#and met the nicest folks
igotsnothing · 9 months
23 Screenshots from 2023
Thank you for this fun tag, @eljeebee!
Here we go, from most recent to older posts:
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Tagging: @damseljamsel, @stargazer-sims, @aheathen-conceivably, @m0n0lithical, @izayoichan, @simstrashkingdom, @lynzishell, aaaaand-oh, no, you won't get away this time- @greighish!! (Totally optional, do if you feel like it, haven't done it yet, so on and so on...)
Happy New Year, friends!
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riverthebooknerd · 9 months
shoutout to the ace/aros btw, y'all are chill as fuck. everyone if you're clowning on ace/aros then you need to stop right the fuckity fuck now. respect the ace/aros
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steddielations · 9 months
Upstaged | Part 2 | Part 1
It all makes sense.
When Eddie comes back from taking photos with the fans, he looks a little sheepish for the first time. Steve has about a million things to ask, mostly he just wants to laugh about the fucking odds, but he remembers the grace Eddie extended to him about the press ordeal.
Instead, he settles back with his lime soda and a simple question, “So, what kind of music are you into?”
A grateful smile breaks out across Eddie’s face, ecstatic to dive into that with Steve. Their lunch extends into dinner. Steve doesn’t have anywhere to be these days and Eddie practically jumps up and down when the meeting he was in the area for gets canceled. They stay there for a couple more hours, just talking. 
Their music taste overlaps at certain points, Eddie talks about how getting his first guitar from the pawn shop pretty much saved him, Steve recounts a little league story that makes Eddie laugh so hard he chokes on his soda.
It’s the most monumentally casual time Steve’s ever had with a new friend in public and he’s not ready for it to end. Even after exchanging numbers and promising to meet up again, they still linger together outside.
“So uh, I remember where I know you from now."
Eddie leans against the side of the building. It’s getting dark, they’re tucked away from any eyes so Steve freely scoots closer to Eddie, waiting for him to explain. He does after a moment, seeming nervous and fiddling with his rings.
“I hate to ask, but my Uncle is huge into baseball, especially you and your general all-around-awesome thing. There weren’t players like you to look up to when he was young, all that. I’ve seen you on his tv so many times, you’re basically part of the family— ah shit, that’s weird, sorry,” he cringes a little, scrunching his nose in a way that makes Steve’s chest clench with affection, “But he’s getting old and like I said earlier, he’s my rock, he raised me and I won’t forgive myself if I don’t at least ask you to come see him sometime.”
The way he rambles is pretty endearing, looking at Steve with a wide-eyed hopeful expression, as if there was even a chance Steve would say no.
He reaches out, gently takes Eddie’s hand to stop his restless fidgeting, “You want me to meet your folks already, hm?”
Eddie lets out an amused scoff, looking down at their hands and back at Steve like he can’t believe it. “You’re not as funny as you think you are, Steve.” 
Steve knits his brows, “Why’s that?”
“C’mon man. Y’know how hard it is to find someone who can handle this lifestyle, let alone all the shit that comes with me,” shaking his head a little, Eddie smiles but there’s something aching in it, “Then the nicest looking guy I’ve ever seen comes outta nowhere and saves my life, agrees to go to lunch, happens too know as well as me that life in the limelight ain’t always pretty and turns out to be one of the best people I’ve ever met.”
His fingers thread through Steve’s, holding tight like he’s not sure it’s real. “Even if I never see you again, I’m gonna write songs about you. I’d take you home and keep you right now if I could, but that’s not happening.”
There’s a part of Steve he’s kept shut down for years that comes pumping through his veins then, hot and alive. He realizes that he’s been trying so hard to keep his life as normal as possible that he’s been missing out on actually living it. Now he has this wonderful, crazy, wonderful man spontaneously in front of him and he’s not letting him slip away. 
Steve moves in, slowly crowding Eddie against the wall. Eddie’s eyes go a little wide with surprise then darken with desire. Steve watches his face shift through so many emotions, his mouth parting with a soft gasp, wanting this just as badly as Steve.
“Wanna bet?” Steve asks before he crashes into Eddie again. 
This time it’s a hot press of lips instead of a full-body collision, but it’s just as breathtaking.
Steve deepens the kiss, thrill prickling all across his skin when Eddie opens up for him right away. Steve licks passed the bright hint of lime on their tongues to get to Eddie. The heady taste of him makes Steve’s world spin, all the desperate noises between them going straight to his head.
“Want you so bad, Eddie, wanna keep you too,” he threads his fingers into all that hair, reveling in the shiver it elicits from Eddie, “God, just wanna have you.”
Eddie chases his lips, “You can, Steve, you can have me— please do.”  
Steve loves the sound of that, going in for a longer, more indulgent kiss before pulling back.
“You can’t take me home tonight,” he professes hotly against Eddie’s lips, “My place is closer, you’re coming with me.”
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archangeldyke-all · 2 months
Sevika and reader being grumbly whiskey aunts together!!!
They just want to sit on their porch together. <3
this is EVERYTHING to me
men and minors dni
you spend your evenings on your screened-in front porch, passing a smoke back and forth, one of you occasionally getting up to grab fresh drinks and snacks from the house.
you're both total grumps, but the kids (vander and silco's ofc) know that if they're ever in trouble, the first house to call is their aunts'.
lmaoooo now i'm imagining jinx calling you for a ride home from a party she shouldn't be at-- and you and sevika showing up to pick her up-- grinding and making out in front of all her friends just so she learns her lesson adkfj;laskjd
over the years, you've hosted the kids in your house for all kinds of reasons. claggor spent a month living with you guys when the three little kids were bogged down with a flu they kept passing around. in a rebellion against his dads' video games ban on him after they caught him smoking weed at fourteen, mylo and his xbox moved in with the two of you. jinx and vi come over for 'girl nights' all the time when they're growing up, and when violet gets laid off from her first job, she crashes with the two of you until she can get back on her feet.
they're the only kids you tolerate though. neighborhood kids are terrified of you and sevika-- both of you are total grumps, and little slayer and sugar are the exact same.
(but you make up for your bad reputation in the neighborhood on halloween-- you're always the house that gives out full sized candy bars.)
your elderly neighbors though? they love you and sevika.
they appreciate that you're just as grumpy as them. they always wave to you from their porches, where they sit every evening along with you guys. they like that you don't give a shit about the home owners association, and that sevika sometimes even does shit just to piss them off. (she painted your fence hot pink after being told by the HOA that the natural wood needed to be painted white. she earned the hearts of all your grumpy old neighbors with that move.)
as a result, you're always being given plates of cookies and pans of casseroles by the old ladies in the neighborhood, the old men are always coming over to share a smoke with sevika and exchange books, gardening tips, and garage tools. (you and sevika repay their hospitality by shoveling their sidewalks and raking their leaves for them in the shitty weather.)
you're constantly being told by old folks that you're 'the nicest lesbians we've ever met.'
sevika always laughs at this, then asks how many lesbians they have met. the answer is always just the two of you.
(one time, though, a little old lady informs you that her granddaughter is a lesbian 'just like you two,' and that she was so happy when she came out to her because 'you'll be just like my lovely neighbors!' this one makes you cry... and even sevika tears up a bit.)
in the summer, you've got a big fan you can flick on to keep you cool on your porch.
in the winter, you've got a little space heater you can pull closer to your matching rocking chairs.
after a few years, sevika even builds you an outside bed, so that after an evening of drinking whiskey and sharing a joint you can cuddle in each other's arms outside and listen to the crickets and frogs chirping before heading in for the evening.
your porch is your favorite little spot in the whole wide world. sevika's planted a jungle of plants surrounding it, and it's like your little oasis from the real world. you've got christmas lights strung around the ceiling that stay up all year long, lighting the porch when the sun finally sets. you've got dog and cat beds scattered everywhere so your animals can join you. there's ash trays, pipes, books, and bottles littered everywhere, and there's always at least a dozen potted plants scattered around inside your little sanctuary.
it's heaven.
@fyeahnix @lavendersgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner
@shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
@ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai
@glass-apothecary @macaroni676 @artinvain @realgreeniebeanie @k3n-dyll
@sevsdollette @ellieslob @xayn-xd @keikuahh @maneskinwh0re
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IMAGINE BEING AN: American student at JJK
2006!Geto x fem!reader
2006!Gojo x fem!reader
Summary: Your first few months as an American at Tokyo Jujutsu High. Shoko is the best.
Note: fluff, hints of pining, flirting, culture clash antics.
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Coming in as the new girl is never easy. Especially not when you’re in a completely different country with different social norms and rules.
Sure, your Japanese was passable, but you weren’t conversational yet. And there were so many rules to follow when speaking to someone. It was enough to make you mute for the first two weeks of school. Sometimes guys would approach you and you would get excited, thinking they were flirting with you… only to find out they wanted you to tutor them in English. Other students were nice enough to only talk about you behind your back. American bullies are way more straightforward. It was sorta refreshing to just be politely shunned as opposed to being loudly excluded like you were used to.
The first person to be nice to you was Ieiri Shoko. She was laidback, knew a surprising amount of English, and could see you needed a friend. She taught you better phrases to use in conversation, “So you won’t sound like a freakin’ textbook,” she’d say. You started hanging out with her outside of class too. Shoko knew good places to eat and spots in Tokyo that weren’t terribly crowded. The only problem(s) were those two guys she had hanging around her all the time.
Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru.
Those two were the superstars of the school. Two students who were guaranteed to be the strongest sorcerers alive once they graduated. Everyone adored them, except for a few sensible people. You would ask about them sometimes. Mainly things like: “Are they like, always like that?” or “How do you stay sane around them!?”
Geto was polite. You could say that much. Other than that, you found him very intimidating. This tall, lanky young sorcerer with piercing dark eyes and that mocking smirk. He had some, uh, interesting thoughts about America. Nothing you hadn’t heard before. Americans were lazy, arrogant, thought the world revolved around them. What irked you was when he said that American sorcerers “mix too much,” with ordinary folk. The day you caught him staring at you, you left class to “go to the bathroom,” and just didn’t come back. It took a long chat with Shoko to be convinced he wasn’t going to corner you in an alley and kill you. Geto would speak to you only in Japanese, and he would speak slowly. Like you were an idiot. The nicest thing he had said to you in those early days was a bit conceited. He’d complimented you by saying, “I’ve heard of your family. They’re a modest bloodline, I wouldn’t have assumed you came from them… they must be proud of you.”
Gojo was the most irritating. Surprisingly loud and cocky, totally unlike most of the boys you had met so far. And, unlike most boys, he would not stop pestering you about American pop-culture. He knew absolutely no English, except for dated quotes or catchphrases from movies. Sometimes he would shout your name just so he could say something corny like, “Stay golden, Ponyboy.” You were certain he was making fun of you. And, like Geto, you were very intimidated by the most powerful student in school.
He also had no concept of personal space and had made it his mission to get you to talk. Which meant a lot of him popping up out of nowhere and slinging an arm around you. There were a lot of jealous girls that assumed you were dating. All he wanted was to have bragging rights that he got you to talk. Needless to say, Gojo was devastated when he found out Shoko was talking to you outside of class. It had been a nice day, Shoko was going to meet up with you at a park to get sorbet and chat. Then Gojo found her.
“She talks to you? To you?!” Birds took off to the skies. An elderly woman shot him a dirty look, dropping her handful of birdseed before hobbling away.
Shoko took a drag of her cigarette, “Yup.”
Gojo flopped down onto the seat next her. She hoped he wouldn’t be too obnoxious, this was a public park “But I was supposed to be the one to break down her walls!”
“Maybe if you weren’t so pushy, she would talk to you,” she deadpanned.
They continued to bicker, with Gojo insisting he had been nothing but an excellent ambassador of good will and Shoko calling him an idiot. You had showed up to hang out with Shoko, only to freeze when you saw Gojo. Just as you tried to sneak off, you bumped into Geto. This casual hangout with Shoko had turned into a foursome and neither boy was letting you weasel out of it.
Thankfully, Shoko kept you calm enough to have a good time.
With how sheltered Gojo had been, there were aspects of his own culture that were novel to him. There were lots of movies and tv shows that were new to you both. Not to mention junk food. Gojo needed Shoko to help him translate certain things, but he was actually a fun guy. He kept you laughing most of the time. If only he would stop hugging you from behind like he was your boyfriend. Geto was quiet, trying to absorb the sound of your voice. Listening to how you pronounced words in English and Japanese. He would never say it out loud, but he found your interest in the temples and folklore to be cute. He did join Gojo in teasing you. Both boys tried to get you to call them by their first name. Insisting “No, no! It’s fine! No need to be formal. We’re all friends now, right?”
You took a swig of yuzu flavored cream soda and said in Japanese, “I know what first names mean here. We aren’t close enough for that, people at school would think we’re dating.” With a pout you added in English, “And no hot guy is worth getting torn to shreds by a jealous fan club.”
Geto only leaned down to you, smirking as he said, (in English) “Then you can call me Suguru… in private.”
You gagged on your drink. This was how you found out Geto Suguru knew five different languages fluently. Gojo begged Geto and Shoko to translate what was said. You just focused on calming down. What a lovely start to an awkward friendship.
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webslingingslasher · 2 years
The Last I Heard
i may have a seperate part 2 of this on the way, the idea is so cute.
Pairing: Peter Parker (mcu) x Reader
Warnings: peter do be flirting
Genre: Fluffy/slight angst/ pining
Word Count: 15K
Summary: Peter overhears you saying you like him but you're too scared to tell him, he makes you want to tell him.
Peter knows it is absolutely wrong to use his powers for his own advantage. 
He also knows that the majority of common folk would disagree and use it to their own advantage if situations were reversed, and that’s fair to Peter. Everyone at one point has sworn that if they had super powers they would listen in to every conversation, or they would read everyone’s mind. 
And Peter did do that at first, until he realized that eavesdropping was a terrible idea. Because you start to feel kind of itchy and icky about yourself, you realize that these are conversations that were meant to be personal. Ned was the one that usually begged, he would point out random people and persuade Peter into listening in and giving him dirt. 
It was never anything too interesting, just personal. 
At lunch Ned would ask, “Yellow jacket is up in hat’s face, what’s going on?” 
And Peter would listen in. 
“You weren’t there! You have no idea what went down, like, at all!” 
Hat defends her stance, “Oh come off it! You’re supposed to be MY best friend, you were mine. And I lost you to him.” 
Yellow jacket is upset at her dismissal, “ You decided that, not me. You think this is dumb of us? That we’re selfish? That this was one big ploy to fuck up your life?” 
Hat is taken aback, then stands her ground. Solidly, “You fucked my brother, Jessica. You both decided to run around and date behind my back, and if you did it openly it would’ve gone over better. But you conniving with him hurts, I just lost my best friend and I have to watch her walk around my house cuddling up to my brother!” 
Peter stops listening, he feels like he should’ve never heard that. 
But he still tells Ned. 
Once at the mall Ned pointed to a group of girls, “What are they talking about?” 
Peter hones in, then repeats. “Redhead is looking for a tampon, Jeans is helping Redhead search for a tampon. Ponytail is talking about wanting to hook up with Jayson but she’s dating Erik, Bangs is telling Ponytail to do it anyways and Glasses thinks you’re cute.” 
Ned grins, “Should I go ask for her number?” 
Peter frowns, “No.” 
He doesn’t like playing this game so much anymore, he’s started to feel like a constant invasion of privacy. He doesn’t do it for Ned much anymore, only sometimes. 
“It’s an emergency, Peter! Like a real emergency! You have to tell me what they’re saying!” 
Ned shakes Peter's shoulders for emphasis, Peter bobbles his head back and forth then stops to wave and smile like a normal human when you walk by doing it first. 
He lets out a sigh, “Who?” 
Ned points to Betty Brant and Flash Thompson. 
Peter understands why he wants to listen in so bad, he gives in. By the way Betty looked it wasn’t going to be anything juicy. 
“Flash is telling her about how his mom is gonna buy him a new car, Betty is saying her mom’s making her favorite dinner.” 
Ned pouts, “Nothing about me?” 
Peter shakes his head slowly, “Sorry man.” 
Ned stays quiet for a few seconds then pushes his head towards them again, “How about now?” 
Peter sighs, “No, Ned.” 
MJ wrapped her hand around your neck after you passed by Peter. 
“Waving to your future man?” 
You turned your head back, panicked he had heard her. Instead you just saw Ned and Peter looking at Betty and Flash. 
“He’s so fucking cute, right? Did you see his hair? His curls are like, fucking perfect today.” 
Peter Parker made your heart race. 
He was a goddamn saint, the nicest person you’ve ever met. He was a genius, the smartest person you’ve ever met. He was funny, the best quick wit you’ve ever heard. His laugh was the best you’ve ever heard. His smile made you feel like putty, his voice woke you up in the morning but melted you down if you’d been extra stressed that day, and his clothes looked down right adorable on him. 
Everything about Peter Parker was your favorite thing about him. 
“Careful, Y/N. I may think you have a crush on the kid.”
You pushed MJ in her ribs, “Has he ever kissed anyone before?” 
“Why, looking to be the first to settle the land, Christopher?” 
You gasp, “Did you just call me a colonizer?” 
MJ ignored you, “You know, you could just ask him.” 
You laugh, “That’s cute.” 
It was. You and Peter were casual friends, you’ve hung out in only groups and only had one on one conversations a few times. You did like him, and you did flirt when you were around him but it was so subtle you don’t blame him for not picking up on it. 
“I mean, I think you guys would actually work out. Like hardcore, he’s just a little dumb. You’ve gotta be the one to bring it up.” 
Here we go again, the same tired piece said over and over. MJ, Betty, even Flash has gotten in on it, they all claim Peter would be down in an instant but would it be because it’s you, or because someone likes him? 
“Does he even like me? Or think of me like that?” 
MJ grimaces, “Peter’s hard. He doesn’t really talk about girls, you know? I mean, he’ll say when a girl is pretty or whatever but he’s never been one to be like, ‘she’s so hot, i wanna french her by noon,’ so, maybe?” 
You tap her arm around your neck, “So insightful, I’m so glad I have a friend on the inside.” 
MJ squeezes the sarcasm out of you. 
Peter’s gotten better at not eavesdropping. 
It’s been weeks of fighting off Ned’s request to listen in on an unsuspecting victim. 
Until recently. 
He kept hearing his name, but couldn’t clock it. He had his head swiveled around the entire lunchroom with no luck. It wasn’t a constant calling, just casual. Peter this, Peter that, Peter, Peter, Peter. 
He swears he’s going insane, he can’t jus-
Peter jumps, he’s trying to dial his focus on his name when you slam your hand down on his lunch table. 
“Oh.” When he realizes it’s just you. 
“Hi, Y/N.” You grin when he does, it’s infectious. You almost forgot why you approached, MJ said Peter would admit when a girl was pretty. 
“Hi, Peter.” 
Peter looks to the side of him and pushes his backpack away, “Wanna sit here?” 
Your heart lurches with the question, he was asking if you wanted to sit next to him. 
You shake your head, “I just have a question.” 
A grin, “Shoot.” 
You gulp, why did you do this again? Oh. To prove you had a chance. 
“In a strictly non friendly way,” 
“Uh oh.” He voices. 
You smile, “Do you think I’m pretty?” 
Peter freezes, “Oh! Uh, I mean, me?” 
“You what?” 
“Me! You’re asking me? Of course I think you’re pretty!” 
You smile, “Thanks, Peter. But, am I pretty in a non friendly way?” 
He looks confused, “What would be a non friendly pretty?” 
You roll your eyes, “Like, pretty enough to date.” 
His eyes go wide, pink coats his cheeks. 
“Oh, oh!” He nods enthusiastically, “Yeah! You’re dating pretty, don’t worry about it.”
You thank him and walk away with your head a little higher. Your group quiets when you approach, MJ greets you with raised eyebrows. She has to pretend the whole group wasn’t just talking about you and Peter.
“What was that about?” 
You sit your stuff down and take a seat, you shrug and look at her. 
“He said I was pretty.” 
Flash commends the size of your balls. 
You thank him.
“Y/N asked if she was dating pretty today, what does that mean?” 
Ned shrugs, “Google it.” 
Peter gives him a ferocious look, “And what would Google say?” 
Ned sighs as he looks over Betty, “Are you sure she’s not talking about me?” 
Peter looks towards the back of the class, you and Betty sat next to each other giggling. Peter tells himself not to, but he does. 
He hones in, he doesn’t get much. He’s learned to listen in enough to get the details, but protect the person at stake. 
Peter’s eyebrows furrow, he wants to listen to more. 
“Uh, they’re talking about a double date.”   
Ned throws up his hands, his jaw is dropped and he’s looking between Peter, you and Betty. 
Peter looks around, “Well what?” 
Ned tugs at Peter’s arm, “With who?” 
Peter’s eyes widened, “Oh!” 
“I’m sure Peter would be down, Y/N.” Betty shoulder checked you and winked, you groaned and looked up at Peter, he was looking at you. Even though he was across the room you felt paranoid he could hear you. 
You smiled at Peter and turned to your friend, “Sure, you ask Ned first.” 
Betty drops her jaw and looks at Ned, she starts to sputter. 
“No! That is not the plan, at all!” 
You huff at her, “The plan was to use Peter against me? You’re sick for that.” 
Peter knows he should stop listening, he’s caught on, the double date was with him and Ned, but he also wants to keep listening. 
“No! I never said that!” 
You narrow your eyes, “Look, it would make sense for you to ask Ned on a date.” 
Betty turns her nose up, “Well, the same could be said for you and Peter.” 
Peter Parker can’t help but feel a bit giddy, you asking him on a date? He would never shut up about it again. 
Ned is pawing at Peter’s shoulder begging for an update, he shrugs him off and keeps listening. 
“What? No, it literally could not. You and Ned flirt all the time, everyone knows it’s gonna happen, it just when.” 
Betty is slightly confused, she's wondering if you two are fighting. Just slightly. 
“Do you think you’re not flirting with Peter?” 
You blink and Peter watches your mouth open, you’re about to reply when Ned shakes him hard. 
Peter turns back around and scoots his chair closer to the desk. 
“It’s us.” 
“What is?” 
Peter clears his throat, “The double date, it’s us.” 
Ned’s eyes light up, the thing he’s been searching for in conversation is coming to fruition, then dials it back some. 
“Betty wants me, right?” 
Peter nods. 
“And Y/N wants you?” 
Peter shrugs. 
“I mean, it makes sense. She’s always trying to hook up with you.” 
Peter’s head spins, “What?” 
Ned pulls his head back, “Well, yeah. I just thought you weren’t interested. She’s always trying to make a move when we hang out.” 
Peter is in disbelief, “She is?” 
“Bro, she literally only hugs you when we all hang out. When she gets there and when she leaves, she wants you all over her. Like, now.” 
Peter is nibbling his lip, he never thought he had a chance. He just thought you were extra friendly towards him, maybe you thought he needed a friend. He didn’t know you wanted him like that though. 
He decides to listen in, one last time. Then he swears he was done, forever. 
Betty huffs, she’s lovely but absolutely stubborn. 
“Then fine, I’m not asking Ned until you ask Peter first.” 
“That’s fine, Ms. Brant. But I’m never gonna ask him.” 
Betty huffs again then looks to the boys and sees Peter looking at you, she gets a wicked grin across her face. 
“Then I’ll make him ask you.” 
You turn your head to see her looking at Peter, you start to backtrack immediately. 
“No! No, no, no. You won’t. You promise me you won’t get Peter involved.” 
Betty pretends she didn’t hear you. 
“Betty, I’m serious. Promise me right now you won’t involve Peter.” 
She starts to hum, this is a game to her. You know what she wants and you’re about to give in. 
“Betty please, don’t involve him. I’ll ask anyone else, if you’re that dead set on a double date I’ll ask literally anyone else.” 
She pretends to think about it, then calls out across the room. 
“Hey, Peter?” 
You whip your head to his, he’s looking at Betty confused. You start to melt and panic. 
“You won’t.” You mutter the words. 
“Come here?” 
Peter looks at Ned and shrugs, he goes to stand. 
Your heartbeat is hammering your chest, you grip Betty’s elbow tightly. 
“Stop it, Betty. It’s not funny anymore.” 
Peter’s walking over, you feel your hands shake. You curl them into fists.
“Betty!” You look over your shoulder, he’s about to be here. 
“I’ll ask him! I’ll ask him!” 
Betty smiles, it’s like she's asking you if it was that hard. 
You can’t help the smile that crosses your face when Peter not only approached your side of the desk, but also smiled at you first and made sure you saw him before looking at Betty. 
“You called?” 
Betty grins, it makes you feel sick. 
“I was thinking of asking Ned on a date, what’s his favorite food?” 
Peter thinks of his next words carefully, he makes sure to look at you when he speaks. 
“We’re both pizza kinda guys.” 
You shudder. it was never about asking Peter for you, it was about forcing you to say yes. 
“What’s his favorite? He strikes me as a hawaiian type of guy.” 
He grins, “You guessed right.” 
You speak up, “You strike me as a cheese or pepperoni type.” 
Peter tilts his head, “Do I?” 
You shake your head, “Actually, I think you’re a ‘any type of pizza will do, as long as I can pile as much parmesan cheese as humanly possible on it.’ kind of guy.” 
He hums, “Are you a crushed red pepper kind of gal?” 
You shrug and feel your cheeks get warm, “Maybe.” 
“That’s good then, none of the packets get wasted. Look at us, the zero waste couple.” 
“Couple of besties?” You give a nervous grin. 
Peter nods, “Sure.” 
You swallow hard, you were never prepared for Peter to say something flirty to you, he was supposed to be the nervous quiet one, but you have a feeling he can be extremely charming when he wants to be. 
Betty eyes you then looks at Peter, you notice they share a look but you can’t place what it is. 
“Pizza then?” 
“Trust me Bets, Ned is gonna scream when you ask him out. He’s been dying to do it but it’s always nice to know when a girl is into you.” 
He let that last line slip, he’s trying to hint to ask him without laying it out. Or let you know he was listening in. 
“Does he really? I swear he doesn’t make it known.” 
You look over at Ned, you have no clue how she thinks he doesn’t make it known. He followed her around like a puppy and was at her beck and call. Not to mention he’s watching the entire encounter rocking in his seat biting his nails. 
And you were scared you looked nervous. 
You point at Peter’s best friend, “Really, Bets? He doesn’t make it known?” 
Peter pats your head, “What she said.” 
You bite your bottom lip hard to stop the whimper from escaping, Peter shares a glance with you, you’re pretty sure he heard you. 
“So it’s an easy yes?” 
Peter nods, “The easiest.” 
Betty nods at Peter then looks towards you, “Y/N? Anything you need to ask Peter?” 
Your cheeks feel hot, you give a death stare to Betty. 
“Uh, nope. Can’t think of anything.” 
Betty pushes, “You sure?” 
“Positive.” You push the word through clenched teeth. 
Betty waits with pursed lips and when you offer no more she nods slightly, she can play this game too. 
“Thanks for the advice, Peter. But I don’t think I’m going to ask yet.” 
You want to disappear, and you are extra aware of Peter’s body next to yours. If you leaned against him you would rest into his waist, you wanted to make him proud again, so he could give you another celebratory pat. 
“He’s there when you’re ready, Betty. Stays between us, promise.” Then he looks at you before he departs, “Hey, you going to Flash’s party tonight?” 
You don’t trust your voice and nod, Peter watches where you chew on your lip. 
“Good, I’ll see you there.” He taps your shoulder with a punch and walks back towards his best friend. 
Ned looks at him with wide eyes, his fingernails are nubs. 
Peter sighs dreamily, “I’m gonna make her ask me out.” 
You both point at each other then meet in the middle for a hug, Peter sways you slightly and pulls away. 
“Long time no see!” He jokes, you giggle along. He’s just so funny. 
“No kidding, you know time stops when you’re not around.” You wink to play off the joke. 
Peter scrunches his nose like a bunny, “I love when you flirt with me. Want a drink?” 
You feel frozen for a moment, he’s not supposed to catch on. He was supposed to play dumb until you all grow up and get married and have kids and one night over lunch when you catch up after years you let it slip that you had a giant crush and always waited for him to notice. He wasn’t supposed to notice now. 
“What are you drinking?” You clock his red cup, he’s not a drinker but it’s not a water bottle this time. 
He holds it out, “Try?” 
You take it and raise it to your lips, it’s nearly empty. You can’t help but think about this being the first time you’ve shared a drink with Peter, you’re putting your lips where his were. The only thing more intimate than this is sharing a bite of food. If you pretend hard enough you can say that you’ve technically kissed him. 
It’s sweet and you can’t detect alcohol. You pull back and eye him, he’s waiting for your reaction. He hopes you like it. You pull a face then try it again, you’re trying to place it. 
“Like it?” 
“It’s like a cherry sprite, but like, better?” 
“It is! I can make you one?” 
Peter pushed you towards the kitchen with a hand to your back, you felt his palm through the material of your shirt and realized how cold the rest of you felt. Small conversation carried you through the wait, he made each of you a cup and handed it over. 
You both took a sip at the same time, you pulled back with a slight frown then took another sip. Peter watched you furrow your brows before you reached out for his own and took a sip. You make a confused sound. 
You shrug, “Your’s tastes better.” 
Peter thinks it's adorable, he can only hope that if this goes the way he’s thinking that you would carry this over. He always wants his to taste better, just because it’s his. 
“I’d offer to swap but then I’d think that one would taste better.” 
You nod, “I think you’re right.” Then hold your own out, “Cheers!” Peter obliges then holds his back when you try to tap it, “What are we cheering for?” You pucker, “Do we need a reason?” 
Peter pouts, “No, I guess not. Feels better to have one though.” 
You think for a reason then exclaim, “Here’s one,” You raise your cup again, “Here’s to new friends!” 
“And couples!” Peter taps his cup on yours. 
“What?” You eye him down, did he just say what you thought?” 
He nods his head towards Ned and Betty, totally wrapped up in each other. 
“Right! To new friends and couples.” 
Peter was about to speak again when Flash’s voice rang out on the DJ speaker. 
“Friends to the inner ring, losers stay away.” 
MJ immediately leaves from the inner circle to the kitchen, “MJ! You’re a friend!” 
She calls behind her, “I know you consider me one!” She stops when she sees you and Peter chatting closely. 
She nods her head in recognition, “Nice.” 
“What are you doing?” You watch her open cabinets moving around the kitchen. 
“Making toast. Take my place for me.” 
You made a pit stop to the bathroom and came back to the living room, the whole group sat across the couches and criss-crossed on the floor, there was not one space open. Peter took the last spot, you were about to sit in the kitchen with MJ when Peter waved you over and tapped his lap. You felt warm just thinking of sitting on his lap, it was closer than you’ve ever been before. You would literally be on top of him, and if you were to move just right perhaps you’d get even closer. 
You held your breath as you lightly rested on his lap, most of your weight rested on your feet you kept planted on the ground. Peter wrapped his arm around your waist and tugged you against him, your feet dangled between his knees and his chest was against your back. He delicately wrapped his other arm around your waist, he was hugging you to him. 
“Good?” He tried to look around at your face, instead you gave in and rested your head against his shoulder and rested a hand over his on your waist. You nodded against his neck, he grinned softly, “Good.” 
The rest of the party went by quickly, it was just a few rounds of some games but nothing too crazy. Some truth or dare, some never have I ever, some beer pong but nothing that led to anything more between you and Peter. He did however stick to your side the whole night. 
Betty and MJ had to nearly pull you from his side to leave, you wish they would’ve left you so that Peter would walk you home and you could maybe score a midnight smooch but they didn’t let you get the chance. 
“Say bye to Peter, Y/N.” 
You pout at Peter, you’re wishing he says he’ll take you home instead. He thinks that’s what you want too, but he has patrol after this, he even has the suit on. 
“Bye Peter. I’ll see you on Monday.” You reach in for a hug, he squeezes you and talks in your ear. 
“Bye Y/N. Let me know when you’re home, okay?” You grin into his shirt, he’s never said that before. You pull away and he looks over your face and hesitates before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your cheek, “See you Monday.” 
The only thing you can do is nod, you smile softly then step back into MJ and Betty who are ‘oohing’ softly at Peter’s move. You can’t even form words, your knees feel shaky and all your pacing thoughts are screaming his name over and over. Peter grins at your reaction before turning and going back to Ned who is now ready to leave since Betty is no longer there to entertain, Peter feels the same way. 
Okay, Peter swears this is the final time. 
He’s never going to listen in on you ever again, he just needs to know what you’re feeling right now. He’s just making sure you’re okay, you didn’t talk over the weekend beyond the ‘home safe’ text and his ‘good, i had fun tonight! thanks for hanging with me!’ text. After he finds out what you’re thinking he’ll trust the process, he just needs to be sure you know he’s interested. 
You were distraught, did you go up to Peter? You got closer than ever at Flash’s party, but he didn’t text you all weekend, but you didn’t either. You wanted to pull at your hair, you had a feeling Peter was the ‘what you give is what you receive’ kind of guy. You swallow the lump in your throat and walk towards him. 
Peter opens his arms, “Hi.” 
Your face lights up, he’s never initiated a hug before. You step into his hold and melt into him this time, no more pretending you didn’t absolutely love this. 
“Good Morning.” He mumbles the words in your ear, you mumble them back into his chest. 
“I don’t want to go to math, go for me.” 
Peter rests his chin on your head and pulls you in tighter, “Wanna swap? I have advanced trigonometry.” 
You pull away and squint at him, “Ew.” 
“I know right?” 
“It’s cause you’re such a smartie. I bet I could quiz you on anything and you would know it.” 
Peter grins, “Wanna come over and test that theory?” 
Your eyes widen, “Just you and me?” 
Peter laughs, “Unless you want to make it a decathlon.” 
A joke. 
He’s joking. 
“Bet, I’ll start working on the flash cards. Irrelevant question, what is your toughest subject?” 
He blows air through his lips and shrugs, he lets out the word with an honest chuckle. 
You swallow, “Noted.” 
He was losing his window of opportunity. 
Good thing, you and Betty sat with him and Ned at lunch. (MJ and Flash followed.) Bad thing, he couldn’t listen to you talk about him. Peter will admit that it feels good to openly like someone and not be scared because he knows the other likes him too, it gives him confidence like he’s never had before. 
You sat next to him too, it went: him, you, Betty, Ned, Flash then two seats away from him, one from Peter was MJ. The table was loud, everyone having mixed conversations, once it quieted down some MJ was reminded of something. 
“Hey, Peter. Are we still doing the thing tonight?” 
What thing? You weren’t told of a thing, was it a Peter and MJ thing? I mean, MJ doesn’t like Peter and you’re almost sure Peter likes you but what is that thing tonight? 
“Yeah! I think Ned is gonna invite Betty too if that’s cool?” 
MJ nods, “Betty’s cool.” 
Peter then nudged his nose against the side of your face, you turn and he’s right there. You notice him glance at your lips for a quick second then asks, “Busy tonight?” 
You hum and think, “I don’t think so.” 
Peter grins, “Wanna come over? It’s game night.” 
“What kind of games?” 
“Mostly video games, MJ and Ned have a switch so we all take turns. But I have some two player board games if you want to play me.” 
You give him puppy dog eyes, “That is so cute.” 
“Is it?” Peter didn’t know it was that easy, he just wanted you to feel included if you didn’t want to watch him or your friends play games. 
You bite your lip and nod, without thinking he places his thumb on your chin and pulls down releasing it. You stare at him and he watches your pupils go wide, he was about to apologize but he won’t now. He’ll let you believe he did that on purpose. 
“Do you have Guess Who?” You clear your throat and try to level your breathing after his stunt. 
“Think so, I have a couple of good ones. I’ll show you when you come over.” 
You look him up and down, “Can I wear my PJ’s?” 
Peter holds a hand to his chest, “I’d be insulted if you didn’t.” 
You hold out your hand to shake his like a business agreement, “Deal.” 
He tells you he’ll text you the details and you lean into him as you laugh at something Ned said in retort to something Flash said. Your head was against his arm, he carefully watched as you made eye contact with Betty, she raised her eyebrows slightly and you carefully nodded your head.
He wrapped his hand around your neck and pulled you into him. 
Peter knows he has you now. 
“Okay, what’s up with you and Y/N?” MJ wasn’t one to care, she promises. But you did consider her a friend on the inside and Peter was acting extremely touchy feely with you and he’s never done that before. Not to mention he kissed your cheek the other night. 
You couldn’t shut up about it on the way home, and of course the group text with you and Betty had been blowing up like crazy. You were constantly analyzing Peter’s every move and Betty was doing the same with Ned. If MJ was honest, and she would never admit it, Flash was her favorite right now. 
“Uh, nothing?” 
MJ nodded, “Nice to know we’re lying.” 
“I don’t know. I know she’s into me and Betty wants to ask Ned out but she won’t do it until Y/N asks me first, but she doesn’t think I’m into her so I’m trying to show her that I am so she’ll ask me.” 
“How the hell do you know about this?” 
Peter shrugs sheepishly, “I listened.” 
MJ groans, “You said you were gonna stop!” 
“I know! Ned was begging me and I accidentally heard it, and now I know she’s into me. I just want to make sure this actually happens.” 
Ned walked in the front door and shook his shoulders, “It’s freezing tonight.” 
Peter glanced at his phone to see if you texted him again, he told you to let him know when you were on your way up, he wanted to catch you in the hallway. Alone. 
“Y/N and Betty are on their way, by the way.” 
“Betty’s bringing her switch so we can all game.” Ned shot finger guns at MJ, she blocked the imaginary hits. 
“Sweet. I’m gonna kick double ass in Mario Kart.” 
Ned looks at Peter, “What are you doing?” 
“I think we’re gonna play some games in my room.” 
MJ waggles her eyebrows, “Alone?” 
Ned whistles, “On your bed?” 
“Probably.” Peter doesn’t see what’s wrong. 
“She’s gonna think you’re making a move, you know that right?” MJ clicks her teeth at him. 
“Like what?” 
MJ chewed on her lip, “She asked me if you’ve ever kissed someone.” 
Ned whoops, “Get it, dude!” 
Peter isn’t that surprised, he wants to kiss you too after all. And maybe that was slightly his plan already, he was trying to separate the both of you from the pack. He just wanted to talk with you more and he couldn't spit game as confidently when his friends were watching and listening. Peter also can’t think of a downside of kissing you either, it just seems really lovely. 
“It’s almost like I planned it.” He winks at his friends as they realize he did in fact plan it to be this way. 
His phone buzzes, “Hold on.” 
He opens the door to see you and Betty’s smiling faces, “Hello.” He reaches in for a hug, you first then Betty. “If you wanna head in you can,” He smiles at Betty and watches her step through the threshold, you go to follow and he steps in front of you. He softly closes the door behind her, you watch expectantly. 
“Hi.” He smiles. 
“Hi.” You mimic.
He almost kisses you now, he opts for pulling you in for a second hug. You’re surprised but latch on tightly, he pulls away and places a delicate kiss on your cheek. It’s softer than the one at the party, it’s intimate, it was a private kiss. 
“Thank you for coming.” He whispers against your skin. 
Your cheeks flush, you’ve never felt this seen before. Peter notices everything about you, and you wonder why it took him this long. You can’t help but get lost in daydreams where he was truly yours and his kisses never stopped, even as they trailed down your body. 
“Thank you for inviting me.” 
He didn’t even look at what you were wearing, he tilted your head up with his hand on your jaw. 
“You look pretty.” 
You blinked slowly, you kept looking between his eyes and his mouth. He said his worst subject was girls, you think he’s a liar, he’s too smooth and quick. 
“You’re better at this than me.” 
Peter just grins smugly. He’s better at the flirting game and he knows it. Spider-Man has some quick wit and it’s helped Peter out tremendously. 
As soon as you both stepped through the door MJ berated you, “What were you two doing out there?” You wince and suck a breath through your teeth, “Making out. Hard core face sucking, had a full round of tonsil hockey.” 
MJ narrowed her eyes, “Oh? Peter finally kissed you?” 
This is what Peter means when he says his friends ruin his game. 
You nod, “Oh yeah. Had me pressed against the wall and everything. I’m still seeing stars.” 
It’s funny, nothing actually happened but what did felt more personal than actually telling your friends about a hook up session. 
“Really?” Betty gasped, fully amazed that you had actually done it. 
You frowned slightly, she seemed so excited for you. You had to let her know you were kidding. 
“Yup. He even asked for my hand in marriage, right Peter?” 
He nods, “We haven’t set a date yet.” 
Betty boos with Ned, “No fair, we actually believed you.” 
MJ shook her head, “No way. Peter’s not the make out in the hallway type.” 
Peter makes kissy faces at MJ, “Wanna find out?” 
MJ gags.
Ned huffs, “Betty and I are setting up Mario Kart.” 
“I’m making popcorn.” MJ backs up into the kitchen. 
Peter tugs you into him, “Wanna check out my games?” 
You may or may not be trying a little extra hard to make your butt look good as you bend down looking at the games, Peter’s standing behind you and you just hope he’s taking a little look. Your PJ’s did hug you just right. 
“You know I’ve never played chess?” You move the box to the right and find Connect Four, you pass him the box and he gasps. “Never?” 
“Nope.” You wish you could play Clue, it was a favorite. You’re gonna team up with Betty to get the boys to play with you, MJ was an easy add if everyone else played. 
“Never learned?” 
You shake your head, “Never did. I dated one guy in middle school who did it competitively, and seeing as he was my boyfriend and a master in the game, or at least I thought he was at the time, I asked if he would teach me and he laughed at me and said it was “too advanced for a brain like mine.” So I vowed to never play it.” 
You stood and handed him two more games, Guess Who and Battleship. 
Peter frowned, “Sounds like a dolt. If you want, I would love to teach you. The hardest part is learning what the pieces do, after that it’s all strategy.” 
You smile, “Don’t make fun of me but that would be a cute date.” 
He laughs, “Teaching you chess?” 
“Yes! You would be like this does that, and this does that, and you would let me practice on you, but you wouldn’t let me win cause then you can tell me why I failed so I actually get better.” 
Peter doesn’t know why he thought girls were so hard to please, he thinks that's just what he’s been told. But so far all you really want to do is hang out with him. 
“We can do it later this week if you’re up for it.”  
You grin and nod, “Yes! You’re awesome, thank you so much!”  
You also are extremely excited to see Peter concentrated and calculated with his moves. 
Peter tells you it’s no biggie, then asks if you want to play in his room. You breathe in and nod, you were nervous to be in Peter’s room for the first time ever, and alone with him. It was slightly calmer if you think about how this is the first of many times you’ll see this room. You’re hoping you’ll be looking at the ceiling a lot more, though. 
He points to his bed when you enter, “I’m leaning towards Guess Who first.” 
You kick your shoes off and sit on his bed, “Comfy.” 
“Just big enough for two.” 
The way he speaks so casually makes you sweat. He’s a natural when it comes to flirting with you, you feel kiddish thinking about your lame attempts you call flirting. No wonder it went over his head for so long. 
“Red or blue?” He holds up the plastic, “Red.” He nods in approval, “Nice choice.”
You hum, “Spider-Man wears red, I like red. I’m easy.” 
He looks at you, “You like Spider-Man?” 
You draw your head back, “You don’t?” 
“I do! I didn’t know you were a fan, that’s all.” 
“I’ve never seen him in person though, MJ has and I ask her about it all the time but she’s just super generic. Have you seen him?” 
Peter clears his throat, “A few times.” 
You drop your jaw, “No way! Tell me!” 
“Nothing special, just the usual walking down the street and seeing him swinging.” 
“That’s so cool though, have you seen him just fucking people up? Like when he does that web thing when he picks them up and slams them down? It’s so sick. Or when he wraps them up and like, flies towards them and double kicks their chest?” 
Peter pretends to think about it, “I think I’ve seen some videos. He’s pretty cool, he’s got a few sick moves.” 
“He’s my Harry Styles, if I saw him I’d melt down and cry and ask him to gently hold me. Like, it sounds crazy but I just know he’s cool. I don’t even like him like that, I just want to be his best friend.” 
Peter wants to ask how you’d feel knowing you were about to make out with him. 
“Total fangirl moment?” 
“Pictures and all. I’d ask him to sign my tits, no joke.” 
Peter throws his head back in a laugh, you smile at how he lights up. You love making him so happy. 
“Okay!” You clap your hands. 
“Is your person wearing a hat?” 
“Is your person wearing glasses?” 
“Does your person have a beard?” 
“Fuck off, Peter. I’m moving in.” 
“I’ll take that as a yes.” 
“Is your person old?” 
“Is your person Sam?” 
You narrow your eyes at Peter, “Is this how it’s going to be between us? You always winning?” 
“I ask good questions, stick around me long enough and you’ll get better at dodging me.” 
“I could eat you up in scrabble.” You mutter. 
“Yes you could, I’m ass at scrabble.” 
Somewhere after the hour mark you’ve made your way to Battleship, it’s been a close game both of you have one more hit on the other person. You’re starting to feel the pressure, you try and calculate where he is, if you guess wrong he’s going to win. You know it. 
You hold your breath, “C-4.” Peter looks at you and builds the suspense, then frowns. “Miss.” You groan, “Ugh, go ahead and sink me.” He smiles softly, “D-11.” You grunt at your board, “I’m swimming in the ocean with hope and a lifejacket.” 
“Don’t worry, my one boat will come to save you.” 
You snort, “Don’t worry babe, I blew your engines. You’re sinking next.” 
“Are we gonna Jack and Rose it?” 
You nod stiffly, “I’d let you die for me, yes.” 
The room gets quiet, it makes you want to puke but you think the time is right. You told Betty you’d do it tonight, and Peter isn’t so scary, you just hate the feeling of rejection. 
“Remember when Betty called you over about Ned?” 
Peter has to pretend to think about it, he hums as he’s setting up his ships again. 
“Well, she was trying to set up like this double date thing cause she’s too scared to go out with him alone for the first time. I mean nervous, not scared. Ned’s not scary.” 
He hums again, he’s placing the third ship. He’s nearly holding his breath in excitement. 
“And she wanted me to, like she asked if I would, I uh, nevermind.” 
You lost the steam, you weren’t even sure how to word it without making it seem like a favor. 
“I’m listening, she asked if you would what?” 
“It doesn’t matter, it’s stupid. Are you almost done?” You almost looked over to see if he was done placing his ships but stopped before you would ruin the game. 
He looked up at you, “Tell me about Betty, come on.” 
You shook your head and bit your lip, he took his chance and leaned forward to untuck it like he did earlier. Peter watched your pupils blow like before, he looked between your eyes and mouth before moving in. You felt his hand move to cup at your jaw, his thumb brushing your cheek softly before hooking his hand around your face. 
You felt like you couldn’t breathe, you knew what he was doing. He watched your reaction as he pulled you near him, he leaned in closer. He was taking his time, you were nearly shaking waiting for him to just kiss you, he was slowly building the tension. He wanted you to know he wanted this just as much as you did. 
He smiled as he leaned in, just inches away. He brushed his lips against yours, the feather like promise of more. You melted into his touch and closed your eyes, he took that as a sign. His lips pressed against yours and your spine jolted, electricity felt like it ran through you, it didn’t hurt but it woke you up. You gripped at the back of his neck and held him tighter to you, you had dreamed of this for months, you weren’t letting go easily. 
Peter moved against you slowly, he felt as you opened your mouth slightly and he took that as an invitation, he smoothed his tongue over yours and you moaned into his mouth. You’ve never felt this way before in a make out session, and this was just starting. He went until he felt choked for air, he pulled away slightly. You made a wet smacking sound when you separated. You raced for breath and kept your eyes closed, still panting you needed more. You opened your eyes to blink then pulled him back in, you were only able to last a minute before you searched for more air. 
You couldn’t help yourself, he tasted so sweet it felt impossible to pull away. Now that you know what you were missing you never wanted to go back. You told yourself one more, you tried to pull him in but he pulled your hands from behind his neck, “Breathe. I’m not going anywhere. Can’t make out if you're unconscious.” You nodded and made a show of you breathing, then you leaned in for one more, he bowed his head and laughed. “That good?” You drank him in with greedy eyes, you ached for him. “Please,” You whimpered the words, it sent chills down his spine, he loved the way that sounded. 
He nudged his nose against yours, “Please ask me, I’ll say yes.” He whispered his request.
He wasn’t talking about kissing, you knew that. He was asking about you asking him out, you know he was. He tied two and two together, you breathed in deeply. 
“Do you want to go on a date with me?” 
He nodded and placed his mouth on yours once more, you gripped at his shirt before shoving the plastic boxes to the side so you could get closer. You slowly shuffled toward him until you pulled away to straddle his waist, meeting his lips quickly before he could tell you to slow down. You’ve dreamed of this forever, you were in awe of what was happening, Peter Parker was making out with you, and it was really, really good. 
Betty tried to walk in to ask what time you were leaving, it was a school night after all. But she decided to back out and give you space when she saw you busy at work on top of Peter. She came from the room glowing, she couldn’t believe you had actually done it. 
“What’s going on in there?” 
Betty smiled at MJ, “They’re making out.” 
“Good for them!” Ned cheered out, he passed the finish line before MJ, “Last lap, loser.” 
“That reminds me!” Ned looked over at Betty, “What?” 
“Wanna go on a date with me?” 
Ned dropped the remote, his character fell off a cliff. 
“Yes. God yes!” 
MJ is sure Flash is her favorite now. 
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cowboymeemaw · 2 months
I was far from planning on blasting my face on Tumblr but for the point I'm making I'll have to.
I am a queer man, I am also a man who happens to be trans. Now I pass to almost everyone, I do not take fondness in people knowing I'm trans. But due to facial piercings a lot of those in the Agricultural industry have already made the correct assumption that I am gay.
This has never been met kindly. Four generations of cattlemen and women behind and yet the nicest I get is being treated like I'm a bumbling idiot of a queer. It does get to me, it takes long nights of self hatred and doubt to get up and continue what I'm doing. Especially since I'm building everything back up from the ground.
The reason I'm yapperin on like this is because, Agriculture is for everyone. This industry is not only the life line of America, but the backbone of the world. It doesn't matter who you are, what race, sexuality, or gender, you belong. And if you choose to start a farm, homestead, or anything of these lines, you belong here.
The world of rednecks and American country culture has be diluted into being seen as a Republican wasteland. But I'm here to tell you that ain't it.
A real redneck, a real farmer, they don't care. It don't matter to them who you are, where you came from. If you put in the work, if you have the willpower and spirit, you belong here.
A true redneck isn't some racist hick, but a man beaten down again and again but still gets up. Ain't no redneck gonna praise a politician or a government, as they ain't never helped the poor folk. There ain't no difference between who you like, who you are, we're all in the same boat.
Please, for the love a god who you don't have to believe in, don't let anyone tell you this industry ain't for you. Hell, I may not like you or your choices, but that won't never stop me from beaten a fellow farmer down.
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Matchmaking Harringtons 3
Steve was having a great time with Eddie. It was mostly because he was just that amazing. He was funny, hot, cute, and totally into him. A winning combo in Steve's opinion. But it was all due in no small part to the fact that his parents were so supportive. Steve didn't talk about the girls he dated that much (because why would he?) but his folks seemed actively interested in his going with Eddie.
Maybe it was the whole 'serious relationship' thing they were trying to commit him to. Maybe they were overcompensating for not being around much and wanting to also prove they were okay with his preferences. Either way, they always wanted to know how things were going with Eddie.
They'd been going out for a couple of dates at this point and honestly each one was better than the last. They were all typically low-key, with moments that they were able to get alone for a bit of privacy.
"Let's just say the back of his van is very spacey", Steve said into the phone as he paced about his room.
"So...you're still a total slut then?", Robin said from the other end of the line.
"Guys can't be slutty. And it's not being a slut if it's with the same guy."
"So you've?"
Diane was in the middle of bringing up a basket of laundry when she heard her son's conversation in his room. She swore she'd never be the kind of mother that constantly eavesdropped but well, the door was open just a smidge...
"Not, not the full thing, all the way yet. I think he's nervous. Or he can tell I'm nervous? I don't know. I told him I'd never been with a guy before and I thought that might make him, you know, take initiative?"
"Or maybe he's taking things slow because he doesn't wanna scare you off?", Robin suggested.
"That...could be it. But that's kinda why I called. I thought he was moving kinda slow, but guess where he's taking me tomorrow?"
"Steve, is Munson taking you to a hotel?"
Steve rolled his eyes. "No. He's taking me to Le Petit Nuange. That French place a town over?"
Robin gasped. "Sacre bleu! Va-t-il faire une proposition?"
"Robs, please. My extent of French is 'filet mignon'."
"Do you think he's serious? Like trying to meet your parents serious?"
"I don't know? Maybe? It's just weird. Le Petit is just...so not Eddie."
Diane was inclined to agree. A fancy place like that seemed out of character for someone as boisterous and non-conforming as Eddie. He has once brought a bouquet of lilies, despite their dire meaning. 'Screw flower language, these are some damn fine flowers', he had said.
And even if he thought of taking Steve somewhere special, Enzo's was the nicest place in town. Where would he get the idea to go to the next town?
Diane had thought he was being suspicious when he hid Steve's shoes before a date and met Eddie outside to talk. Diane had thought he'd been giving the boy some kind of shovel talk. He must've been giving Eddie advice on where to take Steve instead.
And she could just imagine what he was trying to do - clean Eddie up. Well, if he wanted to go behind her back, then two could play at that game.
The doorbell rung and Steve answered it. Eddie was there, in a button up shirt with long sleeves that hide his tattoos. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail. And he had a bouquet of nice, traditional, red roses.
"They're beautiful", Steve beamed. He took a moment to put the roses in a vase, missing the thumbs up his dad gave Eddie. Diane however, did not miss it.
"Your chariot awaits", Eddie said, giving a sweeping bow and then locking his arm with Steve's. "Have a good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harrington!", he called back.
As the van roared down the street, Diane enacted her own plan. She had her husband would also be having a date night.
At Le Petit Nuange, Eddie and Steve were being seated and Eddie had never felt more out of place. It was like everyone could tell he didn't belong here. But when he saw Steve smiling from across him, he knew there was no place he'd rather be.
"What made you want to bring me here?", Steve asked.
Jonas had practically cornered Eddie when he had come to pick up Steve, saying he just wanted to talk a little. Eddie was prepared for the whole 'I have a shotgun/shovel and I'm not afraid to use it.'
"Let's talk", he had opened with. "Steve and you have been having fun, right?"
"Uh, yes? I guess?", Eddie said, unsure now.
"Fun's all well and good Eddie. But now's the time to show Steve you're serious. And you are serious? Aren't you, son?"
"Y-yes. Yes, I am, serious like a heart attack."
"Then you've gotta take him some place special. A place like, uh, say Le Petit Nuange", Jonas rubbed at his chin.
Eddie's brows rose up under his fringe. "Le Petit Nuange? That place is-"
"Is upscale. Which is what Steve deserves, isn't it?"
Eddie swallowed. "Yeah, yeah it is."
He looked at Steve's hand, sitting on the table, just asking to be held. Steve deserved all this and more. And Eddie wanted to be the one to give it to him. It was why he took extra shifts and more of his side business to have the dough to take Steve here.
"I just looked up places in the yellow pages and thought you might like it."
"You know, my parents actually come here a lot", Steve pointed out.
"You don't say", Eddie tried to hide his expression by covering his face with the menu. When he got a look at the prices, it did a good job hiding the way his eyes bugged out. Looks like his purse strings would be a little tight after this. But he had prepared for that. Steve was worth it.
He was worth the stiff shirt, the swanky eatery, and even spending more time selling music that was beneath him to the general populace.
"So tell me more about this gig you've got coming up", Steve said.
Eddie's face broke out into a wild smile and he nearly slammed the menu down. "It's gonna be a ride, Stevie." He wasn't shouting, but his volume was a little louder than polite, and he felt eyes on him. He cleared his throat and quieted himself. "I mean I'm excited to rub elbows with other bands. The experience is sure to be enlightening."
Steve gave him an odd look. "Yeah, I hope my parents let me go. Indy isn't far, but I feel like they've been keeping a closer eye on me lately."
The thought of Steve being in a crowd while he played made Eddie wanted to jump for joy. He wanted to tell him come, even if his parents said no. Sneak out for the weekend, what could they do? He was a man now. But he couldn't do that. Not just because he was trying to clean up and having his new boyfriend at a metal venue might ruin that image. It was also because Steve's had nice parents.
There weren't many that could both accept and encourage their queer child.
"You know Steve, your parents-hcck!" Eddie choked on his words as he saw the Harringtons walk right in and get led to a table.
"What about my parents?", Steve asked.
"They're uh, they're um great!", Eddie squeaked, then cleared his throat to get it back to its normal register. "I mean they're great. I can tell they love you very much."
Steve smiled, none the wiser to his folks being seated not too far away. Eddie tried not to look at them, tried to ignore them. But this couldn't be a coincidence.
Jonas was looking around while trying not to look around. "When you said you wanted to go out tonight....I didn't think you meant this place."
"Why not?", Diane questioned. "We're regular patrons. And it's been a while since we went out." They'd been getting plenty of alone time what with Steve dating now, but they usually spent their evenings at home.
Jonas pulled out her chair for her and when he sat down, he used the menu to continue looking around. Diane watched him like a hawk.
Steve didn't know what was going on with Eddie. He looked nice dressed this way, sure. But it didn't feel like him. He felt...smaller somehow. Like he was trying to shrink himself down. Even as they talked, his smiles were restrained, he didn't move his hands as much, and even his voice seemed like it was being held back.
Steve watched as he cut his food, using minimal motions like he was working with glass.
"Eddie, are you okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, course, I'm fine. I uh, I just need to hit the can-uh use the facilities. Please excuse me."
Eddie got up in a haste. He thought he'd be ready for tonight. It was just playing pretend. Potentially for the rest of his life. Maybe having an audience of the parents was what was tripping him up. He got close to the bathroom when a hand tapped his shoulder. He turned to see none of than Mrs. Harrington.
"Don't worry, I know this wasn't your idea", she started right off. "My husband put it in your head. I'll admit, I like the idea of Steve being treated like a prince, but if you clean up too much he'll get confused."
"Right, yeah, gotta strike a balance. Mhm."
"Glad we could talk", she patted his arm. "Go get him, tiger."
Eddie returned to Steve and saw Diane come back to her table not long after. He could see them exchange words, although he couldn't hear what. Then Jonas got up from his seat. He gave Eddie a strange look while making his way to the bathroom. Eddie sighed and excused himself again.
"Now I don't know what my wife might've said to you, but you've got to stay on this path. I can see a real future with you and Steve if you do."
"A real future?"
"I could only give my son to someone who could take care of him. You understand what I mean, don't you?"
Eddie nodded. The kind of man who could take Steve to these places and not have his soul leave his body when he looked at the menu. When Eddie sat back down, he looked at Steve, sitting across from him. It was the kind of view he could get used to.
Somehow, the meddling didn't end there. The Harringtons took turns, getting up to meet with Eddie and each time he had to come up with an excuse.
"I'm gonna check their wine selection."
"I want to make sure the kitchen knows my allergies."
"I'm gonna see if the violinist takes requests."
Finally, Steve stood up with him and grabbed Eddie by the elbow. "Come with me."
Steve took him to the bathroom and locked the door behind them.
"Steve", Eddie gasped, scandalized when his neck started to get kissed.
"You've been antsy all night." Steve's hands went to his hips and began to untuck his shirt.
Instantly, Eddie felt like being released from shackles. Steve's hand roaming under his shirt left him so distracted, he almost didn't hear what he said next.
"I said, do you wanna get out of here?"
"The bill-", Eddie was cut off when Steve reached behind him and took down his hair, running his fingers through it to free the tresses.
"A little dine and ditch never hurt anyone."
Eddie looked to the window in the bathroom. Just barely big enough to make a getaway. He was halfway out when they heard someone knocking on the door. Eddie was helping Steve out as the handle was shaking. Steve was giggling and it was like a sweet bell to his ears.
They were making their way around the back of the restaurant and towards the van as the manager finally came around with a key.
Diane and Jonas could make out the commotion going on near the bathroom and saw the empty table where two lovebirds should be.
"You knew I made Eddie take Steve here", Jonas confirmed.
"And every time you got up-"
"Was to speak with Eddie. And now they've-"
"-Snuck out the bathroom."
Together they sighed, remembering when they snuck out of stuffy formals to be alone together. And because they wondered if they were doing right by their son.
"We're going to have a long talk when we get home, huh?", Jonas asked his wife.
"Oh yeah."
"Any hope for me?"
"Ask me after dessert."
Part 5
Tag Team
@tartarusknight @swimmingbirdrunningrock @estrellami-1 @potato-of-the-lord @dragonmama76 @m-owo-n @sticknpokelightningbolt @somegirlsomewhere @tinyplanet95 @samsoble @runniem @hallucinatedjosten @nburkhardt @littlewildflowerkitten @noctxrn-e @subversivecynic @larawrmonster @suikatto @platinum-sunset @imacowboy3 @tiny-enthusiast @netflixisacopingstrategymom @honorarybrit81 @manda-panda-monium @krazyperson @ninjapirateunicorns
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autistichalsin · 8 months
I have very complicated feelings about Halsin's Drow brothel dialogue that I want to share. I want to say, immediately, that I am not telling any other survivor how to feel about this, because we all have our own experiences that affect how we feel about this, and I will ask that you show me the same courtesy. I have had past posts of mine met with rudeness- from questioning whether I really had seen the scene in question to someone accusing me of having a "fetish" for rape recovery- telling me "go do Astarion's storyline instead"- to someone saying "the entire concept" (of trauma recovery, I guess?) is "western nonsense". Do not do that on this post.
The most common statements made as criticisms against Halsin's scene, post patch 5* are the following:
*Pre-patch 5, most of the criticism was about how out of left field it is and how there was no ability to follow up with Halsin about it/ask if he's okay.
It's OOC (or at least just nonsensical) for Halsin; he's a big, strong, wise Archdruid, so it makes no sense that he was raped.
Halsin obviously healed completely from his Drow-related trauma offscreen, and any statements from the player questioning this are condescension and/or infantilization and/or the same as demanding Halsin go through therapy onscreen- demanding all survivors have the exact same cookie-cutter reaction to be "valid".
The presence of the one rude "sounds traumatic, you may need to reflect on that" line means the entire scene is condescension as well.
Halsin's trauma isn't actually trauma/Halsin doesn't count as representation because it was not put in the story in good faith/was a joke, and it's insulting to change the scene to be more serious.
By changing these lines, the creators have prioritized one group of fans (those who wanted to see Halsin discuss what happened to him as an assault, not as a "fond memory") over another (those who felt this conversation was an indication Halsin had already had a complete recovery).
Gently and respectfully, I don't agree with any of these arguments. My feelings on these, point by point, are:
Rape can and does happen to anyone. Quite the opposite of being OOC for Halsin, it's important to have Halsin as representation alongside Astarion, to show that big, strong men can be victimized too, by any gender. Victimization can happen to a wide range of people, be committed by a wide range of people, and can have a wide range of effects on the survivor.
I love healed survivors, and I would love to see more in fiction. However, Halsin never once came across like a healed survivor to me, in this scene or otherwise. He came off like someone deep in denial (or perhaps just crisis mode) who was victim-blaming himself to downplay it. He called his rapists "hosts", himself a "guest, prisoner, and consort", himself a "foolhardy young Druid". Those are worrying ways to describe being made a sex slave for three years. I personally can't imagine how we were supposed to hear that repeated denial/downplaying/use of euphemism and infer healing from that. If that was truly what the writers intended, I think an exchange to the effect of "are you okay?" "Yes, it was a long time ago, and the wounds have healed" would have been acceptable- it's weird to think that wanting to be able to talk to Halsin after that and ask if he's okay is the same as "demanding he go through therapy for us" to some folks.
That one line isn't the best or most sensitively phrased, but it is HARDLY unique in that respect; there are many moments where your responses to delicate situations are awfully callous instead, even your "nice" ones. (See: immediately after Wyll gets his horns, where your nicest option is "The Blade of Frontiers has some explaining to do." No "oh my gods, are you okay? Are you in pain?") The lines following the nasty option include some wonderful choices (and a few callous ones, as per usual); "It's not for me to say- I wasn't there. But I'm here now, if you wish to talk," for example, which leads to Halsin thanking you and explaining that he hasn't had anyone to confide in for a very long time. Also, the offputting "you may need to reflect on that" option isn't the only way to get to the following lines; a Seldarine Drow, for example, can offer empathy by telling him he threaded the needle by surviving Lolth's pitiless followers at all. Sometimes, a writer's abstraction of situations like these can be really hard, and sometimes writers for dialogue trees fail to anticipate the responses players will want to give. (I.E. not foreseeing that players might want to sound less judgmental to Halsin's recovery, or that players' first concern will be with Wyll's wellbeing in the aftermath of him growing horns, not anger at his "dishonesty".) I would like alternatives to those callous responses, sure, but I don't think they imply bad intentions. Occam's razor and all that.
The truth is that we will never conclusively know what the intentions were behind the original version of that scene. However, in following with Occam's Razor, the simplest explanation is the best one, and it is almost always simpler to assume good intentions than to assume malice. With the care this game showed to rape, slavery, and other issues in the rest of the game, I find it much easier to believe that there was just bad conveyance of Halsin's past than I do that it was intended as a meanspirited joke against sexual assault survivors. Even if it was intended as a meanspirited joke, quite a lot of people had already found comfort in Halsin's character. There is no un-ringing the bell, so the best alternative was to improve the writing to address fan concerns.
Truthfully, any decision made could be argued to be prioritizing one group of fans over the other; if they had kept the status quo, they would have been prioritizing the group of fans who liked Halsin's downplaying of his trauma. Ultimately, Larian has shown that they enjoy making changes to the game over time (sometimes over the objections of fans, I.E. Gortash's letter); if they truly felt the true vision of their story was the original version and they felt it important to stick with it, they would have had no problem ignoring those fan complaints. Hell, one of THE most common complaints about Halsin is regarding his polyamory (especially from Early Access fans on the forums, who are quite vocal about feeling betrayed that Halsin isn't monogamous), and Larian has kept him poly because it is how they intended him to be. Larian didn't change Halsin's post-Drow scene solely because of fan outcry- they changed it because they wanted to. They have no problem keeping unpopular characterization beats and scenes in the game. If it were really a matter of "fan outcry = changed scenes" there would be an evil ending epilogue by now too.
Those are just my thoughts on the issue. I am leaving this untagged out of respect for other survivors who may not agree, but please feel free to reblog or comment- as long as discussion stays respectful.
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wannab-urs · 4 months
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Pedro Pascal Character Fic Recs | Vol 38
AO3 | Kofi | Main Masterlist | The Spreadsheet Masterlist
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Howdy folks!
The Spreadsheet is back! Welcome to my not-so-weekly fic rec list. This is everything I've read since the last time I did this (I think). They're in alphabetical order (I think) by Pedro Boy.
I'm being even more lazy than I usually am and not including the tags, just the summaries, so be careful and look at the tags! Any commentary from me is in green.
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Sight - a Dave one shot by @goodwithcheese - A surveillance job offers Dave a distraction. - there are other one shots in this universe I also highly recommend. You can find them >here<
Forget My Charms - a Dave one shot by @joelscruff - your new boss gives you a memorable first day
Work Song- a Dave one shot by @eupheme - Work Song + Dave York - this was for my hozier drabble challenge and it's so good!!
Sedated - a Dave one shot by @luxurychristmaspudding - you and dave are no strangers to this business, to death. so there can be no harm in relying on each other in times of need.
Hold Please - a Dave/Javi P/ Marcus P series by @ghostofaboy - Dave decides to arrange a little get-together for him, Javier and Marcus. - m/m/m!!!
Memories - a Dieter one shot by @bitchesuntitled - What happens when your husband, Dieter, forgets who you are?
You're the Loss of My Life - a Din one shot by @beskarandblasters - You reminisce on your time with your riduur after his death. - ow
[Sin]ema - a Frankie one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin - You are unhappy in your marriage but trying to hang on. When you ask your husband to spend more time with you, he thinks a movie date is in order. You don't expect to run into your ex fiance, Frankie, and his new wife there.
Sun to Me - a Javi P one shot by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin - Javi wakes up early to do chores, but can’t peel himself away from you just yet.
Sunlight - a Joel one shot by @lotusbxtch - Joel Miller has avoided love, pushed it away at the first sight to stay in the darkness. But then he meets you, and he wonders if he was wrong after all.
the harder the rain, the sweeter the sun - a Joel one shot by @proxima-writes - Storm chaser-turned-weatherman Joel Miller hunts down his old crew in an effort to serve his wife with divorce papers. When a storm interrupts his efforts, he finds himself falling back into old routines and old feelings. A Twister (1996) AU
Delicate - a Joel one shot by @beskarandblasters - You play with Joel’s hair during a moment of anguish.
Pull - a Joel one shot by @javier-pena - You discover something new about Joel.
Should've Stayed Bored - a Joel one shot by @pedroshotwifey - You really need to learn to lower your expectations. - this fic is hilarious
Nephilim - a Joel series by @cherubispunk - Joel Miller was something of a biblical figure to you. A small glimpse into the past of something archaic, untold, and harbouring on the dangerous. You liked to imagine him as one of the Nephilim. A son of god, offspring borne of a fallen angel and man. A giant of misunderstood nature. Who’s soul had been cast down on earth in punishment. His large hands had bloodshed on them, or so people had said. They whispered it quietly in the spaces between. The places he didn’t occupy often. But he was always on your mind…so there was no place for those whispers there.
Nicest Thing - a Joel series by @schnarfer - Let's fall madly in love with neighbour!Joel
Observations - Joel one shot by @ezrasbirdie - You're not like the other girls, but it'd be easier if you were. Joel Miller doesn't see it that way. - neurodivergent reader!!!
God is a Woman - Max Phillips one shot by @wheresarizona - Max Phillips has been trying to fuck you since the moment you met. It surprises him when you want to fuck him. (Or pegging Max Phillips) - y'all already know how i feel about pegging fics.
It Will Come Back - a Max Phillips one shot by @beskarandblasters - Against your better judgment, you let Max drink your blood. - another amazing entry for my hozier drabble challenge!
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Happy Reading!
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expominds · 8 months
“könig would never hurt a fly”
“he’s so babygirl”
“he’ would literally be the nicest human being ever”
let me remind you of something. könig is a (canonically) 6’10” killing machine war criminal. he is 6’10”. a killing machine. a war criminal.
like sure he may have severe social anxiety, but he is not “wittle pookie wookie babygirl 🥺👉🏻👈🏻” he is literally bred to kill. made to kill. he has severe social anxiety cause this man literally joined the military at age 17. 1. 7. seventeen. SEVENTEEN. he has basically no other social structure than fucking killing people for a living 😭?! he got his rank as colonel in kortac for a reason folks. he’s good at what he does!
be so for real, you would be fucking terrified if you ever met him??!?!?! I KNOW I WOULD BE.
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manygeese · 2 months
Part two folks! author’s note at the end ❤️
Edit: chapter three is out
Chapter Two
The night of Prince Leo’s tenth birthday was an important one indeed. Not only was a ball to be held, but the neighboring kingdom’s royal family was to be in attendance. Leo’s mother and father seemed particularly excited about that part.
Leo himself was eager to meet the other nation’s prince. If he was lucky, he could convince the boy to dance with him. Though, that was if his parents let him leave their sides. They were oddly protective of him on his birthday.
He was awakened from his thoughts by a hand on his cheek. When he looked up from the floor, he met his mother’s eyes. “Are you ready, mi cariño?”
“Yes, Mama,” Leo grinned.
His mother smiled sadly. “You’re growing up so fast.”
“Mama, I’m ten. I’m not that old.”
She sighed. “I know.” She nodded. “I know.”
They heard the herald trumpeting, signaling that it was time to enter the ballroom. He felt his father’s hand, calloused from his time in the forge, rest on his shoulder.
He smiled winningly as they walked through the door, waiting for the herald to announce him and his parents before attempting to disappear into the crowd. His plan was foiled, however, by his father’s grip on his shoulder. He tried not to look disappointed.
His father gave Leo a questioning look, wondering why he had tried to leave. Met only with a shrug and an unenthusiastic grin, the king rolled his eyes and let the queen do the talking.
“Leo, we have someone we want you to meet. You can leave after you’ve greeted them,” she assured, although she hoped that he wouldn’t want to leave.
The young prince relented, following his parents’ slow lead.
His parents stopped in front of a tall, radiant woman and a powerful looking man. A boy was close to the lady’s side, not quite clinging to her, though Leo could tell he wanted to.
“Queen Hera, King Zeus,” his mother greeted, more of a talker than his father was. “We’re delighted you and your son could make it tonight.��
Leo should have expected this. After all, who else could his parents have wanted him to meet? He had known just about everybody else in this room since birth. Still, he had to fight to keep the pleasant surprise off of his face.
King Zeus just grunted and took a swig of his drink. Queen Hera smiled graciously. “Is this Leo?” She asked politely, looking down at him. “Happy birthday, dear boy,” she said before she got an answer.
“Thank you, your majesty,” he responded, bowing his head.
“And this is Jason?” His mother motioned to the boy at Queen Hera’s side. The other queen nodded, pushing him forward.
Leo smiled and waved, trying to relieve some of the tension. The other boy, Jason, returned it nervously.
“You boys go have fun,” Queen Hera said, though it was more of a command than a suggestion. At Jason’s clear apprehension, she added, “We’ll be around if you need us.”
Before Jason could protest, Leo took the other prince’s hand and lead him away from where their parents were talking. He swore he could hear a slight chuckle from his father, but he decided to ignore it, instead escaping into the crowd.
“Where are we going?” Jason asked timidly.
Leo looked over his shoulder, stopping for a moment. “Somewhere quiet. I figured you would want some peace.”
Jason looked surprised, like the idea that somebody might think of his comfort had never occurred to him before. “That sounds nice,” he replied, smiling softly.
Leo snorted and went on walking, though he had slowed down to an amble. He thought that might be more Jason’s speed. “Yeah, well you’re talking to the boy who knows the most about this castle besides the original architect. I know the nicest places in all of the kingdom.”
“Who’s the original architect?”
“My dad, actually,” Leo continued. “This wing of the castle burnt down two years ago and he rebuilt it, made some renovations in older places here and there. I wanna be like him when I grow up- building stuff, making things, all that.”
“Oh. I’m sorry about the fire.”
“It’s alright, it was evacuated before anybody could get hurt. Besides, it looks so much prettier now.”
Jason hummed in acknowledgment, letting the conversation lull. The silence wasn’t as awkward as it was before.
Leo lead Jason up a flight of spiral stairs, which opened onto the floor above the outside of the ballroom. It was almost silent, the only sound being the slight clamor from the party. Leo went a bit to the right and stopped at a royal portrait of his parents. He crouched next to the picture frame, searching for something. Near the bottom corner, he pried a part of the moulding up, which caused the painting to turn slowly, revealing a dark passage.
When Leo saw the surprised look on Jason’s face, he smirked. “I told you I knew everything about this castle,” he snickered. “Did you doubt me?”
“I don’t anymore,” Jason said, leaning into the tunnel and investigating. The placement of the painting was too high up for either boy to step over it from the ground, so Leo dragged an ottoman over to the wall. He clambered on top of it and disappeared over the side with a muffled thud.
Leo saw Jason peek over the frame, a concerned look on his face. “You alright?” The other prince questioned.
“I’m okay. I put a couple blankets down here after my first tumble,” he explained. He stumbled to his feet, fluffing the pillows while he was at it, then gesturing downwards. “What are you waiting for? Absolutely zero potential concussions down here,” he joked.
Jason breathed out a laugh. “Incoming,” he warned as he dropped, landing on his feet.
Leo huffed. “Showoff,”
“Am not! I didn’t want to hit myself on anything. It’s called ‘a sense of self preservation’. Ever heard of it?”
“I’ve gotten this far without it,”
“You’re ten. Not exactly an achievement,”
Leo barked out a laugh. “Come on, Mr. Self Preservation, we’re not done yet. Do me a favor and close the portrait behind you.”
Jason stood on his toes to grab the edge of the painting and pull it back to its original position. Leo waved him deeper into the passage.
The corridor was short, ending with a heavy wooden door. Leo turned his back to the door, putting all his weight on it to try and push it open. It fell open, and Leo went with it, letting out an oof. Jason chuckled.
“Falling twice in two minutes,” Jason observed, offering a hand to the fallen boy. “Are you going for the record?”
Leo scoffed, taking it. “I could do much better than ‘twice in two minutes’. You underestimate me.”
The door opened into a small nook, surrounded by artfully placed vines. There were fireflies flitting around in the evening breeze, crickets chirping, and the sun was setting in the courtyard. If they leaned over the railing, the two boys could see into the ballroom beneath them.
Leo sat down, Jason following suit. “Have you ever shown this place to anybody before?” Jason said after a companionable silence.
“No. I mean, my dad knows about it, but he’s never followed me in,” Leo admitted.
“I wish I had a place like this back at my castle.”
“Like, a private one? This isn’t really private. The forge would be private right now- my parents close it on my birthday- but any guest at the ball could look up right now and see us here.”
“But only we know how to get up here. They can’t reach us. It’s our secret.” He wore a smile so fond it was almost goofy.
Leo hummed thoughtfully, letting it be quiet for a minute or two.
“That party’s for me and I’m not even there,” Leo said with a laugh in his voice, pointing to the ballroom, scooting close to the edge and dangling his legs off of it.
“Do you want to go back?” Jason asked, making to stand up.
“No.” Leo’s response was immediate and more than a little desperate. “I like it here. With you. I do wish I could dance, though,” he said wistfully, hearing the music drifting out from the celebration.
“We can still dance.”
Leo looked to Jason hopefully. “I didn’t think you would want to.”
“When I got here, I didn’t- I usually feel so self conscious when I do it at my family’s celebrations- but you might just be the exception.” Jason still had on that silly grin as he offered Leo his hand once again. Leo took it.
The other prince pulled Leo up into a standing position, holding their joined hands in between them. Jason placed his other hand on Leo’s back. Leo put his free hand on Jason’s shoulder.
“One, two three, one, two three, one, two three,” Jason muttered under his breath as they performed the steps. Leo wondered why he found it so charming.
“How long are you and your family going to be here?” Leo whispered.
“Not long after the party ends. Till the morning, if we’re lucky.”
“That’s a shame,” Leo sighed, although he was a little giddy about he and Jason already being a we. “Next time I can show you around the kingdom with my friends.”
“Your parents let you go out? Unsupervised?”
“Not unsupervised. My guard, Beckendorf, comes with us, but he’s like a brother to me. I don’t think of him as supervision. It’s like he’s tagging along. Do your parents not let you go out?”
“Not really,” Jason confessed, “but that sounds nice. I’d like to do that with you,” he paused. “Maybe, if you ever come to my kingdom, I can return the favor.”
“I’d like that too.”
Later that night, after the ball had ended, two pairs of monarchs were searching for their sons.
Jason’s older sister, Thalia, who really hadn’t wanted to come, had spotted the two boys on an alcove outside the ballroom. She chuckled to herself as she watched her mother fret, deciding it was too funny to tell her.
King Hephaestus finally spotted the out-of-place ottoman, connecting the dots. He absentmindedly opened the secret passageway with the lever on the frame, stepping over the wall and into the corridor. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding as he opened the door at the end of the hall.
There were the two princes, asleep on each other’s shoulders with hands laced together, snoring softly. The king sighed, relieved and amused, as he went to tell the others of his discovery.
Author’s Note
This is where the plot veers off from the original Disney movie (technically it started in the second section of the first chapter but shhhh 🤫). I decided to change it a little because it’s so WEIRD to just take a whole ass child for 16 years and expect the parents to be a-okay with it? Also I love Esperanza and wanted to write her more :) once again thank you to @scentednightdonut for being my editor!
Edit: forgot to tag the people from my first ever post so here they are (again let me know if you don’t want to be tagged)
What’s Next: Leo at his vacation home ✨
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mother-na · 9 months
(Platonic) Yandere Gojo X Reader (OC?) X (Platonic) Geto
A lengthy story prompt about Gojo and Geto effectively destroying a child’s mental state and then abandoning them, returning many years later to do it yet again!
ANGST, (She/Her) pronouns used, and that about it folks!
CRIMINALLY unedited lol
Thinking about Gojo and Geto being hired as bodyguards for a unique girl, almost the same as them, but aren’t given details by their superiors until they arrive to find the the job is significantly different than expected.
The girls is isolated, no one but her caretaker. A secret she was from the outside world. She knew only her caretaker and she’d never grown attached to anyone, kicking them to the curb the first chance she got.
Entering into a nice spacious apartment to be greeted by a surprisingly young man, the girls caretaker. Exhausted and clearly burnt out, he blathers on about the girl.
“Be careful what she eats, she’s got a sensitive stomach.”
“If she cries, wrap her up in something soft.”
“She cannot go outside, people aren’t meant to know she exists.”
The caretaker explains many rules, confusing the men further. Did this not sound… like a babysitting job rather than body guarding..?
Imagine their surprise when this almost 18 year old girl is really a little girl.
Born prematurely and guarded by many curses that’d hidden her, this girl hadn’t begun to age nor was even conscious until the age of 10 as her body recovered from the curses presence. As a result, she has obtained unique abilities.
Many had tried to guard and babysit this unruly child, but they’d all failed. To begin with, most were looking for power or her hand in marriage for their children. Yuck.
A strong body, but a very weak constitution. She loved to eat and play and be held, but in turn she’d vomit, pass out, and grow panicked.
Still, wasn’t this job easier than most?
Gojo and Geto took on the job, though they argued often as a result.
The girl maintained her childish form because her body is weak and still growing, but sometimes her body could push for an older age for a short time. Those days were terrible.
She was pretty, causing Geto to scold Gojo for his brash comments, and Geto was often the one looking for her.
Every time she grew older for a bit, she’d scramble! Men will buy her drinks, take her out for food, and buy tickets to fun things! She got the general gist of what the men wanted, but her arrogant personality made it so she could, like a child would, not face the consequences.
Often was Geto left with dragging her home.
And she loved Geto. And since Geto loved Gojo, she loved him too.
Geto would hold her gently when she was sick or upset, and Gojo would make her laugh if she was stubborn or playful.
Every Wednesday, Geto and Gojo would play with this strange excitable child.
They had a lot of fun.
Even if she kicked and screamed and cried and got sick, all of which she did very often in a day, the two would help her through it.
If not them, who else?
Indeed, bubbly and strong, that was the special grade sorcerer girl that Geto and Gojo knew.
Every Wednesday, they came.
Until they stopped.
The girl waited patiently.
They’d missed a week, but that’s okay! They can make up to her next time!
“They aren’t here again… did they forget about me…?” The girl worried.
By the third week, she’d forced an answer from her caretaker.
With her caretaker in the inner circle of sorcerers, despite not being one himself, shed gotten her cruel answer.
And she didn’t believe it one bit.
Geto hurt someone? As if! He was the nicest man she’d ever met, he’d never! Even if it were true, which it isn’t, then why hadn’t Gojo come and explained that to her?
For weeks did this little girl adamantly deny anyones presence. She forbid anyone from sending her more babysitters, she’d accept no others than Geto and Gojo!!
But they never came.
So upset she was, it’d grown out of control.
Kicking and screaming was one thing, but when it garnered the unsocialized girl no answer, she’d begin using her cursed energy.
This turmoil had resulted in a casualty.
A janitor on her apartments floor was blown out the side of the building when the girl had carelessly thrown what was essentially a tantrum turned reckless.
These were common since her babysitters disappearances but she’d never felt so desperate for attention, and in turn had accidentally murdered someone.
Immediately it was a huge issue. Clearly, this girl was stronger than she let on.
She needed to be executed.
That was always their go to. Execute the ones they can’t control.
The girl had only herself to defend against the execution as her caretaker wasn’t a sorcerer and had no say in the matter, even if he did try.
But the girl did nothing.
“If they care, they’ll come help me! I know they will!” The girl had convinced herself, “They pick me up and I can be with them again!”
But that’s not how it went down.
The girl had imagined being cared for by her babysitters again, loved like she were family just as she had loved them.
But not only did her execution creep scarily close, when someone had intervened, it was careless and brief.
The girl wasn’t sure what she would’ve done had she done been saved.
But she would’ve killed them all.
She’d stood on trial, and only few people stood up for her.
The Zenin clan, who wanted to merge the girl into their family to avoid the creation of yet another Clan, and Gojo Satoru, who’d appeared a mere 48 hours before the final decision.
The girl had only seen him for a moment, but she’d seen him regardless.
The moment she spotted him taking part in the decision, she ran to him.
She knew he wouldn’t abandon her! They’re basically family!
But she never reached him.
Just a few inches short, she’d bumped into air.
Gojo hardly seemed to notice her, hardly even a foot away.
“G-Gojo! Gojo! Where were you? I was so scared!” The girl asked, feeling incredibly relieved and even smiled at him.
A happy smile she hadn’t worn in the past month and a half.
But Gojo didn’t really respond.
He’d smiled, like he does, but it just didn’t meet his eyes. He didn’t look sad really, more so indifferent.
It was cold to the girl. She hadn’t ever been looked at like that.
Gojo ruffled her hair half-heartedly and turned away.
And he walked away.
And that was that.
To Gojo anyway.
To Gojo, this was the best he could do for her. Sure, he could’ve taken her in, but he was already seemingly fighting with everyone around him, he didn’t wish to have another thing on his plate. Even if the “thing” in question was the girl he’d been the first friend of.
If Gojo had been following his own will, of which he has basically none, he’d likely have been too indifferent and not have fought for the girl as much as he had. Every time he tried to think of what the “right” thing may be, he’d immediately think of what Geto would’ve done.
And there wasn’t a chance in hell Geto would’ve let that girl die. She’s lived a miserable existence and she doesn’t even know it.
To Gojo, how could that happy and sweet girl ever feel downtrodden when she’s smiled through bloody sickness and debilitating loneliness?
That was to Gojo anyway.
To the girl, those two friends had given her the most she’d ever had in life, and it was torn to pieces in an uncontrollable moment that she could never get back.
Her family had abandoned her.
In a mere moment.
The deal for avoiding execution was simple. The girl would be sent far away from civilization with her caretaker of which would be relieved of any work.
No need for bodyguards or babysitters, just the girl and her caretaker in a cabin in the woods.
For years.
And in those years the girl was forced to wake up and face the fact she was alone yet another day.
She was bitter in those years.
Every night she’d fight the urge to sob, she’d been abandoned!
But the people who held her and loved her! She couldn’t even begin to comprehend it.
She was unlovable. Useless. Alone.
But now she’s 14, and she’s been permitted to return so she can attend Jujutsu High next year.
With Gojo Satoru as her teacher.
She’d actually no plans to attend. They’ll try to force her but she’s going to refuse, she’s decided.
Still, another year in the city, one last year of life, she’d take it.
She’d gotten to move into the same apartment building she was raised in, despite her protests.
Her caretaker now can hardly be home again, having to leave.
But now she’ll get no bodyguards. The superiors would actually rather she’d dropped dead.
This meant she got full control on her apartment.
And she’d torn it apart.
She’d rather live in filth then take time to take care of herself when she’s dying soon anyway.
It was like this for months, 2, 3? She’s not sure.
It was just another night of curling up in bed to sleep bitterly when she was awakened.
A hand was running through her hand, and soon a familiar smell.
The girl shot up, met with Geto Suguru.
The girl was frozen for a moment, her breathing stopped, before she’d flung her self into his arms.
He was the first person she’d touched since… well since she’d touched him last, before he disappeared.
“W-Why..? Why’d you do it?! Why’d you leave me?!” The girls sobbed to him.
Geto was feeling quite guilty as well. He’d believed this girl was quite mentally sound, if he’d known she was living like this after he’d left he’d of made an effort to return sooner.
And to think she was just so… fragile. He would’ve guessed from her previous arrogant personality. She and Gojo were once quite similar, once upon a time.
“I know, I know… I would’ve taken you with me if I felt it were safe back then. I never would’ve left if it weren’t necessary.”
The girl sniffled and pulled away to look at Geri’s handsome face.
“I… I know… you’d never do something so cruel. But… what about, just what’ve you been doing all this time?”
“Getting stronger, so I can take you and Gojo into a safer world.”
The girl turned her head, “Safer how?”
“I’ll eliminate every non-jujutsu sorcerers.” Geto had spoken with a smile.
The girl on the other hand was appalled, shocked by this new Geto.
“But… my daddy…” the girl spoke up. Her caretaker, whom she calls daddy for his loyalty, was not a sorcerer. Meaning Geto would kill him as well.
“Yes… it’s unfortunate but it must be done.” Geto replied plainly, unbothered.
The girl felt, blinded by sadness beyond reasoning, the Geto had still abandoned her. Her caretaker was the only one who’d stayed with her all these years.
And Geto wants to kill him for just living…? That man has been more kind than any one else she’d ever met!
And the one she loved most, Geto, did not even begin to meet the same level of loyalty in his whole body her caretaker had in his pinky finger.
And he wants you to allow him to die?!
“No! Why would you say that?”
The girl didn’t understand at all, she thinks.
Maybe she does understand. Rather, it is Geto that doesn’t see what she sees. The girl, in a small sense, has always understood what Geto now thinks.
“It is for the best, you do not have to agree. I wish for you to join me, but I understand if you don’t want to.”
“I don’t!”
“…I understand. Then at least come with me, I’d like to keep you safe. Your superiors may try to have you eliminated amongst the commotion.”
“No! I-I don’t- no!” The girl couldn’t even for a sentence, truly torn.
She’d love nothing more than to sink into Geto’s arms.
Die in them even.
But how could she when he’d left her? When he’s asking her to leave the one person who hadn’t left her.
But Geto didn’t really plan on giving her a choice.
People were absolutely going to come for her life while everyone is busy. She is the curse born child, raised by the strongest Gojo Satoru and the worst Geto Suguru. Everyone want her head or her power.
But in actuality, the poor girl can’t even properly use the power. If she’d try to defend herself, she’d surely cause casualties.
Just like back then.
Geto decided to just do what he did back then.
He’d waited until she tuckered herself out, then he’d bundled her up and took her away.
When the girl awakened, she was alone in a locked room.
It was a simple room. A bed loaded with stuffed animals she may have liked when she were younger. A bed table. A desk with some drawing things on it.
The girl waited and waited… and waited and waited.
Had Geto… abandoned her again?
In a place like this..?
The hours were lengthy, and she was getting hungry and tired.
She kept the memory of Geto petting her hair fresh in her mind. She still loved him and craved his touch and the days they will hopefully spend in the future.
Now that she’s older, will he take her outside? Can they… ride bikes and play board games? Could he teach her to swim and take her to places she’s never eaten at…?
Maybe he could-
The girl looked up from her place on the bed, quickly was she scooped up by arms.
It was Gojo, with a solemn face protected by a blindfold.
The girl wanted to yell, but in the blink of an eye she was in front of her old apartment, with Gojo carrying her in.
Gojo tossed her on the coach, checking his watch.
“Just to confirm, you hadn’t willingly gone with Geto Suguru?”
Gojo’s voice wasn’t as preppy as she remembered, but she responded anyway, sitting up.
“Of course not! I’m not stupid.” The girl spoke, but she very much thought she was.
Once again she seemed to be in trouble for something out of her control. How miserable.
Gojo didn’t say anything, turning to walk away.
But the girl wasn’t sure what’d just happened. Last she checked, Gojo and Geto were separated. From the sounds of it, he still is.
“Where is he..? Geto… I mean.” She asked.
Gojo turned and opened his mouth but the moment he was unable to choke out what he wanted to say and was forced to turn his head, the girl understood.
Geto Suguru, the man she loved most in this world, is dead.
The girl loved Geto, but she learned the most from Gojo.
And her and Gojo could not and would cry in front of others.
So they refused to look at each other.
The girl because she didn’t wish to see the man she hated see her cry.
And Gojo because he didn’t wish for the girl he wished only the best for to feel worse. He had to be strong. What he’d just done solidified that.
“Leave…” the girl tried to speak calmly, but her voice cracked.
Gojo went to take a step forward instead, he didn’t wish to see this girl be miserable.
For the last couples years he’d engulfed himself in helping the youth, all while leaving the one he’d failed alone.
Gojo is being forced to look at the outcome.
“Are you deaf? Leave.” The girl hissed out.
And the moment Gojo stepped out of the apartment. The girl cried.
Clutching her hair, the last thing Geto Suguru had and will ever touch on her.
The entire night she’d sobbed. Sobbed herself sick, arms and legs wet from tears. Till her throat bled and her scalp was sore from her touching it.
Bring him back…
Bring him back..!
After Geto Suguru’s death, the young girl became worse.
She’d lost weight.
Wore duller clothes.
She’d even refused to cut her hair. It was the only thing she’ll ever have of Geto.
She’s now 15, and for the past few weeks she has received several letters and emails and even guests informing her of her enrollment in Jujutsu High.
You can imagine how that went.
Refusal and Refusal.
It was easy for her, not so much for Gojo.
Gojo truly wanted to help the girl, as he’d tried many times. He thought it weird she was in such an odd state last he’d seen her. Had she ever been serious before..? Haha no(yes)!
So, as Gojo would, he’d went to pick up the girl from her apartment building alongside her fellow classmates. He thought he’d hand deliver her uniform, he’d designed it himself and everything!
Of course Gojo had the feeling this wasn’t a good idea when he couldn’t open the door due to garbage piled by it and by the fact the girl had nearly impaled him with a knife.
The fact she’d managed to cut when she’d thrown it utterly shocked Megumi, who knew how strong Gojo was.
In reality, Gojo was so certain she’d be happy to see him that he hadn’t bother putting in the defensive.
What a mistake that was.
“……one moment.” Gojo spoke to his students before entering her apartment and leaving his student in the hall.
The sounds of a girl screaming and yelling along with the sound of water and clothes persisted for several minutes before the door opened again.
And out came Gojo with a struggling freshly pampered girl slung over his shoulder and wrapped in a blanket.
Gojo had bathed and dressed this girl once upon a time (no he didn’t, Geto did) and he’d do it how ever many times he needs to!
The blanket thing was something Gojo had picked up from Geto, of course he was more partial to holding people like a potato sack instead of bridal style.
The students could tell from a mile away from her kicking and yelling.
This girl does not like Gojo…
Should this be an XReader or should I write it with an OC… I like OC’s more but less people read them :(
Some facts!
Gojo could teleport straight to the girls door bcs he often would stand there and debate going in so he knew where it was.
Gojo wanted to visit the girl many times after Geto’s death, but he was too busy since every time he made plans, his superiors would force more jobs on him.
Gojo actively chooses to entirely ignore the girls mental state, since it’s not really his forte, but he hopes to see her new classmates help her out!
One of the girls first babysitters was actually Noaya Zenin, but they were only about an hour in before he was “mysteriously” bleeding out. Oddly enough, he still asks if he can marry her…
The caretaker has a cannon design! He has mixed skin and long cream colored hair. He looks like an angel!
The girl doesn’t have many external powers. She can’t often blast things or manifest techniques. Rather, her body is just odd! Her blood is dark and tastes sweet, her body has no limit so she often breaks bones, and she often can’t feel pain. So what’s the real reason she’s so coveted…. No one knows I guess! (I do, bcs I’m the author lol)
Both Geto and Gojo mostly care for her out of a sense of responsibility, where as the girl cares for them out of love. This said, they each perceived their relationship wildly different. From the beginning, Geto and Gojo shared a bond they couldn’t have possibly shared with the girl. It was a lost cause from the get go.
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thetopichot · 10 months
•°♧ Charlie Fluff Alphabet ♧°•
4/7 of the boys. We're at the halfway mark, folks. I'm using my big boy brain to make these before my friend's birthday hits. They enjoy a yuurivoice character that I haven't started writing yet. Anyway, enjoy!
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A = Abundance Of Love (Are they a loud lover that loves to express their love in many ways or are they a quiet lover that loves those quiet intimate moments?)
To be honest, Charlie is just simply Charlieing. He's not much of a loud lover, nor is he a quiet one. He's just a silly guy who loves ya. Whether that be dancing in your old school or just skating at the skate park. He's just having a time of his life with you.
B = Brave (Were they the first to confess? If so, how did the confession go?)
You were the first to confess. Actually, you wanted to confess to him fucking YEARS ago in highschool but apparently you never got a chance to. You put a love note in the music cassette that you made for him, but he never gotten. Which ultimately led to the confession that should've happened years ago. It went well despite the fact that CHARLIE lost it. GODDAMN IT, CHARLIE.
C = Control (Do they take the wheel of the relationship or do they let someone else do the driving?)
He could take the wheel but you started head first, so there's that. You take care of him, buy him things, & treat him like a sugar baby. However, that doesn't mean that he won't take care of you. He always makes things up to up to you even though it isn't really much. If he had a nickel for every time that someone rich took care of him, he would have 10 cents. It isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice, right? Not that he's complaining, either.
D = Dreamboat (What do they find attractive in their partner(s)?)
Everything. You've changed so fucking much the last time he saw you. Now, you're hot & you still skate. There's nothing that he doesn't find attractive. Just looking at you makes him weak to the knees.
E = Empathetic (If their partner(s) was in a not so good mood, how would they cheer them up?)
He isn't really good at cheering people up, but that doesn't mean he isn't willing to try. He's ya boyfriend. His way of comfort is by complimenting you. He talks about like how cool you are & that you're nicest person that he's ever met or that you're extremely talented in whatever ya do. You're amazing in his eyes & he sure as hell is gonna make you feel like that.
F = Forgiving (If they had a fight with their partner(s), how would they apologize? Or would they be petty about it?)
He fucking hates getting into fights with you. I feel that's something that breaks his heart completely when it happens. Of course, he would apologize but isn't really sure how because he feels like he might say something really fucking stupid & just make things worst. So, he might go to people he trusts on how to deal with this situation. He gets dropped like a hint or two & finally feels comfortable enough to apologize. You guys are awkward losers, so you both apologize at the same time. You guys sit down on the couch & have a long ass conversation about why you guys were angry at each other. You guys figure out how you both can improve & yeah, things go well from there.
G = General (Random Fluff Headcanon)
Charlie is the type of guy that would suggest watching a horror movie just to see you scared & hold you in his arms. However, in reality, you're the one who's holding him.
H = Home (How would they feel living with their partner(s)?)
He wouldn't mind living with you even though he does have a place of his own. You insist he should live with you & you treat him right, so how could he refuse such an amazing offer? He can wake up with you every morning & ya little raccoon baby. He can wake up to the sound of food sizzling when you're off & just feels a whole new sense of safety.
I = Idealistic (What's their personal preference in a special someone?)
Well, his first crush ever was you. He doesn't have a preference since he always had his eyes for you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get protective of their partner(s) when someone flirts with them?)
I'm gonna be honest with you. You're the one who gets protective, BUT HUGEEE BUT. Hehe, huge butt. That doesn't mean he's gonna let that shit slide. He's not gonna be like, "Yeah, I will kick your ass" since he's gotten his ass beaten SEVERAL TIMES. He knows when to keep his mouth shut. He will comfort you afterwards & apologizes for not saying anything sooner.
K = Key To The Heart (What is something that will make them fall in love instantly?)
He's a simple man. He genuinely enjoys how fucking cool you are. He hasn't seen you in forever & seeing you again, but way hotter makes him fall in love all over again.
L = Luxurious (Do they spoil their partner(s) rotten? If they do, how do they spoil them?)
He doesn't because technically, he's the one who's being spoiled rotten by you. He's not really good at spoiling you rotten since he's not really good at cooking meals other than pizza & he can't really buy expensive gifts, so he resorts by just simply keeping you company.
M = Marriage (How would they feel about getting married?)
Scared outta his mind. It's not like he doesn't really want to marry you, but you choosing him? Of all people??? It gives him a huge sense of worry. He's not really ready for marriage because he's not really sure if he would make a good husband. You take care of him & he low-key feels like he's taking you for granted. Just give him some more time. Maybe he might have a change of heart.
N = Nobility (How honest are they to their partner(s)? Do they hide anything?)
He is very honest, but he hides things because of an NDA he signed a while back & trust me he doesn't fuck with lawyers of the NDA. Especially his old boss.
O = Overwhelmed (If they were in a not so good mood, how can their partner(s) help them out?)
Playing with his hair. The feel of your touch playing with his hair is truly intoxicating. It makes him sleepy, too! It lets him feel all of his bad thoughts. He also might rant about his feelings because there is just so much he wants to get off his chest. When he does, all of the tension is released.
P = Passionate (What is something to them that means a lot to them that only their partner(s) knows about it?)
Your little raccoon baby. You never expected him to care so much about animals. To be fair, you never see him with animals. However, he cares so very much about this baby in his arms. I guess he has a soft spot for animals. Let's just hope that this baby doesn't have rabies. The little guy said so, too!
Q = Quirky (Something silly that they do.)
Honestly, anything Charlie does is very silly. The one thing that stands out is that he's always talks about how nervous he is. It could be like the most intimate moment & he just goes like:
"Jeez, Cas.. My hands are really sweaty."
You just giggle at his nervous comment & that makes you want to kiss him even more.
R = Romantic (What is their love language?)
Quality Time! He lost so much time with you when you moved away & he completely cut contact with you. Now that you're back in the city, he wants to make sure that every second counts.
S = Sublime (What is the best gift that their partner(s) can give them?)
You & your little raccoon baby are the best gifts that he can ask for. You come back into his life & now you guys got yourselves a baby, which is a raccoon. Bless the found family trope for it never fails us.
T = Touching (How do they feel about PDA?)
Charlie enjoys it! You can kiss him, hug him, hold his hand, & whisper uh things into his ear as you watch his face become red. He enjoys every single second of it & it makes him extremely flustered.
U = Undeniable (Did everyone know about their crush on their partner(s)?)
I'm not sure who would know, but I guess Pete would notice Charlie making goo goo eyes at you every time he catches you pass by Sweet Pete's. He doesn't say anything besides getting mad at Charlie for getting distracted from his job & tells him to get back to work. Maybe Auron if Charlie decided to call him but probably for advice.
V = Visionary (What do they want their future to look like with their partner(s)?)
Charlie isn't sure about his future, but he kinda has a few clues on what he sees. Maybe he might get a better job than whatever the hell Sweet Pete's got going on. You suggested to him that he could take care of animals because of how much he cares about your little raccoon baby. What he does know is that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. You guys grew up together (sorta) & you mean so much to him. He may not know much about the future, but he does know how much he loves you.
W = Wacky (General Fluff Headcanon. Again.)
Charlie got mad at the little raccoon baby & he put the baby in air jail. The raccoon baby stole his slice of pizza while he was going to the bathroom & now the baby is in air jail.
X = Xaroncharoo (Yes, that's a word. Look it up. In a domestic sense, what are they exceptional at in the home?)
He's not really good at cleaning & he doesn't know how to cook anything else besides slinging pizzas at his job. So babysitting it is. He's really good at watching your raccoon baby while you're away & straight up treats the raccoon like it's his own baby because it is a baby.
Y = Yearning (If their partner(s) went out to get something without them/went off to work, how would they feel about it?)
He would be fine. He's gonna miss you, sure, but he has his little raccoon baby to keep him company. He's just chilling at home & probably takes a nap all day with the baby. He probably might make you something when you come back like a homemade pizza.
Z = Zonked (How do they cuddle?)
He sleeps in your lap. Your thighs are the most comfortable place since they are like a heated pillow but in a good way. You could also hug him from behind since he is the little spoon.
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☆ミ Author's Notes Underneath 👇 ☆ミ
🩷 - Okay, I've made pretty good progress this month! Now, all who is left is Faust, Finn, & Seth.
I feel very accomplished on what I've done for this month. I'm also setting up my blog for the month of December, so expect to see some lovely shade of pastel blue up in this biatch!
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chronically-ghosted · 11 months
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So, it's October -- crazy, right? About three months ago, I got waaay too emotionally invested in Din Djarin and baby Grogu and the Razor Crest and, well, here we are. This blog served as a way to unleash the infectious brainrot of Pedro back into the ecosystem, hopefully finding another victim. What I got back, is community. I've been in fandom for over ten years and I can honestly say I've never seen a fandom that is so kind, so supportive, so eager to share and talk and engage with others.
So, in the three months since this blog was created, you lovely people continue to show up and everyday I am gobsmacked at the growth and support. I genuinely don't know how I would have survived these last few months had I not met some of you, so as the (shoddily made) gif says: thank you.
I've just now wrapped up my 100 Followers Event Challenge (y'all sent me so many fantastic prompts I had SO much fun!). If you're interested, they're on my masterlist or you can find them all here on this post. I'm taking an itty bitty break from writing for just a bit (might be getting a new job too) but when i come back, i can't wait to share what comes next for all our pedro blorbos!)
Now that I'm a bit more settled and have had the chance to meet some of these fantastic creators, I'd love to share them out with you:
My Favorite Places to Make PPCU Friends (Discord Servers):
Pedro Pascal Cinematic Universe (I got invited by @jupiter-soups)
Space Sisters - give @psychedelic-ink a shout if you'd like to join!
My Favorite Compilations for Fics:
Favourite Fanfic Stories (managed by @morallyinept)
Sanctuary Database (managed by @pascalsanctuary)
Spreadsheet Digest (managed by @wannab-urs)
(these folks are also some of the nicest people you'll ever meet so please do yourself a favor and go follow them)
My Favorite Creators:
@perotovar is a next level gifmaker
@trulybetty has some of the best designs i've ever seen
@daddy-dins-girl has some of the best pedro character alignment charts -- it makes me laugh every time!
@iamdesibell has my entire heart and soul with all her fanart
@saradika keeps us fed with gorgeous moodboards and dividers
Fandom lives and dies by its community so please reblog, tag, or comment if you like a piece of fanart, fanfic, or anything else someone has created that vibes with you! If you'd like to rec something or someone, please let me know -- as you can see, i love holding up other writers and creators and i always wanna hear about your fave!
My ask box is always open for requests, questions, comments, or if you wanna just bitch about how your stupid old car failed you again, I wanna hear about that too 🤍thank you all for accepting me and my silly little stories!
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creepling · 1 year
i always wondered how the survivors became friends in the first place so i got some headcanons:
they're all college buddies, and honestly i think they all met through parties (since they vary in age).
in my mind leland is floyd from dazed and confused. like, they're the same person. quarterback turned stoner. leland didn't continue with wrestling in college because he got more into the hippie/rock scene and fell in love with music and loving life. i still see him lifting weights and keeping fit tho.
leland's venture into flower power then lead him to meet his girlfriend; ana. she loves folk music, pottery, political activism. will stand up to injustice at any cost. leland digs her confidence, even if she is stand-offish to his reformed jock persona. she soon warms up to his kind eyes, not being able to deny his handsome ass any longer.
then connie is ana's bff. farm girl in the city for college; a fish out of water taken under the wing of a girl's girl that has her back. a girl in STEM, smiling through the lecture halls dominated by men. working 2-3 part time jobs because she can't stay still.
sonny notices connie in his lectures and can't help notice they are both minorities in a white, male filled field. it's what motivates them to band together and get through the semester without feeling like outsiders, and connie's confidence rubs off on him. for the first time in his life, he doesn't feel like his only friends are the people in his dnd campaign. but hey, now they're friends, and she invites him to hang out with her friends. and now sonny feels less like a loser.
julie ties them all together with her parties. she's there on a sports scholarship, and the sport and sorority pals are pretty stuck up. she misses letting her hair down, surfing the waves, smoking pot on the sandy rocks. the gang look to her like an older, cool sister. she's the girl that looks mean (because she's popular) but is the nicest person ever. and her spontanious nature is what encourages them to hang out outside college, go on roadtrips, go to concerts and get high in tapestry drenched rooms.
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