#and not throwing Amy under the bus
tacorerooster · 8 months
A bit of a rant. Sonic Tumblr is extremely obsessive with Shadow and by extension Sonadow. It also doesn’t help that they make both Shadow and Sonic, out of character a lot of the time. Along with putting Shadow in the main group of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles when he actually doesn’t like most people or being around them. Plus most of these same people exclude Amy from said group or just all of their art but have every other character included. Or just giving all of Amy’s traits to Sonic so he goes after Shadow. Then you got tumblr recommending Sonadow in the main sonic the hedgehog tags. And if you take Canon into account Sonadow just comes off as Klance 2.0 (I know Sonadow came first). Also did a little look in the explore tab and just typed in Sonic. In that such I say 55 post for Sonadow, 5 post for knuxouge, 2 for Metamy and Surgamy before even seeing 1 post with Sonamy. You have so many people here talk about how female characters and femininity is treated poorly by fandom, then go around and ignore characters like Amy in favor of yaoi ship bait of two dudes that only hag out together bc the world is ending.
Doesn’t help that Sega themselves seem afraid to put Amy, a “girly girl”, in the forefront as Sonic, Tails and knuckles bc Sonic the Hedgehog tm is for boys. Looking at the Sonic Movie, multiple different products and marketing (only recently got better with this, only for it to be gone once THE YEAR OF SHADOW started)
Sorry for the long text. Just wanted to say stuff
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
hitting my ocs with the sonciification beam so that I dont have to come up with new background characters
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doodlboy · 1 year
Man, Celeste really sucks at lying
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lexicollectschai · 2 months
Guys, this isn't 00's and 10's anymore. I though all this discutions of Amy vs Elise were a problem solved and we learned to acknowledge Elise and Amy had an important part in 06 were amy supported Elise and both prayed when Sonic was being resurrected and in final battle but in general they were kind with each other.
In general, Amy supported a lot Elise before and after Sonic's death
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Why should we throwing beautiful and misunderstood characters like Elise and Amy under the bus to put in a pedestal one of them? It's dumb asf insulting one or both of them just because many focus a lot on the hate of female characters.
We can acknowledge Elise sacrifices while at the same time acknowledge Amy importance in the game.
Minimizing Amy to praise Elise is not as good as you try to believe it.
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Both girls deserved the recognition and love fandom didn't give them years ago while trying to create the wrong idea both girls hated each other(?) when the scenes show how much support Amy gave to Elise
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This gives me terrible flashbacks from discussions created by fans who didn't like none of the girls but tried to show why they are "bad" No, we've been here before!
For the record, this was written 1:00 am we're I'm in and all this happened on a facebook group not the Tumblr conversation that happened many hours ago
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saltygilmores · 3 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x8, Let The Games Begin. Part 8-Party People Are You Ready to Cmrh?
Then she Cmere'd... I looked up the full lyrics of this song, Then She Appeared, for the first time today. And I feel this song is quite fitting for Jess and Rory, if for no other reason than they both appreciate References to Things.
Then she appeared Apple Venus on a half open shell Then she appeared The first photograph on Fox Talbots gel
I was a little frightened Flying with my senses heightened Cherubim cheered, then she appeared
Then she appeared As the giggling crew of Mary Celeste Then she appeared Pale Atlantis rising out of the west
I was a little dazzled Catherine wheeled and senses frazzled Know it sounds weird, then she appeared
And the sun which formally shone In the clearest summer sky Suddenly just changed address Now shines from her blue eyes
Then she appeared Brittle shooting star that dropped in my lap Then she appeared Dressed in tricolor and phrygian cap
I was a little troubled Hookah with my senses bubbled All Edward leered, then she appeared
And the moon which formally shone On the marbled midnight mile Suddenly just packed its bags Now shines from her bright smile
Then she appeared Out of nowhere Then she appeared Out of nowhere
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I CANNOT. *leaps off a short building* Every time I'm about to put a pox on AmyShermanPalladino's home for ruining What Could Have Been, I center myself. I remind myself that this is 1000% Milo Fucking Ventimiglia's fault. We could have had it all. But no. He had to break free. He had to explore greener pastures. If greener pastures were unforgettable cinema classics such as Dirty Deeds (the movie where he jerks off into a loaf of bread) And Stay Alive. Amy Sherman Palladino was like, hey Milo, how about 5 years of steady work? And he was like no can do Amy but how about Jess gets hit by a bus for funsies?
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You know what AmyShermanPalladino did ruin, though? This scene by having Rory abandon Jess to go find Dean for some reason.
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That's DIRTY. What part works? Your wiener? Are you saying your wiener is working, Jess? I mean, that's good to know. But moot. The little fella is not going to see the light of the day for the next 8 months.
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Uh oh. She's got that far off look in her eyes, people. Rory wears many crowns in this episode. The Queen of Blue Balls. The Queen of the Smooch and Run. She's got important business to attend to in both kingdoms. Jess will just have to attend to his own, apparently functioning, wiener.
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Sports announcer named Bill who doesnt know anything about sports and is also a referee kinda and the other announcer is named Jim: Bill: Oh, it looks like there's been a violation on the court! To the bench for Gilmore! Jim, I've never seen such flagrant blue balling in all my years of describing television shows while I watch them as if they were basketball games! Jim: This is an unfortunate day for Jess Mariano's wiener, Bill. Bill: An unfortunate day indeed, Jim. Just as it's career was getting off the ground.
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First of all Rory, of course you said "I look forward to many similar occurences in the future" after a mind bending makeout. Secondly, Why NOW? This very minute? Did Dean throw up the Butt Signal or something?
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Yes, let us all Cumurrrh. If only life were made of nothing but sunshine, rainbows, and Cmeres.
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She's still thinking about Dean while this is happening.
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What Jess is going to be doing to his meat for the next 8 months. #beatit #justbeatit #beatthatmeat
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Indeed. Hey, do you think Rory will run into Luke on her way to find Dean? I think his cock blocking mission went awry, he got lost and he's wandering around with a flashlight somewhere on the outskirts of Hartford, he thinks he sees movement in the bushes and thinks it must be Jess and Rory screwing on the ground in public (as it appears everyone thinks they do this) and he's like Aha! Found you! Jesstopher Mariano, as long as you live under my roof you will keep your pants on! It's back to the diner for you! You will work 12 hour shifts! I will pay you in acorns and pine cones and you will like it! And then he shines the flashlight but its just two stray dogs going at it. Between all this cock blocking and blue balling, there is a flicker of light. Of hope. of Joy. of Dean telling Rory to her face that nobody likes her. *wipes away tear* Dean was so real for this.
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We get Dean creeping on Lorelai's window, Jess creeping on Lane's window, Rory climbing a tree and creeping in Dean's window...In none of these instances are any of the people behind the windows surprised or freaked out (Lorelai loved it, in fact). This one is particularly egregious. Girly really left Jess at a gas station so she could risk life and limb to climb a damn tree to talk to this clown with ugly curtains. Just what she needs, another broken arm that everyone could turn around and blame on Jess somehow.
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Rory says she didn't want to ring the doorbell because she'd have to talk to Dean's mom who she thinks must hate her. Dean states his mom doesn't know anything. Yeah, it's probably not something Rory has to worry about, as I'm convinced Dean's parents dont know or care he exists. They just think a family of racoons lives upstairs and they made their den homey with a dartboard and a football poster. In any case, I don't think Mrs F gives a shit about her son's dorky high school drama. Thankfully not all moms are like Lorelai. Constantly meddling and sticking their noses into every tiny nook and cranny of their adult child's personal life. Speaking of Lorelai, Maybe Dean's Mom should be concerned though that he is being hotly pursued by a sexual predator (Lorelai). Okay, so not only did Rory leave Jess to talk to Dean, it wasn't even to discuss status of their own former relationship. She climbed a fucking tree just to implore Dean to tell his mom they broke up and to pout that his mom must hate her and thinks she's a little floozy (why would she think this? Mrs F's own worthless son dumped Rory, not the other way around. Also, Dean's mom better strap in in 2004.) Does my ex boyfriend's mom still love me and if she doesn't then why? Everyone loves me, Rory.
Describe Gilmore Girls Poorly: A show about about not engaging in any romantic relationships within a small town until you can escape and move at least 30 miles away. Again, if you think things are awkward now with your ex's mom... *whispers* 2004... Rory pouts that Dean is going to tell Clara and Clara is going to hate her too. Meanwhile, back at the gas pumps, Jess is realizing Luke is hopelessly lost and takes advantage of the situation.
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Portrait of the jerkoff artist at work.
Sometimes, something happens in an episode of a tv show, something so DELICIOUS, that nothing else that happens afterwards even matters. Closing time, I know who I want to take me home, etc etc.
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I really want to end the episode here because it would be just, UGH, perfect, but alas I still have soooo much rambling to do, while I bask in the confusing glow of Dean Forrester's humbling. Rory starts telling a story about some girl who lived in a tree for a year and Dean tries to close the blinds on her. Rory is not having it. Proceeds to tell a speech so unbelievably packed with lies and bullshit it would make Trump jealous. For every bullshit statement about Dean that comes out of her own, I'm going to zap with her with a tiny painless electric shock. Dean, you were the most amazing boyfriend in the world ⚡️ You made me so happy ⚡️ You made me laugh ⚡️ (when was this, exactly?) My mother liked you (and how!) you were nice to my friends ⚡️, you protected me ⚡️ (your friend had to protect you from his temper) you even came with me to that stupid ball (only after pitching a bitchfit about it first) I really did love you (only because my mommy said I had to love you) ⚡️I'm going to miss you sooo much⚡️(my mom will though) Dean: You're with him now? Rory: I don't want to talk about him. I just came to tell you how sorry I am. Wow. WOW.
Your NEW BOYFRIEND who is FRESH AS A DAISY and whose BALLS REALLY HURT right now is wondering where you went! Oh please Jess, do ask Rory tomorrow why she had to run off so suddenly. Let her stew in guilt juices as she struggles to explain how she ran away after your first real kiss as a couple to feed her ex boyfriend a freshly baked casserole of lies about how amazing he is and how much she misses him and how you, the new boyfriend, aren't even worth discussing. HOW IS DEAN THE HERO IN HIS EPISODE. Luke IS LOST really needs MONEY FOR CAB FARE FROM HARTFORD. She profusely apologizes for how she "treated him". Dean humbling Rory: Necessary on occasion Rory apologizing to Dean for anything: No. Just no. Even if she was at fault for certain things, like playing mind games and running around on him with Jess (Dean doesn't even know she cheated on him). We do not apologize to Dean for anything. Rory climbing a tree to grovel to Dean: Pathetic Rory climbing a tree to grovel to Dean and beg for his mom and 9 year old sister to please like her and tell Dean how uhmazing he was: Double pathetic with a side of Pity Cherries on top. We do not CRY-GROVEL to DEAN FORRESTER from a TREE! *whacks her with a newspaper*
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Oh no..oh no...I swear she was walking away from the couch like she was going to go to bed, then she had to turn around. SHE HAD TO TURN AROUND. Rory: It was...eventful. Lorelai: It was eventful? *Chuckles in Lorelai* *a dark cloud forms* *Salty braces for impact of Couch Speech*
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WHY RORY. WHY. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. Here's my End of Episode Bingo Card (with two bingos! Almost a full card!)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
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Something tells me if you’re going to claim to be supportive of the writer’s strike, you shouldn’t then clearly throw the writers under the bus with, “Whenever they get themselves together.”
Like its okay, Amy and any hardcore MCU fans, the world can survive without the latest MCU movie, no need to try and weaponize it against the writers strike. 
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twipsai · 3 days
The Phantom Rider, Sonic's "hero" status, and Sonic's love for his friends: a poorly put-together analysis
so, ive seen a non-zero amount of people say that Sonic taking on the alter ego of the Phantom Rider is out of character for him, and my knee-jerk reaction was to disagree (though, im biased, because i adore the Phantom Rider). but then i thought about the why of it all -- why does it not feel out of character for Sonic to disguise himself to cause chaos?
full post and me over-analyzing a blue hedgehog under the cut
part 1: Sonic will break the rules
well, first of all, Sonic doesnt really care too much about being a hero. he helps people because he wants to, not because its expected of him. weve all seen those satbk cutscenes reposted to hell and back, so let me be the millionth to do so
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when Merlina tells Sonic that, upon taking Caliburn, he would become the villain in everyones eyes, he shrugs it off. and even later, when Gawain tries to talk him down from battling Merlina, Sonic dismisses the idea that hes doing this out of some kind of chivalry or duty, that he fights because he wants to.
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there are many other instances of Sonic not really caring about rules or social conventions, and gladly breaking them if it means he can save people (dude literally runs from cops in sa2), but its never directly stated as explicitly as it is in satbk.
so, Sonic doesnt care about being a hero, and doesnt care about being a villain in other peoples eyes if he knows hes doing whats right. youd think with this facet of his character, him actively disguising himself as the Phantom Rider would be antithetical to this point, right? if he doesnt care about being seen as a villain, then he shouldnt have to mask his identity. its a fair conclusion to come to, but it also ignores what i think is one of Sonic's core personality traits;
part 2: Sonic loves his friends a lot
its strange to me that not a lot of people bring this up, because he does! from "and Amy... take care of yourself," to "I'll have you smiling by the end of this," Sonic just genuinely loves his friends to death, and doesnt want to sabotage them.
if he runs out there to cause chaos during the clean sweepstakes, completely unmasked? everyone who knows a single thing about Sonic will start to assume bad things about the Restoration. just because Sonic has good intentions doesnt mean hes above the rules, and acting like he is can put people he cares about (namely Jewel and the Diamond Cutters) at the mercy of public opinion.
he cant act like hes above the rules, especially when hes directly associated with the Restoration (even if hes not a part of it) during the clean sweepstakes.
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(id also like to point out that here, Sonic doesnt even consider it a bad thing to be completely and utterly chaotic and disruptive at first; Tails has to remind him its a bad idea)
and understandably so! we see how everyone reacts to seeing Sonic as the Phantom Rider, especially Tangle -- its a tough pill to swallow, especially without all the context involved. to an outsider, it looks like Sonic is just trying to sabotage the clean sweepstakes because hes being a sore loser (or, really, any other number of malicious reasons)
but, really, i think that the point im trying to make is summed up best by Amy and Sally (even though its in Archie)
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thats just not how they do things. they dont want to cause necessary chaos or danger just for the hell of it, and they certainly dont want to associate the Restoration with that sorta thing -- people look to the Restoration for hope, and while Sonic is associated with it during the clean sweepstakes, his hands are a bit tied. itd be a total dick move for him to basically throw his friends (and especially Jewel) under the bus like that, and he knows it.
Sonic may not care about his reputation in other peoples eyes, but he cares greatly about how his actions affect his friends.
part 3: the conclusion
its easy to assume that, based on how lax Sonic is with rules and social conventions, him disguising himself just to cause a distraction for Amy and Tails to get attention off of them would be out of character. but, based on the circumstances, i think that it makes enough sense given the context for him to take the route that he does.
sorry if this analysis is a little all over the place, im sorta scatter brained right now but i wanted to get my thoughts out about this cuz its been on my mind
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jungle-angel · 1 year
"I Need A Nurse" (Rhett Abbott x Reader
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Summary: Rhett doesn't usually like to admit when he needs help, but after a particularly rough ride, you can tell he's gonna need it
Rhett couldn't believe how much pain he was in let alone how much of an angry little asshole that bull had been, bucking him off into the dirt and almost parking his rear end on top of him. He had placed first, thank the Lord, but his shoulder was absolutely killing him, the burning pain shooting through his shoulder, into his neck and down his back.
I've gotta quit or I'll never hear the end of it from (y/n)......he thought to himself.
He knew he couldn't do this forever yet the funding for your dream home in Bozeman was riding on it....literally. You and him had Amy to raise along with Hannah and your boys who would be coming soon. To say nothing of the fact that fall was fast approaching around the corner and that new critters were popping up every which way around the ranch.
Rhett stumbled along the rodeo grounds, approaching the area where Rip, Kayce, John, Wes and Royal were all waiting for him, his left arm placed against his chest and part of his vest bunched in his fist.
"Ain't you a sight for sore eyes," Royal chuckled, sitting him down on a feed crate.
"Feel like I just got hit by a bus," Rhett groaned.
"You seein stars or anything?"
Rhett shook his head.
"You feel like you're gonna throw up?"
Rhett shook his head again.
"Alright," Royal told him. "Grab your shit, let's go home."
Rhett and Royal began making their way to the truck when they were met by you, Amy, Hannah and Cecelia.
"There's my king," you chirped, kissing Rhett on the cheek.
He smiled weakly, wincing as he tried to take Hannah from your arms, your bump having grown completely obvious, even under Rhett's old Carhardt hoodie.
"Rhett?" you asked, the concern creeping into your voice. "What's wrong? Are you ok?"
Royal took Hannah instead and covered her little ears so Rhett could speak. "Fuckin asshole almost sat on me while I was in the dirt," he chuckled.
You laughed a little yourself, the baby boys in your belly kicking up a storm. "C'mon," you told him. "We're going home."
You rode with Cecelia and the girls while Rhett and Royal went by themselves, the drive back to the ranch quiet as the whole of Wabang seemed to pass by in a brightly colored blur.
"Might wanna go see Pete and the clinic tomorrow," Royal told him. "Make sure that shoulder's not dislocated."
Rhett groaned at the thought. Just another thing to add on his list of shit to do. "Don't we have to go to court next week?" he asked sleepily.
"I do but you don't," Royal informed him. "Perry violated the no-contact order we had for Amy when you and (y/n) took custody of her when she was born. I talked to the judge, he said he'd be willing to hear the case. John's gonna be there with us so Perry won't think to try anything."
Rhett was relieved. As much as people feared his godfather, John Dutton, Rhett couldn't have asked for anyone else to have as his uncle.
After what seemed like forever, Royal pulled the truck up into the driveway, parking as close as he could to the house so Rhett could get out of the truck. Rhett shuddered and shivered as the burning pain tore through his shoulder. Even opening the door to the house was painful.
"Alright," you told Rhett, kissing his cheek and then his lips. "You get upstairs and get in the bath. Your mom will take care of the girls."
Rhett stumbled up the stairs with you waddling close behind, entering the bathroom and running a hot bath full of cedar and citrus scented epsom salts that quickly filled the bathroom.
"Darlin don't fuss over me," he insisted as you helped him strip his shirt off. "I don't need a nurse."
"Damnit Rhett, you've got a fucked up shoulder and you need to relax," you told him firmly.
Rhett rolled his eyes as you carefully helped him off with his plaid button-down, minding his bad shoulder before his pants came off and then his shorts. After having been stripped completely naked, Rhett eased himself into the steaming hot water and let out a groan that made your legs clench a little.
You stuck a washcloth into the hot water, letting it soak up before you started washing his face and the back of his neck. "Thought I'd be the one to do this to you," he chuckled.
"Don't worry," you assured him, kissing his forehead. "You'll have plenty of time to do this for me."
For once, Rhett was relieved that he could just relax for a little while and forget about the pain he was in. You brought in a t-shirt and navy blue sweatpants for him, helping Rhett out of the bath to dry off and get into a fresh set of clothes.
Despite the pain he was in, Rhett managed to sneak in and kiss Amy and Hannah goodnight before crawling in next to you. He desperately wanted to roll over and put his hand on your bump, to be able to feel the kicking of his little boys who would soon be entering the world, but the pain in his shoulder told him otherwise.
Yet the very next day, after his arm had been put in a sling, much to the chagrin of Pete, the doctor who owned the clinic, Rhett was still able to hold your hand as you both gazed at the grainy ultrasound image of your boys, nested side by side in your belly and waiting to enter the world.
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operationlove · 6 months
Do they think Sonic is in love with Amy? Bcs, it’s gonna turn real awkward soon lmao
If they are gonna interrogate her tho, I genuinely doubt she would throw them under the bus just like that
That does sound like an awkward mess 😂 Amy loves her friends a lot so she definitely wouldn't want to throw them under the bus!
I really love to read what people think might happen next in the story, makes me excited to keep posting ❤️
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rubywolf0201 · 4 months
Hey guys. I just want to issue out an apology that when I posted the Amy-centric thread that I found on X/Twitter, I wasn’t careful to consider that said thread would’ve involve throwing one of the characters under the bus and that it wasn’t my intention to do so.
I just wanted to defend my favourite character and how this person on X/Twitter brought up many good points about how Amy was treated dirty but wasn’t aware that Elise would be thrown under the bus in order the post to look good.
Thank you to the people for bringing this up and again I apologize for the fiasco this thread I found caused. Have a nice day.
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skull001 · 8 months
As much as I'm kind of annoyed at the latest Sonic discourse over that opening cutscene of Gens were Sonic plaster's his whole hand over Amy's face (and the way you-know-who brought it up while tagging everyone at Sega and their mothers), I do still feel that such a scene and "humor" where we have a Sonic and Tails moment at the expense of Amy, who is the butt of the "joke" is something I thought to had been left in the past, given how games and media were depicting Sonic and Amy's dynamic in a more positive light.
That is, ehem until the last Tailstube video where, typical of when western writers take helm of the franchise, they go for one of those "Bro's before hoes" type of situations where it's only funny if the viewer lacks any kind of empathy for the character of Amy.
Personally, I have absolutely zero love for the idea of treating Amy as someone who is a lesser friend only to "improve" Tail's standing, as it communicates some kind of insecurity where Tails can only be seen as Sonic's bff IF they throw someone under the bus, this being Amy as she is by all means the other character who is the closest to Sonic... on top of also, in a way, mocking the character that represents romance to appease to the western fans who claim that romance has no place in the franchise (unless it's Sonic x *insert their favorite character*. Only then do they sing a very different tune)
I can't wrap my head around the idea that treating Amy like this is OK, when Amy is a character who like Tails, also selflessly helps Sonic, and who is willing to do great sacrifices for him, if not even more. In Frontiers, Tails and Amy didn't think twice about sacrificing their physical selves to give Sonic a second chance.
Tails shielding Sonic in Colors is as Amy shielding him from Silver in 06. But Amy at times also goes beyond, by willing to sacrifice HER very happiness in exchange of Sonic's well being, like in 06 where she never once protest that Elise claim's his first kiss, but is even seen holding her hands in prayer for the ritual to work.
IMO, that Amy is willing to do this and more, without ever conditioning him to in exchange reciprocate her feelings, or despite Sonic spending more time with Tails than with her, makes her the even more deserving of being better treated by writers.
Amy is not some butt monkey character like Meg Griffin who can be abused by the kind of humor that only works if one is absolutely detached from the character, in an almost psychopath-like manner where instead of empathy, only disdain exists... at least that is the only way I can understand how someone can find that kind of scenes to be "funny".
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pagonmoon · 2 years
I found it really hard to believe that Amy was treated 'better' in the Archie comics. Yeah, sorry that I don't worship the ground the Pre Reboot comics have written so far.
1. ) Sonic who was suppose to be Amy's 'friend' only to call her a liar, and was ironically right about Fiona.
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Ironically someone say that he trust both Amy and Tails since SONIC said it. If that's true, then why did he even have to say 'That's not saying much' and 'I take everything Amy says with a shaker of salt'?
And on another note, a FAR cry from SA where Sonic believe what Amy says about Gamma.
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It just comes off of Sonic being a liar/gaslighter. If he really did trust Amy then he wouldn't have to say he doesn't trust her ( in front of her no less ).
2. ) Sonic silently agreeing with Scourge that 'Amy is not much of a prize' ( fascinating to see women in this comic to be treated like popularity prizes to win over don't you think? ) .
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You'd think a real friend would defend their own friend from such a condescending remark, but I guess getting your ego hurt is far more important than that.
He defended Tails afterwards when Fiona slapped him, that was good and IC of Sonic to do.
But what about Amy? Why can't he do the same for her? Why didn't he do that like in SRZG where he was about to defend her from Jet ( pay attention to how Sonic was animated )?
3. ) Sonic not wanting to team up with Amy.
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I get that Sonic in the games would be nervous when Amy is around ( it's really telling that SOA changed Sonic's dialogue when it comes to Amy *SA/2* ), but this is far more of a dig towards Amy since Sonic never commented that he doesn't want to be around her and doesn't seem to mind her company in the games.
4. ) And then we're introduced to Rosy ( another potshot given her detractors accused her for things that are exactly how her Anti version was portrayed ), that Sonic even 'teazed' Amy that he can't tell them apart.
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Remember when Scourge sarcastically says '...Heh, yeah sure. There's a real prize winner'? If this isn't solid proof that Sonic really thinks low of Amy, then you can gaslight me all you want to believe he really cares for her as a 'friend'.
Not to mention Scourge really commented 'I don't need to deal with another one of you' claiming that Amy is, or more in the same insane as Rosy is. It doesn't matter if they're enemies, he 'hanged out' with Amy by disguising himself as Sonic and it wouldn't take for a scientist to know the difference between her and Rosy.
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5. ) Issue #222, where the fans of the comic praise how 'mature' Amy is, only to ignore the subtle potshots thrown at her yet again.
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Amy didn't even have to be in that cover art ( in the background looking shocked no less ), if anything I found it suspicious that they decided to add her there when the scrapped concept cover arts for that issue doesn't even have Amy in it.
Also, notice when the beaver said 'But aren't you Amy Rose? The chick who's always after Sonic?' the 2 guys behind his back was warning him as if they're telling him that she'll hit him for saying that with a scowl on her face.
While the fans are liking that 'Amy wants Sonic to be happy' they ignore the line that she said 'Sonic will be mine one day', claiming or even worse, hoping that Sonic and Sally will break up one day so that she and Sonic will be together. Even that line can be seen as Amy seeing Sonic as an item that rightfully belongs to her. How can that issue even be mistaken for her being 'mature'?
If Amy really was 'treated better' and 'mature' in the comics, then how come they have to throw unnecessary potshots at her? Why push her under the bus for 'jokes' that her detractors would find amusing but her fandom would find insulting?
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zalrb · 20 days
Which characters do you think are enneagram 3 personality types?
Polished and sophisticated, Achievers have a particular taste for the nice things in life. They have the capacity for huge chunks of productivity to reach their goals and high standards. Their goal is to be remembered and appreciated for their discoveries and creations — to be the best.
Smart, ambitious and typically well-dressed, Achievers hit and exceed targets left and right. Their performance and dedication is admired by others and may even inspire them to take action.
Achievers typically have schedules chock-full of events and professional meetings to keep themselves busy and on the go.
An unhealthy Three may appear obsessive, self-aggrandizing, and malicious. They may throw other people under the bus for their own advantage and appear untrustworthy.
Enneagram Threes are part of the “heart-based” triad of the Enneagram, along with Type Twos and Type Fours. This triad focuses on the emotion of grief and struggles with not feeling loveable as they are.
Threes seek to project a specific image of themselves and repress their internal feelings. This type may struggle to understand their own emotions as they focus instead on what they want to do and achieve.
Michaela Pratt
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Harper Stern
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Olivia Pope
As children, this type most likely learned from an early age that achievement resulted in love and praise, so they established their identity on gaining attention in the form of success.
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Cristina Yang
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Annalise Keating is complex, I think she starts off as the "unhealthy" Type 3 (for various reasons) and we see her develop to the "healthy" Type 3 throughout the show.
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Carmy Berzatto (A man! I was like, do I just think all male characters are deadbeats?)
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I think an argument could be made for Syd Adamu
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Amy Santiago
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Paris Geller
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In the context of Gossip Girl, Blair Waldorf
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Yeah, I can't think of anymore men....
I guess an argument could be made for Tommy Shelby
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The three characters I was debating were: Dan Egan and Amy Brookhemier from Veep and Hermione Granger.
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greenyvertekins · 1 year
The SatAm/Archie standom really has the talent to not accept the reality that SEGA doesn't want anything to do with the Freedom Fighters.
They are even willing to harass anyone who says that the Freedom Fighters are better off not appearing, or even a mention in the games.
I find it funny how they see fit to throw Amy under the bus so consistently.
They legit feel threatened by her lol. But yeah, I get the impression that they've been emboldened by their holy lord's antics a little too much.
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
One more night
[Boxer! Denmark x reader] 9
Wordcount: 2, 776 Rating: R18+ for adult themes and sex The reader is referred to as she/her.
One more night - 9
Dream on
“Asshole,” Amelia shot him a side-eye. She joined Gilbert by the counter, who wore a graphic tee with another reference she didn’t get. He wasn’t the type to go out much, and Allen was still giving him shit.
So much for not being judgmental.
“He’s harmless, Al. Really.” You murmured.
“That’s what you said about Mathias too.” He huffed.
The arms around you tightened. What Allen implied held more truth than any of you liked to admit, but you weren’t throwing anyone under the bus. Not when so many eyes around the room were red.
“It’s Ma—tee—as. Not Ma—thy—as.”
“Whatever,” He mumbled, spooning up some chili. He studied his surroundings as he chewed. Almost everyone was eating, including one unwanted guest. “So what are we even doing, sitting around like this?”
“Some of us were going to the gym,” You answered, leaning forward to retrieve a toy car that rolled off.
“And who’s some?”
Everyone ended up going. Gilbert was the only one in a good mood, seeing how many people joined him.
While everyone was off doing their own thing, you and Amy with the slam balls, Allen on the bench, and his friend on the machines, Mathias sat in the cafeteria with Bob, putting blocks in a shape sorter.
Ten minutes in, you walked over, your shirt slightly damp with sweat. He perked up immediately.
“Tell me if you wanna leave, by the way.” You patted his shoulder. He blinked, but couldn’t be surprised by your suggestion. “We can take the little one home and have the apartment to ourselves for a bit.”
“Why would I want to leave?”
“Did you really want to stay here?” You softened your gaze. When he leaned back with his brows furrowed, you had your answer. “There’s nothing for you to do here. You were better off staying back.”
It was true. The entire neighborhood had shown up, and he was the only one sitting on the side.
“But I didn’t wanna miss out.” Mathias sighed.
“There isn’t a lot you’re missing out on,” You assured.
He didn’t say anything, only kissing you in silent disagreement. You didn’t understand it like he did.
“Just take things at your own pace.”
He had seen a few contestants, their bright red mitts on and ready to train. Their muscles rippled with every jab, punch, and swing, their tired smiles radiating a magnetic kind of satisfaction. They were the talk of the town, the up-and-coming sports stars.
It was a race he had yet to take the first step in.
And the longer he waited, the harder it would get.
“You’ve gained six pounds,” His coach said, pulling his glasses off. “And you’ve lost some muscle mass.”
Mathias was sitting in his office, getting a rundown of his body measurements. A lot was bound to change after a month of inactivity, and more for worse than better, but he was determined to get back on track.
“There are some other things too,” The knowing look in their eyes made the atmosphere a somber one. Regardless, his pupil sat perkily in his chair, eager and ready for anything thrown at him. “All of which—”
He held his breath.
“—can be improved pretty quickly if you started training now.” The man continued.
“Okay!” Mathias nodded, springing up from his chair. “Then we can start now. I’ll go get my wraps.”
“Wait a minute, Densen.” His coach picked up a piece of paper with his index and middle finger. “Medical certificate. I’m not legally allowed to train you until I get the okay from your doctor.”
He swiped it from his hand and skimmed through it. By the time he was done, his lips were pursed in a deep frown. Lifting the paper to his face, he covered himself as heat rushed to his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Mathias. These rules are only here to protect you. Come back when you’re all healed up.”
“But that could take weeks.” He uttered, voice faint.
Mathias didn’t realize how torn he’s been until he started crying. It wasn’t the first time he hit a roadblock, and yet, thinking about everything left him tearing up. Nothing was going right.
“How am I supposed to fight?”
“You can’t rush recovery, sport.” The other sighed. Standing from their chair, they took his shoulder and ushered him outside. “Take it from me. Your future self will thank you for taking the break you needed.”
They stopped in the middle of his boxing gym.
“Just give the speed bag a spin.”
Mathias didn’t hesitate to do exactly that, wrapping his hands so he could start punching it. The bag went back and forth as he rolled his fists against it in rhythmic circles. Heat surged throughout his body.
“Otherwise, you gotta sit everything out.”
Getting back on his feet should’ve been invigorating. But as he stepped up his workout—against what his doctor and coach advised—and to the level of what other boxers were at, he burnt out like a light.
After a quick burst of jabs, chin tucked and feet bouncing, his chest began to ache. He grit his teeth and pressed on anyway, swinging at the sandbag until he couldn’t anymore. He lasted twenty minutes.
Mathias lowered himself to a crouch.
His mouth hung agape as he panted. Sweat rolled down to his chin, eyes squinting from pain. The severe stabbing sensation in his chest was a brutal reminder of what everybody had been telling him.
“Can we please get a hamster?”
Everyone was cleaning out the apartment, save for Mathias. Amy mopped the floor, you did the laundry, and Allen polished up the kitchen. It was a system that hadn’t changed since it was created years ago.
“You don’t even like hamsters.”
“I never said that. I just don’t like them as much as dogs,” Allen replied, walking out the door to take out the garbage. When he returned, his voice faded back into earshot. “Or cats. Or even birds.”
“So you don’t like them.” Amy raised her brows.
“I do. I just have favorites,” He scrubbed down the sink before flicking open the tap to wash everything down. “Fish and hamsters are apartment-friendly, and fish are boring. So, we should get a hamster.”
“Whatever it is, we don’t have room for a tank.”
“We so do! It’s just a box. We can put it anywhere.”
“Where? The living room?”
“That’ll be too noisy,” Allen threw a hand towel over his shoulder, turning to you with a shit-eating grin.
“Only including me in the conversation when you need something, huh?” You stifled a smile.
“If you’re asking if it can be put in my room, it’s a no.”
His shoulders slumped.
“I’ve got a small room and it’ll probably stink. Don’t think that’ll be good for Mat.” You pinned a shirt with your chin to fold it. Adding it to a neat pile, you then picked up a pair of boxers. “How about the balcony?”
“But that’s cruel!”
“I don’t know where else, then.”
“Okay, okay. Fine.” Allen nodded, raising his arms in defeat. “We’ll just put it in my room. Oh, wait. I don’t have a room. I don’t need a private space, but it’s not fair that you guys aren’t willing to share it!”
“We’re cramped enough as is. Having a rodent might just take up the last bit of oxygen around here.” Amy glided in with her mop. She followed her brother with her gaze, who plummeted on the couch, sighing.
“Then we won’t get a hamster. Happy?”
You and Amy were back in her room, huddled in front of Mathias’s laptop, looking at the PetSmart website.
“There goes my trip to the Bahamas,” She grumbled, adding a cage to her cart. Inside it was also wooden shavings, pellets, treats, and toys which you both would split. The hamster part would come later.
“You put aside a fifty-bucks for the Bahamas?”
“Hey, I can dream.”
“I mean, if we flew to Florida and caught a ship there, that would probably be a few hundred.” You nodded.
“See? Perfectly doable! But we also gotta stop by Disneyworld on the way.” She beamed.
“Now, that’s not very doable.”
“I said I was only dreaming.”
Mathias came home an hour later. He went straight to the sink to wash his shaker, splashing some water on the sides. Allen sat further up the couch to watch him ruin an hour’s worth of good work.
“You gonna wipe that?”
“Yeah, sorry.” The Dane peered over his shoulder. After leaving the kitchen spic and span, he ambled into Amy’s bedroom. You were on his laptop, playing flash games. “(F/N), Can I talk to you?”
“What’s up?”
He closed the door behind him. When he turned to you, his laptop was closed and you were on the bed, waiting for him. The simple gesture left him smiling gently, which was very telling after today’s events.
“I did my PTs today,” He joined your side.
“And how were they?” You asked.
Mathias turned to the wall in front of him.
“They were alright.”
And yet, he kept his head down, unable to look at you. When he was this quiet, this reserved, he always had the worst on his mind. You figured as such, so you leaned your head against his shoulder.
“My ribs are getting better, but I haven’t worked out in a month. I’m starting to lose my muscles.”
“Can’t you gain it back?”
“Maybe if I started now,” He glanced down at you, darting his eyes over yours. It hurt to say what he’d been holding in, but not as much as your reaction.“But I won’t be fully healed for another month.”
“Okay? What if you start then?” You piped up faintly.
“That’s two months I haven’t trained,” He pressed his head to your chest. His voice grew fainter and fainter as he spoke, all until this came out as nothing but an anguished whisper. “I don’t think I’ll make it in time.”
Allen stood outside the door, listening in to the conversation. And there, he let his guilt fester all over again. He never meant to hurt his nephew. And he definitely never meant to jeopardize Mathias’s career.
What he could only hope to do now was to make it up him, but how could he right something so wrong?
“I’m staying at Mat’s place tonight.”
“Okay. When are you coming back?” Allen asked. There was no resistance on his end, not even the urge to question why. He just let go. Or maybe, he was finally being understanding like he wanted to be.
“Tomorrow after work,” You replied, lifting a tote with some necessities—your uniform, wallet, and keys.
“Want me to pick you guys up?”
“I’ll call you.”
You walked to the door with Mathias, who had his duffel, ready to go. He stepped out first.
“Tell Amy where I am, okay?”
Before you left, you lingered around in the doorway. Your hesitance caught Allen’s attention, but he never opened his mouth to say anything. Not until you did. So there he stood, watching your back expectantly.
You turned to him, eyes downcast.
“I’m sorry for what I said.” You uttered.
“And what did you say?” He leaned on the counter.
“That I was just your friend,” Your gaze saddened, and you couldn’t bear to stay here any longer. But you made sure he heard this before you left for the night. “You’ll always be my brother.”
The door clicked shut.
“Whatever you say,” He sighed.
Going back to Mathias’s was a breath of fresh air, only his place smelled just like him. It had that clean, woody scent you loved. And you didn’t realize how much you missed him until you were drowning in it.
“What’s with the bear?” You picked up a tiny teddy from his bedside table. It had a blue-striped outfit and bright red heart sewn in the middle. Everything was just as he left it, including his shopping.
“Remember when we went to IKEA?” He asked, sliding off his bed and walking over to you.
“Uh-huh. Did you buy it for yourself?”
“Kind of,” Mathias took it from you and started playing with it. He spun it from side to side, letting the arms hit your forehead gently. “For the future. But maybe I should just give it to Bob.”
“You don’t have to. He has plenty of toys.” You huffed out, a little embarrassed by what he implied. But you were insistent on one thing. Taking the teddy, you put it back where you found it. “You should keep it.”
“Why? I don’t need it.”
“Then why did you buy it?”
“I wanted it in the moment. But maybe I shouldn’t have bought it.” He scratched his head.
Mathias followed you into bed. He pulled you onto his thighs so you could straddle him. Your hands went against his chest, heart pounding as you stared at him. And he stared back, smiling gently.
It was different now that you were at his place, in his bed. And the privacy was intoxicating.
“Did you want me to keep it?”
“I said that, didn’t I?”
“You can’t answer my question with a question.”
“Why not?”
He laughed. Then, he leaned in. His lips connected with yours in an open-mouthed kiss. The heat of his tongue alone could get you light-headed, but he was never one to hold back. So he stuck it down your throat, drowning you with the taste of him.
By the time he stopped kissing you, every last bit of your clothes was gone, and his hands were pumping you up and down your waist. That and the sight of his twitching cock left you dripping wet.
Seeing it left him aching for a hot fuck.
You wanted him just much as he wanted you, and it drove him mad. But before he let loose, he got a condom. Tearing open the wrapper, he put it over the head of his dick and rolled it down to the base.
You had sex with him for hours. It felt so good to finally do it with him, but good was barely the word to describe the feeling of connecting with him. While you rode him into oblivion, head rolled back and mouth agape, you cried quiet tears of satisfaction.
“Are you really pulling out of the tournament?”
You lay next to him, your body ravished and head clearer than ever before. There was no part of you he hadn’t touched, kissed, or penetrated, no crevice of your mind he hadn’t invaded. But with that clarity returned the grief from his waning motivation.
“Don’t give up.” You reached out to his cheek, face warping with sadness. “You tried so hard.”
“Don’t think about that now,” Mathias took your hand and kissed the knuckles. His hair was sticking to his forehead, his cheeks were rosy, and his heart was still pounding. “Just lay with me.”
He was spent after going at it for hours, and so satisfied, he couldn’t be sad. His restless mind was in a dream-like state, put to sleep by your body. And so, Mathias was content for the first time in a long time.
He hadn’t had you for too long. And once he did, he reached a high so good, he fell asleep smiling.
The tournament was in four months. He had three to train. When he’d finally start, he’d have lost so much muscle mass, heart health, and skill, reaching his old condition in time would’ve been a miracle.
Surpassing everyone else would take another one. Nobody in their right mind would believe he could pull it off. Not his doctor, coach, or any of his friends. It was only Allen that wasn’t in his right mind.
Not entirely, anyway.
The next morning, he pulled up to Mathias’s place.
You already left for work, so it was just him making eggs. While he stirred it in the pan, he wiped a drop of sweat that hung off his eyebrow. The Summer heat was unforgiving, and his realities even more so.
Waking up alone was a harsh reminder of them.
His career had come to a standstill.
Breathing out a sigh, he took the pan off the stove. Before he could dig in, he heard a knock on his door. Did you forget something? When he opened it, he fully expected it to be you standing outside.
Only it was anyone but.
“You get in a good workout lately?”
Allen was at his doorstep, gym bag slung over his shoulder and shaker in one hand.
Next chapter: Thunderstruck
Tag-list: @sunnysssol @chicha027 @javelintine
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A Tense Situation
Written For Sailor Moon Platonic Week.
Day 5: Body Swap.
Minako sighed as she rubbed her temple in frustration, “So, what did we learn about listening to your leader when she says, ‘Wait for backup’?” she said looking at Ami and Rei, whose bodies had been swapped in a confrontation with a monster, sitting on Rei’s bed.
The Inner Guardians fell back to the Hikawa Shrine after the monster had retreated to discuss what to do from here.
“I said the same thing!” Ami in Rei’s body said, “Rei was the one who charged in.”
“Hey, don’t go throwing me under the bus! It could’ve hurt someone!” Rei in Ami’s body argued.
“We were the only ones around!” Ami refuted.
“Man, it’s no fair that this happened to you two!” Usagi said.
“Thanks, Usagi, I-” Ami began to say, before being cut off.
“I mean, do you have any idea what I would give to trade brains with Ami?” Usagi said, crossing her arms in a huff, “Rei already has good grades anyway!”
Makoto smacked Usagi in the back of the head in frustration, “Not the point, Usagi!”
“Regardless, Ami, you said the readings you took said that this should be undone when the monster is destroyed, right?” Minako asked.
“I’m Rei, Mina, that’s Ami.” The now blue-haired Rei said, pointing at Ami.
“Oh, right, right.”
“That’s correct. So I guess we’ll just have to wait it out.” Ami said, looking a bit anxious.
“Well, if that’s the case, how about you all head home. Ami can stay here tonight so we can make sure we’re both prepared if we end up having to go to school for one another.” Rei said, standing up from her bed.
“Alright. We’ll let you guys know if anything comes up.” Mina said, before she, Usagi, and Mako took their leave.
Almost immediately after they left the now raven-haired Ami began rummaging through her bookbag, “Well, I guess first I should get you acquainted with my class schedule. Thankfully I keep a copy of it on me at all times, just in case. Also, we should-”
“Yeah yeah, before we get into that, I wanted to talk to you about something else.” Rei said, rubbing her left shoulder with her right arm.
“Oh? What is it?” Ami asked, tilting her head.
“Well, I didn’t wanna bring this up in front of the others but… your body, it’s so… tense.” Rei said, opening and closing her fists.
“Oh, I guess it is. I suppose I had just gotten used to it, but I will say there was a noticeable difference when I got sent into your body.” Ami said, touching her finger to her chin.
“Wait! Are you telling me this is how you feel… all the time?” Rei asked, concerned.
“Well, I wouldn’t say all of the time, just… y’know… most of the time.” Ami said sheepishly.
“That’s really not good, Ami.” Rei said, approaching the girl.
“It’s fine, really.” Ami said, looking down at the floor, “It helps me stay on top of things.”
“I think our doctor in training should know that that’s a terrible way to look at it.” Rei said, looking at Ami, who was still avoiding eye contact, “Alright, c’mon.” Rei said, grabbing Ami’s wrist and dragging her to the center of the room.
“What? What are you doing?” Ami asked.
“I’m going to teach you some techniques for this, you clearly need them.” Rei explained, sitting down on the floor and crossing her legs.
“What? No, we don’t have time for-”
“That type of thinking is exactly why your body is wound so tight it feels like it could snap if I move it wrong. C’mon, if nothing else you owe it to me so you don’t do this to my body too. Now sit down.” She instructed, pointing down at the floor in front of her.
Ami reluctantly complied, sitting down and crossing her legs, “Okay, great, now what?”
“This is a technique my grandpa taught me. I want you to close your eyes, and clear your mind.” Rei said, before closing her eyes, “It’s alright if you can’t get it completely cleared, that’s perfectly normal, especially for a beginner.”
“Mmhm, got it.” Ami said, closing her eyes, clearly just wanting to get this over with.
“Ami, this isn’t going to help you if you don’t actually try.” Rei said, calmly.
“Alright, alright.”
“Good. I’ve found a way that helps is to imagine a clear blue sky, and whenever you have a thought pop into your head to distract you, just imagine it as a cloud floating by. Now, I want you to try to identify the place where the tension is stemming from. Oftentimes it’s in your gut, but (as you well know) it can spread out across the body.” Rei informed, trying to do this herself, although it was difficult while leading another person.
“Okay…” Ami said, seeming to be going along with the exercise.
“Alright, now take some deep breaths, in…” Rei said, inhaling slowly, “... and out…” She said as she exhaled, repeating this a few times, “And as you’re doing this, I want you to envision the tension leaving your body, like dark energy leaving your body after we defeat a monster.”
Ami giggled at the comparison, but did as she was instructed, “Alright.” She said, inhaling and exhaling a few more times.
Rei walked her through some more breathing techniques and mental tricks before she decided Ami was well equipped, at least for now, to deal with this on her own.
“Alright, you did really good, Ami.” Rei said, looking at Ami with a smile (although she’d be lying if she said she didn’t feel a bit weird about congratulating herself).
“Thank you, Rei. I’m sorry for being so resistant to this, it’s just… with so much going on, school, Sailor stuff… this,” She said, gesturing at herself and Rei, “It’s just… it’s a lot.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Everyone needs a reminder to slow down from time to time.” Rei said nonchalantly, “But make sure you do these exercises at least semi-frequently. We’d be in a real pinch if the brain of our group was out of commission because she worked herself into a frenzy.” She said with a smile.
“Okay, okay, I’ll remember. And… thanks again, Rei. Or should I say, Ami?” Ami said with a smirk.
“Yeah, no, absolutely not. We’re not doing that.”
Anyway then they beat the monster and went back to normal the end.
And that does it for Day Five. Come back tomorrow for Day 6: Tea. 
But until then, please let me know what you thought! Comments, reblogs, likes, etc. are much appreciated!
And until next time, take care everyone!
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