#and laws passing nationwide making your existence a felony
desolationlesbian · 4 years
Since we’ve had like actual talk about overturning Obergefell v. Hodges (the same-sex marriage case) in the news lately I wanted to do a post to clarify some things, as someone who has done a lot of reading on the subject/is in law school. okay cool here we go
First thing: The supreme court can’t just overturn anything it wants whenever, even if it has the votes to do so. It can only do that when it has a relevant case in front of it. This means someone, somewhere, has to file a case challenging the Obergefell ruling, and that case has to be non-flimsy enough to drag its ass allllllll the way up the court system to the Supreme Court.
That would be really, really hard! It would be really hard because of a legal concept called “standing.” Standing means that if you want to bring a case against a law, you have to prove you have been harmed by it. You can’t sue to get something overturned just because you don’t like it. For example, I really don’t like the felony murder rule, but since neither I nor anyone with a relation to me has ever been charged or convicted under it, I can’t sue to get it struck down. The case would get dismissed immediately, because I would have no standing.
So in order to have standing to sue to get Obergefell struck down, you need to show that you were harmed by same-sex marriage. Not just that your boss told you, an innocent god-fearing county clerk, to perform one--that might get you an exemption from the court that says you don’t have to perform them, but it wouldn’t make same-sex marriage illegal for people who do want to perform or be in them. No, to get same-sex marriage itself repealed, you would have to show that same-sex marriage itself being legal has harmed you somehow. This is really difficult because it...doesn’t. Gay people getting married just doesn’t harm straight people.
The other way a case might happen, since showing harm is so difficult, is for congress to pass an anti-same-sex marriage law. If they were to pass such a law, lefty advocacy groups representing LGBT people would sue to get it struck down immediately, and now Obergefell is suddenly back in front of the Supreme Court! But a law would need to pass both chambers, and democrats currently control the house. 
So, to summarize: In order to even get equal marriage in front of the court to overturn it again, we would need either 1) straight people to come up with a real, decent argument about how gay people getting married is hurting them (nigh impossible) or 2) Congress to pass an anti-gay marriage bill into law (they can barely pass a budget right now). So...unlikely.
Second thing: Let’s say that one of those things happen and somehow, and Obergefell is overturned. Even if this happens, all those marriages don’t instantly disappear. Multiple states allowed and performed same-sex marriages before Obergefell dropped in 2015, and those states would continue to do so. The federal government would have to recognize those marriages under another Supreme Court case, United States v. Windsor, unless they overturn that too. States might not recognize marriages performed in other states, though. 
Overturning Obergefell wouldn’t ban same-sex marriage nationwide or dissolve any of the marriages that exist---it would revert us back to the law before 2015. Lots of states performing legally recognized marriages, other states being huge babies about it. 
Third thing: Okay, so it’s really, really hard to overturn same-sex marriage. You know what the court can do, really, really easily? Carve out religious exemptions. Lots and lots of religious exemptions. It’s hard to find standing challenging same-sex marriage as a whole, but SUPER easy to find 1000 county clerks, cake bakers, and other religious homophobes to earnestly tell the court how much it tramples their bigoted little souls to treat the gays with respect. The court can find for all of them, over and over again, until they’ve turned the Obergefell ruling into swiss cheese without ever really overturning it. 
Same-sex marriage in these circumstance would absolutely be legal, and recognized by the government! It’s just that the only clerk willing to marry you might not be working that day. And your religious insurance company can decline to recognize your wife on the health plan. And the adoption agency can refuse to even consider giving you a kid.
TLDR: Don’t be that worried about same-sex marriage being overturned. Worry way more about the court leaving it technically intact while gutting it like a fish.
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yogurtlaw4 · 4 years
History Sign In Hawaii
Many typically, working with managers locate inconsistencies in prospect's claiming they completed a degree, when they did not or achieved an advanced degree, when they did not. Due to the existing economy, there might be gaps in work due to the fact that many individuals have actually experienced problem in the job market. However, if there are returning voids in work, it might be a reason for problem because it more than likely shows that the prospect is undependable. As an example, an insurer who views your debt report may charge you a higher rate if you have poor credit. Once you boost your credit rating, you can ask them to examine your file and see if you get approved for a lower price. Only the accountholder will have the ability to see a soft pull on a credit history report, besides a couple of exceptions. Homepage allowed to obtain one free copy from each credit history bureau yearly. You'll have to pay an added fee if you have actually already looked at a record once this year. It prevails for candidates to inflate their skills, which is why working with managers ought to take into consideration confirmation of work, education licenses as well as degrees. By examining a candidate's skills, the hiring supervisor ensures that they evaluate out unethical candidates. Education and learning history can be confirmed by examining colleges went to, degrees gotten and also various other qualifications. If there are any type of disparities in the information that the candidate given, this triggers a significant red flag. This can be a personal bankruptcy from 8 years ago that should no more get on your credit history report or a debt that isn't your own whatsoever. An employer is more probable to forgo the indiscretion if you show how you've grown from the experience. A lot of employers don't anticipate you to be excellent, but they do expect you to be honest. See that you're not also being billed for a debt score if you locate that the price is extra. According to the Consumer Financial Security Bureau, one in five people will certainly have a blunder on their credit rating record. This details permits employers to assess a candidate's previous mistakes, character, financial as well as ethical physical fitness, in order to reduce hiring risks and also protection and safety concerns that may emerge in the future. you may wish to point out that all states permit complete disclosure back to 18 years old if the work pays over 25,000, as well as the non-seven year policy states permit it every time. Because of the sometimes doubtful importance of what occurred even more than seven years ago for an existing job position, this time duration might be made use of. One of the most relevant details would certainly be contained within the past 7 years. Because the FCRA promotes that only conviction details from the past seven years can be used, many think that after 7 years all felonies simply diminish your document. Delay might lead to the loss of your weapon civil liberties for approximately 5 years. In California, if your psychotherapist records that you have actually made, "a significant threat of physical violence against a fairly recognizable sufferer or victims", you end up being subject to a 6 month ban on weapons possession. The treatment for a very early discontinuation of this 6 month restriction resembles that made use of for the 5 year ban. Those restrained under § 5150 may come to be subject to a 5 year ban on weapons possession and rejected a weapon purchase. We are denied housing since the administration company does not lease to any person, EVER, that responds to that question yes. These points will turn up and also hurt your possibilities the following time you get a lending or a work. Thankfully, you can take steps to remedy or eliminate this damaging information. There might be wrong information regarding you floating around the Net or in your credit score record. Possibly you'll find a photo of on your own or a remark you made years ago somewhere that's a little unpleasant. Hiring supervisors must evaluate a candidate's specified skills as well as capacities that are described in the prospect's resume. Primarily, employers are simply trying to work with qualified candidates as well as a person who is a good fit for their business. All customers are entitled to get a complimentary duplicate of their credit scores report annually from the 3 reporting firms-- Equifax, Experian as well as Trans Union. There are loads of methods to go around this because checking individuals's history is such a pushing need. The concern on applications normally focuses on when you were convicted, not when you were launched. So, in this instance, if someone asks if you have been convicted of a felony in the last 7 years, you can say no. Actually, we advise doing specifically that to understand what an employer will see. Inform them what occurred, what mistakes you made and exactly how you fixed them. If you defaulted on a medical expense because you shed your job, clarify the scenarios as well as how you have actually paid all your costs on time since then. They have to give you the name and also contact details of the credit bureau they utilized if they do make a decision not to hire you. You also have a lawful right to get a cost-free duplicate of the record within 60 days. The credit rating check will certainly reveal any type of credit lines you have, present equilibrium and also readily available credit rating. Federal legislations manage reasonable labor criteria nationwide as well as states can pass regulations in an attempt to protect susceptible classes of people, like felons. If an employee's actions hurt someone, companies might be held accountable.
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azcrimlaw · 4 years
Some Key Facts Concerning Motorcyclists in Arizona
As a former prosecutor and an experienced criminal attorney, Robert A. Dodell, Attorney at Law, offers zealous representation in DUI cases involving motorcyclists. The Scottsdale-based law firm offers useful educational information for the public about DUI's and motorcycles in the Grand Canyon State:
Six Key Background Facts About Arizona Motorcyclists
The State of Arizona specifically licenses drivers of motorcycles. These individuals apply to receive an "M" class license endorsement. The standard M license expires at age 65, although drivers must renew the photo and eye exam portions of the application at 12-year intervals. Applicants for an M class license endorsement age 60 or older receive a five-year motorcycle license.
Arizona registers motorcycles. The Statista website estimates some 170,240 registered motorcycles operated in Arizona during 2018 alone. In 2020, a registered motorcycle exists in Arizona for every 36 people in the population. The state ranks 29th in terms of motorcycle ownership nationwide.
Arizona promulgates specific traffic regulations for motorcycles. These provisions allow a motorcycle to use a complete traffic lane. However, state traffic regulations also permit motorcyclists to ride in a two abreast formation. Motorcycle riders cannot ride with more than two motorcycles abreast, however. Additionally, they cannot pass an auto in the same lane, or drive between adjoining rows of autos.
Motorcyclists in Arizona must carry liability insurance. As of 2014, Arizona required motorcyclists to carry specified minimum levels of liability insurance to protect against property damage and physical injuries.
Motorcyclists must meet specific requirements to transport passengers. Both the driver and passenger require their own seats and footrests. ARS 28.924.B specifically requires that motorcycles in Arizona possess functional headlamps.
Motorcycle safety poses a big concern in Arizona. Between 2016 and 2017, Arizona departed from national trends by witnessing an upturn in motorcyclist traffic fatalities. Some 165 motorcycle deaths occurred in Arizona during 2017, an increase of 14.6% over the previous year.
DUI's And Motorcyclists in Arizona
Arizona maintains an Implied Consent Law. It impacts all drivers in the state, including motorcyclists. The law requires drivers arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) to consent to a blood alcohol or drug content testing as a condition of retaining one’s driving privileges. Refusing the test (or failing to cooperate in its completion) automatically results in the loss of driving privileges.
DUI laws apply to Arizona motorcyclists. The regulations prohibiting DUI in Arizona apply to motorcyclists as well as automobile drivers.
Arizona prohibits any alcohol blood concentration levels for some drivers. Drivers (including motorcyclists) under age 21 who have arrested for DUI risk the suspension of their license with the detection of any concentration level of alcohol in the bloodstream.
Motorcycle DUI's in Arizona carry steep penalties. A first DUI conviction results in a minimum 10-day jail sentence, with 9 days suspended, and a fine of at least $1,500. A defendant convicted of this offence must undergo substance abuse or alcohol counselling.  Arizona requires the modification of the ignition to include an interlock device to prevent impaired driving. A second subsequent offence carries a jail sentence of at least 90 days in jail, with 60 days suspended, and minimum fines of at least $3,500, along with the mandatory substance abuse or alcohol counselling.
Extreme DUI carries elevated penalties. Defendants with a blood alcohol content of 0.15 or above incur significant penalties and fines for DUI.
Super-extreme DUI carries even greater elevated penalties. Defendants with a blood alcohol content of 0.20 or above incur ever-greater penalties and fines for DUI.
An Aggravated DUI conviction, which is a felony, carries prison time. An aggravated DUI arises in four specific circumstances:
Refusing a DUI blood test or committing a DUI while currently subject to an ignition lock requirement
Previously convicted of a DUI two times within a 7-year period
Committing DUI with a suspended, cancelled, or revoked license
Committing DUI while transporting anyone under age 15
Arizona may require a certified interlock ignition manufacturer to install a motorcycle ignition lock. This process increases the overall costs of incurring a motorcycle DUI in Arizona.
Find a Knowledgeable DUI Attorney
Motorcyclists facing DUI charges in Arizona can sustain potentially serious consequences if convicted. Thus, it generally makes sense to seek experienced, skilled representation in this type of case. To discuss your case with an aggressive criminal defense attorney, speak with Robert A. Dodell, Attorney at Law. Contact him through his office in Scottsdale, or by calling 480-860-4321 to request a free initial consultation.
Some Key Facts Concerning Motorcyclists in Arizona was first seen on (www.azcrimlaw.com) Robert Dodell Robert A. Dodell, Attorney at Law
10601 N Hayden Rd, #I-103
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 860-4321
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takebackthedream · 7 years
Marching Backwards For Freedom by Kenneth Glasgow
In 1965, Martin Luther King, Jr. led marchers to the Dallas County Courthouse in Selma, Alabama to demand their right to vote.  When they got there, they were arrested. That arrest, and the police brutality that followed it, galvanized the nation and forced passage of the Voting Rights Act.
Photo credit: Selma Times-Journal / Facebook
Yet in 2018, many of us still do not have our right to vote. More than six million nationwide are disenfranchised because of state laws rooted in white supremacy. Millions more don’t vote because someone lied and told us we can’t, because we are or were in prison or have a conviction in our past.
So now we’ve come back to Selma to finish what King started: to recover and restore his movement.
Marching Backwards
I come to Selma every year on Bloody Sunday. That’s the day in March when King’s marchers were met by riot police on Edmund Pettis Bridge. Now, this anniversary is a jubilee: we cross the bridge to celebrate how far we’ve come, with marching bands, banners and choirs.
But there’s more work to be done. So we start every year’s jubilee with a “Backwards March”: Holding hands, I join other pastors and the formerly incarcerated to march backwards across the bridge, at the head of the parade. No one crosses the bridge until we’ve finished. Then the celebration continues.
Why do we march backwards? To remind us of everyone who’s been left behind. We’ve got to go back and get them, and get things right, so we can move forward.
We march under this banner: “From the back of the bus to the front of the prison, the struggle continues.”
Restoring Rights
I am formerly incarcerated myself. When I was released, I took the state of Alabama to court to regain my vote, then to restore this right to others. Because of these efforts, a quarter of a million in Alabama now have their voting rights restored.
But many still don’t know they can vote. So since 2003, with help from the Drug Policy Alliance and Project South, I’ve gone inside jails to register voters. Because even if you’re on the inside in Alabama, if you’re not yet convicted, or convicted of a misdemeanor or a nonviolent drug offense, you can vote. No matter what you’ve been told.
Every Step Of The Way
These millions of men and women – the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated – are America’s truly forgotten. They’re not on anybody’s list, or in anybody’s poll; they’ve never been counted.  No one ever thought we’d overcome the odds and vote.
Alabama’s GOP has fought me every step of the way. Why? Because the last thing they want is for these millions of voters to regain their rights. One of the officials who opposed me most, Mike Hubbard, is now in prison for fraud. He can vote now, too, thanks to our efforts. You can’t make this up.
Abolishing Slavery
Slavery still exists in the United States. That’s because the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery in 1865, says it can still exist “as a punishment for crime.” Prisoners all across this country are forced to work for free, or for pennies on the dollar.
But that’s not all the Constitution says. The Eighth Amendment also bans “cruel and unusual punishment.” What punishment is more more cruel and unusual than this modern form of slavery?
And in states all across the South, intentionally vague “Moral Turpitude” clauses bar those convicted of crimes from the vote. So in 2008, I sued Alabama and forced the state to allow me to extend voting rights to prisoners. In 2017, Alabama finally passed a law to clearly define crimes of “moral turpitude” which has re-enfranchised most of the 286,000 people with felony convictions in the state. But many of them still don’t know they can vote. And hundreds of thousands more across the South – in Florida alone, there are 1.3 million – are waiting for this right to be restored.
So yes, there’s work to be done.
Non-Violence Is Not Non-Movement
Now, we’ve launched #Free2Vote, a multi-state initiative with the People’s Action Mass Liberation Campaign, Project South & the Southern Movement Assembly to register voters inside and outside of prisons and jails.
The only thing that declares your full citizenship is the right to vote. So we’ll continue in Alabama, then move on to Florida, Georgia and other states of the South and North where voters have been disenfranchised through mass incarceration. A hundred million Americans are impacted by criminal convictions.
This is an insight I learned in Selma. Non-violence, one of our great lessons from Dr. King, has been misinterpreted by some to mean “non-movement.”  But the truth is, we need a powerful movement for voting rights, economic and racial justice, just as much today as we did fifty-three years ago.
So it’s time to fulfill Dr. King’s dream – to restore and revive his movement. We must go back, get what was lost, and move forward to restore the right to vote to America’s truly forgotten men and women: the incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, those with criminal convictions as well as those sitting in jail who aren’t convicted of anything, just waiting for trial.
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myupdatestudio-blog · 8 years
New Post has been published on Myupdatestudio
New Post has been published on https://myupdatestudio.com/tom-glavine-performs-pitchman-for-delusion-sports-activities-bill-in-georgia/
Tom Glavine performs pitchman for delusion sports activities bill in Georgia
Atlanta Braves Corridor of Repute pitcher Tom Glavine waded into a contentious debate at the Georgia statehouse on Tuesday as he struck out in support of a measure that could legalize fantasy sports activities by means of putting forward the Net-based totally contests games of ability as opposed to risk.
                                            Sports Activities 
Cbs Sports
Glavine prevented specific to point out of House bill 118, the degree subsidized by kingdom Rep. Trey Kelley that has already cleared the Residence and is pending in the Senate. However, he served as a pitchman for myth sports activities as a way to assist enthusiasts higher connect to the gamers on the sphere.
“It complements and changes how I watch games,” stated Glavine. “For anyone who thinks they can do better than any other team’s popular supervisor, this gives them their hazard to try this.”
The measure is part of a nationwide, country-via-state effort by means of the industry to reclassify the contests say they don’t run afoul of nation prohibitions on gambling. And with the failure of a bill to legalize online casino gambling this 12 months, anti-gambling advocates have put their full focus on grounding this suggestion.
“It’s virtually playing. I will believe our Legislature is sidestepping this problem,” stated Virginia Galloway, the local director for the Religion and Freedom Coalition. “They’re going in opposition to our charter. And everybody is aware of it. It’s really sad that someone is the use of their Repute to make that argument.”
Glavine drew laughter whilst he mentioned lovers wandering up to him to induce him to “select it up” due to the fact he became on their delusion team. Kelley, R-Cedartown, likened it to different games of talent, such as bass fishing, and stated he had high hopes it would pass the Senate in the ultimate days of the legislative session.
Does the Poker site Shutdown Affect fantasy sports activities?
After the recent shut down of Poker sites within the U.S., many delusion sports websites had been inundated with questions concerning the legality of fantasy sports activities in the United states of America. What comes as a marvel to many humans is that the answer is a powerful yes. fantasy sports may be legally played online for cash within the U.S. And there was federal regulation especially installed vicinity taking into consideration fantasy sports to be performed. The Illegal Net gambling Enforcement Act of 2006 which became designed to lessen fraud and different issues with on-line gambling has a clause within the invoice that states myth sports are not video games of chance However video games of skill, essentially doing away with any doubt about the legality of myth sports activities.
What consumers need to be careful about is what styles of fable games they play. Almost all games out on the market today are legal However some pass the road into playing. The most important difference among a felony delusion recreation and an illegal one is how the teams are picked. Real myth sports activities are totally primarily based on information and not at the final results of the game. This is mentioned in the 2006 Unlawful Internet gambling Enforcement Act. other games which include “select em” and “Pool” games shouldn’t without a doubt get advertised as delusion type video games due to the fact the final results of a sport or competition has a right away effect on who wins. Despite the fact that these sorts of video games are extensively famous on and offline, They’re illegal to play online in the United states of America because when it’s far broken right down to its simplest form, humans are having a bet cash on a group’s effects. This reality by myself considers it gambling.
Granted that records are the biggest element that makes myth sports activities unique from other varieties of illegal playing, there are nevertheless a few other policies which are outlined below that maintains those video games prison.
All prizes and awards supplied to winning contributors are installed and made acknowledged to the contributors in advance of the game or contest and their cost is not determined by using the quantity of participants or the amount of any costs paid with the aid of the ones contributors. All winning results reflect the relative information and talent of the individuals and are decided predominantly by accrued statistical consequences of the performance of people (athletes within the case of sports activities) in a couple of actual global carrying or different events. No triumphing final results is based totally on any unmarried performance of an man or woman athlete in any single actual-global carrying or different event. another trouble which could quick be forgotten approximately the Poker room shut down become how they had been hiding their profits and either coercing banks or tricking them into taking bills from them. If you have ever attempted to shop for chips at a Poker room you saw just how tough it became. On account that delusion sports are prison they do not ought to conceal behind all of the smoke and mirrors that poker did. The only problem for a fable sports activities player on this regards is that they need to assert any prizes on their taxes really worth over $600. However, many cable sports agencies already encompass a tax shape with any prizes well worth over $600, so there may be no confusion in terms of that time of the yr.
sports activities fans can relaxation smooth knowing that the mainstream myth websites offer a high-quality way to beautify your favorite sports and are absolutely prison.
Kurt Pugh II is the co-founder of [http://www.XtremeFantasyLeagues.Com] LLC and [http://www.MMAXtremeFantasy.Com], a U.S. primarily based myth sports Enterprise that offers leagues in Football, MMA, Baseball, and Basketball. They provide the primary ever stat based myth MMA leagues in addition to weekly and playoff Football challenges. The leagues provide some of the most important coins prizes and quickest payouts on the internet. Sign up for a league now. You may also discover them on Fb, Twitter, and YouTube.
myth sports activities Go Political
The fable sports Alternate Affiliation has hired its first federal lobbyist as part of a political campaign to defend its economic interests and to make bigger into states that ban having a bet (even on fictional crew). Now fable sports activities have formally joined politics within the actual world.
fable game leagues exist in a spread of sports activities together with Football, baseball, basketball, hockey and more. In those leagues, enthusiasts are allowed to created mock teams of real-life gamers who will compete in pretend franchises. They are a massive part of American sports and growing extra in reputation and size with every 12 months and season.
Travis McCoy registered to foyer on the fabled sports activities Change Affiliation’s behalf in May and says, “We’re trying to permit human beings to play their video games and have a great time.”
McCoy is a former aide to Residence Speaker John Boehner and treasurer of the Affiliation’s newly formed %. He is also an avid fantasy Soccer, baseball, basketball and hockey player so he knows what these form of sports certainly mean to the fan.
U.S. sports delusion sites drew 312 million visits remaining month with the begin of the Countrywide Football League’s normal season, a 12% increase over September 2010, consistent with Matt Tatham of Experian Hitwise. delusion sports generates an anticipated $2 billion in keeping with year and extra than 30 million human beings play.
That statistics and figures display us how famous delusion sports activities are. There are Television indicates and websites committed to it, experts on this difficulty and now, even a political lobbyist. Almost a dozen states still have laws towards the games and the prizes which can be supplied via delusion sports activities and the corporation hopes to alternate that.
$6,000 has been spent thus far towards the foyer But Louis M. Maione, CEO of RotoMedia, says it’s miles just the beginning. Even though fable sports are already boasting some big numbers, it’s far just now entering popular subculture. in the future years, we are able to assume to see many more people on board.
As a fan, This is remarkable news since the lobbying will aim to overturn legal guidelines that save you players and owners from amassing prizes in lots of states and it’s going to work to make it more mainstream and desirable similar to everyday professional sports activities.
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The End of Big Home Grows in Colorado Draws Near
Authorities in Colorado aren’t waiting to see what moves—if any—Donald Trump’s administration will make to pare back the state’s booming marijuana industry. For now, Colorado is cracking down on itself.
For years, law enforcement throughout the Great Plains region have blamed Colorado for an influx of cannabis and accompanying drug trade-related violence throughout neighboring states. This alleged havoc was one of the chief arguments used by attorneys general in Oklahoma and Nebraska in a (failed) lawsuit to try and convince federal authorities to intervene in the state’s legal cannabis trade.
Though the violence cited by Oklahoma AG Douglas Peterson—and later repeated by U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions—may not exist (which may explain why the Supreme Court refused to give his lawsuit a hearing), the weed certainly does.
As of now, Coloradans can grow more marijuana at home than anyone else in America. Under current Colorado law, medical marijuana patients and their caregivers can grow up to 99 plants in a “residential setting,” no commercial license required. And adults 21 and over can enjoy even more privilege.
Under Amendment 64, the state’s recreational cannabis law, adults are allowed six plants per person—but people are also allowed to can band together and form a “cooperative grow.” These co-op grows are limited in size only by resources and imagination. According to the office of Gov. John Hickenlooper, there is “theoretically… no limit” to how big a recreational cannabis co-op grow can be.
Compare this to states like California, where home grows are strictly limited in plant counts and size—or to Washington, where there is no growing of recreational marijuana allowed at home at all, and medical marijuana grows are strictly limited to four plants, with minor exceptions allowed only in extreme situations—and it’s easy to see why even some supposedly pot-friendly lawmakers in Colorado admit that the state has a major “gray market” marijuana problem, one that may draw unwanted attention from the federal Justice Department.
“I do believe we are taunting the federal government to come into the state of Colorado,” said John Jackson, a police chief and member of the Colorado Association of Chiefs of Police, according to the Colorado Springs Gazette.
And if that happens, the economic boom that’s allowed localities to pave streets and rebuild schools thanks to the tax revenue gleaned from $1.3 billion worth of annual marijuana sales is in jeopardy.
To avoid such a showdown, Hickenlooper and leading state lawmakers are pushing to limit home grows in Colorado to no more than 12 plants per residence. And as ColoradoPolitics.com reported, instead of risking small fines and the chance to cut down offending plants to an acceptable limit, violators would be subject to a $1,000 fine on a first offense—and a felony arrest thereafter.
Some local jurisdictions already limit home grow to 12 plants, but this would be a statewide limit—and it appears to have significant support in the Colorado state legislature. The restrictions passed a committee hearing on Monday, the Gazette reported, and while changes, including a tweak of the final plant count limit, could be forthcoming, the days of enormous co-op grows in Colorado seem to be ending.
The evidence appears to be on law enforcement’s side.
Last fall, DEA agents and local authorities seized more than 22,500 pounds of cannabis in raids in five Colorado counties. Some of it came from home grows set up by “groups of people” who continue to flood to Colorado to “take advantage of legalization,” according to Sgt. Emory Gerhart of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, in comments to the Gazette. Gerhart took a reporter to the home of a family of “Cubans” who had 99 plants. Nothing wrong with that, but there are 100 more grow houses like it in El Paso County, the lawman told the reporter—and according to the DEA, another 250 are in the vicinity of Colorado Springs.
Of the cannabis produced at these locations, “95 percent” is exported illegally to other states, Gerhart told the newspaper. He declined to cite or provide evidence to back up his claim, on the basis that doing so would provide an advantage to marijuana-trafficking lawbreakers seeking to stay one step ahead of police.
Cannabis patients and advocates are not happy and say that limits will punish law-abiding patients, while outlaws will continue to thumb their noses at plant limits of any size—99, 12 or fewer. And shouldn’t it be obvious on inspection who’s obeying the law and who’s taking advantage of the demand for black-market cannabis?
As state Rep. Leslie Herod put it: “I’m not understanding why law enforcement, with the sophisticated tools that you have at your disposal, how you can’t tell the difference between a caregiver grow and a cartel grow?”
“The real issue,” said Larisa Bolivar, executive director of the Cannabis Consumers Coalition, “is that cannabis is not legal across the nation.”
She’s right, but good luck having that argument with Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump, who set off fear and anxiety every time they open their mouths on marijuana. If states can continue to be scared into submission, the feds may not need to take any nationwide action on marijuana.
You can keep up with all of HIGH TIMES’ marijuana news right here.
from Medical Marijuana News http://ift.tt/2lZacI6 via https://www.potbox.com/
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randallrants · 8 years
For gun owners against National Reciprocity...
Are you a member of the Gun Owners of America? Do you receive the monthly GOA propaganda letter? Summary: "This is FULL reciprocity. It allows citizens in the growing number of constitutional carry states to travel with their firearms even when they leave the state. It also allows citizens who live in anti-gun states to get permits from other states, which their state must recognize." I understand where you're batshit crazy paranoia of this going south on us, and I generally agree that "there oughta be a law" should be met with someone smacking the face who said it, the fed is obviously too big, far more powerful than it's supposed to be, and there's extremely little we can do about it.
This would be a federal protection effectively ENFORCING the second amendment, "The right of the people to keep and bear arms." That's what national reciprocity is about. You probably have the privilege of living in a state that isn't actively attempting to deny you your right to have arms. In contrast MY state just tried to make it illegal for you to have unlocked firearms in the house (punishable as a class c felony and making home defense literally impossible) mandatory registration and serialization of all existing 30 round magazines and making it illegal to buy/bring more to the state. They tried to reduce that capacity of all rifles and pistols to 10 rounds, redefining and banning "assault" rifles to include basically every rifle with a pistol grip and 1 accessory of some sort, including scopes. If this shit sounds it's some fantasy hunger games level communist shit that's because it is, and it was real. Fortunately none of it passed but, like most anti-gun bills, they'll be recycled hoping to slip through the cracks, hence our required vigilance. 
As a military member formerly stationed in VA I acquired my VA CCW as quickly as I moved off base (because gov property is exempt for state permits/laws), I lived on the border of VA and NC and frequently road tripped through the east coast states. Reciprocity allowed me to carry in only a few of these (Vermont, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Maine) for all others I would stop before the border, unload and lock my gun someone inaccessible from the drivers seat, attempting to ensure that I would be protected by the federal protections afforded to intrastate transit. It was extremely not cool, a violation of my rights as an American, simply because half the east coast is communist in all but name, (example the "commonwealth of Virginia/Massachusetts"). I had to sell some of my guns before I moved to Boston (new duty station) due to their magazine capacity restrictions for anyone without a level A CCP, which was not attainable from an out of state resident not yet actually stationed in state. Bullshit. Despite this I still possessed some items that are completely legal in most states, which almost turned out to be a very very bad thing for me. I got lucky. Really lucky.
Handgunlaw.us has an absolutely fantastic Reciprocity map but you know what would be fucking awesome? If you went to handgunlaw.us and the front page said, “Are you an American? If yes, concealed carry for every adult over 21 in all 50 states (unless otherwise prohibited from gun ownership)” Instead they have a tool where you can input your permit/s and it'll show you everywhere in the nation you can legally carry due to the reciprocity of your permits. Even with 2 permits I cannot carry in 14 states. Among those were states I didn't live in by choice, states I traveled through many times, when I finally moved back "home" I had to drive through 4 of those states on my 3000 mile road trip. 
While this may hold utterly no bearing on some people, this attempt of guaranteeing a citizen's right to keep and bear arms, should be a no brainer. The fear of this being convoluted into full scale registration, a nationwide permit system or whatever is pure paranoia, the bill offers no mechanism for that to occur. It's not asking for the funding required or the retasking of pre-existing government body to stand up a new department of permits or some such, it's not saying you even have to have a permit at all, in effect it plainly says IF you have the right to carry anywhere in the country you have the right to carry EVERYWHERE in the country. Being against National Reciprocity because it doesn't particularly apply to you is just like being one of those Fudd fuckers that don't care about gun laws until it affects "hunting". Your fear and paranoia of gov't overreach is just your justification for being against it, the reality is you are comfortable where you are and don't give a fuck about the rest of us.
Even IF, god forbid, Hillary somehow becomes the next president, or Michelle Obama (which, BTW, I believe we should amend the constitution to state that anyone having been First lady or man at any point in a lifetime exempts your eligibility for office. Legally a married couple are perceived as “one” right? The spouse of a former president becoming president themselves would be effectively giving the first one 1 or 2 more terms, which is obviously bullshit), after 4 years of national reciprocity how many more gun owners will we have? how many more people will be carrying regularly thanks to the convenience of National Reciprocity? And someone new is going to come in and turn that around? We've all said it, if you fear that eventuality just remind yourself, “FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!” An unarmed majority probably wouldn't succeed against an armed minority. Level the scales a little more, give it time to become a natural part of our culture they'll have no choice to get over it, or leave. 
This was originally the longest goddamn comment ever to a specific youtuber. If any of it reads kind of weird I made an attempt to make it oriented towards a broader audience. 
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