#and not to spoil my sasha the archivist au but Im gonna work with lonely already in s2 and Ill go with a similar narrative
sarcasticscribbles · 6 months
Lonely vibes (leaning into the interpersonal potential of The Lonely)
The isolation that comes from being surrounded by people, having lots of people who you know but none of whom are your friends, none of whom you could ask for something even as simple as a hug, the loneliness of being subjected to the silent treatment, of wanting so desperately to talk to someone but knowing they won't talk back, the crushing emptiness of being in a relationship with a narcissist who gives you just enough to have you come back but only so they can watch as you slowly get hollowed out, as they say that you're doing it to yourself, being to odd one out even though you don't want to be so trying to twist yourself into something that people want from you but in the end you both know you're not enough so why should they even bother, you're not seen not because you're invisible but because no one cares enough about you to actually look
not to quote fkn bojack but this is one of my favourite interpretations of loneliness
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it's a very interesting perspective on both you as a person and the people you are surrounded by
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