#and miss them tons but its hard to get what im craving
kristartz · 8 months
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I miss them
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raggaraddy · 3 years
hello, so if you still take requests i want to request yandere reaction where the reader is as possesive as them, or like she willingly do anything for them and obey them. its totally okay if you dont feel like writing it or maybe you dont take request.. its just im craving reading something like that and youre a great writer :)
A/N: Hi, I am still new to writing reactions, so I hope that this is what you wanted or you at least like it.  Thank you for your sweet comments. Enjoy!
Summary: When another girl gets a little too comfortable with Jungkook your reaction's a surprise to the both of you.
Trigger warnings: Fighting, mentions of abuse, violence.
You had begged Jungkook to take you with him tonight. He'd been so busy with work lately and you'd found yourself missing him too much when he was gone. So when he said he wasn't staying home tonight, but he was instead going out to a bar with some of his friends, you were enthusiastic for him to take you with him. It had used to be the complete opposite. Every time he left you alone, gave you some time to breathe on your own, you were thrilled. But more and more you'd started noticing him in a new light.
Sure he's rough and demanding sometimes. And yeah, he can lose his temper every now and then. But you're not perfect either, and you know it must be hard for him, especially when you behaved so insensitively at first. However, despite your flaws or his, he deeply loves you. He accepts you for who you are and he wants nothing more than to keep you safe. How could you ever find anyone else who cared for you as much as your Kookie did?
The night started as every night out with Jungkook did. He listed out the same rules over that he had said dozens of times before.
You have to listen to everything he says and do everything he says. You don't talk to anyone unless he's with you, and most importantly, you never leave his sight. You had tried to run off a few times in the past, so you knew how deathly serious he was about that last one.
After thoroughly prepping you, and dressing you, and warning you one last time to mind the rules, the both of you finally went to meet his friends.
"Sit. Here." Jungkook pointed to the booth table at the back of the bar. You slid in and he right away pushed in alongside you, nudging you in further and further until you were all but barricaded against the wall. As his friends began to come in one by one, they all joined in a large group. While the night went on, you talked among his friends and their girlfriends. A few people got food, but most people were just drinking to excess. You of course got the choice of soda or water. Every now and then throughout the evening, you could feel JK's attention on you, and you would hug his arm a little tighter to let him know you were paying attention to him too.
At some point, it was Jungkooks turn to buy the next round.
"Y/n." He whispered lowly. Even in the middle of a conversation and with the music playing in the background, his voice caught your focus right away. You looked up to him, a small smile and big eyes. "I'll be back in a few minutes." His lips pressed to your ear, his warm breath blowing along your neck spiking tingles down your side. "If you even try to move while I'm gone, I'm going to pin you to the table by putting this butter knife through your hand." He twirls the point of the dull knife into the table, scratching the wood.
Your smile grows a little bit bigger at his threat. Not because you think he wouldn't do it, but because you know there is no way he would ever need to do it. You're not going anywhere.
Your fingers linger with his, holding on for a few seconds extra as he gets up. While the conversations go on, your concentration keeps flicking to Kookie. Watching every now and then to make sure he hasn't left your sight either.
On one momentary glance, you catch sight of some random woman standing too close to him. They're at the bar, and it's quite crowded so it could be nothing, but she doesn't look like she is ordering drinks. She's completely facing him. Talking to him.
Slowly your frustration starts to build as a few minutes pass and they stay in the same position. You don't know who she is, you've never seen her before. Jungkook's body language expresses that he doesn't know her as well. She, however, is acting way too familiar. Laughing, smiling, flicking her hair and pushing her chest out like some kind of desperate slut.
You're trying to let it pass. But after only about 10 minutes of silent stewing, that's all you can tolerate. You know your Kookie has no interest in any other girls. He's just too innocent to realize that this girl is flirting with him. That, or he is only trying to be polite.
She crosses the line though when she decides to put her hand on his arm.
He might have told you to stay in your seat, and you know he is going to at the very least slap you for willingly going against his rules, but you have had enough and you're not going to allow this bitch to paw all over him anymore.
Shuffling out of the booth, you take heavy, furious steps towards them. The second you're in reach you draw against Jungkooks side, wrapping your arm around his. At the same time, you roughly and forcefully shove the heel of your palm into this girls shoulder, knocking her back and off of him. She stumbles looking shocked and fleetingly frightened. You're not done sending a message yet.
"The next part of you that tries to touch him is going to get stabbed!" You growl. Jungkook leans back a little to look at you. A mix of intrigue and surprise coming together to form a smirk on his face. It's not just from the forceful action you made, but also the confident, ruthless way you spoke to intimidate her.
This woman is dumb though. She either doesn't see or doesn't understand how sincerely you made that threat. "Wow," she scoffs. Yelling, trying to be louder than the music, "Is this your girlfriend? She's a psycho." she mocks, stepping forward, speaking directly to Jungkook. You pull yourself in front of him, dragging his hand around your waist to wrap on your hip, your fingers lacing over the top of his. Even with you standing between them, eyes burning with hostility she still doesn't back down. "If you want a cool girlfriend, you can come home with me, baby." She propositions him, with the cherry on top of calling him baby. Calling your Kookie baby! Who the fuck does this bitch think she is?!
You snap forward and slam your curled up fist into her face as hard as you can. She mustn't have been expecting that at all because she falls like a ton of bricks. Knocking into two or three other people behind her before she ultimately falls on to the floor.
Honestly, you've never hit someone before, and you didn't realize it would hurt so much. So you have to quickly shake your hand feeling the bones bruised and jarred. You regain your composure by the time she can gain hers and looks back up to you. You step over the top of her getting into her personal space. "Go find someone else to be a pathetic whore with." You snap. "He's mine!"
She scrambles out from under you and back to her feet, sensibly darting away. Over your shoulder, you can see Jungkook taking control of the consequences of your interaction, assuaging the bartender's concerns. JK knows them all, so if they know that it's him, they're not going to make a fuss over it, they'll just let it go and assume there was a good reason.
You latch onto him again as he focuses back on you. Grabbing your hands into his shirt, you hold him closer. "Don't let other girls touch you."  You whine, taking the aggression out of your voice when you talk with him, but not the seriousness.
"Why? Because I'm yours?" He looks down with a smug smile, and a salacious glimmer in his gaze. His tongue running over the inside of his cheek.
You're still so pent up and frustrated, you just want to be as close to him as you can be for comfort. You press your whole body flat to him, feeling warmed by the firm shape of his arms and chest. "Yes, you're mine."
He insists on a small amount of space between you two, gripping onto your upper arms harshly he pushes you back. His free hand comes up and his fingers cling into your jaw keeping you still.
This is it. You knew he was going to hurt you for disobeying. But honestly, it was worth it to keep her off of him.
Looking down at you so intensely, he isn't reacting the way you had expected. His eyes are instead filled with an infatuated allure that's making your stomach tingle and your cheeks feel warm. He rests his mouth next to your ear like he had earlier. "That was so fucking hot Kitten." His teeth nip at your ear lobe, making you shiver. "We're leaving. Just wait until I get you alone. I'm gonna prove I'm yours."   
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madisonmasochistic · 3 years
Im just a phase?
Ive seen many people talking about feeling like just a phase in peoples life, especially in romantic relationships, and i cant explain how closely i relate to that.
I feel like i had a chance at the butterflies, the real lovey dove type of shit once and what happened has left me empty and cold.
I crave those fireworks and butterflies but i feel fucking Nothing
Kissing isn’t the same
Sex isn’t the same
Romance is just something i do, i enjoy, there isn’t a ton of excitement with anyone anymore, i don’t get shaky anymore, i don’t get all giddy when i think of someone. Its fucking miserable, missing the pure bliss of being stupidly in love.
Its like I’m incapable of it, like i had it once and it fucked me up so hard that the idea of feeling that is just that…an idea..a fantasy.
Am i just a phase in peoples life until they find something better?
I got a glimpse of it when i found out they liked me back but it was wiped out when i started making myself out to be the villain again.
Don’t get me wrong, i still love people and feel love but its not the same as it was with them. Maybe it’s because i was young and stupid? Maybe it’s because the shit that gets to me is toxic, I’m in love with misery. I want the rage again, i want the blurry nights faded with no sense of whats really happening and only knowing i was in a constant state of danger and just a fuck ton of fear.
Why the hell is that what i crave?
When I’m in their car listening to music at full blast, head banging, or when i am high and shit its heaven, its the feeling of being free, of not caring about shit. Its the closest thing i get to that high that i felt back then. Thats different from the butterflies in a relationship but what I’m trying to express is I genuinely feel like a shell of a person now that I’m living semi responsibly and there isn’t as much dangerous excitement in my life as before.
Running away, falling in love with someone i know is going to fuck me up, being fucked up 24/7, not sleeping for days and screaming into the void, it was such a fucking rush that it’s hard to find that rush anymore.
I miss the fucking rage.
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nie7027 · 6 years
Super5 headcanons pt 2
Edit:    Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4   Part 5
Minegishi can only stare
"Where the fuck have you been?"
"What do you care?"
"Why are you here?"
"I was bored"
Shimazaki could be here to kill him for betraying him but Minegishi is too tired for this and there are dishes to wash.
In the time it takes him to do the dishes and calm down his plants, shimazaki falls asleep so he goes to the living to room to get a better look at the man
Shimazaki looks almost the same except maybe a bit thinner and with possible hollower eyes. The crooked nose is definitely new. A crooked nose?? Did he broke his nose at some point?? He is even wearing the same clothes as last time. His precious jacket ripped at the edges. Scorching marks and bullet holes here and there.
With a long sigh he takes out his phone, turns off the volume and opens the super3 chat(the too spicy for Seris innocent eyes). The messages start to come in rapidly
Minegishi: Shimazaki is back
Hatori: what
Hatori: what do you mean Shimazaki is back???
Shibata: how did he find us? Did he try to fight you?
Minegishi: i mean he is asleep on my couch. No, he just ate all of my cereal.
Shibata: what the fuck?
Hatori: what the fuck?
Minegishi what the fuck indeed
Shibata: did he say what he wants? Do you know why is he here?
Minegishi: He didnt talk and I dont know
Hatori: what do we do?
Minegishi: i dont know.
Minesishi: i cant make any calls or else he could wake up and seri isnt logged in so can someone call him and tell him whats going so they can take the necessary precautions
Shibata: im on it
Shibata: hatori is freaking out in his room anyway. I think he is begginin to build a security system.
Minegishi: ...
Shibata: yeah yeah ill go calm him after i talk with Seri.
Minegishi stares at his phones and then at the man on his couch, he cant blame them. Shimazaki is a really dangerous person and they dont know what he is doing here. Minegishi just wanted to do the dishes, water his plants and go to sleep.
The super5 will never know but Shimazaki wasnt lying per se. He WAS bored.
After he ran away from the fight against seasoning city espers he hid here and there taking his sweet time at recovering and once he did(his nose still felt strange but he ignored it) he started to look at what to do.
He joined many criminal organizations, afterall a teletransporter was very valued in the underworld. But not matter how petty or big the crime was, he got bored. So he ended leaving all of them. he even left some in the middle of a important job, not caring whether his employers got caught or not( it was their fault for being stupid and not having a backup plan anyway)
After some months of this he realized he was bored of normal criminals. He was bored of normal persons with narrowed mindsets who conformed with just comitting stupid crimes. HE HAD BEEN PART OF A PLAN TO TAKE THE WORLD and now he was trafficking some drug?? Lame.
Most of all he missed the thrilling sensation of being surrounded with persons that could actually put a fight against him. So he searched for something alike to claw, an organization of espers.
His search turned out fruitless and he decided then he should return to where all started. Claw. It was time to pay a visit to his expartners.
It took him just a week to locate them. It would have took him just a day but he was finally having some fun and god he was gonna drag it all he could.
So here he was in a tiny empty apartment, the crazy amount of plants with a certain aura being the only indication that it belonged to Minegishi...WHERE THE HELL WAS HE? Oh well. He had been waiting for a year. He could wait a little more. In any case in his hurry to get here he forgot to eat and he could hear a fridge running.
Shimazaki, still on the sofa, wakes up the next day at the sound of a blender. He is being held in place, bounded by lots and lots of thick green vines and sturdy roots from which he easily frees himself. The moment he does so the noise at the kitchen stops and an annoyed minegishi steps out. Shimazaki can feel him tensing, preparing for an attack and that makes him smirk .
Until an alarm clock goes off that makes Minegishi mutter a curse
"If you are gonna do something do it now. I have better things to do and i have to go now"
"Better things to do?? What can possibly be better than this??"
"I have work so if you are gonna just stand there and smirk be my guest"
"Yeah, work. you know? That thing you do for a living and that contributes to society? Fuck it.You probably dont. Anyway i gotta go" Turning his back on shimazaki is probably the worst idea but he couldnt sleep at all, he is late and he hasnt had breakfast so if shimazaki wants to kill him he will gladly accept it.
He miraculously manages to exit his apartment and make it to his work. He only hopes theres an apartment to come back later.
Shimazaki can only stare increduously to where minegishis used to stand. 'Work'? 'Contribute to society'? THE FUCK WAS HE BABBLING ABOUT this was completely unexpected and he doesnt know what to do until he notices theres a smell coming from the kitchen where Minegishi left his untouched breakfast. Well he supposes he can muse how to proceed over breakfast.
Hatori isnt allowed to use his phone at work but he is too anxious to care and he has powers to do it without anybody noticing
Spicy3 chat
Hatori: how did it went?
Minegishi: ...well...i guess?? I am alive and my flat was still in one piece last time i saw it
Hatori: he didnt try anything?
Minegishi: he woke up when it was time for me to go...so i just kinda left
Shibata: you just left? He didnt try to stop you???
Minegishi: no
Minegishi:but i think...
Hatori: WHAT
Minegishi: i think he is...tired.
Minegishi: I bound him while he was sleeping and he never woke up nlr stirred. He didnt notice.
Hatori: weird
Minegishi: i know. Worst of all i couldnt eat and i have 2 hours more left until my break.
Shibata: i can pass on my way to gym and sneak you something
Minegishi: thanks
Hatori: if you want you can hang in our apartment for the time being. We still need to know what he wants
Shibata: yeah, and if he shows up we can fight him together💪
Minegishi: if Seri asks, everything is under control
It takes a week for Shimazaki to finally show up. Meanwhile Minegishi has to use Hatoris and Shibatas washing machine to wash his work uniform daily(it can get very dirty when you work in a flower shop) because his other sets of uniform are back at his place trapped with Shimazaki. So is his money and he has to lend some from Hatoris and shibatas and ask his boss for an advencement in his payment. He hates Shimazaki more now.
They cant do anything but stare blankly when he suddenly shows up in the middle of the living room where they were eating pizza holding an empty box of cereal and says "Theres no more food back there and i want more of these but i cant see how they are called" while pointing at the box.
Sometimes its very easy to forget he is actually blind. Hatori weakly says the name of the branch of cereal he is holding and Shimazaki dissapears again before anybody can say anything.
"Did everybody saw what i just saw right??what the fuck? What the fuck?" shibata exclaims
"...my food"minegishi laments
Its not until an hour of wondering what was that and wracking their brain for an asnwer after that shimazaki returns, a brand new box of the cereal in his hands. He picks up a slice of the forgotten pizza and sits besides Shitaba.
"You didnt pay for that did you?" asks Shitaba
Shimazaki just turns around and stares st him with his hauntingly empty eyes "you too?"
"Weve changed"
"Yeah we have jobs and stuff, we help peopl"
The man frowns and rapidly done with the conversation teleports away.
Minegishi finally returns to his place, his web of plants telling him Shimazaki isnt there anymore. Re stashing his fridge and cabinet is a pain in the ass.
Shimazakis plan had been to either find his expartners and form something alike to Claw with them or just antagonize them until he gets the fight he so much craves. None of that has happened because all of them had turned to a bunch of weakling pussies and he cant even find Serizawa.
He could still try to fight them but he bitterly realizes he wont get any satisfaction of beating them if they keep acting like that, restraining themselves and trying to be civil as if they werent the same persons that destroyed this very city a year ago. It would be like punching flowers!
The point was to get rid of his boredness and now he is just angry!
He needs them to drop the act.
Thats when a plan starts to form in his head and he smirks. He is going to show them what they are missing on.
Thats how he finds himself back in minegishis apartment.
"Im just saying you could probably grow tons of weed, good quality of course. And i take care of the transport i know a bunch of people-"
"Weed? Are you serious? Is this why you came back? To start a drug trafficking bussines?"
"Im just saying with my teletransporting abilities and yourplant thing we could save lots of money in transport and become richer than-"
He then tries with shibata, approaching him during one of his morning running routines. Teletransporting every 2 meters at his side while he keeps running clearly ignoring him
"With your force, not that i need it, we could terrorize all the bussines of a whole prefecture and force them to pay for protection. We win, they win"
"Not interested"
"Why not?! It would be so easy"
"I dont want to"
"Could you stop running? This is important"
"No thanks"
"You arent even listening!"
He finally tries with Hatori thinking he would be the easiest of them
"You hack the system and we force all those politicians to pay us to not release all their dirty secrets"
"I am busy"
"No you are not. You are playing mario kart. I can hear Yoshi"
"Ive changed"
"Have you? Really???" at this point Shimazaki raises an eyebrow, he is so done and he wont keeo with this bullshit "because everywhere i have been, and i have been everywhere, the interpol, cia, you name it HAS BEEN AFTER ME whereas you three can waltz into a store like nobodys bussiness. WE COMMITED THE SAME CRIME. WE DESTROYED THIS CITY so how come im the only one being persecuted? Huh? You think I DONT KNOW WHAT YOU DID"
Hatori pauses the game and glares at him. Good, he is finally getting a reaction.
" i did what had to be done and i wont let YOU of all people tell me-"
"Me? Of all people? You believe yourself so grand and high when you are nothing but THE SAME AS ME" immediately shimazaki feels hatoris aura flare. what must have been his console shifting and changing into something new. Whatever it is, he is sure he can block it.
"Really? You are gonna fight me? I want to see you-" a horrible sound like nothing he had ever heard before pierces his ears making him howl in pain and he teleports away.
After that accident shimazaki never mentions Hatoris dirty secret again but that doesnt stop him from keep trying to get them to commit felonies again.
He thinks he once "saw" Serizawa on the street but his aura was quickly eaten by the aura of the person by his side. He didnt stayed to find out and quickly teleported away.
And this goes like this for 3 months, his proposals becoming more and more desesperate until one day he just... gives up.
Shimazaki should have left or killed them months ago but for some reason he prefers to stay here. He wont admit it but hes having more fun living on their couches annoying them than what he would have had they accepted his proposals.
He takes special delight in annoying them when they had hard days. (Minegishi comes home covered in something stinky and almost strangles shimazaki with his own hands after he comments this wouldnt have happened if he had accepted to traffick weed in a yacht with him)
...besides he has noticed that now in both apartments there is always a box of his favourite cereal (hatori sweared it was the cereal what placated Shimazaki given how docile he was whenever he was seen eating it, shibata and minegishi just liked it)
The super3 cant believe it themselves but they have now gotten used to the constant presence of Shimazaki in their lives (which isnt surprising given they spent at least 3 years together).
Well constant is a way to put it because the man still has the habit of dissapearing 3-5 days every once in a while and reappearing like nothing happened
But they know this cant keep going like this and thats how minegishi finds himself texting the super3 chat one day he comes to an empty apartment
Minegishi: is shimazaki there?
Hatori: yeah, hes playing smash with shitaba
Minegishi: playing smash??
Hatori: its seems he learned the patron of my movements by observing me and now hes kicking Shitabas ass as princess peach
Minegishi: ?
Hatori: we told him he was playing bowser
Minegishi: whatever, tell him to bring his ass back. I need to go grocery shopping and i need his help
"Why would i help you grocery shopping?" says shimazaki suddenly to his right
At the same his phone sounds 2 times
Shibata: hatori said something to him and he just teleported
Shibata: is safe to assume he is with you?
Minegishi: yea, im taking charge from here
"Im teaching you to do grocery shopping"
"I dont need you to teach me shit"
" yes, you do if you want to keep eating that cereal you like and that you finished this morning"
Shimazaki raises his eyebrow, teleports and after 5 min returns with 5 boxes of the damn cereal in his arms
"There. Its done"
"THATS NOT THE POINT"Minegishi stops, breathes amd tries again "Shimazaki you cant keep doing this and i dont mean just the whole robbing, i mean i dotn know what you do when you dissapear for days but when you are here you just eat our food, wait for us to come home from work and then annoy us?"
"So? I can do whatever i want"
"Do you realize how pathethic it sounds?Is this really all you want to do? Do you even know what you want to do?"
Shimazaki doesnt wanna hear anymore of that and teleports
He ends teleporting to a random alley where he passes the night
The next days his mood isnt any better and he spends them sleeping, terrorizing random deliquents he finds in his way and kicking bags of trash until one day of the "bags" lets out a yelp.
Its shibata who finds him some days later during one of his running routines when he follows the sound of a hurt dog
Expecting to see a bunch of nasty kids terrorizing a poor animal he steps up to confront them only to find his missing "friend" glaring at poor dog and screaming "STOP COMPLAINING ITS YOUR FAULT FOR NOT MOVING I DIDNT EVEN KICK YOU THAT HARD"
He texts a quickl "Found him" to the group chat and marches up to him
"You shouldnt be kicking random things in the first place"
"Get lost"
" are you sure you didnt kick him hard? He is limping and we both know your kicks arent exactly soft"
"If i had wanted, a limp would be the least of its problems" still he makes a face as if he isnt sure
With a sigh Shibata carefully picks up the dog and motions to shimazaki "theres a vet nearby. You kicked him so you own him that at least. Dont worry ill pay" he doesnt wait for Shimazakis response and walks, relief overflowing him once he hears footsteps behind him
The consult is quick and the vet gleefully hands shimazaki "his" dog while she explains to shibata the treatment they should follow the next three months
Shimazaki...had never in his life pet a dog, much less carried one. His fur feels dirty and is tangled everywhere but the vet said it just needs a bath. It is warm and he can feel and hear his steady breaths. His mental eye allows him to perceive the flowing of his blood, the currents in his brain, the beating of his heart...all what makes a living being held in his arms. Things he has always perceived but never payed attention. The fact that the dog starts to lick his hands doesnt go unnoticed and he feels strangely calm. His grip tightening.
They are about to exit the clinic, shibata saying his last thanks when a woman and a girl enter. That very moment the dog starts to squirm in his embrace. And he doesnt know what to do
"Hey are you alright? I can hold it if you want" asks shibata noticing his turmoil
" yeah, its just the stupid dog WHO HAS FORGOTTEN HE CANT WALK"
The girls who shibata notices has red puffy narrows her eyes and yells "DONT CALL HIM STUPID YOU ARE THE STUPID" before turning to look at shimazaki, whatever she was going to say next is forgotten as she stares with wide eyes.
Both the moms and shimazakis replies are drowned by the girl scream of "UESAMA! MOM ITS HIM ITS MY DOG"
For some reason shimazaki feels his blood run cold and lifts up the dog even more when the girl comes clashing at his legs desesperately trying to grab her dog
Shibata who noticed shimazakis earlier expression cant believe what hes seeing (please god, please tell me he isnt gonna fight a girl over a dog) when the vet decides to come out to see what is happening
"Im sorry, my little girl believes those boys over there have Uesama"
"Uesama?..." the vet stares some seconds in confusion before her eyes grow wider "Oh how didnt i notice it before! Im sorry sirs but it seems you have found this little girls dogs" the vets looks expectantly at shimazaki
Shimazaki who has been holding a very squirming dog and listening to the screams of a girls is starting to get very annoyed. The tempation to teleport away with the dog too big to ignore. Hes about to do it when he hears the dog crying again.
With a huff he hands it to the very thankful mother and exits the clinic as quickly as he can.
Shibata follows suit "I saw your face before they arrived. I can tell what you did"
"Shut up"
The walk home is strangely quiet but at least he is back.
The joke on the spicy chat is that the super 3 are dumb and believe they are protecting oh so pure Seri when in reality they just share dumb penis jokes while Seri is actually riding Reigens dick.
And yes as his last crime Hatori threatened with realeasing all the state secrets of all the goverments and provoking a worldwide crisis if they didnt allow them to try to live normal lives
I just noticed this is more of a fanfic than a list of headcanons now but meh. What i wanted to actually be part 2 is gonna be part 3? 4? I didnt even get to write the prank the super5 were gonna pull on shimazaki but now you have something to look up next time.
Im not that happy with how the second half turned out but maybe im just tired.
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kim-donghyuns · 7 years
tagged by @ult2jae​ to answer a shit ton of questions!!! i love u mia !!! my favorite child who wants to have a threesome with 2jae !
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents? hnghngh yea just sometimes its kinda ??
2. who did you last say “i love you” to? i say i love u to like mark and minho a lot does that count akdlfhjlfh i cant remember who i last said i love u to,, it mightve been kat 
3. do you regret anything? o f c 
4. are you insecure? o͕͇̟̱̙ ̯ͅf̠͘ ̡͉̹̥̲̱̖c͉͇̖̹͔̦
5. what’s your relationship status? single but what else is new
6. how do you want to die? in my sleep or something idk 
7. what did you last eat? sushi !!!
8. played any sports? i used to play hockey and badminton !
9. do you bite your nails? nop
10. when was your last physical fight? idk like never idk i dont think i could fight anyone im a twig 
11. do you like someone? i rly love mark and ha minho pls vote for ha minho
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours? n a h 
13. do you hate anyone at the moment? yea i hate a lot of people im awful but people at school are shit
14. do you miss someone? minho and mark :(((( when will my boys update instagram again :(((((((
15. have any pets? sadly no :(((((((((((((((((((
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment? im bored im kinda tired 
17. ever made out in the bathroom? why would u ever make out in the bathroom 
18. are you scared of spiders? yes dont talk to me about them im deadly afraid of spiders i aadgjiofhoha
19. would you go back in time if you were given the chance? idk maybe just to relive seeing ohran and got7 
20. where was the last place you snogged someone? s n o g g e d ????????????????
21. what are your plans for this weekend? yikes im going to the lcs hahahudfhadfhdfh and a birthday party woo
22. do you want to have kids? how many? hgngngnh child birth seems painful idk if im up for that 
23. do you have piercings? how many? no im a pansy 
24. what is/are/were your best subject(s)? my best subjects was art but sadly ap art is really fucking me up this year so now my best subject is digital media i sure love photoshopping memes for class
25. do you miss anyone from your past? n a h 
26. what are you craving right now? affection dfahoijdoijh @ mark and minho pls hmu with those hugs 
27. have you ever broken someone’s heart? yeah i feel bad b u t ! i didnt wanna lead anyone on and stuff
28. have you ever been cheated on? no
29. have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? apparently i have but idk if i really did
30. what’s irritating you right now? school !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! teachers and kids at school can succ me dude
31. does somebody love you? probably n ot 
32. what is your favourite color? blueeee
33. do you have trust issues? i dont think so i tend to trust easily adjlakdfh
34. who/what was your last dream about? uuhhhhhhhhhhh i cant remember?? uffuck
35. who was the last person you cried in front of? i think it was my parents 
36. do you give out second chances too easily? ughadh it depends on the situation i think
37. is it easier to forgive or forget? hgfnnghgnhsg forget ??
38. is this year the best year of your life? ufck n o  senior year is so shit ! 
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss? 15 ? e w
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked? noooo
51. favourite food? pasta ? idkkk this is a hard question 
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? im not sure
53. what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? text kat 
54. is cheating ever okay? cheating in relationships isnt okay but like cheating on tests is fine :^)
55. are you mean? i think i am but some people tell me otherwise but i just think im an asshole adkljaldjfh
56. how many people have you fist fought? i dont remember fist fighting anyone im a small kid
57. do you believe in true love? hgngnghg idkkkkkkkk
58. favourite weather? s n o w 
59. do you like the snow? Y̴͖ ̱̝E͉̩͙ ̭S̀ ̱̩
60. do you wanna get married? yea i guess
61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? u m idk no one has ever done that to me so i wouldnt know how i react and all that junk
62. what makes you happy? got7 and ha minho being happy and opening albums ladkjhladjkfh i love the rng
63. would you change your name?   nah 
64. would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? yes i dont wanna think about him i dont wanna see him if i had to kiss him again id rather just die
65. your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? whoa this happened to me !!! i did nothing !!!!!! i didnt wanna fuck u p our friendship with being weird and idk i dont care if they like me and whatever like thats cool good for them i guess
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yeah but we bully each other a lot 
67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my dad 
68. who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
69. do you believe in soulmates? i think its a cute concept but i dont think so    ? 
70. is there anyone you would die for? got7, my produce 101 children, and all mi pals
tagging: @bubblejoy @peachyjyp @bambama1 @poeticyoungjae @zhongchenle-tm @jaebumsbb @jungnoir (yall dont have to this is very long)
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chickenfetus · 8 years
tagged by @pastelminhyuks bless u thank u
Are you named after someone? idk actually?? i never asked lmfao
When is the last time you cried? earlier this month??? probably lol
Do you like your handwriting? sure when im not rushing to write an essay during an exam
What is your favorite lunch meat? chicken bc i love myself
Do you have kids? fictional ones yeah
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? probably not
Do you still have your tonsils? fuck is that
Would you bungee jump? yes bc i love 2 die 
What is your favorite kind of cereal? THIS IS MY FAV QN OK i love cereal i eat cereal everyday so right i have my top 5 lets start:
cookie crisp havent had these in awhile bc they only sell these in the Big Box which i might never finish
frosted flakes i love 2 get diabetes 
fruit loops the only name i actually knew b4 hand without having 2 google 4 it go me
the fuckin milo cereal it doesnt hvae a name but damn balls 4 life
koko krunch heck yea
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? yes bc i tie them tight as fuckk so i dont have to keep retying them when they come off
Do you think you’re a strong person? no i am weak both physically and chemically mentally
What is your favourite ice cream flavor? cookies and cream is the SHIT my backup is always chocolate tho
What is the first thing you notice about people? appearance bc i am like that whoops but!! if its online then personality 
Red or pink? red like the blood of my enemies 
What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? my fucking belly?? bc now i live in fear that ill end up looking my dad who has a solid hard belly 
What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? im wearing blue shorts and im barefoot bc im at home
What was the last thing you ate? noodles 
What are you listening to right now? colors by halsey yey
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? deadass want 2 say black bc #edge but no id be (pastel) blue
Favorite smell? the smell of nice fresh laundry 
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? i dont even know man when was the last time i had a full blown convo with anybody on the phone
Favorite sport to watch? tbh i actually really really like watching (irl and anime) sports bc its fun?? the thrill??? i love it ive only actually watched a floorball match before but i think id like 2 watch any sport live
Hair colour? black ?? browish in the sun
Eye colour? i want 2 believe its brown but rly its black
Do you wear contacts? i was supposed 2 get contacts like twice but im too scared to bring my finger with the contact lens close 2 my eye so never happened LOL
Favorite food to eat? right now?? i guess im craving some cereal bc of that glorious qn above 
Scary movies or comedy? comedy?? everythings a comedy 2 me i am The Comedy honestly im a walking joke
Last movie you watched? the jesus and buddha anime movie wait lll google the name god (ha) it was LIT saint young men!! thats the name good shit
What color of shirt are you wearing? black too wow arent we matching falen and its my class tshirt which i love bc its big warm and comfortable bless
Summer or winter? theres only the ufcing sun here so summer but i love winter?? its chill (im so funny!!!)
Hugs or kisses? hugs thx
What book are you currently reading? i was reading a chaptered fic like i was doing a good job w/ keeping up with it but my interest for it died so i quit reading the updates why am i like this? im not reading any books bc idk if ill like it enough to finish it 
Who do you miss right now? nothing?? lance i guess more like my love for lance bc it died not completely like i still love him but just, not right now 
What is on your mouse pad? i dont have one
What is the last TV program you last watched? i dont watch TV?? ok but i did watch one tv program like last year which was SKAM season 3 u can guess why anyway im trying to watch all 500 episodes of naruto now and i dont think i can last gg
What is the best sound? the music i listen to?? i guess or just silence when im alone
Rolling Stones or The Beatles? ive never listened to either 
What is the furthest you have ever traveled? england i guess
Do you have a special talent? being able to drink a fuck ton of water 
Where were you born? singapore! fun!
tagging: @kaccahn and my usual go to person to tag is u falen but ?? u tagged me so for now its just kacchan yay (ps u dont have 2 do it)
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radiohorizon · 8 years
5 million years later...
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? Romantically, Emily. Friendwise, Arin or Annabelle i cant remember 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? Depends on who I’m around. If I’m comfortable in the situation, I’m outgoing but if I’m not im the shyest person ever 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My baby cousin whos like 3 weeks old😍 
4. Are you easy to get along with? Extremely 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Uh i hope so? Idk I’ve never been in the situation 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Kind, sarcastic assholes, who have my weird ass sense of humor and adore animals 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? I have no idea🤷🏼‍♀️ 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? My best friend. He’s going through a really hard time and I don’t know how to help him feel better 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Depends on the context and people I’m having the conversation with 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Bea. She always lets me vent tf out and always gives the greatest advice, even if I don’t wanna hear it 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “Sorry bud😉” 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? Missing Teeth- Vanity Theft Smokestacks- Layla Open Hands- Ingrid Michaelson Saturn- Sleeping At Last Castle- Halsey 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yesssss😍 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Absofreakinglutely 
15. What good thing happened this summer? Vacation with Katie and Kristy; met Bea 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? I mean probably. We kissed and it didn’t mean anything, it was more for fun than anything else 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? Heck yeah. Lightyears of planets and other galaxies? No way we’re here alone 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Yeah kinda. We aren’t that close and I don’t really care to be lmao 
19. Do you like bubble baths? Love them😍 
20. Do you like your neighbors? For the most part yes. 
21. What are you bad habits? Picking at the skin around my nails and biting my cheek with im anxious or bored; not letting go; trusting easily; eating too much; not taking care of myself; selfharm 
22. Where would you like to travel? Across the country; the dead sea; egypt; hawaii; Cancun; Australia; basically anywhere 
23. Do you have trust issues? Horrible trust issues 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Seeing my cat 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? Honestly i dont know. I have issues with my stomach, back, butt, boobs, thighs, calves, wrists, arms, fingers, ankles, face, chest. Basically anywhere there is fat and/or acne and/or stretch marks and/or scars 
26. What do you do when you wake up? Go on my phone, brush my hair, brush my teeth and then whatever comes next 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Darker. I’m pale as shit 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? Probably Bea or Stevie 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Yeah, 1. And then she continued to ignore me and treat me like shit so🤷🏼‍♀️ 
30. Do you ever want to get married? Yep! In my back yard with my dad as the dude who marries me and my future wife and gives me away 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? Heck yeah boi 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? Ruby Rose and Mila Kunis 
33. Spell your name with your chin. Herg (Beth) 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? Dance (10 years), Cheer(2 years) and soccer (maybe 5 years) 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? Without TV hands down 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Yeppers 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? “Uhhhhhh” or just laugh awkwardly or “why is it so quiet” 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? 🤷🏼‍♀️ honestly just want someone that’s kind and strong willed and has a big heart and loves cats as much as me. My “type” literally doesn’t exist so 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Kohls, Ross, HotTopic, Rue 21, Forever 21, Big Lots, Macy’s 
40. What do you want to do after high school? College and then Police Academy 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? 100% but not everyone deserves a 3rd 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m super upset and probably feel nauseous and shaky and am about to start crying or go into an anxiety attack or something. Or im just tired as fuck 
43. Do you smile at strangers? Yeppers 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Bottom of the ocean 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? Anxiety of failing school 
46. What are you paranoid about? Losing the people I love to the same issues I have dealt with 
47. Have you ever been high? Yeeep 
48. Have you ever been drunk? Noooope 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Not that I can think of? 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Red 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? Yes, a lot actually 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My body 
53. Favourite makeup brand? Lorac 
54. Favourite store? Ross or Kohls 
55. Favourite blog? Humans of New York 
56. Favourite colour? Dark Purple 
57. Favourite food? Cheeseburger or red peppers 
58. Last thing you ate? Ice cream 
59. First thing you ate this morning? Toast 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? No but I got 2 in gymnastics when i was 8😌 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? Nopee 
62. Been arrested? For what? Nopee 
63. Ever been in love? Yeppers and kinda scared of it happening again🤷🏼‍♀️ 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? First peck kiss was during my choir concert in a literal closet with my then girlfriend with a bunch of my friends circling around us so no one would see First kiss kiss was with my then crush and it was so not expected but super romantic so 
65. Are you hungry right now? Not reallg 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I dont really have tumblr friends that arent my real friends so no? 
67. Facebook or Twitter? Tweeter 
68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now? Yeah actually lol 
70. Names of your bestfriends? Katie, Kristy, Andrew, Elizabeth, Abby, Beatrice, Hailey, Kyle, Annabelle, Tyler 
71. Craving something? What? Pink Lemonade 
72. What colour are your towels? Multicolors 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? 1 but used to sleep with 2 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Yepp. A teddy bear the twins gave me in 1st grade, a puppy from my mom when I was born, a unicorn, a kitty and a Pegasus unicorn kitty named Puck 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? A shit ton 
75. Favourite animal? Monkey or cats 
76. What colour is your underwear? Olive green 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate and vanilla swirl 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Cookies and cream 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Black 
80. What colour pants? Black 
81. Favourite tv show? NCIS or Criminal Minds or Shameless or the OLD scoobydoo, none of that new bullshit 
82. Favourite movie? Chitty chitty band bang 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? Mean girls 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? Mean girls 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? Gretchen 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? Crush 
87. First person you talked to today? Bea 
88. Last person you talked to today? Lacey 
89. Name a person you hate? No one 
90. Name a person you love? My momma 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? #fucktrump and this bitch at school but not gonna cause it aint worth it 
92. In a fight with someone? Nope 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? Like 3 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? About 3 that i wear, but a lot that dont fit me anymore 
95. Last movie you watched? The Remains 
96. Favourite actress? Jennifer Lawrence 
97. Favourite actor? Josh Hucherson or Gerard Butler 
98. Do you tan a lot? Not at all. Only burn so theres no point 
99. Have any pets? 2 cats and 1 puppy 
100. How are you feeling? Tired, alone, but a little happier 
101. Do you type fast? Ye but im shit at it 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? Certain things with my ex, and not starting cheer sooner but other than that no 
103. Can you spell well? HA no 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? Yes, a few people 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? No but i wish): 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? Not that i know or 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? Mhm 
108. What should you be doing? Sleeping 
109. Is something irritating you right now? My wrist hurts like a bitch and this person is ignoring me like i never existed so there’s that 
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? Yepp 
111. Do you have trust issues? Lol yes 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Abby 
113. What was your childhood nickname? Beth 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? Yeah 
115. Do you play the Wii? Not really 
116. Are you listening to music right now? No 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? Ew no 
118. Do you like Chinese food? Heck yeaaah😍 
119. Favourite book? Yo this is impossible to answer 
120. Are you afraid of the dark? Yeah fuck that shit but also cant sleep unless its completely dark?? 
121. Are you mean? No i dont think so 
122. Is cheating ever okay? Nope 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? Lol no 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? Sorta kinda 
125. Do you believe in true love? Yes 
126. Are you currently bored? Yeeeep 
127. What makes you happy? Little random things. Finding a good book, getting a compliment, shaving, random presents even if it seems little or insignificant, seeing my parents together 
128. Would you change your name? No. Ive grown to love and cherish it 
129. What your zodiac sign? Pisces 
130. Do you like subway? Not really 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Already been through that🙄 tell them how I feel and respect their feelings 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Bea 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? “Open hands are hard to hold onto anyway” 
134. Can you count to one million? No way 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? “No mom i didnt get into your makeup or perfume!” As i had her makeup smeared on my face and i smelled like a brothel 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? Teeny bit open so my cat can get in and out but preferred closed 
137. How tall are you? A whopping 5ft 1 
138. Curly or Straight hair? On me? Straight/curly/wavy friss mess On others? Dont have a preference 
139. Brunette or Blonde? On me? Light brunette, wish i still had blonde hair 
140. Summer or Winter? Summer 
141. Night or Day? Night 
142. Favourite month? Probably may or july or October 
143. Are you a vegetarian? No but i respect everyone that is 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? Milk 
145. Tea or Coffee? Coffee 
146. Was today a good day? I mean it wasnt bad but nothing made it good so i guess sure? 
147. Mars or Snickers? Snickers 
148. What’s your favourite quote? Lose the battle win the war 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line Theres literally no books around me rn and im sad about it
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thelemonchild · 8 years
2. what would you name your future kids?
i kinda dont want kids to begin with but um... ive always thought the name sky was cool lmao
4. what are you looking forward to?
this sounds sad but currently i dont rlly have anything to look forward too... but if i had to say something then i guess i look forward to hopefully getting my art a little more popular
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
yes its very hard
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
almost daily
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
i used to be, but now im not lmao
12. what is something you want right now?
huge tmi but i just want to be hugged and kissed and i just crave general physical touch
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
like 2 or 3 weeks ago i guess
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
im going through that rn lmao.... im gonna tell him soon tho
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
last year things werent really any better so... i guess not
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
teddy bear by melanie martinez
22. description of crush.
so amazingly perfect..... im so glad theyre in my life and im grateful..... hugging them is the warmest thing and their presence makes me feel like im in heaven..... theyre an adorable dork and they make up all the stars in my night sky
24. height
im like 5 ft i think.... like 5′ 1″ idk
im basically small and i dont like it fdhgdgd
26. idol(s)
um.... its silly but uh, sonic and papyrus.... theyre always smiling and they both never give up at anything given to them and i think thats just rlly comforting and cool...
28. i’ll love you if…
i cant tell exactly what this question is going for but i have an idea
ill honest to god love anyone if they accept me and learn to understand me as a person....
30. favourite tv show(s)
popee the performer and sonic boom
theyre not everyones tastes of course but i love them...... theyre different and they both have their own special charm that makes me love them
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
nah most fall in the other category lmao
34. most embarrassing moment
ive never told anyone this ooh boy.... so i was at my ex best friends party and there was a sonic game..... i wanted to play it VERY badly but i had no more tokens left.... i asked my friend if i could use some of her tokens since she had a shit ton but she wouldnt let me
i begged her to give me some cause all the games were about to shut off but she would NOT give me a single one
i told 2 of my other ex friends there and i fucking cried right in front of them, all because of a sonic game
when we used to talk, they LOVED to bring that moment back at random.... they said they felt so sorry for me but they would also laugh cause they said i looked so cute when i cried that it was just mainly funny to them......
to this day ive made sure i never cry in front of my friends cause God i hate being called cute when im angry or sad
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
um.... go to disney world, change my name, and meet my birth mom...
38. favourite comedian(s)
i kinda dont have any but i like game grumps, and ive only heard a little bit from john mulaney but hes funny too
40. favourite memory
going back to build a bear and making a bear after so many years of never touching that store
42. favourite book(s)
i dont rlly read but i love the dork diaries series
44. age you get mistaken for
whatever the age a freshman is supposed to be.........
46. what my last text message says
‘’ nope thank u though ‘’ - i sent that to my mom
48. turn offs
if u dont have glittery pants then i dont wanna talk
this is a joke
50. favourite picture of your idol
um??? every picture of sonic and papyrus is a good picture so i cant possibly just choose one
52. something i’m talented at 
drawing i guess lmao
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
god damn everything
56. favourite food(s)
spaghetti and cake...... Good Shit
58. description of my best friend
refer to the crush question (22)
60. ask me anything you want
idk what this means but im gonna guess u have to ask me whatever u want so uh??? send another ask only if u want to i guess fghdf
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sadgirlx9 · 6 years
it was the way you looked at me that night. we were at a party and my best friend had left us there. you say, "i already knew she was going to do this". me, always oblivious to what was going on. the night carries on and we have fun with your friends. i start taking shots with a chaser of my OE. every time i looked your way you were already looking at me. i didn't think anything of it but i guess you had other things in mind. i start getting warm and friendlier with your friends, we're actually getting along. i know I've met them before but it had been so long. talking to one of our friends exes and she tries to get the details on his life. i had no idea what was okay to share and what to keep silent. you were always there, close by, making sure i was okay and was having fun. fun. you were always that friend who made sure i was okay and if i wasnt; you made the mission of the night to turn it around. we're all outside on the porch; drinking and smoking, talking. it was nice to feel all these vibes around me. it had been awhile since i genuinely felt this way. it had been awhile having human interaction and people sincerely asking how i am and asking about my life. you exposed me to a group of friends that i longed to have. and you knew this. friends who actually gave a damn if you got home safe after too much drinking or just to make sure you're safe in general. it wasnt until we had to leave when you gave me that look again. we were talking about music we both liked and how crazy in love i am with the 1975 and halsey. so cliché but it made me open up to you. we called an uber and waited inside as a guy tried talking to me on the couch. we were playing mortal kombat and i'd like to believe i could go beast on that game. he didn't even go easy on me, which he got brownie points for. we exchanged social media accounts and you sat yourself in between us striking up conversation. this was you being overprotective. always overprotecting me from guys you knew that had one intention. obviously, i didn't care if they were going to hurt me or use me. i just craved attention. i got the message when we were playing the video game. you grab my hand as you lead the way out of the apartment. it was the way everyone already knew what was going on. again, i was oblivious. i guess i missed something when i agreed to go home with you because even my best friends boyfriend knew what you had in mind. we were waiting by the gate and you gave me that look again. but this time it had a hint of hunger. attention. it scared me because i was too drunk to realize how stupid it would be if we were to do anything once we got back to your place. we stood there staring at each other in silence. then, like you knew what i was thinking you rushed over to me and kissed me. it was like i was asking for it all night, my body pushed into yours. i didnt know what else my mind wanted. i, myself, didnt know how much i wanted to kiss you. it was like i waited for so long. i was so unaware how much i wanted you right then. when the uber finally showed up we climbed into the back as you started conversating with the driver. of course. making friends everywhere you went. you always amazed me with how easy it was for you to start talking to people like you knew them forever. you pulled me into you and i rest my head on your shoulder. i was already in and out by now and i feel you wrap your arm around me and hold me close. i look up at you as you talk to the driver all the way back. you look down at me and smile as you place another kiss on my lips. it was then when that thought crept into my mind. maybe we shouldn't be doing this. the driver asked if we had a nice night and you say, "yeah, but my girl had more than i did". your girl. who was that? the driver replies, "you're doing a good job taking care of her. i dont know how many girls i see partying without their boyfriend only to come home alone." i smile and place my hand on the side of your face and you take my hand. it was then when i realized that maybe we shouldnt do this but you were always there to take care of me. so many occurrences in the past where you were always there. that time i was drunk and fighting with my friend in your driveway. that time i was drunk and my boyfriend left me. that time with your wifes party i got out of hand and you made me sleep on your couch. that very first time we met even. that first night when me and my ex went to a party and met you and we had no way home. you took care of us and made sure we got home. even now, you still message or call me to make sure im okay because you know the demons in my head like to mess with me and make me self destruct. it was a long time coming but when we got back to your place i remember you leading me to your room and let me lay down. "do you want some water?" i heard as you sat next to me on the bed. i was fading in and out. "baby, drink some water so you wont be sick later", i hear you suggest. baby. that was the first. my drunken head lifts as i sit next to you as you pop two tylenol in my mouth and open the water bottle for me to drink. you kiss me once more and we lay down together. i slowly feel myself waking up as you start rambling. it was almost as if you didnt want me to go to sleep, not yet. "did you have fun tonight?" you ask. i nodded as we're lying close to each other. smell combining of alcohol and smoke. "are you okay?" i ask, which caught you by surprise. "yeah" you respond, without a thought. "really?" "what makes you think I'm not?" i look at your eyes, i always knew when you were lying. "the posts," i whisper. "the posts," you say like you didn't know what i was referring to. "the posts," i say a little louder, "of your wife and how you want to hurt yourself because then it would be physical and not emotional." "let's not," you close up on me and try to distract me with kisses all over my face. as much as i wanted to i was really concerned for your well-being. we start play fighting but you end up lying on me as i hold you close. "seriously though," i try again, "i worry about you. i want to know every day, minute that you're not going to do something stupid." you hide your face from me and fall silent. "i know she hurt you. but it isnt an excuse to give up and be self distructive. there is a lot of people around you who really care. you have the option to realize that now or when its too late. im just trying to help. trying to offer my help." silence. "she was stupid," i start again, this time you look at me. "shes stupid because she lost someone who wouldve done anything for her. someone who wouldve kept her happy and made sure she was loved no matter what. shes stupid for leaving someone who loved her so much." you were the first to break the gaze because you knew i was right. as you held onto me you didnt really have much to say. "really transparent is it?" i nodd and look up at the ceiling because i knew no matter how hard you wanted to. you wouldnt let yourself fall as hard as you did for me as you did for her. that was the first night we spent together and actually had a conversation that didnt involve awkward pauses but something deep because as much as i didn't want you to. for a brief moment, i was hoping you'd try to at least fix your marriage because when we looked at each other. i just knew thats what you really wanted; and i was that friend that helped you try different ways to get her back. it wasnt apparent at the time. but when we kept coming home together only to fill the emptiness we both felt with each other, i realized that i was falling for you. it wasnt clear at the time but it hit me because i remember at one point in time. i fucking hated you. i dont know why, so dont ask. its not because i don't want to tell you. it's because i really dont know. but we talked and both knew its because youre an asshole. especially when we first met. especially when you're drunk. so thats why I'm not getting attached. i know that's what you want. i know because when we spend time together you never stop locking eyes when we're in bed. the eye contact. i never had that before. and i believe you helped me in a way. i became more confident and finding myself with you. i never had someone encourage me to do the things you had me do. you made me discover so much of myself and i thank you but it still doesnt fix the fact that youre making it so goddamn hard to not fall for you. theres so many reasons. you take good care of me. in all the ways humanly possible. you were there to talk to when i got sexually abused by a friend that i honestly trusted. you called and messaged me everyday asking me, begging me not to shut you out or to do anything stupid. you suggested me to come over and spend time with you when all i wanted to do was cry and take tons of showers because i never felt clean. the more i think of reasons not to let myself fall it gets difficult because youve helped me in so many ways. i came to the point where i hope we never stop talking because youre my safe haven. you let me be my crazy self; and vice versa. i know i can never measure up to the girl who broke your heart but i want to at least make you feel the love i know you deserve. you deserve so much and i just want to make sure you never go to sleep thinking youre unwanted. its cheesy as fuck but thats how i feel.
0 notes
trendyelle · 7 years
What To Eat For Clear Skin& What Foods Will Wreak Havoc On Your Face
If youre anything like me, someone who is a matured adult treats their body like a trashcan, then you realise the daily contend that is doing whatever the fuck off want while also wanting to have a great figure and enormous skin. Lifes hard when you want to get fucked up at Ministers Ball but likewise search 100 years old in your Instagram story. Not that I would know. I did not going to see Gov Ball, though I did waste the weekend “re going through” mimosas like water and eating sufficient food to get me my own TLC reality show. That being said, I want to change. I want to be a brand-new me. A better me. A me who sets actual vitamins and minerals into her structure so her skin doesnt resemble the entire slice of pizza she ate last nighttime. So heres a directory of meat you should escape like an ex-boyfriend slipping into your DMs and foods you should embrace because theyll tie your fucking heads. Damn, Ive got bars. DONT: Ingest Canned Food/ Meats Gross. As if. Like, who even ingests canned meats anymore? Other than my ex from college who had this weird obsession with eating vienna sausages( which, in hindsight, should have been a red-faced fucking flag that this minor was a sociopath. That and his Belk credit card that he was always bragging about ). Canned and/ or highly processed foods have a shit ton of sodium in their own homes and induces your person to hold on to sea, which is why your face is always puffy or you have bags under your eyes that can be seen from infinite, and your acne is at World War III proportions. DO: Eat Salmon Aside from giving you a reason to pretend to be a foodie and also be hateful on Instagram, dining salmon is a sure style to get better seeming skin. Salmon is rich with omega-3 fatty acids and healthy fats. These fatties strengthen cell tissues and nourish the surface to preserve you ogling fresh AF. DONT: Drink Green Juice Lol precisely because you often say shit like #FitLife and #CleanEating on your IG does not mean you know wtf is good for you, because SURPRISE all those juices youre drinking to cleanse your organization are actually really fucking bad for you. Juices are sugary as hell, specially the green juices which are able to have up to 50 grams of sugar in them, which is actual destruction when it is necessary to having clear scalp. ^ I thoughts every fitstagrammer when the catch out they’ve been spouting liquid sugar into their tabernacles bodies DO: Booze A Protein Smoothie Aside from having something to talk about with the red-hot manager at your gym, protein smoothies can actually be beneficial for your skin. The more you are familiar with. Abide away from the juicer smoothies and opt for one with some protein in it. These types of smoothies are high in healthy fats and wont leave your scalp appearing more ratchet than your Snap story last weekend. DONT: Eat Ice Cream Okay, this one I read coming. Nothing that savor this good can be anything but sabotage on your figure. And since Im not on my interval rn in control of my figure I suspect Im open to suggestions here. Ice cream is chock-full of sugar which can model this fun situation called advanced glycation end products which fucks up the protein in your person. Why is that important you may ask? Because the proteins it fucks with the most are the ones that keep your skin plump and springy seeming. So basically ingesting ice cream is aging you.* paces into oncoming commerce* DO: Eat Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate aka the DUD of chocolates has a fuck ton of antioxidants in it, which is v good for your skin. So even though it appreciations health and the whole period youll be bidding you two are ingesting real chocolate with real flavor at the least your surface will appear good AF and protection against wrinkles and other bad shit. DONT: Drink Coffee HA HA HA HA this has to be some sort of sick gag. You want me to give up my will to live caffeine? Do you too want me to commit homicide the next time person replies all to ministries and departments email chain? DO YOU? This one is tough for me to wrap my psyche around because coffee is literally one of the only reasonableness I get out of bunked in the morning, and consequently, the reason you get to experience this gleaming personality. That being said, coffee is a diuretic( bogus word Im sure !) which causes your person to lose sea and your surface to get v dehydrated. Stay away from this shit if you crave glowy AF skin. DO: Drink Hot Lemon Water This replacement sounds about as good as the Republican plan for health care but thats neither here nor there. Even though the prospect of drinking hot lemon sea sounds about as seducing as sleeping with Jonathan The Tickle Monster, its actually super good for you. Its hydrating, full of antioxidants, and hands some very much support to your liver. Apparently, the liver is the main organ that detoxifies their own bodies and if youre full of poisons boozing on dates that intent in Y, youre more likely to break out. Sighs. And this is why we cant have neat things. DONT: Eat Bagels Okay, Im starting to feel personally was well received by this list. Like, is someone looking at my bank account and be careful to ensure that I waste a great amount of my down time in coffee shop and/ or bagel shops? Because Im appearing actually criticized rn. Apparently, bagels are the worst for your skin and can lead to a cascade of hormones aka acne breakouts for dates.* prays this is phony information* DO: Eat Non-Processed Carbs or Oats Tbh Id instead starve than eat something that resembles animal feed but I guess thats the rate we pay to look like the “after” girl in an acne commercial. Oats are the right kind of carbs probs because it looks miserable to eat and also because its high in antioxidants which weve substantiated will not only give you clear/ glowy skin but too crusades against anti-aging. DONT: Drink Soda To utterly no ones astonish except my own because I refuse to read labels written by health professionals people who are out to destroy my delight, soda are detrimental to you. And only because you booze diet soda doesnt mean youre safe. Because diet soda especially disrupts the necessary and healthy bacteria found in your gut. Likewise boozing any kind of soda can really fuck with your scalp. Like, stimulate rosacea, eczema, and acne fuck with your skin. K. Just fuck me up rn then. Likewise, wtf am I supposed to order at the bar to go along with my vodka then? I cant only drink vodka straight-out. I want to have clearer skin , not die. DO: Drink Kombucha Finally something that appears good on my Instagram story and isnt going to fuck up my scalp. About damn experience. Basically Kombucha is good for you because its fermented, and therefore full of probiotics, which will solve all your life questions. Im paraphrasing, but still. If you miss clear surface by the time this weekend’s brunch rollings around then chug some of this and claim like its alcohol something you experience drinking. So, in conclusion, anything that brings you glee is perhaps fucking up your scalp and you are able to cut it from your diet ASAP. I am feeling #blessed rn that alcohol did not form the inventory, but thats mostly because I refused to do any actual study that would support otherwise. Who says you cant constitute your own destiny? Listen, if all else fails and you have no self restrict dont want to sacrifice your gaiety theres always Facetune. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/what-to-eat-for-clear-skin-what-foods-will-wreak-havoc-on-your-face-19/
0 notes
trendyelle · 7 years
What To Eat For Clear Skin& What Foods Will Wreak Havoc On Your Face
If youre anything like me, someone who is a full-grown adult treats their body like a trashcan, then you recognize the daily strive that is doing whatever the fuck off require while at the same time wanting to have a great form and great surface. Lifes hard when you want to get fucked up at Governors Ball but also examine 100 years old in your Instagram story. Not that I would know. I did not go to Gov Ball, though I did expend the weekend “re going through” mimosas like water and devouring sufficient food to get me my own TLC reality show. That being said, I want to change. I want to be a new me. A better me. A me who puts actual vitamins and minerals into her system so her surface doesnt resemble the entire slice of pizza she snacked last darknes. So heres a inventory of meat you should avoid like an ex-boyfriend slipping into your DMs and foods you should cuddle because theyll define your fucking heads. Damn, Ive get bars. DONT: Devour Canned Food/ Meats Gross. As if. Like, who even gobbles canned fleshes anymore? Other than my ex from college who had this weird obsession with eating vienna sausages( which, in hindsight, should have been a red-faced fucking flag that this kid was a sociopath. That and his Belk credit card that he was always bragging about ). Canned and/ or highly processed foods have a shit ton of sodium in them and generates your organization to hold on to ocean, which is why your face is always puffy or you have pouched under your eyes that can be seen from infinite, and your acne is at World War III proportions. DO: Eat Salmon Aside from giving you a reason to pretend to be a foodie and likewise be objectionable on Instagram, gobbling salmon is a sure course to get better appearing surface. Salmon is rich with omega-3 fatty battery-acids and healthy paunches. These fattens strengthen cell membranes and nourish the skin to save you appearing fresh AF. DONT: Drink Green Juice Lol exactly because you often say shit like #FitLife and #CleanEating on your IG does not mean you know wtf is good for you, because SURPRISE all those juices youre booze to cleanse your mas are actually genuinely fucking bad for you. Juices are sugary as blaze, specially the green juices which can have up to 50 grams of carbohydrate in them, which is actual destruction when it is necessary to having clear skin. ^ I reckon every fitstagrammer when the catch out they’ve been shooting liquid sugar into their temples bodies DO: Suck A Protein Smoothie Aside from having something to talk about with the red-hot trainer at your gym, protein smoothies can actually be beneficial for your surface. The more you are familiar with. Bide away from the juicer smoothies and opt for one with some protein in it. These the different types of smoothies are high in healthy paunches and wont leave your surface gazing more ratchet than your Snap story last weekend. DONT: Eat Ice Cream Okay, this one I learnt coming. Good-for-nothing that savor this good can be anything but destruction on your figure. And since Im not on my season rn in control of my organization I guess Im open to suggestions here. Ice cream is chock-full of sugar which can organize this fun stuff called advanced glycation end products which fucks up the protein in your organization. Why is that important you may ask? Because the proteins it fucks with the most are the ones that keep your skin plump and springy examining. So basically chewing ice cream is age you.* steps into oncoming transaction* DO: Eat Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate aka the DUD of chocolates has a fuck ton of antioxidants in it, which is v good for your skin. So although it is smells health and the whole day youll be wishing you were gobbling real chocolate with real flavor at the least your skin will look good AF and be protected against wrinkles and other bad shit. DONT: Drink Coffee HA HA HA HA this has to be some sort of sick pun. You want me to give up my will to live caffeine? Do you too want me to commit homicide the next time someone responds everyone to ministries and departments email series? DO YOU? This one is tough for me to wrap my brain around because coffee is literally one of the only grounds I get out of bed in the morning, and therefore, the same reasons you get to experience this twinkling personality. That being said, coffee is a diuretic( fake word Im sure !) which causes your torso to lose ocean and your skin to get v dehydrated. Stay away from this shit if you miss glowy AF skin. DO: Drink Hot Lemon Water This replacement sounds about as good as the Republican plan for health care but thats neither here nor there. Even though the prospect of boozing red-hot lemon ocean sounds about as tempting as sleeping with Jonathan The Tickle Monster, its actually super good for you. Its hydrating, full of antioxidants, and presents some much needed support to your liver. Apparently, the liver is the main organ that detoxifies the body and if youre full of toxins boozing on epoches that cease in Y, youre more likely to break out. Sighs. And this is why we cant have neat things. DONT: Eat Bagels Okay, Im starting to feel personally victimized by such lists. Like, is someone looking at my bank announcement and be careful to ensure that I expend a great amount of my down time in coffee shop and/ or bagel browses? Because Im find really criticized rn. Apparently, bagels are the worst for your skin and can lead to a cascade of hormones aka acne breakouts for dates.* prays this is fake bulletin* DO: Eat Non-Processed Carbs or Oats Tbh Id instead starve than eat something that resembles animal feed but I guess thats the toll we pay to look like the “after” girl in an acne commercial. Oats are the right kind of carbs probs because it gazes miserable to eat and likewise because its high in antioxidants which weve launched will not only give you clear/ glowy scalp but likewise opposes against anti-aging. DONT: Drink Soda To perfectly no ones astonish except my own because I refuse to read descriptions written by health professionals people who are out to destroy my happy, soda is bad for you. And just because you suck diet soda doesnt mean youre safe. Because diet soda especially interrupts the necessary and healthy bacteria found in your intestine. Too sucking any sort of soda are actually fuck with your scalp. Like, reason rosacea, eczema, and acne fuck with your surface. K. Just fuck me up rn then. Likewise, wtf am I supposed to order at the bar to go along with my vodka then? I cant just suck vodka straight. I want to have clearer scalp , not succumb. DO: Drink Kombucha Finally something that appears good on my Instagram story and isnt going to fuck up my scalp. About damn hour. Basically Kombucha is good for you because its fermented, and therefore full of probiotics, which will solve all their own lives questions. Im paraphrasing, but still. If you crave clear scalp by the time this weekend’s brunch rollings around then chug some of this and pretend like its alcohol something you enjoy drinking. So, in conclusion, anything that brings you pleasure is maybe fucking up your scalp and you are able to cut it from your diet ASAP. I am feeling #blessed rn that alcohol did not construct the index, but thats largely because I refused to do any actual experiment that they are able to demonstrate otherwise. Who says you cant obligate your own destiny? Listen, if all else miscarries and you have no self control dont wishes to sacrifice your merriment theres ever Facetune. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/what-to-eat-for-clear-skin-what-foods-will-wreak-havoc-on-your-face-17/
0 notes
trendyelle · 7 years
What To Eat For Clear Skin& What Foods Will Wreak Havoc On Your Face
If youre anything like me, someone who is a grow adult considers their body like a trashcan, then you recognize the daily skirmish that is doing whatever the fuck you crave while at the same time wanting to have a great torso and enormous scalp. Lifes hard whether it wishes to get fucked up at Heads Ball but also ogle 100 years old in your Instagram story. Not that I would know. I did not going to see Gov Ball, though I did waste the weekend going through mimosas like water and feeing enough food to get me my own TLC reality show. That being said, I want to change. I want to be a new me. A better me. A me who throws actual vitamins and minerals into her structure so her skin doesnt resemble the entire slice of pizza she chewed last-place nighttime. So heres a index of nutrients you are able to evade like an ex-boyfriend slipping into your DMs and foods you should cuddle because theyll determine your fucking heads. Damn, Ive went bars. DONT: Feed Canned Food/ Meats Gross. As if. Like, who even devours canned meat anymore? Other than my ex from college who had this weird obsession with eating vienna sausages( which, in hindsight, should have been a ruby-red fucking pennant that this boy was a sociopath. That and his Belk credit card that he was always boasting about ). Canned and/ or highly processed foods have a shit ton of sodium in their own homes and effects your form to hold on to liquid, which is why your appearance is always puffy or you have pouched under your eyes that can be seen from cavity, and your acne is at World War III proportions. DO: Eat Salmon Aside from giving you a reason to pretend to be a foodie and likewise be obnoxious on Instagram, ingesting salmon is a sure route to get better looking surface. Salmon is rich with omega-3 fatty battery-acids and healthy fats. These fats strengthen cadre tissues and nourish the scalp to hinder you looking fresh AF. DONT: Drink Green Juice Lol precisely because you routinely say shit like #FitLife and #CleanEating on your IG does not mean you know wtf is good for you, because SURPRISE all those juices youre boozing to purge your person are actually really fucking bad for you. Juices are sugary as hell, especially the green juices which can have up to 50 grams of sugar in them, which is actual destruction when it is necessary to having clear scalp. ^ I reckon every fitstagrammer when the catch out they’ve been spouting liquid carbohydrate into their tabernacles bodies DO: Suck A Protein Smoothie Aside from having something to talk about with the red-hot coach at your gym, protein smoothies can actually be beneficial for your scalp. The more you know. Bide away from the juicer smoothies and opt for one with some protein in it. These the different types of smoothies are high in healthy fats and wont leave your skin appearing more ratchet than your Snap story last weekend. DONT: Eat Ice Cream Okay, this one I realized coming. Good-for-nothing that savor this good can be anything but sabotage on your person. And since Im not on my span rn in control of my mas I predict Im open to suggestions here. Ice cream is chock-full of sugar which can chassis this fun situation called advanced glycation end products which fucks up the protein in your torso. Why is that important you may ask? Because the proteins it fucks with the most are the ones that keep your skin plump and springy ogling. So basically ingesting ice cream is age you.* steps into oncoming traffic* DO: Eat Dark Chocolate Dark chocolate aka the DUD of chocolates has a fuck ton of antioxidants in it, which is v good for your surface. So although it is tastes healthy and the whole meter youll be caring you two are chewing real chocolate with real flavor at least your surface will appear good AF and be protected against wrinkles and other bad shit. DONT: Drink Coffee HA HA HA HA this has to be some sort of sick gag. You want me to give up my will to live caffeine? Do you also want me to commit homicide the next time person responds all to a department email series? DO YOU? This one is tough for me to wrap my mentality around because coffee is literally one of the only grounds I get out of bed in the morning, and therefore, the same reasons you get to experience this sparkling personality. That being said, coffee is a diuretic( imitation information Im sure !) which causes your organization to lose water and your skin to get v dehydrated. Stay away from this shit if you require glowy AF skin. DO: Drink Hot Lemon Water This replacement sounds about as good as the Republican plan for health care but thats neither here nor there. Even though future prospects of booze red-hot lemon water know it sounds as seducing as sleeping with Jonathan The Tickle Monster, its actually super good for you. Its hydrating, full of antioxidants, and pays some very much support to your liver. Apparently, the liver is the main organ that detoxifies the body and if youre full of toxins sucking on daytimes that point in Y, youre more likely to break out. Sighs. And this is why we cant have nice things. DONT: Eat Bagels Okay, Im starting to feel personally was well received by such lists. Like, is person looking at my bank explanation and be careful to ensure that I expend a great amount of my down time in coffee shop and/ or bagel browses? Because Im find truly attacked rn. Apparently, bagels are the worst for your scalp and can lead to a cascade of hormones aka acne breakouts for daytimes.* prays this is imitation word* DO: Eat Non-Processed Carbs or Oats Tbh Id instead starve than eat something that resembles animal feed but I guess thats the rate we pay to look like the “after” girl in an acne commercial. Oats are the right various kinds of carbs probs because it appears miserable to eat and too because its high in antioxidants which weve built will not only give you clear/ glowy skin but likewise campaigns against anti-aging. DONT: Drink Soda To utterly no ones astound except my own because I refuse to read labels written by health professionals people who are out to destroy my pleasure, soda is bad for you. And simply because you booze diet soda doesnt mean youre safe. Because diet soda specially disrupts the necessary and healthy bacteria found in your bowel. Likewise boozing any sort of soda can really fuck with your scalp. Like, crusade rosacea, eczema, and acne fuck with your scalp. K. Just fuck me up rn then. Too, wtf am I supposed to order at the bar to go along with my vodka then? I cant simply suck vodka straight-from-the-shoulder. I want to have clearer surface , not expire. DO: Drink Kombucha Finally something that ogles good on my Instagram story and isnt going to fuck up my skin. About damn era. Basically Kombucha is good for you because its fermented, and therefore full of probiotics, which will solve all their own lives difficulties. Im paraphrasing, but still. If you miss clear scalp by the time this weekend’s brunch wheels around then chug some of this and feign like its alcohol something you enjoy drinking. So, in conclusion, anything that brings you joyfulnes is possibly fucking up your scalp and you should cut it from your diet ASAP. I am feeling #blessed rn that alcohol did not acquire the register, but thats mostly because I refused to do any actual research that would attest otherwise. Who says you cant establish your own fate? Listen, if all else fails and you have no self ensure dont wishes to relinquish your happiness theres ever Facetune. Read more: www.betches.com http://selfhelpantiagingtips.com/what-to-eat-for-clear-skin-what-foods-will-wreak-havoc-on-your-face-9/
0 notes