#and make the enemies not expect the kys thrown at them
matrinki · 1 year
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its about her pathetic wet stare
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janiedean · 7 years
an anon submission I got yesterday which is a+++ on point
I totally get you, like, I don’t like nor Kylo nor do I like R*eylo (tho I find it okay, I think I would definitely like it if I liked Kylo better) but anti-reylo discourse is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever seen. I don’t even go into the tags that much because I’m not into the star wars fandom that much to begin with but recently I’ve followed some r*eylo blogs and I can tell you that these people know what they’re talking about, their fanarts are beautiful and their metas well-written and well documented, and from what I’ve seen they’re very nice and well-read people (at least the blogs I follow, no fandom is perfect) so curiosity pushed me to go into the anti-reylo tags to see if they had any interesting counter-arguments.. I held my hopes too high for what this website is worth, all I saw was ‘if you don’t ship finn/rey then you’re racist’ (that is NOT racism, your tastes do not make you racist, racism would be 'I don’t ship Finn/rey, cause I hate Finn being black’) 'rey is finn’s girlfriend end of the arguement’ (funny how people always brag about the lack of true M/F friendship but then want to force an obvious friendship down people’s throat, I don’t deny the romantic aspect of this ship, but it didn’t go very far so don’t expect epople to ship it romantically) the most pointless shit was 'Friendly reminder that K*ylo Ren is a murderer’, that’s when I quit. I wonder how these people deal with watching  other movies than disney? Seriously, every 'bad guy’ even in a kid’s show kill someone at some point, it’s very stupid to direct this argument toward one character you don’t like in particular.. Then there’s the typical tumblr dicourse that labels everything a little problematic as abusive (seriously they’re enemies, and he treats her far better than he did Poe where do you guys see abuse? He tries to invade her mind of course but that’s denying the part where Rey fought back and is the one who invade his mind), I don’t see this argument thrown that much when people ship male hero/male villain..? That’s when you see these people tries to find every little flaws they can. I mean my problem with K*ylo Ren, the reason I’m so Meh about him, is that I feel he could have done a lot worse shit than he did. I’m into problematic shit, I I like seeing the dark side of humanity, how people’s insecurities or past can make them horrible, I like when an antagonist is petty, cruel and arrogant but very insecure, or when the villain is the anti-thesis or acts as a good foil to the hero that’s the kind of shit I like but Kylo? I don’t see him as a villain tbh, he’s not threatening, or even cruel tbh I really thought he was gonna give Han the lightsaber (I still felt it a bit weird he didn’t) if he were introduced as a real antagonist I wouldn’t have felt the slightest hesitation. So when people get shit (in their tags mind you) for liking him because he’s supposedly problematic I can’t help but shuckle. Like I’ve seen villains doing worse things and getting worshipped, but you like this guy and suddenly you’re a nazi-apologist? That’s so sad because people who ship rey/kylo don’t even ship in a subversive way, they’re interested in the potential dynamic like every shippers do and they genuinely want for him to become a better person.. But eventually you’ll always have these people who’ll make you feel bad enjoying your thing.. (Anyway I’m very sorry to rant a lot, I had a lot of things to say as you can see xD)
^^^ HEY ANON you’re a gift that keeps on giving. really never mind the being into dark stuff bit and the thing with han (because I knew he was gonna die the moment I saw the bridge XDDD) I could have written this tbh *high five* also I’d like to thank you for
funny how people always brag about the lack of true M/F friendship but then want to force an obvious friendship down people’s throat, I don’t deny the romantic aspect of this ship, but it didn’t go very far so don’t expect epople to ship it romantically
BECAUSE THANK YOU GDI I didn’t see anything romantic in finn/rey and tbh I like them better as friends (I can dig the ot3 but really that’s it) but the fact that a lot of people who I suppose were hoping for it to sail then have to bash other ships because it didn’t (and like, there’s parts of the st0rmpilot fandom I can’t even look at which is why I don’t look at the tags anymore but back in the day people going like YOU SHOULD SHIP FINN AND REY BC IF YOU SHIP HIM AND POE IT’S SEXIST AND THE ACTORS HAVE A TEN YEAR AGE DIFFERENCE IT’S BAD TM and said that you had to ship finn and rey instead were grating on my nerves too) and like, fuck’s sake, write your ship and leave others be. also the r*ylo fandom is like... chill? I’ve never seen them stirring shit? honestly I’m not into it and I never will be but gdi let them live. also:
he treats her far better than he did Poe where do you guys see abuse?
THANKS ALSO FOR POINTING THAT SHIT OUT guess why back in the day poe/kylo was the go-to darkship for the kink meme and then I don’t see it anymore much but everyone’s gone to ky*lux for all the badwrong and I can understand them since from what it seems it’s like the only corner of fandom that’s relatively discourse-free. and tbh at times I wish I gave two fucks about either K or H because then I’d totally be down with it but I don’t so whatever but honestly the anti side when it comes to both kylo and r*ylo is over the top, has gone overboard and are overtly mean in ways that are frankly insufferable and I’m tired. I don’t unfollow people for ONE post but I’m honestly at the point where every time I see r*ylo hate I do it because I can’t have petty shit like that on the dash and people really need to take a step back and let others live gdi anyway thanks anon you have a+ opinions
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