#and mithrun w the demon
sangrefae · 4 months
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theyre doing the emotionally closed off middle-aged man equivalent of parallel play with each other
(aka i think estinien final fantasy 14 and mithrun dungeon meshi would Get each other as mentally ill, white/silver haired elves with a fixation on revenge as a result of their traumas)
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guideaus · 3 months
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i was looking at kabru chapters in dunmeshi and i was thinking abt how he and mithrun speedrun the dungeon thru mithrun's dungeon lord knowledge, and i guess canary skills on monsters, but mithrun's noticeably rough through his way of taking the shortest route.
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i know kabru's comic is a non canon au, but with all 3 characters tackling the same problem, mithrun is the only one who doesn't engage at all, despite having the most knowledge, and even endangers kabru, trying to use him as a tool obviously w/o his consent. mithrun doesnt know anything abt kabru and has no interest in him, so he wouldnt know he hates monsters, but he still completely skips trying to inform him of anything beforehand
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i think the canaries/elves in general are too dominating in kabru's eyes, and the rest of the world does fear them, but mithrun seems to take it a bit further than just silencing the opposition. kabru is repeatedly upset he's not the one trying to deescalate situations, but mithrun completely skips past conversation, which the other elves at least do, and the elves also think mithrun goes too far in certain moments, even when they all get upset against defiance. i'm assuming mithrun has no desire to be nice, i guess opposite to kabru taking care of everyone (even so significantly that mithrun experiences a nice night for once, which no one apparently tried with him), but i think its kind of interesting how blunt he is considering he was a dungeon lord before.
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kabru agonizes on the sidelines while he's repeatedly tied up by the canaries, and mithrun goes in for the kill as much as possible. i will admit mithrun has two moments where he kinda sympathizes with marcille, but every time was after he already tried to assault her, and he gives an ultimatum after pleading (let me arrest you and your friends or die), which she doesnt want to agree to. laios might struggle to communicate with people, but mithrun does not attempt until after the person he's hunting is freaking out bc of his advances. the lion manipulates the dungeon lords, but him pointing out mithrun wants to kill them isnt even a lie. the canaries and elves in general are a direct and oppressive force, but mithrun really represents it and his one track mind focused on revenge doesnt help the situation, either.
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dunmeshistash · 2 months
Why did Milsiril help with Mithrun's recovery?
Since people seemed to be interested in the post I made about why she adopted Kabru I wanted to write my thoughts about her helping Mithrun too.
I think with Mithrun it gets a little trickier tho, both because Mithrun himself doesn't speak much about his past and because most of it we get from a third party account. I'll also try to discuss based on what I see people say about their relationship although is probably gonna be shorter than Kabru's (came back to say it's not shorter), tw for self-harm because of Mithrun recovery drawings.
1 - So Mithrun could become a canary again
This is the theory I see the most often, probably it's whats on the main story, as far as I'm remembering there's no other mentions of Milsiril related to Mithrun besides the role she plays in sparing his life.
That story isn't reliable tho, Mithrun constantly points out that Kabru is glossing over details and Kabru himself is depicted as cooking (as the kids say) a good story that resonates with an audience.
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So we can't really trust that this framing is objectively true
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But even so taking just what happened, without the context Kabru added, what she did was spare his life once she realized he still had a hint of desire to exist within him.
Kabru lies (or rather embelishes a lot) when he says "and from that point onward, Mithrun lived only to slay demons. He ate even he had no desire to eat. He lived on even though he had no desire to live." he was useless for 20 years after this so 'saving him cause he will be useful later' isn't really too accurate. Milsiril also wasn't involved with his rehab until Utaya 18~19 years later so it definitely wasn't for this that she helped.
2 - So Mithrun could avenge Utaya by defeating the demon (She winded him up and set him on a path, you know, like a doll)
I think this one is kinda mean, I've seen people speak as if she only helped him after Utaya because she wanted to use him to defeat the demon. But there's no evidence Milsiril even cares about the demon or that she wants vengeance. My girl literally ran away and decided to look away instead of continuing to fight (and I can't blame her)
This, as far as I understand, is based both on the above section and on this part from her adventurer's bible extra
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She shows up to visit him and brings up the demon, and then sets him up to go after it, but once again I think it relies on an unkind interpretation of her character; you gotta assume she has unseen ulterior motives already before the comic even starts, since this whole comic is talking about how she completely misinterpreted who Mithrun was when they were in the same squad, and how she feels he's actually someone she would get along with. If you know Milsiril, you know she only gets along with other misfits, she's acknowledging Mithrun as someone who was broken like her even before his desires were eaten.
This is the complete comic
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"I always hated you. You were beautiful and perfect, and everybody loved you. You didn't seem to have a single worry or flaw.
But when I saw the dungeon you'd built, I was startled. It was such a warped, convoluted place built from inferiority, jealousy, lies and anger.
I wish I'd tried really talking to you. We might have hit off pretty well. Too late now, I guess"
She acknowledges him as a human being, when before she only saw him as the embodiment of the people that bullied her. And right after that she talks about the demon. There's no indication for a wish of vengeance anywhere in this comic, I'd even say the demon and the dungeons are barely important to what Milsiril is thinking, there's only belated compassion.
3 - Cause he was a new "project"
Related to the reasons pointed out in my Kabru post, people assume Milsiril is the type of person that wants/needs to feel superior to someone, or to put on an altruistic front or what have you. And that interpretation also leaks into how they see her helping Mithrun. I said the main reasons why I don't think she's that type of person on the other post so I wont repeat. But I don't think Mithrun is a "project" at all.
This was right after she fought on Utaya, I imagine a little after or a little before she took in Kabru, so she "had a project" already if you're gonna go with that wording. She was also finally free from the canaries and she had no obligation towards Mithrun. She also only went back to him decades after she spared his life, my assumption is that she did it because she finally could. She couldn't have guessed when she spared his life that 19 years later she would be free from the canaries and that Mithrun still wouldn't have been recovered and would have been needing her.
4 - And finally, why did she spare his life? Why did she help him recover?
This one isn't as straight foward as Kabru's adoption to me. I imagine the fact he had the potential to still be useful could be one of the reasons she spared Mithrun at first, but I also think that he newfound empathy she developed for him when she saw his dungeon might have been part of it, that seeing he still had some sort of drive and desire made her have hope he could still live.
Milsiril really seems like the type of person that likes to nurture, while I wouldn't say this makes her a "softie" and not able to execute him (I'm sure she could do a mercy kill) I think that soft side made her want to give him a chance. There's no proof for any of that ofc, and Kui confirmed in a QnA Mithrun wasn't arrested or executed because they were desperate for people to be in the canaries. (The choice probably wasn't only on her)
Now why she helped him? I think it's because she saw he could be helped.
She says herself she's only visiting, probably to check on him
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"They said you've fully recovered but you might as well be a corpse." so by this point I think his body has recovered and he has managed to stabilize? But as this extra from the daydream hour shows he needed 24/7 care to stay alive in those first 18 years
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Like she said he might as well be a corpse, he'd be in bed all day and have servants keeping him from dying, he would have fits where he would harm himself, he had no way to go on. It even says that even things that could remind him of his time as dungeon lord weren't allowed so he was probably being kept away from demon mentions (after all I doubt servants even knew about a demon)
But then when she mentions the demon he immediately gets up
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She's surprised so I don't think she expected that, and she goes and uses that reaction to help him "Then first eat this. If you finish it all I'll take you to a dungeon again"
Rather than using him to fight the demon I think she's using the demon to help him live. Here's what his bio says
"After Mithrun was recused from the dungeon, he spent a while on the verge of death. However, with time and rehabilitation he gradually became able to lead a normal life again. The Utaya incident was the event that roused him. He thought, 'If I'd been there, I know I could have dealt with the demon somehow' and he resolved to return to active duty. (...)"
So it worked, Milsiril might have been there to help with his rehab but it was the Utaya situation that finally was able to motivate him to find a way to live and rejoin the canaries, so I think rather than setting him up to kill she realized it could be used to help him.
Which isn't a perfect solution, as you might know by the ending, his fate was to die either way: either he would die trying to kill the demon or he would defeat it and die because he had nothing else to live for.
But it was what Milsiril could do for him at that moment and it was how she managed to help him go forwards.
And that's my thoughts about Milsiril and Mithrun, I don't think they as big in each other's lives in canon as some people assume, there's barely a mention of Milsiril on his profile and she's barely named in his backstory. But they were both people that left a mark on each other's existence if only for a short time.
But I don't think Milsiril was just doing charity when helping Mithrun either, I imagine she did it because she saw herself in past Mithrun, and wanted to help him because of it.
Also side note, this extra:
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That's past Mithrun saying she has ulterior motives, he isn't reliable and thinks badly of everyone. So ofc he thinks gloomy Milsiril is suspicious for helping, him doesn't mean it's true
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Disclaimer again I'm a Milsiril stan so I'm very charitable in my interpretations of her, but hopefully you can see there's no indication she is someone who would use a sick person for revenge with the sources I've attached.
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Marcille Takes Charge!
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You know what, this is actually a very fair answer to my earlier question of "why couldn't the ancients just kill the demon?" Points to you again, Ms. Kui.
Truly I can't wait to see, like, every single Mithrun fight scene in the anime. The whole First Floor Incident is presumably going to be Episode 1 of Season 2, and I'm sooo excited.
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At first, I thought the Lion was being snarky here, but in retrospect, knowing its whole story and nature, I think it genuinely is just fond of all its former dungeon lords. What wonderful meals they gave it!
That said, the Lion DOES have enough personality to Judge Marcille for her aesthetic choices; and I think that's beautiful :) <3
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MARCILLE, NO! You're showing how corrupted you've become/how you were never suited to this role in the first place by acting directly contrary to explicitly stated themes of the story!
There is, however, something very satisfyingly country-ruling foreshadowy about Laios (and Kabru!) looking down at all of this spread out, though.
It IS painful watching Kabru try desperately to play both sides, keeping Laios safe from the Canaries without letting him go side with Marcille. Bud, I'm sorry but you HAVE lost control of this situation. And Laios is smart enough to have put everything together about what happened while he was unconscious, even when you deliberately didn't tell him.
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[whispering sternly to myself] It's not fealty. It's NOT fealty. It's the start of a beautiful best-friendship which just so happens to include 1 guy looking at another guy and deciding that yeah, he has good potential to fill the king-shaped hole that guy #1 has been searching to fill - but just, like, on principle; genuinely NOT for any personal emotional need. The best-friendship is a completely unrelated emotional need. The ONLY fealting in this story is, so far as I can tell, between Shuro and his ninja squad, because they're from a completely different culture and, tbh, genre of anime.
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But Laios, conversation is his means and mode! His sword and shield! If he can't talk it out, how is he possibly going to convince you to do anything, including save the world and be his friend?!
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God I love this. It's this perfect combination of "You are my polar opposite; you love the thing (monsters) that I'm terrified of, and I want to know how so I can do that, too, because I'm so tired of terror" and "You love a thing (monsters), understanding it to the point of being very good at killing it, the same way I love a different thing (people); we are the same and I just want you to recognize that like I do so we can happily vibrate on the same frequency forever."
It's very tragic-funny that Kabru genuinely try to introduce himself to Laios in a normal way, before resorting to taking his entire party to stalk him to dangerous levels of the dungeon and eating monsters. It's not his fault that Laios is completely immune to small talk.
I DO think that every pair (or throuple, etc) of narrative foils in every piece of media ever should at least try making out. At a certain point of narrative foiling, you might as well, you know?
Note: Pattadol says she's "reporting" to Flamela, indicating that she's subordinate within the greater Canary structure even though she's 2nd in command of the most superior hunting party.
Also, it seems that the Canaries we know, the senior-most party, are genuinely the badassest of the badass and meant primarily for advanced dungeons including confronting dungeon lords and the demon directly. Tier-3 groups have less experienced guards, maybe criminals as well, and go on more scouting-type missions with no serious combat expected.
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She's not wrong, she's just a jerk about it!
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I get where the elves are coming from, I do. It's impossible to tell people people that there's a demon underground who'll grant their every wish while also communicating the dangers of this sufficiently that nobody goes searching for it. Even we the reader, don't entirely understand how bad it can get, how fast, until we watch Marcille do All Of That under the demon's active influence.
HOWEVER, it IS human nature to respond to this sort of thing with "well I/my friend won't go insane." There's gotta be a compromise wherein at SOME POINT far down the 'everything is going wrong in this dungeon' line, they just fucking tell people. They at least TRY. Otherwise they're just rolling their eyes at the short-lived races dangerous ignorance while actively refusing to reduce that ignorance.
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Again: Shuro is living in a slightly different, much cooler genre of manga than the rest of us. Also:
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The best part of this is that earlier, when our heroes were trying to figure out who might help them eat Falin's dragon half, I was like, 'hmm...they liked you, sure, but eating dragons is pretty weird...'
But now we are outright ALLYING AGAINST THE ELVES!
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Lmao. Classic adventuring party members, baffling NPCs as a team.
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oh this is cruel. this isn't fair.
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boys, focus.
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the comedic timing...
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lookit, that 30 seconds of desperate verbal flailing actually did help! Kinda!
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yeah, I DO really like that everyone looks to Chilchuck for his opinion on Marcille's 'make everyone live to 10,000' plan, as the guy with the shortest present lifespan and also the most age-wise of all of them.
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I Do Not Like This Visual. I Do Not Like the disproportionately large lion with human arms and hands shoving himself out of this book.
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Not to be pedantic, but I think if you're trying to entice a team of people into doing your will by calling out each of their individual strengths, I think you shouldn't make 2 of them as repetitive as "curiosity" and "inquisitive mind." That's not really what Senshi is bringing to the table anyway - I'd say "care" or maybe "sense of balance." Also, sorry Izutsumi but how tf is her "wildness" contributing to this mission?
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oh, Marcille, no...
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gallus-rising · 8 months
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i gotta organize my thoughts more on this but Dungeon Meshi being so unabashedly h*rny and in love w food/eating makes the scene where the demon eats Mithrun's desires perhaps the most viscerally uncomfortable SA scenes i've ever read despite technically not being that. i can't believe ppl praise this manga for being so uwu Wholesome and non-sexual. i Need ppl to understand that Anime Girl Flashes Her Panties Icky Fanservice is not the only possible depiction of sexuality
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lemongogo · 3 months
hello it’s the anon (or one of the anons) who tried to sell u on dungeon meshi and I’m so delighted you also loved mithrun’s story because GODDDD IT GETS ME I was and am absolutely devastated and entranced by that scene
YESS!!!!! UESSSSSS thank u so much for getting me into it btw .. ive genuinely had so much fun w dunmesh. a top series for SUREEE
mithruns story has to be one of my favorites bc, aside from senshi's backstory, it was one of the first sequences that really touched on the horror genre imo. like yeaah you had a few elements sprinkled here and there leading up to ch.62, but nothing quite as intense as his. and while i personally dont know much abt the mythology or symbolism associated w goats (e.g. baphomet), i assume its very deliberate (!!) and id love to look into why that is (on the lookout for mithrun meta 🫡)
the VISUALS THOUGH??...brah.. the picture of consumption and greed..the gradual degradation of his perfected reality , his sense of self , into smth distorted and unrecognizable .to be left w a life devoid of desire and have 2 deal w the realization that a similar fate potentially awaits laios, marcille, and thistle as the winged lion's intentions are laid bare. like its crazy.2 me. it serves its purpose so well and i think its made mithrun into a really fascinating character . i like that the monsters in dunmeshi arent like..avoidable ? if you know what i mean. even characters with a strong sense of self-preservation find themselves victim to their desires at one point or another. despite knowing the nature of magic mirrors, he still chose to look into it that day and chose to indulge in the demon's offer . rly great humanization at play imo
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man. and the way the demons grow as they feed on their hosts. I LOVEE IT..ntm the physical aspect of Actually Being Devoured by said demons..yeah
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this page in particular .brh... just so good idek what to say . and i find it cool, too, how the demons arent confined by the panels they occupy. their existence as inter-dimensional or otherworldly beings allow them to reach over or outside the page while mithrun and co are confined to the world they exist in
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rly love this guy.tbh.
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ask-mithrun · 17 days
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Pattadol told me that creating a "tumbler ask blog" could help me regain my desires. I will look forward to answering your questions
Hi guys, it's ivan (he/him) @edlucavalden (gmt+8)
-This will be both an ask and rp blog!
-Not too strict with rules (so like. Ok w nsfw), just refrain from anything hateful or graphic
-Ok to any ships and hcs. But will stay relatively neutral, but i won't go ooc for it.
-oh yeah, the demon=abuser, eating desires=abuse/sa, no desires=depression and ptsd, and mithrun is coded to be a victim of sa/abuse. So alot of his behavior are driven by those concepts
-this is (kind of) a form is character and writing practice. If you see me edit my texts, the grammar/ structure is wrong)
-Ooc text will be in chat+hidden under the read more breakline. Or in tags!
I'll be as in character as i can!
Might add or change rules later on but other than that... enjoy mithrun on tumblr
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skyliv · 3 months
big spoilers surrounding Mithrun and his story under the cut,, i just remembered something thinking of my own oc and wanted to point it out
UPDATE LMAOO this is literally all shown on the manga cover. i’m not that bright
his false lover! i think she’s neat. i’m excited for season two not just for the visuals being astounding but also to see how color could add to these scenes
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now, as i said, color! i love kui’s use of screentone w the naga specifically, because it shows one thing important to her
she’s more akin to a harmless snake like a scarlet king snake! (or just scarlet snake in some american regions) taking half of the rhyme “red touch black, friend of jack”
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i’m thinking way too into this but it could call to how monsters aren’t just killing machines, as she could’ve been subdued by or specifically created by the demon to take that loving role (especially since she didn’t care one bit when he was being fed upon)
overall i just hope this attention to detail was deliberate, as it shows her false identity was a problem, but it was by far not the worst thing in the dungeon
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thatsnotbeautiful · 4 months
i dig Mithrun’s desires slowly coming back, i dig Mithrun forming new desires but his relationship to desire is forever altered so he has to find new ways to process it — lately i’ve been thinking abt how the demon might’ve eaten many of Mithrun’s desires, and they aren’t coming back… but he can still form new ones. and what might those new, not yet eaten ones be?
if in other words i’m trying to find a loophole where he could have some kind of feelings for Kabru lol, and one thing i landed on was that the specific quality of love he might’ve had for his beloved may be gone, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t other kinds of love.
which brings me to: while rereading i noticed that he mentions his brother liked someone he thought was out of his league, and then in one of the extra’s he’s talking abt how he looked down on everyone, with his view of his beloved simply being “untrustworthy”. and then, iirc, we see them as his beloved/partner in the dungeon… and that’s it.
which is making me wonder whether he loved them or if he just coveted them lol; he didn’t think his brother deserved them and was seemingly jealous of his brother being able to casually voice his desire for X or Y w/o considering his standing or the appropriateness of it… if what he felt wasn’t really love at all, then. well
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Volume 13 Part 1
Welcome back! Things are about to reach a breaking point! You know things are crazy when all six chapters of the volume have the same name.
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Volume 13's cover is literally just the gang running away from a spoiler, so please accept these cute pictures of baby Marcille from the daydream hours.
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A precious image.
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Wishes, man. There's always a catch. Whether that be an evil genie, or a perfect unconscious wish, it never goes how you want. This one doesn't even let you say no thanks.
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This is such a good fake-out. Now someone grab some zip-ties.
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So, is Marcille going to struggle with impulse control for the rest of her life, or did it just eat her desire not to lead an army to the surface?
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Sure you will buddy. *proceeds to, in fact, not be careful*
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Oh god, if he defeats the demon, we'll be out of a job.
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This is cool and all, but what happens to this avatar after the gang goes inside? Does it turn back into monsters? Does it simply vanish? It's totally gone next time we see outside.
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There was probably a more literal translation for that onomatopoeia, but damn if that isn't perfect. I also like the detail that Mithrun lost his fake eye.
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Happy 8/8 everyone.
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Going a little out of order here, since Chapter 87 and Misc tales 13 go together. So, everything seems to indicate that the Demon and magic itself are one and the same. But where do spirits fit into all of this? Are spirits, like, sub-sentient demon bits? Are they micro-organisms that can use magic? Everything in this page sure sounds like gnomish magic to me.
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Genuinely curious how the anime will handle these panels.
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How? No, seriously, how did the ancients trap the demon? The demon is an entity of unlimited power. Why is it contrained to rules? We know it likes fulfilling desires, but what's stopping it from acting on its own? Why did it need to swap with Laios just to use its power for itself? It's never really explained how the demon came to be constrained. I understand the demon's current rules, but I don't know how we reached this point.
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So much world-building in one panel. I don't really get how the demon managed such massive, world sweeping changes though.
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The demon is exceptionally awful. It is manipulative, selfish, cruel, and it ultimately takes everything that matters away. But it didn't become that way because of its intrinsic nature. It learned to be evil by watching us.
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Seriously, the exit is right there. What is keeping the demon bound to these dungeons?
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Yeah, maybe should have figured that out before going right into the lion's den. (haha)
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No, see, that's the beauty of Laios' plan. By focusing so hard on plan A, the lion will be completely blindsided by plan B.
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I'm sure Falin would think it's cute.
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She does her best not to show it... but this is a big moment for Izutsumi. No one has ever trusted her. No one has ever implicitly trusted her with something important like this. And the craziest part? She's actually going to do it. Laios is right to trust her.
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One interesting takeaway from this story is the lesson that people are, by their very nature, selfish beings. Yet, we push through, and do the right thing anyway. I'm sure someone smarter than me could articulate it better. Something something, Laios' curse.
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I have some thoughts on this panel. Check out my post where I go into it in detail!
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I know this is a serious moment, but Laios just looks like a creepy chicken.
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Laios failed the vibe check. He looked WAY too cool and professional as he chopped off the lion's head.
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Laios doesn't have an evil bone in his body, yet we're getting a Laios villain arc anyway!
Oh no! What are our heroes going to do! Find out next post!
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toxycodone · 3 months
hi new follower here, something ab me is that im so feral for laios, kabru, mithrun, lycion, cithis, thistle, chimera falin, the ogres, the mermaids, the demon, the-
anyway, you inspired me to start writing myself (ur so good if i could id physically consume your writings), i feel like Laios would go crazy over a kobold reader as well as a beastkin,,, anything that has a supernatural or non-human trait would make him go "cocky want boing boing" methinks bc he's so obsessed with monsters that "can I fuck them" would most definitely be a category in his lil monster notebook.
idk if ur accepting anons but if so can i be Lycion's CockSucker9000TM (Lyc Anon for short)?
there’s so much happening in this ask I need you to know it had me ctfu though. I was laughing so hard
But I am. So honored I got you to start writing 😭 it’s a lot of fun! I really enjoy it and interacting w others so much (I’m a fucking extrovert soooooo). IM SUPPORTING U HAVE SO MUCH FUN
Also, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT AGREE. Laios in my eyes is attracted to the unordinary so hard. Like. Monster shit makes his pee pee hard. Cocky want boing boing. He’s freaking out over that shit. JUST. AGREED. HE WOULD FUCK A MONSTER CONSENSUALLY.
Also also, I am ALWAYS accepting anons. Happy to have you here Lycion Cock Sucker 9000.
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daistea · 4 months
not a request!! I'm thinking of writing a mithrun fic w a super buff/extroverted kind of person (half elf maybe? so I can make her super buff and muscular!!) and she does a bunch of uncouth things like pick him up and carry him around on her shoulders and has no concept of personal space/privacy
pre-demon would have thought her to be reaally weird, I don't think he would have liked her much (I haven't decided if they meet then, but I doubt they'd meet pre-canon)
current (post-demon) mithrun would not care lolololol, which makes it really funny when I think of characters like pattadol and the more "noble" kind of elves.
I might make it so she's a dungeon adventurer, since I highly doubt any half elves in the canaries or in nobility. I haven't decided yet! We'll see where my muses take me
I just wanted to share!
! I think there's a half elf in the Canaries! Fionil, if my memory is correct. I believe she's part of the Canaries but djkfjdkl I might be wrong.
ANYWAY! This sounds cute! It would horrify Pattadol, of course, but the others would just think it was funny. Mithrun would probably just fall asleep on her shoulder. He doesn't mind, it's like a free ride. an Uber in the form of a lovely, muscular woman. Better than Uber!
I also adore extroverted characters with Mithrun. I think it makes for such a fun dynamic!! And I think he'd do well in a relationship with someone extroverted as well, because he can just stand silently beside her while she does all the talking. It's kind of a relief.
Write it! I'll definitely read it if you do <3
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guideaus · 3 months
i've seen people say any discussion revolving around mithrun in dunmeshi will get worse after s2, but tbh i think its not even great rn. even before the anime, i felt like fans mostly talked about him to ship him with kabru just bc he rubbed his feet. how the fandom mostly talks abt that ship is in a way that has both characters be ooc through some heavy romanticization, and when those fans talk abt mithrun, they kinda completely disregard kabru as a character.
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dunmeshi is a series that can look cute and silly and be funny, and ryoko kui is really good at including these scenes while they're still significant to the narrative, but i think sometimes people really just like to focus on the silly interpretation of him. on the opposite end, i've also seen some people act like acknowledging his flaws (being rough, uncaring, and a literal agent of elven imperialism that is a threat to kabru/the islanders) is hating him and being ableist..?
idk, its just weird that he feels like the character w the least normal takes about him. i know the main gang got reduced to 2 traits, laios and marcille were viewed as innocent (compared to evil kabru and shuro) and some people thought izutsumi was just a cute talking cat and even got mad when she showed flaws, but with mithrun the fan discussion somehow always seems to be weirdly black and white, when kui does a great job with making complex characters in the original source
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windupaidoneus · 8 months
dunmeshi character opinions on kabru below . putting it under a read more so ppl don't get jumped w spoilers if they haven't blacklisted the spoiler tag also it's a wall of text
& also after some thinking in the shower i think a lot of people like to focus on kabru's lying to laios & thoughts of killing him to paint him as a mansplain manipulate malewife but like. no? he does have scripts he does "wear different faces" to get his way but he's also not secretly scheming to do bad things or whatever. like he has good intentions. he's a very kind & caring person who's learnt he can't just rely on others being altruistic because a lot of the time people will go for the easier option rather than the one that will have the best outcome because they fail to prioritise the little people, those who will suffer most from these decisions. the first time we see him being fully genuine & earnest in a high stake situation his emotions & thought process get completely shoved aside by someone he thought he could trust. this was likely not the first time it happened. considering his lived experience laios appeared as a genuine threat! even moreso after learning about the demon from mithrun! i fully believe part of him (which he did not himself acknowledge until he blurted it out without thinking in yet another high stake situation, one in which he felt powerless faced with history & a severely traumatic part of his life happening all over again) genuinely wanted to befriend laios, perhaps to make him appreciate humanity more (though he didn't know laios' reasoning for caring about humanity so little i believe he's clever enough to work out it didn't come from nowhere), but at the same time while it's mostly shown in a comedic light it makes complete sense why he'd fear the worst from laios. also it's shown in a comedic light but it's not like... mocking, yknow. it's still something pretty serious, it doesn't feel minimised by the comedic aspect of the panels imo. idk. i think him changing his demeanor depending on who he's around has blinded a lot of people to the fact he is, at heart, an incredibly kind person. and i don't like that
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Hi! I wanted to ask about the mithrun panel. I haven't read the dungeon meshi manga yet but I wanna be spoiled. What happened with Mithrun? The goat panel scared me so much from how horrific it is but could you please explain WHY it ate him? Why in bed? (Next to his I assume lover) and what were the desires that it took from him? Ty!
Heyyy since ure fine w being spoiled well
That goat is a demon or something apparently dungeon bosses like that are actually demons from another realm n the dungeons are a way to keep them trapped from the rest of the world
These demons feed on human desire so they get a dungeon master (in this case mithrun) n they keep fulfilling their desires before eating them
I don't really have a reason why the goat ate him when it did for all i know it could've thought yup his desires r done cooking now time to eat
I think the goat ate all his desires cause the only desire he had after that was to kill all the demons
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ziptieparty · 7 months
im deciding to talk abt this out loud because i never know where to actually put the analysis in all this so
i am doing lines for them slowly and im playing w the thought of belphemon for mithrun for obvious reasons
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(rage/sleep mode ^) and like i need to look into the other demon lords because i Do like belphemon A Lot for him but it seems a little on the nose to me and belphemons sin is sloth whereas i have mithrun with the crown of envy and i dont really care about it matching but the sin is important to the demon lords lore but again. who cares that much (me. i care)
im not sure who his original partner was but belphemon(/other demon lord potentially leviamon) consuming it and taking its place corrupting his crest (purity) to the crown of envy
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