#and letting headcanon bend them into the right shapes in my mind
kobbers · 2 years
(criticism for the Mass Effect and Horizon series below the cut; slightly rambly)
I sometimes like to indulge in media analysis video essays while working on art, because it can help corral my brain when I need to focus for lengthy chunks of time.
An interesting one I watched a couple months ago proposed that many of the problems people complain about in ME3 actually started in ME2, and I found myself nodding along with most of it. The discussed problems weren’t even ones I’d never recognized before in ME2; it was just a little eye-opening to have someone focus on them and tie it all together into a “compare with ME3, contrast with ME1″ kinda way.
What I didn’t expect, however, was my brain continually pinging on how Forbidden West exhibits many of these very same flaws, the primary one being a willingness to sacrifice consistency with pre-established rules and tone in order to solve short-term problems or engineer a dramatic moment. I wonder how much of this (in both cases) can be attributed to Corporate Daddy rolling up to the new successful IP and worrying too hard about drawing in and wowing new customers.
This comparison flared up again during another video I watched just this week, where the author argues Legion and the geth were done dirty in ME3 - pointing out where the stated character motivations and logic quietly did a 180 under the hood. and where some slight retconning robbed the geth-quarian conflict of some complexity. It was like the writers that handled the character in 3 didn’t properly understand what had been established, and couldn’t commit to the alien thinking... yet we know it’s not a simple case of Writer Bad because there are beloved characters that these same folks did do well! It ended with a little side helping of Higher-Ups Mandating Nonsensical Things Because They Are Awesome).
And I just... man. Too familiar.
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I hope Horizon 3 can get itself back together on this front, but so much damage has been done already. =_=
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ruinofchimera · 9 days
I think it’s also clear that Snape is Voldemort’s exception when it comes to class and blood status. He has underprivileged minions like Greyback who operate on the fringes, but there aren’t exactly a whole lot of other dirt poor half bloods who’ve made it into his inner circle, and there’s a reason why Bellatrix distrusts him far more than any of the other Death Eaters who claimed they’d been under the Imperius curse, and it’s because she doesn’t consider him as one of them.
Lily, as a beautiful and charming Gryffindor who is beloved of the very well connected Slughorn and the headmaster and the wealthy pureblood James Potter, actually seems to have more room for social mobility than teenage Severus as they look towards adulthood despite him being nominally more privileged as a half blood. All dependant on patronage of course, so that’s problematic in itself, and patronage won’t save anybody from terrorists in the end. Lily to her immense credit recognises this in joining the Order when she could’ve kept her head down. But that tension isn’t nothing when it comes to unpicking their dynamic.
There’s a reason I’ve been steering clear of the whole Snape and Voldemort dynamic, despite how relevant it would be to just about every discussion I’ve had about Severus. See, if there’s anything in the series that haunts me—keeps me tossing and turning at night—it’s that twisted, enigmatic relationship between Tom and Severus. Not just what’s written plain as day in the books, mind you. I’m talking about what’s lurking beneath, the things left unsaid. Because Snape is indeed Voldemort’s exception, and not only in being let into a circle that’s usually locked tight for purebloods. No, Tom crosses lines for Severus over and over again, bending his own rules. I refuse to chalk that up to bad writing; there’s something deliberate about the way their interactions stand out. Voldemort’s treatment of Snape falls right out of step with the essence of Tom’s character. That alone not only leaves acres of space for interpretation—there’s a bloody demand for it. In any other fandom, their relationship would’ve been taken apart a hundred ways already—fanfiction, art, endless headcanons. But here, Snape’s entire existence got reduced to Lily Evans, and fans call it a day. Meanwhile, his massive, fascinating dynamic with Voldemort just sits there, untouched, quietly shaping the entire outcome of the story. As I said at the start, once I get going, there’s no reining me in. So, hands up—I’ll stop myself here. Maybe one day I’ll dive into the complexity of their relationship in a proper meta, but for now, I’ll spare you from my rambling about that deliciously controversial relationship.
Now, as for Severus and Lily, the tension between them isn’t just part of the story—it is the story. Brutal, unforgiving, and about as tragic as you can get. Their mutual raw emotional wreckage is the precise reason why it works so damn well for me. If someone (or a horde of someones) wants to water that down to the sob story of a certain ginger flower’s suffering—fine by me, really. I’ve said it all on that sensitive matter. Be that as it may.
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Pegging headcanons w/ Shenhe, Ningguang & Keqing!
CW: Sub!Male!Reader, masochism/sadism (Sadist!Keqing)
Under the cut.
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(Image by ツ︎ryan !)
She is going to be the one to suggest it, that’s for sure.
In preparation for entering the inevitable intimacy of your relationship, Shenhe did the only thing she could think of - she hit the books. She didn’t learn much, obviously. But she did learn what the prostate is.
She kept that in mind, even asking you about it at some point. 
After you agreed to let her explore your body, Shenhe grabbed a bottle of lube and a rubber glove, and went to work. 
The disciple found your body to be responding very well. She didn’t expect you to be this loud, actually… So she did what she found to always bring more pleasure - increase the speed and intensity.
So her collection of dildos was put to use soon. Her selection of straps is quite vanilla - just normal shaped toys, all rubber and varying in size. 
Seriously, this girl… she made measurements to have even the littlest of straps in her collection rub against your prostate mercilessly. 
Likes to train you. At first, it was very hard to cum without direct stimulation to your dick, but over time - and of course lots and lots of fucking - you could do it in barely a minute if she picked the pace and angle right.
Shenhe likes to add a fleshlight to keep you fully stimulated. 
Cumming with her strap inside, her hand around a cock sleeve on your shaft, and her other strong hand gripping your inner thigh is heaven, and you can’t convince me otherwise.
“Hmm… Your body seems to be responding to the six inch well… How about we jump to the eight inch now? Huh? Too big? Oh, my love, don’t sell yourself short - I know you can take it.”
The fact that Ningguang likes her man masculine and strong doesn't mean she isn't into pegging. 
In fact, she loves it to death. The prospect of fucking a strong man in his cute butt gets her really excited. And Ningguang is one of the girls that, when they want something, they will get it. 
So spread or bend over for Ningguang, because she's in the mood to turn the tables. 
It's always a whole ordeal with her. She loves to invite you to a luxurious dinner or watch a movie, only to then pull out the strap and peg you. She loves to wear high heels, thigh-highs, long sleeve gloves and black lingerie for the occasion. 
Gently, but decisively - that's the way she pegs you. It's all about technique, not speed for her. Intense fucking is great, sure, but it's her way of hitting you little pleasure button that gets you leaking precum like a broken faucet. 
Your hands? Tied behind your back, always. She can't have you touching yourself, now can she? Your cock throbs and cries precum so beautifully every time she hits your p-spot, so why would she end the show? 
The only way you are going to cum is from pure pegging when she does it. Don't worry, though - her precise technique will leave you spurting really soon. 
You are usually quite silent during sex, as most men are. She thinks pegging is a great opportunity to make you moan and whine, and she's so into that. 
"Yeah…just like that, baby. Be loud for me. Fufu, look at it throb… fucking your butt sure gets you hard and desperate, doesn't it?" 
Men are so annoying, Keqing thinks. Lady Ningguang is right to keep them at a distance. They are loud, overwhelming and obnoxious, and they smell bad. Sometimes all she wants is to put them in their place… Good that she has you on hand, willing to submit to her.
She has nothing against men and you in reality. She just likes to indulge her sadistic dominant side from time to time. All she does is preceded with a proper discussion about boundaries. 
As a dom, her duty is to respect your hard boundaries and explore your soft limits. That's what she believes, and she can prove it any time. 
Though Keqing prefers receiving pain, she can just as well cause it. 
Pegging for her is a way to kill two birds with one stone - it's immasculating, and it's a bit painful, but still pleasurable enough to have you begging to be fucked by her. Or maybe you're just a stupid masochist, huh? 
Her collection of straps is a scary sight to behold for any sub, that's for sure. Most of them are big, studded or spiked in some way. They are both to be used on her and on you, if you misbehave. 
With Keqing, pegging is a punishment. Because how can you possibly enjoy it? A girl is roughly stretching your tight ass with a plastic cock, and you are enjoying it, moaning and whimpering like there's no tomorrow… She loves to tease, or even mock you about it during the act. 
Don't even think about her touching your cock. Stroking it to completion yourself makes you even more laughable in her eyes. Oh, and if you cum before she is satisfied, don't expect her to stop. 
Her style is fast and rough. Taking your ass doggy style is her favorite, as it allows her to go really aggressive, as well as slap your ass and pull on the leash she attached to your collar. The moans and pleading for more make you look like a bitch. Her bitch. 
Just like Ningguang, Keqing likes to dress up for you. While she wears luxurious and complex lingerie, you'll be completely nude. It really amplifies the dynamic, she thinks. 
She might be mean during the act, but she is everything but in the aftercare. It's all just make believe, she will remind you of that. She'll tell you you're handsome, smart and beautiful, just so you don't forget. 
She knows how much you love this, so she has some normal sized and textured dicks for softer sessions. During them, expect nothing but praise from her. 
Still, Keqing loves some hardcore pegging from time to time. 
"Ugh, why are you whining so much? I'm only fucking your ass, absolutely destroying your tight little ring and assaulting you prostate… Heh, maybe you do have a reason. So tell me  how good this rubber cock makes you feel, boy. "
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Thanks for reading!
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1000punks · 8 months
bonding. ⁰⁸//reversing
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bonding. //masterlist
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pairing: spawn!Astarion x named!Tav (non-binary OC)
warnings: 18+. nsft. mdni. hurt/comfort, angst, canon-typical descriptions of gaslighting/manipulation.
word count: 5,061
summary: two gays remodel a house domestic fluff and some character background building, set in post-game baldur's gate. two people who are weird and traumatized work on their relationship and reclaim their sexuality through a shared kink. lots of gooey romantic smut while these two slowly figure out their future together.
named!Tav is my non-binary tiefling ranger, Festé. i was seeing far too few fics with tiefling!Tav and i thought it was crucial, nay, critical to include them in the headcanons. i hope you all enjoy! ♡
header credit: MANTIS. // @astarionposting
It was hard to slip into a trance, even with his face buried in his imp's chest, and their arm draped over his back. Festé had fallen asleep while petting over his scars and through his hair, and he had enjoyed every moment of it. Astarion tried again, screwing his eyes shut and counting their heartbeats in his mind. He let their rhythmic breathing lull him back to relaxation, their chest rising and falling slowly. The elf turned his head, opting to rest his cheek on their shoulder, and to brush his lips against their neck. They shifted slightly, and splayed their hand against his back before relaxing it. Astarion continued to count, letting his mind wander. As if it weren't enough to be next to them twenty-four hours a day, Festé often made starring appearances in his thoughts and memories. Greedy, he thought, to have them all to himself, and to still desire more from them.
Regardless, tonight he remembered the very first time he opened up to them, to anyone, about his vampirism. Astarion heaved a sigh and recalled how they had looked when he had been caught bending over their bedroll. Almost demure, definitely curious, but not the least bit fazed. He relaxed and slipped into the memory fully, echoes of the conversation they had had that night coming into focus.
He was studying their face as he hastily explained how he had come to be kneeling over them in the dead of night, the sudden anxiety of the situation forcing the truth out. Shit, he cursed himself, as he took in their furrowed brow and tense posture. Why did he have to pick the ranger? They may be small, but from the looks of them… Gods, he was desperate; and he needed this to work. He needed to have just a taste of power, so he whipped up a half-truth.
They softened their posture at his words, he could easily see it, but something in their eyes bore deep into his chest. He felt… exposed under their unwavering gaze. That feeling in his chest, was it shame? The imp probably saw right through him, but they were playing along anyway? Astarion felt a twinge at the very back of his skull, jerking him out of character for an instant. The damned tadpole.
Festé didn't pry, though. It was genuinely disarming, but his lips were already shaping themselves around another half-truth: "…You can trust me." The memory blurred a bit around the edges as he continued, "I only need a taste, I swear." The imp's eyes were piercing, burning; and yet they had still agreed. What were they playing at?
From there, he had shoved the confusion away, the practiced seductive notes slipping into his voice as he invited the tiefling to lay back. Astarion went for their neck, and immediately, fireworks were going off somewhere within his ribcage. The smokiness of their blood was altogether new, but it was jarring how familiar it felt at the same time. His breathing quickened, despite his best efforts to remain calm as the first swallow coursed down his throat. The elf dug his nails into the dirt involuntarily, feeling the imp struggle underneath him with the pain. They raised their hand out of his line of sight, and he only noticed when he felt their fingers tug at the front of his shirt, softly as you please.
"That's… enough," their uncharacteristically deep voice had broken the spell their blood had cast on him, and they gently pushed Astarion away.
He spoke the first genuine truth he had that night, "That… was amazing," and the tiefling's gaze was piercing once more, though they were smiling widely at him. So stupid, he thought, smiling so warmly at the beast who was sure to be one's demise. Eventually, the elf had walked away, a new spark stirring within his chest.
Unfortunately, when he found himself alone just beyond the treeline, he realized he had felt something else stirring, as well. He panted, whirling around to glance back toward the camp before letting one shoulder come to rest against a tree. Astarion felt the sharp twist of lust coupled with the instinctual revulsion, and the act of relieving himself of both only served to instill a deep confusion within him. A confusion he repressed swiftly as he hunted for something he could kill.
The memory swam before his eyes, and he was standing in the clearing outside of camp. Most of his weight was being supported by the trunk of a large tree, and he was panting and clutching his chest. He supposed that if he had possessed a beating heart, it would be arresting right now.
"Just say… your lines, you stupid elf…" he muttered harshly under his breath. Suddenly, rage flared in his chest along with the panic, and he was tearing off his shirt, throwing it aside carelessly. This was just another thing that had been tainted for him, even if he wanted to enjoy it. He pressed his back against the tree, covering his face with his hands, while a litany of whispers fell from his lips. "It's just, one more mark. You can do this. You can do this." He kneaded at his eyes with the heels of his palms. "Just do it," he snarled.
Footsteps were approaching, and his ears twitched, judging the distance: out of earshot, but not for long. Three, two, one… He stepped out from the shadows of the trees; his features composed, but the disgust barely contained.
"There you are. I've been waiting." The bile was rising in his throat, but he smirked anyway. "Waiting since the moment I set eyes on you." A harmless lie; the imp was good-looking, to be sure, but he never imagined he would be doing this again. "Waiting to have you." He looked them over, his vision going double for a moment while he fought the familiar nausea, the pit in his stomach opening up wide as he stepped towards them. He wished that he could vomit, if only just to make the feeling go away. Then he glanced up, focusing on the tiefling's eyes, and fought to keep his features blank and composed. That disarming expression again, as if the damned imp was examining his very soul. They had such a genuinely warm countenance about them, it showed in their smile. Perhaps they knew, he thought, and yet they were playing his little game.
Festé smirked, mirroring him, but their eyes burned and narrowed. "You don't have me yet," they countered in their rich, low voice. He was off-book now, taken aback, but the moves were more or less the same.
The memory blurred and faded slightly. He hadn't wanted to remember the details, but he did recall his surprise at how warm their body had been. It was useless to compare it to the many other bodies he had touched, or that had touched him. Theirs was…different. To boot, they had offered their neck to him once again, which he only imagined was part of some larger fetish.
Astarion withdrew from that one for the time being, and all of the memories collapsed in on themselves for an instant, and then began cycling rapidly. Every night, they had allowed him in, to feed; and he took, and took. He began to look forward to their visits to his tent every morning, bouncing over to check on him, to ask if he had fed enough, to offer him the same that night. Over time, he had speculated more and more that it wasn't simply a fetish of theirs, not with the way they had lingered near him in camp, nor the way they were by his side before and after every meeting, every battle. Over and over, different locations, different lighting, and different situations: every time he had seen their beautiful smile moved, rapid-fire, across his mind. How he had grown to love that smile, and how he had begun to crave it, to covet it.
There he was, the night after they had faced that detestable drow at Moonrise. He caught Festé's arm by his fingertips, and motioned his head to a spot at the edge of camp. It was a tense moment, and he didn't want anyone else to hear him lay it bare. He studied their features as he began to confess, leaving his feelings and sins out in the open for them to judge, but they didn't. When the tiefling had instead wrapped their arms around him so tenderly, he fought the urge to sink to his knees, to weep and beg for them to stop; but also to never stop. He didn't deserve this care, and certainly not in the wake of confessing to sleeping with them to get ahead. But he craved it so desperately at the same time. It was only then, with his face buried in their shoulder, that he had pieced it together. Festé wanted to help sustain him, they didn't want him to feed to fulfill some sick fetish of theirs. The imp truly wanted him to live. They were forcing him to live, to contend with being alive, whether they had intended to or not. They were nurturing him, and to this day, he was still contending with that truth.
Astarion began to ruminate on the past two days, turning it over and comparing it to how he had felt the very first time they had slept together; and something tightened in his chest, distracting him. What if they were able to live on forever with him? What if it was their choice, and what if Gale's plan to get the ring ended up working? On the other hand, what if it was all a trap? He had an inkling that a vampire lord wouldn't stray too near to the city, unless they had plans to claim the now-open territory for themself. It would be a shame if he and Festé had come this far in their relationship for everything to be ruined.
He focused on their argument the previous day, watching their good eye burn dangerously as they looked up at him, their fingers pressing to his lips. "That's right, I don't," Festé spat.
Oh. They wouldn't even consider the idea? He must be more of a burden than he thought.
"But you wouldn't have known that, because neither of you bothered to ask me. You assumed, both of you. I wasn't angry then, but I am now." Their deep voice shot up half an octave in exasperation. He watched them pinch the bridge of their nose, crestfallen. Of course, it was as he thought, he was too much, wasn't he? Why else would they be so upset?
"You d… What?" he tilted his head, sitting back on the imp's thighs, deciding in that instant to push his luck. "You don't… want that? Isn't that what every mortal wants?" he hissed, his thoughts turning back to that drow at Moonrise once again, and to all of the thousands of faceless people he had bedded. They were all entranced by him, and most of them against their will. What was different here?
He blinked softly as Festé heaved a great sigh underneath him. It sounded happy, and he felt their fingers trace over his back, once, while they shifted under his weight, turning their head the other way. He pursed his lips, inhaling against the hollow of their neck, and he concentrated once more, feeling back into his memories of the previous day.
"You didn't, Star. You said you had no choice in the matter." They met his eyes, and he took in their grim expression. His chest felt like it was caving in on itself. "I do, and while I would give my life to spend forever with you, I don't think the risk is worth the potential reward." He knew that if his heart could beat, it would have stopped, right there and then. They wouldn't risk it? Not even for eternity with him?
"You… You don't?" His voice sounded faint, even to himself, and he dropped his gaze from theirs. The weight he now felt in his chest refused to dissipate. He wished…
"You're right, what if someone got hurt in the process? What if one of our friends got hurt? What if, gods forbid, you got hurt, or killed? It's selfish, but the rest of my short life with you, like this," he warmed a bit when their fingers skated over his cheek, "Where I can give you… all of me? I'd rather that than potentially spending eternity with regrets, or deaths weighing on my conscience." The imp smiled, though it didn't reach their eyes. He studied them, and frowned. How dare they call themself selfish, when what they had just said was so entirely selfless? Festé had always put everyone else's needs and desires above their own, even when it was at their own expense or detriment. He wanted to shout at them, to ask what they truly wanted, because he could plainly see something hidden in their eyes. The memory dispersed for a second as he recalled another, after his unfortunate 'siblings' had stormed their camp on the outskirts of Baldur's Gate.
"You're the only one. Other people don't have a heart like you. You're you. No one is like that." He said it with such conviction, and he truly meant it from the bottom of his heart, though he had felt something inside him twist violently as he spoke the words. The context had changed, but not the content.
He withdrew, and thought it over; how unfortunate he was then, not knowing just how true those words would become, Festé's face and the backdrop of their bedroom swam into view once more, and the elf parted his lips.
"You want the same thing as I do." Damnable imp, he loved them so. He closed his eyes slowly, and loathe as he was to accept it in the moment, he knew that the tiefling's big heart would prevent them from taking risks with anyone's safety besides their own. If they faced down a vampire lord, it would have only been in the situation with… him. Astarion couldn't bear to think the name right now. It was only because he, the prodigal spawn, was in clear and present danger. They truly didn't covet this life, that much was apparent. "You want to protect me, and I want to protect you," he sighed. You want to protect everyone except yourself, he added silently.
The thought of having them, though? Forever? It was a tempting prospect. He retreated from the argument, focusing on the point where he had the imp back in his arms; and he contrasted it with the first time he had slept with them. He was sickened that first time by the ghosts of his past, and the mere notion of his own arousal when he gazed over the tiefling's body. How warm they had been, though; and no less warm last night when they had taken to bed together again. His disgust with sex was gradually being replaced with a hunger that he couldn't quite put into words. Astarion, if he had his way, would have his hands on his imp at all times, whether it be a single fingertip or being buried deeply within their body. He decided, as he pinned both of Festé's wrists above their head, that if it were possible, he would crawl inside their chest and make a home for himself next to their heart. "I want to take all of the pleasures of your body, pet. Be good for me." Come now, show your devotion to me one more time. I'm begging you, he thought, feeling them squirm as he bared his fangs and opened a fresh wound on their neck.
They began to shake as he swallowed deeply, and he considered what would happen if he went too far, resting his body on theirs. It was torturous, loving someone so much that your first instinct was to devour them. He ground his hips against theirs, a snarling thought tearing its way through his mind when he felt their blood lose some pressure, their whimpers growing weaker. I'll drain you; I'll make you stay the only way I know how. He blinked in surprise, mentally shaking himself and pulling away with a harsh sigh. He all but tore the lacing from the front of his trousers, pushing the animalistic, bloodthirsty thought back behind a mental wall while he shoved his pants off. The elf patted his thigh and caught them in his arms, glad that they couldn't perceive his fingers trembling as he held them. So warm… It was a bit blurry, he was preoccupied with the feral desire to be inside of them once again. Even being this close was sweet agony. Their skin burned against his own, and he found himself wondering if it was from their hellish blood, or from some other secret. No human had felt this way against his skin. He pressed them closer. "Now that you're weakened and pliant for me, darling," he couldn't help purring in appreciation, his voice coming out rough and foreign, "I think it's only fair that you're further reminded who you belong to." And who belongs to you, you damned imp. Gods, they looked so precious. He raised a hand and pushed it into their hair, framing their face and smiling. He intended the gesture to be tender, but he probably looked terrifying. "Hasn't it been so long? By now, you've probably forgotten how I feel inside you, hmm?" He knew that he had, and he stifled his gasp when they moved in his lap, gripping them and pulling them closer. Anywhere he could reach, please, just…
He slid into them, and moaned against their ear like it had been his first time. It was mortifying, but Festé didn't seem to mind, locking their arms around his neck and rocking against him. Yes. Please, he wanted to cry out. Please hold me. Hold on to me as tightly as I hold on to you. Let me hear you. Let me feel you. Let me love you. He felt powerless as he experienced the scene unfold once again. Drowning, that's what he would call it; he was drowning himself in them. But if this was drowning, was it really all that bad? Was it so bad if he got to hold them, to feel genuine pleasure, to enjoy himself for the first time in two centuries?
Their snarling moan snapped him out of his own thoughts for a moment. What if he was simply hurting them with how - or what - he was? Oh… oh, that feeling, their fingers on his back that had almost driven him mad the first time, but he slowed his thrusts regardless. "H…hurts, Star…" He was sure it did, they looked positively wrecked; then he realized just how deeply he had pushed inside, he was met with resistance. Shit.
"Do you want me to stop, my pet?" He studied their face intensely, his fingers curling tightly around their jaw. They shook their head. "Or would you have me continue to ruin you?" His tone betrayed the lust that he felt radiating from his chest. They nodded and pressed their cheek firmly to the elf's hand. "You like how much it hurts?" He didn't let his surprise show through, and watched the imp nod again, moaning out. All for him. He stroked his thumb over their cheek, alabaster on rose. "Good, darling. I'm not nearly finished with you." I'll never be finished with you, he promised silently. I'm so utterly lost in you.
For the last time, he pushed away from the memory. The elf pressed his lips gingerly to Festé's neck, eyes still squeezed shut, as he slowly drifted back to full consciousness. As delicious as they were, his memories had only served to make him more sickened with himself. Much as he was loathe to do so, he moved his limbs slowly, inhaling their scent for one last time and pressing his fingers between theirs on top of the bedsheets. Astarion peeled himself away with an exasperated sigh, careful not to jar his sleeping imp, and padded into the dingy bathroom. The sunlight was only just starting to fade; and thankfully, this was the only room in the house with no windows.
He reached for the taps of the bathtub, twisting them and sitting on the edge as the basin filled, studying the reflection of the ceiling in the water where he knew his head should have been. With another sigh, he reached down, cutting through the surface of the water with his fingertips.
Astarion didn't want to lose them, not when they had permeated every pore of his skin and every fibre of his being. However, considering condemning them to death? Well, technically life, he rolled his eyes silently. How could he choose between them belonging to someone else, or having them leave him? It was impossible. He turned the taps off and slipped into the steaming water, settling in and watching the light slowly drain around him. Eventually, he wet a washcloth and set it on his head, slinking down further in the water with a relaxed sigh. The droplets of water tickled his shoulders and his chest when they landed, and he closed his eyes, listening. Festé's breath shuddered, and they turned over, their heart rate still slow and calm; and Astarion's ears twitched as he heard them sigh softly, mumbling his name under their breath. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and he kept silent; but they didn't say anything else. Once it was dark, the elf heard his imp stir, and the gentle rustle of fabric when they pulled back the bedsheets. They paused, and he heard them exhale slowly and toss their shirt to the floor, followed by the quiet creak of the floorboards when they got up.
"Star?" they whispered, a hint of concern in their voice.
"In here, darling," he called. His throat felt like it was coated with sand, and he inhaled as he heard their heartbeat grow louder.
"Gods, my love. I know we both have excellent nightvision, but we could stand to light a candle, couldn't we?" Astarion heard them pick up the candlestick from the kitchen table and snap their fingers. "There, now it looks a little less like a cave…" The floorboards creaked as the tiefling padded into the bathroom, and he rested his head back against the edge of the tub, looking up at them upside down. They were beaming at him, and he felt his stomach flip over as he lay eyes on what they were wearing, frowning a bit. Confusion crossed their features, and they whispered, "What is it, my love?"
He looked away, covering his mouth with one hand and swallowing. "You look very handsome in that, is all." Not to mention, they would be getting their scent all over it. They laughed softly, looking down at themself.
"Well, my shirt was covered in blood, Star. You can't blame me for picking up the first thing that I saw." Astarion glanced at them and smiled. Their voice was always so rich and husky when they first woke up, and it gave him shivers. Not that he would ever admit it. He turned in the water, crossing his arms over the edge of the tub and resting his chin on top of them, humming. They sat on the small stool, setting the candle on the floor, and arching their eyebrows. "What is it?"
"Oh, nothing, darling. I'm just surprised you can still walk." The bravado slipped in, he couldn't help it. He chuckled when they rolled their eyes, pulling the washcloth off of his head and leaning down to kiss his forehead.
"You know…" they whispered softly, leaning in further, and Astarion's ear twitched, he could feel the heat of their breath all too well.
"I haven't washed your hair for you in a while, my love. Would you like that?" They sat back, a warm smile playing over their lips. "Maybe a scalp massage?" The tiefling stood when Astarion nodded, moving to let them sit on the edge of the tub, and turning away once more. Festé cupped their hands and scooped water over the back of his head, and he shivered as it ran down his back. He bowed his head as the tiefling leaned forward to scoop more, and flinched slightly when they pushed their fingers through his curls. The elf settled between their thighs as they took up the soap and lathered it in their palms. "Just relax, love," they murmured, and he let his shoulders slump with a long sigh. "Did you have a bad rest?" They spoke in a low voice as they pushed their fingers back into his hair, working them in slow, firm circles over his scalp.
How did they always know? "You could say that. Just a lot on my mind, darling. That's all," he tried to keep his tone airy, and winced as he finished. They would see right through it.
"If you don't want to talk about it right now, we can talk about it later, my love. Just let me know." They pulled his hair back gently, leaning his head back and moving their fingers over his temples. It felt divine, and the elf drew his legs up a bit under the water's surface.
"Mn… you caught me, darling," he chuckled sheepishly. "I will, though, I promise." Even if it would be difficult to grit out. He swallowed again, deciding to change the subject. "You don't want to get in? You're… not to be rude, darling, but you're quite ripe."
"Is it distracting?" They paused with their hands in his hair, looking down at him with a smirk. "I just didn't want to assume…" they slipped their tail into the tub, curling it against his stomach. Astarion shifted in the water, and the imp's smirk grew wider as they ran their fingers along the length of his pointy ears. His eyes fluttered closed instinctively, and he shuddered. Festé leaned down and kissed his cheek before tilting his head back up and scooping more water to rinse his hair.
"That, mnh…" he started, calming himself with a slow sigh, "That felt really nice, darling," he finished in a husky whisper, his shoulders twitching as the water ran down his back once more. He moved one of his arms between his thighs, leaning forward slightly; the imp's tail was flicking against his stomach.
"Good, I'm glad," they murmured, kneading gently over the back of his neck with their thumbs. They were more roughly textured than he expected, and he arched his back with a pleasured hiss. "Sorry, too much?" He shook his head, sending water droplets everywhere, and Festé chuckled. "Alright, my love." They continued kneading slowly down to his shoulders, working on the tight muscles. It was painful, to be sure, but he couldn't recall a single time before the imp had come into his life where the pain was balanced out with such care taken with his body. Festé came upon a particularly hard knot, and he couldn't help but let out a low moan, tilting his head to the side. "Does this feel okay?" Their hands had paused again, gentle on his skin.
"Please… don't stop," he hissed, reaching up to grip the side of the tub, his other arm still between his legs. How humiliating, he mused, getting aroused by a simple massage, not to mention trying to hide it. They were just being nice, after all. He took another slow, steady breath, letting them loosen the knot. "It feels… excellent, darling. A…Ah!" Their thumbs all but pried his shoulder apart where it met the base of his neck, and his entire body tensed. It sent a tendril of heat directly to his groin.
"Lay back," they spoke softly, splaying one palm over his chest. Gods damn it. "It'll feel sore, but the knot is gone n- Oh." They had been looking at his face when they had pushed at his chest, but had glanced down while they spoke. Their eyes grew wide before they averted their gaze from his groin. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't realize it felt that good. Do you need a moment?" Astarion frowned, catching their wrist as they meant to sit up. His voice came out in a pathetic whimper, and he cursed himself silently.
"N…no. Please, darling," he pulled their hand back to his chest, and they huffed softly, grazing their fingernails over his nipple. "Please, don't stop." Suddenly, he was ashamed, he knew exactly what he was craving at this moment, and prayed that his imp wouldn't read it in his eyes. He looked away quickly, his grip loosening on their wrist. To his surprise, they circled his nipple with their thumb and pinched it, eliciting a gasp to rush down his throat, and moved to peck at the side of his neck.
"You want to do things a different way today?" their voice came out as a deep purr, "All you had to do was ask, my love. All you ever have to do is ask." They sat up, ghosting their hand over his throat and making him shiver once more. Damn them for being so intuitive; he had never felt so bare before anyone else in his life. With a soft grunt, he sat up and turned to face them, sitting on his knees and feeling conflicted.
"You don't think I'm asking too mu-" they placed their finger gently against his lips as he met their eyes. They were smiling, and he couldn't find a trace of haughtiness in the gesture. He tilted his head when their free hand rested against his cheek, their thumb stroking his skin gently.
"Not at all," they chuckled. "But I'll have to warn you," they narrowed their eyes at him, "I'm a lot nicer than you are, Star. I'll give you absolutely anything you want, as many times as you want." Their tone was playful, and they bent down to kiss him slowly, tangling their hands in his hair.
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a/n: wowzers, first of all thank you for reading! the people who support this fic are actually cooler than everyone else, sorry not sorry this was so weird for me to write, astarion is a completely different beast from festé is. i like exploring his selfishness and conflicted thoughts, and i really hope the way that i wrote his little trip down memory lane isn't too confusing for the folks reading. love you all! stay squeaky! (you get sub!astarion, as a treat!)
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goldenkirstein · 3 years
aot band! au headcanons pt. 1:
pt. two here
pairing: jean x fem! reader, eren x fem! reader, zeke x fem! reader
wc: 1.2k+
cw: smut (18+ minors DNI), reader has female anatomy, manipulation/corruption, dumbification/incoherence, sorta dubcon (?), mentions of spit, cockwarming, unprotected sex, cursing, dirty talk, creampie/breeding, cumplay, degradation, perv! zeke.
a/n: okayyyyy, so im reposting this, because i didn't like it the first time i posted it lol. i added and cut out some things still don't know if i really like it. anyways, i tried my best with tagging everything, i really hope i didn't miss anything, if i did please let me know. this is my first time writing anything smutty, i'd love to hear any feedback or criticism !!
smut under the cut
jean kirstein
Jean would play the electric guitar.
He wouldn't have any big tattoos but tiny stick and pokes, but when he takes off his shirt, there would be this giant, intricate tattoo that spans his entire back.
He wears thin white t-shirts that cling to his body when he gets all sweaty from performing or when he douses himself in water because the lights make it really hot on stage, babe. The shirt becomes practically see-through, and when he turns around, you can see the outline of the back tattoo. You swear he does it on purpose.
HIS HANDS, calloused from hours of practice, wears chunky silver rings that make his long fingers stand out. He keeps his ring finger empty, though (he's a romantic and a big ol’ softie).
When he's writing songs or can't figure out what chord would sound right, he plays with his rings. He takes them off, sliding them up and down his finger until he's satisfied and moves on to the others.
It drives him insane if he sees you singing along to his songs at the concerts. He'll smirk at you, opting for a quick wink, before getting back to performing.
After the show, he’ll pull you into his lap, in whatever empty room is available. He’ll have his hands on your hips, the cold rings contrasting against your hot skin.
His heart would be beating so fast, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He just got off stage, and here you are, grinding down on the growing bulge in his pants, driving him crazy.
On most days, he liked it when you would fuck him post-show, sliding your skirt up and sink down on his cock.
He loved watching you fuck yourself dumb around him, tits bouncing in his face, head thrown back in pleasure. His cock would reduce you into an incoherent blubbering mess. The only thing making sense was the way you were chanting his name like a prayer.
this fucker would love to whisper the most filthy things in your ear, “you’re making such a mess around my cock, petal. You’re gonna be a good slut and clean it up after, right?”
when he’s about to cum, he turns into an absolute mess. He gets super whimpery and will hold you close to his chest as he dumps his load in you. He stays like that for a while, watching as his cum drips out of your cunt and down his dick.
He doesn’t let you get off his cock, partly because he’s so sensitive and partly because he secretly wants to stuff you full of his babies.
after he’s calmed down a bit, he’ll open his eyes and run a hand through his hair, letting out a small chuckle, “shit, baby, you keep fucking me like that and I might just have to put a ring around that finger.”
eren yeager
plays bass and is on vocals
he has a sleeve on one arm, and the other one is empty. It's pretty cohesive, and the pieces link together-think American traditional; he takes great pride in his tattoos. After all, they're pieces of art on his body.
He likes showing off on stage. He’ll take off his shirt and throw it into the crowd, and he loves hearing the screams that ensue afterwards.
Always the performer; he’ll walk off the stage and stand on the rails, getting the people in the crowd to run their hands down his sweat-slicked torso. It’s another crowd favourite.
he wears rings too, and his favourite thing to do is to get you to pull them off his fingers using your mouth. He has to coax you into each time, “I can’t pull them off by myself; they’re too tight, need your help, angel.” He just likes having you suck on his fingers; he won’t tell you that, though.
He likes the attention from the fans, but he mainly does it to get you hot and bothered. Eren stares at you while strangers are practically grabbing at him. It’s a game for him. Figure out just how many ways he can get to you.
you always avoid him after the shows, in a way to tell him that you're not impressed by the stunts he pulls.
As much as you try to run and hide, he always finds you. He’ll come up from behind, hands on your waist; you don’t need to see him to know that he’s got that Cheshire cat grin on his face.
Try to escape from his grip, and it’ll only get tighter, “what’d you think of my little performance, princess? Did it make you weak in the knees?”
He loves pushing your buttons, does everything to get a reaction out of you, try all you might, the night always ends the same way, you bent over his dressing room table, skirt lifted, panties to the side, and him fucking ruthlessly into you from behind.
the stoic front you put up would be practically erased from the way his cock slides in and out of your spongy walls, hitting that sweet spot over and over again.
He loves hearing you beg for him; he wants to listen to the vulgar words fall from your mouth, wants to have you begging him to let you cum, pleading for him to cum in your pussy.
He’ll tease you endlessly, “what’s that angel? If you want my cum so bad, you gotta beg better than that.” In the end, he always gives in, also liking the way his seed drips out of your pulsating hole.
Before any can drip down your thighs, he’ll slide back your panties, straighten out your skirt and send you off, saying that, “it’s for later, for when you try fingering that pretty little pussy, you’ll always have a reminder of who owns it.”
Bonus: tour manager! zeke yeager:
tour manager zeke, who watches the shows from the venue’s back, keeping his eyes trained on you.
Tour manager zeke who has a reputation for being a sleazebag, a cheapskate and vile to women.
Tour manager zeke, who watches as you stay back after each show to clean up, smiling ever so sweetly at him, “no mr. yeager, I really don’t mind helping out. It’s the least I can do.”
tour manager zeke, who can’t help think of shameful things when you bend over to pick up the crumpled posters, his eyes that linger a little too long at the swell of your pert ass.
Tour manager zeke thinks about how your mouth would feel around his cock, how your eyes would tear up as he pushed your head further and further down his cock. How pretty you would look with spit and cum coating that sweet face of yours.
Tour manager zeke, who has always been kind to you, offering to take you home for the night, telling you how cute you look and how he can’t believe you’re over 18.
Tour manager zeke wants to defile you and make you his, ruin you so that you can only get off from his cock and no one else’s.
Tour manager zeke wants to teach you how to suck dick, how to ride, how to fuck.
Tour manager zeke, who treats you so nicely, putting false notions in your mind so you can let your guard down around him, hoping that one day he can shape you into his plaything.
a/n: hope the smut sounded right this time around lmao, i might scrap it in the morning again idek yet, just wanted to see if i could even write smut.
I am working on the second part of somewhere only we know !! thank you for all the love on that.
if this does well, i'd love to do a part two to this with armin, mikasa and connie, please let me know if that is something you would be interested in !!
as always, if you enjoyed, leave a like/reblog, i truly appreciate it <33
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Credo che possiamo affermare con assoluta certezza che tutte le bambine della parrocchia avrebbero una cotta fotonica per Nico l'animatore del Grest, E LE MAMME SAREBBERO PURE PEGGIO, "tanto un caro ragazzo lui..."
Ah, sì. Poco ma sicuro. Headcanon accepted. Passerebbe il tempo circondato da bimbe (e bimbi perché no) adoranti che lo seguono ovunque e che parlano di lui talmente tanto a casa che tutti i genitori si sono fatti assurdi film mentali su questa figura mitologica. E poi se lo trovano davanti all'orario di uscita e pure le mamme perdono la testa.
A riguardo, piccolo aneddoto personale: anche io quando facevo l'animatrice ero molto apprezzata dai più piccoli XD Una volta un bambino di seconda elementare mi ha regalato una carta Pokémon e mi ha chiesto di sposarlo.
Quindi, dato che avevo promesso avrei provato a scrivere un po', complimenti: hai vinto una drabble ispirata proprio a questo fatto realmente accaduto! :D
Innocent proposal (animatore!Nicky AU)
When the bell rings, announcing it’s time to gather up the teams for prayers before heading to the mess hall for lunch, Nicky is still helping Jacopo solve a math problem.
“It’s okay. We will finish this tomorrow.” he smiles at the 9 years old, who looks ready to bolt, summer homework already very far from his young mind.
“Grazie, Nico!” he exclaims, while dutifully picking up his book and pencil case.
Nicky gets up, helps the kids gather their stuff, cleans up the study room and heads down to the gym, where Don Luigi is waiting for all the 120 kids attending this year’s oratorio estivo to sit on the floor before starting his usually brief and often sung pre-lunch prayer.
The gym is already full of it’s typical colourful mass of kids, from the ‘juniores’ to the ‘seniores’, all with caps and neckerchiefs of their team’s colour: blue, red, yellow or green.
Nicky is about to slalom through a group of rowdy seniores to reach the side of the gym where the other animatori are seated, when he feels a tug at the back of his t-shirt.
He stops, turns his head and looks down, surprised in seeing little Chiara biting her lips and still holding the hem of his shirt in her tiny fist.
“What is it, darling?” he asks, smiling down at her.
When she lets him go, he turns and crouches down at her level, balancing on his heels, to give his whole attention to the shy, sweet 7 years old.
“Vanessa taught us how to make beaded bracelets.” she says, her voice so thin it’s almost impossible to hear her mumbling beneath the chaos of the gym.
“Did she? That’s very nice!” he encourages her, while in his mind he is revising his animatrice friend Vanessa, that very morning, cursing at all the colourful beads boxes she had to carry from the storage to the art laboratory.
Chiara, who already has her own bracelet around her small wrist, produces another bracelet from her jeans’ pocket: it has beads of all the colours of the rainbow, not really placed in a logical order. At the center there is a dice shaped white bead with an ‘N’ printed on it.
“This is for you.” Chiara says, possibly even more softly than before.
“Grazie, Chiara! È bellissimo!” exclaims Nicky, accepting the gift and immediately snapping the plastic elastic band around his thick wrist: the bracelet it’s a bit tight, but he’s surely gonna wear it proudly all through summer camp now.
“It’s because I think you’re very nice and handsome and I like you very very much.” says Chiara then, somewhere somehow finding the courage to even raise her voice a bit.
Nicky blinks exactly twice, then he smiles sweetly, trying not to burst into a laugh in the face of such a cute love confession: “Thank you, I like you too.” he says, taking the girl’s tiny hand in his huge one. He can’t help falling a bit in love with every small kid he tutors during oratorio estivo each summer: they’re adorable, even the most troublemakers.
Then Chiara asks suddenly: “Will you marry me, Nicolò?”, catching him so off guard he almost loses balance on his crouching and falls on his ass.
He fumbles, looking into her hopeful, big green eyes as she waits for an answer. He knows he can’t get away with a joke or an attempt to gloss over. He has to give her a reply, so as not to hurt the shy girl’s feelings.
Later that evening, Nicky is sprawled on the couch eating popcorn, distractedly watching some superhero movie on Joe’s big flatscreen TV while his boyfriend slowly and lovingly massages his sore feet and calves. Joe has had Nicky’s legs propped on his lap since the moment they sat down, claiming that helping Nicky relax and ease the pain of more than 8 hours spent standing, running and lifting heavy stuff, was his favourite job.
Above them the ceiling fan whirs in a monotone and Nicky is almost falling asleep were it not for the loud booms of explosions from the TV and the many sounds of late summer evenings coming from the street’s bars and restaurants below. Joe’s apartment is in a very lively neighbourhood.
By the minute Nicky is feeling his eyelids drooping and his breath becoming deeper and slower and he’s about to let slumber win when Joe suddenly moves, getting up.
“I bought gelato. The pistacchio and stracciatella one you like so much. Want some?” he asks, already smiling, knowing that not even deep tiredness could deter Nicky from eating his favourite summer dessert.
“Ti amo tantissimo.” he just mumbles as a reply, smiling dumbly with his eyes half closed and his neck skewed at such an odd angle he must have at least five chins showing. He can’t even English at the moment, so he just continues with much fondness: “Cosa devo fare io per meritarmi un amore grande così…”
Joe snorts, having heard him from the kitchen.
He comes back a few minutes later, one cup of ice cream and a spoon in each hand, and places them on the coffee table before bending to kiss Nicky on the (slightly sweaty, ugh, gross) forehead.
“You have to kiss me, hold me close even if it’s summer…” he starts listing, plopping down on the couch and then in Nicky’s arms, linking their legs, pushing his face against Nicky’s too warm collarbone.
His mop of curls brushes under Nicky’s nose and he huffs, but still accepts the weight (and warmth) of his boyfriend on his tired body.
“You have to take me out on dates, go to the beach with me when oratorio estivo is over and, one day, you will have to marry me.” continues Joe, each word kissed against the skin of Nicky’s neck.
“Marry? You wanna get married?” asks Nicky, worsening his multiple chin situation to look down into Joe’s glinting eyes.
“Eventually? In our late twenties? When you’ll be a doctor and I’ll be a famous artist? Yes.” he confesses, suddenly almost shy, but with a gaze full of trust and love.
“That’d be nice.” immediately replies Nicky, heart engulfed in the same sentiment he sees in Joe’s perfect eyes: “But alas,” he sighs theatrically, placing the back of his right hand above his forehead, for emphasis.
“‘Alas’ what?” asks Joe, pushing himself up a bit, looking confused.
“I’ve already accepted one marriage proposal today, I’m afraid.” admits Nicky, showing the beaded bracelet on his wrist, his new love token.
“Excuse me?” protests Joe, his disbelieving expression so cute Nicky can’t help but grin and boop him on the nose.
“Yeah, a young suitor asked for my hand in marriage, today. In, let’s see… 11 years, she will be of age and we will tie the knot.” he explains, barely succeeding in holding back a laugh.
Joe sighs exasperatedly, a mischievous grin spreading on his beautiful red lips. He flops down heavily once again, punching the air out of Nicky’s lungs and then he rubs his itchy, bearded chin on his boyfriend’s chest. “That’s alright,” he declares after he’s satisfied with his retaliation methods: “I’ll just have to kidnap and marry you before that, then.” he reasons.
“Oh, you brute.” sighs Nicky, finally placing his hand on Joe’s jaw to guide him up and steal a kiss from his smiling lips.
Joe kisses back, with mirth and then with intensity, stealing his breath and dissipating, in an instant, all of Nicky’s tiredness.
When they part, Joe has his hands in Nicky’s hair and Nicky’s left hand, the clever bastard, now rests on Joe’s ass.
The movie, the lively evening outside, the fatigue of the day, everything is forgotten. Except: “Now that that’s sorted out, amore mio, pass me the gelato.”
Notes: Nicky is 18 and Joe is 21 in this, I guess. Sorry for the mistakes, English is (obviously) not my first language. Hope you enjoyed!
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nicknellie · 4 years
Anonymous requested: It would be really cool if you could do a library AU! Maybe one of them works at a library and they keep running into each other or something.
I have been unbelievably excited to write this one, I’m so happy I’ve finally got around to it! This is where my mind went as soon as I read the prompt, I really hope you enjoy it! (If anyone wants to suggest a prompt for a part 2 I’d be more than happy to do that once I reopen requests.)
Featuring he/they Willie because I really need to include that headcanon in my writing more often. Willie’s pronouns alternate throughout.
Books on Boards
Usually it was Reggie whose excuses began with “In my defence…”
“In my defence, I couldn’t see where I was going… In my defence, I forgot water and electricity don’t mix… In my defence, if Luke didn’t want to be shot with a Nerf gun then he shouldn’t have been standing in my way…”
Sometimes it was Luke.
“In my defence, no one told me not to… In my defence, I didn’t realise it could go this horribly wrong… In my defence, I did try to do it properly and I don’t know how it blew up…”
On rare occasion, it was Julie.
“In my defence, I was a little lost in my own head… In my defence, I’m terrible at comebacks… In my defence, I have an extremely annoying boyfriend and he was trying to talk to me about our new setlist the whole time which was very distracting…”
But it was never Alex.
Until now.
“In my defence,” Alex began, raising a hand and talking over Julie, Luke, and Reggie’s shouts, “I have to go to the library a lot. I’m an English major and it’s where all the books are!”
“But you don’t need to be at the library for five hours a day,” Luke countered.
Alex sighed. He had a point, and Alex had no excuse this time. Well, that wasn’t strictly true – his excuse was an adorable library assistant who just so happened to be very friendly to Alex and, by some miracle, worked whenever Alex needed to study. But he couldn’t just admit that to his friends, each of whom was staring at him with flat disbelief.
The assistant’s name was Willie and he was simply wonderful. The first time Alex had met him had been right at the start of his first semester – he had never been to the university’s library before and it was bigger than the one at Alexandria, so he was unbelievably lost. Alex had half-convinced himself that he would be stuck there forever, doomed to wander between the shelves looking for the section he needed, eventually becoming a ghost and haunting the place, still trying to locate his books.
Enter Willie. They had scared Alex half to death – in Alex’s defence, he hadn’t expected to be knocked off his feet by someone on a skateboard in the middle of a library the size of Buckingham Palace. And yet, he had landed on the floor, flat on his face and winded, understandably startled. As he scrambled to his feet, he heard his assailant exclaim, “Aw… you dinged my board!”
Alex had started to berate him but stopped in his tracks when he looked at the guy and realised that he had been knocked to the floor by a literal angel. His long dark hair was majestically swept to one side and tucked behind his ear, his soft eyes were sparkling, and he had a lopsided smile on his face despite the fact that Alex had been shouting at him just a second earlier (well, whisper-shouting at him – they were in a library, after all).
“Sorry,” they had said, picking up their board. “I didn’t see you there. Books were in the way.” He had pointed to a heap of books now strewn across the floor, some splayed open, some with ripped pages. Alex realised that he had been carrying the books stacked up in front of him, skating along with them.
“Oh!” Alex exclaimed, bending down to help pick the books up. “No, sorry, it’s fine. I was just stood there. I’m a little lost, no problem, my fault.”
Together they had stacked the books back up, and Willie heaved the stack onto a nearby table before introducing himself. Alex did the same, shaking Willie’s hand and trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach – he couldn’t let himself get distracted by a cute guy with a skateboard, not while he still had all his books to find in the labyrinthine library.
“So,” Willie had said conversationally, leaning back against the table. “You said you were lost? Anything specific you need to find?”
Alex dug around in his fanny pack before pulling out the list he’d scribbled down. “Yeah, all of these. Do you know where they are?”
“I’d be a pretty terrible librarian if I didn’t,” Willie chuckled. At Alex’s bewildered look, he had raised an eyebrow and said, “I’m not a terrible librarian. I’m actually really good at it. I mean, I don’t usually knock over customers, but these things happen.”
“Oh,” Alex said, clocking on too late. It made sense – of course that was why Willie had been carrying so many books, he was a librarian. Alex didn’t know how he hadn’t guessed before. “Right, I get it, because of the books and the… Right, okay. What about the, uh… the skateboard?”
Willie had picked up their board, smiled at it fondly. “It helps me get around faster. This place is huge, man, you don’t seriously expect me to walk around it all day? Anyway, come with me, I’ll take you to those books.”
That had been five weeks ago.
It wasn’t Alex’s fault that Willie was incredibly cute. It wasn’t Alex’s fault that Willie’s shifts happened to perfectly align with his studying time. But he couldn’t deny that it was his fault that he had stayed there for hours on end every day since, talking to Willie about everything and nothing. And it was also his fault that he had done that very same thing today, checked his watch and seen that he was an hour late for band practise, and kept talking to Willie anyway.
Usually, Alex thought about consequences, but he had been having so much fun talking to Willie that day that he hadn’t considered them. Now those consequences had caught up with him in the form of one very angry rock band.
“Alex,” Luke said imploringly, “you’ve got to get your head in the game! We have a load of gigs coming up, really important ones–”
“We do?” Reggie interrupted, looking baffled. “I thought we’ve got that one at the old folks’ home and then that’s it for, like, a month?”
Luke waved him away. “That’s not the point. These gigs are just as important as any big ones. Dude, we’ve got to build up our repertoire so that we can start playing bigger venues, but that’s not going to happen if our drummer is too caught up in his studies!”
Alex inwardly sighed with relief. At least Luke thought the reason he was staying at the library so often was because he was working hard, not because he was talking to Willie. He would have preferred his tiny little crush on Willie stayed secret for a little longer; whenever Luke found out that Alex or Reggie liked someone, he became unbearable.
Unfortunately, it seemed as if Julie had other ideas.
She huffed an incredulous laugh, saying, “You seriously think he’s staying late because he’s studying?”
Luke nodded, confused, as Reggie gestured to Alex and said, “Of course he is, what other reason could there be?”
“Yeah,” Alex agreed, nodding. He knew that the hitch in his voice was unconvincing – in his defence, he’d never been a good liar. “What other reason could there be?”
Julie raised a challenging eyebrow, but the smirk on her face told Alex that she knew she had already won. “Alex, can I just ask, who was working at the library today?”
Alex cleared his throat and tried for nonchalance when he said, “Willie.”
“You mean the good-looking skater-boy history major, right?” Julie said slyly.
Alex shrugged. “Yeah. I guess he is those things.”
Julie nodded slowly. Luke and Reggie were watching the interaction carefully, though it didn’t seem like the realisation had dawned on either of them yet.
“And who was working last Friday when you didn’t arrive back here until almost ten p.m.?” Julie asked.
“Willie,” Alex said under his breath, avoiding eye contact.
“Right,” Julie replied. “And what about Tuesday when you missed three lectures and were smiling too much to even care about how much that’ll drop your grade?”
Alex scowled and didn’t say anything. It wasn’t as if she didn’t know the answer, and judging by the ‘O’ shape Reggie’s mouth was making and the wide grin that had made itself at home on Luke’s face, they had figured it out too.
“Bro,” Luke said excitedly, “you’ve got a crush on Willie!”
“No,” Alex spluttered, “no, I do not. We just happen to get on really well and he’s always working when I need to study.”
“But he is the reason you’re always there, isn’t he?” Reggie prompted.
Alex shrugged. “I guess,” he mumbled.
Luke leapt up, clamped his hands onto Alex’s shoulders and jumped up and down like an over-excited puppy. The ecstatic smile on Luke’s face didn’t quite make up for how annoying it was.
“Dude,” he said emphatically, “you’ve gotta ask him out!”
“Don’t be silly,” Alex said, shaking his head, “it’s not like that.”
“It’s like that,” Julie, Luke and Reggie chorused. Alex just rolled his eyes.
“Look, Alex,” Julie said. He looked past Luke to her, but only because in situations like this she tended to be the voice of reason. “I actually agree with Luke.”
Apparently, that day she was taking a break from being the voice of reason.
Alex opened his mouth to protest, but Julie interrupted him. “Hear me out. No matter what you say, you’re clearly head over heels for this guy. And it is distracting you – we’re two hours into rehearsal and you haven’t even set up your kit. If you ask him out and he says yes then you can hang out with him at other times as boyfriends, not when you’re meant to be spending time with us. If he says no, you can get him out of your mind and move on, getting your mind back on the band. What’s the worst that can happen?”
Again, Alex tried to respond, but this time Reggie and Luke both yelled over him.
“No!” Reggie shouted. “We agreed never to ask him that question again!”
“Have you forgotten last time?” Luke questioned furiously. “That was the longest three hours of my life!”
Julie held her hands up. “Sorry, sorry, it slipped my mind.”
“Okay,” Alex said, ignoring them and deciding to get the conversation back on track. “Even if I did do that, there’s so many things that could go wrong. I don’t know if he’s into guys, and if he says no for any reason at all then I can never go back to the library.”
Luke shook his head. “Dude, Willie’s the head of the university’s LGBTQ+ Society and he introduces himself as ‘Willie, he/they, gay’ at the start of each session.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve been a couple of times. Hey, wait, we should all go, it’s actually super chill and–”
“It sounds great, Luke, but we’ll talk about it later,” Julie said, easily calming him as he started getting over-excited again. “Right now we have other things to focus on. Alex, if Luke’s right then Willie is definitely into guys. And from the way you’ve gushed about him and your conversations without realising it, I’d say he definitely has a thing for you. And he seems cool – I’m sure even if he said no then he’d act completely normally around you.”
“Yeah,” Reggie agreed, “the guy doesn’t find anything awkward. Last week I was looking through a book for my psychology class and just as I flicked to a… questionable page, he came up behind me. He just laughed it off and then offered to sign it out for me once I was done looking through it.”
Alex thought about it for a moment. It sounded too good to be true. Luke said that Willie was into guys, Julie said they might like Alex, Reggie said that they’d be cool with it no matter what… Good things like this didn’t happen to Alex too often.
“I’ll think about it,” he said. The others sighed, Reggie throwing up his hands with exasperation. “I will! I’ll think. But we should get to rehearsing.”
Almost two and a half hours later than they should have, the band finally set up their instruments and Alex counted them in.
He was at the library. Again. He was always at the library these days, just this time he really did need to be working. He had a big assessment coming up and needed to cram some last-minute studying in.
It would have been a lot easier if he hadn’t been trying to avoid Willie the entire time.
In Alex’s defence, it felt like the most reasonable option. Sure, he could see Willie and ask him out, but if Willie rejected him then he wasn’t sure he’d ever live it down despite his friends’ reassurances. He could have seen Willie and not asked him out, but then he’d be living in constant wonder of what could happen. So he had elected to do the sensible thing and just not see them at all.
It had been going well for the most part. His legs were beginning to ache from springing himself behind bookcases whenever he caught a glimpse of Willie, but it was worth it. Besides – he needed to focus, and an angelic librarian wasn’t about to help him do that.
He made his fatal error when trying to exit the library.
He had been so caught up in scanning the surrounding area for Willie that he hadn’t been looking ahead, or down at the floor. He heard the shout of, “Watch out!” too late.
Alex stepped forward, his foot landed on a skateboard, and he was sent flying down to the ground, landing hard on his coccyx. Pain shot up his back and he let out an agonised groan which earned him a “Shhhh!” from a tired-looking student sat at the nearest table.
“Alex,” came the same voice who had shouted the warning, the voice Alex now recognised as Willie’s. So much for avoiding him. Willie came and crouched down beside Alex where he was still laying on the floor, leaning over him, looking concerned. “Hey, Alex, you alright? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have left my board lying there, I was only restocking that shelf.”
Groaning, Alex eased himself into a sitting position. Willie sat back, still looking worried.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Alex lied. His coccyx was killing him. “It’s fine. I won’t sue or demand you get fired or anything.”
Willie chuckled lightly and then held out his hand. Alex took it automatically and was a little startled when Willie began pulling him to his feet – maybe it was the shock, but he had thought the hand holding was them simply having a moment. But no, of course it was too good to be true. Willie let go of his hand the moment they were both stood and then bent to pick up his board.
“I hadn’t seen you,” Willie said. “Where’ve you been hiding?”
Alex shrugged. “Oh, nowhere. Just… doing my English work. In the quiet area.”
Nodding, Willie replied with something that made Alex’s blood run cold.
“That’s cool. It’s just that I was just talking to Luke a minute ago and he said there was something you wanted to ask me?”
Eyes wide, jaw open in shock, Alex looked behind Willie to where they had pointed. Sure enough, standing by the end of a nearby bookcase with his nose in a book (which he was clearly not reading because it was upside down) was Luke. He gave Alex a nervous wave when he saw him looking.
Trying not to sound murderous, Alex said, “Yeah. There was something.”
He realised too late that hadn’t been what he was planning to say.
“Yeah? What is it?” Willie asked with a smile.
Alex’s eyes darted from Willie to Luke and back again, then up to the ceiling and around the library for inspiration, and then they landed on his own wrist and the rainbow bracelet wrapped around it.
“I – well, we, me and my friends – we were wondering if there would be any space for us to join the LGBTQ+ Society. Luke mentioned you’re the head so I figured there’s no one better to ask than you. Right?”
Willie blinked, face faltering for just a moment. Alex tried not to panic – had he said the wrong thing, had he somehow offended Willie? But the look was gone quick enough for Alex to convince himself he’d imagined it, replaced by his radiant smile.
“Yeah, the more the merrier,” he said. But then he cleared his throat and added, “You’re sure that’s it?”
Swallowing nervously, Alex cast another glance to Luke who had given up the pretence of reading and was now urgently gesturing at Willie, making kissy faces, and mouthing words Alex couldn’t understand – but he got the message.
“Okay, no, there was one more thing,” he said quietly.
Willie tucked his hair behind his ear and Alex’s eyes caught momentarily on his earring.
“I was wondering,” he began, slow but steady, “if you would… by any chance… And you can say no, I won’t be offended! It’s just, I would really like to go on a date with you. And if you would like to go on a date with me then I think we should. Do that. Go on a date. Together. If you want?”
As awkward as it felt, Alex maintained eye contact – he was glad he did, because a moment later Willie’s face split in a beautiful grin that didn’t look mocking or apologetic, it looked genuinely happy.
“Yes,” Willie said, laughing quietly. “Yes, I do want that.”
Alex sighed with relief. “Thank god. I’m going to kill Luke.”
“Don’t,” Willie said, shaking his head. “I can’t have you getting arrested before I get to go on a date with you.”
“What about after the date?” Alex joked.
“Yeah, man, that’s fine.” Willie laughed but after a moment their expression softened. “I’m really glad you asked. I was going to, but I wasn’t sure if you’d say yes.”
Alex scratched at the back of his head. “Yeah. That’s the same reason it took me so long to do the actual asking.”
“Well,” said Willie, “that doesn’t matter now. Does Friday work for you?”
Alex’s only form of a social life was hanging out with the band, and his plans for Friday consisted largely of sitting in his and Reggie’s shared dorm room, eating cold pizza and watching reruns of Friends.
“Yeah,” he said coolly, “I can probably make it work. Might have to reschedule some stuff, but it’ll be worth it.”
Clearly not believing him but polite enough not to call him out, Willie laughed and clapped him on the shoulder. “Great. My shift finishes at five that day, I’ll let you be a gentleman and pick me up. I’ve got to get back to work, but I’ll catch you then, Alex.”
“See you,” Alex said.
Willie walked away and was seamlessly replaced by Luke, who gripped Alex’s arms and shook him up and down. “Bro! You got a date with Willie! You can thank me later.”
Alex left the library, Luke trailing behind him. “I’m not thanking you,” he said, fighting a smile.
“Why not? I got him to come talk to you!”
“You didn’t ask him out, I did that. There’s nothing to thank you for.”
“That is where you’re very much wrong because…”
As Luke went on for a solid ten minutes about why Alex and Willie finally agreeing to go on a date was actually all down to him, Alex zoned out and let himself be happy. He had a date with Willie, the angelic librarian, the good-looking skater-boy history major. He couldn’t believe his luck.
When they arrived back at the studio, Julie smirked and said, “You’re grinning like an idiot, Alex.”
“In my defence,” he returned, “I'm going on a date with Willie.”
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octania · 4 years
Dabi x Reader (HEADCANONS )
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Love bites, but so do I
Warning,a whole lot of them...: NSFW, spanking, marking, rough sex, toys, neck grabbing, orgasm prevention, tying up, public oral sex, teasing, over stimulation...
Short description: Are you sure you can handle being Dabi’s chosen one?
Dabi’s interests usually never last longer than for a filthy and kinky one night stand he likes to taste every now and then on the corners of the street, cheap motels, pub bathrooms or anywhere else he wants to spread those soft legs. He wound not mind doing it in the middle of the fast food restaurant, bending you over that squeaky stool, burning a hole in your washed up jeans and eat his desert in front of everyone, not even thanking  the s/o for the meal afterwards, just sucking the last drip of icing from that long fingers and doing nothing more than winking at her while he zips his pants and goes away.
Therefore, when Dabi feels his interest clawing inside his chest and attacking the black whole he used to call a heart, be sure that a “no” is not an option. The lion maybe like a few lioness around him, but only one will be the queen, and he will go straight for the neck of any challenger to his territory.
Having a boyfriend, husband, or any kind of hesitations stops right there, in the moment his glowing electric eyes take a bite of your figure, staring you down with a sinister smirk as he approaches, hovering with his broad torso above you. His gaze lowers to your ankles, the parts that will be tied up to the radiator in his room if you ever try to leave, your tights, soft flesh that will be bitten into like it was a Japanese mochi, his sweet personal candy which he planes to nibble on and lick while traveling to your pussy, delicious icing machine where he will part those outer lips to allow the juices to moist the bed, dripping along your slit to your ass, then his tongue decides to sample the sticky liquid, flicking your nerve bud  with his thumb to stimulate you more, encourage you to feed him with those sweet drips. Your hips, a place where his rough hand will leave lined up spanking marks day by day. Deeper and more visible ones when he is behind you, feeling the room with the mixed echo of your screams and wet noises of his dick penetrate you sensitive walls, smacking that plump ass with his hand, titling his head in the symphony of your crying out and screaming his name. The other slaps around those ass cheeks would come in the most innocent moment, when he comes behind your or passes by you, landing that wide palm with a harsh hit, to remind you to who you belong to. Your waist, a fragile thing that he uses to control the rhythm of your bounces on his heavy meat, not allowing you to take a break even after your third orgasm is making your velvety walls crumble around his shaft, sinking his fingers in your rib cage, smashing you down on his cock, grabbing your tits while pinching and pulling the nipples, and for the last act, rocking his hips up to meet up with your jumps, so his base hits your clit, making your shake while he grunts in pleasure. Your tits, perfectly shaped stress balls, that he plans to suckle on in most inappropriate moments just so he can get the taste of those delicate nipples on his tongue, pulling you in valleys, pushing your against cars pretending he is fixing the zipper on your jacket when he is actually sucking in your doughy flesh in his greedy mouth, nibbling on that erected nipple, challenging you to stay quiet while people pass by you two. Your neck, which he plans to abuse in various ways, like squeezing it firmly but softly when you make him mad, pulling you closely to him so you hear that husky voice loud and clear, telling you “You better be good doll if you want to be able to sit for the rest of the week.” And to make sure that everyone stays away, the purplish swollen marks stand proudly on your skin no matter how much concealer you put on. That brings his eyes to your face, the one thing he will have a problem with because the beauty of will will cost him greatly, he can sense it, smell it like a wolf smells danger, but still goes forward, facing it head on. How in those intimate moment where the dim light plays with your skin, and his lips trace your jaw line to your earlobe, half a sleep eyes try to resist the cuddly scene in front of them but fail, being a slave for the softness it brings in his chest every time your lips curl in a caring smile. You have a power of an angel to tame the devil even in this brief moments. Oh how he loves your face.. the mind torture it creates from him feels so freeing...escaping the thought of his eternal darkness. And when he is done letting your delicate beauty to shine with innocence, he brings you on your knees, squeezes your cheeks making your lips to part as he pushes his heat in them, fucking your mouth and turning a cute little beauty into a greedy cock whore. 
That is all he can gather from just one time he sized you up, seeing the future with you clearly as the day. Saying his name slowly so you remember the moment when you were chosen to be his. “Name is Dabi, doll.”- with even those simple words you already knew more about him that any other women did.
Chosen one you better know, that Dabi likes toys. He likes the perverted kind of pleasure, something fun to takes the stakes higher. Loving to stroke your sensitive pussy while your hands are shackled with the fancy leather cuffs, that bring your wrists behind your back and connect to your ankles, so you are unable to do anything while he presses that vibrator on your erected clit, pumping his knuckles in you while you arch your back, consumed by the tingling feeling of electricity made by your own body, whining and moaning, begging him to let you cum,but just when you are about to, he lifts the vibrating thing, and slows down the pumps of his fingers, leaving you in agony and tears pooling in your eyes from the raging need to cum.
Every time you get agitated like this, driven to your last limits, unable to see straight from how much tension you have inside, he loves to play dumb, pressing gentile kisses around your pussy lips and folds, around your entrance and one soft one on your clit, patting your thighs while asking - “What is wrong doll? What is bothering my little pussy?”- he kisses on it again with such passion like he is actually making out with you not teasing you in this way by irritating your overly stimulated cunt.
Two metal balls get inserted in your tight pussy, but not before he heats them up with his blue flames. Not too much, just enough to make your inner walls crumble. He pushes in one, pinching your clit as the soft surface of the ball slips inside. The thin string that connects the other one with the first one slowly pulls the second ball in. He gives you a merciful spit on your heated whole to lubricate the way, pushing the second ball in. The warm things shift along your velvety walls as you wiggle in his lap while he spanks you. “Are you going to be good for me doll?”- a harsh slap lands on your ass cheek, making you jump up, as the balls sink dipper, making your body shiver under feeling of  foreign things inside you. You cry out a “yes”, nodding, but that is not enough. He spanks you again, this time pushing your head on his crotch. “Show me how good my lil whorish doll can me”- he makes sure your little mouth is all over his girth, swallowing his thick meat to the base, gagging you with it so you choke on your screams when he slaps that ass again if he is not satisfied how fast are you sucking his cock. He has no compassion that you are distracted by his spanks, two balls that tease your velvety walls but can’t get you to cum, and his cock sliding down your throat so deep that you barely could breathe. Suck, chosen one, after all you chose this.
If you want to support my work, you can leave me a small tip on Ko-fi 💖 . It is highly appreciated. 🥺 😍
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xaharadesert · 4 years
Oblivious MC - Headcanon
Arcana Characters (Main 5) x MC
*Nadia in an upcoming post*
A/N: Yay, more headcanons! I know these are slow but the new school system is kicking my butt. This next one is for the amazing @genderless-plant-likes-thearcana! They come up with lots of cool ideas for prompts to send to various writers, so you should definitely check out their profile! They came up with a super cute prompt this time; an MC who is super oblivious to their LI’s romantic interest in them! I really appreciate the specifics added in the request, they really helped me out! Thank you! While you’re reading you may notice the headcanons get a bit goofier as they though ;) my bad, but this prompt was too fun. Another side note: I ran out of bullet points and couldn’t fit Nadia into this post, so she’ll be getting her own! As always, I recognize Asra’s non-binary gender orientation but will be using he/him pronouns :) Please let me know if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes! Requests are open :)
He’s so in love with you
Like, more in love with you than he ever has been with anyone else
But he’s also insecure as heck
So when he starts dropping obvious hints about wanting to be in a relationship with you, and you just don’t get it...
He starts to think that maybe you only like him as a friend
I mean, he’s not being subtle at all
He flirts with you constantly, he sends you winks in the middle of a theatre rehearsal, he almost always has a hand on your should or back to guide you through the busier parts of Vesuvia...
Once he even stood up on a table in the middle of the Rowdy Raven and sang you a love song at the top of his lungs
You just thought he was being dramatic, as always
To you, Julian was an incredible friend
I mean, you maaay have had a teeeensy little crush on him, but he was such a sweetheart that you didn’t want to ruin the friendship you two had
You went on adventures together, you attended his theatre performances, and he did his best to support you in all your magical endeavours
Overall, the dynamic the two of you had was already incredible
And neither of you really wanted to ruin that
When Julian started thinking that maybe you only liked him as a friend he decided to be “selfless” and simply keep his feelings to himself
Of course, that would never work for long
Julian was a man of passion and, possible consequences be damned, he wanted you to know how he felt
So one day, when the two of you were at the Rowdy Raven together and he was tipsy enough to do something stupid, he stood up on the table and loudly announced his undying love for you
Believe me, even for Julian it was dramatic
It was a long speech about how amazing he thought you were, including vivid descriptions about each and every thing about your personality, appearance, and hobbies that he loved
So needless to say you needed cut him off a bit early so that the two of you wouldn’t be there all night
Unfortunately the first thought in your mind upon hearing this was “oh my stars he’s under some kind of spell”
You immediately dragged him out of the tavern and back to the magic shop to find some sort of cure, muttering theories under your breath the entire way
Julian, of course, was not under a spell and was feeling rather put out by your response to his confession
He wasn’t entirely sure where the two of you were going because you hadn’t bothered to share your suspicions with him (why would you? You thought he was being influenced by magic)
When the two of you reached your shop and you started skimming through books he finally asked what you were doing, seeming understandably surprised by the turn of events
You hesitated a bit, not knowing if it was worth explaining this to him, but settled on a brief explanation of “you’re under some kind of love potion and I need to break it” with a side of “please don’t do anything dumb while I try to help you”
Julian of course was, again, fairly shocked to hear this
A spell? What spell? He had been in love with you for months! There was no way it was a spell!
With his mind racing a mile a minute he finally realized what was going on
You were just really, really, REALLY oblivious to his feelings
This revelation caused him to laugh out loud, likely startling you out of your searching
When you looked at him in confusion and a bit of concern he only laughed louder, bending over and wheezing a bit
It took a while for him to calm down, even with your panicked response to his sudden change of emotion
When he was finally done laugiinh and had wiped the tears from his eyes he gave you the biggest grin he was possible of giving
He did his best to explain that no, he was not under a spell, no, he was not joking, and yes, he really did love you as more than a friend
He swears, the look on your face was worth the emotional rollercoaster he had been through that night
And you? Well, you probably needed a minute to process everything that he had just revealed
Of course, the feelings of love were mutual and you said as much when you could finally form words again
Julian was thrilled to hear that you loved him back
The two of you would be happy for many years to come, and even if Julian occasionally teased you about your obliviousness you could never truly be mad at him for it
She’s super open about just how much she loves you
Portia sees no reason to hide her true feelings, so she’s often very blunt about them
She’ll drop a “you’re gorgeous” or “I wanna kiss you” into a casual conversation like it’s nothing
But you somehow manage to not pick up on it
So of course, Portia doubles her efforts
She bakes you cookies in the shape of hearts, bring you nice flowers on her days off, and take you on what she considers dates, just waiting for you to pick up on her love for you
And yet none of this gets through to you
You think this is how Portia is with everyone
She was cheeky from the moment you met her, so when she tells you she wants to kiss you you just assume she’s joking
Everything else seems to just be an awesome friendship
Obviously Portia is super cute, and obviously dating her would be tons of fun, but there’s obviously NO WAY she could ever be interested in you like that... right?
Portia eventually starts to think you’re just messing with her
There’s no way you could be that oblivious
You definitely had to know she was into you, and you were just playing hard to get
She knows you have feelings for her too, the two of your wouldn’t be as close as you were otherwise
But, no offence, she’s getting a bit impatient
So she decides to just do what needs to be done
The two of you were walking through the market near your shop one day when she grabbed your arm to stop you in the middle of the crowd
She turned you so that you were facing her, looked you straight in the eye, and told you she loved you with the most serious expression you had ever seen on her face
As oblivious as you may be, there was no way for you to misinterpret this as anything other than the truth
Except there was
You assumed she was under a love spell
After the initial shock of finding out your friend was being influenced by magic was over, you immediately dragged her back to your shop without a word
Portia kinda thought you two were going home to make out and she was totally down with it
But when you entered the shop and started digging through your supplies, looking for something, she realized that maybe SHE had misinterpreted
She asked you what you were doing and nearly burst out laughing at the response
You thought she was under a spell? Seriously? You were actually that oblivious the whole time?
She thought it was the most hilarious thing she had heard in a long time
Eventually she managed to calm down enough to reassure you that, no, she was not under a spell
But of course you didn’t believe her, and thought that it was the spell talking
You went back to searching for an antidote while Portia continued trying to prove to you that she was genuinely in love with you
She listed the first time she realized she loved you, the first time she had said it to you to no response, the first time she had wanted to kiss you
She talked about how much she loved every part of you, from your personality, to your hobbies, to your insanely cool magic
Portia was nowhere near as dramatic as her brother could be, but she was very open about her love for you
Finally, you seemed to realize that she was telling the truth (no magic involved)
In turn, you confessed your feelings toward her as well
She gave you a bit of a sly grin and asked how she could be certain you weren’t under some magic spell
To this you responded by kissing her
So I guess she was right when she assumed you two were going back to your place to make out
The two of you were happy from then on, although Portia never let you forget just how dense you were
It’s hard to imagine anyone could be so oblivious about his feelings
Lucio is the most in-your-face about his love for you
He leaves absolutely no room for doubt, which means it’s even more incredible that you don’t seem to get it
He has asked you to marry him about half a dozen times and you keep??? Laughing?? About it????
Doesn’t understand what’s happening
Nobody has ever done this sort of thing to him before, so his mind just blanks if he thinks about it too much
I mean there’s no way you could dislike him, right? You definitely return his feelings... RIGHT?
He’s insecure, but he’ll never admit that
Instead, he chooses to continue his over-the-top dramatic proposals and confessions until you say yes
On the other hand, you don’t really know what’s happening either
You know that Lucio’s a bit... strange, but this is a lot even for him
You start to think that maybe it’s his way of dealing with his feelings now that Nadia’s left him
So you decide to keep being a great friend to help him get through it!
And if that means wading through a bunch of strange emotional obstacles, then so be it!
(Lucio’s in the background banging his head against a wall in frustration)
It’s not like he doesn’t enjoy just being friends with you; he loves having someone around who genuinely cares about him
It’s just that he wants more
He hires people to build giant statues of you (which may be in poor taste, but who cares), he buys or sponsors all of your favourite shops, he always makes sure you get the best of everything
To you, this just seems like Lucio overcompensating for his previous “oopsies”
But one day it occurs to him that maybe you don’t understand his feelings because he’s going about it the wrong way
You’re pretty much immune to his dramatic proposals, so maybe he should try the opposite
So he put together a little plan
It wasn’t a particularly special night; no big occasion to be celebrated
He took you out to the balcony and leaned against the railing, looking oddly serious for someone who had no concept of emotional maturity
He took his time to prepare himself before speaking rather slowly and quietly in comparison to his usual tone
Lucio told you that he loved you, and he left no room for arguement
He didn’t embellish his words in any way, knowing that something simple would be the most likely way to get your attention
And boy did it work
You immediately assumed he was under some sort of spell
I mean Lucio? Acting like a normal person?? No way
You panicked right away and made a run for it, leaving Lucio behind on the balcony in your hurry to leave
Lucio, of course, was shocked, and more than a little offended to have been left so abruptly
People didn’t just leave him places without a good explanation
So obviously he chased you, yelling after you as you did your best to navigate the palace on your way to the library
Unfortunately for you, Lucio is surprisingly athletic and managed to catch you before you reached the door
He untactfully grabbed your arm, which caused you to scream, which caused him to scream, which caused everything to become even more of a mess than before
The two of you were just standing in the middle of the hall, screaming at each other
You wanted to find a way to free Lucio from whatever spell he was under, and Lucio wanted to know why you were running away
When you both calmed down (you being the first, of course), you explained your theory, which wounded Lucio’s ego even more than before
Lucio in return, replied in a not-so-polite manner, asking if you really thought he was stupid enough to be put under some dumb spell
Yes you did
Lucio had to explain his entire thought process behind confessing in such a normal way, which was pretty embarrassing from his perspective
But to you, it likely came across as sweet as it finally dawned on you that yes, he really was in love with you
The two of you probably had to immediately follow up the confession with a talk about whether or not he was serious about getting married
He was, but he didn’t want to make you feel awkward so he denied it
You two agreed to take things a little slower than he originally planned
The relationship was slightly awkward for the first few days, because neither of you quite understood what had happened the night of the confession
But either way, the two of you were happy, and that was all that mattered
(Although, when Lucio eventually asked you to marry him again it was just as chaotic and messy as the first time)
Oh no, this won’t end well
Muriel is almost the epitome of insecure, so flirting is pretty much impossible for him
He tried a couple of times to be more forward, but when you didn’t respond to his advances he quickly backed down
He didn’t want to overstep, and immediately assumed you just wanted to be friends
Although, admittedly, he has seen other people flirt with you, and you don’t respond to them either
So maybe you’re just not interested in relationships? Or maybe you’re just as bad at flirting as he is
Either way, as much as he loved you, he didn’t push
From your perspective it would seem like Muriel just wanted to be friends
And frankly, anyone else around you would think the same thing
There was nothing particularly romantic about how Muriel acted around you
Arguably the boldest thing he was doing was spending so much time with you
But to you, this was simply a friendship
And of course, you greatly valued Muriel’s friendship
Once you had gotten past the rough exterior, you found that he was a giant sweetheart
He carved small wooden figures for you, and didn’t seem to mind spending time with you
Inanna loved you too, so that was a bonus
Your friendship with Muriel probably lasted much longer than it would have if either of you had any sense of romance
Neither of you tried to take things further because both of you were terrible at flirting and being flirted with
Eventually someone (Asra) had to step in and give Muriel a little push
Asra had known you for a long time, so he alerted Muriel to how oblivious you were and how to best confess his feelings
Muriel didn’t really want to confess at that point, because he didn’t want to make things awkward between you two if something went wrong
But his love for you outweighed his anxiety and he decided to do it anyway
It was a rather cold night, and the two of you were in his hut
You were both curled up by the fire (plus Inanna, of course), and you were telling Muriel a story about a particularly annoying customer from the day before
When you finished the story, a comfortable silence fell between you (which was something Muriel had always appreciated; silence with you was never awkward)
That was when Muriel took his chance and quietly told you he loved you
Except he said it too quietly and you didn’t hear him over the sound of the fire
I mean, you saw his lips move, and therefore asked him to repeat himself, but it was still quiet
Muriel hadn’t anticipated this, and accidentally repeated it in a voice that was much too loud for such a peaceful night
He immediately winced in embarrassment, only to be startled from it when you screamed
He had been anticipating rejection, but he thought a scream may have been a bit dramatic
But of course, you didn’t see it as a rejection; you thought Muriel was under a love spell
Why else would your quiet, anti-social friend suddenly confess to something you had never even seen him hint at before?
And more importantly, who had out the spell on him? Most people didn’t know about him, so it was either someone close to him, or someone EXTREMELY powerful.
You didn’t know which one was worse
You leaned forward, cupping his face in your hands and staring into his eyes, promising that you would help him
This only succeeded in confusing him, the poor man
He didn’t know what you were talking about, and you were starting to freak him out a little
When he asked if you were alright, you started to look confused too
You reminded him that he was the one under the spell, not you
Cue a chorus of confused “what?”s being exchanged by two confused people
In the end, Muriel realized that you had thought he was under a spell when he suddenly confessed
He blushed as red as a tomato and did his best to string together enough words to explain to you that he wasn’t
He genuinely loved you
He also quietly cursed Asra for making him confess, which suddenly helped a lot of pieces fit together for you
You nodded along and agreed that Asra’s meddling was problematic in this case
In the end the two of you spent a fair portion of the night just talking out your feelings and realizing that maybe you would like to be more than friends
Both of you were blushing a lot throughout the entire thing, and years later when the two of you were happy together, you mutually decided to never bring up how you had gotten together in the first place
Asra, however, had somehow found out, and was determined to never let either of you live it down
Subtlety? Never heard of it
Asra is the absolute best at letting you know just how much he loves you
Even despite your obliviousness, you are fully aware that he loves you
And of course, you love him back!
How could you not?
Except, the way you see it... it’s platonic love
And Asra is 100% okay with that!
You two share a heart, so he fully understands that you view the live that you two share as platonic
This doesn’t really bother him; as long as you’re alive and happy, that’s all that matters
He’s perfectly content to pursue a strong friendship with you
But of course, being the cheeky legend that he is, he has to slip in some flirting and teasing once in a while
He’ll wink at you in the middle of work, casually brush against you while passing you in the shop, and hold your hand as often as possible
But of course, you view this as friendship
Who doesn’t cuddle with their best friend literally every night? That’s totally normal
You couldn’t ask for a better friend than Asra; he’s always there when you need him and he somehow always seems to know how you feel
You’re incredibly grateful to know him, and you feel safe and comfortable living in the same space as him
Yep, definitely only friendship feelings
He shows his love in little ways to you every day
The two of you live together, so of course you will occasionally have a petty arguement and try to stay seperate for a while, but that doesn’t stop him
He’ll “forget” which chores are yours and do a couple for you, he’ll make your favourite drink “by accident” and then claim he isn’t thirsty, and he’ll casually send Faust into the same room as you if he thinks you’re crying
Overall, just a great partn- I mean friend
He doesn’t really feel the need to confess to you, but if he notices that you’re starting to feel a more romantic attraction toward him then he’ll definitely take advantage of that
If you only wanted to be friends, then, well, that was one thing
But if you wanted to be something more... then he was definitely more than okay with that as well
Asra didn’t exactly plan out how he would confess to you, and instead waited for what he felt was the right moment
He knew it would come eventually, and there was no real rush
So when the two of you were travelling together, and you were both stargazing late at night, the feeling struck him
You had just settled down from laughing at a joke when he gently tilted your chin so you were looking into his eyes
He told you he loved you, but there was certainly something more personal this time
But of course you were incredibly oblivious so you just grinned and said it back, not really thinking about it too much
Of course Asra knew you had missed the point, so when you went back to looking at the stars he propped himself up so he was leaning over you a bit and repeated it
This probably confused you a bit, but you said it back again, thinking that maybe this was some kind of game
He held back a laugh and tried again, this time putting more emphasis on the “love” part
You missed it, and repeated it back
At this point he was trying not to laugh, and knew that he had only one more try before he wouldn’t be able to hold it back
This time he tried explaining more thoroughly
He told you he loved you romantically; as in, a love that was more than platonic. Romantic, soulmate kind of love. Not friendship. Please get it this time.
Your mouth formed a perfect “o” as you finally got his point
For a brief moment, Asra felt relief, thinking that he had finally gotten his point across
Instead he received immediate and extreme panic as you quickly shoved him away. While screaming.
This certainly hadn’t gone as planned
He was desperately trying to calm you down while you rambled about every place you two had been on your trip, trying to locate a time where Asra could’ve been put under a love spell
Asra, of course, found this hilarious, and started laughing harder and harder while also trying to calm you down
This only caused you more distress, and soon there were tears streaming down your face while you tried to convince him that no, this wasn’t funny
He knew you were genuinely concerned about him, and he genuinely was trying to stop, but this had come out of nowhere and he didn’t really know how to respond either
Eventually, you both managed to calm down (but only the kind of calm where he would occasionally look at you and burst into giggles again)
He did his best- between giggle fits- to explain to you that he genuinely did love you and he definitely wasn’t under any spell
He told you that he had loved you for years, and that he always would
He also subtley pointed out that he had been flirting for years and you had just been completely oblivious
No confession would truly be complete without a bit of teasing
You probably felt a bit embarrassed, but he reassured you that it was just a part of your charm
Of course, you told him you felt the same, and the two of you went back to watching the stars, this time just a bit closer than before
From then on, not a whole lot changed in your relationship
The two of you were practically in a romantic relationship already, so really all that was different was a few more kisses and a slightly different intention behind the “I love you”s the two of you shared
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zukka soulmate au opinions/headcanons?
I apologize Anon for how long this has sat in my inbox, but soulmate AU’s are really not my forte, so i had to think long and hard. (no sexy pun intended)
Background information
- Soulmate marks sit on the same place on both parties
- They are there their whole life
- I believe in multiple soulmates, so if one soulmate dies, i think another exists (aka, Hakoda and Kya, and then Hakoda and Bato; Kanna and unnamed Grandpa, and the Kanna and Pakku)
- Zuko DREADS the notion of soulmates, only because Zuko believes it is also the universe’s divine order to make his life as sucky as possible. So in Zuko’s mind, he’s like the perfect way for the Universe to punish him further would be one of 3 ways:
1. His soulmate would be the Avatar, because of course he’d be on an impossible quest to literally find and surrender his soulmate for death at Ozai’s hands (also a betrayal to his nation) 
2. His soulmate would be a woman, (because I truly canonically believe that Zuko is a gay)
3. He wouldn’t have a soulmate
Of course none of these guesses are correct, he should’ve looked behind door number 4: His soulmate is from another nation and has had the Fire Nation ferociously take everything they’ve loved (aka Sokka)
Fire Nation tradition also dictates that Soulmates are for common people, not for Prince’s, so his soulmate mark (a glistening black sword), is to be covered at all times anyway. He is thankful that his Soulmate mark is non-nation identifiable, which saves him from Ozai’s wrath if it was obviously Water Tribe or Earth Kingdom. Also sucks, because Zuko isnt even sure where to start looking (not that he would), so he just traces the mark with his fingers as bathes sometimes, wondering if his soulmate is doing the same. 
When Zuko first meets Sokka, he doesnt realize it, he just sorta is like “no point in brutally hurting this person, let me just shift him out my way”, which in my opinion is more restraint than most people get from Zuko at that time. 
Zuko doesnt even know Sokka is his Soulmate until he sees the sword after training Aang at the Western Air Temple, and it all just clicks and Zuko wants to throw himself into the Sun because Sokka has Suki and Zuko just wants him to be happy. 
So really, he was right, he will be alone. 
Meanwhile on Sokka’s side
Sokka’s family have always been very supportive of him and soulmates. Katara’s mark is something that looks like a kite (it’s Aang’s staff but they didnt know that before meeting him) and Katara is wishful for her soulmate. She spends nights dreaming up what it could possibly be or mean.
And tbh, Sokka is against the idea because he’s devoted to the idea of being a warrior, of doing what’s right by his people. And his soulmate mark of a what looks like an exploded burn (the lightning strike Zuko takes protecting Katara) doesnt convince him, because only another selfless person/warrior would understand him in his opinion and he knows those are hard to come by. He doesnt care if his soulmate identifies as a guy or girl or in between. 
Then there was Aang, Katara’s necklace wrapped around his ankle as his mark. And Suddenly, Sokka was confronted with the realization that Aang and helping him become the Avatar was apart of Katara’s fulfillment and that his little sister was growing up and Sokka could see the way Aang and Katara looked at each other. He knew they say lifetimes when they looked into each other’s eyes. 
And then Zuko chases them around the world and Sokka totally acknowledges that Zuko is mental and a dick, but he also gets why Zuko does it. In their travels they heard the story of the banished Fire Nation Prince and his impossible assignment to return home and Sokka understands. He knows what it is to have to feel like you have to prove yourself to your father (Sokka thinks he has to prove himself to Hakoda; Zuko literally has to prove himself to Ozai, per Ozai’s words), what it means to be fighting for your nation as something greater than yourself, and Sokka would never admit to Katara but he empathized with Zuko. 
Sokka wonders if it’s Suki, but Suki tells him honestly that her mark is the mark of the Kyoshi Warriors, because she’s dedicated to this, this is what fulfills her. She loves Sokka and loves romance with him, but she knows Sokka is destined for greater love. And she tells Sokka that companionship is something that he shouldnt miss out, just because he thinks its not the ways of the warrior. Wearing a dress and fighting in fans and makeup wasnt his idea of the ways of a warrior either and he learned how that turned out. 
He thinks it may be Yue, but her mark was always the moon.
And then Zuko abandons Ozai and tries to offer himself up to the Gaang. He’s turnt away, and even burns Toph’s feet before coming back again and tries sacrificing himself to stop combustion man. Sokka is at least a little bit impressed that he would continue to offer himself up to berating judgement of their group because he’s decided what’s right. Then Zuko becomes Aang’s firebending teacher and everyone gets hang out with him and Sokka likes the guy even more, although he’s weird around the sword (he blushes everytime he sees it) 
They never really talk about soulmates, and Sokka’s soulmate mark sits on his thigh, so it’s not exactly easy to see unless he’s undressed. 
Then Zuko takes the bolt for Katara and survives and suddenly Zuko has hung the Sun in Sokka’s sky, because he was so selfless, he was willing to die for Katara. He knows the shape sitting on Zuko’s chest anywhere. Zuko is his soulmate. And then Sokka realizes maybe he was late to this party and that was why Zuko was weird.
When he first sees Firelord Zuko alone afterwards, he asks Zuko how long he knew. And Zuko lets him know that it was long enough that Chit Sang, Hakoda AND Suki knew (which meant by then Toph had probably figured it out too). Basically everyone but Sokka, Katara and Aang had been privy to the information. 
Then they unpack some of that pesky childhood trauma they’d been carting around and talk about how they both thought the soulmate thing wasnt for them, but then again both of them were completely unusual and extraordinary people, so maybe they just had a more unusual extraordinary soulmate story to live out. Sokka promises Zuko a lifetime and Zuko promises Sokka everyday in between now and when the Sun goes out. They can see it in each other’s eyes. 
Sokka says that Zuko’s scars are beautiful, something Zuko has felt made him a monster all this time. Sokka is the first person to acknowledge them truly and he tells him how enthralled he is by the stories they depict of Zuko. How he was selfless and did not fear the burn of flames because it was more important to do the right thing. 
 And Zuko says Sokka would have the world in the palm of his hand with his intelligence and that spirits knew giving him bending too would basically just make him the avatar anyway. Sokka has always felt inadequate and Zuko makes him feel like he could win a hundred battles blindfolded. 
Zuko sends a search for Sokka’s sword (and recovers it) and Sokka uses it to ask Zuko to marry him.  
They get married at Sunrise, because Zuko sets the Sun in Sokka’s sky and they celebrate until Sunset/moonrise, because their union blessed by the moon herself. It casts an iridescent glow over the Fire Nation. 
It’s love. 
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Hi, I hope your doing okay😊, Could you write sfw and nsfw headcanons whole team natsu in a relationship with a fem s/o? Thank you!
Hi there! Sorry this one took me so long I had a hard time with the SFW headcanons. The NSFW ones are a bit longer hope you don’t mind. Also like my last poly team natsu post this one sort of left out wendy just cause she’s a kid.
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- So you never once thought that you would be able to manage getting one partner not to mention 4! Yes honey that's correct, 4! Gray, Natsu, Erza, and Lucy. And dear Celestial King did you love them.
- You go on all together dates, then sometimes threesome dates or just one on ones. But you were all together and very happy!
- All 5 of you being in a relationship sometimes made things just a little more complex. For instance anniversaries. You all had one anniversary together and then a one on one anniversary. Your individual anniversaries usually happened on days where something special happened in your bond with each other.
- When you went on dates with all 4 of them they might take you to see fireworks or on a picnic or to do something as a group. When you just went with one or two of them it ranged depending on who it was picking the activity.
- Lucy liked calm dates to a coffee shop or on a walk around the city to shop. She was into lowkey things because her chaotic life in Fairytail left her very little time to be chill. You guys would often read together or cook and eat a homemeal. If you wanted quiet time she was the person to go to (although Natsu regularly interrupted your fun).
- Erza was somewhat laid back with her approaches of dating. She had these visions of what a perfect romantic day would consist of almost like a little girl dreaming of her future. You found it adorable… until she started beating up people for ruining her picnic. She often took you to dinner at fancy restaurants and to festivals in town where she would buy way too much stuff. If you guys stayed home you would probably try on her armor cause she insisted you looked amazing in it. Training dates too where she would teach you to use all sorts of swords.
- Gray wasn’t really the ‘take you out on a date’ type he was more of a ‘spontaneous hang out’ person. He’d probably show up in your apartment claiming he was bored and no one else was around and play a board game with you. Sometimes he would be waiting for you outside so you could walk to the guild together. He wasn’t interested in setting up a time and getting all dressed up just to see someone who you’ve already seen in sweats and a stained t-shirt a thousand times. But occasionally on special occasions like individual anniversary days he would take you dancing in a nice setting or to a fancy dinner where he bought you a dress the day before hand and slipped a bracelet on your wrist when you arrived. 
- Natsu was the most adventurous with dates so far. He wanted to go on a job as a date then get dinner at some crazy all you can eat buffet afterwards. Or you guys would climb a mountain to find some crazy creature just so he could fight it. He took you out to eat a lot but it was mostly a lot of him stuffing his face and you talking about whatever you're interested in. He was a surprisingly good listener when he eats. Sometimes dates would be chill and calm like when he and Happy go fishing while you lean on his back and fall asleep. Speaking of Happy, the little blue cat usually accompanied you guys on your dates but when you went home he flew off to spend time with Carla or Lucy. At home you guys would probably talk, sleep, he would make a mess and be his general upbeat self.
- You weren’t the strongest wizard alive and you certainly couldn’t beat your lovers but you could usually hold your own in a fight. Not that your baes would want you in a fight. The four of them happen to be extremely protective, with you and each other. So expect to get very little action time. They’re just so scared to lose you or that you’ll get hurt. Sometimes it's kinda funny but at the same time you don’t want to be treated like just some kid that can’t defend themselves so at the very least they could let you fight your own battles. They agree that you should be able to fight for yourself and even offer to help you train. It’s been a while since that ridiculous protective mode kicked in for any of them (and you) but if you or one of them were to get hurt then it would be the end of times for whoever caused it. (ok not really but there would be repercussions). 
Spicy time ;)
- Sometimes a fivesome is a bit too much to deal with so you often break off into groups of two or three.
- When having sex with Natsu he likes to make it fun and often likes to singe your sheets a bit, liking how the smell of smoke mixes with your own. His heightened sense of smell makes it all the more fun since he can literally smell when you like something and just how much. He’s always gonna find the sweetest spots on your body and it’s a guarantee that you’re going to cum more than once. He wants to exhaust you. Natsu loves the afterglow and finds that lying with you afterwards completely at ease is his favorite part of the whole experience. 
- Kink wise he’s probably into praising you as you ‘take control’. Natsu’s not really the type to be into harsher play, he’s seen his friends hurt enough and wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he was the one to seriously hurt them. An exception would probably be bruises in the shapes of his hands right around your hips. Instead of being extra rough and kinky he switches things up a bit by letting you take the reins. Although if you tease him too much or he gets the feeling that you're forgetting who's really in charge he’ll quickly flip things around and remind you that he’s the top in the relationship.
- Grey is different in the way that he doesn’t mind if you get mouthy or tease him a little. He finds it entertaining when you're on top since you're so submissive like when you're out of bed and he could easily take control. So he has no problem laying back and letting you ride or suck him and chase your own pleasure however you please. But his favorite way to have you is with you on your hands and knees as he fucks you fast and hard. 
- For gray’s kinks I imagine that he’d be pretty kinky, but only for some things. Gray would probably be into being tied up and trying to break free. He would also love it if you choked on his dick and it would especially turn him on when there are tears of pleasure and overstimulation in your eyes. He likes to be edged and edge you for hours till either of you finally get your release. 
- Erza is actually soft when it comes to sex which she prefers to call it making love. She believes that it’s an opportunity to be intimate and close, to be vulnerable and expose yourself to another. It’s a high form of respect and she wants to treat you with respect. Slow sensual kissing, comforting massages that turn into more, slow grinds and hands everywhere. Having sex with Erza isn’t about kinks or doing a quickie, it’s all about you. Erza wants to worship you in every way possible and occasionally she’ll let you worship her too.
- Lucy on the other hand can go either way. Sex can be calm and sweet and meaningful, or it can be fast and rough and simply about pleasure. She can be a top or a bottom depending on the situation. With slow sex she likes to top because it really gives her a chance to show how much she loves you. When it’s rough though she could top but really actually likes being a bottom.
- This girl is kinky af! She’s into just about everything with some probably obvious exceptions. Bondage? Absolutely! Tie her up, bend her into different positions, overstimulate her to the point of tears. Public? Sure. Although she probably wouldn’t do it on a stage, a quick closet session where you’d have to hold your hands over your mouths to keep quiet would be thrilling. Toys? Yes! She will wear a collar for you and she will also sit at the guild all day with a toy in her. Her favorite kink though? Degradation/dirty talk. Pretty sure that has a bit of voice kink mixed in but it doesn’t really matter since she’s crying out as she cums anyway. She wants to be called a dirty slut as you pull her hair and finger her. She wants you to whisper all the things you’ll do to her in her ear. She can’t help but love the fierceness in your tone and the fake hardness in your eyes.
- All together sex is usually more fun but also super overstimulating since your all receiving several people's attention at once. You can’t bring yourself to mind however as you always feel satisfied in the end. When it’s all five of you together it’s usually just vanilla sex but occasionally some dirty stuff slips under the radar. You usually act as a bottom/switch in these occasions only ever really conscious enough to find pleasure for yourself. The rest is just a haze of bliss that comes then takes forever to leave when you're done (not that you mind however).
- Aftercare is very important to all of them and is crucial for all types of sex. They simply won’t allow you to sleep on sticky sheets or covered in cum. Most of the time you’re to out of it to really care but once they come to they move you to the (large enough to fit 5 people *wink* *wink*) bathtub for a nice relaxing bath while they change the sheets. They then often join you and cuddle until drying off and making your way back to the fresh bed.
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katerleegrand · 4 years
FFXV Headcanon: Elements
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*Originally posted to AO3*
In this headcanon, I take a look at each Bro's personality and character, and match them with what element I believe would best suite them. Basically my brain was like: "You like Avatar, the Last Airbender, right? And you like FFXV, right? So why not combine the two!“
As his name implies, I believe Ignis would most likely be a fire-bender. His fighting style somewhat reflects this, hitting with quick, calculated blows. He can stand his ground, but dodge when necessary.
It could be argued that there are two sides to this man. Much like fire, Ignis has the capabilities to burn down anyone and anything that stands in his way. He is ruthless when it comes to protecting Noctis, like a raging forest fire. However, the softer side he shows almost resembles a flickering flame. Fire brings warmth and nurture, much like Ignis does to the others.
He would not bend fire like most others, through anger; rather, he would learn of the old ways: through balance and harmony, such as the Sun Warriors and the Dragons in ATLA.  
Special Abilities: I also believe Ignis would be able to control lightning. Lightning generation comes from separating positive and negative energies within, and guiding them through the arms and out through the fingertips. In order to separate these energies though, the user must have incredible peace of mind, according to Iroh, and those with great emotional turmoil have difficulty generating it (like Zuko). Ignis overall is a very calm and collected person, even in the midst of battle. There are very few times within the game when we see him unravel. I believe he would have no issue generating lightning.
I believe that Gladio would be an earth-bender, although his temper may argue otherwise. Earth is a stubborn element and requires those who wish to control it to be as stubborn, if not more. When this man fights, it is like his enemies face a mountain. He is unmoving and does not crumble easily. It takes water eons to carve out great canyons from the earth, air millions of years to shape the tallest mountains from rock. So to can this represent the Shield. He does not break easily.
It can be argued with Gladio’s hair-trigger temper that he would be a fire-bender. Fire by nature is prone to aggression and outbursts. But earth can be just as prone to this as fire, just not quite as obvious about it. Think earthquakes. Pressure builds up over time until something snaps, and those in the way pay the price. Even outside of battle this can apply to Gladio. Push enough of his buttons and you receive the brunt of his temper.
Special Abilities: It is difficult for me to see Gladio as anything other than a true earth-bender. He is a very straight and narrow man, and very traditional. Cut straight to the chase. It would be difficult for him to control something other than pure earth, such as metal. Lava-bending, on the other hand, could be a yes or no, as it is simply molten earth. The technique used to control it is a bit different than traditional earth-bending, which may prove to be an issue. But Gladio is also very clever and smart, so perhaps he could learn it.
Prompto is a bit difficult for me to place. His star sign aligns him with water (like myself) and his personality shows some characteristics of water, but I believe he would be more of an air-bender.
Looking at his fighting in the game, he flits about the battlefield, only striking when absolutely necessary and trying his best to avoid direct confrontation (well, most of the time...) We have also seen just how agile and flexible the blond is. Hypersensitivity is also another characteristic of airbenders, and Prompto has shown this before, such as alerting the others to Imperials even before you hear the sound of the airship.
Air is also the element of freedom, joy and enlightenment. While Prompto deals with many trials and tribulations, he always manages to bounce back. Even when all hope is lost, like after the fall of Insomnia, he tries to help rally the others. He never fails to bring a smile to the others’ faces.
Special Abilities: One special ability of air-bending is flight (without the aid of a glider), and I do not see Prompto having this ability. As seen in the ATLA and LOK series’, most airbenders can only glide or levitate for certain amounts of time (with the exception of Zaheer) True flight is usually only accomplished by sky bison and air lion turtles. In order for airbenders to accomplish this like Zaheer, they must detach themselves from all earthly tethers, other people included. Prompto cares deeply for those around him, and is bonded to them, so I could never see him doing this. Flying be damned.
Again, I had a difficult time placing Noctis, but I think he would fit best as a water-bender from a personality standpoint.
His fighting style reflects both fire-bending and water-bending. He is quick and explosive in some aspects of battle like a fire-bender, but he flows easily between moves and blows to enemies like a water-bender. He is very controlled in his movements, and usually works to turn his opponent’s strengths against them.
Personality is definitely what could make Noctis a water-bender. While he may not show much on the surface, this man lets his emotions run deep (insert iceberg meme here). Only those who take the time to look deeper past his surface are able to witness his true beauty as a human. His emotions are also extremely strong. He will occasionally let them take over and control his actions rather than a rational mind.
Noctis’s personality is seen with two sides, a yin and yang so to speak. As discussed with Ignis, these two sides of his personality would reflect in his water-bending. Noctis is usually very calm, level-headed, like a lake or a slow winding river. However, he also shows great power and aggressiveness when needed, much like an ocean in a storm.
Water is also known as the element of change, the element of life. He brings about the greatest change in his realm. Life cannot exist without water, and it can be argued that life on Eos would cease to exist without Noctis.
Special Abilities: I had a hard time determining whether or not Noctis could possess healing abilities. I think that he may have this ability, but has a difficult time mastering it. Healing allows water-benders to heal wounds by using water as a catalyst. It involves redirecting energy around the body and concentrating more energy into a wounded area to allow it to heal faster. In his younger days, Noctis shows difficulty in controlling his internal energies (no fault of his own, simply from his external experiences), which could inhibit healing. As he gets older though and matures (especially at the end of the game), he may be able to master this ability.
As for blood-bending, it is no question that Noctis would become a powerful bender, especially as he gets older, but he would never even consider this form of control over other beings, not even his enemies, unless the situation was truly dire.
*If you guys have any requests for headcanons and short fics (both SFW and NSFW), feel free to message me! Hope you all are having a good morning, day or night wherever you are! :D
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musette22 · 4 years
Just some shipping & fandom things
So, these past few days, I’ve been getting and seeing some messages and posts about shipping culture and fandom/standom culture in general that have been bothering me a little, so I just want to make a quick post about it, and then I want to move on to all things lovely and beautiful again! ❤️ This is going to be a long one, so bear with me, and I’ll be pinning it to my profile somehow or at least refer to it whenever I get asks about any of this, because I am getting mighty tired of repeating myself all the time (and I’m sure most of you guys are getting tired of hearing me repeat myself too :p)
First of all, I want to make it clear that I am fully aware that Sebastian and Chris are actual, real-life people, and that they are strangers to me. They do not know me, and I do not know them, nor do I profess to know what they are really like in their private lives.
I understand that it can get confusing sometimes in the case of RPF, because a lot of the time, we speak about them in a way that makes it seem like they’re our friends, or we have all their secrets figured out. Obviously, we don’t. But to point that out with every single post we make would suck all of the fun out of stanning and shipping, as I’m sure everyone would agree.
But let me just say it here again: there is a reason I tag all my Evanstan posts with ‘rpf’ (real person fiction). My fics are fiction, as are my headcanons, which are mostly just a continuation of my fics. If I make an Evanstan post or answer an ask about Evanstan, my comments and answers are usually based on the speculative assumption that they are together. That is obviously something that I do not have any proof for and which might not be true. It is just something that I would really like to be true. Not saying it isn’t or can’t be true, just that I have no way of knowing this for sure and as such I am – for the sake of argument, for the sake of having fun within the safe space of fandom – only postulating that they are, because I enjoy thinking of them as being together, as I know a lot of you do too. And I don’t believe there is anything wrong with that, as long as we keep discussions based on that assumption within the fandom.
I do understand that some people will say this kind of behaviour is problematic, because what if the boys find out about what we’ve been saying about them and get uncomfortable, or what if they get girlfriends and people will start hating on those girlfriends because they believe they are getting in the way of ‘true love’ etc?
To that I would say: we are all responsible for our own behaviour. I am responsible for myself only, and I, personally, would never do anything with the express purpose of making the boys aware of our shipping activities. Shipping (including fic and fanart) is for us, and us only, and the vast majority of shippers I know understands that. I also would never harass, hate on or speak disdainfully about the boys’ loved ones, and that includes any past and future girlfriends (unless they turn out to be Trump supporters or animal abusers or what have you, in which case all rules are out the window, obviously :p) Moreover, I respect that the boys have private lives that I have no say over, and am in no way entitled to, and someone simply “getting in the way of my ship” or doing something that doesn’t fit my Evanstan headcanons/narrative will never be a reason for me to hate on them. I respect that their private life is private, and I am aware of the difference between my (hopeful) fantasies and reality.
If other people are not, or they can’t respect their faves personal boundaries and harass the boys or their loved ones for whatever reason, or they ask them improper or invasive questions at cons or show them fanfic or fanart, then they are crossing the line and that really sucks, but that is not my responsibility. Everyone is responsible for their own behaviour, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable of me to assert that I am not going to let other people’s behaviour dictate mine.  
Shipping aside, I just want to say that just as I am aware that Chris and Sebastian are real-life people (as opposed to my personal dolls, my babies, my responsibility, my friends), I also know that they are human. Like every other human, they have flaws. They are not saints and I am not and never will be their apologist if they ever do something that is clearly wrong. Having said that, I do not see the point of purposely looking for flaws in other people and putting them under a magnifying glass. I genuinely don’t. What good is that going to do? We’re all just trying to live our lives as best we can here, and of course we’re going to make mistakes, but, even though I’m not religious in the slightest, I guess that Jesus guy had a point when he apparently said that thing about casting the first stone…
As some of you will know, I am a person who likes to have a positive outlook on life and give people the benefit of the doubt, because in my experience, more often than not people can learn from their mistakes and grow. That includes me, by the way. I am so far from flawless, but I do try to learn from my mistakes and use instances where I am wrong to grow and become a better person, instead of letting them turn me bitter or spiteful. Needless to say, I’m not a fan of cancel culture either. Of course, sometimes people’s behaviour is inexcusable, for instance when they do something that is genuinely harmful to others, or they keep repeating the same mistakes, showing that they just don’t care enough to change their toxic behaviour. Those people are truly problematic and I will treat them as such.
Clearly, however, this is not the case for Chris and Sebastian so far. They have shown themselves to be decent people over and over again, so unless/until they do something that’s genuinely problematic, I am giving them the benefit of the doubt. Because that’s what they deserve. That’s what everyone who tries to be a decent human deserves, actually, not just “my faves.” This does not mean I’m bending over backwards to justify their behaviour – it simply means that most of the time (such with the facemask or the Paul situation) I genuinely don’t see anything wrong with their behaviour. And when I do (yes, it happens!) I try to approach the situation with an open attitude (as I would for anyone else) to see if that behaviour was the result of ill judgment, or stupidity/intentional malice. So far, it’s been ill judgement every time, in my opinion.
Now, not everyone has to agree with me, of course. Like I always make a point of stressing, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, as long as it’s not harmful to others, or posited as The Truth, which would give people a carte blanche to play judge and executioner over other people. That’s not cool.
Literally everyone on this planet is unique. We all have our unique outlook on life which shapes our unique opinions. Most people agree on some things, and not on others. That’s fine. I have made it a point with this blog, within fandom, not to publicly pass judgment over other people. Sure, I have my private opinions just like everyone else, but I am not and will never openly shame or hate on people for liking something or shipping something, even if it’s not my cup of tea. If you want to fantasise about being with/having a relationship with Chris or Sebastian, that’s great, you do you! As long as you don’t start to confuse fantasy with reality (which most people won’t) there is nothing wrong with that. Likewise, if you want to ship Stony, I am not going to tell you it’s wrong or you can’t, but please extend me the same courtesy and don’t come into my corner of the fandom to tell me I shouldn’t ship Stucky, either. Ship and let ship.
We each enjoy fandom in our own ways. It’s not a competition. There is no right way, and we should stop acting like there is.
If I see something I don’t like or don’t agree with, I scroll past it or ignore it. If I still can’t let it go, I will talk to friends about it in private. If it’s something that I believe is genuinely problematic or toxic, I try, if possible, to create awareness and understanding of that issue in a way that will actually help people learn and grow. 
So, this is my long winded way of saying that it would be so nice if people could stop policing the fandom. Being hateful, condescending, or making generalizing statements such as “the problem with this fandom is…” isn’t actually helping. It’s not changing anything about the situation you believe to be problematic, it’s just adding negativity to it. Instead, why don’t we all just devote our energy to spreading positivity and being kind to others? Generally speaking, hate begets hate, and kindness begets kindness. Mind you, kindness does not equate to weakness. It’s possible to be kind and strong, as I believe Chris and Sebastian both prove.
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bakutae · 4 years
bnha headcanons #4
today’s menu:
bakugou katsuki with a dollop of shouto todoroki
where you try to cook dinner for him
‘i love you, so much, but please stop trying to cook me dinner. you suck.’
bakugou katsuki
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it wasn’t a special occasion but you wanted to cook, and you shall
who would go against that?
well, bakugou did
you two had been together for quite some time now and you even shared an apartment together
there were times where you felt... well, experimental in the kitchen and wanted bakugou to come home to warm, delicious home cooked dinner after a long day 
calling your cooking skills bad was an understatement 
it was absolutely horrendous
you tried making curry once, instant curry, to be exact
how did you even mess up instant curry? it's literally just pouring water into it and stirring and adding your ingredients that you want in the curry
well, firstly, you added too little water and you boiled the curry for too long, causing most of the water content to evaporate and more paste like from the curry powder
you didn't mix the curry while it was boiling- it wasn't in the instructions though! how were you supposed to know that? and adding on the fact that most of the water content evaporated, you ended up with burnt curry
i mean hey, more char is added into your dish which makes it more flavorful..right?
bakugou came home to the smell of burning and at first he thought a fire was occurring somewhere and him being a top hero and all, was obviously on high alert in case anyone needed help
but when he took a closer sniff, he realised that it was coming from the kitchen
he peeked inside the kitchen and saw you trying to scrape the burnt curry off the saucepan, mumbling to yourself on how stupid you were for not using a non stick pan instead
he then shifted his glance to the plate next to the dishwasher and squinted
the curry looked..burnt and lumpy and it didn't look like it was edible
but bakugou didn't think much of it, how bad could it be?
it wasn't long before he wrapped his arms around your hips and snuggled his face into your neck, sighing in content, causing you to squeal from his hot breath on your neck
and well, long story short, it didn't taste nice, and ended up having pizza delivered for dinner, asking the delivery man to throw out the saucepan that could not be revived
of course you tipped the delivery man, it would be rude not to
this time, you wanted to go for something more ambitious; filet mignon
you couldn't help it, you were doing some grocery shopping and just so happened to drop by the meat section and saw a huge thirty percent discount on the meat
it was calling out to you, dancing on the shelves, waiting for you to pick them up
or at least that's what you told bakugou
bakugou rolled his eyes as he tried to take over the kitchen
he was a fantastic cook, actually and he didn't want to see the poor beef be served in such a pitiful way
however, you shoved him out from the kitchen telling him that everything will be alright and told him to go talk to kirishima or something if he was bored
you first added salt and pepper to both sides of the meat, carefully massaging it into the meat to make sure the the salt and pepper really make the meat flavourful and that your massaging would make the meat even more tender
you then tossed the meat into a saucepan, a new one this time since your old one got uh destroyed
you waited for a few minutes before flipping it over; or trying to flip it over
you had done it again
the meat was firmly stuck to the bottom of the saucepan as you panicked
the heat was still on and you didn't want to burn that side so you quickly turned off the heat and tried to quickly move the saucepan to a flat, cooler surface
the saucepan handle was metal, and since the saucepan was already quite hot, you held it without thinking and pain shot through your hand as you quickly let go of the saucepan, your beef falling on the floor, half cooked and probably burnt on the other side
bakugou heard the ruckus and came flying to you, worried that you got yourself injured in the process
he certainly didn’t expect the sight that he saw
you, with a shocked look on your face, hair all messed up and sticking to your neck from sweat
the meat, on the floor, contaminated with all sorts of germs, visibly stuck to the saucepan since the saucepan was tilted in a ninety degrees
he burst out laughing
'oh my god- pfft y/n, oh y/n darling, i love you, so much, but please stop trying to cook me dinner. you suck'
you pouted and your fingers went to nip at the corner of your top as you tried to defend yourself
'i forgot to butter the pan suki, maybe we should just get a non-stick pan and everything will be okay'
bakugou helped you with cleaning up
needless to say, you ended up another night with pizza delivered and once again, asking the delivery man, once again to help throw out the saucepan with the meat still stuck on it
shouto todoroki
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it was your anniversary today and shouto wanted to prepare something special for the day
he knew how much you absolutely loved food, so he decided to make you a homemade meal for dinner
this guy actually took months to come up with the dishes that he was making
in his mind, he was envisioning a romantic candlelit dinner, with homemade aglio e olio and a side of mashed potatoes
shouto had no experience in cooking at all, he had never even held a kitchen knife in his entire life, except when thieves are threatening him with knifes and he coolly freezes them and slips the knife out of their hands, but that was it
he didn't think it'd be hard at all since he did some research on how to make aglio e olio and it did seem like one of the easier foods to make for beginners
it only needed the pasta noodles, garlic, salt and pepper, parsley and red pepper flakes- easy enough 
he already had the ingredients needed, all he needed to do was to get you out of the house, which was easy
he gave you a long list and requested you to get them at the grocery store that was quite far from your place
at first, you insisted that shouto go with you
you were aware that it was your anniversary and shouto seemed to have forgotten about it
even so, you wanted to spend time with shouto, but he was so insistent that you go alone that you left alone, starting to feel down as you slipped on your shoes ad left with a sigh
shouto heard it, and he felt so guilty for making you upset, but he had to get cooking
he hurriedly tried to boil the water and he waited for the water to boil 
when the water was boiling rapidly, he casually tossed the noodles in, watching as the noodles started to bend and sink deeper into the boiling water
he didn’t know how long to cook it for, and therefore decided to search it up on the internet
just then, he received a call from you
he picked up and you told him that the list was unclear and that the sprinkles in the supermarket had many types; striped ones, those in the shape of a heart and those rounded ones
he scratched his head as he wondered if he really did write down sprinkles; he had forgotten, as at that time he was just writing down anything that came to mind, focused on getting you out of the house
a smile crept onto his lips as he envisioned you staring at the packets of sprinkles in confusion and wondering which one to pick
‘shouto? why are you giggling?’
he snapped out of it and told you to buy whichever you liked best and then ended the call
his phone screen was on google, which the question ‘how long do i cook pasta for’ in the search tab
that was when he remembered what he was doing before you called
he slowly tore his eyes off the phone and peered inside the pot
great, at least it hasn’t been boiled into one lump of dough yet
he quickly turned off the heat and poured the water out, then took a strand and placed it into his mouth
it was melting in his mouth, the moment he placed it into his mouth, he could barely bite it before it was swallowable
it was far from al dente; and he still had to fry it in the pan with the other ingredients after this
he was at a lost, and decided to toss everything into the pan with some olive oil in it
the scent of garlic invaded shouto’s senses and he sighed, it smelt nice, at least
when he tried to stir the noodles, it started breaking and it looked a lot less appealing, but again, it smelt great
he absentmindedly stirred the noodles, waiting for the garlic to be cooked as it sizzled furiously in the pan
he then heard the sound of keys, followed by the sound of you opening the door
oh my gosh, you were back already? he was sure you’d take quite some time with the groceries since there was a lot of things to buy
he ran to the door to greet you, and saw you carrying at least four plastic bags on each arm and he ran to help you
‘y-y/n? why’re you home so quick?’
‘oh shouto, the grocery store is basically my second home, i know my way around’
he decided to tell you his plan, since it had already fell through
you grinned, so wide it almost scared shouto
‘i thought you forgot about our anniversary!’ 
you enveloped him in a warm embrace and press a quick kiss to his cheek and soon enough, a slightly smoky smell filled your noses
shouto suddenly pulled away and was running to the kitchen 
‘my pasta!’ 
you trailed behind him, seeing the mess in front of you 
the pasta at the ends were colored black as shouto tried to gingerly stir the pasta
the pasta at the bottom of the pan was burnt to a crisp
‘oh my gosh, shoutoo, i love you, so much, but please stop trying to cook me dinner. you suck.’
you gently stepped beside him, trying to assist him in cleaning up as he stood there, a blushing mess at the fact that you said that you loved him shouto todoroki is a shy as heck boyfriend oh man
taglist: @bnha-homeroom
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idealnreal · 4 years
Please overanalyze the shadows in his palace I am begging you.
@appleyjuiceboy​ / jester owns my braincells of course i would do this for u
Okay so i think its best if i go about the order of shadows we meet in the game so. I’m not going to go into the persona/shadows in maruki’s palace. I’ll leave that for some other day. Now! Lets hope i can remain fully coherent.
1) The fluffy haired noodle shadow we meet for (ka)sumi’s awakening
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First off, look at the design of this shadow--it has the fluffy hair parted to the right like maruki, its androgynous figure, and that swirly face mask as well! The mask has two eyes, and it even looks like theres a smile there, lopsided. 
We have never seen any other palace shadow taking a similar shape as the palace ruler (except maybe the yaldaboath palace). Shadows are meant to emulate what the ruler thinks of as protectors of their heart. Maruki doesn’t trust anyone other than himself with this secret. And particularly at this phase of his distortion -- there are no scientists, to attendants, no patients. Just an empty, beautiful palace -- with possibly only one type of shadow and protector. The type that represents himself. 
(Also androgynous/nb maruki confirmed ?? yes)
Okay then lets look at what this shadow says to Kasumi.
Shadow: ... Heresy. You dare to spurn our lord’s mercy. Accept yourself... Our lord laments the foolishness birthed from your pain.
Having the context that Kasumi is Sumire here ... Because this scene comes about because Kasumi sees a cognitive version of herself (Sumire) blaming herself -- and so, a part of her is probably trying to remember that she is Sumire. Thus ‘spurn(ing) our lord’s mercy’. And yeah accepting herself as Kasumi instead of trying to remember that she is Sumire. 
But most important is the fact that Maruki’s palace shadows refer to him as a religious or god-like being (’our lord’s mercy’ calling back christian themes). Someone who is merciful and, most of all, does feel grief over one’s pain. Painting an ideal picture of a loving and caring god, ala abrahamic religions. This is a running theme with all the shadow’s dialogs. Let’s put a pin in this for now. 
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These design shadows are seen again later in the container room of the palace. They’re slightly faster. The container room is a strange one -- because it doesn’t quite fit in with the rest of the laboratory/hospital/garden of eden thing going on.  While yes labs and hospitals do have storage areas, i cant imagine them being a container warehouse like this. I do headcanon that this is a storage area for the pain and suffering that Maruki has taken on from other people in order to heal them, due to his hyper empathy -- but i’ll analyse the room some other time. For now it’s interesting that the Maruki-like shadows are now relegated to this specific and really dark section of the palace.
Like the throne room/centre of eden that the Maruki boss fight takes place in -- He resigns himself to the darker gloomier parts of his palace. And the same goes for these shadows. This is where he belongs. 
Also abso-fucking-lutely we’re going to talk about how this shadow transforms when it ambushes you:
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Skin suit opening up to reveal fangs and rows of teeth, and a formless monster inside. Maruki ... dude ... are you okay? If these shadows are meant to emulate him -- is this how he sees himself sometimes? HHh boy...
2) First lab coat wearing shadow at the start of his palace investigation
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Prior to this, while we understood that Maruki was a researcher, it was never a defining feature of him. Like the first thing that came to my mind on Maruki was that he was just the school counsellor and snack purveyor. Now this entire researcher, scientist, side of him is in full display. And this is the most common type of shadow we see, some which are violent, and others are non violent. Maruki sees scientists as the main residents of his palace -- his drive towards investigation and discovery, to puzzling out the intricacies of the human heart, human mind, and human pain. To better further his ability to heal. But there’s also a sort of cold, methodical nature to these scientists. Their ‘healing’ is methodical, based in science.
This coupled with the religious reverence and ideology that their dialog suggests, is a nice contrast. Experiments, data, research, are people’s salvation. Not the simple belief of a deity or of a higher purpose -- but science. Science, in many ways, becomes part and parcel of their religious belief.
Shadow: Those guises ... You aren’t among those who desire salvation. Leave. You are unwanted intruders. Do not disturb our lord’s research-- this world’s salvation. Why do you willingly strive for self-suffering? Why are you reaching out to your own pain?
So here -- the shadow wants them to leave the palace well enough alone. To leave Maruki to his research, and to allow this reality to exist. They don’t want this to end violently and it seems like they’re okay with the trio not ‘desiring salvation’. And when the trio refuse to leave, the shadow asks them why they want to suffer. It’s something inconceivable to them. Maybe even challenging their resolve-- to reconsider their current path, which will only lead to more pain. Also ‘salvation’, ding, on the christian theme counter. Deliverance from above from sin, even redemption. Not for one person, but for the whole world. 
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We see this type of shadow again before the scene in the auditorium. 
Shadow: You are misguided. Do not search for pain. Only tragedy awaits you beyond here. [After defeating it] Such a fool, rejecting our lord’s mercy. In that case -- witness it for yourself.
Same themes. Delicious. Lets move on now shall we.
3) Hastur -- the shadow that appears with Maruki at his reveal as his second-in-command / bodyguard
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I don’t think i’ve talked about how much i love the lopsided smiles on these masks. Because i love it. it’s just the right amount of unsettling and creepy. fUCk. And the twitching, twisting, and the weeping blue paint that Hastur’s shadow form does before transforming is /chefs kiss. I wanted more.
Anyway, onto Hastur’s design. Not a labcoat this time, just an ordinary looking white suit with no tie. This is the only time we see Maruki have a bodyguard shadow -- something else he relies on. Hastur’s presence in this scene only shows how deeply afraid and uncomfortable Maruki actually is with intruders in his palace. This experience is a reminder that someone had come into Rumi’s parents house to kill him years ago (a theory for another time). Like that incident years ago, he doesn’t resort to violence here -- he did and does try to negotiate. But when that didn’t work, at least now he has something that can fight for him. 
( It is only in the second infiltration when we see Maruki actually take a more active role -- but I won’t get to that here. )
Hastur: Stubborn imbeciles, rejecting our lord ...
There is a running theme here, unfortunately. The shadows again cannot comprehend why anyone would choose to reject Maruki’s salvation, why anyone would choose suffering. And words like ‘foolish’ ‘misguided’ and finally ‘imbeciles’ here are all used to describe those who choose to reject it. While i do think Maruki only bends reality if the person wishes it (subconsciously or consciously), and does accept that there are people who won’t accept their wishes being granted and is aware of the reasons why-- He cannot fully understand or emphatise with it. 
4) These deformed Maruki-like shadows guarding the control room
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Jesus christ above, i don’t like these, because they contrast with all other designs as these are more brutish and deformed. There’s used as gatekeepers at certain points of the palace, in the first control room, and later on in the brain-pod-room (my brain cells are stopping to work now excuse me) before the garden puzzle portion, at his final will seed and the entrance to the garden of eden.
We know Maruki isn’t a brute strength kinda person. And yet we see these few who’s only purpose is to defend certain things and areas with force. Its uncharacteristic, but at the same time, given the things that these shadows are defending -- it makes sense. No cunning, no wit, no negotiation, no compassion -- just forcefully defending very important parts of his heart and his work. 
Shadow (at the control room): So you dare defy His Excellency. You shall not interfere with our master’s work!
Shadow (brainwash room): Foolish rebels! You won’t take one step past here!
Shadow (entrance to garden of eden) : You?! I can’t believe you’ve made it so far ...
I had to do a double take on this. I think this is the only time this title ‘His Excellency’ has been used in the palace. While it is used for catholic bishops and that sort -- its mostly used in the context of heads of state, ambassadors-- more secular roles. The other times this shadow speaks is also similarly less reverent, less religious orientated. Of course this makes sense if the only function of these shadows is to use force to defend. They’re not the scientists or the first maruki-imitation shadows -- they’re not as devoted, and they dont have to be. 
5) Finally, these limbless noodles
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This one is found during the horticulture portion of the palace. I can’t exactly figure out why. And as far as i can tell, they only appear in this portion of the palace.
As far as the design goes -- these are probably the most unhuman like. Slender, androgynous with only a mask. I’ve got nothing. Braincells ran out. Sorry!
(Haha androgynous maruki go brr)
SO! That’s it. thanks for coming to my ted talk and following me down this rabbit hole. I need to go and drink some fuckin tea. 
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
DATING THIS HANDSOME GUY HEADCANONS (long because I am so lovestruck)
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If you want this relationship to stick, you better meet him in an extreme situation eg during a terroristic attack, or being wrongly - wrongly - accused of killing the President. And seal the deal with the highest stage bonding experience of killing a person together.
Because Steve’s brain simply doesn’t seem to comprehend normality. Yes, he cares for all people equally, but deep down, although he thinks he wants him a girl who’s outside all the horrors of a cop life, he will really fall hard only for somebody as twistedly baggaged as himself. Because all boys are slaves of their mommies. And we all remember that mommy of his
Major trust issues. Several months into dating, on a bad day, he suddenly starts talking about dad, and then you realize: you’re in, and you shake in terror
Steve imposes this heavy feeling of having to be ideal for him. Because he’s so highly, ridiculously disciplined and loyal, he doesn’t notice the pressure people around him feel. Before you met him, you had normal human troubles. After he came into your life your biggest fear is letting him down
And boy, did he come into your life. Rather, smashed the walls down leaving a Steve-shaped hole in the basement concrete. Steve’s careful but determined. He likes something, he gets it.
He’s demanding and doesn’t realize it
He keeps talking to you like you’re one of his team pals, and you have to make him stop and consider his tone of voice. Normal guys go “babe, you wanna go to the movies?” McGarrett goes “we’re going to the movies eight sharp don’t forget money for popcorn”
Which you don’t allow and reproach him for trying to boss you around
Which makes him horny and you end up not going to movies
All he really wants is for someone to challenge him
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Astonishingly, he’s a bad planner in mandane life. Tickets are bought at the last second, house key forgotten in yesterday’s pants, wrong aisle on the plane, table in the restaurant not confirmed, etc
Soft kisses on the forehead and temples, he likes to hold your head with his big hands, and he secretly looooooves touching your hair. He’s a softie, literally. He keeps wondering why your skin is so soft and how your hair is so soft, and saying it he squishes his face in such a funny way
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He’s great at genius simplicity. He doesn’t realize he’s a bit of a simplistic poet. He gives you cute nicknames in Hawaiian which seem to strike you right in your heart. He gets you
You two manage to finish the Halloween Chucky movie once
He’s an overachiever in everything. Orgasms constant orgasms
He sits down and allows you to hold his head to your thigh when he’s upset. He craves motherly protection he’s been deprived of. That’s why true love is sacred to him
He never refuses to let you touch his arms and happily lifts you up on a muscle while you dangle down like a monkey
Piggy back rides
‘Let me throw you into the water like a frisbee??? That’s gonna be cool!’
He tries to teach you everything he knows even though you say you really don’t need to know how to make a knot with your teeth
You dress as an Elven princess for Halloween once, and he keeps calling you “Arwen” for the rest of your life
Little to no PDA bc the further your romance goes and the more solid it gets the more paranoid he becomes
Has one recurring nightmare in which you two swim in the ocean and something big and black drags you down suddenly and he can’t pull you up
When/if you get married he will not wear the ring to work
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But it is so nice being his wifey. You’re not a ‘wife’, you’re a ‘wifey’. You show him off and he plays along no matter how stupidly smug he has to act
He understands your mental issues intimately because he himself has a mind bending PTSD which contaminates his life
But he says, with the most shitty grin, that you’re the best medicine
It’s frustrating how he’s good at literally everything except fixing a DAMN CAR
Always has that annoying optimistic, all-according-to-the-plan attitude. You just try to throw a tantrum or overreact about anything, and he calls you Danny Williams
Danno treats you like his oldest daughter which is not weird or anything lmao. He calls you the little one
Steve can’t explain why, but it’s important to him that you and Danny don’t just get along, but become extremely close. But we know it’s because of mcdanno. You gotta coexist with it.
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Steve tries to control everything in your life and shows up at your work to solve any minor problem you mention. He sees it as taking care of. You see it as intrusion. One day he comes and starts fixing shit at where you work for no reason. He’s so sincerely baffled when you say it’s not right. Everything he does is justified in his mind because He Never Does Anything Wrong Ever
On a plus side, he always justifies whatever you do, too
He admittedly becomes an animal if you’re threatened. He only snaps people’s necks when he thinks you’re in danger. The idea of him jumping out from behind a tree and tear out someone’s throat with his teeth makes you start feeling sorry for catcallers. Like, when somebody tries to hit on you aggressively, you run not because you’re afraid of them, but because you know what’ll happen to them if Steve finds out
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It’s a solid, trusting, passionate relationship that teaches you maturity. Although it’s a knight-elven princess kind of thing, you’re forced to mature because your man is honorable, very responsible and painfully just. He’s a protective type. He’s the warrior type. He’s not dealing with whatever shit you got going on type
Because of that, people adore and respect him, tend to group around him, sensing his healthy leadership. With Steve comes his ohana, and once you’re cleared, there’s no way out. Whether you want it or not, you grow up and heal
“My eyes are in love with you” is the kind of thing you’ll be hearing a lot
He calls you his swim buddy because among SEALs it’s the most solemn title a person can have. You do not abandon your swim buddy. If they go down, you go down with them. A swim buddy is responsible for your survival. No pressure!
He calls you ha’i’ole which means “unbreakable”. He chose you because he’s a ha’i’ole too.
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