#and like see how they use it or feel about the abiltity
radiofreeilium · 2 years
Crowd sourcing plot points in my new wip
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(here i go again)
see i could see shannon going either way - being a massive mage-supporter who wouldn’t blink at blood magic; having that very Warden attitude of ‘we do whatever it takes to stop the Blight,’ & i could see ava being in Kinloch when it was overrun with demons, maybe even being possessed? she would have been a bit younger (Origins is 9:30 dragon and the conclave is around 9:41) & i feel like Shan would have maybe done a Conor-type thing to free her from possession (maybe already knowing how to do it? from Redcliffe?). But I don’t imagine things improved in Kinloch after what happened, so we’d still have a bunch of traumatised people locked in a tower together, and Frances could still believe that ava is vulnerable to possession and decide to kill her before she becomes an abomination (for no reason, because ava, being a spirit healer, is really very resistant to demons, having her Hope spirit and its demesne to retreat to in the Fade). & i think we know from Anders (not to mention Wynne!) that spirits are very much capable of intervening when their mage is dying, it is perfectly possible that Hope could decide to help her survive, and it might physically take her into the Fade and the pair of them end up at the Conclave (drawn, as demons and spirits are, by all of the emotions at play there) and then Ava maybe interrupts the ritual & is pulled back into the Fade as in inquisition. and you are so correct! hope is really in tune with what the Halo is and the abilities it gives to ava. of course the magical scholarship surrounding abilities like that!! almost makes me want to say that Dorian should be there. he would faint from fascination. 
re: Halo abilities. i am still so enamoured with the DAO spell list that i kind of want to make allusions to it when talking about magic, even though we have a much-reduced pool of them in DAI. so, in terms of what might suit the halo in terms of flavour. also some spells ava could reasonably just know, because she’s a spirit-healer. 
barrier (but also arcane shield, which is a sustained abiltity, could account for ava being extra-durable)
fireball (because it has knockdown in DAO; sounds like it could easily be reskinned as ‘halo-blast’.)
heal/rejuvenation/regeneration/mass rejeneration (yes basically the entire Creation school from dao)
heroic offence/ heroic aura (very enamoured with the idea of ava buffing her teammates.)
haste (works the same as Dnd and is just !!!! amazing as a concept. the halo making her super fast but when it fades she gets hit with a wave of exhaustion. flavourful for writing fight scenes. she could also cast haste on bea)
glyph of repulsion (kind of a halo-blast/your repel doubt ability idea)
glyph of warding (circle of protection. sounds like the halo blasting wraiths away/ clearing possession)
(sorry on an extra extra side-note i LOVE the idea that ava could potentially heal people of possession using her spirit/anchor/mage combo. that would… really be a big deal in thedas, and the Chantry would lowkey be threatened by it)
a couple of spells i just think are cool/ ava might learn:
walking bomb/ virulent walking bomb
mana clash
force field/ telekinetic weapons/ crushing prison
spirit healer stuff: so group heal/ lifeward (!!)/ cleansing aura (VERY halo-adjacent)
that aside (sorry you wrote one line and i went insane but here we are), i also think there should just be some unique halo-like stuff. definitely the levitating and phasing (i mean, actually, that’s Fade-Step, but better). 
yeah, Ava would be like ‘lol we’re not approaching the Templars. they can line up to kiss my ass’. but idk maybe she’s got a complicated relationship with the rebels because they fled the circle and left her with the Templars? who killed her? or they left her in Aeonar? & yeah she really dislikes loyalist mages, since they’re either just fucking a Templar or brainwashed by the Chantry (in her opinion) but meeting Bea changes her mind and also changes Bea’s mind - especially when she learns that perfectly innocent people are sent to Aeonar, where the veil is thin and they are basically guaranteed to get possessed. (i love how DA2 and DAI just ignore that Aeonar exists, but i do not forget. just because they want to backtrack on how BAD the circles are so they can present things as ‘both sides are correct’ in inquisition & in Kirkwall) oh, In Hushed Whispers is always so so exciting for character development, bc it lets you safely (lol) just murder loads of the characters and make the protagonist react to it. (sorry ava) but seriously bea doing a leliana at the end of In Hushed Whispers? i would die. (argument for Dorian being there, because otherwise Bea is the only person who might be able to figure out time magic on the fly with her enormous brain) and yeah, i think that would be the moment when Ava gets serious about helping the Inquisition and she starts stepping up and taking charge during decisions. 
haha and there’s that popular song ‘Andraste’s mabari’. she would also fully shift into a nug when mother superion is mad at her because she, like leliana, just melts at the sight of an adorable nug. oh, and ava would want to shift into something that can fly, like Morrigan’s raven-form. hard pass on the giant spider though. 
yeah MS would fit leliana’s role during the Blight, especially when we see how different leliana is in inquisition vs. in origins. gosh maybe she could even be an ex-warden or something, but a bit like Grand Enchanter Fiona have been ‘cured’ (a parallel to her having & losing the halo) but she still lowkey gets the bad darkspawn dreams & people are a bit in awe of her because she’s a bard and a warden and now she’s a spymaster and it’s just kind of incredibly sexy of her. Jillian definitely feels this way lol. & yeah, Cam has Sera energy (& Sera is pretty Andrastian, just in a quirky way) and LOVES pranks. 
yeah idk i mean either that or mary is also a grey warden & she fills the Hawke/ Stroud/ Alistair role in Crestwood (though i like her just being a party member so idk). i’m not going to suggest we leave her in the fade if that happens but also Shannon HoF being like ‘you what!!??’ and making ava take her into the Fade to rescue Mary would be chef’s kiss. And yeah, the wardens never stop hunting darkspawn, so it makes sense they might be scattered a bit, especially if there are rumours that somebody (corphy-face) might have an archdemon & also be one of the original magisters who caused the Blight. but yeah, she would see some Anders in Ava - his brighter parts, like in DA Awakening - and also his dedication to his clinic and his care for all the downtrodden in Kirkwall, but Ava doesn’t lose control because her spirit isn’t so black/white about situations and anyway doesn’t have the same kind of bond with her as Anders/Justice. Yeah, and Ava likes Anders’ ideas. idk if she’d be 100% pro blow-up-the-chantry, but she would defend the fact that he campaigned peacefully for years prior to taking drastic action. 
Solas would, i think, really like Ava despite himself, because yes she is very bright and she embodies hope and he loves spirits (think of his affection for Cole, if we’re seeing Ava as kind of our Cole and also the Herald) but they just don’t get along in practice. but i think he does become her friend, and have that high-approval ending to Inquisition where he kind of apologises and tells you nothing but is clearly anguished pre-trespasser. 
oh yes, i mean either they knew each other from Court or from the Montissmard Circle, or something (ik Bea sounds Ferelden and not Orlesian, but they do exchange mages from powerful families, and lol her family could totally have moved her around if they wanted). & yeah Viv and Ava are fire and ice & it’s messy and snippy, but Ava is good at seeing the best in people and they do end up as friends, + yeah she would never betray someone like that even if she didn’t like them. 
Iron Bull throwing Ava at Venatori (cue halo-blast) is everything. incredible. 
oh! yes Bea is basically always there. she’s the LI so sorry lads she’s going on every mission, literally don’t care if two mages is unbalanced. (it’s actually pretty good generally!) then rogue cam is there a bunch, & mary as a kind of hybrid warrior/rogue. she’s got the caltrops thing that varric has and does a lot of crowd control. then yeah Lilith sometimes (she and Bea actually get along very well, since seekers are typically like Cas better predisposed towards mages who are loyal. so Bea persuades ava to take Lilith when she thinks they need her. dealing with templars especially because they can divine smite bea and ava which canonically is Really debilitating for mages, even if the ability sucks in Inquisition). lol ava rolling up to lilith like ‘yk templars basically have mage abilities? like fr they can do some of the same stuff as me for pretty much the same reasons.’ Lilith: ‘maker give me strength.’ 
and ava would take Bull a bunch as her warrior-pick. dorian and solas is probably Too Many Mages. so we have
Mages: Ava, Bea, Solas, Viv
Warriors: iron bull, lilith
Rogues: mary, cam
i mean really that’s all you need, in terms of picking for excursions (though realistically WHY would you only bring four people? probably you would bring everyone most of the time, at least for sure bring everyone to the main camp in each region and have them split the fetch-quests lol) BUT i think michael as a warrior with Blackwall's abiliteis would be cool. he at least trained as a Chevalier (maybe is not actually one, because YIKES about how one actually becomes a Chev - aka, have to go into the alienage and slaughter innocent elves for no reason as a rite of passage. orlais sucks tldr).
yeah once Jillian joins (or… get’s spared via Inquisitor-judgement. because lets be honest ava would only go for the funny/ merciful options) then there is Some Tension between her and MS. and mary does punch ava frequently about it. rolling her eyes at Bea ‘what? she can heal. be thankful it’s not a crossbow bolt.’ 
oh yes Dora could be cullen. ex-Templar etc. & i love Josie so i want her, also where would the Inquisition be without her specifically? nowhere. plus she and MS could be old Bard buddies and have that cute friendship that Leliana and Josie have. 
Ava would be such a puppy over Morrigan. 1 because HOT and 2. because she sees morrigan shapeshift one time and begs her to teach her how to do that. and yes Morrigan would AND would be aware of Bea’s jealously and be a shit about it, but also at one point corner Bea & say ‘i am not interested in your girl.’ and Bea being like ‘my what? don’t be absurd she’s not my… ah. you’re mistaken!.’ morrigan just smirking and swaggering off. 
& yeah, avatrice is the Inquisition’s worst-kept secert, but Bea manages to be oblivious to the betting pools (not to their attraction, but she is also thinking ‘i am attracted to this girl because i am so devout. because i love andraste. not because her lips occupy my thoughts day and night or because her skin is soft or the way her magic feels when it heals me.’ & EVERYONE has to endure ava whinging about ‘bea this and bea that’ and ava and bea basically NEVER address things but meanwhile everyone is giving them totally unsolicited advice (which bea needs, frankly, but no does not appreciate; and ava is like ‘teach a scarecrow how to stand in a field why don’t you?’)
(oh god this got long! it is a very exciting concept though!!! can i truly be blamed for adoring it?)
I really have to go back and look over the spell list from Origins, I forgot so many of these... That being said, Haste? On Bea? Terminator. You have created the Terminator.
And not only could Ava cure possession, she can reverse Tranquility. With just a touch, even. Whether she learns this through Lilith's questline or discovers it by accident (would Mary bring it up?), that's a big fucking deal. A lot of her friends were probably made Tranquil (Diego?? I cry.)... And Yasmine would be all about Tranquil rights, I suspect, as she would have worked alongside them in whatever Circle she came from.
I also love Dorian, but I thought that might be Too Many Mages. Maybe not, he is my mustachioed little meow meow. Oh, and if he developed a friendship with Michael like he supposedly had with Felix? Super cute. And of course Bea would be super skeptical of him at first because ew Tevinter but once they bond over their shitty parents, it's like peas and carrots.
And yes, realistically you would at least take everyone on missions and split up the work that way. And maybe they do, which makes it really mean something when one party member (like Solas in the Exalted Plains) suddenly isn't there anymore.
You know what? Yes, Josie is there, and yes, she has the same friendship with Mama S, which absolutely shocks the younger members of the Inquisition. Hearing Josie's warning to run if they see S with a twine ball, measuring stick, and handkerchief really helps to humanize her to Ava and the rest.
Does Ava use the Well of Sorrows? It would be functionally the same as putting on the crown of thorns, but I don't think she would. 1) Because Bea would immediately shut down the idea and 2) If she knew in advance that using the Well would bind her in some way to Mythal?? Hell no. Morrigan can deal with that. Indeed, taking in all the knowledge and memories of the Elvhen would almost certainly do something messed up to Hope, which is the last thing anyone wants.
Who goes to the Fade in Here Lies the Abyss? This is the one time where I think Bea isn't there, because the fear and angst of not knowing where Ava is or if she's coming back? Losing her mind in anxiety, ready to fight everyone? The relief of seeing Ava step back through the Rift? Magnifique. I like taking Dorian to the Fade, and Sera. So: Ava, Dorian, Cam, Mary, Alistair/Stroud, and Michael? That could be really fun, with the Nightmare using Cam's mother against her, Michael's illness, and Mary's fear of never seeing Shannon again. How does Hope act back in the Fade? Is she still attached to Ava or is she free to help and guide them? A very interesting question.
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glopratchet · 4 years
Cloudstrum You get a gui, now is it is time to log in Tt says astryl_wyld The first thing you do is select your name and password Then a password promt ation screen comes up You type in a long string of characters that look like this: You then hit enter Of blood sample for duster mychemistry informative esl analysis! A geiger counter begins ticking faster and faster until it sounds like a jackhammer You click it it closes it self down What the heck is going on? The chair morphs into the most uncomfortable chair you have ever felt, way too hard Astrokhan then the panels would start appearing a panel for all those being watched a screen for those that have made the transition to agents and one for the highest ranking not afterthoughts The panel is from the point of veiw of asytrly wylde AH01 From the point of view of astryl 13 You are locked into a small room It is his own personal dashboard of information that is provide by astrokhan It consists of rows and rows of status displays all in different colors flashing different types of information He can see his bank acount his enery level time since he last slept and his experience level He can't however, touch any of it without using the morphradite link He can see is his shadow rising and falling his hearts rate his underling's loyalty their stamina their weapons proficiency He can see all his contacts Some have a giant plus or huge negative and some just have a letter grade that leans towords positive or negaitive But there is a hex grid and you can move him from location to location using this grid And that is it, well other than a link to astrokhan A small ball that feels warm You can also see others moving from place to place and a very AI sounding voice talking about everything in the local area that it thinks you should know about You got to create the photoshop file for you agents ID, this will passerbys for agents from neighboring cities You got a weapons manufacturing link open There would be an inventory of items and there locations listed but you can't get into it You have to open it with an agent first Reason he does not have so much data needs lots of data so more secure Weather from all the locations daily agenda pretty standard too And your screen can tell you how to speak in their language by focusing on keywords A list of all the locations you can currently teleport to under your control You finally set everything up for the coming day then go to sleep And way to send messages to agents A document that records a story to help you with accents would be sweet A screen that provides a panel of imagery to be able to tell a story with also useful half the time without the right image something is lost in translation After all that yawn A screen that shows the time in your location and each agent home location that you have The ability to teleport anywhere is really handy for getting to work fast and exploring the universe without wasting money on travel Information related to the number of alligators in the land around where you are You'll probably need to keep this building clean from now own too Information related to the number of cows in the land Perhaps have a place you can direct sewage too in the future if the numbers of people increase around where you are Information related to the number of art works in the land The future head quarters of ENL in the center of that hexagon grid The ability to interact with others on the communual agent device The abitilty to construct a machine that will protect and spy on other people The abitlity to forsee possilbe future events with complex algorithm The ability to educate agents via reliving past battles via a 3d Battle Simulator The knowledge of all the hives and the amount of honey they are producing The resources of the planet, most of which you cannot use directly Sometimes it takes days to tunnel through some mountains The ability to stream the data from the turtle drop lots to your database The ability to move any device anywhere in operation from here The ability to see what the bundead are up to via secret cameras around their home The abilty to see if new settlements start forming down the road and predict population numbers in ten years The ability to purchase objects and own them You guessed it, more, more locations with resources and things you might need to buy Knowledge of the plans of the skull lizards basic stuff about not surviving in a hostile enviroment via those humans arriving at the hives or being indoctrinated The ability to create works of art The arts highlighht and low lights of ENL A system of damage and conflict reports usefull for agents fighting pack enemies or the bundead in wars Alerts on all attacks underway requiring your immediate assistance or any of your alient help on their weekly testrun attack on the cities The ablity to teleport to places that a hidden from the eyes of humans via the city's splma tube system The abiltity to tslat numbers of people from different tribes and humans condition in that second A system of speach between characters in written form of any language A voice communicator that allows you to talk to anyone wearing a speaker anywhere on the globe A way to track the value of different money values on the planet for trading A banking system for storing items and allowing you to transfer them into different currencies, or even energy units for those techical beings A central control location full of icons that can be used to open panels across the central city or in the agent meeting houses The ability to check on the status and experiance of all the Eternals at a click of a A method of dying and seeing the colors of an individual agent anywhere on the globe Presents a tarinar that shows the levels of planet pollution in real time the ime when the agent fleet visited tronus An epic story about amusement, warnings and suprise A dashboard full of excitment By expanding on that you can see new information and make projections into the future of events even years away You could just focus on the turtle drop first then get back to all of this stuff later You decide the first thing you need to do is contact the agents already on the planet
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creditmonkey · 5 years
Credit Repair Affiliate
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