#and might do the calc due at 11:59 tomorrow
when you probably failed your IEA exam, took an accidental nap bc you were literally working from 8am-3am the day before except dinner BUT wake up from said accidental nap just in time to make your 2pm class
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College Experience: Slacking
Ight So Boom. It has finally happened. I've made, a realization. I, Michael Fleming, am a slacker. Yes I know, how could this happen. I feel like it was inevitable though. I made a post before about deadlines and procrastinating. That right there was probably the hint but all that is the past and this is now. I am slacking, big time. I say this alot but I can't seem to stress it enough. College is nothing compared to Highschool. Before I could slack on an assignment and produce some crap the day before it's due but in college, I can't even produce crap. I've been hindered by comfortability and procrastination to a point where I might actually fail a class. Correction, two classes. I understand that I have a problem and that this will inevitably affect me in the future or tomorrow but yet I'm still not doing what needs to be done. For instance, I have a pre-calc class and I'm horrible at math. So I'm not doing that well in the class and to add to it test are killing me but that's mostly because I'm a horrible test taker period. So in this class we don't get much hw but fhe professor expects us to do this online math work every no and then before he gives a deadline for it. Me being me, I don't do the online work until the day before the deadline and it starts to pile up. The first time I got through it but the second time I didn't finish the course before the 11:59 deadline and I was screwed. Who can I blame though? No one else except myself I guess. I'm making this whole college thing harder than it has to be.
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