#and metalhead
happi-goth · 8 months
i got my parents into Bad Omens i feel so accomplished
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cosmicbash · 1 year
Wanna make a short post because I need like an hour to sit down and type out a proper explanation and apology to so many online friends for disappearing for so long. And this will force me to finally HAVE to--- but
I know I've been offline for a hot minute, more like a hot century in fandom life, but I've just been going thru it. Like REALLY fucking going thru it the last year.
To keep it short like I said, I've just been going through a whole medical mystery with some leg pain that started last year and now over 10 months later, dozens of tests some painful some not, months of physical therapy, etc, has left me still with no answers, no job, a legal battle for owed insurance money from said job, daily pain, and the only reward for my shit luck so far being a permanent disability placard for my car , because getting half crippled at 26 is truly a reward, ha. Ha.
I'm a little bitter but ignore that cuz it comes and goes in waves.
I've got a shit ton of asks and emails and comments that I still need to sort thru, and I' so sorry for people who thought I was ignoring them! I'm not! Just, getting outta my head to go online has been hard.
But I wanna come back, i wanna draw again, write again, just. Create. Again.
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marycrispies · 9 months
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It's a date! 🍔✨
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rockandroar · 8 months
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Outta the way! The kings of Metal are charging in! 🤘🏼Meet Steel Stampede, fronted by the legendary Grant Ruffalo. In the world of Rock & Roar, heavy metal music was originated by, and belongs to, animals with horns, and that’s the origin of the “🤘🏼” hand symbol. The last image is a drawing of Grant from all the way back in 2013. Miles will meet these guys in chapter 4!
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j0celynh0rr0r · 2 months
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Burn them all
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tacyvista · 9 months
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metalheadfromslovakia · 7 months
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littleststarfighter · 2 months
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‘It’s hot as fuck out.’ ‘Well if you took off the jacket?’ ‘Not even upon pain of death.’ ‘If you want to look like a boiled lobster it’s up to you. It’s so sexy. You're so hot right now...literally’ ‘Fuck off, Steve.’
This is based on a ref I saw, and all I could think was ‘this is Eddie in summer’. The stubborn metalhead who refuses to take off his many jackets despite it being boiling as fuck. The shorts don’t do a damn thing, nor do friends who tell them not to be so daft. I’ve known many a Metalhead just refuse to not be so cool despite dying in the heat.
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kaysdenofchaos · 2 months
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patreon request !!! :D
tmmt donnie would have a ball talking mechanics with 2012 even if he thinks he's a loser w/ L rizz
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helcef · 6 months
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more of @mizushibart ’s au bc im having fun
Soap convinced Ghost to try his skateboard but alas he shakes like a leaf the moment he gets on one
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666candies · 2 months
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cosmicbash · 1 year
Wanna make a short post because I need like an hour to sit down and type out a proper explanation and apology to so many online friends for disappearing for so long. And this will force me to finally HAVE to--- but
I know I've been offline for a hot minute, more like a hot century in fandom life, but I've just been going thru it. Like REALLY fucking going thru it the last year.
To keep it short like I said, I've just been going through a whole medical mystery with some leg pain that started last year and now over 10 months later, dozens of tests some painful some not, months of physical therapy, etc, has left me still with no answers, no job, a legal battle for owed insurance money from said job, daily pain, and the only reward for my shit luck so far being a permanent disability placard for my car , because getting half crippled at 26 is truly a reward, ha. Ha.
I'm a little bitter but ignore that cuz it comes and goes in waves.
I've got a shit ton of asks and emails and comments that I still need to sort thru, and I' so sorry for people who thought I was ignoring them! I'm not! Just, getting outta my head to go online has been hard.
But I wanna come back, i wanna draw again, write again, just. Create. Again.
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pissmoon · 6 months
'I want to be a part of an edgy/morbid music based subculture but im too much of a soft eared pussy to listen to edgy or morbid music that isnt pop' is, was and will be an embarassing take
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theohohmoment · 4 months
I'm going to say something wildly controversial.
*Deep breath*
Eddie Munson does not have soft curly hair.
Now, if your head canon or fanon has Eddie with soft curly hair, you have my full support. Feel free to have Steve Harrington running his fingers through soft brown curls.
Eddie Munson was a trailer park drug dealing metalhead in the 80s. Chances are he washed his hair with a bar of soap or the cheapest driest shampoo and never went near conditioner, and that was on purpose, he wanted his hair big and wild. He'd follow up with drying his hair upside down, scrunching it up to get some curls, sticking hair gel through the roots, back combing it, and then finally using a stupid amount of hair spray.
His hair would be big and mad and metal.
He probably hacked crazy layers into it with some old kitchen scissors over the trailer sink, driving Wayne up the wall. He was probably banned from lighting up a cigarette for half an hour after finishing his haircare routine due to the amount of hair spray.
And I honestly think that would work so well in fics. Imagine Dustin trying out the Eddie Munson hair routine like he did with Steve's for the snowball dance and Steve's reaction "I said 4 pumps Henderson!" "It's called being metal Steve, duh" or Steve seeing Eddie's actual flat/silky/lightly curled hair for the first time after his first post-upside down shower and getting heart palpations or Eddie convincing Steve to do each other's hair routines and Steve freaking out at the tangles from teasing it.
I just think authentically metal haired Eddie is something we need more of, that's all.
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grungeprincess2 · 6 months
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Me and who?
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skramzwannabe · 9 days
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Bracelets 😼
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