#and lemon oil for my laundry!!
illogicalghost · 7 months
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this is me lately
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millaaster · 7 months
How They Treat You During Periods - Jujutsu Kaisen
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Pairing: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuji, Fushiguro Megumi x Reader (Separate)
Summary: How some of the JJK men react to and treat you during periods!
Words: 1051
CW: SFW; Fluff; Domestic Fluff; Crack; Periods; Blood mentions.
AN: this a complex topic because everybody who menstruates has a different organism and a different dynamic, so this is very based on my own experiences, but i tried thinking about situations that could include more people ok :')
Please, do not repost or translate.
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GOJO SATORU - More chill than you thought he would be. The first time you talked about it was when you had cramps during a date and tried to talk him out of doing anything.
He just came right out "Hey, there's nothing to be shy about! I'm just definitely not letting my woman suffer in front of me just to save face!" 
He sits you down, holds you close and asks if you're ok. "If you don't have medicine on you, we can stop by a store to get it while heading to your place". Escorts you home, makes you tea and tucks you in to nap. 
After you've been together long enough he's started getting real good at tracking your cycles and adjusting whatever plans you have. "Hm... honey, I've been thinking of taking some days off and heading to the beach, but next week would be no good for you right? Should we wait a little?" 
He stuffs you in candy and treats if you're feeling down (sure he'll snatch some of those...). 
One day you get a message from him:
"Babe SOS   Do we have any first aid home?  My nose is kinda bleeding...hehe"
"Toru!! You ok??  There should be some cotton balls in the bathroom" 
When you get home you find him with a whole ass tampon stuck up his nostril...."Satoru!!! What the hell are you doing?!?"
"Oh hey, honey! Sorry, couldn't find the cotton balls but figured this was even better and it DOES work wonders!", he tells you with a proud grin on his face... 
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GETO SUGURU - Suguru may seem a little indifferent, but it's just that he doesn't want to step over your independence. He's trying not to overdo things and will only act after you actively ask for something.
That being said, if that's what you want, he's an expert in doing your chores and cleaning the house for you. 
He was once doing the laundry and you caught him staring at your sheets.
"Something wron-" you gasp, realizing there's a big blotch of blood in it.
"Babe! You don't have to wash this one!" you cry, feeling your face burn red.
"What are you talking about? I was just trying to remember how to take off blood stains", lifting it out of your reach as you try to grab it. "Was it vinegar or lemon..." he mumbles, walking over to your kitchen cabinets. 
He secretly enjoys that you get mellower and needy with him. You won't have to ask twice if you demand an extra tight hug. 
Loves aromatherapy and gave you a whole kit with a diffuser and oils that ease pain and help with relaxation. If you don't use it he'll pout and nag non stop until you turn it on. "Suuuguu...you're giving me more headaches than my uterus right now dear..." "If you had it on from the start there would be no ache whatsoever, dummy!" 
He's now GREAT with massages. You've always complained about how your back and thighs ache when you're menstruated, so he took some lessons to help you out with that. 
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NANAMI KENTO - With Nanami it's princess treatment all the way! This man thinks it's freaking amazing how you'll have to deal with this for so long in your life, through work and everything, and that you're badass for that. I mean, you're literally bleeding!!! That's concerning enough to happen to someone he loves. 
So he'll put all the effort he can to minimize any discomfort you have on those days. As soon as it became a regular thing for you to stay over at his place, he purchased all sorts of tea, heat pads and asked you to tell him what pads or tampons he should buy to stock some. 
He loves to have dates at home, so it's a win-win situation when you stay in; he cooks you something warm and lays around with you all day. "Is this position all right love?" While rubbing gently your stomach. 
He also loves to give you useful gifts, so once he even went as far as to surprise you with a new care kit from a high end brand in a box full of products to pamper you. 
The best to have around if you're out too. Never gets bothered if you have to go to the restroom too often and makes sure the place you're attending has good access to those. 
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ITADORI YUJI - Freaks out a little when you tell him you don't feel like going on a date because you're on your period. He forgot such things were a very real thing if he was dating you. Has the mindset that, as his S/O, your period is his period too!! 
You're totally lost for words when he first tells you that.....he just means he feels responsible for your well being throughout this time. 
Definitely asks Nobara for help on how to help you feel better. 
He's a really active guy and always wants you to tag along and spend time with him, so he researched a lot about exercises that'll be better to practice during that time. 
At some point in your relationship will text you:
"yo babe, I'm at the pads aisle what's your pussy size??" 
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI - Also chill about it. An absolute angel when it comes to being patient to you, who turns into a SAINT if you're on your period. 
He just knows that there are better times to deal with any stressful matters than now, so it's only love with this guy for a few days. 
He prefers to talk to you in person instead of texting, but if you mention being on your period, you'll get the sweetest messages all day long popping up on your phone to check out how you're doing.
"Love, did you eat well?" "Hey, do you need anything?" "Sunshine, hope you're having a good day"  “Never forget you’re amazing”
Secretly, has also consulted Nobara and his sister to get some tips on what he could do.
Gets his dogs to cuddle with you in bed, to keep your belly warm, if he's busy around the house. 
He has a playlist with hours and hours of comfort movies you watch together when you don't want to leave the sofa/bed. He even watches your favorite shoujo with you if you ask!
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A/N: also, yes, I do think Gojo and Geto being good parents (to Tsukimi, Mimiko and Nanako) have helped them learn about periods.
Interactions are always appreciated ☆* have a lovely day!
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urfavchaotichotmess · 2 years
What the slashers smell like :
Bo ;
He smells like cigarettes (menthol) , car oil and gasoline. the cheap gasoline smell, not the good one that makes your mouth water. On days he actually showers he’ll smell like the 3in1 body wash or very rarely irish spring soap bar.
Vincent ; {had help on this one 🧍🏻‍♀️ ngl }
wax of course because what else would he smell like, a musky smell mixed with sweat from slaving away in the basement & a lemon like smell. probably from the scent based waxes laying around.
Lester ;
he smells like animal blood, sweat BUT he uses deodorant he finds laying around so his B.O isn’t atrocious. you’d definitely give him a long hug though. he’s so precious i love his life.
Michael ;
he just straight up stinks. that’s my man and all and imma stand beside him but the homeboy just stinks. a whole can of bounce that ass. he probably has 16+ cavities built up over the years. he smells like a decaying body and pure shit.
Thomas/Bubba ;
they smell like flowers, meat and laundry detergent. i just know they’re clean. you cannot convince me that they aren’t the cleanest slashers in the history of slashing. chefs kiss.
Jason ;
mildew, dirt and fresh cut grass is what comes to my mind when i think about Jason. i just know his clothes are just full of that mildew scent. he probably don’t change his boxers either. love him tho
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heyiwrotesomethings · 9 months
Hi Maddy!! I hope you're having a good day. I wanted to request something for parenthood, but not really parenthood. Shin and Akiko, being the children they are, ask a bunch of random questions to their Kaasan Shinobu before actually bringing up a question she can answer: How her and Y/n met. I was curious about that because it gets brought up often. Then, in a flashbacky sort of way, Shinobu recalls how her and her wife met. I hope this request is good! Thank you!
Parenthood Prt5: First Encounter
Shinobu Kochou x She/Her Reader
A/N: Prt4 I finally managed to finish something! Warning: Brief mention of drinking underage. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy! Word Count: 3,193
Shinobu inhaled deeply through her nose, stretching and switching from laying on her left side to her right, pleased to find that Yn was still in bed too when her arm draped across the other woman’s torso. She shuffled a little closer, a contented sigh leaving her lips when her lips found her wife’s nape. She wished every morning could be so peaceful. Usually it was them struggling to get the kids ready for school and then booking it to their respective jobs, but today, they were both off and could enjoy the simple pleasures of a lazy Sunday.
Oh how naïve a thought.
“Hmm? What was that sweetie?” Yn mumbled tiredly, slowly bringing herself into a more wakeful state.
“I didn’t say anything, dear. Go back to sleep.” Shinobu spoke in a similar tone, eyes still glued shut. She wanted to milk this moment of peace for all it was worth.
“I frew up.” A water-y voice that Shinobu recognized as Shin spoke up for apparently the second time.
Ah… well… easy come, easy go.
“Oh, honey,” Yn started to get up and Shinobu mourned the escaping warmth as if the sun itself was packing its bags and leaving their solar system, “Go to the bathroom, let’s get you cleaned up.”
Shinobu heard the shower get turned on and turned to lay flat on her back, glaring up at the ceiling as if it was the reason her son was sick. She did that for a minute or two, braving herself to leave the comfort of her bed to gather up Shin’s bedding and whatever else hadn’t survived his spew.
She shuffled into the bathroom briefly to take Shin’s pajamas and leave fresh ones on the counter, cooing at her poor boy in the tub and stroking his hair briefly before chastely kissing the crown of Yn’s head, then continuing her disinfecting journey.
As she finished wiping Shin’s floor clean, she heard a cough from Akiko’s room and Shinobu’s shoulders slumped. She softly knocked on the butterfly decorated door.
“Bee, are you awake? Can I come in?”
“Kaasan…” Akiko whined from inside, another barking cough nearly shaking the door off of its hinges with its intensity.
Shinobu entered the room without hesitation, brushing Akiko’s sweaty bangs back and frowning over the temperature of her skin.
“My throat and head hurt.” Akiko whimpered.
“I’m sorry, Bee. That’s no fun… your brother isn’t feeling well either. It must be that nasty flu that’s been making rounds through the school. Can you get up for me? I want you to rinse off after your brother.”
Akiko pouted, but nodded, slowly getting out of bed. Shinobu guided her to the bathroom just as Yn was carrying Shin out.
“Oh, poor baby, not you too.” Yn frowned, caressing Akiko’s head gently as they crossed paths. She looked to Shinobu, “I’m taking Shin to our bed. I’ll collect all of Akiko’s laundry while you help her.”
“Sounds good. Could you also start boiling some water for tea? I don’t know about Shin, but Akiko could use some honey lemon.”
“On it.”
Working like a well-oiled machine, it wasn’t long before both children were clean and snug in their parents’ bed, medicated and the bedside table cluttered with tissues, ice water and tea, music playing softly from Yn’s phone.
They made sure comfortable and prepared to leave the room to get themselves clean when their children began pleading for them to stay, meekly demanding a story in their sickly states.
“You two should really try to sleep.” Shinobu said, earning more weak sounds of displeasure.
“They’ll probably fall asleep before you even finish a story. “ Yn reasoned. “What story do you two want to hear?”
“A new story.” Shin mumbled.
“Yeah.” Akiko agreed.
“About what?” Shinobu groaned tiredly as she moved to sit with Yn in the recliner that had been moved closer to the edge of the bed.
The children hemmed and hawed, trying to think of a topic that they would both be interested in, somehow finally landing on the topic of how their parents met.
“Really, that’s the story you want?” Shinobu asked, “Not something with dragons or mermaids?”
The children shake their heads, minds made up.
“…but if you could work in a dragon somewhere in there, I’d like that.” Akiko rasped. Yn helped her sip some more tea.
“I got to say, I’d like to hear the story from your perspective too.” Yn smiled, returning to sit beside Shinobu.
“Very well…” Shinobu thought back, trying to decide where to start, of course she would tell the children a more edited version, but she could remember that night as if it had been yesterday. She smiled to herself as the events replayed in her mind.
Shinobu rolled her eyes, nursing her mug of cheap beer as her fellow pre-med classmates made absolute fools of themselves. Singing, dancing and stumbling around the bar. She wasn’t sure why she bothered tagging along. She would have much rather spent tonight in her apartment eating takeout on the couch while making disparaging remarks about whatever dumb drama Giyuu would be watching and then sleep for approximately five hundred years after the stress of finals week finally passed.
But no, she decided to be social. At least one of her project groupmates was spotting for the first round and a couple of appetizers. Shinobu figured she could slip away in another twenty minutes or so, then she could enjoy her winter break in earnest.
Her gaze slowly scanned the bar, she wouldn’t even really call it people watching, as she hadn’t a thought in her head that wasn’t about a hot bath or a cozy bed. However, somehow through the chaos and clamor of tipsy college students, she heard a sharp sound of someone distinctly not having a good time. Curious, she peered over a couple of her obnoxiously singing table mates towards the bathrooms.
There she saw two people a young woman glowering up at a man who was blocking her from leaving the narrow passage. Shinobu couldn’t make out what they were talking about, but she knew she didn’t like the looks of what was going on there.
She slid out of the booth and walked over.
“There you are, come on,” Shinobu nudged ahead of the man, holding her hand out to the other woman, “let’s get back to our table.”
The relief that washed over the woman’s face as she quickly latched onto Shinobu’s hand made her blood boil. Some people just can’t take ‘no’ as an answer, could they?
Shinobu began guiding the woman away, but didn’t make it far before the man fell into step beside the woman, almost overtaking them and making their gait more clumsy since he was partially walking just ahead of the young woman.
“We were talking, actually.” The man said, annoyance clear in his tone.
“Not anymore, you aren’t.” Shinobu drawled, maneuvering the woman so she could stand between her and the man. Her nose wrinkled, as the scent of booze seemed to roll off of him like he showered in tequila and beer, “You know, it’s extremely pathetic that a guy who is in his mid-thirties at the very least has nothing better to do than to get drunk and harass college girls.”
The man froze, not because Shinobu’s words gave him a sudden eye-opening epiphany, but because he simply could not fathom being talked back to. That, and he was so drunk everything seemed to go in slow motion and his brain needed a minute to catch up.
Shinobu figured that would be that, and she continued guiding the other woman back to her booth, safety in numbers and all that, but she hadn’t expected the man to be so brazen stupid. Well, she could have guessed, but still, the audacity was appalling.
Shinobu felt the woman’s hand get tugged away from her own and she quickly swiveled back around to find the woman struggling to push the man away from her. He grasped her wrists and started pulling her towards the entrance of the bar.
Now, this commotion had begun to earn the attention of the staff, as well as the other patrons of the bar and even the most tipsy could see that something wasn’t right there. There was absolutely no way that man was going to make it one step out the door without a mob right behind him.
However, Shinobu would be remiss if she wasn’t the one who gave the man what he had coming to him. She grabbed him by the back of his jacket, bunching up the fabric in her tightly clenched fist. Her winter boots slid across the slushy snow gathered at the bar entrance as the oblivious man lumbered along.
Shinobu gritted her teeth together and glared daggers into the back of the man’s head, the little vein on her forehead clearly visible as she yanked on the man’s jacket with all of her might.
“Hey!” She she spoke sharply, pulling again.
Between just coming off of the stress of finals, to forcing herself to go socialize despite her exhaustion, to now having to deal with this entitled prick was making her blood boil.
Then the young woman yelped in pain as the man attempted to shove her through the front door, but missed and half shoved her against the doorframe. That sound broke Shinobu’s heart and fueled the flames of her anger to even greater heights. She hadn’t beaten up anyone since middle school, but surely Kanae would let this one slide.
She pivoted in the slush, slipping beneath the man’s outstretched arm, facing him with focused and calculating eyes. She pulled her arm back, then thrusting forward with her palm.
“Huwah!” The man hunched over, letting go of the woman to grasp at his stomach once Shinobu’s strike found home in his soft belly.
She wasn’t done there though, oh no. Hunching over like that, how could she resist? She grabbed him by the hair, shivering in displeasure at how greasy it was. Yet she still yanked his head back, giving herself a clear path for her fist to meet his nose.
A chorus of ‘oh!’s and laughter overtook the bar as the sickening crack of the man’s nose breaking against Shinobu’s fist was heard. She hadn’t really planned to break the man’s nose with that lunch, but she certainly had no issue with it. The man wailed and dropped to his knees and his hands shot up to his face.
“You bitch! I’ll— I’ll get you for this!“
Shinobu scoffed at the audacity. A broken nose wasn’t enough, she supposed, but that was okay, she could keep this up all night. She brought one foot back, preparing to send the man off with a perfectly placed kick, but then she was grabbed by the elbow and pulled out onto the cold, slushy sidewalk.
“Ah! Go, go, go!”
Shinobu was baffled, to surprised to do anything but let the woman excitedly push her out of the bar and jog down the block and around the corner. Their breath rose in the cold air and dissipated beneath the street lights while they took a moment to catch their breath.
“Oh my god, that was so scary!” The woman sighed, bracing her hands on her knees. “No one is following right?”
“Um,” Shinobu peeked around the corner, finding the street empty, “no.”
“Oh thank god.”
Shinobu shook her head, “Why did you do that? I had him, and the whole bar was on our side.” She took the woman’s hand and started to walk back towards the bar.
“W-wait!” The woman resisted, “Where are we going?”
“Back to the bar.” Shinobu said. “I imagine the police will get involved and we should be there to give statements to make sure that bastard gets the worst punishment that he can.”
“I can’t do that.”
“Why the hell not?”
The young woman took a deep breath and looked at the ground, meekly skimming the toe of her boot in the slush, seemingly flustered.
“Well… because I wasn’t supposed to be in there in the first place. I’m not twenty yet.”
“You dumbass.” Shinobu shot back, making the other woman flinch a bit.
“H-hey! I’m turning twenty this year so it’s not like it’s that bad. I just wanted to have one drink to celebrate the end of the semester with my friends and then go home, is that a crime?”
“When you’re under the legal drinking age, yes.” Shinobu said snidely, then shivered, her coat was still inside the bar.
“Oh no, you’re cold!” She started taking off her own coat and handed it to Shinobu, “Here, that creep didn’t even give me enough time to take my coat off before he started harassing me.”
“I’m fine, keep it.”
“No, no, you can borrow it. After all of that, the cold air is very refreshing.”
Shinobu sighed and took the offered coat, wrapping it around her shoulders. It was warm and soft on the inside and smelled quite nice…
“No, thank you.” She stressed, “You were amazing back there. How did you learn to fight like that?”
“I took aikido classes when I was younger. The only club I was ever kicked out of.”
“You got kicked out?” The woman chuckled, looking at Shinobu curiously.
“Yes, the way I chose to implement it in other settings did not make the Sensei very happy.” Shinobu smirked.
“Ah, so you’ve always had a strong sense of justice, huh?” She spoke softly and smiled warmly, making Shinobu’s heart stutter a bit in her chest, it hadn’t done so in awhile now. She looked up at the streetlight and put her hands in the pockets of the coat, pleased to find the lining of the pockets to be just as soft and warm.
“I suppose you could say that.”
“I’m Yn, by the way. Yn Ln, or uh, Ln Yn or whatever.”
“Kochou Shinobu.” She answered by supplying her own name.
“Nice to meet you and um, sorry for bringing you stress.”
“You have nothing to apologize for. Besides, it was rather cathartic in all honesty.”
“Haha, yeah? Well that’s a relief I guess.”
The little laugh made Shinobu smile a little wider. They talked more, sitting down on a nearby bench. They talked about their studies, families, interests, and more. When Yn began to shiver, Shinobu put the coat back over her shoulders while still telling a story about her sisters. Time seemed to be at a standstill until Yn’s phone started to ring.
“Oh, sorry,” She gave Shinobu an apologetic look and answered her phone.
“No problem.” Shinobu assured. She exhaled in amusement as a bunch of loud voices came through on the other side.
She could make out bits and pieces of the concerned friends’ dialogue. They were making sure Yn was alright and sobbing about how scary that whole situation had been. The designated driver struggled to take the phone away at some point to finally get to the bud of the issue and Shinobu heard him ask where Yn was so they could pick her up and get everyone home. He was clearly stressed. It was no easy task to get the tipsy group members with Yn’s number to finally call her and not push the wrong buttons or get distracted.
Shinobu was having a good time, so hearing that it would soon be over left her feeling a little antsy. So before Yn could tell the guy she was literally just around the corner, Shinobu blurted,
“Hey, um, we’ve been out here for awhile. How does a nice hot bowl of ramen? There’s a really good place not to far from here.” Her voice was as even-keeled and confident sounding as ever, but inside she felt some jitters.
“That… that sounds really good right now actually. I’d love too.”
Shinobu thought briefly to make sure to extend the invitation to Yn’s friends, but she was already filling them in on the plan and hanging up on them.
“We should probably go back to the bar first anyway so you can get your coat back, huh?” She asked.
“It’s fine. I think we’ve had enough of that place. I have my phone and wallet, I’ll just text one of my classmates to take it with them and I’ll get it back from them later.”
“Are you sure that’s okay?”
“Of course.” Shinobu stood up from the bench and waited for Yn to do the same. “I mean, as long as you don’t mind sharing yours again if it gets too chilly.”
“That’s totally fine! I don’t mind at all.” Yn shot up to her feet, looking forward to spending more time with Shinobu. Hopefully she would have the courage to ask Shinobu for her phone number afterward.
Shinobu smiled and decided to be a little more bold and offered her hand.
“Then let’s go. Careful, it’s a little slippery out here.”
Yn took the offered hand and left her face warm, she’d be relinquishing her coat again in no time if Shinobu kept being so sweet.
“And people say chivalry is dead. You’re a regular knight.”
“I try.” Shinobu said almost smugly, gently pulling Yn along. “Come on, it’s this way.”
She had started out the night not wanting to go out, now she found herself looking for excuses to drag the night out as long as she could. She had a good feeling that Yn felt the same when her coat found its way over Shinobu’s shoulders again. It looked like she wasn’t the only one who could be chivalrous.
“And so then the dragon told us to climb onto his back and he took us to the ramen shop. Best ramen we have ever eaten until this very day. Isn’t that right, dear?” Shinobu finished her abridged retelling, turning her head to look down adoringly at her wife, only to find her sleeping against her shoulder.
“Rude.” Shinobu scoffed. “Did the early beginnings of our relationship bore you that much?” She turned her attention to the bed next, finding Akiko asleep as well and she sighed. “No one made it to the end?”
“I did Kaasan.” Shin whispered, trying hard to keep his eyes open. “I liked it. It was a good story.”
“Thank you, sweetheart. Do you need anything my sweet boy?”
He shook his head.
“Then sleep well, I’ll be right here if you need me.“
“Okay… g’night.”
Shinobu smiled and reached for the curtain behind her, pulling it over to block the sun from the window.
“Good night.”
Shinobu pulled up the footrest of the recliner she and Yn shared and got more comfortable. She closed her eyes and snuggled closer to her wife. It wasn’t quite the same as it has been earlier that morning, but she treasured every moment they could be together. Yn shifted in her sleep, covering Shinobu with more of her body, making her smile peacefully and hold her closer as she drifted off to sleep like the rest of her family.
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girlprincess · 1 month
My Favorite 𐙚Soft Girl𐙚 Perfumes!
More than a ‘clean’ girl, an ‘it’ girl, or ‘that’ girl, I love feeling like a soft girl! Soft girls are sweet, giggly, friendly, and warm, and are passionate about their interests and embracing their own and others’ uniqueness!
I have a few perfumes that I adore and specifically love to wear when I want to embrace the side of me that is sweet, gentle, thoughtful, and warm :)
Here are my favorite (self-proclaimed) soft girl perfumes!
✦   .  .   ˚ ★⋆ .   . ✦ ˚   . ★⋆. .  ˚ * ✦  
1. Lake & Skye 11 11 — the warmest, softest, most comforting musk that smells like clean laundry or freshly showered skin.
2. Marc Jacobs Daisy Love — a beautiful blend of aromatic woods and musk with sweet, airy, and light cloudberry and daisy.
3. Bath & Body Works No. 3 Lavender — the girliest mix of aromatic lavender, sweet vanilla, and a hint of jasmine that leaves me feeling like a princess.
4. Oakcha The Beekeeper (dupe of Jo Malone Nectarine Blossom & Honey) — soft, fuzzy nectarine skin next to the blossoms and green leaves on the nectarine tree :)
5. Oil Perfumery’s Impression of Byredo Gypsy Water — the most incredible and unique blend of bright lemon, sweet vanilla, aromatic juniper and pine, and creamy sandalwood that makes me feel like a capital G Girly Girl.
6. Oil Perfumery’s Impression of Melanie Martinez Cry Baby Perfume Milk — an incredibly comforting mix of sweet berry, lactonic and powdery notes, caramel, and deep woods that come together to create so much depth and warmth in an otherwise sweet and powdery scent :)
✦ ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡.• ✦
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shadow-laviko · 3 months
Thing no one asked about
I've been thinking a lot today
And I want to give my opinion about what I think Rain Code characters smell like
(Also interested in hearing what you guys think)
Spoilers for chapter 0... and maybe chapter 5 actually
Bonus point : I tend to mistake scent and smell, so, might use both, sorry in advance
Yuma : Smells like the plastic of rainboots/rain coat + faint flowery smell of the likes of roses (no specific one) or lavender
Shinigami : Smells like dusty feathers and strawberry candies, or something sweet maybe vanilla too
Aide (Fake Zilch) : While impersonating Zilch : Cologne and some faint blend of animal smells (like rodents, cat litter or dogs... maybe especially rodents). While himself : maybe cologne, and a faint smell of blood and gun powder (maybe also dirt but hmm not sure about this one)
Melami : Makeup and luxury perfumes
Pucci : Laudry mostly
Aphex : Either cologne or strong deodorant for men + faint scent of sweat
Zange : Paper/ink, and cigar and cologne
Swank : Cigar and I can't think of anything else
Yakou : Cigarettes of course, and maybe some food smell of some kind + some kind of sea smelling shampoo/shower gel
Halara : Rain coat/rain boots and maybe some catnip to attract cats + maybe sakura blossom shower gel
Fubuki : Pink rose and some type of wood like pine maybe... or cinnamon
Vivia : Ashes/dust and books/papers
Desuhiko : Depending of whether he's on a case or not. If on a case : a blend of laundry, makeup, perfume and cologne. If not on a case... Some neutral deodorant and that specific smell from clothes you wear often. You know the one? It's not stinky, it just has a distinct scent, even when clean
Priest : Wax and something else like maybe... I don't know, something strong but not agressive
The other 3 from chapter 1 (not counting the boy and his dad) : Idk. Maybe cookies or apple pie for the Servant
Seth : Dirt and a blend of flowers like daisies or something (lilac?)... Maybe daisies and lemon actually
Martina : I don't really know, perfume and something else?
Yomi : Cedar wood and leather (maybe cologne too)
Kurumi : Laundry and either vanilla or orange blossom water
The other Aetheria girls : I don't really know, I feel like Waruna would smell like a specific shampoo, (but I can’t figure out which one), maybe makeup for Yoshiko and pomegranate shower gel for Kurane
Shachi : Sweat and idk, maybe coffee, or motor oil
Ikari : The specific smell of swimming cap and stagnating water
Servan : Same as Desuhiko, the smell of clothes you wear often
Margulaw : Old wooden furnitures/antiquities + that old people smell
Iruka : Salt (for some fucking reason ???) and gunpowder or motor oil
Guillaume : Bubblegum and books/papers/cards, and rainboots/ rain coat
Dominic : Hard to explain and can be different for everyone, but, I'd say he smells like that old plushie you've had since your childhood
Fink : no idea
Huesca : Similar to the smell there is at an hospital/at the doctor
Akira (The robot guy) : The smell of a tech shop / of... you know when you open a box with your new TV/computer/phone/console/electronic device? Well, that one. And maybe tea of some kind
The Ramen Stand Owner : Well, ramen (I know there are different kinds, so like, either a blend of many kinds, or just the most basic one)
Makoto : Lavender for sure, and enigma. I don't know how to describe it, but an enigma/mystery has some kind of smell (not the words, the idea/phenomenon in itself). Or maybe it's like the mood an enigma sets, which somehow kinda transposes into a scent? Idk how to describe it... + maybe some conditioner
The previous Amaterasu CEO : Idk, rich man something, like whisky or tobacco or cologne, idk, the kind of things tou think about when you picture a CEO in your mind
Did I forget anyone? I don't know
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harvestmoss · 22 hours
☀️🌷 Florida Water
I see a lot of witches, more so the new ones, get confused as to what Florida Water is and if it's water from the beaches of the state, Florida. I can assure you, you do not have to travel all the way to Florida and fight crocodiles to get some water.
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What is Florida Water?
Florida Water came into the world in the start of the 19th century as a cologne for both women and men. It was a highly popular cologne in the late 19th century for it's rich and strong smell. It has a light flora scent with citrus overtones.
It became synonymes with spirituality when African-Americans in the Hoodoo sphere used it as a powerful spiritual cleanser, and because of it's pleasant smell, was also associated with appeasing the dead.
Generally, Florida Water is a spiritual cleanser, protective agent, and draws in luck, fantastic energy, and happiness.
Why is it called Florida Water?
Well, the word "Florida" is actually a Spanish word. Which roughly translates* to "Flower" or "Abundance of flowers" or "Flowery". Another way of saying Florida Water, in Spanish, is "Agua de flores".
How Do you make Florida Water?
Florida Water is still sold commercially with it's original formula from the 19th century, however, you can still make your own Florida Water at home. Recipes often change but have similar overlaps. Here's some ingredients to consider when making it, there's no need to use all of them, but it's always good to use most.
Citrus fruits -- Lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime.
Herbs and Flowers -- Rose, lavender, rosemary, mint, calendula, sage, thyme, jasmine, bergamot, violet, chamomile, basil. lemon balm, eucalyptus.
Spices -- Cloves, cinnamon sticks, allspice berries, anise.
An alcohol like Vodka** and distilled water.
Place ingredients into a large jar with a tight lid. Fill it half with vodka and then half with distilled water. Let it sit in a dark place, shaking it often, for at least 2 weeks to up to a month (you could make it during the new moon and complete it during the full moon). Then strain it using a sive and cloth and place into an airtight bottle.
The mixture should last you 6 months, keep out of direct sunlight, it's a good idea to write down when you made it and what ingredients it contains on a piece of paper and stick it to bottom of the bottle.
You may add essential oils to it as well or only use essential oils of the ingredients. You may also use fresh or dried ingredients. I prefer fresh. I also recommend using organic, so make sure your roses are not sprayed with pesticides and such.
Where do I use it?
Cleansing a space, yourself as a bodyspray, in rituals, to cleanse objects and charge them, offerings, warding off bad luck, to a bath, to be rid of bugs, your laundry, floor wash, to shine your iron tools, etc. Get creative!
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(* Please note, Spanish is not my native language nor a language I study, takes these translations with a grain of salt.)
(** You may use grain alcohol as well, but do not use common household alcohol.)
My personal mix includes lemon, orange, lime, rose petals, mint leaves, rosemary, lavender, thyme, cinnamon sticks, garden sage, and mugwort. As well as vodka and distilled water.
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thestarlightsapphic · 1 month
I touched very lightly the other day on my experiences in theatre and music as a person with chronic health issues and invisible disabilities, which I’m really glad to have shared that, and that I’m talking more about that side of myself as a performer? Today, I’d love to share some of the things that I do that help me get through performance days or particularly strenuous days when my health is struggling. Disclaimer, I’m not a doctor by any means! These are things that I find can be beneficial to me, but they might not work for everyone! But, hopefully some of these are helpful for others! I’d also love to hear what others do!
For my lungs, I make a mixture of like. Black seed oil, raw honey, and apple cider vinegar. It tastes super sour, and pretty sweet as well, and it’s definitely not for everyone, but, I take this twice daily, and it does have a lot of benefits. I also steam my lungs when I have time! I either will shower and do like, extremely hot water. Or, sometimes, if I don’t want to get my hair wet (usually because it’s a performance day lol) I have boiled hot water, and then taken a towel and like, will hold my head over the pan and the towel over my head. Sometimes there’s like, tablets that I add, that help clear out my lungs!
When I have extreme chest pain, my whole body will feel like it’s shaking. It’s pretty intense, when that happens, I immediately will lay down and apply light pressure to my chest. I use like a weighted blanket sometimes, or if I’m backstage, I even will have a weighted item that’s comfortable!
I have a lot of nerve damage in my neck and brain, so unfortunately when those issues arise, there’s not a ton I can do? I get what I call the dizzy feelings? It’s like vertigo, but like, so much worse? Usually, I just need to lie down and be in darkness. I am looking for solutions for this one, so if anyone is still reading lol, and knows solutions for like. Migraine or vertigo like symptoms, I’m listening!
My hydration levels are also really bad, like terrible. I drink plain water and never feel hydrated enough. This is going to sound insane maybe, some people look at me horrified when they see me doing this, but I add a light amount of salt to my water. If my stomach is feeling bleh as well, I make a ginger ale cranberry with some salt.
I also have the advantage that I have a lovely lovely partner, who takes very good care of me on show days. Especially when my health is not doing great. They very lovingly will bring me medication, or food, or anything I need. If I need sugar to get my energy back, they immediately are on it. Sneaking me lemon bars or candy backstage from concessions lol. Or even like a soda. Soda is my typical go-to as a sugar boost honestly. They also will do laundry or chores or errands for me when I cannot physically move or am sick again. I am so grateful to have someone that loves me in a way to take care of me.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Mainly for me, cause I couldn’t find a good list! (But if you like this, I will write headcanons about Pokémon character scents.👀)
I’ll probably come back to add more in the future.
ALSO! No scent is strictly ‘omega, beta, alpha’ but I will be moving some scents to the ‘distressed scent’ category, as I’ve felt people over look that.
ALSO! There is no canon for the omegaverse, tropes aside, you can do whatever you want with it. This is mainly just my roll with it.
Natural Scents! (The natural scent of the person.)
- Coffee
- Amber
- Sandalwood
- Cedarwood
- Maple
- Driftwood
- Fresh rain
- Citrus of any kind (lemon, orange, grapefruit, lime, etc)
- Berries of any kind (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, etc)
- Hazelnut
- Brown sugar
- Lavender
- Cinnamon
- Vanilla
- Honey
- Mint
- Ginger
- Rosemary
- Sugar-clove
- Caramel
- Pumpkin
- Moss
- Pine
- Chocolate
- Lemongrass
- Jasmine
- Peach
- Cloves
- Nutmeg
- Pomegranate
- Salt
- Cypress
- Eucalyptus
- Sage
- Teakwood
- Pecan
- Cherry
- Rose water
- Grape
- Teas
- Firewood
- Charcoal
- Hay
- Pears
- Myrrh
Secondary scents! (Scents of person, that is not their natural scent, but associated with them.)
- leather
- Mocha
- Machine oil
- Red velvet
- Cupcakes/cakes
- Pancakes/waffles
- Cigarettes
- Fresh bread
- Iron
- Fresh laundry
- Shampoos/deodorants
(These can also be heat/rut smells! Maybe a little stronger in some cases, like nutty smells turning into toasted hazelnut, toaster pecans, etc)
Distressed scents! These are scents that are suppose to be attention grabbing, to let others know they are upset, in pain, or being hurt.
It’s suppose to grab other’s attention for help.
- burnt anything (burnt sugar, burnt caramel, burnt brown sugar, burnt popcorn, etc)
- Smoke
- Ash
- Wet fur
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bitchyfoxymama · 2 years
What I think my favorite characters smell like headcannons
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Note: these are some of my personal favorite characters. Which means it'll range from marvel to slashers to Stranger things!
Warnings: mentions of Bo murdering, weed
Steven Grant
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Smells like books, coffee and egyptian cotton. Its just so homey, you wanna wrap yourself up in the scent and stay there forever. I feel like he also occasionally smells like good quality chocolate.
Marc Spector
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Smells like cinnamon and vanilla. He also smells like lemon pound cake or something citrus and i cant explain why, i just believe he does.
Jake Lockley
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Jake smells like cigarettes and leather gloves. Also he smells mahogany and bourbon. Like its just so him yeah know
Jack Russell
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Wet dog. Hold on though, its not a bad thing ok, but he also smells like coffee and forest. Its a pleasant mix that makes you feel all comfortable and secure. He also smells like mountain mist which goes back him living in the woods with ted
Steve Harrington
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Steve Harrington smells like hairspray, cashmere musk with a hint of cinnamon. Also i get the vibe he smells like really smokey after shave and maybe honey
Eddie Munson
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Smells like Hemp seed as well as really good weed. He also smells like a cheap drugstore cologne that he five finger discounted one day, it's kinda woodsy and a lil spicy with a hint of musk. He wears it every time he has a gig with corroded coffin. And Irish spring
Vincent Sinclair
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Totally out of left field but he smells like lavender and like those really good quality waxes? Like bees wax, and like chamomile tea that he drinks after being in the workshop all day.
Bo Sinclair
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Cigarettes, blood, motor oil, suede and smoke with like a little hint of wax because he's always around the art that vincent creates. The blood scent isn't constant, he showers and it's gone and it's replaced by the woody scent of his body wash and the cigarettes he's always smoking.
Thomas Sawyer
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Smells like fresh dried laundry more specifically laundry that is dried in the fresh air? Like luda mae didnt raise no stinky boys. He's also got this natural musk that just melds perfectly with it. Also kinda smells like dirt, like hes gardened and ahhhh just *chef kiss*
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I'll want to break down the chicken and beef into pre-marinaded freezer baggies with any roots or beans or sauces paired with them in a lil bundle of baggies, that way meals become as simple as popping a baggie set into a cast iron in the oven or on the stove. The last of the current priority garden, home, and body ingredients are in the mail, and I'm just waiting until I have the last of my salts and amino acids to mix them up.
Upcoming projects:
1) add compost cultivator to The Stacks now that there is a sizeable hay patch and an existing decomposition culture to support
2) Start tree seed trays (wild plum and black cherry)
3) Start greens seed trays (amaranth, turnip, beet, collard)
4) start shrub seed trays (Alleghany blueberry)
5) start wildflower seed trays (flax, marshmallow)
6) bury seed trays in coco coir and compost when The Stacks are fully decomposed
7) infuse olive oil with shea butter cubes, resins, cracked seeds, and salts in pourable cruets
8) break down chicken and beef into ready-prep single meal and bulk meal portions and freeze (burger/meatloaf mix, chili mix, carne asada, carne criolo, buttermilk chicken for battered cutlets, pulled chicken and ranch for pizza root-fries, kung pao chicken, green curry chicken, pulled chicken for matzoh soup, meatballs, lemon garlic chicken, ground beef crumbles, Date Night Steaks, sliced roast beef packets, jerky, BBQ for beans, dumpling filling, seasoned battered chicken for fried chicken strips and cheesy chicken pasta/veggie-noodle lasagnas, etc)
9) sauce tomatoes and freeze
10) bake a round of washing soda
11) ferment some rice for washing cakes and scalp scrubs
12) mix laundry detergent (epsom salts, resin infused oils, seed infused oils, washing soda, hand soap)
13) mix body scrubs
14) mix and set washing cakes
15) mix and jar scalp scrubs
16) mix and jar hair cremes
17) mix and jar hair masques
18) mix and jar skin masques
19) mix and bottle serums
20) mix and bottle texture spray
21) mix and jar bath salts
22) deep clean kitchen (wash counters, wash sink, treat drain, sweep and mop floors, wash cabinetry, wash appliances, run cleaning cycles on oven and dishwasher, clean out traps and catches, wash trash can and deoderize, empty and sanitize recycling bag, clean cat cozies, sanitize kitty meal plates, sanitize communal water fountain, sanitize water pitcher and replace filter, etc)
23) juice citrus (lime, lemon) and bottle/refridgerate
24) make citrus paste (lime, lemon) and freeze
25) make chimichurri base and freeze
26) make basil, garlic, and sesame paste and freeze
27) make kefir
28) make garlic confit and freeze
29) make caramelized onions and freeze
30) make pepper paste and pepper jelly and freeze
31) make pickles (onion, garlic, peppers, sundried tomato) and freeze
32) make curried carrot and lentil soup and freeze
33) make chicken stock and freeze
34) make kimchi
35) make samosa and empanada wrappers (corn masa pastry dough)
36) make dumpling wrappers (rice paper)
37) make and freeze dumplings, samosas, and empanadas (veggie mince, meat mince, kimchi and rice, Oaxaca and honey, Oaxaca and beans, Oaxaca and pepper jelly, curry chicken, veggie curry)
38) mix and bag sazon rice packets
39) prep herb and spice mix bottles
40) season and freeze root-fries and root-wedges
41) marinade and freeze veggie side dishes
42) air fry and package chickpea pops
43) make candied snickie snacks (nuts, jerky, coffee beans, carrots, citrus)
44) cut and batter Oaxaca strips for battering (seasoned lentil and rice flour) for paneer pakora and fried cheese sticks
45) cut Oaxaca strips for cheesy pastas
46) make and freeze queso fundido (Oaxaca cubes, peppers, garlic confit, coriander, oregano, paprika, chili pepper flakes, cumin, salt, cracked peppercorns, sundried tomatoes, shea butter curls, buttermilk, meatmince)
47) mix and freeze omelet/egg casserole mixes (queso fundido, onions, salt and pepper, fresh herbs, liquid whole egg mixed with buttermilk and rice flour, sundried tomato mince)
48) repot Pomegranate in compost and coco coir
49) identify and butcher the rooster
50) source scrap wood for laying nests, cat climbers, garden stakes, cat toys, chicken toys, carry/storage crates, etc)
51) mix dehumidifer/air filter pack for upstairs bathroom
52) deep clean upstairs bathroom (wash sink, wash floors, wash toilet, wash cabinetry, refill hand soap, wash counters, polish hardware, wash mirror)
53) wash towels and hang out to dry
54) wash blanket/bed linens and hang out to dry
55) wash clothes and hang up to dry in rounds of 2× outfits or 1× linens per basin
56) deep clean our bathroom (wash sinks, wash counters, sweep and wash floors, wash cabinetry and walls, refill deoderizer, clean shower, polish hardware, wash mirrors, refill hand soap, organize shower and sink products, wash toilet)
57) deep clean bedroom (take out trash bins, pick up floors, vacuum and sanitize carpets, wash walls, organize clothes, organize dog toys, sanitize dog meal dishes, wash and polish side tables/trunk, wash bedframe, sanitize mattress, change sheets and blankets)
58) vacuum and sanitize upstairs carpets
59) wash walls upstairs
60) clean guest bedroom (sanitize mattress, wash and replace bed linens and blanket, pick up floors)
61) move office couch to living room
62) move office desk/supplies to guest bedroom (for now)
63) plan a workout routine (minimum 2x gym days/wk for rowing and cycling and traction, min 2 home workouts/wk -> prioritize range of motion, balance, and gradual endurance building)
64) plan a hygeine routine (min 3x wash day/wk for skin, max 1x wash day/wk for hair)
65) organize my next round of plans
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pipolopipone · 1 year
What me and my gf think the agents smell like, a thread:
Jett: idk I think she smells minty like toothpaste
Pheonix: burnt hair and expensive shower gel
Yoru: hair gel and women perfume (he gets a lot of those lil samples packs)
Neon: rain and something fresh like lemons (and a bit like feet)
Reyna: fried food and some expensive perfume something sexy blood sex wine velvet idk I'm biased
Raze: paint and gunpowder
Sage: balsamic herbs and incense
Cypher: spices and leather (also a bit of sweat cause he's all covered up)
Chamber: one of those EXPENSIVE perfumes, he bathes in them people literally start crying near him cause the scent is too strong
Killjoy: some basic shampoo smell and motor oil
Deadlock: she seems pretty clean, so I'm gonna say laundry detergent (my gf said she just smells of Mitski)
Omen: air idk if he has a smell tbh..
Viper: Disinfectant and wilted flowers
Brimstone: cigars and baby powder (idk old people love that shit)
Astra: Vanilla, something pleasantly sweet
Harbor: Sea breeze and one of those shower gels you usually use when you are at the beach idk its oddly specific
Sova: one of those deodorants that feel fresh when you sweat
Breach: he seems like he has a very pungent smell, the kind of sweat that stains clothes + gunpowder
Skye: lavender and farm
Kay/o: iron
Fade: coffee and cigarettes
Gekko: ben10 perfume
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tadpal · 5 months
hello isabell!! have i told u that i love your pfp i love to see it it makes me giggle
🥀 what keeps you motivated/helps boost your mood when you’re feeling off?
motivation is a huge weakness for me! if i knew how to boost it i wouldnt be on this app but i have a laundry list miles long about mood boosting and emotional maintenance! ive been in and out of care for bpd and autism for the better part of 8 years now and while i can't rate the professional help (nhs mh 😬) i CAN say that i am currently doing super well in terms of stability. i think for me it's less about Feeling Better and more about breaking the bad you know? temperature shocks are a big thing for me, especially with my heavy emotional weights for temp, so it's a lot of uncomfortable showers, cooling towels on neck, cool water on feet and face, cat baths, hot water bottles, ice creams, going outside. just anything with that like Temperature Shock is going to help. for overwhelming most often going sudden cold (safely) is what works best for me!! resets!
🌿 do you like having plants in your home/yard? do you have any currently?
LOVE THEM!!! when i was living at uni i had 7-9 various houseplants in my room and others scattered in the kitchen halls and bathroom but these days most of them have been claimed by my mom! i have three in my room now! a large succulent a sort of grass and something tall with dark greens and waxy leaves... by those descriptions you can tell im terrible at remembering plant types but im surprisingly not terrible at keeping them alive. idk it mostly just works out
✨ what scents do you have strong memories/associations with?
the nice ones are like orange blossom (aunts perfume who passed, grandmother figure to me, scent never lasted bc of her work so you could only ever smell it if you hugged real tight, calloused hands, bristly hair, miss her ), ocean spray (lived by a beach, leaving the commune for outings, big bright blue, one day we'll get out of here, people on the outside are kind - the systemite kids are kind - i will be able to have friends on the outside, calm, loneliness, laughter), honeysuckle (represents childhood hunger and gentleness and peace and danger, the importance of ritual), lemon blossom (tree by the pool in one of the worst communes we lived in, best lemons ive ever tasted, my aunt maria taught me how to make soap), apple cider vinegar (self sufficiency - making meals for myself too young, fresh vegetables from the local farms, abuelas tomato salads, full stomachs)
but there's also more unpleasant ones just in terms of the scent itself: septic tank in the height of summer (danger, childhood recklessness, the feeling of being trapped, the buzz of the wasps,) the thing that died in the pool over winter (we didn't find it until we cleaned the pool in summer, it smelt mostly of chlorine, we don't know what animal it had been, it's bones were greyer than id expected, my mom cried for a week) and it's dry and the car is leaking (it's the middle of a drought and the old car is leaking, thick black oil onto the drive. there have been three bush fires this week and every time you haul your childhood possessions onto the year and watch the smoke. the smoke clings and clutches and you think about the oil. no one else can smell it but you. it's worse when the fires start when you're already out and you think about all the things that you left inside the home.) the smell of the old car in summer (and then you're inside the car, waiting at the gas station and all around you is the smell of smoke and gasoline and seaweed and leaking. the seat is somehow sticky and sandy all at once. your uncle is talking about leaving forever again.)
i am very much an associator tho you could say anything and id go Oh That Reminds Me. guy who is reminded
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
Hello hello ophe 👋😇
I know this sounds weird and carp but I’m gonna say what some of my favs smell like
Trent (my dumb princess) probably smells like mahogany teakwood, strawberry kiwi or motor oil
He seems like a strawberry kiwi kinda guy
Axel would smell like pine, motor oil, or cucumber melon
Emma definitely smells like sunshine and lemons or cupcake sprinkles
WAYNE the boy smell like musty ass hockey bags or hot honey, or strawberry ice berry lemonade
Scary girl smells like red raspberries, unopened monster high dolls, candles, or a hot topic
Damien smell like chemicals, laundry detergent , ocean salt, or fresh water
OLIVIA VON TRASHPANDA smells like what a god would smell like
-Ass Stars anon
I’m gonna like ask every like three or four days so not to clog your ask box and so that I try and control myself
Hello hello, Ass Stars Anon! 👋😊
You're giving these kids way too much credit in terms of how good they'd smell, imo.
Axel would smell earthy, like mulch and wet leaves, because she's a survivalist. Having a traceable scent would bring down her 9.7 primitive survival rating! That's not to say she smells bad, but if you were to sniff a handful of dirt and then Axel herself there wouldn't be much of a difference. Of course, after she started her relationship with Ripper she started smelling like him too (given the fact that the two were literally near inseparable), which is mostly just the stink of body odour- Ripper believes in letting his "natural musk" and "alfalfa pheromones" run free.
Emma strikes me as the sort of girl to either wear super sugary-scented perfumes or drown herself in fruity/sweet body mists. She probably goes through a bottle of So...? Fragrance a day, either in the scent Birthday Cake or Raspberry Frappe.
In the same vein, Chase would reek of whatever cologne/body wash he's currently sponsored by, or if he has his own brand of cologne he'd wear it religiously. I doubt many of them smell great, but at least it's more interesting than deodorant and hairspray.
Wayne AND Raj both smell like Lynx Africa (AXE Body Spray for the US, I think?) with the underlying smell of hockey-sweat and gym lockers.
Scary Girl probably reeks of brimstone and hellfire. Joking, but given that she lives in a funeral home and (according to her audition) deals with explosives often, I imagine she's stained with the ever-present smell of dust and cinder- maybe with the underlying smoky smell you get from standing too close to a fire. Topped off with some sort of cloyingly sweet flowery perfume; she's got that creepy-cute aesthetic to keep up, after all!
I'd like to say that Damien smells like fresh linen and hand sanitizer- because as a science nerd and an anxious mess, he initially struck me as someone with good or even over excessive hygiene habits- but with Zee's secret spilling we know that this dude hasn't changed his underwear for weeks(?), so he in all likelihood smells like cheap cologne layered over dirty clothes.
Olivia von Trashpanda has ascended beyond trivial mortal concepts like "smell".
Trent, our silly little princess who has done no wrong ever, would smell like wood polish (for his guitar), motor oil (he strikes me as the sort of guy who's into fixing up old cars, or modifying his own motorbike) and Old Spice. A lot of oaky scents with a twang of petrol.
This is all off the top of my head btw. I haven't really put much thought into what the contestants would smell like- for good reason, given the fart jokes and gross-out humour in the series.
That's not to say that your own interpretations/headcanons are invalid or wrong, or that my headcanons are the gospel truth. They can smell like whatever you want them to!
This is just me adding my own interpretations. Feel free to disagree with me!
You can send asks as often as you want! I'll do my best to reply to them all, though sometimes I do find myself drawing a blank as to how to respond. If I don't reply to an ask please don't take it as me being rude/annoyed, I probably just couldn't think of anything to add.
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ephemeral-cryptid · 1 year
First Day of Thargelia
I wore this beautiful white skirt with flower patterns, a white t-shirt, a pearl necklace, silver bracelets, and opal earrings to honor the purity aspect of Artemis, since that’s a big part of her birthday celebration. I went through and cleaned all my floors, windows, and did my laundry. I cleansed my room with sage incense. 
I was going to make lavender lemonade, but I realized I didn’t have any lemons :(. So instead, I offered Artemis some strawberries, apple slices, and a lemon slice and burned some incense for her. I read her orphic and homeric hymns and listened to some renditions of her orphic hymn on youtube. I did a meditation with her where she told me that Apollo wanted to work more closely with me (which I already knew but had been putting off because I knew it was gonna be hard work) and that she’s always been with me and would like to have a closer relationship with me, even though I don’t worship her regularly (which I already suspected).
Then I did a tarot reading to confirm that she was interested in working with me and developing a closer relationship. She said that she did want to, but that she wanted to move slowly instead of rushing into daily worship and all that jazz. I asked what she wanted to work with me on, what I could do to honor her, and what she expected of me. She basically told me she wanted to help me face myself from an honest and fair perspective instead of judging myself with cognitive distortions and that she wanted me to just invite her more into my daily life without grand gestures and show her appreciation, respect, and love. She said she expected me to work as hard as I can to pursue my goals and maintain focus, patience, and dedication to getting there (kind of like how a hunter does when pursuing their prey). 
I took a shower to purify myself and used rose water on my face and teatree oil on my body as a sort of cleansing ritual for myself. Then I invited Artemis to lay with me as I fell asleep and told her about my day and just whatever I felt like talking about until I fell asleep.
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maraleestuff · 2 years
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The Scentsy Warmer (and samples) I got in my starter kit!
I've sorted the above samples from gentle scents (for those with sensitive noses) to more...striking scents. This is relative to personal preferences, but you've got to start somewhere, right?
The Gentle Scents—ones that could sensibly be like laundry detergent; calm, clean, and gentle on sensitive noses:
White Amber & Silk (Plumeria; sunblock adjacent, but flowery); Luna (Somewhere between ocean breeze and laundry detergent); Hundred Acre Wood (A combination of lilac and ocean breeze); Velvet Moon (Like a calm, gentle ocean breeze)
The Go-Betweens—scents that are between gentle and prominent. They could be one or the other, depending on your preferences.
Vanilla Bean Buttercream (A scent that's like it sounds—and one of my personal favorites 😊); Coconut Lemongrass (Smells especially like lemon, with a hint of coconut, and another favorite); Huckleberry Hideaway (Like wild berries); and Pomegranate Prosecco (which is also as it sounds)
The Striking—the scents that were particularly strong—at least to me. (By the time I got to these, my nose was particularly sensitive from all the smells lol).
Black Currant & Plum (a warm cherry/ plum scent); Pear-fect Day (The pun is quite apt); Falling Apples (Apples!!!); and Blackberry Spice (A punch of spice, like cinnamon, mixed with berries)
There are many more scents available to browse with Scentsy! These ones in particular are wax, which will require a warmer. You can browse them here with different options of standard, element, or minis. There are also diffusers and oils, fans, purifiers, and pods!
Check out Scentsy's Nightmare Before Christmas Collection and Scentsy Buddies! And of course, don't forget to like, reblog, or sign up for my monthly newsletter for upcoming products 🙂
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