#and my sister is glad for it cause she wont need to wake up at 7am anymore
be-good-to-bugs · 11 months
bleh im upset i burned myself out from work but alas i had no choice
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ynsimagines · 3 years
Supergirl Request: B!D Gets shot.
Lena had offered you a job as her  assistant upon college graduation. You were a hard worker and wanted a well paying job. You knew Lena before getting the job from interacting with her at game nights or karaoke. You always found yourself drawn to her she was powerful and strong willed. But you also saw a softer, kinder side.
 Alex insisted that you take a black armored DEO vehicle to work everyday. As your older sister she was extremely protective, she would not hear an argument against it. You even tried to convince Kara that it was extreme, but there was no getting through to her either. But today all the safety precautions didn’t seem to work today. It was supposed to be a slow at L Corp. One of answering emails, and phone calls, but someone managed to break in getting past Lena’s security. 
You would later learn that Morgan Edge had hired a couple of Hitmen for Lena’s monthly assassinations attempt. Unfortunately you ended up getting caught in the crossfires. Lena had told you to run get somewhere safe and save yourself, but you of course refused to leave her.
The pain didn't hit you at first the need to get yourself and Lena to safety came first. “Y/N, you just got shot” Lena placed her hands gently on your shoulders as you realized you were slowly falling to the ground. That’s when you felt the worst pain in your lower stomach. You could also feel the shirt clinging to you because of the blood.
“Stay with me,” Lena said. Her voice was sounding farther and farther away. “Supergirl!” she called out to your sister who had arrived a touch to late.
Beeping. that’s the first thing you heard. There was a dull ache in your stomach.
“Y/N,” you heard Alex say quietly you opened your eyes to see that you were in the DEO med bay Alex was sitting in the chair next to you holding your hand looking worse for wear. You looked to the other side and noticed your blonde sister was sitting in the chair on your other side half of her body slumped over on your bed she was still asleep and hadn't even taken off her super suit. “What happened Alex, why am I in the DEO?” You asked slightly panicked.
“Shh, you’re okay” she said gently stroking your hair. “You got shot with a bullet today while you were at work.”
The talking seemed to wake Kara up slowly. She looked confused than relieved when her eyes landed on you, “Little one, thank Rao you’re okay.”
You nodded, “can I have some water” you rasped. Your blonde sister grabbed the cup that was next to you and helped you take a sip before putting it back down. Kara felt extremely guilty for what happened to you. She hadn’t gotten to you quickly enough. Of course Supergirl had flown to L Corp as soon as she got the alert, but the hitman had been expecting Supergirl and one managed to hold her off until it was too late. What kind of Superhero cant protect her own baby sister?
“How are you feeling, sweetheart? Are you in any pain?” Asked Alex. 
“A little, but its manageable,” you said reassuringly. But Alex didn't even want you to have the slightest discomfort and slightly increased your pain meds. The more you looked at Alex the more you started to realize how tired she looked she had purple circles under her eyes and you realize she must not have hardly slept if at all.
“How long have I been unconscious?”
“About 24 hours,” Alex said looking at her watch. Your oldest sister also felt incredibly guilty. She was supposed to protect you and keep you safe. The DEO should’ve gotten there faster, and she never should’ve let you work at L Corp.
Your sisters managed to fill you in a little more on what happened, “I’m so sorry  Little one,” said Kara “this is my fault I should’ve gotten to you and Lena sooner.”
You shook you head, “No Kara this isn’t your fault. I know you were held up even Supergirl cant be in two places at once.”
“She’s right Kara its not your fault it’s mine,” said Alex. “I should’ve gotten there sooner, and I never should’ve agreed to let you work at LCorp.”
“Oh my God you two are being ridiculous.” you said causing them to both look at you surprised. “Alex you got there as quickly as you could, I’m an adult and make my own decisions about where I work,” you said giving her a pointed look. “Besides if I wasn’t there Lena would’ve been shot, and I know you wouldn’t want that either.”
“Speaking of Lena, is she okay?” You asked worried.
“She’s fine, little one we sent her home to get some rest,” answered Kara.
Alex nodded, “Lena is really worried about you kiddo, didn't want to leave.”
 You felt touched that Lena cared so much about you. You yawned starting to feel tired. “Get some rest sweetheart, you need it,” said Kara leaning down to kiss your forehead followed by Alex doing the same. 
You woke up a couple of hours later to find that your sisters had stepped out, and you were in the presence of none other than Lena Luthor. She was sitting on her laptop typing away and hadn’t yet noticed your presence until she suddenly looked up.
“Y/N, darling you’re awake. How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?” Asked Lena worried as she walked over to you.
“No, I’m not in pain. Where are my sisters?” You asked looking around.
“They went home to take a shower and eat something,” she said gently rubbing your arm. You nodded “they’ll be back soon.”
You took a deep breath, “Lena I’m really sorry about what happened at L Corp.”
Lena immediately shook her head, “What? Y/N, none of what happened is your fault. If anything its mine. You’re like a sister to me and I failed to keep you safe. ”
You wanted to reply to her, but after that admission you didn't quite know what to say. “I completely understand if you dont want to work at L Corp anymore. I’ll even help you find a new job,” said Lena.
“But Lena I don’t want another job. I love working at L Corp so much. Yeah sure I got hurt, but I’m gonna be okay, and what happened to me isn’t your fault its Morgan Edges’.”
“What about your sisters?”
“What about them? you answered. It’s my decision. If Alex is upset about it I’ll deal with her,” you said knowing Lena would be worried about Alex getting mad at her. 
“Okay sweetheart, I want you to take some time off to get better, and I’m going to increase the security. You will never get hurt under my watch again.”
You nodded, “Lena?” You asked causing the other women to look back at you. “I also love you like a sister, I’m glad you’re a part of our family.” 
Lena had to take a deep breath just to keep herself from bursting into tears she leant down and gave you a gentle hug careful not to hurt you, “that means so much sweetheart, thank you for saying that I love you too.”
You winced as Alex inspected and cleaned your bullet wound. Today was the fourth day of being in the DEO after you had been shot. Your sisters and Lena all took turns being by your side. On the second day the assassins' were found and arrested along with Morgan Edge but not before getting roughed up by Agent Danvers.
When you woke up you had been feeling some pain where the bullet hit you. When Alex went to inspect it she realized your wound had a mild infection. 
“How bad is it, is she going to be okay?” Kara asked as she held your hand.
“Can I still go home today?” you asked tired of being stuck in the DEO with nothing to do except watch Netflix.
“It’s just a minor infection,” said Alex. “You’ll need to take some antibiotics, but once I clean it there’s no need to keep you here any longer.”
“I’m going to be working from home for a while to look after you, little one,” said Kara.
“I still have to go into work, but I’m going to stay the night at yours and Kara’s apartment for the week. And Lena’s gonna stay with you while we go on patrol,” added Alex.
You smiled, you had the best family ever. 
“Sweetheart, we know your an adult and can make your own decisions,” said Kara looking at Alex pointedly. “And what happened wasn't in any way your fault.”
“We just want you to remember that your not invincible,” said Alex sitting on your bed after she finished cleaning your wound and removed her gloves. “That bullet could’ve killed you,  just promise us you wont jump in front of a gun ever again.”
“I Promise,” you knew that if you had the chance to potentially save your sisters, Lena, or any other member of your family from dying you would no matter the cost, but you weren't up for having that conversation right now.
“Can you guys also promise me something? That you’ll get some sleep, and eat something substantial. You both look exhausted the last thing we need is for one of you to collapse. And get Lena to do the same,” your sisters smile at this. You’re always so concerned about others even while you’re lying in a hospital bed with a hole in your stomach. 
“Alright we promise Sweet girl,” said Kara kissing your forehead.
 “Can we have pizza tonight?” You asked causing both your sisters to laugh for the first time in days. 
Later that night when Lena came to the apartment she found you and your sisters fast asleep on the couch.
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oneoftheextras · 4 years
brother-in-law | two
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masterlist | tip jar
yandere!aizawa where he is married to your sister but circumstances keep making things less than ideal
the amount of people that asked me for a part two of this made me soooo happy - i’m so glad people like my writing! this part is going to move away from the halloween theme that it was originally written in
this is my late christmas present to you
warnings: 18+ themes, mentions of covid-19 (i thought i would make it topical) cheesy circumstances, guilt, yandere themes, toxic relationship and of course, family
Part 1 | Part 2
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That night still played on repeat in your head, you felt terrible. Of course, you hadn’t mentioned it to anyone, not a single living soul -unless you counted your many potted plants- knew about what happened in those short couple of seconds. But for some reason, it kept you up at night.
Shota had moved in next door pretty quickly. Your sister had banged on your door the day he arrived, and asked you to help bring in all of the two boxes he had brought with him, one was filled with work clothes and his uniforms for his Hero work, and the other was a coffee machine. That sounded about right.
At least it gave you an excuse to be nosey and see what his space looked like, you weren’t surprised when it was exactly the same as yours, just with less furniture. It had all the essentials in the kitchen, that came with the apartment, but that was it. The living room was bare, only a couch and a TV, it was a skeleton of an apartment and reminded you of when you first moved in.
He had lived next door for a month, causing no trouble, barely even seeing him apart from passing in the corridor when you were going to get laundry or going somewhere when he was coming back from school - your schedules meant that you would always be coming back from work before him and he was leaving for work before you.
That was until one night when you decided to bring someone home after a girls night out on a Friday evening. If truth be told, you had rarely ever done the whole one night stand thing, but it had been a while and you needed to get your mind off Shota.
You were more than a little bit drunk, and so was the guy, you barely knew this man, but you knew his name and that he worked for the same company as you. Either way, you had spent the night in bed with him- and up the wall, on the couch and various other places. It was fun. And you even got to ignore the awkward morning conversation when you woke up and he was nowhere to be seen.
It was all going so well, until you decided to check your phone, seeing a text from ‘Maybe Shota’, you weren’t sure how he got your number but if you had to guess you would have said it was your sister. Your heart dropped when you read the words that had been sent to you at 4:32am “Next time you get that drunk, text me to come get you so you don’t bring the bar home with you”, if he was awake at that time there was no doubt that he had heard you.
Trying to shake off the embarrassment you were feeling you decided to start your Saturday morning off with a mug of coffee on the balcony, it was 8:02am and luckily not feeling as groggy as you thought you were going to.
Besides, watching the sunrise from your bean bag on the balcony was worth waking up early for.
It was peaceful and distracted you from all the madness that was going on at the moment.
That was, until you heard the sliding door to your left open and close, it seemed like someone had the same idea as you. “Good morning” you heard a deep grumbly voice say, he had clearly just woken up as well, giving him that rough morning-voice. “Good morning” you said back politely, this was the first thing you had said to each other in over a month since you helped him move in.
“How’s the hangover?” He asked, being annoyingly more talkative than normal, “You know, hanging” you mumbled, half-assing a joke. He turned to face you, seemingly concerned “I have some aspirin if you want some?” He gestured to his apartment behind him, “No no no” you laughed to yourself, “I was joking, I’m fine, I didn’t drink that much” you confessed.
He pushed some air out of his nose harshly in as an unhumoured laugh, “Could have fooled me” he commented dryly. You didn’t really know what to say back, so you said nothing, to be completely honest he still made you nervous.
“Have you spoken to your sister recently?” He asked you in a rather drastic change in subject, that pit of guilt in your stomach started to gurgle, “Not really, why?” You were becoming concerned that something had happened to her and you hadn’t been told yet.
Shota looked down into his coffee and then up out at the morning sky, you were trying not to stare at the side of his face but the way you were sitting in your bean bag made it a bit hard, “Just wondered” he shrugged, “She’s not very happy with the new restrictions on travel” he continued.
“Oh” the sound that left your mouth was barely audible, but you realised he was talking about the pandemic that was going on worldwide. “I had a feeling she wouldn’t like them” you added to your noise, you realised that you weren’t really giving him much of a conversation when he clearly wanted to get something off his chest.
He huffed and you watched the air leaving his mouth turn into a visible cloud in the sky, it was starting to get colder, “I’m guessing she wants you to go home?” You said for him, you knew your sister and she didn’t do well being on her own without someone to wait on her every whim, Shota nodded in agreement. “But I can’t” he leaned forward, putting his forearms on the railing and dangerously hanging his coffee mug off the edge while holding it with both hands, “My school is still open, they’ve said places of education don’t need to close” he was visibly distressed by it.
Another sigh left his mouth as he stood up straight again, he was fidgeting, something you’d never see him do. “She’s not happy with me” was all he said as he subconsciously fiddled with his wedding ring, “When is she ever happy with you?” You inputted as a joke, but when he rolled his eyes behind closed lids, you knew you were right.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t be talking to you about this” he shook his head while he apologised and finally looked towards you - you were wearing your pyjama shorts and a vest, but the way his eyes trailed up your legs, across your chest and eventually to your face, made you feel as though you were wearing nothing. You watched his Adam’s Apple wobble in his throat as he swallowed his saliva.
He had locked eyes with you, and it felt like the wind had been knocked out of your lungs, immediately you were back in your parents house with his arm around your waist as you danced to the music. “It’s fine, you can talk about anything with me” you found yourself saying, his tongue darted out between his parted lips to wet them, and you had to admit your mouth was getting dry too.
“Yeah, you too” he muttered, luckily your balconies were connected but with a small metal railing down the middle, otherwise you wouldn’t have heard him, “Can talk to me about anything I mean’ he explained, not that you needed an explaination - “I stay up quite late so don’t feel bad knocking on my door at any time” his eyes were basically begging you to come over.
“I will” you said, before thinking, “Uh- I mean, you know” you stuttered, you had gotten too lost in his gaze that you’d forgotten how to speak. You watched his soft expression turn into a sideways smirk as he had realised what he had done.
“I should let you go, I’m sure you’ve got loads of papers to grade” you awkwardly stood up and shouted a goodbye before basically slamming your sliding door closed.
Placing your hand on your chest, you could feel your heart pounding through your rib cage and into your palm. You needed to get yourself under control, you thought to yourself. It wasn’t right to be thinking of Aizawa this way, he was your sister’s husband for Christ sake. It didn’t matter how many times you told yourself this, your heart would still flutter whenever you thought about him or heard your name.
Later that night, you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket, and then you saw the screen your stomach dropped as it filled with a sick feeling of guilt, it was your sister.
“Hey!” You smiled as you swiped to answer the video call, “Hey” she said in a less than emphusiastic tone, “What’s up?” You asked as you propped your phone up on the side and continued to cook your dinner, “My idiot husband” she snarled, she was obviously in one of her moods - you couldn’t help the little voice in your head saying ‘He’s not an idiot’.
You decided it was best not to say anything and just let her talk, she was going to start her monologue either way, she took a deep breath in as she began “He wont listen to me! I’ve told him to come home so many times and he just wont, I don’t understand why he wont listen to what I say” she was clearly very angry, almost like she had just finished an argument and wanted to get someone on her side.
It was an amazement to you how you had managed to be in between this couple drama considering they barely spoke to you before now.
Her pause was long enough to tell you that she wanted an answer, “With all the new travel restrictions, I don’t think he has a choice” you tried to say it in the most level headed and logical way you could, you couldn’t take sides in this. But your sister wasn’t having any of it, “Of course he has a choice! He still travels to his school every day” she put emphasis on the word ‘travels’ as she tried to use your own words against you, again you couldn’t help yourself from defending him, “That’s his job, he has to go there” but your pleas were falling on deaf ears.
The next 20 minutes was her explaining all the reasons as to why she was right and how Aizawa was wrong, after the second objection you realised how useless it was. “So I told him-“ your sister was finally starting to conclude her lecture, “-it’s me or the school” you were half-listening to her at this point, but that made you stop and think over whether or not you actually heard what she just said or if you thought it up.
“You didn’t actually say that to him did you?” You took a sip of your drink and turned back towards the camera, you had been out of shot all this time and she was too busy talking about herself that she didn’t even notice, “Of course I did’ she said as though she was proud of it.
“What did he say?” You prodded, interested in how he would have handled that situation, all the years you’d known Aizawa you could never picture him having the energy for such an argument. “He hung up the phone” she said flatly, and you had to stop yourself from spitting out a laugh. Of course he did.
“So what now?” You were probably asking more questions than you should about your sister’s relationship, “I think I’m going to give him the week, and if he doesn’t come home I’ll start filing for a divorce”, that time you actually did spit out your drink. “That’s a bit drastic don’t you think?!” You were shocked she would say such a thing.
The way your sister was, she had never worked a day in her life, all the income to her house was from your parents and Aizawa. If they got a divorce then she would have to go back to work, and that’s not what your sister would want to do at all - this had to be for effect.
“No, I don’t think so. If he doesn’t want to come home to me now then he doesn’t want to be with me” she sounded as though she had fully convinced herself of this, “I have to go, but keep an eye on him for me, will you? And let me know if he has any guests over” you knew exactly what she meant by that. You weren’t happy with what she was implying.
“I will’ you lied, you had no intention of keeping an eye on him, his business was his business and you had to find a way to distract yourself from all of this, focusing on what he was doing would definitely make it worse.
With that she hung up, and almost immediately after you heard a slam come from next door. Your brain told you to go and check on him and make sure he was okay, in your opinion, your sister was being out of line. But you couldn’t say that.
You felt as though it was your duty to Aizawa to tell him what your sister had told you, but you hated drama and wanted nothing more than to not be apart of it. Instead you opted for a short and simple text that said ‘I hope you’re okay, if you need anything let me know’ you prayed that he didn’t think into it too much, but you still checked your phone every half an hour to see if he had read your message.
Another week of avoiding Aizawa as best you could, and restrictions only got worse. You had moved to working from home completely remotely now, which you enjoyed because it meant you could work in your pyjamas and no one could tell you otherwise.
You were starting to get comfortable, until everything started to go wrong.
As you stepped into your shower and twisted the knob to turn on the water, you let out a guttural screech when only freezing cold water came rushing out onto your unsuspecting body. Jumping out of the shower as quickly as you could and wrapping yourself in a towel, you went and checked on the plumbing. Sure enough, the hot water was gone.
You ran the water in the sink in the bathroom, and in the kitchen, all the water was freezing cold. Before you could investigate too far, there was a pounding at your door and you heard your name being yelled, when you opened it you saw Shota looking at you with concern. Subconsciously, you pulled your towel up to cover more of your chest, this was the second time he would be seeing you this way.
“Are you okay? I heard screaming” his voice was raspy and he was clearly out of breath, something you didn’t think someone as athletic as him could be. “Yeah, I’m fine” you laughed as you visibly saw him relax, “My hot water’s gone, I wasn’t expecting the cold water” you explained as he stopped looking over your shoulder into your apartment.
He stood up straighter now that the potential danger was gone, you noticed how he had his scarf bundled up in his hand as though he had quickly grabbed it on his way out. “My water is fine, you can come and use mine” he offered to you, gesturing to his apartment door.
You didn’t know what to say, you really wanted a shower but would it be weird to use your brother-in-law’s shower? Standing there with beads of cold water still running down your shoulders, you shivered and that made up your mind, you wanted hot water.
“One second” you held up a finger before going to your bedroom and grabbing the clothes you were going to wear as well as your body wash, shampoo and conditioner, if you were going to do this you may as well get everything so you didn’t have to walk back to your apartment naked.
Exiting your bathroom you almost dropped everything you were holding when you nearly collided with Shota. You were about to ask him what he was doing but it was obvious that he was being nosey and wanting to take a look at your space.
It was your fault for leaving the front door wide open, that’s probably why he came in, he thought you were inviting him in with the open door.
“Ready?” he asked you in a low voice, you didn’t audibly respond, but you nodded at him and he lead the way.
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@mylife-demonstrates-murphys-law @hereticpriest @enagmaticether @anxiousgoddest @kodzu-ken @moonnei @diesinspanishbcimhispanic
@raine-needs-help @waitwhatsrealityagain @multifandomshitblog @annepamgkrth @fvckmeupyoonz @porkcracker
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dorkydiaz · 3 years
So Eddie says he's an excellent answer.
This is canon.
We need to see it.
-Quarantine Anon
so first off yes- now i fully believe he does dory dad dancing just to annoy chris, but also buck has no idea and then one day bucks like idk how to dance :((( and eddie says he'll teach him, pls i need this to be canon thank you
imma throw all your asks into one post here just for ease :))
Can everyone on this show stop trying to solve their problems with violence?
I'd appreciate it very much.
yeah i dont feel great about this aspect of this season. hopefully all will be resolved in both cases. this weeks case could have 100% been handled differently and have the same effect of getting Athena to therapy etc.
I love Hen Wilson with my whole heart 💙💙💙
listen Hen is a big sister. like she filled that role for buck when maddie couldn't and shares it now. like that whole scene with Ravi had so much older sister patching things up between her brothers energy.
For a minute there I was scared that Buck was actually going to transfer to a different station.
I'm so glad that he's not going to.
I'm also still upset that we were deprived of the Eddie/Chimney and Bobby/Chimney conversations last week.
like i could feel that was what he was gonna say and my heart dropped. and i also knew they wouldnt let him. but bobby being like but im the captain and i wont let you do that had me cryiinngg. but also taylor's words not reassuring him at all and the firefam's just immediate understanding, and eddies "you're stuck with us." 👀👀- anyway.
Look, I really wanted to like BuckTaylor. I really wanted to. And tonight I almost did.
But I cringed at that beginning scene. Taylor still doesn't really get Buck, and it showed.
Then their scene at the end was cute.
But then...
I don't know. Yes, Buck deserves to be happy, and he seems happy with Taylor. But everything about their scenes together, except for waking up next to each other, could have happened petty much the same if they were just friends instead.
I'm having mixed feelings about them.
That doesn't mean that I'm not impatiently waiting for them to break up.
yeah, like i dont really get what she was doing at the end? like yes buck deserves nice things but that was weird for some reason. it felt so forced, like the writers had to give her a reason to be there. and 100% all of that could have been as friends. i feel like at some point it has to come up that Buck was not in a good head space at all when they got together. idk, i feel like that could be an important factor.
Maybe Maddie's in Pennsylvania? Buck seemed to know exactly where she was, and the Buckley parents don't exactly strike me as parents who would travel with their kids.
Also maybe it's somewhere she would take Buck to when he was a kid? So he recognized it, and it's a place that she feels safe?
like that makes the most sense? Cause i dont think there are a lot of places where they have been together outside of PA and LA. But istg if she ran to their parents (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ <- will be me. cause that makes NO DAMN sense.
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bridgyrose · 4 years
More of the post-apocalyptic au please. You left me so curious as to where it could go
Yang groaned as cold water was splashed all over her to wake her up. “I’m up, I’m up.” She rolled off the “bed” she was provided, although it did seem more like a cot, and not a comfortable one at that. 
Adam glared at her. “You’re late for your duties. I figured you’d be more… grateful to the High Leader for sparing you like she did. If it was me, I’d have you killed on the spot.” 
Yang slowly got up, her eyes still not having adjusted to the low light. “I’m… working on that. I’m used to having the sun tell me when to get up. It’s harder down here when your only light source is a candle or a torch.” 
Adam rolled his eyes and walked out of Yang’s room. “Get dressed and meet up with the High Leader in her room. You still have your job to do.” 
Yang sighed and fumbled around for the clothes she was provided. She had to admit, the tunic and pants werent all that bad to wear. She sighed and touched her collar and cuffs, wincing as a sudden jolt came from the outside of the bands. It had only been 24 hours wearing them and she already hated them. 
Once dressed, she made her way to the High Leader, hoping for an easier day than before. She had trouble keeping track of how long she’d been down here, but she knew it had been at least a couple of days. She knelt down in front of Blake, sighing. “I’m… sorry I’m late.” 
Blake turned to her and motioned for her to stand. “It’s fine. For a surface dweller, you’re already doing better than I could’ve hoped. Although, today is going to be a bit easier on you. I would like for you to assist Ilia today. She’s going to be leading a hunting party near the surface.” 
Yang hesitated for a moment. “A-are you sure I should go with her? She hates me-” 
“She doesnt hate you. And as my servant, I expect you to do as I ask. Am I clear?” 
Yang sighed. “Y-yes Ma’am.”
“Good.” Blake walked over to Yang and pulled out a key to undo the cuffs. “This should make things a bit easier on you.” 
Once the cuffs were off, Yang rubbed her wrists. “You’re… just taking them off?” 
“Of course I am. It’ll make hunting slightly easier for you.” She smirked and started walking off. “And besides, if you try to run, Ilia has orders to kill you.” 
“Of course she does….” 
Blake grabbed her mask and put it back on. “You should be glad that we’re allowing you to live among us for now. Normally, we kill humans on sight.” 
Yang paused for a moment before speaking again, her voice shaking. “Then… why let me be here?” 
“For one, you intrigue me.” Blake turned to face the blonde, amber eyes seeming to glow with the mask. “And you did say you didnt mean us any harm. So, I figure we could try this as a sort of… experiment.” 
Blake nodded and started leaving the room. “Follow me and I’ll take you to Ilia.” 
“W-wait, now hold on. What do you mean by an experiment?” Yang quickly caught up to Blake, trailing a bit behind her like she was taught to do. “What exactly is there to experiment with?” 
“You’ll see when the time is right. But for now, Ilia is waiting for you.” 
Yang sighed and slowly made her way to Ilia, regretting everything was going to happen.
Blake slowly retreated into a chamber farther down into the caves, sitting down with her council. She looked over to an older woman. “Sienna, how’s the food stores looking for us?” 
“I’ve been working with a few of our members to make an area for us to grow our own food and to keep some sort of livestock if we can catch any from the surface. Although, we might be better off making our way back up there.” Sienna sighed. “We may need to consider finding another place to stay.” 
“That is unacceptable!” Adam growled and slammed his fist down on the ground. “If we cant survive here then we need to take the surface from the humans. We know where their tribe’s at, and we outnumber them. We can move in and wipe them all out with ease and take everything they own!” 
“And what if we cant? We dont know what they have up there! For all we know, they could have power far beyond what we do!” Sienna stood up and pulled out her whip. “We have no way to know what to expect up there! If the servant’s words are true, humans are a fierce race that uses anything they can get their hands on. Who knows what else they are capable of.” 
“And that’s exactly why I suggest we send out our scouts and then attack them when it’s dark. We know they have issues seeing without the sun and we can use that to our advantage. And from what the human said, they have no idea we live down here. It’s the perfect advantage-” 
“Enough.” Blake stepped between the two, sword drawn and pointed at Adam. “We are not attacking the humans. Our tribe made a pact with them a long time ago. And we’ll honor that pact and keep to ourselves. As long as they assume we dont exist, then we can live in peace.” 
“Then why didnt you just slay those humans like every other High Leader had? If you wanted us to stay hidden, then why let one of them leave? She’s more than likely told everyone about us! They’ll come for us and do whatever it takes to save their lost human! If we dont strike now-” 
“We are leaving them alone.” Blake put her blade away and sat down. “We leave them alone, and we go on our way. Besides, they arent a threat to us right now. From what my servant tells me, they’re tribe is small and scavenges the land for what they need. The one I let go, the one she calls her sister, wont be coming back for her.” 
Adam took a step forward. “How can you be sure?” 
“Ilia made it clear on what would happen if she tried to come back to cause us any harm.”
“Still, you’re a mockery to all of us for allowing one human to stay here!” 
“I’m using her as an experiment of sorts.” 
Sienna looked at Blake, confusion in her eyes. “An experiment? What kind of experiment could you be doing with her?” 
Blake smirked under her mask. “To see how easily we can make a human into a faunus.” 
Adam glared at her, offended at the suggestion. “You would want to sully us by making humans into faunus?!” 
“If it works, we can offer the humans a choice when we move to the surface. They can join us or leave us alone.” 
“This is a mockery of our tribe!” 
“This is my decision.” 
Adam stormed out, heading back into his own quarters. He shut his door and put out his torch, sitting down and staring into the darkness. “The High Leader has lost her way.” 
A set of glowing amber eyes appeared in the darkness, flaming as they stared back at Adam. “Then it’s time for you to claim the title as High Leader.”
“There are few faunus that are loyal to me. I will not be able to do it alone.” 
“And you wont be.” The darkness twisted itself, forming into a young woman. She smiled and lit a flame in her hand. “I’ll be the sword that helps you take what is rightfully yours.” 
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
My Love
Chapter Two-There You'll Be
Book: The Royal Heir
Liam x Riley
Series Summary: After losing the love of his life, Liam is left with a newborn daughter and a council that demands he endure another social season quickly. Not wanting to move on, he gets help from an unlikely ally-his late wife.
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C/N: It wont always be like this, that's all I'm saying. This is angsty!!!
The capital city was peaceful as it laid under a veil of darkness. The moon glowed brightly in a cloudless sky, the stars glistened like clusters of white diamonds and sapphires and the ebb and flow of the Mediterranean tide gave off a calming lull. Spring was in full bloom and the typical, crisp night winds were just beginning to have a touch of warmth. It was a time for renewal and rebirth in Cordonia-tiny seeds and saplings sprouting into little blossoms.
Meanwhile, in a private, heavily guarded section of the hospital, was a room and a shattered heart. Monitors were shut off, silencing its deafening sounds, tubes removed, and lights dimmed to match the mood within its walls. Staff began collecting equipment and their distraught selves, leaving Liam behind to hover over Riley’s bedside, alone.
He couldn't take his heavily, tearful eyes off her, nor did he dare try. As he stood next to her bed in a complete daze, trying to make any kind of sense of what just took place, he reached out for her tiny hand. For a moment he just held it in his; rubbing his thumb gently along the outside of her palm, wanting desperately to feel her squeeze back, even if just slightly. 
This wasn't the first time he felt the consequences of an unexpected loss, yet, this...this was different than his mothers. The woman who gave him everything he ever dreamed of- the chance to be himself, an unconditional love, a real marriage and a family- was somehow gone. 
Liam leaned down and lifted the dainty hand he held in his, up to his lips, placing a soft kiss over her knuckles.
"And here we wait", Riley exclaimed as she leaned against the railing of the dock overlooking the water of the New York bay. The gusty wind blowing her brown hair in twists and twirls, sweeping across her face and covering the golden hue of her cheeks.
Liam stepped up beside her, gazing out at the near empty waters before quirking his brow at her, "For?".
Riley beamed enthusiastically tapping him lightly on the shoulder, "For a magical boat ride I've summoned just for you".
He brushes her pale, cool hand across his cheek, then holds it in place, memorizing how she feels- how she made him feel. Her engagement ring dimples his skin and he can't help but recall the night he gave it to her. 
His lips begin to quiver, feeling an ache in his chest he'd never felt before, "Riley'' he wails out, completely overcome by an increasing wave of grief, "darling, don't leave me". 
He turns her hand over and kisses the palm, his lips lingering along each crease and fingertip.  Lowering her hand and placing it gently across her stomach, draped by a white sheet, his eyes turn his gaze to her peaceful, face. Liam traces his thumb along her jawline, caresses her cheek, and trails his finger over her lips. 
Standing side-by-side on the deck of the boat Riley had miraculously summoned on his behalf, he reached for her hand,  “I want you to know that I admire you. Your adventurous spirit. The way you follow your heart”.
She laces her fingers through his, “You can live that way too.''
“If only. My whole life I”ve prepared myself to do what’s best for Cordonia”.
“Well...we’re not in Cordonia now…”, Riley wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer, searching his eyes before meeting his lips with hers. They kiss passionately while the mist of the sea rains down on them. 
Liam smiles into her kiss, "You're full of surprises aren't you?"
She leans in for one more kiss and pulls away with a sly grin, "I try".
"I'm glad to have met you, Riley. I'll never forget this night”.
With both hands, he wipes away the tears that have drenched his cheeks and were hanging off his chin. He needed to be closer to her, to feel her body pressed against his and to hold her in his arms. Climbing into the bed beside her with very little room for himself, he rolled to his side and placed one arm under her and with the other, pulled her closer to him, cradling her head snuggly against his neck  Feeling her cold skin against his own flesh, Liam pulled the sheet up around her chest and wrapped her tightly in his arms. This was his Riley after all, he couldn’t help but want to protect her, keep her warm and feeling safe in his arms. He rested the side of his face on top of her head, breathing in the floral scent of her hair that was becoming moistened by the never ending tears that fell into them.
“My love...’, he swallowed between whimpers, his entire body quaking with grief, “I don’t know how to do this love...I don’t...I don’t know what to do without you”.
Outside of her room, a despondent Bastien stood on the other side of the closed door. He could hear every sniffle, every agonizing moan and grief stricken sob that escaped from his King. He, himself, stunned by the entire situation and the loss of a young Queen who took Cordonia by storm. He pondered whether she had ever truly forgiven him for his part in the Applewood incident. Bastien was sure she had, she was always nothing but kind and respectful to him, yet, his regret for that ordeal crashed into his chest like a ton of bricks. 
He glanced over to dozens of guards,  watching over the door to the private wing, noticing that all their training in keeping their emotions in check were failing miserably. Bastien bit his top lip and inhaled deeply through his nose, attempting to maintain some composure, but, knowing this was the saddest situation he had witnessed since Jackson Walker’s death. He remembered the look on a devastated,  young Drake’s face when he told him his father had passed away. 
As if it were some cosmic joke, he turned to see a stunned Drake standing there, both hands in his pockets with that same look of denial again.
Drake knew by Bastien’s demeanor and that of the guards he passed coming in, what her status was, but wouldn't allow his heart to accept it. 
He approached Bastien wearily, breathing heavily from adrenaline and fear, “Where is she Bas, where’s Brook’s...I need to see her.”
Bastien gestured with his weepy eyes to the door and Drake stepped away from him to go inside, but, Bastien grabbed his arm to hold him back.
“You can’t go in there right now, Drake.’
Drake jerked his arm back, “The hell I can’t, she needs me...Liam needs me...and WHERE THE FUCK ARE ALL THE DOCTORS AT, she needs help?”
"Son, keep your voice down'' he muttered, pressing into Drake's chest to ease him away from the door and into the opposite wall. 
Bastien gripped both of Drake’s shoulders and looked into his troubled eyes with a sigh, “Drake..”
“Don’t...don’t you dare say it’, shirking away from him, nodding furiously, “don’t...she’s not…’, his voice becoming weak and raspy, “she not...gone”. Drake weaved around Bastien, gasping for words, his eyes welling up and raised his hand to Riley’s room. He pushed it in quietly, just enough to see his distraught best friend on her hospital bed cradling- his, Brooks. 
Drake reaches out and shoves Riley, who for a second, struggles to keep her footing before toppling over and landing on a soft snow drift.
“Hey!” she yells, prepared to give him a piece of her mind, however, stops herself when she notices the most star-filled sky she had ever laid her eyes on.  The stars shooting, light up the night.
He plops down next to her, “Yes, my lady?”
“This is absolutely gorgeous”.
Drake takes in a refreshing breath, “Nothing beats a clear view of the sky during a meteor shower”.
Riley smiles as she watches stars race across the sky; her eyes glistening with astonishment, “I’m glad I didn’t miss this”.
He huffs, “Really? Would’ve figured you’d rather eat bon-bons and dress up tiny dogs, or whatever shit Olivia had planned for the night”.
“Not exactly my scene”, she scoffs.
As they both stare up at the sky, the clouds start to creep across the stars.
“Looks like we were just in time to see this before the storm comes”.
“Yeah, I didn’t want to miss it”, he rubs a hand over his face, “I used to do this with my sister, Savannah, every year. We grew up around the royals. My dad used to do security for Liam and his brother, and my sister and I were allowed to hang out with them. My sister, she’s...she’s been through a lot”.
“Wow, did Drake Walker just open up to me, maybe trust me a little?”.
“I don’t trust a lot of people, Brooks, but maybe I do trust you”.
“Drake, that’s probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to anyone”.
“Heh, maybe”.
As more snowflakes continue to fall, Drake sighed, “I better get you back. It’d be quite a scandal if I let one of the Prince’s suitors freeze to death out here on my watch’.
“I’d hate for my untimely demise to cause you any difficulty’, 
He stands from the snow, sweeping the flakes from his backside and extends his hand to Riley, “Let’s go back in”.
Drake’s body began to shake and his chest tightened as he closed the door back gingerly. He turned to face Bastien, feeling a weakness he hadn’t experienced in many years and fell limply to his knees.
Maxwell didn’t need an alarm clock to wake up, his energy and alertness kicked in at 5:00 every morning, ready to go. He threw the panda comforter Hana bought him for Christmas off and stretched heartily, contemplating whether to get in an early morning jog or eat a bowl of brownie ripple ice cream before feeding the peacocks. “It’s always the ice cream, ain’t that  right, Drake Jr”, he spoke to the guinea pig staring at him from its cage. He threw on a blue, cashmere robe to conceal his Batman boxers, since Savannah didn’t approve of him walking around naked in the estate. 
After using the restroom, he headed to the dark kitchen on the first floor, flipping on the lights and grabbing a serving spoon out of a utensil drawer. He stood in front of the open freezer door, trying to decide whether he wanted the brownie ripple or the mint chocolate chip, “what the hell, let’s live dangerously”, reaching for both of them. 
Maxwell flopped back on the couch with both cartons of ice cream and his serving spoon, sitting them both beside him before snatching the remote from the coffee table. He dug out a hearty spoonful of brownie ripple and licked on it while flipping through the channels.
“We have an unconfirmed report that the Queen of Cordonia has passed away unexpectedly. Sources right now are trying to reach the Royal Press office for confirmation”. 
Maxwell’s hand shook with panic as he flipped to the next channel and the next, each one reporting the breaking news alert with Riley face plastered in the backdrop.
He dropped his spoon in the container and tossed it off of him, desperately searching the pockets of his robe for his cell phone. When he found it, he pulled up his messages and found dozens of texts from reporters wanting him to confirm her passing.
“What the fuck is going on?”.
Maxwell flipped desperately to his contacts and tried to call Riley...no answer. He tried Liam several times, each one going to voicemail. Overwhelming fear set in as he pushed the number for Drake, hoping he may have heard something...anything.
Maxwell cleared his throat, a collection of bile had stifled his voice, “Drake, please tell me it’s not true”. 
What he heard was not what he wanted to hear; he didn’t end the call, just loosely allowed his phone to slip from his ear and crash to the floor,  his lip quivering, “Little Blossom”.
Maxwell watches a forlorn Riley waiting at the corner across from the bar he met her the previous night. After she gets  clearing to cross, he pipes up through the sunroof of the limo parked in front and waves his arms wildly.
“Riley!”, he shouts and she approaches him with a bit of confusion and hesitation.
“Maxwell, right?
“Yeah, I'm glad I caught you. We’re heading back to Cordonia so Liam can find someone to marry and all that jazz. But before I go, I wanted to officially extend to you an invitation to join us for the festivities in Cordonia”.
“You wouldn’t be allowed to join...but I wanted to sponsor you!”.
Riley furrowed her brow, “You...want to sponsor...me”, she snickered, “is this a joke?”.
“Nah, girl. I’m from a noble house, but I don’t have any sisters, so we don’t have anyone in contention to marry the Prince. Instead we can sponsor any girl we choose. And you’re my pick!”.
Riley shook her head, slightly taken aback, yet, intrigued by his proposal,  animated use of hand gestures and liveliness, “You want to sponsor me? Why?”,
“I’m not doing it for you. I saw how LIam looked at you last night. I’ve never seen him so happy. Honestly? I don’t want him to lose that. We’re kinda crunched for time though. I’ve got a plane leaving within the hour…”
Riley looks around at her bleak surroundings, shifting anxiously at the thought of seeing Liam again, getting away from the boredom and dread that had become her life, and the absolute hell that was waitressing at the bar that stood in front of her. She looked up at Maxwell, a large grin plastered on her face, “I”m in”.
“Yeah”, Maxwell pumped his fist in the air, causing the limo to bounce, “Go pack your bag. This is going to be the adventure of a lifetime”.
Maxwell glanced up at the fireplace, where a selfie of he and Riley posing with the mechanical bull at the American bar during Drake’s birthday, sat in a glittery frame. He felt the blood drain from his face, nausea building in the pit of his stomach and he bolted from the couch, “Bertrand!”
Liam stayed with Riley for over an hour before kissing her once more, making promises to love her forever and take care of Ellie; hoping she would be everything her mother was.
He reached the door of her room and looked back once more as a nurse was carefully placing the sheet to cover her entire body. After exiting the room, he was met by Drake, who pulled him into a hug that didn’t end for several minutes while both wept into the other. 
The guards cleared the halls that led to a private exit, hoping to avoid any and all press or prying eyes. Bastien returned and escorted Liam and Drake through the cordoned off hallways and passages that led to a private car, so not to be followed. 
Liam’s mind was in a complete tailspin. Thoughts of what took place, how a young, vibrant woman dies suddenly without warning, and how the hell he was going to live the rest of his life without her. He was a King  without his Queen, a husband without his wife, and a father without the mother of his child. Nothing made sense, but there was no time to try to make any sense of it; he had a country waiting anxiously to hear word on the fate of his wife and a newborn baby that he was now the sole parent for. In all of his heartbreak, Liam wanted to run far away, to scream, to take all of his anger and grief out on something. 
Bastien maneuvered the car through the throngs of press and people that had amassed around the gates of the palace. Entering through the garage of the palace, he parked the car and Liam jumped out before the door could be opened for him. Drake offered to stay with him, but Liam heard nothing. He wanted to get back to his quarters as quickly as possible, away from everyone and the flurry of questions he had no answers for. This was a new life for Liam, one that he hadn’t fully digested yet, nor believed he ever would. 
He opened the door to his quarters, stepping slowly inside to the darkened foyer, passing listlessly through into the living room. Remnants of Riley scattered throughout from the pictures on the walls, her favorite throw blanket folded neatly on the ottoman, and a vase of purple lilies he bought her yesterday, adorned on the sofa table. Moving to the ottoman, he picked up the throw blanket and sat down on the sofa, lifting the blanket to his nose and inhaling sharply. Her scent lingering from the soft fabric and memories of her laugh, her giggles, the playfulness she exuded flooding through him. He gripped her throw tightly, slumping down onto the floor and began to sob uncontrollably into it. This was his reality, one that he would never accept. 
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Out of all the outcomes, it had to turn out like this? Its like whenever i finally start to feel happy, it always gets ripped away from me.But life isn’t fair, especially to runaways. I guess that’s why i opened the door to a strangers apartment. I remember the hunger pains I felt that day, I remember how cold it was sleeping outside. God that feels like ages ago, its hard to believe that I’ve only been with you all for only a few months. I remember meeting all of you for the first time, I was terrified but you all tried to make me feel the most comfortable I could be. I still Romberg that special knock seven used to let me know it was him and not some random stranger. I also remover that little lie he told me when I said I didn’t want anything to eat or drink,” I have a gift card that’s about to expire,” that never fails to bring a smile to my face. On the ride to the penthouse, seven told me to give jumin a chance, that he isn’t some cold, heartless Man. He just doesn’t know how to express his emotions.
Jaehee, god she was a life saver when i got my first period, I couldn’t thank her enough after she calmed me down and made me realize that I wasn’t dying. I was so embarrassed, but she assured me that it is natural and it is nothing to be ashamed about. She was the older sister I never had, taking me to get bras that actually fit, teaching me how to brew coffee, giving me girl advice, thank you so much for that. You are so amazing and I love helping you at your cafe.
Yoosung, I can’t believe how close we’ve gotten, you’re so fun and easy to chat with. You always help me take my mind off of my bad dreams by playing LOLOL together, well its more you playing the game and me pressing random buttons. And all the times you have helped me with homework questions, but i guess that’s a benefit of online school. You might get teased by everyone but you’re amazing, and kind, and I cherish our moments together.
Zen, you took on the role of an older brother the second you found out my age, and that I’m a runaway, but I guess it’s cause you’re one too. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. You reminded me so much of my older brother, but you and him are different people with different amazing qualities. You made me feel so safe, and I always had so much fun whenever you took me to rehearsal. I still smile and laugh when the lighting caption took me to their booth during lunch, while you were still practicing and let me use the spotlight, and I kept moving it around and you had to follow. That was so much fun. You were the first person who gave me a real hug in years, and I accepted it, it felt so good to be hugged with so much genuine care and affection that I cried in your arms. I know that you don’t always get along with jumin, but seeing you both try to get along for my sake warms my heart.
Seven, you were the first one I met. That first night I was at the apartment I know it was you who sent laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, food, tooth paste, a toothbrush, and other supplies I needed but didn’t have. You just didn’t want to take the credit. You were the first person in a long time to give me those supplies without a hidden motive. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, you arranged for me to stay with jumin until you all found a suitable home for me to live in(although that didn’t happen lol) you work tirelessly and put other before yourself, even though you love teasing yoosung everyone knows that you love him, not only him but everyone in the rfa. All those jokes and memes you send in the group chat are always hilarious, and all those times you broke into the penthouse at night to “play with Elly “ when it just by coincidence that i had a nightmare. We would always end up laughing so hard it hurts. You helped me in so many ways that I cant even name them all, thank you for always helping me.
Jumin, it has been a few months since you took me in, and those few months have made me the happiest I have ever been, without you and the rfa I dont know what would have happened to me, You took me, a runaway teenager, who you didn’t know, who was so reserved and barley talked, and you helped her. You turned me into the person I am today, and the person I am today is happy. You stood by me during the whole Glam and Sarah situation, and you didn’t even know me too well but you still protected me. You are always there for me during my nightmares. You even took me to see multiple types of doctors to make sure I was getting healthy, and to find out what steps to take to get me there, from setting reminders on my phone to eat, to getting me a weighted blanket so I could finally sleep through the night. You took on the parental role for a down on her luck runaway, and gave her a chance. I can’t ever thank you enough for that. I love you dad.
Sometimes I wonder what was going on in everyone’s heads when I popped up, but I just need everyone to know that I love them, so so much. Not many people can say that they got a second shot at having a family, but i did, and I love my family. You all showed me something I hadn’t felt since my brother died, love, affection, and a sense of belonging. Please, none of you blame yourselves for what happened to me.
Love, Bora Han.”
Hot tears streamed down Jumin face as he read Bora’s letter, the smell of disinfectant permeated the hospital room. The letter in one hand as the other gripped his unconscious daughters hand. The only comfort he found was the beeping of the heart monitor, telling him that his daughter is still alive. After four hours of emergency surgery on her shoulder from the fall she took, zen described what he saw as terrifying, unknown had a tight grip on the young girl, and threatening to take her away. Luckily bora kicked unknown in the shin and he dropped her. Unfortunately for bora, she landed on her arm, hard. Zen’s face paled as he recounted hearing the bone snap. She has a few stitches from scrambling on the floor to get to zen. She must have written the letters once we got news of the bomb in the apartment being controlled by unknown. It zen got her to a hospital just in time he is sitting on the chair across the room. He isn’t even supposed to be here, but all it took for the nurse to let it slide was some flirting, from his part. And I handed her more than enough money to convince her. All that matters is that my daughter is alive, and she is safe.
It was hours before I felt something squeeze my hand. My eyes meet a pair of purple eyes that look so insanely tired, they were already welling up in tears as zen rushes to grab a nurse and water.
“ hey duckling, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere,”
“ i-“ she starts to cough, which makes her groan in pain, the meds must be wearing off. A nurse runs in to check up on bora as zen holds up a cur of water and brings it to boras lips. She must be so thirsty, and she looks so scared, she hates hospitals but right now her safety it top priority.
“ I’m so sorry dad” she says crying. Stroking her hair I try calming her as much as I can without her being in more pain.
“Duckling, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about, you were so strong, and you still are so strong. I promise I wont leave you alone here.” I say calmly, making her calm down a bit.
“ me too kiddo, I’m not leaving you here too,” zen says as bora struggles to keep her eye open.
“When can I go home?” She asks, looking down at the big white cast on her arm, I can tell she will be needing a sling.
“Hopefully tomorrow, when we get home how would you like to watch a movie marathon? We can get those snacks you like, the gold fish? How would you like a new blanket? Name what you want and its yours.” Jumin says to bora, she just smiles up at him, still pretty put of it from the pain meds.
“ no, I dont want you to spend money on me, can we watch a movie together? Please?” The sweet young girl says as jumin reaches over to kiss her forehead.
“Absolutely duckling, now you need to rest. We will both be here when you wake up,” jumin says as him and zen turn the lights off and lay down on their respective make shift beds.
I’m kind of glad that the lights are off, its so hard to see bora in a cast, she just looks so small in that big hospital bed, but she is safe, and alive. We can get through this, I’ll be there every step of the way.
I'm not crying, you are! Family coming together for her sake.
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jamiebluewind · 5 years
Ayda and Fig's Sleepover
(Takes place during Fantasy High episodes 2.10 and 2.11)
*Ayda leaves Aelwyn with Adaine and goes to find Fig in her room*
Ayda: I think Adaine is very grateful that we rescued her. Um-
Fig: -Yeah-
Ayda: Ah, you fight very bravely and ah-
Fig: -Thank you. This was not my best work today.
Ayda: Um... you are extremely loud and funny and charming and you talk loudly um... and that's so exciting.
Fig: *giggles* Thank you so much! I mean, you're really direct and analytical and you kind of deconstructed things before my eyes and make me see them in a different way. And I really like that.
Ayda: Mm-hmm.
Fig: A lot of things I take for granted, you really think through.
Ayda: *tears of flame stream down her face*
Fig: Also? You cry fire, which is awesome. And check it out! *reaches out and touches a tear which doesn't burn her finger*
Ayda: Ha! That's something we have in common.
Fig: Yeah. Yeah-
Ayda: -That's bonding.
Fig: That's bonding.
Ayda: Yep. Um, I live on an island full of nasty, dirty pirates, so I don't have any other young women to hang out with and this has just been so huge for me and you're so cool and kind.
Fig: Why don't you just come hang out with us?
Ayda: Okay.
Fig: Why don't you just keep hanging out with us?
Ayda: Okay.
Fig: The library can run itself.
Ayda: I'm s-
Fig: -I mean, the man who works at the front, he was really on the ball. Really fast.
Ayda: That's not been my experience of Rolands.
Fig: Okay, but from my experience I was like hooo! that's a fast man.
Ayda: Running's all he's good for. I think Adaine and her sister Aelwyn probably just need to rest.
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: Um, are you... I need to fully sleep. Do you fully sleep as well?
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: Are you feeling tired from the battle?
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: Okay.
Fig: Let's do it up. Are you asking to have a slumber party? 'Cause if you're not-
Ayda: *starts crying*
Fig: -I am.
Ayda: Okay. You're asking that because you want it and it wouldn't be weird for me to also want that.
Ayda: Look. I understand- I understand that you probably meet at lot of people that say what they don't mean, but I pretty much across the board say what I mean, but I'm usually look like someone else.
Ayda: Okay.
Fig: But I mean what I say.
Ayda: Okay. I'm gonna lie down next to you while we sleep-
Fig: -Okay-
Ayda: -because I have not had a friend like that before-
Fig: -Yeah. Let's do it-
Ayda: -and I'm gonna really take my cues from you about what's normal about that.
Fig: Okay. Physical contact is totally cool. We've talked about it. We can just do whatever we want.
Ayda: Great. Fantastic. I'm gonna really follow your lead on this.
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: *lays down and immediately starts to snooze*
Fig: *wakes her up* Sorry. Part of the slumber party is actually that you stay up late talking.
Ayda: Fantastic.
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: I got that wrong out of the gate, but now I know and I won't make that mistake again.
Fig: Yeah. First cue is we stay up for a while.
Ayda: Great. Fantastic.
Fig: -Okay-
Ayda: I love that.
Fig: Um... I wanna apologize for being Aguefort. My plan was like to try to get out of fighting them and make them think I was your dad and like that I would call off, you know *air quotes* the military effort *air quotes* if they gave us- I wasn't trying to mess with you at all.
Ayda: That makes total sense and I won't lie. I caught the short end of the staw-
Fig: -yeah I know-
Ayda: -with this disguise, but normally your disguises are extremely delightful.
Fig: Thanks. Yeah-
Ayda: So, it's alright that this one didn't pan out for me. I'm sure the next one will.
Fig: I-I'm sorry that it seems like... he's a really powerful guy and it must be really annoying seeing everyone idolize him so much, cuz it doesn't sound like he was a great dad.
Ayda: No. He was not a great dad.
Fig: It's... it's-it's okay okay to admit that.
Ayda: I'm admitting it.
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: I'm very forthright-
Fig: -He might just be a bad dad forever.
Ayda: Oh well.
Fig: But! That's okay because you find cool people in your world that take the place of that you were looking for from him.
Ayda: A different, other dad.
Fig: Well... rather the emotions you were hoping to get from him, you might find in unexpected places.
Ayda: *whispers* I have to find these places.
Fig: *laughes* Not a phys- well actually yeah. It's a physical place, yeah. Let's go into some caves and look for emotions.
Ayda: Fantastic.
The pair stay up very late talking. Fig goes out and plays bass for a dancing Fabian as Ayda sleeps deeply before going to bed herself.
Fig wakes up next to Ayda who naturally sleeps with her bird legs up next to her chest. Ayda sleeps hot, like an ember burning with little trails of smoke out of her nostrils.
Ayda: *loud squawk as she startles from sleep* Ah. I was unconscious.
Fig: No. I think you were asleep.
Ayda: Right, right. That's what I meant.
Fig: Well, same difference. Good call.
Ayda: Thank you.
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: Uh, so now that we're awake, is the sleepover still happening or is that considered concluded now?
Fig: You know what? I'm glad you asked. Let's keep the sleepover going throughout the day.
Ayda: Okay. I don't fully understand, but I'm going to basically take your lead and-
Fig: -cool-
Ayda: -follow along. Does this mean that I have to remain in my night garb or can I put on my normal daytime clothes?
Fig: Um... the thing is, at a sleepover, you could sleep in your daytime clothes, so sleepover the-the wardrobe is kinda like do as whatever feels right to you.
Ayda: Okay. Things rarely feel a hundred percent right to me. I'm very self critical-
Fig: -You don't have any outfits that feel good to you?
Ayda: I have outfits that feel good to me-
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: -but I worry rather other people will like that. Does that make sense?
Fig: Okay. Well first off, everything you're wearing? Everyone's been liking.
Ayda: Fantastic.
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: God what a huge success.
Fig: Yeah!
Ayda: Great.
Fig: It's definitely been a huge sucess. So I think- you know what? I think you should go out on a limb and put on something that you like that you think other people wont like.
Ayda: *starts sweating* And you would like that?
Fig: Okay. I mean yes I would like that, but don't do it because of that.
Ayda: Okay. You have constructed a-a hellish riddle and um... okay. I'm going to attempt to solve the dilemma you've put in front of me and I am going to go eat. Uh. Um... I am hungry so I'm going to go get food.
Fig: Yeah.
Ayda: And I'm not doing that because I think you'll like that. I just need to eat. Is that a success?
Fig: Do you think it's a success?
Ayda: Okay. This is hell. *walks out of the room*
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mashiiiron · 5 years
Authors note: Italicized = thoughts
Oscar, Ren, Nora, and Jaune make up the mighty team ORNJ (pronounced orange because why not).
"Alright team RWBY and team ORNJ [A.N], once we touch down we need to make our way to Atlas Academy to meet with Ironwood." Ruby said to the occupants of the airship. The teams accompanied by Qrow and Maria have finally made it to Atlas after their battle with Cordovin and the leviathan Grimm. "Once we get this meeting out of the way we'll find a place to rest. I'm sure we could all use a few days off." She glanced over to her sister who was sitting with Blake. The young leader knew they needed a few days to relax after their fight with Adam.
Yang noticed her sister looking over to her and her faunus partner. She raises her hand to signify that they are ok not noticing that her fingers are still entwined with Blake's. To this Ruby raises an eyebrow but says nothing deciding to bring it up at a later time, maybe once they've settled down at where they'll be staying for the next few days.
"We're approaching the landing area everyone." Maria says from the cockpit. Upon landing the group is met with atlas soldiers sent to escort them to general Ironwood.
"I guess my letter did make it here before us," Qrow says before taking a swig from his flask. "I just hope Ironwood will listen to us with a clear head."
On their walk to the academy Ruby cant help but gush over all of the technology Atlas has to offer. Rambling on and on to her partner Weiss. "Ooohhh Weiss do you think we'll be able to take the maglev trains while we're here?! Or, or what about finding upgrades to crescent rose! Did you have anywhere you went to visit often Weiss??"
To this Weiss just sighed, "Calm down you dolt, I'm sure we will have ample time to explore the city after we meet with Ironwood." She said to her hyperactive partner with extra emphasis on after. She recognizes that her partner has grown to be an incredible leader on the battlefield but is also still a kid who is easily sidetracked. As long as we stay on task I don't see why the two of us couldn't go and see the city. I'm sure she'd like to go and explore.
Oh man I hope me and Weiss find some time to go around. Especially the maglev trains those things move so fast! Ruby thought to herself. Secretly she just wanted to make sure Weiss didn't brood over being back in Atlas after spending so much effort just to leave. She wasn't about to break her promise about staying by her side otherwise she wouldn't be a very good best friend.
Up ahead she heard what sounded like her uncle Qrow about to get into an argument. Shooting a quick glance at her white haired partner confirming that Weiss also hears the commotion, the two partners head to the front of the pack. However as soon as they reached Qrow, Weiss could feel the blood drain from her face.
"Father" the ex-heiress breathed out.
"You! You insolent child!" The patriarch Schnee shouted at his daughter. "Not only do you have the audacity to embarrass me at my gala, but you also attack the port city after stealing an aircraft. You chose to run away to play your games with these low-lifes further slandering the Schnee name!" Jacques says while lifting his hand as if he were going to strike his daughter.
Weiss sees her father raise her hand and flinches away expecting to be hit but instead is met with a gust of wind coming from besides her. In the blink of an eye Ruby had positioned herself behind the Schnee patriarch with crescent rose fully expanded and the curved arc of her blade acting as a barrier between Weiss and her father. In fact crescent rose's blade was positioned in a fashion where if Weiss' father did strike his daughter his arm merely would have been cleaved off by the sniper-scythe.
Weiss opened her eyes to see her partner protecting her from her father's anger. That dolt! Always getting involved with my personal business. I suppose it isn't too bad though, I must admit it does make me feel cherished by at least someone. But she doesn't need to go ahead and put herself in danger for my sake!
The guards accompanying Jacques Schnee had their weapons trained on Ruby after they realized that she had blink-stepped behind them to threaten the patriarch. "I highly suggest you leave Mr. Schnee." Ruby sneered with as much venom as she could.
Jacques let go of the breath he was holding and took up his air of confidence again. "Very well, Weiss, you are hereby disowned from the Schnee family, your inheritance, stake in the company, and everything else associated with the Schnee name will hereby no longer be available to you. Good day." And with that he turned on the spot and left the group behind.
Ruby folded up her weapon and flashed over to her partner wrapping her up in a hug. She could feel Weiss bury her face into her neck as she stroked her silver locks. "I'm so sorry Weiss." The leader whispered "I'm sorry"
Weiss took a deep breath of the scent of roses that she learned to take comfort in over the course of their partnership. "It's alright Ruby she said as she pulled back just enough to look into her leader's gunmetal eyes. She leaned forward to press her forehead against Ruby's and closed her eyes. "Thank you Ruby, for standing up for me, for protecting me." With that she pulled out of the hug to see the rest of her team watching the two of them closely causing her to blush. Team ORNJ, Qrow, and Maria were pretending to be preoccupied in an attempt to give the two girls privacy.
"You alright ice princess?" Yang asked, breaking the silence. To which Weiss just nodded. In the next moment Yang scooped her up in a hug of her own and Weiss could feel Blake place a hand on her shoulder and shoot her a reassuring smile.
"Alright enough worrying about me, we still have to get to Ironwood." Weiss said to her companions. I'm glad I have friends like them but we do need to move on. I cant believe I've been disowned. While a big part of me wants to be relieved that I no longer have to worry about what my father is doing to the company grandfather started, I can't help buy feel sad. All of the work I put into trying to impress my father from a young age just wasted. I'm the one trying to do the right thing for the world and this is how he treats me?! The snow haired girl did not realize that the group had already made it to the academy as she was so caught up in her thoughts. She didn't even notice the way Ruby was walking practically pressed up against her. Most likely the younger girl wanted to offer her some solace but not sure how to shake her out of her stupor. I'm glad I have you by my side Ruby. She thought to herself grabbing the young leaders hand and giving it a squeeze as to say she was alright.
The group had reached the headmaster's office not long after they arrived at the entrance of the academy. The guards sent to escort them proceeded into the office to notify the general of their arrival and shortly were ushered into the room.
"A ragtag team of kids, a dusty old crow, and a grandmother? Is this all you come to me with?? Qrow! Where is Ozpin?" Ironwood asked his old friend.
Oscar stepped up now, "sir, I'm oscar and ozpin has resurrected in me." To which Qrow just nodded when Ironwood shot him a questioning glance. "And we have the relic, Ruby has held on to it through our journey." Oscar said gesturing to the brunette.
They began their meeting as to what to do moving forward and what to do with the relic. Throughout the meeting however Ruby could only half-heartedly contribute, as she noticed her partner sink back into her thoughts. The red and white duo had been holding hands since the entrance when Weiss suddenly grabbed her hand. And for a little while Weiss seemed to be feeling better. Ruby would squeeze her hand every now and then to show her that she was there for her but the meeting currently going on had cause Weiss to recede back into her mind. I wish there was something I could do. I was going to ask Weiss to show me around Atlas but now she might not be up for it. No! I Ruby Rose wont stop until I put a smile on her face! I'll take her out to try and take her mind of off things as soon as we get out of this dumb meeting. The young leader vowed to herself nodding her head in determination.
Soon enough the meeting was over and Ruby had given the relic to Qrow and Ironwood to safeguard and the teams were tasked with finding the place Ironwood had set them up with for their stay in Atlas. Before they could all set off to their lodgings however Ruby grabbed Weiss' hand and shouted over to her teammates, "We'll catch up with you guys later! Don't wait up!" Before blasting of with her semblance leaving a cloud of rose petals in her wake.
"SLOW DOWN YOU DOLT" Weiss shouted at Ruby causing the younger girl to gradually come out of her semblance. "I sweat I will never get used to that no matter how long we are partners." She huffed. "So, why did you drag me out here?" She asked Ruby.
"Oh, well I figured you might want to go around and take your mind off of... the stuff with your dad." Ruby said sheepishly as she looked into the icy blue orbs of her partner. "O-of course of you don't want too I can always blast us back to our safehouse."
"That won't be necessary, Ruby." Weiss said, grabbing onto the brunettes hand again and interlacing her fingers with Ruby's causing her face to flush slightly. She looked down unable to meet her partner's silver eyes. "Thank you Ruby." She said quietly. This girl will be the death of me I swear. But there are worse ways to go. This girl never ceases to amaze me. She's always by my side supporting me even though I can have... not the friendliest of attitudes. Oh Ruby, what would I do without you.
Weiss didn't know where Ruby was taking her as she knew Ruby had never been to Atlas before. But before she knew it Ruby had lead her to the edge of the floating city to look out at the sky. "I'm sorry Weiss but I wasn't sure where we could go, but I figured if I just ran in one direction with my semblance we'd get close to the edge to watch the sunset." The caped girl said quietly while gazing into ice blue eyes.
Weiss just gestured to the energetic girl to sit with her. "Its beautiful, thank you Ruby." She said as she gave a squeeze to their joined hands. "Before the white fang started to attack the company, my father was actually kind and supportive. And often he would take Winter and I here to watch the ships go by." The ex-heiress said with a sigh. "He became colder and more distant once the white fang started targeting members of the family. We stopped coming out here and he would more regularly be away for work. If he was home he was angry and he took that anger out on us."
Ruby could tell that Weiss was having a hard time keeping her composure but knew that the snow haired girl had to get this off her chest. And Ruby would be there to comfort her after she was finished. She gave a comforting squeeze of her hand as to say she was there for Weiss no matter what.
Weiss squeezed Ruby's hand back before continuing. "I-I thought that if I could be the best that maybe he'd go back to being the dad he was before. Th-that he would praise me a-a-and be proud of me. B-b-but he didn't even care! He-he doesn't care that beacon fell! He doesn't care that I'm trying to save the world. He disowned me Ruby! He... he...he doesnt love me Ruby."
She then felt Ruby's arms encircle her bringing her into the younger girls chest. "It's ok Weiss, let it out, team RWBY has got you, we're all here for you. I'm right here for you, Weiss." And with that the dam broke and Ruby could feel the sobs rack through the icy girls body. She could feel her corset dampen with the tears that Weiss was shedding. All she could do was hold the girl as she let her sorrows out. She could feel Weiss' hands clutch at her back as she tried to bury herself deeper in the leadeds embrace.
After a few minutes Weiss managed to calm down and pulled out of the embrace just enough to wrap her arms around Ruby's neck and nuzzle into her neck. "Ruby" she breathed out, "thank you Ruby, I've felt this for a long time but I'm certain now. Ruby Rose, I love you." She said as she nuzzled closer to the girl she loved so very much.
Ruby tightened her arms around Weiss, never did she think Weiss would confess to her she always though she'd have to be the one to confess. "I love you too Weiss, I have for a long time, and the time we spent apart made me realize even more. I love you and I will always be here for you." She said as she place a kiss on the top of the silvery strands.
Weiss took a deep breath of the rose scent she loved. The scent her partner brought with her everywhere and the scent that always told Weiss she was safe. "You're all I have now Ruby, I don't know what I would do without you now." She said craning her neck to look Ruby in the eyes.
Silver met blue as the duo gave into each other's eyes. "I'm not going anywhere Weiss." Ruby said as she leaned ever closer to her partner. Weiss pushed herself up to meet Ruby halfway and their lips met for the first time. Their first kiss was awkward and chaste but Ruby went in for a second and soon the girls found a comfortable rhythm. Weiss pulled away needing to breath before resting her forehead on Ruby's and breathing out, "You are my everything, I love you Ruby Rose."
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masterofmunson · 7 years
Care For You (4)
Slight!Steve x Reader, Billy Hargrove x Reader

Summary: Every time he takes care of her, she runs away  

Warnings: language, angst, reader’s a jerk, reader and billy argue, tommy is a tool

Word Count: 1.5k+

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Monday arrives and it’s still business as usual. Her and Steve are attached at the hip. She still struggles to stay awake in class and her and Billy act like he hadn’t spent the night on Saturday. They act like the other doesn’t exist—or she does anyway.
She had to remind herself that Billy Hargrove was well… Bill Hargrove. He doesn’t care about her. He only cares about looking good—or bad, depending on how she looked at it. She knew not to take him personally. She cared about Max. That was it.
The two were complete opposites. Yes, she drinks and goes to parties, but she’s not Carol or Tommy. She cared about her grades more than her reputation. She refused to get close to him. It would just lead to disaster.
On the other hand, Billy’s whole perception of her changed. She’s sweet and feisty all at once. She’s selfless and strong. She saw him.
“Can you believe Tony hired them to play the music for the Snow Ball After Party?” Tommy sneered bitterly as they hung out in the cafeteria, watching Y/n and her friends at their lunch table.
“Huh? What’s that? What’re you talking about?” Billy asks.
“The middle school has a dance called the Snow Ball and the high school has an unofficial after party. It’s just an excuse to drink and party. Tony Valentini hosts it every year at his ridiculously big house. He usually hires a DJ but this year he hired them, Y/n and the Playboys. They’re an unofficial band. Play for community functions and write their own shit.”
He nods and takes a bite of his food. “Are they any good?”  
He shrugs. “They’re okay. I think it’s just an excuse for her to flirt with Robbie.”
“Are they together?”
“Nah, she’s just always hangin’ with them and Steve.”
He nods and the bell rings.
When last period rolls around, Billy staunters in fashionably late before taking his seat next to Y/n. She’s writing in a tiny beat up journal. He watches her fondly and peeks at what she’s writing. The words “KING OF MY HEART” are scribbled at the top in her messy cursive and he fights a smile. She looks at him and narrows her eyes at him. She shuts her journal and moves it into her lap.
“What?” she whispers, glancing up at Mrs. Ivanov.
He shrugs. “Nothin’.”
She rolls her eyes and stuffs her journal into her backpack.
The school day ends and Y/n walks out next to Robbie and his twin sister Rebecca. Today was rehearsals for the after party next Friday. As usual, they were in Robbie’s garage.
“Tommy can suck a cucumber,” she spat when she heard about him and his friends complaining about Tony hiring them to play at the party. “We’re going to do great.”
“What do you expect? He’s just bitter that you chose to stay friends with Steve instead of him. You know he’s always had a crush on you,” Rebecca said.
She rolls her eyes and leans against Robbie’s car. “He’s always been a tool, even when we were younger. He’s an asshole and I’m never giving him a chance, especially since he’s a jerk to Steve and Nancy.”
She opens the door to his car and tosses her bag in the back seat. She watches Billy storm off in his Camaro and she rolls her eyes.
When she returns from rehearsals and dinner at Robbie’s house she mutters a tired hello to her family before trudging up the stairs to her room. She grabs a set of pajamas before changing and falling asleep.
She dreams of the lab again. This time, though, she’s defenseless and powerless. This time it’s Steve and the kids.
She’s rooted in place, crying helplessly for the monsters to kill her instead. Screams rip past her throat, calling out their names. Her brother’s lifeless body falls to the ground next to Steve’s.
“Steve! Dylan!” she cries helplessly. Her body shakes as she tries to move over to them. The Demodogs turn and jump on her. Their teeth dig into her skin and screams rip past her throat. She can’t breathe. She’s choking. She’s dying. “El! Dustin!”
“Y/n! Y/n, wake up!” a voice shouts, shaking her awake. She gasps for air and her eyes fly open. She’s shaking and tears stream down her face. “Hey, hey, it’s okay. You’re okay, Y/n. It’s just a dream,” Billy’s voice rings through her ears.
“B-Billy? What’re—what’re you do-ing here?” she rasped.
“Snuck in through your window.”
She lets out a broken cry and her hands shamefully cover her face. Her body shakes and Billy holds her against him. Her sobs are muffled by her hands and Billy hugs her. His hands run down her back. “Do you want to talk about it?” he murmurs against her ear. She shakes her head. Tears slide down her cheeks and her body trembles. “It was just a nightmare. Whatever it was can’t hurt you anymore.”
She shakes her head. “Yes, it can. It already did.”
“What do you mean?”
She lifts her arm up and shows him all the tiny scars littering her skin. He takes her hand in his and laces their fingers together. He holds her hand in his and she relaxes against him, falling asleep.
The next morning, she wakes up feeling a weight on her waist. She groans and opens her eyes. The harsh morning light shines in through her blinds and she blinks to adjust to the sunlight shining through.
She looks down at her waist and finds an arm wrapped around her torso. She turns her head and her eyes widen in complete horror. Billy Hargrove was sleeping in her bed with her tucked into his side. Their legs are a tangled mess and her right hand is tucked in his.
She lets out a surprised squeak and tumbled onto her bedroom floor. Her eyes fly to the clock on the nightstand and it reads 10:45. “Fuck!” she cursed loudly, causing Billy to bolt up in bed.
“Y/n?” his voice is groggy from sleep and he wipes his tired eyes. He watches her run around her room, gathering a fresh change of clothes and her backpack before opening the door and running into the bathroom. She changes in record time and tosses her pajamas into her closet. “Y/n!” he shouts, gaining her attention.
“What?!” she retorts, running a hand through her hair.
“Slow down!”
She glares at him. “We’re late for school, dipshit! God, I’m so dead. My parents are going to kill me!”
He grabs his shoes and stuffs his feet back into them. He runs a hand through his knotty hair before standing up.
“I’m sure they’ll let you sleeping in slide. You’re a good student,” he sighed.
“Not if they find out I was with you! Jesus, I’m so dead.”
He shakes his head. “C’mon then, princess. Let's get you to school.”
She runs down the stairs and opens the garage door, grabbing her bike. She mounts the bike and Billy grabs the handle bars. “What’re you doing?” he asks.
“Riding my bike to school, duh,” she snapped.
He shakes his head. “No you’re not. You’re coming with me. It’s faster.”
She shakes her head. “No offense, Hargrove, but fuck that. I’m not going to be called your slut again because I’m seen with you. I rather not. Plus, literally everyone I know will murder me if I’m seen with you.”
He scoffs. “Why do you care so much about what other people think of you?” he asked.
“I don’t,” she denies.
“Yes you do. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be ashamed to be seen with me!”
“Well can you blame me?! You almost killed one of my brother’s best friends and you smashed my best friend’s face because of it. You really think because I let you come into my house when you need to get away from your shitty dad that we’re suddenly friends?!”
“Yes! You wouldn’t let me in if you didn’t think we were friends.”
She laughs bitterly and rolls her eyes at him. “That’s where you’re wrong, Billy. The only reason I let you in was because you said that you had nowhere else to go. I wasn’t going to just let you freeze to death, I like to think I’m a decent human being. I’d do it for anybody. Plus, even if we were friends, we wouldn’t act like the other didn’t exist.”
He narrows his eyes at her. “Even for Tommy?” he challenged.
She grits her teeth at him. “Yes, even for Tommy.”
He smirks at her. “I see right through your bullshit. You care about me, just admit it, Y/n. You wouldn’t be getting so angry if you didn’t think what I’m saying is true.”
“Fuck you, Hargrove. You don’t know anything about me and you sure as hell don’t know enough to make assumptions like that,” she snarled, pulling her bike out of his grasp.
“You like me. Just admit it.”
“Why would I admit something that I know isn’t true? I like gum on the bottom of my shoe more than I’ll ever like you. You think that just because I give you refuge away from your piece of shit dad that I’d fall for your bullshit? You really underestimate me, Billy. Stay away from me.”
She kicks her foot against the driveway and bikes off to school, leaving Billy in the dust.
BILLY TAG: @dannystylesmalik @arronity @xsuperwholockaddictx-blog @buchonians @httperrornicole @codewordpigeon @itstheghostgirl @rainbowfez @itsnotiniah @tah0e @ghostkani @romanceapocalyptic @nistaposebno @dvcremontgomery @ssweet-empowerment @emislayyyy74 @mykingdomismyheaven @leavingtonight-1967 @jvsbe @kassidydem @shyriss-23 @richardbemadden @the—gazeboeffect @barbarairene-k @oldwanderingsoul @therebeltype @cnopps3 @not-a-glad-gladiator @paledragonengineer @buckylovelybarnes @alwayscaughtredhanded @daddy-montgomery @selenedarkbloom @tavia0407 @buckysjuicyplums @irishollynatural @artisticlales @sleepy-rad @his-cocaine-heart @theconscientiouswriter @tremilyteapot @c-ly-g @ace-angel-judas @imaginemarvelbae @mysticalavengers @21hamstreet @hailhydrabarnes @fangirlinganditswonders @deadpools-wife
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yenni19 · 3 years
Chapter 19
Sarutobi and Akamari clean up after having breakfast, Mariana is next to the couch making sure Omari is still alive
Mariana(smiling): I did not know you felt that way about me Omari, its kind of cute though
Suddenly Omari wakes up
Omari: what happened....where am..
Mariana(close to his face): are you alright Omari?
Omari(backing away as he blushes): Mariana hi....you are here....I mean I'm sorry!
Mariana(smiling): its ok...we all have drawbacks...um....do you want to go on a date with me Omari?
Omari(studdering): oh....umm....yeah...I-I-I mean s-s-s-sure I would l-l-love to
Mariana: ok I'll come by tomorrow and we will go on a date ok?
Omari: ummm.......y-y-yeah c-c-cool
She excuses herself and goes home, Omari red as a tomato dazes off
Omari(smiling): she said date....she wants to date me....she likes me....she really likes me
Sarutobi grabs Akamari's hand and takes her upstairs, they both go in his room and he locks the door
Sarutobi(serching in his things for her birthday present): here I've wanted to give this to you since your dad broke the first one i made you
Akamari(opening the present): Oh my goodness.....its the time I met up with you at Senju park and I was reading to you....because you were angry with your dad....you told me my lap was the most comforting place for you....you even managed to detail the big oak tree we were sitting under as the shade kept us cool that day
Sarutobi: I sculpted it....because for the first time I saw a genuine look of affection towards me that you never gave anyone else.....you even smiled as you carressed my hair as if you were putting me to sleep....I've never felt that type of peace in my life......um....can we recreate it....Akamari.....just this once
Akamari: but its a wood floor....
Sarutobi grabs a large pillow and places it on the floor he places Akamari on top of the pillow recreating her sitting position of that summer, Sarutobi then proceeeds to lay on her lap looking at Akamari as she puts her hand in his hair
Sarutobi(smiling): it feels comforting....the way you care for me
Akamari(smiling): I'm glad i can comfort you when you feel upset
Sarutobi(laying on his side): you make me want to stay like this forever.....forgetting everything going on and just stay frozen in time like this
Akamari(blushing): do I.....really....make you feel comfortable....Sarutobi?
Sarutobi(turning to face her): yeah you do...(realizing shes blushing, he places a hand on her face) don't worry Akamari I won't do anything you wouldn't feel comfortable with ok (smiles) but I do like this side of you...its interesring to see after missing you for so long
Akamari: thank you Sarutobi....and to be honest I've missed you terribly....I was always wondering if you had forgotten me....and it angered me and made me jealous honestly....
Sarutobi sits up and kisses her for a long moment, he then releases her
Sarutobi(blushing): sorry but the first kiss didnt count because I was caught off guard. But this one was a genuine one directly from me....because this person matters to me and I want her to know that....
Akamari(kissing him and releasing him): you matter to me too Sarutobi....even if you are younger than me....and even if our father forbids it.....but deep down I am scared of feeling guilty and judged by those who care for me (crying) to be honest im in love with my half brother and it makes me feel guilty
Sarutobi hugs her tightly, he then looks at her with a comforting smile
Sarutobi(wiping her tears): I love you too Akamari....I still do....but I won't force my love on you unless you are willing to let me....im not the type to take advantage of someone who's vulnerable at the moment
Akamari: I know....thats why i fell in love with you...you are so patient and kind....you are like your mother...which is a shocker to me you are restraining yourself (notices a bulge in his pants as she hugs him) oh um...Sarutobi...are you...
Sarutobi(pulling away as he turns around not facing her): I think its time you go before I lose control and take advantage of you
Akamari turns to leave but is unwilling to go, she walks up to him and tugs on his shirt
Akamari(blushing): I don't want to go.....Sarutobi.....I want to physically know how much.....how much you love me
He turns around and walks towards her, Akamari is backing up until she touches the doorframe
Sarutobi: do you....do you really want to know how much I love you?
Akamari: I know its wrong to say this....but....I...I do....I want to physically know you....as a man....Sarutobi
Sarutobi(closing the distance): fine (taking off her shirt and kissing her neck) just kissing you there as you tremble is more than enough for you to even want to (he pulls away and Akamari grabs his shirt) let go of...
Akamari(facing him): dont stop....please....just continue
Sarutobi: not if you are sc...
Akamari: I'm not scared....its just I've never had an exoerience like this...and I've rather it be you than anyone else touching me right now
Sarutobi continues touching her, he feels her breast as he leans to kiss it, he moves downward kissing her stomach, when he reaches the bottom half he gently takes off her bottoms and reveals a lace underwear, he starts at her inner thigh and kisses it
Akamari(jolting and moaning): Sarutobi....I'm sensitive there....
Sarutobi: I know...your even shaking from one kiss...how many more before you cant take it anymore
He kisses the other inner thigh
Akamari(carresing his hair): why do you make me feel this way...
Sarutobi(kissing her thigh): because you want me...you want what you cant have...even if it scares you
He lifts her up on his lap, she feels his bulge sticking out and Akamari gasps
Akamari: wait....we can't....im not ready...
Sarutobi: I promise it wont go farther than this...I'll be patient about it....you trust me don't you?
Akamari: yeah...I do...I trust you
He removes a bra strap and kisses her shoulder, and she starts rubbing against his hard shaft, while they lose themselves in the moment Omari knocks loudly on the door
Both(startled): yes who is it?
Omari(on the otherside of the door): why the hell you two taking so long...what is this the reunion of family greetings...lets get going I got a date....Akamari you are the one with a car I need you to go take me to the mall for a present for Mariana's date tonight....lets go don't have me waiting too long!
Sarutobi lifts Akamari off him and hands her her clothes, Sarutobi waits until she is dressed to open the door, Omari notices a hickey on Sarutobi's neck
Sarutobi(closing his bedroom door): we are ready to go....
Omari(irritated): I dont care.....lets just go....we are going to the mall for a present nothing else....is that alright with you lover boy
Sarutobi(confused): lover boy?
Akamari(glaring): stop it Omari...thats enough your getting annoying!
Omari: whatever lets go....before the mall closes...I don't want to go on a date without a present...I would look stupid if i don't get her anything if she got me something
They go to the mall, once there they head to a jewlery store, Akamari is distracted as Omari pulls Sarutobi alone with him
Sarutobi(cofused): what the....why are you...
Omari(irritated): you mind telling me why the hell you have a love mark on your fuckin neck!?
Sarutobi: what are you imply....
Omari turns him around facing a mirror, then Sarutobi realizes Akamari left him a hickey on the lower right side of his neck
Sarutobi: wait I can explain this....
Omari: don't cross that line Sarutobi....you'll only get hurt in the end.....remember she's your half sister.....no matter how much you want what you can't have it will be a regret for both of you
Sarutobi: how do you know....you were in my shoes once weren't you?
Omari: yeah....I used to be you but it was my adopted cousin....and in the end we were too late to realize that we hurt others by the actions we took (face to face) its just a nasty desire Sarutobi...one you must ignore....dont taste forbidden fruit that will cause a consequence later
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amberlovesanimation · 7 years
Open Me Carefully
I recently finished reading the book Open Me Carefully, which is a collection of letters, poems, and letter-poems Emily Dickinson sent to her close friend and sister-in-law, Susan Huntington Dickinson.
I decided to buy it after seeing Emily in a list of historical LGBT+ figures; although we’ll never know if their relationship was romantic or sexual in any way, it is clear from these letters that their connection was very deep on an intellectual and spiritual level.
Of course, as a bisexual female myself, I love to interpret them in a gay way, and below are some extracts that I particularly liked. (alongside my own little commentary now and then, sorry!)
(For some context, both women were born in December 1830)
“I wept a tear here, Susie - on purpose for you - because this “sweet silver moon” smiles in on me and Vinnie, and then it goes so far before it gets to you - and then you never told me if there was any moon in Baltimore - and how do I know Susie - that you see her sweet face at all? She looks like a fairy tonight, sailing around the sky in a little silver gondola with stars for gondoliers. I asked her to let me ride a little while ago - and told her I would get out when she got as far as Baltimore, but she only smiled to herself and went sailing on. I think she was quite ungenerous - but I have learned the lesson and shant ever ask her again.” - October 9, 1851
I LOVE how she describes Nyx the moon in this letter!!
“Will you let me come dear Susie - looking just as I do, my dress soiled and worn, my grand old apron, and my hair - Oh Susie, time would fail me to enumerate my appearance, yet I love you just as dearly as if I was e’er so fine, so you wont care, will you? I am so glad dear Susie - that our hearts are always clean, and always neat and lovely, so not to be ashamed. I have been hard at work this morning, and I ought to be working now - but I cannot deny myself the luxury of a minute or two with you. The dishes may wait dear Susie - and the uncleared table stand, them I have always with me, but you, I have “not always,” why Susie, Christ hath saints manie - and I have few, but thee - the angels shant have Susie - no - no no! [...] Oh my darling one, how long you wander from me, how weary I grow of waiting and looking, and calling for you; sometimes I shut my eyes, and shut my heart towards you, and try hard to forget you because you grieve me so, but you’ll never go away, Oh you never will - say, Susie, promise me again, and I will smile faintly - and take up my little cross again of sad - sad separation. How vain it seems to write, when one knows how to feel - how much more near and dear to sit beside you, talk with you, hear the tones of your voice - so hard to “deny thyself, and take up thy cross, and follow me -” give me strength, Susie, write me of hope and love, and of hearts that endured. [...] Only want to write me, only sometimes sigh that you are far from me, and that will do, Susie! Dont you think we are good and patient, to let you go so long; and dont we think you’re a darling, a real beautiful hero, to toil for people, and teach them, and leave your own dear home? [...] I must leave you now - “one little hour of Heaven,” thank who did give it me, and will he also grant me one longer and more when it shall please his love - bring Susie home, ie! Love always, and ever, and true!” - February 1852
Susan’s daughter Martha said “Her [Emily’s] devotion to those she loved was that of a knight for his lady.”
“Oh Susie, I would nestle close to your warm heart, and never hear the wind blow, or the storm beat, again. Is there any room there for me, or shall I wander away all homeless and alone? Thank you for loving me, darling, and will you “love me more if ever you come home”! it is enough, dear Susie, I know I shall be satisfied. But what can I do towards you? - dearer you cannot be, for I love you so already, that it almost breaks my heart - perhaps I can love you anew, every day of my life, every morning and evening - Oh if you will let me, how happy I shall be! [...] pretty soon I waked up saying “Precious treasure, thou art mine,” and there you were all right, my Susie, and I hardly dared to sleep lest some one steal you away. Never mind the letter, Susie; you have so much to do; just write me every weeks one line, and let it be, “Emily, I love you,” and I will be satisfied!” - February 1852
“dont you go Susie, not to their meeting, but come with me this morning to the church within our hearts, where the bells are always ringing, and the preacher whose name is Love - shall intercede there for us!” - February 1852
“And I do love to run fast - and hide away from them all; here in dear Susie’s bosom, I know is love and rest, and I never would go away, did not the big world call me, and beat me for not working. [...] When you come home, darling, I shant have your letters, shall I, but I shall have yourself, which is more - Oh more, and better, than I can even think! [...] Tis only a few days, Susie, it will soon go away, yet I say, go now, this very moment, for I need her - I must have her, Oh give her to me! [...] he [God] is very kind to let me write to you, and to give me your sweet letters, but my heart wants more.” - April 5, 1852
“I have thought of it all day, Susie, and I fear of but little else, and when I was gone to meeting it filled my mind so full, I could not find a chink to put the worthy pastor; when he said “Our Heavenly Father,” I said “Oh Darling Sue”; when he read the 100th Psalm, I kept saying your precious letter all over to myself, and Susie, when they sang - it would have made you laugh to hear one little voice, piping to the departed. I made up words and kept singing how I loved you, and you had gone, while all the rest of the choir were singing Hallelujahs. I presume nobody heard me, because I sang so small, but it was a kind of comfort to think I might put them out, singing of you. I a’nt there this afternoon, tho’, because I am here, writing a little letter to my dear Sue, and I am very happy. I think of ten weeks - Dear One, and I think of love, and you, and my heart grows full and warm, and my breath stands still. The sun does’nt shine at all, but I can feel a sunshine stealing into my soul and making it all summer, and every thorn, a rose. And I pray that such summer’s sun shine on my Absent One, and cause her bird to sing!” - Late April 1852
I joked on twitter about the gay agenda being to sing about missing your girlfriend when everyone else in church is singing hymns. Because of course they talked face-to-face whenever they were together, a lot of the letters were sent when Susan was away, so they’re filled with Emily’s pining for and missing of her. Later in this same letter she describes how she gathered flowers and an acorn and a snail shell to give to Sue once she returned which is absolutely adorable. She continues to gift her flowers throughout her life and in her poems compares both of them to flowers.
“Our last words were of you, and as we said Dear Susie, the sunshine grew so warm, and out peeped prisoned leaves, and the Robins answered Susie, and the big hills left their work, and echoed Susie, and from the smiling fields, and from the fragrant meadows came troops of fairy Susies, and asked “Is it me”? No, Little One, “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nor can the heart conceive” my Susie, whom I love.” - May 1852
I love how Extra™ Emily is with her romantic analogies in these early letters lmao
“And now how soon I shall have you, shall hold you in my arms; you will forgive the tears, Susie, they are so glad to come that it is not in my heart to reprove them and send them home. I dont know why it is - but there’s something in your name, now you are taken from me, which fills my heart so full, and my eye, too. It is not that the mention grieves me, no, Susie, but I think of each “sunnyside” where we have sat together, and lest there be no more, I guess is what makes the tears come. [...] we shall not be separated, neither death, nor the grave can part us, so that we only love!” - June 1852
“I have but one thought, Susie, this afternoon of June, and that of you, and I have one prayer, only; dear Susie, that is for you. [...] and when I look around me and find myself alone, I sigh for you again; little sigh, and vain sigh, which will not bring you home. I need you more and more, and the great world grows wider, and dear ones fewer and fewer, every day that you stay away - I miss my biggest heart; my own goes wandering round, and calls for Susie [...] Susie, forgive me Darling, for every word I say - my heart is full of you, none other than you in my thoughts, yet when I seek to say to you something not for the world, words fail me; If you were here, and Oh that you were, my Susie, we need not talk at all, our eyes would whisper for us, and your hand fast in mine, we would not ask for language - I try to bring you nearer, I chase the weeks away till they are quite departed, and fancy you have come, and I am on my way through the green lane to meet you, and my heart goes scampering so, that I have much ado to bring it back again, and learn it to be patient, till that dear Susie comes. [...] I add a kiss, shyly, lest there is somebody there!! Dont let them see, will you Susie?” - June 11, 1852
“And very, very often when I have waked from sleep, not quite waked, I have been sure I saw you, and your dark eye beamed on me with such a look of tenderness that I could only weep, and bless God for you. Susie, will you indeed come home next Saturday, and be my own again, and kiss me as you used to? [...] I hope for you so much, and feel so eager for you, feel that I cannot wait, feel that now I must have you - that the expectation once more to see your face again, makes me feel hot and feverish, and my heart beats so fast [...] Why, Susie, it seems to me as if my absent Lover was coming home so soon - and my heart must be so busy, making ready for him. While the minister this morning was giving an account of the Roman Catholic system, and announcing several facts which were usually startling, I was trying to make up my mind w’h of the two was prettiest to go and welcome you in, my fawn colored dress, or my blue dress.” - June 27, 1852
“And now, my absent One, I am hoping the days away, till I shall see you home -  am sewing as fast as I can, I am training the stems to my flowers, I am working with all my might, so as to pause and love you, as soon as you get home.” - February 24, 1853
“Why dont you write me, Darling? Did I in that quick letter say anything which grieved you, or made it hard for you to take your usual pen and trace affection for your bad, sad Emilie? Then Susie, you must forgive me before you sleep tonight, for I will not shut my eyes until you have kissed my cheek, and told me you would love me. [...] I dont know which it is - I only know that when you shall come back again, the Earth will seem more beautiful, and bigger than it does now, and the blue sky from the window will be all dotted with gold - though it may not be evening, or time for the stars to come.” - March 5, 1853
“Will you write to me - why hav’nt you before? I feel so tired looking for you, and still you do not come. And you love me, come soon - this is not forever, you know, this mortal life of our’s. [...] I’m loving you at home - I’m coming every hour to your chamber door. I’m thinking when awake, how sweet if you were with me, and to talk with you as I fall asleep, would be sweeter still.” - February 28, 1855
“Her breast is fit for pearls, But I was not a “Diver” - Her brow is fit for thrones But I have not a crest, Her heart is fit for home - I - a Sparrow - build there Sweet of twigs and twine My perennial nest.” - 1850s
There’s also a poem that begins “Your - Riches - taught me - poverty!” which is pretty gay too so look that up if you want (it’s too long to type on here).
“for the Woman whom I prefer, Here is Festival - When my Hands are Cut, Her fingers will be found inside - [...] Take the key to the Lily, now, and I will lock the Rose” - 1864
“You must let me go first, Sue, because I live in the Sea always and know the Road - I would have drowned twice to save you sinking, dear, If I could only have covered your Eyes so you would’nt have seen the Water” - 1860s
Then there’s a letter-poem that begins “To miss you, Sue, is power” but again it’s too long so look it up!
“I would have liked to be beautiful and tidy when you came - You will excuse me, wont you, I felt so sick. How it would please me if you would come once more, when I was palatable.” - 1870s
“Susan knows she is a Siren - and that at a word from her, Emily would forfeit Righteousness” - 1876 or later
I love how she compares Susan to a siren, whom we all know is the gayest mythological creature.
“To own a Susan of my own Is of itself a Bliss - Whatever Realm I forfeit, Lord, Continue me in this!” - late 1870s
“Sue - to be lovely as you is a touching Contest, though like the Siege of Eden, impracticable, Eden never capitulates” - 1876 or later
“Susan- I dreamed of you, last night, and send a Carnation to indorse it - Sister of Ophir - Ah Peru - Subtle the Sum That purchase you” - 1876 or later
apparently at this time Emily’s handwriting made her “Y”s look like an “S” so the “you”s in this poem look like “Sou”, or Sue :D
“That Susan lives - is a Universe which neither going nor coming could displace” - spring 1880
“It was like  a breath from Gibraltar to hear your voice again, Sue - Your impregnable syllables need no prop, to stand” - early 1880s
“With the Exception of Shakespeare, you have told me of more knowledge than any one living - To say that sincerely is strange praise” - early 1880s
Comparing her to Shakespeare!? Holy shit what a compliment !!
“Perhaps the dear, grieved Heart would open to a flower, which blesses unre- quested, and serves without a Sound.” - early October 1883
Emily sent this to Susan after her seven-year-old son had just died. I think it’s very touching how she tries to cheer her up a bit with a simple flower, as apparently Susan shut herself away for about a year after the death, so clearly words weren’t the biggest comfort to her.
“One of the sweetest Messages I ever received, was, “Mrs Dickinson sent you this Cardinal Flower, and told me to tell you she thought of you.” Except for usurping your Copyright - I should regive the Message, but each Voice is it’s own” - 1880s
“The tie between us is very fine, but a Hair never dissolves. Lovingly” - late 1885
Emily had fallen ill around this time so I think the tie being fine is because of the possibility of death, which she believed could not take away their love.
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complimentaryculler · 8 years
ok so this is my first time this kind of thing, so if you have any advice i’d really appreciate it.
Dave looked at the dragon. It (he?) Was half buried in books and treasure, a strange mix in the hoard, was sleeping peacefully. He looked almost human, a boyish face just at the cusp of adulthood, but for the gray scales and nubs of horns. He steeled himself, reminding himself of his sister’s disappearance at the hands of such a creature, even if it wasn’t this one. He drew his broadsword, the scrape of steel on steel echoing faintly around the cavern. Not faintly enough, as the dragon shook himself sleepily, looking around dazedly until locking his eyes on Dave. “Fuck. I get all my hoard in one place; even get my own gogdamned territory, and what happens? Some foppish asshole with his sniffnode stuffed so far up his wastechute he can see daylight decides that ‘oh yes, today looks like a lovely day to murder someone!!!” And pranced his way to my hive to do just that! Well not today spazmaggot! Come back later! I am flat out refusing to deal with this hoofbeastshit!” He snarled out furiously, his subvocals humming like a hive of wasps with a grudge. He burrowed into his hoard deep, as if that would dissuade the knight. Dave raised an eyebrow. “Sorry dude, no can do, gotta protect all the lil farmer dudes and swooning maidens, can’t really keep ‘em safe if there’s a marauding dragon about, all setting fires and eating people and shit," he said, readying his stance as the dragon stood, shaking off the more stubborn parts of his hoard. He leapt from the top of his pile, wings making a graceful glide to the floor. “First of all, fuck you, I’ve never even killed someone, so I’m hardly marauding. Second of all, I buy the food I eat, so that’s wrong too. Third of all, I literally just moved here, so fuck you for making me get up for your shit! So you can just shove your impertinent sniffnode so far up your wastechute you can see daylight and pail yourself on your stupid sword all the way back to your hive!” he was practically screeching by the end of it. “Dude, you need to chill,” Dave said, flashstepping forward. His sword was trapped in two sickles he hadn’t seen been drawn, and with an expert twist, it was shattered. Ducking down, he drew his short sword, and aimed to clip a wing to keep him on the ground. Instead, the dragon tugged his leg forward, bringing him onto the ground, and leapt over him and into the air, hovering near a stalactite, his glowing throat betraying the flames threatening. Dave rolled out of the way, and perched on a pile of books, hoping he wouldn’t risk his hoard to dispose of an intruder.  "I’m just trying to find my sister and “ooh a dragon lives here, definitely", but he’s not even green, and it’s too fuckin early for this” he muttered, and the dragon glared at him. “What, so you just went around asking about a dragon and didn’t even specify the color? You’re a fucking idiot.” Dave flushed, glad for the orange lighting, and tried to play him hearing his muttering off. “Dude, I don’t know how you dragons work, maybe you’re all chameleons, I don’t know this shit, I’m just a knight.” The dragon rolled his eyes. “It’s Karkat, not ‘you dragon’, and what color green was it?” “What” Dave said blankly. “What color green was it? This is very important to the health of your human sister.” “I dunno, green? I’m not a color theorist. Why does it matter?”  The dra- Karkat - sighed deeply. “Because I’m offering, you moronic fuck, to negotiate with the other one, and I would really rather not to have to visit every green dragon in a fifty mile radius. Preferably, you and your idiotic kin would leave me alone after this.” His throat cooled, and he dropped to the floor, fastening his sickles back to his side sheathes. "Do I have an oath?” Dave considered it for a moment. Dragons kept their oaths, but if reneged on could level palaces with their fury. “Fine. I want my sister freed, and I want our kingdom safe from you, and the Dersite knights will leave you alone.” “Deal. Now we should get moving if you want to get even a third of the way to Terezi’s by nightfall, as I refuse to carry you. I assume you have a horse?” “Duh dude, of course I do, I couldn’t leave Maplehoof all alone in the big dark castle while I slew mighty beasts. ”Leave it. It’s safer here for it. And I’m not the one going around murdering anyone I can find.” “Fair enough. But I’m not leaving Maplehoof.” “Oh yes you-”
The forest path looked like a war zone of color. Overturned trees splattered in color, her stupid smiley carved into their trunks, and then fucking risk’s mixed in too. They were the most vomit-worthy (and quadrant smearing) couple Karkat had ever had the displeasure to meet.  ‘This was a terrible idea.’ he thought. The knight was chattering about something, Gog knows what by this point, and Karkat really wish he had stayed with the horse as he had threatened when told to leave her three days ago. Judging by the increase in colors, they’d be at Terezi’s hive in another quarter hour. They continued walking. Finally they got there. “Ay ‘Rezi, get out here!” He called. “No dice, sh8uty!” An irritating voice called. Vriska. Of course. This couldn’t get any worse, could it? “Luckily, you get to see me!” She said, strolling into the sunlight in her shitty FLARP costume, pointed tail lashing around as she strutted. She had an entire peacock tail on her hat this time. Of course she did. Karkat rolled his eyes. “Wow, nice hat spiderbitch, now where’s Terezi? Off licking someone’s eyeballs again, or maybe pestering them about their scales?” “Sorry Karkles, she pro8a8ly wont be back soon, you should just leave already. You can leave your gift though, I’m sure she’ll love it.” She sneered. “Holy fuck Vriska, not everyone just goes around abducting humans, not like you’d-“ Dave gave out a squawk, and turned around, his sword half unsheathed. “WOW K4RK4T, D1DN’T 3XP3CT TO SN1FF YOU H3R3! WH4T BR1NGS YOU 4ND M1ST3R CH3RRY TO MY N3CK OF TH3 WOODS?” she rasped out, leaning on Karkat’s shoulder. “The idiot you just slobbered over needs me to find his human sister in exchange for the rest of the shitty knights leaving me alone. Apparently the dragon that took her was green.” He said, nodding toward Dave. “We could always eat him for you if you really waaaaaaaanted us to, Karkles. You know we’re always happy to help you out.” Vriska grinned. “H3 DO3S T4ST3 D3L1C1OUS. 4LMOST L1K3 4 CH3RRY P13!” “Reminds me of someone, too, riiiiiiiight Karkles?” Gog, were they tag teaming him? He had to get out of here. “Do you have his human sister or not Terezi?” he asked tiredly, hoping his tone would throw them off the scent. “Hmm, I don’t know Terezi, doooooooo we?” “GOODN3SS, 1 DON’T KNOW! 1 MUST 1NVE3ST1G4T3 TH1S! ST4ND 4S1D3 M4RQU1S3, OR B3 CH4RG3D W1TH OBSTRUCT1ON OF JUST1C3!” “Gasp, whateeeeeeeever shall I do?” Vriska swooned into Terezi’s arms. Karkat groaned, executing a facepalm x2 combo. They started making out. Enthusiastically. For eight minutes. Karkat was yelling for most of them. “GOD, DO YOU HAVE TO SUCK FACE EVERY FEW MINUTES IN A PERVETED QUARDRANT-SMEARING DISPLAY EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMEONE VISITS YOU SO YOUR SNARK GLANDS DON’T EXPLODE MESSILY OVER INOCCENT BYSTANDERS, OR AM I THE ONLY ONE YOU TORMENT LIKE THIS?” Karkat huffed out, out of breath after yelling for so long. “WHY K4RK4T, YOU KNOW YOU’R3 4LW4YS W3LCOM3 TO JO1N US, TH3R3’S NO N33D TO G3T J34LOUS!” Terezi cackled. “YOUR FR13ND IS W3LCOM3 TO TRY TOO.” She winked. “I wouldn’t touch the possibility of a quadrant with you with a ten foot pole made entirely of my own regrets.” Dave spoke. ”Well, I certainly wouldn’t be averse to join the party, myself.” He smirked. Karkat felt like vomiting, and looked over to see Vriska’s face in an expression akin to fury and snark’s hatechild. They needed to get out of here. “Well anyway we should get going bye Terezi, nice seeing you, have a nice day!” He grabbed onto Dave’s shoulder, forcefully pulling him away at a quick pace. “8yeeeeeeee Karkat! Nice meeting your friend! Come 8ack soon! Or don’t! Whatever!” Waving with his free hand, he made a quick retreat, not stopping until the colorful trees faded into the background. “Dude what the fuck? I was having a good time with those broads. Wait, were they even girls? Do dragons have gender?”  Karkat let out a long groan. “I pulled you away because in case you didn’t notice, Vriska was ready to cull you for flirting with her moirail-sprite-mesis whatever!” Dave actually seemed surprised. “Wait, what? It was just play-flirting, dude, I wasn’t serious.” Humans were so fucking obtuse. “You think Vriska can tell? She was ready to rip out your throat, trust me. The last guy that tried that can’t use his gills anymore. Come on, we need to find a good place to make camp.” “Aye aye sir.”
      They found a sheltered overhang and made a fire, cooking a small fawn they had caught. Karkat ate the bones, too, making Dave wince at the familiar crack. Karkat stopped after that, not wanting to ask. They both sat, picking at their cloaks or staring into the distance, unwilling to make themselves so defenseless near the other. They snuck glances at the other over the fire, studying their movements and features, looking away hurriedly when the other shifted. Eventually, lulled by the silence and the warmth of the fire, they fell into a soft slumber on the hard ground, neither noticing the other losing their wakefulness.
      Karkat woke in the early morning of the eight day of their “journey”, hazy gray fog dissuading any who would peek their heads out from the safety of their homes. Casting a glance at Dave, he noticed the knight’s shaking, causing a faint rattling of his armor as his lips moved in silent pleading. He rushed over shaking him awake. “Dave, its just a dream, wake up!” Dave’s eyes snapped open as he threw a punch. “BRO, STOP!” he shouted, only vaguely realizing where he was. Karkat felt something wet on his cheek. He raised a hand to it curiously, coming away with blood. His blood. It was dripping from a small cut on his cheek. His pupils went wide, looking at Dave, who was staring at the red on his gauntlet. Backing up until he felt the cave wall at his back, he drew his sickles, eyes wide with terror. ‘Not again.’ he thought. ‘Not again.’ Dave’s eyes were still on him. “You’re a red blood,” he breathed. “Holy shit.”  Karkat was shaking “I-I’ll cull you, you’ll never find your sister without me, I’ll-I’ll-” Dave raised a placating hand, dropping it when Karkat flinched. “Dude, I’m not going to kill you, just- just surprised is all, I thought they were hunted into extinction, you know? What with the whole, like, trophy bullshit with pretty much everyone? Aw shit dude, I’m sorry for bring that up, I just ramble when I’m nervous and shit, ya get me? I‘ma shut up now.” Karkat slumped onto the ground, sagging in relief. “Oh thank fuck,” he breathed. “Thank fuck.” He fainted. Dave got up, slightly concerned, and tapped him in the leg with a boot. He shot up. “MOTHER FUC- wait, what?” “Fainted dude. Don’t worry, you were only out for a few seconds.” Karkat sighed. “Good. We should probably get moving. We have a long way to go to get to Nepeta’s.”
      He wasn’t kidding. They walked for six days, avoiding roads and knight outposts, making camp and hunting game, until they finally got to the entrance of her system of caves. Karkat offered up a small prayer that Equius wouldn’t be there. Judging by the freshly shattered glass his prayers hadn’t been answered, but there was always hope. Suddenly, he found himself on the ground, claws digging into his shoulder and a faded green jacket practically draped over him. “Heeeeey Karkitty! Whatefur are mew doing here?” Nepeta picked herself up, offering Karkat a hand he took gratefully, brushing the cave dirt off his shirt. “I came here to find out if you had this dickbag’s sister. Apparently if I get her back from whoever has her I won’t be culled by knights. I got an oath too, so it’s binding.” “Oh, I’m sorry Karkitty, I don’t have purr! I would have taken her mewself if I’d known it would get knights to leave mew alone, though. Good luck!” she smiled with her cleft lip, sharp fangs stained with blood from a fresh kill staining them purple. Dave shuddered in the corner of Karkat’s eye. “Of course, mew could always come to me and Equius if you need help with humans! Purresent company included, of course!” She smiled, looking over to Dave with a sharp grin. ‘What is it with these broads and wanting to eat me?!” Dave whispered. Karkat and Nepeta ignored him. “Nah, that’d just get them all after me, and I just got settled in at the new place, so it’d be a real bitch to move it all again.” A deep voice startled him. “Besides Nepeta, humans are simply not healthy for a young olive such as yourself.” Equius strode forward, wiping his wet and greasy hands on a damp towel and swung it over his shoulder, and stood behind Nepeta. “Oh there mew are Equius! Karkitty’s here!” Equius grimaced. “Yes, I can see him. Why did you lead a trained knight to our hive?” Karkat rolled his eyes. ”We both know that Nepeta could make mincemeat out of a score of knights in an hour. We’ve seen her fucking decimate a cholerabear pack faster, and they’re must bigger and faster than any of these tin cans. Besides, its not like you cant handle yourself either.” Nepeta smiled, eyes light up like a spotlight and darting in between them. “Actually Karkat, I’ve got a mew type of chameowmile tea that I’d like mew to try, would mew like to stay a while? Your furrend can have some too if he’d like!” “Thanks, but we have to get moving. Kanaya’s is pretty far away still, and I really don’t want to have to waste anymore time on this shit.” Nepeta nodded, her shippurr’s gleam fading. “Ok, bye Karkitty, see mew! Come back anytime!” she waved. Equius nodded.  Karkat walked off tiredly, Dave trailing behind him. Safely ensconced in the trees, Dave turned to the tired lump that was once Karkat. “Dude what the entire fuck was that. Like there was some cat girl who wanted to eat me, and then some buff sweaty dude talking about how it wouldn’t be healthy? And he kept on like, staring at me, just standing there all creepy? Also, why was she flirting with you? Wasn’t the buff dude her boyfriend? Dude? Dude are you dead I do not wanna go back there.” “Please just shut up and let me die in peace.” Karkat groaned. “Just- just give me a minute, ok? Those guys really take it out of me really, being around Nepeta always makes me feel guilty for not liking her back and Equius is just plain fucking creepy.” Finally lifting himself off, he looked around to get his bearings. He led Dave to a cave, and promptly passed the fuck out, only staying awake long enough to light the fire for to keep away wild animals while Dave hunted for their dinner.
      He woke to the feeling of Dave’s cotton under-mail shirt’s sleeve draped over his chest. Dave had started huddling closer to him in his sleep after a few weeks, probably for warmth, but it was cute nonetheless. His white-blond hair was scattered over his closed eyelids, and a galaxy of stars appeared where his helmet didn’t cover his face. The little moon-crest of Derse was cute on his forehead, even if the freckle splotching did look silly. Karkat smiled to himself, it was nice to have a peaceful moment for once in a while. He’d been caught up in moving, what with having to flee rather hurriedly from hunters, and then the terror of the first nights spent traveling with a knight he didn’t know, and the snarky broads on top of it. It was nice being able to just rest awhile. He still couldn’t believe that Kanaya had fucking kidnapped this Rose girl though. ‘I mean, yeah, she has made plenty of mistakes with human courtship before, but this is pretty extreme. The only other reason she would have taken her would be to protect someone she cared for, but she isn’t the type to shirk away from culling for the good of others.’ He cast about for another reason, but he really couldn’t figure it out. ‘After all, this Rose was a seer, not a fabric maker, and Kanaya is much too polite to kidnap someone for their cloth-making. Vriska had probably just fed her some bullshit she heard from a drunken human in a bar and she had taken it like the gay sap she was. Terezi was always telling her that humans were not to be trusted if they were in a tavern but she never fucking listened, did she. And poor poor Kanaya had believed her. Or maybe it was Eridan; he had never been good with flirting, dragon or no. She had to have more sense than that, right?’ Suddenly, he was shaken out of his thoughts by a squirming human against his side. “Whoa bro, were you just cuddling up to me? Was this a secret cuddle pile and I wasn’t informed, how could you do this to me bro, I trusted you man, come on.” “Oh please, I stayed right where I was all night, you’re the one who wiggled his way over here like a demented grub.” “Lies and slander. I won’t stand for it in this house, young man.”  Dave managed his serious façade for a few seconds, before breaking out in giggles with Karkat.
      They broke camp and began hiking towards the mountain, weaving through the trees and trading stories about Rose and Kanaya respectively. Karkat couldn’t believe she had actually kidnapped someone, and Dave couldn’t believe Rose let her what with her seer powers and bond with the horror terrors. They both agreed that it was fucking weird of both of them. They reached the mountain town, and Karkat asked about the dragon who lived on his mountain. Glancing curiously at the two of them, the villager tilted his head back, eyeing them closely. “The dragon who lives here, she protects us, see, and we’d rather she was safer than not, so I’m going to have to deny you that traveler.” Karkat pulled back his hood, relived. “Oh, you guys like her? I mean, I’m not surprised, classic Kanaya really, but she’s a friend of mine and I’d like to see her. I can vouch for him too.” He said pleasantly as he flicked his pointed ears in the mountain sunlight. The man smiled kindly. “Oh of course! Normally we don’t get any visitors but challenging knights, and the poor girl can really only handle so much, you know?” “Trust me, I know just what you’re talking about.” Karkat agreed, glaring playfully at Dave, a smile dancing around his thin black lips.
      Following the winding path pointed out by the village-person, Dave walked quickly, ready to see his sister after hard weeks of traveling. They reached the door to the cottage-cave hive hybrid, and looked at each other for a moment, nodding at each other. Karkat knocked. “Hey Kanaya, you in there?” he called. “Just a minute, if you please,” a muffled voice answered. Opening the door, Karkat came face to face with- a fucking human? Wait, was this Rose? What the fuck was going on? “Ah hello dear brother, do come in, and would you mind informing me who your friend is?” Rose said pleasantly. “Rose what the fuck you disappeared we thought you were kidnapped, you were just gone and people said that you got carried off by some green dragon and I went looking for you, what the fuck is even going on?!” Rose looked taken aback. “What are you talking about? Wh-what happened? Didn’t you read my note???” “What note?!?!”        
      “So what you’re telling me is that you did not see any letter at all, heard accounts from some villagers of an abduction by a dragon, and immediately set out to kill the first dragon you saw?” Dave grumbled. “Look rose, I’m not the one who ran away with their dragon girlfriend without telling anyone, now am I?” rose raised her eyebrow. “Oh, aren’t you? Excuse me, datemate, I don’t mean to presume.” She said, flapping her hand at Karkat in a pacifying gesture. Karkat had remained silent, sipping at his coffee, at the table while the twins chattered like no tomorrow, but at this, he sat up. “So what you’re telling me, Davey, is that you oh so conveniently lost your sister’s letter, showed up at my hive, THREATENED TO KILL ME, FORCED ME INTO BARGAINING FOR MY LIFE, AND SENT ME ON A LONG JOURNEY TO SEE WHO HAD YOUR HUMAN SISTER, FORCED ME TO PUT UP WITH ASSHOLE BLUEBLOODS, ALL FOR US TO FIND OUT THAT YOUR HUMAN SISTER WAS ACTUALLY HAVING A DANDY TIME WITH HER GIRLFRIEND? IS THAT WHAT IS CURRENTLY COMING OUT OF YOUR INSUFFERABLE WINDHOLE? SWEET ALMIGHTY TAINTCHAFING FUCK, FUCKING TELL ME OTHER WISE, OR I SWEAR TO YOUR STUPID HUMAN GOG I’LL EXPLODE MESSILY INTO A COMPLETELY NEW UNIVERSE, CREATED PURELY OUT OF MY OWN SHITHIVE WRITHING HELLISH ANGUISH BLADDER IMPREGNATING THE VERY SPACE AROUND IT WITH RAGE AS PURE AS THE FLUIDS POURING FROM THE MOTHER GRUBS UNDULATING ASSHOLE WHILE YOU GET STUNG BY RIPPERWASPS IN YOUR MINISCULE BULGE, DAVE, YOU LIMP FRONDED LOONEYBLOCK-MAKING SEEDFLAP-JERKING NOOK-LICKING BULE-FONDLING FREAKOUT WEASEL ON SOPOR!!!” Karkat was wheezing by the end, his eyes blown, hand bleeding from his shattered cup, chair knocked over from when he stood suddenly, hair as wild and snarled as seemingly possible. He was stunning. ‘Oh shit ‘ Dave thought, as rose looked at him in confusion, ‘did I say’ that out loud?’ “What the fuck are you talking about?” shit shit shit shit. Code red, all systems go soldier. “I mean, I guess I kinda... like you? I mean you’re really smart, and you get really passionate about the things you care about, and you’re really funny and caring behind your prickly shell, and you are really understanding about my nightmares and shit, and you had like a billion opportunities to kill me or have me killed without reneging on your deal, but you didn’t? Like, even when you still kinda hated me, which was nice of you, and you are really easy to talk to and a really good cuddler and I’m sort of rambling here. But like, can I um… can I kiss you? I mean, if you want, I don’t want to pres- mph!” Karkat kissed him, careful of his teeth, and Dave melted into him, relief coursing through his veins. Putting his arms around the other’s neck, he pulled himself up slightly to get a better angle, deepening the kiss, until they pulled away, breathless. Rose whistled at them, and they returned to the present moment, and suddenly they were three feet away from each other and blushing madly. The door opened. “Oh, Hello Karkat. What Brings You Here?” Kanaya asked curiously.
      “Rose, I Thought You Told Your Family?”  They were sitting around a table in the dining room/kitchen area, trying to make sense of the past month and a half. “Apparently, the letter went missing, most likely eaten by Jaspers, truth be told.” Karkat grumbled, putting his head in his free hand, the other trapped in Dave’s under the table. “I still cant believe it was all for this. I can’t fucking believe it.” “There there babe. At least we know now.” Dave patted his hand sympathetically, tired from the long journey himself. Karkat raised his head. “You all do realize that Dave has to go back, and they won’t believe you actually like staying with Kanaya if you aren’t there to tell it, right Rose? And based on what I’ve heard of Roxy, never mind Dirk, it’s going to be pretty hard to convince her to let her seer go be a hermit in the woods.” Dave looked over at him. “Um, well… about that… umm, I was thinking that, uh, maybe, it wouldn’t just be Rose? ‘Cause, um, I’d kinda. Like to just stay with you? And, like, its totally fine if you never want to see me again, and just want o be left alone after all this, but I, uh, kinda just wanna like, live in your hive with you?? I mean, if that’s alight, if it’s not I’ll just go and fuck off on my merry way, but you know, I think it’d be kindanicemaybeidontknowwhatever.” Karkat stared at him, an expression of relief painted on his face. “Oh thank god I’m so glad you’re the one who suggested it I was too nervous.” Shaking his head quickly, he turned back to Rose and Kanaya, who wore matching smirks. “Ok, so, as I was saying, it’s going to be pretty hard to convince Roxy to let her seer sister and her knight brother go live with dragons in the woods, so you’re probably going to have to go and see her yourselves. Kanaya, you should probably go with her so you can convince them as well. You all should prepare to go to court.” Dave blinked. “Dude, you think you’re not coming? I need my boyfriendsprite there for moral support. Talking to dirk is going to be hell.” Karkat rolled his eyes and kissed Dave’s hand. “Ok, so we need to pack for four people. Without the detours it should only take a week and a half. Kanaya, I assume you have some sort of proper clothing for us all?” “Maybe I Do, Maybe I Don’t.” “Fantastic. We should start preparing now.”
      They stayed there for a week, gathering food and fitting clothes, making dinner and going into town, cleaning armor and washing scales. Fg’dshj’fg, Rose’s pet horrorterror, tentacled his way around; bringing bolts of cloth and packs for supplies. He was also an excellent mouser. Karkat and Dave explored the town, going to bakeries and buying pastries, casting coins into the fountains and purveying herbs. Dave bought a new katana for Dirk, “to throw him off the scent,” and Karkat got Kanaya some thin leather thread. Finally, they were prepared.  The journey back took just over a week, as they found good roads with help from the villagers, stopping at taverns and way-houses. Finally, they reached the citadel of Derse.
      They made great use of their cloaks, walking through the city unnoticed, and using the twin’s positions to gain entry to the palace. As they walked through the doors, Roxy came running, her robes flying out behind her. “Davey! Rosy! You’re back! I missed you so much! Are you all right? You were gone for so long! What happened?” “Roxy, we need to talk with you and Dirk. In private.” “Oh my gosh, yeah! Dirky’ll be so glad to see you! Come on come on he’s in his workshop!” she set off running, servants ducking out of the way of their monarch. They followed, their pace more of those filled with dread.
      Roxy knocked on dirk’s door. “Dirk! Rose and Dave are back!” the door swung open and Dirk’s eyes widened behind his shades. “Holy fuck Dave.” He said, wrapping the twins in a hug. “What took you so long? And who the fuck are they?” he said, looking over at the two hooded dragons. Dave grimaced. “It’s a long story.”
      They sat around a mostly empty work table. “Ok, so can we have an explanation, or are we just going to sit here?” Dave rolled his eyes at Dirk. “\Ok, so I went to-“ Karkat laid a clawed hand on Dave’s arm. “Let me do the explanation, or we’ll be here all day.” Dave nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. Shoot, Karkat.” He took a deep breath, and nodded to Kanaya that they should take off their hoods. Drawing them back gingerly, they gripped their partner’s hands. “Dave,” dirk said, dangerously calm. “Why did you bring two dragons into the castle?” Karkat rolled his eyes. “Wow, fuck you too dude. Anyway, the rundown of it is that he came to my hive, attacked me, and I agreed to help him find his sister, only for it to turn out that she had run away with her girlfriendsprite, Kanaya, and apparently her note got lost. And no, neither of us has ever attacked anyone. Kanaya is the protector of her mountain village, so no problems there, and I’m a hermit. Your human siblings also want to live with us in our hives and, I quote, be ‘cryptids in the woods’ with us. That’s about it.” Rose nodded. “Yes, that all is true. And I can definitely say that Kanaya did not kidnap me, and I did leave a note.” Dave raised his hand. “Also, I hate being a knight and I sorta just want to be a sword making cryptid with my boyfriendsprite. Also, I’m dating Karkat.” Dirk boggled at them. He was opening his mouth to speak, but Roxy steamrolled over him. “That’s fucking adorable! Rosy, you should have told us! Omg, Davey, you should’ve told us you didn’t want to be a knight! What with your brother and everything, you know, of course we would’ve supported you!” Dirk was silent. “Of course I’ll support you, just… visit us, alright? We’re your family.” He turned to their datemates. “And as for you, if you ever hurt them, I’ll hunt you down myself and use you hides as armor,” he said, eyes narrowed. Kanaya started chattering away, using a placating tone. Karkat just stared. Suddenly, he burst out laughing. “Dave, you didn’t tell me you were the normal one in the family!” Dave just smirked. “Babe, there’s no way you would have believed me.” Karkat wiped his eyes. “True. I still can’t believe it myself.” He pushed back his chair. “Well, it was great meeting you, Roxy. Dirk, you lived up to your reputation. Wanna go to our hive Dave?” he said, turning to Dave. He smiled. “Yeah, let’s.” they strode across the courtyard, servants turning in shock at the uncloaked dragons striding along with their arms around the royal twins’ waists and chattering idly. Dave and Karkat shared a kiss, before Karkat scooped him up bridal style, flying to his hive while Dave screamed in delight and terror. Rose and Kanaya flew off in a much more dignified manner, skirts streaming out behind them. “Oh fuck,” Dave said suddenly. “I forgot to give Dirk his katana.” “Mother fucker.” Karkat grumbled. “You’re such an idiot sometimes.” “But I’m your idiot.” Dave smiled innocently. Karkat smiled softly. “You do realize I’m not going back, right?” “Oh like fuck you are. I need to sleep.”
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Since today was a bad day I’d like to apolize to bora in advanced....
Out of all the outcomes, it had to turn out like this? Its like whenever i finally start to feel happy, it always gets ripped away from me.But life isn’t fair, especially to runaways. I guess that’s why i opened the door to a strangers apartment. I remember the hunger pains I felt that day, I ember how cold it was sleeping outside. God that feels like ages ago, its hard to believe that I’ve only been with you all for only a few months. I Romberg meeting all of you for the first time, I was terrified but you all tried to make me feel the most comfortable I could be. I still Romberg that special knock seven used to let me know it was him and not some random stranger. I also remover that little lie he told me when I said I didn’t want anything to eat or drink,” I have a gift card that’s about to expire,” that never fails to bring a smile to my face. On the ride to the penthouse, seven told me to give jumin a chance, that he isn’t some cold, heartless Man. He just doesn’t know how to express his emotions.
Jaehee, god she was a life saver when i got my first period, I couldn’t thank her enough after she calmed me down and made me realize that I wasn’t dying. I was so embarrassed, but she assured me that it is natural and it is nothing to be ashamed about. She was the older sister I never had, taking me to get bras that actually fit, teaching me how to brew coffee, giving me girl adddvice, thank you so much for that. You are so amazing and I love helping you at your cafe.
Yoosung, I can’t believe how close we’ve gotten, you’re so fun and easy to chat with. You always help me take my mind off of my bad dreams by playing LOLOL together, well its more you playing the game and me pressing random buttons. And all the times you have helped me with homework questions, but i guess that’s a benefit of online school. You might get teased by everyone but you’re amazing, and kind, and I cherish our moments together.
Zen, you took on the role of an older brother the second you found out my age, and that I’m a runaway, but I guess it’s cause you’re one too. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that. You reminded me so much of my older brother, but you and him are different people with different amazing qualities. You made me feel so safe, and I always had so much fun whenever you took me to rehearsal. I still smile and laugh when the lighting caption took me to their booth during lunch, while you were still practicing and let me use the spotlight, and I kept moving it around and you had to follow. That was so much fun. You were the first person who gave me a real hug in years, and I accepted it, it felt so good to be hugged with so much genuine care and affection that I cried in your arms. I know that you don’t always get along with jumin, but seeing you both try to get along for my sake warms my heart.
Seven, you were the first one I met. That first night I was at the apartment I know it was you who sent laundry detergent, shampoo, conditioner, food, tooth paste, a toothbrush, and other supplies I needed but didn’t have. You just didn’t want to take the credit. You were the first person in a long time to give me those supplies without a hidden motive. I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me, you arranged for me to stay with jumin until you all found a suitable home for me to live in(although that didn’t happen lol) you work tirelessly and put other before yourself, even though you love teasing yoosung everyone knows that you love him, not only him but everyone in the rfa. All those jokes and memes you send in the group chat are always hilarious, and all those times you broke into the penthouse at night to “play with Elly “ when it just by coincidence that i had a nightmare. We would always end up laughing so hard it hurts. You helped me in so many ways that I cant even name them all, thank you for always helping me.
Jumin, it has been a few months since you took me in, and those few months have made me the happiest I have ever been, without you and the rfa I dont know what would have happened to me, You took me, a runaway teenager, who you didn’t know, who was so reserved and barley talked, and you helped her. You turned me into the person I am today, and the person I am today is happy. You stood by me during the whole Glam and Sarah situation, and you didn’t even know me too well but you still protected me. You are always there for me during my nightmares. You even took me to see multiple types of doctors to make sure I was getting healthy, and to find out what steps to take to get me there, from setting reminders on my phone to eat, to getting me a weighted blanket so I could finally sleep through the night. You took on the parental role for a down on her luck runaway, and gave her a chance. I can’t ever thank you enough for that. I love you dad.
Sometimes I wonder what was going on in everyone’s heads when I popped up, but I just need everyone to know that I love them, so so much. Not many people can say that they got a second shot at having a family, but i did, and I love my family. You all showed me something I hadn’t felt since my brother died, love, affection, and a sense of belonging. Please, none of you blame yourselves for what happened to me.
Love, Bora Han.”
Hot tears streamed down Jumin face as he read Bora’s letter, the smell of disinfectant permeated the hospital room. The letter in one hand as the other gripped his unconscious daughters hand. The only comfort he found was the beeping of the heart monitor, telling him that his daughter is still alive. After four hours of emergency surgery on her shoulder from the gunshot wound, and countless stitches on her left leg from where unknown threw her onto the broken glass covered floor. He needed to make a getaway, what’s a better distraction that shooting a child in their shoulder then throwing them practically across a room. She must have written the letters once we got news of the bomb in the apartment being controlled by unknown. It zen got her to a hospital just in time he is sitting on the chair across the room, asleep with dried blood on his shirt. He isn’t even supposed to be here, but all it took for the nurse to let it slide was some flirting, from his part. And I handed her more than enough money to convince her. All that matters is that my daughter is alive.
It was hours before I felt something squeeze my hand. My eyes meet a pair of purple eyes that look so insanely tired, they were already welling up in tears as zen rushes to grab a nurse and water.
“ hey duckling, I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere,”
“ i-“ she starts to cough, which makes her groan in pain, the meds must be wearing off. A nurse runs in to check up on bora as zen holds up a cur of water and brings it to boras lips. She must be so thirsty, and she looks so scared, she hates hospitals but right now her safety it top priority.
“ I’m so sorry dad” she says crying. Stroking her hair I try calming her as much as I can without her being in more pain.
“Duckling, you have absolutely nothing to be sorry about, you were so strong, and you still are so strong. I promise I wont leave you alone here.” I say calmly, making her calm down a bit.
“ me too kiddo, I’m not leaving you here too,” zen says as bora looks at his shirt.
Crying a bit bora turn to zen,”I’m really sorry about your shirt,” which makes everyone laugh a bit.
“ I can buy many shirts, but there is only one of you,” he says playfully tapping Bora on the nose.
Seeing bora struggle to keep her eyes open, we both turn off the lamps.
“Get some shut eye kid, we will be here the whole night, and when you wake up, we will still be here,” zen says stretching out on the couch, as I lie on the reclining chair. I’m kind of glad that the lights are off, its so hard to see bora in a cast, she just looks so small in that big hospital bed, but she is safe, and alive. We can get through this, I’ll be there every step of the way.
While I don’t think that Unknown would do that, nor would write something of that dark regard in this universe, I can tell that it was very cathartic for you to be able to write this out. So, if this helped you coped with your pain in any way, that is good. I appreciate that you shared your perspective on Bora’s thoughts and her feelings over her time spent with the RFA. 
She’s so very appreciative of all of them. They’re her family. She can’t imagine life without them. 
4 notes · View notes
townnightwalk · 7 years
- under the cut is the rewritten introduction to the story, and with the inclusion of a new character. This was a significant choice than ultimately changed the entire story and plan for the characters. It includes the main characters older sister who is increasingly hinted to be dead through the later dialogue, and this stems into the entire story arc and all character arcs.-
-        M = murphy, Prues sister
-        P = prue, main character
-        S = Sybil
-        J = jones
-        ? = unknown voice
-        ITALIC: internal dialogue and narration
-        Blue text: notes, not in actual piece
-        Starts with introductory prose
  Sometimes, memories are hazy,
Like lines of heat on a distant horizon,
Wavy and uncertain, tricking you
Sometimes the haze is heavier
Like white noise and static on an old tv
When you turn the dial on your grandparents set
All you see and hear is a deafening mess of white and black
Sometimes, you can find places like this
Liminal spaces, wedged between real life
But very much real, although they feel like a dream
These spaces can confuse you, scare you
Consume you
Beware of those who live there
 Scene shown is a warmly lit room, where the main character wakes up to calm music and her sister. They clean the room, talk, and then prue discovers shes actually still asleep and wakes up a second time to be in the car with her friends. In scene 1 prue thinks she has woken up, wakes up again to discover she was still dreaming, and then is knocked out by the car crash. This constant loss of consciousness is intentional, and it met to fit the tone of liminal spaces aka spaces between dreams, where you feel half awake and uncertain of what is real because of this.
 ? "hey sleepy head"
P "huh?"
? "are you going to help me with this or what?"
You turn to a familiar face, lit by the warm glow of the soft lights around her.
Shes tall, and grinning, and she looks like you.
Shaking yourself out of your dozy haze, you stand and start to help her collecting the plates from the dinner table.
M "about time doofus"
P "are you 10 years old"
M "I thought using doofus made me sound like 80, not 10" its not much to clean up, but you turn the tap on and let it fill the sink anyway. As you plunge the plates and your hands into the hot water, she turns and starts folding up the blanket on the couch. You're a messy sleeper, even when you nap, so she starts to readjust the cushions as well.
Dialogue decision
1 "how was work?"
2 "did I miss anything?"
 1 M "pretty average, no one threw anything at me this time"
P "wait what"
M "remember? That old lady who thought I was hiding her size?"
M" she threw a fit, and also a heel"
P "damn, I totally forgot about that"
P "what a bitch"
M "eh, she's just an old weirdo with bad aim"
 2 M "you missed dad, he was here for dinner"
P "good"
M "left an hour ago for stevens, I would be in your room when he gets home"
P "nah, lets go out"
M "ok, but lets finish this first"
 M "hows life"
P "fine"
M "hows school"
P "fine" M "hows friends?"
1 "absolute shit"
2 "totally fine"
M "I guessed as much, you look like hell
P "well fuck thanks a lot"
M "whats going on"
P "just some drama, sybils been pissing me off a lot"
M "well, we'll be seeing her tonight"
P "you are not performing an 'intervention'"
M "we'll seeeeee"
M "you're a shit liar"
P "you're a shit listener"
M "what? I listen"
P "but you forget to keep to the listening part, you'll end up making me write her a letter or something"
M "psh, worked last time"
 You finish off drying the dishes and put them in the drawer beside you, then you put some glad wrap over the leftovers and place them inside the fridge. The bench is clear, and the kitchen tidy. She smiles and playfully shoves your side.
 M "thanks, wanna go get ready now?"
P "its not for another hour"
M "it's 8 dummy"
P "oh fucking hell"
M "want me to do your eyeliner wings or nah"
1 "only if you can do it while driving"
2 "do you think he'll be pissed if we borrow the car"
M "that’s why I have two hands"
P "that’s a disappointing amount of hands"
M "hey, im still developing here"
P "still developing at 24 years of age, and I thought it was sad enough youre living at home this old"
M "dunno, he probably wont notice, hes getting dropped home late"
P " I wanna stay late"
M "well… we can cross that bridge when we get to it"
P " I guess"
 you hang up the teatowel and grab your phone off the bench, starting up the stairs to go and get ready. Before you reach the top, Murphy calls out again.
M "Hey Prue"
P  "yeah?"
M "do me a favour"
P  "what?"
 NOTE- at this point prue is waking up from this dream, she can hear another voice that isn’t her sisters-
  ? "Prue?"
-        Music stops
? "we have to go, wake up!"
 NOTE- the scene changes to indicate that she has woken up, she is now in a car with her friends on the side of the road.
      your vision blurs and so does she, before you can hear the request, its all gone in an instant.
   you're confused for a moment, but it doesn't take long for you to remember where you are.
it's late, you wish you could return to the dream that's been stolen from you
but your friend shakes you again, and you look at her with a frown.
S "c'mon, we gotta leave."
P "hmm... what? Why, I'm tired... I'm really tired."
S "look. Jones saw someone over there,
      I think we should park somewhere else."
 The car dashboard is bright in the dark of the night,
    so bright you have to squint.
    You reach out to turn a dial and the music fades away
      1 "fine, we'll go.":
      2 "who did he see?"
      3 "jones is a jumpy wimp"
You turn on the engine and rub your eyes, letting out a comical yawn mostly for effect and turn on the indicator.
S "who the hell are you indicating for"
P "your mystery man, he could be anywhere"
J "har har. I really did see someone"
P "well now he knows to stand back while I pull into the street, safety first"
S "how the hell should I know"
J "it was just someone, I don’t know, does it matter?"
J "I don’t want to meet whoever is stumbling around at 3am in the dark"
P "fine, whatever"
J "call me what you want, I don’t want to deal with some creep in the middle of the night"
S "- and in the middle of nowhere"
P "I didn't say I didn't trust your wimpy attitude, im just saying"
Its obvious he's ticked off, but you're too grumpy and groggy to feel like apologising, so you wait in the short silence until he speaks up again.
J "lets get out of here, ok"
P "ok"
  -        If 2 or 3 jump to a copy of 1-
You turn on the engine and rub your eyes, letting out a comical yawn mostly for effect and turn on the indicator.
S "who the hell are you indicating for"
P "your mystery man, he could be anywhere"
J "har har. I really did see someone"
P "well now he knows to stand back while I pull into the street, safety first"
 The street is deserted, matching the lifeless houses lining it. The only lights you see hang overhead and stand out as beacons to follow blindly.
 S "where do you think we are?"
J "well, we drove a good 7 hours."
P "who cares, it doesn't matter as long as its far."
S "true, love feeling like a nomad, just following the road to nowhere. s "especially cause im in a car and don’t have to walk or be cold"
J "we should plan what to do next in the morning"
P "I have a plan"
1 "step one: sanctuary
2 "step one: steal
3 "step one: wreck shit <NOTE: BIG DIVIDE 3, RENEGADE
J "happy to hear we arent living in a car"
J "god sybil don't look like that. We are not living in a car."
S "we live in a car, we live in the getaway vehicle."
P "we live in a car, we learn to live with shady toilets in parks and fast food places"
S "damnit. You got me."
 Jump to safe branch
P "I have to empty dads bank accounts before he realises I took his cards"
P "if he cancels them we're screwed"
S "fuck yes, holy shit let me cut the cards I've always wanted to do that"
S "off the grid, out of the system, cash only, no trace"
J "we should've done that sooner, he can trace the atm"
S "can you just
S "enjoy this"
J "you said no trace, I was just-"
Sybil reaches back to press her hand against Jones mouth before he can finish the thought. She does it hard enough that his lips are pulled back to expose his teeth, leaving him with a true grimace of frustrated acceptance.
S "please. No more"
 Jump to safe branch
Sybils eyes widen, as does her threatening grin.
S "I love the new prue"
J "what would we be doing exactly"
P "Cutting all ties. Taking all the money on my dad's account, and ditching this car."
S "wait what"
P "the license plate and car model, the police will be looking for it at some point"
S "and?"
P "we're finding a replacement, and losing this one."
S "prue"
S "if you don’t tell me what you mean by 'losing it' I might lose my mind first"
a burning it
b selling it
C driving it off a cliff
P "he gas lit me all my life, why not do it back"
P "In a way"
J "because its arson"
J "and if there is one place I don't want to sleep more than this car"
J "its in a cell."
P "I mean, it's not as clean cut, do sales people run plates after they buy a car?"
J "I have absolutely, no fucking clue."
J "I feel like we need paperwork or something"
P "guess we just need to find someone really seedy?"
S "boo, what a boring option"
S "still, money."
S "and disguises"
J "no disguises"
P "she can have one"
Jump to safe branch
J "you cannot be serious."
J "what cliff? Into where? The ocean?"
S "prue as soon as its legal"
S "I am marrying you"
P "I just want to destroy this thing"
J "you are serious"
J "god. Ok, lets sleep on it."
S "well… if we are intent on wrecking it…"
S "no point in keeping it pristine now."
 You grin back at sybil, and jones stares in horror as you change gears and lurch everyone back by slamming on the accelerator.
  NOTE: this scene leads to the crash
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