#and my original high school let you get PE credit if you did varsity sports
cinematicnomad · 5 months
this is incredibly random but my best friend just texted me something which reminded me that for a brief shining moment in our senior year there was a genuine concern that i wouldn't graduate on time bc of fucking P.E.
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coffinated-beverage · 4 years
10, 15, 35!
10. Name a Dog!
Blue! She is my sweet pit bull that is absolutely a toad but I adore her. When I was waiting around in the mornings before I went to school she would sit at my feet every morning while I sat down with her. I haven’t seen her since Christmas when I went back home and with all this stuff going on right now. She was also the only dog between the two that I let in my room cause she would lay on the bed and relax with me.
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15. What’s a question do you constantly get asked?
A question I get sometimes is why I joined wrestling since I definitely don’t give off the impression that I was a High School jock. I was varsity my Junior and Senior year and got the letterman to prove it. However the reason why I joined wrestling is because not only did I not have a choice in the matter (cause it was either a sport or 4 years of PE and fuck that) but original I was in tennis for two weeks. Then I hated the fact of running so I joined wrestling instead because it was very similar to Jujitsu (something I took before moving).
At first it was hard- as hard as going from No Sport to Sport anyone can get. Though as time went on- it got...rougher. Mentally and physically, and I really mean it. Wrestling is one of those sports where you have to deal with the fact someone accidentally punched you in the face or slammed you too hard- you still have to wrestle until you lose or win. Of course I started to hate it when my head coach started to pick on me for mixing things up or not understanding something correctly. Thankfully the teasing never went to full on punishments like running a stupid long distance. That only happened once and it was because I was panicking that I lost my phone outside.
So this question has now evolved to: Why did I stay in wrestling since I obviously grew to dislike it? After all I only needed to be in a sport for a year to get the credit. Well- I stayed cause of two reasons: Wrestling equipment is expensive and it made my dad proud. Wrestling was a very ‘bottom of the line’ funded sport at my high school and the girls program just started like three years before I was a freshman.
However despite all of this: I can proudly say my name is on the wall of a Kansas City stadium for First Place in 145 weight class for women.
35. what does home mean to you?
Now that is a fun question. Home to me means I can come home without feeling dread, but more rather I come home excited. However isn’t a physical place to me: not anymore. After I moved out- I realized I was still ‘home’. Home being the friends I have met along the way of my life.
Home can be multiple places: whether it is just me messaging back someone or going on for hours about the latest role play or story in my schemes. It can be staying the night at someone’s house or spending the day at a small shop with them. Home can be the smallest gifts they send you when you are feeling down: which can range from plushies to funny posts on tumblr.
In short? Home to me is the friends that I keep close and hold onto in my heart and the memories I share with them.
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