#and maybe that's what ruins their relationship for good or at least damages it more than the stalking did
oblako · 9 months
249 episodes and we still know barely anything about shinhye
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artsy-waffle19 · 5 months
They literally put Edwin through every possible gay-romance trope but made it realistic and that's so special to me like
we got the "probably former friend can't handle feelings and turns into bully instead" but it doesn't end with them, making up and being happy, they break apart, things escalate and they both suffer from that situation for a major part of their existence. With a bit of luck and a LOT of growing they manage to talk it out and the victim finds it in himself to forgive his bully but it's never going to be truly fine. But even though they both suffer tremendously, they are faced to deal with themselves in the process and find a kind of peace they wouldn't have gotten otherwise. Because maybe it's better to hurt for a long time only to realise that it really doesn't have to be torture to be the way you are and finally freeing yourself entirely than quietly live without the conflict but also without the realisation and resenting yourself for its entirety.
then there's the situation with the cat king. Older, emotionally unstable guy obsesses over younger inexperienced guy who actually understands him and causes some sort of gay awakening. But instead of some "I can fix him" bullshit with them, ending up happily ever after because "they're the only ones who understand each other"TM we get to see Edwin set boundaries and standing up for himself which benefits the both of them. For Edwin this ends in going "Hey thank you for opening that door to discovering that part of myself but I'm actually gonna have to leave you at the doorstep now" and for the cat king it ends up with him actually feeling seen because for once somebody didn't fall for his probably usual game of "I'm bored so I'm going to make a game of getting that guy to do what i want by seducing him". The fact that they don't end up together is the reason they were good for each other.
Also the situation with Monty which is basically the experience of a lot of queer peoples first relationship. They meet and they're both somehow new to all of this. Being queer, relationships, all that stuff. And they get along and share some interests, they like soending time with each other and technically it's like in a romance book because they meet and one of them is immediately interested and then they talk and they sit on a swingset and they kiss. And there's the excitement about "apparently I'm making my first experience with romance right now" and the worry of "I'm queer...I have it harder with relationships...what if this is the best option i have? what if it's the only one?" so they go through all the romance book tropes but the spark simply isn't there and it ends in one of them getting way more invested tha the other and they eventually end up breaking up in blood. But in a way both of them got an idea about what they actually want in life out of it so even if that sone didn't end well, it did give them something.
And last but not least the "in love with best friend who likes someone else/someone of the opposite gender specifically" but instead of having that best friend be secretly in love with the character all along or suddenly turn homophobic and the friendship being ruined they talk about it and they move on and the friendship isn't damaged and in a way it might even be better because sometimes our feelings are unrequited and sometimes that's okay.
I just really really love how the show took all of those options for cheesy and in a way sometimes even forced romance tropes and went "hey, life is not a romance novel but actually that kind of makes it better because look where it got you now"
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soap-ify · 10 months
simon can't be with you anymore.
cw gn!reader , angst , hurt / no comfort, simon doesn't know what he's doing.
notes streets said that it's angstmas !! didn't know that it existed until recently. anyways, since i'm having the worst week of my life, i'm gonna ruin it for simon too.
maybe simon was being stupid.
he probably was. not that he could think of any other options besides leaving you.
his work was too dangerous, and the next deployment was probably going to be his last. especially after the recent briefing he went to where the captain spoke about the upcoming mission — a highly risky one. in fact, even the most skilled like ‘ghost’ was bound to either get severely injured or just die. probably the latter. especially since he wouldn’t be with the rest of the taskforce 141 in the fucking warzone.
just a sacrifice for the better of the world, yeah? even though a part of him didn’t want to. fuck the world. you meant so much more to him. but he had chosen this job right. he had agreed to the mission.
and after all, he never considered himself deserving of you, deserving of this relationship he had with you. he knew he was somewhat of a distant boyfriend — barely opening up about his own feelings or past. at least he had shown you his face. you didn’t deserve someone as dangerous as him, someone so… damaged.
he didn’t want to die knowing that you’d be waiting home, all sad and lonely. he didn’t want to leave you like that, but at the same time, he didn’t want to stay and just watch this sweet bubble you two were in shatter. in both ways, he had to leave you. he had to somehow make this less painful, to make it easier for you to move on.
god, he was an asshole. he knew he was. he spent the week just distancing himself from you, responding to your words with nods and grunts while barely reciprocating to your affectionate touches. his heart was breaking more and more everyday, noticing the pained look in your eyes.
he couldn’t keep doing this for much longer. eventually, he had to end this, and he did.
“we can’t be together.”
his words hit you like a brick. literally on a random friday evening. not so random now, it seemed.
“what do you mean, si…?” your voice got quieter with each word, uncertainty towards your own state of mind flooding inside you while a lump formed in your throat, restraining you from properly even speaking out. your eyes stared at him in pure confusion and heart, noticing how he was cladded in his uniform, how he wore that damn skull mask balaclava — building up those walls again that you had managed to break so easily with your love.
simon hated this. he didn’t want to see you so confused and defeated. he had to stop himself mentally from doing something irrational. he was doing this for you, for your own good. though hearing you call him ‘si’ seemed to somewhat crack his composure.
“look, we can’t be together. s’too dangerous. too risky for you. you never know when i might die.” soon, but he held himself from saying that. you didn’t need to know about his deployment, not at all.
“w-why so sudden?” your voice cracked as you tried to properly make sense of his words, emotions taking off your being while you tried to hold in the tears that had begun to sting your eyes.
too dangerous, too risky — maybe somewhere in your heart, you had known that a day like this would come. simon riley was too careful about safety, too dedicated to his work while simultaneously being madly in love. suddenly, all of his sudden distant behavior made sense, and you felt somewhat stupid. stupid for, well, everything.
he was the plague that had infected you, and now he needed to leave so you could heal.
but you never thought of him like that. he was your rock, the anchor that held you from slipping away into loneliness that had always somehow stuck with you throughout your life, a sting that only simon could soothe. it was simon who would craddle you in his arks every night, it was simon who would listen to your rambles. it was simon who your heart was so willing to give love to.
and now he was going to leave.
simon had expected you to scream, to somehow target your anger and frustrations at him. he wanted you to yell at him, he deserved it.
but you didn’t. you sniffled, beads of tears beginning to roll down your cheeks as you took a wobbly step back, too exhausted to fight back or anything.
you didn’t blame simon. how could you? even now, you couldn’t find a flaw in him. too in love? maybe.
as silence filled the living room of the apartment you used to share with him, he slowly picked up his duffel bag and sighed, trying to keep his brown eyes cold and unfeeling, to make it look like he didn’t feel remorseful, to hide his heart was threatening to tear out of his own skin.
“i’ll always love you, simon…”
you said after a few seconds, causing his head to turn over to look back at you — your eyes teary and puffy while your cheeks were streaked with tears, his hands aching to wipe them away. your voice was weak, reluctantly defeated. you know that there was no point in stopping him.
i’ll always love you too, he mentally thought, though never said.
"one final kiss...?" simon froze at your request, knowing that if he were to look at your face any longer, he'd actually stay. he sighed and pressed a soft kiss on your forehead before pulling away, brown eyes hardening up.
he gave you a final nod and exited the apartment from the front door, leaving you alone all over again, your heart torn in pieces as you fell down on your knees, shattering into pieces that no one was going to bother picking up now. only simon could, but he was gone.
simon riley had died three months after that, and you never found out. for you, ge had just disappeared, leaving no traces behind.
just a memory that you were afraid you’d forget eventually, forget his touch and his voice, forget his face — just a memory that was going to bury itself no matter how hard you may try.
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brucewaynehater101 · 3 months
okay so I think I recall an ask here about Jason and Tim who got JJ'd having to work with an alternate Good Joker and it got me thinking about those actor AUs where canon is just a live-action piece of media, specifically this post
So now I'm thinking of Actor!Joker having just left the bar after a good day of drinking, not drunk enough to not get home by himself, only to get non-lethally isekaied into DC
From his perspective, one minute he was walking home, the next he started seeing himself playing the most lucrative role in his career. Dissassociation if he had to guess. He might need therapy
Oh, the Joker he plays is trying to kill him. Self defense it is-- he killed him. well he can't fault himself for it if he never learned self defense now can he :/
Is that a camera? Oh yeah, Joker and loads of his other roles break the fourth wall, and improvisation is expected of him
He looks straight into the camera, the audience, "this is why we don't method act kids. hallucinations" he points at not-him with that final word
"but you all see me pointing at nothing, don'tcha?"
Fuck it, for added humor, the minute Batman gets on the scene & Actor!Joker lays eyes on him, he say "now I'm hallucinating my fiance's role too, what a day," and also Jason and Tim and Duke are there for maximum psychic damage
Hey maybe the three were hostages because the Joker wanted to torment the top three bats he fucked up the most on live television for all of Gotham to see only for Actor!Joker to ruin everything
But also the three seeing this go down through the screen would be funny as shit too
Actor Universe lore; Actor!Joker and Actor!Bruce met through previous roles, kicked off a friendship that became a relationship and soon to be marriage and thats how Actor!Joker met Actor!Bruce hoard of children
this would lead to much of the quote on quote Batfamily Plotline being concieved, through Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids scheming together to make the most drama-filled superhero story they could
So Actor!Joker and Actor!Batkids would cook up the most gutwrenching ideas, building of eachothers ideas, and cheered eachother on as the Batfamily lore became more and more emotionally devastating
Actor!Bruce can testify because years later into Batman, he still cries fountains of tears when he reads the script and something awful happens to the roles his kids plays, or Bruce Wayne is a shit father
actor!joker: my love, I have propositions the directors will grovel for
actor!bruce: oh no
his kids: daddy I have a new idea for my role >:3
actor!bruce: OH NO!
I think it goes without saying that the actors and characters they play don't have the same name, but I can't be bothered to come up with any mysel lol
Yo!!! This is a wicked cool idea. I dislike Joker/Batman (unless it's the Lego Batman), but I am vibing with this one.
To add on, what if Bruce and Joker became directors specifically so they could sort of adopt their kids? They would be those actors that also direct and screenwrite their own movies.
I want to see Crystal Brown being on set (not necessarily on scene) whenever Steph is, and Bruce and Joker chatting with her when they aren't working. Arthur Brown makes plenty of jokes and pulls pranks on his daughter.
Willis and Catherine cheer on Jason (and sometimes *can't* be on set when certain scenes play out) and smother him in affection after he's done.
The Drakes have their own careers they have to pursue while Tim is filming, but they try to make it on set at least once a week and watch every premiere with Tim. They are good friends with the other parents and only allow Tim to be on set without them because they trust Bruce and Joker.
The Graysons are acrobats in real life as well. Dick wanted to pursue a career in acting instead. They support their son, and he often does performances with them.
Would Damian still be Bruce's kid? If so, I wonder what Joker and Talia's relationship is like. Talia is obviously a fierce but loving mom in this AU. She viciously protects Damian, his privacy, and his ability to stop acting at any time. Damian enjoys acting and being on set with his dad. I also hc that Talia is famous as well. Maybe a model, maybe another actor, or maybe something else. Ra's is the owner/head of a really famous entertainment business. It has branches all over the world, including America.
The Thomases take turns with who's on set with Duke. They both work as well so that a majority of the income Duke makes goes towards his savings or his own spending.
I didn't talk about Barbara or Cass or Alfred or Kate or etc., but feel free to add more!
Actor!Joker would be appalled and disgusted with Batman. Actor!Bruce was playing a role. Yes, the role was somewhat based on Bruce, but he would never harm his kids. He would rather kill than allow them to come to harm.
When Actor!Joker gets transported to that universe, his distaste for Batman is the truly jarring piece of it all. He's not obsessed like their universe's Joker. Actor!Joker shows understanding for their hatred/distance from him. He accepts their boundaries and considers their feelings (in his own very weird way). He doesn't torment. He killed the other Joker.
Just Joker's mannerisms of "whelp, what can you do?" as he murders the other Joker. He still laughs a lot, does harmless pranks, and makes a ton of jokes. Somehow, he does this while lecturing Batman on treating his kids better.
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Hello!!! =D
This follows from Part 1
Warning: long post 😊😅
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Oh you're still here 😶
Honestly, I was really liking his character right up till he said this. He was nice, friendly, and yes, a little invasive, but as long as Peem didn't mind, I was okay. But we all know how a love rival saying these words go in BLs, so when he said this, alarms went off in my head. And he continued flirting. Which is not okay. I know Peem doesn't really mind, but still. Kluen, you are a mostly decent human, but please take a rejection as it's supposed to be taken.
Also, when he says he's handsome and rich, and Peem jokes about how much he's willing to "invest", Peem says "Phum is handsome, too." No mention of his money. If Phum heard this, he'd be jumping and squealing, but it also tells us that Peem cares fuck all about how rich Phum is. Which will probably help Phum gain more confidence in this love.
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Who the fuck cares. 🙂
Listen, as I said in my previous post, I'd decided to ignore the parents because they didn't deserve any attention, but when he stopped Fang from going after Phum, I was furious. That is nothing compared to what I felt in this scene. You ruined his childhood, gave him trauma that he'll never be able to fully leave behind, gave Fang trauma too, and then you dare to ask him why he doesn't talk to you? You have the audacity to keep pestering him even after he says he has something to do? And now you're ruining his adult life too. With all due respect, which is absolutely none: fuck. off.
@almayver I'm really thinking of writing that fic. 🙂
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I love this friend group so much.
The moment Q says Peem is sad they all barge into his house to cheer him up, no hesitation. They don't demand to know the whys and hows (Q does, but he already knows), just settle in comfortable and loudly, and be their chaotic selves. This reminds us that despite all the flirting and cheesy lines and hugging and kissies, friendship will always be a priority for these group of friends.
And let's be honest, Peem expected Aunt Pui, and we all expected Phum. This was a very nice surprise.
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All this time, Peem wasn't upset Phum was late. He was worried about Phum.
This was the scene that made me cry. We Are was supposed to be a simple romcom. WHAT IS THIS THEN.
I just- I really have nothing to say here, they said it all.
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They both did what they did and are feeling what they are because they're important to each other.
Phum did it because he didn't want to ruin Peem's big day again. And Peem is upset and worried because he thinks he might not be Phum's safe space anymore.
Peem's reaction tells me that maybe he was over the moon last episode when he could provide comfort to Phum. And he's very very glad that at least with him, Phum can be himself. This incident makes him question that, which leads him to questioning their entire relationship. Phum himself said (many times in various ways) that Peem makes him feel good and warm and comfortable, and he's not lonely anymore. But... if Peem isn't that to Phum anymore, then what is he?
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This is one of the best love confessions Thai BL has ever given me.
I have nothing else to say. This has already given us all enough emotional damage.
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This reminds me of that textpost: "Caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing."
Love that Q has already accepted Phum hehe. You know your man is good when he's bestie-approved.
Love even more how he's giving the cold shoulder to Phum and then defending him to Peem 😭
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Well he did, but apparently your ears were "muffled".
Also- love this scene.
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I mean, I get him though, who the hell would be able to say no to Phum's "please? 🥺"
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Just putting this here 'cause I happened to pause at the right moment and this scene is beautiful and very pretty. <3
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I missed Matt (JJ) and his impeccable sense of humour so bad
Every group is incomplete without a Matt hehe
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If I had a rupee for every time a couple kissed at this booth, I'd have two rupees, which is nothing, but it's strange it happened twice.
Another very beautiful scene. <33
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He says that as if he isn't squealing and giggling inside. But. FINALLY. OUR PATIENCE HAS BEEN REWARDED, THEY'RE FINALLY DATING!!!!
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OOH flower bouquet kiss hehe
Reminds me of QToey tote bag kiss
Next ep:
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Portrait drawing?!!
Anyways, that's all for this week, see you next ep!
If you got this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have some ice cream 🍨
My We Are posts.
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fairytsuk1 · 2 years
bachata baby | (s)
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apart of the meet cute: gone wrong series, click here for more!
pairing: shigaraki tomura x reader
words: 8.7k
prompt: "getting paired up at a dance class"
warnings: enemies to lovers, cunnilingus, dom!shigaraki, sensual dancing, tit play, fingering, hand kink, doggystyle, protected sex, alcohol, frat party, complicated relationship
  You’d absolutely lost the class registration lottery. After days, even weeks of agonizing over what classes filled which requirements and yet still gave you enough wiggle room to have your off days, you were exhausted. Everything was planned to a tee, and your dismayed face was evident as you told your roommate the dreadful news.
“I have to take a dance class! A partner dancing class! I might as well drop out,” you cry forlornly, looking at Nejire’s baby blue rug in frustration.
“It can’t be that bad! I mean, at least the professor’s good, right? Nemuri Kayama, I think. She’s one of the best; you’re in good hands,” your friend pets your head softly before leaping onto her plush bed, “maybe you’ll even dance with someone cute! You should keep your head high.”
“...Well, I guess. If I’m with a creep, I’m gonna be so annoyed! How are you so positive?”
Nejire seems to think over her answer before giving you a teasing grin, “because I got the schedule I wanted.”
She’d reassured you she was just joking, but it was true. If you were in her position, you’re sure you’d be glad to have everything work out how you want it to. Sucking it up, you were determined not to let a stupid class ruin your well-earned GPA. You don your best comfy clothes and arrive ten minutes early at the studio. 
A couple of people are hanging out in the studio, and there’s a pleasant buzz of chatter while you sit. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. People continued trickling in, and before you could realize it, your professor clapped her hands.
“Good morning, everyone!”
Your face burns a bit hot, was she supposed to wear such tight (and revealing!) clothing? She quickly introduces herself even with all the muttering, “I hope today goes as well for you as it does for me, and I want you to all know that this class will excite you, will make you feel, and most importantly is a lot of fun!”
Everyone around you seems to be either drinking in your professor’s appearance or wondering if they should drop the class; you’re thinking the latter, too, until she drops a bomb on the students.
“You’re all too uptight! You know what? Partner up!”
It feels like you’re about to faint. Looking left, people are making eyes and nodding at each other. Looking right, it’s the same thing, and your heart stops at the realization that you don’t have a partner. There’s so much chatter and commotion as people enter the room to find a clear spot for this cruel icebreaker. 
“Does anyone not have a partner?”
You almost don’t raise your hand, but you have to. Red-hot shame is coursing through your veins. Could this get any worse?
Thankfully, a lanky and pale arm shoots into the sky alongside yours. Before you know it, Nemuri pushes you two toward each other and moves on to the assignment.
“First, say hello. These will be your partners for the rest of the semester, so make sure you like them! I know some of you are gonna date outside of class, and don’t get handsy over there!”
He’s very tall. You have to actually look up at his grumpy face to see him. His hair falls flat, looks damaged, and your cheek twitches. He’s not ugly! If he cared for his hair and maybe got more sleep… dare you say it, he could be cute.
Shigaraki towers over you easily, eyes raking your form (noting that he can see your perky tits in your bra from this advantage.) You look alright, but he’s getting the feeling that you think he’s weird, “you can stop looking at me like an animal.”
“I wasn’t! I really wasn’t,” you offer your hand and introduce yourself, “I really like your skull necklace!”
It feels like a ruse, and Shigaraki reluctantly takes your hand with a bored face, “I’m Shigaraki. Thanks.”
While others seemed to be faring better with their partners, it feels off-putting that he won’t even try to converse with you. If he’s going to have his hands on you, how could he act so cold!?
“Well, jeez. Don’t try to say it all at once,” you mumble sourly, to which your partner scoffs.
“It’s just a class. It’s not even important.”
“It’s important to me,” and you don’t like this guy.
“Then maybe you should find a different partner.”
You look like a kicked puppy when he says that, but he doesn’t take it back and mentally stews in his harshness. Maybe he should make a better effort… you were cute, he supposed. You had great tits, and you complimented his necklace.
Turning back to Nemuri, you can’t think of anything to say to that. Even though you don’t know him, it still stings a bit and your confidence leaks. Were you really that down on your luck?
Nemuri begins, telling each duo to get in a typical slow-dance pose for fun and to “get to know each other more.” It’s starting to get a little creepy, but you wind your arms around Shigaraki’s shoulders anyways. He rests his hands casually on your waist but doesn’t hold you like others. 
“Aren’t you supposed to hold my waist?”
He snickers, “do you want me to?”
Trying to talk to this man is pointless, but you almost smile at his response anyway.
“Just don’t be weird!”
“No promises,” and he’s glad to see you smile at his pervertedness.
Shigaraki decides to be nicer right then and there, in his own way.
Nemuri instructs you to casually slow dance and continue conversing; she even adds music to jazz up the class, which surprisingly works. Your nerves are melting away like butter, and Shigaraki seems to have mildly warmed up to you.
“So… Do you like to dance?”
“Fuck no.”
His bluntness makes you giggle, “yeah, me either. Except at, like, parties. But I wouldn’t really call it dancing!”
“You go to parties?”
“Sometimes! I have a lot of friends who go, so it’s like an outing every time! Do you go to parties?”
It feels kind of dumb to ask that question. No offense to him, but you’re already suspecting his answer before he gives it. He twirls you, and you feel a rush of butterflies.
“Not really. People don’t want a zombie dude at their parties,” his voice is gravelly but smooth, “but I’ve been to a few.”
“They’re fun!”
Before you can continue finding common ground, Nemuri is hollering about reading the syllabus and upcoming material you’ll cover. Shigaraki quickly gets his hands off you, and your heart aches.
“Hey, do you want to exchange social media?”
He’s already got his bag halfway on your shoulder, giving you an unimpressed look.
“I don’t use social media,” and he shuffles even closer to the parade of students exiting the lecture hall.
“Oh. Well, your number?”
You feel yourself grow hot when all he does is smirk and input your digits into his phone.
“There, do you need anything else?”
What happened to the Shigaraki from a few minutes ago? He seems to be in a rush, but you can’t help but feel hurt by his mood swings. Was he always going to be this irritable? Was he going to be someone you could count on in this class?
“...I guess not. Bye.”
He’s out of the room before you realize it, gingerly grabbing your stuff and worrying your lip. This class would be a piece of work, and you couldn’t find your footing so far. Maybe you should just drop it? But you really need that humanities credit and…
“It’s Nejire! Pick up the phone!” 
Nejire’s self-imposed ringtone is heard through your AirPods. The stress is already leaking out of your body just hearing her voice. If you had a girlfriend, she’d be it. You answer cheerily, “hey!”
“Hey! Are you coming back from class right now?”
“Yeah, I just got out. You have to hear about this; my partner sucks!”
Well… you’re embellishing. He doesn’t suck, but he’s not great.
“Aw man, really? I can’t believe it! I thought for sure it was gonna go okay….”
“It’s whatever! I’m over it,” you weren’t. “Why’d you call?”
“Oh! If you’re up for it, Phi Psi is having a party tonight! Do you wanna go?”
Hmm, ironic since you were just talking about parties. Maybe it’d be nice, and perhaps it’d be good to let loose for a couple of hours. The memory of Shigaraki telling you that he goes to some parties replays in your mind, but you try to ignore it.
“Sure! We can go. What’s the theme?”
Pajamas, she’d said. You know that your silk sleep set is more lingerie than anything else, but your nerves are buzzing with pre-gamed shots of vodka and the promise of attractive people buttering you up. Looking around, it’s a typical college party, and you’re already feeling warm from how guys eye you like you’re the hottest thing there.
Shigaraki thinks so and turns the corner, missing your flushed wandering eyes.
“We needa dance!”
Nejire babbles excitedly, Mirio accompanying her while she clutches your bicep.
“Mhm, mhm! Let me get another drink first!”
Mirio keeps Nejire’s legs from buckling and smiles, “we’ll be right here!”
You weave in and out of people, vision getting hazier and every touch feeling electric. A man starts pouring your drink, giving you a dazzling smile. He opens his mouth to talk, but you’re suddenly caged against the fence and face to face with Shigaraki’s chest.
He watches you search his eyes for a minute, teetering slightly as you sip the mix of alcohol and punch. Then, there’s remembrance, and you’re leaping joyfully into his chest. It feels… nice, and he gingerly pats your back before steadying you on the balls of your feet.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were going to be here. My friends are over there,” you point past his shoulder, and he sees a guy chasing a girl around, “hiii, Nejire!”
You’re pretty cute when you’re drunk, elongating words and joy coming out of you like a waterfall. A dainty hand grabs a bony one, and you’re about to drag Shigaraki toward your friends to “meet them!”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” harsher than he meant to, he rips his hand away, “how drunk are you?”
You give an offended huff, “I’m not drunk! I only had a c-oop! A couple of shots! And this drink! It’s not even a lot….”
Shigaraki feels tempted to be childish and poke fun at you. Boop your nose and pull your hair, but you’re suddenly lost in thought and fascinated with your slippers.
“You look drunk.”
“Well, ’m not. I don’t even know why I’m talking to you right now,” and you’re suddenly invigorated and wanting to seek out your friends, but the first step sends you wobbling right into Shigaraki.
The boy yelps, hands gripping your shoulders and steadying you, “watch it!”
“Let go of me!”
Some onlookers look on, peering eyes, and boys puffing their chests out in case they need to step in. Shigaraki’s mind goes blank, and all he can think of is that you’re so fucking annoying, and why does he still want to help you?
Why did he think of you while fucking his fist in bed last night? He shushes you and crosses his arms.
“Do you want to walk home by yourself?”
You look like a child, happily saying” yes” and nodding proudly. Unfortunately, Shigaraki’s plan failed; you were too happy to wander off alone. He’s reminded of a time when people used to call him creepy when he was smaller and more bug-eyed.
“Oh, okay. Sure, get murdered. See if I care.”
This makes you react like you’re actually thinking about the consequences now. Mulling it over, you chew the inside of your lip and let your head roll back against the fence.
“...Well, I don’t wanna be murdered….”
“Then let me take you home.”
“Since when are you nice?!”
It may sting a bit, but he shows no emotion. He takes a calm breath and blows the air out through his nostrils. There are no words at first, and you’re looking at him with a glint in your eye, and he wonders what you look like when you laugh. When you cry or when you get really excited.
“You don’t even care about me.”
“... You’re my dance partner.”
He’s sure his heart overrode his brain. There’s no way he could say something so cheesy. It makes your heart pound; what did he mean by that? Your drunk brain couldn’t decipher how he presented his feelings, but then he was offering you a hand like a prince.
You never thought you’d call Shigaraki prince-like, and you’re worried that this might spiral out of control soon. Letting him lead you away, you figure that that’s definitely what will happen.
“Who’s room is…?”
Shigaraki has no idea and frankly can’t be bothered to care that he’s stumbling into a random frat guy’s room, “don’t know. Don’t really care?”
He tries to take your shoes off at least, but you’re unceremoniously dropping yourself onto the bed like a fish out of water. Shigaraki feels his cheek twitch in annoyance, and then you’re turning your head with a jutted lip.
“Are you gonna lie?”
“Am I going to what?”
He assures himself you’re too drunk to understand what you’re saying. There’s no reason for you to ask that other than the need to not be alone. You’d never ask that because you genuinely wanted, no, trusted Shigaraki to stay with you. He’d never believe it, but his feet carried him to the edge of the bed, and then he sank into the soft mattress.
It’s quiet, maybe too quiet. The music’s bass thrums through the floors, but all Shigaraki can hear is your soft breath. He doesn’t even realize you’re looking at him in the dimness of his room until he turns his head. His breath catches in his throat. Have you always been so pretty?
The alcohol makes you too sleepy too fast, and it feels like this moment is slipping away from you like you’re trying to cup water in your hands. It’s leaking out of you, and then his red eyes lock onto yours. 
“Why don’t you like me?”
“What do you mean,” and it comes out almost wounded.
“I-hic. I mean, like, when you suddenly act so… mean.”
For the first time in a long time, Shigaraki feels rendered speechless. He wants to jump up and run out of the room like the child he once was, but he can’t find the strength to pull away from your gaze.
“...I don’t know.”
“I just don’t,” and he finally breaks eye contact to look through the window behind you, “you don’t have to pity me, then.”
“I don’t!” 
The end of your words slurs, and you know you’ll lose yourself to the intoxicating feelings of sleep soon.
“I just… I want to like you.”
“Like me?”
You smile widely before you lean forward and press a kiss to his nose. He even goes cross-eyed to try and follow your movements.
“You’re kinda… cute. But, you’re mean. So just be nice! Okay?”
He’s not even sure why he goes along with it.
Your eyes close, and for a second, he thinks he’s finally free from this impromptu analysis of… well, him. But, you beat him to the chase and whisper quietly.
“I meant it.”
“That you’re cute.”
One eye peeks open when he doesn’t respond, and the embarrassment that should be there is only replaced with pure elatedness. His eyes sparkled a bit more. It makes you think that you should compliment him more. You shut your eyes.
“You’re going to be embarrassed tomorrow.”
Maybe he waited too long, but all he knows is that your soft snores escape you quickly, and his heart warms at the sound. It shouldn’t, but it does. He falls asleep shortly after and dreams of a faceless girl who dances with him all night. The girl always keeps smiling at him no matter how stiff he is.
It’s a beautiful dream.
Shigaraki’s kind enough to shake you awake just past dawn, and the splitting headache doesn’t make the visual of him leaning over you with a gentle hand easier to see. 
“Hey. Wake up. Some frat dude is gonna yell at you.”
The idea of someone barging in makes you move to sit up and groan, “do you have any water?”
“No. Get up, hurry,” and he’s tugging you off the bed.
It was a bad idea, your sleep-addled brain lagging and causing you to flop directly into a firm chest, “watch out!”
“I’m sorry! I’m barely awake,” and it comes out like a whine, “can we get water?”
You almost think he’ll say no, tell you to fuck off and get water yourself. But, he makes a move you would’ve never expected, calmly lacing his hand with yours and steadying you on your feet.
“Fine, let’s just get going already.”
Was this the Shigaraki you’d met? Had he been replaced by a clone that happened to be identical to the tone of voice? The feeling of a bony hand in yours is unreal. You can hardly take your eyes off the entanglement while Shigaraki urges you to come down the stairs faster than you are.
“Are you listening to me?”
“Did I say something weird last night?”
It comes out in a whisper, and Shigaraki feels like going to college was a huge mistake when he pulls his hand away and holds it close to himself like you’re injured. Like he injured you.
So, be nice! Okay?
“You said I was cute.”
He’s blushing as he blurts it out like it’s a defense mechanism to keep you from getting closer. You rack your brain for the precise wording, but you can only remember bits and pieces of lying down to look at each other.
Did you really call him cute? You gnaw on your lip and look away, but as you glance at him again, you know you definitely did say that. Your lips turn upwards, the hilarity of you having to double-check while sober if you meant what you’d said...
Shigaraki was even hot now that you really looked at him, even with the tsundere thing going on.
“Well… well! I was drunk! Besides, you can’t tell me you didn’t like hearing it.”
“No, I didn’t. You’re mistaken.”
“What’s that, huh? Why do you look like a tomato, hm?”
He wants to throttle you, wagging your finger in his face and poking his cheek like he’s a zoo animal. 
“I should’ve just left you up there, let you get eaten by wolves.”
“But you didn’t.”
You’re right. Somehow in the mix of pushing you away and being pulled closer, he still stayed there the whole night to keep you safe. He still woke you early enough to escape the wolves lurking in the nearly destroyed frat house. He could’ve let you be eaten by wolves, but he didn’t.
“...Well, whatever. Let’s go.”
It’s surprising how you decide to drop the subject. This strange attraction thrummed in your bones, urging you to do something about this little… crush. You let him guide you out the door and towards his car, a beat-up little Toyota. It’s red, too, like his eyes. Maybe it was on purpose.
“You’re okay to drive?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
Shigaraki drives recklessly, you note. The way his hands grip the wheel, tires screeching as he swerves out into the abandoned street and takes off. It should make you scared, want to yell, and demand he let you out. Only he gives you a quick glance and smirks. 
You really should talk to Nejire before you decide to fuck him. His music taste blares out of old speakers, a mix of rock and metal that wakes you like a good cup of coffee. You’re about to lose yourself to the Foo Fighters song, but then he snaps the knob down to zero and clears his throat. 
“You owe me.”
“I owe you what? I don’t owe you,” you even cross your arms for effect.
How cute.
“For taking care of you, ruined my night,” he’s lying, and he knows he’s lying, but he can’t help but take a chance.
Take a chance and see if you really mean it, if he’s not just making things up because you want to be nice. The part that runs deep in his blood tells him it can’t be true, and he hopes that, for once, he’s wrong.
“Psh, ruined. You love being around me. That’s why you get like that,” you push it even further, “you just don’t know how to tell me you want me.”
He doesn’t know what to say, and you’re carelessly whistling a tune while picking at your nails. 
“We have to practice our dance for class,” smooth, peaceful transition.
“Right! Tomorrow evening, in one of the practice rooms, yeah?”
“Thanks for walking me home.”
Shigaraki repeats his reply, and you note that he seems distracted. You wonder if you also seem distracted; you had a lot to think about!...
And all Shigaraki could think about was holding your waist in his hands. It made his heart thump in his chest. God.
The walk to the practice room was cold, and you were thankful for your quick thinking of wearing leg warmers like a ballerina. You’re unsure if Shigaraki is already there, but you’re shaking off the cold as quickly as possible while storming into the building.
He is there! His phone’s hooked up to a small speaker, and the pale blue walls make him shine even in dark clothing. His hair shakes when he gives you a blithe wave, “hey. Took you long enough.”
“Hey! I came as fast as I could. Is that your speaker?”
“Mm, no. My roommate’s, uh… Dabi? You don’t know him.”
Oh, you’ve heard of him. Frankly, this should be an even bigger red flag, but you pay it no mind and shrug, “I might’ve heard of him.”
He chuckles at that. So you have heard of him.
“Well, anyway. He never uses it, so I took it.”
“Wow, evil.”
You drop your bag next to his, a frumpy black backpack with suspicious stains. You sidle close to him, peering at his Spotify while he scrolls for the correct song.
“You should show me your Spotify account!”
“God no, you’ll never see it. C’mon, we need to get this over with.”
“Whaaaat? You don’t want to hang out and stall practicing with me?”
He’s gotten warmer since your first meeting, lips quirked up as he drops his phone and crosses his lazy arms, “nope.”
“Fine! We can practice, and maybe later, I can steal your phone for your Spotify.”
“Yeah, yeah,” his voice dips a bit lower, “c’mere.”
Something inside of you ignites, but you force yourself to ignore it while wrapping your arms around his shoulders; he slumps a bit to accommodate you, making the fire even hotter. You melt like butter into him. The two of you fit perfectly. You could feel it.
The melody is something from an old movie, gentle and sweet with a romantic vibe. It’s causing tension between you and Shigaraki.
It’s making you want to kiss him.
“You stepped on my foot,” he whispers while twirling you in a half-circle.
Squeaking a quiet apology, he rolls his eyes and dips you a tad, “you seem distracted.”
You can hardly hear him over “Easy Lovers” playing in the background. It’s consuming you whole like you might not ever breathe again.
“Do I?”
“Maybe I just don’t know you that well enough,” and you twirl again.
It’s just practicing for class, for a dumb class that wouldn’t even matter in four years. But you didn’t think of anything at that moment, just that you were pressing soft lips against chapped ones with a feeling of passion behind it. Even if he lacked lip balm, the sensation of him gripping your shirt made everything seem so much hotter. Sweeter.
He even has the gall to swipe his tongue over your lip like he’s the one who took the leap and kissed you first. You know that Shigaraki was too shy to kiss you first. 
It’s dead silent, his Spotify queue echoing automatically and filling the room with music you don’t think you’ve ever heard. Shigaraki nearly shivers at the confused gleam in your eyes.
“It’s called shoegaze.”
“Yeah,” and he’s barely finishing the word before taking your cheek in hand and bringing you back to him.
Your breath hitches and you want to get so close the two of you nearly fuse together. Dainty hands tangled in his hair, all raggedy and muted like his skin or clothes. Something about how his bony fingers dig into the curve of your waist keeps your head spinning, and you don’t even realize he owns you by pressing you against the wall and licking the inside of your mouth.
The moan wasn’t too loud, but it echoed in his head. Shigaraki has never been the type to be so openly carnal and animalistic, and yet it was coming out with every kiss he dotted on the skin of your neck. He could fuck you here if he was so pleased, and briefly, he worried when he felt his cock stir in his pants.
You bring him back to you, grasping like a lifeline and laving over the slickness of his mouth and how he was strong enough to carry you just off the ground. It was stupidly hot; when did he get all this power? It’s like it overtook him, and the two of you part; neither of you wanted to.
“We need to stop.”
“But can’t we–”
“No. Not here,” he mulls over his following words with an annoyed look, “and I don’t have a condom.”
You nearly burst out laughing in his face, dry heaving and keeling over. But it’ll upset him, and that’s the last thing you want. “Oh, well, I’m on birth control?”
He seems firm in his decision, but you can’t help but wiggle your hips toward him enticingly. Maybe he’ll cave, let you give him a handjob or something. I mean, that’s not that bad, right?
Shigaraki would usually feel irritation rise quickly and overwhelm him, but his eyes flicker down to your wandering hands and wiggling hips. Well, he was serious about not wanting to fuck here, but…
“I’m only doing this so you’ll be quiet!”
He sinks to his knees. You salivate at sight, brimming with joy and confidence. His thumbs hook in your belt loops, and he tenderly runs his hands over your thighs, “grab onto the ballet bar.”
You don’t think you’ll collapse to your knees, but you’re shaking in anticipation because he looks like he knows what he’s doing. The way he swiftly tugs your leggings and panties down in one go, you can feel your arousal smearing your thighs; you were already horny just from kissing him.
Finally, he looks relaxed, parting your puffy lips and admiring your dripping hole.
“It’s cute.”
“Shut up,” you’re breathless already with how you can feel his breath right where you need him.
Then, he’s licking from your clenching hole to the nub of your clit, the glide slick with spit as he gets to work.
You nearly scream, legs angling in too close, but his surprisingly firm grip keeps you how he wants you. Your hands wrench around the ballet bar as he licks every fold so he can taste as much of you as possible. 
It’s wonderful, and you know now that he does in fact, know what he’s doing, especially with how his nose and cheeks are beginning to shine with arousal. He’s eating you like a man starved like he can’t get enough from fucking you on his tongue; he needs more and more. He licks into your hole, savoring every drop with a clench on your ass that’ll leave bruises for days.
He sucks your clit between his lips before pulling away with a pop, “you’re such a fucking brat.”
“I know, I know, and I’m sorry! Just keep,” and you tilt your hips towards his shiny lips again, “please? Feels so good….”
It’s rewarding how he flattens his tongue to grind up your slit, devouring you like he had too much time to practice. The way he toys with your pussy; makes your legs shake and your back arch off the mirror displaying your debauchedness.
Shigaraki mumbles something, but you’re too busy tilting your hips into his face and making him nearly unable to breathe as you tremble on his tongue. He tonguefucks you, digging deep with obscene slurping noises echoing around you, “oh, fuuuuck.”
Your hands entangle in his white strands, grounding you while you speed towards your orgasm like a rocket setting into space. Shigaraki seems to sense your quickened breaths and gyrating hips; his hands grip your ass cheeks to pull you closer as he makes you creamy. He holds you in place, forcing you to feel his tongue grinding flat circles over your clit before dipping down to lap over your pussy. He acts as if it’s a dessert. Like it’s a real treat to eat you out.
He pulls away, mildly huffing out of breath, “stop moving.”
Soft pecks are placed on your inner thighs as he lets you grow needier and needier through pussy neglect, “Shigaraki, please.”
“Please, what? You’re so selfish,” and he gives a hard suck to your clit, “I should just leave you here.”
 “No! No, don’t!” 
His rough treatment of you makes you jump, but he doesn’t leave you like he threatened. Instead, he kissed the mound of soft curls in the apex of your thighs, nose curving down the slope of your thigh as his breath barely ghosted over your slick lips.
“I want you to be the one that makes me feel good,” maybe if you lay it on thick, he’ll be forced to listen to you!
Instead, all he rewards you with is an unreadable look, but then he’s diving back in between your legs, and you can’t focus on what that look means because Shigaraki will make you cum.
“Yes, yes! Keep going, hah… your tongue’s so deep!”
The wet sounds make you flush, and his intensity makes you jump to your tip-toes and tilt away from the warm, wet mouth that chases you no matter how you tilt your hips.
Your legs are shaking, threatening to close, and the stretched coil snap could happen anytime you’re barely saying, “feel like I’m gonna, gonna c-ungh. Gonna cum…!”
He keeps going. Determined and sloppy with how he’s not even taking a second to breathe. You’re nearly there, humping his face with moans of his name that turn his ears pink. A hand snakes up your leg, and there’s a wet squelch as he easily slips two fingers inside. The stretch is delicious torture, and you cum while crying out.
His fingers help you ride out your orgasm, the remnants glistening on his fingers as your cream sticks to them lewdly before he sucks the essence off. He stands once you’ve regained yourself. 
“Pretty good,” and he gives his hand one last lick; he can’t even stop the snark from appearing.
“Shut up! You’re so embarrassing.”
“Yeah, yeah, didn’t I just make you cum? All whiny, ‘ah, ah! Shigaraki mmph!’ right?”
“No! Not even right at all,” and he casually leans over you with his hands on the ballet bar as if you two were dating as if he was actually your boyfriend, “...but thank you.”
“Thank you?”
“Well, well, I mean! Thank you for… indulging me.”
You had trailed off, not even realizing how close he was to your ear until he whispered a gravelly, “you’re so very welcome for making you cum, if that’s what you mean.”
Neither of you speaks. You can’t help but look down and notice the bulge in his pants. He seems unbothered, but leaving him high and dry feels unfair.
“Do you want me to…?”
He gives a quick glance down but shakes his head, “Nah. We should just wrap all of this up, though.” 
“Right,” and yet you don’t stop thinking about it while both of you make the practice room look neat again.
Even while walking you back home, his second time, Shigaraki knows that there’s something secretive on your mind.
“What are you thinking about?”
“Nothing! Just tired.”
He stares at you for too long before you head into your dorm. You know what’s coming but don’t make the first move. He’s quick about it, but he does kiss you. It’s so fast, sweet, and low stakes that you smile warmly at him.
“Goodnight, Shigaraki.”
The boy nods, pulling up his hoodie, “night.”
You can’t wait to tell Nejire all about it.
“You what?! You had sex with Shigaraki?!”
Nejire’s in disbelief, nearly falling off her bed as she bolts towards your side of the room, “you really did?”
“Other people can probably hear you! But, well, yeah. It wasn’t like we went all the way or anything! He just went down on me,” the pink in your cheeks is evident while you begin to unravel the story.
“Wait, where was this again?”
“Oh. The, well, the practice room?”
“The practice room?!.”
She suddenly bursts into laughter, and you feel your cheeks twitching as you squeeze her hands, “c’mon, it’s not funny!”
“No, no, it’s not. I didn’t think Shigaraki would eat pussy in the practice room!”
Sometimes you regret telling your roommate anything, but it took the edge off thinking about how he hadn’t texted you. Should you expect a text? You figured it would be something lighthearted, but he just went radio-silent. Just like that, it hurt, you had to admit. But, you weren’t gonna let him get away with it. You’ll get your payback soon, finally get him to realize what he’s really feeling.
You hope it’s the same as what you’re really feeling.
Then, the day of your presentation is like the sunrise. Knowing everyone would be watching you didn’t ease your nerves. Considering Shigaraki had been ignoring your texts since the last time you met, it felt like he was contributing to your anxiety just as much as the actual dance! You could hardly get dressed, shrugging on your comfiest yet presentable clothes. 
Maybe he thought it was a mistake, and your fingers were itching to send a text. Nejire had advised you to send something short and sweet before leaving for the day, and you finally cave while brushing your teeth.
[Dance Partner]: Do you want to meet up before class?
Shigaraki lay in bed, still in pajamas and debating whether to drop out. His heartbeat spikes at the message, and it feels so dumb to get excited over a mere text. He’d been practicing, unbeknownst to you, spending so much time in the bathroom with the door locked to practice his footwork that he’d gotten an angry text from his roommate.
[Shigaraki]: I think it’s fine
Part of you wonders if he’ll show up at all.
[Dance Partner]: I’m nervous.
He doesn’t reply, but he feels the same. Eventually, he meandered his way to his closet to pick his outfit. Yeah, he was nervous too. 
You spot him first, and part of you wants to wave him over but he seems to hardly look up. This was all fruitless. You should’ve never done anything in that practice room. Tears prickle your vision at the sudden emotion of it, a test, and knowing a guy wants nothing to do with you? It sucks much more than you thought it would.
He’s calm, voice smooth and honeyed as he sits next to you. Hopefully, he doesn’t notice your glassy eyes.
The silence passes between you as more people file in, and Nemuri sets up the class materials. 
“I don’t think you should be nervous,” he pauses to side-eye you, “I’ve been practicing.”
“You have?”
“Yeah. I don’t want to give you a bad grade, and I need to pass.”
He put you first, and maybe it’s dumb to analyze his order of priorities, but it makes you feel special, “I think we’ll do well.”
You finally turn to look at him, and he’s already looking at you.
“Stop acting weird.”
“I-I’m not! I’m just nervous!”
“Yeah, right,” and a gentle hand settles on your knee, “I know what you’re thinking. About the practice room.”
“You’re the one that didn’t text me back.”
He doesn’t reply right away, but you know he feels terrible. The way he swallows and clenches his free fist, the regret is a bit palpable.
“...I know, and I’m sorry.”
He squeezes your knee for emphasis, “genuinely.”
You suppose it’s okay, mumbling that you forgive him and relishing in the burn that his hand leaves on your leg. Nejire clears her throat, and you listen to her instructions. His hand doesn’t leave your knee.
She calls your names about halfway into class, and suddenly the lights seem too bright once you’re on stage. You can feel your leg shaking as you stand interlocked with Shigaraki. He looks calm and collected. If anything, he seems to be more worried about you. 
Indeed he can feel your anxiety shakes, and then his thumb rubs the space between your collarbones. It suddenly feels like everything will be alright.
“Are you two ready?”
You squeak out a “yes!” and Shigaraki merely nods; the music follows, and you retreat into your mind to remember every step.
“Don’t be nervous,” he whispers softly, and you feel like you could do anything.
The two of you dance to the same song in the practice room while you swim across the floor with grace, the type of grace that’s only there because you have a connection. It comes effortlessly, Shigaraki leading with you following as he steadily guides you by your waist. 
You remember to make eye contact, and your breath is stolen because your biggest fears have been confirmed. You like Shigaraki. You want him carnally. More than anything in the world, you move like two souls on the same plane. Everything about it is perfect.
He stops the momentum, your upper half steadily supported by a hand that shows so much tenderness between your shoulder blades. The two of you were breathing softly, near exhaustion with the way your bodies swirled together into one.
“Excellent! Very nice. Any critiques?”
The spell is broken, and you’re collecting your breath while smoothing your clothes. Whew, that was something. Your eyes track toward Shigaraki’s, and he’s looking at you again.
“I thought you guys looked very clean,” said a meek girl desperate to escape the room’s silence.
You offer a “thanks” and note the critique of better posture, among other surface criticism. Nemuri writes on her clipboard, smiling and nodding, “excellent, thank you, you two.”
“I have to go, excuse me.”
He leaves you alone on the stage to race up the stairs to collect his backpack. You’re knocked out of a trance and thrown into deep waters, and Nemuri begins to call the next names.
“Hiroshi, is your partner not here? Oh, and,” she turns back to you, “you can take a seat now.”
You do.
It’s time to settle this, Shigaraki decides. There’s a three-day break coming up, and his mind has been looping back to it every passing class. He couldn’t keep running away from you anymore after you were assigned different partners for the next dance. If he doesn’t act, he’ll completely lose you.
And for the record, Nemuri was a liar. Could she not see the connection between you two? Even he could see it, and he wished he couldn’t.
It felt like you were slipping away, partnered with someone else, and Shigaraki had been conversing with you sparsely. It was torture, Hell on Earth if he had to imagine it. You’re getting lost in the waves, and he’s losing his grip.
Meanwhile, you’ve been getting on top of your classwork and contacting your new dance partner, Eijirou. It doesn’t feel the same of course, not when you can feel Shigaraki’s eyes on you every time you’re in the arms of the redhead.
You don’t expect anything from him anymore; you pretend not to. The ding sounds from your phone, and you just know.
[Shigaraki]: hey
It makes your heart race, and you can feel your pulse thrumming in your neck.
[Her]: Hey
[Shigaraki]: wyd
[Her]: I’m not doing this
[Shigaraki]: come over
[Her]: No
[Shigaraki]: i wanna see you
You want to slap yourself. Tell him there’s no way you can deal with his hot and cold nature. That even if you like him, he’s not good for you. You can’t, shouldn’t, wouldn’t, won’t.
[Her]: Come to my dorm and walk with me, it’s too dark and cold
[Shigaraki]: omw
Waiting feels painful. You spend a minute making sure you are moisturized and smelling good, and then eventually, he’s at the sliding door of the dorm. You’re wearing a simple long-sleeve, and you’re keen to pick up on the fact that he really brought you a coat.
“Hey,” you smile and eagerly embrace him the tiniest bit.
“Hey, take it. ‘M tired of holding it,” and your hands are brushing when you take the black hoodie to slip over your head.
The walk is quiet, and you can feel anticipation climbing up your spine as the two of you grow closer and closer. The cold is nonexistent, not with the warmth you feel because of the boy beside you.
“Is your roommate home?”
He shakes his head, hand steady as he slips the key into the lock and brings you into his space. The lights flicker on, and you’re smiling at his side of the room. Dark, a bit punk, and he’s totally unashamed of it. He drops the keys in the bowl, turning his head first before fully facing you.
You’re rushing to jump into his arms, connecting your lips effortlessly in a kiss that soothes all aches you’d ever had about him. You knew he would catch you, and you fit like the sun and moon. The connection makes you heave into the kisses, leaning into the slickness of saliva coating your lips while he pushes you against the nearest wall. 
It feels like dancing, the way your tongues slide against each other with a fierceness while he shrugs off his jacket. You’re already wet, impossibly wet, and the mewls come out despite you trying to swallow them. The need for him is so strong you’re dropping your legs to move things along.
“You’re so fucking hot,” pressing his forehead against yours, “holy shit.”
“You wanna see more?”
Peeling off the sweatshirt to catch your curves worn under the fitted long-sleeve. His hand circles your lower back, eyes locked onto how your tits nearly spill out of its v-neck. They’re so easy to hold; his hand is already sliding up your side to the underside of your breasts. 
“Can I?”
“Of course,” you whisper while tugging his hand to squeeze your tits, sighing at the contact.
“No bra?”
“What, you, ah! You want it to get in the way?”
“God, no,” His other hand meets your other tit, fully groping you, and his eyes nearly crimson with need.
His hardness is apparent, the bulge nudging against your thigh while his knee applies delicious pressure to your aching clit; you can’t stop your hips from grinding up against his leg.
“Kiss me,” and he’s quick to shut you up, hands raking under your shirt to feel skin on skin.
He could listen to you say that all day, but he can’t stand how the two of you are still so tightly clothed. Your shirt comes up, and you’re quick to immediately tug it off and grind on his leg again. It’s sticky, hot, and heady as the two of you dry-hump against the only space on the wall. 
“Wait, we should…we should move to the bed,” and he doesn’t seem to hear you with how he lurches forward to lick into your mouth, “Sh-Shigaraki.”
The kisses only stop for a moment, but then he’s pushing away from the wall and guiding you by the hands to the bed. He slips off his sweatpants, leaving his boxers on, and you mirror him. It almost feels too intimate when he stares at you once settled on top of you, and you can’t take it.
His hand circles your nipple slowly, making you arch at the feeling of him toying with your chest, “mm!”
Resting on his left hand, you watch as the bony hand travels downwards, swooping under your tit to glide past your belly button and reach the black band of your panties, “may I?”
You’ve never been so turned on, and you’re sure it’ll be smeared all over your thighs by the end of this tryst. Lifting your hips, he tosses the panties onto the floor, and your face burns with how your wetness immediately soaks his fingers when he runs them through your slit.
“You’re so wet, you’re that needy?”
“I just need you to touch me…!”
He gives a low hum, digits circling your clit so slowly that your legs jump closed, “keep them open.”
You’re getting desperate, eager to feel him slip his fingers inside and crook them up, but he’s so calm and attentive. Taking his time, he looks at every inch of your pussy with fire in his eyes. You’re dripping, and the slick sounds when he just barely slips his middle finger into your hole nearly echo.
Finally, he indulges you by slipping it in deep and rubbing your clit with his thumb. You can hardly breathe, toes curling as you hold his wrist to keep fingering you, “fuck, feels so good!”
He can only chuckle, curling his fingers and hitting that gooey spongy spot that arches your back and leaves muffled cries spilling through your fingers. It feels so good, too good, and you’re soaring as he finally starts to thrust his hand.
“Come on, let me hear what you have to say. Do you like it? Do you want more?”
“I wan, I want…!”
He forces his hand, adjusting to a steady rhythm that you can practically hear yourself getting close from the stimulation of being finger-fucked. Looking down at you, he’s keyed into every movement. Every noise and body twitch. It’s like he’s been possessed to make you cum, and you’re nearly there.
“Gonna cum, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you grappled for your tit like a lifeline, and it was like a show with how he watched you tug at your chest.
It’s so desperate, and it feels perfect to finally be connected and feel the heat of his breath while he makes you cream on his hand. You’re at his mercy, and he knows it, “go on and cum. Wanna fuck you.”
You nearly black out, the tension snapping like a rubber band as you gyrate your hips. It’s debauched, but you hardly care when Shigaraki rubs a tight circle on your clit, “heh.”
“You’re,” you’re still panting, and he grins.
“I’m what?”
He’s shrugging his boxers off while you recover, and your clit throbs once he exposes his cock, lean and long like his fingers. 
“Cat got your tongue?”
You circle closer to him, watching eagerly as he slips the condom on with ease. Your mouth’s watering and you want to go down on him badly, but he has other plans. 
“Wanna do doggy?”
“Yeah,” and it’s the hottest sight he’s ever seen when you bend over, exposing your clenching hole waiting to be filled. Your ass is up in the air, and you look perfectly spread out for him. 
The slap on your ass makes you jump, but Shigaraki seems happy with the way he kneads the fat of your ass. His cock bumps into your pussy as he maneuvers himself, and the slickness of it sliding between your folds and bumping your clit makes you shake.
“God, I could fuckin’ tease you forever,” and he grips the base of his cock with a groan, “I don’t know why I waited so long.”
“I know! Why don’t you–”
He slides home, he’s not too girthy, but the length makes your arms shake while supporting your body, “oh god.”
“Yeah, fuckkk, yeah.”
It’s a slow rhythm, clearly reveling in the wet warmth and tightness of your hole; he’s got a death grip on your hip as he shallowly thrusts into you, “amazing pussy.”
You can only moan a “thanks” as he moves a bit more, cockhead dragging against your walls and then filling you back up till you feel like you can’t breathe. The bed creaks, and he starts pounding you so hard it cries. Jolting you forward, you can’t even lean away from how he plows himself into you, balls slapping against your clit, giving you aftershocks.
It’s messy, and he’s barely holding his rhythm because you’re squeezing around him so tight and he feels like he might shoot his load any second. He slows down for a mere second to rub your clit, lean body resting on yours as he moves his hips in tandem with yours.
He’s panting and is too stuck on your eyes rolling back to notice he’s inching closer and closer to his orgasm. The coil is hot in his tummy as he ravages you and makes you take all of him. The connection drives you wild, and soon you’re pushed face-first into the pillows as he fucks you like a fleshlight. 
“Fuck, fuck, oh my god,” and he fucking whimpers inside of you.
It sends your head spinning as he reaches his peak, a hand slapping your ass as the two of you move together. Your ass smacks against his lower abs, and the slick that coats the top of the hair around his base makes him heave, “I’m gonna cum. Fuck, gonna milk this sweet pussy.”
You barely crane your head to catch a view, and he looks heavenly, and his eyes draw shut. He’s barely even thrusting, just mashing into you deeper and harder. He opens his eyes, and the red in them turns nearly burgundy as he grunts.
One, two, and then he’s pinning you down with his body weight as his hips jerk up into you. You know he’s wearing a condom, but part of you wants to imagine the heat filling your insides and breeding you. The thought of it makes you squeeze around him, and his fingers leave bruises on tender parts of your flesh.
It takes a minute for your breath to calm. The feeling of satiation with Shigaraki still buried to the hilt in you feels so comforting that you could fall asleep. You’re barely there, thoroughly fucked and floating in space. He has enough strength to interlock your hands on top of you, and the two of you bask in the post-coital glow.
“You gonna get off me any time soon?”
He offers a steady deep breath before replying.
“Nope. It’s my reward for looking after you at that party.”
“Really? You’re still on that?”
Sidelining you again, you remember why he frustrates you so much once again. But it doesn’t hurt this time; it just feels good.
“Go on a date with me.”
“You can’t just change the subject like that!”
“Then go on a date with me, and I won’t have to.”
Your mouth flattens into a straight line, “you’re lame.”
Small kisses dot the curve of your neck as he finally pulls himself out of you. You leave in a flash to use the bathroom and return to the covers being pulled up just for you.
The two of you settle on meeting up next Monday.
[Shigaraki]: See you at the ice skating rink
You never knew Shigaraki would be one to skate between you two? He didn’t, either. He supposed you just bring out that side of him.
The side that likes dancing, ice skating, and you.
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Questions (Since I can't use the askbox anonymously anymore)
Hi! I don’t really agree with you on everything about Miraculous Ladybug, but I thought I might ask you some questions here since I don’t want to make an account to do so and I can’t use the anonymous ask anymore without one.
1. I Assume that your Chloe vs Daruizen post will probably attempt to compare a character who may have been teased as being potentially redeemable before pulling a fakeout vs one who quite possibly wasn’t (and had the show try to pretend otherwise). I’ve seen an essay arguing that Chloe wasn’t meant to be redeemed from another fan, so I would be interested in seeing if you would respond to some of their points.
2. Honestly, I haven’t seen a lot of good things about other Zagtoon shows – I remember Ghostforce in my mind stands out because the comments on the site I found it on describe it as a terribly formulaic Danny Phantom Meets Power Rangers setup, and they also mention other shows by Zagtoon, which they see as average at best. I know Miraculous Ladybug has its flaws and I shouldn’t necessarily be listening to strangers on the internet for opinions but if it’s the best/most successful show that Zagtoon can put out then it certainly seems like they have a problem, especially overambition. I could see them being like telltale games in that they have a huge hit or two and several flops that try to repeat the success but instead gradually drag the studio down.
3. I do feel that more of the fandom would be okay (not necessarily happy, just feeling a bit better) about Gabriel winning if Adrien found out about his father being Hawkmoth (and maybe got to finally have a permanent reveal to ladybug) and we at least got to see him decide on what to think about him knowing that. The antagonist winning can be a huge gamble in writing, for better (Watchmen - where it was thematically appropriate) or worse (Re: Creators – in fact, I think if you watched this show you would compare its main villain to Gabriel in some ways). Though, maybe it might be the other way around and the fandom would have preferred Ladybug winning for good without Cat Noir’s help (and him and the rest of Paris not finding out Gabriel was Hawkmoth), if the choice came down to that or my other proposal. Hell, just to ask you, which would you have preferred?
4. Do you think they are going to reveal that the Utopian Paris happened naturally (to push their messaging) or because of Gabriel’s wish? I would prefer the latter, as it would imply that Gabriel ruined another city/country in the process, which would give a good plot hook and remind us that he was still ultimately a villain. Finding a way to undo the damage would be another good plot.
5. I heard in the interview you did that there has been a bit of resentment against Jeremy Zag. I don’t really know why – is that because he just didn’t do anything about Astruc’s bad decisions, because he was apparently (as) difficult to work with, or something else? I do give him a bit more respect than Astruc for making the movie(s), at least.
1. The main idea for that post (assuming I ever wrire it) is more to compare two irredeemable villains who have a history with the main character, and why I think Dariuzen does everything Chloe was meant to do, but better.
2. The issue with ZAG is that they keep coming up with poorly marketed shows and pointless Miraculous Ladybug specials. It’s a case of overambition at its finest.
3. All we really wanted was for Adrien to get some kind of closure with his dad after all the years the show spent tackling their tense relationship. That’s what so many people liked about the movie, that Adrien was able to appeal to Gabriel’s humanity and make him give up. Hell, if you wanted to split up the two, make it so they’re both doing something. Have Ladybug lead the charge against the Miraculized while Cat Noir fights Monarch.
4. I feel like it’s unfortunately going to skew towards the latter. People keep saying that the show meant to make the ending uncomfortable, but not only did the writers’ commentary confirm that they were done with the Agreste family arc, even the marketing seems to believe that Gabriel was a good man.
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5. My best guess is that it’s the same problem most writers and executives run into: creative differences.
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rogueddie · 2 years
Eddie wasn't worried that Steve never said "I love you", not at first.
It was too early in the relationship! Then, Eddie didn't feel ready to say it either. Then, maybe Steve sees it as a whole thing. Then, maybe Steve wants Eddie to say it first? Then... and then...
But Steve loves him. Eddie can see it so clearly and, when he turns to Robin for advice, she confirms that she can see Steves love for him just as clearly. The problem isn't that he isn't loved, the problem is something with Steve.
Eddie won't make it worse for him. He's going to stay by Steves side for as long as he'll let him. He's going to tell Steve that he loves him. He's going to make sure Steve at least knows that much. He's going to stay by Steves side until he's ready.
He can wait. So he does.
Until, inevitably, he ruins it. His impatience, his curiosity, getting the best of him. Blowing up the one truly good thing in his life.
"Why don't you say it?" He'd asked. He wished he could take the words back almost as soon as he'd said them. They both know what he means.
"Eddie..." Steve sighs.
It's a tone Eddie is painfully familiar with. The same tone those 'straight' boys experimenting would use, the same tome his father had used before taking him to his uncles. The same tone everyone uses when they want to abandon him.
"No, shit, ignore me. I shouldn't have asked, that's my bad, I'm sorry. Let's- let's just forget I asked. Alright? Let's watch a movie or something, like Indiana Jones? You like Indiana Jones, right?"
"No. No, I'm not gonna- fuck, Eddie, why didn't you ask before?"
"I don't wanna push you, I'm not gonna- I'm not gonna rush you."
"Oh, yeah, that's what it is," Steves tone is bitter. He stands up, ignoring the way Eddie tries to reach for him. "You just care so much that you don't even wonder why the guy you've been dating for three years doesn't say that he loves you."
"What? Of course I wondered, I just didn't ask!" Eddie jumps to his feet, snatching Steves coat out of his hand when he picks it up. "This is exactly what I was trying to avoid! I don't want you to be upset and I don't want to be the one who fucking caused it. You don't deserve that."
Steve laughs, a harsh and bitter 'ha!'. He tries to snatch his coat back, Eddie simply holding it out of his reach. "Fuck you, man. Give me my coat, I want to go home."
"No! We're going to talk about this like adults!"
The air feels too thick in the trailer, almost strangling Steve. He needs out and his keys are in his coat. "Eddie, give me my coat. Seriously, give it back."
"You can't just leave when we're having a fight or whatever! I'm... fuck, Steve, I am sorry for asking. You know how much I love you, I don't want to u-"
"Shut up!" Steve yells. He's so loud that Eddie flinches, hands coming up defensively. Steve snatches his coat back without thinking. "Fuck you! I'm so sick of your shit, all the fucking time!" He wipes at his face, his tears only making him angrier. "It was cute at first and, yeah, sometimes it's nice but it's all the time! It's too much, Eddie, I need you to back off. I need you to stop lying to me!"
"What are you talking about?" Eddie is sure he's missing something but, god, some of the things Steve is saying is so painfully familiar.
Steve stares at him for a moment, silent. Eddie wants to reach out, to wipe the tears away, to hold him- he's sure it'll do more damage.
"I don't think I can do this anymore," Steve quietly admits. He looks guilty. "I shouldn't have let it go on this long. God, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Eddie, I can't."
"Woah, Steve," Eddie quickly hurries after him. "Talk to me, man, what do you mean? What are you saying?"
Steve hesitates at the door, keeps his back to him, sniffling. "I think we should break up."
"What?" Eddie feels cold. Numb. "You don't mean that. You don't- Steve, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry, I really am, ok? I'm sorry. Please, come on, Steve, I'm sorry-"
"Don't call me."
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teecupangel · 10 months
Tee, I'm re-reading Esama's glorious Sailing the Stars again and, a few chapters in, I thought- if the Desmond who could Hear Us got caught up in this scenario, many of us would be screaming at each other. Some in panic, some in excitement, and a few/one of us are starting to sound slightly unhinged from how long we've been laughing (read: cackling) for and how it's been growing so loud that's it's more like mad howling and it starts to drown out everyone else through sheer Awkwardness and how Unnerving it is.
Meanwhile, Desmond is just standing, awkwardly, before either a couple of Jedi or the entire Council- who are also slightly frozen in awkwardness because the Force is being as unhinged as the Cacklers but less Awkward and Unnerving and more, laughing/howling at a joke that it's decidedly Not Explaining. To Anyone.
And then the cackling suddenly stops and someone says, with a slasher grin you could almost hear: "Hey Des baby, can you go ruin the entire fucking careers of some Siths for us? Pretty please?"
Not sure which time Desmond would come out of, but I find it hilarious if Desmond manages to appear during a time when Qui Gon Jinn and Dooku were having problems later in their relationship but before he takes Vosa as his padawan and now Jinn has to deal with not only the knowledge that His Master Fucks but also has, and does occasionally, Fuck with Sifo Dyas and Madame Nu when the time and preference arises. The mental damage alone has some of Us laughing our asses off. Not to mention the implicated existence of Actual Gods/Patrons and the multiverse.
Sailing the Stars by esama (If you love Star Wars and Desmond Miles, go give it a read if you haven’t… or reread it if you already have XD)
This… isn’t exactly a fanfic of a fanfic because this can be summarized more as “Desmond gets awaken in the Star Wars timeline during maybe the Tales of the Jedi series? and he can still hear us”. I don’t think you need to have read Sailing the Stars to get this little snippet, at the very least.
Desmond has no idea what to do.
By this point, the voices in his head, the capricious ‘watchers’, would be giving him directions or suggestions but they were all still freaking out.
Because, according to what he could actually understand from their freak outs, he was not supposed to be here and this was a ‘crossover’ and “OH MY GOD” and the occasional “I don’t know enough about this!” sprinkled here and there would imply that he wasn’t in his ‘universe’ anymore.
Even the first who talked to him had fallen silent after a dreadful “fuck, this isn’t my fandom” and that was definitely not a good sign.
The other voices he could recognize were too busy freaking out and they were arguing where Desmond.
To be more exact: they were questioning if Desmond was in ‘canon’ or in ‘legends’… whatever that meant.
There a low chant of “Desmond for Darth Revan!” that was being shushed once in a while
And here he was… just… standing.
This council of what they call Jedis was staring at him with furrowed brows, something about how the Force was surrounding him and was… very ‘chaotic’?
But not in a bad way?
Like the kind of giddy chaos that children would get into?
At least, that was what that short green… alien?
Is it racist for Desmond to call him an alien?
Aren’t they all aliens anyway?
Isn’t Desmond an alien too because, apparently, he’s different from the other humans that the Jedis have on record.
Being both more primitive and also too ‘different’ to be considered one of the older ones, whatever that means.
Desmond would have assumed that it was because of his Isu-human gene ratio but the more logical reason would probably be because he was…
Not from this universe.
Not that he was going to say that.
Even if he did, they would probably just assume he meant not from this specific ‘galaxy’ or whatever.
Desmond would take any kind of distraction at this point and he finally got his wish when the door slid open and two more men entered the room.
The voices were silent for a moment before some of them began to shout, “Oh my god. Is that Count Dooku?! He’s soooo young.”
“Oooohhh, Qui Gon Jinn! Look at him! He’s so baby!”
Desmond’s eyes met the older man that he was certain was supposed to be Count Dooku and the voices hushed for a moment before someone whispered.
“300K, slowburn, corruption arc, hurt and comfort, BAMF Desmond Miles, Good Count Dooku.”
Desmond wanted to sigh.
Maybe he should just run away at this point?
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paragonrobits · 11 months
I'm exploring a few different ideas for a fic that ultimately focuses around the idea of damaged people from ruined worlds or little left to go back to coming together in the form of Farmworld Finn surviving his battle with the Scarab and traveling to Vampire World to continue the good fight in a way that matters to him while his kids get to grow up somewhere safe; there, he meets up with Vampire World Bonnibel, and they team up to fix things as best as possible, possibly even following their worlds merging as a result of cosmic auditors noting that their worlds are otherwise untidy enough and better suited mashed together
But its not enough to just have Princess Bubblegum, Finn the human and Jake the dog together again; there is a FOURTH member of that found family. It's not complete without Marceline, adopted Petrikov. But the Marceline of that world is... perhaps, too far gone. A corruption of the Marcy we know and love. Redemption is for her, perhaps not IMPOSSIBLE, but certainly something outside the scope of what I want to do. But you know one possibility?
The unknown fate of the original Marceline of Winter King's world. And one potential vibe I have for why she might be angry at Winter King even after his death and the source of some complex feelings, and what Ice Marceline actually was, can all be summed up by a relevant panel of Protoman from the Mega Man comics:
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Winter King Marceline raises a LOT of questions and open ideas.
We don't have anything to go on, besides the fact that an Ice Marceline acting as a play replica implies that she is either gone or Winter King THINKS she's gone. Betty is also dead, or that Winter King believes she is. So here's my idea; the Marceline of that world IS still alive, but quite different from mainline Adventure Time world; I propose that she actually occupies a similar role to Magic Woman Betty, as a magically powerful wizard who has done complicated things and even acted as an antagonist in her desperate attempts to save Winter King from himself, but in the end it was too late, and she couldn't save him.
The idea I have is that for various reasons, she is not connected to the Finn of her world or Princess Bubblegum; its likely that if they ever knew each other, the circumstances behind her Simon's death and his crimes against that PB left her with a very severe conflict of loyalties and was ultimately too distanced from either; its not impossible that at some point she MIGHT return to them, but I'm thinking that the mode her is that these are people who were meant on some level to unite in the Finn/PB/Marceline family triangle, but due to accidents of fate or bad circumstances, it didn't turn out that way.
In this case, that particular part of the eternal recurrance did NOT work out for them, but through the actions of Fionna and Simon bringing other worlds together, they have a chance to start anew; Magic Marceline comes to vampire world and meets up with them, deciding that she can at least fix SOMETHING even if she can't save the man that used to be her father.
This take on her draws much more on her demonic nature; her soul sucking powers have been honed so that she's stolen magical power from others with the intent of ultimately trying to find a way to do the same with the Ice Crown without harming Simon in the process, and she's garnered a bunch of different wizard powers that let her do the sort of things Marceline can otherwise do. This version of her most likely looks more human, similar to Marshall Lee in Fionna's world; not sure why yet but maybe she has actively altered her appearance to distance herself further from her father, or she simply looked more like her mother here.
As another detail on how warped and tragic the dynamic of Winter King was, I'm also thinking that her relationship with him was full of conflicts leaving her feeling tremendously messed up; she loved him but she hated what he'd become, she known for a while there was not coming back from what he'd done but she still tried so hard, and in the end he deliberately forgot her in favor of an illusion of the child she once was.
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allycat75 · 8 months
We see you and your handlers, Boston Dumb Fuck (probably more your handlers).
We have been noticing anons coming to various blogs with a couple of sets of storylines- either "what type of girl/woman would you be happy for Chris to be with?" and "I think he is an awful person and the worst actor in the world and he ruined Steve Rogers".
I am not one for conspiracy theories, but I have been here long enough to notice patterns. We just saw it with the anons asking "what would it take to believe it isn't PR". When the consensus was more organic sightings, we got the photoshopped GG party pics and mentions (by the way, I can't remember the blog, but thanks for finding the 2020 pre-Golden Globe party pics- blue blazer, rust turtleneck- which are clearly the original images, at least for you BDF, and probably why Vogue took it down). And of course we got the oh so romantic group date, with Gully overacting to highten the importance, all leading up to the "natural" double chicken peck with the mouth wipe dismount. I think we are still waiting on the score from the Russian judge, but you have strong odds to medal in the Pathetic Olympic Games. However, you will not be allowed at Whole Foods because scientific analysis came back and it was determined you are too manufactured and modified to be considered organic.
So now to the new intell gathering. One is seemingly to gauge how far gone we are as a fandom, perhaps? Maybe would we even welcome you back as Captain America? General feedback is that there is talent in you, BDF (not for the wifey, she is hopeless) but here is an odd concept- maybe you need to work at it, instead of planning and executing these stupid stunts that make you look like a fucking joke. Have some humility that you are not magnificent and take some acting classes, and probably engage in some intense therapy because whatever is blocking you in your personal life is blocking you in your professional life. And remember, Sam Wilson/Anthony Mackie is Captain America. Whether he succeeds or fails, you don't need to come back and look like the White Savior. Also, it would just be sad, like the guy who keeps visiting his high school long after graduating (and we all know why that isn't a good look for you, either).
As for whether another 26 year old would look good on your arm, if only she weren't an arrogant, childish, manipulative, racist, antisemetic, fatshaming clout chaser, my question is why does it matter what we think? If you and your team are thinking of "recasting", don't! Just cancel the show! You are not a character. Your life is not a script that needs tweaking. You should never do this type of arrangement again-EVER!
And as for your next "real" relationship, that isn't for us to decide. What I will say is that you need to get your shit together and be good to yourself or you won't be good for anyone else. This situation exposed how damaged you are by agreeing to it in the first place, with so little guardrails, and caused even more damage by exposing how much of your personality and character was built on matchsticks. There is so much to repair and build back stronger before you should even think about a partner right now. But a little tip- once you are ready, it is no one's goddamn business but the two of yours what you do and how you make each other happy. Hold it precious and don't stop learning and growing.
And finally BDF, fire your entire team- agents, publicists, stylists,... Start with fresh ideas. Even if they have been kind to you and don't have ill-intent, they have gotten you into a rut that you desperately need to be forced out of. Especially if their only solution to get you more work as an actor is to see which Netflix Chick they can whore you out to, they do not have your best interests in mind.
Also, this is just another example of where the fandom has been used and abused for emotional manipulation and free labor, so keep that in mind as you begin to balance the karmic scales again. We haven't forgotten.
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butchthirteen · 8 months
what’s your pitch for good!Flux? And good!Power of the Doctor?
okay so i'm going to preface this by saying i have not rewatched flux or power of the doctor since potd aired and that is because potd dealt so much psychic damage to me that it retroactively ruined the entire chibnall era and now i can never watch it again. so this is going to be extremely vague/broad strokes because i don't remember what happened very well.
on the other hand, this means that the bar for a good version of both of these is very low.
overall, flux should be entirely about the doctor's reaction to the timeless child news and her subsequent identity crisis, and secondarily about how she is in absolutely no shape to have any kind of relationship with another person.
to make room for this, we're cutting out like half the plot lines. i liked bel and vinder but what were they doing there. we don't need the unit thing either, and i think i'd also cut the lupari, or at least, i might keep karvanista as a figure from the doctor's past but i'm not sure connecting that to a species that exists to guard humans makes literally any sense. i'm not sure we need swarm and azure either, and i would maybe replace them with a lackey for tecteun who's responsible for creating/spreading the flux. the weeping angel thing can take up more time, that was one of the cooler parts of flux, and it could also build up some suspense (ie. the angels are stalking the doctor, what do they want with her, finally she's in the 60's and this town is crawling with them, etc.) and we keep dan so yaz can have a companion.
plotwise like... i feel like the flux itself has to feel personal. like... okay, planets are disappearing, but they're planets the doctor cares about. she drags yaz to some planet or another because she thinks it might give her more clues about what division is, and the planet is just full of refugees. and something is clearly extremely extremely wrong. and they go back to earth to check on it and they realize the streets are strangely empty, i guess i'm lifting from the dimension cannon audios to say the flux got the sun. which also gives them a time limit on fixing it because pretty soon the earth is going to be uninhabitably cold. and they pick up dan somewhere in there. but as they like. go around the universe trying to figure out what's wrong it's clear that like. places that have a particular significance to the doctor are gone. you could pull a ton of different references from past seasons. and then she realizes she keeps seeing the angels.
you need to either do way less or way more thasmin, and i'm a dyke, so i would make the thasmin way more explicit, but also way more toxic/codependent. yaz knows thirteen is hiding something, knows it's massive, knows thirteen is running away from her, but can't leave because 1. she's never felt this way about anyone and she doesn't want to lose what she has and 2. she knows that whatever thirteen is hiding is clearly devastating and rooted in trauma etc which makes her 100% more likely to forgive thirteen. and thirteen for her part is like. perfectly nice until yaz tries to challenge her/ask questions and then she falls back on the "haven't i shown you amazing things!!" thing that we get like. one line of.
also like yaz having WWTDD on her hand was a clear attempt to show that she looks up to the doctor and wants to be like the doctor but it's like. extremely on-the-nose and stilted. "show don't tell" isn't universally useful advice but it would be useful advice in this specific instance. show us that yaz is becoming like the doctor!
for example. i kind of want to keep some of the stuff with the mouri, maybe the doctor goes to them to figure out whether something's wrong, realizes a couple are missing, but crucially yaz is like "wait if you get another person in there will it stop the universe from being so fucked up." and jumps in. because she thinks she can handle it. and the doctor is like. oh shit i don't want to lose yaz and jumps in too. because then you can have all the flashbacks, maybe you give yaz glimpses of a possible future for herself (without the doctor... but with the doctor's constant intrusion) (also in good!flux yaz has already quit being a cop and she's an emt in the future thing) and then that can parallel the doctor's glimpses of a possible past for herself, with the present as an intrusion (ie. she's seeing yaz instead of her actual partner or whatever).
yaz's separation from thirteen (and her watching thirteen turn into an angel) needs a lot more narrative and emotional weight, we should see her sobbing and wailing, and then we should see her stand up and figure out what needs to be done. the doctor doesn't give her a hologram (because thirteen being like "well i think we might get separated!" and planting a hologram makes NO sense) but she does have like. a silly souvenir hologram of the doctor from some amusement park or something so it's literally just the doctor grinning and going like "hi yaz!!"
and she has dan with her but i think i'll leave jericho out honestly because the main thing i remember about him is yaz taking a historical object out of a dig site type of place and going "we should return it" and jericho going "no no it's a discovery!!" and like. i think maybe i'm actually not going to have a character of color say "hey stealing this cultural item kind of sucks" and then an older white man from the 1960's who's just there to go "no it's great." i mean if i do keep him in i take out that line and i give his death way more impact. but anyway . we can keep dan as companion for yaz and also like. general emotional support guy. this also means that he gets an extremely one-sided picture of yaz's relationship with the doctor. i also think he assumes they're dating/partnered just by how desperate yaz is to get back.
but anyway without the hologram yaz doesn't have a mission from the doctor, but she does have a mission, which is to get back to the doctor, and she's spent enough time with the doctor that she knows if she looks hard enough eventually she'll find a time traveler, possibly another version of the doctor, and she can get that person to get her back to the doctor. i think also if we keep the tunnels she needs to discover them through research etc., like she needs to read somewhere about this guy in liverpool who keeps saying these tunnels are going to weird times/places, and then she needs to follow up on those rumors and seek out the guy and ask him about the tunnels and convince him to show her the tunnels and then she gets back. and dan is there to be like "hang on i know about these tunnels!!"
meanwhile!! first of all we make a much bigger deal about the angel thing, we see thirteen left there for much longer, and it's tecteun who comes and turns her back. also the conversation with tecteun starts with tecteun addressing thirteen in gallifreyan and then switching to english when thirteen absolutely refuses to engage. this is the "reveal" that yes, the flux was about the doctor, and it's all so the doctor can have a beautiful new universe to play in, etc etc etc. honestly i don't think i'd change much about this bit, it's just all the stuff around it needs to give it way more weight. i'm honestly not sure how this resolves, though. i think thirteen needs to think tecteun is right for a moment, and then she's like wait fuck this and figures out an escape. probably she figures out tecteun has an escape plan and uses that. to be honest i don't worry a lot about the technicalities of stuff like "how does she escape" because i feel like that's secondary to the actual plot. like in doctor who the technical stuff never makes any sense but you buy into it because the emotional story is good. unless the emotional story is bad.
and then like. we're back on earth with the sun gone out. it is extremely crucial that thirteen does not get trisected after the interaction with tecteun because this means that yaz is now in the right century, directly in front of the tardis, but the doctor isn't there. which means that we can use the chekov's gun of yaz knowing how to pilot the tardis (!!!) and have her get in there, get out her big binder and all her sticky notes or whatever, and figure out how to find the doctor. and honestly i think it takes most of the episode for her and the doctor to find each other. meanwhile they're both trying to figure out how to solve the problem of the flux. they find each other, have their moment, thirteen is absolutely wrecked emotionally and physically, yaz is doing a little better but like it's been a long four years. and there's a moment where thirteen is completely defeated, yaz starts throwing out solutions, like "maybe there's an antidote" "maybe there's something that works against it" "maybe we can turn back time" etc etc etc.
and here's the thing... i think maybe this is where the heart of the tardis could come in. like when it's used at the end of the first episode of flux, it's so anticlimactic. but in s1, it's established that the heart of the tardis gives you what you need. and i feel like thirteen looking into the heart of the tardis could like. do some things. for the universe. particularly i think thirteen coupled with the tardis could fuck with the timelines to reverse the progress of the flux, there's still lots of loss but she manages to save earth (and the sun) and get the flux out of the universe. honestly i'm not sure if this would actually work but again it's one of those things where the emotional storyline needs to really sell it.
so that's flux. and you know what you could just have the doctor regenerate right there, considering the heart of the tardis has a track record of killing her, but let's say instead she expends it all trying to fix what the flux did and then she's just so fucking tired. and yaz is like "okay let's have a beach day. do you want to invite dan."
and then we get eotd/lotsd. i won't go into too much detail here except that these episodes need to like. foster actual conversation between thirteen and yaz. like they need to actually talk it out. thirteen needs to tell yaz what she's been hiding, yaz needs to express how it's hurt her. which sets them up for potd.
good!potd involves a few things. first of all, tegan and ace are both explicitly dykes. none of this "i have two ex-husbands" whatever. she's married to nyssa and we all know this. secondly, we need an actual bodyswap between the doctor and the master. what actually happened was way too confusing. thirdly, if you are going to open on a random child and then not use that to talk about thirteen's childhood trauma. what is the point. fourthly yaz needs to either choose to leave on her own accord (because thirteen mistreated her, because even though they're talking now it's too little too late, because her time in the past made her realize she really missed normal life) or there needs to be tragedy. like she needs to die. we also need an emotional kiss either right when she's about to leave or while she dies. honestly i don't remember what the actual plot of potd was but like. fewer plot lines more of the master and the doctor goofing around in each other's bodies, more dykery, more tragedy. and also thirteen needs to die as a direct result of the forced regeneration. honestly i only watched potd once and since then i've been trying to wipe it from my brain because i hated it so much so i have fewer thoughts on this one.
anyway i hope you enjoyed that. i gave myself real emotions thinking about thirteen's emotional journey in my own personal version of flux. if anyone has thoughts or wants to add anything let me know. i thought about adding jack to both flux and potd because according to the released shooting script for rotd he was supposed to come back at the end and deliver a cliffhanger into flux (presumably written before the bbc blacklisted john barrowman) and like if we're living in a perfect world where no one sexually harasses anyone else having jack there (particularly as someone who knows the doctor very well from a very different point in their life) would be cool so there's also that.
this is long but i'm not putting it under a read more. woe! good!flux and good!potd be upon ye!
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
Hey! I stumbled across your account by accident and I’m curious on what your general take is on Childe (since each language’s VA brings something new to the table). I agree with the (c)PTSD take and often wonder if he might also have ASPD (I say this as someone with antisocial tendencies myself). Anyway, I hope things are going well!
-📀 anon (I’ll probably come back later lol)
Hey. :)
I hope you like walls of text because this turned into a wall of text.
He's a variation of the "came back wrong" horror trope, so a huge part of his behaviour is just some kind of taint/possession/curse (now confirmed in Fontaine's storyline) which you can't really diagnose.
There was a thread started by another psych professional where we still tried!
Personally, I think he doesn't quite fit the antisocial personality disorder profile. - has an aversion to lying and is horrible at it (you know, that thing ASPD brain makes so much easier to do) - shows zero interest in social status or having power over others. People with ASPD usually play social games on par with an average person, although one could argue that they only do it as a source of fun and safety and he has other sources of fun and safety. - is very loyal and, for all his self-centeredness, seems to give others a lot more than he gets in return (although can be argued that he just has too much resources on his hands and really doesn't do that much) - is far too trusting (but also in an unusual way, so it can be interpreted as carelessness) - has that weird "I'll give others the things I never got myself" thing going on (I think ASPD to-go compensatory mechanism would be something else) - shows zero social aggression, it's either 0% ("too polite for his own good" mode) or 1000% (jumps straight to physical violence). I think people with ASPD are generally better with more nuanced agression towards people. But also maybe it's a form of damage control. Or maybe he just never had to learn how to express aggression in socially acceptable form (he's usually the scariest person in the room anyway). - in his character stories it's stated that he used to be a very timid and anxious kid, and it's usually not the case with ASPD kids.
Any of these traits *could* be seen in a person with ASPD and can be explained but all of them in a 20yo guy with pretty horrible life experiences and no access to therapy? I doubt that.
I also think he's a character study on "how can good people end up doing horrible things" and having ASPD would ruin the whole point of his character.
Also it would actually be much easier for everyone inluding himself if he has more ASPD traits. At least half of the terrible shit he does stems from misplaced loyalty, not lack of morals. He might have negative traits of ASPD but not the perks.
My personal headcanon is that he has a dissociative personality type (not a full-blown DID, but a similar way of dealing with trauma by locking away/suppressing parts of himself and shifting between them in different situations), his background fits very well, and the way he deals with relationships, trust and aggression also fits (and it's very easy to write someone like this when writing PTSD, it just happens naturally). His particular brand of chipperness fits too.
But also if you *want* to headcanon him as an ASPD, it's a very good choice too! Low empathy, seeks excitement, doesn't care what others think of him, doesn't adhere to social contract, is fairly cruel, bases his loyalty and ideals on pretty surprising things that have nothing to do with human connection. (it's also questionable whether he seeks human connection in general, can be interpreted both ways)
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aajjks · 6 months
bingoooo but don’t worry. it gets worse 😁
once again, everything is all your fault. you’ve ruined jungkook’s mood and you’re tempted to bang on his door and take your son back but there’s no use in arguing when the damage has been done. you’re beginning to realize how good you are at wrecking your and jungkook’s relationship but for some reason, you don’t regret choosing your son over him. especially when the empress revealed how all of this: the riches, his people, the territory, the power, the crown, he’ll always choose that over you.
you could offer him unconditional love, a normal life and he’d still choose this. you’re both walking on two separate paths and they don’t meet in the middle no matter how hard you try.
your thoughts are interrupted by iseul taking a seat next to you wanting to pitch in on your thoughts. you’re overcome by a large wave of blue and despite your insistence on standing on your decision, you regret not being there for jungkook the way he wanted you to.
“care to tell me what’s going on in that head of yours?”
“i think you already know what going on in there. i feel bad but i also don’t….you know what that bitch told me? she said that jungkook would always choose his crown over me and i…i chose our child over him. i’d do it again if i were faced with that decision but i don’t understand why he’s so upset about it”
“you both are selfish. you want something that you’re not willing to revoke yet expect equal treatment. however, i doubt that is what jungkook is upset about”
“he looked at me like i made a horrible decision, iseul! i love our son so much and if something were to happen to him i’d never forgive myself”
“where’s your faith in your country? don’t you believe the guard will pull through and protect prince jinseoul?”
“i do but i don’t want to find out if they don’t either. so, what? am i supposed to just trust everyone with my son? just say ‘fuck it’ and hope for the best? these people don’t like me, iseul and you know that”
“calm down, y/n” iseul warns you but you’re beginning to see it clearly. she’s not on your team she’s on his and if she thinks you’re going to regret your choice then she’s mistaken.
“you know what? forget it. go kiss up to jungkook since i don’t do it enough” you push past iseul and head inside a bedroom in the ship but you weren’t aware that it was occupied by asami.
“oh…sorry” you apologize not questioning why she’s in one of the bedrooms to begin with.
“no, it’s okay. you can stay in here with me if you’d like” she says and instead of kicking her out and taking the room for yourself, you get on the bed and lay side by side with her.
“are…are you okay?”
you’ve pumped enough bottles for jungkook to feed jinseoul with, so you’re sure he’ll hog him until you all arrive back in goryeo.
“be honest” you say “do you really want to marry jungkook?”
“not really but my mom has always told me that i would wed him”
“what’s wrong?”
“nothing…i’m just a bad wife”
“i don’t think so. you seem very caring and you’re really pretty”
“i didn’t say bad mom i said bad wife but thank you. you’re pretty as well. did you know you and i are only a year apart?”
“you aren’t a bad wife, queen y/n trust me. my mother killed my father for power so you’re far from a bad wife”
wait..did she just say her mother killed the emperor?
“so how old is jungkook? is he 21 as well? you both are so young to be parents”
“u-uh…he’s 24”
“that’s nice. at least i’m a concubine to a man not too far apart in age. maybe we can be friends?”
“sure. i could use more friends. i don’t really have any”
“well now you have me”
“yeah…i guess i do”
Seven days pass by too quickly and he’s glad.
He just wants to drown himself in work and his duties do he won’t have to deal with Asami. Even though as expected you three receive a fairly large welcome, back home in Goryeo, Jungkook is not too happy.
He’s so frustrated because his heart is telling him to not be angry at you, what were you supposed to do? Loose your son for whom you’re even tolerating jungkook because of? But yet his brain is telling him that you won’t ever protect him like he expects you to.
Jungkook sighs and he kisses jinseoul before he leaves to join his office, it’s better to work so he won’t think about you.
You’re visibly upset and torn too. He can tell… but he is now starting to feel so guilty for giving you the cold shoulder, how could he ever be dumb enough to think that you, who is a mother now would choose him instead of your baby for whom you struggled nine months in pain for?
He dumps his head on his wooden table. There’s so much pending work- so many papers that he needs to sign and read.
“Yn…” he cries out your name because the ache in his heart just doesn’t stop- it only worsens.
Maybe he should just suck it up and apologize to you tonight.
It’s nighttime and according to the servants- Asami has settled in her chamber-as expected, she’s in the wing where concubines stay rather than the golden wing which is exclusively for the Royal Family members.
Jungkook is so exhausted mentally and emotionally that he doesn’t even feel the pain in his knuckles and hips because he was in the office for so long.
You’re definitely still on his mind and he’s pretty sure you’re upset with him, so he sucks in his teeth as he enters your shared chamber.
There you are, laughing with a giggling Jinseoul in your arms. You look so pretty in your lace night gown. You probably aren’t expecting him.
“Yn… sorry. I just came in here to apologize for my awfully immature behavior with you this past week…” he scratches the back of his head and he sees just how much jinseoul makes you happy. He is glad.
“I…I guess I started to live in a delusion that you would ever love me… I thought that you’d protect me even though it was impossible for you… I’m sorry.” He says, standing infront of you because he doesn’t feel like you’ll appreciate him being next to you right now.
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kmze · 7 months
2x12 - 2x22 Alright I did something different this time, I put my thoughts down while watching (usually after I finished the episode) instead of doing it after I finished all the episodes. So I have way more thoughts this time lol, my short term memory was struggling before. All this is to say this is much longer than my last recap thoughts, also this is one of the best seasons of the show so it made the rewatch more enjoyable.
Poor Rose and very dumb on Damon’s part to leave Elena with her having absolutely no idea what the werewolf bite was going to do. The dream sequence he gives Rose is one of the best Damon scenes ever IMO. RIP Rose and that awful wig.
Elena told Damon to be the better man and the groan I let out... I wish you an eternity of misery Kevin Williamson!
I could not stop laughing at Stefan's brilliant idea of talking to Tyler involved him sneaking into his house and then slamming him against the wall LMFAO!! Genius idea Stefan that definitely made him want to help you and be friends, truly a mystery that you two never get along.
The Lexi flashbacks made me sad I was 100% with Stefan glaring at Damon like BTW you’re awful in case you forgot.
Is Alaric wearing eyeliner sometimes or am I seeing things?
The Damon/Andie scenes just make me so mad and uncomfortable, there's moral ambiguity that always exists in this show and then there's this disturbing storyline, fuck the writers.
Ok I admit Matt and Caroline have one good scene (though Caroline does the heavy lifting here) when she sings to him at the grill and they kissed. I clapped, a moment of weakness. Matt ruined the good feelings by the end of the episode though so balance has been restored.
Unintentional Intentional Foreshadowing? At the 60s dance Stefan and Elena are dancing and then Caroline and Matt come in. Stefan leaves Elena to go dance with Caroline and spins Elena into Damon’s arms. While this is happening the song playing is Last Kiss, which is a song about a guy who lost his girl in a car crash. I don't think it was intentional but if I were the writers I would totally take credit and say it was.
I'm sure this is part of the Delener manifesto (which I will never read) but the line "I don't mind being a bad guy. I'll make all the life and death decisions, while you're busy worrying about collateral damage" had me like DAMNNNNNN. Maybe I don't give Damon enough credit because that was a pretty great summarization of why Stefan eventually lets Elena die in 3x22 by "respecting her choices".
I am so tired of the suicide missions this season, choose life!
At least Caroline chooses life! This is when I really started seeing how Caroline is climbing up in the narrative and especially how her love life is gaining more depth and importance. The porch and door scenes in particular because lovers and potential lovers on the porch was something Elena got in S1. For Caroline the doorway represents her heart. We got Tyler inside while Matt is outside in 2x10 because that's when she was helping Tyler and started falling for him, meanwhile she broke up with Matt to protect him. Then Tyler fucks up and he gets the door slammed in his face. Stefan says he can come in if she wants him to in 2x13 but she's not ready to let Stefan in yet, and he realizes that so he brings back-up. Then you've got Matt back inside her heart but really her Mom put him there to spy on her. I really like the shot of Matt at the door looking at Liz in 2x18 before the dance.
IMO most of this season Elena has a relationship with both brothers; she has a physical one with Stefan and an emotional one with Damon and she does that so they are both all about her. And I think this current version of the triangle was the only way she could have both. Because Stefan doesn't care that Damon is also in love with Elena because it means he'll protect Elena (re: quote above) and he'll be in Stefan's life which is all he ever wanted. And Damon because he's so obsessed and consumed by Elena will stay there pining and flirting and acting out when he feels ignored because Stefan will be there to "clean up it up." Everyone wins in a very fucked up way. The problem is she couldn't keep Damon at just an "hopelessly pining" distance and once Elena chose Damon, Stefan wasn't interested in being the one in an emotional relationship.
Klaus knowing all the Mystic Falls gossip already lol.
Tyler saying who’s Klaus my poor boy I wish you never found out. Really loved the Tyler and Caroline scenes the last few episodes (I mean the heart eyes he gives her in the tomb *melts*), they'll always hold a place in my heart.
I'm sorry Liz but you were a terrible sheriff, my god. In fact MFPD is up there with GCPD as the most inept police department in all of fiction. How the hell could they not take down one vampire who was weakened by werewolf venom?
The Stefan and Elena goodbye in 2x20 was so heartbreaking damn, they absolutely have moments where I totally ship them and that's one of them.
2x21 is the best episode of this half and overall the storytelling in this season is really solid. Everything with the sacrifice ritual was well done and even though I knew exactly what was going to happen I was intrigued the whole time, the best was Bonnie coming in with the wind and the fire and the magic. I feel like the show often has a problem where one half of a season will be good than the other meh, this season was solid throughout. Loved the twist that the sun and moon curse was made up.
Some of the acting choices Joseph makes while Klaus is watching Stefan drink the blood bags are… sir I see you and I appreciate you.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: Don't mistake the fact that we haven't set you on fire in your sleep for trust. (this made me laugh so hard I had to pause LMFAO his jabs at her were so good)
Caroline: Everyone just needs to stop kissing me! (a classic! Caroline's milkshake brings all the boys to the yard)
Not a line but Alaric having to write “The dagger will kill you…” on a piece of paper and then their mad faces was hilarious! They are just so dumb.
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jess-the-vampire · 2 years
If Star Vs. The Forces of Evil came back in the future with a movie or Disney+,how will it will be different in storytelling,lore,drama,characterization,and world building compared to the first four seasons and how would the characters(especially Star,Marco,Moon,and The MHC)finally redeem themselves and learn from their mistakes after Star destroyed the magic and possibly if it comes back in some way?
I've talked about then after s4 came out and i gotta say it again.
I kinda...don't want a continuation, not a movie, not another season or series....none of that. I'll accept a reboot, but i have no desire to see a continuation of any kind from where we left off.
And i say that as a fan of the show.
I didn't participate in the efforts to get the show back for a reason.
Because after s4, it was clear the crew had no idea what they were doing.
They had no plan, made stuff as they went along, and would make terrible writing choices based on the worst kinda fan opinions, and after all of that we ended up in a place where there's really nothing i wanna see in a continuation.
I don't like star//co, their relationship was so poorly handled and their characters became so unlikable why would i want to watch them date or continue?
They'll most likely entirely ignore the horrible stuff star did when destroying magic.
There's no more dimension travel, so a much smaller world.
And because the writers just...make stuff up, why be invested in anything if they can just change things on a dime? I have lists and lists of how many things the show contradicts, things they forgot in earlier seasons that make no sense now.
Just bringing back the magic isn't gonna fix this mess because daron prioritizes the worst kinda things, and doesn't focus on what makes for a good story .
Star vs has so many little things that are really good, but they're not enough to fix the product as a whole, and the show is happy to throw out development when it wants to.
I'm only open to a reboot someday because i know this show has the potential to be good in the right hands, the elements are there for it, but there's nothing for me to really be that invested in anymore in a continuation because i don't feel like i can trust daron to deliver .
She already has made it obvious multiple times she doesn't think the finale was a giant mess, so i don't have faith she'd fix these problems.
Even tom, a character i do love and am invested in, i feel like they could easily ruin on a dime, i only think he was good as he was because some of the team actually cared about him, but even so...he also fell victim to daron forcing him to do things for the sake of what SHE wanted...not because it made sense or fit the story.
only spinoff of this mess i might watch is one with his family, (maybe also eclipsa?) and we never ever see marco or star or janna or any of their faces at ALL. Cause hey, at least they might not make me angry the entire watch.
I say this as a fan, i do NOT want a movie or continuation of the show, and if you want me to like the idea daron or whoever runs it needs to earn my trust back first.
I stick to star aus for a reason.
if it's going to continue from where we left off, it's already starting off on a bad foot in my opinion.
You need to do serious damage control if you're gonna try and make something good from it.
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