#and my sister and i live fairly close to them; and they don't really have other family or friends nearby......
chrismcshell · 1 year
due to Circumstances, there is a greater-than-zero chance that my sister and i will have a dog soon
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trans-cuchulainn · 6 months
let's be more positive about books for a while! here are some queer historical romance novels that i've been rereading recently that i think do something interesting with making characters feel historical in their mindset and worldview, but are also fairly progressive, diverse queer books that are, frankly, a delight to read
this is by no means exhaustive and to be honest i could put almost anything by cat sebastian or kj charles on a list like this so this is purely the highlights of what i've reread in the past week to take my mind off work, and why i think they're interesting from this specific angle
cat sebastian, the ruin of a rake (turners #3)
this is technically the third in a trilogy but they're only very loosely connected, so you don't need to have read the others if you don't care about knowing who all the background characters are. the others are also good though
why it's interesting: features a character who has had to painstakingly study and learn the rules of polite society in order to claw his way up to respectability, and is now deploying those skills to help another man repair his reputation. shows the complexity of those rules, the social purposes they serve, and the work that goes into living by them, as well as the consequences of breaking them. also explores some of the financial side of aristocracy, and features a character with chronic illness (recurring malaria following repeated infections as a child in india) whose feelings about his illness are very relatable without feeling overly modern.
kj charles, society of gentlemen series.
this trilogy is closely related plot-wise and best read in order. all three explore cross-class romances and characters struggling to reconcile their political views and personal ethics with their desires, in the aftermath of the peterloo massacre, with a strong focus on the political role of the written word. first book is long-lost gentleman raised by seditionists / fashion-minded dandy teaching him to behave in society; second book is tory nobleman submissive / seditious pamphleteer dominant who've been fucking for a year without knowing the other's identity; third book is lord / valet and all the complicated dynamics of consent there with a generous side-helping of crime.
why they're interesting: close attention to the history of political printing and the impact of government censorship and repressive taxes on the freedom of the press; complex ideological disagreements that aren't handwaved as unimportant; examination of trust, consent, and social responsibility across class differences and in situations with problematic power dynamics; most of the characters are progressive for their time without feeling like they have modern attitudes. the second book, a seditious affair, deals most strongly with the revolutionary politics side of things, but all tackle it to some extent.
kj charles, band sinister.
look i'm probably biased because this might be my favourite KJC. it's a standalone about a pair of siblings: the sister wrote a gothic novel heavily inspired by their mysterious and scandalous neighbour whose older brother had an affair with their mum (causing scandal); the brother is a classics nerd. the sister breaks her leg on a ride through their neighbour's estate and can't be moved until she heals so they both have to stay at the house and find out if the neighbour is really as scandalous as he seems.
why it's interesting: discussion of atheism and new ideas about science and creation (very shocking to the brother, who is the viewpoint character); details of agriculture and estate management via main LI's attempt to grow sugar beet, as well as the economics of sugar (including references to slavery); "unexpurgated" latin and greek classics as queer reference points for a character who nevertheless hasn't quite figured out he's queer; material consequences of society scandal
bonus: wonderful sibling dynamic and a diverse cast including a portugese jewish character, which i don't think i've seen in a book before
i will add to this list as i continue to reread both of their backlists! (bc i have read them all enough times and in close enough succession that they blur together in my head unless i've read them very recently)
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coolprettyleo · 5 months
my soul has changed? - will smith au
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wc: 1.4k
tw: depression, suggestion of an ED, awkwardness? mean girl.
will smith x oc celebrini sister!
lola celebrini was in a point of her life where everything felt still. she was pretty sure she was suffering from depression and it was a cycle she didn't know how to get out of.
she would wake up, go to school, go to work, and then sleep. she was lucky if she fitted a meal in between that meant she had lost tons of weight.
she had been a pretty healthy teen, she played hockey up until high school alongside her brothers; but when the time came to play college hockey, she got no offers. contributing to her depression.
it was a sport she held so much love and dedication, she couldn't understand why she hadn't been good enough? I mean her brothers were good enough, they got college offers. macklin was even projected to go first overall, so why couldn't she?
those were thoughts that were constantly haunting her mind. if she found something to forget them they would flood back in, like if they wanted her to be a lifeless doll she had been feeling like.
her family had been really worried for her. she had finally seen her brothers after a year, at the NCCAA playoffs and it only caused them to worry more.
lola knew that macklin and aiden were gonna bombard her with questions as soon as they were alone. they could hardly recognize her. growing up she was always a smiling person with a big personality and now she was about forty pounds lighter and was a ghost of the person she used to be.
"april what's going on" macklin said shutting the door behind him.
"what do you mean"
"cut the bullshit. I know your not okay, you barley answer my text anymore, what's wrong"
"it's nothing mack-"
"no it's not nothing, maybe I can fix it-
"you cant 'fix' it"
"and why not-"
"because I don't know what wrong with me!"
that had been about two weeks ago. she just didn't know what to tell her family. she really didn't understand why she had been feeling that way.
she was currently at work where she was a barista in a cute coffee shop. she honestly loved working there, she had got the job when she was in high school and had kept it till college. seeing as she didn’t move far away for college, choosing to stay close to her parents.
she often wondered if she might be happier if she moved away just like everyone else did, just like her brothers did. but it would always end in her telling herself; that it's not worth dwelling on.
it was currently six am and at this time of day there weren’t many customers. the cafe was always busy mid day when people were looking to find somewhere to study.
so she was surprised when she turned the open side around, to find a boy waiting outside to come in. a boy who looked a lot like will smith.
lola wasn’t an idiot to hockey, she kept up with it a fairly good amount, so she would have to be living under a rock to not know the guy who dominated the ice at her brothers rivalry school.
that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to act like she didn’t know him.
he reached for the handle and took a look at her before turning as red as a tomato and blushing,
“hey, are you guys open?” he asked nervously, mentally slapping himself because he just saw her turn the sign around, to ‘open’
“uhm yeah I’ll be with you in a sec” she told him.
will couldn’t help but think her voice was cute. she had a rasp to it that made him want to give her everything she’s ever wanted.
lola finished up, putting the coffee too brew and turned to the counter.
“okay! order when your ready”
“uhm. i actually never been here before… any recs?” he asked after a moment nervously scratching his neck.
“well I get a dirty chai, but considering my brothers hate it, you might hate it too… I guess you might like a frap?” she told him, a little too monotone.
“yeah okay” he told her again nervously. he found her to be breathtakingly beautiful.
he paid and stood back as she got to making the drink.
“you from here?” will asked hoping to make small talk.
“uhm kinda. I was born in Vancouver but moved here when my dad got a job”
will panicked. oh god was she still in highschool
lola must of saw the worry on his face because she added,
“that was a couple years ago, im eighteen now” she said smiling at his face. something she didn’t do often anymore.
“oh, i’m eighteen too”
“oh yeah, what brings you to san jose, school?” she said innocently knowing very well he was drafted here and was most likely here to work on development.
“no. I”m came to meet with some people here. I go to boston college” he answered. lola starting to not feel so bad because she saw he didn’t want to right away say he was a hockey player.
“far from home huh”
“yeah, i’m literally across the country from everything and everybody i’ve ever known” he told her wanting to slap himself. did she need to know that!?!
“i’m sorry. it’ll get easier” she said remembering her brother had been homesick too but utimatly started feeling better after some time-- as she handing him his drinks and gave him a sympathetic face.
“yeah i hope so, i should be moving here soon, if everything goes right” he said as he took a sip.
“hey this is good!” he said taking another sip as lola smiled. something that will thought looked amazing on her.
lola smiled at him remembering the fact her brothers liked that drink. boys were so typical
“i’m glad… and hey— if you ever need a friend in town my names lola” she told him as she held her hand out to him to shake.
will starred at it for a moment before he quickly met her hand.
“will” he told the girl with a smile.
they were cut out of there moment when two customers walked in.
“I should get back to work. i’ll see you around will” she told him as he smiled a nodded and walked right out.
say something! ask for my number! do anything!
lola felt really dumb after she basically just presented herself in a silver platter to the boy and he didn’t finish his part in asking for her number. he had definitely rejected her in the nicest way someone possibly could.
meanwhile will got into the Uber with a gitty feeling. she seemed really cool and having someone to hang out with other than his teammates was going to be so nice.
he was midway into the meeting with some general managers when he realized he didn’t even ask for her number.
“oh my god” he mumbled as he came to the realization
"i'm sorry?" one of the GM's said confused.
“uhh— I said I was excited to join the franchise!” he covered up, feeling like an idiot.
hopefully she was still there after the meeting.
the meeting had gone a little to long for his liking and as he raced down to the coffee shop he hoped she was working a long shift.
he opened the door to see a blonde girl who looked old but yet looked young, and a taller boy with curly hair working behind the counter.
“hi. is lola working today?” he said breathlessly
the blonde eyed him for a moment before smirking,
“I don't recall a lola ever working here...my name samantha though” she said with a face that will knew was a face of someone who was lying.
“yes there is, she helped me earlier-"
“if your here to file a complaint against her, I can totally help you then,” she said
“no she was great— wait, you said you didn’t know an lola-“
“your looking for lola?” the other barista cut in
“yeah she was here earlier, i was hoping she was still here”
“she got off like two hours ago but i can give you her number!” the curly haired boy told will. he was one of lola's friends and he wasn’t going to ruin this opportunity for her.
“you totally can’t do that!” the blonde girl said in a nasally voice.
“shutup samantha. go take candy from a baby or something” he sassily told her.
she rolled her eyes before walking away to wipe a table down.
“sorry about her, here’s her number— good luck!”
“thankyou so much” he told him as he thought about what exactly to text the pretty girl.
both lola and will not knowing the epic love story they were about embark on.
hi guys! i hope this is kinda good, dont feel shy to send in ask and au thoughts… i like never get any but im so open to it!!
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spiderdaddy420 · 4 months
Lexi's summer break...
Alexis came back home with us for the summer, after her first year of college. I was definitely proud of how her first year went. Lexi carried a high B average, and held down a part time job. I'm pretty sure she got the job for the discounts on way-too tight fitting outfits, but if she was paying for them, I wasn't going to bitch about that. She's my little girl still, but I'm happy to let her express herself.
Besides, she was definitely an attractive young woman. Certainly took after her mom in some very nice ways.
Besides being in fantastic shape, she's let her brown hair grow out, and added light highlights. She's been taking care of herself, obviously.
Her first Friday back in town, she went out with a few girlfriends, but Saturday night her mom and little sister were going to her aunt's, so Lexi and I decided we'd go to one of the street fests nearby. I took her pretty regularly thru high school, and she's always loved spending fun time with her dad, thankfully. And, luckily enough, her favorite local cover band was playing that night too. Good music, good food, maybe a few drinks with my growing baby girl.... Even if that's where it ended, probably would have seen a great night.
That's not quite how the afternoon and evening went.
We planned to leave the house around 4. I was waiting downstairs in the living room, watching ESPN, when she came downstairs exclaiming "Daddy! All ready to go!".
At the time, I really hoped she didn't notice me staring. My Lord, my baby girl was gorgeous. In a white pleated skirt, and a matching body-hugging crop top with medium length sleeves, she almost looked like she was wearing a Halloween angel costume. And the bright red popped out. Her lips. Her nails. Her small clutch. Her tall wedges were white with red straps. I mean, I always knew my little girl was very pretty, but for the first time, I couldn't help it. My baby girl was fucking hot.
After what seemed like an hour, she giggled, and said "come on dad, let's hit the road!" snapping me out of it. "Of course sweetie! You look great by the way".
Walking around the fest, we grab a couple small Spanish dishes, and I sneak her a couple margaritas so I'm not drinking alone. It was a bright, sunny day, and I couldn't help but notice all the eyes following around my little girl. For some reason, that excited me even more.
After another couple drinks, we're both feeling pretty buzzed and silly. One of the people working a craft booth there told her "I'm sure your boyfriend will get you that necklace if you ask him nicely enough". We looked at each other, broke out laughing, and Lexi replied "oh, I'm sure my handsome boyfriend would!" as she grabbed my arm. We walked out of the booth arm-in-arm, grabbed a couple more drinks, and headed by the stage for the live band we came to see.
They had waist-high tables set up with tall stools on one side facing the stage, and we got there just in time to grab one fairly close to the stage. And the place got packed real quick. It wasn't too long before the crowd was basically shoulder to shoulder, as the band walked on stage. They played lots of 80's rock covers, and as they started with "Living on a Prayer" the crowd went nuts, singing along. This was always Lexi's favorite genre, so of course she was dancing and singing along as well. She was definitely buzzed tho, adorably slurring the lyrics. As the crowd bunched in, I ended up directly behind her. By the third song, we were pressed together that way.
By the fourth, our drinks we're almost empty. And Lexi was dancing more and more wildly. Directly against me.
I don't know which surprised me more. My rock-hard erection, or the fact that my daughter was knowingly grinding herself against it. By the time they started a couple Aerosmith songs, my hands were on my little girl's hips, as she kept grinding against me.
I'm going to blame the alcohol here. Never imagined I'd ever do this. But I slipped my hand under her tiny little skirt, and gave her ass cheek a big, firm squeeze.
Another surprise, as Lexi flipped her hair back over her shoulder, looked me in the eyes, and mouthed "I'm having so much fun, Daddy" before licking her lips and facing the stage again, pressing back into me harder than ever.
Again, the alcohol made me do it. I slid my hand down between her cheeks, and pressed a finger against the wet spot on her tiny g-string panties. As she leaned into me with all her might, I slid the thin material to the side, and slipped a finger inside if her wet, young pussy. Wow, she was so wet she dripped down my finger as soon as I parted her lips. After a few moments, her still dancing, forcing my finger in and out of her little hole, she bounced a bit extra, and my finger pressed against her back door. As soon as she felt that, it seemed she thrust back against my hand, before reaching behind her back and holding my hand in place.
Through the next song, something by Guns N Roses, but I really wasn't paying much attention at this point, my finger pressed in and out of her eager little ass. Her hand slid to my shorts, and she cleverly unzipped me, reached in, and was stroking her Daddy's cock. Right here, in front of several hundred people. It was only a couple minutes before she had pulled my cock out and was pressing it against her lower back and ass.
Goddamn margaritas.
With one hand, I took her hand that was stroking me, and held it against her waist. With the other, I wet my palm, reached down, wet the head of my erection, and slowly pushed myself in my little girl's ass. Her grip on my hand tightened, but she made no other move. She tried to stand perfectly still as I slowly entered her. Inch by inch, I slid my cock into her eager little ass, til she was feeling all of her dad deep inside of her, stretching her.
Almost as soon as my balls pressed against her cheeks, the band broke into a Metallica cover. Enter Sandman. I began sliding in and out, slowly at first, but then increasing my pace til we matched the music. Lexi held tight to my hand the entire time.
By the end of Sandman, I wasn't even fucking her. It felt more like hundreds of people were pushing and pulling, fucking my little girl with my cock. The band broke into an AC/DC cover for the finale, and everyone was bouncing, tho none more than my little girl on her Daddy's hard dick. As the music picked up, I grabbed her by the hips and started thrusting into her over and over, fast and hard. The harder I went, the more my baby girl pushed back. I felt her legs begin to shudder. Her breath quickened. She thrust backwards, and I could feel her wetness drip down my balls as she came hard. Pressing her hands against the table, she steadied herself, her tight little ass contracting over and over again as her orgasm washed over her. I couldn't handle any more myself, and as she steadied herself, I thrust myself balls-deep in my little girl, and came harder than I have in at least 20 years. As she felt me flood her ass, her legs went weak again, but she was a good girl, and kept herself steady for me. The final 30 seconds of the finale we spent with her leaning against the table, me leaning against her, and us catching out breath as every last drop of cum was drained into her ass.
After the sing ended, and the band said their goodbyes, we remained like that. Me, hugging my girl from behind, like we have her entire life. This time was special tho. My cock was still inside of Lexi. Even as the crowd began to thin, Lexi looked back at me, eyes full of slightly exhausted joy, and she grabbed my arms and squeezed them right around her.
When the crowd had thinned, I finally, reluctantly removed myself, as drips of my cum slid out of her and down her thigh.
I took my little girl's hand in mine, and led her back towards the car. She had one arm wrapped around mine the whole time, and barely let go to get into the car. As we sat down, and I started the car, she grabbed my hand immediately, and told me "I had an amazing time today with my boyfriend *giggle giggle* I hope we can do it again soon Daddy".
I hope so too, my angel. I hope so too.
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eitaababe · 2 years
hey i saw ur works and it's all amazing, eyes on you is my fav!! I don't know if u open any request but i have some idea of neteyam😩
umm maybe can i request neteyam x fem!metkayina reader when she is tsireya best friend and she's helping the sully's when they come to aw'atlu village. reader really love animals and the animals love her too, little secret neteyam having a crush on reader but he scares that she doesn't feel the same because she's close to ao'nung and one day neteyam see reader having a 'small talk' with the animals and he's falling deeper to her. then he ask reader to join him to ride his ikran. SO MUCH FLUFF HEHE
i leave the rest to you hehe, thank you so much for seeing my request!!
love, xx
a/n — STOP THIS IS LEGIT THE CUTEST REQUEST EVER OMG?? / also tysm for the kind words ily 🫶🫶
You and Tsireya have been close ever since you were little, so of course you were together when the Sully's arrived to aw'atlu. You immediately picked up on your best friend's attraction to one of the Sully's, and so did his brother. You two had shared a look then, laughing quietly together at them.
That's mostly how you and Neteyam's relationship went, friendly exchanges of smiles and waves. You didn't have anything against Neteyam, but Ao'nung did, and while you disagreed with him for it, you were still very close to the boy, almost like a second sister to him.
Nevertheless, you, like Rotxo, were very close with the family and came along to help the Sully children your clan's way of living. Neteyam, you could tell, was very skilled and got the hang of things very quickly. Him and his siblings finally got their breathing and swimming down correctly, and today, you were going to show them how to ride an ilu.
Neteyam, excited to learn how to ride a new creature and intrigued by you, jogged to catch up to you, trying to start a conversation. "Hi," he started, flashing a shy smile. "Y/n, right? We haven't talked much."
You quickly returned his smile with one of your own, nodding. "Yes, you're Neteyam, correct? Lo'ak's older brother?"
He as well nodded, nervously toying with his fingers. "So, you're teaching us how to ride an ilu today?"
"Mhm!" You excited hummed, clearly pleased at the mention of marine life. "Ilu's are wonderful, friendly creatures. They're not like your ikran though, they don't bond with only one rider for life. Oh! And then we have what we call a tsurak, which are more picky on who rides them, and strong riders and warriors usually try to tame them," you paused, clearing your throat and looking up to be met with Neteyam's eyes. "Oh, sorry for rambling."
Listening intently on what you were telling him, Neteyam lowered his head just a little to hear you, since you had such a soft voice and he practically towered over you. "Don't be sorry, I like listening to you talk about the creatures. And you seem to know what you're talking about, so I'll be in good hands."
At the close proximity, you turned away momentarily, hoping he wouldn't catch the faint blush that painted your face. To your luck Rotxo spoke up, walking not too far from you two.
"Ah yes, y/n is our animal expert on aw'atlu, she loves all the creatures and they're all very fond of her as well." He spoke proudly.
"I can see why." Neteyam commented, making you chuckle sheepishly.
Learning how to ride an ilu went fairly easy (at least for Neteyam). Soon enough he was riding his ilu like a natural, and quickly beckoned you over to join him. You and the others rode on your ilus for quite some time, incorporating their breathing skills into the mix.
Neteyam was having the time of his life, getting to see you in the wonders of the ocean. His heart swelled at the way your face lit up in the cutest way when you got to see all the wonderful creatures underwater.
But alas, all good things must come to an end, as day was turning to night, and you all headed back to your own maruis. Neteyam thought about following you for just a second, just to talk to you for a moment before heading to sleep. He was met with a stern glare from Ao'nung though, and knowing the two of you were close, and the respect you held for him, he turned away, following his brother and sisters. He guess he could wait to see you tomorrow morning.
Entering their own marui, Lo'ak spoke up, finding a chance to tease his older brother. "Bro, you have like, heart eyes coming out of your sockets."
"I do not!" Neteyam denied, looking to Kiri for help. "Sister, tell Lo'ak he is delusional."
"I think you're the delusional one for denying it." The girl spoke, paying only half attention to the conversation.
"See! Even Kiri noticed. Seriously, 'I like listening to you talk to the creatures.' Disgusting, honestly. Made me want to barf."
"Don't even start, you want to talk about heart eyes? You look at Tsireya as if she's eywa's finest creation." Neteyam retaliated, leaving his younger brother speechless.
"Whatever, bro." He mumbled, sitting himself down next to Kiri, ready to head to sleep.
As the next morning came, Neteyam was practically up with the sun, hoping to see you today. There were no lessons with you today, but he was still hoping to see you, and maybe hang out with you today, if you'd let him. He woke his siblings up (Lo'ak rather harshly), and they all made their way out, excited to spend their time by the ocean, or with an ilu.
When he finally spotted you, he saw you sitting and talking with Ao'nung. Normally, he wouldn't have cared if you were talking with someone else, but this was Ao'nung, who was notorious amongst him and his siblings for his treatment towards them. So he turned on his heel and went in the other direction, going unnoticed by you.
He was bummed for the rest of the day, it wasn't hard to see. Neteyam was more quiet than usual, keeping to himself and enjoying his soltitude while going on a swim with his ilu. Lo'ak was off elsewhere, probably with his own crush —lucky bastard, and Kiri and Tuk were off exploring the island. Everybody else was occupied, and all he wanted to do was talk to you.
The next time Neteyam sees you is when he gets into a brawl with Ao'nung and some of his friends. You don't come in until after the fight has ended, rolling your eyes and silently laughing at your best friend's stupidity. You escort Ao'nung away, but not before sending a warm smile towards the other na'vi, making him forget all about the pain in his lower lip.
You see the Sully brother's make their way back to their marui, probably about to get scolded by their father for their actions. Meanwhile, you find Tsireya and Roxto, and the three of you scold Ao'nung, telling him how he needs to start treating the Sully siblings with more respect.
"But-" Ao'nung started pathetically, you cutting him off.
"No, I don't want to hear it. I don't care if you don't like them, they are our guests and have to be treated nicely. If you don't stop picking a fight with them, I'm going to tell your dad." You threatened, giving Ao'nung a stern look. He nodded wordlessly, Rotxo and Tsireya almost laughing. You always had a way of getting Ao'nung to listen to you.
"Fine, I'll go apologize to him," He muttered, hissing when you grabbed his arm to take him over to Neteyam. "Hey! My arms bruised, you know!"
"Maybe it wouldn't be so bruised if you hadn't harassed their sister."
So the four of you found Neteyam and his siblings at the beach, and you let go of Ao'nungs arm, ushering him over there. "Go! I'm not going to apologize for you."
He slowly treaded his way over, turning around to look at you three. He gave you all puppy dog eyes, which only resulted in the three of you simultaneously shooing him further with your hands.
Ao'nung finally reached the siblings, clearing his throat. "Uh- hey."
"Hey." Neteyam was the only one to greet him back, Lo'ak and Kiri sending cold glares his way.
"Look, I just wanted to apologize." Ao'nung grimaced at the words, trying to figure out a way to word his apology.
"The fuck is going on?" Lo'ak muttered over towards Kiri, but not quiet enough that Ao'nung wouldn't hear him.
He side eyed Lo'ak momentarily, continuing on. "Y/n gave me a talking to after the fight. And Tsireya. And Roxto," he quietly added, clearing his throat. "Anyways, they told me I needed to start treating you guys better or whatever. So I'm sorry for calling you a freak Kiri. And for pulling your tail, Lo'ak. I'll try to make sure it won't happen again." He practically mumbled the last sentence, the others barely hearing him.
Lo'ak, with a shit eating grin, heard the last part of his apology, but what would it hurt to make him repeat it? "Sorry, what was that?"
Huffing, Ao'nung spoke louder. "I said, it won't happen again."
Neteyam laughed at the two, friendlily grasping Ao'nungs arm. "No worries bro. It's all cool."
"So we're cool?"
"Yeah, we're cool."
Still watching, you, Tsireya, and Rotxo watched proudly as Ao'nung made his way back over. His head was down as he walked, he was certainly was not one for apologies. Opening his mouth to tease him, Roxto was interrupted by Ao'nung before he could talk. "Not a word."
The three of you laughed, following Ao'nung back into the village.
Without a feud between Ao'nung and the Sully siblings, life was much more peaceful. You didn't have to hear Ao'nung complaining about how much he hated them all, and you didn't have to refrain yourself from talking to any of them when with him anymore.
So today you were alone, Rotxo and Ao'nung together, Tsireya presumably off with Lo'ak somewhere. You opted to head toward some ilus, deciding their company would keep you content for the time being.
You sat on the edge of one of the maruis, an ilu showing it's head to you. You giggled at the friendly gesture, patting its head and tossing some food its way. "You know, sometimes I think I enjoy your company better than others."
The ilu made a sound, as if it agreed with what you were saying. "Exactly! Don't get me wrong, they're nice, but just between you and me, Ao'nung talks to much." You chuckled, tossing it another piece of food. You often would find creatures around the island and talk to them when you were alone, finding joy in their company and interactions.
Unbeknownst to you, Neteyam was aimlessly walking around the island when he spotted you talking to- someone? Nosily, he craned his head to get a peak of whoever you were talking to, hearing something about enjoying their company more. His chest tightened at the words, afraid you already had a promised mate.
At the sight of an ilu he let out a sigh of relief, shaking his head with a smile. You were just too cute, and it melted his heart seeing you interact and get along with animals so effortlessly. His head swiveled around to his ikran, an idea popping into his head.
"Hey, y/n!" You heard a voice call your name, your smile growing wider at the sight of your favorite Sully (don't tell Tuk).
You waved in his direction, your ilu friend tilting it's head at the sudden voice. "Hi Neteyam, what brings you here?"
"Uhm- nothing really," he started, looking over at the ilu and laughing at its little head tilt. "I just saw you here and was wondering if you wanted the company?"
You grinned, nodding your head. "I would love that." You pat the spot next to you, inviting him to sit down. Honestly, you preferred being alone when talking to the creatures, but for some reason, you liked having Neteyam around.
And so he sat down next to you, greeting the ilu. "So, who's this?"
"Ah, this is Nyla. She's very social, although most of the ilus are. Nyla, meet Neteyam." You introduced the two, putting some food in the boy's hand.
Shuddering at your touch, Neteyam handed Nyla some food, smiling wide when she responded to his touch. You watched adoringly, eyeing Neteyam.
"I think she likes you."
"I hope so," He chuckled, now turning his attention towards you. "I- uhm, actually had a question. So you know my ikran?" He inquired, holding eye contact.
You shrunk under his gaze, suddenly feeling shy. "Oh yeah- I saw you and your family arrive on them. They're very beautiful." You commented, remembering how big they were and admiring their colors.
"Well I was wondering— since you seem to be so fond of creatures and get along with them so well, if you'd like to join me on a ride sometime today? Mine has been dying to stretch her wings out, and you'd get a lovely view of the ocean."
"Yes!" You excitedly accepted his invitation, quickly getting up and holding out your hand for him to join you. "Let's go right now! I'm so excited to meet your ikran."
Chuckling at your excitement, Neteyam grabbed your hand, leading you over to his ikran. "Alright alright, we can go now. Bye Nyla." He waved to the ilu, and walked over to where him and his family's ikran's rested.
Your eyes widened at the sight of them, looking at them in adoration. Neteyam fed her a snack, calming her down. "Don't look her in the eye."
So you avoided eye contact, but observed the rest of the ikran, taking notice of her long wings. You were speechless, admiring the large creature.
"Easy, girl." He soothed the ikran, making the bond.
Neteyam then snapped you out of your daze, bringing you closer. "You ready?" When you nodded he helped you up first, following in suit.
Once he made sure you were secure he called out, taking off on the ikran. Your hold on his hand instantly tightened, practically shaking at how high you two were. "Oh great mother, I could never get used to flying this high."
Gently rubbing the side of you waist in attempt to soothe you. Neteyam brought up how he got his ikran, hoping to distract you. "You know, when I first bonded with her, she tried to kill me."
"What?" Your head immediately looked up, glancing over your shoulder. Neteyam mentally pat himself on the back, continuing on.
"During Iknimiya, when an ikran chooses you when it tries to kill you. She practically tried to throw me off a ledge," he laughed, seeing your face of disbelief. "She loves me now, though."
"That's terrifying," you commented, sneaking a glance down and seeing the ocean, feeling a little more at ease. "It's cool though. But I think I'll stick with the ocean."
"Honestly, the ocean terrified me at first," Neteyam admitted, explaining when you gave him a questioning look. "There's a lot of creatures underwater, and you have to be a strong swimmer and hold your breath for a very long time to be successful underwater. It was intimidating at first."
"I get what you mean," you agreed, Neteyam's hold on you tightening as you landed back onto the sand. "You owe me a swim now."
"Well then," he spoke as he helped you down, leaving his ikran to join the rest of his family's. "It's still day out, so why don't we go right now?"
You ears perked up, and hurriedly you tugged him to a marui to call for a couple of ilus, hands still intertwined. A smile graced his handsome features at the realization.
Not once did you let go of his hand.
a/n — sorry anon this lowk took me forever cause i had to do research on the creatures so reader knew what she was talking about 😭
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howlingday · 1 year
So I just thought of an angsty Rwby au involving jaune being Ravens kid. But here’s the kicker Raven would y’know still be behind the scenes watching Yang as she does, but with Jaune and his siblings she actually gets to be a mom for them in ways she couldn’t for Yang.
And I just imagine Jaune being a huge mamas boy and having a great relationship with raven.
And I just also envisioned him with statkillers sword skills for some reason
Is this idea evil? Yes.
But it is a good idea imo
"I can't wait!" Nora bounced in her seat like a little kid going to the fair. She got some odd looks from the other hangar patrons. "We're gonna meet Jaune's whole family! His mom, his dad, his brothers-"
"Sisters." Jaune corrected.
"-his brothers and sisters-" Nora continued.
"No, Nora, I only have sisters. I'm the only brother." Nora looked him up and down. "What?"
"Nothing, nothing." She looked away. "Figured a brother would be bigger."
"What's your family like, Jaune?" Pyrrha asked, steering the conversation away from Nora.
"They're great!" Jaune said with a smile. "Though, not everybody is gonna be there. Saph's moving into her new house in Argus and getting ready for her wife to give birth, the twins are living somewhere close to Vytal, and Mom is probably on a mission again."
"Oh, is she a huntress?" Ruby asked.
"She used to be. Now she's in charge of her own mercenary company. She gets really busy."
"Wow..." Ruby had stars in her eyes. "Your mom sounds really cool~!"
"Well, she clearly dropped the ball on you." Weiss rolled her eyes. "Seeing as you arrived at Beacon with no training." Jaune gave a sheepish chuckle. "Honestly, how did that even happen?"
"To be fair," Jaune gave his cheek a scratch, "Beacon was kind of a last minute decision. Mom didn't know until it was too late."
"What was her reaction when she found out?" Blake asked.
'Flight 2314 for Ansel is now boarding.'
"Let's just say she wasn't too thrilled."
"Hey, Dad!" Jaune walked up to and hugged an older man with faded blond hair. Twice Jaune's size and wearing a white and gold t-shirt and business slacks, he looked exactly what everyone expected Jaune to look like in twenty years. "These are my friends. This is Nora, Pyrrha, and Ren from my team, and my sister team of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang."
"Weiss Schnee."
"Hey, 'sup!"
"Pleasure to meet you all! I'm Nick, and Jaune's told quite a bit about you kids." Jaune's dad shook each of their hand, shaking some off their feet. "So where's baggage claim? Don't want to keep everyone waiting at the house."
"I don't know about everyone." Jaune chuckled.
"Yup, everyone. Even your sisters came down!" He grinned. "I'd hate to keep your mother waiting."
"Mom's home?!" Jaune asked with a gleam of excitement in his eyes. At a nod from his dad, Jaune lept for joy and walked quickly to baggage claim.
"Huh." Yang smirked. "Never seen someone so airsick move so fast AFTER throwing up."
The group hurried after Jaune, weaving around other passengers to catch up. Meanwhile, Nick kept a close eye on Yang. There was a scowl to his face, andhe knew exactly why.
"Here we are." Nick sang as he parked the... well, to call it a 'car' would be misleading. Turns out, it was a vehicle well suited for ten people and their luggage, eight of which would be teens and younger. "And how is the man of the hour?"
"Uh..." Jaune took deep breaths. Even as a kid, he got carsick easily. Thankfully, cars were a lot easier for him now than bullheads. "I'm good."
"You sure?" Nick chuckled. "Wouldn't want your mom to see her only son thrown up on himself."
"Like it's the first time." Jaune climbed out and looked at his home. It was a fairly big house in the country-side; two-stories, basement, attic, outdoor pool with patches of tape. He couldn't help but smile.
"Wow..." Nora gasped in wonder. "So this is where you grew up?" She nodded. "Guess it makes sense. Nothing about you says 'city kid'."
"Uh, thanks, Nora?" Jaune wasn't sure if he should take it as a compliment or an insult. What he did know, though...
"It's about time you showed up!" ...was whose voice that was.
Jaune whirled and saw an older woman with long, black hair and piercing red eyes. He smiled back at the woman who raised him almost all of his life. He raised his hand in the air.
"Hey, Mo-"
"RAVEN!" Jaune whirled again, catching a bit of motion sickness, and saw Yang huffing like a bull, ready to charge. Her eyes were red, just like when she was mad. Just like his mom's always were.
"Oh..." And just like that, Jaune had another sister.
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bethanydelleman · 2 months
How would the Austen Heroes act during their wives pregnancies?
You also asked about the heroines, I deleted that question by mistake because I thought it was a glitch. I will answer both now.
I did a bunch of research on pregnancy in the Regency era a while ago for my Pride & Prejudice sequel and I'm going to give a general answer: pregnancy was treated fairly causally as far as I have read.
This is from a well researched article:
During the Regency, there was no prohibition against pregnant women appearing in public, and many of them led active social lives throughout their pregnancies. While in her ninth month of her third pregnancy in 1805, Frances, Lady Churchill continued to attend parties and went to the opera on June 11. She gave birth on June 28. There was no prohibition on travel, either. During the last trimester of her first pregnancy in 1810, Harriet, Lady Granville, and her husband visited the country seats of his family members in Staffordshire, Gloucestershire and Cheshire.
There were some women who refrained from activity due to reasons of health, for example, when suffering from nausea during the first trimester. They might even make their condition an excuse to avoid unpleasant engagements, but a lady who was too indolent might be criticized. “Lady Jersey is to be confined in March,” wrote Lady Harrowby in 1807, and “to secure this, she does not move off her Couch, nor will she risk the exertion of holding a glass up to her mouth, so that all this is done for her.” Perhaps one might excuse Lady Jersey for her worries, however; her first pregnancy had not been successful.
Also, this is a very interesting quote about expecting an heir:
“You should not be anticipating boys,” wrote a gentleman to his expectant sister in 1815, “because you subject yourself to disappointment and the poor little girl does not meet with a fair reception. Not withstanding this wise advice, I hope to hear of an heir.”
All of that said, I can't tell you how the heroes and heroines would react because I think a lot of it would be down to how their pregnancy went and how they felt. I was miserably sick and constantly tired during my first pregnancy, much better during the second, and I'm sure I acted very differently but it had nothing to do with my personality (except that I didn't complain that much because I don't like to, Mary Musgrove would have milked it...). Some people love being pregnant, others hate it, others are neutral. And the births themselves range from easy to nightmarish (oh the stories you hear after you have a baby!) None of the heroines are really prone to complaining for pity either.
Otherwise, did they miscarry or have a stillbirth first? (1/5 pregnancies end in a spontaneous miscarriage in the first trimester even today, but both miscarriage and stillbirth were more common in the past) Did their first child die? Did their mother or a close relation die in childbirth? These things we don't know and they would likely change the person's reaction to pregnancy. Everyone would be nervous during the birth and the first 3 months, those who had lost someone would likely be more nervous. A parent would feel that their baby is safer after the first year was over.
Women did know childbirth was dangerous, many wrote wills right before they gave birth, but it was also just a part of life. It was part of the mix of joy and sorrow that everyone experienced.
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gracelaurie · 9 months
Falling into your ocean eyes 🌊❤️ | Orm Marius x Fem!Reader
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Part 5
Warning : just harsh words, no other warning. The next part would be a real smut
A/N : This is set after the end of the Aquaman and The Lost Kingdom movie. 🥰
for the next part ➡️ masterlist
She put all her clothes in the cupboard into her suitcase. She had to admit, for the past 4 years living without relying on her magic powers had been very difficult.
She has 3 large ones containing her clothes. She works as an accountant in a fairly well-respected company. That made her have quite a lot of money. But yesterday she just officially left her job because she was going to face something new.
She realized that he couldn’t hide forever as an ordinary human being, and that was not her way of life. Her current path in life is with the son of Queen Atlanna and Arthur Curry's half-brother…Orm Marius.
She closed the zipper of his very large suitcase, then took it out of the house.
“Do you want to go now?” Mera asked Y/N while she holding her baby who’s crying more and more. She motioned to her younger-sister to come back into the house for breakfast.
“Yes, I know it's early, but I can buy breakfast on the street.” Y/N replied with a smile.
“Well, I think you want to meet someone…” Y/N heard Arthur's voice say that, then she quickly turned her head.
She saw a man with blonde hair, ocean blue eyes that looked like waves caught in sunlight from the morning sky. His body looks muscular and healthy, and once again for good measure... his eyes look happier than before. A pure happiness. She didn’t see any sadistic or evil King in those eyes. All she saw were calm ocean blue eyes. Calm waves.
Orm wears shirt with a picture of a whale and pants like most surface dwellers. That simple thing made Y/N laugh softly. It’s funny for her to see Orm who now really looks like a surface dweller even though he was previously the evil king of Atlantis and wanted to start a war with the surface.
It’s different now. And she really liked that.
Y/N and Orm simultaneously ran over like children and hugged each other. This was completely beyond his expectations. Orm tucked a strand of Y/N’s brown hair behind her ear then kissed her lips gently.
“Your lips taste the same as in my dream,” said Orm, stopping the kiss.
Y/N smiled, “because it was real.”
“But how?” Orm asked then continued the kiss.
Y/N postponed the kiss and said, “you can never think about it logically. But it was all real. I deliberately made you think that it was just a dream.”
“So you bewitched me 5 times, basically because you really have a huge crush on your Ocean Master?” Orm teased Y/N, then Orm kissed her passionately.
Y/N stopped kissing, “That's not really the main point. I’m even a surface-witch how can I like you that much?” Y/N smiled holding back laughter.
“You may be able to bewitch me very cleverly and play with my mind, but you are not good at lying.” Orm answered. When Y/N tried to deny it and wanted to say something, Orm quickly kissed Y/N so that her mouth was covered with Orm's lips which were full of hunger and desire.
“Okay this is enough.” said Arthur objecting. It turns out they just realized that there were still other people around them.
“Are you coming in for breakfast or…..are you guys leaving straight away?” Arthur said that because he saw his brother's closeness to Mera's very romantic sister. This will seem strange, but there are no specific prohibitions in their relationship. King Nereus and Queen Atlanna themselves even matched them.
“Are you really asking that?” Mera asked with a smile indicating that she knew that Y/N and Orm would soon be spending time together.
Y/N quickly hugged her sister tightly. She felt guilty at the same time. She indirectly became Orm's mistress when Orm was still engaged to Mera. Y/N knows that Orm and Mera don't really love each other, but Y/N still feels that she has betrayed her own sister.
For the past 4 years, Y/N has lived in the same house as Mera on the surface, but the two of them never really talked about Y/N's relationship with Orm, but now it feels like Mera and Orm had forgotten their past events as if the engagement had never happened.
“Take care of yourselves….” said Mera while looking at Y/N and Orm alternately.
“And let us know when you guys ready…” said Arthur teasing them about the wedding plans ordered by Queen Atlanna.
Orm and Y/N simultaneously shook their heads. Y/N said, “Definitely not now.”
“Definitely not.” Orm agreed.
The burger they ordered was delivered by the waiter. Orm was impressed by his burger and potatoes. Actually, Y/N is not used to having breakfast directly with heavy food, but to satisfy Orm's curiosity, they had breakfast with burgers and potatoes that morning after leaving Arthur’s house.
“Do you like it?” Y/N asked with a smile.
“Yeah.” Orm said briefly because he was still trying to digest the taste of the burger.
Y/N smiled at Orm who was the first to eat surface food. Again it was really funny to her.
“How do you stay skinny when everyday surface foods are like this?” Orm asked confused, but at the same time he really enjoyed his burger.
“I don't eat food like this all the time. Arthur is like that,” said Y/N smiling faintly, “I eat a balanced food, such as vegetables, fruit and fish.” Y/N said.
“Fish?” Orm raised an eyebrow.
“Yes, you can’t be angry because that is also our staple food. but we don't eat it raw, we usually process it.”
“Process it? How?” Orm asked.
“Well, we are usually fry it, or you can also—“ Y/N's words were cut off when Orm suddenly took the cockroach that was next to Y/N’s hand.
She screamed because she just realized that the cockroach had been beside her all this time. It’s kinda weird because she is literally a powerful witch but still has a huge phobia of cockroaches.
“Why are you screaming?” Orm asked in surprise then put the cockroach into the burger.
“Why the fuck you put that dirty cockroaches in your own burger?” Y/N screamed.
“This is mainland shrimp, right?” Orm asked innocently then chewed the burger containing cockroaches with a crunchy sound.
Y/N held back her disgust and said, “Please don’t tell me Arthur fooled you again?”
“What do you mean?” Orm asked in surprise, and finishing his burger.
“Well actually it's up to you, but some of us surface dwellers are disgusted by cockroaches.”
“Why? You should eat it next time. It’s delicious—“
“No thanks.” Y/N said quickly.
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falena-kingscholar · 4 months
Welcome to Sunset Savanna!
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The king is a very busy man with lots to attend to, so I'll be taking care of all the administrative stuff so you all can have your fun!
My name is V, you can call me the royal advisor if you really wanted, and I'm here to keep everything running smoothly, keep this blog a safe place, and make sure everyone is having fun. In order to do that, of course, there have to be rules, so let me make this short and sweet as I can for you!
Bigots, terfs, racists, p*dos, you're all on the DNI list. I will block you if you come on my blog with the intention to harm someone else, or openly admit these values.
Being an advisor means I've got plenty on my plate beyond this blog. There is a real person running all this, with my own life to live. Please be patient and understanding.
Have fun!! If I or someone else is making you uncomfortable, feel free to let me know so I can set things right.
Limit your NSFW. I don't mind if you're thirsty to a certain extent, and I'm fine with cursing. Keep in mind that the RP community on Tumblr is diverse both in gender + sexuality, but also in age and I would like to keep this page friendly to everyone.
OCs, MCs and other Canon characters are welcome to interact. Just as a bit of a heads up, I'm not super comfortable shipping Falena with anyone besides his wife - but if you read below you'll see why that's a little rocky too.
This is a HEADCANON version of Falena. Below is a short description of how I interpret him and a few of his relationships. This is to ensure I enjoy the character I'm playing. This does not mean I'm not open to feedback or constructive criticism, just be respectful please.
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Get To Know The King
He's fairly jovial and upbeat most of the time
He's really bad about just listening to problems - he likes to solve them
He and his wife are in a bit of weird spot - it's because he's still a closeted gay and it's impacted their marriage. He loves her still, just more platonically than romantically. They agreed to have a kid in hopes of repairing the rift they were both feeling, and it kind of worked, but he still really needs to be honest about his feelings Soon
Cheka is the one person he loves more than ANYONE and often comes across as a bit of an overbearing dad he's totally not just adding on to loving Cheka with all the love he wishes his brother would accept
The age gap between him and Leona? GUESS WHAT, I, THE PERSON BEHIND THE SCREEN HAVE THAT SAME AGE GAP WITH MY SISTERS (twins) (however we are still close and besties so I know. the Opposite of what I did is what I need to do for Falena sldkjfhlskdjf /hj)
That being said, Falena has a strained relationship with Leona that he has only recently come to notice now that Leona isn't around as often. He really wants to make amends, but feels like a complete stranger to his own brother and it shows in his interactions - he still kind of treats Leona like he's 6-13 because that's the Leona he remembers - the one who was still excited to see him when he came home from RSA. It wasn't until Falena was 19 that he noticed a bit of a rift. They started getting closer, then when Falena was 21 he was coronated and got married to his betrothed as his father fell ill.
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Thank you for reading all of that! All that's left is to give credit where it's due.
The beautiful portrait done of his Royal Highness used as the face of this page, (with permission), was done by none other than @/lemonwerewolf here.
Dividers were made by @/saradika-graphics, here.
If the way I write seems familiar to you, you might recognize me from @twistedwonderlandshenanigans , my HC's and general writing blog for twst. (I follow from @/symphonicmetal101 though)
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Thank you again, the King and I hope you enjoy your stay here,
In Sunset Savanna
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cosmic-corporation · 1 month
AFJAGAJJHA I LOVE THE YAPPING OK (<- avid tag reader) IM EATING THIS LORE UP LIKE A DELICIOUS GOURMET MEAL /ref YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND🔥🔥 ITS SO FUN TO READ!!! CREATIVITY CREATIVITY!!!! (also reading lore just motivates me to do stuff idk why) (ough… platonic marriage /silly)
what about cassian? hehehehe (laying on my bed, on my stomach, reading lore and kicking my feet like a little girl)
- ducky anon
ooh when I catch you ducky, ducky when I catch you-/j
Cassian is... One of the BIGGEST characters I have they live in my brain all the time as we as their partner in crime, Archie ( @gl0wsticko 's character I lob archie am <3)
suicide mention after the 'read more'
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That's the newest rendition of Cassian that I've got :]]
and since they're the character I have built the most, I'm gonna section things up a bit!!!
Cassian is currently trying to avoid their own family due to their mission. Cecil pursues Cassian, trying to convince them to come back home. Ione has no memories of Cassian, only the stories Cecil and Atticus tell her.
At a fairly young age, Cassian was taken to a cult and some sort of curse was put upon them. idk how to really explain it, BUT, their mission is to take out any humanoid creature that *isn't* human. (themself INCLUDED!!!) they're a hypocrite SHIT. But, due to this mission they left their family to keep them safe. They moved around constantly trying to avoid enemies they've made and to avoid being found by Cecil. Along this, they found Archie who became their partner in crime. archie uses xe/xim for whoever is wondering. Once Cassian is no longer able to go on with their mission, they are supposed to end their own life due to the hypocricy mostly. They don't remember being cursed, they only know they get strong, painful headaches at the thought of purposfully sparing someone they shouldn't or at the thought of keeping themself alive in the end.
Despite having left, their relationship with their family is still decently intact!!! They love and miss their family every day, having a framed family photo always hidden wherever they're staying. Cassian and Cecil were also quite close, with Cassian still sending Cecil letters and voice mails some days. The lanterns and candles on their antlers are from Cecil. see here's where it all goes so fucking KABAMBAM
they're gay for eachother. 100%. no denying it. in so many AUs if things went right they'd be together. The two pine for eachother in secret, but neither confesses. Archie fears rejection and Cassian is scared to love someone, worried about the enemies they've made and mostly worried about xir safety. If Archie were to confess, Cassian would reject xim and initially be cold and harsh, but later come around to apologize to xim for being mean. (THEY ARE THE DEFENITION OF 'Somethin' Stupid' BY FRANK SINATRA KILL ME) But regardless, Cassian would do anything and everything to keep xim safe from harm. their love languages if ur curious; feels loved with acts of service and physical touch, but expresses love with words of affirmation for the most part they're also a cuddly and koala kinda guy.
They don't have a lot of fears, honestly. They mostly just fear killing their family and Archie, seeing as those are the only people they have left that still care about them. They're also violently insecure about their deer traits (antlers, ears, nose, and tail) :]
They're a BIIIIIIIIIG reader. and word man, so many fancy word,,,, They also enjoy cooking a lot :]
THEY'RE FUCKING BRITISH !!! They/them but prefers masculine terms like "boyfriend" and stuff like that They have a weighted spider plushie they cuddle with silk pjs, skincare routine, very hygiene oriented. you would not expect them to be a murderer/hj
also here's their playlist :] helps explain personality or wants and stuff.
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the family excluding cassian ^
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AND THE SPECIAL XE, ARCHIE !!!!!!! <3333 i love archie sm archie cassian all day all night all that's in my brain GET THE TWO OF THEM OUT/j
anyways there's your extra large lore session i love cassian sm <3
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aita-blorbos · 5 months
AITA for helping my father cover up my brother's criminal activity?
Okay so I'm gonna be upfront and say that I (23M) come from a fairly wealthy banking family. I'm not actively involved in the family business myself, but I've pretty much had all my needs met for my entire life. I am aware of my privilege and have a complicated relationship with my own identity a person with familial wealth who is also an immigrant and a person of colour.
Recently I returned home from work abroad to attend my older sister's funeral. I don't want to get into details, but it was unexpected and hit our whole family very hard. After speaking to my older brother (27M) I learned that he's fallen back into his old gambling habits and had amassed a significant debt. He told me that he'd been given an offer from a well-known crime lord, who agreed to pay off his debts in exchange for helping orchestrate a break-in to one of our banks. The job went poorly and a guard was killed. My brother was not directly responsible but he was still very much involved. He feels horrible about the whole situation and was on the verge of a breakdown when I found him.
I made him tell my father, who was understandably angry at this. As the head of the bank, he tried to have the whole thing covered up, but he was unable to do so because of the amount of government involvement. Eventually he offered to take the blame for the death himself so that my brother wouldn't be sent to prison. I understood the gravity of the sacrifice he was making to protect my brother, and agreed to help with the transition and the requisite paperwork and Public Relations responsibilities. I understand that what he does, he does out of love, and out of a desire for my brother to be able to live a normal life despite his mistakes.
My coworkers (who travel with me, and with whom I am very close) were really upset with me when they learned about what my father and I did. Two of my coworkers are very religious, and have very strong and black-and-white ideas of justice. One of them (10M) told me that what I'd helped my father do was collusion, obstruction of justice, and basically made me an accessory to murder. The other (13F) was more gentle, but still told me that what I'd done was unjust and that I should have sent my brother to prison. I didn't bring this up with them, but it feels worth mentioning that our fourth co-worker (23F) has *definitely* been involved in organized crime, murder, and grand larceny on several occasions, and nobody ever says that *she* should go to prison to anyone for her crimes. Not that I think she should either, but it seems like a bit of a double standard.
Anyways, I'm very confused. All I wanted to do was help my brother, and make things as smooth as possible for my family. We're already going through so much with the loss of my sister and I didn't want to make things any harder by going against my father's sacrifice and probably getting both him and my brother sent to prison. Still, I'm worried that this was an inappropriate use of my wealth and privilege. AITA?
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rose-of-the-grave · 2 months
Dancing in the Evening
Pairing: Lily x James
Hey everybody, here's a fluffy jily fic of them dancing, I hope you like it! This is for this request! I know, I know the gif is misleading. In this they are like 24 I think. I'm the author (please don't repost)!
Masterlist Read on Ao3
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Warnings: dancing, romantic fluff, jily as parents, possible pregnancy(mentioned once), light angst, jily lives!!!, James calling Lily "my love", let me know if there's anything else
Word Count: 913
Description: After putting Harry to bed, Lily and James dance around, having fun together.
Taglist: @sylveryfire
The sun lowered past the horizon, bathing Godric’s Hollow in golden light as it went. It was a few days after their son, Harry’s, birthday and Lily was tucking him in for bed. She and James would alternate each night, telling their son stories. Lily would tell him tales that she made up or from books while James would regale his son with his and his friends’ antics from their Hogwarts days. Today was James’ turn.
Lily looked up from where she sat on Harry’s bed to her husband, leaning against the doorframe. He smiled at her before shifting his focus to their baby boy. Harry was growing up so quickly, it seemed like only yesterday they had found out Lily was pregnant.
“So, Harry m’boy, you ready to hear about the time your Uncle Sirius spent a week with pink hair?”
Harry nodded, giggling. Some of his favorite stories were of his Uncle Sirius, or as he called him, Paddy.
“I’ll leave you boys to it.” Lily said, getting up. She paused on her way out of the room, watching James hop on the bed, tickling Harry who was laughing uncontrollably. Smiling to herself she padded quietly to the kitchen where James had run the dishwasher. She started to put the dishes away, careful not to lose her balance when reaching for the higher shelves.
Once she was done, she started piecing through the post that had been left on the counter, wondering if she would have gotten anything. Petunia, Vernon, and Dudley never came to Harry’s party. She wasn’t surprised, they hadn’t come to the past two but some part of her had hoped they would at least send him a card.
A pair of arms wrapped around her waist, a familiar head of messy hair rested on her shoulder.
She placed her arms over his, hugging him to her. His hands started to drift further south to her still fairly flat belly. They had only found out a few days ago that she was pregnant again but hadn’t been to the doctor to confirm. Harry had been such a surprise so early in their marriage that they hadn’t really thought about having a second baby until more recently. Lily wanted him to have a sibling, hopefully one that he’d be close to like her and Petunia had been before she got her letter.
“Is Harry asleep?”
“I think so but it’s hard to tell.”
She hummed.
“Still nothing from your sister?”
“Yeah.” Her disappointment coming through.
“I’m sorry, I know how much you wish the two of you were closer.”
She nodded. “I just wish Harry could get to know all of his family.”
From the dining room, the faint echoes of some song on the radio carried through the evening air. Getting an idea, James pulled away suddenly. Curious, Lily turned to look at him. He bowed, making flamboyant motions with his hand, a devil may care smirk on his face.
“May I ask you, my fair lady, for a dance?” Holding his hand out.
Grinning, she put her hand in his. “You may, my good sir.”
He twirled her into him, dancing her around the kitchen and into the dining room/living room of their cottage. Every once in a while he’d twirl her before dipping her at the waist and giving her a kiss. With every single dip she giggled, her green eyes alight with pure joy. He met her with his own eyes, gazing into hers.
He twirled her out and away from him before pulling her back in, her beautiful red hair flying in the air. She fell into him a bit, dizzy, placing a hand on his chest for support. Leaning down, he picked her up in his arms and twirled her around, careful to make sure she didn’t hit anything. Quietly, she whooped, not wanting to wake up Harry.
“I’ve got you, my love.” He reassured her, his hands holding her firmly on her waist.
Slowly, he brought her back down, still slowly twirling her as the song neared the end. She kissed him, short and sweet before pulling away to sing along to the lyrics as the song ended. Joining her, he put on a fake accent, making her laugh.
When the song changed to a slower tune he held her close and simply swayed. She leaned her chin on his shoulder and simply enjoyed the moment.
“I love you, James.” She straightened up to look him in the eyes. “I love Harry, I love this life we’ve made for ourselves, but most of all I love you and my love for you grows with every passing day.”
He leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead. “I love you too. I’m so grateful that we’re here, together, alive. It feels like a miracle. You are my miracle.” A tear slipped down her cheek and he gently wiped it away. “Everyday that I get to spend with you and Harry is a blessing and I am so thankful that we are here and that we survived.”
She nodded. “Me too.”
“Mama? Papa?” A little voice called from the bottom of the stairs.
They turned to look at their son, in his little golden snitch pajamas, and smiled grateful that they were all three together.
"Come here sweetie!" Lily beckoned as the song changed yet again. Together, the three of them just danced around until midnight, happy to spend time with each other.
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ficoandleo · 22 hours
Hi guys, what do you think of me Romeo headcanons ?
All the best <3
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The word 'headcanon' makes Romeo look to Leo for clarification. He's not exactly a fandom person and the combination of words is foreign to him.
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"Headcanon is exactly what it sounds like. 'Canon,' but only in your head. Not the biblical kind of canon."
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"So it's just a bunch of ideas that somebody--who probably doesn't know you to begin with!--gets in their head about you?" Romeo's phone gives a little buzz, a message from Leo allowing him to open your post. He already looks annoyed at the thought. The last thing he wants is more people spreading stupid, awful rumors about him.
"Well they're usually about fictional characters and not real people, but. Yeah, basically!" It's so funny how they think they're real people.
As a clarification from the writer, most anything Romeo says is 'right' or 'wrong' is merely in application to himself, here. It isn't meant to be applicable to all presentations of Romeo, only my own, on this blog. And even those are subject to change. Your headcanons are always valid, and I, personally, like most of them quite a lot! But you're not here for me!
"This is quite the list. . . ." Romeo crosses his legs and sits back in his chair, making himself comfortable. This is going to take a while. Leo makes himself comfortable, fiddling with his phone.
"I'll leave most of that to you. They're about you, after all. But no worries, I'll provide some witty commentary of my own if I see fit~!"
"Saying that I started at Darkwick 'a couple of years' after I turned 17. . .I've been here almost three years now, just how old do you think I am!?"
"The correct answer is~~~ don't ask💔! It's rude to ask someone pretty their age, okay?"
"Well, I didn't come to Japan before I reached adulthood, I can say that much. I lived in Italy until. . .until it didn't seem safe to continue to do so. Around four years ago." Ha. He wished he could have just come to Tokyo peacefully. . . .
"My parents were quite busy, and I won't deny that I wasn't as close to my father as my mother or nonna. I think most people are--it seems fairly common that fathers aren't the most. . .available for their own children." He doesn't know very many people who wouldn't say they're closer to their mother than their father. Maybe that was just the company he kept, though. "Expected to act as an heir, yes, but I negotiated a bit more freedom through my own skill and efforts. Although I don't think we have the same perspective of what I was supposed to be inheriting."
He briefly recalls how Taiga called him naive shortly after they met. How even recently he said he was still as naive as that day.
". . .but maybe even you know better than I did in this case." Every day he plays mafia. Sometimes he wonders how close he was to 'playing' mafia without ever having to leave the comfort of his own home.
"I mean, your family owned that super famous fashion brand. Not sure what else you'd be inheriting." Leo chimed, half joking. As if it weren't obvious what Romeo could have been in store for in another life--possibly even in this one.
"Ah. But, yes, three siblings and the languages are right. I understand little bits of other regional languages here and there--only what you pick up doing business and singing in other regions. I understand English and Japanese far better. Isn't that strange?"
Romeo frowns as he reads the part about his father, about gambling. He thinks of Taiga calling him naive and greedy. Like your old man. You gotta be more careful with your chips, Lulu! Of parroting words--he never really thought about it, but they may have been nearly the exact same ones--that his father had yelled at. . .his mother? His sister? His nonna? No, his father would never yell at her--
You're being ridiculous. He doesn't have a problem.
Even if he acknowledged it, what good would it do? His father was still in charge of everything--
He partially skips that one. "I was expected to take over for my father eventually. But our brand name was taken from me--from us. And everything went with it after that. I run the casino because that BTH won't do his own damn job and run the business he started. I don't need a reason to hate gambling--it's designed to make you keep trying and losing even when you're already at a loss. What is there to like about it if you aren't in the house position that's meant to see those profits?"
Even in the house position, he doesn't much like gambling. And he'd rather not admit that it might be more personal than that.
"And the drugs makes a profit, same as any other contraband. I wouldn't touch them if I weren't selling them. I don't smoke, either. I don't touch any of that unhealthy garbage. Do you know what that crap does to your body!?" It's a wonder Jin and Haku are in the conditions they're in with how much they smoke. Or, in Haku's case, smoked--he heard he's trying to quit. Good luck with that. "I'll admit to drinking, but I try and keep it to meals and celebrations." And moments of extreme stress. "The drinks Mickey makes are made from anomalous ingredients--all of the effects but none of the risks of actual alcohol. So it doesn't count."
But if that weren't an option he would be drinking real alcohol every night. He may not smoke, but Rui is currently, literally, the only thing keeping him from becoming a full blown alcoholic. . .no pressure or anything, Rui.
He grimaces at the mention of Catholicism or faith at all. "Is anybody back home really religious? Be honest, no one really practiced any of that BS." Well, some people did, especially older people. But it was more tradition and custom than actual belief that kept a crucifix hanging around his neck for most of his life. "I made a deal with a demon. That isn't a sin God would forgive, even if He were good. Even if I believed, what choice would I have but to put my faith elsewhere?"
The first thing he threw away himself after making that deal was the cross he'd worn around his neck. But he couldn't bring himself to blow it up. That felt. . .a little too dangerous, even for something he didn't feel like he really believed in. He'd simply thrown it as far as he could(much further than he could have thrown it a few hours prior) and left it behind.
After all, if a demon came to him and granted him great power, perhaps there was a God too? But by then it was too late to worry. If God saw fit to strike him down he would.
"I don't think most people like school, let alone Catholic school. And I assure you that any attempts to bully me wouldn't have needed my family or their connections to get involved. But they respected me and my family, so if anyone had any SAC about my middle name, they were smart enough to hold their tongues.
". . .as for keeping contact with my family, I don't know if any of my direct family--nonna included--are still alive. And they don't know that about me, either. As far as anybody back home knows the eldest son of the Lucci brand and his personal bodyguard have been missing for several years." Although he has quite the online presence, so if anybody wanted to reach out to him it's far from impossible. He still wears his name with pride.
"My indirect family, with whom I share my last name. . .I never spoke much to them, despite that they provided our security at home. I don't think they cared for me much when I pretty much had Taiga replace their men." But you really can't beat one guy who can beat up two or three guys at once and tells you how pretty he thinks you are all the time. "So I can't say I speak to any of them anymore. Even through letters. I CBA to find out if anyone's alright anyway."
It's probably paranoia. But if your family was attacked over unpaid debts that were out of your control you would probably be paranoid too. If he reached out or started some sort of investigation, someone could get hurt. What if it were him!
"It is virtually impossible to find good, authentic Italian food in Tokyo. Especially if you want something specific or regional--the available ingredients aren't the same either. We had people who cooked for us back home--anyone with money like ours would have, I'm sure--but I don't think that would stop anybody's grandmother as long as she had working hands."
He resists the urge to smile. "But she taught me how to sew more than she taught me how to cook. It's a wonder we got away with that--I had never liked my father simply having others make my designs without any input beyond sketches and notes. I wanted more involvement so that everything would be perfect. . .but that isn't what you're asking about. Nobody cooks like your mother--and even less people your grandmother."
Leo makes a contemplative noise and looks thoughtful about this. Sho is very good at replicating tastes and recipes based off of description. . .and getting good ingredients imported. And he loves making food from different cultures--'Highway To Home' was called that for a reason. For Leo, no one's made better food than Sho, even either of their mothers. It probably wouldn't be the same. . .but he likes the idea of Romeo owing him a favor and giving Sho a challenge, and files the thought away for later.
"Kurossa, which one is pansexual again?"
"Huh? Oh, it's 'where there's a hole, there's a goal,' more or less."
"I thought that was bisexual."
"These days it's pretty much the same thing depending on who you ask."
". . .Which one are you?"
"Awww, do you wanna be like me, Ro-Ro?"
Romeo smirks back at him, tilting his head. "What can I say, you have good taste."
"Honestly, I don't really care. The pan flag's colors look like printer ink, so I just say I'm bi because I don't want the ugly ass neon flag? It's so bright, those colors can look good but you've really gotta put effort in for it. The bi flag colors are a little more muted? The aro colors kinda suck too though."
Romeo appears to be looking up the flags and scrunching up his face. "They're workable colors. I think the fact that they're plain bars is part of what makes them look so unappealing. . . ." But then he realizes he's getting off track and goes back to the headcanon list. "Well, in any case, I favor men as a. . .noticeable pattern. But I've been attracted to others before, so I would say you're probably right. But my interest in fashion is from my family business, and my interest in self care is from both my desire to maintain personal perfection and an upbringing in the fashion business. Top tier clothing wouldn't be tolerated on a face and body that don't compliment it. It would be a waste."
"Like, still put the effort in obviously, even if you can't get it perfect. Some effort is a million times better than no effort." Leo adds, rolling over on the couch.
"Of course. Not everyone can afford the price of true beauty, and not everyone is patient enough for it even if they can. But that doesn't mean you don't do anything at all. They say you can't polish a turd but hikaru dorodango still manages to make some aesthetically pleasing work of simple mud.
"Speaking of brands, while I certainly favor Italian brands," especially his own family's when he can find their older pieces, "I don't shop them exclusively. Primarily, yes, but I'm not going to refuse good and aesthetically appealing products out of some sense of national pride.
"There's a bidet in my private office bathroom and my bedroom's attached bathroom. I've had both almost entirely remodeled, although fortunately, as this is a luxury cruise ship, there wasn't much to be adjusted.
"I'm not interested in sports." Which is to say you're correct in that he acts like he isn't interested, but he does follow it. He's a little too busy to be watching football games on the other side of the planet all that often, but he does keep up. "And I don't hate being called Romeo. I'm used to the mispronunciation by now, although I'm really not certain when it arose considering Japanese is a phonetic language and I've never written it ro-mi-o. Like I've said before, I don't like being called Vice-Captain because it makes me sound off-brand! So I gave myself my own title that they can use instead--there is no doubt that no one here but me is Fico! The only people who have to refer to me as such are my underlings, the casino staff, and the underlings of other houses!"
"I use 'Romi-sama' and 'Ro-Ro' for him and other people use different nicknames too. Maybe that makes it seem like he doesn't like his name since he lets us call him nicknames?"
"How is that I don't refuse friendly nicknames a sign that I dislike my name, as opposed to that the company I keep tends to be people who are much too friendly for their own good!? Most of them use 'Romi' in some way anyway!"
"I'm just speculating! You are so loud all the time."
"And, finally. Of course I have things imported for me from outside of Japan. If I can afford to do it, why wouldn't I?" Especially his fancy €12 bottles of sparkling water!? "It's annoyingly expensive but I've worked out a deal with the mail room. If I can't find something here I'll simply bring it here. I won't compromise my quality of life."
Romeo sighs in exhaustion. Why did he do all of that? He could have just said no, really! But instead you made him give a verbal essay on his own existence. You did it, not me. "There. Do you feel sufficiently validated or invalidated now?
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Meet the Writer Tag!
(Thank you so much to @mysticstarlightduck for tagging me! Sorry I took so long lol)
This is me!
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(I don't normally wear this many accessories/jewellery lol. But I wish I did! I love it sm)
Three Fun Facts About Me:
I have never been in a relationship before. Ever. The only experience I have in that department is through other people's stories, not really my own. And by that, I mean that I'm used to watching my friends/people around me getting in and out of relationships, and listening to songs about romance and love and heartbreak... but not really relating to them due to not having any of those experiences myself (but it's alright, tho. It'll happen when it happens! In the meantime, I always have my made-up ships from my writing lol).
My favourite book growing up was "Matilda" by Roald Dahl. I thought Matilda was such a cool girl growing up lol. And lowkey relatable in a lot of ways. No, I wasn't a child genius. But she kind of fits into the archetype that I always found comfort in due to being that kind of person myself. Smart/intellectually curious, bookworm, introverted/independent, genuinely kind and has a heart in spite of being seen as cold by others (another example of this is Huey from Boondocks. Been rewatching some episodes of that show recently and wow... forgot how crazy it was lol. It's good, tho).
Christmas is my favourite holiday! 🎅❄️🎄I do get why some people may dislike it, I guess (like, my younger sister isn't a fan, and she's explained why... I get it. The over-commercialisation of it takes a lot of the "specialness" out of it, you know? Distracts from the actual meaning behind it and all. Plus, it can suck if you're just feeling sad and lonely during a time of celebration for everyone else. Aside from that, technically Easter is more significant if you look at it from the lens of which Christian holiday is most important). But I love the joyfulness and festiveness. Makes me feel all jolly and cosy inside. Plus, I love singing Christmas carols. And presents. And Christmas movies. I just love Christmas lol.
Favorite season:
Autumn. Or fall, as some others prefer to call it. That's when my birthday is!!
(Second place is summer because that's holiday season. Plus, that's when my sister's birthday is.)
Continent where I live:
I live in the UK, so Europe.
How I spend my (free) time:
Writing (duh)
Writeblr stuff (tag games, making OC playlists, answering questions, communicating with followers and having discussions with them about writing, etc)
YouTube (mainly watching videos... but I do want to start making videos myself at some point. Stay tuned for that, I guess)
Studying/school assignments (I'm in university)
Listening to music
Watching movies/TV shows
Eating lol
Are you published?
No. It'd be cool to be, though. Pretty sure I've mentioned this at least once before, but I want to self-publish the Stephanie Smith saga once I'm done with it.
Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert. 100% introvert lol. I feel most comfortable within myself when I'm by myself. As a kid, I was so painfully shy that the thought of going up to someone and asking a simple question would terrify me lol. As I got older, though, I was super duper lonely, and I realised that I had no real friends because I was keeping myself all closed off in a tight shell, so I'd literally force myself to open up and become more social and make friends with other kids. I practised it, like how you do with any skill. Now it's not so bad. I'd say I can carry a conversation with someone fairly well, even if I don't know them so well.
Favorite meal:
Ooooh.... this is hard. I love most foods lol.
I think I'll go with something a little bit more traditional. I'm Kenyan, and one of my favourite meals that I've grown up eating is chapatti and stew (any kind of stew, or soup. But my mum would usually make this stew with kidney beans. That was a big hit growing up). Haven't had it in almost a year, tho.
Aside from that, I love pizza. And Nandos.
Tagging: @clairelsonao3, @exquisitecrow, @mister-writes, @winterandwords, @mjparkerwriting, @e-everlasting-g, @erieautumnskies, @annethewittywriter, @writingwithfolklore, @ashwithapen
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twoidiotwriters1 · 16 days
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: Apollo is here and I couldn't be happier I love him -Danny Words: 2,554 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Paul Revere' -by Noah Kahan
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VIII: Dang Bitch, You Live Like This?
Ara stares at him in shock. "Come again?"
"He's the god Apollo." The little girl replies, eyeing her sword with massive interest.
"If you really are Apollo, tell me something only he would know." It's no secret that Ara's looking for the sun god, so asking for proof makes sense.
The boy cleans his bloody nose and thinks hard, looking rather pathetic. "Your boyfriend gave me a Valdezinator that sounds exactly like the piece Michael wrote to heal people."
The demigod lowers her sword immediately and urges them forward. "Go in."
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Ara opens the door to her apartment and speaks over her shoulder. "Stay here. Do not leave." She rushes to the kitchen where Sally and Percy are laughing. Ara clears her throat and Percy smiles at her. 
"Apollo's at the door," she announces quickly. "I think he's mortal."
Percy stops smiling. "What?"
"I can't leave him outside, so they're coming in," Ara walks back to the entrance. "He's got a little girl with him, Percy, so don't be scary!"
He follows her to the door. Ara opens it and curtsies. "Come in, my lord."
"Appreciated," the boy drags himself into the apartment, the young girl following close.
"Who's your friend?" Percy stares at the girl.
"This is Meg McCaffrey, a demigod who must be taken to Camp Half-Blood. She rescued me from street thugs."
"Rescued..." Percy glances at his sister. "You mean the 'beat-up teenager' look isn't just a disguise? Dude, what happened to you?"
"I may have mentioned the street thugs."
"But you're a god."
"About that... I was a god."
"Prove it," Ara demands. The boy pulls out an ID with his picture and the name Lester Papadopoulos. "Zeus is really angry at you, huh?"
Apollo scoffs but he doesn't argue. "Oh! Before I forget, my dear muse," he flashes her a weak smile. "I'm fairly certain we're being followed by malicious spirits."
"What?" Ara locks the door a second time. "Why didn't you say that before I brought you up to my mother's apartment?!"
"Well, you must ensure my safety, and you will take care of this, won't you?" Apollo questions off-handedly.
Percy inches closer and whispers. "Can't believe he came looking for you..."
"I'm a hero now, of course he would look for me," she grumbles.
"Yeah, but—"
"Sacred Sibyl!" Apollo—Lester—gasps when their mother comes out of the kitchen. "Madam, there is something wrong with your midsection!"
"Well, I'm seven months pregnant," Sally stops in her tracks.
"How can you bear it?" The god moans in despair. "My mother, Leto, suffered through a long pregnancy, but only because Hera cursed her. Are you cursed?"
"Um, Apollo? She's not cursed," Percy steps in. "And can you not mention Hera?"
"You poor woman." Apollo sighs. "A goddess would never allow herself to be so encumbered. She would give birth as soon as she felt like it."
"Let's focus on your issues, my lord." So we can get rid of you faster.
Percy clears his throat. "Mom, this is Apollo and his friend Meg. Guys, this is our mom."
"Call me Sally." She examines Apollo's injured face. "Dear, that looks painful. What happened? I tell you what—Percy can help you get bandaged and cleaned up." 
"I can?" Percy asks with annoyance. 
Ara elbows him before gesturing at Apollo. "This way, lord..."
"Ara, you give Meg your old clothes, pre-growth spurt," Sally says bemusedly.
The girl nods. "Sure. Come along, Meg."
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"What are we gonna do?"
"I'll take care of it."
"Before you say anything, remember I'm turning sixteen this year," she glares at him. "You fought your prophecy when you were my age."
"Yeah, I..." Percy blinks as if just realizing that she's right. "Gods, you're turning sixteen already?"
"This is Mike's father we're talking about," Ara brushes that aside. "The song I use to heal people? Michael wrote it. I do this for him, Percy, I have to help."
He pauses, some kind of understanding that isn't helping him feel better dawns upon him, and causes his shoulders to slump. The door to their bathroom opens and Apollo comes out of it, sheepish but clean. "What happened to you, man?" Percy grimaces. "The war ended in August. It's January."
"It is?"
Ara and Percy share a look. "I knew this would happen," she sighs. "I saw how Zeus treated you, I knew he was going to punish you."
"I—I don't know where I've been," Apollo fidgets with his shirt. "I have some memory gaps."
Percy wrinkles his nose. "I hate memory gaps. Last year I lost an entire semester thanks to Hera."
"It's normal," Ara tries to ease the god. "Either your consciousness is trying to adjust to a mortal brain, or Zeus took it on purpose so it's harder for you to return."
"Well, that's why I've come to you!" Apollo smiles. "I can't do it, but surely the daughter of Olympus can fix this! It's your job!"
Ara frowns. "I'd rather not test the King of the gods by helping his currently hormonal teenage son that he's trying to punish, besides, I have never turned anyone into a god."
"We can drive you and Meg to camp if that's what you want," Percy offers. "We never turn away a demigod who needs help—"
"Wonderful! Do you have something besides the Prius? A Maserati, perhaps? I'd settle for a Lamborghini."
Percy ignores that. "Apollo, I can't get involved in another Big Prophecy or whatever. I've made promises."
"I lost most of my junior year because of the war with Gaea. I've spent this entire fall playing catch-up with my classes. If I want to go to college with Annabeth next fall, I have to stay out of trouble and get my diploma."
"Annabeth." Apollo squints. "She's the blond scary one?"
"That's her. I promised her specifically that I wouldn't get myself killed while she's gone." 
"She's in Boston for a few weeks. Some family emergency. The point is—"
"You're saying you cannot offer me your undivided service to restore me to my throne?" 
"Yeah." He pointed at the bedroom doorway. "Besides, my mom's pregnant. We're going to have a baby sister. I'd like to be around to get to know her."
"Well, I understand that. I remember when Artemis was born—"
"Aren't you twins?"
"I've always regarded her as my little sister."
Percy glances at his sister. I need this guy out of here. "Anyway, my mom's got that going on, and her first novel is going to be published this spring as well, so I'd like to stay alive long enough to—"
"Wonderful! Remind her to burn the proper sacrifices. Calliope is quite touchy when novelists forget to thank her."
"Okay. But what I'm saying... I can't go off on another world-stomping quest. I can't do that to my family. I've already given my mom enough heart attacks for one lifetime. She's just about forgiven me for disappearing last year, but I swore to her and Paul that I wouldn't do anything like that again."
Percy and Apollo turn to her. Ara shrugs. "Yeah well, no parents are freaking out about me. They know I have to obey, and I'm a triple-R: Resilient radioactive roach."
"Do you think he counts, though?" Percy squints.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, look at him."
"You do understand that I must find a way to return to Olympus," Apollo sounds slightly offended. "This will probably involve many harrowing trials with a high chance of death. Can you turn down such glory?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can," Percy replies impatiently. "And Ara should too, if you're not a god anymore, that means she doesn't work for you."
"What? It's the truth. Your second semester is only getting started, this guy shouldn't be distracting you."
The thing is, she wants a distraction. Ara can't stand another week of normalcy while her demigod life crumbles and gets more and more confusing. She has to fix things, and now she has a path to follow in the shape of a weak-looking deity.
"It wouldn't be wise to give him an advantage Zeus might not want for him," she leans on the wall. "But I can't say no just to be punished later. I won't decide anything until I figure it out."
"You will at least escort us to Camp Half-Blood?" Apollo asks sorely.
"That we can do." Percy gets up and pats Ara's shoulder. "Let's see if Meg's ready for a field trip." 
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"Percy, your mom is so normal."
"Thanks, I guess." 
"I see you like to study," Apollo looks at the manuals on the coffee table. "Well done."
"I hate to study," Percy snorts. "I've been guaranteed admission with a full scholarship to New Rome University, but they're still requiring me to pass all my high school courses and score well on the SAT. Can you believe that? Not to mention I have to pass the DSTOMP."
"The what?" Meg wrinkles her nose.
"An exam for Roman demigods. The Demigod Standard Test of Mad Powers," Apollo explains.
"That's what it stands for?" Percy raises a brow.
"I should know. I wrote the music and poetry analysis sections."
"I will never forgive you for that," Her brother scoffs. "Ara's doing her best to help me out, but the truth is—"
"We're both equally dumb and painfully dyslexic," Ara grabs a cookie.
"So you're really demigods? Like me?" Meg asks, shifting around the couch with barely controlled energy.
"Afraid so. My dad is the godly one—Poseidon. Ara was born an Aphrodite but now she's the daughter of the gods, which means they all get to mistreat her as much as they please."
"Gee, you really know how to sell it," Ara mutters.
"What about your parents?" Percy asks the little girl.
Meg stares at her hands. "Never knew them... much."
Percy tilts his head. "Foster home? Stepparents?" Meg turns away from him. "Sorry. Didn't mean to pry. I'm just asking 'cause Ara's adopted, and most demigods got similar stories."
"I'm adopted?!" Ara gasps. Percy punches her arm lightly.
Meg looks up at the girl with the same amazed gaze as before. "You are?"
"You're twelve, aren't you?" Ara smiles. "I was your age when I got adopted. If you've been alone all this time, you must be tough." Meg blushes, looking away from her. She glows a bright leaf green that pulls Ara's air out of her lungs. It's identical to Mike's.
"So how did you guys meet?" Percy asks Apollo.
Apollo breaks it down for them: he landed on a dumpster, got jumped on an alleyway, and Meg saved him. While they talk, Sally brings more and more food and Ara watches Apollo and Meg shove fistful after fistful into their mouths. "Percy," Apollo moans as he finishes his plate. "Your mom is awesome."
"I know, right?" Percy cleans his mouth messily. "So back to your story... you have to be Meg's servant now? You guys barely know each other."
"Barely is generous. Nevertheless, yes. My fate is now linked with young McCaffrey." 
"We are cooperating," Meg says with satisfaction.
Ara rubs her forehead, nursing a headache while she listens. She's not really in pain, headaches aren't really aches but a strange pulsing behind her eyes, like a light that she keeps trying to put into focus, not painful, but dizzying. It usually happens when she spends too much time remembering things—and it gets stronger whenever she tries to recall her regressions. They're getting blurrier as time goes on.
"So, just to recap," Percy repeats. "You have to be Meg's servant for...?"
"Some unknown amount of time. Probably a year. Possibly more."
"And during that time—"
"I will undoubtedly face many trials and hardships."
"Like getting me my cows," Meg pipes in.
Apollo's jaw clenches. "What those trials will be, I do not yet know. But if I suffer through them and prove I am worthy, Zeus will forgive me and allow me to become a god again. I need time to get my bearings. Once we get to Camp Half-Blood, I can consult with Chiron. I can figure out which of my godly powers remain with me in this mortal form—and if the daughter of Olympus is allowed to serve me."
Percy runs a hand through his hair. "Any idea what kind of spirits are following you?"
"Shiny blobs," Meg responds. "They were shiny and sort of... blobby."
"Those are the worst kind." Percy nods solemnly.
"I've no idea what that could be," Ara mumbles.
"It hardly matters," Apollo brushes it off. "Whatever they are, we have to flee. Once we reach camp, the magical borders will protect me."
"You and Meg, you mean," Ara raises a brow. "I'm not fully certain you didn't kidnap her so we would take pity on you."
Percy realizes something. "Apollo, if you're really mortal, like, one hundred percent mortal, can you even get in to Camp Half-Blood?"
"Please don't say that," Apollo whines. "Of course I'll get in. I have to."
"But you could get hurt in battle now... Then again, maybe monsters would ignore you because you're not important?"
"Maybe he won't taste good in the state he is," Ara examines his looks. "Barely any meat..."
"Stop! I'm sure I've retained some powers, I'm still gorgeous, for instance, if I could just get rid of this acne and lose some flab. I must have other abilities!"
Ara and Percy share a look again, then they turn to Meg. "What about you?" Percy asks. "I hear you throw a mean garbage bag. Any other skills we should know about? Summoning lightning? Making toilets explode?"
Meg grins. "That's not a power."
"Sure it is," Percy replies sweetly. "Some of the best demigods have gotten their start by blowing up toilets." Meg's soul light comes back again as she giggles. Ara smiles too, Percy has that effect on... well, pretty much everyone. Even her, though her affection has always been molded to be platonic.
"How soon can we leave?" Apollo presses, not liking how he's not the center of attention.
Percy shrugs. "Right now, I guess. If you're being followed, I'd rather have monsters on our trail than sniffing around the apartment—I just have to be back tonight, and I'm taking Ara. Got a lot of studying. The first two times I took the SAT—ugh. If it wasn't for Annabeth and Birdy helping me out—"
"Who's that?"
"Annabeth's my girlfriend and Birdy's what I call Ara." Meg's soul light dies instantly. That is probably the fastest falling out Ara's seen when it comes to Percy, even faster than Lily's.
"So take a break!" Apollo claps. "Your brain will be refreshed after an easy drive to Long Island."
"Huh," Percy squints. "There's a lazy kind of logic to that. Okay. Let's do it." Sally comes in with a badge of cookies and the boy raises his hands as if about to calm a dangerous creature. "Mom, don't freak..."
Sally's expression drops. "I hate it when you say that."
"We're just going to take these two to camp. That's all. We'll be right back."
"I think I've heard that before."
"I promise," Percy seizes Ara's hand and squeezes. "We'll be back."
"At least one of us will," Ara replies sarcastically, earning a harsh elbow on the ribs.
"All right. Be careful. It was lovely meeting you both. Please try not to die." Percy kisses his mother's cheek and tries to get a cookie. "Oh, no! Apollo and Meg can have one, but I'm keeping the rest hostage until you're back safely. And hurry, it would be a shame if Paul ate them all when he gets home."
"You hear that, guys? A batch of cookies is depending on us," Percy scowls. "If you get any of us killed on the way to camp, I am going be ticked off."
Ara hums, trying not to look too pleased about having a quest. "I'll get my Octopus."
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Next Chapter –>
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cbk1000 · 3 months
So, if you don’t mind, why would you not let anyone IRL read your fanfic? Obviously it is really good writing, so is it the subject matter then? Based on your other posts here, it doesn't seem like you are someone who would fear judgement for that? Or is it different IRL? (I understand not letting your mom or dad read the porn though, lol).
No, I wouldn't let my parents read the porn. Lol My parents are also both very homophobic, so even if I didn't mind people IRL reading my work, I'd just keep it from them full stop, because even if I gave them the sanitized version of something with the sex scenes cut out, they'd think it was disgusting because two men are in love.
It's not the subject matter; I just find the thought of anyone I know IRL, and regularly have to look in the eyes, reading my writing to be incredibly cringe. I'd let my sister, a fellow writer, read it if she really wanted to, but she would not be allowed to do it in front of me, and she would also not be allowed to talk about it afterward. Lmao
It's not shame about fandom, or subject matter; I've read plenty of off-the-wall stuff and happily terrorize the people who know me by talking about it. "Jenn writes and reads gay fanfic" would probably be one of the least surprising things my friends and family could learn about me. It's my writing specifically that I don't want them getting hold of, because I find the idea embarrassing. I do not, tbh, think it's that good; obviously I enjoy doing it, or I wouldn't have written close to a million words in the last few years, and I take joy in it, and there are lines or scenes I think are well-done, but I don't think readers really understand how I and my Imposter Syndrome perceive my writing. I don't think it's the worst thing in the world, because I have read some really REALLY terrible writing, but I do think it's kind of just mediocre and underwhelming overall, so I think really the motivation for not wanting anyone IRL to see it is that I would find it embarrassing for friends and family to find out I'm really not that great at a hobby they've seen me put so much time and effort into.
It's different with internet strangers, who don't see the alarming volume of medieval history and Arthurian literature I've collected to help with world building, or how many times a week, and for how long, I disappear into my room to write. I also don't have to live in the same house as them after they read my writing. And, too, my specific audience is full of fanfic readers, who are judging it as fanfic, and who are comparing it to other fanfic, a genre that has absolutely no quality control, and where just spell checking your work puts you ahead of a lot of the pack. It's being judged, by fanfic readers, on its merits as fanfic, and it's being compared to other fanfiction. Of course it looks good and polished under those circumstances; a lot of fanfiction is written by people who haven't even been alive as long as I've been writing. But most of the people in my life are not fanfic readers, and would be judging my writing against the actual books they've read. So I guess what I really worry about is when it breaks containment, and has to be judged on its own, just as a piece of writing, and not as fanfiction being compared to a lot of works written by inexperienced authors, it'll be obvious that it's not very good. Even as fanfic, if you were to compare my work fairly, to writers of a similar age (30s) who have been writing for decades, it doesn't really stand out. A lot of writers of that age and experience level are far more educated than me, and, even as hobbyists, often have actual degrees, or at least some kind of credentials, in creative writing or literature. Whereas I am just someone who reads a lot of books and loves to tell stories, and I think that's fairly obvious when you compare my work to people who actually have formal education or training in writing.
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