#and now another student and gone missing and her bloods in the boiler room?????
laughable-umbrella · 6 months
i’m sorry. you’re telling me that at split river high school, on separate occasions, various students have been electrocuted in closets, chrushed by stage lights, tackled to death, KILLED BY GUIDANCE COUNSELORS, had deadly allergic reactions, and died in a mysterious fire. also the bUS CRASH THAT KILLED SIX KIDS??
hate it break it to you, but your school is for sure cursed
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pkmntrainergreyze · 6 years
You. Alone (Gerard Way Imagine)
Continuation of this imagine: https://urietarded-boyd.tumblr.com/post/163861624236/there-might-be-something-across-the-booth-gerard
Warning ⚠: This short story includes stalking and kidnapping. If you find those topics sensitive I highly suggest you skip this oneshot
The more he inched closer to peak into (Y/n)'s window, the more fogged up the glass became.
Gerard's glove-less hands trembled as the cold began forming icecaps in his nails. The poor clothing decisions sprang more evident when he realized the neighbors could see his black plastered form in a cherry rooftop, but right now, he couldn't care less. 
The red haired boy's nostrils flared in her scent, he was diving through her silky (h/c) locks. Though truth be told, his delusions is far from the cold, damp reality.
Mindlessly, he began drawing the figure inside, gaze barely faltering on his muse. She has his mother's eyes.
Meanwhile, (Y/n) indulged herself in the snacks that scattered her bed. Netflix was turned on and filtered in the (genre) section. She lived in a world so unaware, a blessing for the man outside and a curse in her near future.
Who cares if Frank called dibs on her on seventh grade?
He wouldn't take care of her like he would.
He thought to scoot closer, to add details to the sketch's lashes. But as soon as he left a toe out a loud squeak echoed.
She blinked to his direction.
His dark chocolate pupils blew moon-sized. He scurried to flatten his back down to hide, breathing heavily. He hoped to God she hadn't seen a glimpse of him.
For a boy out in a -7° December night with nothing but his skeleton printed jacket and pajamas, he sure felt bubbly lukewarm inside at the thought of (Y/n) thinking about him, in the dead of the night— no, the objective is to NOT to be seen! Damn it Gerard!
With that, the windows bursted open, with a perplexed girl bobbing her head out. She seemed agitated while she looked outside.
"Geez" She pouted and shrugged the weight off her chest.
One cannot simply flop to their bed knowing the slightest chance of having a stalker outside. So she retreated back to her windows and sealed it shut, and draped the red curtains like how they end a show.
But it was far from over.
The stage was set, and the microphone had never looked so lonely in her life. Yet she couldn't seem to inch closer to accompany it. Her feet seem to stub if she tried to move closer.
Instead, she stepped back and sat to the farthest seat, scoffing and cursing at the obstacles preventing her access to the front row.
A brunette was beside her, crunching tacos. The scent was so spread out she could sniff the fresh vegetables without effort. She felt something light fell on her foot. Something very green. She was about to turn and scold whoever ruined the mood. Who would put so much lettuce on their tacos?!
Oh, hello Tyler Joseph.
He's the singer of twentyonepilots, and also one of Miss Flack's students. He's not the most favorite, but he couldn't be categorized as a teacher's pet either. He attend the same music class, and when he does he's silently taking notes in the corner. They talk sometimes, but for the most part her cousin Josh is around to start the conversation. Without the dandelion-coloured boy, the topic would solely be about music sheets, his parents at school, or his brothers.
Which happens once a month.
She shut her mouth tight. Tyler seemed obscure from her exasperation however, as he continued to chew rather loudly. She cleared her throat and he looked at her with a inquirer's nod.
She paused for a moment, eyes glued on the chipped food as she spoke "Aren't you supposed to cover Twist And Shout after Pierce The Veil?"
Tyler squeaked and jumped. A landslide of taco chunks fell to the ground. Some of condiments fell on (Y/n)'s shoes as well. The two gawked, it took quite a while before an explosion of apologies bursted from Tyler's mouth.
She inevitably facepalmed.
"It's fine Tyler" She forgave him once again "a little vegetable wouldn't hurt anyone"
She never mentioned an as I told you, she haven't noticed that she had it in her to be so patient.
He stared at his own unstained pair of shoes, avoiding eye contact.
(Wasn't the saying supposed to be water?)
"Are you here to watch Frank's band?" Once Tyler asked the question, a mental image of the guitarist jumping around resurfaced inside her head. She nodded, with a Cheshire grin.
"Hell yeah!–well, and yours too"
He nodded back and chewed his taco slowly, eyes roaming around the gymnasium.
"Also, where's Josh? I saw Miss Flack's trying to find him to set up the drum kit"
"Probably with Brendon" He rolled his eyes and snarled "having a good time"
At a split second, she saw Tyler's right eye twitch. This time he devoured his food rather harsher, and rather than his usual soothing voice she received quite a feral bark. She decided it's best not to push him further.
As the silence resumes, his dinner did the same. She boredly stared at the stage, both nervous and excited about her friend's performance as if it was her own. Both have mutual feelings about that microphone, yet one had it more repressed than the other.
They just sat, undisturbed.
Well, until Mark— Tyler's best friend— rushed over with an unlaced shoe flying out, nearly hitting (Y/n).
Like any other calm, a storm arises. Mark entered, his shoe flying out like a stray bullet. As she looked down she noticed the last of his blue shoes were unlaced. If he had been a little more careful then the chances of her landing on Dream world would be very thin. He stood there, unapologetic, agitated.
"Josh has been gone for 13 minutes Tyler!" He yelled, forcefully grabbing Tyler's shoulder and shaking it, making it seem like a seizure than a wake-up call. Tyler can be heard muttering questions, too bad Mark's roars outnumbered his "Where the heck is he?!"
In the midst of a misunderstanding and choking noises, the faintest sound of bells and chimes resonated from your pocket. Her cellphone kept vibrating, screaming for her to take it. When she did fished it out, Mark managed to stop himself from committing a murder.
She pointed to her phone, then the backdoor. Mark sheepishly told her to continue after nodding in understanding. Tyler took it as an opportunity to strip himself a breath. (Y/n) walked out of the door, leaning her back
Maybe she should have helped Tyler regain his breathing, get to know Mark better, and stayed safe in general.
She tapped twice and saw the caller's ID. The string of numbers did not belong to he contacts, nor her history of blocked spam numbers. She furrowed her eyebrows in irritation. Great, another one of those you won a hundred thousand dollars, just give us your address, credit card and other bullshit!
As she tapped the green phone icon, she schemed a way to deal with the... transaction.
Once she slid her fingers to answer the phone, there was no turning back.
"Hello?" She tried to hide her groan, she really did to play safe in case it was her mom, but the guttering sound reached her throat.
"Good evening (Y/n)!" The voice chirped. Gerard? Hmm, when did she gave him her number. Well, he is Frank's friend after all. Doesn't change the fact it feels strange to hear his voice on the phone...
"Um, is this Gerard?" She chuckled and the voice didn't return the happy echoes. 
"I have Josh with me"
The voice dropped dead. And there it was again, the feeling of being watched. Her laughter came to a stop. Her paranoia was toggled on. She gasped slightly.
"If you want to get him, go to the boiler room"
You furrowed your eyebrows. Can't Tyler do that instead? He is the one that should be looking for him in the first place.
"I'll call Ty—"
(Y/n) turned perplexed. She mimicked his word without breath.
"I want you"
"You. Alone"
The call was over.
Her breath hitched and body rigid. She clinged to her phone, uneasy. Hell, kind of conversation was that? It sounded psychotic, but she has no evidence to make it valid. It's just small talk. Small talk that made her feel uncomfortable. Strange, it's not like the quiet young raven haired artist gave a death threat.
But it doesn't seem harmless either.
She sighed, shaking. Where was the boiler room again? Beside the janitor's closet? No, that's class 304.
She shook her head. It's probably under the gym.
Her footsteps echoed throughout the hall. It was noiseless. As she furthered down the boiler, sweat balled down her forehead. She isn't even feeling the heat just yet, making her sweat cold, fear induced.
It's just Gerard. He's harmless.
Dang it. The hell is Josh doing on the boiler room with Gerard anyways? Why does she have to fetch him? He's a grown man with two feet.
Fuck, did he sprain an ankle again—
Boiler Room.
The words were carved in metal, or painted wood. She stood in front of it, reluctantly opening the door.
There stood a sable haired boy, wearing a red bandana and a lustrous leather jacket. It was just him.
Gerard alone.
"Where's Josh?" She held the doorknob firmly. One foot in the boiler room and one foot out the door. Gerard stared at her eyes, too long for her taste. When she was about to snap him he broke out of the trance himself. He fumbled to reach a tablet behind him and passed it to her.
Her heart dropped to the floor along with her jaw.
A man she hoped wasn't her cousin was tied down. She was all too familiar to figure out it was one of the school's student chairs. If it was possible to gawk even further she would have a heart attack after seeing Josh's figure tattered in bruises and knife deep cuts. He was stained in brown, dried blood from oxidation.
If Tyler was here, he would say he'd rather have Josh ignore him for a week than see him like this.
"W-was it you?!" She looked at Gerard, eyes wide and awoken by the bitterest truth of what was in front of her. A monster.
Gerard gazed back, stoic. She could feel the remorse-less Gerard felt without fitting his shoes— and she was utterly digusted. She want to vomit at his leather jacket, or alternatively, lunge forward and choke him for this sick prank.
Yet the opposite can be said for him. The ugly emotions that broke her made her the most beautiful woman to walk on earth. Oh, he was having a good time.
"Y-You..." Both words and emotions piled up in her throat, asking permission to slip out. When she did, the invisible hand that choked her finally left her be "Y-You psychopath!"
"Well I'd consider you a fool if you didn't notice" Gerard scoffed, amused.
(Y/n)'s nose scrunched at this, unable to comprehend how the man before her made it sound like antisocial personality disorder is okay.
Gerard folded his arms and raised his chin, snickering faintly.
(Y/n) looked back at the tablet, hands shaking "Josh, is that you?"
Josh moved, mumbling words similar to white noise. "(Y/n)?"
She froze in disbelief.
"You're a smart girl, you know what I'm about to say next"
There are multiple possibilities, and the obvious one is the one who desperately cleave to be wrong. She shook her head, groaning on the mental pain he had caused her.
But what else does her stalker want from her?
He stared at her, with patient eyes that dared to command her to say something.
Out of both fear and naivety, she did.
"You... want me to date you" She sobbed "for Josh to be free?"
Gerard sighed, staring at the ground. This time, instead of her own impulse, she felt his disappointment.
But why? What's with the sudden shift in the atmosphere?
"You flatter yourself too much"
He chuckled "Ahh, just kidding. Yes. That's correct"
With that, the shift came to be consumed by the side she wished hadn't won.
This 'man' just played with her emotions like strings in a puppet.
She can't remove her eyes on the tablet. It was the exact opposite of love at first sight— the deranged brother of it.
It's twisted. Too catatonic and too callous.
"Soooo..." He drags in, making (Y/n) jump. He bobbed his head in her shoulder and peaks in to see the light in those (e/c) eyes drain "what's it gonna be?"
Josh has been with her since thick and thin. The man whom she wished was her brother instead of a cousin that visits her every weekend will die.
The boy that knows her darkest secrets.
The brother who continues to support her.
"I'm yours"
The man that tried to get rid of Gerard Arthur Way last night.
Gerard grinned, so wide he might as well cut off his cheeks. He rushed towards her, pulling her tighter. He finally breathed into her scent. Tears rolled down his cheeks.
Is the same man she saved with her decision.
He can finally make up for the time his family did not appreciate him. All the support he didn't got. All the jealousy he built up after hearing his mother shower his brother with compliments.
His dream just became a reality.
But it costed (Y/n)'s sanity.
This isn't what her parents have taught her about love. This isn't her mom's bed time stories or the Disney princess collection CDs her dad brought home. Love is mature. It's about trust and the feeling of security and lasts for what her classmates do not believe in; forever.
And most especially, it's not a choice.
She can't just go and say from the bottom of your heart that she'll love this monstrosity for the rest of her life.
That is ill
But if going out with a man like him is what people think makes up the definition of love.
Then they don't believe in love.
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geneshaven · 8 years
Community Service
A fun spec on Oliver finally coming out as the Green Arrow and his first public appearance.
 Oliver sat in the rafters above the school auditorium at Laurel Lance Elementary.
Below him, about 200 students sat on folding chairs, shifting and fidgeting in their seats, anticipating Oliver’s arrival. Up on the stage, various faculty members also sat waiting, wondering if Oliver was actually going to show up for his scheduled appearance. He was already an hour late and they were getting worried that the kids might start to riot in protest.
Oliver had a City Council meeting earlier that morning which ran late, and when it finally ended, he had to rush back to the Bunker and don his other business suit---that of the Green Arrow. John, Rene and Felicity were also at the Bunker when he arrived, and they began to joke about him being Star City’s new costumed community service hero. Rene even went so far as saying that Mayor Queen was going to the school in drag.
It was Quentin, out of his Deputy Mayor’s office, who set all this up, arranging Oliver’s appearance with Principal Juarez. Lance told Oliver now that Mayor Queen had come out as Green Arrow, he needed to let the city know that Oliver Queen (and Green Arrow) was even more of an integral part of the community. Lance also told Oliver that this school visit would be good for the Mayor’s approval ratings. The Green Arrow’s as well.
“Oliver,” Felicity’s voice suddenly spoke through the com link in his ear. “I just got a call from the school asking if my husband is still coming. What are you waiting for?”
“Just checking out the area,” he told her.
Felicity chuckled in his ear. “Honey, this isn’t a mission you’re on. There are no bad guys or super villains you need to fight. They’re just kids waiting for their hero.”
A small grin appeared on his face. “Alright hon, call them back and let them know it’s show time.”
“Copy that. And Oliver…try to have some fun with this. We don’t have to hide all this anymore. Just be yourself…” Felicity fell silent for a few seconds then added, “Uh, actually, don’t be yourself. Maybe the public isn’t ready for that kind of scary.”
Oliver grunted back. “Uh, just stay with me. I might need your help fielding questions.”
“I’ll always be here,” Felicity told him.
Below him, Oliver noticed that the faculty suddenly became animated and Principal Juarez walked up to the microphone with sure, steady steps. The auditorium’s speaker system clicked on.
“Kids,” she spoke. “It’s time. Please join me in welcoming to our school…Mayor Queen and the Green Arrow.”
Thunderous applause drifted up to Oliver. He pulled a repelling arrow out of his quiver and found a spot on the stage to plant it.
Show time indeed, he thought. He let loose his arrow and descended into infamy.
Below the auditorium, down in the boiler room amid steam pipes and girders, 100lbs of C-4 was wired with two detonators, ready to take out the school and 5 surrounding blocks. On the floor next to the bomb, one of Oliver’s security detail from the city lay dead, blood congealing on the concrete floor from the head shot he took.
The countdown display screen on the C-4 read: 15:00 minutes.
“Yes, the boy in the blue shirt,” Oliver pointed out to the audience.
“My dad says you are a criminal,” the kid said. “He said that you use to kill people. Is that true?”
Oliver glared out at the kid and was ready to unleash his gruff Green Arrow voice.
“Oliver,” Felicity whispered in his ear. “Don’t go savage on the kid. Keep calm and answer the question as Mayor. The kid believes in you, despite what his father told him. Don’t prove him right.”
Oliver took a couple deep breaths, and then followed Felicity’s lead. “Son, what’s your name?”
“Bobby Caldwell,” the kid answered.
“Bobby,” Oliver responded. “Your father was right. I was a bad man six years ago, when I came back from the island Lian Yu. I spent a long time there and had some bad things happen to me. When I came back to the city, I didn’t like what was happening here and I was trying to stop all the criminals.”
“Is that why you killed them?” Bobby asked.
“Uh…” Oliver didn’t know what to tell the kid. “Well, it was a difficult time for me and…”
“Oliver,” Felicity chimed in again. “The kid is not going to understand this. Just assure him that you’re not a bad man anymore…well actually, you are bad, but in a good way…I mean with me; anyway, focus on all the good things you’ve done since the island.”
Oliver nodded. She was right. Now was not the time for therapy. He started to redirect his answer.
John suddenly came on the com channel. “Oliver, security detail #3 has gone silent. He missed his last check-in. Last known position was down in the boiler room.”
Oliver halted his answer for Bobby. “Felicity, are you picking up anything?”
“Stand by,” she told him. “I’m starting a search algorithm.”
Everybody in the auditorium was watching Oliver as he suddenly became still. They were not familiar with how he was when danger came calling. They had only read about him or seen him in brief coverage on TV. A new anticipation emanated from the students and staff. They might actually get to see the Green Arrow in action, and live.
“Oliver,” Felicity returned. “I’m reading an electronic signature about 200 feet below you.” She paused. “Oliver, the signature is similar to some kind of detonator.”
Oliver shifted fully into Green Arrow mode. He turned to Principal Juarez. “I need you to have the auditorium cleared out. Have your staff start leading the kids out of the building.”
“What…” the Principal started to say?
“Do it now,” Oliver told her. “There is a possible situation, maybe a bomb.”
That did it for her. Principle Juarez turned away and complied with Oliver’s directive.
Oliver reached the boiler room 8 minutes later. He found the dead security man---then he saw the bomb. He also saw the countdown indicator telling him he had six minutes before blast off.
“Felicity, it’s C-4. It looks like the one we, uh, I mean the one you and Roy disarmed at Rocket’s Arena 3 years ago.”
“I’m guessing there aren’t any coolant pipes above you?” Felicity asked.
Oliver looked up. “No, just more steam pipes. What’s the status of the auditorium evac?”
“SCPD dispatched 30 officers to the school. ETA is 10 minutes.”
“Not good enough. There’s six minutes left on the timer.”
“Oliver, please tell me you have a directional arrow with you. You remember the one we used on that bomb last year?”
Oliver smiled in response. “Honey,” he said to her. “I never leave home without one. You never know when you’ll come across a 100lb bomb out in the field. Stand by…”
Oliver pulled said arrow out, backed up about 20 feet, and then shot it at the countdown mechanism. It stuck and the relay arms latched on.
“It’s all yours, Felicity.”
“Ah…another piece of ugly modern art,” Felicity sighed in relief. “And by the way Mr. Mayor---I love you.”
Oliver smiled. “You know, I feel the same way about you. Let’s get the bomb squad down here and see if we can find some clues on who put this thing here.”
“Copy,” Felicity answered. “Does that mean the Mayor/Green Arrow assembly is over?”
“No way,” Oliver told her. “Little Bobby Caldwell is still waiting for an answer to his question.”
@hope-for-olicity @almondblossomme @louiseblue1 @dmichellewrites @callistawolf @swordandarrow @emmaamelia95 @marytagus @miriam1779 @ibelievenu
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