, died precisely because she was shielding baby Jonathan with her body.
I wonder how that weighed on Jonathan, the weight of that sacrifice for him, his mother dying to protect him when he was too young to even remember it. We know he's entranced by the stone mask partially because it was hers. Maybe his own self-sacrificial tendencies come partially from a desire to live up to that legacy. Maybe his fascination with the morbid and archeology was inherited from her, him looking into his mother's interests to feel closer to her and discovering that it really resonates with him too.
And if she lived- maybe things would be different. Maybe Jonathan would have younger siblings. Maybe Dio would've done better, maybe she would've been able to reach him.
...I think Jonathan would wonder about that.
(For AUs: In Jonaplat, Holly reminds him of the version of his mother he always imagined, how much she cares for Jotaro, and he tries to push Jotaro towards her a bit. He never got to have a mother's love like that, so he wants Jotaro to be able to appreciate it. Especially in EarlyBird/Jonaplat, where Holly fighting to save Jotaro draws an even stronger parallel to his own mother's sacrifice. In Starswap, he gets really emotional when he's able to see Jolyne's mom at some point- he knows this isn't his, but it just... hit him harder than expected, and he can't help but bask in it for a moment. For any 'all the joestars interact' he feels so lost being the family patriarch and desperately wants someone to turn to, especially if George is dead at that point too, but he has to be strong for everyone. In Behind Closed Doors, he sometimes wonders if George would be happier if she'd lived instead of him. In any of the Jonathan-lives-as-vamp post-part-3 there's times, during the hundred years in the coffin, when he's trapped in the mansion as Dio menaces his descendants, where he wonders if she would've been able to get through to Dio where he hadn't, if none of this would've happened if she'd lived instead of him.)
(She'd be proud of him though, in every timeline. Maybe she could've done better, maybe things would've been better if he'd died and she'd lived, but she would have saved him a hundred times over either way.)
(She'd be so sorry, that her interest in the mask caused so much pain for her descendants. But there was no way she could have known. Nothing she could have done. She would have, if only she could.)
(And just like her, Jonathan would've done anything for his descendants, if he lived long enough to see them.)
(But fate never gave them a chance.)
Part of the beauty of Mary Joestar is in how little we know about her. She could fit in practically any story you make for her and nobody would be able to argue other wise, but at the same time there are little whispers of her if you look close enough. It’s obvious she loved Jonathan, and it’s a bit of a shame that canon never touched on Jonathan’s feelings towards her.
Sometimes I think about the end of Phantom Blood. How Jonathan would’ve awoken confused in the after life, having died so incredibly young with really only two people waiting for him, being his father and Zeppeli……. But there would also be a third person. His mother. At long last they’d finally be able to get to know each other, and despite the sadness of why, they find it to be happy
In JonaPlat, I’d image Jonathan doing small things in the beginning when they’re still in Japan. A gentle nudge in Holly’s direction, a disapproving stare when Jotaro tries to push her away, little bits and pieces in order to try and get closer. Was it a tad selfish? Perhaps, but there were far worse things to be selfish about than a mother’s love. And in the Early Bird version, Jonathan would be hanging onto those memories Jotaro has in a death grip. In the bleak situation they were in that was the only light at the end of the tunnel
Starswap would also have him dealing with some good ol ✨imposter syndrome✨ which…… he wouldn’t really be able to get rid of because he technically is an imposter here. This isn’t his body and that isn’t his actual mother, and the love and worry she’s expressing is directed toward Jolyne, not him. The affection feels so good and comforting and makes him happy in a way he didn’t know was possible …. but at the same time it’s undercut with the cruel reality of his situation
Behind Closed Doors is going to fucking HURT, and not just him. Dio is going to be stuck with even more terrifying parallels between himself and Jonathan because I bet he’d also wished a couple times that he’d gotten sick instead of his mom. And maybe, just maybe, on the bad nights when Jonathan was alone with his thoughts, he’d wonder if his mother would have protected him from his father’s anger and disapproval
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puzzlebean · 2 years
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Here is part two of my Femslash February 2023 masterlist! I had a lot of fun creating all these works and I hope people enjoy reading them 💗
Sunrise [Avatrice, Warrior Nun, 100 words, General]
Ava and Beatrice watch the sunrise together.
Home [Danbeau, Marvel, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Sometimes Carol feels like a shell of who she was. Being around her family helps. At least she's home again.
Ice Cream [Bishlova, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Yelena and Kate go on an ice cream date after their mission.
Everything Has a Reason [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
It feels like fate somehow, Kiko thinks.
Among the Stars [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Alisha has a hard time with everything that happened but then she meets Kiko and things start looking up.
Wedding Night [Gwen/Morgana, Merlin BBC, 100 words, Mature]
Gwen and Morgana enjoy their wedding night.
Coffee [Wenclair, Wednesday, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Wednesday likes sweetness when it comes to Enid.
A Safe Place to Stay [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sarah provides Sharon with a safe place to stay. It becomes so much more than that.
The Best [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sharon is very much in love with her girlfriend Sarah.
Serenade [Sharon/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sharon sings for Natasha and it sounds like love.
Darcy’s Person [Jane/Darcy, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Jane is Darcy's person.
Crush [Clary/Rebecca, Shadowhunters, 100 words, General]
Simon teases Clary about her crush on his sister.
Everything Gets Better With You [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Kiko is looking foward to going on another date with Alisha.
Opposite Sides [Bishlova, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Yelena can't help but like Kate.
It's Okay [Carol/Rogue, X-Men Animated Series, 100 words, General]
Anna doesn't trust herself to not hurt Carol again.
She's Special [Jessika/Rey, Star Wars, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Jess knows there's something special about Rey.
Welcome [Lulli/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Lulli hears Vanessa's thoughts. They are not unwelcome.
The Future [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Vanessa asks Elena to be her roommate.
Close [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena is glad she and Vanessa have gotten close.
Tattoos [Pepper/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Natasha wants to belong to Pepper.
Happy [Jessika/Rey, Star Wars, 100 words, General]
Rey asks Poe if Jessika has mentioned her.
Not A Mystery [Daisy/Hazel, Murder Most Unladylike, 100 words, General]
Hazel realizes she has feelings for Daisy.
Day Off? [Deb/Pam, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
Deb wants to enjoy a day off with her wife but they are interrupted.
Never [Allison/Lydia, Teen Wolf, 100 words, General]
Lydia loves Allison even though she will never have her.
Agonizing [Johanna/Rachel, The Sandman, 100 words, General]
Johanna knows she must leave Rachel.
Totally Adorable [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena and Vanessa make dinner together.
Understood [Jacqueline Box/Stat, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
No one understands Stat like Jacqueline does.
Passport [Monica/Wanda, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Monica goes on the run with Wanda.
Last Forever [Aneka/Ayo, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Ayo thinks about when she first fell in love with Aneka.
Indulging [Lucienne/Gault, The Sandman, 100 words, General]
Lucienne thinks she deserves to indulge every now and then.
Proud of Her [Deb/Pam, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
Pam is proud of her wife.
Proposal [Avatrice, Warrior Nun, 100 words, General]
Ava asks Beatrice to marry her.
Fortunate [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena is happy with the way her life turned out.
Carefully [Wenclair, Wednesday, 100 words, General]
Wednesday and Enid talk about Enid's parents.
Desires [Sharon/Emma, Marvel, 100 words, Mature]
It's pure lust. Sharon is okay with that.
Devoted [Mary/Shannon, Warrior Nun, 100 words, Teen and Up]
It's hard to love the Warrior Nun.
Changes [Daisy/Amina, Murder Most Unladylike, 100 words, General]
Daisy learns that some changes are good. Amina is one of them.
Hold Me [Wanda/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Natasha takes care of Wanda after a hard mission.
The Light [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
No one knows Sharon like Sarah does.
Can't Wait (It's a Date) [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Vanessa asks Elena on a date.
A Dream [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Alisha is happy with the way her life turned out. She hopes Buzz finds the same.
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ozdwibe · 1 year
i have nothing to read
so i write, just had the logos
i exchange it for the thought make
are my poems faulty if i edit them?
i study poets and thier revisions
why do we revise, these subtle significances
strength enough to change labels
living freely is political da
philosophy is high comms, politics the gossip
ye upon all eye, that kinda loft talk
what is its easy replace
i oose train of thought, o lose train of thought
lost is only a word, if i stop believing words how do i make understand the blind, i remember echolocation, its masters, my fear is futile, how more long do i have to make remember untill its etch
ill go back to them
trainwreck, train of thought, movement , the scene, speed, scent, weight, lips and the eyes
letters and the trust da,
news bringing fear does linger, force trust more
believing in everything is like talking to yourself
science survey feelings, makes number of it
balance it with other numbers, associates
ohh my my
my mind scribbling rounds, triangles, lines slants and i make numbers of em, my probability toss into air and around, for i know the grander scheme, ive had glimpses
my cahoots with the unknown
the lives i like are here, usually lives like me back
seldom not liked, but agendas and the psychic
its backfiring machine
i dont search for the lives i want, wont want the lives i need
necessity ignored couple enlightened desires
where am i dragged to, this magnetism is paradoxical
foolery it is, tobegone addiction
they think i took too much
they didn't work!
these lines here because they didn't work
unnecessary side-effects, traded tolerance money time and effort, have to havemore, be more
prove them of thier false rights
them hoodwinking themselves and winking eachother
frowns ,the force over smiles
they should know how jealousy works, how attention does
so dont turn their ignorance to my pride
let their limits fail, let succeed seeing chaos as harmony
untill then illusion persists, untill then need ask evidence,
iam me and them, real, for ill deliver
mixing poems piece by piece makes them more poetic?
piece of my muse, validation and warmdaydreams
im lost in music, down and down we go
music is my definition of old and new coming together
give chance to probability, be probable more
i have a chance to school tomorrow, i need the school tomorrow, i have the write here anyway
im turning mary jane platonic, lessons only
toxic nostalgia for badbloodpassion, No i wont be,
transmute out badsoberity, alchemy da freecharms
love and little light, we the heros we say could be
nahnahnah nah na, already na na, no way nada
fireworks into the night, hedonism
waters and its fish for me to indulge
dharma and sex, na freak na
no we can't be friends, no way,
we were friends then, we cant meet no
i dont wanna be with you, we cant be friends
no more holding anything, we cant be friends
price,fool for pleasure,no more play,
see the truth, i dont wanna be with you
we can't be friends
i rant in silence
i miss it already, the only something ive known best
the thought of no turn back, my back to my associate,
once joy, stability and understanding
what will become of me as i look only ahead,
a head that works of different connections
i have the of yore , ahh im turning into a man
the boy made assume responsibility
father spoke family being love, and all that seems love not love,
forensic linguistics the science, another implication of my overthinking into the machine.
the machine, all its meanings, i wonder how it processes all it knows, wonder how its evolution is different from mine, help imagine the bias from all available.
meanings, different ones, i realise they average out and become words, his words wonder in me for all them extremes left out for the average,
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kl4us4 · 2 years
stranger things, umbrella academy, sherlock, the 100, daredevil blog previously known as: octavia-marie-blake.
fear of god (x f!reader, on-going) - working as an investigative journalist, trailing a string of murders has you running to matthew murdock - and daredevil - for help
can't let you go (x f!reader) - when matty shows up beaten and bruised - again - you’re not sure how much more you can take.
shoot to kill (x f!reader) - my words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have a lot of regrets about that
caught (x f!reader) * - fucking bf!steve in front of billy
morning (x f!reader) * - morning sex w bf!steve
a new hope (x reader) - forcing steve to watch star wars so that he can get a job at the video store
the chain (x f!reader) - hawkins, indiana. 1986. it's your senior year at Hawkins High and everything's supposed to be easy - until a night in Eddie's trailer has you both running for your lives.
begin again (x reader) - dealing with the aftermath of eddie surviving, but not being accepted back into hawkins
everything (x f!reader) - your family don’t seem to care much about your birthday - but there’s one person willing to make it extra special for you.
light and high beauty (x f!reader) - a calm afternoon spent listening to eddie read aloud at his place.
mr. rager (x f!reader) - eddie's desire to fit in has never resurfaced as much as it does while watching you gain attention from the popular crowd. things get messy when jason targets eddie, yet again
'broken nose' kind of protective (x f!reader) - eddie loves his uncle - he's almost a father to him. he just hates when he brings his rowdy, disrespectful friends to the trailer park.
matilda (x f!harrington!reader) - you had held off from telling your parents about your metalhead boyfriend. at the cusp of your anniversary, eddie feels like your parents should know about the two of you.
churchyard (x f!reader) - he communicates with spirits, you communicate with angels
a perfect world (x reader) - reader dies suddenly but is still able to see klaus
quiet (x reader) - your power gives you the ability to create silence
caught (x reader) - being caught by klaus stealing from the happily departed reginald hargreeves
the same (x f!reader) - leaving rehab at the same time as klaus and being there for him during s1 [I II III]
close and beautiful (x reader) - being back by klaus' side through difficult and confusing times
action (x reader) - a city akin to gotham yet no vigilante to guard its citizens - until one day, there is
11 years older and 22 inches taller (x reader) - you're happily dating klaus but five seems to have a small crush on you [I II]
hold on (x reader) - as Klaus’ best friend, you had to deal with your fair share of incidents where he’s pushed himself over the edge - but none like this
landslide (x reader) - trying to live life without him
perfect (x f!plussize!reader) - ben is so certain you're perfect, he wishes you knew it too
go best friend (x bestfriend!reader) - being friends with five is always fun
take care of you (x gn!reader) - after diego comes home late, you share some cuddles and love
nothing breaks like a heart (x f!reader) - you and diego are in love but it breaks his younger brothers heart
meeting grace (x reader) - you finally get to meet your boyfriend's mom
the whole truth (x lawyer!reader) - diego is on trial, you're his lawyer and he does not make it easy
beautiful boy (x m!reader) - you never miss a chance to tell diego how beautiful you think he is
alone now (x reader) - diego asking you to marry him
read all about it (x journalist!reader) - when you see a former superhero from the Umbrella Academy follow five armed robbers into a bank, you just know you have to get the full story
bad men (x f!reader) - sherlock needs your help - after all, you're the best assassin in london
bearer of bad news (x f!reader) - it's all too much - the cases, the heinous crimes, handling Sherlock's cold remarks - and you snap
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always-andromeda · 2 years
ii. Flock | Eli Sunday x fem!Reader
Eli Sunday x fem!Reader
Word Count | 2,797
Summary | "And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed." Genesis 2:25
Author's Note | hey guys. remember that post i made that one time saying that when i write smut, i feel like i'm possessed by some sort of demon? yeah, this is one of those times. i think it speaks very heavily on my religious trauma that the religious aspect is all the more hot to me?? anyhoooooo, we don't have time to unpack ALL OF THAT.
Warnings | smut, religious themes, breeding kink, Eli is such a sub, Daniel is terrible, nothing else I can think of! (MDNI)
Parts | i. | ii. | iii.
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The wedding was humble. It took place in Eli's church, the sun shining bright through the cross cutout in the back of the room. Attending is Eli’s family and a handful of congregation members. But you didn’t mind. You are just relieved that your father isn’t there.
You’d gone to him and gently told him that you were getting married and that nothing would change your mind. Daniel asked who the man was, though he didn’t need to. In his eyes, Eli Sunday would always be trying to punch back at him for not paying him the money he was owed. This was just about a grudge. If the boy wanted validation from Daniel, he’d have to die waiting for it. So Daniel refuses to give his blessing. Calls you a harlot; nothing more than a cheap whore who crawled to the first man who showed you attention. Says that one day that Sunday boy will surely disappoint you and he won't take you when you come running back.
But you don't care; you can't make yourself care. You are never going to crawl back to Daniel Plainview. Not even if you were at death's door. You were soon to be freed from the oppressive grasp he’d had over your life for far too long.
You are not nervous as you walk down the aisle in your unassuming gown. The lacy fabric covered you from your neck to your toes and the floaty veil trailed behind you as you got closer to your husband to be. Of course, you'd allowed Mary Sunday to be the flower girl; she followed behind you, shyly tossing petals from her woven basket. H.W. was the ring bearer. His tutor has escorted him since Daniel declines to have any involvement.
But that turns out to be a positive as well. The tutor shows you a few simple signs to help you communicate with H.W. The most important one being 'I love you.' It had been a very long time since you'd been able to tell him that. And with the way Daniel had turned him away, you knew he needed to know it.
You allow him to see you before the wedding and you crouch before him, gesturing the little sign, albeit a bit unpracticed. H.W. tilts his head a little before finally understanding and wrapping his arms around your neck and burying his head in your shoulder. You nearly cried then, feeling guilty that you'd be leaving him behind, but feeling comforted knowing that now he has his tutor looking out for him as well.
At the altar, you tap his shoulder twice, your signal to H.W. to give the rings to you and Eli. You smile at him as you pick up yours. Eli's hand shakes as he slides the simple silver ring upon your finger. He is not surprised when yours stay still.
Of course Eli writes his own vows. They're long and he rambles a little bit, but it's clear that he is utterly devoted to you. He recites line after line with the same zeal as his sermons, proclaiming how he will never forsake you, he will stay faithful to you, and he intends to grow old with you, giving you everything your heart may desire. It's a bit intense, but you wouldn't want it any other way.
Both you and him are buzzing that it's actually real now. No longer are you a Plainview. You are a Sunday. And the name has never sounded sweeter than when Eli says it directly after kissing you, his bride. The rest of the reception passes by in a blur. The guests gather around as you two dance. Luckily, one of the members plays the violin. So he plays a lively tune and the rest of the guests create a beat with their claps. Eli is about as off the beat as H.W. is, struggling to keep up with your speed as you dance wildly. Soon, everyone is joining in.
For the first time in your life, you are grateful for oil. Oil is what brought you to Little Boston. Oil led you to Eli Sunday. And oil made you into Mrs. Eli Sunday.
The congregation had helped build you and him a little home. One large, main room that held a stove, a table with chairs, and a rocking chair, a slighter smaller bedroom for you and him, and an even smaller bedroom with one piece of furniture inside: a cradle. A not so subtle hint at the church's hope for your future. It makes you smile though when you step over the threshold and see the roots of your new, beautiful life with Eli Sunday.
Your breath catches in your throat when you step into the bedroom, seeing the bed that's big enough for the both of you to lay upon. The undisturbed white sheets tucked into the mattress strike you as an omen of some sort so you keep your gaze from them and instead center your attention on the beautiful vanity against the wall to your right.
The setting sun is visible through the window leaving the room in a faint light. You step towards the vanity mirror, staring into it when you feel Eli approach you from behind. He wraps his arms around your waist and makes you sway back and forth with him. He hums softly, taking a deep breath of your skin's musk as he nestles his nose in your neck.
"My lovely wife. Lovely Mrs. Sunday. So beautiful." He mumbles.
Eli is gentle. The pecks he leaves on your shoulder barely suggest what he wants; what he's been waiting to do for a very long time. But you didn't marry him to stay demure. You turn on your heel and bring his face down to yours, ravishing his lips with messy, inexperienced little kisses. One hand on his neck and the other on his lower back, commanding him to come closer. And he stumbles forward, just a bit, but enough that he lets out a breathy, nervous laugh.
"I wouldn't have thought you would be so insatiable, my angel." He smiles slightly. 
"Only for you-" You're fumbling for the words to describe the feeling in your stomach that's only spreading to the rest of your body. And then you say the wicked words that make Eli want to turn wild once more, "Eli, please make love to me."
You're inching him closer and closer to the edge of the bed until he's sitting back on it. As you mount his thighs, he knows what you want him to do to you. But he's afraid; feels that pit of doubt that takes shape every once in a while. He wonders if this is right. If it would be a sin to take your virtue and to chain you to himself. He wants you more than any worldly thing. He pushes the fear down before it can get bigger but you catch it. You notice how for a fraction of a second, he hesitates.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Eli brushes the question away and presses his lips to yours, hoping you will just forget his momentary uncertainty.
But it's your turn to pull back and speak, "Eli, you must tell me. I'm your wife now. You must share what you feel with me, please."
The emotional appeal has him chewing on his lip before he answers, "I don't want to hurt you. If we do this...there is always the chance that I could lose you. You and I have both heard of the mothers all across the country, bleeding out in their beds. The motherless children and...widowed fathers...I couldn't bear it if I made you do this -- made you fulfill my self serving wish -- and lost you."
"Have I ever told you that I once told my father that I never wanted children. I told him I would rather die than give him a grandchild. And I meant it then. But the thought of bearing your child...I want that more than anything. I want you. You promised you'd give me a family. That you'd give me all the love you possibly could."
You shift closer, slow breath hitting his ear as you whisper, "Fulfill that promise." 
And Eli finds himself heating up the way he did all those lonely nights under his sheets. But this time you're here. And he is finally allowed to have you. He is fumbling with the buttons at the back of your dress, eager to rip the wretched white fabric away from your nakedness.
For a moment, he is glad that Eve defied the Lord. For if she hadn't, this view wouldn't be exclusive to him. He decides that the birth of all sin is righteous and just, as long as shame keeps you from being unclothed around anyone else. It fully sinks in that you belong to him and, more importantly, he belongs to you.
He stares in awe as you stand again, letting the pesky garments fall away and pool beneath you, one by one. In this little room he now shares with you, you are an angelic vision. His mouth waters at the sight of the cavern between your legs, obscured by a patch of pubic hair. He doesn't know why, but he wants to taste you there. He wants to swirl his tongue around the spot until he becomes acquainted with all of your unknown parts.
So he does just that. He reaches for your hips and pulls you to his quivering lips, allowing his curiosity to run free. You gasp and clutch his short hair between your fingers as he laps at your folds with no consideration of technique or your squirming figure as his nose brushes against your clit. He's reaching his tongue as far into your hole as he can, barely catching a breath before you tug him by his hair away from you. Already, you're overwhelmed by his passion. You're sensitive, never having felt anything but your own hand there.
"Do you know what you're doing?" You take a deep breath in order to recover.
Eli looks up at you then, all starry eyed with red lips and a chin covered in shining slick, and shakes his head. He wants to know. And judging by your reaction, he figures that he's already found the place where he is supposed to enter you. The thought of his own length being inside of the tight passage he'd stuck his tongue in makes him firm up inside his dress pants.
"Can I show you?" You ask gently, lifting his chin with your index finger. He nods desperately. For this long, he had been your teacher in all things holy. Now it was your turn.
You tell him to strip himself bare, just the way you had. He couldn't be happier to remove his restricting trousers. He's impatiently rushing to unbutton his shirt, the puffy sleeves getting in the way of his progress. You steady his hands and make quick work of the buttons with your own nimble fingers. As the shirt slips down his shoulders and falls back on the bed, you admire his pale chest. Untouched by the sun from the years of being hidden behind his clothes and now from his cushy position in the church. Having not had to do manual labor on the Sunday Ranch in months, his shoulders are a bit less built. But you still love him this way.
As evil as it is, you are eager to corrupt him in the best way possible; to make him experience a divine release outside of his pulpit. You circle one of his soft pink nipples with your thumb and his breath hitches. Returning to your place on his thigh, you ignore his swelling cock.
"Oh, Eli, you've been so pure, so virtuous. It's such a shame that it took this long for someone to see you this way. Because you are so beautiful." Eli could moan out loud at your words alone.
You lean forward, applying the smallest amount of pressure to the shaft. "Would you like to be rewarded now?"
"Please, my angel, please," He begs. You smile innocently before latching your lips to his collarbone, hoping to taint his clear skin. Your fingers continue working on his chest, flicking his hardened nipples with your thumbs and smirking every time his chest twitches.
Eli needs you wrapped around him, completely at your mercy. "Darling, please, please give me relief. I have yearned to be inside of you for so long." He whines.
God, the heat that sends to your core is enough to make you let up on your torture.
You kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips, "Ask and you shall receive," Your voice is hushed. Gently, your delicate fingers take him by the shaft and bring him to your folds. Eli breathes jaggedly through his teeth and you swipe the tip across yourself, covering him in your wetness. Though your cunt clenches in anticipation, you yourself are nervous. You've heard horror stories about red weddings and his girth makes you worry that he'll tear you apart.
So you're slow as you sink down inch by inch, familiarizing yourself with the curve of his cock and the way it stretches you out. It isn't quite painful, you're surprised to find. But it takes some getting used to. It's an uncomfortable ache that floods your cunt that gradually becomes more manageable. And it just starts to dissolve into a weak spark of pleasure, Eli thrusts suddenly.
He hits something deep inside you -- a place that you'd never reached with your own fingers -- and it makes you jolt, letting out a sharp, "oh!"
"Have I hurt you?" Eli's voice is tender. He has never done this before. All he knows is that the hold you have on him is far better than his own hand could ever be. You're wet and slick and warm. Maybe this is why the Lord commands his creations not to touch themselves. 
You're lifting your hips up and down, trying to keep the friction alive, "No, no, no, no, feels...good...keep doing that, darling."
With new confidence, Eli plunges deeper now and you try to meet his pace with your bouncing hips. You try to put a bit of a curve into the movement, trying to get him to hit that spongey ceiling he had before.
Eli groans, "Right there, right there, keep doing that," He's entranced by the way your tits bob on your torso and reaches a hand forward to palm at one of them. His moans grow louder upon touching the malleable ball of flesh.
You take the hand on your tit and bring it down to your clit. You struggle a bit to get one of his digits on the throbbing bundle, but once you do you say, "Do you feel that? I need you to touch me there." And before you know it, his fingers are roughly rubbing your clit. His movements are messy once more, but the friction is enough that you let him keep going. You’ll have all the time in the world to teach him properly after this.
It all builds up and up and up until the flames are threatening to burn through you entirely. The white hot inferno consumes every rational thought in your head. It leaves you with the scorching desire to spend Eli for all he is worth.
"Are you ready to take my seed?" Eli pants.
You're right there with him as you choke out, "Please, Eli, please give me your child. Please give me everything you have."
"You've done so well preparing me for this, it is time for me to reward you." His mouth hangs open, barely able to control himself from how hard he is focusing on putting all of his love and devotion into each thrust. And you're ready, taking his uneven but passionate ruts with ease.
He practically yells when the glorious release hits him, his heavy, warm seed spilling deep inside of you. So much so that it's already leaking out around him, staining your brand new bed. But you are happy. Happy with the peek of heaven that he has given you. 
Eli holds you to his bare chest afterwards, his fingers pushing every bit of cum that escaped you back inside. He needs this pregnancy to take. He will fulfill his promise.
His tired eyes droop as he repeatedly murmurs, "I'll give you everything. I'll give you everything you could ever want, my angel." All while caressing your bare stomach, praying that in time, there will be life growing there.
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kathonydaily · 2 years
Hi! Hope you’re well!
I don’t quite remember the exact words Edmund said to Anthony before the deadly bee sting, but he said something like “you need to let others see you at your worst before they can see you at your best” and I find his words to be so prophetic of what would eventually happen for Anthony and Kate. Also, his words were great and wise advice… but Anthony (due to his grief and increased responsibilities) wasn’t ready to follow. Both he and Kate were so closed off to others, only ever allowing themselves to show a façade instead of their true selves. And, despite themselves, their façades slipped to one another and *because* of the other. C’était plus fort qu’eux.
Also, I was just reading your post about the Harmony ball. I absolutely agree that everyone was just having fun, being happy, letting those walls down, not even noticing Kate and Anthony’s closeness. Except for Edwina. As she was dancing with Colin, she couldn’t seem to help herself in almost glaring at them. When everyone else was “in harmony”, she wasn’t. And then, of course, her harsh words to Kate… which I honestly skipped over on my second rewatch as I found her to be just *mean* and wrong. I’m still on the fence on how I feel about the way the writers changed her character and thus, the dynamic between both sisters, and that of Mary with Kate.
Anyways, love reading your opinions and breakdowns of the scenes and character dynamics.
Thank you!
I agree about Edmund's words. Anthony has always tried to be perfect, to fullfill the image of what he percieved as the perfect man (his father) that he totally forgot who he really was inside. Same for Kate. Both of them sacrificed themselves for their families and it took them meeting to finally bring out their true self, the ones they thought were unlovable, but in reality the ones they both fell in love with. I also find interesting this conversation between Edmund and Anthony:
A: It's impossible.
E: Now, now. There'll be plenty of other opportunities.
A: I've failed each and every time. I can just hear what Benedict will have to say about this. Colin too.
E: All the more reason to keep trying.
It has always been a flaw of Anthony: believing that something was impossible to begin with and instead of fighting for it, thinking he was a failure because he couldn't do it. It's something that even Daphne pointed out to him in ep6: why not fight for the things he desired, for the family that he wanted? He replied that he was fighting for the family that he had, but the truth was that wasn't fighting, that was trying to fullfill his duty, something it was trust upon him the moment his father died. He didn't fight for the things he truly wanted because he thought they were impossible. It was impossible for him to have something for himself, he was resigned to live his life for his family, so why even try? And it was the same for Kate too. Edwina pointed out to her, always in ep6, why she should be Viscountess and not her? Because for Kate it was impossible even entertaining the idea after years spent putting her sister's happiness (and Mary) abover her own. It was impossible so why even try?
It took the entire season for them to finally realize that fighting for what they wanted was worth it, despite the maybe impossible outcome. Anthony declaring his feelings for Kate without knowing if she would accept his confession, or if she would have returned to India either way, was a leap of faith on his part. It was him finally fighting for the impossible. And her accepting his love and overcoming her sense of inadequance and worthless, was her finally fighting for the impossible. She could be the Viscountess after all, she just should have believed it.
About Edwina in the Harmony's dance: her words were cruel and unnecessary yes, but also we can't control our feelings and well she was still pretty hurt about what happened. I've said this again but to me they changed the dynamic between the Sharmas family in the show to fit more the desi's culture and representation. The eldest sister having to provide for the younger one, teaching her everything she knows, and the younger being the one who had to marry? Totally desi's representation. Of course the downside of that is an eldest sister who lived and breathed for the younger one, and the younger one who was spoiled and naive and couldn't see her sister's feelings and needs. It was an unbalanced relationship that needed some adjusting, and that's why the 'triangle' or the almost wedding was important IMHO. Edwina finally woke up, and yeah she said some pretty harsh things, that Kate totally didn't deserve, but she was also a brat who was lashing out toward her parent's figure. It was all a process for her to finally grow up, and she did at the end. And seeing her sister finally as an adult and not as a child anymore, gave Kate the opportunity to begin to think about herself too.
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ramblingromance · 3 years
Someone Perfect: Book Review
I'm back with another Mary Balogh romance novel! So let's get right into my thoughts, feelings, and rambles on...
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As a young man, Justin Wiley was banished by his father for mysterious reasons, but now his father is dead, and Justin has been Earl of Brandon for six years. A dark, dour man, he nonetheless takes it as his responsibility to care for his half-sister Maria when her mother dies. He travels to her home to fetch her back to the family seat at Everleigh Park. Although she adored him once, Maria now loathes Justin, and her friend Lady Estelle Lamarr can see immediately how his very name upsets her. When Justin arrives and invites Estelle and her brother to accompany Maria to Everleigh Park to help with her distress, she begrudgingly agrees for Maria's sake. As family secrets unravel in Maria's homecoming, Justin, too, uncovers his desire for a countess. And, while he may believe he's found an obvious candidate in the beautiful 25-year-old Lady Estelle, she is most certain that they could never make a match...
This novel started out fairly strong. I was enjoying the set up of the story, what with a sort of enemies to lovers plotline, a mysterious family secret, and a country house party, there was lots to sink my teeth into.
I'm not sure what happened within the last few chapters of the book though, because I found that it was dragging on terribly for me. I'm not sure if Balogh is just tired of this series or what, and I couldn't blame her, considering there are nine books in total! I don't know, it just seemed that once the family mystery was revealed, and a certain missing character was found, the plot could only go forward to a wedding. This is fine, though. I'm used to this in romance novels, but it was as if the announcements and the planning and the wedding went on for those final few chapters. I don't think it helps that Balogh insists on listing off every single family member, and for both parties in this book! Not only that, but she lists how they are related to one another, or not related to one another. It got incredibly repetitive after awhile, and it did feel like she did it more often in this book than she has in the others.
In the beginning, I found myself hoping that maybe Bertrand, the twin, would get his own book too. But now... well I'd say this is a fine enough send off for the Westcotts. Even the blurb in the back of this book seems to be promoting her next new series entirely, so I'd say Balogh seems to be finished with the Westcotts too.
All in all, I didn't hate this novel. It was enjoyable enough, and while Estelle may have found her someone perfect, or rather, someone who was perfect for her, unfortunately I can't say the same about this novel for me.
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of death, Mentions of violence, Mentions of a terrible mother
Heat Level: 3/5
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Making Queen members flower crowns would include
Pairing: Queen members x reader
Word count: (altogether) 1800+
Warnings: some sickening fluff, oh and swearing but that’s a standard, some slightly suggestive themes in john’s (implied sex) but nothing accually happens except a kiss
A/N: Hello you beautiful people! I’m back (don’t get used to that tho lol) I thought of this two years ago when i first saw Bohemian Rhapsody (SO 2 FUCKING YEARS AGO). Freddie’s is gender neutral. I tried to add a “keep reading” button but I’m not sure it works tbh because this hell of a side never cooperates.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a Ko-fi!☕
Gifs aren’t mine. Credits to the owners.
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Brian May
You were laying on Brian's lap, the sun hitting your face pleasantly. This week the weather was nice and warm, which was something extremely unusual in England, so the two of you decided to head out to the country and have a little picnic.
After what felt like hours spent in the car ("Brian, for Christ's sake, would you open the bloody window, I can't breathe!" and "Bri, I love you, but if we don't get there in five minutes, I'm going to murder you, I swear") you finally found a nice clearing, where you could relax and forget about the stresses of city life.
Brian put down a blanket on the grass, near a small stream that flew through the forest. He brought the bag with food and drinks (you didn't have a basket, so you had to improvise). 
You quickly put some sunscreen on your face and laid down, keeping your head propped on Brian's lap. He put a hat over his face and fell asleep, his chest rising steadily. 
After some time (that fucking wasp didn't let you sit in one place), you stood up and noticed many beautiful flowers, growing on a nearby bush. You got lost in picking up the most beautiful ones, admiring each one carefully. When you got enough, you sat back down and started tying the stems together.
Suddenly you got an idea. Careful not to wake him up, you began sticking the flowers in Brian's dark curls. 
Your now decorated boyfriend woke up and stretched, not noticing the colourful addition to his hair. This made you chuckle softly, but you decided to see how long it would take him to realize.
+"What is it, babe? Do I have something on my face?"
"No, Bri, I just remembered a funny joke, that's all."
"Oh tell me, then."
"What’s the difference between a lawnmower and an electric guitar?"
"You can tune a lawnmower!"
You both enjoyed the rest of the day swimming in the stream, sunbathing and eating the snack you brought. And Brian somehow still didn't notice.
Until it was time for you to get home.
You got in the car ("Open the window now, it's like in the oven in here!") and Brian looked into the rear-view mirror.
+"Hey, (Y/N), what the fuck is that? I love it."
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Roger Taylor
So honestly it would probably happen during one of his concerts.
You were backstage watching the show, enjoying every second of it. Freddie was in the middle of shouting some (very inappropriate) compliments to Brian's ass, slapping his buttcheeks. The crowd immediately went wild hundreds of fans screamed in unison. You chuckled under your breath, flashing a white smile at your beloved boyfriend Roger and his bandmates. You felt an arm wrap around your shoulders. Surprised, you turned around, your eyes meeting Mary's.
+"What's up, kiddo?" she smirked and patted your back.
"Oh, nothing much. Just Freddie being Freddie," you replied, making both of you erupt with laughter.
Suddenly you felt a familiar feeling form in the pit of your stomach. Out of nowhere, your hands became shaky, your breath shallow and quick. Feeling like you need some fresh air, you excused yourself.
+"Are you sure you're okay, (Y/N)?" Mary watched you carefully, her hand supporting you in case you fainted.
"Yes, Mary, I just need some fresh air. I'm extremely tired, and I haven't eaten anything since this morning" you reassured your friend. "I'm just gonna sit outside for a while."
"Do you want me to come with you?" she asked, still not convinced about your well-being.
"Yes, I wouldn't want to spoil the gig for you. I'll be back before you know it" you squeezed her hand and, after promising her to be careful, you headed outside.
You took a walk alongside the small patch of lawn beside the exit. After taking a couple of deep breaths, you noticed some daisies grow in the green grass. Without thinking much, you sat down and started picking them up and tying their stems together.
Your fingers worked quickly, making a beautiful flower crown, mindlessly.
Meanwhile, on stage, the boys were singing She makes me - a song that reminded Roger of you. He quickly glanced to his right, expecting to see your beautiful figure standing with Mary. But, much to his surprise, he couldn't see you anywhere. It was no secret that his eyesight was shit but, bloody hell, it wasn't that bad. His blue eyes were searching for you, frantically.
When the song ended, he quickly motioned to Freddie to take a quick break, while he went to check up on you. He practically sprinted to Mary, almost knocking down his drumkit and John.
+"You dumb fuck, watch where you're going, Rog!"
Usually, Roger would reply with some snarky comment, but at that moment he really didn't care. When he reached Mary, he didn't even need to ask her about you. 
+"She's outside. Needed some fresh air" the girl shooked her head towards the exit. 
Roger quickly walked outside, knowing that he couldn't stall the audience for too long. But at the same time, he must have made sure you were all right.  
He got out of the building and searched for you. He spotted to sitting on a small patch of grass, holding a pretty flower crown in your hands. His heart ached at this sight. 
+"Hello, love" he whispered, kneeling next to you. "Are you all right?"
"Yes, I am, Rog" you kissed his cheek. "I just felt a bit off, that's all." 
You felt your boyfriend press a kiss to your hair. You smiled at the feeling, leaning into his touch. 
You finally placed the finished flower crown on his head, brushing away loose strands of sweaty hair from his face, your hand gently brushing his temple. He took your tiny hands in his and kissed your fingers.
+"Do you wanna go back in there, sweetheart?" he asked sweetly, looking deeply into your eyes.
You nodded and pecked his lips, "Of course, Rog, I wouldn't want to miss any more of your show."
He smiled and lead you inside, placing his hand on the small of your back. You returned to Mary and wished your boyfriend good luck. 
Roger kept the flowers on his head throughout the whole gig, sending you a dashing smile and winking at you every now and again.
I just think Roger would look sososo pretty in a flower crown.
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John Deacon
It was a lovely afternoon in London. You and your fiancé John decided to take a walk after the whole day in the studio, recording songs.
Taking a walk in a nearby park was a great way to destress and release the tension accumulated during the day. It was something John realized pretty early on in your relationship and took full advantage of it. He loved wandering along the pebbled pathways that swirled around beautiful trees and bushes full of colourful flowers. Being in the presence of nature made him feel at ease and helped him relax.
But the real reason why he enjoyed your walks so much was you. He adored seeing your face light up with joy when you saw a squirrel run up a branch of an old oak or when you spotted a particularly beautiful fish in the small pond. He could watch you pick up fallen leaves for ages and hear you talk to little kids in a playground, showing them the shiny rocks you collected along the way.
To be honest, he always dreamt about starting a family with you and seeing you get along with kids so well only increased that desire.
Often after a walk, he was in the mood™, which, considering his shy nature, always took you by surprise.
Oh man, he just loved taking a walk in the park.
And today was no different.
You were walking hand in hand, admiring the blossoming flowers. Occasionally, you would stop and pick them up, making a small bouquet in the process. White daisies, pink clovers and blue forget-me-nots accumulated with every step you took.
John was telling you about the new idea he had for a song, kissing your cheek every now and again.
Listening to him, you started to fiddle with the flowers, tying them in knots. After a while ("And then, I think, we could include a gong, you know?") you were done with your creation.
You put the flowers on John's head and kissed his temple.
+"What's that, darling?" he asked you, surprised.
"Nothing, but I think you look sensational, my love" you replied, smiling innocently.
You felt John's hand bring you closer to him. He kissed you, entangling his long and incredibly skilled fingers in your hair. The kiss soon turned into more heated one.
+"I'll show you how sensational I really am, pretty girl."
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Freddie Mercury
So with Freddie, it was probably at one of his parties.
He invited you along to have a drink with him and his bandmates.
You usually weren't the one for big and loud parties, but he kept asking you and you gave in.
+"Oh okay, Fred, I'll do it," you said after the twentieth time he had asked you.
"Fantastic, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed, loudly clapping his hands. "Just remember to wear a costume."
But you didn't really want to dress up in fancy dresses or costumes from different eras. Calling Mary, you asked her for advice and she told you to just wear some accessories.
So before the party, you went to a small flower shop and bought a small bouquet of purple lilacs. At home, you made a flower crown, hoping that dressing up as a nymph would be enough.
When you got to Freddie's house, you were greeted by a crowd of people in colourful skirts and suits with fashionable patterns. That's when you found Freddie, Roger, Brian and John, chilling on a couch with their dates.
+"Oh, (Y/N), you look marvellous, darling!" exclaimed Freddie dressed as a king, while he stood up to embrace you in a warm hug.
"Thank you, Fred, I made it myself" you smiled shyly.
You got some champagne and joined the conversation.
Suddenly, you felt a pat on your shoulder, and, when you turned around, you saw Freddie holding out a hand to you, asking you to dance with him. You gladly accepted and got up. 
+"I really meant it, darling. You do look marvellous tonight" he whispered in your ear.
"Thank you, Freddie, you can have it if you'd like" you sent him a warm smile.
You took off his golden crown and set it aside. Gently taking off the flower crown from your head, you placed it on top of Fred's. He beamed at you and put his own crown on top of your head.
+"Now you rule here, darling."
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demivampirew · 4 years
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Protective-Dad Henry one shot.
Summary: Henry and you had a daughter when you were twenty years old. Now, Amelie is a teenager and has to tell his dad that she’s dating a boy.
Triggers: Talking about sex; young pregnancy (and the struggle of being young parents) - I think those are all the triggers 😁
You can find more of my writings in the Masterlist
Tag list: @lunedelorient @henrythickcavill @wolvesandhoundshowltogether @mary-ann84 @desperate-and-broken @peakygroupie @summersong69 @ivvitm1109 @madbaddic7ed @iloveyouyen @the-soot-sprite @hell1129-blog @whyyoudothistomecavill @thetaoofzoe​ @thereisa8ella​​
- Please, don't make me do this, mom! - Amelie pleaded.
- You want to be treated like an adult, then act like one.- you said with a steady voice.
She looked at you angrily but begging for mercy at the same time but then finally obeyed your order and went into his father's computer room to share the news. As she started to find a way to tell her dad about her new boyfriend, you laid against the door frame to witness the conversation.
- Dad, I ... I... -the teenager began, trying to find the words that seemed to vanished from her head out of fear.
She and her dad were closed and she was the apple of his eyes. From the moment she was born, he went above and beyond to make sure she would have everything she could ever need and want. You two were a great team, making sure she was happy but did not spoil her too much and made her work hard on domestic tasks for her to pay for any unnecessary item she wanted to help her learn about the importance of valuing work.
Having a kid when you were only twenty was a challenge that you hope she would never have to face herself. In your case, you were lucky: you were dating the most wonderful man who saw that pregnancy as a miracle despite the difficulties it may bring with it. He was next to you every second he could and even on those times he had to be in LA as he tried hard to make it in Hollywood -many times he tried to quit and join the Royal Marines so he could support you and the baby, but every time you would encourage him to keep fighting for his dream-job since you were lucky to have a well-paid job as a secretary for your cousin who was a Doctor and thankfully counted with the help of yours and his mom to look after the baby girl while you worked. But, even if you were living apart for months, he would be there one way or another.
The last few years he had been busier travelling around the world, but he remained the same loving father and husband that he had always been.
For someone who would have done anything for his little angel, like renouncing his dream career or even risk his life on the Marines so he could give his family a decent life, it would be hard to digest the fact that she had a boyfriend. He may not be one of those authoritative dads, a controlling father figure, but he was overprotective. He would not shame his daughter for wanting a relationship, but he didn't trust guys. He lived his life in fear of that day in which his princess would found a guy: what if he hurt her when he wasn't around to protect her? What if he wanted her just for sex and broke her heart? Those were some of the worries he has had since she turned fourteen, he knew that this day was likely to happen.
- What's going on, Mel? - he asked worriedly as he stood up from his pc-chair and approached her to cup her face on his hands, inspecting her face to make sure she was ok.
-I... - Amelie took a deep breath and spilt out the words- I have a boyfriend.- she said and closed her eyes of fear - no because she feared he would get violent or anything like that; she didn't want to see the disappointment and pain on his face.
- That can't be possible! No, no, no... you're a little girl! - he exclaimed, frustrated.
- I'm not! I'm fifteen, dad!- she argued.
- Exactly! Fifteen! A baby! - he confirmed.
- I'm only five years younger than you two when you had me.- she replied angrily.
- Darling, I love you, but being a parent at that age wasn't exactly a walk in the park. We struggle a lot to make it work. Do you want to be in our shoes? - he questioned.
- OMG, Dad, stop it!- Mel shouted embarrassed.
- You're the same age that the girl from Taylor Swift's song Fifteen and you know what happened to that girl? She had a boyfriend and he only wanted to have sex with her.- he explained.
At that moment, you chuckled at the fact that he knew so well a Taylor Swift song - probably he got into her music to bond with his daughter who was a big fan of her music. They both looked at you as if they just noticed you there.
- See? I told you I shouldn't have told him!- the teenager reproached you.
- Did you know about this?! - Henry asked you surprised and disappointed. - Anyway, you're not allowed to keep seeing this boy.-he ordered.
- Go to your room.- you asked gently to the girl who was both angry and sad. She was about to cry, you knew it.
After Amelie stormed out of the room, you approached your husband who was now sitting on the chair, lost in his thoughts. You went from behind and leaned to hug him. He placed his hands over yours but didn't speak as he was still caught on the argument he just had with his little princess.
- Why did she have to grow up so fast? - he wondered sadly.
- I know.- you replied softly close to his ear.- You need to talk to her...you need to stop preventing her from seeing this boy or any other person she might want to date in the future.
He turned around to face you. Your eyes on his and vice-versa. His arms embraced you when you sit on his lap to be closer to him to talk more comfortably.
- Look, I know that you think you're doing the best for her and all you want to do it's protect her, but you're doing the opposite by prohibiting her from having a relationship.- you began to explain as you played with the few curls on his hair.- She's not a kid any more...she might be your little angel and she will continue to be so until your dying day. She'll never cease to be your precious Melie, no matter her age. But now, this is an important time in the life of a woman or any person: she's starting to have feelings, desires, dreams, etc and we need to encourage her to pursue them in a safe environment. If you act the way you just did, that won't stop her from dating, but she'll avoid telling you and you risk losing that close bond you work so hard to have. Besides, if she doesn't trust you to tell you she's dating someone because she knows you'll get mad at her, she probably won't share if something bad happens to her, if she's been hurt in any way, because she might believe you blamed that on her and how do you expect to protect your daughter if she doesn't allow you to know about her intimacy.
- But, that's exactly why I don't want her to date! She's young and boys are creeps and only think of sex. What if someone uses her for that o worse, forced himself on her? - he questioned worriedly. He was almost in tears by the thought of somebody hurting his little girl.
- Give her the benefit of doubt. I was around her age when I had my first boyfriend and yes, he was one of those who only wanted me for sex, but I was smart enough to realize that and I left him before anything happened. A lot of my friends and school-mates went through that, some were smart as I was, other not so much but learned an important lesson and few lucky ladies truly found amazing guys who were in love with them. I found you no long after that and you didn't want me only for that, did you?- you asked even though you already knew the answer.
- Of course not, you were everything to me.- he confirmed.
- Don't you think Amelie is special enough for her to find somebody like you?
- I guess.-he replied sighing, defeated.
- Don't lose the bond you have with her. Let her know that no matter what her dad will always be there for her. That she doesn't have to hide anything from you, that eventually, you will be ok with it and that you only want her to be safe.- you advised him. He nodded and then pressed his forehead against yours as he placed one of his hands on your face.
- You two are my entire world.- he said softly.
- I know, baby. And you are mine too.- you replied with a smile.
Henry kissed you and then he went to talk to his daughter while you headed to the living room to replied some work-mails from on your laptop. Later, your daughter came into the room and hugged you.
-Thanks, mom, you're the best!- she thanked you.
- You're welcome, sweetie.- you answered- You have to understand your dad... he's done the impossible to protect you and now he's scared for you because the world is dangerous for us, women, and he was a teen too; he grew up with other boys of that age who weren't as nice and he fears you might found someone that doesn't have the best intentions with you. He wants you to be safe, that's all.- you informed her and she nodded.
On Sunday, you organized for Tyler, your daughter's boyfriend, to come to have lunch with the family so you could meet him officially.
The boy was polite and well-educated. He had impeccable modals for a fifteen-year-old and seemed smart too.
He seemed to be intimidated by your husband, who purposely acted menacing -which made you rolled your eyes and chuckled.
You had to give credits when it's due: the boy not only survived the day with his girlfriend's dad but he actually managed to get him to like him - all things considered. He was a gamer and into comic books and fantasy books, he found something to bond with your husband
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laikuh · 3 years
I really don't know if this is gonna appeal to you, so feel free to ignore it if it's not your thing! But somehow the idea of like: the more-or-less fanon of Sam wanting desperately to bond with Mary, while Mary herself just vibes more and wants the attention of Dean, who, by contrast, can't help resenting her for having to compete with her memory for John's affection and ultimate loyalty, and now also competing with her for Sammy. I love to think of these interactions in motion when the events of Lebanon happen and Dean's ultimate desire to bring John back happens... Love to think of John just overwhelmed when confronted with Mary and Dean existing at the same time... Just makes me feel bad bc our boy Sammy always gets the short end of the stick in these scenarios lmao but damn, I just think it's a hot scenario to think about
I’m going thru my ask box for prompts (don’t look at me or the inspiration will spook lmao) and anyway I’m obsessed with this, anon, and want you to know at some point I am (I AM!!!) going to write a big messy family tension Lebanon fic, so I’m gonna post this bc it deserves to be seen (this scenario is, indeed, hot as sin) and if you still follow me/check tumblr just know these vibes are immaculate and at some point I want to explore them, but probably not in short tumblr fic format.
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